Dear children,
The united family is God's most precious gift. The family is the original treasure of the Eternal Father's Project.
Throughout the ages and the different humanities, the spiritual archetype of the family has been present so that, in the union between its members, the authentic and spontaneous virtue that each family has is represented.
Each family, for God, has a purpose in life. Each family has a goal to achieve and concretize; but that concretion of the spiritual purpose of the family does not happen separately, but the family, in the persevering exercise of understanding, tolerance and love, beyond all things, will allow the expression of that spiritual gift that each member of the family has to manifest.
In other times, as it was for the Holy Family of Nazareth, that Gift of God, reflected through the family by means of charity, service and help to the needy, opened the internal doors so that new families could be formed, the cell of the Project of God could be enlarged and the souls that formed the groups of families could reach the same virtues that the Holy Family of Nazareth once reached.
Today, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, once again emanate internally and spiritually the same impulse that was gestated on the Sacred Birth of Jesus, so that the families may be under the shelter and protection of their spiritual purpose, so that the families of the world, martyred and persecuted today by all the threats of these times, may carry forward the expression of that archetype of the family, that is authentic and original in every family that was formed.
Therefore, the novena for the families of the whole world, in this month of December, reminds us that the family is the center of the New Humanity and the possible fulfillment of the Will of the Father through families.
I pray every day for families.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
My dear children,
So that hate, impunity and revenge do not end the world, and especially with some unprotected nations, I come to ask that you unite with the Mother Untier of Knots through a special novena important to Me, to be done from October 30th to November 7th of 2023, so that the Most Holy Mother is able to untie the nine main knots that bind humanity.
For this, My children, through praying seven times during nine days, the prayer of the Lady Untier of Knots, you will unite with Me and you will take up the heavy rope of the human condition, so that through the fervor and the love of your prayers, the world may free itself of the nine main knots about which you will be praying with Me:
Praying with Me during those nine days, you will allow your Heavenly Mother to safeguard, protect and intercede for the helpless and innocent, so that the wrath of God does not descend over the regions of the world and over the consciousnesses that are outside of the Law. For this reason, My dear children, I come out of love to ask you this favor.
Once again I will be attentive to the voice of those who pray.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the helpless
My very dear children,
As it was one hundred years ago, today I gather you again close to My Heart to ask you to pray, more than ever, for peace.
For this reason, your Heavenly Mother comes from Heaven, seeing that invasion, hatred, destruction and war between brothers has been established again in Eastern Europe.
With urgency and in supplication, I come to ask you to unite in one voice and one heart, offering to My Immaculate Heart, beginning February 28, a special Novena for Peace and the End of War in Eastern Europe.
Once again, the venom of impunity quickly expands over Europe, and the most underprivileged are forced to migrate.
The world believes it knows about control and the power of weapons.
After one hundred years, the Queen of Peace, from Fatima, cries for the scourging that is being caused to the Creator and the most oppressed families.
I ask you to unite in prayer with Me, because the blue tyrant wants to impose lack of pity and chastisement upon those who do not yield to his dark plans.
Children, unfortunately, we are reaching the expected end, a moment when the greatest and most unknown pain will come to the world.
Pray with fervor, and, in a true commitment, be together with Me in this fierce spiritual battle, when your Heavenly Mother will step upon the foolish and evil head of the serpent.
I am grateful to you in advance.
Who blesses you at this crucial moment,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
On this eighth day of prayer and through the song that was offered at the beginning of the spiritual exercise, the powerful Archangel Raphael reached very compromised spaces where souls and hearts suffer without the possibility of finding Light.
That moment of the offering of the first song was culminating because the souls in need, especially the souls in agony, were freed and taken to the great Lakes of creative Restoration so that they could receive an opportunity.
During the course of the Powerful Novena to the Saint Raphael the Archangel, the Angelic Hierarchy treated different situations present upon the planet that were compromising the awakening of spiritual life and the giving of self.
By means of the novena, the healing angels of Saint Raphael the Archangel also helped in different hospitals and spaces which, at this moment, have collapsed through the demands and the need for assistance.
