Dear children,
That which is most pleasing to God, at this time on the planet, is the emptiness and silence of hearts. An emptiness of intentions, of expectations and dreams, and a silence that leads each one to look inside themselves to know how their inner life is.
At this time and without this premise, it will be difficult for souls to be able to transcend certain cycles and to be able to go through certain experiences, which must find you free of yourselves; because in the inner emptiness the inner life is born, and in the silence of self one can listen to the Voice of God and thus recognize His Holy Will.
Imitate the example of your Heavenly Mother who, being the Slave of God, received in Her bosom the Call of the Eternal Father so that His Will could be fulfilled. At no time was there a why or a questioning.
God calls you, at this time, to enter with joy into this state of emptiness so that you may recognize in yourselves His Love and Compassion.
I am here with you, in this hour of the planet when everything is purified, so that souls may find the path of peace and goodness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
I am happy to return here to be close to you, through My Motherly Love and My closeness.
Dear children, may the Will of God be reaffirmed in you today, a Will that was written at the very beginning of the emergence of your essences; because this country and this people, at the end of time, will have a fundamental task and mission that has not yet been revealed from on High, but which will be revealed at the time already foreseen by My Beloved Son.
My children, therefore continue to work on your inner and spiritual mission so that the Will of God will always show you the way and the way out.
Uruguay will have a very great force, but with small groups of souls who will push forward what is foreseen in the Plan of God, although at this moment it is unknown and incomprehensible; because what is written will be fulfilled, and we are already on the way to the fulfillment of what is written for this country.
Beyond the destiny that your people have recently chosen, your inner sight and vision, as well as your heart, must be fixed on the Purpose, because it is for this that the Divine Purpose was created; so that, through its flaming Flame, it may guide souls to the fulfillment of the Will of God, through your unity and ardent love.
It is there, before that Sacred Flame of Purpose, that you will neither fear nor fail; nor will you doubt what you must undertake, simply out of love and trust in the Eternal Father. This will rebuild, little by little, the consciousness and the Purpose of this country, which was manifested to carry out a mission in this end time.
Therefore, dear children, your souls and the souls of your brothers and sisters are the ones who will participate in this awaited moment, which will be clear, precise and illuminated by the Wisdom of God.
Continue to pray so that the Purpose of God may be fulfilled in this nation and that it may be protected from the tendencies and ideologies of these times, which only lead souls away from God and in danger.
As Our Lady of the Thirty-Three, I come to merge and unite in your hearts the Sacred Star of My Son so that the Confederation, in this country, may one day become a reality through the souls who are awakening and those who will awaken.
Thus, the suns on Earth will shine, bringing with them the impulses of the universe and of the Greater Life, when all, unconditionally, will be at the service of the Father and of those in need so that the Love of Christ may triumph and heal the deepest wounds in souls.
As your Patroness, I am here to accompany you on this walk that alone will lead you to the Infinite.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Thirty-three
When My Son had the Spiritual Chalice in His Hands, in the Garden of Gethsemane, His Heart neither doubted nor questioned the Plans that the Celestial Father was offering to Him. Obedience was the emblem of Christ at that moment, as well as His total surrender in order to liberate the sins of the world.
Therefore, when there is something seemingly unknown before you that you cannot control or change, it is a sign that surrender and an absolute trust are necessary, that the Sacred Hand of God is above all things and that every change or future event, that are presented as God determines, will always be promising and will renew life.
Therefore today, before the Spiritual Chalice of the Garden of Gethsemane, renew your vows in Christ and allow Him to transform you, truly transform you, without holding anything back, absolutely nothing in your consciousness; because if you are not honest with yourself, where will God place His Inner Treasures?
Today, the world needs not only good and generous people, but also honest people and especially honest hearts, less selfish ones, because the Kingdom of Heaven descended to Earth through the Passion of Jesus.
You could never imagine Christ debating with His Father. That would never have been possible because the very incarnation of Jesus was resignation itself, the total trust that there was a Plan to fulfill and to manifest.
Therefore, at this moment, do not forget how grateful you must be for life, especially to the Eternal Father, Who holds you in His Hand and keeps you in His Humble Heart so that you may walk freely through faith.
Do not allow the ingratitude that the world lives to blind you. Do not allow anyone else, not even yourself, to be indifferent in life.
Let the Holy Spirit govern you on this day and make your consciousness an instrument repaired by the Hands of My Son.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"You are now in the last stage of the desert, you are before the beginning of the next Sacred Week:
What will be the inner reflection that you will offer to Me, after the forty days of Lent?
What has changed within your consciousness? Are you the same being?
Do not lose sight of the last days of your spiritual desert. Time is ending and it is now time to offer oneself to the Eternal Father so that the expected time of the Return of Christ may be fulfilled.
