Dear children,
In this time of planetary transition, some consciousnesses that serve My Son offer themselves to support, together with the most vulnerable and unprotected, the cross that many souls receive, a weight that is imposed upon them so that they cannot walk freely. That weight has to be transmuted by some, so that the most vulnerable and unprotected may have the Grace of being freed from oppression.
Therefore, this is a time of unknown Armageddon, this is a time in which everything is allowed so that souls define which path they will choose in the time to come.
The relief of the cross of the neighbor opens a silent spiritual door through which the Divine can work to rescue and save the most oppressed.
In this cycle, faced with the great debt of this world, the Divinity needs sacrificed and selfless hearts that are capable of accepting something that does not correspond to them on their spiritual path.
That offer is accepted attentively by the Heavens because it opens the darkest spaces for the angels of God so that Eternal Light can enter and so that this same Light can transmute and transform the most adverse situations and conditions in which the most oppressed souls are.
For this reason, dear children, offering to support and sustain this silent task means more than saying yes so that everything may be resolved. This represents the culminating moment in which Mercy will be able to act instead of Justice and thus rescue the hearts that are imprisoned.
All it takes is being attentive to the call of the Higher Universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Prayer is the great key that opens the door of the Heavens.
When your prayer is sincere and without haste, it is a selfless prayer. It produces great effects through the soul that practices and lives it. It is the way you can be in contact with the Heavens in these times of definition.
Sincere prayer will always place you on the correct path again and in the correct spiritual vibration. It will protect you from yourselves and from the other events that are approaching.
Prayer is the true vaccine against any adverse epidemic, because as you pray, My children, you elevate the consciousness and the space that surrounds you, generating an important vortex so that the angelic universe can transmute darkness.
When this prayer is offered in group, beyond distances, its effects are global and many benefits are established within those souls that were already condemned.
You should become aspirants of the mysteries of prayer, because prayer, remember, at this world moment, is the essential and primary nourishment of the humanity in transition.
I invite you to pray without causes or conditions. I call you, My children, to offer your lives as a constant prayer so that your examples may be consolation for God, offended and injured by the world’s indifference.
During this Christmas, offer your prayers for the refugee children and families, for the grave humanitarian crises, which multiply faster than fraternity and the good.
Relieve, through the Rosary, the undignified life and pain of refugee women, of those who have nothing and are neither accepted nor welcomed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I return to a world in which violence, slavery and annihilation are still lived.
Today I transmit this Message from a place where thought can be elevated through devotion, through the deepest and truest prayer.
Today I transmit this Message from the French Pyrenees, where your Lord is now trying to help France in its process of purification and chaos.
In this way, I also internally help the other European nations that, in these recent times, are living and suffering what they once did in other times.
This is not punishment. Violence, slavery and annihilation is an act of the human being itself.
God thought of very good works for the humanity of the surface of the Earth, but few managed to follow them and fulfill them.
The aspiration of the Heavens is that you live in peace, it is that you practice good, it is that you propagate Mercy and fraternity.
We are at a time when unimaginable things are happening in the world and, as the pandemic advances, humanity is placed, day by day, before the portal of definition, not only of an inner definition, but also of an external definition, of whether or not being adhered to the Plan of God and, above all, to the moment of the Return of your Master and Lord.
Because this moment is approaching, as the end of times is unleashed, also the Consciousness of your Master and Lord, His Solar Consciousness, approaches.
Many will open their eyes when everything has already been already concluded. Many will realize the essence of this Message and of the other Messages when everything has already been concluded. And overnight they will see the Son of God come with His true Face, with His Glorified, Divine and Cosmic Face.
Due to all this, everything you live in these times is not only a definition but also a strengthening of your faith and of your trust in the Eternal Father. Because now I can tell you, companions, that there is no other place where you can look. You can only look toward God and supplicate to Him. Supplicate to Him for this humanity, supplicate for this planet, supplicate for those who are becoming lost, for those who do not believe, for those who suffer, for those who live violence, slavery and annihilation throughout the whole world.
Last month I talked to you about the refugees, it is something you must not forget.
Humanity must be aware that it has to mutually help, because while this does not happen, while there is no inner movement from any of you to serve the other, the fellow being, many situations will not be able to be avoided because the scales of humanity are very imbalanced. Its imbalance is ever greater because greater are the errors, the faults and the omissions, and fewer are the Graces and the Mercies that you can receive at this moment.