In this way, a divine inspiration and a spiritual power of faith was placed in the doctors, nurses and health assistants so that they would be able to face this moment.
The angels will remain accompanying each of the health workers so that they may feel the Presence of God in their hearts and in their lives.
May those who believe without having seen be blessed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
While the spiritual practice of the powerful novena of the Saint Raphael the Archangel continues on, I invite you to reinforce your commitment every day with the Holy Rosary.
Do not forget that the Rosary is the weapon of defense of each of My children and, above all, in this time of definition.
At the same time, the powerful novena continues to work in the consciousness of the planet, and the souls that were restored are now in a safe place, in which nothing dangerous can happen to them.
The powerful novena is also reaching other spaces in humanity, where suffering, poverty and illness are creating a lot of instability and chaos.
Saint Raphael the Archangel goes to meet those souls that are not prisoners of the pandemic, but are punished by the culture of discarding and of loneliness.
So it is, that the prayers embrace and take in other situations of the planet that are also in need of healing, of love and of redemption.
I ask you not to give up and that your prayers continue to touch the Heart of God so that He may have Pity and Mercy for this suffering planet in agony.
May the healing Light of the Saint Raphael the Archangel continue to descend upon the planet so that hearts may awaken to the call to change and to forgiveness.
I once again thank all those who pray for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
A being who prays is a redeemed heart.
Through the novena to Saint Raphael the Archangel, your hearts also receive spiritual impulses of healing and redemption, expressed through the seven Gifts of the Creator Father.
Saint Raphael the Archangel is the angelic creator consciousness that carries all Creation towards its origins, to the moment previous to errors committed.
For this reason, it is urgent that His healing Light should reach all humanity, since it needs to recover its origin, as well as its spiritual and divine roots.
Saint Raphael brings His healing and redeeming Source closer to the planet, and it emerges as a new dawn so that the souls of the world may learn to be reborn and recognize themselves as children of God.
This is the planetary moment of the Archangel Raphael and you, My children, are invited to accompany your Creator in this task of rebuilding the spiritual and human dignity of souls.
Through the offering of the powerful novena, may this important planetary mission continue, carried forward by the angels of Saint Raphael the Archangel.
May each of your prayers be the doorway of gratitude that will open so that the healing angels can enter and assist this sick humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloveds,
On this day of the novena, the angelic task continues to deepen at a planetary level.
The souls withdrawn from the streams of chaos and from adversity are already at intermediary levels, being assisted by the angels of healing. Souls are restored by the bandages of Light that enveloped the Holy Body of Christ.
Through this spiritual process, souls also receive the Christic Codes, so that the lives of people may be rebuilt, as well as the life of the families can be rebuilt.
Through the novena to the Saint Raphael the Archangel, the angelic armies are already working in other spaces of the planetary consciousness, where there are true hells on the surface of the Earth.
Children, think for a moment about what that means and how inequality and injustice, generated by humanity itself, caused millions of souls to be in a fragile condition in the world.
The powerful novena to the Saint Raphael the Archangel is making you participants in and aware of all that the angelic Hierarchy is doing for this planet and for its humanity.
Through the union of hearts and prayerful voices, dear children, continue to accompany Saint Raphael the Archangel in this mission of the end of times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
On this day, while the novena to the Saint Raphael the Archangel is again taking place, I invite you to maintain your fervor, devotion and faith in the Heavens so that the planetary situation may receive the intervention of the Universe at this moment of humanity.
Meanwhile, Saint Raphael the Archangel is leading an important angelic operation for the purpose of capturing the streams of chaos that make use of suffering and the uncertainty of humanity, so that those streams may be evacuated from the planet through the angelic armies of Saint Raphael Archangel.
This whole operation will help to decompress and alleviate the planetary psychic plane, but will also extract millions of souls that are prisoners of these dissociative currents.
The powerful novena offered to Saint Raphael the Archangel acts in spaces of the planet that the human being cannot reach, but the faith and devotion, of those who fervently pray, allow that, at this critical time of the planet, a state of Grace and of spiritual atonement may be granted through the work and action of Divine Mercy.
