Dear children,

That which is most pleasing to God, at this time on the planet, is the emptiness and silence of hearts. An emptiness of intentions, of expectations and dreams, and a silence that leads each one to look inside themselves to know how their inner life is.

At this time and without this premise, it will be difficult for souls to be able to transcend certain cycles and to be able to go through certain experiences, which must find you free of yourselves; because in the inner emptiness the inner life is born, and in the silence of self one can listen to the Voice of God and thus recognize His Holy Will.

Imitate the example of your Heavenly Mother who, being the Slave of God, received in Her bosom the Call of the Eternal Father so that His Will could be fulfilled. At no time was there a why or a questioning.

God calls you, at this time, to enter with joy into this state of emptiness so that you may recognize in yourselves His Love and Compassion.

I am here with you, in this hour of the planet when everything is purified, so that souls may find the path of peace and goodness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

I am happy to return here to be close to you, through My Motherly Love and My closeness.

Dear children, may the Will of God be reaffirmed in you today, a Will that was written at the very beginning of the emergence of your essences; because this country and this people, at the end of time, will have a fundamental task and mission that has not yet been revealed from on High, but which will be revealed at the time already foreseen by My Beloved Son.

My children, therefore continue to work on your inner and spiritual mission so that the Will of God will always show you the way and the way out.

Uruguay will have a very great force, but with small groups of souls who will push forward what is foreseen in the Plan of God, although at this moment it is unknown and incomprehensible; because what is written will be fulfilled, and we are already on the way to the fulfillment of what is written for this country.

Beyond the destiny that your people have recently chosen, your inner sight and vision, as well as your heart, must be fixed on the Purpose, because it is for this that the Divine Purpose was created; so that, through its flaming Flame, it may guide souls to the fulfillment of the Will of God, through your unity and ardent love.

It is there, before that Sacred Flame of Purpose, that you will neither fear nor fail; nor will you doubt what you must undertake, simply out of love and trust in the Eternal Father. This will rebuild, little by little, the consciousness and the Purpose of this country, which was manifested to carry out a mission in this end time.

Therefore, dear children, your souls and the souls of your brothers and sisters are the ones who will participate in this awaited moment, which will be clear, precise and illuminated by the Wisdom of God.

Continue to pray so that the Purpose of God may be fulfilled in this nation and that it may be protected from the tendencies and ideologies of these times, which only lead souls away from God and in danger.

As Our Lady of the Thirty-Three, I come to merge and unite in your hearts the Sacred Star of My Son so that the Confederation, in this country, may one day become a reality through the souls who are awakening and those who will awaken.

Thus, the suns on Earth will shine, bringing with them the impulses of the universe and of the Greater Life, when all, unconditionally, will be at the service of the Father and of those in need so that the Love of Christ may triumph and heal the deepest wounds in souls.

As your Patroness, I am here to accompany you on this walk that alone will lead you to the Infinite.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Thirty-three

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Contemplate your Lord, bound by His Feet and Hands in the feared and sorrowful square of flagellation, where the cruelty of the executioners set them apart from all union with their own divine essence; because in a similar way, some inner situations of souls leave Me subjected at this moment.

Sometimes, souls forget that I Am all Mercy and that, in the Sacred and Sovereign Name of My Father, I would be capable of making any offering again for Mine, just as I Am making at this moment.

Look at how the Lamb of God is today, the One Who was condemned and sacrificed for all sins of the world.

Before your eyes, behold the universe of the Love of the Living God, which returns at this moment of personal and planetary crisis to give life, light and hope to that which would now seem half-dead.

Oh, if souls dared to come to know and submerge themselves into the abyss of Light of My unfathomable and infinite Mercy, surrendering to the humility of My Heart, many, many situations would change overnight!

The Lord comes presenting the square of flagellation so that you may remember that I continue to pour out Blood and Water for all souls of the world; so that, before the end time, as many hearts as possible may come to know internally the ocean of My consoling Love, before the favorite door of My Mercy closes to the world and the wise and sacred door of Divine Justice fully opens; the door that, at this time, represents the fundamental spiritual principle for correcting humanity through its reentrance and attunement with the Higher Law of Love.

Look, just as I look, at the sorrowful scenario of the world. The events announce the coming and Return of Christ, when the sacred and divine intervention will act to prepare this expected and unknown moment for all.

I want and wish, from the innermost depth of My cores of Mercy, that the planet and humanity may recover peace, which has disappeared from many nations and peoples.

This moment of prayer offered by hearts grants the intervention of the angels in the face of the darkest and most unknown scenario of the planet. However, the strength of faith of the devout hearts and of those who, in this time, practice that which I taught you in the first Message of this current moment of Marathon of prayer, will facilitate that vast populations and many families may no longer be embraced by conflicts, by unexpected effects of nature, and by that which no one on the face of the Earth could imagine.

For this reason, I come as a Watcher, a Guardian and a Steward of the Higher Will, which needs to be fulfilled and concretized in souls, in all those who confirm their vows before the Plan of God every day.

This is the moment expected by the Eternal Father so that each creature upon the surface of the Earth may be and represent an extension of Mercy and Pity, which are so necessary to humanity.

Remember that which I asked of you in the first Message. And now, more than ever, submerge yourselves into My last Instructions.

I thank you for keeping each one of My Words in your hearts.

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


My dear children:

Obedience to God can never be forced.

 In My example of Woman and Mother on Earth, before the inner Call of God, through the presence of the Archangel Gabriel, I never doubted or questioned; because God, with His Obedience, had flooded My Soul, My Life and My Heart.

That is why, children, I once expressed to the Eternal Father: “Let it be done in Me according to Your Word”, because in the true Word of God the soul finds the spiritual meaning of serving God without exceptions.

Therefore, obedience to God could never be understood as a severe rule or an imposition, because it is a Law that frees the soul from the human condition.

In obedience lies the essence of peace and in peace lies the authentic expression of the love of the heart.

Children, throughout the ages, humanity has distorted the concept of obedience, because in obedience lies the protection of oneself, of all that the soul may live on Earth.

Obedience is the fundamental pillar of unity. Therefore, when the soul does not obey, it destroys the unity that must be generated in this world so that God's Plan may be fulfilled

But obedience cannot be lived as an obligatory path to be fulfilled, because in obedience is the Paternal Gaze of God; because in this sacred obedience, God deposits His most precious aspirations.

When one disobeys, the soul loses the Grace of living its own liberation, of being freed from its own chains.

Today, beloved children, I invite you to think of the obedience of Mary.

I am here to teach you, at the request of My Son.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Handmaid of the Lord


Dear Children,

As I have announced to you, this is My Message that communicates the recollection of the Sacred Hearts, so that in this month of August, souls may finish confirming themselves before God.

For this reason and under the Will of God, on this day, I am here as the Mother who internally teaches you to live this moment with the maturity and gratitude that God deserves after having granted you, for so many years, all the possible Graces of Heaven.

