Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"There is no inner pain that is not relieved.
There is no deep anguish that is not dissolved.
There is no wounded heart that is not healed, for My Love can do everything, from beginning to end.
In these days of Lent, let go of all that weighs you down, liberate yourself from all that imprisons you, transcend all incomprehension.
Do not allow your feet to remain prisoners of all this, be courageous and open yourself to the sacred healing of your heart. Thus, you will know other horizons; thus, you will understand human life as it is and nothing else will disturb you any longer; for the one who lives in My Heart receives all My Graces, the one who lives in My Heart finds the way to the inner void.
I open to you the door to the new. I offer you the Word of Life so that everything within you may be redeemed."
Christ Jesus
When I was on Earth, in Nazareth, and while My fragile human heart was tired, I would distance myself from everything and everybody and, alone with God, I would pray.
Many times I had no strength to pray, and anguish silenced, not only My voice, but also My thoughts. And so, kneeling before the Lord, I would become silent. I remained in silence, feeling His Breath entering My body through the air that I would breathe. I sought peace.
I did not ask the Lord for anything, and everything I had already belonged to Him; so I just became silent and waited, emptying My heart of fear and anguish, and I found strength in that deep silence that I shared with God.
Why do I tell you this today?
Because I know the depths of your hearts and I know that under the pressure of these times, you feel tired, anguished and always moved toward a greater transformation, to a more profound step into the unknown.
This is why I teach you, children, that even in weaknesses, your strength is in God. And when you have no words or feelings to share with the Lord, simply become silent and seek peace, sharing the Silence of God. His Divine Breath will reveal this peace to you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXI - The Simple Presence of God
Feeling a profound anguish in their chest that was unexplainable, a soul quesioned the Lord saying: "Lord, within my heart there is a feeling that I cannot explain. I do not know if it is sadness or confusion. I do not know if it is anguish or grief. I do not know if I lack a meaning for living or if I am feeling Your sorrow, the sorrow of the world. Could you explain what I feel?"
And the Lord responded, saying: "Little soul, contemplate the infinite and the vastness of the universe. Contemplate the greatness and the complexity of life. Contemplate the mysteries hidden in the stars. Your own being is as iinfinite life and many times that you feel and experience does not come from this Earth nor this time, but rather from a space and time distant from that you experience today. Many times, the anguish of your heart comes from the infinite, from parts of your consciousness that dwell in the universe, where life continues its evolution, constantly creating and re-creating itself.
But it does not matter what you feel or where it comes from. If you want to relieve your little heart, simply come to Me, I Who is your God and knows the deepest roots of your being, of your thoughts, feelings; and ultimately, of your life.
Come toward Me, little soul, surrendered and sincere, transparent and fragile. You will not have an explanation for everything, because sometimes it is not the time for you to know certain things about yourself but rather for you to have relief for everything, and this is to be found within Me.
Therefore, humbly come to Me, knowing you are small. Come to Me as a child who finds refuge in their father, I will explain to you what I can. And when it is no the time for this, I will simply relieve you, and whatever My response may be, it will cause you to grow, because sometimes you grow through knowledge and, other times, you grow through knowing that you do not know anything."
May this dialogue, children, teach you to always seek relief in God; not always to find responses, but to give thanks for His Silence as well as for His Voice and, above all, to welcome the Love of His simple Presence.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When your heart no longer knows what to do, child, keep your spirit in the certainty of the Presence of God and simply offer the Father your emptiness, your silence, your anguish, your human condition, your deeper aspects, your most hidden weaknesses.
Offer yourself to the Father at each moment and may your small life be before His Celestial Altar.
Give thanks, even if it is for the tests, for the deserts and for the challenges.
Give thanks for the deep abysses from which your Creator comes to withdraw you while He reaches His hands out towards you.
Allow these experiences of surrender to strengthen your spirit for an even greater surrender because it is just a matter of yielding to God ever more deeply.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In spite of all the purification that you experience within yourself, and the purification that you see happening in the world, contemplate this cycle with gratitude.
