In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I return to a people, to the people most consecrated to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart. For this reason, dear children, at this moment I open the doors of My Grace so that It may descend upon My children and their souls.

I attentively listen to the supplications of those who cry out, those who, in humility, elevate their prayers to God, all those who firmly experience the Sacred Sacrament of the Eucharist, the favorite union with My Most Beloved Son Jesus.

Dear children, I would not be able to explain to you with My Words what it means for your Heavenly Mother to be able to return to Africa and respond to all the requests that are elevated to My Heart.

Africa is a land of origins and of a sacred primordial history, which My Son will cause to raise and emerge in the coming time so that the whole world may come to know the sacred values of Africa, which have been buried throughout time.

However, do not fear, dear children, and be brave, because the Return of My Son is approaching and He will be here with you and for you, just as for all this continent loved by God.

The great wealth that Africa has is spiritual, anonymous and secret, and it lies within the heart of each of My children from Africa; a spiritual wealth that can be reflected through their faces and by means of the gift of faith, which miraculously sustains the souls that incessantly seek communion with God and the favorite union with My Most Beloved Son, as well as with My Immaculate and Maternal Heart.

Despite what Africa and the whole world experience today, despite the pains and anguishes that My children experience, trust, dear children, in the Presence of the Mother of God, Who comes to place you all on Her maternal lap, Who comes to offer you the secure door of Her Maternal Heart so that all can be spiritually cured and thus renew their lives.

Because this is the promise of My Son; from the first moment of His Incarnation on Earth until His great moment of Resurrection, Christ faithfully kept His offering for souls and the planet. And, from His Return on, He will continue to do so for all those who deserve Justice, Mercy and Peace, for all those who are discarded and despised.

My Beloved Son and His Maternal Mother find, in each child, an abundant and infinite spiritual wealth. This is the spiritual code that Christ will come to resurrect from Africa. Consequently, He will come to resurrect human dignity, because the whole world will still have to learn from Africa, from its inner state of faith and prayer, of praise and love for Our Father-Mother, the Creator.

Today, I listen to the voices of those who cry out for relief. The Mother of God is here to respond to you but above all to welcome you within Her Maternal Heart.

How many offerings have you made to My Beloved Son? Today, the Mother of God comes to spiritually recognize them through this door of Grace that opens and is unknown.

This is why I Am here, fulfilling this mission of God to tell you, My beloved children, that the Celestial Father loves you and contemplates you; that the Celestial Father also waits for the great moment of your liberation and the end of spiritual slavery. Because My Son will come to break the shackles, My Son will come to untie the knots, because the precious souls of Africa are incalculable, and they have much to teach the world.

Therefore, the time of the reemergence of Africa is written within the Heart of God; because the voice of those in most need will be heard, and the doors of Mercy will open for all.

Inexplicably, dear children, with the sacred and awaited Return of Christ, you will no longer know what suffering or anguish is. The stigmas of human life will disappear because the Resurrected will come to meet you, just as He came to meet His apostles and followers.

In the name of the Lord, I want to tell you, My beloved children, that you are part of His spiritual family and Sacred Mystical Body, which forms and unites the Spiritual Church of Christ on Earth.

Throughout time, just as on this special day for your Heavenly Mother and for your hearts, you are spiritually anointed by the Presence of Christ through My Heart; because He will also come here in the next days to deliver to you His Message of salvation and love, to raise again the souls that are still fallen and desperate, to edify, through hearts, His Christic code of redemption.

This is why many angels are with Me today, dear children, collecting the intentions of honest souls, carrying in their baskets of Light the prayers of the hearts that love God. Because this is the day of the offering of souls toi the Celestial Father by means of My Immaculate Heart, a secure door for your salvation, refuge for the innocent, dwelling for the chosen, temple for those who cry out, tabernacle for all souls.

Behold the Heart of your Mother, the Mother of Peace. Because while I Am here, I also assist the whole world, those who are victims of wars and of spiritual slavery, those who are trafficked and those who are lost. I Am here for all, in the Name of the Lord.

Behold the Slave of God; may My Word be fulfilled in you, just as the Word of God became flesh within the Heart of Mary, just as the Word became Flesh within My Womb of Light, and brought salvation to all.

This is the Voice of the Faithful Slave and Mother of all those who cry out. Receive My caress of Love in your essences and souls, My consolation of a Mother Who comes to strengthen your faith and trust in Our Creator.

Now the time has come to fulfill the promises, because Christ sends Me as His Servant to cure the hearts of the Earth, mainly those who are most in need.

May all those who have offered to My Heart today to be consecrated, approach, so that the Mother of God can bless and consecrate Her beloved children of Africa.

My beloved and dear children, I Am here with you and for you. With the glory of all Heaven and the presence of all angels, I come to bless you and consecrate you as My Children, as Children of Mary, so that you may feel the embrace of God and the eternal consolation of His Heart.

In the name of Grace, I Am blessing and consecrating you; feel you are in My Arms, listen to the beating of My Heart within you, the Grace of My Love is what I give to you today, the Grace that will strengthen and encourage you to keep going forward.

Today, just as I consecrate you as My Children, because you have always been My children, in the same way I also consecrate Africa, so that its people may rise in hope and faith, and resurrect through the Love of Christ.

May all chains be broken, may all shackles be dissolved, may the doors of Light open so that souls may accompany the sacred pilgrimage toward the Celestial Kingdom, where I will take you one day.

I thank you, My children, for your prayerful fidelity, for your persistence and also your strength. This pleases the Heart of God, this touches the Heart of My Son. For this reason, Our Sacred Hearts are in Africa again today, and They will always be with your people, your families and loved ones. When you simply call Us through the prayer of the heart, We will fulfill Our promise, the promise of loving you eternally, just as God loves you.

I bless you and consecrate you as Children of Mary, as beloved Children of My Heart, because the heart of Africa beats today within each soul and each heart that unites to God at this moment.

May the Peace of My Son be within you.

May My Love embrace and console you.

I Am here and Am your Mother.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.