My children, after such an extensive time of promptings and detailed instructions on how to humbly build the inner life, the time has come for the companions of Christ, in a mature and available manner, to stand in line for the planetary service which at this time His Heart offers.

Therefore, dear children, Christ, your Lord, expects that the servants He has summoned and prepared in these recent times are ready for the cycle of the planetary emergency. Thus, they will be able to meet the needs that arise in these times.

From the beginning, the Sacred Hearts had the mission of preparing the inner worlds to be able to go through their own purification and also to learn to go through the purification of the consciousness of the planet.

It is necessary, My children, that you elevate yourselves through self-giving and service so that all of humanity may be uplifted in some way.

This is the time to learn to grow inwardly to know how to overcome challenges, just as the Holy Family or Jesus Himself overcame them through His painful surrender on the Cross.

May the month of August bring to fruition what God so much awaits to be given in self-sacrificing hearts.

I am here to encourage and guide you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On a night like this, when the trees embrace you and the stars bless you, I will return to the world, as that Man, Master and Shepherd who was quite close to each one of you, to heal your wounds, to raise you from the ground, to express to you the greatness of My Love for souls.

Today I Am quite close, as you had never thought before; because in this way I Am close to Mine, to those who try every day of their lives to stand up from their falls and carry on, to recognize on their own paths the Footprints of the Lord, the Footprints of the Master, which come in this time to indicate the next path.

While the night in Lys prepares to revere and glorify again the Mother of the Lord, your Master, Christ, presents Himself in this place, just as His Most Holy Mother did to demonstrate to you, in this time, the closeness of Our Hearts, the presence of Our Spirits, the greatness of Our Divinity, which is at the service of Creation and the souls.

For this reason, today I come to this forest and this garden, so that you may enter, with the Lord, the last stage of the agony of the planet, when, for yourselves, My companions, you will learn to sustain for Me this heavy planetary cross, formed by all the sins of the world, by all the outrages and offenses that souls still continue to commit in these times, and mainly by sustaining the cross of the indifference and omission of this world, which I need My apostles to sustain with Me until the time and hour comes for the Return of the Lord.

I want to meet you here again so that you may live, for yourselves, the same experience that your Master and Lord lived in the Garden of Gethsemane, when, in apparent darkness and agony, He found the Strength of God, He found the Faith of God, to fulfill what was pre-established.

Thus, in the same way, there is something pre-established for each one of your lives, for each one of your paths; and this is the time for you to live it, if you wish, it is to accept to live what the Lord has foreseen for each heart of this planet.

And you are not separated from this, companions. Today you are within this request of the Lord, because you are aware, much more than those who are aware in the world. Because this is the very definitive, very culminating hour and moment, to start to prepare the paths of the Return of the Lord through the lives of the souls consecrated to My Sacred Heart, and through the mission that each one came to the planet to fulfill.

With this I mean that God has written already the destiny of each one of you, by means of His Sovereign and Most High Will and, above all, through His Most High and Powerful Love, before you and your brothers and sisters were essences in this Creative Universe.

However, I know that many souls today do not follow or live this Will of God. For this reason, I come to make of imperfect hearts, brave hearts. I come to make of lukewarm hearts, strong hearts that are decided to live the Will of the Lord.

I prepare each one of you and your brothers and sisters, just as I prepared My apostles during Pentecost, so that the Holy Spirit might descend and continue to express My Work of Redemption throughout the ages, and also to prepare My apostles for the moment of farewell of the Master, which each one of My apostles had to experience in their own heart.

And you are at a similar moment, so similar that it seems equal, because after having been instructed and blessed throughout the times, and among so many, so many souls in the world, after having had the Grace of directly listening to the Word of the Lord, I can now tell you that, despite any situation, you are now ready to live what is foreseen by the Eternal Father.

Each one knows in their heart what God says to them, what God reveals to them, what God makes them feel in their deepest inner world.

Thus, I guide My last apostles to the last part of the path of the end of times, when everyone will have to be within the Trust of God and in the living experience of His Love, to help rescue what humanity has lost and, above all, for the great time of redemption that will be preceded by the time of Justice, just as it is written in the Sacred Bible.

Tonight, God hears the clamor and prayers of all His Children. And He hears them through the Heart of His Beloved Son, present in this sacred and humble place in Aljustrel, where souls can find true life, the Divine Life, in the absolute emptiness of their own intentions and expectations, because they can come to drink from the fountain of the purity of Lys, so that more souls in the world may help recover the innocence that this race has lost.  

Do you now understand the reason why I Am here today?

Not only so that, through Galileum, you may listen to My Call, but also so that you may see your souls, reflected here on the great mirror of the purity of Lys, where also the angels of Heaven and of the Earth avail themselves of the spiritual and inexhaustible abundance of this place, where the flame of faith will always be ignited and will be ignited again every time it is necessary, through the soul that surrenders at the Foot of the Kingdom of Lys.

In this new Marathon, which announces the end of a time, and which precedes the next month of August, may hearts open definitively, and just as My beloved spiritual father Saint Joseph has said, spiritual father of all of you, may you carry out a synthesis for yourselves, and realize for yourselves all that in which you have participated with Us throughout the times, and how many Graces and spiritual and inner treasures have been granted to souls.

Now the time has come, now the hour has come, just as it was with your Master and Lord, for each one of your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters, to become a living and resplendent temple radiating the treasures of the Sacraments and of all the Graces that were granted to those who received them through a simple act of Higher Love. In the same way, today this simple act of Living Love allows this meeting between My Soul and your souls, between My Heart and your hearts.

Because I Am the Lord of Closeness, I Am the Light that comes to shine in this night of darkness so that those who have fallen may stand up and continue to walk through the Light that My Living Heart radiates to all. And above all, through the Light that My Eucharistic Heart radiates to you, which you can receive time and again as an inexplicable Grace, so that, more and more each day, you may be a part of Me so that I may, someday, be part of you and you may thus be part of God, just as God is part of His Beloved Son in Holy Unity.

Today, I also come as a pilgrim among you so that, in the seclusion of the Kingdom of Lys, the Lord may meditate with His companions upon the next steps that must be taken for the Work of the Hierarchy to continue to be materialized and concretized. And this Work will be concretized only through the souls that just say ‘yes’ to Me, every day of their lives until the end of times.

I come to fulfill My promise, just as I said to My apostles in the Holy Cenacle: that I would be with Mine until the end of the days, until the time and moment of the Great Return of Christ is fulfilled.

Today I Am here, praying with you and for you, and especially for those who must still take steps in this trajectory that presents itself before each human heart. An infinite and unknown trajectory, which I bring you today as part of the Will of My Father, your Father Adonai.

While the voices of the faithful and devout pilgrims rise as a great mirror toward the Kingdom of the Heavens, through the Sanctuary of Fatima, may a longer time of peace and mainly a longer time of inner peace be granted to the world, so that everything may be healed and repaired from the offenses that the world continues to commit.

Make room for the guardian angels to intercede before God for all urgent causes and mainly for those who most need help. This is the great time of the apostolate, do not forget it.

