Wednesday, October 31 of 2018

Daily Messages

During the dark night, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that your consciousness may become invisible in the face of the sieges that will come to test the faith of humanity.

During the night of darkness, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that the contrary currents do not strike your spirit, nor defeat it, but rather that you be invincible, just as I was on the Cross.

During the times of great battles, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that nothing contrary to the light may recognize you, nor be able to find you.

During the time of Armageddon, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that all that is revealed, and it will be dreadful, does not reach your heart, but that you may take refuge within My Spirit to pray for those who will be subjected to it.

During the crucial hours of humanity, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that the Peace of God may rest in you and you may learn to protect yourself from all that will happen in order to help your fellow being, so that they too may be covered by the Mantle of the Shepherd.

During the definitive hour, cover yourself with the Sacred Mantle of the Lord so that your eyes do not see what will happen in the world, especially in those who never recognized Me as the Son of God and Guardian of Souls.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master Christ Jesus

Tuesday, October 30 of 2018

Daily Messages

I will always give you and bring you My sovereign inner Strength so that you may be sustained, despite the hardships, the difficulties or the great challenges.

If you truly believe in Me and live Me, you will manage to accomplish My designs and the Universe will always assist you whenever you need it.

If you trust Me, only Divine Love will prevail.

There is nothing greater than Love, there is nothing that can oppose the Will of the Father, even if you experience moments of great tension.

Love is one of the Gifts of God that puts things in their place because it is a real Love, impersonal and neutral.

In Divine Love you will always find that key that will open the doors of communication between the souls and God and, from that point, everything can take place.

Therefore, if you trust Me, you should not fear anything, no matter how great or difficult it seems, for there is nothing that can oppose the powerful stream of Divine Love.

Always remember all of this because it will be the fundamental key for the Love of God to always echo in your lives.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monday, October 29 of 2018

Daily Messages

I come to the world to call those who consciously prepare for My second return to humanity.

For that reason, I come in search of the most imperfect.

I come in search of those who sin the most, those most ungrateful and unfaithful, so that someday, through the vast offering of My Love, they may learn to be good, just, charitable and merciful people.

You will never see Me in the palaces, amongst the rich, with those who call themselves powerful, or those who say they know everything. I hope that the Law itself will show them the Truth, and they cease to see the mirages of their own self.

I come seeking those who decide to follow Me until the end, in spite of carrying their defects, imperfections and sins every day.

I do not come seeking realized or skilled souls, no.

Just as I once came more than two thousand years ago, I come from the Universe to form new apostles, who with all their miseries, complaints and lack of understanding, will allow themselves to be lead by the guidance of My Love, an immutable, unconditional and faithful Love, which understands all things, which accepts all things, which endures all things.

My wish is that these new and last apostles, who will be formed to serve Me and live Me, be like Me, or better than I Am; that they are capable of not selling the Master as He was sold for thirty-three coins; that they dare to learn from faithfulness, just as My Father teaches them to be faithful.

To achieve this degree of union with Me, you only need to be obedient and no longer deceive yourselves, because obedience will protect you from yourselves. Thus, I will be able to place you, in spite of what happens, in extreme situations of risk or emergency so that you may testify to My Consoling Love.

Those who are not here amongst you today, it is because they were not obedient, and as a result, did not manage to be faithful to me.

Obedience is not just to do perfect things for Me, but rather it is to be true and transparent with oneself, with life, with your fellow being; it is to say "I do not understand", but it is also to accept and to yield.

Today I tell you this because difficult times will come, just as they did for the apostles.

It is time for you to sincerely ask yourselves everything that I tell you today; thus, I will find more refuge in your hearts.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Sunday, October 28 of 2018

Daily Messages

I will draw, to My Heart, souls that are unknown to you, and they will approach this Work through My intercession.

They will be like butterflies that will alight on the Flower of My Heart, or like bees that will drink the nectar of the living flowers of My Garden.

These souls will be withdrawn from the superficial life of the Earth, and with all of My Love, I will give them shelter so that they may have the grace of knowing, for a time, the Source of Divine and unfathomable Mercy.

I will place them in the ocean of My Love so that they may be purified and may receive the spiritual impulses that they need, like the rain that moistens the earth to make it fertile.

These souls will come from various places and paths, and I will guide them onto a single path; I will open the sacred door of My Inner Temple to them so that they may receive the blessing of the Divine Spirit.

Some of them will feel the impulse to totally consecrate themselves to Me; and others will feel the need to follow My Path until they are able to find for themselves the Fount of My Mercy and drink from it to nourish their essences.

It will be up to you to be attentive in order to learn to recognize the souls that I will send you to become part of My commandos, just as you now are, according to My Will. 

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Saturday, October 27 of 2018

Daily Messages

Through My Heart, find the perfect reason to unite in spirit with God and thus be able to capture the impulses of the Divine Source.

My Heart is the portal of salvation which, again and again, I offer to the most sinful so that, encouraged by My Love, they feel within themselves the call to the conversion of the heart.

My Heart is the Temple of God that unconditionally opens to receive all of humanity and thus help it to find the path toward the Light, Mercy, and goodness.

See then how many wonders of love my heart can fulfill in all those who accept the Lord and let the Source of Divine Mercy act in the souls.

For this reason, My silent Heart is that portal for finding a so awaited spiritual healing.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Friday, October 26 of 2018

Daily Messages
Daily message received of Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted during the journey from Viedma, Río Negro, to Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

During the Hour of My Mercy I come to pour out spiritual graces upon those who open the door of their hearts for Me to do so.

In this way, My Merciful Love reaches humanity and it can embrace the planet.

Those who invoke the power of My Mercy, and do so with a true effort, no matter how exhausted they become, are recognized by the Celestial Father, Who sees the spiritual value that this has. And the Universe, instead of pouring out Justice, pours out the power of infinite Mercy, because there is a praying heart that sincerely asks it of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Thus all is restored, not only in that soul, but also in distant regions of humanity.

In the Hour of My Mercy, I leave the legacy of My Mercy to those who pray, which is revealed by the inner Love that I have for each soul.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Thursday, October 25 of 2018

Daily Messages

Feel My Heart close to yours and My Spiritual Energy filling each corner of your being.

Feel My Presence within you and the great Universe of Love that expands inside of you, and how your soul is collected by the balm of this most potent Divine Energy.

Stay inside this emptiness and discover the magnitude of humility and the infinite splendor of love.

Help yourself of My Gifts so that your life transforms into the project that I have thought of from the beginning.

Feel the strength of the Love of God and cover yourself with His Mantle of pure Mercy; in this way, you will receive the simplicity of the Universal Kingdom and you will commune, together with the angels, of the powerful Divine Energy.

Render yourself into My Arms and this way I will take you up to the Cosmic Dwellings where you will discover the joy of being able to serve God and the gratitude of being able to feel Him and recognize Him.

May your consciousness expand and may everything be healed and redeemed in this expansion.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Wednesday, October 24 of 2018

Daily Messages

Let My Mercy make you grow in degrees of love so that, one day, you may have the capacity to love, just as I loved each one of you.

Let My Mercy fill you until you discover the power it has for cases which are impossible or difficult to overcome.

My Mercy is a balm that regenerates the spiritual and material life.

From My Mercy comes the possibility of being able to accelerate the steps of redemption.

From My Mercy comes the impulse to transform everything and to make of this transformation a celestial victory in the life of each being.

Submerge yourself in Mercy so that, within you, the possibility of rehabilitating yourself through the service to the Plan of Love may arise.

From My Mercy comes the graces that are poured out for the conversion of souls.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Tuesday, October 23 of 2018

Daily Messages

Never forget My Mercy, for you will always need it.

Each time you exercise and practice My Mercy, a miracle of love is generated in your soul and in the soul of the planet.

For through the Chaplet you invoke Mercy due to the merits gained during My sorrowful Passion, and the Father, Who is infinitely merciful, receives this request and, instead of applying His Holy Justice to you or the world, grants His merciful Compassion to all sinners of the world.

Remember that each time you invoke the merits of My Passion, by means of the power of the Rosary of Mercy, you will be opening the Wound on My Side, and from Me will pour out the Light of the Blood and the Water of Christ, over all that has been spiritually corrupted and destroyed.

Happy will be those who always invoke My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because each time it is necessary, I will submerge and baptize them in the Ocean of My Mercy and I will grant them all the most immense Love of My Heart.

