In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us repeat, sentence by sentence:
I want you to start each Friday with this Prayer of Consecration to the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, dedicating your days to the exercise of these virtues, meditating on My Words, reflecting upon all that I have already told you, so as to strengthen your consecration, and that, much beyond what may happen on Earth, children, your hearts may always carry My holy virtues with them.
Today I extend upon you My sacred protective mantle of a father, a companion and a friend, so that you may feel My embrace, My support and My Presence. I will be with you in all days to come. Only you yourselves can stop Me, when you do not open the door to God, when you do not open your hearts, when you forget Our Presence.
For this reason, children, open your hearts and your spirits at each new day, re-consecrate your souls at each new day. Thus, you will never lack the fortitude, wisdom, silence and renunciation to be able to continue forward as worthy children of My Chaste Heart.
Today I awaken in each one of you all the codes that I once gave you, to re-open within you the lily of My Chaste Heart, the lily of My Graces, of My Blessings and of My Mercies, not for Me, but because this is the Will of the Father.
This will be a time of many challenges, of living what was written, of seeing the Armageddon as well as the Apocalypse manifested, of understanding each Word that was said, as it is manifested in your lives. But it is also time, children, to wait for the Promises, because after everything is fulfilled, the Promises of Christ will also be fulfilled.
I just ask you to persevere, but persevere in prayer. Never cease to pray, to cry out, to adore God, to sing to the Celestial Father, moving the fear away from your hearts with the potency of the Divine Love that is born in the adoring heart.
With everything that you have learned in recent times, today I can tell you not only to pray, but also to elevate your consciousnesses: elevate your consciousnesses beyond chaos, elevate your consciousnesses beyond your human aspects, elevate your consciousnesses beyond the superficiality, beyond what is visible and material, elevate your consciousnesses to the Heart of the Hierarchy, always crying out, working and striving day by day to be beyond the world events.
Do not focus your attention so much in the world, but rather in your inner world. This is the key, My children, that will keep you always awake, that will keep the Light of your consciousnesses burning, even when darkness expands throughout the world and the hearts of humanity.
Work with all the tools that We have given to you, all the sacred tools that unite you to the sacred spaces of the planet, those known as the Centers of Love, because in them are kept the codes that will balance the chaos in the world.
At each new day, may your consciousnesses remember that you do not belong to this Earth. Here, do not try to make kingdoms, wealth, material fortune. On the contrary, My children, unite, day by day, to the Kingdom of God, unite day by day to the Kingdom of your hearts, and become detached from all that is superficial, so that you may make true wealth grow within you, the one that justifies your lives, justifies your existence, justifies each test, suffering, challenge that you have lived throughout the times, in this and in all lifetimes.
Allow the growth, within you, of that which justifies Our Presence before God, that which We can offer as merits at the Celestial Altar to grant Mercy to souls, because this is the great wealth: that souls who can no longer intercede for themselves may receive Mercy by the merit of your hearts.
This is the great wealth: that the souls forgotten in the hells of this world and the souls lost in the purgatories of the Earth, may receive a new opportunity through the sincere prayer of your hearts, through the sincere elevation of your consciousnesses, through the correct effort in the right direction, which is the Heart of God.
The greater the chaos on Earth, the more you must remember the Centers of Love, the sacrifice of the Sacred Hierarchies, which have renounced their evolution in the universe to remain sustaining the Earth. And in this way, children, may this inspire you to do your own part.
The greater the chaos in the world, the more you must remember the Centers of Love, because that is where the Earth finds balance, where the greatest sacrifice is lived, where the sustenance is manifested, where a great school of renunciation is being lived within the consciousnesses, so that you may not pass through the world without justifying, within yourselves, that this school of love is worthwhile.
The whole universe sustains the Earth and has its eyes placed upon each one of the creatures that live here. All the life in the universe anxiously contemplates each step of humanity, it observes each detail of its evolution, each small learning experience, each degree of love experienced, each moment you let God renew Himself and express Himself with yourselves. This is your true treasure, the talents that you will bring to your origins to renew Creation.
Do not become distracted from evolution. Do not miss this opportunity for being with your attention focused on the little things of life. Rather, give importance to the laws of the Earth to be in accordance with the Laws of Heaven, but let your priority each day be evolving, loving, transforming your consciousnesses, living the holy virtues and returning to the Heart of God with a little part of the renewal of His Love.
May My silence bring you peace. In it, I hear your prayers; in it, I observe your hearts, I feel your consciousnesses, I welcome your souls and intercede for that which seems impossible.
Let those who aspire to be consecrated as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph come here.
You, children, are the greatest treasures of the Heart of God. Each one of you is the greatest wealth of the Heart of the Celestial Father, your souls, your spirits, your hearts. You are the treasure of Heaven. Life is the treasure of Heaven.
In the hidden mystery of your hearts, the Creator renews Himself, His Creation re-creates itself.
Feel that you are loved, welcomed, forgiven. Leave your guilt behind.
Before your essences, all your sins become small, because much greater than any error is the Love of the Creator, which dwells within you. Allow this Love to expand, allow His gifts to awaken in you.
May the virtues justify your redemption.
At each new day, may your example, however imperfect, demonstrate the effort to be a human being just as God thought of.
Bring here incense, water to bless and oil to anoint.
Do not think We will abandon you, because now, more than ever, children, We will be with each one of you, We will speak to your hearts, We will guide your souls.
Now, more than ever, children, I will accompany your steps in this definitive time of humanity, I will help you to allow the Spirit of God to grow, so that He may be life in your lives.
For this reason, do not give up being saints like the Saint, being a part of God and expressing your affiliation to Him through your virtues.
For this reason I bless this incense, so that it may free you from the ties of your lives, so that it may free you from your commitments with involution, with all that which does not allow you to walk.
And I bless this water, so that it may purify your lives, awaken the purity within you, reveal to you the value of your hearts and re-consecrate you as My Children and Friends, but also, children, as children of God.
And if someday God asks Me, I will make My Voice echo in the world, in the end of the end of times, so that you may recover hope.
I bless your lives, your families, your most sincere intentions, I bless your nations and, through you, this planet, its Kingdoms and your inner world. Remember that your lives must bear testimony that you are My Children and Friends.
Today, I bless you, consecrate you and I consecrate all those who place themselves before Me on the four corners of this world, all those who, at this hour, open their hearts. I consecrate you to My Chaste Heart.
I receive your offerings, welcome your prayers and thus I tell you, children, that, in omnipresence and Love, I am with each one of you. Feel My embrace, My paternal Love, and walk with Me forever, because I will be with you, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, transforming your hearts, manifesting the new life.
For this God sends Me, so that, with you, from the Origin to the Origin, we may walk together.
Now sing the hymn of your consecration.
Receive the sacred anointment and My holy peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: Father of Souls.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And through My Light, I come to touch the innermost depth of your being so that your most unknown miseries may be purified, and the center of your being, which is invisible in the eyes of the world, because it is anonymous and silent, may be part of My Project on Earth.
How many I have touched with My Divine Light throughout time, and when I made them feel their moment of liberation and purification, they doubted. But the light that I bring to you comes from Love, a Love that is still unknown and infinite. This is what is most Sacred that I have to offer you and your brothers and sisters.
In the face of a cruel and unjust planetary scenario that goes unpunished, I want the center of your beings, as a living flame, to be at the service of My Project. And I want all those who were once touched by My Divine Light not to forget it, because everything I give is not in vain but rather for an end, for an immaterial purpose. Therefore, make room within your consciousnesses for that which must still be liberated, transcended and transmuted.
However, today I do not invite you to look at imperfection but rather at the inner perfection, which God has placed within your essences and souls from the origin. Without this inner life present on the planet and in this time, great will be the difficulties for your Master and Lord to intervene in humanity and on the planet.
My pillars and my solid foundations on the surface of the Earth will only be established through the souls of those who respond to Me and live Me. I do not come to ask you for that which is impossible, I come to ask you for that which is true and which lies and eternally lives within you.
It is this Divine Life that in this time of planetary transition must descend through you by means of your spiritual life but also through your works of charity, good and peace.
In this time, I need to build the bridges between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God; and this will only take place through those who follow Me and live My Message, for innumerable Graces have been granted throughout the years and time, Graces that many of you and your brothers and sisters still cannot measure with your minds but only contemplate with the heart, a heart that is capable of feeling the Love of Christ and His omnipotent Mercy.
