With your heart, remain looking at nature and simply contemplate the Divine Presence in all that is life.
Let the Wisdom which was emanated and transmitted by God, understood by the indigenous peoples, and that is held in the elements of nature, also be able to reveal itself to your heart. This is the time for the human heart to know the Truth of God expressed through all the lines of true knowledge, coming from the Heart of the Father.
Nature is a source of Truth, guardian of the Wisdom of God and of the Sublime Laws that govern the life and evolution of beings.
Be silent before the expressions of nature and let them speak to your heart and teach you a way of understanding and experiencing the mysteries of the Universe and the secrets of life on Earth.
Nature fully lives a union with God and the love of the Creator; thus, it is capable of not only expressing beauty, but holds in itself the Truth of God, His Laws, and the record of the story of life, which reveals to beings the path of return to the Heart of the Father.
Thus, stand before nature, child, and let it teach you to also be a mirror of Creation so that you may learn to be in union with God and to discover, within yourself, the Divine Presence.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
A strong spirit is not one that wields a sword and supports evil and pain, sustaining theirself with the energy of their own bodies.
A strong spirit is not the one that has an answer for everything and does not tremble in the face of adversities, but keeps their head raised in humiliations.
A strong spirit, children, is one that sustains their strength in the Power of God; the one who, before wielding the sword for their fellow being or for something, wields it first upon themselves and is capable of overcoming their human condition through inner silence and peace.
A strong spirit is one that is capable of giving up their own will out of love for the Plan of God and that, with this same love, opens the doors that unites the dimensions and becomes a participant in Divine Laws.
A strong spirit is one that knows how to look into the eyes of their enemies with love and that experiences the freedom of forgiveness and the grace of reconciliation, removing from within themselves the hurts and wounds that used to consume them, although unnoticeably.
A strong spirit is one that knows that in the face of everything in life they must seek wisdom and discernment in God, not because they fear to make a mistake, but because they fear to move away from the path that leads to the Father.
A strong spirit is one that knows how to say “yes” when their cells and their bones say “no”, and that launches into a transformation in Christ, even though their bodies clamor for a common human life.
A strong spirit is one that knows they will only triumph through unity and does not fear to hold out their hands to their siblings, to cry out for peace in the world and for redemption.
A strong spirit is one that is capable of setting aside their needs in order to assist the Kingdoms of Nature and grant them peace.
Today you are being called to this, to be spirits that are truly strong in the Power and in the Grace of God, because these times and this world need this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Renew yourself every day in the fount of peace and of prayer that comes from God. Do not let your being miss the change of cycles due to being distracted and imprisoned by previous cycles. Life in this time has a dynamic and firm rhythm and to accompany it, it is necessary to be in prayer and in peace.
Prayer will make you vigilant so that you may act with wisdom when necessary.
Prayer will bring peace when the events of the world erase hope from the hearts of many beings who did not know God.
Prayer will renew your strength and your commitment to the Father when fear and indifference emerge from your human bones.
Prayer will bring you to God and will guide your path of return to the Heart of the Father, even when He seems far from you.
Prayer protects. Prayer shelters. Prayer unifies. Prayer transforms.
Pray, child, and never forget to pray.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At these times, you will not find an answer to your questionings neither in science nor in the sacred books, nor in religions. Everything that man has manifested up until today, even if it was inspired by God in other times, will not manifest the answer and the understanding for what humanity will experience in this world and that, as a consequence, will be experienced by the whole Universe.
Just as nobody was able to explain the actions of the Son of Man, from His predication up until His Cross, in these times, child, nobody will know how to explain what you will live as humanity.
It is in the Heart of God that you will find the answer and the refuge. It is in the Heart of God that you will find encouragement and breath. It is in the Heart of God that you will live in peace, which will be incomprehensible for the majority of men. And you will transform, into love, what for many will be "divine injustice."
Those who never addressed God, and who only worshiped and proclaimed the things of the world, will late cry out, demanding Heaven for an opportunity that has always been given to them. Those who limited Divine Wisdom to the human mind will search in books, written by the hands of men, and will not know how to explain, understand or accept what they will live, and they will shout: "My God! My God!", when seeing manifested what they always denied existed.
