Dear and cherished children,
While humanity goes through its deepest, darkest night and many can no longer manage to see the Light on their paths, I call you to have gratitude for all that you have received from Heaven.
While deaths and exterminations tear apart the Heart of God for the innocent, and mainly for the children who die, I call you, children, to value deeply all that you have received from Heaven.
While many of My children replace family life, love and unity with modernities, I call you, children, to revere all the instructions and teachings you have received.
While the world, for the most part, experiences disasters of nature because it does not listen to the pain of Mother Earth and many children lose everything they have worked hard to build in a lifetime; I call you, children, to be grateful day and night that you still have a home where you can live and rest, a Community where you can be without worrying about having to work to survive.
While hunger, disease and forced exile strike millions of children around the world, I call you, children, to become aware of the Law of Providence and Manifestation.
Dear children, in the inequality that the world is experiencing, I call you to be equal.
In the excesses and ambitions that souls live, I invite you to balanced austerity.
In the lack of dialogue and in the escalation of violence in the world, I call you to dialogue, to listening and to respect your neighbor.
In the spiritual blindness in which many are submerged and in the resistance that many hold, even those who claim to follow Our Steps, I call you to openness of heart and repentance.
If you, children, at least consider each one of My Words, I assure you that you will help Me to help the world regain peace and communion with the Law.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
As the world faces its great moment of purification, I ask that in your lives and consciousness the voice of the prayer of the heart may continue to resound; for this will be the way for you and your brothers and sisters of humanity to be helped through Spiritual Laws.
As the promised time of the Apocalypse approaches, hearts will see unexpected situations that have never happened on Earth. This is so that the planet may cleanse itself, because the Earth Mother cries out in pain and no one listens.
Therefore, My children, may prayer be that burning flame that never goes out, may it be the flame that vivifies itself, that transmutes, illuminates and redeems; because, at the end of these unexpected times, prayer will be that spiritual shield capable of isolating you from all the interferences of these times.
I need My dear children not to omit this request, because when you are before the events of the end of times, you will remember My Message.
If you truly aspire to respond to God not only in the Commandments, but also by fulfilling His Holy Will, ardent prayer will be that star through which My Heart will guide you to God, to a safe place.
These times demonstrate that humanity has lost the values of life and family, because society has become indifferent to the suffering and needs of the most unprotected.
Therefore, I ask you to place all this in your heart and pray with Me, so that your Heavenly Mother, together with all the angels, may intervene in the current harsh reality of these times.
It is immediate that the prayers of My beloved children may protect and safeguard the entire spiritual mission that the Heavenly Mother will carry out.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
What to do with the divine knowledge that is revealed to you?
Place each word, each impulse, each memory within the depths of your heart and, with simplicity, be thankful toward God.
In this way, in the silence of your inner world, you allow the knowledge to change into wisdom, and the wisdom to attract new Laws that will draw you closer to God and transform you, bringing you back to what you truly are.
Reflect, child, upon each word pronounced by God to your heart. Not to analyze them with your mind, but so that the vibration that was transmitted to you may be a path of return for you toward your celestial origin and, in this way, your spirit may be strengthened in its union with universal life and everything that weighs upon you in this world may be transformed.
May your eyes be illuminated by a new light that, reflected in life, will allow you to see the colors and tones that you could not see before.
May this very divine light illuminate your inner world so that, in its warmth, your soul finds peace and, in its clarity, it finds the answers for so many questions that remained within your heart.
May gratitude be the master key of all your thoughts before each questioning and before each inner search.
In this way, child, you will open the correct doors that will lead you into continuing your path of ascension.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The soul that strives in prayer opens the Doors of Heaven and gives God the permission for higher Laws to be active on Earth.
These Laws descend to the planet through their prayerful word, pierce the deepest levels of their inner world and thus, reach those places of the world most in need, guided by the purity of intention of the prayerful soul.
To pray from the heart is to enter into the Heart of God, to stand before His Sacred Books, in which His Plan has been written for this world and for all life; in this way, in light of His Truth, the soul receives from God the gift of manifesting its designs and the Grace to do so.
To pray from the heart, even if in the void and in the desert, is to walk the path of faith which, invisible to human eyes, draws to Earth the true potential of the creatures of God.
