In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children, today I will not be able to dictate a Message but rather simply pronounce My Sacred Words to you.

My dear children of Argentina, of My beloved Argentina, despite the turbulent and dark times, today I want you to be able to feel and enter My Peace.

The world suffers and agonizes, souls endure and become lost, but do not forget that I Am here and Am your Mother, the Mother of each one of you and humanity. I rejoice at being able to be with you today and I unite with that which My Beloved Son, Christ Jesus, has said.

Dare to strengthen yourselves on the path of consecration to the Plan of God, even during the time of purification and transformation of consciousness.

However, I ask you, My children, to no longer become lost in suffering but rather to submerge in Christ, My Son, Who is the Universe of Hope. I will bring you to Him whenever you need it; yet, I also hear you, I contemplate and accompany you.

Believe that I hear your true and most intimate prayers, your deepest supplications, your pleas to the Heart of God. But now is the time for you and your brothers and sisters to live My Message, being My Message, not through your words but rather through your actions, your acts of love, charity and mercy. This is what will help heal the world and humanity.

While humanity becomes divided in that which is superficial and petty, I invite you to deepen into prayer.

The universe of prayer is quite unknown, and only when you unite to it do you start to understand and feel its meaning. Because the doors of the Heavens must be open to the Earth and it is you, My beloved children, who will keep them open through your acts of love and your prayers.

Today I come here with joy and bliss, to reconsecrate this Marian Center and all its representatives, all those who have committed themselves to Me since the earliest times to sustain this point of Light in Argentina.

It is time now for you to be an authentic and true brotherhood, you have the tools for this, you have the knowledge and especially My blessing.

This is how the souls that still wait to cross the portal of hope will be able to come and you yourselves will be renewed; thus the Work will be renewed. Because, as you know, this is the time of the Rescue Plan. Everything needs to be rescued, everything needs to be safe within the Sacred Temple of the Heart of the Eternal Father and His Messengers.

I want to leave to you here My testimony of Love, together with the bravery of moving forward, overcoming these unknown and inexplicable times, crossing the barriers and limits of consciousness and of your own beings; because there, in the infinite, after all this, God and His Creation are to be found, the place where you come from, remember.

It is toward this place and sacred space of God’s Creation that your experience in this incarnation must be taken, as a deep synthesis of all that has been lived and shared, within yourselves and with your brothers and sisters.

This is what will renew Creation, the universe and humanity. Thus, see before you the spiritual treasures that We have entrusted to you and all the Graces that have been poured out from the beginning up to the present moment.

Behold My Maternal Heart, children, an inexhaustible Wellspring of the Graces of God for souls and hearts. Allow this Light, which springs from My Heart, to heal your wounds forever; may you be thus liberated, healed and renewed. No longer hold feelings of frustration or discouragement within yourselves but rather a higher feeling of love, faith and trust in God.

Because although My Heart may withdraw in the coming times, I will be by your side if you allow Me to; and barefoot, we will follow the pathway of humility and inner divestment so that the void may fill your beings and in the void you may receive the All, the One, the Infinite, the Eternal God.

May your gestures of love be an extension of My Love in the world.

May the self-giving of your hands be a gesture of My Charity in the world.

May your bare feet, which walk steadily, be an act of surrender of the Mother of God for souls.

And today I have come to celebrate the Eucharist with you, as a witness of the sacrifice of My Beloved Son for humanity in the Holy Cenacle and on the Cross, so that your cross may be relieved.

Trust, trust in God, because everything has its hour and moment. Do not rush, do not fear. Have faith, a renewed and authentic faith, so that you may be the prelude to the One Thousand Years of Peace.

I thank you for wholeheartedly responding to My call!

May the blessing of My Son be upon you and the world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed are those who believe without having seen, for they will see the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Blessed are those who hear the Voice of the Master, for they will see the end of captivity.

Blessed are those who embody the Verb of God in themselves, for they will be transformed.

Blessed are those who surrender at My Feet without delay, for they shall know peace.

Blessed are those who trust without knowing, for they will always see God.

Blessed are those who fulfill My Commandments, for they will live the First Law which is Love.

Blessed are those who will be humbled and offended, for there will be nothing that will defeat them.

Blessed are the true and simple of heart, for they will understand everything, beyond all science and understanding.

If I am here, it is so you may live this, because it will be the only thing that will be able to reverberate and remain here or in any other place when your Master and Lord should withdraw.

It will be at that time and in that hour when the true hearts and the false hearts will be known. For in that hour, you will know who has really understood the reason for receiving My Presence and My Grace, even without having been aware of what this means.

For this reason, I say to those who truly serve Me and accompany Me, to those who are guardians of My Word and of My Message, to those who believe without having seen, that I will always hold you in Me, just as I held the Cross in Me.

For heaven and earth shall pass away, but the Word of Christ, your Lord, will remain in the heart that has believed in Me until the end and has not allowed itself to be seized by doubt or by a lack of faith in Me. Because this time was already written and foreseen; and so it is and so it will be, whether you accept or do not accept it.

I will come for those who have been consistent with Me, not only here, but mainly in the whole world. How many hearts serve the Lord and you do not know it!

It is in what is smallest that I hide Myself and in the most simple that I live; I am in no other place except those, in the simple and in the small, in the true, in what can truly live in you.

There would be no sense in being here if it were not for this. But My Father decided that I be here and, throughout recent times, regardless of circumstances or situations, nobody can prevent the Lord from working and laboring.

For whoever is with Me, is really so. And is it the truth that you fear?

Blessed are the ears that openly listen and do not question the Lord and everything that I Myself have entrusted and given to you up to the present time. Because what happens here is being written, do not forget. Just as you are witnesses, the angels are witnesses of God and are the ones who record this moment and this conjuncture.

Before withdrawing from my public task, a moment that is no longer far away, I would like to come one day so as to see and recognize that you have understood and are living My Words. Because the Message of God, the Message of Christ, is what must remain in you and nothing else.

I aspire and hope to set My Feet in this place, as in other places of the world that await the victorious Return of the Lord.

But before all that, I would like to perpetually remain in your hearts, without you withdrawing Me from your lives, even though you do not perceive it, because the Lord reigns where love, truth and justice are. This is what causes the heart of My apostles to mature, so they may be representatives of Christ on Earth.

If I am here, it is to rebuild you, to lift up your hearts again to God, so that you may realize that the Love of My Father is infinite, immeasurable, and even incomprehensible.

