While the prayers of this day deeply touch the Heart of God, the nations of the world are also filled by sublime principles of redemption and of transfiguration; this way, great world and population problems are avoided at the moment in which souls invoke Divine and Infinite Mercy.
It is thus, dear children, that the Celestial Father counts on the support of all of His children, so that the surface humanity of this planet may be a rescuable project, and this is possible thanks to the pilgrimages for peace that have been taking place.
In this way, unknown consciousnesses are benefited when souls plea for Divine Mercy.
Uncertain doors are closed and new opportunities for awakening the consciousness and of activating the essence of the heart present themselves, so that the majority of consciousnesses may find the inner peace which so many yearn for.
So in this way, at this time and in this place, Divine Mercy will fulfill a fundamental role for the redemption of souls and for the forgiveness of all the faults committed.
I accompany you in perpetual prayer.
I thank you for responding to My Call.
Who contemplates you in prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today I present Myself before your hearts as the Mother of Guadalupe and Mother of all your Aztec spirits.
I come on this day to Mexico to bless it again and to remind you about your essential purity, because in spite of all you have experienced over the centuries, that purity has not yet been dissipated by My enemy.
By opening your hearts to Mine, My children, I wish you to feel that in this moment your nation must be protected from the influences of other nations.
With this I want to tell you that, for your hearts and lives to be protected from all things, you must keep alive the devotion and the love that characterize you as a nation and as a people.
In the simplicity of your heart, I wanted all of you to recover the values of faith and of purity, so that all the descendants of the Aztecs who live today in Mexico may be able to express the inner love that you achieved in times past.
It is through the spiritual union that your original peoples had with the Universe that the key is to be found which will open the new doors to the future, and where all of your souls will recover the sense of being present and collaborating in this planetary cycle.
I have come as Guadalupe to unite what the white man was decimating in the indigenous consciousness.
For this reason, children, today is the day in which your Aztec consciousnesses, in the name of that incalculable love that you have built inside of yourselves as a people, must forgive the consciousness of the Europeans for having destroyed an entire millenary culture.
In you, My children of Mexico, is the potential for being able to live and express the Mercy of God.
It is in this way that your Mother of Guadalupe, surrounded by all the stars of the Universe, returns to your nation to establish this definite act of forgiveness and of reconciliation as an important moment for liberating all of the past.
Your devotion to the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe has generated an intimate and beautiful filiation of all your people in the Mexican nation with the Mother of God.
Because of this, My children, thanks to the Celestial Father and to all of My children that have collaborated so that this sacred mission could be fulfilled, I was able to return today to your land to fill it again with the codes of love and of pity.
Through this special Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the nations that most suffer from chaos, may your hearts be exalted with the joy and delight of participating in the spiritual triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you from Mount Tepeyac,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Mexico
Opening the doors of My Immacuate Heart, I receive all of My children from Venezuela so that, at least spiritually, they may achieve peace facing so much despair.
I open the doors of My Heart for My children to take refuge within Me and to not lose hope to get out of this crisis and to start something new.
I would like all My children of this world to help, with their prayers, My children from Venezuela, so that they may enter fully into My Heart and feel a moment of peace.
At this time, your Heavenly Mother continues praying so that the strong ties of the consciousness of Venezuela can be untied and thus liberate those who are imprisoned in this illusion of life; pray also for all those who are punished by inequality.
Dear children, due to the latest events, I invite and implore to My children from Venezuela to search for the end of this whole story within their hearts and that by imploring to the Heavenly Father, He forgives all the mistakes made so that those responsible can redeem themselves and free themselves from their sins.
My wish as a Mother is that all reach Jesus, regardless of their mistakes. May love and peace reign for time to adjust all that happens.
It will take extreme patience and an unwavering love to learn to overcome, above and beyond yourselves, all the trials of faith; which the Sacred and Divine Family also had to experience in other times for all of you.
Remember that the most beautiful and important thing is the Love of Christ in each one and that this Christic love must act among you, beyond everything because My beloved Son has already taught you how to do it. The time has come, do it, My little ones! And do not lose your innocence for anything.
I thank you for truly listening to me!
