Dear children,
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, today, I illuminate the surface of the Earth to dispel the darkness that looms over it.
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, I can remove from spiritual and material danger all those who are facing this threat to their lives.
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can intercede for the angels of the nations, who today are under spiritual oppression.
It is My wish, My beloved ones, that your hearts, acts and works may someday radiate as much as does the Light of My Sublime Mirrors; because when this happens, I will be able to present to the Celestial Father the testimony of your transformation, which will justify, before a suffering world, all the errors that have been committed and that offended the Heart of God.
So that your hearts, acts and works may be similar to the sublime Light of My Celestial Mirrors, you must be pure and honest in your intentions, transparent in your acts, and humble in your works, without expecting anything in return, nor any reward or merit, but rather being an instrument in the Hands of God so that, through your purity, the world may be transformed and recover the innocence it has lost.
This is a daily work, filled with patience and perseverance, with the gift of peace and neutrality. Because only in this way, dear children, will your lives be all that God expects, lives that must be the perfect mirror of the Love of God in these critical times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Contemplate the cycles of life with the heart and be renewed with each new cycle as well as with each new day.
Do not be afraid, children, of the times to come. Rather, have your heart always ready to defend from yourselves the Divine Will and Plan. If your hearts are open and your spirits awake, you will be capable of going beyond all the tests that the planet will be moved into experiencing.
For this reason, over the years, we have taught you about the power of prayer, intercession, and service, because these are the keys that maintain your consciousnesses in the vibration of a correct awakening, in unity with Universal Laws and their Divine Rays.
While you keep your hearts awake and vigilant, your spirits in prayer, and your consciousness in service, you will always receive the Graces from Heaven which you need to take your steps, for you will be aligned with the Law and the Divine Rays.
Always be vigilant so as to not become distracted with the world and its tendencies, to not let yourselves be carried away by the ideals which today confuse so many hearts.
As long as you pray and are humble before God, keeping the dialogue with the Creator alight and alive, you will always know what to do, where to be, and what steps you are to take to fulfill His Will and remain on His Path. Prayer and surrender, humility and service will be your shields in this time of illusions. Through them, you will always know to return to the Purpose that God has for your lives.
Everything has already been said to you, all the Graces have already been given to you, all the gifts you need are already latent in the depths of your hearts. Now, children, it is time to make them emerge.
With the withdrawal of the Divine Messengers, you will be tested in the fire of your hearts, for the world will seek to carry you into inertia, emptiness, and instability, but within you will be the key to go beyond that, to be and live the instruction you have received for so many years. Thus, always return to Our Words, and daily, remember what We have already told you; there you will find answers and the fortitude, there you will find peace.
Be persevering and brave, be true and simple. Seek always the spirit of peace and transparency to be in God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After having transmitted His Weekly Message, Saint Joseph consecrated new Children and Friends of Saint Joseph:
Today I bless this water so that it may bless your little lives, cleanse the past and your deepest wounds. I welcome into My Chaste Heart the intentions you bring to lift them up to God, your families, your nations, your stories, so you may find peace again.
While the Grace of My Chaste Heart touches your lives, pray also for the families of the world, so you may always be a network of intercession and of healing, because the healing that comes to you must also permeate the world.
You will receive this anointing in the name of humanity, so that the healing that comes from the heart of Aurora may touch your hearts, traverse your cells, your spirits, your souls and reach the soul of humanity, the human consciousness. Receive the touch of this anointing as the touch of Aurora, as the response to your prayers and the regaining of peace.
May this incense bring you freedom, release the deepest ties which prevent you from returning to God, of taking your steps toward the Celestial Father. Let these ties be released by the gentle aroma of the surrender of your lives.
The incense represents the soul that surrenders and rises up to the Father. Thus, today you are blessed through this holy element that, since the patriarchs and up until today, inspires hearts to return to the Origin.
Today I bless you and consecrate you as Children and Friends of My Chaste Heart, as serving and interceding souls for humanity, the planet, and its Kingdoms.
