Live each day as if it were the last: be true in your words, intentions, gestures and in each action of your days.
Live each day as if it were the last: be simple in your outlook, willing in your service, attentive in your prayers, transparent in your confessions, sincere in your love for God and His little creatures of all the Kingdoms of Nature.
Live each day as if it were the last: paying attention to each detail and each opportunity for surrendering a little more to God; paying attention to each opportunity for overcoming your resistances and fears, your limitations and your human condition.
Live each day as if it were the last: remain vigilant and perceive the Will of God for each detail in life.
See, child, that His Purpose dwells in all things, in the tests and the challenges, in illness or in vitality, in a profound sadness or in a full joy. God's Purpose dwells in each detail in life and, when you live each day as if it were the last, you will perceive that this Purpose guides your life and leads you to the transformation of your consciousness, so that each instant may bring you wholeness, rather than what you want or the way you think, but a wholeness in the fulfilling of God's Will for your life.
For this reason, live each day as if it were the last, but not with the desire to do all things, but rather with the peace of having an awareness of each detail, so that you may perceive the wonders of the gift of life in the small things.
And when the day and the time comes for you to transcend this opportunity of a material experience of life on Earth, your heart will be ready, not for returning to learn again in the world, but rather to take the greater steps in the ascension of your spirit, because it is now time.
Thus, do not attach your spirit to the world, do not hold on to the things of the Earth, but live each day in simplicity as if it were the last, and you will find the peace and freedom to perceive that you have no control or power over anything at all; you only have the possibility of living and being grateful for everything that life grants you as a growing and learning experience.
Let the gift of gratitude lift your heart up to God and make it His instrument more and more each day.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"The one who loves, will not fear.
The one who made a mistake, will learn to make amends.
The one who offended, will learn to ask for forgiveness.
The one who hated, will reconcile again.
The one who divided, will unite again.
The one who submerged in darkness, will find the Light again.
The one who hurt, will learn to heal.
The one who is in ignorance, will someday awaken to the Truth.
The one who walked away, will one day return.
The one who mistrusted, will learn to self-trust.
The one who stepped backward, will learn to move forward.
Nothing is fixed or permanent, so is the evolution of the spirit of every being.
There are causes and conditions, but they cannot paralyze the walk of the disciple.
The universe will always show what is not yet solved, for being under the Law of the universe means being in unity and harmony."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Just as you are, you must come to Me.
Just as you feel, you must come to Me.
Just as you speak, you must come to Me; for I will not judge you nor will I condemn you, for the flaws exist to be transformed, the imperfections live in your consciousness to be transcended.
But do not move too far ahead, follow the time of the heart, therein lies every answer.
Be humble and accept yourself as you are; when you do so, you will know what is beyond you, you will know the value of your soul and spirit.
Do not want to be something you will never be, everyone has their own cross and you must carry that cross without complaining or reproaching yourself.
Assume the part that corresponds to you in this trajectory.
Humble yourself if necessary, but without being pitiful.
Remember to become empty of yourself."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Withdraw from your weaknesses the strength of the spirit, and let your spirit lead and guide you to the fulfilment of the Spiritual Purpose.
Rise from your falls as many times as necessary, but do not set yourself up as a victim, but as being responsible for your own actions.
Allow the power of Divine Mercy to transform all your miseries, so that you can be freed from yourself, from your own resistances.
Everything can be renewed, remember this. Nothing is fixed or permanent, the universe is dynamic and changes all the time.
Be brave enough to recognise your shortcomings, but do not punish yourself with your thoughts.
Be determined to achieve the inner freedom that I offer you. The desert is for the brave of heart, it is for those who are not afraid to be others."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"May calm, peace and serenity fill your spirit and consciousness, so that you may learn to walk through in your own desert, without agonies or guilt.
Draw close, once again, to My Fountain, which springs from the earth. Drink from My Light and My Love, so that your steps may be taken with the ardent aspiration to be in Me and that I may be in you forever. Go forward!"