I thank all who present themselves as apostles of My Divine Mercy, because their sufferings will be My sufferings, their sorrows and anguishes will be My sorrows and anguishes, and through the power of My Love, I will free them.

Happy will be those who always trust in My Mercy, for I will not abandon them at the time of their death, but rather will be at their side like the Angel of Resurrection.

I thank you for invoking the Mercy of My Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monday, October 22 of 2018

Daily Messages

Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will unmask My false friends and everyone will see who they are.  

I will not let any more deceptions and illusions exist, as they have existed in recent times. 

I will raise the Scepter of the Power of the Love of God and, with a single decree, I will cleanse each consciousness and each space so that the Glory of God may descend to the world.  

Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will separate the chaff from the wheat and with those who were faithful to Me, I will make the new flour as the symbol of the redemption of the planet.  

Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, to the world, I will free souls from their captivity and I will let men know the immensity of the Love that has brought them here.  

When I return, for the second time, I will see the eyes of My disciples, full of joy, because their Shepherd will be returning.  

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!  

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus 


Sunday, October 21 of 2018

Daily Messages

My Light penetrates the world to separate it from error and suffering.

From My Light comes the Renewing Source, the impulse that will bring about the awakening of consciousness to humankind of the surface.

My Light penetrates the world so that a new redeemed consciousness, purified and sublimated by the Christic energy, may emerge from it.

My Light penetrates the cells of all beings so that, at some point, the souls perceive the time of their awakening.

From My Light emerges divine existence and I share this Light with My brothers and sisters, bringing them the moment of the great revelation.

The Light that I cause to penetrate the world is invincible, solid and immutable.

From My Light emerges Love and Love brings Truth, the Truth of what was created, thought, and consummated.

From this Light comes the beat of life and the manifestation of the field of consciousness, a consciousness that is enlightened by its own light, which is transcended by its own energy.

That is the Divine Consciousness, which, being immutable, neutral, and powerful, reveals the essence of original existence, of which all are a part, and towards which all, one day, will go.

From My Light comes the revelation of the mystery, and from that mystery, the sacred knowledge will be unveiled, which will awaken beings to a greater life.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus 

Saturday, October 20 of 2018

The Sacred Call

Today My Face looks down and kisses the ground of Argentina so that the Father may send towards the world His most profound feeling of Love, in order to fulfill His Will in this part of the world and in all of South America.

I have come as the Priest among priests to begin the celebration of this Eucharist which congregates everyone in love, in goodness and in peace. And that calls the cultures and the peoples to unite themselves to the Essence of My Love, because I have come to the world for all and for all peoples.

With My Love I teach you the truths, what you should learn for these difficult times, knowing that it is indispensable to learn, as My disciples, to unite yourselves to My Heaven for the Grace to descend and to fulfill you.

The most acute moment of humanity is approaching. Therefore I come in Divinity and in Spirit to prepare you, as I came to My apostles before Pentecost, to bring you the Good News, the announcement of My Resurrection.

But today I cannot come completely with all My Being, because you would not bear it, your bodies must continue purifying themselves to reach the necessary inner state so that you may be able to recognize Me when I return to the world, in a way never seen before.

Thus you will recognize the true Face of the Lord and the legacy that the Son of God received from the Universe, from the hand of the Father, will be known.

The Earth will have already purified and redeemed itself; the sinners will have been forgiven to be able to receive the legacy of the Heavenly Father, that will unite the peoples, the races and will constitute itself in the Holy Spirit, in a sole belief: the belief in the living God, the one that has always been with you, since before you existed, since before you appeared and since before you were created within this universal system.

For some, My Words will sound new, for others, My Words are already known.

It is time that you recognize the language of the Lord, the one that comes from the Primordial Source to rescue the world and its lost humanity. Therefore many more must consecrate themselves as My Apostles.

I have chosen to come outside the Church after all this time, so that the rest of humanity can recognize Me as the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, that propagates the Mercy of God in the world.

I invite you to elevate the consciousness from state through prayer, silence and forgiveness. Because first you should forgive yourselves so that you learn to forgive others, and so that humanity can forgive each other, in spite of what has happened and lived through the times and the last generations.

Trust fully in a new life that will begin on Earth and in which it will no longer be necessary for men and women to live in suffering and in pain. Because what I bring you today is something renewing, something more renewing than what I brought you the first time, when I incarnated in this world to announce the Good News and to declare My second return to humanity.

You must be worthy of the Grace of God.

You must be participants of the Divine Communion with the Spirit, because all come from the Sacred Spirit of God and this Holy Spirit will return some day, after going through the experience of Earth, through this school, and to learn to live Love, Forgiveness and Redemption.

I have never kissed the ground of any nation on Earth.

So that you may understand that symbol, you will see how great the planetary need is of unity among peoples and nations, in spite of who governs them.

Your true existence is in the High, in the Universe, in what you can receive from the Heavenly Father and that no one will take from you, by no means.

You must place your gaze towards the stars and not toward the superficial.

Thus you will learn to go through the times and you will conquer new states of consciousness, that will take you understand many things by means of the Divine Wisdom.

Thus you will help others to awaken and learn to live My Gospel as a basic school in this time of awakening, in which the consciousnesses must recognize that they must change to be able to be part of the new, of what will come from heaven during My second return.

God has given you an eternal server that is your guardian angel, the one who always waits for your steps in the Work of Mercy, of Service and of Redemption, so that you learn to grow internally, so that you to learn to be good persons, in spite of the imperfections and defects.

I come to look for what exists within you, what God deposited within you and that is part of My Celestial Church.

I wish to penetrate your inner temples. I wish to live in your hearts so that you can feel different things from what you feel today, so that you can vivify My Consciousness and thus, be part of the flocks of God that are guided by the Love of Christ and that only aspire to love and to love more each day.

This will free you from the spiritual salvery that many consciences and souls live in these times.

This will free you from the spiritual and material ailments.

But you must open your heart to Me so that in you My Redemption Project is constituted.

Argentina is a country I profoundly love because I know it was created by a Greater Purpose that many still do not know.

Here must arise the new light of dawn, so that after the three days of darkness, the souls rediscover the meaning of walking towards the infinite and in repentance, ask for forgiveness to Creation for so many mistakes made.

Argentina is a people that must regenerate its consciousness in union with the Spiritual Hierarchy, in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus so that its decisions can be coherent and are within the Divine Law and not the law of man. This will avoid much suffering and much pain, bitterness and great anxieties.

Companions,I come to remove you from the inventions of My enemy awakening your consciousness towards the High, towards what comes from the Source and is eternal.

It is this Love that lives within My Heart that brings me here today, for each one of you and of your brothers, for each of your families, of your towns and cities, for each being who lives in South America.

But I know that not everyone will answer to what I need.

As two thousand years ago, I will call you to go two by two, so that you are witnesses of My Return and, in trust, testify My Presence in humanity.

I will give you the power of the word and the humility of the heart, so that the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit may guide you and show you that I Am the Son of God, who is announcing His return at the most crucial moment of humanity and of the planet.

Open your eyes to this Mystery that is being revealed in Argentina, because I have chosen the most simple place among the simple that exist, to give you this good news and to announce that the end of your captivity is near.

Believe that all will be renewed. Start imitating My example in the good deeds  and do what the good wherever you go,  because love is what will save the world and not the weapons.

Renew yourselves in the hope of My Heart and continue opening the doors of My Divine Mercy, because I still have thirst for many souls, especially of those who suffer in solitude and in silence.

I want everyone to know that it is Jesus of Nazareth who is speaking to you and announcing the advent of His Glory and of the Kingdom of God for the whole planet, at the most culminating moment of humanity.

Receive then the holy Sacraments so that you may be blessed by My Spirit.

Learn to love the Word of God, but put it into practice during your lives, because it will not be enough to see the Word of God, but to live it.

The parables I have left you are basic teachings for those who are just starting to live the path of Christ. But there is still more to know and discover.

The divine knowledge does not end with the Bible.

The Universe of God is approaching to deliver its revelations and as the Prophets and Patriarchs, finally humanity can consecrate itself, in the name of the Lord.

Lifting a Hand toward Heaven and placing the other onto My Heart, pray for you saying:

Father descend your Pious Compassion upon Argentina for the souls to discover the wonderful powers of Your Love, that saves all, that heals all and that redeems all.

