Lent: remember the 40 impulses of Christ Jesus to live this period

In 2025, Lent begins on Wednesday, March 5, and ends on Thursday, April 17.

During this period, we are invited to prepare for Sacred Week by remembering the Teachings that Christ Jesus transmitted especially to guide us during each of these 40 days.

In these Messages, Our Lord refers to His 40 days and 40 nights of fasting and meditation in the desert. In this way, He motivates us to also undertake, on an inner level, a spiritual journey of overcoming and transcendence towards the experience of inner resurrection.

40 Days with Jesus along the Lent Path

With His infinite concern to illuminate and nourish our inner world, Christ Jesus granted us an immeasurable Grace during Lent 2024, as a preparation for Sacred Week. He called this work, “40 Days with Christ Jesus along the Lent Path.”

Our Lord made daily Apparitions to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, in the 40 days before Easter, in which He transmitted short Messages, which He called Christic impulses.

The Master delivered one Message per day, totaling 40 Christic impulses. Through these sparks of divine wisdom, He set the tone for our spiritual work during Lent, guiding us, with His Priestly Love, in this period of recollection, prayer and penance.

May we live these 40 preparatory days surrendered at the Feet of the Lord, aware of the redemptive gift we have received.

Download here the PDF of the booklet with all the impulses, available in three languages.