To pray is to unite with Truth. For this reason, child, even if it is difficult for you, even if you are in the void or in an absence of all inner sensations, know that it is simply the awakening of faith that you need to experience. The faith that leads you to keep praying even in the void, the faith that places you before God, even though you may not know it, the faith that brings you closer to who you truly are.
Live this faith every day; seek to know it through the living experience of prayer done with love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the sacred places of the planet, collect the deepest and most hidden history of humanity. Let this history awaken in your hearts like an ancient memory that remained silent in the depths of your souls.
May this record, revealed today, be an impulse for you so that your hearts may return to purity, to the sacred and to the aspiration to be a living part of the Plan of God.
There is still much about this world that remains merely a memory in the souls of those who experienced it and in the consciousness of the planet and its Kingdoms.
It is time to remember, not to stay in the past, but so that all that you have already experienced as humanity may propel you today into taking new steps. Humanity needs to know what it has already done and what it has already experienced in order to understand what it still awaits.
In very ancient times, purity carried you into transfiguration, and surrender led you into participating in Laws that transcended matter so that you could participate in what is invisible and seemingly unachievable to you.
May purity emerge again within you today so that you may discover other Laws and, through surrender, not only be participants in subtle worlds, but also allow these worlds, in the material dimension of the Earth, to find their space, the sacred place to manifest what was promised from the beginning.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Sacred spaces within nature, of this planet, emanate principles and energies that elevate the consciousness, and when they are protected, these sacred spaces help the soul to find its path of return through inner contact.
Sacred spaces hold spiritual treasures that are present there in order to prepare the emergence of the New Humanity.
These sacred spaces are the cradle of many inner treasures, and the Kingdoms of Nature themselves are the true guardians of all these relics.
The sacred spaces attract to the planet an awakening of the sacred and allow human beings to enter into communion with Creation. In this way, they begin to recognize the Higher Laws and the Laws of Consciousness which, from the beginning, formed all Creation of Universal life.
The sacred spaces are places where a revelation could emerge and manifest.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Certain Universal Laws sometimes fulfill and follow the mandate of a fundamental Law, such as the Law of Transmutation, which in this time is active and intervening as it has never intervened before.
The Law of Transmutation permanently prevents certain events from being triggered in humanity, or in a particular situation.
This Law assists in the spiritual unblocking of certain spiritual, mental and physical circuits that make it difficult for the Law of Harmony to be fulfilled.
Thus, the Law of Transmutation repels, and, at the same time, evacuates certain adverse currents that try to destroy the Plan of Love in humanity.
When this is about to happen, the Law of Transmutation enters into action to try to release and lead that which is impeding the flow of the Laws to other planes of consciousness.
In this time, the Law of Transmutation is present to grant the human hearts an opportunity to recreate their lives and their way of perceiving the reality of this cycle.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
At three thousand four hundred meters in altitude, in the surroundings of the sacred lagoon of Guatavita, a civilization previous to the current one existed that knew the essence of contact.
This contact reflected in love and reverence for the sacred, which made of that civilization a spiritually advanced humanity.
But, at that time, the cosmology and the deep knowledge of nature of that native people made it similar to other humanities that also live and evolve in other parts of the Solar System.
But the intuitive and inner development that this original people of Guatavita achieved kept it united with Superior Laws, until before the colonizing white man made the worst and greatest error, which was not only the extraction of the mineral resources, but also the plan to have the deepest traditions disappear in order to implant Christianity.
In that sense, the white man of that time used the image of God and of Christ so as to gain the most retrograde benefits that were ever known.
But the memory of this experience of love for the sacred is held, as a spiritual treasure, within the most inaccessible spaces of Lake Guatavita.
Now, humankind of the surface was helped so that it does not continue to make mistakes in its evolution, and at the same time, the treasures have become nonmaterial so that they may emanate their rays of love and wisdom, not only to the region of Guatavita, but also to all those who visit this Sacred Enclosure and imperatively need redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Throughout the times, I gather around Me the apostles of the final times.
I summon them all, beyond their inner preparation, so that they can live the experience of universal love and maximum redemption.