My Heart is the Portal for you to be able to reach the Source of God.
France must have resignation and ask for forgiveness for all it has done in other times, just as other European nations. Because still after 500 years, the same consequences are experienced, but with other faces, with other movements that are not just nor evolutionary.
So that blood is no longer shed throughout the cities of the world, they must redeem themselves, they must seek true repentance to be able to find peace and the re-establishment of the balance of humanity.
Each nation in the world knows what it must improve and, again, it is the peoples who pay the consequences of those who decide their future. This is neither a spiritual government nor a material government. We do not speak of justice nor of Mercy.
But you, companions, must not enter this dimension of conflict, of wrath nor of dissatisfaction. Because the destiny of humanity predicts many more events. Humanity wants to force normality, living a common life without responsibilities nor commitments.
Spirituality will never be far from the truth because the truth is spirituality. And when human beings understand they must turn towards the life of the spirit, they will help their higher life and enter the great circuit of cosmic life, where the Laws, the Attributes and the currents of the universe wait to be able to help them.
However, if this resignation of heart and soul does not exist, how will help come? How will blood cease to be shed? How will there be an end to the slavery of people, to the trafficking of children, to the living of social injustice among the peoples and among the nations?
Your hearts only must be united to Mine, at this moment, in order to survive. You must not stay anguished, disturbed nor desperate for what will happen. It is time, companions, for My words to become flesh within you and for you to be able to live them because it is in My Word where you will find the strength for overcoming these critical times.
Although the outlook of humanity is hostile, the doors of transmutation of the universe are open to help you.
At this moment, souls fear to cross their deserts, to live the void of self, and they especially fear to be nothing.
But what I promised you, more than 2,000 years ago, is My Love, and in order to be in My Love and to live in My Love, you have to be empty.
You have to attain being nothing and wanting nothing, because it will be the only way, companions, that the Archangels, in the greatest times of tribulation, will recognize you as instruments and not as personal wills.
And if you are empty instruments, you will be depositaries of the Supreme Source and I, as your Commander and Lord, will be able to avail Myself of your consciousnesses to bring relief to the world, to diffuse peace, although you may undergo purification and transformation.
You should not fear to cross the deserts that I offer to you, certain groups of souls are destined to live and go through this path for all of humanity.
It is the only way that I find, companions, to justify the errors and omissions that many companions of yours have made toward me in these latest months, turning their backs to My Plan without even knowing it in depth.
I am the great intercessor between souls and God, but I am still a being in evolution, and you must surpass Me, you must represent Me, you must definitively be a part of Me, of My Mystical Consciousness.
To follow My steps means determination in these times, discipline, transparency, obedience and solidarity. It will be the only way that I will find, through the instruments of God, through My companions, a way to help the world at this crucial moment. Because My shed Blood must not lose the price it has had since it was deposited upon the soil of this planet.
The blood of the innocent and of the martyrs must not keep on being shed, because humanity will enter more each day into that which is uncertain and hostile, the diversity of uncertain doors that the humanity of this time opens are many. If for a moment you think how many human beings live in this world, you will be able to perceive how many doors are open in a matter of seconds, day by day.
Who transmutes this situation? Have you asked yourselves?
The planet must be your true sacred home, not only your common home, but rather your sacred home.
The human being loses the sensitivity for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the dawn, even for the sound of the sea, because it is hypnotized by technologies, by what is artificial.
The scientific robotics of these times is leading the humans of the surface to be operated by machines, in place of them operating the machines.
You have to know how to discern, you have to know how to think in order to have wisdom in these times and not be confounded nor deceived.
You must be propagators of peace, of Mercy and, above all, of simplicity, because in simplicity you will not lose God nor the connection with the Divine Source, which is what humanity loses, day by day, because of its submerging into technological conquest, and in a conquest of the universe that is not real.
And you still want to reach other planets? To do what? The same that you have done to this world and this Creation that God gave you?
But the true time is now descending, the Real Time is uniting to your chronological time and with the passing of the coming months and of the coming years, those who have not believed anything, they will see. And what will they do when they see and feel?