If love were not here in the first place, for the Will of God to be fulfilled, there would be no motive or reason for the Divine Messengers to have seen fit to come and meet with you, even in spite of the circumstances.

Could this be valued by you and your brothers and sisters?

God chooses who needs to serve Him. With His Hand, He indicates who needs to transform themselves, become humble and surrender so as to grow in love and in truth, in His holy and wise Justice.

But before all this comes to an end between you and your Lord, as I have said to you, I will come in search of the result of what I have given you out of Love, Mercy and Grace; and that cannot be in vain.

Each one in their inner self is responsible for what they have received in holy confidence and faithfulness, for the time will come to ask you for the talents, but before that you must know what your talent is.

What else will you offer the Lord at this hour, where the majority of souls of the planet are submerged in darkness though a lack of Divine Light and of Love?

Will I be able to make of you instruments, empty and donated vessels so the Lord is able to work and have you be participants in My Designs?

But you would be able to say to Me: "Lord, I have given you my all."

Is this answer a firm one?

If the Lord asks it of you, it is for a reason. I do not come looking for the impossible, but the true, although imperfect.

When you definitely decide to submerge in My Consciousness, you will know the truth that you seek so much. But I want to tell you something: everything that has happened here through the announcement of the Message of the Hierarchy has been for just one purpose, the purpose of Love and of Truth.

Only one who is divested before Me will understand, because it is not something from this material reality; it is something from the Heavens, from the Will of the Father, from His highest Thought.

I hope you will give me gratitude rather than reactions. I hope you will adore the Lord in reverence for having spoken to all those souls, again and again, for a just cause: so that the Will of My Father may be fulfilled, which is written in the universe and in all dimensions.

I tell you again to think about what I tell you. I am here to help you, to have you walk at My side on the pathway of the heart, so you may see that My Grace and My Love do not end here and that they are immeasurable.

Today I will consent to consecrate new adorers, trusting that all the adorers are fulfilling the vows of their consecration. And I expect this in faithfulness, love, gratitude and reverence, when you must be alone and the Master is no longer here to remind you; because the Graces that We give are meant to bear fruit through the vows made by souls.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Can the postulants and adorers please approach, placing yourselves around the Altar.

The brothers and sisters can make their inner offering before the Heart of the Master, Who hears you and accompanies you at this moment when your souls are uplifted to the Lord so as to make this honest, sincere, and true offering, so His Will may be done in the life of His disciples.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today, look again at My Heart, pierced and wounded by the sufferings of all the souls of the world.

This is the patient and kind Heart of God through His Son, which in perpetual surrender, untiringly offers itself for the reparation of the grave sins of the world.

My Heart is a balm of hope and sustenance for souls; it is a sacred space where the children of My Father can see and feel themselves reflected, because My Heart is the receptacle that lovingly welcomes the honest offerings of those who say yes to Me.

This is the Heart that offered itself for all the human race through the Eucharist, which was instituted and celebrated with My apostles during the Last Supper.

This is the Heart that, for your redemption, endured the most terrible offenses and suffered the most painful and indescribable martyrdoms so that the humanity of today could be here and the planet would not disappear.

However, who is capable of meditating about this through the sacred teaching of the Sorrowful Way of your Master and Lord? Because at each sorrowful station, you will find the teaching and instruction that you need at each stage of life.

Many were the teachings that I left to My companions, just as, in this time, I leave these teachings mainly to those who have decided to follow Me in fidelity and consecration, regardless of the circumstances of life.

Because the most important thing for the Father is that His beloved children of the Earth may learn to grow in love and to remove from themselves all arrogance and pride, so that the light of their hearts may not be dimmed by the discord and conflicts that the world constantly experiences and can no longer bear.

Imitate My patient Heart. Receive from My Spirit the incandescent flame that will withdraw you from the dark night of the soul so that, by being able to see My Light in the innermost depth of the abyss of the consciousness, you may know and learn how to recognize My Holy Face at the moment of the Return of Christ.

In this hour of pressures and uncertainties for most, may My Heart be the expected refuge of the spirit and soul that welcomes My Words in the name of Adonai.

May your feet continue to travel the pathway toward the total divestment of yourselves and detachment from the past. Thus, your gaze will be able to be fixed upon the horizon to recognize the signs of Heaven that announce the expected time of the Return of Christ.

May your inner hearing, the hearing of the heart, always be open to Me and your fellow beings, for I could be giving you a simple instruction.

Receive My Words, which are the Words of the Celestial Father, because the Word became flesh and once again dwelt among you so that, out of Grace, you might know about the existence of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I thank you for keeping and living each one of My Words.

I thank Spain for its warm welcome and I pray for those who suffered a total catastrophe in this country, blessed by one of the most resigned and emblematic saints of all times, Saint Teresa of Jesus.

Who blesses Spain,

Your Master,

Christ Jesus


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Child, enter My Chaste Heart, where there is hope, where peace reigns.

Child, enter My Chaste Heart, which is open today for you.

Allow your soul to remain in My arms, just as the little Child Jesus allowed Himself to be in My arms, just as God experienced human frailty and surrendered into the arms of a simple Heart.

Come too, child, allow Me to have you in My arms, to hold you tightly, to place you against My chest, so that you may feel My Love, the Love that I have for you and each human heart, the same Love that emanated from My Heart when the little Jesus was in My arms.

Come, child, enter into My Chaste Heart so that I may calm you, so that I may show you the next step to take.

Enter into My Heart, because there is Light here, even when the world is dark. Here there is fresh water in the deep deserts of consciousness.

Come and enter My Heart and, although your tears may roll down My chest, I will embrace you, I will console you and allow you to cry, so that you may allow all anguish, pain, despair and lack of hope to leave your inner world.

In My Heart you will find an answer, because just as you, child, I also experienced the bitterness of the world and, although this time is different from all others, I still know the anguish of the human condition. Therefore, enter My Heart and find strength in it.

Who knows human imperfection better than I do, a simple Heart, full of so many miseries, to which divine paternity was entrusted?

I know, children, the anguish of carrying forward great missions in a world that is in agony, in a humanity that swims in a see of misery and seems never to find the light; in a humanity that many times walks in darkness, just seeking to find the Light of Divine Promises, which, century after century, since Adam and Eve, still seek to be fulfilled. Therefore, enter My Heart and allow Me to be a door for you, a door to a new cycle, a door for greater understanding.

Enter into My Heart, so that I may lead you to the depths of the ocean of consciousness, so that I may remove you from the turbulent sea and may lead you to where there is peace. There is a sublime life that you must still discover, but while the waves strike you, while the winds shake you, it is difficult to find this life.