For this reason, time and again, I not only bless them and absolve them so that they can walk by My side, but I also renew them and consecrate them as My Apostles of the final times.
It is in this sense that your Master and Lord comes to prepare you for love and unconditional service.
I call you "My Own" because I know that you can be consistent with Me in this time.
For this reason, I bring from the Universe all the impulses that you need so that you may learn to evolve and to live what I so expect from each one.
Companions, this is now the time for the apostolate, for the absolute dedication to the Higher Laws so that, finally, the world can transform.
I leave you My need; that you always live through Me, rather than through what happens.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
With the book of your own lives in your hands, write with awareness, each new page, each chapter, each story.
With consciousness, build your own destiny and the destiny of this humanity, not in the sense of controlling your own existence, but rather in the sense of giving God permission, through your behavior, your actions, so that He may guide your steps and His Laws may govern your lives.
To write in the book of your own existence is to know that in all things the Universe respects human free-will, and even though the Lord, your Father, has the authority to transform all things with a single breath, He waits in silence for the definition of the steps of His children.
Thus, today I tell you that you must write in the book of your own life, conscious of each decision, of each definition, action, and thought, because everything that you emanate and manifest opens the way for certain Laws to act in your lives.
Life is creation and vibration. The Universe and the Cosmos move based on living Laws and Rays, which come from the Thought of God, to give life to the Universes and the dimensions.
In this time, be more aware of the Whole, of Life, of your fellow being, and in all that you may do, know that you are attracting a new chapter, a new experience to your stories and to the story of Creation.
It is time to begin to build the new life, and that begins with you being aware that the builders of this Work are you yourselves.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
What happens today in some nations of the world is the reflection of what once occurred in the Universe.
Everyone was once a participant in a very ancient history, which transcended the times until the present day.
Everyone was present and participated in an event within the Universe that changed the Plan of God, in the sense of its realization and its fulfillment.
Everyone comes from a spiritual and universal origin. In these origins, the first learnings began which, in most cases, were learnings and experiences that made you arrive here, to the Earth, to be able to someday attain forgiveness and redemption.
Each one of My children carries within themselves a history, not visible to human eyes but known to the eyes of the spirit.
This is the time in which this history, which occurred in the Universe, will close so that another stage may begin and humanity may be finally liberated from the endless chain of errors.
For this reason, children, there are certain events, still unknown to you, which are kept in the history of your spiritual being. Your spiritual being is what deeply knows all the causes and consequences that were once experienced by you in the Universe.
Everyone comes from a somewhat traumatic experience. Everyone comes from ancient wars in the Universe that only sought the conquest of space and the benefit of personal evolution, for this, having skipped the Law of the Hierarchy and the Law of Love.
This history, which is still recorded in the Universe, remains there, waiting to be purified by each of My children, in the moment and the hour that corresponds to you.
Within each one of you, this history, of great conflicts in the Universe, has greater or smaller intensity according to the experiences lived and the participation of each one within these events.
This is the time to put an end to this history because humanity, throughout the nations and throughout time, has repeated the same errors again, so similar to the most determining facts that were once lived in the Universe.
The higher planes expect that each one of My children, by means of service and of surrender, can help dissolve and repair these past events. Thus, humanity will have the grace of going into a new cycle with greater possibilities of deepening in love and in service.
In this sense, everything that was once experienced in the Universe is not only the result of the conflicts caused by the ambition of knowledge and of power but were also delicate experiences that left indelible marks in the consciousnesses.
Now that everyone can be more aware of this and can help break this chain of errors that humanity still lives and commits, you must know that prayer will be that key that will open the right door so that all of these histories of the Universe can be forgiven and the souls may have the opportunity of beginning to walk with hope.
Coming into contact with this history of the Universe, in which the majority participated in, is to return to the conscious commitment to live forgiveness, healing and redemption, beyond what has happened.
Therefore, everyone who today becomes conscious that they are not only beings incarnated on Earth, they will receive, in the name of humanity, the possibility to change the destiny of history so that finally all beings may live the great moment of redemption.
This is the time in which the history of the Universe will come to light so that the consciousnesses may also learn to redeem itself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Be guardians of peace in the world and pray for those who proclaim peace.