May your feet be firm and safe upon the only path: the Path of Christ.
Endure the Cross, not with sorrow, but rather with love for sacrifice. I have already taught you how to do so.
Be brave and do not deter yourself, because the day of redemption is now close at hand."
Christ Jesus
My dear children,
May joy flow from you today for this reunion with the Sacred Hearts in May, when your souls are to celebrate the month of My Motherly and Immaculate Heart.
After all the special work, carried out by Christ in Israel, today your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of Figueira, returns to reopen the Fountain of Graces, so that these much needed Graces may be poured out upon My children.
Also, in a special way, your Mother Aparecida returns to protect the Spiritual Purpose of Brazil and to help the angel of the Brazilian nation; because Brazil, as a people, will always move forward, beyond all that is not very transparent that happens in these times.
Remember, My children, that in Fatima, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary revealed to the visionaries the spiritual mission that Brazil, as the heart of the world, would have at the end of times.
Now, when in the month of May, souls will make their last decisions, after all the Graces received from Israel through My Beloved Son; your Most Holy Mother returns to Brazil to strengthen the mission that you have as a country and that should also be reflected through the hearts of all Brazilians.
Thus, responding to the Requests of the Most High Eternal Father, the Three Sacred Hearts meet again in the month of May in South America; so that this region of the planet does not forget that Our loving gaze is always upon the New Eden of God, it is upon Brazil and its sister nations.
I invite you to prepare these upcoming meetings under the gift of joy, of gladness, under the Grace of the reencounter of brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Figueira.
My dear children,
Today I come to the world as the Great Higher Mirror of God.
I come as a simple Instrument of the Eternal Father so that, through the Inner Mirror of My Heart, the victorious merits achieved by My Son Jesus may be reflected and deposited once again in Brazil and in the world, merits that are preciously kept within the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
It will be in this way, My children, that Brazil and the world will be relieved of the invasive information and stimuli that human beings receive in these times, which make their lives insensitive, autonomous from God and indifferent before the sorrowful situations that the current humanity goes through.
As this Great Higher Mirror of God, Your Heavenly Mother comes today so that as many souls as possible may be in contact with the Attributes of the Supreme Source in the inner planes. This is urgent because as times goes by in this chaotic surface, many souls become disconnected from that which is true and essential.
For this reason, the Celestial Father sends Me again to the world, the suffering world, to remind you, the believers and the nonbelievers, that many are letting themselves be dragged toward the abyss of the beast. And the beast, by means of its cunning, pride and arrogance, deceives and holds with its claws many priests of the Church, many peoples and nations that are already being converted into territory of extensive spiritual darkness.
With prayers and more consciousness, I come once again to ask you to continue praying for Brazil and South America because the destiny of Brazil and of the whole world is in your hands.
Meanwhile, in this time, the Mother of the Mirrors of God gathers all Her army upon the surface of the Earth to awaken and call them to the reality from which many want to hide because they fear facing it.
But My Son gave you His Word, He delivered His Message to you throughout the last years and granted you the path of your conversion and forgiveness through the spiritual science of the Sacraments.
Then, remember all the Graces received and act according to the Will of God because moments of greater watchfulness and discernment will come.
Trust in the Holy Spirit and do not stop taking the steps toward the Heart of God.
Do not forget the acts of Mercy. Do not become crystallized in the spiritual and prayerful path.
Be warriors available in love, tolerance and peace.
Cultivate dialogue, manifest coherence in your choices and faithfully follow the Attributes of God. In this way, you will make a planet that is freer of darkness, violence and impunity.
Love life and respect it. Do not allow Creation to continue to be outraged.
I pray for Brazil, for its destiny, for all its dear people of God.
Be peacemakers of My Son. We ask you once again not to get involved with lies and comments; may you love the Silence of God.
I thank you for responding to My Call in consciousness.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
To the soldiers and warriors of Mercy of the Brotherhood Community
My beloved children,
Despite loneliness, abandonment or the doubt that in these last two years you may have felt, today you are filled with My deepest and warmest Maternal Love.
Dear children, every day I have prayed for your persistence and enthusiasm, despite the fact that you have lived the sorrowful agony of My Son in your own flesh during the pandemic of this lost humanity.
But now see, children, I am here, and I am your Mother of the Holy Spirit; I am the Guardian of your path toward God.
Beloved children, today I can tell you that you survived and that you are ready, despite your purification, to continue enduring the end of these times, a time still unknown and unpredictable for all of humanity.
But you, in spite of everything, knew how to be warriors of Mercy, and most importantly, My beloved children, you learned to place the Plan of My Son first, despite the uncertain and dark moment that humanity lived.
My Son, like a Good Shepherd, was there, present in each success as in each test. The powerful Love of Christ sustained each one of you and thus, beyond everything, you learned to sustain this Sacred Marian Center.
