Dear children,

As the flowers that reopen under the spring sun, I hope that your hearts keep transforming themselves like precious roses in the maternal garden of My Heart.  In this way, My children, you will help the whole world to recover the beauty with witch it was created.

Ignorance, mistreatment and imposition have made of this world a deserted garden, in which not even the Water of Life can spring in the hearts of humans.  I come to recover in humanity the feeling of loving life and respecting it above all.

Children, your prayers can please God and at the same time, help in the liberation of the cruel and unfaithful world.  The light of My powerful rays ignites the lost souls and conduces them until they find the way towards the Celestial Father.

Day and night, without time or delay, Your Heavenly Mother prays for you so that humanity and the hearts do not lose the path towards the reencounter with love and the supreme truth.

For this, children, I wish to have you in My arms, I hope to see you mature to begin to traverse the path which will take you to a total consecration of life and spirit before the Eyes of the Creator.

Dear children, I hope to have you by My side all the time, I hope to see you prepared so that together with Your Mother from Heaven, we may live the final challenges of consecrating the planet to the Blessed Heart of God, in this way everything will change.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who elevates you to the Heart of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children:

The times that are approaching will not be as the times of the past, and this will awaken in many consciousnesses the primary motive to seek God and His eternal Kingdom.

Humanity cannot live without the Heavenly Father, it would be like a small rebellious child who does not want to listen, being at the edge of great danger. Humanity is this way, blind in all it does and practices, without spiritual foundations that could nourish and awaken it to higher realities.

The sorrow of the Sacred Hearts is to see a humanity that lacks gratitude and love for all it has received. Therefore, the Lord, our God, will remove by surprise some things from the path so that some consciousnesses react and perceive that these are no longer times of normality or pleasure.

The human race has decided to distance itself from God, and from nature, which is loyal to higher Laws; this separation is shown during the planetary birth.

The Earth, as a consciousness, suffers every day what its children do without consciousness or wisdom.

All will be put in its place. Therefore, remember the words of My Son: "Stone will not remain upon stone." He wanted to say that within each soul and on the whole planet nothing will remain as before. Therefore, the prayer of the heart will be the torch that will illuminate the times of darkness that humanity is going through.

You will see things that you will not be able to believe, but that will be as real as they are true, that will be the reflection of the lack of love that humanity has for God.

Blessed are those who persevere and do not stop in the face of the events, because the Kingdom of God will be the ardent aspiration to find peace. Be bearers of My Peace and follow My steps, the time is approaching for all and you must be strengthened.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to the Truth of the times,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Immaculate House of the Relief of Suffering, in the city of São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Pity to the whole world.

Mercy fills the hearts in despair.

Peace unifies beings with God and with His sacred purpose.

My crying has not yet ceased, but your appeals relieve My Heart. If the answer came from a large majority, you as humanity would be opening the doors to the intercession.

I wish that, during these thirty-three days of prayer, the praying souls venerate the Immaculate Heart of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, because it will be through the purity that God granted to My Spirit that the ungrateful human beings would have the chance to free themselves from captivity.

Dear children, today I also pray with you, asking for the Divine Mercy of My beloved Son. Thus, I establish in the simple hearts the Kingdom of God and lead the brave prayer beings so that, day by day, they can discover the universe of prayer.

Let us pray for the innocent children who are the main result of the lack of love and compassion for the young.

Take all children from Syria towards My maternal Heart. Plead to the Heavenly Father so that your Heavenly Mother can save you spiritually from the time of persecution.

I am in all homes that open the doors to Me through the Holy Rosary. I am in the simple hearts of My beloved children.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you in the Sacred Prayer Room of the Mother of the World

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




The angels from Heaven are gathering on this day around the cenacle of this sacred house to bring you the word of live.

For this, My Son came on theses days to prepare you to live a new path towards redemption and peace.

In this way the Lord has invited you to relive the mystery of the holy sacraments so that everyone may remember that through this sacerdotal ministry of Christ, new doors to Heaven and to Paradise have been opened for everyone to enter in the Heart of God and the reconcile their lives forever.