Place all in Your Heart so that the Blow of Your Spirit may guide the men and women of the Earth, as You guided, Father, the people in the desert together with Moses, in order to discover Your Promised Land.

That Your Will, that originated all life, be vivified.

That the souls may  be born in this world, to experience the richness of Your Love among the families and the peoples.

I desire profoundly, Lord, that in everything is found  Your Divine and fathomless Mercy so that the mistakes may be dissolved and the heart of the beings of the Earth may rejoice when finding Your Peace. Amen.

This is the moment in which My Celestial Church approaches the Earth, so that the elements offered on the Altar are consecrated to the good, to the goodness and the Mercy in men and in all who believe in the Return of Christ.

Let us celebrate this moment with joy in the spirit, for a spiritual renewal in Argentina, so that  this people consecrate as a flock of God that listens and answers to His sacred designs.

Lord, bless everything that You have created to give to Your children the goodness of Your heart and the Infinite Spirit of Your Grace.

That the souls in this communion with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, find the path toward Your Celestial House.

That the doors of Heaven open and that the rain of love of the Holy Spirit descend for the souls to be blessed by the Mercy of God and by His Infinite goodness, that unites the hearts under a same purpose.

Today the Mystery of the Glorified Body of Christ is renewed, present in the Live Bread that nourishes the souls with His Sublime Spirit.

Today is renewed the Mystery of the Holy Chalice that sheds the Blood of the Lamb and that liberated from oppression the human beings from the whole Earth in order for the Love of God to triumph through time.

At that time, I took the bread and giving thanks to God, My Divine Spirit blessed it and repeating the Words that the Celestial Father dictated to My Heart, I said to My Apostles and to all who were present: Take and eat all from it, because this is My Body that will be given for the forgiveness of the sins.

In the same way I raised the Chalice and the Father blessed it with the Immaterial and Universal Power of His Spirit. I said to My Apostles: Take and drink all because this is the Chalice of the New Alliance between human beings and God, between the souls and the Celestial Father.

Blood, exorcize, forgive and repair the hearts!

Divine Blood of Christ that vivifies the souls in the Great Universe of the Creative Love of God,

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ that through the times has surrendered and that  will continue to surrender for the redemption of the world and of humanity,in order to awaken the new humanity in  the impulse of new christs.


And now let us pray together for more souls to commune of My Spirit and of My renewing Strength of.

Our Father...

That the Peace of the Heavenly Father be in your hearts and in the hearts of all beings on Earth.

That Peace always be in Argentina and that it be proclaimed to the world, from South America the triumph of the Divine Mercy in humanity.

That the doors be closed to suffering, to the past and to perdition.

That the doors to the new life and to the healing of all the consciousnesses be opened so that all may feel like participants of the second coming of the Kingdom of God.

With the Light of My Wounds, I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In fraternity, for Argentina and for the world, you will give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!

Friday, October 19 of 2018

Daily Messages

Do not let yourselves be deceived; many within My Church will use My Name to defend themselves, but the weight of their faults will leave them in the void of the abyss, because they will become naked before all eyes.

You should not defend yourselves, because I have already said it once, by your fruits you will be known.

Whoever sows in My Land will reap wonderful fruits, but whoever sows in their own land will have rotten fruits.

Let nothing surprise you; the Church that I once founded on Earth is falling down, because its foundations are rotten for not having sought for strength in My true Heart.

But not all shall be lost; the time will come in which humanity will come to know the last witnesses and they will not arise from the apparently constituted Church.

Those witnesses will be the humble of heart, who have no power, autonomy, or prestige.

With My own rod I will cleanse the impure Church of its gravest sins and when I return, the Celestial Church, the only one I have taught, will triumph.

In the meantime, may those who follow My Church repent and not seek the mote in the eye of their fellow being; first let them take out their own, because they have already hurt and offended the Lord with hundreds of innocent children who trusted in My weak priests.

Let My Church not judge My other Works, because the fire of purification is coming and will penetrate everything.

Meanwhile, the new Church, which has no name, already sails on its boat, out at sea, and no one will be able to stop it.

I thank you for considering My heartfelt Words!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Thursday, October 18 of 2018

Daily Messages

From the Higher Universes, your Master has already begun to descend for the second time to Argentina, within this course of the Pilgrimage for Peace.

From those Universes, your Master and Lord approaches the Earth in the company of the celestial spheres coming from far away regions of the Local Universe.

All this conjuncture prepares for the moment in which the Lord of the Universe will unite with the great spiritual teraphim of all times.

This will be the moment in which the Greater Priest will take up the Holy Chalice in His Hands to again celebrate the supper of the planetary transition with His people.

For this reason, companions, the Local Universe and the Spiritual Universe silently accompany the coming of the Shepherd to the south of Argentina, where the ceremony of communion and of the upliftment of consciousness will take place, in order to reposition the purpose of Argentina within the Project of the new Eden of South America, ardently preparing for the emergence of a New Humanity, free of the errors and mistakes from all times.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master Christ Jesus

Wednesday, October 17 of 2018

Daily Messages

Through My Wounds, I illuminate the dark abysses of the Earth, and each time I descend here, I release the fallen prisoners, carrying a great part of souls that are lost into the deep oceans of My Mercy.

Through My Wounds, I exorcize the psychic sphere of the Earth, and the Elohim purify the crust of the planet in order to detoxify it of the perverse currents of My adversary. Once again, the Archangel Saint Michael buries his powerful non-material Sword of Light and all the shackles of perdition and of damnation are dissolved on the coming of the extremely powerful transmuting cosmic fire.

Through My Wounds, the innocent are protected, as long as someone cries out for them and pleads for Mercy. Thus, all who are exploited, at some point, will be freed from their slavery and, once again, Mercy will triumph.

Through My Wounds, I establish the beginning of the Kingdom of the Heavens and souls are freed from the spirits, that wander the world, in order to condemn consciousnesses. What is most impure on Earth is cast out and the spirits in constant sorrow are consumed by fire and in brimstone so that any vestige of malice may vanish.

May the light of the power of My Wounds and the Glory of the Archangel Michael triumph again, so that peace may be established.

Thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Teacher, Christ Jesus

Tuesday, October 16 of 2018

Daily Messages

In the hour of My Mercy, I have much to give to souls, but the majority are not encouraged to drink of My prodigies, from the Fount of Living Water, because in many cases they put their attention in other places and not upon Me.

The souls of the world sometimes wonder about the reason and the motive for their suffering, and the first thing they do is blame God for the consequences they live, when in reality, they are the result of their own acts.

But in the Hour of Mercy, My prodigious Heart has the power to reverse many evils and misunderstandings, as long as souls trust in My Merciful Heart.

I encourage My true followers to spread the redemptive Work of My Mercy so that souls may learn to not make hasty decisions that affect humanity.

I invite you to seek humility within your beings so that the Truth may someday set you free.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Sunday, October 14 of 2018

Daily Messages

During the Hour of Mercy, while the greatest flow of the Fount of My pitying Heart opens, everyone has the unique opportunity to be able to submerge in My Ocean of Love so that the most serious faults committed may be forgiven and the deepest wounds may be healed.

At the Hour of Mercy, companions, the Wound of Light of My Side opens to pour out the most potent flow of the Pity of God upon the sinners who sincerely and truthfully ask for Mercy.

At the most culminating hour of Mercy, while every day the sorrowful Death of the Lord on the Cross is remembered, souls, and the whole world, have the opportunity of purifying their heart of every spiritual stain and of being able to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens, simply by remembering the sorrowful Passion of Jesus.

Announce to the world that the deepest depths of My Mercy are still open so that souls, during this definitive hour of humanity, may achieve spiritual salvation and universal forgiveness.

May your lives be a testimony of My Mercy.

May your examples and acts be merciful, so that in the great universe of My Mercy, souls and the world may achieve peace.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Saturday, October 13 of 2018

Daily Messages

Although times are difficult and many souls despair because of not having sought God, trust in My Mercy.

Although conflicts are increasing and many more feel hungry, trust in My Mercy.

In spite of the exploitation and mistreatment of the Kingdoms of Nature and the great oceans, trust in My Mercy.

In spite of the psychological imbalance of humanity and the falseness of those who govern the world, trust in My Mercy.