Christ Jesus
Learn to contemplate and adore the Blood of Christ, knowing that each drop poured out by the Lord represents His unlimited Love for each being and for life itself.
Place your eyes on the Christ of Calvary and know that His Love, even without the Cross, has already surpassed and renewed all of Creation, but His offer went further, and pouring out Blood and Water, He perpetuated the Grace of salvation and redemption for all beings of Earth and beyond it.
May your eyes, placed upon the poured Blood of Christ, grant you the understanding and the experience of that which yielding and surrender are, that which giving all for love is.
The Water that was poured by Christ represented the unlimited Mercy that, along with pouring out all His Blood, He also poured out Water in order to give all of Himself, in matter and in spirit.
Together, Blood and Water represent the mystery of a Love still not understood by humankind; that Love that you are called upon to renew and to surpass so that everything may be recreated and evolution may find a new beginning, a greater life of union with the Creator Father.
Begin, then, by contemplating within your heart the Blood of Christ and the Water that was poured out from His Body so that you may penetrate His Mysteries and they may inspire you, and lead to a more true likeness with the Love of Christ.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the soul looks up toward Heaven, it strengthens its own spirit, its own faith, it recovers its most pure aspirations, and renews its vows with God. But when it turns its eyes toward the Earth, it loses its hope, it finds itself in what it believes to be reality, and it cannot manage to perceive within itself, or within a fellow being, the way of manifesting the sacred that awaits in infinity. The soul seeks strength, prays and asks for the Grace to know how to achieve that which it contemplates in the universe.
And today I tell you, children, that when you begin to look not only toward Heaven, but also at what you really are, you will discover that matter and infinity unite in the human consciousness. Clay and spirit become one when beings awaken to what they are, and it will not be necessary to die in order to rise up into eternity; rather, you will be able to discover true life and eternity within yourselves; a gift revealed to the hearts that pray, that worship, and that does not enclose divine truth within the mind nor in what has already been said, because in spite of all that has already been said, very little was understood and experienced.
For this reason, seek the sacred within yourselves. Do not look for it only while you pray, yet look to communicate with it while you live.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To be in the Heart of the Hierarchy and remain there, you must, above all things, live unity. A unity that is built with transparency and with love; a unity that is built knowing to first listen, and then speak; a unity that is built by being capable of perceiving the real value of each being and how others are an indispensable piece in the Work that God is carrying out in the human consciousness.
To be in unity is to know how to relate to others, aware of the Divine Presence in this relationship; to know that, while you speak, think, feel, act, the Eyes of God are upon you, His Presence blesses you, His Laws guide you.
To consciously place oneself in the Presence of God, in each instant of life, will be that which will distance you from the stimuli of the enemy and stop the most human aspects of yourself from being that which governs your lives. In the Presence of God, those aspects will gradually transform and be sublimated, and it is your souls and your spirits that can guide the expression of your beings.
Being in the Presence of God, you will have your heart in His Kingdom, and that Kingdom will enfold you, protect you and always safeguard you. For this reason, children, this is the great secret for remaining upon the path of the Hierarchy: to always be in the Presence of God, under His Gaze and within His Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XIX - To Serve God and Fulfill His Will
A soul, sensitized to the urgency for the awakening of humanity, to the urgency to transform and serve, prayed to God, asking Him for more opportunities to serve, more responsibilities and possibilities for acting in His Plan of Love, saying: "Lord, here is my heart, my spirit, soul, mind, body and feelings. Use me for the manifestation of Your Plan. Give me more possibilities for serving, more responsibilities for carying out the manifestation of Your Will on Earth. God, do not leave me simply observing the dormant state of humanity, but rather bring me to those places where I am able to serve Your Heart ever more."