Let us continue to pray with the spiritual conviction that all the pleas are heard by the Eternal Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today I had the joy of listening to My children ask for the healing of humanity and for the end of the pandemic.
Let us trust that, through this first day of the novena, on the inner planes, the souls most in need have already been congregated by the love of the Saint Raphael the Archangel in order to be helped and alleviated.
Through the novena, those who pray will gradually enter into the different levels of planetary need, and their prayers and songs will be the bridge that will be built between Heaven and Earth, a bridge that the Saint Raphael the Archangel will use to reach the Earth and assist humanity.
Starting now, all the armies of the Saint Raphael the Archangel are preparing to reach the planet and begin to work on the inner planes during these next eight days.
The union and the adherence of the prayerful hearts strengthen the spirit of healing in humanity and, in this way, the planet is also alleviated.
As the Mother of all, I will be accompanying you in prayer and in supplication.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With only a few days away from the commemoration of My apparitions in Lourdes, I invite you to re-experience this celebration, beginning on February 11th, by adorning your houses, and especially consecrating your hearts, to the Little Virgin of Lourdes.
I wish that on February 11th of this year, the Marian Centers will offer a Mystery of the Rosary for the consecration of the souls of the world to the Virgin of Lourdes.
On this day, all those who visit the churches, sanctuaries or Marian Centers will receive a Grace that will help them in the coming times. And even more so, if My prayerful children, as from February 11th, offer a novena of the Holy Rosary transmitted through the channel of prayers for all brothers and sisters, and that novena is offered to the Immaculate Conception, I will be able to intercede for souls that are already condemned in damnation and chaos. I Myself will withdraw each one of them from the fire of hell and lead them to the Celestial Kingdom.
If this novena is also offered for all priests throughout the world, the Little Virgin of Lourdes will alleviate the anguish that God feels for His unfaithful children, the priests, and I Myself will be the justification of each one of them. But I will also be the consolation for those who struggle for the triumph of the priestly ministry of Christ.
During these days, I will dissolve, with the power of My Rays, the creatures of evil that deviate and perturb the attention of My priests, and to souls I will grant the science of understanding, the spiritual and divine meaning of that sacred office. Thus, you will sustain them till death.
Beginning on February 11th, I want you all to commemorate the Virgin of Lourdes, so that purity may be restored within hearts and the world may realize that it has drifted away from truth.
During these days of the month of February, beginning on the 11th, your Celestial Mother will be, in a special way, gathering the petitions and prayers of all those who visit the sanctuaries, churches and Marian Centers. In this way, I will be able to help humanity even more.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As Mother and Lady of the Nativity of the Lord, I prepare praying hearts so that, during this end of the year, the consoling Love that My Son Jesus brings to you can be reborn with greater consciousness. This divine Love that was and is capable of giving life for all, to generate, also within these times, the redemption of the human race.
Therefore, My children, with My rosary in My hands, we will prepare in prayer and devotion, trusting in the Birth of Christ as Light in the heart of humanity and as spiritual Protector of families.
So that this may be achieved, I come on this day to tell you that I will accompany you in this important exercise of the special novena for the reconsecration of families, so that the principle of the universal family and its attributes may be the light that guides and conducts the families of the world; knowing that this special novena that will be prayed will collaborate in the union and understanding that should be lived by families, that in this time go through division and lack of love.
May each bead of prayer that will be offered for the needy families of the world be a star that ignites in the heart of the soul that needs help.
May this novena be the great offering to be placed at the Feet of the Creator for each one of My praying children.
From here on, I will be very thankful for all sincere offerings that will be delivered in each prayer.
For the union of families, I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On the eve of the beginning of the powerful novena of the Mystery of the Rosary for the families of the world*, I ask you, my children, to bear in mind that, in each new offering of the Mystery of the Rosary that you will perform, I, as Mother of the families of the world, will be there, next to each praying heart that will be responding to My call for love and mercy.
