Silence and gratitude, two keys and important attributes to learn to recognize and to listen to the Voice of God.
Silence and gratitude, two important attributes that dissolve misunderstandings and open the way to receive the Wisdom of God.
Silence and gratitude, two important attributes that attract providence and, at the same time, Grace.
Without silence and gratitude one cannot contemplate the next step of God, a step that is reflected and manifested through His children.
Seek silence and gratitude to become aware of the heavenly treasures entrusted to you through the unique work of the Love of God.
Without silence and gratitude no safe decision could be made, and no project could be built and manifested.
It was silence and gratitude that allowed the redemptive Work of the Lord to be carried forward.
It was silence and gratitude that established communion between Heaven and Earth, between God and souls, through the Holy Eucharist.
Silence and gratitude are what enabled My Son to accept and bear the Cross.
Silence and gratitude are what help to accept and adhere to the designs and requests that the Father presents.
Without silence and gratitude there is no light and without light there will be no understanding.
Ask yourself how the silence and gratitude are within you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When a soul does not accept or does not embrace the Will of God in depth, it is a soul that sends a message to the universe, telling it that it will do its own will. See, in this, the example of the lack of consciousness and discernment of the ones who decide for themselves.
The Will of God is not a regulation, it is an unknown expression of His Love.
The Will of God is not authoritarian, it is a reflection of the Father's Charity for all His Children.
The Will of God is not restrictive, it is the infinite emanation of His Wisdom and of His unfathomable Mercy.
When a soul fails to embrace this reality, it is prone to suffering; for, My children, there is no one else who humbly respects the freedom of His Children as God does.
When nothing seems to make sense, it is then that souls with the hardest hearts remember God; but as Mother, who has lived from the beginning in the Will of the Creator, I invite you to live the experience of embracing the Will of God so that you lose the control you think you have.
If you love the Will of God, you will know it.
If you live in the Will of God, there will be no limits for beings on the surface of the Earth to be living mirrors of that Will.
Just as the Truth of My Son sets you free, so shall the Will of God, step by step and in obedience, liberate you from yourselves.
Think how many times, day by day, you cease to live the Will of God and live your own will; a will that lacks foundations and, above all, that lacks love. Thus, My children, you will realize whether you are near or far from God.
As a Mother, I wish the good and the victory of Christ in those who decide to be nothing and who decide to live in the wise Will of the Eternal Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Through the One Thousand Hail Marys, may tonight and tomorrow be dedicated to an inner state of vigil and prayer so that the souls of Brazil and especially their Guardian Angels may guide consciousnesses on the path of discernment and Divine Wisdom.
Meanwhile, My children, your Heavenly Mother, together with Christ the Redeemer, will tomorrow be accompanying, imploring to God, through the prayers of all the Angels of Heaven, that the Angel of Brazil and all of its people may be supported by following the path of faith, hope and justice.
Therefore, dear children, the day dedicated to one thousand Hail Marys will be a culminating day for Brazil.
Regardless of what may happen, My children, do not forget that I will always be your Mother, the Lady of Brazil and the Guardian of hearts.
Let us keep ignited the flame of faith.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
During these days of special prayer, may your requests and prayers for Brazil come to Me with the warmest love of My children, as roses at the Feet of the Celestial Mother.
Dear children, let us unite, at this moment, to the Heart of My Son so that the Sublime Spiritual Government may fill the souls of this nation of Brazil, and thus the purpose of this country may be protected and sheltered under the luminous wings of Brazil’s Guardian Angel.
It is in this way, dear children, that through the powerful prayer from the heart, the Holy Spirit may also guide and inspire the hearts of My children so that the discernment and peace that this dear people of Brazil need may always prevail.
As your Mother, as the Lady of Aparecida, I am praying every day, together with you, and I unite My Voice of a Servant and Slave of God so that in Brazil and throughout the whole world the Will of the Eternal Father may be fulfilled.
The intention of My Motherly desire is for Brazil not to convert itself into a scenario of inconsistencies and lack of spiritual meaning.