In spite of the chaos, the anguish and sometimes the fear in these times, within and outside of beings, contemplate this cycle with gratitude.
In spite of sometimes not knowing what to do with what you feel or think, not knowing how to proceed or escape from yourself, contemplate this cycle with gratitude.
Let gratitude, child, elevate you during the purifications of life. Let gratitude elevate you in the face of the situations of the world. Let gratitude place you in a degree of love, in the face of suffering, just as your Lord was while expiring on the Cross.
Let gratitude allow you to see this cycle as the announcement of a new time, as the dawn of a new day.
Let gratitude show you that you are being purified in order to reach Truth. There are layers that are breaking up within you so that you may reach your essence and be able to see who you really are.
Let gratitude lead you to God.
I have spoken to you so many times about gratitude and I will never stop presenting this Divine Gift because it is through it that you will overcome these times, it is through it that you will assist the world, it is through it that you will return to God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Do not be afraid to leap towards emptiness.
Do not be afraid to correct your ways and start over.
Do not be afraid to give your best for love.
Do not be afraid to set aside your own thoughts, feelings, anguishes and joys in order to overcome yourselves, for the sake of the pain that the planet is suffering at this moment.
Do not be afraid to surrender and discover the fullness that is not based on human contentment. To find higher life is also to transform the meaning of joy and fullness, to transform that which fulfills you, and allow your beings to find peace in serving God and in surrendering entirely, by discovering that you can forget yourselves for the sake of a planet that suffers, for a Plan that you should fulfill, for a Divine Love that must renew itself.
Look at the Cross every day; contemplate the absolute Love of your Lord. In Him lies the key to the healing of all sins, the transcendence of all miseries, the surrendering of all resistance.
Transforming yourselves in this time is to take a leap into the void and into the unknown. Discover a service you have not yet lived, a love you have not yet felt, a surrender you have not yet know. This begins, children, by wanting, fighting and affirming your own overcoming, every day.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Perceive, child, life around you, colors, sounds, elements, vibrations that this life emanates, what you attract to yourself, what you radiate to your neighbor. Observe how everything is united, how everything is part of a Whole, and silence yourself.
Perceive your inner world more deeply; perceive the inner world of your brothers and sisters, always so full of mysteries. Feel how everything is united, how everything is part of a Whole.
Perceive joy and plenitude; perceive anguish and suffering; perceive emptiness and the incomprehensible, and feel how these same states are manifested in life, in the consciousness of the peoples, within beings, in the expression of the Kingdoms of Nature, in the manifestation of the elements. Perceive how everything is united, how everything is part of a Whole.
Find the mystery of the similarity with God, feel that you are part of Him, part of the planet, the stars, of life and, at the same time, all of this is part of you.
Pray for peace, by living peace.
Pray for love, by seeing this love being born and expressed in you.
Pray for a new life, by rebirthing.
Pray for a new time, letting the union of times happen within you.
Live the present, the now, the service, the need, the prayer, the Plan of God.
Find God within you; find the Father within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Every time you get tired of something in you which must be transformed, and you finally surrender your being, realizing that your actions are fruits of your own inner world and not the consequences of attitudes of your neighbor, then, child, you take a new step towards spiritual maturity.
Even though it may seem that you always repent the same things, it is never the same. Transformation keeps deepening within your consciousness.
May your heart not be anguished for confessing the same things, but rather may your soul rejoice for perceiving that which is there to be transformed, not remaining in ignorance, in illusion nor in darkness.
Do not grieve when perceiving the same miseries that need to be liberated, but rather pull more deeply at the roots of human atavism which dwell in you, until this can be liberated from your consciousness and, in consequence, from the entire human consciousness.
I do not say that you will find joy as you perceive the mud that exists within you, but it will relieve your soul and your heart with the determination of transformation and the victory of surrendering to God.