In spite of the life of the unborn being taken and the children in this time being the object of the perversion of adults, trust in My Mercy.

In spite of the lack of equality, truthfulness and transparency, trust in My Mercy.

In spite of the injustice, the illness of the world and the lack of discernment, trust in My Mercy.

Because I will return and I will take on each one of these situations. I will put an end to what is unjust, I will dissolve the pain and the suffering.

When I return, I will take the power away from the arrogant and give all the riches to the poorest. I will reveal My Kingdom to the humble of heart and I will show Myself to the simple in spirit.

When I return, everything, absolutely everything will be transmuted and a New Humanity will begin, free of evil and adversaries, because the new light of the consciousness will rise.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Friday, October 12 of 2018

Daily Messages

Transmuters are souls consecrated to be victims of the Love of Christ in order to transform, sublimate and liberate the contrary and dense currents that hinder spiritual ascent and the evolution of consciousness.

Transmuters are absolutely at the service of Christ, and, in silence, without recognition or comments, they relieve the pain of the world.

Transmuters are directly chosen by the Hierarchy because this is a task, a need of the Plan, and part of the Divine Will.

Nobody can declare themselves as a transmuter, since that state of consciousness depends on the alignment with the Hierarchy.

In most cases, purifiers exist, which are consciousnesses that, in a permanent and slow way, are purifying themselves, cleaning the spiritual register of their debts and errors through the impulse of a Higher Law that comes to their assistance, such as Mercy.

The Law of Mercy places those who are miserable of spirit within the energy of Grace but, for this to be possible, they must purify themselves.

Transmuters do not have a specific hour or time for this task. This mission of liberating and sublimating, through transmutation, is something the spirit learns throughout time and it has nothing to do with anything personal.

In these times, the Lord will call more transmuters to His service due to the need of the planet and the chaos of humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Thursday, October 11 of 2018

Daily Messages

The Divine Fire that descends at these times through the action of the Holy Spirit is a stronger and immutable fire.

This Fire corrects and transmutes the contrary currents, and is capable of giving impulse to the next phases of the Plan of manifestation.

This Fire removes all that is corrupt so that, through its ascension, consciousnesses may achieve a sense of the sacred.

This Fire is capable of consuming an entire form and all of a rigid structure.

For this reason, Divine Fire must be contacted in stages, so that consciousnesses can bear its ascending voltage.

This Fire also purifies and removes all that hinders the evolution of the being.

This Fire is capable of concretizing the light of manifestation within the field of action.

This Fire eliminates the impure and reveals what is pure.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Wednesday, October 10 of 2018

Daily Messages

My Heart is like the flame of a blue fire that re-ignites in spirits the Flame of the Original Purpose, and those who have the grace of receiving this impulse are led to experience the purification and the consecration of their lives.

My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that offers Itself for the intervention and the healing of the errors committed by all beings throughout the ages.

My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because the Light of My Flame penetrates the depths of the spirit so that creatures may learn to live the Law of Love.

My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that, in an offering to God, gains the action of forgiveness and of Divine Mercy in the heart of beings.

My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because, through My Heart, souls will be able to reach the path to live the Will of God.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Tuesday, October 9 of 2018

Daily Messages

Songs of Figueira – “With your permission”

This last song by José Trigueirinho expresses the prophecy about his next departure, announced here throughout the years.

At the same time, the song expresses the gratitude and deep reverence, of this instrument of God, for the Law of the Hierarchy, indicating to his disciples, in a simple way, what the feeling and correct attitude should before the immensity of what the Work of God represents for the being of the surface.

This song reveals, in a selfless and impersonal way, the farewell of the Instructor to his beloved disciples; the farewell to all those who, throughout time, were activated by the divine energy of the sacred knowledge and the Instruction, making it possible for each soul to find its gift and its lineage within the broad field of universal life.

Gratitude is the essence of the song, but it is also the expression of the soul of Trigueirinho for the infinite Mercy and Compassion of the Celestial Father towards His smallest and most imperfect creatures.

Here, the Instructor and the instrument of God professes and symbolically announces his departure towards the vast Cosmos, the return of his spirit to the Source and Origin from where he departed to serve the Divine Purpose, and from there, to enter into new Schools of Instruction.

In this song, the most important message for the disciples remains deeply engraved, which is the love that each soul may have for the Hierarchy itself, to thus maintain, on this planet, a divine connection with the sacred Non-material Laws 

Trigueirinho, in a simple, loving, and reverent way, says goodbye to the realm of material life, announcing that it is the spirit that serves through the impulses of the soul and this is what grants the upliftment of consciousness.

The final signature of the Instructor is the love that he leaves engraved in the inner firmament of each disciple, to remind each being that everything is due to love, to Creation, to the existence of life beyond forms.

He reminds us that love is in everything and that each soul must return to the Source of this love with all the experience lived on this planet Earth.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monday, October 8 of 2018

Daily Messages

Today My Merciful Heart is divided into two parts, one part is with Brazil and the other part is with Argentina.

The need for help and spiritual intervention in both nations is very large.

The Lord of the Universe, the Master of Love, has His Heart in two places to avoid the deactivation of the rescue project for South America.

Together with all the powers of My Spirit, My Soul and My Divinity, the cosmic and stellar elements are mobilized to help, from the Spiritual Universes, what is happening in the Material Universes.

Great Universal Consciousnesses are positioning themselves in different regions of the planet to carry out a great operation for safeguarding and protecting all the christic essences that have already awakened, and which will traverse the cycle of the end of times.

This is why the Celestial Brotherhood is mobilized, in order to counteract the ideals and the actions that would impact millions of people in South America, a region that, at the moment, is the focus of the imbalance of the surface of the planet.

My Spiritual Heart is divided into two parts for this reason, to give spiritual and inner assistance to those who will face one of the most difficult times of humanity.

But, in the end, My Sacred Heart will triumph in those who have believed in the Lord because, I will not abandon them.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Sunday, October 7 of 2018

Daily Messages

To me, children are the most perfect and beautiful manifestation of the Purity and Innocence of God, because in them is held the original essence, the perfect code that will have to evolve and advance through time.

In children, there is something that is profoundly real, and that is the love that can be born naturally from them, without having to force anything.

The love of children can dissolve conflicts between nations and even mitigate the end of time catastrophes.

If children received spiritual education on the existence of the Universe and of the Heavenly Father, they would acquire greater inner capacities in order to be able to modify and correct the times because, for the existence of God's Purity within them, their intercession before impossible situations is greater.

For the most part, children offer themselves since their origins, that is, before emerging, to serve humanity unconditionally and, in many cases, without total awareness of what they do or what they feel, their spirits are capable of offering themselves as victims of the Love of God for the salvation of the whole humanity at any given time on the planet.

When I was present on Earth children were My main consolation because I knew that in them I could find that part of God that consoles and sustains at crucial moments.

Children are the portal to My Heart because in them lies the essence of what God thought of when He created mankind.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Saturday, October 6 of 2018

Marathon of Divine Mercy

The Moon will announce My second coming to the world, the stars will proclaim the arrival of the Universal King and the whole macrocosm will be attentive to this movement.

Those who have been worthy of My Grace will feel within themselves the joy of My coming.

Those who have offended the Laws of God will have the last chance to repent.

But while the Son of God descends to Earth, the planet will tremble and nobody will be able to oppose this movement, because the Divine Light will be physically arriving and hearts will be glad in spite of what happens, because they will be freed of their captivity.

Behind Me will come the Archangel Michael, as I have already announced to you many times. He will defeat the most impure of the most impure, so that on Earth the water of life can spring forth again and all, all may be purified.

Meanwhile, prepare your hearts for this moment, because the Redeemer will come without warning, at the moment least expected by humanity.

Even when your church is going through its great test, let your faith not falter; let your faith and your trust in God strengthen, because you must always remember for these times that your only religion is the Love of God rather than the authority of humankind.

A long time ago, I came to teach you about the Kingdom of God, which lives and dwells within you.

After many tests, difficulties, and disturbances, today your souls have the Grace of recognizing the Kingdom of God, just as many more souls will have at the end of times.

When I return, the Cosmic Light will descend, and all the angels will descend together with Me.

The celestial choirs will group together at different points on the planet.

When the last trumpet of the Universe is sounded, you must place your head on the ground, pleading for a perverted humanity, so that the Mercy of the Redeemer may be more powerful than Justice, the errors may be placated, and all evil may be dissolved from souls.

