In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Beloved children,
For God, your Father, there is no impediment or obstacle for Him to be close to His Children and for His Spiritual Plan to descend and unite to the souls that invoke Him and cry out to Him.
I Am the Mother of Argentina, the Venerated Virgin of Lujan, who holds all supplications in Her Heart and watches over the faith of Her children, so that it may not disappear.
Be conscious of the dark night that the planet and humanity are going through. There are no other paths, but God’s path, which can be drawn through your hearts and your inner life.
My Son sends me before, to be with you on this day, because I Am the Mother of all, the Venerable Mother that has made a commitment to each one of Her children so that they may live the Will of God.
I come to heal the wounds that have opened.
I come to place Light where there is darkness.
I come to bring hope where it has completely disappeared.
I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses, the eyes of your souls, so that you may see and feel the Kingdom of God close to you.
Argentina will rise from the ashes, because its inner spirit, the spirit of this nation, cannot be defeated.
You still do not know its fire, a sacred fire that impels Argentina to be a strong country, firm in its conviction and faith, which is what you must learn to take care of and protect today. Because despite the dark night or despite the time without answers or signs, or even without solutions, this is the calvary that shows itself before you so that you may live and cross it, because if My Son did it for you, you can also do it.
God blesses, with His Graces, those who sacrifice and persevere.
God tends to those who are weak and those who cannot find meaning to their lives.
God is here, in you and among you, and He springs from My Motherly Heart in offering and love for His children.
Do not forget everything I have taught you. It is time to apply the divine knowledge that We have given you.
It is time for you to be yourselves, once and for all, with your own light, with your own love, united to the Love of the Father, with constant self-giving and service for those who suffer.
Today, I come to pour out My Grace upon those who have lost it and even upon those who have never recognized it.
Because if I speak today it is at the request of My Son and in obedience to His designs. Because here, before Me and in your souls, there are precious crystals that still must be polished and transformed. And when My Son starts transforming and polishing them, will you leave? He has something special for each one, believe Me. Because He hopes He will reveal it to each being, on the indicated day and hour.
Meanwhile, I invite you to renew yourselves in the school of prayer.
How will you sustain yourselves if you do not pray?
How will you be able to discern if you do not pray?
How will you be able to have Light on your paths if you do not pray?
Darkness embraces many souls in these times and you know it.
Allow your own purification to be freed and transcended forever. Because God does not want to see you in suffering or in pain, but rather in the joy and certainty to live Him each day, in perpetual communion with His Sublime and Eternal Heart.
But the tests of life are there to be lived and experienced. If I promised to you a life of roses, I would not be honest with you, MY children.
If My Son drank from the Chalice without deserving it, have you asked yourselves internally if you would be capable of drinking the offering to God from the Chalice?
O My Lord, Your Altar is served. How many chalices are full to be offered and drunk by souls?
Who will understand, beyond themselves, the reason for this commitment and the reason why God offers to you His mystery to be revealed?
I pray for those who cannot understand this moment, because I know.
Have you ever wondered what I felt upon seeing My Son being handed over, flagellated, crucified and killed on the Cross for something He never did?
What is more beyond human comprehension?
What is more beyond knowledge or even knowledge itself?
It is called love, children; love for the unknown, love for the immaterial will that has ruled your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters since the emergence of your essences in the ponds of God and since the gestation in the wombs of your mothers.
For this reason, a mother knows what it is to have a child; but does a child know what it is to have a mother?
How many mothers suffer disappointment of their dearest children and cry, just as I cry with them, so that My tears may be the river of Grace that consoles the mothers who love and protect the path of their children?
I am here to protect the Work of God, in which you participate.
My Son hopes you have been able to learn today and have grown internally. This is what My Son has hoped for for a long time, because if in all this and at this moment there were not love, I would not be here, because God is Love, but He is also Justice.