Therefore, come and enter into My Heart, I will take you where you cannot go, I will take you to Bethlehem, just as you asked Me in prayer. Allow Me, child, to show you this sacred space within yourself, because God still dwells in you and still waits to express Himself.

Enter into My Chaste Heart. Can you hear the heartbeats? Can you feel the pulse within Me?

This is the sound of My Love for you, which is the Love that God taught Me to have, express and live for all of humanity and for all of life. This Love, which comes from God, mirrors itself in My Chaste Heart and, like a mantle, embraces you today so that you may feel peace again.

I know you seek the meaning of life, I know that you seek the meaning of so many battles. There is an answer that dwells in the Heart of God and that only the Creator Knows, but which humanity can also know when it enters the Heart of the Celestial Father and discovers His Mysteries there.

This is why I always speak to you about the importance of dialog with God, the importance of your having the time and the hour to withdraw from the human condition, delve into the Heart of the Creator and in it speak to your Father, listen to His Words and understand His Mysteries.

Even if you do not understand concepts, even if He does not speak to you with ideas, the Creator speaks to you, child, with strength, with hope, with peace. And these states of consciousness that you can feel when talking with God are the responses of His Heart. Do not expect God to speak to you with words, do not think that He has abandoned you when He does not give you human answers, because the profound language of the Creator is divine principles, which emerge from His Sacred Heart and manifest the primordial energies through which life can exist.

For this reason, the correct way to enter into dialog with God is oftentimes through silence. After talking with your Creator, take time to listen to Him and allow Him to express to your heart the divine principles that will strengthen life within you and will make you feel the Grace of living as an expression and manifestation of the Divine Consciousness.

In it, you will be able to discover love for life, in it you will be able to find the meaning of existence, in it you will be able to know why and for what God created you, why and for what you go through so many battles, why there is not just a peaceful ocean, why there are waves and winds, storms and thunder that agitate existence.

You must find these answers within yourself, child.

Therefore, come, My Arms are open for you, you do not need to do anything, other than  to be in Me, so that My Heart may mirror itself in yours, so that My Love may live in you, so that there are no distances or differences between My Heart and yours.

That which I make you experience today is a great divine mystery that I once experienced on Earth when I was walking in My greatest misery in the desert of the world.

When the Most Holy Mary told Me she would become the Mother of the Messiah, so much awaited by all nations, My Heart could not believe it, not because it did not believe in our Divine Mother. It could not believe that God would truly dwell among imperfect human beings, it could not understand how God would live amidst so much human misery.

How would He come as a baby?

How would He save humanity, being a fragile child, susceptible to the care of human beings?

How would He be born in My family?

All of this, child, awakened great affliction in Me, caused My miseries and the darkness around Me to grow. I saw Myself before a desert without one drop of water, there was no hope in My Heart. Faith had faded away, I could not find answers, I could not find relief, until God did to Me what I do to you today. He opened the Heavens and presented Himself before My Heart, He opened His Arms and called Me so that I might be in Him and, through Him, I could understand His Mysteries. And so it came to pass that, like a child, I allowed Myself to be in the Arms of the Creator, I allowed Myself to be in the Arms of My Celestial Father and, within Him, find peace.

This is why God sends Me today, in a time of so much confusion, in a time of so much incomprehension, so that I may open the Heavens, open My arms, show you My Chaste Heart and invite you to enter Me. Here I am, child.

Allow the impossible to become possible. Allow a higher truth to flood your consciousness. Allow a higher Love to permeate your being, strengthen you and give peace back to you.

This is a time of great miseries, but also of great Mercies. You will not find anything or anyone that is perfect, but in My Heart, and in the Heart of God, to which I want to lead you, you will find peace, you will find compassion, you will find hope, and you will be able to love when it seems impossible.

Today you are on sacred ground, where the Heart of God pulsates and expresses healing. You are on sacred ground, where the Heart of God liberates and transmutes humanity, and that begins with each one of you.

Therefore, allow Aurora to do its work. Allow Aurora to transform you, to show you your miseries, but do not remain there, because the Mercy of God is the size of your misery. The size of your wounds is the healing that you can receive. The size of your inner abyss is the power of liberation of Aurora.

The human condition does not exist to remain as it is. It exists to be transformed. The turbulent ocean exists to wash the consciousness and make it plunge into its depths.

To experience what I am saying to you, you just need to allow it, because I do not come to meet you just with words, I also come with the Grace that God asks Me to deliver to humanity, to all and every being that can listen to Me and open their heart to receive what I bring to you.

At the request of the Creator, I will be one more year with you, because humanity still needs to be sustained by the Three Sacred Hearts, humanity still needs to be guided so that it does not become lost in the confusion of these times.

This is why God has asked Me to stay with you, bringing weekly impulses to sustain your consciousnesses and to not allow humanity to become lost. This represents a Grace, but it also speaks to you about the urgency of these times, something that was not foreseen, but which is deeply necessary, something for which you must pray so that the merits continue to be generated, so that humanity may be worthy of receiving Mercy.

For these merits to become a reality, We call you to the consecration of your lives, because consecration, children, generates unknown merits in Heaven, and balances human imbalances. And despite all miseries, all darkness in the world, despite all those who give up on their commitment to Christ, consecration allows souls to continue balancing each backward step that humanity takes, each step that distances you from God.

Consecration allows souls to approach the Creator, this is why you must live it with consciousness, doing this for all beings, for all humanity and, more than living this moment, you must renew your consecration every day. In this way, you will continue to generate merits so that We may be here and so that humanity may live its Divine Purpose.

Therefore, let those who aspire to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph come here.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Bring incense and blessed water.


May these elements be blessed by the Grace of My Presence.

May the purity of My Heart express itself in this water.

May the liberation of My Spirit express itself in this incense.

May God touch your souls through these elements, liberate you, forgive you so that you may begin a new cycle, in which Divine Mercy may speak louder than your miseries, in which strength may be a reality, so that you may overcome every obstacle that life may bring you, and that your hearts may always remember that in God you will find peace, in spite of anything that may happen in this world.

Receive My blessing, My Grace, My Paternal Spirit and the Spirit of Consecration in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed are those who consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph. Through them, the Kingdoms of Nature will find peace, will find relief and hope.

Blessed be those who consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, for the Sacred Family will reign in their hearts, as well as in their homes, bringing them the Grace of finding God in the heart of their neighbor.