For this reason, I am here today to thank you, to give you My Gratitude and Consoling Love.
Children, each sincere effort that was lived by you is valued and recognized by the Eternal Father, and is kept in the depths of His Silent Heart.
Therefore, on this day, feel renewed, feel strengthened by His Blessed and Humble Heavenly Mother.
Everyone who in these last two years has either passed through or congregated in this beloved Community left the Sacred Heart of My Son a mark of love and sacrifice.
Now rise up and continue on walking.
I am the Mother of Calvary, the Mother who reaches everyone, to hear from each Inner Christ: "Mother, I renew all things."
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Through the oceans, My Consciousness is mirrored throughout humanity, and within human beings it can mirror the great state of Christic Consciousness. It is this spiritual and inner state that I have sought to implement in the entire human race throughout times, through the impulses that I bring to you in this cycle.
Today My Heart and all of My Being are now in Africa, just as your inner worlds and your prayers may also be there so as to accompany Me in this daring task of redeeming the African Continent and of generating, in all peoples of Africa, the relief of suffering and the recovery of peace.
For this reason, I Am here today, but in Spirit and omnipresence, I Am also in Africa, dealing with very important and spiritual subjects, which up to today your consciousnesses have not known.
Once again, I invite you to love mystery through the Love that I offer to you. Thus, you will be able to feel, in your inner world and in your consciousness, the impulses that I bring to you, so that you may learn to recognize My Will, the Will that is already written in the Consciousness of the Eternal Father, in all His Angels and Archangels, this Will that has been trying to establish itself from the origin of the planet, from the beginning of humanity.
For this reason, My Divine Consciousness has worked from the origins of the Earth for this human project, which was lovingly thought of by the Creator.
But you must know something important: this is the time to correct humanity, not through Justice, but rather through Mercy, so that it may again find the path toward its evolution and awakening, which it has lost.
The African Continent holds very important treasures, precious treasures unknown up to today.
It is My task, and it is also My duty, to reveal these treasures to you through the spiritual wealth that is kept in many hearts of Africa. A spiritual wealth that was not only exploited and removed in an unjust way that went unpunished, but also a spiritual wealth that was buried, silenced and enslaved by the countries and consciousnesses that unfortunately rule these nations of Africa.
In My Return, I will come with a Great Project to carry out and concretize. One of these Projects that I hold in My Heart is the re-emergence of the spiritual consciousness of Africa, what it has represented for the Eternal Father since the beginning and the whole legacy that no one has yet come to know.
These treasures about which I speak to you are not material, but rather deeply spiritual, and I might even say, super-physical.
These treasures will allow the planet, as a soul and as an inner consciousness, to regenerate, and thus allow the emergence of the New Humanity, which is not the humanity of these times, because this is a humanity in transition, in trial, it is a humanity in suffering and in agony.
Through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, I come to open the doors throughout those places where they are closed: the Doors of Light, the Doors of Consciousness, the Doors of Grace and Healing, for those consciousnesses, souls and hearts that truly need them, such as My cherished Children of Africa.
For this reason, the beginning of this mission in Angola, at this stage, will be very significant, and it will not be like previous experiences, which strengthened the spirit of missionary service.
Now is the time to allow for the emergence, and also the concretization, of what the Father needs to materialize on the surface, that which you already know as sacred Points of Light, which will benefit not only Africa, but also the whole world. And this will demonstrate to all of humanity, once again, the sacrifice of the consciousnesses of Africa who do not lose faith and hope in My Heart, who only have My Heart so as to survive.
For this reason, My Heart gives of itself, once again, just as it once did in Rwanda. Now I come for all of Africa, for all nations of Africa, for all peoples and all cultures.
The time has come for humanity to recognize the errors it has committed against Africa and to correct and mend them, not only in a material way, but also in a spiritual way.
For this, I Am here as the Advocate of God, as the Mediator and Intercessor between the just and the unjust souls. I Am here through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy and by means of the Light of My Grace to make hope re-emerge in those who have lost it and do not have anything today.
For this reason, the steps that will be taken in this cycle will be important, they will be steps that will determine the coming times, they will determine the next cycles, and I might even say, the next events.
For this reason, you must be attentive and watchful. And as My apostles, servers and missionaries, called to live the Plan of God, you must carry forward the Purpose of your Master and Lord, that of sowing Christic Love in hearts and souls, and, that of allowing suffering souls, through this unfathomable, infinite and inexhaustible Christic Love, to again find hope, faith and the joy of living in this world, and also so that, at the same time, they may again find the virtues and gifts that they do not know today.
For this reason, through the foundation of My Work in South America, a bridge of Light, of unity and brotherhood is today created between South America and Africa so that Europe may also join this purpose and so that the African Continent may no longer be used as a discard, as trash of the consciousnesses that suffer the most, but rather that Europe and the Northern Hemisphere may finally take the step to cancel out the pending spiritual debt they still have with all of Africa.