He will never allow you to go astray from His path and, even if you go astray, He will rescue you because this is the promise that My Son has made at the foot of His Throne, of His humble house of love and service in this Creation.
I want this Light, which once ignited in your hearts for this Work many years ago, to today re-ignite in confidence and faith. Because if I am here it is not only because I love you, but also because I accompany and support you.
And today I promise you, My beloveds, that your wounded trust is being repaired by the Grace that God has sent Me to give you, in spiritual communion with My Son and in eternal sacrament.
God knows that human imperfection is very great; but despite this, the one who obeys the Lord becomes liberated from themselves forever. Because that is where your school is, the one of surrendering your own will every day so that the Will of God may reign in you at each moment.
Today, I come to give to the offended hearts the roses that exist in the Kingdom of Heaven, which are profoundly spiritual and invisible, so that a flower of My celestial garden, nourished by good and praying souls, may be positioned upon your hearts and, thus, you may receive the perfume of the Mother of God, the perfume of Her Grace and Her Peace.
Argentina, through you, must affirm itself in the work with the Centers of Love. You already know how to do it and how to represent the Hierarchy on this wounded, outraged and violated planet.
And thus, in union with the Centers of Love, you will be able to know the treasures of the Hierarchy, but above all the treasures that are hidden and yet to be revealed in your hearts. Cross the door to the inner rebirth, the door that I offer to you today to inner rebirth, reconciliation and internal union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My Son has asked Me to anoint each one of you with a kiss on your forefront. Receive, in this way, this gesture of Love of the Celestial Mother, of the little Virgin of Lujan, so that the stars and suns that live in you may ignite and affirm themselves in the purpose of God.
I want to thank each one of My children of the Light-Network for being here today and for having crossed the threshold of incomprehension and misunderstandings. Because the love that lives and dwells in each being has brought you here, up to this present day, so that the pain may be liberated, so that faith may be strengthened, so that peace may fill you and embrace you on this day and thus, this may be radiated to the world that needs it so much in this crucial and difficult hour.
Remember that in Heaven We are always there for everyone, for everyone; that the doors of My Heart will always open so that you may find a safe haven in this time.
The work of the Light-Choir in Argentina must expand. The Southern Cone must make the gifts of God shine through the voices that offer to praise and recognize Him as the only God of the universe and of life and so that, above all, the doors of the Heavens may be open upon Argentina, and this country, this nation, and especially its people, may be a part of the last boat of salvation of Christ, Our Lord.
Because you will see Him come down the mountain, just as He did so many times.
Because you will see Him preach, heal and cure in a surprising way, just as He did so many times.
Because you will be able to feel, upon His Return, His blessing Hand, His closeness and His embrace, as He did many times with the forgotten, with the discarded, with the offended, with the wounded, with all those who have been despised.
The touch of His humble Love, at His Return, will transform all things, just as the Mantle that the holy women would touch for them to be healed, just as the tears that rolled upon His Feet to wash and bless them with the love of the confirmed ones.
Today I want you to re-consecrate your vows as Children of Mary, but with an inner conviction of striving every day to fulfill the vows that you yourselves professed to Christ.
This will allow the light and expression of the task of Argentina through you to be fulfilled, because everything is offered so that this may happen. For this reason, I am here, to accompany and impel you once more.
My Son needs your service in Argentina to make the sun of this nation to shine, because to Him, Our Lord, this is urgent.
Before I bid farewell and thank you, I wish for the little Marys to draw near to be blessed by Me.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us bless these little souls, through anointment, so that they may be consecrated as Children of Mary.
Let us say a prayer for this soul.
Prayer: “Hail Mary” (twice).
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the perfume of My Love be felt at this moment, so that souls may re-ignite in the Love and Grace of the Father, which are immeasurable, infinite and inextinguishable.
Just as I consecrate these little souls today, baptizing them with the spiritual Light of My Son, in the same way I consecrate and baptize you again with the spiritual Light that Jesus brought to His Mother and His apostles in His Resurrection.
