Aurora is a power plant of purifying fire; its high temperatures transform what is coarse into what is precious and the dense into the sublime.
Only those who are united in heart with Aurora cross its threshold of purification and of transmutation.
Aurora is that fire that does not allow any code of evil to remain because its voltage of non-material and cosmic energy is stronger than all the Suns of the Universe. Everything it touches, it transforms and realigns so that it may have a function within the vast Purpose.
Aurora is the fire that repels evil and exorcizes it according to the present need.
Thus, Aurora is a power plant of hot energy that transubstantiates what is corrupt within the consciousness in order to be able to purify it, and this it determines through its powerful light.
Aurora is capable of changing a life experience so that it may achieve the purpose.
Aurora is capable of breaking the chains and dissolving the shackles of perdition. Its powerful energy will always bring changes where they still do not exist and it can also bring healing where there is sickness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Message
Children, in the silence of My Heart is heard the introspection of God, a moment in which the Universe reflects upon the coming times.
This is why My announcement is precise and cogent. My Word is clear to bring wisdom to the hearts.
We have no time to lose, there is much more to mature and grow internally.
I need you to know that the Universe contemplates this moment, above all, the beginning of this Pilgrimage in which the gathered Hierarchy will establish the new guidelines and the new principles for all those who want to adhere and be ruled by the Hierarchy.
The Universe will not stop the steps of those who may want to continue to be free, because the Father has given them freedom, has given them the conception of life, has given them the opportunity and the joy of being able to live the Creation.
The Universe contemplates the steps that the nations and all of their representatives take. This restricts the awakening of the Plan of God in the consciousness of humanity and the responsiveness of all creatures.
It is time to see duality manifest and how everything is at stake.
It is time to overcome this duality and to transcend it by means of love, a love that you have never lived, a love that you have never achieved, a love that you have not yet discovered and that you are on the way of being able to live.
While I am here, I am with this part of humanity that needs much of the Mercy of God to be able to have an opportunity of redemption so that a door may open to the conversion of hearts and the transmutation of many lives.
The Silence of My Heart represents the Silence of God, Who contemplates the whole Universe and especially this planet, which He created with so much love through the archangels and the angels as well as the great devas that today are banished by humanity through its actions and a great ignorance that corrodes the Kingdoms of Nature.
But, although all these situations occur, the Kingdoms of Nature do not fail to express themselves and demonstrate what they truly are.
When all of humanity values the Kingdoms of Nature, it will be able to find in them the regeneration of life and the healing for many illnesses.
But still, the humankind of the surface has not understood the Creation nor the system of universal life; otherwise the effects would be different and the opportunities for souls would be different.
In the meantime, the Spiritual Hierarchy tries to seek a solution that can benefit all of humanity, although in this time there are many who are present who offend God and destroy the Divine Plan with their actions, not only within the nations, but also within the societies, within everything that should be harmony and balance for humanity, order and justice, equality, solidarity and cooperation.
But humanity has not incarnated these attributes in a just way yet. It believes it lives and understands them, but in its essence it has no foundations, because humanity must still learn to evolve and grow internally in order to be able to express the Divine Will, that goes beyond ideals and forms, constitutions and laws of the Earth.
When the human being decides to live the Will of God, everything will change.
Who maintains their own will, will not be able to survive.
I am being just and clear so that there are no misunderstandings.
It is time to know that the Universe needs awakened consciousnesses that are capable of reflecting the Plan of God on Earth, that are capable of helping to correct everything that humanity has diverted throughout times and generations.
For this, much effort, surrender and sacrifice will be necessary; something that is not seen in these times, because humanity is distracted and its attention is placed on other things.
For this reason, love is what will help you to overcome this duality, and when this duality has been overcome within you, you will generate opportunities for other souls that also wait for a next step, for a next opportunity, for an extraordinary grace.
As Higher Priest, I have come to the South of Brazil to be able to correct the deviations of this part of the country which are reflected in many more souls.
For this reason, it is time to walk with the consciousness well awakened, letting yourselves be impelled by the ardent vigilance that the Hierarchy can imprint upon you through their impulses and their cosmic currents.
I come to warn that there is still time to be able to correct the path for millions of souls; that there is time to be able to unite to the Will of God and to vivify it through the plan that corresponds to each one.
