In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you untie the knots you have on Earth, in Heaven the knots will also be untied.

Thus, a Law is fulfilled, the Law of Impermanence, of that which is neither fixed nor static.

Untying the knots of consciousness means liberation in this time, an opportunity that you are giving the universe so that it can regenerate and recreate.

When you untie the knots on the Earth, the universe is in charge of untying the knots in Heaven and everything reaches a liberation that is unknown, that can neither be measured with thought nor with the intellect.

It is a liberation that comes from the heart that trusts in the universe and in the possibilities offered by the universal Laws and the material Rays.

When the knots in Heaven are untied, the doors are opened to other perspectives, the doors are opened to other learnings and schools that you were never able to live before for different reasons and motives.

At this time, it is very necessary to untie the knots of consciousness, not only those that are on Earth, but also those that are in Heaven, because you will allow the angelic consciousness to intervene and intercede for you. There is no way to generate that movement, there is neither an attitude nor a thought.

Untying the knots on Earth and in Heaven is a possibility that you offer to your soul and, consequently, to your spirit and that which is beyond. Thus, an endless story begins to close.

The doors of the past, of mistakes, are closed, and the consciousness that unties the knots here, on Earth, receives a Grace, receives an opportunity that cannot be measured by movement nor thought, it can only be felt with the heart, with the opportunity to love and recognize Divine Mercy.

If every human being on this planet learned to untie the knots that he possesses here on Earth, imagine, for a moment, how many things would happen! How many opportunities would be offered! What benefit the consciousness of the planet, that lives in a constant suffering, would receive!

As the end of time approaches, greater are the events within the human beings. Not only will they be able to recognize the dwellings that God has given them so that one day they would turn them into sacred temples of elevation and surrender, but also that the same human beings will recognize and know everything they have done in other times.

 Is there no meaning in knowing the Truth?

This does not mean retrogressing, nor does it mean staying in the past. It means consciously amending that which has never been amended, that which has never been forgiven or reconciled within, neither with existence nor with the universe.

There are many consciences that need to untie these knots, in these times, to be able to take their steps, the safe steps toward My Heart and toward My Consciousness, the steps that I expect you will take, day by day, with determination, free from mediocrity, from neglect, from what is small, from what is poor; because God, since your origins, has given you everything, and you still do not know it.

You need to amend that which has happened so that you reach reality and learn, like your brothers and sisters, to get out of the illusion of the world, learn to immerse yourselves in Our Higher Life.

If you were not here, next to Me, you could not live that which you live today nor that which you learn today. The schools that I offer are unique, they are unrepeatable, they are non-transferable, because I know what each soul and each spirit need in order to evolve.

Everything that I give you and everything that My Father has given you throughout time and, above all, since your origins, since the Source, cannot be offered with a small amount. Your self-giving must be ample, infinite and immeasurable, just as I did for you until the last minute, in the final second of My expiration.

And even at that moment, I did not stop, I showed you through the Resurrection how to achieve the reemergence of the spirit, from the ashes of the past, to be driven by the fire of the Divine Source and thus be able to heal everything, thus be able to redeem everything, thus being able to enter the Kingdom of My Peace.

Your structures must be removed from their places, My treasures cannot be deposited in internal universes that are empty and poor.

True poverty of spirit is achieved with a given heart, the donation of life, with selflessness. That is what I need from you, it is what I need from every human heart.

Each one knows what to give me, what to present to me, what to offer me.

These are not times to measure what one should give or how far one can go. If you say you live in My Heart, can you not do everything?

The alliance with Me must not be built on tepid principles. The alliance with Me must be strengthened in Christification and in permanently giving thanks for the opportunity that presents itself within your lives, day by day; the opportunity that the universe gives you in each new step.

Because everyone must be an important piece of this great puzzle of the Plan, the pieces can be replaced, the pieces can change places according to the need and the Will of My Father. But My precious pieces cannot be lost as if nothing ever happened.

You have very close examples of pieces that I have lost because they are in the hands of My enemy. Have you ever felt what that means for Me? And how must I look at the Father so that He intercedes for them?

Nobody has the capacity to understand what their stay on this planet means, in this school that I have instituted through the Cross, so that you live redemption.

