Dear children,
As the Celestial Church spiritually approaches the planet, the greater will be the inner and physical movements of humanity.
It is like a great Light that enters into the abyss and the darkness of humanity to turn night into day.
It is at this moment of worldwide inflection when souls must aspire, even more wholeheartedly, to allow the Celestial Church to free them from the chains of errors and suffering.
The Celestial Church will descend with Creative Power and give those who welcome it an impulse so that they may profess their faith and trust in the Eternal God.
While the Celestial Church begins to open its main doors, the angels come out from within it, descend to the Earth and prepare its solemn arrival.
But you, My children, must sustain this moment, since the Light and the darkness will meet, and from that point on, the last cycle of the battle will be opened, which will define love or indifference within humanity.
The more works of prayer and of good that are carried out in the world, the greater will be the spiritual and inner effect of the Celestial Church; and the souls that had no possibility of salvation will be considered.
At this moment, all those who adore the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar will be collaborating consciously so that the Celestial Church may reach all hearts possible.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In order to learn how to come out of the desert, it is very important to pray and know how to listen, because at the most arid moment, a word could save you from a situation.
My Son experienced 40 days in the desert and, as a human, he knew what earthly life represents, and how demanding it is to transcend the human condition, although not impossible.
When you are in a desert, you lack water, which is essential to survive this experience. This water is the life in Christ, which brings the possibility of crossing the desert with courage and determination.
And when you come to the moment of darkness in the desert, it is when you have the possibility of knowing reality and defining it. In this culminating moment, My Son is attentive with His Gaze, because He hopes that you can overcome it and thus be encouraged to take the next step.
The darkness of the desert is the most painful, but the most important moment because it is when the whole Universe is waiting for the light of a new Christ to emerge from the ruins.
This is nothing poetic, it is a truth felt within each of the cells, an experience that must lead you to go beyond yourself, so that you may see how it is possible to reach beyond your possibilities, for one cause, for love.
Never stop asking for the arrival of light within the desert, the time is now.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thirty-ninth Poem
on this day, we would like
to stay in Your arms,
so that we may be filled
with Your Love and Your Mercy.
We would like the most innocent children
who are in danger
to be in Your arms today
so that they may be sheltered by Your Divine Pity.
we would like the unborn
to be in a safe place, under Your protection,
so that they may have the Grace
of again finding the path of Light
that will lead them to the Eternal Father.
we would like the women and men of the world
who sell their bodies for the pleasure of others
to be in Your arms,
so that they may be safe and see,
at some moment, the doorway out
to abandon darkness.
we would like the poorest among the poor
and the elderly, abandoned by their families,
to be in Your arms today,
so that they may feel deserving of receiving
Your warm and affectionate Love
that will heal them internally.
we would like all refugees
and those exiled from their countries
to be in Your arms,
so that they may feel the joy of rebuilding their lives
and find hope
in this time of definition.
we would like the planet
to be in Your arms today
so that the consciousness of the Earth may be relieved
and no longer feel that it is alone.
today, more than ever,
we would like to learn to truly love
as You love us, unconditionally.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-second Poem
Powerful and invincible Lady,
with Your feet, step
on that which causes pain and darkness.
Through the powerful Rays
that Your Most Pure Heart emanates,
liberate us from damnation.
Break the chains of illusion
from our consciousnesses.
With Your Sword of Light, cut the ties with evil,
so that, by the power of the Blood of Christ,
which was poured out upon the surface of the Earth,
souls may manage to again rise
and thus they may find the Footprints of Christ.
Powerful Mother of the World,
Celestial Mirror of Light and Wisdom,
lead us towards the great portal of our freedom
so that we may be redeemed,
according to that which the Sacred Word indicates.
We want and we aspire to be apostles of Christ,
a fundamental part of His Mystical Body;
thus, we will know how and manage to represent
the Work of Redemption and Divine Mercy in this world;
we will know how to sustain, with responsibility and adherence,
the great Project of Christ upon the planet.