I told you, as of 2017, about the importance of reaching Africa. Some movements took place, but they were not enough. Some experiences were lived, but they were not enough. It is time for each European consciousness, each member of the Northern Hemisphere, to place their hearts, and, above all, their life, unconditionally at the service of those who most need it. This will demonstrate to your Master and Lord that you can understand My Message, and that My Message does not get lost in time nor does it end up kept only as a remembrance.
It is time to act with readiness and determination. You, suns on Earth that are already awakened, know what you must do and where you must be. Do not resist, may the Europeans not resist, but may they rather open their hearts and cancel the debts they have with Africa.
Someone must take the step and you are the ones who must do it for those who will never take the steps, for those who will never look with Mercy or even compassion upon the suffering brothers and sisters of Africa.
I invite you to reconsider your attitudes and intentions. I invite you to definitively position yourselves on the path of the concretization of the Plan.
The times now urge. For this reason, you must be attentive, so as not to lose the impulses, so as not to lose all that I Am bringing to you in these times. Africa has waited for a long time for this moment, and will not be able to wait any longer. For this reason, I Am here to remind you, to let you know, that this is the time for action.
May this Marathon of Divine Mercy prepare this immediate moment that I so much want to see concretized through you. A moment for serving without conditions, for giving of oneself without conditions, for doing something without conditions for those who suffer, for the brothers and sisters of Africa.
I can no longer hear, nor keep seeing the children of Africa, who wait for hands and arms that could welcome them, that could approach and, above all, that could love and serve them. They wait for love and not just for bread.
This is why it is important that you change your concepts about what survival life is. It is important that you may understand that in the hearts of Africa there are unknown and important treasures.
If this movement of permanent service for the African Continent takes place in these times through the collaboration and donation of all, it will allow for the spiritual debt of Europe and also of other regions of the planet to be relieved, allowing for the African consciousness to be repaired and spiritually rebuilt.
You must not just have a gesture of goodwill, this is not enough for Me; you must have a gesture of concretion, of readiness and not of resistance. You have My treasures and My Graces upon you, in your hearts and souls.
For this reason, I tell My apostles: this is the time to act, and to not allow My enemy to advance in this world and, above all, in those peoples and nations conditioned by the corrupt systems of this world.
I do not ask you to do big things, I ask you to make movements and carry out actions with love. There is the key to redemption.
After this Message, and through your prayers to the Divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Heart, I will return to Africa to keep working, just as I have been doing throughout these days, preparing the continent for a new stage. But this new stage will take place and be concretized through collaboration, and I might even say, the enthusiasm of those who understand My Message, and not just listen to it.
Through this Marathon of Divine and unfathomable Mercy, I can tell you, My companions, that the world will live a Judgment in the face of what Africa lives and suffers today. Do not expect that those who claim to be powerful, or even those who exploit all of Africa, will change. The change, companions, begins within you, in the anonymous service for others.
This will grant the world an unknown, inexplicable amnesty, and Africa will be able to rise and re-emerge as the people and the culture it represents to God.
I will pray for you, My companions, to take the steps, especially all the members of this Work that belong to Europe. It is not enough that one, two or three consciousnesses make a movement for Africa, all are responsible for the spiritual debt.
I invite you to assume the cross, just as I assumed it for you. But I assure you that you will not experience the weight or the calvary that I experienced for you. I will always be there, by your side, to sustain you, to impel you, to transform you, to convert you into My apostles of the end times.
Be brave and do not step back.
Do not fear the cross, nor the suffering, rather fear to be far from God and absorbed by the illusion of the world.
You have the treasures of the Father, through Our Words and Our Apparitions, you have received these treasures; now it is time to place them at the service of others, of those who most need them, of those who have most waited for them, for such a long time.
I will be there, waiting for your definitive steps.
Now I truly return to Africa as a spiritual and divine Consciousness, hoping that more consciousnesses may assume a mature and not a passing service. Remember that Africa has a great spiritual and physical wound that has not yet healed. The presence of My apostles, of My servers and missionaries, will generate the healing of this situation, which is inexplicable to all.
Only Love will heal the pain.
I encourage you to move forward.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear children,
With joy I return to My beloved Figueira to once again meet with My favored children, and to announce that the Eternal Father has granted Me the Grace of bringing His Message from Heaven on the coming March 25, a time when the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph will complete this important inner and spiritual preparation of all the followers of Christ for the next Sacred Week.
I want to tell you that this will be My only opportunity that on the coming March 25 I am able to be among you, like a Mother Who feels joy for once again being able to meet with Her children of South America.
