My dear children,
Today, with a great and indescribable joy for being present here with you, I come to close this stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace, and, in bliss, I come to establish, bless and open the new Marian Center of the Sacred Ark of God, so that through Communion with the Celestial Father and with the Kingdoms of Creation, the same codes that Noah received may be deposited in this place and, from here, throughout all of Brazil.
The Marian Center of the Sacred Ark of God will have the mission of praying so that the Inner Government of the planet, which is the Hierarchy’s Government, may be spiritually fulfilled in this country and, through this country, throughout the whole world.
The task of my children from Brasilia will be to express this Sacred Marian Center, which I will bless in due time, when a part of it will have already been made manifest.
May this place be a space for inner healing and reconciliation of hearts.
Here the fountain of the Lady of Graces must be manifested so that my children from Brasilia, from this region and from the whole world, may come here to receive My Graces.
Furthermore, Via Crucis and the small Chaplet of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will be expressed here, in addition to a small square with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Dear children, I invite you to be in jubilee and joy today, together with your Celestial Mother, giving thanks to My Son, because finally a point of Light is instituted on the surface of this region of Brazil.
The Sacred Name that governs this Marian Center is Elohim.
I thank you for accomplishing the aspirations of My Beloved Son.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
My dear children,
Today your Heavenly Mother is already on pilgrimage to Brasilia in the Celestial Planes to accompany the Sacred Task that the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will carry out, and also in order to be very united to My Son for the most important spiritual and internal help that, through the souls of Brasilia, He will offer to all of Brazil.
Dear children, in the same way, your Heavenly Mother calls you so that, from wherever you are and through the Prayer for Peace in Brazil, you may also go internally on pilgrimage, accompanying all the Divinity in this next stage of pilgrimage.
Dear children, I also invite you to propagate Our loving call in as many places as possible so that more souls in need of light, love, and above all, hope, may come, approaching the warm and devoted Meetings of Prayer that will be offered in Brasilia.
As from now, your Most Holy Mother accompanies you and, in advance, I thank you for all that will be built.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
My Soul and Heart are now in Angola. I am ready to take the Love of God to the innocent souls, souls poor in spirit.
My Divinity is now in Angola, as is the maternal Grace of My Heart, because My wish as a Mother is to be with My children of Africa, it is to be able to gather up within Me the love, the purity and the devotion of this people for the Mother of God.
They are My beloved and favorite children, whom I love very much and for whom I pray, every day, for their lives, in this way, keeping them under My divine protection.
Angola was the nation chosen by your Heavenly Mother to be able to open the doors to humanitarian service and religious service.
Angola is a people that is a witness to conflicts and heir of a suffering that it should have never experienced. But the end of this captivity will come and My children of Angola, as well as those of all Africa, will be able to be participants in My maternal Love.
Thus, on this special day, the consecrated life, through the Order founded by My Son, will enter the African continent to carry the love and the healing of the Sacred Hearts, with the hope that someday the Pilgrimage for Peace may visit this beloved people so that My children of Africa may feel embraced by the Mother of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
By a great Grace of My Son, the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe will experience its great and last impulses in the cities that the Sacred Hearts have not yet visited.
It is for this reason that today My Immaculate Heart can declare and announce to all of you that it is in profound bliss, because My Son has called His apostles to follow Him on an important mission that, for Europe and beyond, will represent the possibility for a Ray of light and of hope to touch places of this continent that up until now have not been contemplated by the Mercy of God.
This also means the spiritual opportunity that an alliance, hidden and silent to the eyes of humanity, is established, so that My maternal Heart may triumph in a region of this wounded continent which, until now, the light of My Immaculate Heart has not been able to touch.
More than five years of continuous vigils of prayer had to pass for this special Grace to be granted to Europe and beyond, after everything it underwent and suffered in these last decades.
Thus, dear children, in the following days and before the Pilgrimage for Peace ends, your Heavenly Mother will touch with Her Light and spiritual Love a region of the planet that, in the last two thousand years, has never received anything spiritual nor celestial.
This is the motive and the reason for My maternal bliss, because for all of humanity it will mean the Grace of being able to continue listening to God and also, through angelic intervention, allowing My Immaculate Heart to triumph just as I had urgently announced in Fatima.