But first you must believe in the Kingdom of God that is within you; this is what I come to announce for these definitive times, because the human life is very externalized; the essence of silence, of meditation, and reflection upon God have been lost.

Before more souls are lost in the world and do not manage to escape from their captivity, perform an act of love for each one of them, remembering every day and when you wake up each morning, that the Kingdom of God is within you and It shall descend to Earth with all Its Glory and Power.

Thus, the Archangel Saint Michael will work as he has never worked before, much more than he worked during My Divine and Sorrowful Passion, to cause the hells to fall to deeper levels of the consciousness so as to dissolve and to dispel all evil.

From the DNA of the human being to what is most external, everything will be redeemed.

Have trust and faith in what you are experiencing.

Gratefully accept My Summons and in your spirits, reignite the fire of sidereal commitment.

Because the Earth will have the last chance to be redeemed; there is no longer time to wait.

The consciousness of your planet is in agony day after day, as well as all that is on its surface.

Thus, companions, take the risk, of signing the commitment again with My Heart, which is not a mental commitment, nor a moral one; it is a profoundly spiritual commitment that may bring you ever closer to My Divine Mercy, in which all your souls will be able to submerge in My Ocean of Love, so that wounds and all the traumas experienced throughout time may be dissolved.

Through My Love, I bring you the new life, because your lives must be reborn for these coming times by means of the Sacraments that I offer you, so simply, so that your souls may revive the meeting with the Sacred Master of Love.

I come this afternoon to clean your impurities and to uplift your spirits again to the Kingdom of God, because the hour of My return to the world is drawing closer and with all of My Heart, I need more souls to be prepared so as to receive Me consciously.

Feel the inner joy that, in some way or on some plane, you will be able to find Me again and that I will not be your judge, but your mediator and intercessor before the Celestial Father.

I am not speaking about the sins, but rather what the world still needs to purify in order to be a promised land again.

This promised land, companions, will first begin in you.

And if this promised land is born and emerges, the great change in consciousness will be seen in humanity.

But you must give Me something for this to happen, you must give up something so that your lives may truly transform.

I cannot ask the whole world for a great sacrifice because I know it will not give it to Me, but I know that I can ask you for small sacrifices so that the world can change, little by little.

The sacrifice that I ask of you is not suffering or pain.

I ask you to place your sufferings at My Feet so that I may transform them all in the Fount of My Divine Mercy, a Source of Love and of Reparation that at some point will close, because the Source of Divine Justice will descend to the world.

I will always tell you the truth, so that you are not deceived by anyone.

But you, My companions and My souls, can be the forerunners of that great change in humanity, strengthening again the gestures of love and of brotherhood in your families, placing prayer rooms in your families so that the breath of the Holy Spirit may descend upon your homes, and you may be protected and safeguarded by the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity.

With such simple but real things, the world will be able to experience its great change of consciousness; I only need you to live My designs in a real way so that I can be closer to you and again, bless you once more.

All of this will prepare My second coming to humanity. The seals of the Apocalypse will already be open. What before was a mystery, will be a great revelation in the world; that is why the angels of the Universe will descend to Earth to announce it.

All who have been sustained in Christ and for Christ will receive this inner revelation.

In the depths of your heart and of your essence, you will feel the Return of Christ.

You will feel that you must withdraw, become silent and pray, adore and contemplate the immensity of the Celestial Universe, because the Son of God will be arriving in the world.

In a way never before seen, everything will cease to be a promise. Because the incarnated Verb will be realized again; He will manifest in humanity in His Glorious second Coming.

Many of the things I tell you today you will not understand, because they are words that come from the Spiritual Universe and that first try and nurture your spirits, so that your essences may be filled by My Divine Grace.

Because it will be My Divine Grace that will give you an understanding and comprehension; a divine and infinite Grace that constantly gives of itself for the salvation of souls and the rescue of the planet.

Now that you have reactivated your inner commitment to Me within yourselves, remember the existence of your guardian angels, who also suffer from the perversion of human beings. Call them, day after day, with the prayer of the heart. Ask them to accompany you in the moments of work and of family.

Repopulate your homes with the angels of God, so that the capital forces may be exorcised and evil may be dissolved by the power of Love.

The Argentine family must be rebuilt, recovering the values of Faith, beyond the errors of the church.

I invite you, companions, to uplift your consciousnesses on a plane so that your souls may ally with the true Source of light, the non-material Source that comes from the Eternal Father and which emits impulses time after time for the evolution of souls and the redemption of hearts.

Yesterday I offered you My Wounds. Today I offer you the Sacred Chalice that I have specially carried in My Hands, so that the Blood of the Lamb of God may be poured out upon the souls that accept drinking from this Chalice of reparation and of healing.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of the Celestial Father, we will chant "Sacred Chalice of the Lord," opening this ceremony between Heaven and Earth for the descent of the Celestial Church through the gifting of the Heart of the Master and of all the angels present in this moment.

Uplift your hearts to God in deep gratitude and reclusion.

Let us listen to the song of this prayer that invokes Mercy for the planet.

I am listening:

Sacred Chalice of the Lord...

To be worthy of My Grace and of My Mercy, first you must be worthy of My Body and My Blood, sacred elements that I offer you for the redemption of your consciousnesses and the upliftment of your spirits, in order that Divine Will be fulfilled.

On this afternoon, let Argentina be bathed in the divine attributes of My Blood and of My Body, so that the perverse currents may be dissolved and the Light of the Sacred Heart of God may triumph forever. Amen.

Remember when I gave you the Bread and told you to eat of it because this is My Body that was given and is given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Eat of My Substance of Light.

And today, again I give you to drink of the Chalice, saying to you that this is My Blood of the New Covenant between souls and God. Blood shed by the Lamb of God for the forgiveness and the redemption of sins.

Remember the Mount of the Beatitudes and when I taught you that simple but powerful prayer that unites you with God in full consciousness and essence.

Let us pray:

Our Father...

Glory to God in the highest and Peace on Earth for beings of goodwill.

And so, I sanctify you all with My Spirit, so that your lives may someday achieve the spirit of sanctity, which is to be real people that live in kindness and in the goodness of God, to repopulate the Codes of Heaven on Earth in all the hearts that seek and find the same path of return to the House of God.

As I said to My Apostles and to many who were present on the inner planes:

My Peace I leave you and My Peace I give you.

Today I contemplate your essences rather than your sins so that you may relive the joy of finding the Kingdom of God within you again.

Let your spirits enter into joy, let your souls achieve the bliss of God, and let all the contrary forces be dispelled by the Presence of the Second Person of God, the Firstborn and Only Begotten, your Master and Lord, the Redeemer.

I bless you:

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In fraternity, give one another a greeting of peace, so that Peace may be in Argentina.

So be it.

Friday, October 5 of 2018

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus at the Marathon of the Divine Mercy in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

At last I have come to the place where I have been waiting for so long.

Carry on your breast the sign of My Return, because this sign will come from the Universe and nobody will be able to say they will not see it.

I will come for the just and for those who have been unjust, and from there I will reconfigure the Earth, I will repopulate the planet with new gifts, with something that has still not descended from the Universe and will come when I return to the world for the second time.

But so you may see Me again in Glory, first you must feel Me in your divinity.

I must build the new in you, I must sow the new in you, so that in this way, you will be prepared to receive Me for the second time.

Today I am here with the joy of the Spirit of God because of the receptivity of your souls and hearts, because even though you do not understand My Mystery, many of you have adhered to it and that is what makes it possible to expand the Work of My Mercy in the world.

While I speak to you, I purify you. While you feel, I consecrate you and elevate your spirits to the Kingdom of God so I can withdraw you from the superficiality of these times and enter you fully into the Kingdom of My Heart.

Everything you have done today, companions, has been of use so that I may be here among you, accompanying you.

Remember what I told you the last time when I was in Mendoza: that Argentina would live a great test of faith. This test is already happening, but I invite you to not ally with the test itself, but rather with its teaching, so that you may grow inwardly and demonstrate to the Celestial Father that you are understanding the definitive times, beyond the events and the experiences.

I need you to cultivate within yourselves the perfect balm of My Love, which will lead you to Divine Mercy and Peace, so that you may be free of any agitation and agony, and learn to go through the times in this final transition.

