In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And you will see the Light come on the worst night of the world, when all seems to be lost.
The Light will come to the world to save it, to redeem it, and, thus, rescue it.
This Light will bring understanding and wisdom, it will re-establish the Laws upon the planet, guide lost hearts so that all, absolutely all, may have the Grace of again finding the Promised Land.
But this is still to be done, because the nations of the world, that is, the peoples, have made their decisions about the steps to take, decisions that are not united to God, in many cases.
Therefore, I will come as this Light on the darkest night of the world to bring to consciousnesses the re-establishment of Love and Peace, of the power that God has given me from the beginning through His Mercy and His Compassion.
I come with this Message and at this hour to prepare you. I cannot tell you more than this today, companions, because in these definitive times nations and peoples make their decisions, and this does not correspond to God, but to the choice of souls, choices that are conscious before the universe and that, sooner or later, have repercussions in all of humanity.
Therefore, in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, I call on you, more than ever, to retreat, to silence your minds and ideas, to silence your words and to consciously enter the universe of prayer so that the Law of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may work in this world and, even more, dissolve the events that are approaching in the next cycle.
Therefore, you must be quite strengthened and, through this spiritual retreat that I offer you, your souls will have the chance to consciously prepare for what will come.
You must consciously strengthen yourselves, seek, more than ever, an alliance with God, position yourselves every day before the Flame of Divine Purpose and ask yourselves:
What am I doing?
Do I collaborate with the Plan?
Do I work for peace and for the good?
Am I aware of all that I receive from the Universe?
Do I consciously respond to all that I have received as Grace?
In this Marathon of Divine Mercy, My dear companions, you should reformulate the attitude of your lives through these questions because sooner or later, to each one of you, the moment will come to take the great and final step so that the indifference, meanness and even ignorance of this humanity may be dissolved once and for all, through conscious and awakened beings that understand internally and beyond material life, in other words, participate and respond to the Plan of God.
Therefore, I ask you to pray for those who will not take the step. Do not wait for humanity to be consistent with the Divine Plan, do not delude yourselves nor have expectations. Do not seek fulfillment in the material life. Seek fulfillment along the spiritual path so that your souls may be within the Christic pathway, awakening gifts and virtues, the sacred impulses that Christ will send to all His apostles of the final times.
Therefore, take an immediate attitude, a consequent and responsible attitude, which may give signs of understanding and not of incoherence, of a spiritual maturity that the Hierarchy needs from everyone, knowing that the world is fully suffering and that few are the Islands of Salvation on the surface of the Earth.
Therefore, decide, once and for all, to no longer burden the Spiritual Hierarchy, but rather may your lives be a living solution for what the Plan needs to concretize and carry out.
Therefore, plan your lives according to the Plan of the Hierarchy. While you maintain the Plan of the Hierarchy in a secondary way, you will not understand it and you will have great difficulties to live it and carry it out.
Therefore, resize your priorities, and thus begin to resize your attitudes and all your preferences, because the great dark night will come to the world and not many years will pass before this happens.
Today, with My Gaze toward the ground, with My Face toward God, with My Spirit in retreat, I make you understand and feel the seriousness of these times, because today My heart cannot be ablaze. Many are the sins and faults of the world. Great is My Mercy for souls and few are those who decide to live it.
My Life on this planet had a great significance. In these times, value the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, so that the souls that have condemned themselves may have the opportunity of redemption.
Do you now understand, My companions, the moment and step you are being called to live? The school has changed, did you notice that? Did you understand that? Are you living it?
The Hierarchy will not stop. Many are the challenges in the end of these times, great are the sufferings that exist in this humanity.
Who will appease all the pains of the world, together with Christ Jesus, through a life of surrender and love?
I come to make you mature as My apostles, and this is no longer just words. I need it to be a reality within you. I need instruments of peace and good, because few are the good instruments that I have upon the surface of the Earth.
Do not allow the Fount of My Divine Mercy to close. Do not allow the world to parade Divine Justice, because it does not know it. Great is the ignorance of humanity, and great is the suffering of many hearts. There is still a lot to do for this world and this humanity.
Who will take the Sacred Crown from My Hands, the Crown of Thorns of Jesus, and make it a part of their consciousness, to mature in these times with Me and live the true planetary task that the Father calls on you to live?
Think for a moment about all that I Am telling you.
The world seeks to live in uncertain doors, to submerge in the ocean of illusion and even forget God. This is why, more than ever, beginning with yourselves, you must reformulate your lives, you must define the path to go by.
My Heart is always open for all, for those who seek peace.
May this meeting be a moment of reflection, rather than just one more Message. May it be the spiritual basis that all need in order to take the step, because I offer Myself to the Father for you once again, so that you may be instruments of My Mercy, peace-bringers of Christ the Redeemer.
Lastly, I would like to tell you that there is no longer time. You must strengthen yourselves in Me, regardless of what may happen or of what you may see. Your hope must not be emotional, it must be strengthened in Me through the Fire of Love that I offer to you, to someday make you free from yourselves and from the wickedness of the world.
I thank you for listening to Me and for being conscious of all this. Receive in your hands and, above all, in your hearts, the keys that I give you for this planetary transition so that, more each day, you may be more mature in Christ, because it is necessary and urgent.
Do not allow the pillars of the Work of God to disappear from the surface of the Earth.
I promised you to return to the world and I will do so. This is why I prepare you for this great moment, so that you may cross the dark night and find My Light in the abyss, the Eternal Light of God’s Love, which does not change, does not transfer, but rather multiplies in Grace, Unity and Wisdom in all souls.
Do not forget that I Am thirsty. Quench My thirst in this Marathon.
