Dear children,
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, today, I illuminate the surface of the Earth to dispel the darkness that looms over it.
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, I can remove from spiritual and material danger all those who are facing this threat to their lives.
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can intercede for the angels of the nations, who today are under spiritual oppression.
It is My wish, My beloved ones, that your hearts, acts and works may someday radiate as much as does the Light of My Sublime Mirrors; because when this happens, I will be able to present to the Celestial Father the testimony of your transformation, which will justify, before a suffering world, all the errors that have been committed and that offended the Heart of God.
So that your hearts, acts and works may be similar to the sublime Light of My Celestial Mirrors, you must be pure and honest in your intentions, transparent in your acts, and humble in your works, without expecting anything in return, nor any reward or merit, but rather being an instrument in the Hands of God so that, through your purity, the world may be transformed and recover the innocence it has lost.
This is a daily work, filled with patience and perseverance, with the gift of peace and neutrality. Because only in this way, dear children, will your lives be all that God expects, lives that must be the perfect mirror of the Love of God in these critical times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child,
Place your inner trust in Our Creator because, from the origin and the very beginning, the Heavenly Father knows and is aware of the inner existence of every essence and spirit. He knows, in the immensity of His eternal Love, the destiny, the goal and the purpose of every son and daughter of His.
Therefore, be patient, be calm, have faith so that this dark night, announced by Christ, can be experienced by you without fear of losing yourself or distancing yourself from God; because if you follow the Law of God and His Commandments with care, effort and dedication, you will be on a good path.
This is the time for every human heart to learn to become Christified in the smallest and most anonymous way, but also in the truest and most honest way that the consciousness can reflect.
Perfection can no longer be something unattainable, as if it were on the other side of the door. Perfection, which is sustained by a humble and simple life, will always come to your aid; for the humble and simple life of one who wants nothing for themself and aspires to nothing for themself, is like a star that will guide you in this challenging and unknown dark night of the spirit.
May My Heart be that inner and eternal Light in your life, may it be the Light of God that drives the disciple on the constant path of ascension, peace and service for those who suffer unjustly in this world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
May all voices unite today in a sacred invocation to the Merciful Presence of Christ, so that, at this time, urgent causes may be assisted by the most honest and true prayers of the heart.
May the Supplicant Network embrace all souls under the Light of the Holy Spirit and may hearts receive the blessing they so long await.
In these days of perpetual prayer, may merciful hearts justify the threats that the world is experiencing so that, through the offering of the apostles of Christ, humanity may regain universal peace.
Dear children, as the Mother of Mercy, I also contemplate and accompany your inner needs.
May the prayer, offered in these days, be that sacred inner temple that allows us to receive the offerings of the hearts so that the Heavenly Father may contemplate them through the kindly gaze of the Mother of God.
May the gift of Divine Unity permeate spaces, consciences and hearts, so that in unity the Love of Christ may triumph, and in Christ, in spite of everything, souls may learn to rise again in charity, love and brotherhood.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
As your Mother who loves you and protects you, I Am the One Who guides you to Jesus so that, in Jesus Who is Love, Truth and Wisdom, you may live in this time the transformation so that humanity in all its condition may be transformed.
Therefore, I am here as the Mother of the apostles of My Son so that you may be encouraged to cross the path of inner purification, just as your Divine Mother, St. Joseph and the little Child lived it, so that the values of spiritual life may be present in humanity.
Without purification the soul is not liberated, remember that purification is not pain, but liberation. Purification is not a punishment or a penalty, it is a Law that helps you in the detachment from the superficial and insensitive life.
Dear children, the planet is going through this culminating moment, prior to the Return of Christ. Therefore, I am here as Mother Intercessor so that My children understand that the definitive door of redemption must be opened.
On this day and in this month of August, the Sacred Hierarchy meditates and reflects on its next steps to be able to help humanity; but for this to become a reality it is necessary to have confirmed servers capable of assuming for themselves the Purpose that is designed by God Himself from the beginning.
Remember the pencil in the Hand of God, may your souls allow God to continue writing.