Walk by My side, as well as by the side of the Holy Family. May your hearts no longer know loneliness, discouragement or helplessness, because when you should feel that way, children, pray, and you will feel Our Presence. We will always be at your side.
Receive My blessing, My Grace, and My peace.
From Aurora receive your healing, and from its green heart, the principle of redemption, so you may take up again the purpose of your lives and your existence.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Just as Christ, at each step of the Calvary and in His surrender on the Cross, experienced the Grace of being supported by God as well as the challenge of living His surrender as a Divine-human Being, thus also, children, each of you must live your definition and surrender in this time.
You will live through moments in which Divine Grace will be over your hearts and consciousnesses, and in spite of the difficulties of the path, it will not be tortuous, because spiritual fortitude will support you.
You also may live through moments in which your human condition will be put to the test, so that the divine condition can emerge from it. And in these moments or tests, your hearts must learn to observe themselves, so that thus you may go beyond that and not stop.
When emptiness, loneliness, the weight of the world and despair should knock at the door of your consciousnesses, know that it is the time for going beyond and letting God manifest His Power and His Grace, not from the outside in, but rather from the inside out; it is time for your cells, at the apex of their limitation, to see inner fortitude emerge and liberate the mysterious Light that animates and supports them.
It is thus, children, that you too, as cells of the Divine Body, will see a Love emerge that renews all things, an unknown Love which is born of the transformation of the human condition into its divine potential.
I know that what I speak to you about seems distant to you in daily living, when your actions, thoughts and feelings sometimes are so different than an expression of Divine Love. But I speak to you so that you may point your lives toward this path and persevere, so you allow yourselves to be broken and rebuilt, so you do not fear the void or temptation, so that you may indeed recognize human frailty, but not remain in it.
Open yourselves to experience the transcendence of this frailty, defeating it through surrender, yielding, prayer and the elevation of the consciousness. And each time you think about giving up and believe you cannot go any further, give yourselves the opportunity to remember the purpose of your lives and what you are called to in this time.
You are called to be living miracles, to be Christs of the New Time, to be the last apostles and witnesses to the fulfilling of the Plan of God on Earth. And this is done, children, with your head on the ground and your heart in Heaven, in the surrender of your lives, so that you may understand human life and its facts and events with a mature consciousness and a look of wisdom.
Persevere and surrender. Do not fear going beyond, for it is only in this way that you will discover the Purpose of God for each stage of your lives.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"The time of the Return of the Lord will come, when the chosen, the persevering and the truthful will have a part with Me in the Kingdom of the Heavens.
In that hour, everything will be known. Those who have been humiliated, will be exalted; those who have been exalted, will be humiliated.
In that hour, there will no longer be appearances, because the gift and the attribute of the Truth will prevail, and nothing will remain hidden any longer.
Therefore, purify your hearts, purify your feelings, purify your thoughts, and above all purify your intentions, so that, when the Lord returns, He may find you free from yourselves and transfigured by all the codes of Love that you have received throughout the times.
Know that I will be arriving without warning. I want you with Me."
Christ Jesus
Calm your heart, child, and find consolation in the Source of Peace to which sincere prayer can lead your spirit.
Renew your vows to God, in a sincere commitment to persevere, carrying out His Plan beyond the difficulties in life and the challenges which these cycles of the planet will bring to humanity.
Find strength in truth, in transparency and in humility, so that you not suffer because of the resistances to which your heart, your mind and your emotions cling.
Let this cycle of the planet generate the necessary transformation within you, for it does not come to punish humanity, but rather to define it. For this reason, at each new challenge, confirm within yourself your commitment to God, remember from where you came and where you are being called to return.
And even though sometimes you lack the strength to continue forward, allow a Higher Power to lift you up and strengthen you, to guide you and take you by the hand to accomplish the Divine Purpose: this is the Holy Spirit of God, the Consoler of souls, Who will show His Countenance to those who allow themselves to go beyond themselves, and who will not only count on their own strength and effort, but also, and above all, will be able to rely on Divine Grace and on experiencing the promises of Christ.