Who encourages you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When souls pray, the doors to rehabilitation open and everything that seems impossible to resolve and is impregnated with error is dissolved as it receives the Light of the Spirit of God. This rehabilitation offers humanity the chance of living its conversion and of rediscovering the path towards the Heart of the Celestial Father.
In this time, My children, the Sacred Hearts open the doors of the Universe of love so that souls can enter and rehabilitate their lives and consciousnesses. This present opportunity is the last one of this cycle; this is why I ask you, children, to be aware of this Grace so you can be part of it during the time remaining.
May your rehabilitation in this cycle help the rehabilitation of the planet and of humanity so that finally, the errors will be corrected and everything moves toward the path of the light and of redemption; also, live it for all the Kingdoms of Nature so that they also may be participants in this important spiritual rehabilitation that Heaven is offering to all souls of this world.
In this way, dear children, the age-old errors will be corrected and new opportunities will be given to those consciousnesses that do not deserve them in these times.
Your inner rehabilitation will begin through love, the giving of self, and through the absolute surrender that you can give to the Celestial Father; in this way, the promised and awaited Earth will manifest after the cycle of purification of the planet and of humanity.
That spiritual rehabilitation was granted by Christ Himself when He died on the Cross for each one of you.
My children, accept this call. Redeem your lives in Christ and for Christ; thus the planet will be liberated.
I thank you for responding to My call!
For the rehabilitation of humanity,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Blindness of humanity starts with the indifference and omission of the souls towards the sacred Kingdom of God. Thus the souls uninterested in knowing their real purpose lose the total vision of their horizon and of their inner universe.
At this time the Celestial Hierarchy tries to sow new codes as seeds of light in arid deserts, and it is the prayer of all those who correspond to the Plan that allows all to be balanced.
Thus, Your Heavenly Mother knits upon the planetary consciousness a network of light capable of supporting the currents that will come in aid to the entire humanity.
This universal action generated by groups of prayer that have contact with this cosmic frequency allows the Laws to change and the foreseen events not to take place on Earth before their time, in spite of the great mental and spiritual indifference that might exist.
Dear children, the Celestial Father rejoices when the major part of the consciousnesses respond to the celestial Call and do it with sincerity and truth. This also generates an inexplicable fusion between the spiritual and human planes. Thus, codes of light from the seventh celestial Universe descend and provide that all the planet receives an undeserved Grace.
The open and available heart is allowed to go through the thick layers of the global indifference with its prayer, and makes all the Creation, from now onwards, to count on spirits decided to fulfill the Plan.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union with all the servers of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
When the triumph of My Heart is near, the corrupt structures of the world shake, and in the hells of Earth, cries of defeat are heard. Although it is a tough battle, the heart that unites itself to Me also triumphs in its life, in love, in charity and in unity, and there is nothing nor anybody who can break the alliance of My children with My Immaculate Heart.
Therefore, children, when the triumph of My plan is about to materialize, do not fear. My hands will lift you from the ground and I will place you between My arms to hand you My sweet and loving consolation. It is so, dear children, how I take care and protect My Marian soldiers.
When My plans of peace are about to materialize nothing can oppose itself to the potent stream of My spiritual energy; it is a principle that comes from the Celestial Father and that can impregnate consciousnesses.
When everything becomes more difficult remember, My children, it is the sign that My triumph is near and that many souls will liberate themselves from the chain of thousands of mistakes.
My Heart will always be your fortitude, My Mantle will be the universe that will shelter you from all evil and My prayer will be the powerful current that will placate any fury and evil.
The triumph of My plan materializes itself with all those who say “yes” to Me today.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union and protection,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Every day in Heaven I hear the voice of those who on Earth cry out for Me, so, under the authority of the Father, I descend in light and love to help those who are most in need, especially those who are deviating from the path that My Son calls you to live.
At this time there are many hearts who cry out for Me and I respond to all of them through the wisdom of the Celestial Father, for them to be safe under My protecting mantle.
Dear children, it is true that I do not get tired of calling those who definitely have to be with Me. Therefore, throughout times, I have been delivering visible signs so that none of My children doubts that it is I who knocks at the door of their hearts.