I am here as always, I am your Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of those who say yes
Words of the Virgin Mary during the consecration of Daughters of Mary:
Today, My Words are directed to what you truly are and why you have come to Earth to serve God.
In that pure and immaculate space, which dwells in your essences, it is where My Son and Our Father God place Their designs, impulses that manifest themselves as small seeds that, through your efforts, surrender and disposition, can germinate until one day they become something very important to God; so important that He so much seeks in each one of the souls, that the Children of God, His Creatures, may be His instruments on Earth, empty, stripped and unconditional. I am fully aware that it is challenging for human beings, but with the strength of faith, children, everything is possible.
Remember what My Son said in the Gospel: “If your faith were so great and strong, you could tell the mountain to move and it would move.” This is part of the reality of the Law and of the experience of the Law of life.
Therefore, today I consecrate you, even though you are already My daughters, My daughters called to be mirrors on Earth that reflect My Motherhood and Love for the souls and the Kingdoms of Nature.
Receive My spiritual blessing as the beginning of a new stage, as the opening of a new path that, through your conviction and faith, you will discover for yourselves; because it is important to know and remember that God has a destiny for each being, with the courage to embrace the unknown and the bravery to face these times and challenges.
The Hand of God guides those who seek it. His Sacred Hand rests on the heads of those who accept His blessing. He is not far from anything, He is in everything, He is in your inner world.
The master key is humility, which will never allow you to be far from God and His Love. That is why souls get lost in their own convictions, in their own ambitions, because the power that is not of God blinds souls until they are lost.
I come thus and on this day, through you, to rebuild the faith and the conviction that many souls felt when they were called to the path of the Work of the Hierarchy.
Nothing belongs to us, we are here in passing. We must only serve and pray, and the Father Who is in Heaven will do the rest even if sometimes you do not perceive it, because His Love is immeasurable, His Wisdom is infinite and His Power is governed by poverty, detachment and emptiness.
Behold the God of Life who makes all things new through His Son, Our Lord Jesus.
One who entrusts their life to God should not fear losing it, for there is nothing to lose in this world. He dwells in all forms. He makes Himself present in all geometries. His solemn Presence is in the silence, but not in a personal silence, rather in a stripped silence, capable of giving Himself tirelessly, as the Heavenly Father did from the beginning of Creation. He only wants you to experience Him, to feel Him and to recognize Him within yourselves; just as Jesus, My Son, wants to be recognized in you through the Eucharist.
May this beginning, this new beginning make the servants grow not only in spirit, but also in self-giving, in untiring offering so that the evil that is so great in this world may be extirpated.
Receive My Light and Maternal Love through this blessing and consecration, on behalf of humanity, as Daughters of Mary.
Keep My Words in your heart, for it is there that everything will always be understood, just as your Mother always did, Who kept the Words of God and His mysteries in Her Heart.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My very dear children of North America,
After a long time, I am again gathered with all of you in the name of the Love of My Son, a Love that grants hearts the long-awaited Grace of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Today, as your Heavenly Mother, I come with the Sacred Star of Light from Mount Shasta on My Forehead; so that this new cycle, which begins for the Work in the United States, may bear the fruits so long awaited by the Heavenly Father.
Dear children, I want you to know that the Heavenly Father also places His Paternal Glance upon His Children most in need of spiritual healing. This is the reason and this is the motive, this is the moment in which will be born through the new Light Nucleus that principle of healing through love that the souls of the United States need so much.
From now on, I await with joy and rejoicing for the service that you will render in the coming times to the souls and hearts traumatized by war and all its consequences.
This is the day awaited by the Lord so that, in North America and through the Star of Light of Mount Shasta, the time of hope and reparation for the forgotten hearts of this country may arise; that sentiment and empathy may be born for the maimed of war, for those young and old who were prisoners of a movement and an idea that demoralized their lives, families and spirits.
Dear children, may the angels of Mount Shasta accompany you in this stage of manifestation of the Heavenly Father's Will for North America.
I bless you with My Maternal Love.
I thank those present for having responded to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Today, with a great and indescribable joy for being present here with you, I come to close this stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace, and, in bliss, I come to establish, bless and open the new Marian Center of the Sacred Ark of God, so that through Communion with the Celestial Father and with the Kingdoms of Creation, the same codes that Noah received may be deposited in this place and, from here, throughout all of Brazil.