Blessed be the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, for they will be intercessors before the souls that most need it. The Creator will listen to your prayers and will pour out Mercy upon the forgotten.

May the Grace of God be upon your lives, and may you express that Grace in each one of your actions and, through  your actions, you will be known as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph.

I thank you for being here, for consecrating your lives and for living in the Sacred Hearts, because when I call you to be in Me, I call you to be in God and find in it the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In Us, nothing is separated. We walk in unity, so that you may learn to walk in unity through Us. This is why We are here and We lead your steps.

I thank you, and once again I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We will sing “Father of souls,” this Hymn of the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph. 


To My young children, potential peacemakers of Christ

Dear children,

On this day, may all the youth of the planet, who gather to honor and praise My Son, be  potential peacemakers of Christ. 

A young peacemaker is a bridge that unites the differences among his brothers and sisters. 

A young peacemaker is a potential apostle of Christ. 

A young peacemaker recognizes in themself their human nature and transmutes it through their sensible union with nature.

A young peacemaker never loses their dreams and aspirations, which every day must be  offered to Creation.

A young peacemaker learns to assume great responsibilities, without fear of being wrong, because a young peacemaker, by serving, will learn to grow internally. 

A young peacemaker does not fight, but defends, from themself and from the world, the values of peace, respect and tolerance; so that in every place that the young peacemaker crosses, harmony is reflected.

A young peacemaker opens their consciousness every day, to transform their fears into strengths, their learnings into spiritual riches, their skills into honest acts of donation. 

A young peacemaker never goes backward, but moves forward. They walk with  determination in order to fulfill their goals, which must be surrendered to the Feet of the Creator. 

A young peacemaker is a pure potential of consecration, whether in the life of the spirit, in the family or in the Sacred Sacrament of Marriage. 

A young peacemaker does not defend themself, they do not attack physically or verbally, because their essence is peace, which dwells in the center of their soul, of their consciousness and their spirit. 

A young peacemaker is a climber of their dreams, they are able to encourage themself to cross their own abysses, they are a guardian of their own Spiritual Purpose.

A young peacemaker is an honest friend of Christ, is the one who assumes to bear the cross of the world, beyond themself, is a constant expression of joy and renewal.

A young peacemaker is a missionary soul, who incarnated in this world for a Greater Purpose.

Today I give my maternal blessing to the young applicants for peacemakers, because I know that it is a challenge for each one of them to live the life of the spirit in its entirety. 

For this reason, I am grateful for the brave young peacemakers, who until now have been able to go beyond themselves and cross their own barriers and limits.

To the young peacemakers, gathered today at the Youth Festival for Peace in Brazil, I ask you to be a source of renewal, to be promoters of change, of the joy that this world needs so much.

I am with you, and once again I thank you for deciding to respond to My call.

Who loves and blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Guiding Star of Youth

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore thee profoundly.
I offer You the most precious 
Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity 
of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges and indifferences 
by which He is offended,
and by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.

I am silent so that you may learn to perceive the depths of My Being, and through Me, feel what the Hierarchy feels and lives at this moment, for all that happens in the world. And I will not get tired of repeating this, because the time of redemption has not yet arrived.

My silence speaks of something profound and spiritual, My meditation and My prayer speak for souls, because souls must have the strength to go through Armageddon. I know that this word Armageddon frightens many consciousnesses, but there will be no other way or other path where, after the transition of the planet, a New Humanity can start from the beginning.

The Lord, your Master, does not relate with the suffering of consciousnesses. The sufferings of beings and the agony of hearts are those which I must transmute and purify so that souls fully trust in My Christic Love and thus not lose the hope of being able to rebuild their lives and conscioussnesses, of recovering the path that they lost toward the Heavenly Father, because many souls in this humanity lose that path, day by day.

Thus, I am in silence and in meditation so that you may feel the depth and magnitude of My Heart, so that you may assume together with Me the pains of Christ, pains that are deeper and more unknown than those of the Cross.

This makes you grow internally, and you will learn to see the life of your consciousness, and that of your brothers and sisters, with greater discernment and responsibility, knowing that this is the time not to waste the opportunities of the universe, not to make life superficial and indifferent. This strengthens impunity, which is something the world is unaware of; this accelerates the end of times and its consequences.

Because now, through My own Eyes, I see fulfilled what the Father showed Me so long ago, that which I taught in My Gospel to the apostles during My public Life, when I spoke of the end times, of all the unknown that souls should learn how to face without losing faith, even if it seems difficult.

For this reason, you are very blessed, before those who cannot be blessed in the world. For this reason, more will be required of you, because you must correspond to the treasures that you have received from Me, and those pearls of Heaven, which I have delivered to each one of your hearts, you must give your fruits and your answers to the Father.

I speak to you of something profoundly mature, although many are not at the same level or in the same school, but My Merciful Love has no exceptions.

At the end of these times, your Master and Lord will give great opportunities to the least prepared, because I know your essences, and I do not pay attention to what is superficial, nor to anything temperamental; I search for that gift that the Father deposited within you from the beginning, from the Source.

Thus, just as I knew that the time of Armageddon would come, I also knew that there would come a time   to look for talents, through those who follow My Footsteps and My Path; that time is now coming.

Are you noticing and acknowledging this?

I will come to ask for those talents only once,  I will not be able to stop at those who do not want to surrender their lives. God, as He is so Kind and Merciful, He has a place for each of His Children.

Following My commands and My guidelines, within the development of the end times, means much more than having a mature and responsible consciousness, it means more than obeying and being faithful.

Following My commands and My guidelines means being available unconditionally so that I can work through hearts, in the face of the horrors that are seen throughout this world and in this humanity, situations that must be liberated and alleviated by someone, by those who offer themselves to be postulants to the path of the apostolate: to be present where it is necessary and when it is necessary, where God wants it so and when God needs it so.

Thus, I bring you the example of My Pierced Heart, a strong example to contemplate in these times, because you must have the courage to feel what I feel and that which I live  so as to be more united with Me, like never before, because union with Me is always gradual when souls are encouraged to live their path of Christification and surrender.

For this reason, on this afternoon of Pity and Mercy for the world, I leave before you the needs of the planet and of humanity, the projects and aspirations that the Hierarchy has in different parts of the world, where the expression of the Sacred Points of Light in the world is urgently needed by the entire Brotherhood of Heaven, reflected through the group life of the Islands of Salvation. The least expected places need this spiritual and concrete assistance, such as, in today's example,    the Middle East.