May the stars of My Crown protect and guide Argentina.
I thank you for this meeting of peace, love and reconciliation.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"In each fall, a learning.
"In each learning, a choice.
In each choice, a path.
In each path, a destiny.
In each destination, a decision.
In each decision, a test.
In each test, a challenge.
In each challenge, an opportunity to mature.
May the Christic Spirit mature within you.
May the Christic Spirit give you strength every day to cross your own desert.
May the Love of My Heart show you that it is always possible, because it is a matter of willingness.
Do not stop, fix your gaze upon My Heart."
Christ Jesus
Dear children,
It will be good for you to know, at this moment, that nothing of what will happen should be able to surprise you because each soul of this planet will experience the test it needs to be able to learn something in these times.
The tests that will come will not be punishments nor difficulties imposed by God, but rather schools that each soul must study in to be able to finish learning the basic lessons of life.
For this reason, all the love that you are able to express even in the smallest details will help all tests be more worthwhile and that, from each one of them, you may receive the learning you need to be able to grow in truth and in daily life.
Everything has its place and its space. Thus, each test that will come will forge the best that each soul has, but will also place it before the truth it needs to see and recognize in this time of important definitions.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To the Most Tested Souls
What are you afraid of? of not being able to reciprocate with Me? of completely losing fidelity to your Master and Lord?
Remember that each test that you go through is for forging the fulfillment of each one of your vows and, through your vows, concretizing the great mission that I have entrusted to you.
Each test is full of uncertainties and challenges which, with intelligence rather than with guilt, you should learn to overcome. You should demonstrate to the Father that you can surpass Me in what I lived for you and for your brothers and sisters in the Garden of Gethsemane.
You must not allow a test to push you or drag you. Each challenge toward transformation must be, for your consciousness, the opportunity to take another step toward My path of apostolate.
In the most difficult tests, resistances and aspects can be dissolved and become ashes. There will never be a test nor a lesson that you canot overcome.
Otherwise, how would you show Me that you truly want to follow Me? I do not promise rose gardens, but rather I promise spiritual triumphs for God through your surrender, sacrifice and redemption.
Be intelligent and act with determination. Make the gift that I gave you count. Make it blossom every day and you will be showing Me that you understood and that you already know that which I need.
Do not feel discouraged, an apostle of Christ never steps back.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Let those who are tired and overwhelmed come to Me.
Let those who purify themselves and learn to be redeemed come to Me.
Let those who suffer and endure the consequences of these times come to Me, for I can renew all things, I can provide understanding for all situations and experiences.
Let those who need peace the most come to Me, and I will carry them within My Heart so that they may feel encouraged and have the strength to know that every test or situation has an end and reason for every being.
Come to Me, all those who need meaning in life, and an explanation for all that has happened, for I will have you understand with your heart all that you need to understand.
In this time, come to Me, and you will be able to recognize your worthiness before the Celestial Father and, in this way, you will know that you were always His children, and you always will be, you will not lose the spiritual paternity that you can experience with the One.
Come to Me and all will pass, for whoever comes to Me learns to truly love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
After quite a while, I once again draw close to the south of Uruguay, after the Uruguayan people chose the new school, that it must go through.
As from now, this country will have a chance to be able to reverse the state of consciousness in which it spiritually placed itself and will have the opportunity to close a great many uncertain doors that it opened throughout the last fourteen years.
In this way, the Uruguayan people will achieve the freedom that it so believed it had for its life decisions. For this reason, the Universe will grant the Grace that many Uruguayans can again find a path of return to the house of the Celestial Father.
In the new coming cycle, Uruguay will experience the test of disagreements and opposition, because in order to reverse the spiritual situation it has entered, only a new cycle could generate a sufficiently large enough change, for the opposite of what this country has experienced in the last years to occur.
For this, the Hierarchy will intervene in the consciousness of Uruguay so that, together with Argentina, it may maintain the possibility of resuming upon the path it once lost.
