May all voices unite today in a sacred invocation to the Merciful Presence of Christ, so that, at this time, urgent causes may be assisted by the most honest and true prayers of the heart.
May the Supplicant Network embrace all souls under the Light of the Holy Spirit and may hearts receive the blessing they so long await.
In these days of perpetual prayer, may merciful hearts justify the threats that the world is experiencing so that, through the offering of the apostles of Christ, humanity may regain universal peace.
Dear children, as the Mother of Mercy, I also contemplate and accompany your inner needs.
May the prayer, offered in these days, be that sacred inner temple that allows us to receive the offerings of the hearts so that the Heavenly Father may contemplate them through the kindly gaze of the Mother of God.
May the gift of Divine Unity permeate spaces, consciences and hearts, so that in unity the Love of Christ may triumph, and in Christ, in spite of everything, souls may learn to rise again in charity, love and brotherhood.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children:
I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, and My mantle reflects all the Light of the Sun, which illuminates and blesses Uruguay.
I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, and My tunic reflects the Mirror of the Heavens, which descends upon Uruguay to guide it and give it wisdom.
I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Confederate Mother, and My crown is the symbol of the gratitude and affection of all prayerful Uruguayans.
I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Patroness of this nation and of all the Charrúa people. My gaze is on the spiritual richness of the ancestral indigenous culture. My affection is in the values of brotherhood, solidarity and help that the Uruguayan people manifest and express as a gift.
I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Mother of the workers and of all those who sacrifice day and night in order to move forward, trusting in their dreams, aspiring to reach their own goals.
I am the Lady and Mother of Uruguay, called Blessed among all women. I am the Star of the South of Uruguay, I am the One Who keeps in Her Heart the navigators. I am the One Who watches over all those who bring bread to the family table out of love.
I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three; I am the One Who prepares, in silence, the coming of Christ into every heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
On the eve of the Nativity of the Lord, may values of brotherhood and love be born in hearts and also in families, so that peace may be achieved in the world.
Therefore, with your gaze fixed on the Holy Manger, reconsecrate your lives as a family to the Holy Family of Nazareth, so that all the values that today are dissolving in the world may once again emerge through the consciousness of My children.
Through the contemplation of the Holy Manger, you will receive on this day the same as the Holy Family received as inspiration from God, for We had the Grace to be part of the great event that simply changed the history of humankind.
My children, I would like you, in these last days of the novena for the reconsecration of families, to place in your prayers and within the essence of the Holy Manger all those in humanity who today will not be able to experience the Nativity of the Lord, due to their life situations and conditions.
I would like the Light, which descended in the humble grotto of Bethlehem, to descend upon the families who need it most at this moment.
As always, I will be united to each one of My children, to all those who in this next Nativity of the Lord will solemnly celebrate the Birth of Jesus, so that Christ may be born again in the hearts of all My children, so that there may be a more just, fraternal and serving humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
With bells of joy, I was received in Europe, as the time has come to again congregate My disciples. Those who were with Me in the past, who were part of My trajectory on Earth, who lived My Word, who practiced My Commandments, who surrendered their lives at the service of others.
I come here today, to Europe and to the whole world, so that each consciousness may look inwards and through their interior, and not through their minds, they may feel and understand how in truth the world is a planet in chaos, confusion and suffering.
But I do not come to again repeat to you all these things, because I know that you are already aware of them.
What you must know, companions, is that it is time to seek a solution.
It will not be an external solution, but rather an inner solution, a deep and true conviction, that you must be definitively united to God.
Thus, you will allow My sidereal Priesthood to be fulfilled on this planet through all those who serve Me in this lineage, in this office, in this sacred task.
I need you to look within, not to see the imperfection of things, but rather to recognize the Grace of God, the Grace that guides you and that has sustained you up to these current times.
In this way, all adversity that is around you will become small; because a true disciple is forged through the challenges, the goals, the fulfillment of the Sacred Purpose.
I need Europe to awaken from the sleep of its comfort and live the immediate action of these times, the service that will encompass and meet the needs of nations, especially the poorest nations, as those of Africa.