Now, the moment has come for Me to truly see you gathered and united in the Purpose, in spite of the distances and the events.
This is the hour of your great test, for you to be with Me or not to be with Me. Today, this is My Truth for those who aspire to live the Christic school, even if they do not understand it, although they accept it.
I give you My Peace and, through My prayer. I bless you in the next prayerful journey of Mercy. Do not forget My Words, through them I left you the next step, the next path to go by.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
Under the spiritual blessing of Saint Gabriel the Archangel, may souls awaken to the Call of God so that every being on this planet may fulfill His Divine Will.
On this day, I transmit the "Spiritual Novena to Saint Gabriel the Archangel" so that it may be prayed by devout hearts that, together with the Celestial Mother, will implore for the awakening of humanity; so that, by means of the intercession of Saint Gabriel the Archangel, souls receive in their interior the Call of God and consciousnesses may be withdrawn from world illusion; so that the new apostles and missionaries of Christ may be at the service of the moment of the Lord's Return.
May the Angel of the Annunciation impel you on the path towards the fulfillment of the Sacred Will of God.
Spiritual Novena to Saint Gabriel the Archangel
Union bead
O Saint Gabriel the Archangel!
Faithful Messenger of God,
may the inner Christ awaken within us.
First decade
By the sweet voice of Saint Gabriel the Archangel,
which the Virgin Mary could hear,
Lord, may we also hear
the Call of God.
Second decade
By the Annunciation dictated by Saint Gabriel the Archangel,
may we incarnate the Call of God
within us.
Third decade
By the solemn Presence of Saint Gabriel the Archangel,
may souls awaken
to the Call of God.
Fourth decade
By the Light and the Power pronounced by Saint Gabriel the Archangel
to the Most Holy Virgin Mary,
may we be blessed and protected
on our spiritual paths.
Fifth decade
By the Message of Peace and Grace
announced by Saint Gabriel the Archangel,
may we be open to hear and recognize
the Will of God.
Final prayer
(three times)
O Saint Gabriel the Archangel!
May we be the new apostles of Christ
so that, through example and selfless service,
we may announce the Coming of our Redeemer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Learning to carry your own cross of these times, I invite you, in the name of My Son, to accompany him, in the memory of His sorrowful Passion, so that the Blood, shed by Christ, may once again have the value and veneration it deserves from all My children throughout the world.
Thus, the angels of the Lord will bring, in their serving hands, the sacred chalices of reparation so that its Light may shed upon the spiritual consciousness of this world, so that suffering may be alleviated and dissipated from the hearts that suffer the consequences of these times.
I invite you to persevere in faith and trust. I invite you to consciously enter the ranks of the last apostles of Christ, those who will be ready to serve Him unconditionally and prepare His Return within the souls that await His arrival.
Dear children, be testimonies of this moment and do not waste it. The world is in its final transition and love must triumph in you and in every corner of this suffering humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Day by day, in view of the planetary situation and the spiritual and physical crisis of humanity, your Master and Lord contemplates the world with the aim of saving and helping it, although the majority rejects, even at this time, the second and glorious coming of your Savior.
It is only through an act of incommensurable and infinite love that God still sends His Mercy to the world in order to give even the last opportunities to His children, so that His blind, deaf and lost children see, hear and find again a spiritual sense for their lives.
For this reason, and for many others, Your Redeemer presents Himself at this time, in order to be able to open the eyes of those who still deny and reject the serious spiritual and material situation that humanity lives and faces.
Thus, all the efforts at this time are focused on the awareness and spiritual healing of the human being, whose life is a constant tragedy for having separated itself from God.
The action of Mercy is a path of salvation, capable of giving humanity the Grace of totally reconsidering. But this state of Grace will end, because the time of Justice will come to those who did not want to listen.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The time is approaching when the doors of the terrestrial hells will close and where the souls will pass from a level of suffering towards a level of Light and Mercy.
This will happen through the prayer column established on the surface of the Earth, an inner exercise that will sustain any consciousness and under any situation.
The Prayer for the Nations will continue to grow as a task and as a purpose and, each day that passes, more souls will be touched and called to participate in this luminous network of prayer, preciously formed by all the beings of prayer and goodwill of this planet.
This spiritual and, at the same time, human foundation, is what your Redeemer will use to prepare nations, people and cultures in order to welcome the second coming of your Redeemer.
This is the time to have knowledge of this internal purpose that is being carried out, day by day, in the life of those who participate in this proposal, and thus each prayer becomes a possible instrument that, in humility and selflessness, is capable of carrying forward the Love of God and His Messengers, to any part of the world and under any circumstance,
Magnificent is the internal network of prayer that unites nations and peoples, a network created and sheltered by the Heavenly Mother.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Through means of the Pilgrimage for Peace, I pour the attributes and codes of redemption which the different peoples need in order to be able to prepare themselves, in the inner planes, for the Second Coming of their Lord.
This is why, through the Pilgrimage for Peace, the souls find the possibility in some level of their consciousness to awaken to the call and invitation of their Redemption.
For this reason, we pilgrimage, to give spiritual and unique opportunities, so that the nations may know how to some day correspond to the Universal event of the Second Coming of Christ.
For this, all the love and dedication offered in these times to impel the awakening, will help souls to find, at some moment, the path of return to the Dwelling of the Celestial Father.
Each gesture of love, lovingly offered through the Pilgrimage for Peace, allows the different nations visited by the Celestial Messengers to be in a better internal condition to consciously take part of the great planetary moment, of the Coming of Christ.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To My dear children of the Planetary Light-Network
Now that you carry the spiritual symbol of the Confraternity, of the Brotherhood and of love among beings, stamped upon your chests, may your souls definitely dare to take this last and great step toward the path of the apostolate of Christ.