This desert will be arduous to cross, but I come as the Fountain that quenches all thirst and resolves any situation when souls trust in Me and My Word because My Word is fulfilled in the one who believes in Me and hears Me.
God has been so generous throughout time that, with His own Hand and His own Light, the Light of His Love and Grace, He manifested and granted this Work, the Work of the Hierarchy.
See how great is the charity of the Centers of Love on Earth, which receive and welcome souls, but also let them go without conditions or judgments. This is the silent work of Love of the Centers of Love of the Hierarchy, which does not condition but rather redeems, which opens the doors to the truth and so that all can be bearers of peace.
Behold the Centers of Love of Christ on Earth, which, in their solitude and anonymity through the Heart of the Hierarchy, contemplate the events in the end of these times and above all the events of those who were once touched by My Light.
Each gesture of Mine, as well as each Word, each Grace imparted as well as each Mercy delivered, is written in the Heavens, just as it is written within your souls. You must respond to this Grace, companions, because God observes you in His sidereal silence, in His cosmic withdrawal and in His omnipresent Power.
Brave are those who have come this far and those who will persist, because just as I transmuted and redeemed the world with twelve apostles, in the same way, with so few in this time I will make My Purpose persist in souls.
The door of Christification is still open and has not closed. Who will have the courage to cross it, to no longer be anything and so that the All may be in you, just as the All is in the Divine Son, the Firstborn?
Meanwhile, in this cycle of reconstruction of the spiritual foundations of this Work, the Laws are reestablished again, and this places souls before their own reality but also before their own commitment, which they cannot forget was signed in the Heavens.
Value all this before My Presence withdraws, because when this moment comes, which is not very far away, you and your brothers and sisters must bear testimony to that which, for many years, you believed and received through Me in trust, fidelity and will, because it was for a Higher Will that is unknown and incomprehensible to this race.
Thus, My work will be perpetuated in consolidated and firm hearts, in willing and decided souls that know how to be instruments on the surface of the Earth to reflect, in simplicity and humility, the Christic values, all that which I have shared with you throughout time, just as that which I shared in the past with My apostles.
For this reason, do not forget to love one another as I love you. In this way, you will be aware and have knowledge of everything, you will understand and accept the life of your fellow beings and your brothers and sisters, you will have your hearts open to welcome the one who suffers and even the one who is purifying, because all are equal before God, because you are His children on Earth, in the Eden that He has entrusted to you since the beginning.
And thus, He sends Me so that, through the Light of the Love that touches and contemplates you again today, Aurora may offer its brilliance and its immeasurable and anonymous Light, as it has always done. In this way, you will know that you are before a mystery that you will feel in your hearts due to its vibration and Grace, the Grace that gathers you time and again, and that reminds you of the Brotherhood.
On this second day, empty your hearts and consciousnesses so that I may reach the innermost depths, where you cannot reach. Because in this time of purification and challenges, it is My Spirit that gathers and helps you, just as I have always done from the beginning, from the first day you said yes to Me.
Do not fear that which you cannot endure, do not suffer with that which you cannot transform. Because if, in his imperfection, Peter walked upon the waters and almost drowned because he doubted his faith, I will come just as in that time, in the storm of the night, when everything will seem very difficult, to bring the Light to the world, that infinite and invincible Light that generated and created the Son of God and made Him be born in the manger of Bethlehem.
It is this Light that will come in the right hour and at the opportune moment to save you and save many more who, in the world, suffer the horror of wars, the wickedness of hunger, the suffering of disease, loneliness and abandonment.
Let the children come to Me, the smallest ones in the whole world, because the Kingdom of the Heavens will always be theirs, because through them you will remember your own original purity and essence.
May the stigma of hatred, vengeance and wickedness be transmuted by the inner power that dwells in Aurora so that many more may have the Grace and opportunity of redemption.
May the time of hope be fulfilled.
May the time of renewal be reflected in My apostles, in those who are decided to rebuild My Work on the surface, because the Lord sees even that which is the smallest and most silent, because I Am there, in that which is the smallest and most silent. You will always find Me there when I no longer speak to you publicly, because in My Word lies the Water of Life, which quenches all thirst, which dispels all darkness, which reignites the heart that is dead in life. Because just as I resurrected Lazarus from the condemnatory death, in the same way, I have the power to resurrect your spirits if you allow Me to.
May the sheep gather in My fold; the Lord calls them to graze in the New Time, to take new steps in their service to the Plan.
May hope help you to endure these times, may it sustain the wounded and outraged humanity.
May families be the enclosure of love and peace in the oratories of the heart.
May the awaited time be fulfilled now and always. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Open your hearts for an instant, children, so that they may receive the love and the healing that come from this sacred place, this humble place unknown to the world.
From its depths emanates profound healing, old as the Perfect Thought of the Creator, Thought of Love for His Creatures. Allow your Hearts to feel the beating of the Heart of Aurora. Allow your spirits to find peace in the silence of Aurora.
When the Creator allowed the existence of suffering, He also created healing, so that His Creatures might learn not only from sorrow, but also from His Infinite Love.
When the Creator allowed the existence of duality, He did not want to punish His Children; He just aspired for His Creatures to grow through the challenges, to learn to discern and manifest wisdom, to develop, in their hearts, compassion, piety and mercy, attributes that up to that moment were unknown in all life.
Therefore, children, in the face of the chaos of the world, in the face of the deep suffering of souls, do not place your eyes on the punishment of God, because before allowing suffering, the Creator manifested healing.
Before allowing duality, the Creator manifested liberation.
Before allowing His Creatures to learn by making mistakes, the Creator manifested forgiveness.
Before seeing His Children going astray on the path, the Creator manifested redemption, which gives them the possibility of returning and again finding the point of purity that dwells within themselves.
And so that this would not be far away from beings, so that this could be close to each heart, the Creator manifested Aurora. However, Aurora is hidden, hidden within a humble space. And to find what dwells in it, you must at least aspire to this humility and, with the simplicity of your hearts, enter into the simplicity of Aurora, and recognize there its greatness.
Aurora is not a place; it is a gift of the Heart of the Creator, which holds in itself the purpose of allowing creatures to recover their purity, to become liberated from the ties, from the chains that the world imposes on them, to heal their deepest wounds, to transform their most ingrained aspects and find peace.
Aurora is a state of consciousness that exists and manifests itself through sacrifice. And to be part of Aurora, you must be part not only of its healing, its redemption and forgiveness, but also of its sacrifice, its service to humanity and the planet.
I aspired to be here to fulfill a Divine Will, for the time of Aurora has come, and this means, children, that the time has come for the liberation of the human heart.
The greater the darkness manifested in the world, the greater the Light that emanates from the depths of the Centers of Love.
And just like Aurora, they need mirror-hearts that may reflect to the world the gifts hidden within them; they need consciousnesses that may say ‘yes’ to the transcendence of their human aspects and to the manifestation of a higher life, which does not happen only through human effort, but rather through the opening of the consciousness to receive the Grace that has existed within the Centers of Love since the beginning of life upon the Earth.
Just like Aurora, other sacred spaces are hidden on the planet, and they pulsate, children, like a great heart that waits to express itself on Earth and demonstrate to creatures that this world is not inhabited only by chaos, but that the Light dwells in it in a higher proportion than darkness.
The day will come when the silence of the Centers of Love will make room for a great voice, which is the voice of the Divine Purpose. And I am preparing you for this day, so that your souls may know how to recognize what comes from the Heart of God to manifest His Purpose, and what does not come from His Heart, but rather from the cunning of His enemy, who up to the end will try to confuse beings.
Therefore, hold in your hearts what I give you today, which is the possibility of recognizing the Centers of Love, the possibility of being before the Hierarchy of Light and recognizing the Presence of God without allowing your hearts to become confused.
Thus, children, you will be able to guide others, you will be able to be the Light upon the table of the world, the Light that is ignited in the dark house to illuminate the path and show the truth. Although they may be few, a candle within the house makes a great difference.
When darkness takes over the world, the Light of the heart of those who are awakened will show the path to souls. And I aspire, children, for your hearts to be ready to serve until the end, until the last soul is rescued and may return to the Heart of God.
Within yourselves, awaken a deep love for souls. Allow the Love of God to grow within you, so that you may learn how to love as He loves, and your lives may gain another meaning, through service, compassion, mercy, through the love that grows, expands and renews itself within you.
Because it is this love, children, that will be the engine propelling the tireless service that you will render to souls until the end.