After this, the Divine Messengers will continue in the Northern Hemisphere, opening the pathways for the important humanitarian cycle in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and in other places where the Divine Hierarchy will have the opportunity to intervene and help.
After the next Sacred Week, the door of the end of times will finish opening. This means that the door will open so that those who have become defined can go through it together with My Son, and thus, take on the preparations for His expected Return.
Everything that happened in Aurora, as well as in Figueira, over time, consciously prepared you to take on this important cycle of planetary redemption with spiritual maturity.
I, as the Mother of all, pray and will pray for you, My favored children, so that at the side of My Son, you may walk firmly and strengthened in Love, for the world has need of merciful souls and selfless hearts, which together with the Archangel Michael, are capable of dissolving evil so that the Love of God may be born again in all hearts.
The time for the apostleship has come, the time for growing within has come.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
With joy I return to My beloved Figueira to once again meet with My favored children, and to announce that the Eternal Father has granted Me the Grace of bringing His Message from Heaven on the coming March 25, a time when the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph will complete this important inner and spiritual preparation of all the followers of Christ for the next Sacred Week.
I want to tell you that this will be My only opportunity that on the coming March 25 I am able to be among you, like a Mother Who feels joy for once again being able to meet with Her children of South America.
After this, the Divine Messengers will continue in the Northern Hemisphere, opening the pathways for the important humanitarian cycle in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and in other places where the Divine Hierarchy will have the opportunity to intervene and help.
After the next Sacred Week, the door of the end of times will finish opening. This means that the door will open so that those who have become defined can go through it together with My Son, and thus, take on the preparations for His expected Return.
Everything that happened in Aurora, as well as in Figueira, over time, consciously prepared you to take on this important cycle of planetary redemption with spiritual maturity.
I, as the Mother of all, pray and will pray for you, My favored children, so that at the side of My Son, you may walk firmly and strengthened in Love, for the world has need of merciful souls and selfless hearts, which together with the Archangel Michael, are capable of dissolving evil so that the Love of God may be born again in all hearts.
The time for the apostleship has come, the time for growing within has come.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the Sacred Protective Mantle of My Son, at this moment, heal and protect all those who continue to go through this pandemic.
My consolation and love of a Mother are within each heart that, at this moment, experiences disease and suffering.
This is why I ask, in a special way, that the Sacred Mantle of Christ may heal and relieve those who need spiritual and physical help, because souls must come out strengthened after this experience with the pandemic.
My Heart and My Life pray for you at every moment, asking and begging the Father to send His healing angels so that they may be by the side of the sick people and so that, through the angelic help, souls may have enough strength to go through this new school that all of humanity, since two years ago, has been facing.
As a Mother, I also pray for other causes that aggravate the situation of the planet and humanity. I pray for all the movement that nature fiercely carries out so that, in the inner planes, order and peace may be established, for climate change to no longer be the reason or cause for thousands of this who are displaced and underprivileged.
I also beg God for the most vulnerable and I ask for the Blessed Protective Mantle of Christ to protect and safeguard those who violently experience the end of times.
This moment, dear children, leads everyone to consider and think of others, not as a problem, but rather as the need to bring them love, support and, not only spiritual, but also material refuge.
When a fraternal consciousness really exists in this humanity, I assure you that many situations will be solved, meanwhile, the most vulnerable are subjected by those who take advantage of the chaos and disseminate it throughout the world.
Let us pray with greater fervor. May God hear the prayers of all His children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Many of My apostles are coming to a moment that I already lived for you, a long time ago.
So that you may understand Me, so that you can feel Me, so that you can internalize each one of My Words, I will tell you a part of My story, a story that was not written in the Bible, not in any sacred book.
This story is similar to what you are living at this moment, not only for the planetary transition, not only for what humanity is going through, but also for what each one of you must give Me, because the time has come for the maturity of My apostles.
When I turned twenty-one years old, thirteen years before the great surrender of your Master and Lord, I made a very important journey to the Far East.
These events were registered in some of the Gospels which were removed so that humanity could not know of them.
But, today, I come to tell you what your Master and Lord lived when He was twenty-one, while, still being very young, He began to prepare to drink from the Chalice which, later on, the Eternal Father would one day offer Him, in the Garden of Gethsemane.
In this journey, I had to learn, as a man, but also as a Consciousness, to assume the overcoming of the human condition, a condition that was dragging the human race to perdition. I speak to you of a long, very long time ago.
That very important journey was retribution that My Heart carried out to those called “Kings of the Desert”, who arrived from very far-away lands to recognize the Birth of the Messiah, in the city of Bethlehem.
Thus, you will understand how the trajectory of your lives is drawn by the Will of God and, when souls do not live the Will of My Father, they only suffer and suffer.
