Let your soul be enraptured by the Love of Christ. Do not fear, do not resist. Give Him your shame, your fears, your deepest aspirations, your goals and everything you are, including miseries, skills and virtues.

The time is coming to be washed by the Blood of Christ, permeated by His Love and renewed by His surrender and, more than remembering His Passion, to be with His surrender, His Love and His Cross.

Thus, child, the time has come for a definition of maturity in Christ, to deepen your consecration and to not be afraid of growing in Him and for Him.

Let yourself be new clay in the Hands of the Potter, because He knows the Purpose of God for your life and can shape your consciousness according to Divine Will.

Pray and speak the Poems* with love that the Lord gave you, because through them, He teaches you the spiritual meaning of surrender and of humility; in this way, a surrendered soul communicates with Christ.

Do not fear to live the experience of surrender. In what is left for you of this Lent and this deep desert, begin to walk, in your heart, with decided steps to Jerusalem, confirming and re-confirming your surrender to Christ each day.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



*Saint Joseph is referring to the Poems of a soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, transmitted by Christ Jesus in the months of July and August of 2018.


About the message:

During the ceremony of consecration of the Missionaries at the Marian Center of Figueira, there was a statue of Saint Joseph upon the altar, and at a certain point it began to shine very intensely. We watched that movement to understand what was happening, and when the Priests were approaching the altar to consecrate the Eucharist, many portals started to open above them in a rapid and intense way. At that moment, luminous as a sun, Saint Joseph appeared.

Behind Him there was a road to Africa, and He was surrounded by children, and He was also carrying an African child in His arms. He said He came so that we may understand the importance of the humanitarian missions for the Hierarchy.

With Him, He brought a Grace for each missionary being consecrated, something spiritual and inner, and He transmitted a special message. It was the first time that Saint Joseph appeared since the end of the cycle of His Apparitions, on last August 18th.

He told us:


I come in silence, by the Will of God and His Divine Love. I come because, for Me, as important as it is to welcome and serve the souls of Africa, so it is to welcome those who are being consecrated to the Plan of God and to the first mission of rescuing love in the hearts of beings, in the consciousness of all the Kingdoms of Nature.

I come to bless you, not because all the blessings you have already received were not enough, but because you must understand how important the mission that you are carrying out, and will continue to carry out in the four corners of the world, is for God.

The Creator accompanies your steps, just as I accompany you; albeit through inspiring your spirits, albeit it through observing your paths, I will always accompany you.

Today the Heavens open, as do your hearts, because in each offering that humanity makes, new merits are generated for the salvation and redemption of humanity.

Today I do not come only with a blessing; I come opening a path for your spirits so that you may come to My beloved Africa. I am there. In omnipresence and love, I indicate the direction to you where there is the greatest need. Come with Me to meet the transformation of your lives.

The humanitarian missions, children, as well is the different meetings of prayer that are carried out in the world, are the pillars of redemption for these times, they are the instruments which the Creator avails Himself of to keep His hope in the redemption and the transformation of humanity alive. This is why I am here.

I come with a Grace. I come with a door to a new step. I come as a confirmation for your souls and your lives. I come as your Father and Friend to tell you that I wait for you in silence, that Africa waits for you, and more than this, that the Africa that is within each being, waits for you, so that you may serve your fellow being as if it were your last chance to serve.

I am glad with your steps, just as God is glad, and renews His Love through your consecration.

Today and always, you have the Love of My Chaste Heart.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To take a step in your spiritual consecration, children, you must love God and His Plan above all things. If there is no love, there is no surrender, no renunciation, no emptiness of self, no elevation of consciousness.

To love God more, you must seek God more, concentrate more on being with Him, in His Presence, under His Sight, within His Heart. And this can be done in prayer, but also in contact with His word. This is done with silence but also with confession.

There are many paths for you to be in the Presence of your Father, but for all of them you must strive, want, search, assume a commitment with yourselves and with humanity, and provide the service of being in God so that the entire humanity may achieve peace.