Love is what will give you the strength to understand all that you will see, which will come from the universe and enter the planet. The doors of mystery will open so that everyone can recognize knowledge and that which, in spite of all this, will be arriving as a gift in these critical times, for all of humanity.
I am in prayer in the French Pyrenees, to help the consciousness of this nation that has not yet understood its path of redemption and penitence.
I come to give you inner strength so that you can sustain these times; so that My disciples, apostles and servers can sustain these times.
I will not impede upon the departure of those who do not want to be by My side. Christic Love does not retain nor control anything. Christic Love transcends, elevates, transmutes and liberates those who are just and true before My Heart.
Therefore, do not make hasty decisions. Do not let your human impulses deceive you. Be intelligent and do not let yourselves be dragged by those who do not want to follow Me and who judge My Works, because I will also return for them, to separate the wheat from the straw. And this will not be symbolic, it will be the moment when great Consciousnesses of the universe will appear to rebuild humanity.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
XXX - Impulses to Be and Remain in God
A soul, that felt disturbed for not being able to refrain the flow of their thoughts when praying, questioned the Lord, saying: “Lord, when I stop to be before You and pray, my thoughts continue to be stirred, the words of my prayer are confused with the incessant words of my mind, and I do not find peace. God, how can I purify my thoughts to be int peace before You?"
And the Lord responded: “Little soul, your mind is a mirror of everything you receive and consume from the world. That which you have contact with throughout your day is that which will be in your thoughts when the time comes to pray. For you to achieve peace, there is no formula, but an attitude that must be transformed within you, a decision to no longer seek certain things that only pollute your mind and take up space within your heart.
If you do the opposite, and instead of nourishing your mind with the things of the world, you nourish it with the things of Heaven, you will see how prayer will be for you a moment of inner deepening, and not of eternal and constant self-transmutation. But for this, you must choose to think and feel correctly, to cut the degenerative thoughts, stop before the impulses that will lead you into darkness and always choose to be in Me and think about what leads you toward My Heart.”
May this dialogue, children, teach you how to be in God and remain in Him, building your moment of prayer at each instant of your day, through small choices.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My beloveds,
Today My Crown of Stars is illumined by the power and the faith of the prayers offered through the Powerful Novena to Saint Raphael the Archangel.
The Creator Father is withdrawing from the planet, having fulfilled a most important stage in the mission of rescue and liberation of souls within the chain of suffering and illness.
But still, dear children, there is much to do, there are still souls to rescue, to awaken and to place upon the path of return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
During these nine days, those who prayed were able to experience the silent work of transmutation and vibration that the Angelic Hierarchy does, and they were also able to be aware of the great need for help and prayer that the planet has.
So, during these nine days, in which the striving prayer beings carried out the novena, they were able to accompany Saint Raphael the Archangel in his planetary task of healing and reconciliation of humanity.
Opportunities will still be given to all to be able to continue praying from the heart for the end of the pandemic so that humanity may reconsider and recognize its spiritual distancing from God.
So it was, that the Eternal Father Himself sent one of His Archangels so that he could intervene for humanity.
Children, after these nine days of having been placed into contact with the sacred Law of Healing, may your prayers continue arriving to the beloved Heart of God so that more healing and more redemption may embrace the planet.
I thank you for having responded promptly to the call for the healing of humanity!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear son, dear daughter,
Do you believe in the power of prayer? Have you perceived its different effects and phases?
Prayer possesses a power still unknown to human beings.
Let prayer reveal its transforming and redeeming power within you.
Submerge into the spiritual science of prayer so that you may perceive the action of its currents and rays.
This is the time for coming to know the powerful instrument of prayer so that souls may learn to be in communication with that which is divine.
Prayer reveals its elevation, its forgiveness, its reconciliation and its healing to you. Prayer can lead you to understand life and its meaning.
Let prayer transmute you and, at the same time, make you a participant in the Wisdom of God.
May the power of prayer inspire you to always find the meaning of each moment and time.
Prayer will make you free when you enter into communion with it.
Let prayer redeem your being and your consciousness. Establish the sublime temple of prayer within yourself so that it may resound in your being and thus, elevate your consciousness.
Persevere in this daily practice.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
When God shows His Heart to humankind, a part of them dissolves into unity with the Divine. The essence wakes up and begins to remember; the soul expands and from within it, the most ancient records of love emerge and transmute what was dark in their consciousness.