And knowing the sincere momentum of this soul for serving and surrendering, the Lord responded with love: "Little soul, do not seek just to serve more; seek to serve better. Do not look for opportunities to manifest My Work in great things, because I do not want you to be a martyr in the history of humanity; I do not want you to be a revolutionary soul that will be remembered in the books of this world. I call on you to transform the human condition from the inside out.
I do not call upon you to serve more; rather, I call upon you to serve better, to polish what separates you from Me in each instant of your life. I do not call you to be memorable to humankind, but rather to all of Creation, because My Project is fulfilled when It triumphs within beings, in their consciousnesses, in their souls and in their spirits.
When you serve better in the small things, in the excellence of your surrender, in your love for the neighbor, in the sincerity of your prayer, in the transparency of your expression in life, in the living of the Gifts of My Spirit, it is then, little soul, that great work is accomplished.
When you serve better, you will naturally serve more; because the very energy of life will lead you to greater responsibilities, which will not always be material, but many times, it will be internal, hidden and invisible to the eyes of humankind, because the attention of human beings is on that which is done in the essence of humankind, for in this way, My Plan is manifested.
Thus, little soul, let your momentum of serving always be alive, leading you to serve better, more deeply, more sincerely, in a pure and transparent way, in a service that occurs within your heart, between your heart and Mine; and My Will shall be fulfilled in you."
May this dialogue teach you, children, to fulfill the Will of God in a sincere and complete way, and to serve Him ever better, from the inside out.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Starting now, child, prepare your heart, not only to re-live the Passion of your Lord, but also to receive from Him the last and most important impulses, which will prepare your consciousness and your spirit for the time that will come.
In the same way that, in Jesus, God built the strength that allowed Him to carry the Cross of the redemption of the world, now He sends His Son to strengthen and to shape the spirits that committed to Him in the renewal of His Love and in the revelation of the deepest mysteries of His Universal Gospel.
For this reason, be aware of where you are and for what you were called for, and allow your soul to deepen into the mystery of your existence through prayer and gratitude, through the daily effort to be ready, to be before Christ.
May this Lent have for you a new and definitive meaning of truly having your heart ready, as the Heart of Christ, to bear the weight of the cross of these times and to renew His Love.
Experience the cycles with attention and humility, simple, yet vigilant at heart. Everything in your life has a spiritual meaning; human evolution is a great and constant ceremony of opening paths toward God. Participate in this ceremony with your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If your heart is tired within, if your mind is tired of resisting, if your bodies are tired of sustaining themselves and this world, child, the time has come to surrender to God.
If your spirit is tempted, if your soul is in agony, if loneliness approaches, even while surrounded by friends, and silence is what speaks loudest within you, child, it is because the time has come to surrender to God.
The planetary Passion begins with temptation.
Before surrendering all for love, your Lord had already spiritually carried the weight of the world and, defeating inner temptations with the revelation of His unbreakable Faith, He then overcame His most human resistances by sweating Blood and, in that, He overcame the fear of all humanity, of experiencing surrender and sacrifice for a love without rewards.
But once again, I tell you, My child, meditate upon the Cross of your Lord, and create a deep connection with Him.
Because when the Divine Word becomes silent, when the stars hide in the sky and even your inner universe is dark, like a night without the moon, it is only the power of the memory of the Passion of Christ that will inspire your soul. It is your profound union with Him and the goal of imitating His footsteps that will allow you to continue moving forward.
It is so little, My child, that you suffer grief magnified by the temptations of the world, the assaults of these times. But I tell you that much greater is the Love and the Power of God within you.
Risk discovering it; surrender yourself to live it.
Do not remain in weariness or agony, but rather drink from the divine Chalice that seems to offer you pain but, in reality, offers you infinite Love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The End of Some Experiences
As I have told you once, companions, My time among you is ending and when this time comes, everything will be unleashed.
Today, I want to announce to you that not only the time and the cycle of the end of the daily impulses is coming, but also coming is the end of many Christic experiences that some of Mine, the closest ones, have lived in these last six years and that, for various reasons, have lost the spiritual experience with Me and only remained with the remembrance of what they once lived with Me.