I have come as your Heavenly Mother, following these events during the last days.  I have seen that many of your hearts have found the path to the truth again and thus, have discovered a meaning for live and for the spirit.

As your Mother I wish your salvation all the time, for this in the last years I have tried to make you pray and love this living exercise in your souls.  In this way, children, the paths that were closed have been opened and now you are ready to live such necessary moment of your purification.

But I will be among you, as I am every day, to guide you until the end, until you find the path to enter in the Heart of God.

Children, now that you have accepted this call with joy and love, try to remain in the Arms of your Celestial Father as long as possible, so He will never cease to look at you with kindness and mercy.

It will be in this way that you will not lose yourselves; that is why I ask you day and night to be in My arms, so that you may soon abandon the prison of a live materialized in error and in lie that this world offers today.

Accepting and living My sacred summoning, the Plan of God will be poured in life and spirit over your hearts and you will be permeated by the powerful Light of redemption.

Dear children, It makes Me joyful to see you reunited in communion.  For this I wish you to walk every day by My side and to participate of this celestial life that is a reality and omnipresence in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

When your hearts pray with love, you will always be uniting to the Divine Principle of the Creator, which is the Love in all that has been manifested.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you to the Principle of the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

On the eve of an important meeting, My maternal Heart prepares to receive you in the sacred oratory of the inner Aurora, a place where we will always meet when I am no longer among you.

This sacred oratory will always help you to be able to remember the Purpose of God and to not lose sight of the meaning of the redemptive proposal that My Son offers you in these times.

With your hearts full of love for God, wait for the coming of your Heavenly Mother in August and feel the joy of remembering your sonship with the Eternal Father.

Thus, every day of your lives, you will be able to feel that the Aurora of My Heart has its main doors open so that you can return to the blessed enclosure of peace.

My children, it is a profound joy to meet the servers of My Son again, all those who are called in this time to sustain the flag of peace and planetary redemption.

Day after day I walk at your side, just as I walk with you in each new moment of prayer offered to the Heart of the Celestial Father and His Heavenly Messengers.

Thus, children, be wide awake during these days of August, in the face of all that will be revealed to your inner worlds.

Today I thank all of you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, under the Light of the inner Aurora,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Centre of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

On this holy day in which the reparation of souls and of My Heart is made possible for this part of the world, I invite you to the intimate renewal with the attributes of faith and reconciliation.

Thus, today, in front of you, the doors of the Aurora of My Heart are opened so that all may enter for the last time into this network of light that I build in the world through hearts.

Then, My children, offer this Reparative Communion to the Celestial Father for all your brothers and sisters who are spiritually blind and deaf, brothers and sisters of this humanity who do not want to hear the message of your Celestial Mother.

You, with your inner eyes open, wait, from the Aurora of my Heart, for the Grace that you so much seek. In truth, I tell you, My children, that the Aurora of my Heart will open the door so that you may find the Grace that you so much wait for. 

While the world waits for the moment of its self-realization, I invite you to continue praying with Me at the foot of this portal that represents the perfect state of My Peace in this part of the world.

Thus, during these days of August, I will return to Aurora to demonstrate My constancy and Motherly love for all of My children, for the correct and the incorrect, for the prayerful and for those who are deviated from the path of love.

Receive My spiritual blessing so that, from today on, new codes may be sowed in the depths of your hearts.

Faith makes you return, once and again, to this Sacred Center where the simplicity and the love of Aurora are the flame that transforms all and the light which heals every heart.

Commune with the inner Presence of Christ, and, I thank all those who kept the Reparative Communion of the first five Saturdays of each month.

I bless you and safeguard you in My universal Heart of Light.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

Today I present a request of immediate assistance and help from all those who pray and the servers of the whole world, for My Marian Center of Aurora in Paysandú, Uruguay.

On the verge of a great planetary transformation, the Marian Center suffered from one of the more than a thousand climactic effects of the end of times, effects that will be generated through the great mental and emotional imbalance of current humanity.