In this way, after one hundred years of My Apparitions in Portugal, part of the third secret of Fatima concretizes during these culminating dates of the coming days. As the entire secret of Fatima was not revealed according to what I requested in 1960, now the Plan has made a very important turn so that, in this current time, the rest of the third secret may be fulfilled according to what was thought, contemplated and meditated by the Most High.
On this day, in this Vigil of Prayer of June 12, 2019, the Heavenly Mother will begin to carry forward this special Will of God, for the world not to lose peace, and to put an end to all types of war and hunger.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through means of the Pilgrimage for Peace, I pour the attributes and codes of redemption which the different peoples need in order to be able to prepare themselves, in the inner planes, for the Second Coming of their Lord.
This is why, through the Pilgrimage for Peace, the souls find the possibility in some level of their consciousness to awaken to the call and invitation of their Redemption.
For this reason, we pilgrimage, to give spiritual and unique opportunities, so that the nations may know how to some day correspond to the Universal event of the Second Coming of Christ.
For this, all the love and dedication offered in these times to impel the awakening, will help souls to find, at some moment, the path of return to the Dwelling of the Celestial Father.
Each gesture of love, lovingly offered through the Pilgrimage for Peace, allows the different nations visited by the Celestial Messengers to be in a better internal condition to consciously take part of the great planetary moment, of the Coming of Christ.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My dear children,
Today we meet again in this Pilgrimage for Peace, to unite and elevate our prayers to God so that many more graces can be poured over Argentina.
Yesterday I revealed to you My appeal for Brazil; today I also ask you for Argentina so that your homeland may preserve the values of Christianity, beyond the leaders of the Church and their deeds committed.
I ask you to place your trust in God so that guided by this Sacred Unity that you will have to learn to live, the presence of the Kingdom of God may be established within each soul.
With the presence of God in you, by means of your prayers, children, you will allow that Argentina may be also guided by a true justice, equality and solidarity, attributes that are so necessary to maintain the order and the harmony in the entire Argentinian nation.
But, My children, from you must be born the interest and the inner impulse so that by means of service, prayer and unity, the patronage of the Lady of Lujan may also be maintained, a patronage that some want to banish from the consciousness of the Argentinians.
For this, children, in this cycle in which you are called to consciously assume a life of true prayer for Argentina, I ask you to establish the sacred image of the Lady of Lujan in your homes and in your groups of prayers so that not only your homes may be protected and supported by Me, but also in the Argentinian families, the devotion to the Mother of God may be protected.
In this way, children, with My Presence in your homes and in your families, as Your Mother, I will be able to intercede before situations of great social injustices in your entire nation.
I wish, children, that this love which exists and is kept within each Argentinian heart, that you may offer it in good and in solidarity to the Mother of Lujan so that in Argentina the divine grace and the sacred discernment may never be lacking.
Your country and your government must continue under the protection of the Virgin of Lujan.
Do not allow, children, that the Mother and Patroness of your nation may be banished.
Unite to Me in prayer, and love will win, just as it won on the Cross.
I am beside each of My children of Argentina, waiting for the importance of keeping the Kingdom of God in all this people to awaken in your consciousnesses.
I thank you, My children, for all that has happened in this Pilgrimage for Peace, because the spirit of your homeland is being sustained by the consciousnesses of all praying beings of Argentina; this allows some events over your nation to be prevented.
Do not forget, beloved children, to carry forward the consecration of Argentina to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart every 13th, during six months, because in this alliance between your souls and God, between Heaven and Earth, we will maintain the country in the greatest possible order, in spite of all that may happen.
With an infinite love, My children, I thank you all for having concretized this Pilgrimage, I give you thanks, because it is important to Me.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Lujan
The enemy of love: the Apostasy
My dear children,
While today My Divine Consciousness approaches the planet and humanity in a special way, My Voice directs itself to each one of you so that you may continue assuming the prayers for the nations with the seriousness and responsibility that they have, because, for these last times, the great enemy of love will be the apostasy.
This state of consciousness, contrary to the awakening and to evolution, is begining to gain place and space in the hearts of the people through My adversary.