May this star that confirms in you the existence of the Mission and of its fulfillment on any part of the Earth be the impulse of light that will place you selflessly at the service of others and for the Kingdoms of Nature.
May the Sacred Heart of My Son, His Flame of Fire and His Holy Cross, impel you in this cycle to always say “yes” and to abandon any sign of tepidness.
Now is the time of the presentation of the apostles and of the missionaries that will build the Plan of God, first within themselves, by means of prayer, of service, of instruction, and of healing; and then to build it and share it with the rest of humanity.
Now is the time that more stars of light ignite in the firmament and begin to be part of the new Planetary Light-Network which, despite the circumstances or the events, will defend from itself any act of disobedience so that unity with the Divine Plan and the Supreme Hierarchy may finally be lived.
My children, the path of redemption is open by means of the service and the testimony that your hearts can live, in perfect union with the Hierarchy.
May this new symbol that today you carry on your chest be revered, valued and loved, in the same way that you would receive the presence of the Hierarchy in your homes.
In truth, children, it will be the spiritual Hierarchy Who, in this new cycle, will want to govern and guide you so that more and more consciousnesses may be removed from the world system and from the planetary illusion.
The Hierarchy hopes that the majority of souls can learn to live in a brotherhood that is divine, humble, powerful and unconditional in its surrender, in its service and in its constant and infinite donation.
All those who today carry on their chest the sacred symbol of the new Light-Network will be saying to the Universe that they accept the awakening of the consciousness, the transcendence of all suffering through love and the constant confirmation of aspiring to belong, someday, to the Divine Plan of the second coming of Christ.
This is the symbol of peace; it is the impulse that invites you to readiness and the absolute surrender of self so that, from now on, the Hand of God and the Flame of His Divine Grace may be upon you, which will enlighten you in these times of darkness.
May the sacred commitment and the fiery aspiration of being worthy children of God ignite within you.
I wish you a good beginning, to all of My missionary children of the Light-Network!
May the inner light of each being reach the whole world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May prayer be your first thought before beginning each new day. Think of God, of His Plan, of His Will and, in a simple dialogue with the Creator, thank the Father for another opportunity to learn about love.
Therefore, child, pray for this world and for its Kingdoms; pray for the souls and for all the life that inhabits it.
Pray for the consciousness of the planet and for those that silently sustain this world, within levels still invisible to your eyes.
Pray for the purpose of each being, for the purpose of this planet and of the whole Universe, even though it is unknown to you.
Pray for the Plan of God, not only for your life but for all life, beyond the Earth.
Understand that, just like this world, all other worlds were created with a Divine Purpose and pray that all may find this Higher Will.
Pray for the return of Christ to the Earth, so that all beings may be ready to look into the Eyes of the Lord and recognize Him, and thus repent their faults and achieve Redemption.
Pray for those who must accompany Christ in His second coming to this world, so that all may be awake and their commitment to the Lord may be alive.
Pray for the new life and pray for the new humanity, so that all beings may allow themselves to be defeated and surrender before God, and a new life may emerge from them.
The most important thing in your life, child, is prayer.
Pray sincerely and pray truthfully. Deepen in your spiritual life. Thus, difficulties will not weaken you, nor will the Truth haunt you; but within you, all will be revealed and your inner world will be ready for all cycles, willing to face everything that will come.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After 101 years, since the last Apparition in Fatima, your Celestial Mother returns to Argentina to bless it and to remind it of the importance of seeking its original purity again so that, within the souls of this beautiful country, may be present the divine spirit of the Grace of God, which will make this entire nation worthy in the Lord.
Today your Celestial Mother remembers the last Apparition that happened in Fatima on October 13, 1917, the place that was a physical witness of the incommensurate Love of God and the descent of the power of the Celestial Universe, through the Miracle of the Sun.
In Argentina, the sacred feeling of devotion to the Lady of Lujan must be reestablished so that Argentina, as a country and as a people, you may count on the spiritual protection necessary for the times of definition.
In a special manner and with fraternal love, today the Mother of God unites two places in the same time and in the same plane so that, especially Argentina, may receive the most potent flow of the Purity of God.
Fatima and Bariloche unite today in essence and in spirit, through My Immaculate Heart, so that, from My children of Argentina, may emerge the absolute trust of being able to accomplish the promising destiny of their country and of their people.
In order for this to be possible during the next six months within each home, in each city and inside of each being, Argentina should re-consecrate to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, so that the great Advocate of Heaven may intercede for a country with inequality and injustice, so that here the spirit of transparency and of truth may be established; Attributes that will make of Argentina a celestial Motherland.
For this reason, for the next six months, on each 13th, each prayerful heart of Argentina will offer one of the mysteries of the Holy Rosary with the intention of establishing peace in each human heart, just as in each soul of the country, bringing from Heaven to the Earth the attributes of truth, of justice, of love and of brotherhood so that Argentina may follow the sacred aspiration of God of being a people blessed by the Holy Spirit, and it may accomplish the Divine Will of the Celestial Father.
If each prayerful soul of Argentina truly assumes this exercise of re-consecration of the nation to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin of Lujan, the Mother of the Highest will have the permission and the authority, to protect the country from great and unexpected natural imbalances.
Even more, if this re-consecration is offered to the Maternal Heart of Mary for the next coming years, many families of Argentina will be contemplated by the atoning Mercy of God and hundreds of women of the country will be forgiven for having committed abortion, altering those little lives.