God Himself incarnated among you and gave you His Word, gave you His testimony and His Good News, offered you miracles, conversions and the liberation of souls. He became a Body through bread and gave His Blood through wine.

He is constantly renewed in the priestly office, in the opportunity that My apostles have to relive My Passion and to love it,  to love it more deeply every day, and without superficiality.

You must feel the Passion of your Master and Lord, offered in each new Eucharist, in each new Communion, because if the world does not cling to this, how will it survive? How will it remain in the Peace of the Lord in the face of so many conflicts and diseases?

Now, you must not only avail yourselves of My Body and My Blood, you must be part of My Mystical Body. What are you waiting for?

Thus, among few companions in the world, I will strengthen My Mystical Body that will be nourished by My Eucharistic Body, by My Body of Light, so that the whole world does not stop seeing the Light, despite the darkness.

Within the inner worlds is where the Plan is carried out, it is where the great operations of your Master and Lord are carried out with each one of the souls of the surface of the Earth.

Priesthood is always exposed to being attacked and destroyed, because the priesthood power that I offer you is unbreakable, and the gates of hell fear that.

For this reason, even the last drop of My Being was poured out on the Cross, and even more, the Water and Blood of My Side gave life, healing and renewal for all.

Although My Wounds healed in the Resurrection, I need the signs of My Passion to be alive in priests and in believers, in those who profess faith, despite difficult times.

In the signs of My Wounds, you will find your liberation, in the power of My Blood you will find your redemption and justification before the Father of all your mistakes and sins committed since Adam and Eve.

Now, you must be this mystery that is revealed, transformed and redeemed, you must be the expression of this love, you must want to reach the higher spheres that I offer you at this planetary moment, because there is still much to be done.

Your rest will be in the priestly service, in the life that each one can give to My Sacraments. Because now that souls cannot receive It in person, My priests must be that sacramental sign that should be engraved in the inner worlds so that suffering and agonizing souls may be strengthened.

Aspire to achieve perfection in priestly service, because the world needs it, humanity needs it, and in this way My Return will be prepared.

May souls discover their true virtues, may they see with loving eyes what God has given them and may they not only immerse themselves in their impurities and imperfections because that is the place where My enemy wants them. If you say you are intelligent, why are you there?

May the strength of your love be not in the mind, but in the heart, in the deep feeling of loving, as I love you, of serving, as I serve you, of uniting, as I unite you with the Source of My Eternal Father.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


IV - To Defeat the World

A soul that aspired to live the Christic path and imitate the Lord struggled every day again human temptations and tendencies. Feeling that they were always defeated by the world, the soul questioned God, asking Him:  "Lord, how will I be able to defeat the temptations of the world and overcome the vices of the flesh, which seem to be the masters of my human condition?"

And responding also with a question, the Lord said:  "Little soul, did I not give you the example for overcoming the human condition? Did I not defeat the vices and tendencies of humanity, while in fragile and mortal flesh, through My Son? So contemplate the Cross of Christ, for there you will find the answers to your deepest questions; there, your body, mind and your feelings will be moved to experience transformation. Through the Love of Christ, you will find the key and the momentum so that in each situation of life in which temptations are presented to you, you may choose Christic life rather than the world.

The Passion of Christ must be your refuge, where you must run to each time the world seeks your heart. When you are tempted to choose the things of the world, place your eyes upon the Cross and contemplate each injury and wound of the Lord. All this was for you, so that today you could choose Love rather than illusion, so that today you could discover who you are, and you would not remain with veils upon your face. 

Human vices are only defeated when your consciousness is taken by a higher Love that leads you to walk toward Christ, and this Love is to be found on the Cross. Therefore, every day, contemplate the Lord of Calvary, and there you will find peace."

I tell you this story so that you may know how to defeat the world that is stirred within you, in that constant battle between the old and the new human that is fought within your hearts.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I know, child, that it is not easy to forget oneself in order to carry out the Plan of God, to serve and transcend one's human condition; but this is the essence of Love.

Even God renounced His self by multiplying Himself and creating life; He renounced His self to be born as a human being, among humankind; He renounced His life and the love He experienced for it and for His creatures when dying on the Cross.