These will be the ones who will experience the action of Higher Laws in their own lives, and will bear witness to the presence of the Holy Spirit, for they will no longer live for themselves, but rather only for Christ.
Turn your heart and direct your steps to this destiny.
Do not think about the tests that will come and do not be afraid of human definitions. Always be a heart that is empty and ready to go beyond, that allows itself to be shaped, corrected and transformed by Divine Laws, and which goes beyond itself when it lacks human strength, experiencing in itself the Divine Presence.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children,
Today your Heavenly Mother comes to the world so that, through the majesty of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, humanity may for an instant feel the Attributes of God flourish so that, from now on, the coming of the New Earth may begin to be seen upon the horizon, free from human mistakes and free from the suffering that drives My Children away from God.
For this spiritual reason, your Heavenly Mother and Mother of North America is here today, opening Her Arms and offering Her Hands so you may hold them tight, trust and feel encouraged to follow this infinite path towards the unknown, because in that which is unknown you will find God and Our Sacred Hearts which, once again, present themselves to the world to remind it that it has not yet fulfilled the Will of God.
In order for the New Earth to begin to emerge upon the horizon of the human consciousness, I ask you, My children, that this New Earth, this New Humanity, may be lived first within you, protecting from yourselves the principles that unite you to the Creator and to the entire Divine Brotherhood.
Be bearers of the Sacred Love of My Son.
Be an example of constant transformation, but also be an example of perseverance, hope and, above all, of Love, of Christ's Love that allows you to accept and understand others, a compassionate love that no longer allows human beings to be selfish and autonomous.
Live the promise of this New Earth in your daily lives and create the correct condition for this moment of the New Humanity to be able to arrive, just as the Eternal Father had thought of and felt for it.
My Heart of a Mother will always be this bridge for you to feel encouraged to cross it, towards the emptiness of self.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I know that sometimes you feel tired of your own purification, but I am here, come to My Arms.
I know that sometimes you do not know how to move forward and you cannot find meaning in all that you do. I am here, come to My Arms.
I know that sometimes you do not understand what happens or how the universe proposes some lessons and tests, but, you should know that I am here, come to My Arms, because everything makes sense to God, although you may not deeply know it. For this reason, I am here, so that you may come toward Me and be in My Arms. because I will only give you the strength and courage in order for you to learn to overcome these moments and these times.
I am here, at the doors of the month of August, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy will deliver to the world new impulses of Light that will permeate from your spirits towards your whole being. And these impulses that will come are those that will make you postulate yourselves to this path of apostleship that I come to offer to you at this moment, for this final moment.
This is why I come today to celebrate, with the consequent, these eight years of a path of prayer, of effort, of perseverance, of songs, of devotion, of praise and of honor to My Sacred Heart.
Today, I can say, companions, that beyond what happens today in the world, My Heart feels hope again for those who have been by My side, up to this moment, fulfilling My invitation, responding to My Requests, making known in the world the unfathomable power of My Mercy.
It is in this way that many souls, that you do not know today in the world, through these years of merciful prayer, through the participation of these souls in the meetings of prayer, those souls have been marked and anointed by My Spirit. This means a lot for Me, for the opportunity that these souls will have, of being able to remake their lives in the future, and especially to remake their spiritual path, the path that will lead them to God.
This is why, in this month, at the beginning of these sacred events of the Sacred Hearts, your Master and Lord announces Himself to the world to bring it the time of hope and healing that humanity needs, and to also tell you that all those who live the Commandments will follow the universal Laws, and, by following the universal Laws, they will feel in their hearts an indescribable joy, despite the times of darkness, because upon you will descend the Holy Spirit and, with all Its Gifts, It will make you find the Promised Land, the Kingdom of God that lives within each one of you.
Thus, companions, you will fulfill My Promises before the Celestial Father, because you have been transformed by My Mercy throughout these years and, with your adherence and devotion, you have opened the doors at many moments for very painful and unknown situations to be solved, just as it was with the Indigenous Consciousness of Canada, which, for more than one hundred years, suffered the inquisition of My mistaken Church.