When we are present, as Hierarchies, possibilities for souls and unique opportunities for consciousnesses are constructed; because what would take you years to transform can be simplified and solved in seconds by the presence of Our divine energy that comes directly from the Source to bring the energy of redemption and renewal to souls.
The deep nucleus of the Truth must awaken in the human being of these times so that they can perceive that there is something which must be changed and it is urgent.
This will help so that the Celestial Brotherhood can act in souls and on the planet; this will allow the most sacred that exists, within this humanity and within the planet, to remain alive and resplendent, as it has been from the beginning of times.
For this reason we have chosen to come to the South of Brazil, because here exists the roots of many perverted situations of the human consciousness, which only through love, and in love, will be redeemed and transformed by means of a true and sincere plea to the Kingdom of God.
This will transform everything within the beings that have been perverted; this will also change the destiny of this nation.
We have come to the South of Brazil to awaken the consciousness of wisdom and a profound reflection in the heart of each human being so that they may feel, in the most intimate, what the Universe is asking from them, and towards where the Universe is indicating for them to go forward.
In the meantime, the Silence of My Heart proclaims a wait.
My Heart is waiting for a change and a response on the part of human beings; of a response that is constructive and evolutionary, of a response that is elevated and that has discernment.
After so many impulses that the Father has given you, through so many generations and at all times, it is time to recover the treasure of the sacred that exists here so that the New Eden can manifest again as consciousness and purpose.
This is all that I wanted to say to you today, as a first instance.
The Divine Fire of transformation is touching all consciousnesses and no one will be able to oppose it, because it will reveal what in truth each being is, for the good and the glory of the Father.
I encourage you to offer this Marathon as a path of spiritual reconstruction, not only of the consciousness of the youth, but of the other part of humanity that, despite being more adult, is very immature.
That in the impulse of renewal, change may be concretized, and that in this change, life may be reconsecrated to the Greater Will.
I thank you for opening the doors of your hearts to listen because My Words must not just pass, they must remain in the consciousness, because you will need them someday.
I bless you with the Light of My Spirit and of the whole Universe.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Divine Fire that descends at these times through the action of the Holy Spirit is a stronger and immutable fire.
This Fire corrects and transmutes the contrary currents, and is capable of giving impulse to the next phases of the Plan of manifestation.
This Fire removes all that is corrupt so that, through its ascension, consciousnesses may achieve a sense of the sacred.
This Fire is capable of consuming an entire form and all of a rigid structure.
For this reason, Divine Fire must be contacted in stages, so that consciousnesses can bear its ascending voltage.
This Fire also purifies and removes all that hinders the evolution of the being.
This Fire is capable of concretizing the light of manifestation within the field of action.
This Fire eliminates the impure and reveals what is pure.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
definitively liberate me
from my rotten miseries.
Wash me completely,
inside and out,
with the blessed Water
that springs from Your Sacred Heart.
Clean me and liberate me
from all atavisms
so that, renewed
by Your Spirit,
I may, once and for all, manage to
take the steps in Your redeeming Path.
Decompress the pressures of life.
My Jesus,
place Your holy Hands upon me
and, imposing the power
of all the Universe,
exorcise me, Lord,
so that finally I may
be liberated from the ties
and from all the prisons of life.
Keep me beside You, Lord.
Keep me close to You
and renew me constantly
and may I not lose the Grace
of transforming, day by day.
Under Your paternal Light,
close all uncertain doors
that may have been opened.
Close, within me,
any uncertain state
that separates me from Your Divine Love.
Grant me, Lord,
the opportunity of living You and of feeling You.
Grant me the Grace
of being able to be in communion with You
after having been purified.
Grant me the Mercy that I need
to be able to learn to forgive myself
and my brothers and sisters.
Build within me, Lord,
the New Brotherhood.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My legions of Light are formed by the angels from Heaven and the servers from Earth. I count on each one of them to pour out the Restoring Source of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.
Time and again, I lift all the essences and the souls that serve Me unconditionally to the Kingdom of Heaven, so that for a moment they may be in My Arms; but above all, so that the souls that serve Me, and that also experience their inner purification in this time, may feel relief not only because of the Merciful Love of My Heart, but also for the affluent of My Divine Mercy.