When God shows His Heart to humankind, the inner world is shaken, the individuality seeks meaning and all that humanity always defended, as to the expression of each being separate from the All, begins to fall apart. The structures of deceit begin to crumble and the veils of illusion begin to tear. The Kingdom of God expands from the outside inward and, with the same power, it is revealed from the inside outward in all His creatures.
Nothing remains as it is.
Souls rejoice, minds can find no explanation, feelings lose their human foundation for they do not recognize the emotions that are caused by the whole and perfect Presence of God through His Son.
It is a moment of revelation and inner deconstruction.
It is a moment of being new clay in the Hands of the Potter.
It is a moment of being water transformed into wine.
It is a moment of being nothing in the Hands of your Lord.
Today, children, God shows His Heart to humankind. Allow this revelation to happen, the transformation to be carried out and unity to manifest.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
With My golden and confederate Star of Light, for the world and for humanity, I radiate all the help that you need and, at this moment, I ask the angels of transmutation and of healing that they be present to battle with everything that causes the life of humanity to collapse.
With My confederate Star of Light, I expel all the contrary currents that feed from the uncertainty and the chaos that is being experienced at this moment on the surface of the Earth.
I invoke and I ask the warrior angels, with their swords, to dissolve all the ties and the chains of darkness that carry many souls into hell.
I plead with the Eternal Father that the angelic armies of adoration and of praise send inner and divine strength to all Guardian Angels that untiringly battle to maintain the protection of those entrusted to them.
I unite My confederate Star of Light with the four cardinal points of the Earth so that the angels of the north, the south, the east and the west present themselves to the Heavenly Mother and liberate the planet from the currents of evil that oppress the life of those who endure and suffer the plague of this time.
With My confederate Star of Light, I attract the gift of the Wisdom of God to inner worlds so that, at this moment, souls live obedience and do not forget about it, because obedience will keep them protected from themselves.
Holding the rosary in My hands, I thank all those who respond to My call to pray the Holy Rosary, because it is Our main weapon of defense.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In the end of these times, all of you will be able to learn within new schools, in the schools of daily and group instruction.
In this way, spontaneously, you will become aware of all that is deeply imprisoned within you and is no longer a part of spiritual life.
Transmuting and redeeming aspects of the human personality is a daily and infinite work of patience, neutrality and love. Without these keys, you could be in resistance and in conflict with yourselves.
In truth, the task of daily transcendence is the reason, in the most acute moments of the planet, for some aspects not to interfere in the spiritual and inner mission that everyone must accomplish.
Thus, while there is time, I invite you to take advantage of and consciously resolve all that you already know is not good for you, such as habits, customs, beliefs and personal ideas of what the results of something in particular should be.
Give thanks to the Universe that sent you so that, in this humanity, you may have the Grace to be aware and not hide from the Truth, but rather always receive the impulse to seek the Truth that will make you free one day.
I will accompany you along this path of sacred transformation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Even though in the world chaos, confusion and despair reign, in your heart, peace must reign.
Elevate your heart, child, beyond the dimensions, and focus your consciousness upon the true purpose of your life.
This is a time of battle, but a battle which is brought to a halt in silence, with a prayer, with the song that transmutes and transforms fears, with the love that transcends all chaos and the peace that balances all things.
This battle is overcome with knees upon the ground and with the heart elevated toward Heaven so that, in all the events of this world, your heart may know how to find the truth and the wisdom to act and live, always manifesting Divine Will.
Pray, cry out and enter into the Peace of the Heart of God. Know that this is the base of Calvary to which you have walked for some time. And even though the climb is painful, at its top, the triumph of love is drawn; just let your heart know how to be on Earth and, at the same time, elevated toward the Heavens, being a constant and perpetual bridge toward the Heart of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
You must not fear seeing and recognizing the parts of your being that resist and struggle in order not to transform.
When you are finally already aware of what has caused you to fall and fall, throughout the ages, you will be able to resolve it from another perspective.
To redeem the lowest aspects of the consciousness will not be an easy path, because you have to remember love, every day. Because if you do not have love, you will make your soul, mind and body sick.
You must proceed with a great deal of peace and strategy, because the most resistant aspects of the consciousness will want to maintain their space and resist.