But I come today to raise these hearts and all the hearts throughout the world so that they may always keep in mind My Message, and not all those who follow Me, because those who follow Me could always be mistaken, this is human because it is weak. But in My Message and in My Word you will find the power of renewal and, by finding this power of renewal, you will find the Healing, Redemption and Mercy that all of you still need in order to attain the Kingdom of God.
With this impulse, I come to prepare your hearts for the new cycle, which will explicitly begin after August 8, when My Mother, who is your Mother, will open even more the doors to the definitive call in this Plan of the rescue of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature and, in consequence, of the salvation of the whole planet.
Therefore, what we have built together, up to this moment, has been the three important columns of the Work of Redemption: the column of Mercy, the column of Grace and the column of Forgiveness. These three columns unite through a great circle of Light, which is the column of Redemption, which is what souls need today in order to remake their lives in this world that is contaminated by war, by technology, by the ideals and the grave tendencies that move souls away from the Love of God.
This Grace that I have brought to the world, since eight years ago, has been possible through the principle basis that was built for this spiritual task which is the basis of the Light-Communities which I invite all those who listen to know, so that they may enter the Islands of Salvation and may come to know the path that will rebuild your lives from these difficult times. But, first, you must keep loving My Project of Redemption, to someday be able to know the Project of Salvation through the evolutionary life of the Light-Communities.
Because the Light-Communities were the main pillars for the Work of expansion of Mercy to other nations of the world, to make it possible to include many more souls that in this life were waiting for redemption.
This is what I place today at the Feet of the Celestial Father: the efforts, the true surrenders, the devotion of hearts, the service of the selfless and innocent, the souls that strive to live humility, chastity and the unconditional spirit of an ever-deeper surrender for the concretion of the Plan of God through My Sacred heart.
Therefore, I encourage you and I invite you, companions, for this Marathon to be a moment of celebration, to be a moment for giving an impulse to all souls that participate in this prayerful meeting to renew their vows with the attribute of hope so that this Earth may be healed in all that is possible and allowed. Thus, you will understand, companions, that I will not do My Work in this place and in the whole world by Myself, I need your hearts and your lives, I need your ‘yes’ to carry out what is not yet materialized, what must still descend from the Spiritual Universe to heal this wounded Earth and create the bases of a New Humanity.
In these last 8 years, in which I have been appearing to you and delivering My Message to the whole world, I have seen that some of Mine have decided to enter the school of the degrees of love, and, even more, some have decided to enter the degrees of the school of compassion.
I invite you to move ahead in this school, I invite you, for your souls not to forget this school, because the Love of God will not only make you strong and invincible, the Love of God will make you ever more conscious of the reality and of the necessity, to the point that you, by yourselves, will be able to perceive, in everything, what you must help and assist.
Children of My Father, the end of times is already taking place, and, with Me, and in union with Me, you must keep the doors open to this universe of Mercy, where souls can be purified, washed, bathed and may receive an opportunity, as each one of you has received, on this path of the encounter with Me toward Mercy.
Because when your hearts are ready to live what I need, as many hearts are preparing for this, I will open My Heart even more and I will show you My most unknown and deepest feelings, which I will invite you to feel in order for you to learn how to transmute and liberate this world; feelings of My Heart that cannot be seen by the physical eyes, but rather by the eyes of the heart, of a sensitive heart, open to the unknown.
I come here so that you may feel under My Spirit, because I know that it is difficult for many companions to cross this planetary moment, to live this world situation, to be a part of this human consciousness that day by day steps back due to the lack of love and compassion. But you, who many times have submerged in the ocean of My Mercy, can already know, but can also feel, what this means, and you can place yourselves at the service of all that is necessary to carry out, without fearing to surrender, until it hurts, because you will feel it even in your bones; at this moment, you will come to know charity, and your souls will be in joy, they will be in glory, in adoration, because they will be fulfilling a small part of the Plan of the Lord. If everyone did the same in this world, there would no longer exist a pandemic, there would no longer exist suffering, because all this would be replaced by the fraternity and the solidarity of the cooperation that emerges from the souls that, at this time, are here to serve.
