Dear Children,
As Lady and Guardian of the Eucharist, on this day of Pity and Mercy for the whole world, I would like My Son to be recognized once again by all, through the consecrated Bread and Wine; so that, through the adoration of good souls, the errors and outrages, which the Heart of the Creator continues to receive, may be repaired.
Therefore, My children, through this gesture of merciful love of your hearts and lives, the Tabernacles of the Earth that are destroyed by wars or profaned by ignorant souls, spaces that are blessed by My Son, shall also be repaired and contemplated, just as the angels of the choir of reparation do.
I would like to tell you, My children, that the holy places, just as the Eucharist sanctifies everything that it touches and radiates, are fundamental spaces for the elevation of souls and especially of the planet, which need much Light and Mercy in these times.
The first step is that souls adore and value the Sacrament, so that humanity does not continue to lose its authentic spiritual union with the Creator.
As Lady and Guardian of the Eucharist, I thank all My children who faithfully carry out every day the holy adoration of the Eucharistic and Heavenly Body of the Redeemer.
United in prayer for all impossible and urgent causes, I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children:
On this Saturday, accompany the recollection of the Lord, so that His Sacred Heart may be repaired from all the evils caused to the human race and especially to life.
Let us pray so that nations, peoples and society may rediscover the significance and reason for belonging to God, so that the ideologies that incite to the rejection and denial of all spirituality and even of all religion may not undermine the path of souls, of the return to the House of the Heavenly Father.
Therefore, My children, this is an atypical time, it is a time in which one's own ideas prevail, capable of changing the destiny of one or several entire nations.
This is the reason and the time to turn to the Spiritual Temple of God, to pray and to ask for sanity to fill all possible hearts, especially all hearts that no longer believe in the existence of the Living God. This also wounds My Mother's Heart, just as the lance wounded My Son on the Cross.
Therefore, dear children, you must have a life united with God, for He is the Source and He is the spiritual nourishment in these times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"The one who loves, will not fear.
The one who made a mistake, will learn to make amends.
The one who offended, will learn to ask for forgiveness.
The one who hated, will reconcile again.
The one who divided, will unite again.
The one who submerged in darkness, will find the Light again.
The one who hurt, will learn to heal.
The one who is in ignorance, will someday awaken to the Truth.
The one who walked away, will one day return.
The one who mistrusted, will learn to self-trust.
The one who stepped backward, will learn to move forward.
Nothing is fixed or permanent, so is the evolution of the spirit of every being.
There are causes and conditions, but they cannot paralyze the walk of the disciple.
The universe will always show what is not yet solved, for being under the Law of the universe means being in unity and harmony."
Christ Jesus
Dear children:
After the coming of My Beloved Son to Argentina, as Mother of all and Lady of Lujan, I come to bless you for the last time.
I will continue praying for you, My children of Argentina. In this way, despite the traumatic social scenario of the country, your hearts may be comforted by the Love that My Motherly Heart offers you at this time.
My beloved children of Argentina, I wish that you carry in your hearts all the impulses you received in these last days, as part of the merciful and compassionate gesture of God for an Argentina that must already prepare itself for the Return of Christ.
Meanwhile, I encourage you, My children, to perform works of charity and good deeds, and to think that every moment of service to those who suffer, you will be doing it as a true act of reparation; thus, violence and mistreatment among the members of the human family may be eradicated from Argentina and hope, strength and faith, which has already dissolved in many hearts, may return to Argentina.
My children, your Mother and Lady of Luján asks you to be forerunners of the hope and joy that the Gospel gives you, because in this way more needy hearts in Argentina will have the Grace to be reborn in love and goodness.
I thank you, My children of Argentina, for having accompanied each of the steps of Our Sacred Hearts.
Go forward, My children of Argentina!
Who thanks you and blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján
My children,
You are precious crystals that, day by day, are being polished by the Hands of the Redeemer.
May the great radiance that exists within you shine, so that this world may not lose its ability to love and forgive.
Your lives are precious crystals in the Hands of My Son so that, by being purified, you may attain the inner purpose that He has thought of for each one of you.
A raw crystal needs to be polished smoothly and carefully. In this work of the purification of the crystal, the harshness is removed so that the beauty that lies within the crystal may be expressed.
Each one of you are at this moment. Do not resist and allow My Son to make all things new, because His faithful Purpose is to convert your lives according to the project that He once thought of for each one of you. Trust, and do not fear.