I thank you for honestly being with Me and from the heart, because honesty will always lead you to truth, and truth will set you free.

Today, the stars are witnesses of this moment, just as the universe is a witness of each Word of the Lord.

May the most suffering and needy beings be blessed.

My Heart is touched, because God has granted Me the Grace that I may be closer to My children of Africa, to be with those who suffer the most, with those who cry out the most, but above all to be closer to those who love the most in the world, through the authentic strength of their faith.

In the next times, may God grant the reconstruction of Africa, so that, someday, the whole world may know who in truth are the souls of Africa. I promise this to you.

May peace be within all those who seek it, may peace be within all those who cry for it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Today, I come from the inner gardens of Lys to call souls to walk the path of inner healing and reunion with peace, peace that has disappeared from various places on the planet.

As Mother of Lys, I offer you spiritually this space, where dwells the warm and maternal feminine presence that gestate in the hearts the beginning of a New Humanity.

Today, from the inner gardens of Lys, My Voice of Mother and Intercessor resounds so that My children may hear within themselves the last Words of the Divine Mother in this cycle that from the month of May, began to close.

Yes, My children, you heard well, that which was announced by the Divinity quite some time ago, today begins to materialize because it is the Will of God. The work of the Sacred Hearts will come to an end and, at that moment which is approaching, it will be the opportunity for each of My children to reflect and make definitive use of all the impulses received.

My Beloved Son Jesus will soon dictate to you how everything will continue. In the meantime, prepare yourselves, because when we finish this cycle of more than fifteen uninterrupted years of inner impulses and Graces, each heart will have to place itself in the line of the Commandos of Christ, in the line that corresponds to it to prepare for His next and long awaited Return.

Therefore, dear children, it will be necessary for you to give more importance and attention to the inner life, because it will be from it and through it that you will have the tools to learn to cope with the end times.

I will be in Heaven accompanying you and seeing how each of Our Sacred Words will be fulfilled.

August announces the final conclusion of a stage. Let us pray that everyone may be able to walk towards the goal on their own feet.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Kingdom of Lys


Live each day as if it were the last: be true in your words, intentions, gestures and in each action of your days.

Live each day as if it were the last: be simple in your outlook, willing in your service, attentive in your prayers, transparent in your confessions, sincere in your love for God and His little creatures of all the Kingdoms of Nature.

Live each day as if it were the last: paying attention to each detail and each opportunity for surrendering a little more to God; paying attention to each opportunity for overcoming your resistances and fears, your limitations and your human condition.

Live each day as if it were the last: remain vigilant and perceive the Will of God for each detail in life.

See, child, that His Purpose dwells in all things, in the tests and the challenges, in illness or in vitality, in a profound sadness or in a full joy. God's Purpose dwells in each detail in life and, when you live each day as if it were the last, you will perceive that this Purpose guides your life and leads you to the transformation of your consciousness, so that each instant may bring you wholeness, rather than what you want or the way you think, but a wholeness in the fulfilling of God's Will for your life.

For this reason, live each day as if it were the last, but not with the desire to do all things, but rather with the peace of having an awareness of each detail, so that you may perceive the wonders of the gift of life in the small things.

And when the day and the time comes for you to transcend this opportunity of a material experience of life on Earth, your heart will be ready, not for returning to learn again in the world, but rather to take the greater steps in the ascension of your spirit, because it is now time.

Thus, do not attach your spirit to the world, do not hold on to the things of the Earth, but live each day in simplicity as if it were the last, and you will find the peace and freedom to perceive that you have no control or power over anything at all; you only have the possibility of living and being grateful for everything that life grants you as a growing and learning experience.

Let the gift of gratitude lift your heart up to God and make it His instrument more and more each day.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Inner Prayer of Padre Pio
for each moment of taking a decision

Beloved Lord,
may my gaze, my ears and my soul
be attentive to the signs that You send to me,
because knowing how deeply imperfect
and small I am before You,
I know that, if I implore from my heart and spirit,
Your inexhaustible Love will guide me.

Make me, Lord, in this world,
a faithful mirror of Your Presence;
banish from my being all arrogance, haughtiness and pride;
convert my heart according to Your Will.

May my soul be
like a pitcher of fresh water
in Your Holy Hands,
so that You, Lord, may pour out my spirit and my being
where You need them the most
so that, in perpetual self-giving and service,
I may fulfill, at each step, your Work of Love.

I ask You, Lord,
for You, just as Your Son did to the holy apostles,
to wash my head and purify it
from all thought that is contrary to You.

I ask You, Lord,
for You to wash my hands and liberate me from all the past,
and especially divest me from the inappropriate use
of power and all authority.

I ask You, Lord,
for You to wash my feet from the dust of the past,
from acquired traumas, from all suffering or scars
that I may have caused in some heart.

I ask You to purify me,
just as Your Beloved Son
was purified at the Temple.

Make me free from myself
so that, with another consciousness
and under a secure condition,
I may decide in accordance with Your Will
and Your Holy Aspiration.

Lastly, Lord,
empty me, humble me, make me nothing
so that You, Beloved Father, may be everything
because at the end of this pilgrimage on Earth,
Your wise and loving decision will be fulfilled.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children consecrated as Children of Mary, 

May the peace, love and goodness of My Most Beloved Son, Jesus, be in you and guide you to the fulfillment of the Holy Will of God.

In these previous days, in which your hearts must prepare once again to be able to profess your vows of consecration to your Heavenly Mother's plans of peace, today I would like to renew the important mission with the Pilgrim Virgins, so that in this time the Graces of the Mother of God, so needed by the souls of the world, may reach those who cry out.

Therefore, dear children, through your House "Our Lady of the Poor," you will prepare a new cycle of the journey of the Pilgrim Virgins. And when there are places where social or conflict situations prevent Their pilgrimage, you will take the pilgrim image to another nation that, in the name of that sister nation that cannot fulfill this mission of the pilgrim image, can assume it so that the Graces may be poured out.

There must be more than one guardian for each Pilgrim Virgin. The pilgrim images must follow a new road map.

Dear children, there can be no pilgrim images without going on a pilgrimage. Therefore, this will be a mission and a commitment of all the consecrated Children of Mary, because in a time of chaos is when souls most need the closeness of the Mother of God.

Therefore, take the Pilgrim Virgins with you and go out to the streets, to the neighborhoods, to the nursing homes, to the hospitals and to any place, because I assure you that you will always find a soul thirsty for the Love of God.

It will be the commitment of the hundreds of already consecrated Children of Mary to bring, on mission, the Presence of Mary to all possible places. I will be attentive to the response of My consecrated Children.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in this new mission,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I rejoice to see you here, in this sacred house, a favorite place of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a space that gestates relief for the suffering of souls.

I want to tell you, dear children, that My Heart prays every day for the manifestation of the House of Saint Lazarus, a house that will be consecrated in honor of this important fact lived by My Son, Jesus, in the resurrection of Lazarus, so that souls that one day enter this space may receive within themselves the power of resurrection, through the care of love for those who suffer and for those who are sick in body and in spirit.