The Marian Center of the Sacred Ark of God will have the mission of praying so that the Inner Government of the planet, which is the Hierarchy’s Government, may be spiritually fulfilled in this country and, through this country, throughout the whole world.
The task of my children from Brasilia will be to express this Sacred Marian Center, which I will bless in due time, when a part of it will have already been made manifest.
May this place be a space for inner healing and reconciliation of hearts.
Here the fountain of the Lady of Graces must be manifested so that my children from Brasilia, from this region and from the whole world, may come here to receive My Graces.
Furthermore, Via Crucis and the small Chaplet of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will be expressed here, in addition to a small square with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Dear children, I invite you to be in jubilee and joy today, together with your Celestial Mother, giving thanks to My Son, because finally a point of Light is instituted on the surface of this region of Brazil.
The Sacred Name that governs this Marian Center is Elohim.
I thank you for accomplishing the aspirations of My Beloved Son.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
My dear children,
May the Peace of Jesus be within you.
Dear children, it saddens Me to know that some of My children interpret My Messages and cannot reach the essence of what I tell you.
It saddens Me to know how consecrated Children of Mary become entangled and underestimate the Word of the Hierarchy, instead of giving thanks and considering it as a guiding star.
Dear children, do not do this. Do not allow the adversary to dominate you completely and place you in mental judgments and divided from one another.
Children, have you forgotten that you are all brothers and sisters, children of the same Father, the Celestial Father?
For this reason, I call on you to remember your commitment to Me. I invite you to be peacemakers of My Son. Do not forget it.
This is the time that, by yourselves, you may become aware of the planetary situation, that you may understand and accept that a change in attitude and in the way of thinking is needed.
If this change does not happen, you will repent for not having done so, because the planet is the home of all. It is the only place where the Project of God can be carried out.
I ask you not to oppose what We tell you.
I ask you to be grateful for the Grace that you receive, because there are many children in the world who live as prisoners of evil and do not have what you receive.
Do not get used to Us. Be consistent and you will have the response that you need to move forward.
I give thanks for the union of those who sincerely follow Our Steps.
I love you and I bless you all.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today, My prayers are directed to all those who continue to go through this pandemic and especially to those who lost their lives due to it, in a way unexpected for all.
Today, I ask you, more than ever, to join Me in prayer so that your Celestial Mother can free from the earthly plane those who were imprisoned and were unable to continue their ascension path.
Therefore, My beloveds, the prayer of the heart, made with love, is the great key that opens all doors and that grants not only peace, but also the liberation of souls from spiritual prison.
I would like, at this time, for all the relatives who have lost a dear and loved one to be at peace and seek relief in My Heart of a Mother, because My promise is to intercede for the souls who traumatically suffered from this pandemic.
I ask you to be obedient and take care of yourselves so that, little by little, this planetary situation may be appeased, and so that such precious souls of this world may no longer be allowed to be removed from their earthly path due to unexpected consequences generated by this pandemic.
My dear children, may faith never weaken within you. May faith and trust in the Heavenly Father grant you the much-needed Grace of healing.
Remember that I am here, and I am your Mother, the Mother who loves you eternally.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Like the breeze from the sea and from all the oceans, I come to this blessed place to bless you and give you My Peace.
On this day, I come to repeat the final call of My Son: may hearts awaken in His Redemptive Love.
For this, My children, you must seek the Inner Christ within yourselves. It is very urgent and fundamental that this be present within you so that the planet can be sustained, not only in its spiritual balance, but also in its material harmony.
Through recent events of the current pandemic, souls have become confused, many are disoriented and most do not know, at this moment, which path to follow.
Tell everyone they are My children, that I am here as the Servant and Lady of the world so that, through the Light of My Heart, many more may reach God, may return to the Celestial Father.
Beloved children, this is My main Message to all: let the love that trusts be reborn in the center of your being so that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may have a favorite dwelling in the heart of My children.