Mother of Light,
make us aware of each step
that we take towards Your beloved Son.
make us deserving
of God 's Love for the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twelfth Poem
Guardian and Protector of faith,
free us from the darkness of these times,
distance us from the path of perdition.
May the Sacred Flame of Your Immaculate Heart
be the guide of our lives.
Celestial Mother,
may our steps be accompanied
until we are able to meet Christ.
May the power of Your luminous and loving Heart
lead us to the House of the Celestial Father,
because we recognize ourselves as children of God,
expressions of His Redeeming Project,
fundamental parts of His Work of Mercy.
May we never tire of seeking
union with the Kingdom of the Heavens.
May gratitude and reverence
help us perceive the divine reality
that lies before our eyes, day by day.
With Your divine help, Mother of God,
may we comply with that which the
Holy Will of God establishes.
Thus, we will learn,
just like You, dear Mother,
to remain in the emptiness of ourselves,
without expecting anything in return.
Awaken Your unconditional Love within us
so that we may also be unconditional,
and, thus, our lives will belong to God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In times of epidemics, may prayer reign, so that prayer itself may be the spiritual and material shield that protects you along with your guardian angels.
In this time, may your hearts reaffirm your commitment to prayer, because humanity and the planet need it.
So that this epidemic may be dissolved from the consciousness of the planet, it is necessary, My children, that when you are by yourselves, in family and in your homes, altars of prayer be built so that the current situation may return to normal.
For this reason, concentrate, and do not become distracted; go to the correct source and I assure you that you will begin to know the sublime powers of prayer.
Reinforce the important commitment to the Holy Rosary and make the Rosary the weapon of defense against all darkness and tribulation, for in this way, your families will also be protected and will not lack peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With a Rose of Light upon My chest, dear children, I give you the sublime aromas of Heaven so that, in this moment, you may be embraced by the Love of God.
I give you the Rose of Light so that, within you, essential purity may awaken, which in this time the world will need to recover in order to return to God, with innocence and in repentance.
May My Rose of Light manifest within you so that the angels of Heaven may recognize you and thus help you to walk with Christ and to find God in each moment.
Dear children, this is the time to seek the best that exists within you. It is time for you to contact your inner essence so that the world may also be filled with that which is most pure and blessed that the Father has given you.
Today I come here, to this beloved and humble Marian Center of the Child King, to remind the whole world that it has lost contact with its inner child, and that this inner child is pleading for help to be able to express and demonstrate how much it loves life and the Universe.
The human being has to place their attention upon this inner child, and thus they will perceive how much they have harmed it with their hasty actions.
Therefore, My children, return to Me so that this inner child, that is about to express the sacred mission of your essences, can rule above the ego and all obscurity.
The inner child will allow you to see the reality of these times from another perspective and will lead you to experience absolute self-surrender.
Humanity must not make its inner child succumb because it would be dissolving in itself the original innocence and purity.
Reconcile with that which is in the depths of your beings, asking them for forgiveness, from so many traumas and experiences lived.
With love, unite to your inner child and let the expressions of virtues and talents place you on the right path, far from suffering and from obscurity.
Therefore, I give you My Rose of Light so that the inner child of each one of My children may feel the maternal love of the Heavenly Mother, and may thus decide to reveal and express everything they internally came to fulfill as service of love for humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To My dear children of the Planetary Light-Network
Now that you carry the spiritual symbol of the Confraternity, of the Brotherhood and of love among beings, stamped upon your chests, may your souls definitely dare to take this last and great step toward the path of the apostolate of Christ.
May this star that confirms in you the existence of the Mission and of its fulfillment on any part of the Earth be the impulse of light that will place you selflessly at the service of others and for the Kingdoms of Nature.
May the Sacred Heart of My Son, His Flame of Fire and His Holy Cross, impel you in this cycle to always say “yes” and to abandon any sign of tepidness.
Now is the time of the presentation of the apostles and of the missionaries that will build the Plan of God, first within themselves, by means of prayer, of service, of instruction, and of healing; and then to build it and share it with the rest of humanity.