All of you are blessed by this project of the House of Saint Lazarus. In a short while, the doors of manifestation will open, and it will be the time and the moment, dear children, to work for the relief of suffering of the hearts that will seek peace, of many hearts that will appear seeking relief because they will not find it anywhere else.

Although this Project seems unattainable, for God it is not, because it is in His Will. And today I come as your Mother of the Relief of Suffering, to remind you of this request.

However, this mission of the House of Saint Lazarus is not the only one. This Light-Nucleus will expand its dimensions and spaces. This is why I ask you to ask yourselves internally if you are ready for this moment. Because while the planet and humanity suffer in an unknown way, God will place His Presence in some places of the planet, through spaces of light, love, charity and mercy.

I come here to tell you, My children, that I am with you, that I accompany each step and each moment of the concretion of the House of Saint Lazarus, as well as of the other projects through this Light-Nucleus, projects that someday will go beyond this city of São Carlos, projects that will also renew the Nucleus in São Paulo, so that it may re-emerge through the impulse of service that the self-summoned souls have lived throughout the times, because we are at a moment of emergency.

The Light-Nuclei must not only be spaces of salvation and rescue, they must also continue to be the archetype of a life experience, of a life consecrated to the Plan of God, of a life that may express the Community of Christ on Earth.

The pillars of the Light-Nuclei are sustained by the souls that present themselves in them, to take care of each space as if it were their very own life, just as you take care of yourselves.

Here, on the inner planes of this Nucleus, an Aspect of God reigns, which is the one that impels the work of charity, service and mercy, not only through the materialization of the House of Saint Lazarus, but also through the other projects of service that are lived here and those which will be lived here someday. Because there will be other projects that will gather other souls, different from you, but who will be embraced by the same impulse of Christ to express good and peace in a disturbed world, in an unbalanced society, in a family that needs unity.

Here the Aspect of Iod He Vaud He is present, which is the Aspect that represents the Spiritual Government of God for the Earth and the whole universe. I know that this is a very great conception for you and also for inner life, but do not worry, unite to Iod He Vaud He, so that He may inspire you, so that He may give you strength, so that He may grant you the bravery and courage to achieve and express His Will on Earth and in souls.

For a moment, think and meditate with Me, through each effort that has been made in the project of the House of Saint Lazarus, and for in the Project Fraternal Serving. How many souls have benefitted from this, not only incarnated souls, but also on the inner planes? How many have already achieved relief of suffering, even though the House of Saint Lazarus still does not physically exist? Do you understand, My children, how far the Love of God wants to go?

I know that you need something material to understand it, but I invite you to internally live the expression of the House of Saint Lazarus. Live the Law of Correspondence and all will happen according to what is written. If this project were not real for God, I would not be here today. This is why I come once again to reaffirm in you this Aspiration of the Eternal Father.

Beloved children, understand, once and for all, that the Eternal Father is the One who ardently wishes for the House of Saint Lazarus. Because in the end of these times, many, really many, must resurrect in spirit and also in life, through the miraculous and authentic service that this house will express through all the hands and, above all, all the hearts that give of themselves to reflect, within the House of Saint Lazarus, the fiery bases and principles of Figueira.

This treasure of the spirituality of Figueira is an incalculable treasure, it is a still unknown treasure, it is a Treasure of God, because it comes from His Heart.

You, beloved children, are part of this Legacy. Did you know this? Feel as part of this story that is written today in the mirrors, in the Mirrors of Creation, an experience of love and redemption of each one of you, so that many more, in a state of Grace and Pity, may attain the Mercy and the opportunity for the lives of many human beings to be dignified lives in the Lord, a part of His Kingdom.

Today, I embrace this house, this work and all its service with My Mantle and, above all, with My Arms. And I ask the Holy Spirit of God to inspire, guide and lead you, through His gifts, His seven gifts, toward His Will, the Will of God that is written in the heart of each one of you.

I feel so much a part of this work, dear children, that you cannot imagine. I would never tire of saying it, because where there is true love there is God, and where there is God there is the relief of suffering for all those who serve in His name, His Most Sacred Name, which gives you the power of overcoming and of transcendence, which every day grants you the Grace to stand up again to fulfill His Will, although you may have fallen.  

These are My Words. This is also My aspiration: I will be the first to enter this House of Saint Lazarus, because I was a witness of the miracle that My Son, Jesus, worked with Saint Lazarus. Thus, once again, I will be a witness of the miracle that My Son will work in you and in your brothers and sisters.

Let us celebrate this moment through the Holy Eucharist, so that at the Altars of God may be presented the offering of each heart, each server and each collaborator who places their life into a project that continues to descend from Heaven to Earth.

Let us offer this moment.

I once again thank you for responding to My call. I bless you and encourage you to follow in the steps of Christ, His footprints of Light. I invite you to follow His Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Children of My Father, I come here so that, through your sincere prayers, I may meditate upon the next steps of My Plan for this entire world.

This is why I have decided to be here so that, together with Me and through your prayers, you may prepare the important task of the Lord in the next Sacred Week.

I want you to know that here will be the last Sacred Week, at this sacred place, which has opened its doors to Me so that the Master could announce His Words.

For this reason, companions, all, absolutely all that you have lived with Me throughout the times is taken into account in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and especially at this important moment, when at the doors of Lent, souls are called to faithfully do penance, to meditate on each one of their acts, to repair each one of the wounds that have been caused.

In this next Lent, souls are called to surrender at the Feet of the Lord, so that your Master and Lord may have the authority to intercede for this world, which needs it so much and so urgently.

This is why, through the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, I would like you to keep very much in mind this Message of Mine. Because in this way, consciously and united to My Sacred Heart, you will be able to help your Master to bring back the fiery bases of Heaven that will re-found the planet, and correct the Human Project after the time of purification.

I would like to feel, in each one of you, the expectation for the coming of the Lord, throughout all these meetings that you will have with Me. Because I have told you once that My task is coming to an end in the Time of the Lord.

Therefore, do not miss any opportunity and moment. Because in the end of times you will have to render an account of all that you have received, each one of the gifts and virtues that I deposited in you. Because although this may seem to you an unknown mystery, your souls do know what these gifts and virtues are.

Because this is what I come to seek in the last apostles so that, with each passing day, you may learn to live My Will, learn to fulfill My Will and learn to concretize it.

In this Lent, which is drawing near, a preamble to the next Sacred Week, I invite you to meditate and in truth ask yourselves a question:

What is the Will of the Lord for my life?

Listen to your hearts, and you will obtain the answer. Pray and ask the Heavens, because everything awaits in the Kingdom of the Heavens to descend upon your lives and consciousnesses.

What would the Will of the Lord be in the time of the preparation for His Return to the world?

For I await this great moment, when the Lord of the Universe will put an end to wickedness in the world, closing the doors to evil and attracting to My Heart, a safe place for each being, all those who are lost and suffering in this humanity.

In this Marathon of Mercy, I would like you to assume, through your sincere prayer, one soul in the world who is in need of help, although you do not know them.