In the name of the Source of Creation, at the doors of this month of August, I want to bless you, so that this blessing may impel you even more towards the transformation and elevation of consciousness, for all the consciousnesses that do not elevate themselves and do not love, especially for the consciousness that make wars, humanitarian crises, inequalities, social conflicts, even the diseases that the world is today experiencing.
Although it may seem impossible, difficult or impenetrable, I invite you to imitate what I did in the sorrowful Passion, so that the merits of your efforts and surrenders, in this month of August, may serve as a justification of all the errors committed so that the chaos in the world may be soothed and the most lost souls may be reborn in love and forgiveness. This is My great aspiration in this month of August, and you will begin to accomplish it first among yourselves, with all those who surround you, with your families, with your dear ones and friends. thus you will come to know how much it is necessary to live the school of the degrees of love, in the conscious effort to attain it.
Therefore, I have come to bless you especially, not only you, but also the world, so that the spirit of collaboration may awaken in the hearts of all humanity, especially in the non-believers, so that someday the sacred spirit of brotherhood may awaken.
When this happens, Heaven will have descended to Earth and the Earth will have ascended to the Heavens, in perfect unity, and that is when I will return to bring Peace to the world.
At this moment, I hear the offerings of your souls. Although imperfect, let it be a true offering, let it be the offering that is born from the voice of the heart so that all may be redeemed and healed.
For this first event of the month of August, the Marathon of Divine Mercy, I leave to you what My Heart has that is most precious, what in brotherhood I once shared with you: the Eucharist, the Blood and the Body of Christ, which will always lead you to find the truth within you and redemption, because I did so for you, and I would keep doing so, many times more.
Remember that within the Sacraments lie the lifeline, the path that will lead you to peace and to the divine union with the Most Holy Trinity.
In this month of August, in which we have been so many years alongside each one of you, by means of Our Presence, of Our Sacred Hearts, of Our Words, we come to demonstrate to you that We are here to help this wounded, suffering and agonizing world.
Therefore, I invite you to be a definitive part of My Heart, I invite you to be a part of the Rays of My Heart to illuminate this world by means of works of charity and peace.
At the request of the Eternal Father, I bless you in this new cycle, when the doors of humanitarian service and prayer will open more, until it can reach the whole world, until all hearts possible may hear My Voice, may hear My Message.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will close this moment, making an offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by means of a song that impels us to live this path of apostleship so that the Light of Christ may descend to the world and His aspirations may be concretized through the ‘yes’ of each heart.
Dear children,
Learning to carry your own cross of these times, I invite you, in the name of My Son, to accompany him, in the memory of His sorrowful Passion, so that the Blood, shed by Christ, may once again have the value and veneration it deserves from all My children throughout the world.
Thus, the angels of the Lord will bring, in their serving hands, the sacred chalices of reparation so that its Light may shed upon the spiritual consciousness of this world, so that suffering may be alleviated and dissipated from the hearts that suffer the consequences of these times.
I invite you to persevere in faith and trust. I invite you to consciously enter the ranks of the last apostles of Christ, those who will be ready to serve Him unconditionally and prepare His Return within the souls that await His arrival.
Dear children, be testimonies of this moment and do not waste it. The world is in its final transition and love must triumph in you and in every corner of this suffering humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
In this time of tribulation, you must be courageous and persevering to be alongside My Son.
His merciful and just Presence will make you know of yourselves everything that must die so that all this does not modify the spiritual evolution of your lives.
Being next to My Son means remaining naked as a consciousness and seeing yourselves as you are, each one of you, without fear of knowing the truth of your existence.
My Son needs you more empty, every day; He needs you humble so that He, through His redeeming Love, may make you trustworthy trustees of His Christic life.
In this way, My children, your consciousnesses will truly be transformed. In this way, you will open the doors to the world and to the whole human race so that His Mercy and His Heart are able to work.