You, my children, must proceed to allow the Lady of Aparecida to continue being the Governor of this nation, destined to be the cradle of the New Humanity.
Continue praying with fervor, allowing the Sacred Flame of Wisdom grant understanding and reason to humble hearts.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
You Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
To maintain balance in times of transition, My children, your consciousnesses must embrace from now on the love for selfless service and constant self-giving. It is this determination to serve, unconditionally, that will renew you in body and spirit, and allow you to remain supported by Divine Grace.
The search to serve and help others will make your consciousnesses attract from the Heart of God His wisdom and discernment, His healing, His Love and His Peace, even in the most adverse situations.
This will be so, children, because God will give you the tools you need to fulfill the mission that your souls have committed to live.
So that you do not become unbalanced, go mad or become saddened when you find no other support other than what lies only within God, you must now begin to love service, love helping others, love fulfilling the Plan of God, love being available, love being in the Creator and not in yourselves, because this is how you will be able to overcome, not only the tests that will come, but you will also allow the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to be renewed and to overcome within you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May peace reign in the hearts of humankind so that, through this peace, you may come to know how to find the Wisdom and the Love of God, to manage each situation in life.
Children, while the world is in agony and cries out for support and real love, most of humanity loses itself in distractions and indifference, in conflicts and in the constant stimulation of technology and chaos.
May peace always reign in your hearts. Do not allow yourselves to be stimulated and influenced by the individualistic and egotistical speeches of these times, but instead always remember to serve and love unconditionally; remember to look at your neighbor with love and move beyond their errors and miseries so that, in this way, you may mutually help each other to arrive to God.
Before correcting, you must first love, so that your correction does not transform into judgment, but rather it may be an instrument for souls to resume their path to God. When looking at your brothers and sisters, before observing their defects, seek the perfection of God and ask for the Grace of feeling the Love of the Father for His creatures.
In the final test of humanity, when each being will be tested in their love and in their faith, seek always to have the Eyes of Christ within your eyes, and the Heart of the Redeemer in your hearts. Let Him live in you more each day; yield space for the Lord and fervently ask that He may live in your inner dwellings.
Remember that, with your lives, you write the Gospel of the Return of Christ, with your lives you prepare His way, with your lives you light the torch that shows the world where there is Light in the middle of darkness.
For this reason, pray, and do not tire of praying. Serve and do not tire of stepping out of yourselves for a neighbor. Love and be compassionate. With your own lives declare the power of Mercy.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXXIII - The Dialogue With God
There are as many dialogues with God as there are millionths of seconds in the time of the world. At each instant, a soul enters into dialogue with their Creator, confesses to Him, explains their needs and desires to Him, their sorrows and joys, their complaints and gratitude, their silence and their song, their anguish and their peace. And even those who say they do not believe in God enter into dialogue with the Lord, their souls go beyond any disbelief, because the dialogue with the Creator is something as natural as breathing and living.
Each dialogue that I have told you brings an impulse for you to know that God does not only hear the deepest questions of your souls, but He also responds with wisdom, compassion and Love, to each one of them. For this reason, children, you shall not only speak and speak before God, but you shall also be silent to hear Him.
To pray is to enter into dialogue with the Creator, and a dialogue is made of words but also of silence. Thus, make your hearts avalaible so that God may also find space within your souls to speak to you, so that it may be Him Who begins the dialogue, so that He may correct your lives, inspire you and guide you, show you the way and teach you how to return when you are treading along the wrong path.
Within you there is a bridge to the Heart of the Father, a bridge that must be always ready, always uniting dimensions, always creating links between the Creator and His creatures.
Thus, children, you will be able to hear God, and you will not doubt that it is Him Who speaks to your heart. God transmits peace, humility and Mercy, but He also speaks with righteousness, with justice and with the Law. In all things, feel His profound Love for life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXVIII ; Peace and Wisdom for the Times of Transition
A soul that prepared for the great tribulation of the planet for a long time, felt ever more insecure and ignorant as this approached. The soul felt how unknown this planetary probation was and questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord and Eternal Father, how can I be ready to live these times? How can I go beyond my ignorance and enter Your Wisdom? How can I go beyond my fears and enter Your Peace?"