Now is the time that more stars of light ignite in the firmament and begin to be part of the new Planetary Light-Network which, despite the circumstances or the events, will defend from itself any act of disobedience so that unity with the Divine Plan and the Supreme Hierarchy may finally be lived.
My children, the path of redemption is open by means of the service and the testimony that your hearts can live, in perfect union with the Hierarchy.
May this new symbol that today you carry on your chest be revered, valued and loved, in the same way that you would receive the presence of the Hierarchy in your homes.
In truth, children, it will be the spiritual Hierarchy Who, in this new cycle, will want to govern and guide you so that more and more consciousnesses may be removed from the world system and from the planetary illusion.
The Hierarchy hopes that the majority of souls can learn to live in a brotherhood that is divine, humble, powerful and unconditional in its surrender, in its service and in its constant and infinite donation.
All those who today carry on their chest the sacred symbol of the new Light-Network will be saying to the Universe that they accept the awakening of the consciousness, the transcendence of all suffering through love and the constant confirmation of aspiring to belong, someday, to the Divine Plan of the second coming of Christ.
This is the symbol of peace; it is the impulse that invites you to readiness and the absolute surrender of self so that, from now on, the Hand of God and the Flame of His Divine Grace may be upon you, which will enlighten you in these times of darkness.
May the sacred commitment and the fiery aspiration of being worthy children of God ignite within you.
I wish you a good beginning, to all of My missionary children of the Light-Network!
May the inner light of each being reach the whole world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Pray, because the more awakened the ones who committed themselves with Christ are, the greater is their responsibility before the planet and the Plan of the Creator.
Pray, because in the same time that you awaken, the world agonizes and those who are submerged in darkness enter deeper into their abysses.
Cultivate in your heart, in your mind and in your feelings, that which brings you closer to the Father, and unite to Him so that this union has more strength inside of you than the human tendency to follow the illusions of the world.
While the rulers of the nations become lost and confuse their spirit with matter, pray, child, for there to be balance in this world so that the laws attracted to it do not foster on Earth an unexpected test, something that many will not be able to bear.
Your prayer, hidden and silent, but sincere and true, reaches the Foot of God and His archangels, in order to balance the laws that cause the events to manifest within the life on Earth.
Everything in human life, before manifesting on Earth, starts to exist on the spiritual levels. The roots of virtues as well as of evil, of the new human being as well as of the tests of this time, are still in the invisible, intangible levels, but where prayers can indeed reach.
When you pray, you are attracting the Thought of God to Earth and this very Thought, when descending through dimensions, balances them so that it can manifest.
In the same way, when human beings act in a negative way and attract chaos to Earth, this chaos destabalizes the dimensions of life wherever it passes so as to manifest according to its vibration.
Therefore, we say that we are in times of battle. A silent battle, in which one triumphs with love and unity with God, because there is nothing superior to the Love of the Father, nothing that can defeat it. But, for it to be present within life on earth, human beings must open the doors to the Love of the Father through prayer.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Act of Reverence and Love to the Kingdoms of Nature
I wish I could be like a bird
to just praise and sing to God.
I wish I could be like the water of the oceans
to only mirror the Peace of God.
I wish I could be like a tree
that rises up to reach the Kingdom of God.
I wish I could be like a flower
that opens every morning to show its devotion to God.
I wish I could be like a plant
that decorates environments to leave them full of harmony and light.
I wish I could be like a dolphin
that amidst the waves overcomes itself to reach God.
I wish I could be like a sunflower
that opens every day to receive the light of the Sun.
I wish I could be like a crystal
that guards the most beautiful thing it has
in order to express its love for Creation.
I wish I could be like the wind
that blows strong and constant
to reach all corners of the Earth with love.
I wish I could be like fire
to illuminate the days of darkness.
I wish I could be like the land
that tirelessly gives itself to be the womb
that gestates Creation again and again.
I only wish that the trees were not cut down,
to not leave the planet without beings that rise towards God.