Some harshness of life is difficult to remove, however, it is not impossible, because the Love of My Son came to the world to show everyone that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
My children, allow for everything to be removed from its place so that the great crystal of your lives may reflect the immeasurable beauty of the inner Christ, because this is the time for the inner Christs to rule, in this cycle, through Love.
May the Love of God repair and heal souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My sons and My daughters:
In this end time, build your strength and your faith in My Immaculate Heart.
I will be your refuge, I will be Who will take you to God. And, although the Mother of God is retreating, perpetual prayer will be the bridge that will unite us between Heaven and Earth.
Life will show you everything that still needs to be transformed. Miseries and deserts are within you so that, step by step, you may go beyond them and redeem your consciousnesses.
This is an abnormal end time, because everything that was always hidden and outside of the Law will be shown.
Continue to pray for Peace in the world, so that humanity may internally be prepared for everything that is now coming.
Trust. The Mother of God will never abandon a praying soul.
Offer yourself in sacrifice and in reparation for the offended Heart of God; thus, the sins of the world, which are many, will be placated.
Remember your Guardian Angel.
My Love can be within you, go ahead.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
May your heart feel the pain of the world and be moved, finding the way of repairing the suffering of humanity in each instant of life.
From the simplest things to the greatest surrenders, offer God your actions, feelings and thoughts so that He may transform you into an instrument of repair for the human consciousness.
From within you, each day, may a greater love be born that expresses fraternity and unity with your neighbor, that expresses service and cooperation among brothers and sisters, that expresses overcoming limitations and defeating barriers.
May your heart recognize in all things the opportunity to heal the world so that it may be with prayer or with life, with the word and with silence, with stillness and with service, knowing how to find the need, knowing how to embrace the opportunities and find the Living God in each instant.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seated at the table with your Lord, pray, child, for all life, for all beings, for those who are lost in their own ignorance, for those who do not recognize the One that shares the Bread and surrenders Himself to repair the sins of the world.
Seated at the table with your Lord, contemplate all life, the depth of each instant, the greatness hidden in each movement, the attentive Eyes of God upon the Earth, His Spirit flooding all of Creation.
Observe that the Time of God unites with the time of the Earth and, for an instant, nothing is separate. The Son and the Father are One with the Consoling Spirit and your little essence participates in divine unity.
Seated at the table with your Lord, give thanks for each offering, each word and each silence, each gesture and movement, each instant of stillness. Everything is a part of a universal ceremony, celestial and human, revealing that which the human being really is for all Creation.
Thus, let your feet be washed, your spirit purified and your soul redeemed. In this way, remember the purity of your essence and, allowing the dust of the past to be taken off of your feet, open to a new and eternal path of return to the Heart of God: a path that is tread in sacrifice, in love and in perfect unity with Divine Consciousness.
Washed by Christ, your spirit becomes one with Him. You are bread, a part of the Bread that is given at the altar; you are blood, part of the Blood that is poured on Calvary. And in the way that the offering of your Lord is forever renewed, so also must your surrender be renewed.
Thus, sit down once again at the table of renewal with your Lord and God, your Brother and Friend, your Father, Husband and Companion, your own heart, since you were called to be one with Christ.
Receive His Body and His Blood and renew your surrender. Give body, blood and life to the One that gives you everything each day. Live the revelation of surrender in the mystery of Communion.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Light of My Heart and My Blood can circulate through the blood, within you, through each new act of Communion.
Thus, a part of the mystery of the reparation that souls can spiritually experience is revealed when, through surrender, they relive the sorrowful Passion of their Lord.
In this moment of the act of communing with My Body and My Blood, it is possible to justify the possible errors committed before the Celestial Father and His divine Law.
In this way, the soul or souls receive a repairing atonement, because the Blood spiritually dissolves the sins committed against the celestial commandments.
Through the Blood of Jesus, the penitent recognize the power and, at the same time, the mystery of the consoling Love of Jesus.
In this way, life is purified and also ennobled through the spiritual merits granted by the sacrifice and surrender of Christ for the whole human race.
In every moment of communion, punishments or condemnations are dissolved when the heart is repentent and recognizes its imperfection before God. This sets it free.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The rain that falls from the sky today is the crying of the angels, upon seeing the five thorns of pain in the Heart of their Master, caused by the religious life and by humanity.