For this reason, I pray that this Grace may be established.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
If you are burdened, come to Me.
If you are weary, come to Me.
If you are disturbed, come to Me, because I will help you.
Only your Master has knows and is aware of the facts of life.
Your Master knows the moment when you will go through a desert, a test or a difficulty. But if you are holding on to Me, you will not perish.
Let the Flame of My Heart be the guide of your life and be the lantern that illuminates the times of darkness.
Come to Me and I will relieve you. I will give you inner strength to be able to continue moving forward.
Only the Master knows what it means to give everything and be in profound solitude. This is why I incarnated in humanity, to give testimony of God's Love, of a Love that is capable of going beyond weaknesses.
Therefore, come to Me and I will relieve you. I will give you the same manna that the people of Israel received and you will be able to persist and go on within this experience.
Thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Prayer of the Sacrificed Soul
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
If the Amazon region is totally devastated, as it has been happening throughout the recent years, and if the government continues forcing its ideas and projects upon Creation, the Brazilian people will witness events that will reach beyond the communication media and the newspapers.
Nothing can stop the trial and justice that the head, who was chosen to govern this country, will face, because no creature on the surface of Earth will be able to modify or deter the powerful action of the Universal Laws and, above all, the Universal Law of nature itself. This punishment can only be stopped with prayers from the loyal devotees of My Sacred Heart.
When I asked you to pray for the reconsecration of Brazil, it was so that at this moment you might be strengthened before all the unimaginable, which will show up overnight.
I want you to understand, companions, that never should anyone dare to challenge the Law, as many men and women do, because their lives will not only be unhappy, but sooner or later they will be converted into a disgrace, impossible to be hidden from anybody.
In the same way, I have come to ask you to pray for the reconsecration of Argentina, for the Argentines to be protected.
If within Brazil the harmful projects against life and against nature are not deterred, you will see not only fire, but also a lot of innocent blood flow, like rivers, and this will be similar to what happened in Kibeho, Rwanda.
If at this same moment the Brazilian government does not stop and listen, although it does not believe in the divine existence, many will cry more than hundreds of raindrops that fall from the sky.
I come to avoid a national and social catastrophe. Therefore, take My Message to the world, because if you do not do what I am asking you, South America will experience the consequences, a drought as it has never experienced one before.
There will not be a new flood, but rather rain will fall from great and unknown stars that will end a part of humanity.
I call you to be conscious.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
As a Carpenter, I gradually molded the raw wood of you heart, so that you could discover the treasure that is within you.
As a Shepherd, I gradually conducted your paths, just as My Son taught Me, so that you could reach His Sacred Heart.
As a Father, I gradually polished your more human aspects, showing you what you are not, so that you could know the truth about yourself.
As a Friend, I was ever present, making Myself felt in each trial and bringing peace to your heart, to calm your anguishes and illuminate your abysses.
As a Companion, I gradually opened the doors of Heaven for you, pointing to the rocks on the path and accompanying your steps, so that you could make the Love of God triumph within your heart.
Now, child, I come, as a Servant of God, to show you a broader and deeper path, albeit invisible and hidden.
I come to show the path so that you may live My words, experience My instructions and thus, you may not only see how My Heart reaches the world, every day, but you may come with Me, enter the Portals and find your Celestial Father, Your Creator and Creator of all things.
I am Your Servant. He is your Lord. I have come here for you, so that you may accompany Me toward His Heart, and this path is trodden in silence, in the depth of your inner world, crossing the door of your essence that leads you to God.
Come, for the hour has arrived. Hear My silence and follow My walk. I come to make room for the voice of God within your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I am present within those who trust and believe in Me.
Thus, in spite of everything, I illuminate your souls, and the deep spaces of the being are filled by Christic Light.
I bring you, companions, the Light of My Kingdom so that all darkness may be dispelled and hearts may achieve the peace and the stability that they need.