Superficialities of life can be defeated with love, because the more you love God, the more you will replace what is superfluous with His Presence. However, children, as everything in life, you must start, take steps and persevere on that path. Effort will bring you faith, faith will bring you love and love will bring you the wisdom that you need to go through in these times.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received in the Commune of Castel Volturno, Campania, Italy, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

When a soul is consecrated to God, it offers not only its heart, but its entire being in service to Divine Will. Little by little, this consecration deepens, and the whole consciousness, from the spirit to the cells, starts to understand and to experience its surrender.

When a consecrated soul prays, it must be aware that its whole being accompanies that prayer. When it serves, its whole being accompanies its service. When the consciousness carries out a spiritual and planetary task, each one of its cells participate in it.

I tell you all these things today because the time has come for making yourself aware of your whole being and for starting to understand the science of human existence.

To consecrate life is an inner act of offering one's being to fulfill the purpose of its existence through unconditional surrender to God. To expand your service for humanity and Creation, you must also expand your knowledge and deepen your surrender, being aware of each part of your being.

As the planetary transition approaches, it becomes necessary to know the science of bodies, to know where your consciousness reaches up unitl. Such wisdom is essentially present in the knowledge of the East, but now it must be deepened and be renewed according to the evolution of the human faculty of assimilating knowledge and deepening into it.

When serving, perceive how all that you are participates in that service. Seek, then, a way of restoring yourself and allow that inner and spiritual restoration to also reach the inside of the smallest nuclei of your body, your cells and atoms. Thus you will allow service to this planet to happen, without your material consciousness wearing out for that.

Pacify body, mind and heart to get to know who you are and how you must serve the world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The surrender of life, children, is not something transitory. True surrender includes the entire consciousness, from the body, mind and heart, to the soul, spirit and essence.

Those who surrender to the Creator are placing the direction of their lives in the hands of the Father and renouncing every personal goal, all their plans, projects and aspirations, even fulfilling the mission God has entrusted to them. Surrender must be guided by the constant exercise of self-emptying, by the permanent quest of being nothing and of not wanting anything.

Many aspire to fulfill missions that, in themselves, demand the total surrender of their lives, as is the unconditional and selfless service. However, before you launch yourselves into this surrender, children, you must meditate from the heart on what it means and, thus, dispose your consciousnesses to something more profound so that this service may be true and its possible consequences may be reasons to consolidate the surrender and not to generate a debt towards God; as can happen if you lose your lives serving.

I tell you this because if you truly meditate, and launch yourselves into selfless service and consecration, with the awareness that surrender must be deepened every day, then you might become instruments of God and this condition will bring you the Grace to fulfill your mission with protection and correct discernment.

However, if you launch yourselves into an unconscious, impulsive and shallow surrender, you run the risk of not receiving from God the grace and protection that you need and you will live in constant imprudence, by the lack of discernment.

This is why I tell you that the task you do or the degree of risk you take does not matter, but rather, the spiritual and conscious depth of your surrender. This is what will differentiate the service that will or will not have the direct presence of God.

I hope you have understood what I told you.

I leave My Blessing to those who will surrender themselves from the heart. 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, the larger the commitment of a soul is, the larger will be the challenge of its consecration, because more souls are linked to its step and so being, its definition will result in the awakening and redemption of many beings.

The larger the commitment of a work is, the larger will be the challenges to manifest it, because the adversary of God will not silence before the echo of the Voice of the Creator.

I ask you to be firm, brave and united in heart; that you maintain your strength in Christ, in the Universe and in all the revelations you already know so that in this way you will understand that the triumph of God goes beyond this life.

Humanity lives extreme opposites of awakening and of profound ignorance, of love and of much evil, and the battle between the establishment of peace and darkness will take place on all levels of consciousness.

What should never exist in your hearts is rage, because all rage that comes from the human heart only feeds what the adversary is trying to build.

You will not be indifferent to what happens in the world and, facing the attacks of the adversary, you will increase in yourselves the power of peace, of unity and of love. You will take advantage of each test to grow and to strengthen your own faith and thus you will not allow the adversary of God to find fuel to continue lightening the fire of illusions, perditions and mistakes.