Through prayer, you will open a door for God to love through you. And through service, you will allow this Love to reach all hearts. The Purpose of God is simple, the way to reach His Heart is simple; true prayer transforms the human condition. Therefore, do not fail to pray.
If you want to know the mysteries of Heaven, pray from the heart.
If you want to be mirrors of the Centers of Love, pray from the heart.
If you want to discover the Divine Purpose for your lives, pray from the heart.
If you want to find the answers to your deepest questions, pray from the heart.
If you want to untie the knots that exist within your family, pray from the heart. And though prayer you will find the truth; through dialog with God, you will find the answers.
Do not fear the times to come; just place within your hearts the certainty that before God allowed all this to happen, He manifested the Centers of Love. He manifested healing in Aurora so that it might come to the world the moment souls need it the most.
Pray for the awakening of humanity. Pray so that, at each sacred point of this world, there may be souls who are capable of manifesting the Thought of God, and that they may do it from the heart.
I am here today for this. For this I come as the intercessor of souls and, above all, of families, so that, through their consecration, they may find the principle of Universal Family, and receive the principle of the Family of Nazareth, a Sacred Family that grows in unity, compassion, love.
May the families come here, who will be consecrated today.
May the peace that comes from the Heart of Aurora permeate your hearts, liberate your anguishes, fears, your deepest sorrows. May they make room for the joy of a mission accomplished, because the Grace of God has touched your hearts.
Before God allowed death, He created eternal life, divine life. Therefore, children, joyfully live the gift of life on Earth, which gives you the possibility to grow and love. But be aware that a higher life awaits you, and it is there that the love you have learned on Earth multiplies.
Therefore, when you learn to love more in this world, you will multiply this love in your fellow being. The only purpose of this life is to learn how to love, to learn how to love from the heart, how to renew the Love of God.
When this is fulfilled, the Creator opens new cycles for you, so that you may enter new stages, in which the love that you have learned on the planet multiplies and reaches all of Creation. Then, you will understand the meaning of life and even the meaning of death, the meaning of renouncing material life and of releasing it to enter higher life.
For each being there is a time and an hour, determined by the Divine Purpose. And be grateful when it is fulfilled, because a new cycle has come for the souls that say ‘yes.’
Today My Heart rejoices before your families, each one with its difficulties and challenges, with its virtues and gifts, with a Purpose to be manifested. Despite the human condition, may the will to know a Higher Love and of growing together in this Love always beat within you.
Pray for one another, pray with one another, and allow this love to grow.
You have My blessing for this.
May this water represent for your lives the purity of the Sacred Family of Nazareth; may it wash away your sins, may it liberate you from pains, may it reveal its purity and bring you peace.
May this incense represent your aspiration to live that which is sacred, may it liberate your souls from that which prevents you from reaching what is sacred.
Here I am, children, as a Father for the fathers, as a Father for the children, as a Friend to whom you can turn whenever you need.
I will listen to you and bring you answers, although they may not be what you may think.
Today I consecrate you as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph. May your lives speak to the world about the Love of God, may your service and prayer be sincere. Thus, you will find peace.
I thank you for being here today at the foot of this altar. I welcome your prayers and petitions in My Heart. I will intercede for them before God.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Where there is a heart that sincerely cries out for peace, there is also the Heart of God.
Where there is a being that prays with the truth of their heart, there the Mirrors of God manifest themselves to communicate Higher Truths to beings, to reveal unknown mysteries and those that are only mysteries because your eyes are still looking outside and not within.
The time has come for you to look to these mountains, and not see just mountains. The time has come for you to look to the sky and not see just stars. The time has come for you to look to yourselves and not see just human beings, not see just what you find reflected in a mirror. Go beyond it, to the mirror of your hearts and, through it, you will be able to see what hides within mountains, what hides within the skies, what hides within yourselves.
When My Son was upon the Earth, He spoke to you in parables, and even so you did not understand Him. He Himself told you that the Truths of Heaven could not yet be revealed to the hearts of humanity, but now the time has come, humanity has matured through its errors, through its deviations.
Now, children, you need to decide to no longer err, no longer commit the same errors for two thousand years. Humanity is different, this planet is different. Through you, a Plan must be manifested, a Truth must be revealed, and it will not be just through words, but through your lives. This is the true miracle that we have come to bring to the world: the transformation of the human condition.
When My Son was on Earth, in body, Soul and Divinity, so that beings might believe in His Presence, He needed to work prodigies and miracles to the eyes of humanity. Today, children, the Truth reveals itself through you, the new prodigies are the transformation of your lives, the manifestation of the Centers of Love, the revelation of the mysteries that have been hidden since the beginning of human existence.
Two thousand years ago the veil of the Temple was torn. Today, the veil of your consciousnesses needs to be torn. But in order for this to happen, you need to be willing to transform your own lives and no longer be the same.
I know that many of you look back and do not see what you used to be, you have taken many steps on this path of transformation. But in the dwelling of the Thought of God, the Perfect Will of the Creator, this inner space within each one of you is still hidden, disguised behind the human condition, behind all those situations that you still need to surrender and transform, so that this may emerge.
In this way, the Lineages will manifest themselves.
In this way, Warriors will position themselves in their places to protect this Purpose.
In this way, Mirrors will attract, from the Heart of God, that which must manifested itself as the Purpose of the Earth.
In this way, Kingdomists will heal the wounded heart of the Earth, and restore the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature, through perfect communion with all of Creation.
In this way, Contemplatives, in their supplication and silence, will restore the Heart of God and generate merits so that the most lost souls may attain Mercy.
In this way, Healers will touch deep wounds and heal them, so that humanity may no longer look to the pain, but may look toward renewal, may be restored and redeemed to manifest the true Divine Thought on this Earth.
In this way, Governors will govern with the Power of God, and not with their own power, and they will lead this humanity to the fulfillment of the Higher Will.
In this way, each one in their place will build the New Humanity. There is still time to live this Purpose, there is still time to open up to this mystery.
Just as I revealed to you the truth hidden in the Heart of Aurora, children, allow your souls to contemplate a deep mystery in this sacred place. Within these mountains, a mystery is kept, which emerged in the Heart of God, with the Human Purpose.
When the Creator thought of this race and manifested it with His Angels and Archangels in all dimensions, from the Spiritual Universes to the smallest among the physical particles, He also manifested a space that would be the guardian of this race, in which this Thought would dwell, so as to always lead humanity to a return to that Origin, the Origin of Divine Thought.
Although it was a perfect project, when the Creator manifested those beings that would unite the dimensions, that would unite the Heart of God with all manifested life, He offered this Thought to imperfect consciousnesses so that, through that opportunity, they might renew Creation, not only their lives, but all life.
From the beginning, the Creator knew that humanity would become lost on its path and, just as Aurora manifests Healing, children, you can find the Thought of God here, the Perfect Thought of the Origin so that you may live redemption on all levels of your consciousness, from the Spiritual Universes down to the smallest particles of your beings.
Do not try to understand what I am telling you, just listen to My Words and allow them to lead you to a state of consciousness that is mysterious and incomprehensible to the human mind, but which you need to reach to find the Divine Thought once again, to find the Will of God once again, and you must do that in the name of all humanity.
Therefore, just listen, do not question. Just feel how your cells vibrate before My Words, which manifest a mystery that is unknown to the mind, but is revealed to the cellular consciousness that dwells within you. Therefore, allow yourselves to be transformed.
I come to bring you a spiritual science, not just a mystical science. This is not an Apparition like others, because these times are not like others. Do not seek references in that which has passed, because that which must happen now is new, and for this you need the mysteries to be revealed so that you may know where to be, how to act.
The Lord sends you the Consoling Spirit not only so that you may know how to speak in tongues, receive prophecies and live His Gifts, but He also sends you this Spirit so that you may understand His Mysteries and, more than that, you may live them.
I have come from Heaven with a purpose, but, as with everything in human life, this purpose needs the permission of humanity to manifest itself.
Through My Words, I come to transform all that which is corrupt in the human heart. Do the exercise, children, of emptying the consciousness of all that which you have known up to today and of all longing to have knowledge and to live mystical paths that confuse your beings rather than lead you to a truth.
I come to teach you that, to live the Truth, you need to be empty of yourselves, of all your wills and aspirations. This was the way I achieved the Divine Thought in My Life, in the name of all beings. This was the way I was able to be before the Creator so that He might reveal His Mysteries to Me, so that He might show Me unknown worlds and celestial perfection. This is why I invite you to this path of void, of surrender, of sacrifice for others, so that they may find this Truth.