The essence of life is not to overcome suffering; it is to live love. That is what you must understand now. It is not by suffering that you fulfill the Will of God for you, it is by loving.

The true key of the triumph of God in Christ was not the suffering that He experienced in the world; it was the growing Love undertaken, from the manger to the Cross. It is that limitless Love that you must seek.

It is only this Love, revealed in you, that will be able to provide for you within, and lead your being to what is true. But this same Love, which is the meaning of existence for all children of God, is hidden under your aspects and records, experiences held in your cells and in your consciousness, accumulated throughout all of human evolution.

To break these walls of the human condition was what Christ did on the Cross, and not only on Calvary, but in each instant of His life. This was His mission; to find the revelation of this Love and live it, transcending the entire human condition, not only of His material bodies, but of all beings of Earth.

When I tell you to contemplate the Cross, it is because there is found He Who revealed the Love of God for you. There, He overcame your human condition and opened the doors to God for you. 

Contemplate and love the Passion of Christ. In His Wounds find the open path to reach His Heart and discover in it a perfect Love. Let the spiritual wounds that open within you in these times also reveal to you this greater Love, this Love which will renew and surpass the Love of God.

Do not concentrate your attention on accepting pain and suffering, but rather on going beyond, and untiringly seeking Love. This is your path, your redemption, your salvation, your plenitude, your return to the Divine Origin.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When your heart hurts and is filled with anguish, go to the foot of the Cross, touch with your hands the Feet of Your Lord, and remain there.

Put your hands on the Hands of Christ and begin to feel His Wounds. Close your eyes, allow the living memory of His Passion to be shown to you, and remain there.

Let your silence lead you to the Heart of Your Lord and may your prayer, silenced, become an offering of reparation.

You will feel, in your chest, pain greater than yours. This is the pain of Christ, a drop of the infinite ocean that He assumed in order to save you. Learn thus, child, to convert your burden into prayer, your petition into an offering and your silence into a balm that welcomes the Heart of Your Lord.

Your anguish will become small before the anguish of Christ for the world. Your sorrow will disappear inside of His sorrow for souls.

Allow your tears to become a bridge to rescue those who are lost. Offer your silence for those who do not know how to listen to God. If you are not able to pray, let your prayer be the act of holding the hands of Christ and, at a given moment, you will perceive that your hands, which had come to ask, will be there to support, and your pain will transform into an offering. Seeking healing, you will repair the Heart of God.

Your tears will unite in the ocean of His Grace and, even though you thought that you were here to ask, you will be serving this world.

On this day of reparation, learn to make, of everything in your life, an opportunity to repair the Heart of God and relieve the suffering of the souls of this world.

You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the Father revealed the Cross to His Son for the first time, Christ closed His eyes and let His Heart go beyond suffering, fear and pain; He lifted His gaze to the Universe, to His Origin, to the stars that floated in Heaven. Christ dove into the deep meaning of the Cross and contemplated the Heart of God living a revelation and a renewal of Love.

Christ contemplated the Universe and saw the doors that would open, one by one, from the Kingdom of the Father toward the hearts of men, creating a bond of unity among the dimensions.

Christ contemplated the errors made in the past during all the evolution of creatures that had been born from the Heart of God and that, throughout their development, deviated from the path.

Christ contemplated how the blood, that would spring out from His Wounds, would be poured out beyond the earth and reach the depths of the human condition, healing even the roots of unknown evils, unconscious to men.

Christ saw the Cross that His Father was offering Him and found His Divine Mother accompanying each one of His steps on Earth, as in the Infinite, renewing His human and inner strength and helping Him to renew Himself in Love and surrender. 

Christ saw the Cross that His Father was offering Him and knew that he would endure it, throughout the centuries, imprinted in the spiritual wound that He would carry in His Heart until the day of His return to the world.

Christ recognized Himself as part of God and, placing His Eyes upon the Divine Essence of the Creator that dwelled within His Chest, He knew that it would be God Himself Who would live this offering of Love for His creatures.