From the Universe, I bring you the power of the Light of God and I bestow Mercy in all places and spaces.
Companions, stay calm. All tests will pass.
I am here to sustain you and support you through My merciful and kind Heart.
I leave you My Peace and the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I am with you in each attunement and in the prayer that emerges from your hearts.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Even if you fall before Me many times, My child, I will not cease to recognize you, for I know that, beyond every mistake and every test, your heart wants to be close to Mine, and I recognize and appreciate that very much, so that the soul may feel the reason for surrendering their life to Me.
Stay by My side and you will see that everything will be transformed from time to time.
You must remember your miseries so that vainglory does not enter your life.
Feeling imperfect or moribund is a state of consciousness that leads you to remember of God and beseech Him.
He expects His children to be converted in order to represent and recognize Him as their Creator, so that Grace may exist in life, and that inexhaustible source may continue to transform the human consciousness.
This is the time to recognize the truth within oneself and to participate of the demanding changes of these times, so that the soldiers of the last times may awaken in humanity.
I thank you for keeping My aspirations in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Give thanks to God for each moment of your life, for each word received from His Sacred Heart.
Give thanks to God for each blessing and each trial, for each experience lived on Earth, which makes you grow and give new steps on the way of evolution and of return to the Heart of the Father.
Give thanks to God for the cycles experienced as well as for the present moment, and always build with Him the steps of the future; not just your future, but the future of the whole humanity, the future of this planet with its Kingdoms and its life.
Be thankful, at each moment, because gratitude will open the correct door toward the evolutionary path for you.
Gratitude will convert the growing adversities into love, and even the harassments that come your way will, under the spirit of gratitude, be transmuted.
May your thoughts and your heart be constantly in God, in an eternal movement of gratitude toward Him. This way, child, you will find the way back to the Heart of the Father.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Never close your heart to God for He, Who is wise and powerful, merciful and just, understands the limitations of your soul and consciousness.
Each time you feel at the edge of the abyss, give Him all that you are and everything you have experienced, knowing that His Creative Power transforms all things. There is no fear that cannot be dissolved or misunderstanding that cannot be clarified.
Each stage and moment in life is unique and unrepeatable. Each hour that goes by is renewed and what happened up until recently is left in the past.
For this reason, live in the present and inner blame will disappear. God loves you above all things and His Love is nontransferable.
Take a step toward the new life, to life renewed in Christ; in this way, you will succeed in seeing each test with a different degree of understanding and of wisdom.
Never lose your peace, the peace that will lead you to the Whole.
Trust that everything will transform. I am here for that. I am your Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel, all the time, how God contemplates His Creation and, among all the infinity of the galaxies, universes and stars, how He especially loves the Earth.
Feel the unknown value that the planet Earth has and remember the experience in which He was a participant during the Life of Jesus.
Remember how God, being so great and powerful, made Himself small to be able to incarnate amongst humanity and teach them about the stages of love and of forgiveness.
Be aware of all of this, time and again, and affirm that, above each trial or difficulty, this truth of love always prevails, which is eternal and is transmitted from generation to generation.
Bring to your consciousness the meaning of all that the Father did for His children and how His Love, which is invincible, continues to work and act throughout the times.
Hang on to this Divine Truth; live through it so that every day you may be a servant as similar as Christ, Our Lord, was.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let prayer be like a flower that opens over your heart and allow the subtle fragrances that it emanates flood your spirit and your whole being.
Let the very light of the flower of prayer sublimate the innermost spaces of your consciousness. Trust in the power of the Word and in the amplitude of its creative energy.
Let the flower of prayer work in you, according to its time and not according to your expectations.
The flower of prayer shows you the hidden inner beauty, beyond a delayed purification or a delayed test.
Let the flower of prayer, over your heart, enkindle your soul with love, and may it regain a sense of purpose, whenever it is necessary.
Let the flower of prayer perform the miracle of love and redemption in your life. Feel the peace radiated by the beautiful flowers and the devotion they express in all Creation.