For this reason, I come to ask My children of Argentina to resume the sense of their original purity, so that, still in time, the faith of the Argentinian people may be your testimonial of acceptance of the second coming of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you with all the love of the Sacred Sanctuary of Fatima,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Lujan
The Moon will announce My second coming to the world, the stars will proclaim the arrival of the Universal King and the whole macrocosm will be attentive to this movement.
Those who have been worthy of My Grace will feel within themselves the joy of My coming.
Those who have offended the Laws of God will have the last chance to repent.
But while the Son of God descends to Earth, the planet will tremble and nobody will be able to oppose this movement, because the Divine Light will be physically arriving and hearts will be glad in spite of what happens, because they will be freed of their captivity.
Behind Me will come the Archangel Michael, as I have already announced to you many times. He will defeat the most impure of the most impure, so that on Earth the water of life can spring forth again and all, all may be purified.
Meanwhile, prepare your hearts for this moment, because the Redeemer will come without warning, at the moment least expected by humanity.
Even when your church is going through its great test, let your faith not falter; let your faith and your trust in God strengthen, because you must always remember for these times that your only religion is the Love of God rather than the authority of humankind.
A long time ago, I came to teach you about the Kingdom of God, which lives and dwells within you.
After many tests, difficulties, and disturbances, today your souls have the Grace of recognizing the Kingdom of God, just as many more souls will have at the end of times.
When I return, the Cosmic Light will descend, and all the angels will descend together with Me.
The celestial choirs will group together at different points on the planet.
When the last trumpet of the Universe is sounded, you must place your head on the ground, pleading for a perverted humanity, so that the Mercy of the Redeemer may be more powerful than Justice, the errors may be placated, and all evil of souls may be dissolved.
But first you must believe in the Kingdom of God that is within you; this is what I come to announce for these definitive times, because the human life is very externalized; the essence of silence, of meditation, and reflection upon God have been lost.
Before more souls are lost in the world and do not manage to escape from their captivity, perform an act of love for each one of them, remembering every day and when you wake up each morning, that the Kingdom of God is within you and It shall descend to Earth with all Its Glory and Power.
Thus, the Archangel Saint Michael will work as he has never worked before, much more than he worked during My Divine and Sorrowful Passion, to cause the hells to fall to deeper levels of the consciousness so as to dissolve and to dispel all evil.
From the DNA of the human being to what is most external, everything will be redeemed.
Have trust and faith in what you are experiencing.
Gratefully accept My Summons and in your spirits, reignite the fire of sidereal commitment.
Because the Earth will have the last chance to be redeemed; there is no longer time to wait.
The consciousness of your planet is in agony day after day, as well as all that is on its surface.
Thus, companions, take the risk, of signing the commitment again with My Heart, which is not a mental commitment, nor a moral one; it is a profoundly spiritual commitment that may bring you ever closer to My Divine Mercy, in which all your souls will be able to submerge in My Ocean of Love, so that wounds and all the traumas experienced throughout time may be dissolved.
Through My Love, I bring you the new life, because your lives must be reborn for these coming times by means of the Sacraments that I offer you, so simply, so that your souls may revive the meeting with the Sacred Master of Love.
I come this afternoon to clean your impurities and to uplift your spirits again to the Kingdom of God, because the hour of My return to the world is drawing closer and with all of My Heart, I need more souls to be prepared so as to receive Me consciously.
Feel the inner joy that, in some way or on some plane, you will be able to find Me again and that I will not be your judge, but your mediator and intercessor before the Celestial Father.
I am not speaking about the sins, but rather what the world still needs to purify in order to be a promised land again.
This promised land, companions, will first begin in you.
And if this promised land is born and emerges, the great change in consciousness will be seen in humanity.
But you must give Me something for this to happen, you must give up something so that your lives may truly transform.
I cannot ask the whole world for a great sacrifice because I know it will not give it to Me, but I know that I can ask you for small sacrifices so that the world can change, little by little.
The sacrifice that I ask of you is not suffering or pain.
I ask you to place your sufferings at My Feet so that I may transform them all in the Fount of My Divine Mercy, a Source of Love and of Reparation that at some point will close, because the Source of Divine Justice will descend to the world.
I will always tell you the truth, so that you are not deceived by anyone.
But you, My companions and My souls, can be the forerunners of that great change in humanity, strengthening again the gestures of love and of brotherhood in your families, placing prayer rooms in your families so that the breath of the Holy Spirit may descend upon your homes, and you may be protected and safeguarded by the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity.
With such simple but real things, the world will be able to experience its great change of consciousness; I only need you to live My designs in a real way so that I can be closer to you and again, bless you once more.
All of this will prepare My second coming to humanity. The seals of the Apocalypse will already be open. What before was a mystery, will be a great revelation in the world; that is why the angels of the Universe will descend to Earth to announce it.
All who have been sustained in Christ and for Christ will receive this inner revelation.
In the depths of your heart and of your essence, you will feel the Return of Christ.
You will feel that you must withdraw, become silent and pray, adore and contemplate the immensity of the Celestial Universe, because the Son of God will be arriving in the world.
In a way never before seen, everything will cease to be a promise. Because the incarnated Verb will be realized again; He will manifest in humanity in His Glorious second Coming.
Many of the things I tell you today you will not understand, because they are words that come from the Spiritual Universe and that first try and nurture your spirits, so that your essences may be filled by My Divine Grace.
Because it will be My Divine Grace that will give you an understanding and comprehension; a divine and infinite Grace that constantly gives of itself for the salvation of souls and the rescue of the planet.
Now that you have reactivated your inner commitment to Me within yourselves, remember the existence of your guardian angels, who also suffer from the perversion of human beings. Call them, day after day, with the prayer of the heart. Ask them to accompany you in the moments of work and of family.