The inner meaning of this next novena will not only be to place the divided and distracted families of the whole world in the Merciful Heart of God, but also to prepare those who pray and the devotees for the day of the sacred Christmas Eve; the moment when the Divine Son will impart His sacerdotal blessing over all from the spiritual plane, specially over the families of the whole world, so that the Attributes of God, those that were in the Holy Family of Nazareth, may be present again in the families of today.
For this reason, My children, have absolute confidence that your prayers will remove the families, who are in danger, from dark and unpleasant situations that affect the support of marriages, as well as the emotional and psychic stability of children.
This next novena will try to be a balm of light and love that will expand through the praying word, through the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
May the graces of unity in the family, strength in the marriages and peace for all the children of each family descend through this loving novena of the Rosary for the families of the whole world so that the guardian angels may safeguard the steps of each family member.
For this response, that all who pray will be giving to the Most Pure Mother of God, I now thank you for responding to My call!
Remember, my children, to recite, only once, after the Mystery of the Holy Rosary, the prayer to the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Who blesses you for this sacred spiritual task,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
*Spiritual exercise to perform in front of the Nativity manger, during nine days, from December 16 to December 24, 2018.
Dear children,
From the depths of My Maternal Heart, I thank you for the prayers offered for the triumph of the Love of the Lady of Aparecida.
The definitive hour is drawing closer, a moment for which the Mother of God prays more intensely within Her sacred oratory of light, for manipulation and power are in confrontation; they battle each other to know who, inside chaos, will gain the first position.
For this reason, the angels sent to Brazil by the Mother of God unite in a great chain of light to be able to dissolve, through your prayers, any sign of falseness and fear.
The Mother of God is to be found in a place in Brazil closely following the events that are coming.
The keys of neutrality and faith will be the means by which the peacemakers of Christ will confirm their union with Heaven, drawing to the Earth the principles of the New Humanity, principles that will only be established after the purification of the Earth.
Neutrality and faith will dissolve any sign of inner or spiritual conflict that the peacemakers may face being before the events of chaos.
I thank you for continuing to pray with Me for the good and for justice in Brazil!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Heavenly Mother, together with Her pilgrim children, walks taking steps of light towards the lands of Brazil so that I may be closer to all of My Brazilian children, at this time in which the destiny of the country will be defined by the discernment and the election of the children of God.
For this reason, your Heavenly Mother is already to be found in vigil and in prayer for the next few hours, and I inexhaustibly pour out all the Love I have for the Brazilian people, upon the essences that are and will be in prayer, with Me.
My Children, at this time I unite My Rosary of Light with the rosaries of all My praying children, and with maternal gratitude, I hear the voices of those who pronounce the prayers of the Hail Mary to Heaven.
My angels work tirelessly at this moment in order to gather up all the sincere intentions and the prayers of those who, for love, ask to the Celestial Father for Brazil.
Thus, I unite to each sincere heart, and on the inner planes, we pray together for the establishment of a sovereign peace.
I thank all those who unite to the Mother of God for the good and justice in Brazil!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Heavenly Mother, together with Her pilgrim children, walks taking steps of light towards the lands of Brazil so that I may be closer to all of My Brazilian children, at this time in which the destiny of the country will be defined by the discernment and the election of the children of God.
For this reason, your Heavenly Mother is already to be found in vigil and in prayer for the next few hours, and I inexhaustibly pour out all the Love I have for the Brazilian people, upon the essences that are and will be in prayer, with Me.
My Children, at this time I unite My Rosary of Light with the rosaries of all My praying children, and with maternal gratitude, I hear the voices of those who pronounce the prayers of the Hail Mary to Heaven.
My angels work tirelessly at this moment in order to gather up all the sincere intentions and the prayers of those who, for love, ask to the Celestial Father for Brazil.
Thus, I unite to each sincere heart, and on the inner planes, we pray together for the establishment of a sovereign peace.