I call so that you may open your hearts to Me and so that I can transform each life into a perfect gift for God. Still at this time I come to unite and consolidate your hearts in Christ, the Lord, for Him to be remembered every day and for souls to be in perfect communion with His divine Spirit.
My children, as I am the Mother of all, I meet your requests and I do not fail to respond to whosoever requests something from Me, something that is in the Holy Will of God. I respond to the petitions that are fair and that benefit everyone, the whole planet.
My intercession for humanity has no limits, therefore I have open arms for you so that your hearts may reach Me and rest in My maternal arms.
It is still a time of Mercy, Pity can still reach the whole world.
Ask the Celestial Father for this entire Kingdom so that the Creation may concede extraordinary help for those who need it most.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union and love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of the Americas and the intercessor before God for all lost and distracted hearts.
I am the Governor and Lady of celestial majesty.
I am the One Who allows the liberation of all evil to be generated through the angels of the universe.
My Heart beats in all the Americas and makes Itself felt within those who invoke the Presence of the Universal Mother.
On this day, may all uncertain doors be closed and may undefined souls take the step toward inner ascension.
Today, may everything that prevents the awakening of hearts be liberated and removed from the universe. For this, children, may the inner conditions be created through prayer, faith, and the love of all consciousnesses.
I am the Mother of the Americas and there will be no government nor governor greater than Our Celestial Father.
May the fearful, the unjust and the false be exiled far from this humanity, so that the peoples may be free and gestate the New Humanity.
There is still time for hearts to repent and for the governments of the Earth to change their attitude, and in this way, truth may emerge and no one else will be condemned.
I am the Mother of the Americas and I give to My children a river of peace.
Let no one fear in this time, for I will be beside the one who trusts in Me; for nothing shall separate you from God, neither government nor nation nor state; everything is under the Gaze of God.
Arise, Americans, and decree the triumph of the Mercy of Christ!
Love so as to learn to forgive. Forgive so as to learn to be reconciled, and in this way, you will once and for all be healed.
I am the Mother of the Americas and I protect all the flocks of My Son. My universal Star guides you towards the Purpose. My Love leads you to the portals of Peace.
Do not fear those who bestow false power. Pray for your enemies so that on the Day of the Final Judgment, they are not removed from this universe.
This planet and this universe are the perfect school of love and forgiveness. Those who do not go through this academy of redemption will take a long time to learn to serve and love. Thus, the Sacred Hearts have come to the world to confirm that this universe is one of redemption and forgiveness. Here, the experience of reconciliation and of peace is still being lived.
This world survives, at this time, because it must accomplish the Creator's Project through all those who are self-summoned. All humanity has already gone through the portal towards its purification; the inner and outer structures shake; but those who redeem themselves, love and dignify themselves before God will not perish.
Open the doors of your hearts even more, so that, in the time that remains, the spring of infinite Grace can be poured out over you and the world.
Let the Marian armies of prayer position themselves on the field of the final battle; let them take up their shields of faith and their swords of love and make the Plan of redemption triumph.
I am with you and will be with you as long as you allow Me to.
I am the Mother of the Americas, and here will be born the new Eden for the world.
So be it. Amen.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who summons you for the Plan of awakening,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To those who transmute as a service
Throughout time, dear children, there were consciousnesses in service to the Plan of God that, living the teachings of Christ and fully imitating Him, who were chosen by the Universe to sustain the planetary consciousness and humanity.
This service of transmutation does not involve all souls because, at this time, the source of purification is what predominates in humanity as a means of liberation from evil.
But in this century that has begun, with humanity indifferent to the plans of the Most High and all His Creative Work, the Universe itself chose groups of souls upon the planet to silently offer this service, which prevents the spiritual destruction of humanity.
Transmuting is an act of full sacrifice and a deep offering for something greater that goes beyond a consciousness, nation or continent.
The Law of Transmutation is being applied at this moment to certain groups of consciousnesses that have already gone through the school of the discipleship of Christ.
At the moment of transmutation, the soul encounters the suffering, indignation and rejection which the Celestial Father feels when His infinite Love is denied by creatures.
For this reason, nobody goes through transmutation without first having experienced strict purification, a life of prayer, service and surrender to God.