To become apostate means, for the spirit, to consciously dissociate itself from the Love of God and give permission so that the consciousness begins to be ruled by suffering, something that will lead it, gravely, not to have a spiritual opportunity to receive some grace.
This is the urgent reason why the Divine Messengers will go to the encounter of this and other spiritual situations that, in this case, is compromising Argentina.
If the Southern Cone assumes, in a conscious way, lifestyles which are against the Law of Creation, incredible experiences will develop overnight in this region of the planet, and South America will cease to be the promised New Earth and become converted into the Earth condemned, by itself and by humanity.
This will lead to the minority of humanity, less than five percent, being participants of the new race.
Do you understand, children, what this means?
Therefore, on this day I come to ask My children of Argentina, and of the whole world, to unite efforts and hearts so that, from the coming month of September until the days of the first meetings, the propagation of the next prayer meetings in Argentina may be massive, in order to reach as many essences as possible.
I wish and aspire to be able to deliver My Graces to many more hearts, this will strengthen the consciousness of Argentina, in order to prevent it from becoming a scenario of horrors at the end of these times.
For this important mission of propagation you must count on the great help from the angels of Heaven.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Proclamation of Gratitude and Love
Dear children,
On this special day, in which My children of the world celebrate the day of the Lady of Mount Carmel with love and profound devotion, I would like to proclaim to your hearts, just as it was during My visitation to Elizabeth, all the gratitude and love that you can feel from My Heart today, for having accompanied Me, as serving souls, during the trajectory of the last Pilgrimage for Peace.
I would like to thank, from My Maternal Heart, for the effort and dedication of each son and daughter of Mine, during each stage of construction of this Pilgrimage.
I would like to thank for the sincere effort and the immediate help of each child of Mine, in their spirit of collaboration, so that the Pilgrimage could gradually be fulfilled according to the Will of God.
I would like to thank, children, for the souls that awoke and for the offerings made during the songs in different languages.
I would like to thank for the fundamental fulfilling of each one of the novenas that were requested, since that, through the prayers of My children, your Heavenly Mother could deepen into Her Mission for humanity, just as Christ and Saint Joseph.
I would like to thank for the effort of all for having learned to pray in other languages during the journey of the Pilgrimage.
I would like to thank for the honesty and the constant faithfulness of the Network-of-Light before the call of inner support, to this sacred mission.
Everyone, without exception, My children, in some way or another was present in heart and soul, knowing that for the Creator Universe it was, and it is, fundamental to relieve the millenary pain of the nations of the world through the Ray of Love-Wisdom.
On this day, I invite you, by means of all efforts made, for your lives to renew again, so that the next stages of the Plan of Love may be fulfilled, just as they have been fulfilled so far.
With all faith of My Heart, children, I give you the graces and I give you My Heart, as a symbol of union of your lives with the Celestial Father.
On this day of the Most Holy Lady of Mount Carmel, may humanity and the whole planet receive the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for cooperating and for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Mount Carmel
Dear children,
On this day, the first of June, a new period of light and redemption begins through the Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe, a moment in which your Heavenly Mother prepares, as you do, to travel through the places that have already been cited and where important spiritual works may take place, not only in the regions that the Divine Messengers visit, but also within the very needy souls that are to be found there.
Portugal has always been always chosen, not only because of its dogma of faith in My Maternal Heart, but also as the prelude, so that through the Kingdom of Fatima, the great rescue operation of that part of humanity, may move forward, and thus many situations may be avoided.
That is the reason why, by means of coming to Portugal, you will be to receive the inner impulse of Fatima so that, stage after stage, the Designs of the Creator may be concretized.
Today I am with you, by your side, accompanying you and protecting you.
I am internally preparing for this next mission of peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
By means of the Novena of Saint Joseph that ends today, a cycle has been closed in all the consciousnesses that responded to My call for prayer and for the concretion of the very important mission of peace in Europe.
Day by day, in which you prayed, deep aspects of consciousness were gradually dissolved and, by the Grace of God, a door has been closed in which a great part of humanity of these times were immersed.
By the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, your consciousnesses, in the name of humanity, have given the yes to eradicate from your cores and, above all, from the world, the human condition of mediocrity and negligence.