I thank all those who unite to the Mother of God for the good and justice in Brazil!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear warriors of Christ, lovers of prayer and of service:
Today I come from Heaven especially to make a request for you, so that Brazil does not lose peace nor justice, I deeply implore to you, that starting tomorrow, October 25, and during nine days, you may offer to My Maternal Heart one novena of the Holy Rosary, which will be transmitted by means of the channel of the prayers for Peace in the Nations, in order for the Brazilian people to make a decision, with discernment and wisdom, so that the patronage of Our Lady of Aparecida can be preserved throughout the times.
My anguish for what happens today in Brazil is great because, as Mother of Brazil and of all of its people, I see how the nation distances from the Grace of God in an unexpected way.
For this reason, children, I need that all the Brazilians, who have love for Our Lady, may dedicate, within these coming nine days, a Mystery of the Rosary for the Mother of the Most High to have the joy of interceding for a people that is deeply loved by Me.
Even more, if in the Marian Centers, in the groups of prayer, in the cities and in the villages you gather to pray to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart during the coming nine days, I will be able to embrace a greater number of souls and hearts to remove them from a great spiritual and material deviation that Brazil is creating for its destiny.
I wish for My cry to be relieved and to not be a cry for a Brazil that will lose its spiritual and internal senses, but instead that My cry be of joy for the happiness that Brazil has generated to Me throughout the years, with your praise and love for the Lady of Aparecida.
Brazil cannot lose its values nor the gifts that faith has always provided for it.
I pray in these days for a Brazil that I love, which must learn to live justice, equality and good, because in this Brazilian land exists precious souls, lives that are capable of manifesting the New Eden in South America.
I wish, My children, that during these nine days of transmissions of the Holy Rosary for the good and justice in Brazil, My children dedicate themselves to this exercise of prayer as something that is a priority and not secondary, being aware that through prayer the angels of God will be able to intercede as much as is allowed, so that the destiny of your people may not be interfered with by any spiritual consciousness contrary to the Divine Will.
With Venezuela and Chile, it is already enough for Me. My Heart must endure what Venezuela is living due the actions of humanity, and Chile, it is already more than enough, for the hidden perversion, now known, that the Church of My Son has lived, in which hundreds of lives were wounded and outraged by supposed representatives of Christ.
Oh, what agony and what shame does My Heart feel for the Church of Chile!
Who will relieve the Heart of the Mother of God?
I call you, children, to be responsible for your coming destiny, so that, placing your consciousness on the path of prayer, you may be protected from everything that will be seen and known in these difficult times.
With all the gratitude of My Soul, I will wait for all of your voices to be united in this current of prayer during these nine days, for Brazil not to lose the most beautiful destiny that it has.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Proclamation of Gratitude and Love
Dear children,
On this special day, in which My children of the world celebrate the day of the Lady of Mount Carmel with love and profound devotion, I would like to proclaim to your hearts, just as it was during My visitation to Elizabeth, all the gratitude and love that you can feel from My Heart today, for having accompanied Me, as serving souls, during the trajectory of the last Pilgrimage for Peace.
I would like to thank, from My Maternal Heart, for the effort and dedication of each son and daughter of Mine, during each stage of construction of this Pilgrimage.
I would like to thank for the sincere effort and the immediate help of each child of Mine, in their spirit of collaboration, so that the Pilgrimage could gradually be fulfilled according to the Will of God.
I would like to thank, children, for the souls that awoke and for the offerings made during the songs in different languages.
I would like to thank for the fundamental fulfilling of each one of the novenas that were requested, since that, through the prayers of My children, your Heavenly Mother could deepen into Her Mission for humanity, just as Christ and Saint Joseph.
I would like to thank for the effort of all for having learned to pray in other languages during the journey of the Pilgrimage.
I would like to thank for the honesty and the constant faithfulness of the Network-of-Light before the call of inner support, to this sacred mission.
Everyone, without exception, My children, in some way or another was present in heart and soul, knowing that for the Creator Universe it was, and it is, fundamental to relieve the millenary pain of the nations of the world through the Ray of Love-Wisdom.
On this day, I invite you, by means of all efforts made, for your lives to renew again, so that the next stages of the Plan of Love may be fulfilled, just as they have been fulfilled so far.