Pray, placing this intention during the days of the Marathon of Mercy, that those who have been oppressed and punished may have the opportunity and Grace to raise their heads and find a safe space of hope in this world.

In truth, I tell you that all the meetings of prayer would not be enough to amend the errors that the world commits today. But it is the sincere offerings of souls that prevent situations from worsening in humanity and in the nations. Have this very much in mind, companions.

Your voices should never tire of praying and supplicating, because the voice that prays and supplicates to God is a mirror of the Kingdom of the Heavens on Earth. This is what I  invite you to become: that you may be mirrors of God’s Love on Earth, free from the capital sins, free from all division or judgment, open of heart and mind to alleviate the suffering of those who truly suffer in these times.

This is the time of spiritual assistance to humanity, because while everything happens in the world, there are still projects and ideas that are contrary to the Father, which are executed in this humanity and mainly in the nations.

However, I do not call you to battle against evil. I call you to be a mirror of Love, because it is Love that dissolves evil and all injustice in the world. For the Love of God will always give you science and wisdom, even in the difficult moments of your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters.

Because while I Am here, contemplating each one of your difficulties, which I neither judge nor condemn, the Lord of Mercy contemplates the great needs of humanity, which are many in this time.

Who will offer to help the Lord wherever and however necessary, to placate chaos in the world?

This is the time for you to be true warriors of the Light. In this way, I will avail Myself of your consciousnesses and souls, and be able to renew all things.

I want you to have these Words of Mine very much in mind, so that, when you pray in these coming days of meetings, you may try to internalize and receive in your hearts, the impulses that I leave for My last apostles.

Behold the Lord of Peace, who comes to a world in chaos and suffering, and seeks, in the good and consistent souls, the response to the Great Call of the end of times.

Therefore, remember once again: what is the Will of the Lord for my life? Ask your inner worlds, there is still a little time left.

Because you must know that, just as it is written, the time of Justice will be fulfilled in the world and, before this time comes, which is not far away, I would like more souls to have the great joy of redemption.  

Live these days with Me for all those who cannot live or experience them.

Live these days with Me for all those who are desperate and suffer, who are submerged and imprisoned in wars, persecution and death.

Live these days with Me for all those who do not have the Grace of being born and for all the children and youths who are prisoners of human trafficking.

Do you now understand the reasons for living these meetings with Me?

Thus, I invite you to come out of yourselves, so that you may give of yourselves, even for those who you do not know and who cry out for a drop of Light in the world, for a rain of hope, for a kingdom of peace that they do not have today.

May My Words make you sensitive. May My Word help you to give of yourselves, because the self-giving of souls is very vast, it is an infinite and unknown dimension, which all those who dare to serve Christ can live.

Service in the world is needed to placate the errors that are committed in humanity, so that the doors of Grace may not close, so that as many souls as possible may attain redemption.

As your Master and Friend, as your Lord, the Lord of Israel, who deeply knows the Project of His Father for all of this humanity, I come to ask you to meditate upon My Words, to submerge yourselves in My ocean of Instruction, so that you may be ready, available, surrendered to Me in the last times, the definitive times.

May the channel of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, which souls will be able to open through their prayers on these days, radiate and permeate the spaces that are in darkness, not only within consciousnesses, but also outside of them.

May the Light of Mercy renew you, bring you peace and the hope of seeking a just and fraternal world. Let us pray for this.

Upon My dear and sacred Hill of Apparitions, I have left the Holy Grail, the spiritual teraphim that again united Heaven and Earth, souls and God, in the institution of the Sacred Eucharist.

Keep this Sacred Instrument very much in mind, precious Relic of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which, from South America, will be radiating to the world until the last day of the next Sacred Week, until the day of the Glory of the Lord, when the Christs of the New Time will be able to drink from this spiritual Chalice to live the same commitment lived by the holy apostles, that of being peace-makers on Earth.

I thank you for being here today and in advance I prepare you for the next Sacred Week.

Live Lent with an open heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My silence must be heard, because it is the silence of My Son, the silence of God, because these are our last Messages, our last impulses for humanity.

Therefore, these are the most important moments, when inner silence must prevail over words. Because the Sacred Word has already created the universe, it has manifested life and all existence.

Now, beloved children, you must make room for silence to learn to listen. For in this way you will help this race of the surface to no longer justify itself at this moment of humanity, but rather to learn to open its inner ears to learn to listen to all that God has told it throughout recent times, through the Immaculate Heart of your Heavenly Mother, through the Heart of My Most Beloved Son Jesus, and through the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

This is the time to learn to listen to the Word of God. It is the time to learn to assume this Word as part of oneself, so that little by little, the Will of God may manifest itself in this cycle of great definitions for all.

But do not lose sight of what I am telling you at this moment. May your hearts and inner worlds zealously hold these Sacred Words of the Mother of God, so that you may learn to make correct decisions, so that you may learn that, in this material life, dialog is the foundation for all understanding.

Therefore, I ask you, once again, to open your hearts, to allow your inner worlds to receive this impulse from the Mother of God. Because it will be in this way, My children, that the Christic essence will approach you so that you may learn to live as Jesus lived; so that you may learn to feel just as Jesus felt; so that you may learn to give of yourself just as Christ surrendered for you.

Tonight I do not want to extend Myself too much, for the gaze of the Heavenly Mother is set upon urgent matters of humanity. We have many wars taking place in the world, innocent blood continues to be shed, and there is no awareness of this, My children.

Therefore, the only thing I ask of you is to be silent and listen to Our last Words, on behalf of those who do not listen to the Words of God, on behalf of My children who for different reasons, close their hearts and cannot find meaning in the life that God gave them.

Lastly, I come to thank the brave and prayerful hearts who, during these last nine days, and with great faith and conviction, gathered through “Prayer for Peace in the Nations” to fulfill and respond to My special request for families.

Know and absolutely believe that all those who during the nine days, placed their intentions, their prayers and above all their hearts at Our Feet, will receive the Grace they have asked for so much.

In this time, may peace, understanding and listening prevail, so that it may not be too late, but rather that more hearts and more souls may receive the Grace of the Return of Christ, Our Lord.

Through the angels that accompany Me at this moment and are witnesses of the rebirth of Christ in each heart, I thank you for responding to My call, and I bless you in the name of Universal Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


Dear children, 

The united family is God's most precious gift. The family is the original treasure of the Eternal Father's Project.

Throughout the ages and the different humanities, the spiritual archetype of the family has been present so that, in the union between its members, the authentic and spontaneous virtue that each family has is represented.

Each family, for God, has a purpose in life. Each family has a goal to achieve and concretize; but that concretion of the spiritual purpose of the family does not happen separately, but the family, in the persevering exercise of understanding, tolerance and love, beyond all things, will allow the expression of that spiritual gift that each member of the family has to manifest.

In other times, as it was for the Holy Family of Nazareth, that Gift of God, reflected through the family by means of charity, service and help to the needy, opened the internal doors so that new families could be formed, the cell of the Project of God could be enlarged and the souls that formed the groups of families could reach the same virtues that the Holy Family of Nazareth once reached.