In this way, you will be true instruments of the Spiritual Hierarchy, present on Earth; thus you will be able to help your brothers and sisters on the path and all those unknown to you, so that they too may learn to live this final transition.

That is why you must remember your commitment to Me. Although you may have believed you never made it, your souls brought you here today to remind you of that commitment to My Eternal Heart; to fulfill at this time, what is written in the Heart of the Father, within the Universe of His Divine Will.

While My Grace descends to Earth, your spirits are uplifted to the Kingdom of God so that they may awaken in you the sacred talents that I brought you more than two thousand years ago; talents that I will need in these times to carry My Work to the four corners of the Earth.

May your spirits be able to feel the joy of this sacred reunion, of being able to participate in the Cenacle of My Love, in Communion with My Spirit and with My Essence; an Essence that dissolves errors and blame, fears and failures; an Essence that dissolves doubts and misunderstandings.

Feel part of a new spiritual family, the one that lives in the celestial Universe, because even though you are still on Earth, you can be part of it in the communion of your souls with the Spirit of God, where the Sacred Unity is built.

Argentina must be repopulated with brave armies of the Light, unconditional collaborators in the Plan of evolution, who are encouraged to awaken the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood within themselves, so that all of their consciousness is present in these times and participates together with the commands of the spiritual Hierarchy in this rescue plan of the end of times, that operates silently, working in an invisible way in the very depths of the inner worlds of beings.

May your consciousnesses on this afternoon continue to be uplifted.

Raise the Consciousness of Argentina so that the spiritual plane is purified, not only in this city, but also in your whole country, in all of your brothers and sisters, who are also worthy of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because they suffer just like you suffer, because they wait, as do you, for hope.

In this communion, where your spirits are uplifted in plane and consciousness, may a great circle of fraternity that unites the origins and times be created, the essences and the souls with the great sidereal Government, which has given impulse to the manifestation on this material plane and in life throughout time.

May the love for life be constituted again in the spirit of Argentina, so that those who will be born in the coming times may have a place of rest and of love, of gladness and of hope, just as you have had.

This will allow the suffering in Argentina to be alleviated, the social crisis and the uncertainties in hearts.

The new Mercy brings new hope.

The sheep of God are called to follow the Great Shepherd of the end of times, who in His second coming to the world will, reveal His real Countenance, as it was revealed in the height of Mount Tabor, to some of My apostles.

The time of the greatest tribulation will pass, but you must persist, live in faith and practice hope, so that all may be transcended and the most difficult spaces of the planet may be filled by the Christic Light.

I also come for those who most need Me, for those that have this as their only and last opportunity.

Perhaps you will not understand what I say to you with this, but have trust in My Merciful Heart, because the door of My Divine Mercy is still open for those who have condemned themselves in spirit and in soul.

I do not come to seek from you what is imperfect. I come to awaken in you the virtues of God, so that your higher beings may fulfill their mission on Earth and learn to purify and to transform themselves day by day, knowing that the sublimation and the elevation of the consciousness is an tireless work of the true apostle of Christ.

If your lives are converted through My Love, if Argentina accepts My Call, more places of the world will transform, many catastrophes will be avoided, and it will not be necessary for souls to learn through suffering.

My Mercy is inexhaustible and unquenchable.

Sometimes I do not know where to place so much Mercy of My Heart in souls, because the majority does not cry out for it, nor live it.

Today I can pour out My Divine Mercy, because you have cried out for it, and this will have a repercussion in your lives until the next world. Thus the Divine Will will be manifested, and you will participate in eternity after this experience on Earth.

It is your spirits that should fly to the heights while you transform your matter, purify your mind, and uplift your feelings.

Continue onward, trusting in the tributary of My Mercy, and do not tire of calling for Me; because as much as I am not with you in the coming time, My Omnipresence is accomplished where souls call for the Lord.

The Consciousness of the Son of God rose up to the Heavens to continue in His Mission and Task, to summon all those who are self-summoned for the end of times, to carry on with the Work of the Return of Christ and the descent of His Divine and Infinite Mercy.

Believe that on the invisible planes many things happen. It is there where you must focus your attention.

You must learn to perceive, you must learn to intuit what is on the higher planes of consciousness and all the celestial treasures, which can descend not only in your lives, but also on to the planet.

Thus, do not fear to embrace your cross and follow Me, because I can bring relief for your cross, I can dissolve your suffering, transmute your agony when your hearts are sincere with Mine and truly open to My Divine Laws, so that on the surface of this planet the Divine Will may be fulfilled.

Now I invite you, companions of Argentina, and placing your hand on your chest, to feel and find in yourselves the Kingdom of God, beyond what you have lived and what you have felt, what you have suffered or experienced.

Trust in the Kingdom of God that is within you and make it a part of your lives in each moment, so that this inner Kingdom which is in the depths of your essences, may be radiated to the whole world, and especially to your country, deserving of an extraordinary Grace.

Feel this Light that can emerge from within you and feel the Love of God and His Trust.

Strengthen this moment as the one moment of your lives.

Avail yourselves of the Spirit of God that descends through the Voice of His Son to strengthen hearts, to unite souls to the powerful Kingdom of God.

While the doors of Heaven continue to open over Argentina, your spirits are filled by cosmic Laws.

Feel the descent of the Divine Light and the blessing of the Sacred Spirit of God, so like your Baptism and your First Communion.

Kneeling before the Thrones of the Father, let us cry out for Pity, Mercy, and Redemption, so that more souls may be carried to Heaven; so that more spirits live the joy of remaining in the Kingdom of God and in His Glory, forever and ever.

And now that you know what in truth is within yourselves and is eternal, remember your origin, the Source from which you come, the Source from which you emerged to live this school of love and of forgiveness on Earth.

And even though you have  the veils over your consciousness, today I remove them, so that you may remember and be nurtured by the Sacred Knowledge of the Stars; a divine impulse that in the name of Light comes to rebuild the planetary consciousness and to heal spirits wounded by the errors of the past.

And now that My Celestial Church has been presented on Earth, the true Church of God that only lives in the Celestial Universe before the Doors of Heaven, may your essences surrender and give of themselves in such an unconditional way, just as I gave myself and I surrendered for you on the Cross, suffering Wound after Wound, drop of Blood by drop of Blood, so that the Love of God could triumph.

In this Love I invite you to immerse yourselves. In this Infinite Ocean I invite you to remain and to live, because it will be this Eternal Love that comes from the Source of Creation that will help you to continue forward, in spite of what may happen or what you may live.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Beginning this ceremony of consecration before the Celestial Church of Christ and of the doors of Heaven, let us intone the names of God, so that Heaven may descend to Earth through the Love of Our Master.

We may stand up.

Each one of us at this moment, at the request of Christ, in the silence of your heart, will make your offering to God, not only for yourselves, but for Argentina, and will place at the Feet of Christ your petition so that it may be contemplated and heard by the Eternal Father.

May the elements that the Father created for this material Universe be blessed, and sublimate the energies so that the Purpose may be realized.

They sing the Names of God.

Two thousand years ago I taught something very simple: it was to wash the feet one for another, so that you would not only be purified of your suffering and pain, but so that humility would incarnate in souls, so you would be able to recognize the Sacred Countenance of God.

May those who today will wash their feet and also purify their souls be able to recognize in themselves the Merciful Countenance of God, which appeases all justice. Amen.

In the river Jordan, My Cousin John blessed you with water, but I bless you with the Spirit of God, so that your consciousnesses may be consecrated and uplifted in constant sacrifice and reparation.

May these elements be impregnated with the Light of Love, so that the soul may be sanctified, find peace again, and the relief it so much seeks. So may it be.

Christ calls up an auxiliary sister.

I have waited for this moment so that you may receive My Blessing, because for God everything has its timing.

Whoever trusts and persists, recognizes the Will of God, is part of His Divine Grace.

Today My Spirit blesses you together with the angels of Heaven because of your unconditional service to humanity.

More than two thousand years ago, I taught you to share the bread so that you could have eternal life. I taught you to share My Blood so that you could learn to purify your lives.

Today the Lord of the Universe makes this offering for Argentina, so that its purpose may be established again and  find at the end of times the joy of living in the sublime Spirit of God.

At that time, I took the bread, gave thanks to God and He blessed it. Then I gave it to My Apostles, saying to them: Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be surrendered for you for the forgiveness of sins.