He needs His companions to define themselves; that they no longer dirty their feet with the impure mud of this world; that they undertake the path of redemption so that, one day, they may be called worthy children of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the same way that My Heart only managed to believe in the coming of the Messiah when I held Him within My arms, in the same way that the apostles and disciples of Jesus only truly believed that He was the Christ when they saw Him rise, many of you also, children, will only understand what you are a part of when the Heavens open before your eyes and, in the middle of the chaos of the world, the Glory of the Kingdom will manifest through the Son of God.
Humanity makes spiritual life out to be special, and material life to be the reality, losing the purpose of its existence, which is a perfect unity with the Creator, a profound and true relationship with God that not even the angels can experience.
This is what you were created for, children, but your mind was strengthened more than your faith, and the potential to love remained hidden in the deepest spaces of your consciousnesses.
However, I tell you that when God has a Purpose and a Plan for His children, it manifests beyond your beliefs, your deceits and your apparent limitations, just as it has done throughout the centuries.
The Creator did not wait for faith in the hearts of humankind to then reveal His greatness. He revealed Himself amid the hearts that seemed blind, and with His Light, He gave them back their vision. He revealed Himself to ignorant hearts that yet had the commitment to manifest His Plan.
That has not changed. Souls still need to be awakened and, as much as the Voice of God resounds among you, as it resounded through His Son, you will only be able to truly awaken when you see Him face to face, accomplishing His promises, making the prophecies come alive that will unite and awaken the peoples, cultures, beliefs and races, because it is the human heart itself that will awaken, and the human essence that will beat, recognizing the Presence of God in His Son. And this essence, children, has no race, creed, culture or religion.
What the men and the women of the world will feel within themselves will not be silenced by anything, and not even by their deepest convictions will they be able to stop what they feel inside. Everything will fall apart: the concepts, the sciences, the beliefs and even faith. Everything will take on new meaning, a new life, a new value.
In one second, in human hearts, the understanding of life will be destroyed and rebuilt. And for that day you must prepare your hearts.
Until that happens, pray and persevere. Remember that this day will come, and be ready to live it.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Constancy and perseverance, children, will be your allies in these times of transition. These spiritual attributes, which emerge from the Source of the Ray of the Will of God, must always be present.
Being constant in prayer, in service, in fraternity, in meekness, in compassion, in faith and in mercy will always allow you to transform the human condition a little more each day.
To be persevering in the goals that you have and in the purpose that you establish of not falling into the same distractions, temptations and errors, will consolidate the transformation within you, in the deepest levels of your consciousnesses, and will not allow you, in the moment of your final trial, as part of humanity, to fall into tests that already seemed to have been overcome.
Cry out to God for this Grace, that through His Will and His Power, you may be constant and persevering in the fulfillment of His Law.
You are still in time for building within yourselves, on the unconscious levels of your being, a true strength that will sustain you and support you in these times in which humanity, as a whole, will only find balance in God and in the stronghold on the rock erected within your own heart.
Practice with the little things. Be vigilant with yourselves and, in this way, you will always find peace.
Choose the Love of God rather than the things of the world.
Ask for the Grace and Help of Heaven, and each day do your part.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Forty-ninth Poem
Sorrowful Mother,
teach us, every day,
to persevere in faith and love,
just as You constantly persevered in God
after the Ascension of Your Son.
Sorrowful Mother,
reveal to us the incalculable value of the Passion and of the Cross;
may we not fear sacrifice, sorrow,
anguish and the end of time.
Sorrowful Mother,
be the sustenance of us all,
impel us to serve and love,
just as You served and loved
the ignorant and indifferent humanity.
May our hearts open
to feel and find the answer
within each learning experience of life.
Sorrowful Mother,
give us the patience that we need
to be able to go through these definitive moments.
Above all,
may we live the unity of spirit among us,
brothers and sisters on the path,
just as You, dear Mother,
live divine unity with Your Son.
At each step, show us the meaning
of our self-giving and surrender.
May we be lovers of the Cross and of Your Son’s Heart
so that, in the example of Christ,
we may experience brotherhood and fraternity,
giving of ourselves, without delay, to the fellow being.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thirty-third Poem
Morning Star,
that brings the Light of Love and Truth,
guide us along the path of redemption.