And the Lord responded: "As you see, little soul, these times are new and this probation is unknown and challenging for all life on Earth and beyond; but My Graces are to be found within you, along with all those gifts that one day, while you were praying and serving, I gradually placed within you. They will emerge and be your assistance and your peace.
Within you, however, also live a synthesis that allows you to find that which has still not been experienced: the love-wisdom not yet achieved in any period of humanity, only in the Heart of My Son. For this, little soul, allow all the most profound learnings experiences of humanity to be synthesized within you.
Live and feel the ignorance of the primitive peoples who, in their mental simplicity, did not remain there but were capable of launching into the unknown to survive and evolve. Take from there the deepest records of human possibility for breaking barriers and growing. So then grow, not only as a thinking human being but as a human being who feels life, who communes and is to be found in the Whole of Creation.
Live the purity of the indigenous peoples, the original peoples. Live the perseverance of those who, in spite of all the longing for power in humanity, chose pure wisdom and remained in its peace.
Within you, live the compassion of the East, the pure science of the study of the body, nature and the stars, which, at the same time, causes the human consciousness to recognize their greatness and their smallness.
Live the faith of the first Christians, who broke barriers and went beyond the first Sacred Scriptures; those who did not remain in words, but believed as they saw living prophecies; those who allowed themselves to be transformed and knew how to hear, more than the symbolic preaching of My Son, all the celestial revelations that He brought; those who lived the Kingdom and with Christ, discovered themselves as the Kingdom, imitating His steps, throughout the centuries.
Live the peace of simple souls, who do not tie themselves to the riches of the world, but rather sustained themselves in the joy of the Presence of God; souls whose strength was built on rock and who do not shake when the glory of the world collapses, but remain in God, even in the face of the tempests.
And so, beloved soul, experiencing within yourself the gifts that I gave humanity, at each period, in each people, in each religion, open to live something new, the fruit of all that has been learned. This is the transition of the times."
May this profound dialogue inspire you, children, to find peace and wisdom in the times of transition.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thirty-second Poem
Lady of Calvary,
alleviate the weight of our cross,
help us to live Your Son’s Mystery of Love.
Lady of Calvary,
may we contemplate and live the Agony of Jesus
as a moment to strengthen our faith
and trust in the Eternal Father.
May we contemplate the Flagellation of Jesus
as the deepest testimony
of His redeeming Love for each one of us.
May we contemplate the Crowning of Jesus
as the triumph of Divine Wisdom
over our ignorance,
as the moment in which our consciousnesses
expand through the knowledge of Love received.
May we contemplate the Path of Calvary
as the opportunity for us to live our cross
and make of our lives a victorious cross,
wining through love
and through the transformation of the human heart.
May we contemplate the Crucifixion of Christ
as the coming time of liberation
from our spiritual slavery,
a liberation given by Jesus
in the last moments upon the wood of the Cross,
a liberation granted through the work of Divine Mercy.
Lady of Calvary,
may we learn to imitate Your Son
on the path of unconditional service.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-seventh Poem
Final Act of Consecration
to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
on the Occasion of the Marian Month
Venerable Queen of the Angels,
protective and invincible Shield of lost souls,
immediate Help of all Christians,
Celestial Intercessor and Mediatrix,
Immaculate Temple of the Wisdom of God,
Mirror of Divine Justice,
Patroness of all nations and all peoples,
Lady of the Most Holy Rosary,
we thank You for being present in our lives,
and we offer You our whole beings
so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled in us.
United to Your eternal Rosary of Light,
we consecrate ourselves as Your praying children
and legionaries of Your loving consoling Heart.
Help us to stand up from our falls
so that, walking firmly
towards the encounter with Christ,
we may be the living victories of redemption
and peace in this world.
We crown You, Most Holy Virgin,
we thank You, Mother of Love,
we revere You, Rose of Peace.
May Your Mantle of Light envelop us
along this journey of life
so that we may serve God with all our hearts.