Imagine, for a moment that, through these Points of Light, if they exist and are manifested through correspondence with Me, how many uncertain doors could be closed throughout the entire world!   

How much more would the elements and the Kingdoms of Nature lighten their fury and anger with humanity!    

How much more could the telluric forces of the planet, the Circle of the Pacific, be sustained! How much more could the continents, through the Points of Light, minimally maintain their connection with the Divine!

I could tell you many more things than what I have  told you so far, but for all this to be possible, it is not only interest or enthusiasm that is necessary, it is not only necessary to have awareness, responsibility or discernment, it is necessary that first of all, this lives in you.

I would not want to see a world more destroyed than this one is, a surface corroded by the forces of chaos. I would not want to find a reduced humanity when I return, but I know, since the Garden of Gethsemane, that I will definitively come to close the hells of the planet; and I will arrive at that moment, in which souls will perceive all this clearly.

Therefore, you must pray with more fervor and with greater awareness, each day to come. You must be prepared for unexpected emergencies, not just here, but anywhere in the world.

I have been able to manifest and concretize the Fraternity-Humanitarian Missions, such a concrete impulse of the Hierarchy for the end of these times, a fundamental key for each one of your lives, so that your material life is also prepared, through that space that the Fraternity- Humanitarian Missions could offer to everyone and to the world.

I am not only talking about ethics, rules or fundamental principles to survive Armageddon; I am talking about you being deeply united to the Hierarchy, through the Rescue Plan that is being outlined at the end of these times, through the practice of the Fraternity-Humanitarian Missions.

The Hierarchy has taken a risk for you, at My request, by joining other institutions and organizations of the world, and although this Work and this service is small or insignificant at this moment, companions, it is where I have to be able to sow My seeds of Light in those spaces of the world, where light, love and peace no longer exist.

I will give you an example: imagine one day waking up and everything around you is in deep chaos and destruction, what would you do? What would be your first spiritual attitude?

Millions of people in the world live this way, and this Work, which was formed through the Community of Figueira has offered Me this unique space at the end of these times, so that I had the opportunity to speak to the world.

No one in this humanity is prepared for what will come. Thus, I implore you once again to delve into the light of prayer; and I ask you, out of charity, to seek not only your own salvation, but also to seek the salvation of the one next to you, every day. Thus, you will begin to learn and also understand what I am saying.

Today, I bring you this Message ahead of schedule because this world and this humanity are unpredictable, and while many more continue to believe that nothing will happen, I suggest that they change their minds quickly, that they be humble and recognize the Armageddon so that nothing takes them by surprise, just as My apostles were taken by surprise when I was imprisoned in the Garden of Gethsemane. I hope I do not have to see the same this time.

But it is important for me, at this hour, that you can consciously grow and mature, not only for everything that awaits this country, but also for everything that awaits the rest of the world.

Here, I do not come to give an apocalyptic Message. I do not want you to get confused, I want you to be aware of the reality in which you live and that, from now on, everything that happens here or anywhere else in the world should be as important to you as it is to the Hierarchy, because that will form you as true servants of My Plan.

I need to get you out of yourselves, once and for all. If you get out of yourselves, others will also get out of themselves and put aside their preferences and intentions to live My Will, which still awaits to be fulfilled within your lives.

Thus, I come once more to pray for you and for the world. I come to tell you that you can count on Me at all times, and that the deepest core of My Heart is open so that you can enter and be a part of My Mystical Body, and the first way to achieve this is adoration, acknowledging the Presence of your Master and Lord through His Eucharistic Body.

It will be increasingly urgent for the world that souls be postulants to the practice of Eucharistic Adoration, so that the different points on Earth are sustained by a spiritual balance, above all, the axis of the Earth that needs it so much.

As a testimony of My Love for those who strive, I have accepted the consecration of new adorers; to those I silently invite to approach the altar so that they may be consecrated, at this moment, by Me.


Friar Elias of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Let us prepare, through the Priests, the incense and the water, so that they are blessed by Christ.


I want to thank each one of you because, with effort, you have placed a grain of Light in this world, within this arid desert of suffering and of war throughout humanity.

For this reason, today I consecrate you so that together with Me you may commit yourselves, through future adorations to the Blessed Sacrament, to sustain the balance of the planet, of the elements and of the Kingdoms of Nature so that, in the north, in the south, in the east and in the west of this world, the time of purification may be sustained by you at each new moment of adoration, as in each moment of prayer.

Your souls have been walking together for a long time, even if you are unaware of this. Thus, you walked with Me through many regions of the Holy Land; because you searched for Me, and thus you found Me. You pleaded with Me and touched My Mantle, and I healed you and cured you.

Today, I remind you of this again, as a treasure for your souls and your lives, so that you trust that I am by your side, even though many times you have felt alone, struck by sadness or despair.

I come to give you the strength and power that the Eucharist gives you. If you are always before Me, My Heart will always be in you, and I will always relieve you, and through you, I will be able to relieve your families and friends.

Do not forget the following: if the slightest effort is never made, this world could not be converted.

Everything that you can sacrifice for Me will be a faithful sign that you are on My path of apostolate. This is so, through this Consecration and this time that I dedicate to you, because I know you need it; I affirm My Love and My Victory, because you have opened the door to the Lord, so that I may live within you, beyond the imperfections.

Therefore, be at peace and trust.

Everything in life has a reason. Everything has its time and its moment. And I am here to encourage you and your brothers and sisters, because you will see, like Me, that there will be more horrors throughout the world.

Offer yourselves fully to Me through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, so that everything is relieved within you and within the world. I thirst.

Celestial Father,
You who see the responses of Your children,
You see, up close,
The Work of My Love being concretized
through souls,
receive in Your Kingdom this offering 
from those who fully recognize
the Presence of Your Son in the Eucharist,
and for this merit that they have generated,
bless them and bless their families,
so that one day, as I hope,
they may be a true temple of worship,
a testimony of redemption with Christ.

May the Peace and strength of Our Lord Jesus Christ be within you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My dear children,

Before resuming the pilgrim path that will take us to Brazil, your Heavenly Mother stops in the inner planes of the Kingdom of Aurora to rest, in the silence and peace of all Kingdoms of Nature.

Just as I did last Saturday with My children of the Community of the Brotherhood, today, I come to communicate to you that your Heavenly Mother will visit the Community Fraternity, through a special and private Apparition in the prayer room of the area of Redención 2.

Tomorrow, I would like you to wait for Me with your songs and prayers, and to offer Me a simple altar, in honor of the Most Holy Virgin of Fatima so that, in this stage of rest, your Heavenly Mother may not only bless the new community cycle in Aurora, but also from Aurora I may again bless Uruguay and South America.