Starting today, and having finished the Novena of Saint Joseph, the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy considers that your souls took the step to begin in yourselves, every day, to eradicate any kind of mediocrity and negligence concerning the Work of love of the Divine Messengers, and concerning your own lives.
This means, children, that you, as part of humanity, have taken the first step for this lower condition of human life to be extirpated, by means of your daily effort and your love for the redemption of the planet and of humanity.
It was this important step and that important commitment that you assumed with God, through the Novena made to Saint Joseph, that has granted, by Grace, Mercy and consciousness, that the Pilgrimage for Peace can be carried forward.
From the 1st of June, your Heavenly Mother appeals to each prayerful being to accompany the Mother of God in this spiritual pilgrimage that will begin through the Novena to the Mother of Perpetual Help, because by means of it I will be able to work other aspects of your consciousnesses.
From now on, I am thankful for all material and spiritual efforts that have been made so that this mission, which is the mission of everybody, can be fulfilled until the end.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The internal counterpart of the Pilgrimages, what not all eyes can see
Dear children:
When a Pilgrimage is materialized, and, through the resources and donations of everyone, this Pilgrimage is carried out, when the whole purpose of the Pilgrimage is fulfilled and there are no material debts pending, when the adhesion, the consideration and the support are true, such a Pilgrimage acquires an indescribable result little considered by the world.
Since materializing a Pilgrimage for Peace in humanity means, for these times, facing and overcoming many obstacles; and the first obstacles are those of its very manifestation and of the patient waiting that the Pilgrimage will be fulfilled as it was thought from Above.
The Pilgrimages do not mean nor represent only the prayer encounters that are realized in the different nations of the world; the Pilgrimage itself, in the spiritual and mental planes of the planet, mobilizes many events, which take place in the inner planes.
Among these, the closing of an innumerable hells, the reunion and the congregation of new souls to respond to the call, the awakening of the sleeping consciousness, as the Discovery of the Truth within the inner being of each being, as well as the liberation of negative bonds of the souls that had been spiritually imprisoned.
A Pilgrimage, which can be projected to develop at some moment, will never be equal or similar to the previous one, although the same prayer encounters are realized.
The Pilgrimage is under the command of your Heavenly Mother and this means many things for the planet and its humanity.
Each Pilgrimage is a great planetary rescue operation that embraces not only the planet as a whole, its humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature. But also each Pilgrimage for Peace, lovingly concretized with the help and the donation of humanity, not only represents an evolutionary response on the part of souls, but also the possibility that the Spiritual Universe has to be able to penetrate certain human projects that, permeated by a great ambition and ignorance, intend to conquer the world.
Each Pilgrimage for Peace that is concretized is a new plan that is strategically carried out, overcoming and facing a sea of difficulties during its development.
When collaborating souls place themselves as available to donate and concretize the next Pilgrimage, this is a mature response of a consciousness that loves the Plan of God, beyond its difficulties and its tests, and which will always do the impossible for this planetary rescue Plan that the Pilgrimage will carry out to be fulfilled, absolutely trusting in its principles and the objectives that must be realized.
For this reason, the possibility of greater or lesser help that the planet and humanity could receive in this critical time, will depend on the awakened consciousness that the souls that will donate for the mission to be fulfilled may have; and this will always be so, because humanity throughout the centuries has wasted the resources, from every point of view, and in this cycle, for humanity be worthy of a Greater Grace that is intangible, it will need to learn to donate what it has always kept for itself, as personal profit.
In this time, the spiritual expansion of the Pilgrimages and the divine assistance that humanity can receive will depend on the love and the donation that the beings of the Earth will place, in order to keep this beloved and wounded planet standing.
For this reason, in this cycle, the non-concretization of the Pilgrimages for lack of resources will not be an act of disregard or lack of interest on the part of the souls for the Mother of God, but it will be a reflection of great indifference and of unconsciousness for the Plan of God.
In your hands and above all in your hearts, My children, is the decision of the continuity of this humanity and of the next one that will come.
Today, and after ten years of being beside each child of Mine, I must tell you the truth: the decision is in you.