Repopulate your homes with the angels of God, so that the capital forces may be exorcised and evil may be dissolved by the power of Love.
The Argentine family must be rebuilt, recovering the values of Faith, beyond the errors of the church.
I invite you, companions, to uplift your consciousnesses on a plane so that your souls may ally with the true Source of light, the non-material Source that comes from the Eternal Father and which emits impulses time after time for the evolution of souls and the redemption of hearts.
Yesterday I offered you My Wounds. Today I offer you the Sacred Chalice that I have specially carried in My Hands, so that the Blood of the Lamb of God may be poured out upon the souls that accept drinking from this Chalice of reparation and of healing.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of the Celestial Father, we will chant "Sacred Chalice of the Lord," opening this ceremony between Heaven and Earth for the descent of the Celestial Church through the gifting of the Heart of the Master and of all the angels present in this moment.
Uplift your hearts to God in deep gratitude and reclusion.
Let us listen to the song of this prayer that invokes Mercy for the planet.
I am listening:
Sacred Chalice of the Lord...
To be worthy of My Grace and of My Mercy, first you must be worthy of My Body and My Blood, sacred elements that I offer you for the redemption of your consciousnesses and the upliftment of your spirits, in order that Divine Will be fulfilled.
On this afternoon, let Argentina be bathed in the divine attributes of My Blood and of My Body, so that the perverse currents may be dissolved and the Light of the Sacred Heart of God may triumph forever. Amen.
Remember when I gave you the Bread and told you to eat of it because this is My Body that was given and is given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Eat of My Substance of Light.
And today, again I give you to drink of the Chalice, saying to you that this is My Blood of the New Covenant between souls and God. Blood shed by the Lamb of God for the forgiveness and the redemption of sins.
Remember the Mount of the Beatitudes and when I taught you that simple but powerful prayer that unites you with God in full consciousness and essence.
Let us pray:
Our Father...
Glory to God in the highest and Peace on Earth for beings of goodwill.
And so, I sanctify you all with My Spirit, so that your lives may someday achieve the spirit of sanctity, which is to be real people that live in kindness and in the goodness of God, to repopulate the Codes of Heaven on Earth in all the hearts that seek and find the same path of return to the House of God.
As I said to My Apostles and to many who were present on the inner planes:
My Peace I leave you and My Peace I give you.
Today I contemplate your essences rather than your sins so that you may relive the joy of finding the Kingdom of God within you again.
Let your spirits enter into joy, let your souls achieve the bliss of God, and let all the contrary forces be dispelled by the Presence of the Second Person of God, the Firstborn and Only Begotten, your Master and Lord, the Redeemer.
I bless you:
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
In fraternity, give one another a greeting of peace, so that Peace may be in Argentina.
So be it.
I still come to the world for those who love Me. And I will come to the world as many times as necessary, because I know that the love of those who follow Me is true. It is this love and this trust that makes me return to the world, beyond the happenings of life, of the harsh trials that humanity lives when moving away from God and beyond its not seeking the love of His Source.
Again the prophecy is fulfilled: The Son of God will come, a member of the family of King David. The Source of God will come to Earth, to fill it with His Gifts and Graces. And that source, so immaterial and unknown, will sow His Graces and His Virtues in the hearts that cannot even imagine.
Again the Lord will work miracles in the lives of people and they will find the love that they need to survive in these times.
Rejoice, companions, because the Love of God donates itself again to the world and the Only Begotten Son comes to meet you to reveal to you the mysterious Source of the Love of God, which will be revealed to all those who dare to enter into eternal communion, with the Sacred Kingdom of God that vibrates in the higher universes of consciousness.
From there the Angels and the Archangels will also come, as was in the past, but this time in the most acute moment of humanity. At this moment and at this time, the great ultra-terrestrial consciousnesses will be able to intervene in humanity so that at least a part of the flock of God is under the protection of the powerful Hand of the Father and of His invisible Mantle of Peace, translucent through the ever Virgin Mary.
After two thousand and eighteen years, a great event will happen again in humanity, which will awaken in the dawning of these times, like the aurora that appears on the horizon and will show its peculiar and special brightness for the souls.
There is still time to live repentance because when that sign comes, which will come from the Universe, everyone will see it; beyond their beliefs or their religions, beyond their faith or their atheism, beyond the paganism that exists in the world at this time.
Thus, will come the new Sun, which, united to the hundreds of suns of the universe, will congregate extremely powerful cosmic and superior energies, which will descend to the Earth bringing the great revelation to the spirits, this will be moments before the return of Christ to humanity, for the second time to the world.
When you see that everything is agonizing in humanity and on Earth, you will know that the time of My return is near. And beyond religions and nations, you will know the new Aspect of the Redeemer and Lord of the Universe; more similar and powerful to that which He revealed on the top of Mount Tabor, by means of His divine Transfiguration.
Any living cell of the Earth, any atom that is vibrating at this moment, any being of this planet, will not be able to escape the powerful energy of the Universe, which will bring the Great Universal Sun to generate the redemption of humanity and the definitive conversion of all peoples.
When the last angel sounds the trumpet, its noise will be greater than hundreds of storms. The angel will announce the definitive hour of humanity and the seals of the Sacred Book will be revealed, so that everyone becomes aware of what truly exists beyond this planet and this local universe.
First, the Church of Christ will descend, in the Presence and in the manifestation of the blessed; of all those who throughout the history of humanity until the times that will come, have responded to the call of the Redeemer and Lord of the Universe.