All the praying armies of the Earth are especially strengthened during the days of the Marathon of Prayer; as happened this time when your Master and Lord, after the last Sacred Week, withdrew to Heaven and with complete confidence turned over the directing of His Work to His most valued followers.
In this way, souls gradually are spiritually braced through inner contact with the sublime Ocean of My Mercy so that in the future when it will become necessary to take care of a great part of humanity, souls may receive the same impulses of love that you are receiving today.
Trust, and the strengthening of it in these times will allow souls to make their holy virtues more real and, in this way, be above any ambiguity or opposition, overcoming through love and unity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
While the Messengers of God are giving the first signs of Their withdrawal, Their servers, spread throughout the Earth, should now be putting into practice the knowledge they have received because the time for assuming responsibilities has come.
These first signs indicate the moment in which everything will be tested inside and outside of beings.
These signs of the withdrawal of the Messengers of God signals the moment for knowing how to go through the end of times with wisdom and discernment, leaving behind the impulsive actions that have always led humanity to make many mistakes.
With this I want to tell you, My children, that it is up to you, with what you have received during these years, to know how to guide the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers, having as a basis all that has been dictated in recent times to be able to carry forward this Redeeming Project of Christ.
When the Divine Messengers withdraw, you must find the guidance in Our Messages, knowing how to differentiate between what you must do and what you must not do.
With all of this, I want to lovingly tell you that, as adults in the spiritual life, you will not be able to depend on what Heaven would previously smoothly give you.
The time has come, children, to live the apostleship just as the first Christians lived it in the purest faith, after their Master and Lord ascended to the Heavens.
I tell you this so that, from now on, you prepare and dare to assume responsibilities and results, regardless of what the Hierarchy may or may not say.
The Plan is fulfilled as each one takes up their position, without waiting to be called.
I thank you for understanding me!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
First Message
With My Light Blue Ray of Grace, I radiate to the world and I await an answer from it.
Even in the patience of My Spirit, I wait for an answer.
And I would like from My companions that, after everything that has been received during the last days, discords, doubts or contradictions among Mine and among the fellow beings do not exist.
Because what I have given you during the last days cannot be lost; it will be your responsibility to preserve it and to have this bear fruit in the future.
It is not time to think about yourselves, but about what the world and its humanity need, because you were always rewarded with the treasures of Heaven, more than many souls in the world.
I need bonds and deep alliances among the consciousnesses that can bear what will come and that do not fear My Fire, which purifies everything and transcends everything.
But I will not be able to penetrate in those spaces of consciousness where I am not allowed. I will not be able to have more time to wait for you, as I have done it many times before.
It is time to assume what has been received and not waste it.
The Instruction that I come to leave for the world is an Instruction for the future humanity and that begins from now on, within you, with the certainty of doing good and not destroying it for anything.
The conviction to fulfill My Laws and to carry them forward in this final time must arise in you. In this way, My Light Blue Ray of Grace will be able to continue descending to the world, because I will have depository souls of My Light in this humanity.
Although everything happens and everything is unleashed, I will continue working for the world and its humanity.
I will ask the Rays of the Universe to continue descending upon the souls so that all times and all forms, structures and resistances may be unblocked.
There is still a lot to do and there is no time. This is something that many have not understood yet, but the majority have not accepted it although it has been said many times.
I do not come to the world to speak to you through theories or philosophies but rather through concrete words that announce what will happen. That is why you are in a preparation that you cannot stop living every day, at every moment, at every instant.
My Words cannot be kept in the unconscious of this world and by no means of its humanity.
My Words must be a reflection of a Work that can be realized from time to time and through the instruments that I am calling by their names.
It may seem difficult to do everything that I ask you, but if you really learn to be in Me, everything will be possible, although it does not seem so.
That is why your relationship with your brothers must be impeccable, free of conflicts, free of value judgments.
It must be a healthy relationship in the spirit so that this may reflect in the consciousness and your consciousnesses may be able to cover many more things that they still do not do.
You must reach the level that I ask you, and that is achieved with constancy and determination, with a ravishing faith; and, in this way, you will not leave behind all the needs that the Universe presents to you from time to time.
The legacy that I came to give you in this last Sacred Week is a legacy that will not be repeated. As much as it has seemed the same, I have delivered different things, new impulses, unknown currents of the Universe.