For the first time, the Marian Center of Aurora faced the effect of the union of times; this means a shock of light between the old current time and the eternal Real Time of the universe. This event, unexpected for the laws of the Earth, activated a principle that, from now on, will be experienced by all of humanity.

Children, I would like to announce to you that, on the verge of one of the most important meetings of prayer of the last fifty years in the spiritual life of humanity, My consciousness of Mother is praying, protecting and safeguarding all the brothers and sisters present at the Marian Center of Aurora.

Today I am especially calling upon everyone to participate in a study of the Redemption House Association about the next steps that will be taken in the face of the event taking place in the region of Aurora.

This situation is a wake-up call for all participants in the Work of the Divine Messengers, to remind you of the importance of manifesting the auditorium of Mercy, which, in the Plans of God, is destined to carry out meetings for the spiritual healing of humanity.

It is for this reason that the Marian Center of Aurora, starting in the next hours, will begin to rearrange the task that had been foreseen for the days of August.

Thus, I ask, in the name of My Son, that the doors of the Marian Center be opened to receive the necessary humanitarian help, which will allow the adjustment of the program foreseen in the organization of the next prayer meeting of August.

Children, I have come from Heaven to ask for the special collaboration of all My children so that this important meeting, which Heaven hopes to move forward with on the grounds of Aurora, may take place.

In this way, the humanitarian help of the servers and the spontaneous donations of all for this meeting will make it possible for it to occur as had been foreseen.

The Marian Center, My children, has a large heart for receiving you, but up until today, it does not have the essential spaces to harmoniously accomplish the task of the Divine Messengers.

In the face of these planetary times, that will take place in humanity, certain sacred spaces at the Marian Centers must be preserved and safeguarded so they do not become the object of a contrary plan of My adversary.

Dear children, today the Father calls all of you towards inner neutrality, but also to be aware, just as you have demonstrated to the Divine Messengers in these last months.

I wish to announce to you that today, July 31 of 2015, at 8 p.m. Uruguayan time, a special update will be transmitted about the current reality of the Marian Center of Aurora and about the next steps which all are invited to participate in.

So that the next Marathon of Divine Mercy may be possible, the House of Adoration and its surroundings will be reorganized, as well as the other spaces of Redemption House, to be able to receive the number of pilgrims that is arriving at Aurora.

For this reason, in the face of a reality that will take days to be resolved, the Marian Center must receive the collaboration of everyone to be able to move forward with the task. From the Heart of My Son, I will be grateful for the prompt response of all My children of the world for this emergency situation.

Heaven foresees, as from the first days of August, carrying out a task of redemption and reconciliation for all those present. For this, certain spaces, which must be reconfigured by your own hands, will need the help, donations and the service of all My children.

In this anniversary and celebratory year, Aurora cannot be left without blessings and Graces for everyone.

Be prepared for the prompting and for the command of your heart, united with your Heavenly Mother of the universe, in the necessary and urgent Peace for the end of times.

I thank you for responding to this special call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children:

Today I bring to the world the Light of My Immaculate Heart, mainly to reveal the most profound mysteries of the universe.

I know that for many of you it is difficult to understand the amplitude of My task in the world, which I perform through My instruments, the visionaries.

Today, I tell you, children, that it is so and has always been so. See and believe, with eyes of humility and of trust, that the Mother of God arrived in Aurora to spread an important Message of Peace outside of the traditional Church of My Son.

Your Father needs My Presence to be more known, for the believers as well as for the non-believers. This is how your Celestial Mother has approached you, for many years, to give to the world the last key of salvation, which is the prayer of the heart.

If in truth many of you already prayed from the heart, not placing any mental impediment, you could feel inside of you that eight years of work would not be done by any being of this Earth, no matter how much holiness they manifested.

Children, the only power is with the Celestial Father and it is from Him that the works for the whole universe are manifested; without His permission and without His divine consent nothing would be possible.

Thus, I show you that through obedience there is guidance and protection, especially in the face of the deceptions of My adversary, who will always try to make you indifferent to all that is divine and pure.