Think and observe for a moment upon how they are very ancient aspects, that your consciousness nourished and strengthened over the course of time. But now that you have the grace of becoming free, do not oppose these aspects nor struggle with them, because a revolution will occur within you when you try to forge their release.
Trust in the Grace of the Sacraments and in the power of the surrender of your being, for in this way, you will gradually transform your being, your life and all of your consciousness.
Do not suffer, for you will not obtain any result. Remember that you are aware and that the blessed day will come in which everything will be transmuted forever, and you will be in Me and I in you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My heart is bathed in injustices, but it is filled by the love of those who continue onward.
My Heart feels the approach of Divine Justice, but the majority of humanity does not perceive it.
Justice is descending and Mercy is yielding its place so that Universal Justice may begin to take action.
Souls are not aware of what Justice means. They often play with it like a child with a toy. With this comparison, understand all that people are doing with their lives, how capable they are of completely losing the meaning of law and of loyalty.
For this reason, My Heart also transmutes all that My Father feels and the unexpected consequences of what souls could experience.
This is the time to perceive reality and to assume the end of times. It is a moment to begin to see how Justice acts through the attraction that souls generate toward themselves.
When Justice acts, it places everything in its place and makes of each stage a learning experience.
It is no longer time to generate conditions in which Justice will have to severely correct what in truth and with intelligence should be corrected by yourselves.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There is no one else like Me who can feel, see and understand what it means to lose an apostle, a warrior or a friend.
For this reason, with My back, I bore the heavy wood of the Cross, so that all My friends, who were few, could receive an opportunity.
Beyond the martyrdoms, the transmutations or even the humiliations and sufferings endured by your Lord, none of that was similar to the anguish that I felt on the Cross when My companions abandoned Me. Nobody could explain that or compare it.
In this same way, I feel the loss or the abandonment due to all those that I have called to My path and that, for some reason, decided to move away from Me.
Within My Heart, I carry all these souls, beyond the pain that is caused Me and that which your Master experiences in silence, all the time.
Could all this be better?
Yes, it could be, and it could bring about wonderful results, but the flesh of humankind is weak. I know this because I incarnated in this world to be able to understand and encompass the human condition.
It is in these moments, in which a sort of emptiness can be seen and makes itself felt in My Heart because of the loss of some of My dear friends, that, in solitude, I focus My gaze upon Heaven to pray to the Celestial Father and, in that intimate conversation, I ask for each one of you, so that His Will may be done as He did it with Me.
My enemy is carrying those whom I most want by My side. But that only happens through free choice. At this point, I can only observe what happens.
In My Heart, I carry all My friends, those who are with Me today and also those who today no longer are.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Certain Universal Laws sometimes fulfill and follow the mandate of a fundamental Law, such as the Law of Transmutation, which in this time is active and intervening as it has never intervened before.
The Law of Transmutation permanently prevents certain events from being triggered in humanity, or in a particular situation.
This Law assists in the spiritual unblocking of certain spiritual, mental and physical circuits that make it difficult for the Law of Harmony to be fulfilled.
Thus, the Law of Transmutation repels, and, at the same time, evacuates certain adverse currents that try to destroy the Plan of Love in humanity.
When this is about to happen, the Law of Transmutation enters into action to try to release and lead that which is impeding the flow of the Laws to other planes of consciousness.
In this time, the Law of Transmutation is present to grant the human hearts an opportunity to recreate their lives and their way of perceiving the reality of this cycle.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The oceans are great planetary receptacles and vortexes of transmutation.
During certain times of the year, the oceans have to purify, purge and transmute onto the surface all the harmful and physical, as well as spiritual effects that the human being provokes.
The only way in which the oceans, as consciousnesses, can continue carrying out their task of elevation and of purification of the human consciousness is by, every so many cycles of the year, they must intensely release all that humankind places within them. But this movement of purification that the oceans experience is not sufficient.
Thus, the great elementals and devas of the marine species, such as those of the whales and dolphins, help in this immediate purification, so that the consciousness of the oceans can renew, and thus, continue working on the harmony and the planetary equilibrium of the emotion of humankind.
If humanity truly valued and respected the oceans, it would discover, through a personal connection, what the great oceans represent within Universal Creation.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While the channels of transmutation of the Divine Hierarchy are preparing to carry out the regional task with Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Argentina, some souls are placed in this service in the inner planes so that, out of love for My Heart and My Grace, Divine and universal Justice does not fall upon those nations, especially upon those nations that are today experiencing severe social and human conflicts.