I only wish that birds were not hunted
so that the Earth would not be left without beings that fully praise God.
I only wish that the earth would no longer be transgressed with toxins and chemicals
so that humanity would not run out of living food.
I only wish that the oceans were no longer contaminated
so that marine life would not die soon
and the seas could continue to mirror peace.
I only wish human beings were aware
that the planet is our home and that we depend on it to live.
I only hope that all of us will be in communion with the Kingdoms
so that, for a moment, we may feel their constant suffering
and thus we can relieve them, without transgressing Creation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
O, Most High Lord, kind and merciful to all creation!
Today I ask you to place Your divine Wisdom where nothing is clear, to place Your sublime Peace on those who have truly lost it, to place Your Hands to heal and dissolve from the hearts the deceits and adversities of evil.
I ask you, Lord, for each one of My Children. Today, especially, for those who have the sacred commitment to follow the humble footsteps of Christ.
Deposit within each one of those who self-summoned the grand feeling of Your Humility so they can feel inside the true commitment to the sacred task of preparing the return of Christ.
Lord of Justice, appease this Law upon those who deserve to receive it and who by the divine action of My Grace are under Your holy protection.
Trust, Lord, in the wonderful and incalculable value of every essence of the creatures that You created.
Remove from the path of darkness and lies all those who are led to enter it.
Grant, Lord, that each committed heart may vivify Your Plan with gratitude, joy and strict obedience so that all may be protected by the presence of Your Most Holy Spirit.
I thank you for having responded to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.
My child,
Imagine for a moment three-quarters of the world in the days of darkness; because, in truth, what the world is provoking attracts more darkness to the Earth.
Many think that the sun will be hidden for three days, but, in truth, if nations do not stop provoking wars and, above all, do not stop promoting them as if it were the latest fad of these times, worse situations will happen, things that nobody would ever expect; I would say, violent results.
Today, an angel of God removes a painful thorn from My Immaculate Heart and even though the prayers for the nations are permanent and that protects South America, on the other hand, My adversary is conquering the power and ostentation of his allies on earth more and more.
If the weapons do not stop being activated, as I once said in Fatima, a third war, even worse, would be unleashed overnight.
That possible darkness that could reign upon the planet and hide its three quarters, would be the effect of chemical, gaseous and warlike weapons; something outlandish.
The effect of the self-destruction of a part of humanity would be so violent that after the ones who provoke the wars activate their weapons, late would they realize that the power got out of their hands, unable to stop the effects and consequences.
Today, through the pain of My Heart, I bring this reality so that by all means, offers and sacrifices, it may be avoided.
Imagine it again, the planet submerged in darkness, caused by the harmful effect of nuclear weapons.
Humanity because of its interests, are playing with its race. And, although the promise of the return of Christ will be fulfilled, the most definitive moment of the race is still waiting to be gone through; and that moment is about to happen.
In the meantime, do not stop praying because, in this way, your Heavenly Mother will continue to work on the spiritual plane against Her adversary in order to remove from the weak minds the idea of the activation of weapons.
Now the time has come, more than ever, to join your guardian angels so that your spiritual life is protected from the invasive repercussion that the war in the Middle East is generating.
That is the reason why your Heavenly Mother wishes to arrive soon at the Northern Hemisphere, not only to intervene in those who provoke the wars, but also to protect the millions of European souls that would witness destruction without limits, as an effect of what their representatives do in the Middle East.
Therefore, sleep and restore the consciousness, but always have a part of your being well awake because, in an unexpected way, everything could be triggered.
Pray even more from the heart so that your Heavenly Mother and all the angels may be able to intercede and avoid irreparable disasters.
While My Heart hurts, I sustain Myself with the loving prayers of those who join Me in this difficult cycle.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the Glory, the Grace and the Peace of Jesus Christ be in your hearts, and let nothing and nobody prevent the propagation of Peace; because the time will come for the ceasing of spiritual wars, and hearts will fervently support the banner of Christ so that the people may reconcile, so that souls may receive universal forgiveness and absolution.