But do not fear, dear children, receive with My Peace the time of your purification which will place you before all that must be transformed in time. Thus, you will be cleansed from all and free of any stain.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guides you to awareness of the Truth.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear Children,

Every day the Universe of God comes to meet you to bring you the Holy Spirit of Peace and so that this sacred presence, which is born from Our Blessed Hearts, may express in your lives and in the whole of humanity.

Children, in these days in which humanity is losing its peace, be bearers of the Peace of My Son, a Peace that will free you from all evil, and as His apostles, you will be able to profess and testify to the living of that Peace that is already at a minimum in some hearts.

The world is in a spiritual war, and that is why I come to institute the real path of return to the Heart of Christ; in this way, My children, you will be able to recognize that your school of continuous prayer and continuous adoration of the Living Body of My Son, which is present in the Eucharist, will give you the necessary strength to be able to predicate in these difficult times.

For this reason, children, with the courage and love that characterizes you, go and radiate My spirit of peace; this way many souls that feel alone will return to the Arms of the Celestial Father.

I thank you for responding to My call every day!

Who gathers you together in the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace


Dear children,

Your Mother of Kibeho is already working in the whole of the Congo through the missionaries of peace. For such a just and honorable cause, the Celestial Father is granting extraordinary Graces, which will then be deposited in the heart of all of My children of the Congo.

With joy and also in prayer, your Heavenly Mother is entering the spaces of sorrow and poverty so that, through the victorious prayer of all, the souls most lost may find the path back to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

In this time when humanity faces the acute crises of the end of times, you will find relief mainly through prayer, through faith, and through absolute trust in God.

The Congo is a land wounded by destruction, by mining takeovers, and outrages to the kingdoms of nature, the ones that always pay the price for the bad decisions made by humankind. As humanity does not see the destruction of Creation as something serious, Mother Nature herself is groaning so that at least a space may exist for relief and reparation. Thus, children, volcanoes explode and the nations move through earthquakes and catastrophes.

And where is the spirit of love of humanity?

For this reason, children, the Universe is causing Its Law to descend and there will not be anyone in this entire world who will not receive the effect of what they generated for years.

Children, live in My Grace and trust in it; it is a fountain of wonders and of miracles for souls.

In this era I need your cooperation and humanitarian help so that even with so few servers, dedicated and available, the Plan and the Planet may be saved. My Grace is not known; It is invincible and divine for all of those who search for It with heart and with love.

Keep on praying for My missionaries of peace; the time shortens and the emergency grows in the whole of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gathers you and unites you to love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages
Monthly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Remember, My child, remember, My soul, that in this life you belong to Me and that every day, until the end of times, I will come to take your most little heart.

Thus, little creature of God, you will allow Me to accomplish the prodigies and wills that Adonai has presented to Me.

Therefore, little soul of Mine, embrace My mystery, embrace My great mystery and submerge into the ocean of My Mercy so that the obedient angels of God may help your spirit to reach the invisible and awaited purpose that your most beautiful life must fulfill.

Allow your soul to cause great states of love for My Heart. Thus, you will be glorifying the Celestial Father through His beloved Son forever.

Promise yourself every day, every single day to come, that you will be faithful to Me and that, in face of the great test that will transform your earthly life, you will follow Me until the end of times.

Be worthy to live in My Sacred Heart, set your goals based on the virtues of charity, service, and good for humanity.

I have something valued and unknown for each soul. Thus, My Sacred Will, which is the Will of the Creator of everything that exists, will be manifested in infinite ways.

Souls can see the Aspects of My Glorified Heart in different ways, and thus, I elevate all creatures to the Thrones of God.

Today I open one last door for you, for My loving offering is extended to all the hearts that, having recognized Me a second time, are called by the Son of God to restart the path that was not completed.

My Spirit allows you to love the Law, even though many do not know it. My love allows you to reconsider and My powerful Heart impels you to reach new steps.

In this time of tribulation, blessed be those who call Me because I will answer them, maybe not as they expect, for My Virtues act in a way unknown to the souls of the Earth.