Within these mountains, a sigh is heard, of those who wait to serve humanity, of those who wait for a moment of silence, of void, of surrender to happen. Are you willing to live that?
Feel the Heart of God, which beats not only at the center of Creation, but also in this place, and, at the same time, within you. Feel how this beating begins to transform you little by little. Allow the darkness of human condition to make room for the Light that dwells in your cells. Allow your deepest wounds to be healed. Allow the Voice of God to be heard in the silence of your heart.
Learn to contemplate, learn to transmute and transform through the deep union to the Heart of God. This is how, children, you return to the Origin, to the Celestial and Divine Origin.
In the core of your beings, emit a cry for those who are most in need, for those who suffer, for those who agonize. Within you, where you can find the Heart of God, say a prayer for humanity, for the Kingdoms of Nature. I hear you, God hears you.
Today I say this prayer with you, in the silence of your hearts, so that you may feel peace again and so that you may learn, in the symbol of My Words, that you were created to serve, to transform, to intercede, to unite dimensions, to renew Creation, and all that you do in your lives should have that purpose. All those whom you find on your paths may be touched by the peace that I give to you today, but for this you need to maintain that peace within yourselves.
Today, the Creator gives you a Legacy. He places in your hearts a perfect code, which, at the moment of greatest agony, will be able to emerge and show you the path, the word to be pronounced or the silence to be lived, the moment to go on or to stop.
When you are in doubt, make silence, find this state of peace again, remember this perfect code that dwells in you and seek the answer within it, where the Creator listens to you, in the dwelling of your own heart.
In the silence, between one word and the next, I observe you, listen to you and feel you.
Say a prayer with Me for this place, for this nation, for the manifestation of the Sacredness that dwells here, so that Divine Justice may purify without wounding, transform through awakening rather than through suffering.
Lord and God of Mercy,
Who has loved humanity from the beginning of Creation,
today contemplate the sincerity of Your Children,
and, by the Infinite Love that You stored in their hearts,
may Divine Hope again be ignited.
Grant an opportunity, Lord, to the beings that,
in their imperfection, seek Your Truth.
Grant, Lord, in the silence of the heart,
a true cry for the transformation of beings
so that, through this cry,
Your Truth may emerge,
Your Mercy may descend,
Your Love may be renewed,
Your Grace may be established,
Your Thought may be a reality.
Through simple things, the Heart of the Father is renewed. How is it possible, children, that, in this place, seemingly lost in these mountains, the Heart of God may be renewed?
Because He wants to show you that it is through simplicity, true simplicity, that He unites to the heart of humanity, that He reveals to them His Grace, He pours out His Mercy and transforms His Justice.
You should keep praying, you should keep the Doors of Heaven open in this place so that the Thought of God that is kept here, the Divine and Original Code that was stored here, within these mountains, so that it might be safeguarded and find a space to reach the heart of all beings, to awaken souls and transform their human condition, so that you may not lament at the end of times for not having awakened, but rather, awakened, you may see a New Life emerge, know the Will of God, His Greatness and His Perfection, and you may be witnesses of the power of divine transformation.
This is the greatest aspiration of your Celestial Father: transform the human condition, transform that which is behind this human condition, errors and imperfections that do not come from this world, but that, through your transformation, you may transform all life, all that was created.
This is the wonder of Divine Thought, which you are called upon to know. Will you choose the human condition? Or will you ignite your hearts in a perfect cry of union with God to know His Mysteries?
There is still time to awaken, children. And this happens when you take the first step.
Do not try to be in a place that does not fit you spiritually, do not try to be perfect if you are not willing to take the first step. Transformation takes place in a process: when you take a step the next one manifests itself, and that is how you will again find the Divine Will for your lives. It will not reveal itself if you are not ready. You will not find transformation if you are not available for this. You will not plunge into the unknown if you do not love it, you will not know the Divine Science that dwells in your cells if you do not learn to love it, to love the Thought of God.
This is how transformation reveals itself, children, how the Lineages manifest themselves, how the Centers of Love reveal themselves, how you will be participants of the Third Order of the Brotherhood. Do not ask what it is, be open to live it. Do not try to know, aspire to be, and all will be revealed to you. This is what I wanted to tell you today.
God sought many paths to bring you here. Be capable of valuing His Graces, honoring His Gifts, being consistent with all that He gives you. I give you My blessing for this.
Now commune with the perfect offering of Christ, which renews you time and again, so that you may live all that I have told you.
I bless you and, with the Consoling Spirit, I fill you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Before closing the transmission, we will make a brief account to all of you, at the request of the Hierarchy, because you know that the Divine Messengers want to make us ever more aware, not only of Their Words, but also of all that happens when They come to the world.
I will try to remember everything, because really many things happened and the Divine Hierarchy has assigned to Mother María Shimani, who must be accompanying this transmission, the task of deepening with us, studying these last Apparitions here in Argentina, so that all of us, all those who are accompanying these Apparitions, may understand more broadly that which the Hierarchy was doing.
While we were praying, a very strong spiritual movement could be felt, which manifested not only in Heaven, but also within the mountains. Spiritual movements that are like manifestations of Light, manifestations of Angels, Archangels and Spiritual Consciousnesses, began to work in higher dimensions and realities, not only with each one of us, but also with the Kingdoms of Nature, with this space of this region of Argentina where we are and with those who were accompanying that movement of prayer. And we, who do not understand many things, do not think of that, we concentrated in the prayer, waiting for the coming of the Hierarchy.
When Saint Joseph came, He was showing us a sacred space within the mountains, like a spiritual space, which the Mother will explain a little better afterward. There a very elevated reality was lived, where what seemed like Temples of Light could be seen, which held a divine state of consciousness.
It was a state of consciousness that the Father manifested in the origin, and which He kept in this lost space of the planet so that we, as humanity, despite the errors that we would commit throughout our evolution, might find again this Thought of God.
This is what Saint Joseph began to bring to us. When He began to speak, these two realities united, it was like a mirror of water that manifested both the sky and what there is on Earth.
Behind Saint Joseph, we could see this spiritual reality in the sky, but this manifested itself on Earth, within the mountains. It was like a mirror of these two spiritual realities. And at a moment, I confess that I thought I would not be able to stand it, it was really a very strong vibration.
Through the silence of Saint Joseph, He was observing us to see how far He could go with us, because that energy was moving us a lot internally, it was moving us on the level of our cells, not only our inner worlds, our spiritual worlds. Because He explained to us that this Will of God was not only spiritual, but it was also for our physical consciousness, for what we are as a human, material expression.
This is why it moved us also on the level of our cells and, as He spoke to us, this Divine Energy gradually expelled from within us those inner situations that separate us from this Perfect Thought of God.
And I perceived that our cells were spinning at an incredible speed and this energy was manifesting a Light that came from the inside out and at the same time from the Hierarchy toward us.
The same inner movement was manifesting itself on the level of nature and of the consciousness of this nation, above all in what corresponds to this place. And Saint Joseph showed us that, through the Graces that the Hierarchy brought from the beginning of the Pilgrimage in Argentina, this was beginning to transmute an energy of Justice. Those Graces, those celestial gifts that the Messengers were bringing, and the response of each one of us, through our prayers, were beginning to transform that energy of Justice into an energy of Mercy.
And Argentina was receiving a Grace that it does not deserve, through this Mercy, which transmuted this Justice. It was like an event that already existed spiritually was about to manifest itself on the physical plane, and was gradually transformed by this energy of Mercy.
So that we may better understand, the Mother will study this with us afterward so that, through Instruction, we may be even more aware. Because the Hierarchy explained, Saint Joseph explained, that we must not lose that Grace.
This is why He invited us to keep this place ignited, to keep praying here, to keep strengthening the channel of prayer that the Divine Hierarchy manifested, knowing that a Sacred Place of God dwells here, a mirror of a celestial state of consciousness.
Through our prayers, may we consciously maintain that Grace available so that, as Saint Joseph said, humanity may learn through awakening rather than through suffering. And that, at the hardest, most definitive moments, we may know where to be, what to do, what to say, what not to say, when we must go, when we must stay. All of that will emerge from our hearts, from this inner bond that each one of us is building with God, and which we must not lose.