May our eyes be fixed upon Christ
so that we may be reborn
and inwardly healed of all that may be necessary.
Lady and Mother of Consolation,
embrace us and place us under Your protective Mantle.
May Your maternity awaken within us
the unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Celestial Mother,
we aspire to be the redeemed stars
of Your Crown of Light.
Help us to live the attributes of Your Heart.
Teach us to practice
the Instructions of Your Son in daily life
because, in this way, we will be the apostles of the Lord,
servers and collaborators
of His redeeming Work.
give us strength and courage
during the moments when we most need them,
so that we may live perseverance and faith
at each instant.
Make us true Christians,
disciples of Your Son’s Love
because we hope to serve Him and find Him
in each step of life,
so that in Christ we may fulfill
the Will of God.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Silence and breathe to search within yourself for the path of elevation. Let all the veils of illusion and the human condition that you must transmute and transcend before you reach God be shown to your heart.
May your limitations make you humble, but may they not remove your faith and hope. Go beyond and discover within you the door that unites you to the Infinite, to the Divine Consciousness and to your celestial origin. Let your essence reveal itself as a bridge to the Heart of God and, even if you cannot cross this bridge at once, let it always be the symbol of your perseverance, the reason for your faith.
Each day, aspire more to the Infinite, to the eternal, but not only to abandon what upsets you about life upon Earth. Love the opportunity that God gave you and learn to understand life in its evolutionary and spiritual sense. May your eyes contemplate upon the planet the opportunity to love more and better, and in each of your brothers and sisters, contemplate the potential of renewal of the Love of God in the emergence of a New Christ.
Aspire toward the Infinite, the universe, as a form of knowing that your goal is to return to God; but you will return, child, with your heart full of an unknown love, with your spirit full of the Divine Spirit, with your consciousness fully expressing the essence of the Divine Thought for humanity. And with this legacy within your heart, you will offer it to God so that a new beginning may be written in Heaven, as on Earth.
For this aspire to a superior life; for this aspire to return to God. May there be no human aspirations and human concepts about the supreme life within you. Let the truth pulsate within your heart and be the motor that allows you to experience the transformation, every day.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Love and honor the Plan of God for this world and for each heart. Deepen within yourself the true meaning of your life, and let this spiritual deepening be the foundation of your growth, let it be what pushes you to move forward, every day, despite everything that happens in the world.
Meditate upon your essence, and seek to know more about yourself, meditate on what makes you similar to God, from the beginning that originated your creation. And, from there, allow that your consciousness may enter superior realities, spiritual and divine, that will give you inner support to remain in this world, in this time.
Child, I say all these things because it will only be by establishing yourself in the spiritual levels that you will overcome these times. Otherwise, the harassment and influences of the world will confuse your mind and your heart, and you will no longer be able to distinguish between what is true from what is illusion.
Only the persevering hearts will remain in the world as seeds for a new life. In them, the Divine Will will be fulfilled, and their surrender will generate merits so that other beings from this wide Celestial Creation may receive the opportunity to continue evolving, growing and becoming closer to God, by returning to their Origin.
For this reason, in these times, before anything else, deepen into your inner world, become established in the knowledge of yourself, not as a human personality, but as a divine creature. Thus, your whole consciousness will know where the illusion ends and where truth begins, know what is the limit of the mistakes in this life, so that you will be able to overcome your own human condition and become a divine triumph.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For Me, it is not important that you make mistakes many times, what is truly important is that you try, again and again, to come out from the point where you once were, although many times you do not know how to begin to change.
Attitude and inner effort alone are worth much more than hundreds of words. Therefore, persevere with faith. With faith, cry out and never lower your arms.
Your Lord God deeply knows your being and He, who is infinite in Pity and Mercy, will help you.
Allow, then, that inner change begin to take place within you, no matter the results or delays. Just place in your heart the aspiration that someday you can live My Divine Attributes.
Keep yourself firm in prayer and strong in faith. Thus, day by day, you will conquer new results; because in truth everything starts in the small, in what is invisible, simple and truthful.
Everyday, give yourself more and more to God because, in this way, your consciousness will be within the revelations of His Mystery.