Immense will be the joy in Heaven, deep will be the bliss on Earth; because all those who have fought at the side of Christ, for the victory of His Celestial Kingdom, will live an immense and unknown plenitude, and thus evil will be defeated.
The head of the serpent will be destroyed and the suffering that expands on the four corners of the Earth will disappear; because Saint Michael the Archangel will come with His armies to remove the most rebellious demons on Earth, who divert My flocks from the path of Light.
On the other hand, the Holy Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, will gather through her call to all peoples and all races, which in faith have lived the religion of love. There will no longer exist divisions nor limits, there will no longer be wars or conflicts because the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of the Universe and Queen of the Earth will come with her Celestial Powers to establish the one thousand years of peace.
Great will be the bliss on Earth, sublime will be joy in the Universe, celestial spheres will descend to humanity to bring the revelation of the end times and everyone, everyone will live the joy of the Kingdom of God.
The false ones will be removed from the world and those who have not repented will repent, because the last Grace of the Primordial Source will be granted to the most rebellious hearts.
From night to day they will awaken, will recognize their mistakes and ask for forgiveness to the Universe so that the great Angel of the Lord, who will come from the twelfth plane of consciousness, writes in the Holy Book of the Universe the new signs of the times, once told by the ancient prophets and complemented by the Word of Christ, the Redeemer.
Thus, the normal time will no longer be time. A new time will enter into humanity and everyone will become aware of what has always been invisible; because those who have trusted in the Love of My Heart, let them know and remember that they will not perish, as long as they remain firm, trustworthy and true before the power of the celestial Universe.
In this way the laws will be fulfilled in their lives: matter will no longer be just matter, spirit will govern the life of the souls and the Holy Spirit of God called Holy Spirit will show itself again as in Pentecost, to pour over all peoples and on all continents the new principles of the new humanity.
In the victory of the Kingdom of Heaven may you celebrate this moment, so that your lives participate in this great event.. Always serve God with joy, always serve God with fire in the heart.
Continue praying for peace in the world and for mercy on the whole planet, because I assure you that you will become aware of all the good that you have been able to do throughout the times. And nation will no longer rise against nation, indifference, the mediocrity of hearts, and also weakened faith will no longer reign.
Because in the servants of the last times, I will build My new Church and everyone will know the Church of the Heavens; not the Church of the Earth, the true Celestial Church that I have professed to my apostles and to all those who were participants of My Gospel in the last times, because even though Heaven and Earth will pass, My Words will remain in the hearts that have made their commitment to Me for eternity.
That is why today My Eyes shine with hope upon seeing the sacrifice and sincerity of those who pray to My Heart because thus Heaven and the Universe will always bless them with their Graces, with their Mercies, with all the Gifts that they hope to make of their lives simple instruments in the Hands of God.
Turn your lives into pencils of light, so that God continues writing this story of bringing love and peace to all the nations of the world, because there are hearts that despair in their inner world and in their exterior life and that need the light of My Heart to trust in life and above all, in the Universe again.
Today, I carry your supplications in My Heart, the supplications of each one of My children, which I will give to the Father at the feet of His Celestial Universe.
In My Name you will be anointed, in My Name you will be baptized because your souls need that to learn to love My Mysteries even more; Mysteries that are simple, deep and true; Mysteries that My Heart reveals to those who open up to know it and to feel it inside.
Here is the Heart that will never tire of giving itself to mankind in spite of their errors and their difficulties. This is the Heart of the Son of God, the Glorified Heart of Jesus, which does not only comes to Austria to help the souls that need it most, but which also comes to the world in order to consecrate the nations to My Sacred Heart.
Contemplate this Heart that understands everything.
Contemplate this Heart that accepts everything and that lived for you a great sacrifice for the salvation of humanity.
May this Heart, which belongs to all, be recognized and loved by the simple love of men and women of the Earth, so that souls may vivify the wellspring of God's Love through the Heart of the Son. This is the Heart that burns with love for the just and for the unjust.
My Heart comes from the Source, to take you to the Source, so that you may be one with the Creator.
May the Lord bless all these elements that you have placed at My feet in honor of My Sacred and Glorified Heart, so that souls may be baptized by the Spirit and be anointed by the Healing Hand of God, in order for the past of the deepest wounds of the consciousness to dissolve, so that love and unity in hearts are reborn in the hearts.
Today the angels consecrate these elements. Today the angels transubstantiate the Body and Blood of Christ, so that love may be known in honor of the Greater Universe.
Today I will not ask for the incense nor the holy water, because they were already blessed by My Words and through My Word, the Source of Creation descended in your spirits and in Austria, as well as in all those who listen to My Message.
Thus I give you peace, so you take it to the world and to those who need it most; and for that peace to expand, you will give each other a greeting of peace, uniting all peoples and all races.
I bless you with My Spirit: in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for having responded to this call because thus you will never forget it; you will never forget what has happened here because it will be kept as an indelible memory in the Universe. Amen!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come here to bring peace to this city and to these people in need.
I come with all My angels to this meeting so that they too can bless you, for they are sent by the Father to close uncertain doors and open hearts to love.
It is for this reason that I have chosen to come here, dear children, to be closer to you and to bring you the good news, the moment that is approaching, long-awaited by all of humanity: the second coming of the Christ. Thus, you must have your hearts ready, not only through confession but also in communion with My Son. These will be the keys that will prepare your hearts for what will come.
I approach you, dear children, to be able to heal your hearts, to again bring you the joy of knowing that the faithful Servant, the Mother of the Most High, the Lady of the Poor, will be here among you every month until My mission of making this city a point of Light and of prayer for the world is accomplished.