Pray for those who struggle for a planet of fraternity and hope because, without knowing, they are opening the path for a New Life and a New Time.
Pray for those who sincerely love life, the Kingdoms of Nature and the human beings and who, day and night, search for ways to expand respect and love for the world.
Pray for those who do not pray and silence those who do not respect their fellow being and who, with their word, create a lack of union and of love.
Offer spiritual repair for this world. Believe that through your prayers new laws will be attracted from the Universe to transform material life, which is out of alignment and imbalanced.
Pray for the protection of your brothers and sisters who, in the four corners of the world, take forward planetary tasks with the faith that Love will be established on Earth.
Trust that all effort is valid and even the smallest one can transform the destiny of this humanity and of this planet.
That your prayers be each time more sincere and embrace this world.
Children, pray for peace and be the peace of this planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When in service to God through humanitarian missions, those who serve and those who are helped allow the descent of the flow of Divine Mercy, and within a social or humanitarian situation, the service done from the heart transcends material and intellectual boundaries, since it is done for the common good and for the benefit of the equilibrium and harmony of all.
In this time, all forms of service to humanity, no matter how small they may seem, favors the action of spiritual Laws that, through the service of love, counteract future disasters and maladjustments of the nations of the world.
So the service for humanity, which in truth is in the most need, creates new conditions so that the energy of Divine Mercy can intervene for the benefit of all.
Humanitarian service purifies the consciousness that offers to help others. Also, that service done for the love of God awakens a sense of maturity and of personal responsibility in the consciousness in the face of scenes of chaos.
For this reason, service builds the spirit of solidarity and of peace with one's peers.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Humanitarian Missionaries
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XI
Aurora cries out from within and the voices of the inner Brothers and Sisters proclaim for help.
Aurora needs to express its purpose and must manifest its power.
Aurora can no longer be left behind; it can never be forgotten or be part of a beautiful memory. Many came for its roots of love and of healing and, for different reasons, left and never came back.
Aurora expects to have a communal population big enough to be able to mirror its mission and its task. Because Aurora can no longer just count on a few instruments. Everything, absolutely everything, even what is material must already be enough to carry forward the primordial function of Aurora.
What happened today with some of My disciples is a sign of that lack of consciousness that there is about what in truth Aurora has to mirror on the surface.
Some of Mine had their lives at risk but others risked their own lives to save the others.
Many think that the Hierarchy would never ask for something material but this is not right because everything is part of a perfect Law; as above, so below.
A Communal Center like Aurora can no longer fulfill a global mission with broken or fragile tools; the Universe gave the first impulse so that Aurora could manifest on the surface for a second time but now, it is the commitment of the rest of My servers that Aurora exists for a longer time on the surface.
If Aurora is not truly helped through the effort of everyone, and all that I have said is not complied with according to the Law of love for manifestation, through where will the great forces of planetary chaos be evacuated?
Who else will be able to reach Aurora to receive healing and be freed from evil?
Who will open the doors of liberation to drain the most critical regions of the planet? Or through where will the Archangel Saint Michael enter to defeat the plans of evil?
Do you understand now what Aurora is?
It is more than something physical or spiritual. To exist and express, Aurora must resonate in the heart of each being; otherwise, Aurora does not show itself.
Collaborate from the heart and place before your lives the true needs of the Center of Love of Aurora and then you will tell Me that everything is just and necessary.
Concentrate on the purpose that I gave you within all of these last messages because the longer you delay in thinking about whether or not you will collaborate in Aurora, greater areas encompass evil and Aurora can still not express itself.
Be aware of all that I tell you; remember that it is the Lord of the Universe and of Mercy that speaks to you. I deigned to choose such a poor and simple place like Aurora, not only to walk among the orange trees but also to prepare My second return; because I promised to come among the clouds but not that I would come to enter through the main door of the Church. Your Lord will be among the humble, among the peace-makers, with the pure of heart.
I thank you for having ears to hear My plea of help for Aurora.
I thank you for considering My Words!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Statement of Casa Redención Association for the Work of the Divine Messengers
Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay
January 14, 2019
The Casa Redención Association informs all the members of this Work of love that yesterday, January 13, 2019, the members of the Community Fraternity and of the Grace Mercy Order, that participate in this Light-Community, suffered a serious accident when the truck that was transporting them from one area to another fell into a river.