Nothing will remain unfinished; on the contrary, My beloved Son will come to the world under the sovereign Power of God to dismiss the kingdom of the enemy. Only, that sacred defeat will take it by surprise, because the Lord of the Universe will bury His sword in the essence of evil and all darkness will dissolve in a matter of seconds.
Believe in this, because the sacred Name of Jesus will triumph in the planetary life.
I thank you for responding to My humble call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the soul faces its own darkness, its eyes can see nothing. There is no comprehensive clarity to it. The darkness of the soul leads to the darkness of the senses, of the thoughts, of the heart.
I do not tell you about the spiritual darkness that precedes the encounter with God. I talk about the darkness of these times, in which the soul enters when it is submerged in the abysses of its own consciousness. As that darkness comes from itself, there is no light that makes it see, or a Grace that withdraws it from obscurity. It is the soul itself that must turn its eyes to the heights and discover, beyond itself, the light that shelters it.
The soul transits through its own abysses many times without perceiving, but when this soul has already known and experienced the presence of light, it will cost it a lot to face darkness bravely, and also to accept that such pitch darkness comes from itself.
For the soul that enters in its own abysses after having defined its adherence to light, the time has come for taking one more step and allowing the light - which before illuminated and caused everything that was superficial and visible to shine- to now reach the dark abysses and make luminous that which the eyes do not want to see.
After bringing into light that which used to be in darkness, it will be up to each soul to love its dark aspects, just as it once loved its virtues and skills because in the same way as everything that was already positive in the soul was transformed, consolidated and ennobled in the presence of the light, so must the dark aspects receive in themselves part of this healing fluid that comes from the source of Love-Wisdom, in order to be transformed.
In order to love, you must be brave. In these times, learn to love like a maternal heart, which in spite of seeing the deepest and most unexplainable miseries in her children, never stops loving them. A mother loves, not for her child to continue being miserable; she loves because she knows that, in order for her child to be worthy and find the truth, they need to be loved, especially by her.
When the consciousness is transforming itself, the awaken soul must act like a mother because, so that their aspects do not generate resistance and allow themselves to be shaped and corrected, they not only need serenity, but the love of their own soul above all.
When the soul is immersed in darkness, it needs the silent and patient love of the fellowbeing, like a mother when she sees her child entangled in themselves and blind.
Feel what I tell you in your hearts and keep this in mind. If you do not comprehend what I tell you today, you will comprehend it tomorrow.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While the Sacred Hearts work tirelessly for this world, the weeping of the most little ones of the Middle East is heard in face of the lack of mercy and of compassion. In the most little ones there exists the spirit of inner purity, this purity and innocence that some try to banish through fear, panic and of perturbation.
It is for this, that the Sacred Hearts of Saint Joseph and of Mary have entered the regions of greater conflict in order to assist spiritually and materially all of the families that live in the sea of desperation and of exile.
Your Heavenly Mother decisively implores to Saint Michael Archangel for Him to place the Creative Power of His sword of Light over those regions and consciousnesses of the planet that provoke the worldwide disorder.
If this comes to pass, the Law will be hard with the ungrateful and the unjust ones, which will not be able to be reverted.
It is to prevent a punishment that could leave a mark in humanity that Your Most Holy Lady of Heaven descends to the world to beg to all of Her children for them to ask for mercy and redemption. It shall be for the sake of the profound and truthful supplication of the praying ones of the world that a longer period of peace may be achieved.
Otherwise, if the more conscious and awake humanity does not pay attention to the call that comes directly from Heaven, humanity will see much more than blood flowing and corpses decomposing in the streets and in the nations of the world.
If this happened, a kingdom of darkness would be established in the world, but as I know that My Immaculate Heart will triumph, I will come to ask for the life and the surrender of a few servers so that in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ they will balance all of the degenerated causes in this world of today.