I took the Chalice of Salvation and in that time I said to them: Take and all drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood and the New Covenant, which will be spilled for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Always celebrate this in Remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.

May the Body and the Blood of Christ be a reason for reparation and the healing in souls, joy and hope for the coming times.

We take each other's hands.

Our Father...

Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!

Let us repeat:

Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!

Also in that time, I taught you to love through a very simple but profound gesture for the life of Spirit.

Today in My Ascension to Heaven I ask you to fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, October 4 of 2018

Monthly Messages

Second Message

And today I come showing My Wounds to the world, to each one of the souls, as an offering for the wounds that Argentina has today, as a spiritual and material nation.

Today I come to offer My Blood as this perfect testimony of love for you and for each nation of this planet, especially for the nations that suffer the most, which are submitted and colonized by projects that do not come from God, but rather from humanity.

But this will end. It will not last for a long time.

I have come here, to Argentina, for all of this to begin to change from now on. 

I have chosen this nation for this start to happen, just as My Father has asked.

For this reason, I offer My Wounds, not as a symbol of suffering, but rather of victory, pouring out the Light of My Spirit from each one of them, for those who want to be bathed by My Grace. 

I come here to testify that the Kingdom of God is possible, inside and outside of beings, and on the surface of the planet, which, in spite of the chaos of the end of times and of the immediate purification, the Lord invites you to prevail in peace; invites you to build inside of you a path which is still unknown. 

This path that I offer to you is toward the Universe, where the Brotherhood is found; where a purpose is lived during the entire lifetime, until it can be fulfilled.

For this reason, you must seek inside of you, companions, the essence of what you truly are and of what you have come to accomplish in these final times, where the next Kingdom of God in humanity and on the planet will be defined, where many more things will happen, things that you must live to be able to learn and to experience the degrees of love and of forgiveness, in order to achieve, finally, the so awaited redemption.

For this reason, I invite you to be consequent with Me, as you have been in all these last days, where in each detail, in each labor and service, I have seen your love and your effort for Me, with the aim of the Work of the Divine Mercy to be accomplished in humanity, and especially in Argentina.

As I told you yesterday, here there are very valuable souls that have arrived in this time to experience the great change of consciousness, by means of strong experiences and deep livings that try to lead you to the comprehension of the reconciliation and of faith, of unity and of fraternity, in this beloved people.

Here is the preamble of a new race, as is in Brazil and in another parts of South-America. 

Everything that happens in these times on the surface of the Earth is part of the objective of My adversary which is to imbalance and destabilize the humanities, peoples and nations. But do not enter in this field nor into this energy of discord and of dissociation. 

Nourish yourselves, day by day, through the word of prayer and you will be able to reach the sublime spheres, and the sublime spheres, as guiding stars, will indicate the new path to you, the new direction that you must travel through your lives and experiences.

Do not fear to face the end of times nor the purification.

Do not fear to offer yourselves to suffer for Me, because what I will give you is what you really need, beyond what you would deserve. 

Trust in My Heart, because in it lies the Sacred Temple for your spirits, so that your souls may live the communion with Me, time and again.

For this reason, today I come again from Andromeda, to emit My proclamation of peace, to make of this peace a reality that many would like to live but cannot. But if you, companions, decide to be My instruments and not the instruments of the world, I will be able to continue working through your lives and consciousnesses. 

Thus, in spite of what happens or what may present itself in these times, I will build in you an unbreakable fortitude that will have its base in spiritual life, given by the fortitude of faith and of the trust in the One, Our Celestial Father.

My Father sends Me, not only to call you to understanding and comprehension, but also to the necessary correction that is vital for these critical times; a correction that will try to lead you always along the path of the Purpose and of the Truth, so that you do not lose the objective of what God needs to build in humanity and in all peoples. 

Through My Wounds, I illuminate your lives.

Through My Consciousness, I ennoble your spirits, because they are old spirits, originating from other stars and from other universes. Spirits that have congregated to accomplish a purpose in the name of the Son of God, a purpose that has not been accomplished yet and that has not ended, which is in the apex of its transition and of its definition.

Thus, everything you do for the good of God will build the new and the eternal, which will be invincible and will not be defeated.

Over you is the Hand of Grace. A Grace that helps you, a Grace that fills you, a Grace that leads you to live peace in times without peace. 

Be builders of the New Humanity. Postulate yourselves as pillars that will be the bases for the new race by means of attributes, of examples and of an unconditional service for humanity and the planet, as well as for all its Kingdoms. 

Elevate your thought toward the High and unite your thought to the Thought of the Father-Mother Creator Emmanuel and here there will not exist interferences nor disturbances, your attention will be fixed in the Purpose and in all that must happen in the next times. 

Argentina must achieve its transparency; it must manifest its equality. For this everything will be purified. 

Do not fear to know that everything will be purified. Do not fear to find the reason for this purification and of this moment. Know that everything is already foreseen and that your land has been called to live a new state of consciousness that will first be born in the human beings who live in the Lord, who accomplish His Designs and His Divine Will.

From you the new being may be born and the old being will be left behind, because you will have accepted to live the Principles of God, which will not only constitute new consciousnesses in you, but which will form the new peoples, the new race, the New Earth.

From the heart of the Universe, I emit My Voice, so that My Voice may be heard by all.

I leave for you the Love that I have for your Motherland and for your nation, knowing that God has given you the best that He has so that your people, from its origins, might learn to express its inner and spiritual virtue. 

It is this virtue that I come to seek from the Argentinian people, and it is this virtue that will not be dissolved from the essence of all those who live here.

Therefore, everything is in a battle and in definition, just as it is in Brazil. 

In the principles of the Earth, this region was preserved from much interferences. 

Here was the Eden of God, in its exuberance and splendor, in its beauty and loveliness, through all Kingdoms of Nature. Humanity has destroyed it and keeps destroying it.

So that everything can be reversed and change, so that the Eden can flourish again and express itself, from Argentina there must born this state of consciousness of restoration and of healing which not only its people need, but also a great part of the world.

The Celestial Brotherhood is setting its instruments on a region that has been called to express an important Will of God.

Although My Message is symbolic, My Words are clear, because I talk to your hearts and not to your minds. I talk to what is beyond your physical being and what is internal, which listens and knows everything that I say. 

It is here where the new consciousness will be sown. 

It is here where the seed of the new consciousness will be sown. 

It is here where what God expects so much will sprout, so that human beings finally may know their freedom and leave behind their constant captivity.

Be similar to the People of Israel. But you must not spend forty years to find the Promised Land and your true freedom, you are more conscious about the end of times.

Just follow My steps and enter into My Heart, in faith everything will be accomplished. Because among few the greatest thing will be done, among few the planet will be led to a new state and you are invited to participate in this. 

From Andromeda, I convoke you and I call you to unite, in love, to the grand Confraternity. 

I thank you for everything you have offered to Me, because this multiplies Grace, not only for your beings, but also for your country.

May the Kingdom of God be in your hearts and in your spirits. 

May the Lord of the Universe show you His Sacred Face and may you contemplate the splendor of His Existence so that you may feel blessed by His Divine Spirit, by His powerful Current of Mercy and of Peace.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday, October 3 of 2018

Monthly Messages

First Message

From the Great Star of the Universe, I greet you and send My Message of peace to the world.

Today My Words emanate from the heart of Andromeda, a place from where the Universes of this Universe are governed, and many more Universes that are ruled by the Law of the Hierarchy, and are under the care of the great universal Consciousnesses.

I have come to Argentina to correct it in its purpose, to again lead it towards the path of the light.

This is why I extend My Hand to the People of God, so that they may hold on to Me tightly and follow Me on the pathway of the true faith and of the new hope.

From Andromeda, I emit My Voice to the world and especially to Argentina, knowing that it is a people that needs to straighten its paths to be able to accomplish the Purpose of God, to be able to vivify it, to be able to fulfill it, in these critical times, in which everything is at stake.

What I ask you today is nothing new, companions, just only remember your commitment so that you can remember your origin, knowing that this material life does not end here and that after this life there is much more to learn.

The Universes offer themselves so that you can learn in its sacred Schools, where everything is written and where everything is accomplished.

Therefore, I invite you on these days to drink of My Mercy so that you can drink of the Source of Knowledge, a knowledge that reveals the Truth to you, a knowledge that will give you the peace and the wisdom that you need for these critical times.