Walk with love towards the goal that you see before your eyes. I will always help you get there.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Place your spiritual heart within Mine and I shall dissolve all your bitterness. Thus, you will continue to offer Me your life for a reason and for a greater motive, capable of having you surrender, day by day, so that My Project of Redemption may be fulfilled in humanity.
Place your spiritual heart within Mine and there will no longer exist wounds nor fears, for I will strengthen you in every moment. Neither temptation nor anguish will touch your being, because in faith and by faith you will know how to walk firm toward fulfilling My Designs.
Place your spiritual heart within Mine and I will teach you to love deeply so that your soul may grow within the School of Love that I have for each being.
Place your spiritual heart within Mine and you will attain peace. Daily troubles will no longer disturb you and you will receive the joy of living in God and of fulfilling His Will.
Place your spiritual heart within Mine and remain in My Peace, for all will be well.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and you will know that it has no limits. You will know the cross was not the first nor the last offering of your Lord and Creator Who, throughout all existence, surrenders to His creatures.
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and for this Creation and you will experience for yourself the essence of surrender and of love for evolution. You will know every effort is little for all beings to have the Grace of becoming closer to God.
In His agony, Christ united His human heart to the Love of God, and even though fear and anguish sprung from His bones, gushing as blood through His skin, nothing was enough to cause the potency of the Love of God in His Heart to fade away.
His thought remained upon compassion, His gaze remained upon Mercy. After having taught humankind about the Laws and also having revealed His Justice to them, during His moment of great surrender, Christ did not emanate anything other than Forgiveness, Redemption, Love and Mercy.
That is what you must experience in these times. That is what will make you Christs of the New Time, apostles and latter day saints.
Let the world know everything that you have received. Teach your neighbor, by means of examples, about the Laws and sciences you have learned and, in the time of great trial of this planet, do not emanate judgments, but forgiveness; do not emanate indignation, but compassion; emanate mercy and do not fear. Renew yourselves and multiply the Love of God in your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Even when your body may be weak and your heart tired, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even though you do not seem to have strength and your spirit seems to have no faith, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even though in the nations, hearts are losing hope, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even though the chaos seems to cover the world and the manifestation of a New Life seems distant, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even when inside and outside of beings, anguish and fear reign, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
If at least one heart is capable of remaining in God, this, child, will be enough so that, in His time, the Creator may find the path open to reach the Earth.
Supported by the gaze of His children, the Lord will return in glory so that, with His Presence, He may restore hearts, re-ascending the essences and bringing joy back to those who have lost hope.
Let the divine promise be enough for you, just as for God your mere upward gaze toward His Heart will be enough.
If you just wait with faith, everything will be accomplished.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Do not think so much about what will happen after, it is not necessary.
Stay with Me in the eternal present, in the eternal encounter with My Heart, and there place your troubles, sorrows and pains, so that I may transform them into light.
Stay with Me in the eternal present, in eternal communion with Me, a place where you will always find strength, courage and effort for fulfilling My call.
Come and stay with Me in the eternal present, in the eternal alliance between your heart and Mine, because in this perfect union your soul will shine and live the joy of being with Me.
Stay with me in the eternal present and do not remember the past, time changes, minute by minute, and something new and beautiful waits for you to live it for Me.
Stay with me in the eternal present, because there I will be able to heal you and accompany you, I will be able to support you and lead you toward the purpose that I have for you.
Just stay with Me until the end.
I thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Come, My child, and be a part of the Confraternity of My Heart, be a part of the cenacle of the New Christs.
Come, My child, with all your successes and errors, with all your anxieties and joys and be a part of the Confraternity of My Heart.
Be a part of the Confraternity of the Universe and of the Earth. Integrate completely with the spirit of My Sacred Brotherhood and, in this way, you will know your origin and your purpose, the purpose that God put into place from the beginning in the essence of your being.
Come and be a part of the Confraternity of My Heart.
With Me build peace on the surface of the Earth.
With your own hands, raise the banner of the peace-bringers of the end of times, and in all things, give your life for me, because what I come to seek from your life is something interior, it is part of the spiritual richness that God the Father has placed in your soul.