Those who were humble of heart and only certain of their own ignorance, will not fear to cross the Portals that will open upon the world and they will marvel at the Sublime Existence that will manifest on Earth, feeling within themselves the relief and aid that they so waited for. Their heart, united to the Heart of the Father, will know how to recognize the presence of the Son of God in His return to the world, and everything that they had to live and surrender in order to be in that moment, will seem very little. Their humility will grant them the grace to recognize the greatness of Christ.,
Now clean and purify your heart, My child. Do not spend time in vanities and indifferences, but know that the greatest treasure you can have is an empty heart, available for God, and united to Him. Build this unity within you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Revere the mysteries of God, recognizing your ignorance and loving to enter into the Divine Wisdom.
Revere the God Who hides in the Eucharist and who is revealed in a profound dialogue of love when the heart opens and is capable of hearing Him.
Revere the mysteries of God, because His Will is beyond all human comprehension and logic. The Mind and the Will of God do not move like the mind and will of humankind. For this reason, believe that the Creator Father hides in the bread and the wine and places His Divine Consciousness in the sacred elements, chosen to hold the memory of the Passion of His Son so that, thus, beings may learn to re-experience this Passion and find it reflected today in all situations of life.
God does not diminish His greatness to be in the bread and in the wine. He reveals His Omnipresence and, in this way, invites beings to deepen into the knowledge of His Spirit, of His Divine Science.
Today, child, simply revere the Presence of God and let Him renew you and reveal to you the truth of your heart.
Today I come as the one who contemplates the Heart of God in the Eucharist, as in the Universe, to teach you that God is only one, present in the Cosmos as in the Eucharist, present in the Infinite as in the essence of each being.
Seek the path to find Him, create a communication with the Father, because only He will sustain you in the time that will come.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
To live the Love of God publicly is simple and it is a part of the mission of the apostles of Christ at this time, and all times, because they must announce to the world the Gifts and Blessings from the Divine Presence. But today, child, I come to teach you to secretly be with God and to build the foundations of your transformation and the consolidation of your surrender because thus, your simple presence will be the announcement of the Divine Presence, it will be the testimony of the Gifts and the Blessings from the Creator.
Today, I come to teach you to love to be with God and to look for every possible space in your life to find Him, to speak with Him, to be in Him and He in the world, through you.
That being with God is not an obligation for you, but yes, a necessity.
The final test of this humanity and the last definition of the souls are approaching. Your Father and Lord aspires to build a fortress within you, to deposit within you His Wisdom and make of your heart a door through which He will arrive to the world.
Therefore, the time has come to strengthen your ties with God, to learn to love the manifestation of His Plan within you, more than outside, because if God's Plan is not fulfilled in you, you will not be able to externalize it in the manifestation of His Work.
Grow with God so that His Work also grows through you and the redemption that He manifests in your life extends to the whole world.
Love to discover and to know God deeply in the secret and in the silence of your heart. Become a fundamental stone of this construction of the new time, the new world, the new man.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order for you to be able to reach the Heart of the Father, and not only be a knower of a part of Divine Wisdom, but also experience it, you must begin to make the most basic principles of evolutionary human conduct a reality and life within you.
You were called to transcend the common and natural tendencies of the human beings of this time so that a new life may be established on Earth through your heart and so that all who seek spiritual life may find a meaning for their own existence.
Begin, then, by being faithful to God, true and transparent before Him as well as before your brothers and sisters, without fear or shame of making your effort and transformation visible. Be faithful to what you already know an evolutionary behavior, replacing, in your consciousness, decadence for evolution.
Go deeper in your daily prayers and make them more sincere each time, leading you to a transparent dialogue with God, confessing to Him so that, in this way, you may surrender what for you seems impossible to transform.
Sincerely strive to love and understand your neighbor, and overcome yourself every day, not leaving your request for forgiveness and a sincere act of reconciliation for later, when you offend someone or when you are offended.