The important monasteries of the world that dedicate their lives to the service of Christ have become permanent pillars of planetary transmutation and this is divided among Christians, Buddhists and Hindus.
God places His Will in all consciousnesses that are open to recognizing the true need of these times.
The great act of transmutation of Christ was allowing Himself to be nailed to the Cross, this does not mean that you will come to this state, only that the stream of transmutation is positively polarized when there is love for what is being experienced. In this way, the project of humanity is reconfigured when there are souls that live at this time to transmute as a means of concretizing the project of this race.
Transmutation is a silent, selfless and pure school of service. It is the first step that allows the consciousness to enter a greater state of service.
Let us all pray for those who transmute because, in these times, this will become a group practice for souls.
The strength of those who transmute is faith.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Pray for those who transmute.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Just as Jesus carried the Cross of the world, you are being called to carry your own cross so that one day everything will be redeemed.
My children, the sacrifice that My Son lived for you went beyond the material and spiritual life. In this whole sacred mystery of the Passion of Jesus many Laws acted to generate the redemption of humanity.
Dear children, assuming your internal sacrifice for humanity, I bring you the possibility to help transcend the deviated paths of millions of souls in the world through the power of prayer and of peace.
On this day in which we prepare ourselves to see Jesus as the Great Lamb that is taken to the slaughterhouse, let us offer to the Celestial Father our alliance with His Spirit and with all the Higher Kingdom.
I open the door for you to walk to My Heart with firm steps of definition.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who guides you through the Passion of Jesus,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary
Dear children:
With a small cross upon the Heart of My Son, I prepare you to accept the sacrifice for the Plan of God and for all the sinful souls.
With My luminous Heart I reveal to you, one by one, the signs of the Passion of My Son for them to serve as an example of love and of overcoming every day.
My children, embracing the power of the Cross of My Son you will come to know the spiritual and internal values that conquered death and that made the Love of God triumph over every mistake and human difficulty.
Christ is the victorious triumph for your hearts, My Son is the perfect Project in which the souls can fulfill the aspirations of God and sanctify themselves because at the end, dear children, your souls are the ones that will continue performing the trajectory towards the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Dear children, contemplate the immensity of Love of My Son for each creature, live His Sacrifice as if it were your own and adopt a religious posture for the world not to lose the spiritual life.
Let us walk together following the footprints of Christ until we meet again in the apex of the Sacred Passion of Our Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who gathers you in the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary
I am the Sacred Tree
I am the Mother and Lady provider of all Graces.
I am the sacred Tree of the Universe, I am who bears fruit, and from the fruit are born all the seeds which are sown and germinated in all My children.
I am the sacred Tree of Figueira(1), I am the trunk that supports and transmutes My children.
I am the treetop that blossoms from era to era, reflecting the great beauty of God.
I am the great root that sustains all life and gives regenerative strength to all spirits.
I am the great Figueira; you are My favorite fruits that I cause to ripen with the rays of the solar Heart of My Son so that you may give the new seeds that will be sown in the new humanity.
I am the sacred Figueira Tree; you are also part of My leaves, expressing life, healing and renewal.
Oh sacred seeds of My beloved Figueira! may new fruits sprout in other fields that will be offered to the Celestial Father.
You are also My branches, and I am the great sacred Tree that unifies you and makes you participants in the perfect union with the Creator.
You are part of My entire sacred Tree, you are the result of the continuous work of the sacred Tree. Be the branches, be the leaves, be the fruit and seeds of My beloved Figueira; express the love of knowledge and practice it, the hour has come, the time is now.
The sacred Tree of Figueira has already planted its foundations of instruction in all hearts, it is time to experience it, to adore it, and to love it.
Oh sacred seeds of redemption!, sprout in those fields where there is loneliness in the consciousnesses; sprout in service and in charity, as do all the Kingdoms of Nature. Be the seeds that bear My Light and My Mercy, be the living mirrors of the divine message.
I am the sacred Figueira, let no one forget. I am the sacred Tree of renewal and peace. I wish, beloved children, for you to someday stop being seeds and to become trees grown in love and in sacred knowledge.