This will prevent this unfair kingdom to be established and will permit that the Powerful Heart of Mary may triumph in the great regions of the Earth. In this way, the Angels of the Most Holy Trinity will descend to the planet to remove the consciousnesses that have opened the doors to evil.
Thus, many will see the great prodigy of the Mother of the Sun in the horizon, a sign that will mark the beginning of the expected one thousand years of peace. For this to happen, all that seems impossible and exacts sacrifice will be asked of those who gave their yes to Jesus Christ.
It will be in this way that the Work of God will not be lost as the innocent blood that flows in the streets of the world today is lost, and the Work of God shall have its victory through Grace.
I thank you for embracing with trust My important call!
In a vigil of light and of prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
In the name of the Mercy of Christ, today I dignify Myself to visit this holy house, such as your Heavenly Mother visited the house of Martha and Mary to demonstrate that, through the lesson of absolute service to the Plan of God, many doors open themselves so that Graces may descend and the souls may receive the help they need.
My children, opening My arms and extending My hands to you, once again I come to give you the Peace of My Heart in these times. Times in which the life of the souls are at risk; the eternal game with My adversary will define the existence of the Kingdom of God in the largest amount of lives possible.
The offer of your surrender to the Plan of God and of your selfless service to others, creates, in these times, the so necessary and urgent merits for the salvation of humanity.
And while the game between light and darkness has already begun, your Heavenly Mother comes to aid you and help you to walk in confidence towards God, so that you be able to cross your own internal abysses and transcend the barriers of the internal difficulty.
If you are with Me and I can be with you, despite the time of your purification, you will not lose sight of the walk of My humble feet along the gardens of peace and love, along the internal gardens of My Heart.
Dear children, do not allow anything to close your hearts. My adversary also wants to imprison your hearts in this illusory and material life so that you may never again feel My Love. But remember that prayer is the great key that opens any door and heart; for this, brave and encouraged to live the purification of life, take My hand and you will not get lost in any abyss.
As the Mother that loves you and protects you I will take you through the path of peace and ascension.
Children, take the first step and live in time the act of forgiveness and reconciliation; may your hearts not be hurt by anything, accept the cross and carry it in confidence next to My Son, as He carried it out of love for you.
This captivity of suffering will end when the majority takes the first step; thus, also My Immaculate Heart will triumph. I leave you this reflection for you to study it.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who gathers you to love and forgive,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Always bring My message of peace to the world and to all of the souls that do not know the power of My maternity and of My Love.
In your paths you will find hearts in need of the Mercy of God and it will be this Divine Mercy that will open the door for redemption and for the liberation of the sins.
For this, children, be apostles of Christ in love and in truth. The adversary fears these great virtues because there he cannot establish his kingdom of darkness. Love and truth will make you understand and accept the current decadence of an indifferent and materialistic humanity. In this humanity there are still praying suns that shine and bring hope to an uncontrolled and restless world without peace or unity.
Dear children, the times will be complicated because humanity and mainly some hearts without God will promote unusual events for the world. For this I come to ask you that everyday you may offer the prayer of the heart. It will be your shield against My adversary.
Those who do not pray, how will they be saved? This is the science of the end of times, the prayer of heart, the prayer of love, the prayer of truth, of peace.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you in calm and in peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May My eyes be the living sun that illuminates your paths. Through My presence in your lives, there will never be darkness that confuses you or lack of faith that separates you from God.
My beloveds, may the rays that come from the sun of the world be the same that come from the Heart of God, by means of His Servant.
Feel these rays of the sun of this world which represent My Fire and the Fire of the Heart of My Son, which come to the world in order to liberate it from all evil.
I come among the clouds surrounded by Celestial Light in order to announce a new time of great changes, a time which you must enter consciously.
I arrive in this city in order to show you that not even the greatest beauty built by the hands of humans can be compared to the Celestial greatness.
All of what you can see around you, built by human hands, are illusions that imprison the heart to matter and to material desires, while all that comes from the Divine Creation liberates the soul and makes it come out of itself in order to merge itself with the Source of Creation.