Strengthen yourself in this sacred union with Me and there will no longer be boundaries or divisions in your consciousness.
Learn to die to yourself so that you may know how to rise to the life of the spirit every day.
Continue rowing My boat, which will take you to the port of the Kingdom of God.
Move forward.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Do not allow, on any account or reason, that the tree of the fruits of the Wisdom of God dries up and that its roots stop penetrating into the depths of the earth, so that, in this way, the tree may stay strong.
From time to time, storms, deserts, droughts or heavy rains will come; but I will not allow anything to knock you down.
Trust in Me. I Am the Tree of Life and whoever lives in Me will not perish.
I have everything to give you, just as I have the power to take everything away from you.
Throughout time, I will place you in scenarios never experienced before because I will need you to suffer for Me, or that you be glad for Me, in each moment.
Let the sap of My Wisdom run through every part of your being like water that purifies but at the same time calms.
Do not despair nor be anguished because, in the greatest inner void, just like in the greatest desert, there I Am. Firmly take My Hand and just say to Me: "Come, Lord Jesus", and there I will be.
I Am the refuge of the distressed. I Am the hope of those who despair. I Am the motive and the reason for every stage of life.
Do not fail to say to Me: "Lord, I trust in You", and I will give you My Trust, again and again, as I have already given it to you, so that you may feel comforted and firm for the coming steps to be taken.
Nourish yourself from the Tree of Life and take the fruits and the gifts that My Heart yields.
Come to Me and all will be at peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear warriors of Christ, lovers of prayer and of service:
Today I come from Heaven especially to make a request for you, so that Brazil does not lose peace nor justice, I deeply implore to you, that starting tomorrow, October 25, and during nine days, you may offer to My Maternal Heart one novena of the Holy Rosary, which will be transmitted by means of the channel of the prayers for Peace in the Nations, in order for the Brazilian people to make a decision, with discernment and wisdom, so that the patronage of Our Lady of Aparecida can be preserved throughout the times.
My anguish for what happens today in Brazil is great because, as Mother of Brazil and of all of its people, I see how the nation distances from the Grace of God in an unexpected way.
For this reason, children, I need that all the Brazilians, who have love for Our Lady, may dedicate, within these coming nine days, a Mystery of the Rosary for the Mother of the Most High to have the joy of interceding for a people that is deeply loved by Me.
Even more, if in the Marian Centers, in the groups of prayer, in the cities and in the villages you gather to pray to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart during the coming nine days, I will be able to embrace a greater number of souls and hearts to remove them from a great spiritual and material deviation that Brazil is creating for its destiny.
I wish for My cry to be relieved and to not be a cry for a Brazil that will lose its spiritual and internal senses, but instead that My cry be of joy for the happiness that Brazil has generated to Me throughout the years, with your praise and love for the Lady of Aparecida.
Brazil cannot lose its values nor the gifts that faith has always provided for it.
I pray in these days for a Brazil that I love, which must learn to live justice, equality and good, because in this Brazilian land exists precious souls, lives that are capable of manifesting the New Eden in South America.
I wish, My children, that during these nine days of transmissions of the Holy Rosary for the good and justice in Brazil, My children dedicate themselves to this exercise of prayer as something that is a priority and not secondary, being aware that through prayer the angels of God will be able to intercede as much as is allowed, so that the destiny of your people may not be interfered with by any spiritual consciousness contrary to the Divine Will.
With Venezuela and Chile, it is already enough for Me. My Heart must endure what Venezuela is living due the actions of humanity, and Chile, it is already more than enough, for the hidden perversion, now known, that the Church of My Son has lived, in which hundreds of lives were wounded and outraged by supposed representatives of Christ.
Oh, what agony and what shame does My Heart feel for the Church of Chile!
Who will relieve the Heart of the Mother of God?
I call you, children, to be responsible for your coming destiny, so that, placing your consciousness on the path of prayer, you may be protected from everything that will be seen and known in these difficult times.