To make it clear to everyone, we inform you that in these last days, in the region of Aurora, there have been large rain and wind storms. As most know, between the Redención 1 area, where the Marian Center is, and the Redención 2 and Redención 3 areas, there is a small river, which we call a stream, which every time there is heavy rains, swells enormously, and its current becomes very powerful.
Yesterday at midday, the intense rain did not permit for the completion of usual tasks that the members of the community perform in the Marian Center and, for this reason, it was decided to return to the areas to which each person belongs.
When they tried to cross the precarious bridge over the stream, which contained a powerful current of water, the strength of the current pushed the truck towards the river. The truck fell and turned over in the water with sixteen people inside.
Everything was submerged iniside the water, the truck and the passengers. Some of those brothers and sisters did not know how to swim. It was very difficult for all of them to get out of the truck and they were assisted by a group of monks who ran to the location from other areas.
The current swept them several metres; some came out of the water and the current itself dragged them to one of the banks. Others were aided by the monks, who threw themselves into the water to try to get them out of where they were submerged.
It was a very difficult moment for all, especially when there was a count to see if everybody had been able to get out of the truck, which was totally submerged within the water.
This statement which Casa Redención expresses, at the request of the Hierarchy, is so that everyone in the Work may understand the reason why Our Lord, Christ Jesus, is making an exhortation, requesting the assistance of everyone to collaborate in the renovation of the community of Aurora, which is in a dire condition of precariousness, in all senses.
Due to the lack of appropriate vehicles for the transportation of the members of the community, these daily situations become extremely risky for everyone.
We will publish this statement on the webpage of the Divine Messengers, together with the daily messages of Christ, that are related to the requests made for the Community of Aurora, as well as on the webpage of Fraternity - International Humanitarian Federation, in a special highlighted place with all of the requests of Christ and the indications for collaborating.
Thank you all for your fraternal adherence!
Community Fraternity of Aurora
Marian Center of Aurora
Casa Redención
Never tire of fixing your consciousness in God, beyond everything that happens within you or around you.
That spiritual attitude will allow the higher Laws to come to the aid of your consciousness and any situation, spiritual or interior, may be resolved.
Trust absolutely in the nonmaterial purpose that God created for your existence and, based on that truth, carry forward this life full of challenges and trials.
But never get discouraged nor fall asleep. Make every moment count as if it were the last; make each stage of life result in the learning of love and of forgiveness.
God does not seek the perfect things within you because He already knows everything, He already knows everything that you do not know within yourself.
Therefore, the Celestial Father is waiting for the right moment to ask His children for new steps. But those steps will be taken and delivered as you love detachment in your lives.
Because, in truth, few will be those who will give everything to the Lord for the constitution of His Purpose and for the divine realization of His Will.
Therefore, as a Mother, I know what it means to divest oneself and how much that causes pain, delays and stagnation. But the light of the spirit of faith will prevail. Be calm and trust, there is no obstacle or barrier of consciousness that cannot be overcome.
Do not stop rowing until you can find the safe harbor of the Lord's Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VIII
Each one of you, as collaborators and servers of the Divine Work, will have to express solidarity with the means of transport of Aurora.
It will be fundamental to count on new vehicles and especially on a bus that permits responding to the basic needs of the Light-Community on a daily basis and which may also serve as a support for the times of meetings.
For this, Redención 1 must allow a part of its area for the building of a mechanical repair shop that meets the needs for maintenance of the bus, which will be donated with the help of everyone. The automobile repair shop of Redención 1 will also be able to have a space for the maintenance of the rest of the vehicles.
As the Community of Aurora has only a few vehicles for carrying out many trips, it will be necessary that all the servers of the Work immediately respond to and resolve this need.
The transportation sector must be based in the Community of Aurora since this same sector will serve as support for the transportation of pilgrims to the Marian Center.
This re-organization of transportation will require that some members of the Light-Community be academically trained in mechanics and electro-electronics so that the Community itself can count on more tools of knowledge when conducting maintenance.
In this sense, the whole Community of Aurora, without exception, must be trained in the care, in the maintenance, in the cleaning and especially in their awareness concerning all means of transport.