My beloveds, My presence arrives to this city, as a last hope in order for this nation to awaken definitively to its mission.
I know that many think that there are greater illusions in the world, greater wealth, greater perdition, but I say to you My dears, that this nation represents for God one of the pillars of His redeeming project and must comply with its primary mission in this time. For this, here, in this nation, I create one of My main houses of the world so that it may radiate conversion and awakening for all.
I hope to find here a strong group of prayer able to balance, through faith, all the lack of union with God that exists. But for this dear children, I need souls that are truly committed to the Divine Purpose and that do not hesitate to abandon all illusions and mundane desires in order to dedicate their lives to the fulfillment of the Plan of God.
Today I want to leave you an impulse for the total consecration of your lives to God, in this way you will be able to balance the faults of this world.
In this time that will come only a true and full consecration will be able to balance the evils of the world. It will be necessary that besides prayer, there is a consecration of the souls that surrender themselves completely to God and renounce all of what this world can offer them in order to live a life that goes against all of the human currents, those which purify and renew them. Thus, little by little, this humanity must become sacred.
My beloveds, My voice echoes in this world with softness and purity, with love and with forgiveness, but there will be the time of Justice and those who did not reconcile themselves with God will have to live the consequences of their union with evil.
I warn you in this time, in order that there may be no doubts in your hearts. As your Mother it is up to Me to tell you the truth. For this, give thanks to God for My words and be consistent with what your hearts dictate.
I love you and I will guide you every time you want to follow My steps.
May this nation be consecrated and this city be redeemed by prayer and consecration of the hearts that are faithful to their Creator.
I bless you today and forever.
Mary, Mother and Universal Queen
I want that from an old tree, new branches may sprout.
I want that the old souls may peregrinate with Me through new paths.
I want to cause to be born inside the heart a new heart. May the old heart not lose its wisdom, but that it may demonstrate having to be born in itself this new heart, that beats in the rhythm of the Greater Will and that accompanies attentively the movements of the Universe.
I want to strengthen those whom I have chosen to be the columns of My temple and that for so long have been prepared to live that which happens today in the world.
I want to be the light on the path of My children, so that they may recognize in the treading of My steps, the teaching of other times.
I wanted to come to the encounter of those who did not fear, even while thinking that they were afraid, and that followed Me, even believing that they did not know how to find Me.
Now, children of Mine, it has come the time to see following upon My steps, and to perceive that on this path through which I have guided you are found all the teachings that with other faces I have to you.
If you are capable of following Me with confidence, feeling your way in the dark, now allow My light to switch on the inside of your beings and show you the way to live what you learned yesterday, but with the heart of today.
My children, I invite you to service, because you will be able to see and feel in this simple action, what the Divine Messengers have constructed in your beings. When you return to serving, be attentive to what exists in your hearts and that before did not exist and discover that blessed is the heart that thinks it has not been transformed, because it will always cultivate simplicity, humility and what is most important, it will never stop walking, because it knows that it has not come to its goal.
My beloveds, I agree to come to encounter you, to contemplate each precious pearl that has arisen in your hearts and to find you here, at My side, even after so much incomprehension.
I want to answer the question of a daughter of Mine that thinks she does not live what has been taught to you for so long. And today I say to you that you have lived it, when you overcame your expectations about the instruction that you were receiving, when you overcame yourselves, in all that you could feel in your hearts and crossing this threshold that many are still crossing, you found Me in your lives.
My beloveds, I am the same in Heaven as on Earth, in the Kingdom of My Peace, as in the Infinite, in the Universe. My words penetrate and transform those who say yes to Me, even without knowing why they do.
Today I come to your lives to renew your commitments with Me, to say to you that I am by the side of each one of you, in the same way that you were by My side and that forever I will accompany you, in this life and in the other, because you have generated the merits to be closer to My Heart.
In humility embrace My call and continue to trust in this path. Soon more comfort will come to your lives when by yourselves you discover that the theories have become life in your beings, and that the teachings beat in your hearts and are reflected in your actions and feelings, because you are being able to trust in God, more than in your own selves.