So, we are invited to keep praying here, in order to keep protecting the Grace that we have received, that Argentina has received, that the planet has received.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
With the same simplicity as the sunrise every morning, so your own inner world illuminates, to live the Law of Transfiguration and enter the subtle world.
With the same gratitude that you feel for life, upon arriving in the sacred places, in this way you must enter them, so that you can experience healing and redemption on behalf of all of humanity.
It is in a simple way, children, that you can illuminate your cells and atoms, that you can elevate your own consciousness, not only to enter the Sacred Kingdoms that your Creator manifested within the Earth, but so that, in His time, when these Kingdoms manifest throughout the world, not only your consciousnesses but also each nucleus of your beings may be a part of this Kingdom.
The New Jerusalem not only dwells in the Divine Consciousness, in the universal, celestial and spiritual dimensions. This land, promised to the Patriarchs, to the Tribes of Juda, is also found within the Earth, split in different spaces of this planet, those known as Centers of Love. These Centers will merge someday, they will unite into one Kingdom, which will be the Kingdom of this world.
When the time of the Earth dissolves into the Time of God, the one known as the Real Time, in this moment there will be no borders, there will be no limits, there will not even be dimensions separating the human consciousness from the spiritual life that dwells within the planet.
All of this world will be sacred. And just as other civilizations of the Universe unconditionally serve all of Creation, the Earth as well, children, will be able to serve.
The time now arrives in which the veils will finish tearing. Veils that began to tear more than two thousand years ago, when the Son of God manifested Himself in this world.
He will come and He will no longer speak through symbols, He will no longer speak through parables. His Words will be clear and the signs that will come with His Presence will reveal the true life to each man and each woman of this world. We prepare you for this moment, so that you can be worthy of being face to face with the Son of God.
And let Him be like a mirror for you, which reveals the Truth to you, which for such a long time hid within your essences.
Yes, each one of you holds a mystery within yourselves. You do not even know who you are.
This truth that is much beyond your evolutionary history, much beyond the history that was written in the Universe as on the Earth, before you arrived here, before you committed so many errors and strayed from the Divine Purpose.
This original Truth, this perfect Thought of God, is still held in the depths of your essences; it still waits, silently, to be able to manifest.
Today we bring you here, as humanity, so that you may not only receive a revelation or experience a learning experience. We bring you here so that, on behalf of each being of this Earth, you can remember the true purpose of your life in this world.
Your essences pulsate before this sacred valley, because they recognize not only the billions of years of the history of humanity that is kept here. They recognize a Divine Purpose that was drawn here so that someday humanity could remember it.
At the request of God, we brought you here, to the Grand Canyon, not only for you to recognize the history of the original peoples of this land that you do not know. Not only for you to know that there have been beings in ancient times of humanity who lived the Law of Transfiguration and entered the interior of the planet, into its subtle dimensions.
We brought you here not only so that you could see a magnificent place that expresses the Love of God for humanity, when He created this perfect planet, so that the human beings could also express perfection.
We brought you here, children, because throughout all history of humanity, this sacred space kept unique human records. It kept each learning experience lived by the beings of this Earth, as a way so that some day they could heal all errors, reverse the mistakes and return to the origins of Divine Thought.
In this place, the Consciousness of God descends to place His perfect Thought.
In this place, the Divine Essence lights up, illuminating each register of the history of humanity that is kept here, in such a way as to remind all beings that the true purpose of humanity is to fulfill the Divine Will, manifest the Sacred through simplicity and express the Love that re-creates and renews the entire Creation of God.
Allow this Purpose to awaken in your essences, through My Words and My Presence, as a servant and messenger of your Creator.
Through the Portals that I open between the Celestial Universe and this world, I bring you the Light of God that illuminates all the registers of the Earth and reveals to you your purity and origins. This happens in the depths of your essences, this happens in your consciousness, in your spiritual levels.
Receive the Grace that descends upon the planet and radiates to all of humanity.
As from this new cycle, the history of each being, as well as of this Work, begins to be re-written, because you must learn to begin again through all the impulses that you have received.
Accept the forgiveness that comes from God and let all registers of errors be healed. Errors that you do not know, that do not come only from this world, but from all the history that was written in the Cosmos, before you arrived here.
Today you receive the Grace that comes from the Heart of the Creator so that this history may be renewed and so that, as consciousnesses, as a Work and as humanity, you can take a new step. This is the true purpose for you having come here.
The knowledge of the sacred life that is expressed here elevates your consciousnesses so that you may be in the correct vibration in order to receive and experience the Forgiveness of God.
The Light of your Creator illuminates this valley, illuminates the history of humanity written here, and, furthermore, permeates each human consciousness.
The moment has come, not only to awaken, not only to remember, but also to be healed.
The moment has come to feel forgiven because, as humanity lives a transition and the nations begin to live hard tests, children, you must begin to consolidate that which is Sacred, express the Centers of Love and express the very love of your hearts; a love that comes from God, from the Origins, and that dwells, silently, within each one of you.
While the old human loses its reign, oftentimes through suffering, disillusion and the disbelief that many will live, on the other hand, within you, the Plan of God must be consolidated.
You must know what is the Thought of the Creator for this humanity, what is the straight and perfect path, to return to His Heart and to make this planet sacred.
Because when despair touches the heart of humanity, they must know what path to take.
Your essences must be like beams in the purification of this Earth. For that, this clarity must illuminate your minds, your hearts and your spirits, and this takes place through simplicity.
It is through this simplicity, humility and purity, through the simple gratitude that you can express, that the most sublime Doors open, the most sincere revelations may manifest.
We brought you here so that you could meet the example of the indigenous consciousness, because it was through simplicity that they entered the subtle worlds. And each one of you must learn this same simplicity. Through it, steady your minds, this concrete mental plane that must become simple and intuitive so that, when it is before the Portals, it can enter without fear.
May ignorance, arrogance and vanity not close the doors for you, but may humility and gratitude expand, more and more.
Throughout time, we have brought you to many sacred places, and we have manifested Our Marian Centers and Light-Communities upon each one of them.
This is so not only so that you may be protected, but also so that you may someday be merged, perfectly united with the sacred that dwells beneath your feet and in that which is invisible within the hills, in the invisible of your lives, which are so often oblivious to that which is sacred.
With My words, I just want to awaken in each one of you the simplicity that leads you to Transfiguration. it is in this way that you will live the Laws. It is in this way that the Laws will live within each one of you, that not only your hearts and your spirits, but also your cells will manifest this Truth, just as some peoples were able to live it.
Receive this impulse of love through My Word and My Heart.
May each being that hears My Voice be able to remember their origins, may their essences light up so that, when the time comes, all the Graces, all the codes of light that I brought to you today may light up and be the perfect key that will allow you to enter the subtle worlds and allow these subtle worlds to be manifested within your lives.
I leave you My blessing and the deepest gratitude of the Heart of God so that it may resonate within you and make you mature as spirits and as servers of His Sacred Heart.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the Creator sent His children to the Earth with veils over their eyes, so that they would not remember their origin, He also created the Centers of Love and of Light, which would someday awaken in aid of humanity, to allow them to remember and return to the Heart of the Father.
The Centers of Love reveal the mysteries of God and His Love for humanity; they reveal the fondness of the Father for His children of the Earth, in spite of the vastness of the Creation.
The Centers of Love reveal that the Creator not only placed the best of Himself hidden in the hearts of humanity but also, children, in the depths and hidden layers of the planetary consciousness. Just as the Creator delivered a part of His Essence to animate human consciousness, He also deposited, throughout the entire planet, a part of the most sacred that exists in His Creation, in this and in other Universes. These are the Centers of Love.
Just as you look at the sky and see only the stars, in spite of the infinite life that dwells within them, on Earth, children, your eyes often cannot perceive the mysteries that hide, the life that offers itself, the Grace that develops and renews, time and again. But the moment has come to know it, the moment has come to experience this higher life, more than knowing about its existence. The hour has come to live the Centers of Love, just as the hour has come to experience what you truly are as children of God.
The Time of your Father, of His higher reality, now approaches the Earth, and for this moment you must be prepared. Let the revelations manifest and let them go beyond the planetary events.
For a long time, I have come to meet you to reveal prophecies that speak of the reality of the planet and about the future of the nations not only so that you, My children, could awaken to what was to come upon humanity, but also so that your consciousnesses could believe in Me, and thus could at least wonder about the celestial reality from which I come, and that, like so many other mysteries, hide from humanity.