The transportation of a Light-Community reflects and represents the state of consciousness that the Community has acquired throughout the years. For this reason, the effort on the part of everyone concerning the care of the vehicles will be important; because the Plan of the Hierarchy is not found in a damaged vehicle.
It will be necessary that everyone apply the formula of love in their consciousness and also their attention on what is used for trips.
In this year of 2019, the Light Network, as a fundamental pillar of the Hierarchy, will have the goal of manifesting the first of three buses for the Community of Aurora. That response will help the approach of new hearts to the Work.
The transportation in Aurora will reformulate the form of co-existence of the Community with the Law of Manifestation.
As of now, I give you this challenge, to be concretized before April of 2019.
I thank you for supporting the concretization of the Plan!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Let the Purpose of God descend upon you like a powerful current that leads you to the fulfillment of the Laws in an harmonious way and without resistance.
The Purpose of God is alive and permeates the atmosphere of life, traversing and enveloping this world constantly. To find it, it is enough that your heart searches for it and tunes into it, aspiring to fulfill the Will of God above all things.
When you have this live and true aspiration inside you, it acts like a magnet that attracts the Purpose of God and makes it descend upon you, attracting to your mind the intuition and necessary ideas for its fulfillment, and opens a path in your life for the expression of the Laws and their manifestation.
It creates in your consciousness a suitable condition for the Purpose of God to manifest itself, loving and searching for the the Divine Will. In this way, it develops the power of faith and knows that, above all, you must be firm in the Will of the Creator for your life and all of Creation.
Love the Divine Thought, child, even if you do not know it. Know and be certain in your inner world that God has created you with a unique purpose, and this is the Purpose the Father has for your life.
Besides what God Wills for you, there is the union of His Will for all His creatures. That is the Plan of God. This Plan is formed through the expression and perfect manifestation of the Divine Thought for each being.
All creatures are part of the Plan of God, as unique parts of a celestial "puzzle." Therefore, take care in your daily life, so that all your brothers and sisters have the opportunity to become triumphs of God, and pray for this Greater Plan to be fulfilled.
By example, service, gratitude and, above all, with love and respect for your fellow human beings you will see manifesting in your life this and all the things that I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
As cycles change and accelerate, the alternate and illusory time of Earth begins to fade away.
As layers of vibrations permeate the planet, the Kingdoms and the different bodies of men, these layers gradually dissolve, giving space to the Time of God, called Real Time of the Universe.
When the Time of God enters the world, My children, it not only causes confusion in the minds and in the hearts of men. The confusion is caused by the disconnection between the human mind and heart and the divine Truth.
When a being is united to God in heart, mind and spirit, it receives the Time of God with gratitude and, with it, the revelation of the Truth, which, little by little, becomes visible to the consciousness so that it may understand where it came from, why and what is the meaning and purpose of human existence, what is its destiny.
Throughout human evolution, the Lord revealed His Truth to men in accordance with what their mind could understand, their heart was capable of receiving and what the very energetic and spiritual condition of the planet was capable of absorbing.
The Universe of God is complex and holds in itself a science that unfolds since the beginning of Creation and that today is inconceivable to the human mind.
For this reason, for it to be revealed to you, it is necessary that you receive it gradually, and that not only your minds, spirits and hearts be ready for this, but all of human and planetary consciousness; because everything you receive, as part of humanity, reaches as an impulse and vibration to all of human consciousness.
As the Truth of God is revealed and the times unite, the laws of the Earth transform and also unite to the universal Laws. Thus, My children, the commitment and the responsibility of beings grows and deepens, because they will no longer respond to the Universe as beings in an evolutionary experience, but rather as consciousnesses that participate in the Truth and in the Plan of God, in a conscious way.
Throughout the last years, prayer awakened and ignited the mirrors of your hearts so that, in this way, they might capture love and understand the history that is written in the Mirrors of the Cosmos, and this begins to mirror itself within you and within your consciousness.
Nothing is separate. Everything is part of a perfect and divine Plan that builds in your hearts a path of return to the Heart of God.
In order to know how to return, you must remember how you arrived here. No one returns home if they do not know the path to it.