This moment that you will share with Me will later be transmitted through an audio, on September 25, so that My other children may accompany from their hearts the maternal Words that I will address to My children of the Community Fraternity.

Fulfilling this request, I will again ask Uruguay to consecrate itself to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart so that this blessed country may be protected and sheltered from the evil intentions that today are also sadly promoted throughout other countries of America.

In Brazil, My Son will return with all the power of the Divine Word to warn and clarify the ideas and minds of the people, so that Brazil may continue to internally sustain the destiny of becoming the New Eden of God for the whole world.

My children, let us pray. And I ask you, once again, to commit yourselves with heart and word to the different Prayers for Peace in the Nations. It will depend on the participation and the presence of each Child of Mary that some unfortunate situations may not manifest nor materialize in matter.

From now on, I am grateful for those who up to today support the Prayers for Peace in the Nations, responding faithfully.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Now, from the Sanctuary of Fatima, the Celestial Father sends His faithful Servant to diffuse the renewal of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary  throughout the world.

In this renewal of the commitment to the consecration of all Children of Mary, which will be a simple interior practice, you will allow your Celestial Mother to intercede for situations in Europe and the world to a greater extent.

Now, more than ever, your hearts, My children, must be united to Mine every day so that certain situations in humanity are avoided and other situations can be dissolved because My aspiration and desire as the Celestial Mother is that you no longer suffer.

Therefore, dear children, by reliving the renewal of your devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, you will grant the extraordinary Grace that your souls be partakers in the praying armies of the Light, of these times.

I want this devotion of your lives for Me to be able to placate any situation at this time, and that the doors of Divine Justice not open, but rather that the great door of the merciful Heart of My beloved Son be able to neutralize or transmute everything which is against the common good and peace.

In this school that the Kingdom of Fatima offers you, I call upon you, so that the mirror of the heart of each child of Mine may be that inner star that illuminates the world and attracts the sacred Spirit of Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Do not let the light of your heart go out.

I have come here to help you and to accompany you. I have come here for each of My children, on this special day, when consecration is the premise for each of your consciousnesses, because the final moment is approaching, and you are living it.

Decide, My child, to enter this Calvary, which Our Lord calls upon you to live and to experience.

In this pause between the battles, decide to carry the cross that He is giving you so that this Lent may be a victory, so it be a triumph for God.

You know that love will always triumph, love will never perish.

Evil does not know love, that is why evil aggresses and attacks. Its fury is unknown, but its debility is great.

As long as you love and live in faith, everything will be transformed, no matter how difficult it may seem. 

Now, the cross that you must carry, in this Calvary to which you are entering, is the cross of humanity, the spiritual cross that very few dare to carry upon their backs, that very few risk to feel and support, just as My Son did.

Do you not think that it is possible for you to carry that cross?

This is the path of the New Christs. This is the path of the soldiers, of the Children of Mary.

Not only will prayer, day by day, sustain you, purify you and elevate you, but so will your true surrender and sacrifice to Our Lord, in order to compensate the great debt that the world and humanity have.

God does not pour out suffering upon His children. God pours out His Mercy and His Graces, but still, few can recognize, appreciate and value them.

Therefore, My sons and My daughters, be resigned and humble to be able to perceive the vast universe of God, to be able to contemplate everything that He wants to give you.

As time goes by, the greater the definition becomes. This is the time to live it and experience it.

This is the Cross of the Apocalypse.

Wearing part of My Celestial Mantle is not only a blessing and a Grace, it is a commitment, it is a responsibility, it is living fidelity to God through My Immaculate Heart.

I have prepared you throughout these years for this moment, and today I receive with love the aspirations of many of My children who want to consecrate themselves.

This material time and the events of the world prevent My children from reuniting.

Evil has carried out an unknown project upon you; it has paralyzed all of humanity because humanity is very ignorant and unconscious. But faith can renew all things. Prayer can transmute all things. Sacrifice repairs and mends the mistakes of the entire world.

My Son hopes that there be hearts that offer themselves as victims of His Love, that there be hearts that can live what Christ expects so much; that they not only receive from My beloved Son His Mercy, but also His pain, His thorns and His spiritual wounds.

This is the Meeting of the Children of Mary that closes a cycle, as it is the seventh.

In truth, My children, God did not expect humanity to reach this point and this situation, but it did, and so it is.

That is why I invite you to rise from the ashes, I invite you to rise from tribulation, from the desert; to leave sin, lies, pride, arrogance and vanity. I invite you to live obedience, fidelity, commitment, responsibility, loyalty and, above all, love, Christic Love.

My Son will base Himself upon these sacred attributes to make your lives and hearts apostles of Christ.

Your mission is in the conviction to live in Christ and for Christ, and not to live a life of material or spiritual illusion.

Children, this is the time to assume the heavy wood of the cross of humanity so that the world forever be liberated from the state it has reached, from the place where it has remained for centuries.

I can only pray for you and encourage you to go forward, to not back down and go through this turbulent time of instability and challenges; an unknown time, which no humanity has ever before lived or went through.

You are a race in transition, a project that has been left unfinished and that must be finalized. A human project that must be realized, just as it once began in the holy peoples of Israel. You are their offspring, you are its new tribes.

Christ needs to gestate His Project of Return in truthful hearts. While this does not happen, He will not arrive.

I pray to the Eternal Father for that moment to come, because, as a Mother, I suffer for a world in chaos, in suffering, in agony and in pain.

All the angelic hosts that accompany Me help the planet in all that is possible. My Mantle envelopes all nations, but still, humanity does not want to disassociate itself from evil.

Be that Light of Christ that the world needs at this time. Be that Sacrament realized and concretized by the Mercy of My Son, giving testimony to His Word and living in the Eucharist.

The signs of the Return of Christ will be very visible to all. But I ask you, beloved children, I ask the whole world, not to pretend that the prophecies are fulfilled, do not do it, do not do it anymore. May your lives be a promise and not a calvary.

May your consciousnesses unite to the Project of God and His Will in these times when the battle is very hard and difficult; but always see My Son, that Man of Nazareth who shed His Blood for you, down to the last drop.

The sacred soil of the planet witnessed this event and you cannot lose it or stop valuing it.

Now learn, My children, to support your own passion, your own agonies and uncertainties, so that the purification of the world and the liberation of souls may triumph.