So that the Heart of your Lord may be alleviated, today I come to give you the "Rosary of the Five Thorns Nailed in the Heart of Jesus", so that you may pray it for all those who are ungrateful and indifferent after having received from Me the celestial treasures, which were wasted and not valued.
I give you this rosary, so that you may pray it as many days as possible, so that the Eternal Father may see the appeals of His good children for the greatest sinners and so that the five thorns of pain may be removed from the Heart of your Master.
Each time an indifferent soul commits an action against the Law and the Universe, the thorns are nailed even further into the Heart of the Redeemer.
If this prayer is prayed before the Blessed Sacrament, the merits it will generate will benefit the rescue of some deep nucleus of souls that are indifferent, so that they may have an opportunity in the next world.
If this prayer is prayed within the families of the Light-Rosaries, the pilgrim devotees will heal the punished Heart of Jesus with their voices, and many Graces will be granted to faithful hearts.
Now I will teach you the "Rosary of the Five Thorns Nailed in the Heart of Jesus."
Union bead
For the faith, devotion, service and love of all pilgrims,
may the punished Heart of Jesus be healed and alleviated.
First decade
For the thorn of ingratitude, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the surrender and love of the pilgrims restore our Lord.
Second decade
For the thorn of indifference, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the service, charity and fidelity of the pilgrims repair our Lord.
Third decade
For the thorn of disobedience, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the obedience, loyalty and transparency of the pilgrims repair our Lord.
Fourth decade
For the thorn of infidelity, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the purity, humility and simplicity of the pilgrims heal our Lord.
Fifth decade
For the thorn of the lack of love, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the faith, light and consolation of pilgrims rebuild the Spirit of our Lord.
Thank you for being responsive to Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Heart of Mother finds encouragement in pure souls that pray from their heart for the establishment of peace.
My Heart of Mother finds encouragement in the souls that open the Doors of Heaven with their prayers, and do not fear to know the Truth and the Kingdom of God.
I come, My children, so that your spirits may know this Truth, so that Argentina does not remain in ignorance about itself and about life on Earth, but rather that it may know who it is and what the potential is that it holds as a nation and as a people.
I come, as I came so many centuries ago, to prepare the birth of the new humanity which will emerge from within each one of you. A humanity that will reveal the similarities of your hearts with God; a humanity that will demonstrate to you what you were created for and what the purpose of your lives is.
I come to raise men and women by means of My presence; to raise a people from its darkness and from its inner abysses so that, strengthened by its best virtues, it may convert into a fertile and sacred soil, worthy of receiving the Feet of the One who will come to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth and to reveal this Kingdom within beings.
My Heart of Mother, so many times flagellated and outraged by human actions and by the indifference of hearts, is repaired by the sincere prayers of My children and, more than that, beloved children, I find encouragement and merits to intercede for the world when your spirits are open and available for a new life.
I come, to remove you from illusion and suffering, and to teach you to repair the Heart of God with your own lives. I come to open your eyes to the simplicity that there is to find and live the celestial Truth and higher life.
I come to point out the way and show you the signs in the sky and within you so that your inquietudes may find responses in the Truth that is revealed to your hearts.
Argentina is a nation filled by mysteries and hidden gifts, and the moment has come for them to be revealed, and it will be the very Hand of God, My children, that will remove the veils that cover your eyes and will show you what is hidden, although it has always been here, since before the establishment of your people as a nation.
From the top of the mountain ranges to the depths of the seas, everything will be revealed. The light that shined, hidden by nature, will no longer shine within the Earth but rather before your eyes, reflecting in the mirrors of your hearts and revealing that not only upon the Earth, but also within yourselves, a greater life was hidden.
This is a time of revelations; revelations of a Truth that has existed since the beginning of the Origin of life; a Truth from which you have distanced and which will be revealed to you so that you can return to it. With the light of this Truth, the light of My Son will also be shown to you. You will first see His splendor in the Sun of His Eyes and of His Heart; then you will see His Feet, which walk toward the Earth, and then you will recognize Him as the Son and a part of God, as God Himself surrendered to humanity.
Rejoice and awaken, My children. It is time to make of your own conversion a reason for bliss and joy. It is time to make of your own awakening a reason for plenitude; to make of your own sacrifice a reason for renewal and of your own life an eternal revelation of God.
I love you, bless and thank you for responding to My call.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
So that the religious orders of the world and, especially, those consecrated in this time are able to overcome and transcend the definitive times in themselves, I come to ask the Grace Mercy Order for the reparation of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus on Saturdays; so that My adversary does not continue to push My disciples with its tail to make them fall into the abysses, and so that the Heart of your Sweetest Redeemer may be consoled by all those who, in the religious and priestly life, lost the Gifts of God through the influences of the tests of these times.