Today, son, God offers a cross to the planet, as well as to each creature. Look at the situation of the nations and the chaos on Earth and find this cross there, but go beyond it and know that, far beyond suffering, surrender, inner confusion, there is Love that will arise from your heart if, like the Son of God, you overcome these appearances and speak your “yes” to the Heart of the Father: “yes” to the sacrifice lived for love, “yes” to forgiveness that overcomes all errors, “yes” to hope that transcends chaos and makes apparent defeats, a divine victory.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Child, I know that it is hard and painful to see that the world agonizes because of ignorance, blind to the Light and the Love of God. Think of your Creator Father, with arms extended to all creatures, with the Fount of Mercy streaming out from His Bosom, even though His Children do not want to receive this gift. 

Contemplate the Firstborn Son, reliving His Wounds, again and again, to give beings a new possibility of experiencing and multiplying Love. 
Contemplate the Eyes of compassion of your Lord, which observe the world, waiting for hearts to open to His Grace, to His path of Love. 

Contemplate the Spirit of God blowing like a breeze and touching the faces of beings, waiting for them to open themselves to deeply breathe of this Divine Breath, so that beings may purify and consecrate themselves to the Spirit of God.

See that the whole Universe has its eyes on the Earth and place your heart there. Let your attention be on the Hope of God and not on the ignorance of humankind, because the Earth will tremble and everyone will experience the consequences of human blindness, but those who have their hearts in the Heart of the Father will not lose peace, faith, or the fortitude of their spirits and will be the forerunners of a New Life, establishing peace together with Christ, on His return to the World. 

Do not forget My words and live them, because everything has already begun and hearts are not ready yet for what is already precipitating over the Earth.

Live in God and do not allow the world to close the doors to His Heart. Be a bridge between the Heart of the Father and the heart of humankind, no matter what comes to take place on Earth.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


Second Message

And today I come showing My Wounds to the world, to each one of the souls, as an offering for the wounds that Argentina has today, as a spiritual and material nation.

Today I come to offer My Blood as this perfect testimony of love for you and for each nation of this planet, especially for the nations that suffer the most, which are submitted and colonized by projects that do not come from God, but rather from humanity.

But this will end. It will not last for a long time.

I have come here, to Argentina, for all of this to begin to change from now on. 

I have chosen this nation for this start to happen, just as My Father has asked.

For this reason, I offer My Wounds, not as a symbol of suffering, but rather of victory, pouring out the Light of My Spirit from each one of them, for those who want to be bathed by My Grace. 

I come here to testify that the Kingdom of God is possible, inside and outside of beings, and on the surface of the planet, which, in spite of the chaos of the end of times and of the immediate purification, the Lord invites you to prevail in peace; invites you to build inside of you a path which is still unknown. 

This path that I offer to you is toward the Universe, where the Brotherhood is found; where a purpose is lived during the entire lifetime, until it can be fulfilled.

For this reason, you must seek inside of you, companions, the essence of what you truly are and of what you have come to accomplish in these final times, where the next Kingdom of God in humanity and on the planet will be defined, where many more things will happen, things that you must live to be able to learn and to experience the degrees of love and of forgiveness, in order to achieve, finally, the so awaited redemption.

For this reason, I invite you to be consequent with Me, as you have been in all these last days, where in each detail, in each labor and service, I have seen your love and your effort for Me, with the aim of the Work of the Divine Mercy to be accomplished in humanity, and especially in Argentina.

As I told you yesterday, here there are very valuable souls that have arrived in this time to experience the great change of consciousness, by means of strong experiences and deep livings that try to lead you to the comprehension of the reconciliation and of faith, of unity and of fraternity, in this beloved people.

Here is the preamble of a new race, as is in Brazil and in another parts of South-America. 

Everything that happens in these times on the surface of the Earth is part of the objective of My adversary which is to imbalance and destabilize the humanities, peoples and nations. But do not enter in this field nor into this energy of discord and of dissociation. 

Nourish yourselves, day by day, through the word of prayer and you will be able to reach the sublime spheres, and the sublime spheres, as guiding stars, will indicate the new path to you, the new direction that you must travel through your lives and experiences.

Do not fear to face the end of times nor the purification.

Do not fear to offer yourselves to suffer for Me, because what I will give you is what you really need, beyond what you would deserve. 