If you do not strive in these little things, to no avail will God pronounce before you and your heart the most sublime Revelations of the celestial mysteries and make known to you the most pure Truths about life and infinity, because the Wisdom will be lost in the imperfection of your mind and, although you may believe that you know many things, you will not be an instrument for the manifestation of this Truth on Earth.
You will not be worthy of being a participant in the sublime things of Heaven, not because you have not had the tools and opportunities for that, but because you did not open a space in your heart to experience the Truth, be transformed by it and announce it to the world, through your own life.
For this reason, go and deepen within the simple things. May the experience of the Truth accompany your Revelation. At least try it, everyday.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Cry out for peace in the world, but also live peace within your own heart. Unite to the Source of Peace of the Universe, to the Consciousness of your God and Lord, to the Heart of your Mother and Lady.
Unite to Those whose peace is unalterable and not even the greatest of the indifferences or the gravest assaults can extinguish the peace within Them.
Peace is the certainty of the triumph of God beyond the appearances and beyond the possible defeats along the path.
Peace is the wisdom and the knowledge of God. Who knows God and lives in Him does not lose peace, because they recognize that His Will is beyond all Life; everything that has been created belongs to His Heart. To renew Himself and to allow His children to grow, the Creator observes and respects the workings of the Laws; however, with a breath of His, Life is made and unmade.
Unite to this unalterable Source of Peace, not to be indifferent to what happens around you, in the world or within you, but so that you may grow and be able to remove from your eyes the clouds and obscurities that the lack of peace brings and, thus, you may be able to see the events with eyes of Truth and contemplate them with understanding and wisdom.
Unite your heart to the unalterable Source of Peace so that you can look to your own inner world and know where to begin. If your heart is at peace, you will be able to take one step at a time, without hurrying and without fear, along this great stairway that takes you to Heaven, which is the school on Earth.
Seek, child, to sincerely be in the Peace of God.
When you see your heart disturbed and your consciousness entering the abyss of human incomprehension, which begins small and rapidly becomes big, pray to God and ask:
Lord, place my heart into Your Source of Peace.
Make me feel a little bit of Your Peace within me.
I, who am Your Fruit, a living part of Your Creation,
Your cell, seeking the renewal and overcoming in Your Love.
Help me to be in You, so that, in You, I may overcome these times.
Bring Your Peace to My Heart, and, through me, radiate Your Peace to the world.
Thus, simply and sincerely, speak to God and create a bond of Love with the Heart of the Father so that, without knowing it, you may finally abandon what you are and allow your Creator to transform you and convert you into an instrument of His in this world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the same way that chaos grows on Earth, the minds destabilize and the souls get lost, Heaven also opens before the eyes and hearts of men, bringing to Earth inexplicable Graces.
In the measure of humanity's ignorance, God offers His Wisdom to those who know how to seek it.
While many sink deep into the abyss of their ignorance and the sciences move farther from God, others receive from the Father teachings that overflow beyond their merits and, with the little openness of their hearts, the Creator and Lord of all Knowledge and true Science gives them everything.
The ignorant see the simple of heart listening to God and think their teachings are false, because their own ignorance separated them from God and filled them with themselves, giving no possibility that the Wisdom that transcends their minds might be accessible or even acceptable.
Choose, children, at this time, the path of simplicity and self-emptyness, so you do not run the risk of not having, within yourself, space for the Divine Wisdom.
Recognize, each day more, in humility, that you know nothing and receive, with love, all the Knowledge that comes from God as something new and unique.
May all Wisdom find its place within your consciousnesses and that it not be to fill your minds, but yes to fill your being and become part of you, so that there is always a new space, a new place for what God wants to teach you.
In this revelation cycle, your spirits must always be empty.
Never underestimate the simplicity of God, because His Wisdom is not restricted to the far-fetched words of men or to that which for you is considered elevated and superior. A great Divine Instruction can come through the simple Words of His Messengers, in the maternal love of His Heavenly Mother, who overthrows the power of the proud and delivers the Keys of Heaven to the humble.
Those who really open to the Divine Wisdom will live all teaching with gratitude, whatever it may be. In that way, they will be able to grow in spirit and be ready for the coming times, to be called "Precursors of the New Life", "Seeds of the New Race".