Be, in this time, that which My Holy Father expects. Proclaim the day of your redemption and your liberation so that, when I arrive in glory from the Celestial Universe, all may know and listen to their Guardian Angels, those who in service and absolute love will guide you towards the spiritual and divine place where I will be found to dine once again with you.

After the time of purification, there will be no more distance between you and Me. You will be able to feel Me, see Me, and know Me as I truly Am. From the beginning, you will be able to know Me, beyond My Transfiguration, you will know My Glorified Face.

But now it is time to keep rowing My boat, to be vigilant and awake so that no headwind from the northeast can submerge the boat and make the waters too rough.

Therefore, constancy will be the key. It will give you the impulse to pray and watch so that, in the face of any false deceit, you may know how to recognize the truth amidst illusion.

Move forward, some will reach the top of the purpose, while others must become bridges of light so that the self-summoned cross it and attain the goal that I left written within your hearts.

While the world seeks other things, I invite you to concentrate your gaze on My Sacred Heart, thus you will prevent that stumbling blocks deviate you from the path and that any lie makes your hearts believe in false truths.

Search for My Heart which is full and open to all, there, no one will perish.

Under the Peace of the Lord, be blessed and worthy.

Thank you for glorifying My Heart.

The Glorified Christ Jesus, the One of the past, of the present, and of the future

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

As Chaste and Most Pure Hearts, We come from Heaven so that you may recognize the values and celestial Graces in your lives that we have placed in your spirits during these last three years.

Children of Mine, having recognized the need for charity and mainly the lack of love within suffering hearts in this time, your main motive must be to bring relief to the needs that humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature have.

Many of you, through service, defeated and passed through the barriers of great inner resistance, and opening your hands to give of yourselves to others, discovered the source of service and love that dwells within each one of your souls.

If the whole of humanity could rescue the great imbalances and the miseries that exist upon the whole planet, and if the giving of self were spontaneous and immediate, the Mercy of God would have already transformed all evil into Light. In this way, many hearts would have stopped suffering from the result of their errors.

Thus, My children, having entered into the essence of service to humanity, which is one of the main attributes of the Sacred Family, the world would already be saved and worthy of receiving another chance.

Your Sacred Heavenly Mother draws you closer to the virtues that will make it possible for the New Humanity to emerge.

While the Woman Clothed with the Sun deviates the beast from the path so that all the children of God may achieve peace, I ask that you continue to work for the awakening of service and pure love for all of humanity.

Your Celestial Father expects that the action of service be fraternal with other consciousnesses that must also awaken to service for their fellow beings.

The love of the heart, united with spontaneous service, promises great transformations and relief from all the debts that are generated, day after day, by current humanity.

Dear children, in the same way that My Holy husband Saint Joseph, Father and Guardian of Jesus, invited you to serve without personal preferences or likes, continue to walk toward the Source and the spring that emerges to cleanse and close the great spiritual wounds of this assaulted humanity.

My Immaculate Heart will find you working through service and through prayer, and just like My beloved Son requested, go two by two, and proclaim your redemption to the world.

The Sacred Hearts will be attentive to the voice of your pleas and those of all the servers of Love.

I thank you on this day for responding to My call and for having concretized it.

Who gathers you together in the spirit of service for peace in the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Monthly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace and of humanity, transmitted in the city of Santo Tomé, Santa Fe, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, on the occasion of the anniversary of the monthly Messages

My dear children,

With Grace and Mercy, I raise your hearts to Heaven, to offer the Celestial Father the loveliness and the beauty of your lives.

Today, for the last time, I send My Messages of Peace to the world. Today a cycle closes in which humanity should have heeded My call and listened to My warning Message.

On this evening of Graces and redemptions, I have prayed for all of you and have received your essences upon My lap, which are truly important from an evolutionary point of view to your Celestial Father.

While the world places its attention on the things of material life, I come here with the objective and with the divine mission that you take Me into your homes as co-redeemer and Mother of all hearts. In this way, you, My dear children, will allow Me to intercede for your peers so that they too may achieve the redemption of the heart.