Each being will be known for their own fruits. This work will be recognized by its fruits because it will sow peace and will make it flourish and multiply in the hearts.

While the falsehood emerges from the beings and all the lies become visible to everyone, the virtues must also emerge. Unite only to the light and do not see the lies of others as a form to defend and to justify yourselves, because this battle must not be competitive on your side, not even in your mind.

To dissolve darkness and to let evil poison itself, it is necessary not to drink from this poison but rather to drink from the Fountain of Christ that in silence and on the cross wins the battle of falsehood, attacks and defamations.

Children, pacify your interior and pray for your brothers and sisters. Today the Heart of God is more wounded and Christ prays before His Father for the ignorance of those who once more allow themselves to be instruments of evil.

The Lord hopes that there is unity among His companions and this must be built by those who are more conscious of this need. Therefore, pray and ask for the Christ to enter into the hearts of all men and women, purify your miseries and make true those who say they follow His Name.

Never lose sight of the example of the Redeemer and remember not to feed evil, not even in thought.

The Sacred Family returns to teach you that only in love, silence and living the truth, that you already know, you can make the Plan of God triumph.

Follow Our example and do not fear to live and announce what we ask you for, because – in spite of all resistance from humanity in losing its power over the things of the world – there are many who need to awaken in order to fulfill their mission.

One day everyone will make use of what We taught you to take the last step, no matter if you had been against or in favor of the Work of God because the truth will emerge beyond the human will.

I love you and leave you My Blessing,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The reward of the servant of God is eternal service. The Creator renews His servants in the act of serving, and the certainty of being fulfilled by His Plan nourishes them.

Children, the great school of the Disciples of Christ in these times is eternal renunciation. However, I speak of renunciation of the things of this world, of the conveniences and pleasures that humanity as a whole has efforted much to maintain.

Those who fear renunciation, in truth, have never come to know the grace of serving God, because it is by renouncing all that is temporary that you may find what is eternal and nourishes the soul, body and spirit, making you full in God, beyond the appearances of the world.

Those who want to sustain themselves during their own purification must find their peace in renouncing all results concerning themselves, because they suffer much, those who every day look at their wound and do not allow it to heal due to the power of their thoughts about it.

You must recognize that the wounds are there, but in order for the pain to not torment your life and prevent you from doing whatever you are called to do at this time, you have to take your eyes off of yourselves.

Therefore, children, the greater the degree of consecration, the greater must be the renunciation, because a deep surrender will be demanded and you will be lead to live it beyond your own will; but this is not where your consciousness needs to be, because the Plan of God is manifested by undertaking it and not by thinking about it.

Thus, you should know that the one who gives everything will also receive everything, and the one who puts aside their own process, their purification, and even their needs in order to help others, will be rewarded by God and reach the expression of His Plan without noticing it.

For this reason, today I show you the path of service and transcendence and I thank you for trying to overcome yourselves for love to the Plan of the Creator. In this eternal attempt and true aspiration, the Plan is fulfilled. Go ahead.

Your Father and Companion in the path of ascension,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


O soul who aspires to be consecrated more and more to the Celestial Plans, allow yourself to be carried away by impulses rather than by impulsiveness!

Recognize the difference between the powerful currents that come from the cosmos and invite you to take a concrete and precise step, and the unbridled currents of the mind and the emotions, that will carry you into seeking a path that is not for your feet. Meditate with the heart and do not reflect on this.

I do not pronounce these words to confuse you in your decisions, because in truth, you are now mature enough to perceive the difference between impulse and impulsiveness. I simply tell you this so that you be attentive and never lose your readiness to move forward, but that your impetus to walk will lead you to the right goal that God has thought of for you.

This is no longer the time to launch yourself into uncertain paths by not meditating and not feeling the direction to go in. Ask yourself before taking your steps and do not respond with the mind what it is for the heart to decide.

Persevere in the goal that God has for you and do not resist following His Will. If you rejoice in the Will of God, your life may be full of inner joy. And even though you may experience some difficulty, nothing will take away from you the joy of living that which was intended for you.

The One who alerts you to take precise steps in these times of definition.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Renew your consecration to God every day and enter into the eternal movement of universal cycles.