So that you can understand the Science in which I work, which is not from this Earth, you must love My Words one by one, even if you do not understand them or if you cannot make them part of yourselves in this time.
Love is what allows the Purpose to be radiated and to be literally fulfilled.
In love, things do not become distant nor unattainable.
In love, everything is understood and accepted.
There is nothing that love cannot bear; on the contrary, love, because it is alive and elevated, covers everything.
If there are discords and conflicts among My companions it is because My Love has not worked in you, at all.
You must learn to endure the fire of transformation that I bring you, because it is for a greater good that you will still get to know.
The unity among you will allow My opponents not to approach, not even to know what you are doing or what you are fulfilling in My Name.
I am not saying that you will be free from battles or from challenges, because you are learning to overcome the duality of these times, as humanity and as a planet.
But you cannot lose the Teachings that I give you, you cannot stop looking for them not even for a moment, because there is the way to be in true good and in true peace.
I need you assuming the Plan for the end of times, the Plan of God, which is this part of the Purpose that must still be fulfilled on this planet and with this humanity.
Being eight days with Me is no coincidence nor a mystery, it is a reality that you must learn to accept.
The Father Who is All-embracing, Omnipresent and Omnipotent, still respects the freedom of His children, because He knows that they must learn in this school that the planet offers them day by day.
But you will not be able to go to My Kingdom with pending subjects in the school of spirituality and of service, of brotherhood and of good, of mercy.
You must live that experience of redemption even in the greatest limits or even in the greatest tests.
You and many more in the world, in the name of all humanity, must witness through your own experience of redemption and forgiveness, that it is possible to realize this Project, even after the Resurrection of Christ.
You must affirm that the genetic of this humanity can be changed, transformed, transmuted and sublimated, that it is possible for Christic Love to overcome and, thus, the Plan triumphs over the forces of chaos.
But as long as duality exists in this world, which is something that will be defined in the next time, there will still be great internal and external battles and you will have to seek help in My Heart and in My Words, remembering and reliving the legacy that I gave you with an immeasurable Love, which still many have not understood.
I must be clear, precise, fair and true. I tell you again that there is no time.
While everything happens rapidly in the world and within the consciousnesses, it is necessary to learn to grow with speed, at an unknown speed that even matter cannot accompany, but the spirit and even more the disposition of the soul can.
New Laws are beginning to act on the planet for this final time, in order to define all the things that need to be resolved.
But if this does not begin first within you, it will not be able to happen in the world.
That is why the apostles of the last times are apostles who are different from those of the past, because we are facing a reality that can no longer be hidden, not even by the media and the news.
What is written is being fulfilled step by step.
For this reason, it is necessary to define yourselves with caution and surrender to a greater disposition, knowing that your imperfections will go with you until the end of your days, until the inner prison is finally opened so that the spirit may reach its freedom and may be united to the Source with all the experience lived on this planet.
We are working for a redemption that is gradual, that takes place step by step and not with great advances.
It is necessary to understand that the genetic of humanity has become imperfect because of its errors and deviations.
After 2018 years, I come, at the request of the Father, to correct humanity, so that it may learn to be free of itself and of its own illusions, as well as of its own fantasies.
And that change will be painful, nothing will be light. Remove the roots of authority, power and inertia will be painful; but I bring an inner balm in My Heart that no one has, to pour it out over those who truly accept it. It is the balm of My Mercy, which release all faults and all sufferings when you only trust in Me.
It is not time to get lost in superficial things, it is time to look on the inside and find oneself, not with pride or selfishness, but with a spirit of humility, simplicity and love, asking yourselves every day: "Lord, what else should I do to serve you?"
And so your miseries or disturbances will be small, because you will be busy in universal service, in the constant love of giving yourselves a little more every day, to make My Kingdom triumph on this planet.
All souls will live their tests, no one will be free of them.
But have hope in what I promise you, because after this difficult time a better time will come, where it will no longer be necessary to experience pain nor suffering, nor will there exist a feeling of guilt for not being able to achieve everything.
On the contrary, you will have already learned to overcome duality, which will no longer prevail in the world nor in the consciousnesses. You will learn, through Me, to be free.