On March 13, 2021, a spiritual door opens for all the Children of Mary to go through. It is the door of the mature sacrifice, of a matured cross that you are invited to spiritually carry with My Son.

I ask you not to justify yourselves or to be sorry. I invite you to carry out this work silently, united, from heart to heart, to the great Heart of Christ, the Universal King.

Your Hands will not be able to meet many needs, not only those around you but those throughout the world. The soldiers are reducing in the ranks of the Commands of Christ. Will anyone else perish?

It is not the time to step back, My children; allow the Spirit of the spiritual Government of Christ to guide you and protect you; give you impulse to find, day by day, the path of transcendence and the redemption of all your human aspects, because whoever truly serves and surrenders, will lack nothing.

The call of Christ at this time is straightforward and clear.

Decide to be that last flock and that last tribe of Israel that is surviving the end times, because in the midst of darkness will shine the Star that will bring the great consciousness of Christ to the world, and He will put an end to everything that humanity lives today, but first the planet will cleanse itself.

May everyone have the opportunity to straighten their paths and to not forget the Commandments, which we have told you so many times.

When you can take it no longer, My children, I invite you to rest in My arms, I will embrace you with My Mantle and sing you a song so that you can sleep, just as I would put the Child Jesus to sleep.

My Heart is ready to accompany you. Is your heart ready?

May this consecration and renewal of vows deepen in each one of My children. It is necessary to pray more so that peace may not be lost and, especially, so that souls may have discernment in their decisions, because nobody will any longer be able to say that God is punishing them.

The consequences are generated by your actions, by your choices, be aware of this and you will not suffer. May the star of the commitment of the Children of Mary shine upon the chest of each being, and help will come.

Today, be anointed by the luminous sign of the cross.

Today, be blessed by the Celestial Mother.

I thank you all for having reached this moment and this time.

Follow in the steps of the Mother of God, but may your steps be barefoot, divested of yourselves, and surrendered in trust to the Creator.

I bless you with the Light of My Son, and on this day I renew the vows of your consecration.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

Be firm in My Son. He expects from each of your hearts the necessary response for the fulfillment of His Plan.

Now, in this pause that the world is experiencing due to the pandemic, I invite you, My children, to take advantage of the time and to reconsider. Thus, you will have the impulse to continue taking steps in the consecration of your lives to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Dear children, take on the part that corresponds to you and do it well, express Love and Mercy at every moment.

Give your souls the opportunity to make the spiritual commitment with the Celestial Father that you have come to fulfill.

Do not be mistaken, My children: May the flame of faith guide you along the uncertain paths that humanity is today going through.

Recognize the Grace that you received and value the meaning of what it represents to serve My Son at this time.

Beloved children, there is no longer time to throw away your life in common and banal experiences.

Raise your consciousnesses, through understanding and openheartedness, to the primary reason for responding to the Call of God.

I ardently wish that you not lose the Grace of recognizing the only Truth, the Truth that is My Son, that congregates you at this time to prepare His Return within the suffering and enslaved hearts. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As you already know, in a not so distant future, My time with you will end.

I ask that you continue to pray the Holy Rosary, untiringly, because while you do not pray, there are some souls that launch into making hurried decisions, and they do not measure the consequences or the results.

It is the agony of these souls that cause themselves to stray from the path of My Son.

Pray so that no other soul may feel tempted to move forward with a decision that will weigh on them for the rest of their life.

Children, you already knew that the time of definition would be now. You are either with My Son or you are not with Him. The Lord of the Universe and of Love needs true souls, ready to follow Him. Today an emotion is not enough to think that, only with that, you will carry forward the Plan of Salvation of My Son.

Live the act of daily consecration. If that were a priority for your hearts, hurried souls would never have decided to turn away from Christ.

The reason for so many tests and deserts is because souls do not live their consecration daily; they do not place it within their hearts and even less in their consciousnesses. When the test comes, they are exhausted and do not have the strength to move past that moment.

Souls do not feel a true thirst for Jesus. In this way, uncertain doors open and souls enter into their own miseries instead of transcending them.

The path toward My Son is for the brave, for those who do not fear being nothing.

My beloved Son is in silence. His Voice, at this moment, could not emit any message. He has to observe how souls respond to all that was given to them. It is a moment of Justice, but also of neutrality.

Pray so that nobody else falls into temptation. The end time has arrived. This is the cycle of confirmation or of indifference; it is the time of verifying your love for God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Now the time has come for the human hearts to become consecrated hearts, just like Saint Joseph managed to do. 

May the example of the simple carpenter of Nazareth motivate you to be able to find the transcendence of the human condition, accepting imperfection, but transforming it, day by day, just as Saint Joseph lived it.

May the example of His chastity and impersonality invite you to seek the same path, so that you may continue to go through the challenges of consecration and the aspirations of the soul.

Unite to Saint Joseph and be laborers of the Plan of Love. Build the foundations of the new and renewal will come.

Imitate Saint Joseph in His steps of humility. May your hearts be resigned, but empty hearts, full of service and of clarity, just as Saint Joseph has expressed it.

On this day, while the task of Saint Joseph is closing, may all His instructions be alive within you and, being blessed by the Chaste Saint Joseph, may your souls renew their vows with the Plan of Love of the Celestial Father.

But remember, Saint Joseph will continue to bless the world.

Now the time has come for each soul to live the same path that Saint Joseph lived. It is an inner invitation for those who may want to learn from the example of Saint Joseph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Feel in your heart the confidence of being able to be in God, every day, and the renewal that you can live, beyond the moments and the circumstances.

These times will allow you to place your faith to the test, and that faith will be encouraged by your prayer, your service and your consecration.

Therefore, child, look beyond reality, and you will clearly see an infinite construction of the Wills of God, in this humanity and upon this planet.

I invite you to see beyond the facts or appearances.

I invite you to find the meaning of each moment so that you may grow in wisdom, gratitude and love.

Place your consciousness in the realization of the Purpose of God, that which you will complete and fulfill as a service through the redemption of your life, thus, you will open the doors for Divine Grace to make of your being an instrument and an example of conversion.

Having these principles very clear, your soul will be able to rule, and you will know, at the right time, which path to follow, so that you may always meet My Son who, in His Silence, waits for you so that you may live a deep spiritual communion with the Source of Love and Wisdom.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Thirty-fourth Poem

Light of God that descends to Earth,
State of Grace and perpetual Mercy,
I ask You, on this day, that my soul and my heart
may live inner consecration
so that Your Son may find a space within my soul
where He can govern and work.

Therefore, Most Holy Virgin,
I offer my life as a path for consecration.