This is why I have founded this house with all My maternal Love, so that here, the foundations of service and of prayer, of fraternity and of love among beings are gestated, and thus this work will be carried forward, which not only embraces the entire world, but will also come back here as an endpoint, as the culminating point of My work in these times, requested by My Son through My Immaculate Heart and the union of all your hearts with Mine.
Today I come here with the Holy Archangels so that your spiritual lives may be revived, so that your paths may be purified. And, in the end, upon the horizon, you may again see the Light of My Son, His Glorified Heart that is approaching this region of Brazil so that, during the Sacred Week, He may bless you and administer the Sacraments to all with the luminous sign of His Holy Cross.
Dear children, during this time, I need your hearts simple. In this way, with that simplicity your hearts have given Me today, through your affiliation with Me and your presence in this place, you will allow My Immaculate Heart to continue to come to this house to visit you every month and again bring you My celestial Graces, which will be the source of your reparation and conversion. In this way, you will find reconciliation with God, in the deep inner communion of each of your souls with My Soul and the Soul of My Son, and thus with the whole Celestial Kingdom.
I bring you seven important keys, dear children, that will help you move forward with this mission that I entrust to you today, of being able to make this city a Point of Light for the world. Each of you, dear children, will be a reference point for the pilgrims that will come from around the whole world. In your eyes and on your lips must be reflected My celestial smile, and in your hearts, free of suffering and pain, there must be peace; because My aspiration is to heal each of you so that you may enter into the universe of My maternal Love, where you will only find joy, hope and rejoicing for being able to be in Christ, Our Lord.
So that all this may be possible and the miracles occur in your lives, at a time of great inequality, I invite you to pray with Me, every day. I want this city to become a great Rosary of Light for the whole world, and that each bead of this Rosary of Light, which will be built by you, may represent a group of prayer, a prayerful nucleus, in which the bases of the Sacred Family will be able to express in your hearts and lives through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I want to erect Our Lady of Carmel again. May this city be blessed by that holy name. That Our Lady of the Poor may be in the heart of each one of My children and in each place where needs exist.
Thus, dear children, I gave you the sacred House of Saint Joseph, in this city, where My missionaries of peace live; where you will be able to learn to build a truly fraternal life, a group life based on brotherhood and love among beings, finding in each place the service and a possibility of living the prayer of the heart.
It is in this way, dear children, that I invite you to be a great spiritual family. I invite your families to be renewed through service, prayer and communion.
From Heaven, I bring you all these gifts so that the Celestial Church that dwells in the depths of your souls may be erected again; and My Son, when He returns during the Sacred Week, may find a refuge, a place of relief and prayer, where He may be able to enter into your hearts and lives.
As Lady of the Poor, I invite you to rebuild this city through example and simple acts. If your prayer is powerful and you live it daily, I assure you, dear children, with the authority given Me by Christ, that many things will come to an end and hope will be recovered in many consciousnesses.
For this to happen to all of you, dear children, in the humility and in the simplicity of your hearts, I invite you to take the step, to accompany your Heavenly Mother on this mission and in this purpose that I come to present to each one of you.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
In the same way that today I consecrate this house, I hope to consecrate each of your homes, so that this city, My children, may be in likeness to My Kingdom, and those who come here from the four corners of this world, seeking peace and reconciliation with God, may find in each of you that path that leads to My Immaculate Heart.
Thus, today I will ask that month after month you announce My Presence in this place; that you take your families, especially the young, to My Marian Center so that I am able to heal them, little by little, so that they find meaning in their lives once again, because the young, My children, are becoming lost due to the illusions and influences of this world, and the desire of the Creator is that His children find Him, that they are able to express unity and a likeness with Him in this time, in the same way that My Son, Jesus, expressed it.
I want you to strengthen your faith, My children, that you strengthen your unity with Me; because I only take you toward Jesus so that you may find Him when He returns to the world, so that you may recognize Him among humankind, so that you may recognize Him walking on the streets, converting hearts and reminding you of your commitment to God.
On this evening, My children, I establish peace in your lives and ask that you open the doors of your hearts to Me so that, with My angels, I may be able to free you, heal you, and place you on a path of peace and of spiritual growth.
I do not come here to found a new religion nor a new church. I come to strengthen the faith that already exists within your hearts.
I know that many love Me and are devotees of My Divine Spirit. Now, My children, you must testify to My Presence in your lives, because I am here to say that I have heard your prayers. I am the response to your pleas, to all those pleas you directed to God for this city to be different so that your children could find peace. I am here, children, as a unique spring of peace. I only ask that you open your homes and your hearts, that you take your rosaries in your hands and pray with Me so that, through the authority granted Me by God, I am able to transform your lives.
Trust in the power of prayer when you unite your hearts with Mine. Trust that, together with Me, the destiny of this city can be different, and it will be able to be recognized throughout the whole world as a source of peace for those who thirst, like a fount of life for those who die in spirit.
I come to convert this ground so that it may become sacred and announce My Maternal Presence to the world; so it may be the example for humanity of hearts that truly prepare for the Return of Christ, because He will come and it will not only be in spirit. All eyes will see Him, all knees will kneel before Him, because, children, you will not be able to resist His Love and His Power.
Those who are His companions will follow Him, and with Him they will establish the Kingdom of His Father. The New Jerusalem, which the ancient peoples so long awaited for, will be visible to human eye because the Will of God will be established and His promises will become life.
Trust in what I tell you, My children, because the world will tremble and hearts will repent for not having woken up in time.
Today I call you by name so that you may be in My Presence. Today I consecrate you and offer you My Peace so that you convert your lives and are truly called Children of Mary.