May this Marathon represent a deep reflection on everything that has been received, a constant confirmation of your spirits for My Works of peace in the world.
I would like this Marathon to be the moment for each being to find its purpose, which descends from Heaven and from the Universe to awaken souls in their mission.
I do not want you to take My Words as punishment, but rather as an opportunity of transcendence, to advance in the Light and to defeat evil.
May My greatest aspirations to see, in a short time, New Christs accomplishing their mission in humanity be fulfilled in you.
Offer this Marathon for those who are asleep, for those who are distracted, for those who have not had the Grace to be in My Presence yet, as in these last days many had.
Offer each moment to your Master and Lord as a gift of love to the King of the Universe, be it in the action of the day-to-day, in the prayer, in the Communion, as in the unity with the neighbor, so that My Spirit of Peace may always prevail in you.
May the Lord bless you for this new cycle of awakening and of assuming with responsibility My Designs, so that they may materialize on the surface of this planet.
Under the Light of this Greater Center,
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My Words will remain, but time will pass
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and the moment will come in which all the divine knowledge of the Sacred Hearts will be the guiding star, when we are no longer among you.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and in that hour you must have been confirmed in unity and in faith so as to know what to do and where to be.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and for the majority it will be too late to become aware that all that was said by the Voice of Our Sacred Hearts is essential for the transformation and the redemption of humanity.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and everything will be happening, inside and outside of creatures. Inexplicable things will be shown and the majority will know who they really are.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and some will remember the sacred keys of instruction that we have brought for the great change within the human consciousness.
My words will remain, but time will pass, and many will not be able to return to the previous moment because they will not have taken the step in trust and obedience to the Higher Law.
My Words will remain in the consciousness of the peoples and the nations, but time will pass; each impulse given is decisive and definite and will never again be repeated.
My simple Words will remain in humanity, but material time will pass and everything will be shown inside and outside of human beings.
Merciful and compassionate hearts that can withstand the fire of imperfections will be essential, because there will come a time in which souls will be able to be free themselves, for the last time, from their prisons and chains of yore.
This will be the moment in which your Heavenly Mother will come from Heaven to open the last Seal of the Armageddon, and everything will be unleashed in order to define the emergence of a new and purified humanity.
My Words will remain, but time will pass, and only those who dare to lose control of their lives, the power and pride of their actions, will experience overnight the great inner changes.
For this reason, My Words will remain so that all may remember them, but the time of the world will pass and the Source of Graces will unexpectedly close. In this hour, your hearts must have alraedy truly repented and have become reconciled with fellow beings. This will be the only way in which the beast, who will come out of its abyss, will not find you divided, distracted or indifferent.
My Words will be strength for the simple, a shield for the peacemakers, encouragement for the humble, and victory for the divested of self.
My Words are now the last, and they will remain to guide those who want to be guided by the Mother of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Most dear companions,
May the coming of this Christmas mean for the good souls the inner reunion of the new apostles of Christ.
May in the course of the next year your hearts prepare themselves ardently and with faith to celebrate, together with the King of Humility, the anniversary of the daily messages when a year will be completed, I mean, the 5th of January of 2014.
On this day a new cycle of precise instructions will come for all, and more sleeping hearts will wake up when they only get to know that I have been among My ones during 365 continuous days.
For this today I call you so that in this Sacred Christmas your lives try to live the sacrament of humility and the sacrament of faith. In this way I will be able to realize My Works among the pure and simple hearts.
I want to leave today a pastoral hug, an affection of Master to disciple and of Friend to companion, because I know what it represents for the souls to be consoled and understood. But I ask you to not fear, but to keep ignited the flame of devotion, the unquenchable spirit that will give you the necessary strength to cross the bridges towards paradise, between abysses and chaos.
The time is approaching in which, in some places of the world, I will be able to be seen and found as happened before My Celestial Ascension. The open heart will know how to distinguish the true Master from the fake master because My Love will always be unmistakable, it will bring to you the peace and the confidence to know that whoever is in Me will lack nothing.
Now I leave you for you to listen to the warm and sweet voice of the Celestial Mother.
Go ahead because while the fire burns in the depths, new cells of spiritual life awaken in the Christic humanity.
Now we will listen to the Voice of Our Lady:
Dear children,
Today I specially announce Myself together with My Beloved Son.