I at least hope that the consecrated life in the world will continue to be a bridge that leads souls toward God rather than to a pigpen of squalor and adversities.
My wish is that, through the divine merits of My Sorrowful and Extreme Passion, your religious order, on Saturday at three in the afternoon, will offer a group prayer to Divine Mercy, irrespective of the place or moment when you meet.
If you respond to this request of your Lord for an unspecified time, the Saving Grace of the Father will descend over hundreds of clergy in the world, and the great temptations and disobedience of these times will be dissolved, for I will place My Hands over the one who pleads in My Name and they will no longer be an instrument of spiritual distortion, but rather a balm of love for My Heart.
I come to ask that, on the Saturdays of reparation, you have a collective adoration with all the members of your Order, which will also calm the indignation of God because of so many deviations that many clergy experience in this cycle.
If that request is done and nobody fails to fulfill it, I promise you, through the fruits of My unfathomable Mercy, to rescue the male and female clergy who fell into temptation and are lost.
I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
The times that will arrive will deeply need the adherence of all in order to know how to go through the culminating stages which will place humanity on a new path.
With all of this, My children, I need you to be able to perceive the reality of this cycle which, full of challenges and tests, will be filled with the light of your prayers so that peace may be established in the world.
My children, this planetary moment will need more and more consciousness, righteousness and prayer in order to be within the necessary spiritual protection to know and learn how to discern before all the events that in a short while will approach.
For this reason, the Sacred Hearts go on pilgrimage to different nations of the world to prepare and alert all children of the Celestial Father, to remove souls from the illusion of these times, to awaken human consciousness and fraternity, which will help to feel the inner need to assist and cooperate with one’s fellow being.
Dear children, for this reason, the Divine Messengers also bring the graces that exist within the Creator Source of God so that souls may recover their filiation with the Eternal Father and, above all, remember their divine and spiritual origin, which is drowning under the modern influences of these times, under a global distraction.
Thus, dear children, I bring you to God through My Heart and I invite you to repair the Heart of the Divine Father so that He may pour His Mercy upon you.
My children, I call you to have more consciousness so that you may know how to make correct decisions rather than hasty ones. I call you to find the truth through your love and your devotion to God and to all of His Celestial Kingdom.
I impel you to change.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Seek the purity of your heart through silence and prayer to restore this world from so many sins and illusions.
Offer a sincere reparation to God through the small renunciations of life so that, through these offerings, the Lord can intercede for those who are ignorant and indifferent in this world, in spite of having a commitment with God and with His Love.
Each day live a true religion and love being united with God for those who deceive themselves with false spiritual lives.
Repair the Heart of the Father for those outrages, praying and adoring with the heart. Be an instrument for the miracle of God, allowing yourself to be transformed. Be a source of His Grace, allowing Him to be within you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Until now, nobody has knelt in this place and for this land to implore the Mercy of My Heart.
For this reason, and for many others, your Master and Lord continues working in Italian land to unmask everything that will not be in the next humanity.
The transparent hearts will be those who will reach the Kingdom of the Heavens. Through them, I will make all things new, and give My Graces to all those who knew how to recognize and value them.
There is still time for Italy to experience the Mercy of God, but first there must exist sincere and true repentance, so that the Law of My Love can set apart the Law of Justice from the path of the lost.
Naples is a land full of bad stories. This is why only the Light of My Mercy will be able to cleanse and purify that which souls allow Me.
I open the door of My Heart so that everything may be liberated.
I call all of you to the total repentance of all your actions.
I call Italy to reconsider and repair what was violated and outraged. Thus, the nation will deserve something grand that will save it and that will come from Heaven.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Pray and let your prayer open the doors of Heaven for the Creator to elevate the souls that became lost in the seas of this world while they were seeking hope and consolation for their lives.
Pray for those who emigrated from their countries in search of peace and of a grace and however, did not find encouragement, but loneliness, despair and the suffering of feeling lost in the seas of the world.
Cry out for Mercy for their souls to be relieved. Cry out for Mercy so that nations be pacified. Cry out for Mercy so that hearts get to know piety and repent for their errors and sins, redeem their past and design their future with acts of peace.