In this way, with your willingness and surrender, with your true self-giving, you will impel other souls to also do the same exercise, so that this debt that Europe has, especially with South America, can be paid once and for all; and so that there no longer be sequels, wounds or marks that remind your brothers and sisters of all you did in other times.
By means of the Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys, I come to grant you the opportunity of forgiveness so that you may achieve the opportunity of redemption.
For this reason, prepare yourselves with bravery and determination. The emergency will only tend to increase, the demand will only tend to grow. It is time to forge the true disciple, the self-given soul that will sacrifice itself for Me. Thus, I will have no obstacles to intercede for you and for your nations.
From the heart of Europe, the change of consciousness must emerge; from a selfless, unconditional, available, mature, wise and surrendered consciousness, from a consciousness that can mold charity, the good, peace, fraternity and cooperation, and not the subjection of the poorest countries.
All are responsible for what happens today throughout the world, each one in their degree, each one in their school. But the destiny is one, the path is one, the truth is one, and it is the one that I bring you today to open your eyes, the eyes of consciousness, so that your heart may feel all that I am telling you today. Thus, I will be able to deposit My Plans within you, in trust and fidelity, in readiness and response, something that must emerge from yourselves so that the Hierarchy can intervene and help.
Through My Hands, I illuminate the Plans of My Father, and I present them to all of Europe and the whole world.
We have chosen to return here, although there are greater needs in other parts of the world, because if the change does not take place from the root of consciousness within this place, there will be no change in the rest of humanity. With this, you will be able to understand where everything began, where the deviation began.
Through Love, I come to deposit My Light and My Wisdom so that the New Christs may awaken and prepare themselves to serve.
Unity among the praying groups and the pilgrims of Europe will always be very important. Now that the consequences and chaos have separated you from one another, you must be more united than ever; but united from the heart, in truth, with a deep feeling of brotherhood and fraternity towards your fellow being. Thus, you will maintain the doors open to My Mercy and Europe will not be hit so hard due to all that it has not done well.
You know, companions, that the door of Divine Justice is opening. I want, through your sacrifices, surrenders and renunciations, to sustain this door so that it does not open, and, thus, the flow of the Mercy of My Heart can be poured out upon Europe and the whole world, as it once was in Poland, when I revealed to the world My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.
I want your souls to be victims of My Love. I want your souls to justify the errors that the world commits, day by day, because the scales of this planet are ill-adjusted, uneven and unbalanced.
You must be precious pieces within My Hands, you must be instruments through which I can impel peace and the fulfillment of the Plan. Thus, companions, many, many will cease to suffer and to have to endure.
May your European nations be shelter and sustenance for the refugees, because I am the one who is knocking at the door of your nations, your governments and your homes, so that you can receive Me.
I have walked many times on the grounds of this continent, Europe. I was rejected many times within a child, within the mother who suffers, within the sick elderly person, within those who are not accepted, because they are foreigners.
Now that you have greater awareness, through the impulse of My Love, I invite you to renew yourselves with bravery and not with guilt. I invite you to feel the joy of being able to do the right things and cease to do incorrect things; that which no longer belongs to the Law or to the Plan, that which no longer belongs to brotherhood or fraternity.
May your hearts become sensitive, may your minds calm, may your spirits open up to be depositories of My Projects for this very important cycle in Europe.
Thus, many inner centers will benefit the consciousness of this continent and of the whole world, because with the consistency of My disciples, the intervention will be deeper and more immediate.
I come to bring you a Message of awareness and not a Message of punishment. I come to speak to you while there is still time, before time runs out. The Brotherhood of this region of the planet awaits your ‘yes.’
This is why it is important that you change your ways and even procedures. To follow and accompany the Hierarchy is not just to be united to It. To follow and accompany the Hierarchy is to live the Hierarchy, it is to respond to it, it is to work.