Renew yourselves before the Creator so that He will conduct you through new inner paths and you will never remain in the steps you have already taken.

Recognize the infinite before you, and how much you need to grow far beyond this life. Recognize in the vast universe the infinite dimensions created and that each one of them will charge from you a certain learning that will make you grow and unite yourself each day more to God.

Child, what humanity calls contemplation and union with God, in this material dimension, is nothing more than an approach to the greatness of the Creator, an experience with His Divine Light. Contemplation is an act of recognizing the existence of God and of approaching Him, but much is still missing from the human heart and consciousness for it to be One with God in its origin.

This path is built and walked little by little. As the being empties himself from himself and from all the need to explain and to understand what he experiences, as he empties himself from the known concepts by his mind, he starts being permeated by other laws and vibrations that do not belong to this world and that are palpable to the human heart, but not understandable for the mind.

The approach and acceptance of these sublime laws gradually cause the doors to other degrees of evolution to open before the consciousness, and it will be only after crossing these doors and experiencing these laws that you will be able to feel and understand them, but not explain them.

You cannot explain what you live on higher levels because the matter that composes the human mind does not correspond to this subtle vibration; but yes, child, the heart, that is similar to the Creator of all things, can understand and live all laws.

Just as the Lord is unlimited in His Existence, so is also the heart of human beings. But this heart needs to expand, cross portals and break barriers, transcend limits and human tendencies, stop being so closed, and open itself to the Cosmos – that, for it, is inexplicable and understandable at the same time.

To reach this state of union with the higher life, that is more than a contemplative experience, child, it is necessary that you renew yourself every day and, when you perceive that you are stagnated or going backwards, always search for a form to awake and advance.

Therefore I come to the world, to impel the human heart towards the infinite, and to lead it to an experience of what it truly is.

Let yourself be guided and impelled by these words. If you do not understand them, only feel them and let them by themselves –alive as they are– work within you.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Service ennobles the soul and brings the spirit of charity to the world, which is so scarce amongst everyone. When a heart discovers the love of service, it is fulfilled and finds a safe path for its own consecration.

The second step, after selfless service, under the spirit of charity, is conscious sacrifice in the name of the sufferings of Christ. As simple as what you do may seem, whenever you offer your actions to the reparation of the Heart of Christ, your offers are accepted, and the Sacred Heart is alleviated.

I have consecrated this house to My Chaste Heart so that here you can live simplicity, charity and love amongst all of you. I want to make each serving heart a source of peace for this planet.

Many think it is necessary to perform great works and travel very far so that the service is valid and true, but I tell you that it was in a simple carpenter’s shop where I rendered the greatest service of My little Spirit, and there I found holiness and the door to Divinity, which I reached beside My Son.

Holiness in the life of each being does not depend on the external circumstances that you experience, for it depends only on each heart, on the willingness of each one to make their own existence sacred.

If in the service you provide, you offer your actions to God, you will discover many mysteries that will be revealed to you as understandings, sometimes inexplicable, that come from the heart, and that only to the heart will they be clear.

As Father of all servers, I pledge to be present among you whenever you invoke My Presence through prayer, through charity, and through acts of compassion and fraternity.

I pledge to intercede for souls and the Kingdoms of Nature in this prayer room of charity.

I will only ask you to remember Me and that you make this space into a place of joy, charity and unity between humankind and God.

I would like for an image of My Chaste Heart to be at the entrance of this house, consecrating and blessing this place, which will radiate the inspiration of service towards the souls who must approach during these times.

I bless you and I guard you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


No longer deceive yourself with the fear or with the lack of inner strength for being as you are in spirit, because your heart only suffers as long as the energies of the world keep establishing their reign in your life. You suffer because you do not express what you are, and you miss the opportunity of being full in the truth, only for giving in to the mental forces of this decaying world.

Do you see how little wise are you that choose to suffer instead of being full in God?

Have you ever thought about of what moves you to internally consecrate your life and not to express such consecration in your actions, thoughts and feelings?