Pray, child, for not only souls agonize, the planet also agonizes and cries with the same tears of your Heavenly Mother, for it can no longer bear the evil that oppresses it through the error and indifference of beings.
Pray, for the Divine Justice is approaching the world and those who are blind will not have many opportunities of seeing the Truth and the Grace of God anymore.
Pray for your heart to be filled by the Divine Piety, and thus make your intercession each day more sincere and truthful before the Father.
Pray, for the Grace of God is already upon you and it must expand all over this world. Allow the Mercy of the Father to flow through your clamor for peace.
Feel the urgency. Feel the pain of the world. Feel the grief of God and offer your heart to repair this planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Take the rosary in your hands and pray for this world.
Kneel down before the Tabernacle and pray for this world.
Adore the Eucharistic Body of the Lord, by praying for this world.
Confess with Christ and with God, cleaning your heart so that all hearts become cleane through you.
Renounce distractions and human desires so that the world may attain peace.
Give an example of service, in the silence of your heart, to offer reparation to God.
Let your life no longer be for you. Do not lose yourself in the labyrinths of your mind and of human temptations.
Unite to your brothers and sisters to establish peace. Pray for the holiness of your fellow being, of all beings. Be in your life a path for others to find God.
Do not be temptation and distraction for your brothers and sisters. Be peace and unity with God.
Renounce yourself and embrace the challenge of the void.
Make of yourself, each day more, an instrument of the Creator, because the world needs it.
Your Father and Friend,
The most chaste Saint Joseph
Offer God all suffering, pain and sorrow, so that everything in your life may serve as reparation for all humanity.
Transform the obstacles by means of a leap toward evolution and thank the Father for the opportunities that you receive to repair His Heart.
You, child, are called to be an instrument in the Hands of God and, through the perpetual gratitude of your heart, you are able to make this a reality.
Gratitude is the key so that the Father may take your life into His Hands.
Seek, each day, to love God more, His Will, His path, and I do not say that you will not suffer from anything, but that everything you may suffer will be merits for the Father, so that His Love and His Grace may descend to this world, especially for those who are ungrateful and indifferent before God.
Sincere gratitude is the key to the unity with God, and it is the doorway for what you call in this world, holiness.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Sing, because singing is the relief of the soul and the reparation of the Heart of God. Singing is the sacred manifestation of the Breath of the Creator. The song that emerges from the depths of beings finds its echo in all life.
Everything that was created by the Father responds to the sound of the soul that sings with love. For this reason, sing and elevate your voice to God as a sincere praise so that creatures may find the path of return to the Heart of the Father.
Singing supports the weight of the cross of this time. Singing brings relief to the movement of the transition of the times. Singing opens the path to the new being, for the original expression of the human heart.
Thus, sing, child, with the sincerity of your heart, with the purity of your soul. Sing so that the world may finally achieve peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Message transmitted in the Garden of the Monastery of the Assumption of the Divine Spirit, in Uruguay, where a fountain with the image of Our Lady of the Garden was placed.
As the water that flows from the fountains consecrated to peace, may the divine blessings pour out upon the souls and hearts and, through you, reach the whole world.
May the Blessings that God pours upon your lives multiply and reach each heart throughout the world.
In this garden consecrated to prayer, contemplation and the rendition of souls and the Kingdoms of Nature, the Creator finds reparation and hope. May each being that arrives here remember that he has the opportunity to pray and repair the Heart of God, just as His Son did, while in the Gethsemani Garden, and as His Divine Mother continued to do, time and time again, by going through the sacred places of the Passion of Christ in prayer.
The Most Holy Mary arrived at the Gethsemani Garden to relive the agony of the Lord, thus keeping alive the merits of His Passion and multiplying them. Her prayer repaired the Heart of God and above all, the Heart of Christ, eternally flagellated by the great indifference of humanity.
May this garden, children, be for you as if you were entering the Garden of Gethsemani, and share with the Lord His agony, repairing His Wounds and sores, generating merits for the salvation of souls and the institution of the New Life.
Here, always enter with gratitude and joy for being able to serve the Heart of God and in It, all the Kingdoms of Nature. Through your prayers, united to the different Kingdoms in communion, the angels of the Lord will repair the suffering and the outrage that the Kingdoms live in this world. Thus, find here a space of service that, although it is hidden and silent, it crosses borders and dimensions, and touches the Heart of God.
He blessed you for this, blessed this fountain, this place and your lives, so that the harvest of your rendition may be of assistance to many other souls.
I love you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more