I have brought here to Europe a part of the group of the Grace Mercy Order that was in South America so that you may feel supported, so that you may know that Our Sacred Hearts, with predilection, will be in the Kingdom of Fatima, and while being in the Kingdom of Fatima, they will be with all of Europe, accompanying all the needs, situations, intentions and supplications, even in the Far East.
For this reason, you have to prepare for the last cycle of the end of times, this is the moment and this is the time.
I open to you the door of My Heart so that you can enter the Temple of My Spirit and commune with the Source of My Wisdom and Love.
I come to make you brave. I come to impel you to live the fire of determination so that that which must be built can be built, once and for all.
I come to bring My blessing to Europe because My Heart loves this continent, which has such precious roots and traditions, which have been gradually lost due to modernity.
The European is a hard-working people and they have shared and transmitted this to their descendants, to many of their descendants who are in South America and in other parts of the world. May this hard-working spirit continue impelling the concretion of the Plan.
Therefore, I come to leave this Message to you for this new Marathon, so that you may know that I am here, under the unconditional Spirit of My Father, who is your Father, Our Father, who is in the Heavens.
I come to this inner Sanctuary to celebrate this renewing Communion, this Communion in which you will be able to confirm the vows for My Plan of Love and Redemption to be fulfilled.
Celebrate this moment for those who cannot celebrate it. Praise this moment for those who cannot praise it, because they are under subjection and slavery, exile and war, annihilation and chaos.
Recognize that you are not alone and that, just as My Hand extends to you, My Heart expands to the world, so that all can be under the Rays of My Peace.
Offer this Marathon of Divine Mercy for all the Plans of your Master and Lord for Europe, Africa and the Middle-East.
No matter what, the Work must now expand, not only the Work of My Mercy, but also the Work of the humanitarian missions, because My Love must keep relieving the suffering of the innocent.
I give you My Peace and I ask you to go in My Peace, trusting that a new time will come. This is the coming time of the Kingdom of the Heavens, the New Humanity, of the one thousand years of peace.
I bless you, under My spiritual Priesthood, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Guardians and Stewards of the Divine Plan
1. Are those who obey promptly, before even thinking of obeying.
2. Are those who adhere to the Divine Will, and, from their plane, work to live it and manifest it.
3. Are those who protect, from themselves, the Sacred Mystery.
4. Are those who love the unknown spontaneously, even if they do not know it.
5. Are those who profess and live humility through the permanent giving of self.
6. Are those who work every day to be able to live transparency within their degree of consecration in order to one day live Truth.
7. Are those who ardently aspire towards the best spiritual results in their fellow beings.
8. Are those who learn to love through mistakes in order to one day be able to love unconditionally.
9. Are those who do not break the rules and inner codes that they set for themselves.
10. Are those who assume to live the pain of humanity, but work every day to transcend the human condition.
11. Are those who are not afraid of being mistaken; however, they are afraid of not being able to repair the error, but they trust in the infinite Mercy.
12. Are those who aspire to lose control of their decisions in order to one day live the divine decisions.
13. Are those who revere the Instruction and make it a part of themselves, even though they think they do not need it.
14. Are those who recognize the Power and the Glory in one God, present in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
15. Are those who do not forget others.
16. Are those who learn to be compassionate with themselves in order to learn to be compassionate with others.
17. Are those who no longer justify themselves but always make themselves available.
18. Are those who understand, beyond themselves, the Plan of God.
19. Are those who live Justice, but, first, live Love.
20. Are those who stand in solidarity with everyone.
21. Are those who, above all else, fulfill their duty without complaints.
22. Are those who do not step back, but always advance.
23. Are those who promote and gestate brotherhood.
24. Are those who eradicate, within themselves, indifference and lack of collaboration.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Fiftieth Poem
Queen of Peace,
Consoling Mother,
Guardian of hearts,
intercede for this planet and for this humanity;
intercede for the Kingdoms of Nature.
Bring to each soul
the strength and immensity of Your Love
so that, in this definitive time,
Your children may know which path to go through,
and thus they may find the pathway
towards the Sacred Heart of Your Son.
Queen of Peace,
may Your Peace echo
throughout the inner universe of each heart.