After Jesus was born in the inner manger of each being, the Holy Spirit hopes to find pure dwellings in the human hearts. Let that in this Christmas Day the Sacred Hearts radiate the principles of the new universal life. This will occur after your yes to the universe.
In the path of prayer you will find the retreat and the protection that you need in order to defeat your own inner evil and the evil of humanity. The Holy Spirit wishes for this Christmas to be the new Pentecost that may prepare in each missionary heart the task and the mission to be fulfilled before the Celestial Father.
Pray lovingly for the Church and for the Holy Father so that they may recognize soon the great Marian task that My Immaculate Heart has been realizing for 32 years in Medjugorje and for 6 years in the Americas.
I wish for the believing humanity to wake up and to see the union of the times that I Am realizing between Heaven and Earth. New and unknown laws are helping humanity so that it may not get lost amongst chaos and pain.
My Heart promises the spiritual salvation of those who may truly want to listen to My Spiritual Voice. I wanted that after so many Christic years shared with My children, that you could grow up to receive a greater knowledge because the Mother of the World, the Solar Star announces coming and fruitful times for those who may only obey His call.
The Redeeming Grace will be available for all. I will always be at your side to accompany you and to make you grow in simplicity.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you now and always,
Christ Jesus, the Master of Forgiveness and Your Mother Mary, Queen of the Hearts
If you lose the peace of your heart, you will soon know that you are lacking in love; for this do not permit that the hardships, the tests and the unachievable challenges that I send you with so much love, may take away your infinite patience. Now, in another degree of maturity of consciousness, all that God gives His children has the goal of liberating, each time more, the evil and the sin of humanity.
For this, in truth, those who are with Me until the end are always very few; the quantity of disciples who are encouraged to be burned by the Divine Fire of purification is the minimum.
Now, in a time of emergencies, the universe is served by the virtues and the faults of those who are Mine, so that in time they may revert all the causes that oppress the total consciousness of humanity.
In the path of suffering there exists transformation and the partial purification of that which many carry on their shoulders. But who in truth will risk to live it out of love?
While the clock of the world sets the moment of purification for all, I will support My disciples, those who are encouraged to carry a cross similar to Mine. Know that I will not leave you alone, because I know what it means for you to live the consecration in a time of chaos.
Under the Light of God, be blessed.
Thank you for persevering through My Heart!
Christ Jesus
Dear flocks,
I rejoice in heart and soul when I see, before My Presence, those who feel motivated, through Me, to sustain the fire of ardent transformation.
In this way My Heart truly congregates those who are willing to follow the path of Christification, a path full of challenges and of constant tests for everyday life.
For this reason, I deposit My Beatitudes in the simple, humble and obedient hearts, I deposit My light in those who need in this time to achieve the path of sanctification and of eternal peace. In this way, I permit that My Kingship be established upon the souls that are most abandoned to the world instead of abandoning themselves with trust to My Merciful Heart.
In this time I leave for the souls the greatness of all My Being, the constant Grace that will heal the wounds and open new doors for those who only say yes to Me. But remember that My Servers will suffer for their peers in this cycle, they will suffer and they will give testimony of life for those who have turned their faces away from Me to see the things of the world.
For this reason, I need the effort and the surrender of all of the souls that may feel motivated, for this humanity, to live the sacrifices that many saints have offered for the world to continue on this universal orbit.
I am here in silence letting you enter My Mercy. I Am with you always.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for repairing in prayer My Sacred Heart!
Christ Jesus
Dear brothers and sisters in God:
May My Light today be able be abundant within the deepest spaces of your hearts so that in this way may be established the Kingdom of My Peace in all of humanity.
Pray for those who sleep and who, without realizing rest in the normal life of this current world. Offer to God your fasting, prayers, sacrifices for humanity and your sufferings because if all this were donated with faith many spiritual situations would be able to be reverted before the time.
Now I only ask you to seek to be for longer in My Merciful Heart because your souls still have not swum in My Ocean of Graces but your temperaments have led you to practice other things.
May your true exercise be the merciful prayer of the heart. Each time that you call for My Presence in silence I will be amongst you accompanying the great movements in your inner beings.