I thank you for listening with the heart and for responding to My heavenly call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Sacred Lines of Nazca
Nazca is a place considered sacred by Heaven, due to the spiritual and inner wealth that the ancient civilization who lived there left as a message for the future humanity.
That civilization was one of the many Peoples of the Sun that attracted to the planet the attribute of reverence and of the sacred.
Nazca is a place in the world that should be spiritually reverenced, since in this place a humanity advanced in the cosmic and divine knowledge and in its spontaneous relationship with the Universe and with Creation developed.
The Lines of Nazca represent to the Father this inner message of union of the previous humanity to the Divine Source and, in this way, of its most important inner communication with the Cosmos.
The Lines of Nazca leave over the desert the message to the Universe that, in remote times, there was a humanity that could mirror, through these symbols, its union with the Eternal Father and all its cosmovision related to the Solar System that rules this planet.
Thus, the Lines of Nazca not only left an eternal message for the future civilizations, but they also served as Mirrors to establish this system of spiritual communication between the Mirror of the heart of each being with the Mirrors of the Universe.
This demonstrates, in current times, that humanity has spiritual and inner conditions to be able to come into contact with its true inner reality and that life on this planet is not only physical or material.
The Lines of Nazca left for the current world the message of a renewed and permanent union with the Universe that exists within every being and demonstrate to us that we can get in touch with the higher and divine.
The Lines of Nazca left a message of Love for the Kingdoms and the consciousness of reverence and devotion that every human being can conceive for the Kingdoms of Nature.
Nazca is the symbol of awakening for this part of the Americas, just as others sacred places where civilizations before this one taught the universal and divine knowledge to all its people.
In this sense, the consciousness of the Peruvian nation holds one of the most important spiritual legacies, from a human and internal point of view, since the civilization that once lived in this place achieved a state of Love and Wisdom that no other race, in no other age, has lived.
This is the reason why the culture of Peru and its intimate relation with the native peoples will facilitate, in this time, that the sacred values of brotherhood, equality of conditions and love may help the physical and spiritual rebuilding of a country that is permanently submitted by the social and human exploitation of other non-evolutionary cultures.
It will depend on the very consciousness and culture of Peru to be the spiritual and inner bridge so that the sacred values of loyalty and unity with the Universe may manifest again on souls and that these same values elevate the consciousness of their people.
The Sacred Lines of Nazca are also registered on the Book of God as one of the major legacies of spirituality of the human race to present day.
It is time to return to our origins and to the roots that were the cradle to gestate a new humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of all Peoples
The Last Covenant
My time among you is already ending and when that happens the Almighty Lord will test your faith to know if you have in truth communed with the Word of God.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens it will be the culminating moment in which the Sun will set, and the Red Moon will rise, which will announce the last and awaited cycle.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens it will be the moment in which your love must be expanding in all directions; it will be the moment in which your service and your sacrifice for humanity must be greater in order to congregate the souls that are thirsty in the search for God.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens the Mother of God will retreat into the desert, expecting the great and last abyss to open, a moment in which the Universal Judgement will have begun.
But all those sealed with the sign of Christic Love will be protected, and even though the world is in its greatest purification, peace will not be lacking in these hearts; nothing and no one will be able to change it, because it will be a peace that will come from the immaterial spirit of each being.
My time among you is already ending and when that happens you must bear witness and defend from yourselves everything you have lived with Me because this will awaken faith in atheists and in those who guide the nations of the world. The faith of the witnesses of Mary will allow many uncertain doors to be closed and the last Grace of salvation will be given for all.
My time among you is already ending and this dictation is not only words; when this happens, you must have My Work of Peace move forward in the world, and you must not stop nor retreat. May your faith be neither poor nor oscillating.
On the contrary, children, when I Am no longer among you, all the treasures of instruction must be awakened and active within each of you.
My time among you is already ending and when this happens you will see the sign of the Universe approach the Earth; it will be an indescribable and unknown phenomenon; this will be the moment of the great planetary redemption.
My time among you is already ending and nothing will stop it, because as it was written, it will be fulfilled. The Word of God is a living Source and from it comes all the Graces for those who have faith in what We say and announce.