With this, I want to explain to you and clearly warn you that the choice, made by some who were with Me, upon My path, and that no longer are, has led them to lose the great Christic experience of their entire life, as they were prisoners of illusion and of a supposed invulnerability to harassment.
In truth, they let themselves be defeated, they yielded and lost inner forces, because they let themselves be taken by their weaknesses.
This is the time of the end of experiences, and souls that become without the Christic experience lose the state of Grace that, due to Mercy and Pity, they had once received.
In truth, the seriousness of some extreme choices of some souls is not in the action, but rather in the absolute loss of common sense and reality, and the spiritual meaning of life.
For this reason, and when these situations happen, the Spiritual Hierarchy can no longer intervene or rescue, because those most miserable souls that received everything from the Universe, and ridiculed and offended the spiritual treasures of the Hierarchy, begin to be within the planetary chaos and the common denominator of the inert suffering of humanity.
It is to absolutely lose the possibility of being in communion with their own spirit, because the spirit of this being that disconnects from the Christic path loses the experience, which is outraged and stolen by My adversary, in the art of his astuteness and deception.
Do you understand, companions?
To be with the Spiritual Hierarchy and live in the environment where the Hierarchy is, as for example, the Light-Communities are, does not mean to do, fulfill or carry out one’s own will.
It is obeying for love and, in the strict and loving obedience, to be able to deepen into the trust, in the Guidance that comes from the Heights and, in this way, keep walking in transformation.
I want all of you to understand that to be with the Hierarchy is not to be with a friend, a family member or a coordinator of a task.
It is to correspond and respond to a command that comes from the spiritual plane, which is what later reflects in the mental plane and finally in the material plane.
In all this movement of integration with the Hierarchy, there are no choices or tastes, opinions or personal ideas.
It is to join a superior divine and cosmic stream, which has once contacted them, and thus it is to fulfill a Supreme Will.
In clear words: to be and follow the Hierarchy is to be nothing.
This avoids entering the chaos of these times, in the unnecessary loss of profound spiritual experiences, which, once stolen by the adversary, remain deactivated from the nucleus of the essence.
May the process of personal purification not be the center of your attention. May the center of attention be the giving of self and the love for what is divine and cosmic, because in this way you will not lose the last impulses that are descending from the Universe, and will thus be the example of transformation and of true redemption.
The Spiritual Hierarchy unfolds within a hostile field of permanent battle, where the war of all against all has begun.
But you should apply the intelligence of the third ray and not let yourselves be dragged by your own processes or traumas, but rather you should feel impelled and ascended by the last Words of the Universal Hierarchy.
The three days of darkness will come and the islands of Salvation must be ready and prepared for the massive movement that it will have to attend to, as an unprecedented humanitarian emergency that, overnight, will present itself to be attended and alleviated.
All the preparation and training that you experience will help you to live up to the events.
On one hand, the Hierarchy invites everyone to keep collaborating in the manifestation and the order of life in the Communities.
But also, the Spiritual Hierarchy invites the consciousness that, at this moment, do not measure up to the needs of the Plan, to be able to relocate to other places outside the Communities, so that certain processes of purification do not keep blocking the concretion of a purpose that, I have told you, is divine.
The Hierarchy feels in Its Heart the effort and love for all, but there is no longer time, and you must choose your true transformation or your departure.
The Plan has run important risks and, at this moment, the unity of the Divine Hierarchy and the assistance of some servers of the surface sustains the accomplishment of a goal that has been undervalued.
It is time for everyone to be sincere with the Hierarchy; to no longer deceive yourselves and to not give Them so much work, just as the rest of humanity does.
We are navigating into the sea, in the only ship of the Brotherhood, which is living the storm and the shipwreck so that the greatest number of indifferent consciousnesses can be saved, no mattter what.