Today, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, once again emanate internally and spiritually the same impulse that was gestated on the Sacred Birth of Jesus, so that the families may be under the shelter and protection of their spiritual purpose, so that the families of the world, martyred and persecuted today by all the threats of these times, may carry forward the expression of that archetype of the family, that is authentic and original in every family that was formed.

Therefore, the novena for the families of the whole world, in this month of December, reminds us that the family is the center of the New Humanity and the possible fulfillment of the Will of the Father through families.

I pray every day for families.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


Dear children,

When a soul does not accept or does not embrace the Will of God in depth, it is a soul that sends a message to the universe, telling it that it will do its own will. See, in this, the example of the lack of consciousness and discernment of the ones who decide for themselves. 

The Will of God is not a regulation, it is an unknown expression of His Love.

The Will of God is not authoritarian, it is a reflection of the Father's Charity for all His Children.

The Will of God is not restrictive, it is the infinite emanation of His Wisdom and of His unfathomable Mercy.

When a soul fails to embrace this reality, it is prone to suffering; for, My children, there is no one else who humbly respects the freedom of His Children as God does.

When nothing seems to make sense, it is then that souls with the hardest hearts remember God; but as Mother, who has lived from the beginning in the Will of the Creator, I invite you to live the experience of embracing the Will of God so that you lose the control you think you have.

If you love the Will of God, you will know it.

If you live in the Will of God, there will be no limits for beings on the surface of the Earth to be living mirrors of that Will.

Just as the Truth of My Son sets you free, so shall the Will of God, step by step and in obedience, liberate you from yourselves.

Think how many times, day by day, you cease to live the Will of God and live your own will; a will that lacks foundations and, above all, that lacks love. Thus, My children, you will realize whether you are near or far from God.

As a Mother, I wish the good and the victory of Christ in those who decide to be nothing and who decide to live in the wise Will of the Eternal Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

In the Law of Self-giving, you will find the inner strength to go through this moment, even if it seems impossible to you. For without self-giving, you will never understand God’s Will and all that He desires for your lives.

My children, self-giving is a master key that opens the door to piety and humility.

There is no way to understand or perceive what the Eternal Father traces with His Divine Thought, without first living by the Law of Self-giving.

Under that Sacred Law, you will purify yourselves. Under that Law, you will transcend yourselves. Under that Law, you will learn to be unconditional and righteous, just as Christ was until the last moment of expiring on the Cross.

Without self-giving, it is impossible to redeem the world and its sins.

Christ comes, through His Word, to awaken in you, My children, the commitment to embrace the Law of Self-giving, just as My son embraced the Cross and kissed it.

This is the moment, this is the great moment, in which Jesus will prove his fidelity to the Law of Self-giving, imperiously necessary to balance the evils of war, the impunity in nations, the indifference to those who suffer, the separatist ideologies of these times. For the Law of Self-giving will make you reunite again and again with your true essence; and in that inner communion with the essential, you will not be disturbed or intimidated. You will no longer believe, for yourselves, that the place and the moment that My Son entrusted to you to donate yourselves, does not make sense.

The opposite of self-giving is self-absorption. The opposite of self-giving is believing that you should no longer serve.

This is the exercise of the end times: self-giving without expecting anything in return, trusting that everything will be contemplated in you, even the smallest thing.

Think and meditate on all that I have told you, for My Son expects mature souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


My dear children,

Today I bring the Sacred Scepter of the Will of God within My Hands, so that It may be deposited into the consciousness and soul of Brazil, so that this country may fulfill, by means of all its inhabitants, the spiritual purpose of your nation, in the mission to express and reflect the emergence of the New Earth. 

For this reason, My children, God and My Beloved Son sends Me with the Scepter of Divine Purpose so that the souls of this country may not lose the guidance and the path of a spiritual and profound realization that this part of the planet has.

From Brazil, the Solar Son must emerge and reappear and, with all His angelic hosts that, under the protection of Saint Michael the Archangel, must defeat the insignia of evil so that each Brazilian child and each representative of South America may receive the Ray of Liberation, Healing and Forgiveness.

Therefore, My children, from now on, as your Mother and Patroness of Brazil, I come in prayer to prepare you, to lead you once again to My Son, for He is your Way of redemption, He is the Life for each of you, just as Christ is also the invincible Truth and Light for those who aspire to follow His Sacred Footsteps.

I am here, because I am from here, I am from this people. I am the Black Virgin, Mother of all the simple and humble. I am the Star of this blessed country.

Continue praying with Me, with love, faith and hope, until on the day of and at the least expected hour, you will see the Divine Son return and sit under the Fig Tree, to distribute and share the Bread of Eternal Life.

I thank you for responding My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

God bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

I did not expect to be here right now, but it has been necessary. 

My Heart is where it is invoked. My Name is where it is called, to remind you once again that I am with you and, being with you, I am with this nation of Brazil, praying and working silently, just as I did in the Passion, therefore nobody should think that I am not doing anything.

The signs from Heaven are internal, they are inextinguishable impulses that reach souls that are open of heart to accompany all that the Hierarchy carries out. 

However, My attention is not only in this country, but in all that is happening throughout the world today. There are worse situations that happen on this planet, which many do not know of because they are situations that are hidden from the eyes of humanity, so that humanity does nothing about them.

But My Heavenly Father sees everything, through the Heart of His Son. Thus, He sends His Son into the world to prepare hearts for His long-awaited Return.

Therefore, I tell you, in truth, that all you experience in this time is not by chance; that if many of you are incarnated at this time, it is for a spiritual reason unknown to many.

Thus, I tell you not to dwell on superficial things. Do not remain in that which is superficial, in everything that is insensitive, devoid of love and truth.

Place your consciousnesses in the right place and you will help the Hierarchies; for this is the last boat that is passing through the world, the boat of salvation through My Word and My Message, through the visible sign that I leave to open hearts that, beyond themselves and all circumstances, are able to perceive the true task of their Lord.

But I left you an important Legacy for these end times, the Legacy of the Holy Eucharist, something that you must be very attentive to when you live it and practice it, because I see that the Eucharistic Celebration throughout the world is becoming transient. 

And this is the great moment for each one of you to deepen and live the merits of My Holy Passion, that is, to live every moment of Communion as something unique and true, that your thirst for Me not be sentimental, but deeply spiritual.  

Because in the face of all the mistakes that humanity is experiencing today, have you wondered how these mistakes will be corrected? Will your Master have to return to bear the Cross?

Therefore, I need of the new Christs, of those who are far from mediocrity and neglect, of those who do not cool their hearts and become doubtful in the face of any attack, but through the strength that I have given you through My Heart, know how to overcome your own limitations and all the barriers that are imposed by the system of this world, without challenging or battling.

Thus, I ask you to rethink your spiritual exercise of Communion with Me, because only through the souls who live Me and feel Me can I pour out My Graces upon the world, for those who value the Eucharist and the Sacraments.

