In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us repeat, sentence by sentence:
I want you to start each Friday with this Prayer of Consecration to the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, dedicating your days to the exercise of these virtues, meditating on My Words, reflecting upon all that I have already told you, so as to strengthen your consecration, and that, much beyond what may happen on Earth, children, your hearts may always carry My holy virtues with them.
Today I extend upon you My sacred protective mantle of a father, a companion and a friend, so that you may feel My embrace, My support and My Presence. I will be with you in all days to come. Only you yourselves can stop Me, when you do not open the door to God, when you do not open your hearts, when you forget Our Presence.
For this reason, children, open your hearts and your spirits at each new day, re-consecrate your souls at each new day. Thus, you will never lack the fortitude, wisdom, silence and renunciation to be able to continue forward as worthy children of My Chaste Heart.
Today I awaken in each one of you all the codes that I once gave you, to re-open within you the lily of My Chaste Heart, the lily of My Graces, of My Blessings and of My Mercies, not for Me, but because this is the Will of the Father.
This will be a time of many challenges, of living what was written, of seeing the Armageddon as well as the Apocalypse manifested, of understanding each Word that was said, as it is manifested in your lives. But it is also time, children, to wait for the Promises, because after everything is fulfilled, the Promises of Christ will also be fulfilled.
I just ask you to persevere, but persevere in prayer. Never cease to pray, to cry out, to adore God, to sing to the Celestial Father, moving the fear away from your hearts with the potency of the Divine Love that is born in the adoring heart.
With everything that you have learned in recent times, today I can tell you not only to pray, but also to elevate your consciousnesses: elevate your consciousnesses beyond chaos, elevate your consciousnesses beyond your human aspects, elevate your consciousnesses beyond the superficiality, beyond what is visible and material, elevate your consciousnesses to the Heart of the Hierarchy, always crying out, working and striving day by day to be beyond the world events.
Do not focus your attention so much in the world, but rather in your inner world. This is the key, My children, that will keep you always awake, that will keep the Light of your consciousnesses burning, even when darkness expands throughout the world and the hearts of humanity.
Work with all the tools that We have given to you, all the sacred tools that unite you to the sacred spaces of the planet, those known as the Centers of Love, because in them are kept the codes that will balance the chaos in the world.
At each new day, may your consciousnesses remember that you do not belong to this Earth. Here, do not try to make kingdoms, wealth, material fortune. On the contrary, My children, unite, day by day, to the Kingdom of God, unite day by day to the Kingdom of your hearts, and become detached from all that is superficial, so that you may make true wealth grow within you, the one that justifies your lives, justifies your existence, justifies each test, suffering, challenge that you have lived throughout the times, in this and in all lifetimes.
Allow the growth, within you, of that which justifies Our Presence before God, that which We can offer as merits at the Celestial Altar to grant Mercy to souls, because this is the great wealth: that souls who can no longer intercede for themselves may receive Mercy by the merit of your hearts.
This is the great wealth: that the souls forgotten in the hells of this world and the souls lost in the purgatories of the Earth, may receive a new opportunity through the sincere prayer of your hearts, through the sincere elevation of your consciousnesses, through the correct effort in the right direction, which is the Heart of God.
The greater the chaos on Earth, the more you must remember the Centers of Love, the sacrifice of the Sacred Hierarchies, which have renounced their evolution in the universe to remain sustaining the Earth. And in this way, children, may this inspire you to do your own part.
The greater the chaos in the world, the more you must remember the Centers of Love, because that is where the Earth finds balance, where the greatest sacrifice is lived, where the sustenance is manifested, where a great school of renunciation is being lived within the consciousnesses, so that you may not pass through the world without justifying, within yourselves, that this school of love is worthwhile.
The whole universe sustains the Earth and has its eyes placed upon each one of the creatures that live here. All the life in the universe anxiously contemplates each step of humanity, it observes each detail of its evolution, each small learning experience, each degree of love experienced, each moment you let God renew Himself and express Himself with yourselves. This is your true treasure, the talents that you will bring to your origins to renew Creation.
Do not become distracted from evolution. Do not miss this opportunity for being with your attention focused on the little things of life. Rather, give importance to the laws of the Earth to be in accordance with the Laws of Heaven, but let your priority each day be evolving, loving, transforming your consciousnesses, living the holy virtues and returning to the Heart of God with a little part of the renewal of His Love.
May My silence bring you peace. In it, I hear your prayers; in it, I observe your hearts, I feel your consciousnesses, I welcome your souls and intercede for that which seems impossible.
Let those who aspire to be consecrated as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph come here.
You, children, are the greatest treasures of the Heart of God. Each one of you is the greatest wealth of the Heart of the Celestial Father, your souls, your spirits, your hearts. You are the treasure of Heaven. Life is the treasure of Heaven.
In the hidden mystery of your hearts, the Creator renews Himself, His Creation re-creates itself.
Feel that you are loved, welcomed, forgiven. Leave your guilt behind.
Before your essences, all your sins become small, because much greater than any error is the Love of the Creator, which dwells within you. Allow this Love to expand, allow His gifts to awaken in you.
May the virtues justify your redemption.
At each new day, may your example, however imperfect, demonstrate the effort to be a human being just as God thought of.
Bring here incense, water to bless and oil to anoint.
Do not think We will abandon you, because now, more than ever, children, We will be with each one of you, We will speak to your hearts, We will guide your souls.
Now, more than ever, children, I will accompany your steps in this definitive time of humanity, I will help you to allow the Spirit of God to grow, so that He may be life in your lives.
For this reason, do not give up being saints like the Saint, being a part of God and expressing your affiliation to Him through your virtues.
For this reason I bless this incense, so that it may free you from the ties of your lives, so that it may free you from your commitments with involution, with all that which does not allow you to walk.
And I bless this water, so that it may purify your lives, awaken the purity within you, reveal to you the value of your hearts and re-consecrate you as My Children and Friends, but also, children, as children of God.
And if someday God asks Me, I will make My Voice echo in the world, in the end of the end of times, so that you may recover hope.
I bless your lives, your families, your most sincere intentions, I bless your nations and, through you, this planet, its Kingdoms and your inner world. Remember that your lives must bear testimony that you are My Children and Friends.
Today, I bless you, consecrate you and I consecrate all those who place themselves before Me on the four corners of this world, all those who, at this hour, open their hearts. I consecrate you to My Chaste Heart.
I receive your offerings, welcome your prayers and thus I tell you, children, that, in omnipresence and Love, I am with each one of you. Feel My embrace, My paternal Love, and walk with Me forever, because I will be with you, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, transforming your hearts, manifesting the new life.
For this God sends Me, so that, with you, from the Origin to the Origin, we may walk together.
Now sing the hymn of your consecration.
Receive the sacred anointment and My holy peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: Father of Souls.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more