First Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Liberate me, Lord,
from the fear of any pain
that I may have to face.

May this liberation,
that only You will grant me through Your Grace,
help me to learn from suffering
and to not fear it.

Because I know, Lord,
that in everything there is a reason
and You, My Beloved, give us wisdom
to be able to understand it and accept it,
just as You silently and humbly accepted it
in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Grant me, Lord,
the opportunity of seeing
the holy redemption everywhere
and how the powerful Love of Your Heart
transforms all and cures all.

Stay with me, Lord,
in every moment,
at least until I learn
to recognize Your Will
and to fulfill it, step by step.

In the difficult and bitter moments
let me be close to You, just to contemplate You
in the luminous power of Your Holy Eucharist.

That by means of this offering, Lord,
I may find the strength and much courage,
every day, to overcome
my ideas, likes and satisfactions.

Make me surrender at Your Feet, Lord,
so that my pride,
vanity and arrogance may kiss them,
and all adversity or inner selfishness
may be dissolved by the balm of Your Light.

I trust in You, dear Jesus.
You, who know my weaknesses,
transform them all,
even though my sacrifice is just
a small grain of sand
in this vast Universe.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


If your feet hurt because they are tired, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord." 

If your hands feel heavy from so much work, from dawn to dusk, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."

If your eyes are tired and just want to close and sleep, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."

If you are the first to get up and the last to lie down, while each brother or sister is already resting, and you make sure that everything is in its place without complaints, repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."

If you are ill or if you are in agony, if you can smile or can only cry, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."

If they give you the most difficult task and if you can only be in prayer because it is impossible for you to work, simply repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."

If you want to overcome yourself but do not succeed, if you want to transcend every day but you always stumble upon the same stone, without justifying yourself, repeat: "Praise be You, Lord."

If you are tired because the day has become long and you do not want to hear even another word, without hate, repeat: "Praised be You, Lord."

Because everything that God puts on our path is only so that we may learn to love more and more, and thus praise God.

Nothing is out of place. On the contrary, each test or challenge is so that we may become resigned, saying: "Praised be You, Lord."

Because in Heaven the servers will be rewarded for their efforts so that, in each moment, as in each step, the Will of God may manifest.

Let the Lord always be praised so that His eternal trust may be within you and thus all may be renewed.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


May your woes be forgiven and may the ties be freed so that Jesus may finally reign within you with all of His Power and Majesty.

May your anguish be dissolved and your agony disappear so that Jesus may finally reign in you, with all of His Power and Majesty.

The consecration of a soul is eternal, as the consecration of the one who lives it in emptiness and humility is eternal.

For this reason, child, in this time of great tempests, confirmations, and tests, may Jesus finally reign so that He, with all of His Power and Majesty, may make of your soul an instrument of His Plan and a light in the greatest darkness.

Have courage and continue trying to live daily renunciation to all that most satisfies you and brings you gratification.

Continue the struggle, in the name of the Power of Jesus, so that from this human race New Christs may emerge, free of the prisons of life and full of the Holy Spirit.

Absolutely believe that you are in a transition that has not yet ended.

Believe that with each test and challenge you transcend, you will achieve the Plan of the Redeemer and thus participate in His Work of Mercy.

I am here to give you the impulse. I am here because I Am your Gentle Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Every day, cleanse your heart with luminous prayer and, in this way, time and again, you will gradually achieve codes of perfection.

While you are in the world, you will learn to survive your own miserable human difficulties.

But have a spirit of enthusiasm and courage because each time you go through a test, and you manage to transcend or overcome it, you will find the inner strength and courage so that, one day, all may be transformed.

The human condition is the greatest obstacle for the souls that must express their virtues and their potential.

The human condition is the main test for improvement for the disciples that are willing to surrender to the Lord.

Meanwhile, with inner courage, experience, every day, the challenges that life gives you, not as a difficulty, but rather as the opportune moment for taking steps directly toward the light that dwells within, towards the inner God.