Therefore, each of the Sacraments that I have left for you is sacred and not fleeting. For through the Sacraments which I have left to the world is the one true way of redemption;  just as is the way open to peace, through all who worship Me on the Most Holy Altar.

I ask all My children of Brazil not to seek the solution of this country outside of you. Look for that answer which is within you, in your inner world, and rethink all that I am telling you right now. Thus, many will be able to perceive how, in an ignorant way or due to a lack of knowledge, souls often  waste the Grace of God.

The world is burning with suffering. Wars challenge the migration of peoples and of many nations. Blood continues to be shed without any price and the cry of the Earth is heard more and more loudly through the phenomena of the climate, the expression of all nature. 

Who will stand firm to hold this moment with Me?

Who will not sway before the temptations and challenges of the world?

I know that souls are fragile, but spirits can be strong and invincible, and ready to live that which has to be lived, without anything in return, without acknowledgments, without vainglory.

When souls perceive through this Message, and when the hearts feel the value of the Sacraments that I have left them, then there will still be a little time, the little time that remains for the world so that, through the souls that live My Word and My Sacraments, I can justify the errors of the world that cannot be paid, before the Law. 

Therefore, if souls are conscious and generate merit, not only will they be saved, but also many more souls will be saved, especially those who in life are burning in the fire of hell due to their links with evil.

But do not forget that I come here as the Redeemer of the world, and extending once more My Arms over Brazil, I come to bless that which is most sacred to exist in this place, which are the souls that live God with joy and who faithfully follow My footsteps with effort, beyond their imperfections, beyond all that is unknown to them.

I need to establish here My Spiritual Government for the coming times. South America should be that support for the rest of the world in the times of greatest tribulation. But that does not mean, My friends, that you do not experience afflictions, for as long as you are in this world, you will experience them.

Who is truly with Me learns to overcome within themselves the Law of suffering, learns to transcend themselves, every day a little more, even while taking very small or slow steps.

The most important thing, companions, is the effort and the impetus, fundamental pillars of the determination to be the example that My Father so much expects you to be, for these times where darkness, pride and evil, the children of indifference and ingratitude, reign. 

But you have the Grace to be able to change these events with your honest path of holiness, day by day, effort by effort, so that one day, without being noticed, you will be that Mirror of God on the surface of the Earth. The faithful example of a redemption achieved and lived. Therefore, there is still much to work and build.

Your Master and Lord is preparing for an important task in the Middle East.  It will be the most important of all tasks in recent times. I hope you, in spirit and in heart, can accompany Me, so that once again not only you, but also your brothers and sisters of the world, may receive the Christic codes and the merits achieved by your Lord throughout His experience on this planet.

This Marathon of Divine Mercy will be important for those who will sincerely become self-summoned and spiritually receive the impetus they need to complete being formed as My apostle.

I need to see this as real. I need to see My apostles on the surface of the Earth, just as I have many other apostles throughout the world who live and serve Me, and that their life is only here to repair the Heart of the Lord.

Who else will postulate themselves to live this moment, to be where I need them, as I need them and when I need them?

I have to tell you all this so that you can grow quickly; for I know that you can respond Me, just as you have responded to Me in these recent years.

I want to thank you for your courage to listen to My Words, and for this, I again bless you and give you My Peace so that within you everything is always renewed and thus you may participate in the Holy Will of the Creator, of what He has preciously kept within His Heart, for each of His children.

Be brave and do not be discouraged!

Live your purification as a liberation, as the end of the spiritual bondage of this world. 

My Graces are upon those who would like to receive them.

May peace be with you as My Peace resounds throughout this universe, through those who say yes to Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My dear children,

Today your Heavenly Mother comes to the world so that, through the majesty of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, humanity may for an instant feel the Attributes of God flourish so that, from now on, the coming of the New Earth may begin to be seen upon the horizon, free from human mistakes and free from the suffering that drives My Children away from God.

For this spiritual reason, your Heavenly Mother and Mother of North America is here today, opening Her Arms and offering Her Hands so you may hold them tight, trust and feel encouraged to follow this infinite path towards the unknown, because in that which is unknown you will find God and Our Sacred Hearts which, once again, present themselves to the world to remind it that it has not yet fulfilled the Will of God.

In order for the New Earth to begin to emerge upon the horizon of the human consciousness, I ask you, My children, that this New Earth, this New Humanity, may be lived first within you, protecting from yourselves the principles that unite you to the Creator and to the entire Divine Brotherhood.

Be bearers of the Sacred Love of My Son.

Be an example of constant transformation, but also be an example of perseverance, hope and, above all, of Love, of Christ's Love that allows you to accept and understand others, a compassionate love that no longer allows human beings to be selfish and autonomous.

Live the promise of this New Earth in your daily lives and create the correct condition for this moment of the New Humanity to be able to arrive, just as the Eternal Father had thought of and felt for it.

My Heart of a Mother will always be this bridge for you to feel encouraged to cross it, towards the emptiness of self.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the Child Jesus in My arms, I come to ask you not to forget to light a candle for the impossible causes, for the most deeply rooted sins, for the miseries embraced by the heart of humanity, for impunity, for indifference, so that all of this, children, may be replaced by the Sacred Flame of God’s Purpose.

I no longer come to teach you how to pray, for you already know how. Throughout the last fifteen years, you were instructed about this. You were instructed by the One who constantly prays and does not tire of interceding for humanity, for this planet and for all of Creation. Because the One who once was the Mother of Jesus is not only the Mother of the Savior, but She is also the Mother of all life, all that lives and breathes.

Just as Christ, the Living God, manifested Himself on Earth through Jesus, also, children, the Womb of Creation, the Principle that gives life to all things, the Maternal Love of God, manifested Itself on Earth through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Therefore, it is now time for you to recognize this Heart and honor It as It truly deserves.

Do not limit the Mysteries of Creation to human understanding, nor to that which is written in sacred books.

I ask you today: do you believe that at that time, two-thousand years ago, any human being on Earth truly understood the Presence of Christ?

Do any of you believe that two-thousand years ago a man of the Earth was capable of narrating with perfection all that which was happening in the world through the Presence of Christ?

Yes, the Spirit of God speaks through creatures, and it was through this Holy Spirit that the apostles and disciples of Christ were able to narrate the Gospel, the New Testament, left to testify to the Presence of the Savior on Earth.

But the Spirit of God also respects the free will of humanity, its limitations, the expansion of its consciousness, the openness of its hearts. Therefore, the Word of God reaches as far as humanity can accept. This is why I once again tell you, and this time I ask you, not to limit the Greatness of the Creator to human understanding.

The time and the hour have come for the expansion of consciousness of beings, for the veils to be torn, not only in the temple, but also within beings, within the consciousness of each being of this Earth. May the veil that separates this world from universal life, from the Eternal Time, also be torn.

This will not happen according to human will. God’s Will, children, will not be based on the consent of humanity, because the time of Justice has come, and Justice is perfect. It will give and offer beings that which they deserve at this time.