At that time, while I was twenty-one, under the spiritual company of My Celestial Mother and the inner help of the first Essenes who accompanied Me in the inner planes for this Mission, your Master and Lord first arrived in the Arabian countries, and, before the great Imans of that time, the Son of God was not externally recognized, He was recognized internally, just from having passed through that place.
On that occasion, while I was visiting the Arabian peoples, My Father made known to Me the most important task that He Himself carried out throughout times, in the origins of these peoples and of these religions, not only by revealing His Sacred Names, which were pronounced and invoked, but He also made known to Me the Sacred Geometry of His Divine Project for the first peoples that populated this planet.
There, I was able to come to know the mystery of the Wisdom of God, which He sowed and placed in the oldest peoples of the planet.
Having received this instruction, which was preparatory for the moment of My great surrender, your Master and Lord, while He was twenty-one, continued His journey towards India, and, on that occasion, it was to remember and harvest the fruits of this experience that the Father once carried out within My Consciousness, with a different face and other garments.
It was at that moment that your Master and Lord received the revelation of the mystery of God's Compassion, and, before the ancient kings of India, I was able to understand, at the age of twenty-one, why, in this world, and up to the present days, there is suffering, and how the essence of Divine Compassion can not only liberate souls from suffering, but can also absorb them, transforming the whole human conditions and all limitations through the mere fact of loving.
If in India I had not had this experience, I believe I would not have had the strength to drink from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane.
This experience and this mission concluded in Egypt, in the lands of the great patriarch, Moses, one of the successors of the Ark of the Holy Covenant. There, My preparatory experience was completed so that, on returning to the Holy Land in the following years, My Heart might be ready to live what I came to live for you.
In the lands of Moses, in the region of Mount Sinai, the Father made me know, even more, the immensity of His Mercy, the infinity of His Pity for this project of the planet, for human redemption, for all the generations that would come after Me, up to the current times.
In this sacred place of Mount Sinai, your Master and Lord was able to know hermitic life, because, in the absolute desert, that is where we only find God so that He may quench our thirst, so that He may console us, so that He may strengthen and renew us.
In that sacred place of Mount Sinai, I was able to witness, with My inner sight, the sacred treasures of the Spiritual Hierarchies of the universe and all that would happen in the coming times with the future generations, which would have the Grace of awakening to the Cosmic Consciousness and of knowing that life, on this planet, is vaster and more infinite than it seems, that the future generations could know that life does not end here, and that true life is found in the stars, in the suns and in the constellations.
When I returned to the Holy Land, after traveling for three months, My Mother was waiting for Me in Nazareth. There, She had also had the same experience, in her state of contemplation and devotion, accompanying each step of the Son of God, because She knew that this mission that I lived at the age of twenty-one was not only an initiation, but also a preparation for what would later come.
Why do you believe I am telling you all this today?
My aim is not so that you may have more knowledge, but so that you may grow in love, in the mature love that surrenders, the love that renews you, that leads you to risk, more each day, to have greater experiences of love for Me, regardless of what it means or represents.
Many of you, from the spiritual point of view, are now at the age of twenty-one of your evolution, and here, companions, it has nothing to do either with the evolutionary age or with the material age.
Many are now living the twenty-first year of their evolution, and are before the threshold, before the opportunity of taking a great step, a firmer and more secure step, a step toward maturity and toward responsibility.
This maturity and this responsibility will allow you to understand, in this critical time, that you can no longer be put first in everything, but rather that everything else, which is more necessary and urgent than yourselves, must be first in your lives, so that you may assume spiritual and material maturity, so that the Celestial Father may give you greater responsibilities and greater tasks.
Many of you might believe that you are not ready for this. But remember that which I recently told you, that the axis of the planet is being held by a very thin thread of Light, this thread of Light must be strengthened, so that it never breaks, so that more events do not develop in humanity and on the planet.
At this moment, humanity has no justification before God. It is the love and responsibility of My apostles, it is the maturity and consciousness of My companions that will generate true justification before God, so that Mercy may descend and Divine Justice may be deterred.
I know that, through these Words and this Message, I place your inner worlds under ardent pressure. But know that My duty is to tell you the truth and open your eyes, the eyes of consciousness, but also to open your hearts so that they do not crystalize, so that they do not harden, so that they never lose their sensitivity in the face of the reality of these times.
As it was two-thousand years ago, this story repeats itself in the present, and, with a few, I will do all that I must do. This is the time of My apostles, of the mature and available apostles, capable of going beyond themselves, capable of renouncing, beyond themselves, capable of surrendering for Me, even more.
In this last month of the year, and before you enter a new year, you must think and reflect about these things, because you are at the moment of not only being able to remember who you were, but you are also at the moment of knowing for what you came here, and what you must still fulfill, under the guidance of the Will of My Father.
I do not come to ask you to be perfect, I come to ask you to attain perfection through surrender and service, because the one who trusts in Me has nothing to worry about, not even their own miseries.