Accept our consecration.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-third Poem
Temple of Divine Wisdom,
Mother of Grace and Mercy,
Lady of Silence,
teach us to find the answers
in profound spiritual silence,
because, there, we will manage to understand
the mysteries of Creation with the heart.
Lady of Silence,
may Your profound silence before the Cross
impel us to accept with gratitude
each test that we go through.
May Your maternal silence
constantly reveal to us
the immense gratitude that You experience
in each Call of God.
Lady of Silence,
help us find the right words
in each situation of life.
May we be guided by the Holy Spirit
through Your loving
and blessed intercession.
Teach us, Mother of Silence,
to not wound others
with our words and comments.
May we give value and reverence to the Divine Word.
May we be able to discover within us
the meaning of subtle vibrations
so that we no longer waste time on unnecessary things
but rather that our words may always be
a warm and fervent prayer of silence.
Thus, with Your loving help, Lady of Silence,
we will perceive life just as You
know the life of all humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
XVI - Be Healed by God
A soul was afflicted, for feeling in the depths of their heart that old pains energed, records of experiences unknown to them, and of others that they thought had been overcome. The soul felt that within their inner world there was never a time in which their old experiences passed and new experiences emerged in a harmonious way; rather, everything was mixed together and it became difficult to understand and transform that which was within.
Therefore, in a sincere prayer, this soul questioned God, saying: "Lord, time passes by, ouside of me, but within me it seems not to exist. How do I feel and suffer due to wounds that I am not even aware of existing within me? Today everything is so confusing; what seemed to have been overcome then emerges with greater force, and when it seems that I have risen, I fall again into the abysses of my fears and uncertainties, into the pain newly opened wounds, those both known and unknown. Explain to me, God: how can I heal and overcome that which takes place within me?"
And with love and wisdom, the Lord responded: "In truth I tell you that not only within you, but also in true life, time does not exist. Time is a form that I created so that creatures of this world would be able to grow in a sequence of divine laws and sciences, which keeps them in an evolutive school up to the moment of their spiritual maturity. Time happens outside of you, for your human side. Time is perceived by your body, mind and feelings, but within you, little soul, in your deepest essence, there is no time. There, you are in likeness with Me, with My Infinite; within you pulsates an eternal life.
The closer the transition of the planet comes, which is the awaited for human maturity, the closer one comes to the moment when that which hides within you will manifest, when truth will express, when time will no longer exist, but rather Eternity will be revealed. It is part of this process of transition that your little soul will see emerging the innermost registers of that which you experienced in other times, because everything emerges to be recognized, to become aware of and balanced, according to the awakening of your consciousness and the love of your heart.
Therefore, in the face of the oldest pains, simply seek the Love that there is within Me and the Grace of My Spirit so that I may have a place to act in, through you, and thus balance and heal all that which you experienced through ignorance; all the wounds opened through a lifetime distant from Me. Simply seek Me and give Me a space within you, in your mind, body, soul and heart. Thus, I will be within you."
May this dialogue allow you to understand, children, that this is the moment for seeing emerge within you all the records of other times which still need to be healed. However, in the face of what you feel, do not despair, but simply seek God and give Him a place, because only He has the Grace and the Love to definitely heal you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a being loves with the Love of God, they grow humanly and spiritually, because this Love leads them to donate themselves, to surrender more and more deeply, to reach spaces unknown to their own consciousness, where love had not yet come, and there, the doors to God open.
A being who loves with the Love of their Creator Father does not fear to surrender before Him, does not fear to die to themselves and to their childishness, does not fear to leave the false freedom and the self-assertion of adolescence to grow up and be a servant of their Creator.
The Love of God brings creatures closer to Truth and, before this Love, nothing that comes from the world has strength, everything loses its meaning, its value, its weight within the hearts, because they discover the Infinity.
The being who loves with the Love of God only aspires to build His Kingdom and make known the Love of the Creator. They learn to live by His miracles, awaken the faith within themselves, open the consciousness toward Divine Wisdom, becoming permeated by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, because, every day, they aspire less for themselves and more for God; they empty themselves and give place to God, thus, they grow humanly and spiritually.