Divested of my ideas and concepts,
take me to the void of everything so that,
in this practice of constant renunciation,
I may be deserving
of all the Mercy possible,
in order to redeem and sanctify my life.

Dear Celestial Mother,
may daily prayer impel me to transformation,
to an absolute living of service to the neighbor
and the Kingdoms of Nature.

May my human heart become sensitive,
to be able to feel the need
of those who cry out for help.

I hope that, someday,
I may be responding to Christ
as a beginner disciple
who learns to recognize service and love

Lady of mine, make of my soul
a missionary soul.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Sixteenth Poem

Beloved Mother of the World,
liberate us from the errors
that we may have committed.

Give us strength and spiritual determination
to be able to redeem and transcend
our human aspects.

Do not allow, Holy Virgin,
that these errors be nourished
by more errors and faults.

Cut, with Your powerful Sword,
the ties with adversity.

Protect our souls, Divine Lady,
envelop us with Your invisible Mantle of Light
so that, united to You,
we may represent the apostles of Christ on Earth.

Universal Mother,
deposit Your thirteen attributes within our consciousnesses
so that we may apply them in our daily lives
as an example of transformation and conversion.

Holy Mother, do not allow
illusion and deceit to blind our eyes.

Allow us and help us
to always see the Truth
so that our steps may reach Christ.
There, able to enter into Spiritual Communion,
we will thank You and honor You
as our eternal and loving Mother of Peace.

Break the chains of the past within us
so that our souls may walk in freedom
towards the House of the Celestial Father.

Take us, Divine Mother,
before the eternal altar of the consecration of life.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Fourth Poem

Most Beautiful Rose of God,
may we recognize Your purity
in all that was created,
and may our hearts and lives
be part of Your original Purity.

Venerable Flower of the Father,
help us to find the beauty and the Love
that God, through His Son,
deposited within us.

May we dare to take the steps
towards the consecration of our souls,
just as You, dear Holy Mother,
consecrated Your life and Your entire being
with the yes to the Archangel Gabriel.

Teach us to understand, beyond everything,
the reason and the purpose
for us to be here on Earth.

Awaken our consciousnesses
to the true existence
and, offering the temple of our imperfect hearts,
tell our Father, God and Lord,
 to live within us
so that, someday,
we may learn to love Him as He loves us.

We thank You, Holy and humble Virgin.

Do not cease to refract upon us
Your Mirror of Love and Compassion.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


To the "Rosaries of Light" Groups

Dear families of God, My beloveds,

In this month of May, I call upon you to receive My Immaculate Heart within the core of your families and homes. The Immaculate Heart of Mary hopes to be in the nucleus of your families as well as upon your altars so that My children may experience a consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary every week.

Through the House of Our Lady of the Poor, you will receive the holy image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that you may venerate it and so that you may pray the Holy Rosary in order that, through you, the rest of the families of the world may achieve the consecration to the Heart of your Heavenly Mother.

With joy, I hope to enter into each one of the families of the Rosaries of Light so that, through the Children of Mary website, the photos of the families with the Immaculate Heart of the Heavenly Mother may be shared.

During the month of May, as Mother, I want to bring everybody into My Heart so that you may feel loved and understood, alleviated and sheltered by the Divine Mother.

Dear children, I give you the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to be recited after having finished the Holy Rosary.

Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
for the event of the Marian month

Immaculate Heart of Mary, 
strength, light, protection and hope,
in You we are renewed, to You we consecrate ourselves
so that we may be witnesses, now and forever,
of the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart
in all of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Let your soul be enraptured by the Love of Christ. Do not fear, do not resist. Give Him your shame, your fears, your deepest aspirations, your goals and everything you are, including miseries, skills and virtues.

The time is coming to be washed by the Blood of Christ, permeated by His Love and renewed by His surrender and, more than remembering His Passion, to be with His surrender, His Love and His Cross.

Thus, child, the time has come for a definition of maturity in Christ, to deepen your consecration and to not be afraid of growing in Him and for Him.

Let yourself be new clay in the Hands of the Potter, because He knows the Purpose of God for your life and can shape your consciousness according to Divine Will.

Pray and speak the Poems* with love that the Lord gave you, because through them, He teaches you the spiritual meaning of surrender and of humility; in this way, a surrendered soul communicates with Christ.

Do not fear to live the experience of surrender. In what is left for you of this Lent and this deep desert, begin to walk, in your heart, with decided steps to Jerusalem, confirming and re-confirming your surrender to Christ each day.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



*Saint Joseph is referring to the Poems of a soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, transmitted by Christ Jesus in the months of July and August of 2018.


Surrounded by the Twelve Stars of the Attributes of the Universal Mother, today I cause all the Divine Principles to descend upon My children and, as a result, upon the planet so that at this moment of purification souls may learn to be in God and to seek Him at all times. 

This will prevent My children from being distracted by the things of the world and allow them to be fortified, whole and available for the prayer that impels them into transformation.

My Twelve golden Stars come to the world to ignite the Attributes of God in souls and so that they may remember these Attributes in these times, which will protect them from all that the world will face.

Within these Attributes, you will find the necessary bases to affirm your life of consecration and to affirm your life of altruistic service for humanity.

From the Attributes of the Universal Mother will come the impulses that you need to make of your lives the spiritual model that the Father thought of for each one of you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


On a March 19th like today, 11 years ago, in a humble field in Aurora, Uruguay, those who first offered themselves to live the consecration lay down, on the damp ground of the sacred field, to say 'yes' for many more souls.

Souls were drawn, like butterflies, to the Great Sun of the Consciousness of Christ to live the experience of piety, prayer and service.

Thus was founded the Grace Mercy Order, which in those times, began to rise like a sun on the horizon. It was the birth of the New Aurora.

That moment has remained engraved on the Heart of your Master up until the present. Those who understood the essence of that meeting of consecrated souls are still present, accompanying the Redemptive Work of Christ, beyond their defects, deserts or tests.

Those I called and who responded to Me from their hearts are those who are here today, still following in the Footsteps of the Messiah. This remembrance is what, for an instant, erases from My memory those who were unfaithful to Me and abandoned Me.

I avail Myself of that special moment on March 19, because it was something that was never repeated and represented all the possibilities of what is occurring at this current time.

That day remains in My memory, one of a first and austere consecration, a moment that allowed Me to speak, up until today, for the whole world.

This is what motivates Me and prompts Me to return to the world to call you, again and again, to follow Me.

I thank you for holding My Words in the Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