With all the gratitude of My Soul, I will wait for all of your voices to be united in this current of prayer during these nine days, for Brazil not to lose the most beautiful destiny that it has.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Never forget My Mercy, for you will always need it.
Each time you exercise and practice My Mercy, a miracle of love is generated in your soul and in the soul of the planet.
For through the Chaplet you invoke Mercy due to the merits gained during My sorrowful Passion, and the Father, Who is infinitely merciful, receives this request and, instead of applying His Holy Justice to you or the world, grants His merciful Compassion to all sinners of the world.
Remember that each time you invoke the merits of My Passion, by means of the power of the Rosary of Mercy, you will be opening the Wound on My Side, and from Me will pour out the Light of the Blood and the Water of Christ, over all that has been spiritually corrupted and destroyed.
Happy will be those who always invoke My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because each time it is necessary, I will submerge and baptize them in the Ocean of My Mercy and I will grant them all the most immense Love of My Heart.
I thank all who present themselves as apostles of My Divine Mercy, because their sufferings will be My sufferings, their sorrows and anguishes will be My sorrows and anguishes, and through the power of My Love, I will free them.
Happy will be those who always trust in My Mercy, for I will not abandon them at the time of their death, but rather will be at their side like the Angel of Resurrection.
I thank you for invoking the Mercy of My Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
To My little and adult children of Africa
Calm your little hearts in My paternal and meek Heart so that I may give back to you peace and hope, and in this way, you do not become discouraged by the challenges of these times.
The paths of God are unknown and the ways He conducts this, which is His Plan, have always been incomprehensible to humanity.
The Creator Father honors and loves the peaceful hearts that do not fear to surrender their own lives in order to establish peace, that do not fear to encounter chaos in order to manifest the truth that dwells within them.
Each soul on this Earth has a unique learning experience to live, and there is a time and a place for it to be fulfilled. On this day a child of God fulfilled his cycle and entered other schools, where he will continue learning about love and peace.
Place your hearts only upon the Love with which God welcomes His children, and have the certainty that a time of greater peace will come for those who in life aspired to fulfill the Will of God beyond their difficulties, beyond their suffering and the weight they carried in their hearts because of a thousand-year history of anguish and pain.
Today My heart expresses itself because every day I see the effort of My little children of Africa who, in spite of everything, love and serve God. The merits of this service touch the Heavens and open the doors so that a child of God may reach the Father.
Do not be sad, nor fearful.
This is a time of purification of the Earth as well as of the human heart, and many tests are about to come, but if you are strengthened in love and permeated by the aspiration for peace, you will always have, as today, the doors open to Heaven.
I dedicate this message to the souls who make an effort to transcend the human condition and transform the history of this world with their persistence, and although I know that many will not understand Me, I speak for a Divine Will, because the Lord wished you to know of His Love for the children and young people of Africa, for the servers and adults who seek Him. The Lord wished to express Himself in the voice of His Humble Servant because as Father of service and charity, I come to protect those who serve this world, although they do not know it.
You, My little children, serve the world in prayer; you serve the world by establishing peace; you serve the world by being firm in your purpose of healing the human heart, through your own heart; you serve the world with the joy that is still born of your spirits in spite of so much pain that you have already experienced; you serve the world because daily your love and hope touch the Heart of God.
Your prayers are heard, and today not only one but many souls arrived in Heaven through the merits of those who departed trying to establish peace.
Calm your hearts in the Peace of the Creator and do not give up serving; do not give up smiling and praying; do not give up forgiving and healing your hearts, because the Heavens open with your effort and the blessings of the Father descend upon Africa and upon the whole world.
Just as God does, I love you and bless you so that you may find peace and hope.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Third Series of Poems
Ninth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Lord Jesus Christ,
when anguish comes,
may I not fear my own purification
or that of my fellow beings.
May the glorious flame of Your Love
fill us completely
so that we have the inner strength
to overcome ourselves.