Today I come with Words of pain and silence to tell you all this, because it is a responsibility and maturity of everyone, to give the best to God, for all that God has given you and keeps giving to you after these last twelve years of apparitions.
As you know, the cycle will end, and this does not mean that everything ends, and that after this you will nourish upon unsafe or non-spiritual sources to be able to feel your lacks supplied.
It means to assume this planet with maturity, the redemption of all the human race and, in selfless service, prepare the bases for the return of Christ.
There are times when the need for change and purification of consciousnesse will place you before a universe of responsibilities.
Many of those who are not present today still believe they have left inmortal, and believe they are free from the Law, because they did not accept being helped, corrected and straightened, like the poor tree that was twisted.
Now there is no time to retrogress, it is time to advance, to give this testimony that I have asked you for so much, and whose meaning many have not understood.
The Hearts of your Lord and of your Heavenly Mother often feels alone, abandoned by the selfishness, by the offenses and trifles that are frequently committed, losing consciousness, sense, discernment.
Enough with all this!
Because it is time to grow and not to complain. It is time to thank every day for what many do not have, but to truly thank.
When you have read many times all that which I have told you, you will truly demonstrate some change to Me. While this does not happen, everything will continue at the same point.
In Rwanda, we warned about the genocide, and no one believed in it. Today we warn about the urgency for many changes, so that afterwards your repentance may not be too late.
These are moments to mature. But also to make room or to set oneself aside, to not block what others, with so much effort, do want to concretize, according to what the Hierarchy asks.
The moment has come for listening clearly and for not becoming closed, because if you become closed to Instruction, you will become an easy prey to My enemy.
May the fire of My Words give you an impulse and place you upon another step of the Plan, so that the real humanitarian emergencies, which are many, can be attended.
I thank you for having the bravery and love to listen to the truth!
Who blesses you and waits for your true change,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
That which is at the center of your being is the most important to Me. Thus, what is to be found there must be protected and safeguarded from the influences of these times.
Most of humanity ignores such existence, that lies at the center of each being. For this reason, people are disconnected from spiritual and inner reality.
This is the time in which the center of each being is very exposed, and only the principles of prayer and of universal life will keep the being protected from those influences that completely blind the consciousness to higher life.
Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to use the intelligence of the spirit and, beyond the attacks or the constant influences, it is important to not allow yourself to be thrown or intimidated by those stimuli, that only come with the purpose of withdrawing the being from its true path.
In protecting the center of the being, from oneself and from external influences, the necessary fortitude will emerge for being able to go through these moments that exist to discourage the human project.
One must never cease to aspire towards the Heights, for in this way you will allow the cosmic currents of the Light to always come in to assist.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Prayer of the Soul Surrendered to Christ
I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My child,
I know that for you, to live My Will means to surrender and transcend many things because of love.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to dissolve personal will so that the purpose of your life may be accomplished.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to give of oneself, to serve and to surrender, beyond inner incapabilities.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to always say "yes" and to be available in any situation or circumstance, even when sometimes you have nothing left to give.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to sometimes have no remedy for inner situations and to just trust in that which is great and has no boundaries.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to love unconditionally, to be without conditions, and to go beyond your concepts and fears.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to always be in faith, beyond there being dark days, and to trust that through the strength given by love, you will manage to achieve the top of the mountain to be able to see the sun.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to die every day a little more to yourself, to your aspirations and expectations.
I know that to live My Will means to be under the ray of the demand, of the determination, and of the Higher Will to survive all assaults in these times, so that the spirit may achieve the purpose that it came to incarnate in this world.
I know that to live My Will means there is no end.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The more you contemplate and adore God in the Eucharist, the more He will be in you and will reveal Himself within you.
The Eucharist is not just the Lamb given up for Love to repair the sins of the world. The Eucharist is the complete and perfect Heart of Christ, where the mysteries of Creation and the essence of the Love of God are kept; a Love that, containing all things within, multiplied so that life could have form and spirit, renewing and recreating Divine Existence.