In the name of the blessed Love of God, I ask you to carry My sacred Word to all the places you go; in this way, I too will be able to carry out My plans in the souls that day and night become lost in this world of illusion.

As Mother of the Divine Word, I announce Myself to all of you as I once announced Myself in Fatima, in Lourdes, and recently, in Medjugorje, because God has allowed Me to appear in all the places where is a real spiritual risk.  

With this aim, on this evening I open My arms, I lift them up to Heaven, and I plead for all of humanity and for all Kingdoms of Nature, which are ravaged by this race. I come to remove the blindness from your eyes so that through My universal healing and My Motherhood, you can awaken to the Return of Christ, Our Lord.

My eyes will illumine your paths when you simply pray with Me for the priests and the consecrated, so that they are able to be the luminous mirror of the Face of My Son Jesus; because, beloved children, this humanity is closed to hearing what comes from Heaven to correct you and place you on the path of peace.

As Queen of the Holy Rosary, I ask you to pray with Me for My plans, before the enemy manages to convince you to live a life of material illusion.

My children, My desire is that here, as in the whole world, the apostles of love and redemption be born who will be able to bear faithful witness to the return of Christ.

Thus, I ask that you be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart so you may be protected and safeguarded from all evil, because when all of you manage to open the doors of your hearts, God will be able to give you His restorative and merciful Love.

You are in a time to take up the rosary and begin to pray for peace, a peace that does not exist in humankind nor in any soul. You hold the truth in your hands. Pray with devotion, ask for forgiveness, reconcile in time and you will be worthy of experiencing the redeeming supper with My Son, the Higher Priest.

Through My Immaculate Heart, I open the doors of the Kingdom of God to you so you may quickly be elevated in spirit and dispel the codes of evil from your lives.

Through your 'yes,' My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I am grateful for the great companionship of all My children during these last three years of Graces and of conversions.

Who loves you and blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and of all humanity


Weekly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, province of Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am here to silently ask you to unite with Me and to not separate yourself from Me.

In the mystery of tests, there is the path of the great step to transcendence.

My project for your little life is to transform you into a new instrument, always available for when it may be necessary and opportune to help the souls of the world.

After this life, there will be another one, better than the one you have experienced. For this reason, take the necessary precautions to live My holy Word in this life.

I have come to ask you for something that is beyond your expectations and aspirations. I come to ask for your innermost trust in My Sacred Heart because when souls trust in Me, many human decadences are replaced by My Rays of Mercy and everything is transformed by the gifts of My Light. In this way, souls do not miss the opportunity of again finding the consolation they so lack.

I come to unite you with My father, with the great Universal Emanation of Love and Unity. I only ask you not to miss the path of sanctification.

In order to be able to experience current changes, you must strengthen your faith in Me; this will allow you to erase doubts and concerns.

When a soul strives to seek Me every day, it will be able to know that in its last days My Heart will remember it and it will go to the Kingdom of My Father.

Do not fear to face that which you cannot face; the Lord sends you His supreme Grace through My sacred Presence on this day.

The Lord assembles you in one consciousness of peace so that, in these times, redemption may awaken in everyone.

I give you the assurance that you so greatly seek within yourselves. I give you My sincere and inseparable Love of the Heart.

Under the Grace of God that assembles and heals you, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

The Glorified Christ Jesus


Before My Return, I will come and ask My angels to expel and banish human egotism from the heart of humankind. When this happens, the world will finish changing and a new cycle will begin. Hearts will no longer feel alone, because from Me they will receive everything they lacked from the beginning of their lives. Souls will rejoice in meeting Me, and I will return to give to drink of the Blood transformed into Light and to eat of the Living Body transfigured in Glory.

When that time comes, many of those who live on the Earth today will no longer be here, but I will count on all those who once set out to search for Me among the shadows of the world. But do not fear, because much will take place.

My Words will always remain among you; they will be the consolation for the difficult moments. After so many meetings, I come to prepare you in My Lap, in My Cenacle and in My Heart.