You say that you fear to lose joy, life and lightness, but such attributes are of the soul, that soul of yours that can never manifest itself, because you constantly oppress it to live your own will and keep experiencing the energies of this world.

A time of total and absolute renovation has arrived; because of this, My son, I will no longer speak to you as a father talks to a child. You are already a potential instrument of God, called friend and companion of Christ in the whole universe.

Seek, then, in your days, to deepen yourself in the life of the spirit and free yourself from ignorance. Let your consciousness find new horizons inside yourself and, thus, unveil the mysteries that you do not know about yourself.

Get to know yourself, recognize yourself as child of God and act in the world as such. Recognize yourself as a part of this thread of light that follows up the Christic life on Earth, and do not allow this divine principle to be erased from the human heart.

Abandon, dear son, ignorance, arrogances and stinginess. If you surrender yourselves to Christ, give your all without fear. Do not keep holding what pleases you in yourself because the Lord asks you everything.

While the world suffers and fades way for not knowing the Light, the Heavens open themselves before you and a Messenger of God smiles and offers you to get lost from yourself, so that you can be full in the Creator. Will you take this Divine Hand or will you remain a prisoner in your own tastes?

Humanity awaits your true answer, more than your ephemeral reflection.

This one who impels you to transformation,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the presence of My Holy Daughter, Teresa of Jesus, I am glad to see you liberating the world with the power of devotion and of the joy of serving God.

This is the spirit of a true life of consecration and it is what Teresa of Jesus always taught the world, through My example: that joy must never be absent in the heart of those who surrender themselves to God.

Joy must be present as an essence in everything that you do: the joy of silence, the joy of transformation, the joy of sacrifice, the joy of correction, the joy of praying, the joy of serving, the joy of being a living part of the Plan of God.

If this joy were alive in the heart of all servants, it would be like a fire that keeps love alive in the heart of all beings and transforms all rigidity and every difficulty in simplicity and lightness.

Today, beside My daughter Teresa, to whom I never failed and who never failed Me, I come to bring you an impulse for the consecration of life and that you make of the day-to-day of your beings the eternal joy of walking to God.

When the Divine purpose is clear both in the consciousness and in the heart, the soul never loses joy because – even before the current scenarios of the world – it knows the truth to which it walks and it is always seeking to elevate the sorrow and the sadness through joy.

Dear companions, both Teresa and My humble Heart have been upon the Earth and know the difficulties of reaching the true surrender, but both of us reached in life two virtues, with which we could fulfill the Plan of God for Us and which we continue to live so that we may be eternal servants of the Lord: those virtues are perseverance and joy.

Be tireless before the obstacles that the world places to you and that your own interior makes emerge, and make life become light and simple through joy.

Therefore, you might be a source of the Presence of God in the world and, in a time in which despair is the common living of the hearts, you might be a breath and a balm of love for those who suffer.

I love you and, together to Teresa of Jesus, I want to show you the simplicity of the life consecrated to the Plan of God when the heart is truly tireless and joyful.

We leave Our blessings over the whole world and may Our joy bring lightness for the afflicted hearts.

Your Father and Companion, Saint Joseph, in the presence of Saint Teresa of Jesus


I was raised in the spirit of humility in the Kingdom of the Heavens, having it as a primary attribute to the story I would write in the world.  Such as I bring that divine attribute, each soul and each essence bring in their interior an attribute to manifest.

My rearing was no different from yours, I just had the mission of being an example to humanity and, throughout My existence in the world, I was helped to do so.

Since I was a child, I knew that something inside of Me could not live the same life that My brothers and sisters envisioned.  This search for the purpose that the Creator had for Me often made Me move away from the world and even from those that I loved.

I lived many instances of solitude, in order to try to find a meaning to life, and when I found it in the union with God, I discovered that in My solitude all those that I loved were found.

Although I was not understood by many, I sustained Myself in faith and in the trust that such life was lived for the good and for the evolution of all those who were around Me and that, without knowing how, what I was living was helping them.

I was twelve years old when I sought in the silence what God had for Me, and that I could not find in the daily life that I was living together with My brothers and sisters.  In silence and prayer, I began to grow in spirit and to discover that maturity was not in the age and that, even though I was so small, I wound find in the spirit all the understandings that I needed in order to grow.