Trust in My Heart, because in it lies the Sacred Temple for your spirits, so that your souls may live the communion with Me, time and again.

For this reason, today I come again from Andromeda, to emit My proclamation of peace, to make of this peace a reality that many would like to live but cannot. But if you, companions, decide to be My instruments and not the instruments of the world, I will be able to continue working through your lives and consciousnesses. 

Thus, in spite of what happens or what may present itself in these times, I will build in you an unbreakable fortitude that will have its base in spiritual life, given by the fortitude of faith and of the trust in the One, Our Celestial Father.

My Father sends Me, not only to call you to understanding and comprehension, but also to the necessary correction that is vital for these critical times; a correction that will try to lead you always along the path of the Purpose and of the Truth, so that you do not lose the objective of what God needs to build in humanity and in all peoples. 

Through My Wounds, I illuminate your lives.

Through My Consciousness, I ennoble your spirits, because they are old spirits, originating from other stars and from other universes. Spirits that have congregated to accomplish a purpose in the name of the Son of God, a purpose that has not been accomplished yet and that has not ended, which is in the apex of its transition and of its definition.

Thus, everything you do for the good of God will build the new and the eternal, which will be invincible and will not be defeated.

Over you is the Hand of Grace. A Grace that helps you, a Grace that fills you, a Grace that leads you to live peace in times without peace. 

Be builders of the New Humanity. Postulate yourselves as pillars that will be the bases for the new race by means of attributes, of examples and of an unconditional service for humanity and the planet, as well as for all its Kingdoms. 

Elevate your thought toward the High and unite your thought to the Thought of the Father-Mother Creator Emmanuel and here there will not exist interferences nor disturbances, your attention will be fixed in the Purpose and in all that must happen in the next times. 

Argentina must achieve its transparency; it must manifest its equality. For this everything will be purified. 

Do not fear to know that everything will be purified. Do not fear to find the reason for this purification and of this moment. Know that everything is already foreseen and that your land has been called to live a new state of consciousness that will first be born in the human beings who live in the Lord, who accomplish His Designs and His Divine Will.

From you the new being may be born and the old being will be left behind, because you will have accepted to live the Principles of God, which will not only constitute new consciousnesses in you, but which will form the new peoples, the new race, the New Earth.

From the heart of the Universe, I emit My Voice, so that My Voice may be heard by all.

I leave for you the Love that I have for your Motherland and for your nation, knowing that God has given you the best that He has so that your people, from its origins, might learn to express its inner and spiritual virtue. 

It is this virtue that I come to seek from the Argentinian people, and it is this virtue that will not be dissolved from the essence of all those who live here.

Therefore, everything is in a battle and in definition, just as it is in Brazil. 

In the principles of the Earth, this region was preserved from much interferences. 

Here was the Eden of God, in its exuberance and splendor, in its beauty and loveliness, through all Kingdoms of Nature. Humanity has destroyed it and keeps destroying it.

So that everything can be reversed and change, so that the Eden can flourish again and express itself, from Argentina there must born this state of consciousness of restoration and of healing which not only its people need, but also a great part of the world.

The Celestial Brotherhood is setting its instruments on a region that has been called to express an important Will of God.

Although My Message is symbolic, My Words are clear, because I talk to your hearts and not to your minds. I talk to what is beyond your physical being and what is internal, which listens and knows everything that I say. 

It is here where the new consciousness will be sown. 

It is here where the seed of the new consciousness will be sown. 

It is here where what God expects so much will sprout, so that human beings finally may know their freedom and leave behind their constant captivity.

Be similar to the People of Israel. But you must not spend forty years to find the Promised Land and your true freedom, you are more conscious about the end of times.

Just follow My steps and enter into My Heart, in faith everything will be accomplished. Because among few the greatest thing will be done, among few the planet will be led to a new state and you are invited to participate in this. 

From Andromeda, I convoke you and I call you to unite, in love, to the grand Confraternity. 

I thank you for everything you have offered to Me, because this multiplies Grace, not only for your beings, but also for your country.

May the Kingdom of God be in your hearts and in your spirits. 