Lord Jesus, teach us to live
in the same way that You lived
the Eternal Father in each moment.
That we be able to be ambassadors of Your Legacy.
That we be able to represent You on Earth
just as You deserve it, so that
we may cease to disappoint Your Heart
and we may fill It with bliss and joy
through fulfilling
Your Designs, step by step.
Make our hearts brave,
willing to suffer for You,
and thus that we be able to repopulate the Earth
with new values of brotherhood
and mercy.
May each test that You send us, Lord,
help us to confirm our fortitude within You.
We ask You, dear Jesus,
to make us like You in humility,
true in charity and peaceful
in the face of the attacks of life.
May we not fear to humiliate ourselves before You, Lord,
as many times as You need it,
because some day we hope to be nothing
and in this nothing merge ourselves into God forever.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Seek the Truth and it will be revealed to you.
Search deep within yourself, as in the firmament of the Earth, which hides the depths of the Cosmos, the answer to your innermost concerns, the calm for your anguish and the meaning for your life.
Seek the Truth and it will be revealed to you because this is the time for unraveling mysteries. The Law dictates that nothing be hidden any longer, neither from the eyes, nor from humankind’s heart. And, little by little, this revelation will manifest itself on the surface of the Earth.
From the peoples of the beginning of the history of humanity to the present days, many mysteries were born and flourished. They are called "mysteries" because the human consciousness does not know them. But that which is a living part of the history of each being will no longer be a mystery.
The mysteries of human life are those facts that hold the true potential of humanity, as well as the reality that their existence did not begin with Earth, but rather in the depths of Divine Thought, before everything was created.
What you consider a "mystery" must be unraveled, because this is the cycle of the Truth, and the first Truth is that each being must know itself, understand its history, its roots, its errors and difficulties, and also recognize the virtues and Gifts it has received from God, throughout its evolution.
To know the Truth, you must thus seek it, knock on the door of the inner mystery and humbly allow it to reveal itself.
Ask God for the Grace of being in peace, in the face of your deepest miseries, whose roots transcend life on Earth. And also ask for the Grace of humility, to recognize that this human project is unique and that you are part of a Divine Treasure ready to manifest itself.
The gold of your spirit can become a precious celestial gift that, illuminated by the Light of God, causes hope to shine in the abysses. But you can also allow this gold to turn into dust, cause ignorance and indifference to make of you an eternal and permanent mystery to yourself. And even though all may be revealed, your eyes will see nothing.
Let your heart, child, open to the new cycles; that your concepts of life, of knowledge, of existence, and of spirituality be renewed. Because you are facing a cycle in which the Truth will emerge, and, even though it is held within you, you have never been absolutely united with it.
Everything will be new. Everything will be renewed and will show itself to the world as something unique, although obvious from the beginning, for there is no being on Earth that does not feel at their core that their ignorance hides a higher reality.
This reality will emerge. This Truth will show itself. Mysteries will cease to be mysteries, and you will finally know yourself and recognize yourself in God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May your woes be forgiven and may the ties be freed so that Jesus may finally reign within you with all of His Power and Majesty.
May your anguish be dissolved and your agony disappear so that Jesus may finally reign in you, with all of His Power and Majesty.
The consecration of a soul is eternal, as the consecration of the one who lives it in emptiness and humility is eternal.
For this reason, child, in this time of great tempests, confirmations, and tests, may Jesus finally reign so that He, with all of His Power and Majesty, may make of your soul an instrument of His Plan and a light in the greatest darkness.
Have courage and continue trying to live daily renunciation to all that most satisfies you and brings you gratification.
Continue the struggle, in the name of the Power of Jesus, so that from this human race New Christs may emerge, free of the prisons of life and full of the Holy Spirit.
Absolutely believe that you are in a transition that has not yet ended.
Believe that with each test and challenge you transcend, you will achieve the Plan of the Redeemer and thus participate in His Work of Mercy.
I am here to give you the impulse. I am here because I Am your Gentle Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more