Revere all the fruits that My sacred Figueira has given you, it is the cradle of the new fruits, it is the seed nursery of the new humanity.
Oh, little figueiras! (fig trees) May your growth be as elevated as prayer, may your fruit be as beautiful as the flowers of My immaculate garden.
In the coming time, you will see all the little figueiras (fig trees) in the sacred forest live by the Light of God and are as expressive as eternal devotion.
Embrace My sacred Tree of Figueira with love so that in this internal union your feet may walk barefoot and liberated from everything toward the eternal garden of the Heart of God.
Children, allow to sprout within you that which is the purest and holiest, that God has poured out through love.
Let us be united in spirit as one, around the beloved Figueira of light.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who congregates you in prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
(1) Figueira in Portuguese means fig tree, and is the name of the Marian Center where this Message
of Mary was transmitted.
To My consecrated children
Dear children,
On this day of renewal and confirmation of vows for the plans of peace of Your Heavenly Mother, I would like to see you express the joy and love that brought everyone together in this eternal oratory of My Immaculate Heart.
When the doors of the heavenly Universes open today, see your Holy Mother descending from the House of the Celestial Father, crowned with all the flowers of Her favorite children, who again and again confirm their adherence to the Plan of the Sacred Hearts.
My children, today I want everyone to be within My fullness and My spiritual joy, gathered together in this Marian Center and holding hands to celebrate with your Celestial Commander the triumph of the Heart of Her Son in the world.
Along with the celestial choirs, seraphim, cherubim, and archangels, let us sing the Hallelujah hymn, decreeing Yahve as the only and powerful Father of Mercy.
An atoning Grace will be poured by My Immaculate Heart over those who are already consecrated and who will be consecrated to Me on the 13th of March, when your Celestial Commander will direct Her maternal Grace toward impossible causes. On that day when the greater door to the most sacred oratory of My Heart is open, I would like to see you internally pronouncing and affirming for another year your ‘yes’ to the Plan of the Universal Father.
Dear children, as your Celestial Highness, I descend from Heaven glowing with love, with maternity, and crowned by Her children of the world. Today I wish your souls to pronounce loudly: "Gratitude, Mother for all you give us." So I will raise to Heaven this plea, that the Father may contemplete it in the infinite ocean of His Mercy; in that way, the Plan of the entire Universe can count on the cooperation and effort of everyone.
Many of you would like to witness the obvious results of all this Work, I promise you will see them in the coming time.
Beloved children, now I invite you to work in the name of love and from the heart for everyone who rejects every day the spiritual call of God. You consecrated yourselves as My children because you were touched by My Light, by My sacred Motherhood, and by My Mercy.
I would like for you to take advantage of this last cycle, the unfathomable Grace that I lovingly pour on you so that your hearts open more each day to love and recognize in your fellow human the Presence of Christ as I recognize it in each of you.
Today truly be one spiritual family without appearances or judgement, as We, the Spokespersons of the Cosmos, are a family with each creature on this planet, whether they are on the path of Christ or not.
Dear children, renew your vows of consecration and of union with Your Heavenly Mother. On this day My Immaculate Heart is even closer to your lives so that you feel My eternal Peace.
I thank you, children, for being part of the praying armies of light.
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
On this day, I invite you to prepare yourselves for the prayer meeting that is coming. This is a reason for your lives to be available for the fulfillment of the Divine Will.
I wish, My children, that your hearts would always walk in faith so that from now on you will be prepared to be touched by the flame of the Holy Spirit.
At this time, may your hearts be in prayer and in communion with My Son so that, strengthened in faith, you can take steps towards the consecration to the Celestial Father.
Children, as Your Mother I guide you through the path of sanctity and service to those most in need.
Many spiritual wounds still must be healed by the balm that prayer itself provides.
In tune with all that will happen in the coming prayer meeting I hand you, My children, the keys of forgiveness and mercy so that everything is under the shelter of the Celestial Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In faith and love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Again and with joy I gather you all in the blessed oratory of My Immaculate Heart, so that you may receive the spiritual impulse to continue responding to the call of Your Heavenly Mother.