May the Lord of the Universe show you His Sacred Face and may you contemplate the splendor of His Existence so that you may feel blessed by His Divine Spirit, by His powerful Current of Mercy and of Peace.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Message in honor of the anniversary of the holy death of Father Pio from Pietrelcina

Let My Divine Blood flow in your veins, as it flowed through each corner of Father Pio.

Let My immaterial Life be expressed in you, as My Wounds of love and pain were marked in Father Pio.

Imitate this example of holiness and renunciation. Love the example of sacrifice and surrender for others, as Father Pío loved it at each moment.

Be this witness of renewal and faith, just as Father Pío was, who gave himself completely to Me, in each phase and in each circumstance of life.

Allow that the Breath of the Holy Spirit, that invaded and filled Father Pío, may reach your soul for it to be overwhelmed by the Christic Love of My Eternal Heart.

Find the meaning to your existence, following My Gospel and entering into the inner path that I offer to you today.

I ask you to renew yourself in Me, as Father Pío renewed himself in each Eucharist, in each moment of confession and silence.

Draw closer to the life of Father Pío so that you may become similar to him and let Me mark you with the spiritual prints of My Love, because, in this way, you will be Mine and to My Kingdom you will belong, once you have reached the expression of Merciful Love.

May, on this day of Father Pío, death not represent the end of something but the beginning of the real flight towards the infinite Heart of God, where everything will be consummated.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ


From My Five Wounds flows the light for souls.

From My Five Wounds flows My testimonial of Love for souls.

From My Five Wounds flows the infinite mystery of the Love of God.

From My Five Wounds flows the Truth for the planet.

From My Five Wounds flows the memory of My Passion for each one of Mine.

From My Five Wounds flows the sense of having been here, among you.

From My Five Wounds flows the non-material fount for the whole Universe.

From My Five Wounds flows the reason for loving you so much. 

From My Five Wounds flows the feeling of having lived the Will of God on Earth.

From My Five Wounds flow the attributes that humanity needs for these times.

From My Five Wounds flows the Principle that restores the spiritual life of each being.

From My Five Wounds flows the unforgettable experience of living in God.

From My Five Wounds flows the path of return to the transfiguring love.

From My Five Wounds flows the purpose for rescuing the human race and the opportunity that it has to return to God in Mercy.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Second Series of Poems
Sixth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may be purified of my mistakes.

Hide me, Lord,
within Your Wounds
so that I may receive the Divine Codes
of Transfiguration.

hide me within your Wounds
so that spiritual Light
may invade me completely.

hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may be protected from all evil
in order for Your powerful Peace to reign.

hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may receive all Your Grace
and be deserving of Your unfathomable Mercy.

hide me within Your Wounds
so that my soul may be a partaker
of the inner communion
with Your Divine Spirit
and all difficulties may dissipate.

hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may know the profound essence
of Your Love and Your Compassion.

hide me within Your Wounds
and make me a new instrument,
empty of everything and completely surrendered
to Your Sacred Heart.

hide me within Your Wounds
so that Your sacred Humility
may awaken within me.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Second Series of Poems
Third Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

I affirm it, Lord:
I know You can do everything in me,
although sometimes indifference or arrogance
may make me fall.

I know that You, Lord, can do everything,
and someday You will break
with Your own Hands
this hard stone of the human condition,
and on this day Your Glory, Lord,
will liberate me from all evil.

Meanwhile, Lord,
You, who know our
deepest miseries and errors,
I ask You, my Beloved,
make me a partaker of Your eternal Grace
so that I may be reborn
through the intercession of Your Sacred Heart.

Do not fail to show me the truth, Jesus.
However painful it may be, it will not be similar to
the pain of the nails that You endured
in Your most pure Hands.

Make me small
among the smallest,
make me invisible, Lord,
so that my arrogance
and my pride may disappear.

Hide me, Lord,
within Your luminous Wounds
and redeem
this whole imperfect being,
inside and out.

Because I know, my Jesus,
that someday You will triumph
and You will place me with all authority
where You most need me.

The hour has come, Lord,
for me to no longer be the one who lives
wishes, aspires or hopes,
but rather, dear Jesus,
the moment has come
for You to be in me.

Let me
die within, Lord,
just as Your humble Mother
died with You in each moment
at the foot of the Cross.