In this cycle, I come to reveal to you something deeper, more spiritual and unknown and, just like the prophecies that I delivered to you in other times, that which I reveal to you today will also manifest.
Open your hearts, My children, to perceive the reality of the Sacred Centers, of the Centers of Love. Open your hearts for a truth that has not been unveiled by humanity.
Open your hearts to know who you are. Let the veils tear asunder. Let the Hands of God open your eyes and your consciousness because it is no longer the time to be in ignorance. But it is rather time to be strengthened by the truth, because it will not only make you worthy and noble, but it will be your only sustenance for the trials that will come.
In My Marian Centers, discover the Centers of Love. Perceive the reality that dwells beyond the churches raised by humanity. Discover the Celestial Church of God on Earth. Perceive the Founts of His Creation manifesting amidst humanity. Perceive the living silent God in everything that was created by Him.
I bless you and lead you to this celestial reality, because the moment to find it has come.
I love you and hold you in My Heart.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Just as the light of Aurora must emerge again on the surface to carry its purpose forward and to fulfill its mission, in the same way the light of Mirna Jad must emerge on the surface to fulfill its purpose and to carry forward the essence of its existence.
This is the time of the integration and the union of the inner bases among brothers and sisters so that the planetary need may be attended to, given the emergency of these times.
It is this sacred union between the Centers of Love that will allow the task to expand and respond to all needs.
The time has come to open to changes so that everyone may experience the transformation and redemption that is offered to you by the Universe in these times.
It will be in this exercise of integration that everything will be accomplished according to Divine Thought, and that the immaterial treasures will come to light to fill hearts and heal wounded souls.
Watch over this fraternal union among brothers and sisters and become this pillar that the Spiritual Hierarchy needs to carry forward the Divine Plan of the Creator.
Receive this announcement with joy. It is time to confirm this inner brotherhood among beings so that you may be capable of placing the love for the Plan first, before the love for yourselves.
You have the keys to be guided towards this goal. In this inner union, you will build the bridges of light for the coming of the Great Brotherhood.
You have My maternal blessing for this.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VI
Today, from My Merciful Heart, emanates a Green ray of healing, for My wish, amidst many aspirations, is to be able to manifest the counterpart of healing on the surface at Aurora, that is to say, that part of the external and inner healing that the bodies of people need to recuperate and heal.
For this reason, this part of the project of the manifestation of Aurora is very important to Me because its aspiration is that in the area of Redención 1 the House of Healing and of Restoration be built, completely consecrated to Brother Pio; for finally it will be his place, within Aurora, where his presence will be able to heal souls.
The House of Healing and of Restoration in Redención 1 will be of very great support for the subsequent stage of spiritual healing that Aurora offers. That House, which will have Brother Pio himself as a guardian, will receive the hearts that have gone through a process of spiritual liberation.
This simple but harmonious House will fulfill one of the most important tasks within the spiritual task of the Kingdom of Aurora. It will be in charge of the external and internal phases of purification and of rehabilitation, having as a basis the knowledge received by Friar Ameinó through the external therapies; as well as having an outpatient area to attend to the local community and the collaborators who may be in Aurora.
The House of Healing and of Restoration will be the first headquarters of the health and healing sector in Uruguay, and this House must have six consulting rooms, two hydrotherapy rooms, an outpatient area, an infirmary area, and an area for the making of natural remedies, as well as for the processing of all medicinal herbs. It will also have a smaller external infrastructure that will house four rooms with a little kitchen, a few bathrooms and a laundry room for the patients who will be in treatment for some days in Aurora.
If this building can be concretized, I could tell you that fifty percent of the task of the Kingdom of Aurora would already be accomplished.
The House of Healing and of Restoration will not only weekly attend hearts that arrive for the healing process, but will also serve for treating the members of the Light Community of Aurora and the local community.
I will await with joy for the concretization of the House of Healing and of Restoration of Aurora. This impulse will also permit for the repair and reconstruction of the buildings that already exist, and which need immediate maintenance so that the brothers and sisters who live there are able to carry out the assigned tasks.
I will count on the honorary help of architects, engineers, builders, workers and collaborators who may want to spend a period of time in Aurora to evaluate, together with the coordination of the Light-Community of Aurora, this project of your Lord.
I thank you for striving to fulfill the task of Aurora for Uruguay and for the planet!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part V
At the highest points of the House of Redemption, within the three areas constituted as Redemption 1, 2, and 3, systems must be installed to obtain alternative solar and wind energies.
For this reason, some of the consecrated and residents of the Light-Community must know how to work with these resources through an academic formation about renewable and alternative energies.
This experience in Aurora, after a while, will also allow us to perceive the different alternative energies that can be developed in the other Light-Communities.
It will be an indispensable and essential resource for the Light-Communities, in the long term, to be able to count on these means which nature and the climate offer within each region of the planet.
In this sense, the academic formation of the residents and of the consecrated, focused upon the alternative energies, will allow for further development in the field of knowledge and of intelligence, with the objective of seeking the resources to cover the needs of each Marian Center, as well as of each Light-Community.
For these coming times, it will also be necessary to have an awareness about the correct use of electric power, which supplies about 98.9% of the needs of humanity since its exacerbated consumption harms the Kingdoms of Nature and all of the ecosystems.
Bringing to conscious awareness the fact that everything necessary for living is within the Kingdoms of Nature, the human being will awaken their sleeping senses, which will help them to perceive reality without the need to harm nature.
It is time for human beings to learn to respect Creation and all its components through a more equitable and harmonious way of life.
To develop alternative energies in Aurora will require the formation of a group of brothers and sisters dedicated to academically instructing themselves, as well as for developing the necessary projects.
Aurora has the potential for the utilization of alternative energies through the Sun, the wind, and water.
I thank you for considering all of the Projects of God!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part I
Companions and brothers and sisters of Mine:
It is not by preference nor any other reason, but it is necessary that you do not forget that Aurora still has not finished materializing on its surface and, in order for this to become possible, you must be aware and collaborate with this sacred space which, with humility, receives you to shelter your spirits in the essence of healing and of love.
This was one of My main reasons for coming to Aurora and to carry out the next Marathon of Divine Mercy in this beloved Marian Center, if it had happened.
My reason and spiritual motive was to tell all of you who have come to Aurora about the importance that this manifestation has to Me, since Uruguay as a country has already lost its spiritual character, and this principle has so far been sustained by My faithful companions who live in this village and who, day after day, with effort and hope, pray for the triumph of love in this homeland.
After the first few years, in which Aurora made itself visible to all on the physical plane, it stopped its manifestation; from there, pending needs remained for the permanance of Aurora.
The first need is the finalizing of its Marian Center which, as it does not have its physical bases finished and its needs supplied, will not be able to mirror nor receive certain treasures of the Hierarchy that will help the liberation of souls.
Within the communal area of Redención 1, the construction is still pending, with the help of all, of a large kitchen and a dining hall to welcome all who need to eat; this is also a part of the manifestation of Aurora.
It is still necessary, in Redención 2, to improve and build a set of lodgings that can be available for the moments of large meetings; as well as improving the bathrooms, given the requirements for visitors.
The areas of Redención 2 and Redención 1 need to develop a sustainable system for the maintenance of the plantations and the alternative collection of water for irrigation.
In Redención 3, it is necessary to improve the spaces for co-existence with the Animal Kingdom since this is one of Auroras tasks for the future; also needed is fraternal and supportive maintenance and labor for repairing and rebuilding the houses which already exist.
The presence of people for longer periods of time in Aurora is necessary in order for everything previously described to take place. There must be servers who understand, beyond the material aspect, what the spiritual and physical presence of Aurora means in a country that has already condemned itself to a violent purification.
I wish to avoid the chastisement that Uruguay deserves, before the Universe, by means of the offer of Aurora on the surface because, if these needs are not met, souls will not awaken nor be healed of the past and, even further, Uruguay will not be able to have a new opportunity.
I leave everything that the Kingdom of Aurora needs for 2019, not only for the Uruguayans, but also for the whole world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart and for considering Aurora as a door to your redemption!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
From the deepest Love of God, emanated the Fount of Healing.
From His purest aspiration that each being may attain Perfection, the Fount of Redemption was born.
From His purest aspiration, that beings may be liberated from their errors and from the duality that they live on this planet and in this Universe, the Fount of Liberation was born.