When My time with you ends, the Real Time will open, and all will be consummated, because the Master and Lord will have arrived to clean the Earth and sow new principles that will be light and love for the New Humanity.
My time among you is already ending and when this happens, all will change, and you will see colonies of salvation and refuge rise in some nations during the time of Armageddon.
Before My time ends, you must be confirmed in your fidelity to Creation, and the unbreakable unity among your hearts and lives will defeat the final beast.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While Our Sacred Hearts are here today, present among you, your Celestial Mother opens the doors so that an infinite legion of angels may invade Earth, in order to pour out on this humanity the Graces of God, those which the Sacred Family of Nazareth once received at the Manger in Bethlehem.
Those same merits that were granted to the Three Sacred Hearts are arriving through The Most Chaste Saint Joseph and your Celestial Mother to all the families of the world.
The legion of angels that your Celestial Mother sends today towards the five continents has the divine Purpose of dissipating and disarming the plans of My adversary.
Each prayer that was pronounced today with the sincerity of your hearts, My children, allowed the Sacred Hearts to expand their Graces over this suffering and divided world.
I would like this same spiritual impulse to emerge from your hearts so that a new spiritual family may be born, first in your essences, to later emerge in the consciousness of humanity, free of separations, outrages, and indifferences.
Today the Sacred Family comes through your hearts to the families that are enslaved by work, by manual exploitation, and by the sale of thousands of innocent lives that are imprisoned by the chains of other human beings in this world.
Your prayers reached all those hearts that lost faith and trust in God because their lives were completely empty.
Lastly, My children, on this day of spiritual blessing I would like you to offer the Eucharist for the inner restoration of hearts wounded by so many outrages and exploitations.
I thank those who made my coming to Argentina possible and I hope to soon be together with My children to praise God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas
On this special day, dear children, on which we celebrate the Apparitions of the little Virgin of Guadalupe, with joy and happiness, your Heavenly Mother returns to Argentina, and this time to Mar del Plata to carry out, through this meeting of prayer, a planetary and at the same time regional mission.
In the first place, I wish to send My warmest maternal greetings to My children of Mexico, because today it has been one year since the Little Virgin of Guadalupe touched Mexican soil again.
Secondly, I would like to direct My Words of Love to all the children of Argentina and to the region of the Southern Cone, for having adhered to and united with the important call to prayer for the missing people in the Atlantic Ocean.
It is thus, My children, that today your Mother and Queen of Guadalupe returns after such a short time to Argentina, in order to spiritually help the nation, and especially, all those who live here.
I would like, dear children, for this Vigil of Prayer to be dedicated on this day, not only to the reality that Argentina is experiencing, in society as well as among the people, but also to all the other nations of the world, especially the nations of Latin America that are facing the great tests of the end of times.
Today I also send My maternal and spiritual assistance to Honduras, so that it may again find Peace and true Justice in this time of crisis in humanity.
May each prayer, which will be offered today by every human heart, be sincere and true so that all the pleas may touch the loving Heart of God and He, in His Infinite Glory, may pour out Grace and Mercy upon the nations of the world.
I tell you again, My beloved children, that the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations is now a fundamental duty and the commitment of all those who pray, knowing that in these times, in which conflicts and social struggles are unleashed, a celestial intervention in certain nations of the world is urgent; this rebuilds the human consciousness and its cosmic purpose at the spiritual level.
May each new Vigil of Prayer be dedicated with a fervent love of the heart so that the doors of Divine Compassion may open, and so that, in these times, all can be healed and repaired.
I will be grateful if the groups of the planetary Light-Network continue to visit the Marian Centers as well as draw closer to the Light-Communities to help and serve in each task.
It will be indispensable, in this cycle, to work to protect the foundational bases of the Work of the Divine Messengers.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When the Father decides to accomplish His Will, the universe responds, and that Supreme Will is fulfilled, above all things.
For this reason, you must trust that, if it is the Will of God that good be done, it will be done, and nothing will be able to oppose it.
My children, feel in your hearts how the sacred Principles of the Father manifest in creatures by means of the Will of God, and these Principles are expressed through the love that emerges from your hearts and lives.