Each farmer will reap according to what they have sown. Each gardener will see the emergence of the flowers that they have watered. And those who did not tend the garden will contemplate the dry land, waiting for a little green leaf to feel the breath of life.

In what role of this story do you want to be?

The time of definition is still in progress, the definition of souls takes place at every instant. At every instant, the human being has the possibility of discovering their potential and of no longer living according to the old human being but rather according to Divine Purpose. In the same way, at every instant, the adversary gives you the possibility of abandoning this Purpose and submerging into the human condition.

This is why it is time to keep vigil.

This is why it is time to pray as you have learned to do.

This is why it is time to strengthen virtues.

This is why it is time to delve into Knowledge, and for Instruction to no longer to be conditioned by human understanding, but rather for beings to open up, to delve into this infinity which God’s Creation is.

We have presented to you many things, knowledge and information that humanity does not even imagine exists. I even say to you, children, that this is a speck of sand in the desert, it is a drop of water in the ocean, it is a tiny star in the infinite cosmos.

There is a lot more to be revealed, and the revelations will come, one by one, without asking for permission from humanity. The veils will begin to be torn and the structures will break within beings, and the foundations of the religions, those built upon human concepts, will also break.

Where is support to be found?

Within the essence that moves all knowledge, all wisdom and all life.

In the essence of each religion dwells Divine Love, but it is like in a prison of human concepts, ideas, powers, wills, aspirations that come only from humanity, from its concrete, immature mind, which needs to grow at this time.

Those who can stay in this essence, who can go beyond concepts, beyond structures created by human beings, they will remain standing, and feel the freedom of their hearts when these structures break. Within them there will not be suffering, but rather joy, because they will come to know true freedom, which is not the independence that humanity seeks, but rather the spiritual freedom of delving into Divine Will and finally seeing the Father face to face, as He promised you.

This is why I come to warn you today that it is time to awaken. It is time to embrace infinity, delve into a knowledge that up to today has been hidden and that We have come to reveal to you by Divine Will.

This final year, which is the preparation for the withdrawal of the Divine Messengers, will be the last opportunity to awaken the human consciousness, so that the veils may be torn without suffering. This is why We so many times ask you to open up to Spiritual Instruction, to allow it to transform your consciousnesses and your human condition. Allow yourselves to experience Divine Love, which overflows within the beings that do not make it harder for themselves.

No longer say “I cannot,” “I am not capable,” “I cannot understand.” Say another prayer, another affirmation. Ask the Father:


Lord, that which I cannot do,
may You do it in me.
Lord, that which I am not capable of doing,
may You be capable of doing it in me.
Lord, in that which I cannot understand,
may Your Hand tear the veils of my consciousness
so that I can see, feel and experience You
in the immensity of Divine Creation.
Lord, in the face of my limitations,
may your unlimitedness present itself.
In the face of my barriers,
may Your Eternal Time show me the Truth,
May Your Voice awaken me from my dream
because I do not want to continue to sleep,
I need to awaken, rise and live Your full Will.


 Let this be your prayer.

When you are before a mystery, do not say that it does not exist. Simply acknowledge your own ignorance and allow it to be replaced by Divine Wisdom. Not only does this world holds great mysteries, but also your own beings hold them.

When the Lord told you, through His prophets, that you were created in the image and likeness of His Infinite Heart, what did you think? That God was created in the likeness of human beings? That he has a Face similar to yours?

What is God to you?

Breathe, feel life, there God is. Listen to the sounds of nature, there God is. Close your eyes, contemplate infinity, there God is.

What then is to be created in the image and likeness of the Creator?

Is there an infinity that dwells within you?

Are you capable, by any chance, of creating and re-creating as He does?

Are you capable of loving the way He does?

Can such an infinite Creator truly have given life only to this Earth? Was Divine Will really so small?

Just as you see the sky, the depths of the stars and their infinity, countless stars, so is God’s Love. The Love of the Father manifests Itself through life. Life, children, is the greatest expression of Divine Love, this is why it is not limited to this place.

And why can your eyes not see? Because your consciousness does not encompass Eternal Time.

How can you see with God’s Eyes, feel His Love, contemplate His Creation?

How not to believe that you are small, but rather discover that you are infinite?

When you love and open up to truly love, your consciousness expands, your senses expand, your heart dissolves the dimensions that separate this world from Eternal Time, which still separates humanity from the Heart of its Creator. There is no other reason for human ignorance other than the will of humanity itself to remain in it.

Therefore, allow yourselves to love, not only love one another with a human love. May this not be the goal of your love. Allow yourselves to go beyond, allow yourselves to be infinite and open your hearts to experience Divine, unlimited, infinite Love. In this way, children, when the truth emerges before your eyes, you will not fear.

When the treasures of this sacred planet are no longer hidden from your eyes, you will rejoice. When the life that dwells in the stars can finally share and learn from human life, you will be able to teach them, not about ignorance, but rather about Divine Love, because this is the reason why this Earth school was made.

This is a small school, a little flower in the Garden of Creation, a flower cultivated carefully, with care and predilection, but a tiny flower in God’s Garden. A flower that, in its smallness, must reveal the greatness of the Father for all life, its perfume must transform the whole garden, its seeds must renew the land, the land cultivated by God.

After listening to My Words, I ask you to study again all that We have told you throughout the last fifteen years. Take the Instructions you have not understood, stay before them and ask for the Grace of greater understanding, ask for the Grace of expansion of consciousness. You will perceive, children, that We have not told you just some difficult words, that We have not spoken to you with just a few symbols or parables, but rather with a deeply spiritual truth that was kept there, and that it was transmitted with a reason, with the purpose that the consciousness of humanity might be ready to live God’s Will, to again find its origin, and for you to be an example, for all of Creation, of the transformation of consciousness, redemption and Divine Mercy.

This is all that I wanted to tell you today, transmit these Words that the Creator sent to Me and, with His Son in My arms, I came to bless you and say to you that the transformation of each one of you transforms the whole human consciousness. Do not think that your steps are insignificant. None of you is insignificant before God.

May those who have fallen stand up humbly, start from scratch, re-building their inner worlds.

May those who are tired breathe, allow the Creator to renew your beings so that you may continue on.

May those who doubt, pray, ask for your consciousness to expand.

May those who have doubt about themselves trust in God, because if they are similar to Him, He will not allow them to stay in their miseries. Or do you by any chance believe that the Creator made you in His image and likeness for you to stay in your human superficiality? No, children, the Creator aspires for much more than that, and this is the time and the hour for you to live His Divine Will.

May the Sacraments, prayer, silence and service always be the foundations for the transformation of your beings. When you cannot step out of yourselves, serve, do something for others, even if it is in your own homes. When you forget what I have told you, listen to My Words again.

In the Presence of the Child Jesus, I bless you, I give peace back to you and leave you the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In this way, with the Presence of the Living God physically within you, the Divine Mystery will expand, reach your cells, your atoms, liberate the Light that dwells in them and allow your consciousness to take one more step in this awakening and in this transformation.

I bless you and thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