And as the union of this Divine Purpose, for all beings, the Consciousness of Aurora was born in the Heart of God, as an emanation of His Feminine Principle.
Aurora was born as a state of consciousness, which concentrates within itself the maternal energy which comes from God, united with His profound Love for creatures. Because it was thus, within this consciousness of maternity and of Love, that the Principles could gather: the Principle of Healing for all spiritual and material infirmities; the Principle of Redemption for all errors and mistakes lived by beings; and the Principle of Liberation, so that, regardless of the degree of the bonds to which a consciousness was submitted, everything could be liberated.
This state of consciousness, called Aurora, brought new hope for the Universe. Aurora is the Light that emerges resplendent after a cycle of darkness. Aurora is the possibility, that all beings receive, of returning to God in this Universe and in all others. Aurora is the expression of the Love of God for life.
So incommensurate is the Love of the Father, that He, placing His Eyes over the planet and contemplating the human errors and deviations, delivered to humanity one of His most beloved treasures: the Consciousness of Aurora.
This cosmic and universal Principle of God, created to help Him in the evolution of all beings, was projected and placed within the planet, in spaces that safeguarded its presence and that became sacred by Aurora.
This Aurora, sometimes explosive, sometimes silent, has never been understood by human beings.
This state of divine consciousness, after welcoming within it the principles that emerged from the Heart of God, also concentrated in itself rays and emanations that came from the heart of the Archangels, called Elohim, and the Sublime Mirrors of God, called Emerald Mirrors, because they concentrated within themselves the necessary vibrations of Healing so that all beings, born of the Divine Source, could return to it.
The Emerald Mirrors that concentrated within the Consciousness of Aurora hold in themselves the registers of the Origin of each being, of each race, of each essence, of each planet, of each star, of each Kingdom of Nature. They hold within themselves the records of the Origin of Life. Because it is through them that Healing takes place: when those who have deviated from Divine Purpose receive, from the emanations of the Emerald Mirrors, the purest Thought of God for themselves, the original vibration of His creation. And thus, they can convert their errors and return to the Father.
Aurora is not only the Healing for the planet, but Aurora is also the Healing for all Life; however, so great is the Love of the Father, that part of this Consciousness was given to the Earth, as a symbol of the importance of the planet for all universal and cosmic evolution.
The time has come for Aurora to be profoundly known and revered by the beings who recognize the Truth in the divine revelations, and who understand with the heart the grace of being within the Consciousness of Aurora.
Live in Aurora, My children, with the reverence of the archangels. Feel yourselves within the Divine Consciousness and as participants of God's purest Love for life. Because this is Aurora.
May all beings recognize in Aurora this Divine Grace because, through gratitude, they will cross its portals and receive Its Healing.
Aurora is the manifested Love of God. And today you are invited, My children, to awaken to this Love.
Through you, may the Graces of Aurora finally arrive in this wounded world because the planet needs it and, more than that, the Creation needs it.
I bless you and thank you for loving the Divine and Cosmic Consciousness of Aurora. Its mystery is revealed so that you can awaken.
I love you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Gladden your hearts in the Fount of Peace that comes from the Heart of God and permeates the depths of the Earth like the sap that nourishes the trees and gives them life.
The Peace of God is the sublime force that comes from Heaven and nourishes the consciousness of the planet, creating smaller fountains in the depth of the Earth, in sacred places called Centers of Love.
Commune with the Gifts of God that enter the planet and are available for those who open in gratitude to receive them.
Communing and living the Gifts of God is more simple than what you might imagine. It is enough for your hearts to be available for transformation and sometimes distracted from themselves so that, in an act of service to the fellow being, to the Plan, to life, your beings may be permeated by the Graces that come from the Father.
I gather you in the spirit of service not only for you to repair something or for service itself. I gather you in service so that, by forgetting yourselves, you may let the Love and Joy that come from the Father transform you, renew you and make you worthy of being called children of God, companions of Christ.
When you serve in a sacred place, however simple your service may be, the Love that comes from God and finds its dwelling place can also permeate your hearts and, beyond them, reach all human consciousness.
Today, children, I give you the key to healing, to transformation and to fraternal life. Serve in joy, knowing that, in these moments, God is observing you.
No longer look at Heaven to ask for healing, transformation or graces, because everything has been given to you in the form of opportunities to serve and to discover that superior life is within you and manifests when you distract yourselves from what you think you are and you open to become what you are, in truth.
Within you dwells the sacred, the divine. And if you do not see it, you must seek it, but not only within yourselves, but in service, in union with your brothers and sisters.
I have congregated you here because I want to lead you to a new school of love, even if you think and feel that nothing you do is new. Renew yourselves in this request of Mine of being together serving, building and maintaining this, which is your house and the house of God.
Let the joy, that children feel, arise in your hearts and in a little while you will see that everything you were crying out to God for has already manifested in you without you perceiving it.
My grace is in your lives. I just call you to find it.
Today, I bless you, I thank you for responding to My call for unity and I ask you not to lower your arms because you will see the fruits of your own effort be born.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
Today, in a special and extraordinary way, two important meetings will be carried out, the special meeting with Christ and the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations.
This demonstrates to your hearts that there are no borders nor distances, and that, when the souls are united in Christ, everything is possible.
These two celebrations will not only have impact in Europe, but also in the whole world.
Two epicenters of light and of prayer will be acting today on the planet: from the city of Cologne, in Germany, and from the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil.
This way, and by these means, the Spiritual Hierarchy will be able to work in a more profound realm of the consciousness of the nation of Germany, and of its regent angel.
Through the Marian Center of Figueira, the Divine Hierarchy will make use of the impulse of prayer for the nations of the world so that a powerful current of love may permeate and embrace the hearts that need the most.
The meetings of today will promote an uncommon conjuncture in these times. Thus, the Celestial Universe will descend again to work with humanity and, by means of both epicenters of light that will open in Germany and in Brazil, the Divinity will be able to intercede again for the planet.
All of those who on this day are truly connected with the development of both meetings will receive the necessary spiritual impulse that will prepare you for the next stage.
I will be very attentive to the offerings that My children make from the heart today.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Hear within your heart the voice of Aurora and feel how its subtle vibrations resound in the depths of your being.
This is the regenerating love of Aurora that shelters souls of untiring service, that with its healing Light embraces tired bodies.
Hear in your heart the greater melody of Aurora and how it transforms all that it encompasses in the consciousness of the being.
This is the powerful current of Aurora that emerges from the depths of your spirit to give of itself as a Principle of Love and as a Source of Healing.
May this current be recognized in the inner worlds which, after a long journey, re-engage with the original principles of the Greater Healing Source of the inner Aurora. Its lights illumine the spaces and everything receives an impulse of upliftment and of harmony.
Let this meeting with Aurora be the moment of awakening again and of re-encountering the foundational bases of the healing for souls.
Let the melody of love resound within!
Let Aurora be a reencounter with the true being, at the core of the spirit!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.
Some Treasures of the Eternal Father, which are still kept in the inner worlds of humanity, need a timing so that they may be revealed.
When the time of the revelation of these Treasures approaches and contrary forces mobilize to prevent this, the great strategy of the Light is reclusion, in order to wait for the due time for this spiritual revelation to be carried out.
This does not mean to go back in time, nor to set a need or spiritual evolution aside.
Each divine strategy proposed by the Eternal Father Himself has a significant victory and when a withdrawal is established in this final stage of the battle, it is the way in which, in a next instance, there will be a greater impulse, much more than what is expected.
Certain Treasures of the Eternal Father, which are kept in the inner worlds of the planet, awaken powerful universal currents of transformation and of transmutation of the spiritual precariousness of the majority of souls.
In order to generate this opportunity for liberation, these Treasures must be activated in the proper moment, so that contrary effects in humanity are not generated.
The mission of awakening these Treasures must be done in harmony, so that everything flows as foreseen.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Celestial Mother, together with Her children on mission, enters another nation already consecrated to My Son, to be blessed by God for a second time.
The first blessing was received from the Holy Father, who opened the inner doors for the arrival of the Sacred Hearts.
The second blessing will be given by My Beloved Son in the capital of this country, and also your Celestial Mother, in service and love for the souls, will expand that divine blessing to the rest of Ecuador.
It is thus, children, that the Sacred Hearts prepare themselves, just like you, to enter into a town also very hurt and discriminated against by the inhabitants of the first world nations.