On this day I want to invite you to permanent and conscious prayer so that the Higher Life may draw closer to your lives.
Dear children, My desire as a Mother is that every day you be able to perceive that the times are no longer normal, common; they are also not times for indifferent or miserly human attitudes.
My children, after two cycles of daily messages you are already prepared to live My words, to bring them into day to day practice; this will allow My message of Peace to not just be theory, but rather a constant inner impulse to recognize the sublime moment of one’s own transformation.
Dear children, many more souls can be touched by the voice of My call and be able to thus form new armies of peace in the world. For this, it will be enough to those who are awakening to walk in faith and confidence until they find again the House of the Celestial Father.
My beloveds, we are already in the moment of living the new times and of not resisting what will come. You will have the sacred opportunity of learning through the good, and of following the footsteps that My Son will continue to indicate to you.
Beloved children, blessings for all in this new cycle of instructions.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who encourages you to live the great transformation,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Although the pressure is great, My Grace is infinite and can save souls. Therefore, I have come from the universe today to bring you peace, the peace that is missing in the world, and that is dissipated due to the darkness. But My Kingdom can become visible in the meek and pacific hearts that carry this peace to the world as an emblem of union with the Celestial Father.
I have asked everyone to come here, to this Sacred Center, to establish a purpose in your consciousnesses that goes beyond your understanding and is experienced in the spirit.
Today I have come from a very special place on the planet where I experience a retreat and a profound silence to meditate before the next steps that humanity must take. I would like to elevate you to that place, but first, you must pray so as to be able to enter it. This place of which I am speaking to you today is the desert of Shambhala, where the true inner reality exists, where everything had its origin, at the beginning of the Creation of My Father, for this planet and humanity.
Today I put you in this place so that you may seek Shambhala and thus remember what your purpose is for these times that are coming. But I will request this only to a few because I cannot do it for the whole world. The world is very distracted and thus it will not be able to see Shambhala, but you who do know it and have known it, relive these principles. Enter into the desert with Me, way into the desert, to find the temple within you, so as to be able to hold on to these gifts during the time of tribulation that you will still experience in the world, the tribulation that has not ended and that has just started.
I am your Shepherd and I guide the flocks of My Father. This is why I call you to enter into the inner Shambhala, and not to forget your true face, that which comes from time to time to live this experience of love and forgiveness that humanity has forgotten.
If I am to be found meditating and in retreat in the desert of Shambhala, why will you not do so? After the decision that My Father has made, new things must be thought from the heart so that spirits are able to be born in the works and carry out the designs of God. Therefore, the retreat is important, your inner retreat in the face of so much demand from humanity, in the face of so much service, and of spiritual and material need. I invite you to be in an inner retreat for you to be able to perceive things from another point of view, just as I see them.
I take you all to the desert of Shambhala so that you may open your eyes and in this reality of the inner Shambhala, you can discover and understand what the Hierarchy needs. If your hearts are united to this mystery, you will be able to be in Shambhala, because Shambhala is the main source of Love that has emerged on this planet to establish in the world the spirit of confraternity and unity with the universe that today's humanity does not experience because it is separated among brothers and nations. Therefore, everything that you do, do it in the name of the Lord, each action that you perform, each work that you carry out, each word that you proclaim must be in the name of peace and not of disunity.
Times are still difficult and many do not want to believe it. I need the self-summoned to see the convenience in which they are and how great the call from Heaven is, which summons souls to serve, surrender, and renounce everything.
I promised you that I would return, first in My Divinity so that afterwards you could see me resplendent among the clouds as the Sun of the universe, which will establish the new humanity for all worlds. This moment has arrived, companions. I am returning, although you do not see Me. If in previous months, in previous meetings of prayer I led you to know to the Law and adopt it in your lives, I made you go through the Middle East to refuge souls in your hearts, now why do you not follow me to the inner Shambhala where everything started for this planet?