Aspire for this, children: to live this Love, find this Truth and grow humanly and spiritually.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While walking with the Cross, in the Heart of Christ, beyond suffering and pain, there was peace and compassion.
This was a constant exercise of His Divine Spirit within a human body: to transcend in each second the dimensions of chaos, ignorance, evil, while the beings that surrounded Him were absorbed by obscurity and He had to enter into dimensions of peace, compassion, wisdom, Truth, where His Eyes could see every occurrence as it really was and not as it seemed to be.
The Eyes of the Christ of Calvary contemplated the world and saw a more complex, deeper reality; They saw the evil of beings and saw essences trapped within the yoke of this evilness; He knew the evil spirit that guided every action of those who mistreated Him, and He knew that the way to liberate those essences was Love, not only the Love of the Cross, but the Love of all eternity; Love that would begin to be born with His example, like a source that would emerge with the last drop of Blood, which would be poured out of His Body, but would stream through the souls that, over the centuries, would respond to His Call and follow His example, renewing and multiplying this Love.
In each obstacle of life, child, may your eyes be the Eyes of the Christ of Calvary, contemplating the Truth and not the illusion, placed on the dimensions of peace and not of hatred, knowing that healing comes through living Love, in the example of each second of life.
This is how you will fulfill the Plan of your Celestial Father and be one with Him at all times.
You have my blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
With My golden and confederate Star of Light, for the world and for humanity, I radiate all the help that you need and, at this moment, I ask the angels of transmutation and of healing that they be present to battle with everything that causes the life of humanity to collapse.
With My confederate Star of Light, I expel all the contrary currents that feed from the uncertainty and the chaos that is being experienced at this moment on the surface of the Earth.
I invoke and I ask the warrior angels, with their swords, to dissolve all the ties and the chains of darkness that carry many souls into hell.
I plead with the Eternal Father that the angelic armies of adoration and of praise send inner and divine strength to all Guardian Angels that untiringly battle to maintain the protection of those entrusted to them.
I unite My confederate Star of Light with the four cardinal points of the Earth so that the angels of the north, the south, the east and the west present themselves to the Heavenly Mother and liberate the planet from the currents of evil that oppress the life of those who endure and suffer the plague of this time.
With My confederate Star of Light, I attract the gift of the Wisdom of God to inner worlds so that, at this moment, souls live obedience and do not forget about it, because obedience will keep them protected from themselves.
Holding the rosary in My hands, I thank all those who respond to My call to pray the Holy Rosary, because it is Our main weapon of defense.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the face of celestial mysteries, My child, you must be like the holy women of Jerusalem, who did not need to be recognized to deeply live Christ.
It was their own silence and humility that allowed them to cross the thresholds within so that they could experience the mysteries of God, even without it being necessary for Christ to speak any word to them.
The inner depths that the holy women learned from Mary allowed them to read the Wisdom in the Eyes of Christ and to understand all mysteries with His Love.
The humility and the fidelity of the holy women were kept as a treasure in the Heart of the Lord.
In silence, they found Christ Himself in their own heart and, at the same time that they were unveiling His mysteries and experiencing a profound transformation, their inner steps and the faith with which they walked repaired and supported the Divine and human Heart of the Son of God.
The holy women of Jerusalem did not need to do great things to experience what was truly great for God. It was their exact simplicity that allowed them to learn about the Purity of Mary and to awaken this purity in their own hearts. In this way, pure, in spite of being imperfect, little by little they became one with Christ and, through Him, one with God.
Learn today, My child, about the simple but true things, of the great treasure that is cultivated in the secret of your surrender and in the depths of your heart.
And in the times of the Passion and the definition in Christ, may your spirit live the example of the holy women and, in this time, take another step, not only in supporting the Cross of God in silence, but also of knowing how to carry your own hidden cross.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray so that the Wisdom of God may flood your spirit, your mind and your heart.