The Kingdom of God is approaching your lives. The Creator offers you His Love, and it is only necessary, My children, to say 'yes' to the Supreme God.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come to remove you from hell so that you may enter My Paradise. Thus, today I am here, among you, very happy. You cannot imagine, dear children, how great My happiness is while consecrating new Children of Mary, and thus, each one of you, who are permeated by the rays of My Love and My Grace.
My wish is that next month there be twice as many present here. Open the doors of this city so that the angels may reign and souls, that have died spiritually, may rise in light of the glorious coming of Christ.
Now, I want those who are to be consecrated as Children of Mary to approach this stage so that I can bless them. Come to Me, dear children, be close to My Immaculate Heart; you must not fear. I bring you the peace and celestial happiness that your lives so need to be able to fulfill the Purpose of God that, in this time, is being carried out through this Work.
I want all the priests to open their hearts to My call. I am the Mother of ecumenism and I lead all My children towards Christ. All are deserving of the Mercy of God. All are deserving of the Grace of God. All are worthy children of God and deserving of the salvation that My Immaculate Heart grants all souls.
Today I will not only bless the Children of Mary, these seventy new children that will be part of the first groups of prayer in the different points of this city. They will be the onrd who will sow, so that new souls be able to emerge, through this impulse to pray the Holy Rosary for peace every day, so that this city may be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.
I also come to consecrate your sacred objects, as well as all these flowers you have placed on My altar, on the sacred altar of the Lady of the Poor. You will take a flower as a remembrance of My Presence in your lives. I will also bless your rosaries, under the authority granted to Me by God.
Now let the new children, who are being consecrated in this house of the Lady of the Poor, place their left hands upon their hearts, and holding the light of their candles, confirm the Divine Presence in this place; the Presence of the Father, the Presence of the Son and the Presence of the Holy Spirit.
Today I untie a great knot so that you may be freed and thus find peace again, for if peace is in you, peace will be in this city, hearts will be converted, the sick will be healed, and all will feel more loved, for I will be present here. Each time you go through the door of this house, know that the Lady of the Poor always observes you and accompanies you with Her Love.
I come to close the wounds of your hearts, drawing out the thorns of life. I come to heal your souls, so they may ignite through My Divine Spirit. In your lives, I come to re-ignite the powerful flame of the prayer of the heart.
Today I come to give you My Love and all My Grace so that you may be blessed, be worthy deservers of the Mercy of God for all those who do not experience it and distance themselves from the Kingdom of God, stepping away from the Love and the Truth that lives in the universe.
I consecrate you. I bless you, I embrace you as a good Mother, as the Mother of all and the Mother of the New Humanity.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Sing Mary of Nazareth and lift up your rosaries so that I may bless them.
The Lord blesses these sacred objects that symbolize the opening of the doors of Heaven in the innermost core of each soul. May these beads of prayer be permeated by My Grace and by My Light. May souls cling tightly to this celestial instruments so that they may always find the love and the path that will take them towards My Son, to His Sacred Heart.
I bless these rosaries so they may bless this city, under the authority granted to Me by the universe, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Carry your rosaries upon your hearts so that Heaven may enter your lives.
I thank you.
I will wait for you next month and I am happy to be able to meet you again in the spirit of faith and unity.
So be it.
Dear children,
The advent of Christ is near, thus, consciously prepare your inner world to be able to receive Him.
In this special month of His Sacred Birth, My Son, who is about to be spiritually born within you, will bring an inner impulse to those who know how to recognize the importance of living this blessed moment.
There will not be anything at this moment that will be able to separate you from His Holy Heart. If at all times it was difficult and costly for you to maintain that sacred union with Christ, during this Christmas, it will become possible.
It is for this reason, My children, that today I call upon you to awaken from the lethargy in which the enemy has often placed you so that you are not able to participate in divine life. I need, My brave ones, that with your enthusiasm you invite everyone who has forgotten about Christ and, mainly, the souls that substitute Him for pleasure and conformism.
The pagan life must disappear from the human consciousness. Thus, on these dates of Christmas, the Angelic and Archangelic Hierarchies will work so that souls awaken more and more to the path of perfection and to the time of their purification.
Dear children, the whole celestial universe prepares to withdraw the blindfolds from your eyes so that you may see the higher life always awaiting you, even when you are being purified.
On this day, let the moment of having a divine opportunity, granted by Christ Himself, My beloved Son, be engraved in your consciousnesses,
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who waits for you to be at the side of the sacred Manger of Light.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In this time of worldwide spiritual crisis in the majority of souls, I ask you to seek the harmony of My Maternal Heart.
To find the harmony of My Maternal Heart, children, you must practice silence so that your hearts and consciousnesses may perceive the difference of being near or far from the Celestial Kingdom.
Children, you are a humanity with the potential to be able to develop many things within the Sacred Law of God.
Harmony is what is lacking in all of humanity, which makes it lose its peace, and in a short time, the path of true humility.
While hearts place their lives in the material things of the world, the path of harmony, which is universal, will not be seen by the majority.
Silence and the practice of silence requires the consciousness to think regarding what it will be talking about and to rethink actions that were previously taken hastily.
If at least a small part of humanity does not live the search for silence, it will be difficult for all, at some point, to be able to hear the Voice of the Most High announcing to the world the glorious Return of Christ to the hearts of the simple ones.
Dear children, you are before a reality that can no longer be hidden; the lack of harmony does not allow the laws of healing to approach and souls remain without receiving anything.
Assume, dear children, that a part of this whole Project is in your hands, as well as the responsibility of the planet and especially of the Kingdoms.
Your union with God and His Divine Will will define the end of times. Keep going, in the company of your Heavenly Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who gathers you together in the Divine Spirit of God in sacred harmony,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more