I tell you all this, beloved children, so that you may receive the revelations of this time with gratitude and consciousness, knowing that My words are part of the Grace of God, that transforms and prepares you for the new time; in which you will finally know and live the Truth, and life will no longer be a sequence of theories, questionings, and assumptions. You will be able to participate in the revelation of God and live God, consciously and fully, in all of your being.
For this I prepare you, I bless you and thank you for receiving My words with the gratitude of the heart.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
First Message
The Sacred Gardener of Space comes today, showing His Aspect of Transfiguration, to announce to the world the time of the great changes.
The hour is approaching, this moment is drawing near. For this reason, I come today to the Earth through the portal of the great Sun that rules this Local Universe and this system of life.
I come to bring you the Laws of Transfiguration, those Laws that were applied during the Transfiguration of the Divine Son on Mount Tabor.
You will need these principles in order to be able to live the changes and everything that the new time will announce.
As you are in a moment of transition, these principles come to your aid because they will make of your consciousnesses beings in greater contact with the Divinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
This is part of a divine intervention, of a possibility and an opportunity that the flow of My Mercy brings to the souls of this world.
And although everything is precipitating in all spaces of the Earth, you must still trust in Me, because I will give you the sustenance that you need to be able to go through these times of tribulation and of great definitions.
I bring you the opportunity of uplifting your consciousness, and, in this upliftment, attaining the purpose that each one of you has come to fulfill in this humanity and within this planet.
The time is approaching to announce My true Aspect, that Aspect that I once showed to some of My Apostles and that, in truth, until the current days, is only a mystery. But the door to the great revelation is opening little by little. Time is forging this moment and also the planetary need.
The awakening of consciousnesses will be fundamental, through this impulse that I Myself will give from the Universe to the Earth.
The transfiguration of your consciousnesses will allow you to simplify your lives, order your movements and be in attunement with on High, which is the most important thing for these times.
Perhaps you will feel that what I tell you today is something abstract, but it will be something close to your lives and consciousnesses, because, by My being closer to humanity, souls will be able to capture My impulses and manifest them on Earth through experiences of love and service to humanity.
The change of consciousness will not be a formula nor a practice; it will take place through the degrees of love and the constancy in their experience.
Thus, I will be able to reflect onto the surface of the Earth the New Christs, those who will have to govern with Me in love and in humility, based on the simplicity of life.
Many, little by little, are approaching this path, but still more efforts will be necessary to be able to balance the maladjustments of humanity and of the planet, of everything that is violent which is carried out by the human being of these times and of all the transgressions that are committed, day by day, to life and to the Kingdoms of Nature.
The awakening of these Christs of the new time will begin within you, by means of the intervention of the Law of Transfiguration and of all its principles that will try to transform the human consciousness, leading it to a state of a new consciousness, which will begin with the living of the message of the Hierarchy and of all of its attributes.
The portal towards this opportunity is opening to all, but someone will have to cross it. Or at least some will have to cross it.
When this moment draws close, it will be a definitive moment, not only for these consciousnesses that will take this step for many more, but also for the planet, that will be on its greatest apex of definition and transition.
In truth, it does not matter who takes this step, but rather that this step be taken for all, just as I once took it for each one of you.
You must keep in mind that this is the moment that was so expected by all the inner beings; the moment of being able, in truth, to do what they have come to do and what they have come to fulfill, beyond the circumstances and the tests, the confrontations or the challenges.
The Lord of the Universe comes with His Law of Transfiguration so as to be able to change it all and so that, definitely, the Plan may be fulfilled, at least in some beings.
For this reason the Universe articulates itself for a great movement and unites for a great task, to carry out a mission on the planet and in humanity, which will go beyond any human situation or any event.
This event will not be announced, it will just take place, and many will be able to benefit from it, because it will be a help that will come from the Divine and from the Source, in order to reinforce the commitments of the apostles of Christ and of the last apostles of the last days.
Today, the Gardener of the Universal Space again waters the Sacred Tree with His Water of Life so that its roots may penetrate the earth even more and its tree crown of light may be strengthened with the fruits of knowledge and Instruction.
Because, once more, the Sacred Tree will bear its fruits so that all may be able to avail themselves and, spiritually, be nourished by its impulses and gifts.