But this situation goes beyond disconformity in the people that inhabit those nations. In these events, two complex realities come together, the spiritual reality and the cosmic reality of souls, the veiled history of those not yet aware that they came to the planet to be redeemed and to reconcile.
For this reason, the Spiritual Hierarchy will join this task, not only to attend to a spiritual situation, but also to try, with great risk, to resolve the cosmic situation within the consciousnesses.
Because what is occurring today in South America is not only a process of abuse of power and of inequality of rights and of assets. As never before, South America is now the scene of errors that are being repeated again, like in other times.
Thus, the Hierarchy will concentrate in Argentina, through a special epicenter that will assist in the freeing of certain thoughtforms that awaken and generate momentum towards rebellion in souls.
For the Hierarchy, it will be one of the most demanding tasks.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this stage for the mission of the Plan of Redemption!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The Laws of Nature and of the Earth will be modified, because as they are not respected nor loved by humanity, they have undergone a polarization of their original form and, instead of being laws that assist in the correction of humankind of the surface, for all the serious things that the human race has done over the course of time, these laws have become a form of self-punishment for the planet.
This is the reason for so much adversity, even within nature, for great elementals and devas have been affected by the constant transgressions of humanity.
For this reason, the laws themselves have become a form of severe punishment against the human race through climate alterations, the severity of sea contamination, as well as the great natural areas devastated and exploited by the human beings themselves.
Everything must be redeemed and transmuted. The laws must be re-polarized so that, on a spiritual level, they may achieve the state that originally always corresponded to them.
It is time for the human being to take on the responsibility and the consequences of what they have generated and cease to blame God or that which is High.
It is time to repent from the heart so that the path of perversion and of chaos that today's human being experiences may be liberated through love and forgiveness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today happiness is lost in the world because of the lack of peace and love among beings.
Therefore, as part of the emanation of God, as the Feminine aspect of God, represented in the Mother of the World, I come to give to humanity the divine and cosmic Love that it so needs.
And I ask you not to fear, not to doubt nor to spiritually fail, My children. This is the time of adversity, the great moment of the planetary Armageddon, in which everything will be defined.
It is also the moment when My Son approaches the world, each time more, to be able to place it upon the Path of God.
Therefore, I am here today, My children, so that you may listen to My voice and so that you may announce My message to the world.
Today, may this Meeting of Music that will be offered elevate the consciousness of the planet, the consciousness of humanity, but may it also bring the spiritual healing that nations need to attain peace and reconciliation among peoples.
Do not cease to aspire to attain the Sacred Merits of God. These Merits will make you worthy before His Presence.
Therefore, My children, offer each moment of today as if it were the last one, so that God may listen to the voice of His children that rises through singing and instruments.
May this elevation, which will be built from you, as a bridge of light toward the Universe, transmute the corrosive and retrograde energies so that the most lost essences, which are in darkness, may be rescued by Me.
As up until now, I count on the adherence of each one of My children; because elevated music and the music that brings consciousness to souls will always transform everything, although it may seem impossible.
When souls group together and gather in the name of God, to sing to Him and praise Him, the extraordinary and inexplicable Graces of the Universe can descend so that all creatures, regardless of whether or not they are in the good, may receive the help they need to awaken.
Today I come as the Mother of the Sun, as the Governess of the Universe, to tell you, My children, that the Universe will again open to hear your melodies and vibrations that you will offer in the name of My Son and for peace.
I bring you the true joy of being able to live in God and to find Him in each moment of your lives knowing that, beyond what you live, what you experience or the pain that you suffer, God will always be attentive to help you, because He is infinite in Mercy.
Hold on to and affirm yourselves upon the powerful Kingdom of God, which is within each one of you; and in the giving of self, in service, in singing and in prayer, you will be able to be in contact with the Supreme Father and in communion with His Spirit.
In these acute moments of humanity, may the Prayers for the Nations of South America keep being offered daily.