Let no one tire of aspiring to merge with Me; the Lord will give you the key to overcome the times that will come. Join My circle of Eternal Love. If you are in this circle of Divine Love, nothing will surround you, but you must always search for the way out through truth and acceptance.

On your countenances, today, I see in you an incessant and uninterrupted search for My Countenance.

Know that I Am no more than the Lord, My Father is your Father, My Supreme is your Supreme, and in this Kingdom, we are all one.

Do not allow the bitterness of not being able to take the steps embrace you more than the power of My Glorious Love.

Today I gather you together in the Name of the Lord, to commence a new stage of good times, of good results, of an adorable consecration which is seen by My Merciful Eyes.

Happy are those who persevere through My Trust. I will never leave those who call Me and those who seek Me alone, in spite of the errors committed.

I Am the True Love that transforms all things. I Am the Great Cell of Light which is born of the Heart of My Father. Whomever courageously calls Me will be surprised by Me in the nights to come.

My Silence teaches you many things. My Peace transmits celestial serenity to you.

Do not remain in the things of this world. Until I return, the things of the world will worsen, but fix your eyes on My Peaceful Gaze.

My Heart offers Itself as a mystery of life for the good and for the bad, for My Love is great, and will be greater in all those that sincerely and truly seek It.

Feel yourselves worthy of that which you would not be graced, for My intervention is perfect and kind in light of My Father.

Today, I am born and come from the heart of this universe. I renew and transform all things. I Am the King of humility. I Am the same who suffered and died for you, out of Love.

And now that you have risen in life, come to My Arms. My Heart will console you and nothing bad will happen to whomever dares to be with Me, for I Am the Light that dispels all darkness and shadows within and outside of beings.

I Am the living donation of the Great Love of God, your Father. I want to give My treasures to the redeemed. I wish to meet with those who have fallen in the past.

Declare yourselves to be My apostles of the new time; in this way, the Inner Christ will be born who will be at your service when I am no longer among you; for everything has a time for the Lord, a different time than that of the world.

Now, My Footsteps mark a new pathway for you. Blessed are they who, for Me, cross the abysses and the hells of this world to save those who are very thirsty for My Love.

Carry My legacy stamped in your hearts, and let it be the flame that transforms you day and night. Be like Me, good missionaries.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living the mystery of My Heart.

My Peace for all the beings of the Earth.

Yeshua, the Glorified Christ


Weekly Message of Mary, Immaculate Queen of Peace, transmitted in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Sister Lucía

I call My soldiers those who persevere in the Will of the Lord and fulfill it far beyond their small wills.

I call My companions those who continue by My side under any circumstance and say 'yes' to My Plan of Love and rescue of souls, even though they do not know what this Plan is and how it will be carried out.

I call beloved children those who revere God above all things and who, within their imperfection, surrender to the unknown Universe of the Celestial Father.

Today, I assemble hearts so that they become consecrated to the Greater Will, for the times will no longer be easy for consciousnesses, and souls will be tested by the enemy as never before.

Today, I assemble you so you may consecrate your lives, your souls and your spirits, so you may renew the commitment you sealed with Me since the beginning and you came to consummate in this time.

To those who follow Me, I offer sacrifice, and the reward you receive is the salvation of souls.

To those who follow Me, I offer renunciation, and what you receive in exchange is the purity of the world, which will be rescued by the small works of these hearts.

I do not place great material treasures on the table of those who follow Me; I will not offer you comfort nor rest, not in this life or in another.

But there is something on this table that is not on any other; something that transcends weariness, something that transcends the riches of the Earth, something that transcends matter, something that is not of this world.

This that I offer you is unique,  simple, invisible, cannot be touched and it is also immutable.

This that I offer you opens the doors of the universe and fills worlds, stars, spirits and consciousnesses.

To those who consecrate themselves today to My Heart, I offer you Love, and I present you to My Son so He may be your King for all eternity.

My little children, today I only tell you that I gathered you under My Mantle to place My Love in your hearts and to tell you, very close to your hearts, that you must never forget I am here, and even though I offered you sacrifice, I also offer you My arms, toward which you should eternally walk.

Who loves you,

Mary, Queen of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