But My coming to Argentina will not avoid many other things more that happen in these days and in these times.

Freedom is still in the hands of humankind.

Freedom is what can lead you to God or what can condemn you without you perceiving it.

For this reason, the choice is in each human heart, the choice of living in God or not being in God, of submerging in the Love of God or moving away from the Love of God.

Nobody will be forced to live a spirituality that they have not yet understood, nor felt inside.

But what I can promise to Argentina is just My Love and My Mercy. Streams that will lead you to find the Divine Purpose, to find the answer that you are looking for so much, for a long time.

Thus, I am gradually forming My new soldiers, the soldiers of the last times. I am gradually building the inner Christ in the dwellings of all beings, the inner Christ who will live the end of times, the one who will give testimony, in My Name, that I am here among you and with you.

For this reason, today My Voice is emitted from Andromeda, a place where the Universal Government dwells and complies the Divine Laws of this Material Universe; a place where great decisions are taken for the evolution and the awakening of the consciousnesses, for the infinite expression of more degrees of love, of a greater Love than the one I could conceive when I was on Earth among you, a long time ago.

At that moment, I had left you a key that would help you to transcend all times and all generations, all experiences and all learnings.

It is the love for life what will rebuild Argentina, beyond the mistakes and faults.

Love is what will heal, it is what will fill.

Love will concede you peace and thus you will live in justice.

It will be worthless to oppose one another, because even though inequalities exist, which are seen by all, what matters for God, companions, is the destiny of your nation and its people, as a Promised Land, that will no longer have injustices nor inequalities, which will be permeated by the Presence of God, in the perfect living of His Beloved Son, in the heart of humanity.

Do not fight for what is material, although it is unjust.

Build in you what is true and what comes from God, what will really make you free, someday, to reach the Kingdom of God, which is inside of you.

Living in the Kingdom of God you will be in communion with the High and it will be no longer a religion nor a doctrine, because your religion, companions, regardless of any other, will be love.

It is love that will lead you to live service and fraternity towards your brothers and sisters.

It is love that will allow you to build brotherhood and thus be able to live the new life that will repopulate Earth in the coming times.

But while you live your internal and external transition, do not fight, do not oppose to one another any longer. Seek this justice in the Gift of the Mercy of God and everything will pass.

Thus God will make justice, as the Great Divine Consciousness that He is, and His children will finally represent Him on Earth, as He so much has expected since the beginning.

Be capable of living My Words beyond the senses.

Be capable of risking to do a little bit more than you do or than what you have achieved in your lives, because everything will start again in love, and from love will begin. The rest will become dust and to dust will return.

In your spirits is the Sacred Reliquary of My Heart.

In your souls, the presence of My Soul can be, so that you may be in communion with the Divine Justice and in a perfect balance.

Therefore, from Andromeda, a Voice of equality is emitted and the Great Star of this Universe calls you to the elevation of the consciousness, to step out of forms and battles, to achieve the true meaning of your existence and of your mission on Earth as individuals, as a people and as a country.

Close the doors to chaos. Open the doors to My Divine Mercy because thus My Presence will triumph in you and My Energy will triumph in your nation.

The time has come to perceive reality and not deceits.

The time has come, companions of Argentina, of climbing one more step to approach God and to feel His Love that fills and fills you, time and again.

Be a people that deserves Divine Justice and not human justice. Thus you will learn to be in balance and in harmony with the Universe.

Andromeda emits its voice, from the Universe to your planet, so that you can listen to it and count on its great Government that is celestial and complies with the superior commands that the Eternal Father dictates.

Join this chain of prayer for peace and prevent chaos to submerge you.

Be intelligent and activate the prayer of the heart so that your own inner Mirrors may dissolve all reigning darkness.

For this reason, Andromeda comes to bless you and consecrate you so that each human heart and each soul may listen to the Voice of the Universe and receive, from Andromeda, the spirit of peace.

May your offering for this Marathon be true as you have demonstrated on these last days.

Because the Universe is contemplating all your efforts, however small they may seem. All efforts add to the descent of Divine Mercy that allow to love the enemies and forgive the unjust ones.

Encourage yourselves to surpass Me in love and you will find the Truth.

Encourage yourselves to be My testimonials and you will be free, as you expect so much.

The Kingdom of God is inside of you and it must remain there throughout the times, for the Sacred Will to be fulfilled.

I thank you for having said “yes” to Me for this meeting, because this means much to Me, as a Divine and Universal Consciousness.

Here exists very valuable souls and very important spirits for the Creation. This is why you are in Argentina and not in another place.

Everything in the Creation has a divine meaning and a superior Purpose to be manifested.

Be part of this universal current that comes from Andromeda and recognize, in these times, your mission with humanity.

May in this Marathon of springtime, the love of your hearts flourish.

May your hands, arms and feet give the fruits of service and walk to meet those who are most in need, so that Mercy may reach all, without distinction.

May the Light of the Spirit of Andromeda bless you in the name of the Sacred Brotherhood.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday, October 2 of 2018

Daily Messages

Songs of Figueira – “The Call

This song invokes the flame of awakening for each person of the Earth because, having this consciousness of awakening, the human being will be able to abandon the atavistic forms that tie them to the past and to continuous errors.

This is why the Voice of the Hierarchy resounds more than a trumpet. Its Voice circles sidereal spaces so that, beyond the unreal alternate time, all humanities may hear the call of the great invitation.

Hearing this call, the soul is molded and formed as an instrument capable of receiving the luminous impulses that will allow it to transcend matter and the planetary psychism.

The call of the Hierarchy appeals to the awakening of consciousness because behind this important awakening lies the impulse that the spirit needs, to begin to become part of the inner commands of the Hierarchy.

This call invites human beings to have compassion towards their own planet and for its humanity.

It is a call for becoming conscious in order to be able to modify the tragic destiny of an Earth warped and colonized by error.

In this context, and even with these events, the song reveals the emergence of the New Christs who, amidst struggle, dissociation and traps, will overcome in the name of Higher Love that can and does transcend everything.

Thus, the Hierarchy, which is one operative Consciousness, awakens the spirits, present on the surface of the Earth, so that in their inner worlds they may hear the call of the Higher Light.

From sidereal space, the emergence of this group of consciousnesses will be seen, that will immediately respond to the Voice of the Hierarchy and that, beyond everything, will fulfill the requests of Divinity, in order to root out ignorance and dissolve the pain that leads souls to perdition.

This song reveals that everything is thought of and planned for, and it is the time of the great awakening.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monday, October 1 of 2018

Daily Messages

Songs of Figueira - "At the Altar"

Within this song is revealed the importance that there is, for the end of times, in building an inner temple, capable of being filled by universal and cosmic Laws, capable of protecting and of holding the most pure essence of God, within His children, the co-creators.

For this reason, the song cries out for the Spiritual Hierarchy, following the sacred principles of the Brotherhood in humility and in obedience.

It is for this reason,  the entire foundation of a true and sacred spiritual life is to be found in the living of attributes, which will be the basic rules for the construction and the strengthening of the life of the spirit; principles and laws that bring us out of ignorance and of the spiritual drowsiness of these critical times.

The song's title is "At the Altar" because after the daily construction, after some evolutionary methods and behaviors in life, the sacred temple of each being, represented by each consecrated body, offers the Lord all of their being to be purified and blessed by the divine energy of Grace.

In this sense, the living terrestrial being begins to lose the power that desires and habits have over human life.

Setting aside these mundane habits, the consciousness takes wing toward the infinite in search of its origin and of its higher reality, leaves inertia behind, and banishes any vestiges of indifference.

In this way, the soul, which builds its inner temple for the Lord, surrenders to an absolute unconditional service, knowing that nothing of what exists belongs to them, that no recognition offered will enlarge their spirit.

The soul ardently seeks union with Divine Spirit and leaves behind the corrupted stream of illusion in order to enter into the great Universal Consciousness where the Spiritual Hierarchy dwells.

Thus, the first premise in support of the elevation of this temple is vigilance and prayer, fundamental keys to keeping the great stronghold of the spirit protected. In this way, nothing and nobody will take the disciple by surprise; on the contrary, the consciousness will be attentive to the new indications of the spirit.

This song teaches about truly building a life based on selflessness and service to others.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