May all of humanity be able to feel brotherhood
among their fellow beings.
May hatred, adversity, injustice
and the trafficking of people no longer exist.
May hearts awaken
and again find the path towards God,
our Powerful Father.
Through faith, Mother of Peace,
may the whole world sow hope and inner healing
so that those who suffer may have the Grace of being touched
by the maternal Rays of Your Heart.
Allow us, Most Holy Lady,
to be ambassadors of Your Love and Your Peace.
May we be deserving of Your supreme Grace.
May each life be rebuilt
so that reconciliation may be established
and forgiveness may bring to all
the end of disunion and indifference.
May each child of Yours
recover the faith they need to continue forward
until, like birds of light,
we may know how to someday return
to the Dwellings of the Celestial Father.
Queen of Peace,
Mother of Hope,
immeasurable Love,
prepare us, now and always,
for the awaited Return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Forty-ninth Poem
Sorrowful Mother,
teach us, every day,
to persevere in faith and love,
just as You constantly persevered in God
after the Ascension of Your Son.
Sorrowful Mother,
reveal to us the incalculable value of the Passion and of the Cross;
may we not fear sacrifice, sorrow,
anguish and the end of time.
Sorrowful Mother,
be the sustenance of us all,
impel us to serve and love,
just as You served and loved
the ignorant and indifferent humanity.
May our hearts open
to feel and find the answer
within each learning experience of life.
Sorrowful Mother,
give us the patience that we need
to be able to go through these definitive moments.
Above all,
may we live the unity of spirit among us,
brothers and sisters on the path,
just as You, dear Mother,
live divine unity with Your Son.
At each step, show us the meaning
of our self-giving and surrender.
May we be lovers of the Cross and of Your Son’s Heart
so that, in the example of Christ,
we may experience brotherhood and fraternity,
giving of ourselves, without delay, to the fellow being.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Aside from all the impulses received during the last pilgrimage throughout the United States and Canada, the Hierarchy itself was able to carry forward all that it had foreseen in the time of the planetary Armageddon.
Although discovering more about the sacred treasures of the Brotherhood in Quebec is still pending, it was a triumph for the Plan to be able to reach as far as it did.
Now is the time for inwardly sharing the experiences that were had during the passage through Mount Shasta, the Redwoods, the Grand Canyon of Colorado, Oklahoma, Toronto and Montreal.
In this way, everyone will be able to perceive what point the Hierarchy was able to reach and what effects the work had in the inner planes.
Now is the time to make a synthesis and continue onward into the next stage.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear sons and dear daughters of Mine,
Listen, at this moment, to the winter winds that embrace the north of the planet.
Feel the light of this lake that reveals everything. Unite with the nature of your being and commune with God so that today you may renew your vows in the name of humanity and the planet, in the name of the Original Project of God and of all that still must be done here upon the surface of the Earth.
Feel the breeze of these winter winds of Canada and open the doors of your consciousness to the new in order to discover the sacred knowledge that is held upon this planet and in many Inner Enclaves of the Brotherhood.
Receive this winter breeze of Canada as a moment of introspection and withdrawal, to discover within your being that which really exists, rather than only what seems to be, that which once emerged from the Source to live and experience the awakening of consciousness, the evolution of love and the great moment that you are living in the redemption offered to you by this planet and this creation that is found here; absolutely thought of, meditated upon and contemplated by the Eternal Father for each one of His children.
It is from this setting, in Canada, that today I send My message for each Child of Mary, for each child of Mine consecrated to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.
An important moment in which you may renew your lives and consciousnesses in the aspiration of fulfilling the Plan of God, as armies of the Mother of the World, which attract to Earth all that is in the Heavens so that souls may ignite in light within themselves and find God beyond all that may happen or take place.
Walk toward the encounter with the new humanity. You are the transition of something that will arrive and that will soon emerge. This is the hardest and most difficult moment, but it is not the only one. After everything happens, the Light will come, the Light of Christ, the Light of My Son, to illuminate you again in the same way that the Holy Spirit illuminated the apostles.