Because, someday, your soul may be like a flower that, having been born, grown and matured in the petals of love, forgiveness and redemption, will express what God so much expected of your essence.
Trust and continue to turn your life into a flower in adoration and devotion to God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To follow the Plans of God, remain in prayer, and allow your spirit to constantly drink from the Fountain of Peace of the Universe.
Live each moment like it is unique, allowing your heart to be renewed in faith and in union with God.
Each day that goes by, the spiritual trial that the planet will experience is drawing closer, and each step taken by beings on the evolutive path or against evolution is what defines the destiny of the planet and the seriousness of the trials that it will go through.
For this reason, child, each time you perceive that the world is destabilizing and nations are spiritually lost, make the correct effort in order to deepen your spiritual life and always remain in prayer.
Throughout the whole way with the cross of these times, there will be tests to overcome, temptations to conquer, doubts to dispel. And every time hearts are confirmed in their faith and love for their fellow beings and God, they will transmute some part of human sin and damnation, and they will generate merits so that this planet may remain in peace.
The response of the hearts at each new day is indispensable. The renewal within beings is what renews the Love in the Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Never tire of fixing your consciousness in God, beyond everything that happens within you or around you.
That spiritual attitude will allow the higher Laws to come to the aid of your consciousness and any situation, spiritual or interior, may be resolved.
Trust absolutely in the nonmaterial purpose that God created for your existence and, based on that truth, carry forward this life full of challenges and trials.
But never get discouraged nor fall asleep. Make every moment count as if it were the last; make each stage of life result in the learning of love and of forgiveness.
God does not seek the perfect things within you because He already knows everything, He already knows everything that you do not know within yourself.
Therefore, the Celestial Father is waiting for the right moment to ask His children for new steps. But those steps will be taken and delivered as you love detachment in your lives.
Because, in truth, few will be those who will give everything to the Lord for the constitution of His Purpose and for the divine realization of His Will.
Therefore, as a Mother, I know what it means to divest oneself and how much that causes pain, delays and stagnation. But the light of the spirit of faith will prevail. Be calm and trust, there is no obstacle or barrier of consciousness that cannot be overcome.
Do not stop rowing until you can find the safe harbor of the Lord's Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Never cease to be the Light of Christ in these times. Let this light, in abundance, fill hearts.
Continue to be this Light of Christ that dissipates darkness and rescues hearts with love.
Be the Light of Christ in these critical times. Let this inner and inextinguishable light reach all who need it.
Be the Light of Christ in each act, as well as in each test. Do not torment yourself or be distressed by anything.
Continue to be the Light of Christ, this light which must triumph and bring peace to the world.
In all things, seek humility so that the Light of Christ may also be able to penetrate the deep spaces of the consciousness.
Be this Light of Christ that encompasses all, that welcomes all and understands all.
Be this inner light that transcends forms and all feelings.
Seek to be the Light of Christ in love and in the good. Let this light surpass the limits and boundaries of the consciousness.
Be this light that carries the Peace and Mercy of God. Let the Light of Christ triumph, every day, so that on Earth, finally, the Kingdom of God may be manifested and accomplished in each redeemed one.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Always listen to the voice of your heart and, in spite of what happens, trust in the potential of the love that overcomes every test, that calms every pain, that achieves every victory.
Live through the heart, giving yourself in every moment and offering yourself in reparation for those who do not offer themselves.
Always listen to the voice of your heart, a voice that calls on you to live the greatness of the Kingdom of God within your being and your consciousness.
Unite with your heart and contemplate the Sacred Temple of Christ. A Temple that will lead you to live a greater love for Creation and for life.
In your heart lies the path to, again and again, reencounter the purpose that brought you to Earth.
The heart is the portal that will lead you to peace, to then find the light that will merge you into God with the Love of His Existence.
Trust in your heart and listen to its melodies of healing.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more