It was like this that I consecrated the existence to God and He listened to Me and accepted My offer; He showed Me His Plan, in this and in other lives.  In that moment, I did not know of the absolute greatness of the mission that awaited Me and only before Jesus, as a child, I could understand and overcome bigger tests.

I tell you all that because God also came to you, placed you before all the absurd of this world and impelled you to seek a true meaning to life.  He led you to the path of the consecration of the soul;  some, of the spirit, and others, of all the aspects of the being.

Through His Triune Spirit, He revealed to you a mission: to prepare the return of Christ and to become an example to the souls that will not have a guide in these times of so much confusion.

If you dive into your own inner world, you will find all the maturity of the spirit and you will grow quickly, much beyond the material bodies.  You will understand what is incomprehensible to the human mind that is not united to its spirit and, even if you do not know how to elaborate great thesis and scientific explanations about what you live, you will know God and will live Him.  You will manifest His Purpose and pass through many tests, until you fulfill the primary mission entrusted by Him.

But, before the Living Christ, all the regrets will become small and transitory. There will not be any suffering or tribulation that will not be rewarded before the greatness of His Love and the glory of His Resplendent Spirit.

It is for this that I come to the world: to teach you to repeat what I lived as Joseph of Nazareth.  So that you may understand that the essence of the human journey is the same and that, with the same naturalness that the mistakes repeat themselves so many times, glory also repeats itself, holiness repeats itself, the birth and the return of Christ will repeat themselves.  As well as He resurrected in Spirit and opened the Heavens to His ascent, He will return and open the Heavens to touch His Feet on the ground of this world.

I bless you and guide you to the fulfillment of the spiritual mission of the human heart.

Saint Joseph, confident and faithful Servant of God


I come in this afternoon to reveal you the supreme truth of My Heart: one of pillars to the consecration of spirit is the love to solitude; solitude that finds the Heart of the Eternal Father, and inside Him, all the Creation.

The consecration of life requires from beings to abandon all the expectations towards the others and towards themselves.   May you not want to achieve anything,  not even an spiritual attribute, to demonstrate your progress to anyone.

As long as you are tied to the need of showing results in your transformations, you will always stagnate in the same point and, now and again, you will find the same miseries as always.  Because the definitive transformation comes from the true consecration to God and to be consecrated to God is to surrender to Him everything that you are.  Even if you may not obtain any results or achieve any goal, it will not matter what you have accomplished, because what you are belongs to God and to no one else.

When I talk about solitude, I talk about detachment from companions in your paths.  I do not mean by it that, from now on, you must be physically alone; I only mean that you must take your own steps, even if you are the only ones in the whole world assuming a path of transformation.  And even if everyone around you do not recognize this path and do not make any effort to traverse it, you must do it anyway.

The consecration must be between the soul itself, the spirit itself, and God.  No interference from life on Earth must move you away from the possibility of launching yourselves into the abyss of surrender to the Creator.

One of the reasons, My dears, why humanity does not reach the Celestials Principles, is the impossibility of most beings to detach themselves from everything that the others expect from them, and also to walk without depending on steps of others, on external encouraging from those who accompany them.

As you see, this path is hard and arid, but the source found once you cross this desert is eternal, and if a being is able to arrive at it, they can quench the thirst of all of humanity.

Know that, even though this path is filled by the spirit of solitude and of surrender, you will do it for all those that have not encouraged themselves to walk.  The merits generated by one of you will result into the salvation of many souls.

For this I tell you again: consecrate yourselves to the Creator every day and live for Him, and not for anyone else, nor for yourselves.  Thus, you will abandon the necessity of doing deeds that do not build the Project of God for the insecurity and the fear to not be accepted by the others.

The Lord expects you to clean the floor you walk, to remove the dry leaves and to see the marks of His Feet on the ground.  Follow His Footprints.  There was nobody more lonely and detached from Himself and from the world than the Son of God, His example and Eternal Salvation.

Under the Love of Christ, I bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