But Ecuador holds one of the most important spiritual treasures for the Plan of God. It was the land spiritually chosen to shelter the Essence of the Love of the Source, inner Essence that pulsates within the Sacred Enclosures that are protected in the ranges of the Andes.
That is why, children, this second stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace will start in the city of Cuenca, where My missionaries will go into retreat for some days to meditate and contemplate inwardly on the reason for arriving in Ecuador at this end of the cycle and the importance of the manifestation of new Light-Communities that are to be guardians of the Treasures of the Father that will emerge for the new humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While Aurora, as a Center of Love, opens the doors to inner healing, the most oppressed souls receive the opportunity of redemption and forgiveness.
For this reason, Aurora, as a Sacred Center, offers to hearts the Grace of liberation from the prisons and the chains of evil.
Aurora opens like a great Mirror of Light and shows humanity its potent Principle of Planetary Healing.
In this sense, a soul present in Aurora is a soul that accelerates the steps of its purification, and Aurora, as a Kingdom of Superior Love, sees to it that this deep healing can be made concrete and become conscious for the beings.
Aurora is this healing Mirror capable of dissolving the debts that the soul has acquired.
For this, Aurora carries forward, as its mission, the task of redemption of souls by means of its Ray of Liberation and of its Ray of Love. This allows for the hearts that contact Aurora to feel renewed and, thus, everything begins to regenerate from the beginning.
The human consciousness that joins to Aurora lives a before and an after, to attain, at last, its inner freedom from the chains that are contrary to life.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let the healing and redeeming current of Aurora enter into the depths of your being, so that unknown after-effects of the consciousness may be erased by the stream of the Aurora of love and of forgiveness.
When you open your heart to this mystery, it must first enter within you, so that it can then be revealed, and this knowledge may become a part of you.
Thus, when you are in Aurora, Aurora is within you, and there is nothing or anybody that can break this inner communion with the Essence of Healing for souls.
Always be grateful for being in Aurora, because it can make of you a new being, filled with the principles of redemption and of forgiveness.
Let the unknown Aurora always be in you, even if you believe it is not possible. It is active when the human heart and soul simply open to receive this powerful divine energy.
Receive, then, this balm of the Aurora of Love, and may all the spiritual unredeemed after-effects dissipate in order that the Principle which is Aurora be able to cause the principle of your conception to be reborn.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Before the Light of the Sacred Centers of the planet, humanity receives the keys that open the doors to ancient knowledge, and the mysteries are unveiled for everyone.
The consciousness sets aside ignorance and the inner worlds of the creatures of God awaken under the principles of new codes.
All the secrets of yore are unveiled so that the terrestrial consciousness is able to take the step, and in this way, achieve freedom from its spiritual captivity.
The Sacred Centers of the planet, places in which Divine Wisdom circles and dwells, unconditionally offer themselves so that this surface humanity may abandon its precarious lifestyle and awaken to its true inner reality.
For this, all the tools of God manifest themselves from the invisible Creative Universe, in order that open hearts may perceive that the time has changed.
The most critical moment of purification is approaching in order that this humanity abandon the path that has always led to its downfall.
The Light of the Sacred Centers is ignited and souls feel themselves called to enter into a greater experience.
Thus, the consciousness, which before was imprisoned in its forms, finds the sense in being here, on this planet and in this humanity.
What before was hidden from the arrogant, is now revealed to the simple of heart, and in this way, the Plan of the Creator fulfills all its stages.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of the World, the Universal Mother.
I am She Whose authority does not come from this Earth, but simply from the Heart of God.
I am the Lady of all times, She Who leads creatures from the beginning to the end, not only in their lives in this world, but in all of their evolution, from origin to origin.
I am the Lady of the Universe and also the Celestial Mother, a living part of the Divine Consciousness, Who comes to Earth in these times to allow you to wake up.
Today I brought you to the desert so that you could enter the desert of your hearts and there, find the essence of the Brotherhood.
This new cycle, My children, will mark a definitive stage, in which hearts must unite with the Cosmos and discover the universal mysteries, like those mysteries that are held within the planet.
Today I brought you to the desert because this is the refuge where I take My children when they most need it.
It is in the inner desert where consciousnesses can experience the synthesis for these times, can assimilate the lessons of the past and build the new foundations for the future.
It is in the desert, in apparent solitude, where it seems as if nothing exists, that your hearts unite with the Brotherhood, with Heaven and with the Earth, with the true time that exists beyond the illusions of this world.
It is by finding the void within you that you will turn to God if you are open to that.
Today the Universe stops and places its eyes on the Earth, on the four corners of this world, in the invisible of the planet.
Those who came from the beginning to serve in this human Project are today in prayer, because the time has come, My children, for humanity to grow and find its true origin in the Universe as well as in the Heart of God.
Today the Portals of the Cosmos open to the Earth, and the invisible worlds are shown to the human heart.
Heaven dresses up to celebrate, in spiritual rejoicing, to impel creatures to find the purpose of their evolution in the fulfillment of this Plan.
Today your Celestial Mother, in the desert, ignites all the Mirrors of Heaven as well as of Earth, ignites the Mirrors of the hearts of Her children, to thus build the path, the bridge that connects the whole expression of Life.
My Heart comes to the world to open a new cycle, in which I want to see My children living in fellowship among themselves and with the Universe.
I want to see the Mirrors of your hearts radiating the new life that emerges from within you and is reflected in the human consciousness.
I bring you to the desert so that you may find the truth about yourselves and live based on that truth, rather than on the illusions of the world.
Let My Greater Mirror be reflected in your hearts.
Children, let what is purest in you be able to emerge and that in this meeting with the Universe, you not look at your errors, do not think about the deviations you experienced so long ago, but rather that you find again that universal Reservoir, that purest vibration that, like a sweet sound, I heard echo in My Immaculate Heart at the moment when your essences were created.
Enter the desert of your inner world, where you will be able to demystify the human condition so as to reach the void and there, find the All from which you apparently came so long ago.
Today I call you to an inner maturity, to an awakening and union with My Immaculate Heart, so that in Me you may find the essence of life.
Today, in this desert, a mystery is being revealed: the real life that exists on Earth and hides in the simplest, purest, most humble places.
It is within this planet, invisible to human eyes, that the Will of God expresses. It is where silent nature and the communion between all the Kingdoms exists, that the Will of God expresses.
It is in the humility of those that no longer look to be known by humanity, who serve this planet in silence, that the Will of God expresses.
It is in the unconditional surrender of consciousness that could be evolving throughout the dimensions, but that meanwhile, continue on Earth to guide and lead humanity, even though many do not know it; that is where the Will of God expresses.
It is in the perseverance of those who do not look at human wretchedness, but rather the potential for love that exists in the essences, that the Will of God expresses.
Today, children, contemplate within yourselves all of the Beings of Light who came to the Earth since the beginning, all the Centers of Love that hide within the planet, with the hope that human eyes may one day see them.
In the sacrifice of those Centers of Love, in their humility and in their silence, find the true meaning of your lives, and when everything seems difficult to you, remember that there are those who serve untiringly and surrender their evolution so that humanity may take a small step in this world.
Today, the Mirror of My Heart reflects the sacrifice of the Cosmos in you, those that responded to the call of God, beyond the dimensions, so that in this new cycle, you feel inspired to experience this same sacrifice out of love for others, to forget yourselves and in humility, experience renunciation, surrender, in the depths of your being.
Feel inspired by the desert, so that in this state, you experience the times that will come.
The fortitude of the Centers of Love is held in silence, and it is there where the fortitude of My children must be found.
Be like this desert, silent yet full of the Power of God; humble and empty, yet holding within itself the Greatest treasure of this planet.
In these ten years, My children, when I have been at your side, let your consciousness walk on.
On this anniversary, may you commit yourselves to continue with Me, reflecting My humility within yourselves, loving this planet as I love you and serving humanity as I serve you.
I am the untiring Servant of God and I call on you to be untiring together with Me.
On this day of celebration, on this day of glory, I invite you to build a path of hope for the new time, where reflected in you, My children, souls see My Sacred Presence.
Let the Heart of God find a hope in human evolution through your steps.
Let the whole Universe feel the pain of the sacrifice experienced since the Origin be worth it for the triumph of the human Project and, as a result, the triumph of universal Life, the unity of every creature with the Heart of God.
With these words, I give you an impulse and I bless you.
I thank you infinitely for responding to My call and I hope, children, that not just ten more years go by, but rather that all eternity may come and that you will be at My side.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more