I embrace you with love and I bring all to My Heart.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
From the tiny seed was born a great tree that received water, sunshine and that grew and strengthened itself in the Gifts that God the Father infused with His deep love and fondness. This tree lived days of rain and of full sun, days of winter and of dry weather, days of great sorrow, days of joy and of perfect communion. A few branches dried out; others sprouted anew; some were renewed, others let themselves fall. But since God is so perfect, all the branches, leaves, and fruits that came from that tree returned to her, to her interior. Despite being dry, they were transformed and became a source of food for her roots. The fruits that were not harvested, the leaves that dried and the branches that broke off, are the sources of the fortification of this tree.
Children of Mine, from such a beautiful tree comes each one of your souls. Today your hearts are born again, because they already are ripe fruits, renewed by the seeds of life that they brought within them.
A tree created by God with such care and love shall never perish. Yes, the Lord permits her to live days of winter and days of summer, days of drought and of abundant water, so that she will know how to be strong; this tree can only prepare her branches and fortify her trunk when subject to strong winds that make her grow.
Children of Mine, know how to recognize yourselves as part of this tree that I present to you, and know how to recognize that the natural cycle of life allows her leaves to wilt, her branches to be renewed, and each of these parts, when they touch her roots again, will be transformed into nourishment and a source of life and renewal.
In this way must be your hearts. Those that one day wilt should not fear being transformed so that they will once again be part of the composition of this tree. Know that she would never be alive if she had not been renewed. The trees of yesterday may be transformed into the branches of today, these that sustained in themselves many leaves and that one day may dry, so as to then form part of the trunk of this beloved tree, a trunk that is formed by many branches, leaves and fruits that have permitted themselves to dry, fall, decompose and be reborn like a new living cell of this beloved Figueira.
Dear children, praise and love the cycles of life, which are so mysterious and perfect. Love living according to the Will of God, and allow yourselves to flow in that Will, as pure and crystalline water, which lets itself be molded according to the Will of its God.
My beloveds, these are the times that you longed for so much; times of living love, charity and fortitude for which you have so much prepared your souls and your lives. For this reason, rejoice your hearts and, from the chaos in which the world is found, within and outside of you, know how to recognize the Will of God, Who is asigning each one of you as it corresponds to them, and challenging each soul so that He may fortify it once again.
For a tree to be firm, God sends to it all the winds that will attempt to bring her down; for her to be strong and to be able to live under any circumstances in this world, God will deprive her of water, so that she will learn how to live in times of drought. Then, He will again deliver to her the fountain of life so that she will also learn that her Lord observes her and knows the point until which she will be able to endure it. Never will He leave her helpless.
Dear children, as a good Father, the Lord releases His children so that they will learn to walk. He will let them fall, but will never allow them to remain on the ground. He will always extend a hand to them so that they may stand up again, and once again follow this path of eternal learning.
My beloveds, your hearts are part of a favored project of God – that which He has in His hands all the time. All I ask of you today is that you will never desist, that you may learn from the facts of life and that you be strengthened through them. That the strong winds may be the excuse, the reason to more deeply extend you roots. That you will make of the dry season the reason to wait even more in God for the moment in which, by Grace, He will send you fresh waters. And when these come, you will drink of this water of life, of which each drop is a precious treasure and an eternal fountain of renewal and perseverance.
Today I say to you that the winds that pass through you lives are still not those that come to try to knock down all that was erected by God. This wind will come at the moment in which you will be ready and strengthened to live it. It is necessary, dear children, that as humanity you learn to live love under any circumstances, and that you love God in all the situations of life, knowing to recognize His light even in the midst of darkness, discovering that which He wants to teach you through each learning that He sends into this world.
My beloveds, persevere always; this is all that I come to tell you. Always persevere in the love of God, and choose to live it, always choose love.
I thank you and shelter your lives in My arms.
Mary, your Mother and Lady of Figueira
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more