My Merciful and Liberating Fire wants to approach a little more to your beings. But it still lacks the total permission so that some veils may fall from your faces. If it were like this you would see the light of truth that draws nearer from Heaven with the hope of converting you into good disciples of My Prayer.
I construct in you My Temple of repose whenever you are truly encouraged to empty yourselves of your own selves to discover the wonders of the new being. Be simple in everything up to the point of loving with reverence each detail that is presented in your lives. I am here to listen to you always.
Under the Grace and the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
I Am the definitive healing and liberation for your lives because it is only through Me that you will achieve Mercy and be sanctified.
For this today I tell you once more to not fear because of the veils that fall now from your faces, in the face of what you had believed before. I do not only pour over you My Infinite Graces but I also show you the truth by means of the tests and of the constant challenges of transcendence for your hearts and consciousnesses.
When you manage to discover that which comes from yourselves and that torments you, do not detain yourselves thinking how you will get rid of it. Proceed in an intelligent way and declare through My Merciful Heart that you belong to My Eternal Light and to the perfect unity with My Father. In this way, that which must be burned by My Divine Fire will not disturb you anymore because each time that it may present itself to challenge you, you will have cultivated a peaceful heart and an open heart to the great transformation.
When I tell you all these things it is because I am talking directly with that part of your being that is already old and to which has arrived the moment of dying, so that your blessed spirit may be able to be born. For this be patient because in this earthly life there is still much to overcome and to learn. This will allow you to always have a joyful heart, capable of elevating itself to God and of not feeling guilt.
I invite you to get to know the science of the Divine Mercy, in this way you will be awakened to that which is true. It is necessary to be brave to be with Me. Because of this, very few take the risk to say yes to Me out of love for transformation.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
The true awareness of what Life is only comes to humankind through the Spirit of God. My Immaculate Spirit and the Most Sacred Spirit of My Son comes from the Holy Spirit. But today I want to reveal to you that it is not necessary to be originally conceived by this Holy Spirit in order to experience the infinite Graces that Jesus and I experienced 2013 years ago.
The Holy Spirit transforms everything It touches, Its Fire purifies into Light everything that comes near It. The soul that has been touched by the Holy Spirit will never be the same, even during other existences in the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Spirit of God even transforms the spiritual destiny of beings because the one who opens to receive a glorious touch from the Holy Spirit makes a commitment to the Creator to serve Him eternally.
The Holy Spirit is a mystery to the world because It is in everything, and everyone seeks It without knowing how to find It. The Holy Spirit manifests Itself as life-giving Fire and as a superhuman Gift; It manifests Itself as Love that illuminates everything, as Forgiveness that forgives everything, as Peace that radiates to everyone.
The Holy Spirit comes when you least expect It, because at the moment when you least expect It, without losing the permanent aspiration to find It, that is when the heart makes room for the Holy Spirit to enter.
For the indwelling of Holy Spirit to be eternal within beings, the consecration of the soul must also be eternal, the offer of the heart must be eternal, the aspiration to serve the One and Only God must also be eternal.
The Lord deeply knows the heart of His creatures and He knows when His child confirms themselves perpetually in union with His Most Sacred Heart. And it is at this moment that the Lord sends His omnipresent Spirit to find this new home.
Since the heart of humankind is unpredictable, even to themselves, only God knows the truth about the intentions and feelings of humans, about the offers and aspirations. Therefore, the only thing that your beings must do is to be in a permanent offer and to reconsecrate yourselves daily before the Universe of God, with a pure and sincere heart.
Seek without seeking, because this is how it will be without realizing it, and humility, which is the first Gift of the Spirit of God, will come to those who do not know it and have never known it. The Gift of humility is only known by the one who recognizes it in his neighbor because the heart that is truly full of the Holy Spirit is so close to God that it does not notice its own progress and virtues.
This is how Jesus, Mary and Joseph experienced the Holy Spirit. One recognized this Holy Spirit in the other and realized how many Gifts God had manifested in that family, full of charity and humility, but none of Us observed within ourselves the presence of this Spirit. We admired in silence and in prayer the virtues of the others, and the more we noticed the Love which the other manifested for God, the more our hearts were filled with this Spirit. And in Our simple life, but full of mysteries, the Holy Spirit was manifesting Itself.