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
How to receive Mercy
My Children,
I come to the world at this time to teach you not only how to cry out for Mercy, but how to generate merits so that you are worthy of the celestial atonement that Divine Mercy brings to your lives and to the world.
I come to warn you of the reality of the planet, which agonizes before the indifferent eyes of most human beings on Earth.
I come to remove you from ignorance because human ignorance and indifference have no nation, no religion and no culture.
Ignorance and indifference are in the human consciousness as deep roots, which have been growing and gaining space throughout your development as humanity.
And today, these roots are fed by the modernities, commodities and facilities that this world offers you, through things that are created at the expense of humanity and the Kingdoms, and by the outrage of the Earth.
Therefore, My children, I arrive at this time to cut these roots, to lead you to a new life, to show you an option that the world does not show you because darkness has taken over the daily life of many human beings.
In order to awaken within your hearts the love that leads you to Truth, I call you to service and to charity, I call you to prayer.
Only the heart that begins to serve can understand what I tell you, and if you do not try for yourselves, you will never drink from the Source of Wisdom, which is born from experience and not from words.
My Words are divine impulses, they are like the Light that brightens a dark room so that you may find the door out of the prison of these times. Therefore, My children, listen today to My call, My Voice that is pronounced by a Divine Will, superior to all things and that transcends human understanding.
Listen to My Voice and follow it.
This world is blind, and your Heavenly Mother comes at the request of God, to bring the Light so that you can again see and bring life to those who died and did not realize it because, day by day, they fall into the abysses of ignorance and indifference.
I come to a Nation that is full of knowledge, filled with sciences and philosophies, with an aspiration to transform, but today I tell you, My children, that not only your own lives should be cared for. This world as a whole is your home, and every being that dwells within it, all the Kingdoms of Nature, are your brothers and sisters and sacred creatures of your Celestial Father.
Today I call you to leave aside the sciences and philosophies, and all the knowledge that fills your minds in these times so that you receive from God the Divine Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom.
And I tell you that there is no other way to receive what the Father offers you if you do not cross the door of humility and, on your knees and in prayer, cry out for Mercy.
It is not the riches of the world that will fill your souls, but the fullness of knowing that you have done everything so that all your brothers and sisters can have an opportunity to feel and experience love and true joy, and the fullness of knowing that you have fulfilled your part to reach the Father, before His Celestial Altar, with a clean and peaceful heart.
Listen, My children, the warnings of your Celestial Mother. Serve, pray and cry out for Mercy.
Go to those who need the most, and let charity work in your hearts, transforming your human condition, cutting the deepest roots of ignorance and indifference. Thus, you will know and understand what I tell you.
I thank you for listening to My words, and for opening yourselves from the heart to the divine impulses that I bring you today.
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Schoenstat
With joy I come to the world and specially to Poland, the beloved land of Saint John Paul II, to bless you and bring you to My Grace again, so that, by means of these meetings of peace, your Mother and Lady of Czestochowa can go on working and repairing the hearts that need the most.
With Maternal Love, I return to Poland to infuse even more the Mercy of My Son and to intercede by means of the Source of His Compassion.
The Mother of God comes to Poland to make the attributes of its culture and of its people revive, taking each one of these attributes to the sublimation of consciousness and, thus, recovering the values of faith and union with God.
On this day especially, I descend to establish a little more of peace and forgiveness in the souls, souls that need to find again the path to the union with God, in order to be able to live the principles of His Grace and of His Mercy.
As Mother of all, I come to testimony that it is possible to advance and live with the hope of being able to find God again, from time to time, and to be in communion with Him.
As Mother and Patroness of Poland, I come to pour on you the Wisdom of My Maternal Heart, a Gift that, by living in you, will allow to continue restoring and repairing all of the consciousness of its people.
The wisdom of the Virgin of Czestochowa will help you to carry forward the Plan of God for your Nation and your people, by means of the incalculable devotion of your hearts for Ours and also for the saints that the Father has sent to your motherland to help it, as were Saint Faustina and Saint John Paul II.
By means of the model of life of these saints, may many more vocations awaken in the bosom of the Church of Christ and for the faith of all children of Poland.