Follow the path that you are building in your lives and do not allow yourselves to be intimidated nor disturbed.
A Child of Mary is one who is reborn every day and who, beyond themselves, fulfills that which God so much expects in the simple things of life, in the gestures of love, in charity and in the good.
Allow service to be the torch of the Children of Mary, that prayer always be the fire that lights up your hearts in order to find peace, the peace so urgent in these times, the peace you can reflect with the example of your lives and your surrender.
Today I speak to you from the frozen country of Canada and, opening My arms and stretching out My hands toward you, dear children, I expand the light of the Mirrors of the Universe upon the Earth so that today your souls may be filled with more attributes and principles, and you can thus continue walking in the evolution of love and consciousness, in a vaster and deeper opening, so as to understand the Mysteries of God and, in this way, live His Plan on the surface of the Earth.
Today I send you this message from Canada as part of a trajectory of the Spiritual Hierarchy which moves through certain places of the Earth in order to prepare your consciousnesses and your brothers and sisters for what will come.
This is why knowledge in your lives is indispensable, so that you may apply it and move forward with it in your daily lives and, in this way, you may imitate other peoples and consciousness that have also passed through the Earth and that lived a great awakening.
Today it makes Me happy to see you gathered together in the name of the Love of God, which is the first thing you must experience in your lives. Today it makes Me happy that you are gathered together in the name of My Son and, lastly, in the name of the Love of your Heavenly Mother, who stretches out Her mantle to protect you, to safeguard you and wrap you in the Grace of God.
This Divine Grace that is inextinguishable and undeniable, a Grace that I have brought especially for each consecrated child so that they may awaken to their personal mission and may perceive that it is the time and the moment of the great encounter, of the great service for humanity and for the planet as well as the Kingdoms of Nature.
This is why I am here today, from the great lakes of Canada, I send My message of Love, of Peace and of re-consecration for each child of Mine consecrated to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.
Never lose sight of the truth of what you are and the Divine Existence that once formed and created you. In this way, you will learn to overcome appearances and obstacles, which will renew your lives in daily loving prayer that will unite you with God and all the Universe.
May the potency and power of the Mirrors of the Universe illuminate your consciousnesses and all your brothers and sisters so that, in the face of a new step of re-consecration, each one may take their place and their moment of great planetary service, for a definitive time approaches and it is not far away, My children. That will be the time and the hour of doing everything for this planet and for its humanity, so that everything may begin again as is foreseen.
From My Heart, receive the light of the Graces and Mercy of the Father. Filled by My maternal spirit, reaffirm your vows and renew your consciousnesses, for there is still much to do and serve.
May prayer in your lives continue to be this bridge that unites you with My Heart and carries you to Heaven in spirit every day.
On this day of renewal, may all the Children of Mary stand up and, as an army, affirm the commitment of fidelity and union with their Heavenly Mother, the Universal Mother.
With joy and rejoicing, I receive your appeals and intentions so that, in this year 2020, you may continue to grow inwardly and take form as apostles of Christ on Earth.
From the Great Mirror of the Universe, I send to all the Light that you and the planet need, so that this human civilization can again find the meaning of experiencing this Project of Creation that is still to be accomplished, and you will prepare this accomplishment with the Return of Christ.
Be happy and smile at the Mother of God, because Divine Grace has touched your hearts and lives forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the Presence of the Mother of God, Who brings us inner healing and renewal, before Her Presence on this day, which fills our lives and hearts, through Her Grace, all together we renew our vows to the Immaculate and Maternal Heart of Mary, for the triumph of Her Heart on this planet and in this humanity. And so that Her divine and sacred attributes may continue to descend into our souls and into our brothers and sisters, and within this scenery of the great lakes of Canada, being embraced by the winds of this great winter and before Her Great Mirror, the Mirror of the Universal Mother, we will together say the prayer of the Universal Mother three times so that Her attributes may continue to work upon and consecrate the souls of this world.
Prayer: Universal Mother (three times).