I invite you to the desert so that you can be empty of everything and of any circumstance because I will not be able to place My new Principles in souls full of other things. Therefore I invite you to the inner retreat, to prayer and silence so that the world can be saved. This is the simplest thing that I ask you, companions; I do not need that you surrender to me your families, your work, your material life. I need you to elevate yourselves in consciousness, so as to be able to abandon these things, which should come in second place so that My primordial Work can be accomplished. I am not saying, companions, that your families should be abandoned nor that your jobs should not be attended. I need your consciousnesses to be in the priority that My Father needs in these final times. If I am returning it is to call you, to form you as the army of the 144 thousand that must be ready to answer the planetary need, the call of the Plan, and the Work of God in the whole universe.
Dear companions, we are speaking of great things and not of tiny things. Terror is being spread in the world and pain is becoming more acute, and someone must relieve it so that nothing is lost in this humanity. This is why I come as your Shepherd today, to lead you to discover, in Shambhala, your inner void and everything that has always filled it, time and again, time after time. But do not fear. Who is speaking to you will not abandon you, will not leave you aside, because I will share your purification with you, as I share the purification of this unredeemed humanity, which is far from God and especially far from love, the true love of the universe.
We are doing the impossible for the world not to continue deviating towards the abyss. Therefore, the efforts will be extreme and you will be aware of this. And when the time comes for each one of you to be able to give your maximum, to totally surrender to My Father, you will not be able to say that you did not know. Just as I once told My apostles that I was waiting for them to follow Me to the Calvary and in the Passion, today I tell you not to step back, for My Glorified Heart will be your sustenance at the most acute moment.
My heart can make you be reborn because My Mercy allows it. And if you are in My Mercy, you will embrace My Grace. My Grace will fulfill you and thus you will be in My Divinity, the Divinity of Christ that humanity has not yet known nor reached at any time. Therefore I demonstrate My Glory to you so that you can know My Grace, and in My Grace, you can be divinized in the name of My Father, in honor to Adonai and His Eternal Kingdom, which always awaits all His creatures to pour out upon them His Love and Peace from time to time, from epoch to epoch.
Do not be frustrated, do not be disturbed. Answer in obedience and you will know the reason why. Embrace My Call and you will feel My Divinity that always awaits you so as to guide and conduct you to the Kingdom of My Father.
Through this call to the inner retreat of Shambhala, I am inviting all souls to mature consciously and to cease doing what is no longer necessary in these times. Because when you are busy with useless things, I only observe you and wait for you to be able to awaken to feel My Voice in your hearts, the Voice that cries out, before the Celestial Father, for this Project of humanity.
May this Marathon be the deepening of the spiritual life of every being and thus the reconfirmation of your vows may be established before this definitive Project that must be fulfilled. May this Marathon not only go through Aurora but also through each one of you so that you can perceive what I am telling you.
I cannot continue giving more responsibilities to those who already respond to Me. Souls have a point of tension to bear My Designs, now the time has come for you to abandon your insignificant things so that everything is balanced and you embrace My Call and fulfill a part of the plan that is still waiting to be concretized. In this way, the 144 thousand will be born and will cease being written in the sacred book of the Bible to become a reality at this time. These 144 thousand consciousnesses are on the entire planet in different regions, nations, cultures, languages, and beliefs within the spiritual Christianity of the planet. Thus, I establish the symbol of My Divinity through My Grace, because if you love the power of My Grace experiencing My Divine Mercy, you will understand the magnitude of this proposal, and thus you will respond in time.
See your inner Shambhala, which calls you to unite to the Masters and thus reconfigure the Plan under the reign of Christ, your Beloved Lord. The doors of the desert of Shambhala are not open for making you suffer, but for you to enter into the path of the void that your hearts need to experience, and being free from all this, to carry out the Works of the Master in the simplicity of spirit and in the humility of soul through service to others.
May your hearts be re-ignited in this proposal, may your voice truly cry out for My Mercy after so many Marathons of prayer. May your souls ask for that which they need, for I will give it to you. Do not be afraid of the void, because the soul attains its freedom in the void. The soul becomes divinized in the presence of My Priestly Spirit.
I wait for you in consciousness and in love towards the Plan,
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Dear children,
I am the one Who unites that which is separated, divided amongst consciousnesses. I unite the pieces of the great wheel so that the Project may function. For this reason, whoever invokes My name receives the gifts of Grace that transform the life of all hearts.