Because I will liberate those who are truly with Me from their chains and oppressions. I will heal them with My healing Hand, and they will be forever freed from themselves; and their souls will no longer live in a spiritual prison, but, rather, as an eagle of light, their souls will fly to the high peaks of the House of the Father, to be a part of His Divine Dwellings.
This is the Message that I want to leave to all those who are faithful to the prayer of the heart, and, especially to the Meetings of the Marathon of Divine Mercy.
As from the next cycle onward, you, My companions and My friends, will be the ones who must sustain, through merciful prayer, all that will happen on the planet, because, at the age of twenty-one of your evolution, you are at the right moment to take the great step, without Me being present. But, have faith, because from a distance, from My Spiritual Government, I will be praying for you, so that you may someday be Christs.
And now, in this silence, which I invite you to internally live with Me, commune with My Words, so that your hearts may be ready for what will come.
Remember that My Mother is your Mother, and if the Son of the Mother of God surrendered what was most valuable to Him, at the foot of the Cross, where He gave His Mother, to each one of you, do you believe you can manage to do so? Do you believe that you can manage to surrender, as I surrendered?
This is all that I want to tell you today, and I thank you for having the courage, to dare to feel each one of My Words.
Let us pray, phrase by phrase.
Prayer: Christ of the Light.
May this Marathon be the great step of the apostles for the times that will come.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When you need to return to the beginning of the Whole, to your origin, contemplate the starry sky at night and ask: Father, where am I from? Thus, you will be opening your heart to awaken to the knowledge of your existence.
Open yourself without fear, so that one day you may know where you come from and why you are here on this planet, because you must recognize that true life is not material, but immaterial.
But if you ask where your inner origin comes from, you should know, My child, that knowing this will commit you to being responsible and mature, for your evolution and awakening.
Therefore, I invite you to risk knowing who you really are, and allow your soul to be released from the material prison, which does not allow it to be what it has come to be here on Earth.
I am not talking about looking for achievements, but rather about knowing, in order to grow and better serve the Plan of God; because the Celestial Father needs His children to be awake and to abandon the illusion and pleasures of material life.
Thus, knowing who you are and placing yourself to serve, you will not fear death, because you will know that the spirit does not die but reintegrates into the dynamic universal life.
Be patient, but also be humble. Persevere every day in the ardent aspiration that your consciousness may rise to expand, only so that you become more aware, responsible and surrendered to Higher Life.
You have My support and blessing to begin this sacred path towards the return to Higher Existence.
Go ahead!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the suffering of the serving hearts of My Son be placated.
May the transitory experience of this planetary moment be offered beyond its repercussion so that the Eternal Father receives it as justification and atonement for all the mistakes made up to the present by this suffering humanity.
This is the time of the victim souls of My Son; it is the time to offer yourself to mend the injustice that embraces the hearts of all humanity.
I am by the side of every servant of Christ who lives, like the rest of the world, the experience of being in chaos.
This is the long-awaited hour of tribulation for all, but it is also the time to bring out the talents of holiness that My Son placed in you long ago.
I know that you have never been through something like this as humanity, but you must remember that, as essences, you were waiting for this moment to arrive in order to serve unconditionally so that My Son's Redemptive Plan may be fulfilled.
I ask you, My children, not to abandon the cross of this time, because at the end of the path of this world calvary, you will meet My Son and He will free you from this situation forever.
Only that for each child of Mine the time has come to go through their test of Christic love so that at last the consciousness is confirmed to the Plan and the Will of the Lord.
This is an unknown time, permeated with signs that, no matter what, will lead towards the change of consciousness through that which is unpredictable.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-ninth Poem
Protector of all souls,
Supreme Hope of all the poor,
Star and Luminary of the end times,
we beg You, at this moment,
that You help us find
the merciful Light of Christ
so that we may be touched by His powerful Rays
and thus be liberated from all chains
that imprison us.
Elevate our beings, Divine Lady of Peace,
so that, little by little,
we may detach ourselves from this material condition,
because we ardently aspire
that, with Your powerful intercession,
we may be taken
to the Spiritual Universe, now and forever.
We want to be before the Thrones of the Eternal Father,
to be able to praise Him and glorify Him,
just as the angels eternally exalt Him.
Give us enough humility to recognize
that, in the total void of our beings,
and, with effort, we will reach the Divine Universe,
even while present on Earth.
Mother, You are the Doorway of Peace.
Let the universes open before Your Presence
so that we may see the immensity
of God's Universe and of all Creation.
We want to commune with this moment.
We hope, one day,
to be in the Arms of the Celestial Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
On this day, while the novena to the Saint Raphael the Archangel is again taking place, I invite you to maintain your fervor, devotion and faith in the Heavens so that the planetary situation may receive the intervention of the Universe at this moment of humanity.