And now, My children, listen again to the movement of the Mirrors, by means of this winter wind that embraces you and the movement of the water of this great lake, and how it is possible for the synthesis of Creation to manifest in all of nature and within you; and thus, return to your origins, to your truth and to your essences, to be there in God, and to fulfill His Will for Him.
I thank you for having gathered together with Me today!
And under the authority granted to Me by My Son, I absolve you and re-consecrate you as My children, the children of the Celestial Father.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part VII
In a Community, there should be a spirit of unity and of peacemaking so that, on that path, each member can allow the best of themselves to flourish and bring it to the path of evolutionary building.
The Community is formed as a diverse spiritual family, as a mirror of the original Project of God for the sacred peoples.
In this diversity, the beliefs and the ways on how to carry forward a Community must be transcended, thus, disagreements among its members will be avoided.
The values previously detailed, which the Community must live, will gestate new attributes in the consciousnesses so that, on that path of formation and learning, souls may begin to perceive not only their virtues, but also the Grace that attracted them to start living a different life that makes it possible to add values, even within daily routines, but, mainly, so that the consciousnesses may be filled with spiritual virtues that, with time, will attract neutrality and patience, which will show that which is wonderful in each being.
The spiritual family that forms a Community will achieve unbreakable unity by means of the consideration for the one who transforms and tries, every day, to live something new and profoundly evolutionary.
The members of the Community are the inner brothers and sisters of that soul that is slowly transforming, or that can also take a leap in its process of redemption.
The Great Brotherhood is the spiritual archetype that the Community must achieve so that, someday, it may be conscious of fulfilling the Aspirations of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Before the Hierarchy enters into the next stage of planetary work, we propose pausing for a while so that, from Aurora, an inner, mental and spiritual synthesis may be carried out concerning all that has happened from the last meeting in the city of Porto Alegre with the Light-Network service groups up to the present moment.
And so, in order to be able to enter the next stage, which will be more demanding and concentrated, Aurora, as a Marian Center of Love, will help in that very vital and important synthesis taking place during the next few days.
For this, the state of semi-retreat allows for attending to other needs without forgetting the importance of your understanding the new cycle that you are going through, in which the Hierarchy counts on the inner support of everyone, so that these special pilgrimages may be carried out according to what was foreseen in the Plan of Love.
Thus, so that the next stage may be carried forward, the synthesis must be done based on comprehension, an understanding and discernment of all that the Hierarchy has said.
In this way, you, as inner beings, will embrace the dimension of what the Heavenly Brotherhood does, and may you reciprocate throughout these last impulses.
I will be in union with you in the next stage.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
This is the time for the suns, which have been awake for a long time, to come to know the inner tools that they brought from the Universe and for these tools to be at the service of the Celestial Plan, for the rescue of the human consciousness.
For this reason, the spiritual Hierarchy is assembling the different groups of souls and will continue to do so, so that the purpose of the Plan may be closer to the consciousnesses and, upon being closer, they can, with greater discernment, accomplish what up to now has not been accomplished, for different reasons.
It will be the responsibility of these groups that will continue to be called and assembled by the Hierarchy to change and transform certain tendencies of disharmony and conflict so that the principles of obedience and faithfulness may be the protective foundations that gives impulse to the concretization of the stages of the Plan.
In this sense, the spiritual Hierarchy will bet that these new summonings carried out will finally place souls upon the path of their personal, group and collective mission, so that in this way and under certain rules, they may be guided by the Divinity and by the Heavenly Brotherhood.
Thus, the conjuncture and the opportunity must not be missed, for it will never repeat.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To My companions and servers of Colombia,
Never forget that charity and goodness must come first in your lives, and that this charity will help you, every day, within yourselves, to love and to respect service to your neighbor as well as to the Kingdoms of Nature.
Charity, companions, will make you love more, each day, and thus embrace each call and each invitation with greater trust.
Do not expect accomplishments or results in everything you do, because the trophy of My apostles is not recognition, but rather the constant and never-ending surrender of self, which will make you worthy before the Father and His precious Will.