On this special day, in which Heaven will commune with the voices that will emerge from the Earth, and the Earth and its inhabitants will commune with the Universe, I wish for a weekly prayer for South America to be offered, which would include all nations, all peoples, all situations and acute moments that it is going through, to reaffirm the re-consecration of South America to the Mother of God, to the Immaculate and eternal Heart of Mary, before the sacred face of the Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, Mother of all peoples and of all cultures, so that the flame of faith may ignite in hearts and so that this flame may attract peace to societies, to governments and to peoples.
We know, My children, that the world will come to know, in this time, the reality that was always hidden. And humanity will not be able to transgress the laws nor omit them, nor from all this take advantage and benefits, because if there is no justice and equality, there will be no peace.
The conflicts in nations are crises to mature, reflect and change. May My children no longer hurt one another. May transgressions or violences no longer exist in peoples and in societies.
This is a time of rebellion, but it is also a time of Mercy.
Raise your voices to the Heights, may the Father feel the love of His children within His Heart tonight so that the whole planet and its humanity may receive His Mercy, and Peace may be granted to the world, especially to South America.
I thank you for everything that you will offer, because it is very important for your Heavenly Mother.
And those who still do not feel motivated to take a step toward service for the Plan of Love, let them do it, because they will lose nothing, but they will rather receive the treasures of Heaven, which are incalculable and infinite.
Support this work of Music for the Healing of humanity. May souls volunteer, may hearts congregate, because prayer and elevated music is what will heal and cure humanity.
I bless you, My children, and I wish you a good gala of offering to the Creator Father.
May this be a night when the stars of the cosmos will shine in the inner firmament of each being.
So be it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
From My Heart emerges the Blood of redemption and of life, because in My Heart the Wound still exists, that which had was once opened on the Cross. A Wound which at that moment nobody knew. Only My Mother and the Holy Women, as well as John, the Apostle; they knew about the emergence of this material and spiritual Wound.
That Wound was the last and great spiritual, mental and moral surrender of your Lord.
In truth, more than the Wounds of the hands and of the feet, it was the Wound that up until these times justifies the errors of humanity and it is the Wound that allows Me to still be here, among you, to announce and proclaim the Kingdom of God within each being and in the entire Universal Creation.
This is the Wound that testified to the Love of God for humankind, although they were mistaken or were in the greatest and most absolute darkness.
This is the Wound that is still to be alleviated, which is caused by the ignorance of those who do not experience God and by the indifference of those who turn their backs on Him and leave, abandoning the Love of the Redeemer.
This is the Wound of Your Master that is still to be healed for a long while. And what will close it someday will be the love of those who are blessed and have no preconceptions of the Universal and Divine Work of Your Lord.
This Wound will be healed through those who help and surrender to a silent transmutation.
This Wound will be healed through all those who blindly trust in Me, beyond what happens to them, what they go through or purify, because if I still carry the Wound of the pain and the ignorance of the world in My Heart, be means of those who are Mine, it will be possible for that sorrowful Wound to be alleviated, as it is in each moment of adoration, of prayer and of communion with Me.
Because when everything happens and when My Wound is healed, you will only find refuge in My Heart, in My Divine Life and in My Presence.
Never cease to be generous with others, loving towards those who are in pain and suffering.
Never cease to serve and to surrender to Me, because the day will come in which, in the Glory of the Father, you will be seated at My table and I will crown each one for their efforts and inner merits.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Argentina is a land full of spiritual treasures to be discovered. Therefore, Argentina has been a land ill-exploited and made use of only by a minority.
But when the spiritual mysteries of Argentina come to light, no consciousness, person or terrestrial power will be able to take control of the unexpected situation that will show up.
Therefore, its spiritual treasures are in fairly inaccessible places, for them to be protected from any intention of ostentation on the part of the human being.
In Argentina, there are spiritual treasures that are not terrestrial, but cosmic, which arrived to Earth in a time past to be able to help humanity, at this time and in this cycle.
The humanity of Argentina and of the southern cone was completely asleep to the knowledge of spiritual treasures, but now, at the moment when the destiny of Argentina as a society and as a nation is at stake, these treasures will be shown so that the most simple may know that there are unknown and major powers than those human beings believe to have and that God has the real and only power, and from God comes all that exists.
The spiritual treasures of Argentina were prepared more than thirty years ago, so that in this cycle they may be revealed to the human consciousness and, through a great impulse, many uncertain situations can be transmuted and the majority of consciousnesses may have the joy of awakening and of once more putting their faith in what is invisible.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more