In the end, everything ends in love, because it will be love that one day will manage to free you and lead you to the goal.
Trust in Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The first step to concretize a request from God is faith.
The second is love.
The third is unity with your brothers and sisters and of everybody with God.
The fourth is perseverance when facing the first tests.
And the fifth is overcoming, in the face of each inner resistance and each external challenge.
Trust and have faith in the Divine Will. Love the Plan of God, even though you do not understand it. Allow yourself to be surprised by the magnitude of the Will of the Creator, and how he traces the path of human redemption.
Those who know how to obey the Father fulfill their souls in the concretization of His Plans.
For this cycle, children, invoke the protection and the support of Saint Teresa of Jesus, because her pioneering spirit knew how to respond to Divine Will in each instant of her life. And the difficulties and the challenges did not matter: her adventurous soul always continued forward. In this way, the inner steps taken by her spirit opened the doors for humanity to continue having an opportunity to live and experience Christic Love.
In this cycle, the Creator asks great things of you, because the time has come to forge in you not only an experience of love, but also the manifestation of the Christs of the New Time. This begins by loving the Plan of God and unconditionally obeying His Will.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
Dear children,
My Heart already contemplates this new year, full of challenges and of projects for our God.
A year in which faith must be further strengthened, and the knowledge and the formation of the disciples of Christ must now be taking place so that the Work may also strengthen and mature; that it may mature in the consciousness of all so that the spirit of commitment and responsibility may definitely awaken to what it means to carry forward the purpose of the Heights.
We are on the way to that goal, My children, that is why perseverance, constancy and discipline will bring about a rhythm in all things, as part of a universal rhythm.
On the other hand, children, also in this new year the time has come to unconditionally take a step in unity; a unity among brothers and sisters that is capable of representing the fraternity of Christ, a unity without traces of division that is apparent or stimulated by some human or personal impulse.
The time has come to work for this unity, and the key that will open that door will be the Truth, the Truth that you are able to reflect, the Truth that you can be and feel.
This will build and support the pillars of a Work that is not based on what is individual or petty, a Work that only lives and beats through the heart of the Hierarchy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To persevere spiritually is not to struggle against the world for the establishment of one's own dreams and aspirations. To persevere spiritually is to surrender to God and stay surrendered, in spite of all difficulties, desires, and temptations that emerge from the heart, the body, and the mind.
To persevere spiritually is to kneel when you feel safe and bow down when you feel firm, for there is no safety or firmness except in God. There is no safer place than the Heart of the Father.
To persevere spiritually is to cry out for Mercy even when you feel your heart to be clean, in the certainty that there is always something unknown to redeem, in one's own consciousness or in the human consciousness.
To persevere spiritually is to know the vastness of the Universe and the infinitude of the Divine Creation, and thus, always deepen the union and the knowledge of God, because the Father always has something new to reveal and teach His children.
To persevere spiritually is to trust in the promises of God through Christ and to be certain that, whatever may happen in this world, someday His Words will be fulfilled, and His promises will be life.
To persevere spiritually is to walk toward being nothing, more each day, discovering and loving humility, learning and allowing oneself to transform through renunciation, discovering a communication with God in the mystery of silence and solitude.
Persevere spiritually, children, because this is the time to be sustained and to be firm in God, until the fulfillment of His promises.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
There is nothing that love cannot solve, heal or dissolve.
Love is capable of everything, such as, giving everything.
Love is patient and persevering.
Love is sustained by love itself because it is a truthful and peaceful love.
Love does not change nor does it decrease.
Love is always in expansion and embraces everything it touches.
Love is unconditional because it is a constant love but, at the same time, neutral.
Love fears neither evil nor distress.
Love recreates love and this makes it strong.
Love gives strength and increases faith.
Loves builds and unites bridges of love between Heaven and Earth, between the souls and God.
Love always says "yes" and waits with tranquility for the next service and the next step.
Love elevates and heals deep wounds.
Love renews hope; but love also renounces in order to give an opportunity to one`s neighbor.
Love is peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more