The Eucharist is the revealed presence of the Most High. There lies Who God is, His mysteries, His Love and His hope. Contemplate and adore the Eucharist and within It lies the Portal for returning to the Origin, to the Truth, to the Light
God hides in His mysteries and reveals Himself to those who seek Him. Seek your Creator and Redeemer in the Eucharist and, in silence, let Him guide you to His Heart, into perfect unity with His Truth and Love.
The mystery of the Eucharist is revealed to the humble, in the silence of their hearts. In humility, stand before this consecrated element and, in the same way that God filled the bread with all that He is, let Him also consecrate and transform the elements of your being into unity with Him.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In this cycle, children, everything transforms each day. Necessities are shown in each instant. It is only necessary to know how to respond and take on the needs.
If you live to serve and do your best, you will be renewed by the Grace of making of your life a surrender to God.
When you serve, love and are attentive to what is necessary around you, the very Creator will be revealed within you, will provide for you within, will give you new strength and will restore your bodies and your spirits.
Receive My blessings for this time of the planet. Love what you do and the purpose of your lives. Let your difficulties dissolve in Love. Let your miseries dissolve in the gratitude of evolving in the Hands of God and under His protection.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Place your heart in the Heart of God and be grateful, child, for another cycle that is beginning. Let your spirit find renewal and peace in the impulses that descend from Heaven to guide souls into the new time.
Each day brings with itself the Graces and blessings to overcome the tests and challenges that come forward. Open your heart to perceive and receive these gifts, and understand how the Creator guides your steps and supports you so that by means of your life, other souls may find peace.
Love the path of awakening and of return to the Origin; let it be the priority of your heart.
A cycle has begun for humanity, child, in which the planetary tests will become even greater, the assaults and the temptations will grow, and you will see fall those who were not firm in Christ. But in spite of everything, calm your heart and find peace. Affirm the basis of your faith on prayer and on permanent surrender so that many may be supported in this rescue ship, which is the faith in the hearts of the children of God.
The impulses that will descend to the Earth will also be infinite, coming from the Universe of God and from His Heart. Many that have been asleep will awaken under a great impulse, and everything will have its balance.
Pray and keep your heart in God. See the tests of these times pass by with your heart firm in Christ and, in this way, you will not only find peace, but you will also be an instrument of peace for this world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Rest your heart in the love of God. Renew your strength in His Cross, growing every day in your surrender.
Restore your spirit in prayer, in union with the Hierarchy, in silence and in peace, so that after each accomplished Mission your spirit may be ready for a new ascending step, more intense and profound than the previous ones.
In this way, child, you will open your heart to the Temple of God and you will prepare not only your spirit, but also your body, mind and emotions to go through the thresholds of a new life.
Thank God for everything in your life, because gratitude attracts renovation and peace from the Universe.
Unite your heart with the Divine Purpose, always saying "yes" to God, thus He will renew you and help you so that everything you are may be overcome, more each day; so that the fruits of love, the tree of the new life, may emerge from your effort.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Light of the Heart of My Son has triumphed again in all created essences which have come into contact with the Work of Love and of Redemption of the Divine Messengers.
This Light will be perpetual; it will feed the spirit with attributes, and will help the soul of each being to go through its moment of purification.
That Light will always be strengthened by the prayer of My children and it will allow bringing a moment of healing and of renovation to all.
The Light of the Heart of My Son is invincible and it has touched, during the last two months, the nations of Europe and beyond, for the Light of the Heart of My Son is abundantly multiplied, in every place the Sacred Hearts visit, as souls proclaim their faith and trust in God.
This makes of the Light of the Heart of My Son a fount and a spring which is spiritually open for all, for the Light of the Heart of My Son is a source of wonder that souls may receive within them at the moment of their conversion.
May the Light of the Heart of My Son be the victory of redemption in hearts and a balm of peace for the nations.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more