Therefore I tell you today that a key to progress is to think only about God and strengthen the virtue of the neighbor, so that you may always grow and develop. Thus, even without realizing it, your spirits will be preparing themselves to receive the Spirit of God.
May peace and harmony reign in each heart.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
May those who feel lonely not fear because My Merciful Heart is with them. My companions, sometimes I will distance from your souls the Source of My Grace in order to place It upon those who are most in need of Pity and Mercy and so that they may have the opportunity of receiving in life the same possibility that you have.
The path that you may construct towards Me day by day will be the inner force that will strengthen you and that will allow you to see before yourselves the light of My Infinite Presence, where you will be able to assert yourselves to continue this intense transformation.
I ask you to be with Me and that you not be detained. At this time I need My Disciples in order to fulfill the time of peace that is predicted for all humanity. Know that some of you have offered themselves to bear, from love, the fire of purification, a fire that liberates souls and sends them definitely towards the light of My Heart of Love.
When you feel unrest at an unexpected time, know that it will not be you who is affected but that it will be the moment of your service, when the pain of the world will be transmuted. In the same way I have given to some beings My Wounds with the aim that they may relieve Me in the Heart from so much pain caused by humanity. But the Light will be victorious and the Plan will be fulfilled through all those faithful ones who may follow My Heart.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My messages in peace!
Christ Jesus, Your Holy Protector.
My Sacred Heart rejoices when the sheep return to My flock.
My Heart expands with peace and joy when, among brothers and sisters from the same path, they recognize themselves for love to God.
My Sacred Heart rejoices to see returning to Me those to whom I have belonged.
Each soul has its path drawn through the Will of God. My feet mark the new path for those who will return in time. For this, with courage we must sustain the torch of the transmuting fire that My Heart is giving to you.
Before any test do not allow yourselves to fall down into the abysm and, by means of prayer, illuminate your steps towards the Good and the Light.
I Am amongst you to leave you My legacy, the one which must be considered by all of the groups that pray together with Me. This legacy speaks of the sublime journey that My christified Heart lived on Earth. Follow the signs and the signals that I am revealing to you.
How will you be able to live the Eternal Life if it is not through the faith of My Heart? I wait in silence for those souls that will walk, in less than six months, towards My flock. The sign that has given by My Mother shows you the time of the great purification, of the changes in the consciousness and in this movement there is time to change the everyday life.
Carry in your hearts the visible sign of My Redeeming Cross. I Am with you in the inner of the heart.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
I Love the souls that with fondness internally prepare My Second Celestial Coming and persist, even having failed the laws of the Lord. For this, dear children I come as the Savior, as the Shepherd of all flocks, that in this time allow themselves to be redeemed by the imperative strength of My Love.
I know that your intentions are good before My eyes and that day by day you fight without rest to reach the holiness and the humility in the heart. Before each test today I ask you My dears, to give them to Me so that, through My Hands I may mold your learning and thus I may take you quickly to My Eternal Light.
I told you when I was among you that life on Earth deserves to live the redemption because as souls you come to this world to learn the great lessons that look easy to live but are for many, very hard to achieve. They are the lessons of humility, love and forgiveness.
For this companions, My return is already happening. I am seeking humble hearts, simple and truthful, hearts that can live without theorizing My messages of redemption. Because from you can be born My Christic Flame, the one which will encourage you to transform yourselves into good sheep of My flock. I know that now you are under the transforming fire of the universe and today, the 21st day of January of 2013, it makes a month since the beginning of the purifying cycle.
Many children thought that Christ would allow everything to be lost or that the Holy Mother of the World would abandon the children that I entrusted to Her from the Cross. We are returning as Sacred and renovated Hearts, the ones that were universally prepared to announce the next truth to the world.
Who has ears that hear and who opens the heart that guards My precepts, the ones that announce the advent of the Good News for the whole humanity. I am arriving with My Holy Celestial Mother, firstly in the hearts that willing to live the Divine Plan of the Father, are open to follow My saving and redeemer Message. After, to the ones who do not wait for me.
I am with you in tests as in joy. I am with you in crying as in the good news. I am with you always, feeling you, seeking you, welcoming you in My Heart, giving you My kind help. Do not be afraid of yourselves; abandon yourselves entirely to Me because you will lack nothing.
Under the Powerful Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating on My words from the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more