Allow charity to let you understand your neighbor so that appearances and mirages created by the ego may disappear and the heart may be the ruler of your lives and of your entire existence.
When you live this message, your consciousness will expand, and you will be able to see reality in a different way. You will no longer be carried away by judgments nor commentaries but rather, through charity, you will conquer the spirit of brotherhood, which should beat and throb in your hearts forever.
Never forget all of this.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master Christ Jesus
I have finally arrived in the Amazon, and as from now on, I will prepare the spiritual foundations so that after the Marathon of Divine Mercy a permanent base of work and of assistance may be established in the city of Manaus, not only humanitarian, but also in service to the Kingdoms of Nature.
The time has come, after so much suffering, for the Minor Kingdoms to feel the love and protection of human beings. Thus, a space of preservation, of care and of restoration for the Minor Kingdoms must be created in Manaus so that they may have a place of peace and of healing, to then continue on with their evolution.
Hundreds of plant and animal species need the care and service of human beings, which will be a fundamental task for this Work, founded on the principles of love and of kinship.
The assistance to the Kingdoms and to the native peoples, given by the Grace Mercy Order, will be one of relief and of sheltering in the face of a process of inequality, abandonment and exploitation.
Two sectors of work will be established in Manaus: one through humanitarian service and another through the service of the Grace Mercy Order to the Kingdoms of Nature.
I thank you for holding My aspirations in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Awaken within yourself the mandala of light and of love and allow it, through prayer, to manifest its perfect and harmonious shape.
Let your inner mandala manifest in its perfect design, expressed by the light of the soul, the note that characterizes it and the representation of its spiritual relationship with the Universe.
Finally, let your inner mandala contribute, to today's humanity, all the love, devotion and reverence that it needs so that it may again unite to God and thus enter into inner contact with the Higher Laws.
Let the light and love of your inner mandala be built by the fervent and sincere prayer of your soul, just as by the untiring giving of your being, at the service of the Greater Plan.
Let your inner mandala reveal to you the gift and talent of being able to serve God within the Universe of the vast purpose so that thus, you may join with the inner mandalas of your brothers and sisters to form the great mandala of brotherhood and goodness; attributes which, in solidarity and in fraternity, you will be able to give for the descent of the Greater Mandala of God, which will allow you to enter into His Kingdom and Eternity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The treasures of Argentina that are not unveiled, which are not physical but spiritual, are held and widespread from El Calafate through San Carlos de Bariloche, Villa La Angostura, Mendoza to the precious summits of Jujuy.
Argentina is the spiritual cradle of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy, and a great confraternity silently works in these spaces in order to support humanity.
Argentina is the region of the planet with the most contact-beings present on the surface of the Earth and which, in most cases, were members of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy. The majority of those contact-beings will place themselves at the service of the spiritual Hierarchy in this acute cycle of humanity.
These suns and stars on Earth will be known by their fruits rather than their abilities and skills, because only Christic Love will awaken them, and no other movement will manage to do so.
They are consciousnesses that will come from unimaginable experiences of life and that, within themselves, hold an ardent devotion to the Hierarchy.
They will not flaunt absolutely anything about themselves and will not receive recognition nor any prominence. Their silent, anonymous and unconditional service will identify them.
In this way, Argentina will count on souls strengthened and safeguarded in prayer, which will offer their lives and their hearts at the service of the Greater Plan.
These sacred spaces, present at different points of the Andes mountain range, will be their reference and their spirituality in the most acute moments of the Earth, and these will help them to maintain their faith in the Love of Christ.
Those contact-beings will be similar or equal to the Fathers of the desert, who gave their lives to support humanity.
But they will not be isolated from society; rather, their example of love, of goodness and of service will give impulse to the occurrences and will keep hearts open so that all may survive in this final time.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Argentina is part of a very ancient continent of the planet, and that part of the continent, in remote times, was witness to important events for the human civilization.
Argentina was a region very close to the Antarctic, and a part of the Malvinas Islands belonged to the frozen austral continent that was the cradle of one of the first humanities.