For this reason, all those who pray to the Mother of God should continue doing so, because the Return of the Lord is near, and most of My children must be awake.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and accompanies you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Now, from the Sanctuary of Fatima, the Celestial Father sends His faithful Servant to diffuse the renewal of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary throughout the world.
In this renewal of the commitment to the consecration of all Children of Mary, which will be a simple interior practice, you will allow your Celestial Mother to intercede for situations in Europe and the world to a greater extent.
Now, more than ever, your hearts, My children, must be united to Mine every day so that certain situations in humanity are avoided and other situations can be dissolved because My aspiration and desire as the Celestial Mother is that you no longer suffer.
Therefore, dear children, by reliving the renewal of your devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, you will grant the extraordinary Grace that your souls be partakers in the praying armies of the Light, of these times.
I want this devotion of your lives for Me to be able to placate any situation at this time, and that the doors of Divine Justice not open, but rather that the great door of the merciful Heart of My beloved Son be able to neutralize or transmute everything which is against the common good and peace.
In this school that the Kingdom of Fatima offers you, I call upon you, so that the mirror of the heart of each child of Mine may be that inner star that illuminates the world and attracts the sacred Spirit of Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloved children,
Today, I come to prepare the eve of the anniversary of My Apparitions, I come to a world, confused and divided by injustice and errors.
As your Mother, who loves you, I ask you to continue on faithful to My Heart so that your lives may be the example that I need before the Celestial Father, in order to grant the world a greater time of peace.
Dear children, I am here today, just as you are here, responding to My favorite call. It is in that unconditional response of My children that allows Me to reach the world, time and again. It is what allows Me to be close to you, accompanying your steps towards the Heart of My Son.
For this reason, My beloved ones, that, on this eve, I invite you to prepare, with love and gratitude, for tomorrow, when your Celestial Mother will carry out an important spiritual intervention in the face of all the crises of these times.
I encourage you to always remain in My Peace, and may that Peace give you the necessary confidence to be able to carry forward the constant expression of the Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With joy and happiness, I return to My sacred Figueira so that, starting in June, the month of the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, the inner fruits of the spirits of each child of Mine may now be at the service of the planet and of souls.
I would like that, in this next prayer meeting of the 1,000 Hail Marys, your most sincere prayers and pleas be directed to the Heavenly Father for the intentions and pleas of your Heavenly Mother.
I wish, with ardent devotion, that My praying children pray for the following intentions:
1. For a true and sincere peace treaty in the Middle East so that My Israeli and Palestinian children may reach a peaceful dialogue for the benefit of the common good, and for those who are most unprotected and helpless.
2. For a fraternal and real agreement in Colombia so that the poorest and most innocent are no longer the most chastised by the protests and strikes.
3. For Brazil to conceive a coherent government, according to divine mandates, so that those who have been struck the hardest by the national disorder of the pandemic may have the grace of rebuilding their lives.
4. For the displaced and indigent of Morocco, so that Europe stops its heart from becoming cold in the face of the current and unprecedented critical crisis, so that all refugees be helped and rebuild their lives with dignity.
5. For peace and the cessation of the dictatorial conflict in Myanmar so that religion not be used as a mask to hide the most traumatic actions that harm the entire nation and, above all, push the poorest into exile.
6. For the end of conflict within Syria, Venezuela and Ethiopia so that the life of human society is no longer used to impose misery and chaos upon the peoples and among the peoples.
7. I ask you to pray for the humanitarian missions so that all precursors of humanitarian service be protected, guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit. So that beneficial and lasting decisions be made for all who seek to start over after a traumatic and painful departure from their homelands.
If you pray for these intentions of Mine, I will be grateful to you, since My Heart is outraged by world corruption, which will have an end, at the Return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In this month of May that now begins, may the prayer of the Rosary be the preamble and also the inner preparation for the upcoming events.
May your faith be fixed upon My Immaculate Heart, a maternal Heart that opens a spiritual door for all My children to pass through and, thus, enter the House of the Heavenly Father.
This is the time that My soldiers of prayer must already live in the contemplative state.