Decide to seek me; so I may help you always, day and night. Do not be discouraged by anything, your trust must be in the Lord.
Dear children, I bring you the spirit of reconciliation so that you may live it. I give you My Love so that you may multiply and share it as the essence of life. I encourage you to achieve the transcendence of self every day through service and prayer.
Unify through My Sacred Heart. I come to introduce you to the universe of My Son's love where there is no separation or rivalries; there is only God, your Celestial Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you with the Universe,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Elevate your heart towards Heaven and enter the House of the Celestial Father. Prostrate your soul and all of your being before His Luminous Presence and ask Him for what you so much need.
Do this for all the souls that do not ascend to Heaven nor prostrate themselves before Universal Love. Bathe in the light emanating from His Infinite Heart and feel the power of His Mercy.
Give Him everything that has made you happy; give Him your successes and even all of your failures. Before the House of the Celestial Father, the immensity of angels and archangels gathered together to glorify the name of Adonai can be glimpsed.
Imitate all those winged beings and elevate, elevate yourself, elevate to the Heights. Do not let anything cause you to descend; the soul of each being is the infinite expression of the Love that God has for all.
Remember that in the House of the Celestial Father, peace is like the light which expands in the firmament. Penetrate into this light without fear, and soon everything will become calm.
Live in adoration, silence, and prayer in the House of God; allow everything to rebuild within your being, everything has its moment.
Stay before God in gratitude, for the Father has saved you and, through your soul, wants to unite with all the souls of this humanity.
Continue in elevation, everything is already foreseen. Follow the Light of Adonai and live in eternal time; there you will be free of My adversary, because who is in God fears nothing.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unites you in the Essence of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May My Peace reign today, may you trust in God because you live what is foreseen by God.
May your heart be free from affliction, but may it recognize the greatness of all this mystery.
May you live love and multiply it so that your oldest resistances may collapse before the foot of the Creator.
May you be able to be free all the days of your life.
May you build now the new bridges between the Earth and Heaven.
May your fears be liberated and may you purify yourself in faith, because all that happens to you today has already been thought by God.
May you not lose the sane joy, may you relive every day the Passion of the Lord as the purpose to redeem life.
May the doors of the Universe open before your life, may you be filled by My Love and My compassion. Ignite My star of Peace in your breast, so that it may be the bright star for those who do not see God.
May life become simpler through you so that the ones who are lost may return to God. Embrace My sweet Heart in this hour, permit Me to solve everything. Accept the challenges. Live the changes out of love and with forgiveness towards humanity.
Find in My gaze the kind-hearted Light of the Celestial Father. The hour of your surrender is close at hand, may you celebrate with Me this day because I have come in the name of Christ to give you His Graces and to conquer your little heart.
Trust every day in the virtues of loving more and more what seems not very happy for you. Because your joy will be truly born when you live your cross with gratitude for all this project, there, you shall finally be free from yourself.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who guides you toward Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While your lives get to know the aspects of transformation, the prayer of the heart makes you each day freer of yourselves, without leaving behind the sacred opportunity of being purified.
Dear children, the change in the consciousness will become more and more concrete along the course of your redemption before the Kingdom of My Son. If you think that you will not manage to do it, you will lose the hope that in truth your consciousnesses are already something else.
You cannot evolve remaining always in the same place, spiritually stuck; whoever lives prayer as a guideline begins to know themself and the others, still realizing that the sacred purpose comes and descends for all hearts.
When once and for all you, My children, let Christ conquer your lives and your hearts, you will no longer have to think about anything else, because in truth it will be Christ who will have a repose in your interiors
In order for Jesus to have a place in your lives, the inner house must be clean and tidy and all that is no longer useful must be removed. Dear children, why do you resist?
You will have nothing to lose, your happiness lies in the Heart of the Celestial Father, the one who all the time is forgotten by the souls of the world.
A Great Spirit comes to help you in this time, a powerful flame comes to enlighten your paths: it is Jesus Christ, Your Lord, who arrives at this world in Divinity and Soul to get you out of prison and open the doors to the Love of God.
Follow Him blindly and trust, your surrender has just started and there is still much to do, your healing is near.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who unites you to the Heart of the Son of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more