05 Oct

Christ Jesus comes on an extraordinary Mission and counts on us for the end of the conflicts on the planet

Due to the escalation of wars and conflicts in the world, Christ Jesus is presenting Himself to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, in a reserved and extraordinary way, to transmit new Instructions at this 130th Marathon of Divine Mercy (Oct 5 and 6).

We know that the Master had announced that He would no longer deliver monthly Messages for the Marathons of Divine Mercy, so these unexpected Apparitions come in response to the planetary emergency and the imperative...

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27 Sep

October: Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary continue to guide our steps

In October, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary will continue to guide us on the path of transformation. However, in sync with the process of withdrawal of the Divine Messengers, They ask us to increasingly concentrate and commit to internalizing Their Instructions.

Until the last moment, the aspiration of the Sacred Hearts will be to convert us into instruments of God in this conflicted world; into followers and disciples who, filled with Christic Love, help to illuminate the dark...

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13 Sep

Irdin launches: illustrated book ‘Rosary of the Holy Virtues of Saint Joseph’

Irdin Publishing has launched a new illustrated prayer book for children and young people: the Rosary of the Holy Virtues of Saint Joseph .

The printed version is available for sale on the Irdin Publishing website and the digital version is available for free download. Download here .

This work aims to encourage children and young people to approach Saint Joseph through prayer, so that they can be touched and guided by the supreme Love of our Spiritual Father.


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02 Sep

September: online events open a new cycle

As announced on August 8, the Work of the Divine Messengers will undergo a profound change starting in September.

After preparing Their followers with tireless Love and Mercy, the Sacred Hearts began to withdraw from Their public task.

There were 17 years of Sacred Instructions, whose very high vibratory impulses opened the path to redemption for us, filling our souls with Christic codes, spiritual amnesties and tools of Light.

Now that everything has been given to us...

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26 Aug

The world needs to learn from Africa: find out what Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary said in Angola

In the first half of July, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary were in Luanda, Angola , as part of a spiritual task with the entire African continent. On that occasion, They announced the spiritual resurgence of Africa, which should be the new resurrected Eden.

The faith that sustains the planet

The Sacred Hearts called on the world to recognize the spiritual wealth that exists in Africa and assured that we all need to learn from the faith and simplicity of African hearts....

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14 Aug

September: the retreat of the Divine Messengers

After 17 years of Instructions and Blessings, the Sacred Hearts will begin Their process of recollection, as They have been announcing in recent years.

This means that the spiritual task of Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph in this Redemptive Work - expressed in the public Apparitions and in the transmission of annual, monthly and weekly Messages to the visionary monastics of the Grace Mercy Order - will end or diminish, starting in September, until it ends, definitively...

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22 Jul

August: changes in the Work of the Divine Messengers

The long-awaited month of August has arrived, bringing new spiritual impulses and deliberations of the Divine Hierarchy for our lives.

As we know, in this period of the year, which culminates on August 8, the influxes that the Celestial Universe sends to Earth are renewed. It is a sign from the Kingdom of God for our souls to enter a new evolutionary cycle.

Anniversary of the Apparitions of the Virgin Mary

August 8 also marks the 17th anniversary of the Apparitions...

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17 Jul

Pilgrimage for Peace in Canada: remember the main indications of the Divine Hierarchy

In the first half of June, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary were in Canada, as the final stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace in North America.

In this nation, Christ Jesus transmitted His Messages for the 126th Marathon of Divine Mercy, on June 5 and 6, while the Virgin Mary delivered Her weekly Message on June 8 and Her Messages for the events of June 13 and 24.

Humility as the key to crossing the narrow door of God

Our Lord declared that the Teachings communicated in...

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01 Jul

Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary will be in Africa in July: follow Their Sacred Footsteps

“Through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, I come to open the doors throughout those places where they are closed: the Doors of Light, the Doors of Consciousness, the Doors of Grace and Healing, for those consciousnesses, souls and hearts that truly need them, such as My cherished Children of Africa.” Christ Jesus, July 3, 2022

As a way of relieving the intense and growing pressure on innocent souls who are experiencing the most difficult trials in these times, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary announced the urgency of carrying out a specific task in Africa, in the first fortnight of July.

Thus, the Divine Messengers intend to open the Source of Divine Mercy over the entire African continent, supporting the souls and Kingdoms of Nature victimized by the great material and spiritual debt of the world towards...

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26 Jun

Our Lady of Perpetual Help: the help and protection that never fails

On June 27th, the Day of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is celebrated, one of the Faces through which the Divine Mother intercedes for humanity.

Help for every moment

Are you going through a difficult situation? Do you need help from the Heights to overcome adversity? Do you want to obtain divine protection in the face of harassment and danger? Do you want the correct doors in the Eyes of God to open? Know that Our Lady of Perpetual Help is especially invoked in these cases. She...

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