With all faith of My Heart, children, I give you the graces and I give you My Heart, as a symbol of union of your lives with the Celestial Father.
On this day of the Most Holy Lady of Mount Carmel, may humanity and the whole planet receive the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for cooperating and for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Mount Carmel
Sixth Day of the Novena
After having invoked Divine Mercy for all those who cause war and famine in the world, I will lead you, at some moment of your life, directly to the Source of intense purification.
It will be this way that I will be able to revert all that is provoked, such as feelings and agony, to other souls of the world; I will be able to dispel alliances with evil, but everything will happen in due time and when the consciousnesses least expects it.
Taking these souls toward the Source of My Mercy means removing them from the constant errors that promote habits of power and false sovereignty.
Everything is purified and released through the powerful Source of Mercy.
This is why, at this moment, while important nations are the focus of social and human imbalance, continue to ask and beg through Mercy that the Celestial Father have pity on all souls that cause inequality in every way.
Through the work and principle of Mercy, I invite you to join My Heart so that more uncertain doors be closed, not only in human consciousness, but also on the planet.
I thank you for keeping My words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Fifth day of the Novena
By immersing into My Mercy, the souls who are deceived by the projects of the world through genetic and human plans not only receive My Grace, but also My consolation.
The Source of My Mercy repairs the entire consciousness on a deep level and especially on a spiritual level.
The Mercy of My Heart can especially reach the souls that, through absolute ignorance and blindness, fall into temptation and destroy by their own means what God conceived within them.
When the most innocent souls are aborted, it means that the decision taken by their own mothers represents a total deviation from the Law of Love and Compassion.
All those souls who do not live on Earth today because they have been removed from the wombs of their mothers are in suffering and agony for not having been able to continue their human and spiritual evolution.
In this sense, the main Law of Creation is altered and a great debt is generated which must be resolved through the Mercy that the praying souls invoke to My Heart.
In these times, the transgression of the Law of Life generates regional and even worldwide catastrophes. When the Kingdoms of Nature are transgressed, in their cycle of life and evolution, they react by means of phenomena that harm humanity.
The importance of invoking Mercy for the unborn will help to dissolve the invasive human projects that alter the evolution of the human being and the planet.
The souls of the unborn are redirected, through My Mercy, to new Sources of Light so that they may live their path and awakening in other parts of the Universe.
In truth, Mercy is the table of salvation for these times.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third day of the Novena
Carrying My Mercy to the most lonely and forgotten souls, you will allow them all to be granted the peace and the inner Grace of feeling loved by someone; because in love lies the foundation of life and the redemption of hearts, in love the spiritual healing of the whole consciousness is achieved.
The most lonely souls that are taken towards My Mercy will find meaning and motivation for living on Earth because there is nothing more important in the life of a being than to feel loved and protected by their fellow beings.
The work of Love is capable of banishing human suffering, the feeling of being forgotten, and of abandonment that the most lonely and innocent souls endure from their most beloved ones.
The love that any soul may come to feel means everything and leads it to the fullness of the union with God.
It is so that, in the life of the most suffering souls in the world, the key of love is the path that will open the healing of the past and the renewal of life in Christ.
The message continues:
Fourth day of the Novena
By submerging into the Fount of My Mercy, for the sinners that traffic human beings, a state of purification and redemption is generated in them.
The first steps in redemption are taken through the consideration and infinite pity that a fellow being may have for that soul that commits grave errors.
In this sense, the infinite ocean of the Mercy of God reaches the lives of sinning souls in order to dissolve the codes of evil and grant them the purity of spiritual and human salvation.
It is in this way that the action of Divine Mercy withdraws the soul from eternal condemnation, and the merciful Law itself replaces the sins and errors committed for the state of Grace and pity.
At this time when human exploitation and trafficking has become uncontrollable and immeasured in all senses, prayerful hearts that invoke My Mercy will help the abyss of the Mercy of God to carry sinning souls toward the principle of forgiveness and redemption through the simple act of thinking of those who are already condemned.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more