As Mother of all, I come to reestablish one of the principles of the Designs of God for your motherland, knowing that in this time it will be fundamental to be sustained with faith and the trust in God, so as to restore the Church and its believers.
For this reason, as Mother and Lady of Czestochowa, I return to Poland to rebuild the spirit of love of its humanity and thus propagate, from here to the world, the devotion of all of you, My children, to My Immaculate Heart.
My Hands of service, charity and good, come today full of Graces to pour them over you, My dear children, and so that these very same Graces may propagate in the nations of the world that will need your faith and your prayer to establish peace.
I lead you along this path of wisdom and love so that the souls may be helped and contemplated in the Mercy of God.
There is still time to enter this Source of compassion and of relief that My Beloved Son offers to the whole world.
By means of this renewal that I bring you today, I invite you to live the new time, the time of knowing how to fulfill the Plan of God in yourselves, so that after it may be fulfilled it in the whole world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and renews you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Czestochowa
Dear children,
When I come to meet you, I also come for the world and, in consequence, for all those who suffer the catastrophes of the end of times.
I arrive at certain places of the world through My maternal and immaculate Spirit and thus I may help the most innocent souls that live the most difficult tests of all times. If this happens, it is because there is inequality among peoples and equity does not exist.
Your Celestial Mother goes on pilgrimage through the nations of the world to awaken within the human being this consciousness of equality and union among all beings. It will be this equality that will grant Holy Justice and, in this way, nations will no longer be dominated by capital sins, but will be guided by Divine Wisdom.
This is how, with very few, your Celestial Mother is building this consciousness of equality and respect so that it may serve as virtue and value for the next humanity.
Thus, little by little, humanity must recover the values and be re-educated with the civilized principles that once, by mistake, it lost.
I am united in prayer with all My children who suffer the consequences of inequality, so that they may have inner strength and, in this way, get through these difficult times.
I thank you for responding to My calling!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The peace of the heart is something that should never be missing; for without it, which is sublime and profound, life becomes unpredictable and vulnerable.
That inner peace is what you must conquer every day and deeply long for through actions, thoughts and good deeds.
The majority of souls suffer from the absence of peace within themselves and in their lives. In this way, My adversary easily disturbs them and leads them onto other paths, through experiences their hearts have had throughout time.
But with My Heart, dear children, you have had the Supreme Grace of being able to experience that inner state in which everything seems perfect.
Sometimes, the confrontations and tests, which happen day after day and which are stimulated by the art of My enemy, cause this peace, which many consciousnesses had already conquered, to be lost.
On this day, with all this peace which exists in the universe, I descend to bring your consciousnesses the possibility of finding that path again which sometimes, for various reasons, you lose sight of.
Peace is a permanent state of inner contact, and through it, many situations are clarified or dissolved.
In this time, that state of peace is unpredictable, not only for the consciousness experiencing it, but also for the planet.
Peace is not a state of illusion or of happiness; peace is a spiritual expansion of the Wisdom of God in His creatures.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who leads you on the path of peace,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Woe to those who do not recognize My coming!, for they will lose the path for having believed in their own fantasies. Thus, day and night, I call you to a sanctification of your lives so that, in truth, someday you may be worthy of receiving My Legacy.
When the day of the great darkness comes, you must not fear. I will be with you until the end of days; I will be with all those who truly recognized My Will in time. I will also be with those who were able to renounce themselves and forget their own preferences so that My Plan could be fulfilled in their fellow beings.
When the time of tribulation comes, many will remember these Words, which will be their support at the critical moments and especially during the days of the Great Final Judgment, in which the angels of God will open the Book of Life of all beings of the Earth; and before the Thrones of God, the Eternal Father will move forward with His Universal Judgment.
Those who communed with Me, in humility and love, will know it in those days, before My Return in the Spirit of Peace, and will be able to recognize that My Presence is real.
Happy are those who have strived to fulfill My Wills, which are the Will of God.
Woe to those who, convinced of their own truth, will follow other footsteps which are not Mine!
Who will give a coin for them?
Who will give their life for those who were unjust?