Always seek the answer for your deepest questions, as well as for each decision you make in the simplest things of your daily life.
Create a link with the Spirit of God, called Holy Spirit, so that It may illuminate each expression of your consciousness, from your words, actions and feelings to your innermost thoughts, ideas and aspirations.
In this time of so much confusion in the world, child, it will be the Spirit of God that will guide your soul and through you many more souls that would otherwise be lost in this world.
This is the moment for taking the correct time to pray and, before each decision, unite your consciousness with Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God dwells within you and animates you from your soul to your cells. And so, you just focus your attention upon that which is real and become silent in order to hear It.
The Will of God and His designs are not far from the thought and the reach of humanity. But to be united with God and to hear Him, you need to make the proper space for the Father within you.
Thus, pray and seek His Wisdom. Become silent and listen to His Voice. In this way, you will always take the correct steps for fulfilling His Will.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Love is capable of granting Divine Wisdom to the consciousness when that Love acts through the soul that accepts it.
Love is a current that liberates obstacles of the mind and of what is material because its main energy fosters a constant dynamism and renewal.
The Greater Love is what embraces and holds all Creation, for in that Love the value of life and of all created essences is conceived.
When you cannot live in Love, try to seek It, aspire to find It through the giving of self and the humility that you can experience through service and unconditional surrender.
In the world, there are many souls that are despised and unloved; there are Kingdoms of Nature that have so much love to give the human being and yet are also despised by them.
Love is the great key that will always open doors so that the life of the unloved may be converted through the healing that Love will give them.
Love one another truly and without appearances; Love will lead you into peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To know the Universe and its mysteries is to enter into the depths of the Love of God for life; it is to understand that, with the same perfection of details with which the bodies of humankind and every creature on Earth were created, thus the Lord created His Mystical Body, formed by all life that dwells within the infinite.
Divine Wisdom, children, draws you closer to the Love of God, and in your hearts awakens a likeness to Him so that you may be co-creators in the vastness of life; so that you may recreate the infinite Creation of the Celestial Father, with Him and through Him, renewing all things.
Divine Wisdom shows you your place in the Universe, as well as in the Heart of God; it makes you knowledgeable of unity, not only as a virtue, but as a universal and cosmic Law that allows you to return to the Father.
Let knowledge transform you and lead you closer to God, in the awakening of His Love, in the experience of His Unity, in the living of His Grace, in the manifestation of His Purpose.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time has come to become aware of the sacred that you are called to live; the sacred that dwells within the ground you walk upon; the sacred that is expressed in that which is invisible in the life you lead, each day.
This is the moment for perceiving the presence of the Hierarchy in everything, which for humanity has been silent for so long, but that must reveal, not only its realities, its wisdom and its mystery, but also the Hierarchy must reveal itself for all beings.
Little by little, you must transform that which is still superficial in your lives. And I speak of what is in the depths of your hearts, your aspirations, thoughts, desires and your most human wills, because what is external and expressed in the world through your actions inevitably transforms when your hearts transform.
Thus, I do not speak of looking outward, I do not speak of correcting a fellow being and their steps and the way others live and express themselves. Because to correct what is outside of you is often a step that does not become consolidated because within you the world of your desires, your superficiality and your illusions remain.
And so, it is the time to look inward and become aware of the sacred in your own heart; to know and to recognize the Love of the Hierarchy and the Graces that God grants you through higher life.
In this way, you may become elevated while within yourselves you experience transformation.
True transformation occurs in what is hidden, where nobody sees it, because it is also there where those aspects of the consciousness that resist surrendering remain.
You may appear to be many things to the world that are not true, because within you is where the truth dwells.
And when you are transformed from within, you become vehicles of transformation on the outside. Your simple presence will speak to the world about the truth and will inspire hearts to seek it.
For this reason, children, it is time for you to become aware within yourselves of the sacred, the presence and the silence of the Hierarchy and all the life that dwells within the Earth. Because this life will begin to emerge on the surface of the planet and, so that you may participate in it on the outside, you must first truly live it within yourselves.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more