May the daily exercise, through the prayerful word, be the way to awaken the mirror heart within you, so that I may have the permission for your souls to receive from Heaven the impulses of Redemption and Mercy that are kept in My great inner network of Celestial Mirrors.
This is the great moment for each of My servants to broaden their consciousnesses and to actively participate together with the Celestial Mother in Her great intercessions for humanity and for the planet.
To be in contemplation is to be in silence, but it is also to practice the life of prayer so that your hearts are blessed receptacles of the Graces that My hands wait to pour out upon all of humanity.
By awakening your mirror heart, you will be more sensitized by the difficult planetary situation, and your consciousnesses will rise to unite in spirit to My great spiritual network of supplication that exists in the great Celestial Kingdom, from where I come to deliver My Words of Love to you.
Dear children, I invite you once again to place your minds and especially your hearts in the Heights, in Heaven, in the Universe, because that is where you will find inner peace.
I thank you for postulating to be part of My Praying and Supplicating Armies of Heaven!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I know that sometimes you are tired of continuing forward, but I ask you not to stop, because the great moment of humanity has not come yet, and it is now when you, out of love and service for My beloved Son, must make the greatest effort, the effort that you still have not yet made.
This is the time of that which is unpredictable. Therefore, beloved children, may the breath of the Holy Spirit illuminate you and give you the resistance and the strength you need to be able to go through your Christic test of love.
Just as My Son became absolutely alone and abandoned in His human state on the Cross, now, dear children, your human state will remain alone in order to learn to trust in what the Celestial Father needs for you to trust.
I make you awaken a spirit of bravery, but I also impel you to awaken gratitude.
This is the expected moment for you to live what you have heard from Us, for so many years, with so much dedication and offering, from the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.
There Will be no other path or way to go through this crucial moment of the planet, you must just be the testimonial of conversion and of an achieved inner redemption.
What are you waiting for?
This is the time of the last apostles of My Son, it is the time to close a cycle of sufferings to begin a cycle of renewed hope, which will be concretized with effort, love and much dedication.
The end of this planetary calvary will depend upon your surrender and your union with God.
The Celestial Universe has everything to be able to help you, you must look to the sky and ask, not with obsession, but rather with austerity and human fraternity.
I pray day and night for you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With joy, today I tell you that, through all the prayers offered during this month of December, important divine intercessions will be taking place in the inner planes, in different sectors of humanity, in order to generate and bring relief to the desperate souls of these times; but to also attract spiritual awakening to humanity because souls, awakening to the Call of My Son, will be able to placate the Justice that the world deserves.
The adherence and response of humble hearts allow, My children, that the sovereign and powerful Heavenly Father may have more Mercy and Pity for the whole world.
As long as My children continue on in sincere prayer, offered to the Mother of God, I will have the permission to return to the world to bless it, and for souls to be in My Peace; because many will need divine Peace to understand and accept these crucial and definitive times.
With My Rosary of Light and the Cross of My beloved Son, I bless you and, once again, I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Be firm in My Son. He expects from each of your hearts the necessary response for the fulfillment of His Plan.
Now, in this pause that the world is experiencing due to the pandemic, I invite you, My children, to take advantage of the time and to reconsider. Thus, you will have the impulse to continue taking steps in the consecration of your lives to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Dear children, take on the part that corresponds to you and do it well, express Love and Mercy at every moment.
Give your souls the opportunity to make the spiritual commitment with the Celestial Father that you have come to fulfill.
Do not be mistaken, My children: May the flame of faith guide you along the uncertain paths that humanity is today going through.
Recognize the Grace that you received and value the meaning of what it represents to serve My Son at this time.
Beloved children, there is no longer time to throw away your life in common and banal experiences.
Raise your consciousnesses, through understanding and openheartedness, to the primary reason for responding to the Call of God.
I ardently wish that you not lose the Grace of recognizing the only Truth, the Truth that is My Son, that congregates you at this time to prepare His Return within the suffering and enslaved hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In this time of definition, may your hearts be turned towards the Heart of God; in this way, you will be telling the Heavens that you aspire to continue to receive the Graces you need so that your lives may be redeemed and sanctified.