I wish at all times to speak to you of the beautiful things of Heaven, but now I must tell you about the unjust things of the world.
To those who seek experiences with the Divine, do not deceive yourselves; seek more and more to pray from the heart and without expectations for what will happen in the future.
God gives His great Tools to the most simple, a greater Wisdom to the more pure, and a divine expression of Love to the most empty of self. If you still do not have this in your heart, listen to Me and read the Words I have given you throughout a whole year, and in this way, you will know what it is I want from you rather than what you wish all the time.
In this way, My companions, today in this Message, I summarize the keys of Mercy I have given you for a whole year.
Have you perhaps contemplated My Words with sincerity and without pride?
All the Messages received and transmitted by My Holy Word are the last drops of Mercy I have poured out over the world, on the eve of Divine Justice.
I thank you for persisting.
My Light will also be gathered up from the world, but I will be present in hearts which are simple and true in their intention.
Pray lovingly for those who have been ungrateful to Me.
Under the Mercy of God, be blessed and just.
Thanks to the brave for dwelling in My Merciful Heart!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
If you truly saw Me as I see you, many things would no longer happen in your inner and outer world. I come to call those who are lost in themselves, and many times escape from the Truth. In them I have repeated My Purpose for a long time and will wait for a wise response, a true response, until the end. But now, when everything seems to be very confused in many, the Light of My Wisdom envelopes you, comforting you.
I see that My Father, through so many sages and celestial beings, has trusted in you and in many more; but the path of Truth begins through seeking transparency in oneself, to then radiate the purity and thus the true intention of the heart.
When the Purpose is seen by you, I assure you, that you will fail in the first attempt, because the Truth has not been shown to you and you will be subject to permanent deception. For this reason, free yourself from yourself, so I may do what I have foreseen, since before your birth in the world. For My Truth, which is not known, is to be found in the spirit of Peace, and that same spirit is sown by the Love of God, wherein exists the supreme center of Truth.
As many do not know these simple mysteries of life, I come to reveal the Truth, that you no longer should act through the impulses of your own imperfection. For this reason, many cause My Sacred Heart to suffer, and it shows the Blood that is spilled through the errors of the world, which offend God, without your perceiving the seriousness of these times.
Before the Law descends from Heaven, where I live in Glory all the time, I will intercede with My Father to alleviate the indelible spiritual causes and wounds which many induce in the Most High Creator.
I suffered for you, so that you would not suffer in life. I died for you, out of Love, so that you would not die in spirit.
Woe to those who offend Me, out of ignorance and a lack of consciousness, in these times that will come!
Whoever opposes My Purpose will suffer from the action of their own will and My Infinite Mercy will become a spring of Justice in those unfaithful to Me.
Life cannot be lived on two paths; choose in time what path you will follow, that of the Light or that of the eternal darkness of the world. Beasts and diabolical nets will be released over the world, like rain on a cold night, and they will convince many to follow false paths, moved by emotion and deceit. Woe to those souls that open wounds for Me before their time!
Where will what I have given you with so much love and trust end up?
But Truth is sought in humility, which must never end; but if it should be lacking, invoke My Presence, so that the pride that many possess not drown them and flood over them like a ship on the sea.
I Am the Salvation and the Perfect Path for those who humble themselves before Me; but I know that many, because of their own ideas and their own precepts, will not allow themselves to yield to My Love, and at the appearance of the smallest life crisis, will decide to be unfaithful to Me, and in truth, do not know what this means in this time of tribulation.
Pray so that your beings detach from the causes of damnation. Do not be prideful, but rather, brave and humble, so as to find surrender. Whomever is ready to follow Me, I will help them until the end and will not leave them alone in spite of the seriousness of the times. Thus, seek a sincere unity with your peers; in this way, your hearts will be mirrors of the Truth and of Mercy which, through the power itself I will give you, will expel evil, dissolving it on any path.
To be My apostle, it is necessary to be humble rather than clever; your own miseries can submerge the project entrusted to your lives. Unite and everything will be resolved through My Infinite Presence.
Under the Love of the Father, who welcomes you and forgives you, be true, and thus, you shall please Me,
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more