My dear and blessed sons and daughters of the beloved Light Nucleus of God,
I rejoice, in the depths of the essence of life, to be able to meet you again and that, on this day, you have prepared with such zeal and simplicity for My arrival.
Today is a significant day for the Will of the Eternal Father, because the first stage of His Divine Will has been fulfilled through the realization of My long-awaited charity project of the House of Saint Lazarus, which, at this moment, is sustained by the solid foundations of the Fraternal Servir project.
Today, your Heavenly Mother can tell you that Jesus, My Beloved Son, feels relieved and rejoices, because at least there is a place in the world that represents and sustains the principles of the Work piously founded by My son Triguerinho.
Thus, this has repercussions on the material and mental planes of the planet, because when these foundational principles of this Work of Love are lived and practiced, this not only attracts the flow of the divine and sacred providence, but also justifies and placates the grave errors of planetary corruption and the loss of human innocence, because loyalty and transparency are lived here. This is amplified through the servants who strive to live these principles every day.
Therefore, My Son sends Me today, not only as the Beloved and Honored Mother who alleviates the suffering of these times, but also Christ sends Me to thank you for the courage to overcome the human condition through the sensible and honest surrender of your hearts.
This spiritually benefits other groups of souls and servants in Brazil and around the world, who also try every day to exercise goodness and charity to make this world a little better.
Now, with the next stage of the construction of My beloved House of Saint Lazarus, even before its time, souls will begin to arrive, from inside and outside the Work, who will need to 'resurrect' like Lazarus and recover the love and peace they lost.
The angels, who will take care of the Holy House, are also preparing for the spiritual archetype to take shape in the inner planes, which will inspire and manifest the gift and charisma of this important service of love.
I thank My selfless and faithful children who are at the forefront of this project, so that the love of the Law may be fulfilled in a sick and corrupt humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more