Reveal to me, Lord,
the incalculable value of Your Love
so that divested of everything
I may always say “yes” to You.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Series of Poems
First Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Beloved and kind Heart of Jesus,
Lord of Mercy and Peace,
draw my heart towards Yours.

May I be one in You
to be one with my brothers and sisters.

Meek Heart of Jesus,
become part of me without conditions or forms.

Break down within me
the walls that separate me from the light of truth.
Heal my blindness that has led me to pride.
Cure my heart that has been led to constant suffering.

Most loving and pure Heart of Jesus,
may Your Flame of Love dissolve all doubts.

May the Flame of Love that springs
from the center of Your humble Heart
be the light that dissipates the darkness from my fragile heart.

O most loving Shepherd and Guide of hearts!
may the Rays that spring from the Wounds of Your Hands
illuminate the pathway that will lead me to redemption.

May I always be able to find refuge in Your Heart
and may I also find this refuge, with trust,
in my brothers and sisters,
because I only aspire and long for the good,
in me and in all beings.

Peaceful Heart of Jesus,
You, who gestate new things within human beings,
You, who renew and vivify everything that
You touch with Your holy Hands,
may the Ray of Your strict obedience
and of Your divine purity invade me.

Teach me, Jesus, to love as You love us and have loved us.

Help me, my Jesus, to be only an instrument in Your Hands
so that at least a small spark of my consciousness
may serve Your magnificent Work of Love and Forgiveness.

Teach me, my Jesus, to be just and to not be indifferent.
Teach me to imitate You and represent You,
just as You, humble Master,
have represented the Celestial Father on Earth.

Meek Heart of Jesus, appease me.
Sweet Heart of Jesus, tame me.
Eternal Heart of Jesus, console me
and give me the strength of Your Divine Spirit
in the hours of great tests,
because everything must return to You, Lord.
Everything belongs to You forever.


I thank you for keeping these words of a sweet Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Weekly Message received of Mary, Queen of Peace and Morning Star, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Praise be to Jesus in the world and in the whole universe, especially in hearts that need Him most!

With joy and rejoicing, I return to the Marian Center where My first Apparitions in the Americas originated, the Mother of Heaven returns to the hearts of the children that opened the door to Her, as in Medjugorje, so that the warm maternal Voice of the Virgin Mary may be heard.

For this reason, My Heart chose these two coming months so that those children who have been listening to My call for some years are able to receive a restoration for the continuity of My maternal Work in the Americas and in the world.

My children, during this week I ask that in your daily prayers, you concentrate those prayers on the five Wounds that My Son Jesus carried.

As a Mother, I ask that you adore those five precious signs, for if you do so, you will help all the wounds of suffering, of pain, of despair, and lack of faith and love to be closed through the infinite healing that My Immaculate Heart is able to radiate.

In this practice, may your hearts come together with the precious sign of love and redemption that My Son manifested and showed on the Cross for all of you.

My very dear children, you know that the world is without peace and that these wounds that the enemy generates with its plans, separate families, weaken the love between the most loved beings and lead a great number of souls into damnation and sin.

I ask that, through your Adoration of the five wounds of My Son, your prayer reverberate and reach the Kingdom of God, so that His Mercy and Forgiveness may be poured out as healing into the hearts of all beings on Earth.

Dear children, as Mother, I call on you to reaffirm your inner union with My Son and from your heart, deepen the living of your spiritual path; for while innumerable souls shut down their faith and devotion to God, I as the Morning Star, try to bring them as close as possible to the Heart of My Son so that they may all be out of danger and under the protection of His merciful redeeming Love.

My children, today I also come to you so that, during this pause of sixty days, you may study and read the Words that My Son is announcing; in this way, your hearts will be strengthened and freed from fear. Use the words of the Sacred Bible as instruments of prayer; gather up your strength as a single family and allow the holy protection of My Son Jesus to be among you.

Dear children, the times are rapidly changing and it is necessary to recover the practices that My Son gave you for your conversion, such as fasting, confession, the reading of the Gospel, and family prayer, for in this way, you will allow the world not to lose the true Christian culture that My Son founded out of love for all.

My children, I am with you and among you.

Once again I thank you for responding to My call.

Thank you! May Peace be with you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