Continue forward without thinking that you will not manage to redeem yourself; on the contrary, affirm, day after day, that you have the possibility of finding within this life the meaning of your mission and your existence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The end of September is coming, a time in which a great change will be experienced, and souls will live through a test of faith, in order that the Celestial Father can confirm where He will place and sow the last and most prized seeds of the New Humanity.

This test will allow hearts to know what degree of true love they are in and how much they put into practice each one of My Messages.

Beyond the Messengers, this test of a deep faith, trust and credibility will define the next steps the Spiritual Hierarchy must develop in the end times.

Through this test, the confirmation will come as to whether the gifts from Heaven were truly received or were wasted.

It will be a test of faith because it will allow souls to realize where they are and if they have taken steps according to the Commandments we have given them in these last ten years. Each will know if they truly love their neighbors more than themselves and if they have not forgotten this first rule.

God will allow this test of worldwide faith so that new opportunities for definition can manifest, since it is urgent to be able to count on real and unconditional soldiers of the Plan.

I, as your Mother, will be praying to the Eternal Father, in order that at this hour, wisdom can predominate rather than division. I will be beside those who wholeheartedly call on Me and I promise to guide them.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages
Monthly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Remember, My child, remember, My soul, that in this life you belong to Me and that every day, until the end of times, I will come to take your most little heart.

Thus, little creature of God, you will allow Me to accomplish the prodigies and wills that Adonai has presented to Me.

Therefore, little soul of Mine, embrace My mystery, embrace My great mystery and submerge into the ocean of My Mercy so that the obedient angels of God may help your spirit to reach the invisible and awaited purpose that your most beautiful life must fulfill.

Allow your soul to cause great states of love for My Heart. Thus, you will be glorifying the Celestial Father through His beloved Son forever.

Promise yourself every day, every single day to come, that you will be faithful to Me and that, in face of the great test that will transform your earthly life, you will follow Me until the end of times.

Be worthy to live in My Sacred Heart, set your goals based on the virtues of charity, service, and good for humanity.

I have something valued and unknown for each soul. Thus, My Sacred Will, which is the Will of the Creator of everything that exists, will be manifested in infinite ways.

Souls can see the Aspects of My Glorified Heart in different ways, and thus, I elevate all creatures to the Thrones of God.

Today I open one last door for you, for My loving offering is extended to all the hearts that, having recognized Me a second time, are called by the Son of God to restart the path that was not completed.

My Spirit allows you to love the Law, even though many do not know it. My love allows you to reconsider and My powerful Heart impels you to reach new steps.

In this time of tribulation, blessed be those who call Me because I will answer them, maybe not as they expect, for My Virtues act in a way unknown to the souls of the Earth.

Be, in this time, that which My Holy Father expects. Proclaim the day of your redemption and your liberation so that, when I arrive in glory from the Celestial Universe, all may know and listen to their Guardian Angels, those who in service and absolute love will guide you towards the spiritual and divine place where I will be found to dine once again with you.

After the time of purification, there will be no more distance between you and Me. You will be able to feel Me, see Me, and know Me as I truly Am. From the beginning, you will be able to know Me, beyond My Transfiguration, you will know My Glorified Face.

But now it is time to keep rowing My boat, to be vigilant and awake so that no headwind from the northeast can submerge the boat and make the waters too rough.

Therefore, constancy will be the key. It will give you the impulse to pray and watch so that, in the face of any false deceit, you may know how to recognize the truth amidst illusion.

Move forward, some will reach the top of the purpose, while others must become bridges of light so that the self-summoned cross it and attain the goal that I left written within your hearts.

While the world seeks other things, I invite you to concentrate your gaze on My Sacred Heart, thus you will prevent that stumbling blocks deviate you from the path and that any lie makes your hearts believe in false truths.

Search for My Heart which is full and open to all, there, no one will perish.

Under the Peace of the Lord, be blessed and worthy.

Thank you for glorifying My Heart.

The Glorified Christ Jesus, the One of the past, of the present, and of the future


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