Meanwhile, Saint Raphael the Archangel is leading an important angelic operation for the purpose of capturing the streams of chaos that make use of suffering and the uncertainty of humanity, so that those streams may be evacuated from the planet through the angelic armies of Saint Raphael Archangel.
This whole operation will help to decompress and alleviate the planetary psychic plane, but will also extract millions of souls that are prisoners of these dissociative currents.
The powerful novena offered to Saint Raphael the Archangel acts in spaces of the planet that the human being cannot reach, but the faith and devotion, of those who fervently pray, allow that, at this critical time of the planet, a state of Grace and of spiritual atonement may be granted through the work and action of Divine Mercy.
Let us continue to pray with the spiritual conviction that all the pleas are heard by the Eternal Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My loved ones,
It is time to resurrect in spirit, every day, with the inner strength that My Son gives you; in this way, you will help humanity and its whole project to rise up, so that it may again have its place in the Heart of the Eternal Father.
Children, it is time to rise up in spirit, of knowing how to get up from the ground, of carrying your own cross of life and of achieving freedom from all suffering.
In your daily resurrection, you will gain inner strength and valor in order to surpass yourself, beyond the tests, the challenges and all adversity, because if you live in Christ, Christ will work through you in examples of love, of the giving of self and in unconditionality.
Live the spirit of inner resurrection and make of this world a new space for the coming of Christ.
Do not fail to get up from the ground and of affirming the spiritual victory that My Son left you on the Cross, because by the Cross your lives will be safe.
Go ahead!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With My golden and confederate Star of Light, for the world and for humanity, I radiate all the help that you need and, at this moment, I ask the angels of transmutation and of healing that they be present to battle with everything that causes the life of humanity to collapse.
With My confederate Star of Light, I expel all the contrary currents that feed from the uncertainty and the chaos that is being experienced at this moment on the surface of the Earth.
I invoke and I ask the warrior angels, with their swords, to dissolve all the ties and the chains of darkness that carry many souls into hell.
I plead with the Eternal Father that the angelic armies of adoration and of praise send inner and divine strength to all Guardian Angels that untiringly battle to maintain the protection of those entrusted to them.
I unite My confederate Star of Light with the four cardinal points of the Earth so that the angels of the north, the south, the east and the west present themselves to the Heavenly Mother and liberate the planet from the currents of evil that oppress the life of those who endure and suffer the plague of this time.
With My confederate Star of Light, I attract the gift of the Wisdom of God to inner worlds so that, at this moment, souls live obedience and do not forget about it, because obedience will keep them protected from themselves.
Holding the rosary in My hands, I thank all those who respond to My call to pray the Holy Rosary, because it is Our main weapon of defense.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
At this moment, allow your consciousnesses to recognize and receive the merits of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus because by means of these merits, your souls will be strengthened in the face of the Christic commitment that you have come to fulfill.
The sacred merits of My Son will help you to go through these times of challenges and tests, in which your faith must not waver.
For this reason, I invite you at this hour to cling to the merits attained by My Son, triumphs that He delivered to the Eternal Father in the name of all humanity and up to current times.
Receive the merits of Christ within your hearts so that through the redemption of your lives your consciousnesses may also testify to conversion and be a means through which the errors committed by humanity may be justified, through your surrender and your love for Christ.
This is the time to value all that Christ lived for humanity, as the sacred merits within you will prepare you for His awaited Return.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To My Dear Consecrated Children with the Sky-Blue Mantle of the Mother of God
My little ones,
On this special day, while the altar of the heart of each child of Mine is offered in the hands of your Heavenly Mother, the inner vows of fidelity before the Eternal Father are again renewed.
As a part of My praying armies on Earth, the roses of prayer, of each Child of Mary, are placed at the feet of the Mother of God.
And these intentions are today gathered up and taken to the greater Altars of Heaven so that the Divine Father may accept them and, according to His Most Holy Will, He may pour out His Mercy even more upon a world and a humanity asleep due to indifference.
This day or renewal is not only important for the inner and spiritual life of each child consecrated with the Sky-Blue Mantle of the Mother of God, but also the offering and carrying forward of this 6th Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary places all of My children before the definitive entrance into the last stage of the planet.
The fidelity, love, service and prayer of each consecrated child is what will remain as light in the world when your Heavenly Mother retreats into the celestial spheres.
It will be the praying voices of the Children of Mary that will protect the families of the world and all the helpless, just as prayer will also encompass all Creation.
Hand in hand, the Children of Mary will be the pillars that, at the moment of the great battle, will fight, through their word and love, for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
On this day, I prepare you for this moment, because it is near.
May the Divine Light of the Love of God bless and reaffirm the inner vows of each consecrated child for this next stage of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call, and I am very grateful for the Meeting today!
Who always blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more