All of the southern region, a very beautiful area of the planet due to its nature, from Tierra del Fuego to Puerto Madryn, was a space formerly consecrated to the development of an advanced and civilized form of life.
In that southern region, Antarctic was the primary center of a humanity that achieved high degrees of learning through the school of love and of brotherhood.
That civilization, from Tierra del Fuego to Puerto Madryn, slowly grew and its inhabitants were remnants of a culture advanced in the sphere of spiritual contact, as well as predecessors of the first native peoples that inhabited Argentina all the way to the first heights of the desert of Jujuy.
And so, Argentina is one of the regions of the planet that witnessed and gave testimony to the possibility that a civilized humanity had patterns and values of behavior held in its consciousness that maintained a true communion with nature and with the Universe.
Those values of spiritual life are what the Divine Hierarchy will try to reintegrate so that at least a part of the current population of Argentina becomes a carrier of attributes that may help in the most acute moments of the planetary transition, and that these values, which are profoundly spiritual and are united with the Creator Source, be what will maintain the presence of faith, of trust and of the love of the hearts.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Argentina is a land full of tradition and culture. It is a people that come from important indigenous roots that originate, from Tierra del Fuego to La Quiaca, to innumerable ways of relating to and communicating with God.
Thus, Argentina is one of the peoples that maintains its culture, beyond time and tendencies. In the hearts of Argentines is the memory of the Confraternity and of the Brotherhood.
Because of being a nation with a first ray temperament, Argentina has had to learn to moderate its reactions through love so that in its consciousness and in its culture may be maintained the striving effort through daily work and a particular devotion born of that strength and love that the nation holds for the Divinity.
Over time, the traditions of Argentina deviated. One of the reasons why your Lord will return to Argentina will be to reintegrate, in the consciousness of that people, the values that made it a nation strengthened in their work and devoted in their way of uniting with God.
Through the meetings that will happen in the month of August, each one of the Argentines will be presented with the opportunity of being in God and, beyond everything, of celebrating with a special victory, the return of Divine Love to their consciousnesses.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In Argentina, companions, your Master and Lord will gather all the celestial powers to pour them out, as divine inner light, within essences.
So that this spiritual movement may be possible, your Redeemer will attract, from ancient sites of the Earth, the principles and attributes that conformed the first Hierarchic Brotherhood.
This means that the humanity from Argentina will enter into an inner communion with the patterns of behavior that were present in the origins of the Earth, patterns which formed the sacred spirit of the Brotherhood between the Heavenly Hierarchy and the former humanity.
But the most important event of all is that the devout hearts of Argentina, when receiving and recognizing the arrival of the Redeemer, will be able to remember within themselves the inner union with the Christic Love and, from there, get the strength to be able to cross and live these definitive times.
For this reason, the Celestial Father chose to be present in Argentina in the month of August, beyond any material and spiritual reason. He decided to congregate, for a divine reason, one of the first flocks of Christ.
Everything that is lovingly prepared, diffused and announced about the next Pilgrimage for Peace, as well as all the efforts that the servers from Argentina do in order to be able to be present in some of the meetings, will represent the absolute adherence to the proposal and intention of the Divine Hierarchy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Hear My words, Oh God. I pray for the beings of this world, that they may awaken to Your Love; that they may find Your Peace.
I pray that the indifferent hearts open to the truth about themselves, that they may have the Grace of seeking the path of forgiveness and of redemption.
I pray that those who are awake, awaken even more, so that each day they may draw ever closer to the Divine Will and the return to the celestial origin.
I pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, that they may be relieved of their pain and may find peace and the path for their evolution, in love and in brotherhood with human beings.
I pray for the consciousness of the Earth, that it may no longer suffer and may find the hope of being in God, under Your Laws, under Your Will, fulfilling Your Plan.
I pray, Oh Father, for the life You created, that it may return to Your Heart.
Today, I look at the world and simply unite My Heart with Yours, Oh God, to thus create a path of union between the consciousness of humankind and Your Sacred and Infinite Heart.
Hear, Oh God, this prayer for peace and grant peace to the world.
So be it.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more