Those who have eaten from the Tree and its fruits and did not know how to benefit from it, will feel pity in their hearts for not having been humble, for not having humiliated themselves, for not having recognized their ignorance and for not truly having asked for help.
But those who were left behind, I will route them, just as I route the sheep that are not ready to take the steps that I demand in this time.
Because everything has a meaning, beyond the material and the spiritual. Everything is part of a Purpose and of a plan of manifestation for this humanity.
May this Ray of Transfiguration give you the impulse to the change of daily life so that the spirit of each one of you can enter into your consciousnesses and carry out its task and its mission for these times, leaving behind the instability and the disharmony, living the eternal present and the operative mission with the Hierarchy of Light.
Thus, the portals of the Universe will remain open and, in spite of the confrontations, the universal help will not lack. Because everything that happens has a meaning, is part of a school and a learning experience; this causes the New Christs to awaken to the path of love and service, to the unconditional experience for others.
May this Marathon represent this opportunity of transfiguring your consciousnesses and lives, and of doing it in truth, committing yourselves at each moment of prayer and offering that you will make to the Universe; knowing that all of this will also have a repercussion in Brazil, which needs it so much for the next months.
And all this moment of prayer will stop unnecessary events and difficult tests for this dear people that is alive in the center of My Heart.
I will thank as from now for the offering of each Brazilian and also of each praying being of the Earth, because this is not only restricted to a country or a people.
Each situation that is lived in each part of the Earth is part of all of humanity, because humanity is only one, it is the same family that has become sick and distanced itself from God for different reasons, and for all of this and for all consciousnesses, will need to come the Ray of Transfiguration and Healing, so promising for these critical times.
Celebrate this Marathon with Me, in joy and bliss.
May the faces of those who live upon this Inner Sanctuary be of joy and not of sadness, because the one who accepts the invitation will be helped and will be transformed.
Embrace, then, My great call and the assistance of the Universe, which will come to Earth and will be within your reach.
I offer you My Experience as a demonstration that it is possible to live the Transfiguration, and that this Transfiguration begins in the small and also in the invisible; from there is built the true inner temple that is offered to God as an act of great surrender.
I wish you a most beautiful Marathon and a joyful day, because the apostles, untiringly, will have to announce the triumph of Christ in each human heart.
From the great Sun that rules this Milky Way, in union to the center of the Universe and the great Star of the Brotherhood that governs all the worlds, and in union with the Spiritual, Mental and Material Universe, where God is, and is invincible, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Novena to the Sacred Thorned Heart of Jesus
Sixth day
Today, My child, remove, from the very depths of My Heart, the thorn of violence and the transgression of human life through abortion.
My Heart feels a very huge weight and an unbearable pain when in hospitals, or in secret places, hundreds of mothers surrender to violence and cruelty through abortion, causing a permanent suffering in the soul that was being gestated, a suffering that it will carry within, for the rest of its spiritual life.
If the mothers, who decide to abort the life they carry, knew the repercussions of the action they are about to commit, perhaps they would previously think of controlling their unbridled temptations, being conscious of and taking responsibility for the new life they could bring to Earth.
Humanity, even from a religious point of view, still believes that the new life that is about to incarnate in the womb of a mother only begins at gestation.
The Creation of God is perfect and, above all, so is the Gift of Life, one of those most transgressed by human beings; this causes extremely grave debts that humanity incurs for violating the Law of Life.
Thus, with great fervor in your heart, offer your prayers to the Heavenly Father so that the inexhaustible Fountain of Mercy from the Heart of God may open and descend like a powerful current over the mothers and over those responsible who, in these times, practice, foster and spread the transgression to the unborn as a method, as a personal pleasure and even for contempt.
May the Heavenly Father hear your supplications and, for the painful sufferings caused by this thorn in My Heart, may Mercy be able to overcome, beyond all errors, and those miserable souls that practice these barbarities be forgiven.
Hold tight, My child, to the Mercy of God and beg, with all the inner power of your heart, that the power of My Grace may act instead of Justice.
Through the petition of your heart, allow that the mothers, who are tempted by My adversary to take the life of the unborn, become aware for a moment and reconsider, in order to protect and respect the new life.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more