The Will of God is undeniable and He presents it through the Angels of God, who accomplish His Designs.
I encourage you to cling to the Will of the Creator, because, in this way, nothing within you or outside of you will be able to hurt you.
Encourage yourselves to be like the Angels of Heaven; encourage yourselves to be in likeness to Me and live the Will of God in this time, just as I lived it while facing the Archangel Gabriel.
I bless you, on this day, and I thank all of you who collaborated and made My Pilgrimage for Peace possible in Argentina and Chile, once again. Special thanks were placed within the hearts that opened on this blessed Pilgrimage.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
From time to time, I choose the places most in need in the world and, with what My children give Me, I go to meet the worst and most hostile situations on the planet, so that at least one soul awakens among so many that are lost.
Therefore, where My Father and My Son send them to is to counteract, spiritually, the perversion and uncontrolled freedom that millions of consciousnesses experience daily within the large cities of the world.
Thus, I place My soldiers of peace in the first rows of the battle, to help Me transmute and endure the chaos of this world so that more souls are awakened in these times.
But, in spite of all that, as a Mother, I do not leave you alone in this mission.
I have come first to the city of Santiago to remove it from its most archaic resistance, so that the hearts that are here perceive the spiritual illusion which they experience and how they need to try harder to get out of their convenience and comfort.
For this reason, I return to Chile to give continuity to what I once did in Peñablanca, so that the souls that are here move towards God and do not go backwards as they have been doing for more than thirty years.
As a Mother, I come to ask that the hearts reach true and not lukewarm repentance. Therefore, I will need to remove that which is immobile, so that the consciousnesses may have the slightest opportunity.
If this does not happen soon, the nation will be strongly moved as it has been in previous times; except that, by not changing, this next movement would be worse.
I invite all the Chilean hearts to give an answer to the call of their Heavenly Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through the visits to the different nations of the world, your Heavenly Mother, throughout Her pilgrimage, gradually erases the past and opens the doors to a new future.
When She crosses the borders between the nations, your Heavenly Mother gradually closes a cycle and opens a path for new inner opportunities for all Her children.
Little by little, through each pilgrimage that is completed, I establish the Plan of the Creator in humanity. In this way, on the inner planes, I bring souls closer to the essence of the Divine Purpose so that more hearts are encouraged to take a step towards a life of greater and unconditional service.
Through each pilgrimage, your Heavenly Mother, with much effort, is able to accomplish the steps of Divine Will, and thus not only the nations are spiritually benefitted, but also the souls that inhabit them.
During this last pilgrimage, your Heavenly Mother concretized all the stages that the Eternal Father had announced to Her, and, in this way, many situations were avoided.
All this has taken place because of the loving help of those who pray and collaborate in this Sacred Mission.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
And now, your Heavenly Mother is going to Lourdes, taking firm steps on this mission of redemption of the planet.
Her children also follow Her with firm steps until She arrives and places Her feet on the heights of the Pyrenees, where once again, as in 1858, She will give the needed blessing for a very asleep French nation, hypnotized by the worldwide reality.
Once again, your Heavenly Mother will arrive in Lourdes, Her special home, so that from there, the French people may receive a little more Mercy, and that all they experience today may be more balanced and fair.
That is why your Heavenly Mother will only use the great mirror of prayer to radiate new things from Her simple hands that will allow this moment to be an opportunity for a greater awakening.
The time has come for My children of France to have the Grace of receiving the same impulses as Portugal, Italy, and Spain.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On the next Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent, through the Marian Center of Fatima, My Immaculate Heart will try to reach the maximum number of souls, especially when the Center of Lys Fatima carries out its expansion on May 13.
I would like My children of Europe to work on the Campaign for Peace for the purpose of establishing an opportunity within souls to awaken interest in the Divine Plan.
Thus, the entire Campaign for Peace must be carried out with the utmost effort and dedication, so that the foundations for the manifestation of this next pilgrimage may materialize.
Each European Child of Mary will have the opportunity to collaborate and also to be a part of the Campaign for Peace, so that in this way, more results will grow within the consciousnesses.
The creativity and expansion of this Campaign will help to draw the attention of European souls to something more evolutionary and constructive.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more