In the indispensable union that you can have with My Son, with His Divine Mercy, the Blood and the Water of His Heart will justify many of the errors and the adversities that the world continues to experience due to having distanced itself more and more from God in order to satisfy its human pleasures.
This is the last time in which the Celestial Father will be attentive to the prayers and pleas of His children. This will be the time in which humanity, before what will come, will be able to place their heads, bowed upon the ground, to ask for forgiveness and to experience a true repentance.
I invite you, My children, to keep this in mind. Now the opportunities are unique and they will not be repeated, because they are already the last.
A final Grace will be granted to the world so that many souls may set aside the chaos in which they live and enter the universe of peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Make your inner struggles a path to deepen your unity with God and your maturity as a human and spiritual being.
In your deepest difficulties, may you not seek to fulfill your emptiness with that which is even emptier, which are the things of the world.
Search for relief for the pain, healing for your fears, answers to your inner questions, fulfillment for your emptiness, always in God. Seek your Creator in silence, prayer, singing, breathing, serving, and in life itself.
Find the Celestial Father in those who suffer, in those most in need, in those you have by your side, your brothers and sisters on the path, your companions.
Find the Celestial Father in nature, in the air you breathe every day, in silence, in the mystery which lies within you.
Find the Celestial Father in the strength that comes to you from within to make decisions to not remain in childishness, to not fall into temptation, to not make more mistakes and to change.
Find the Celestial Father in the answer of love that you can feel, even for a second, in the drop of water that falls from the sky into the desert of your heart, and which may not quench your thirst, but rather gives you hope.
Thus, child, make every test a gift, an opportunity to find God and to grow.
Pray and serve. Discover that by serving in the simplest things you also find fulfillment, because it is not about undertaking great missions, but stepping out of yourself to love, and may love cleanse your eyes and make you perceive life in a different way.
Pray and make your life a prayer. Thus you will find peace.
You have my blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever there may be a heart that prays sincerely, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart that steps out of itself to serve others, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart capable of freeing itself from its own will and aspirations to fulfill the Will and aspirations of the Celestial Father, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart capable of obeying higher designs and setting aside its own beliefs and ways of manifesting in life, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart that, in spite of its imperfections, loves its neighbor unconditionally and, above all things, the Creator, there, children, the Lord will live and dwell, will express and speak with humankind through His children.
Seek union with God in the small things; a union that must be constant, not only when you pray, but also when you live under His Laws and make of your lives a prayer.
Allow yourselves to be shaped and corrected, and do not fear suffering or loving, but rather, children, fear to be ignorant and blind to your own miseries.
Live in the Presence of the Lord, opening a space for Him in your lives, through the forgetting of self and the love for your neighbor. In this way, it will be Him, your Lord and Creator, Who will transform you and shape you according to His Will, silently, through each situation in your lives.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXXI - Feeling the Love of God is a Matter of Choice
A converted soul, repentant of its deepest sins, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, here I am, trusting in the greatness of Your Love and discovering the Grace of Your forgiveness. Tell me, O Father, how I can be forgiven and loved, and more than this, how can I feel in my heart that I have been touched by Your forgiveness?"
And the Lord responded: "Beloved you are, little soul, since the first breath of your consciousness, since My Spirit alighted upon you and gave you breath and life. Since then, you have been deeply loved.
Forgiven you are, when you embrace forgiveness and understand that it is not I Who deprives you of it but rather it is you who passes by and does not see it; it is you who does not reach out your hands to it due to being occupied with ignorance and sin.
When you awaken and open your eyes to My infinite Love, you can be touched by My Holy Hands. My Spirit again lifts you up into purity and peace, and it is there where you can find My forgiveness and understand that, in truth, I have always been here.
So let your anguish and uncertainty give way to My Love for you, soul of Mine, and see that My forgiveness is before your eyes, knocking at the door of your heart. Let it enter and transform your inner dwelling."
May this dialogue, children, teach you that staying in sin or in ignorance, or being embraced by Love and Forgiveness, are simply a choice of each being. You are beloved from the beginning: children awaited by your Creator. Now you just have to open your eyes and see that before you, with patience and hope, dwells the Love of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more