When you need to return to the beginning of the Whole, to your origin, contemplate the starry sky at night and ask: Father, where am I from? Thus, you will be opening your heart to awaken to the knowledge of your existence.
Open yourself without fear, so that one day you may know where you come from and why you are here on this planet, because you must recognize that true life is not material, but immaterial.
But if you ask where your inner origin comes from, you should know, My child, that knowing this will commit you to being responsible and mature, for your evolution and awakening.
Therefore, I invite you to risk knowing who you really are, and allow your soul to be released from the material prison, which does not allow it to be what it has come to be here on Earth.
I am not talking about looking for achievements, but rather about knowing, in order to grow and better serve the Plan of God; because the Celestial Father needs His children to be awake and to abandon the illusion and pleasures of material life.
Thus, knowing who you are and placing yourself to serve, you will not fear death, because you will know that the spirit does not die but reintegrates into the dynamic universal life.
Be patient, but also be humble. Persevere every day in the ardent aspiration that your consciousness may rise to expand, only so that you become more aware, responsible and surrendered to Higher Life.
You have My support and blessing to begin this sacred path towards the return to Higher Existence.
Go ahead!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Believe absolutely in the strength and power of overcoming that God's Love offers you.
Believe that, despite your deepest miseries, the Love of My Son and His Mercy will be able to place you into another reality.
Believe that, in the overcoming of yourself, you will learn to live the redemption of your whole being and come to know how to take steps that will lead towards the fulfillment of God's Will.
Believe that, overcoming yourself, each day a little more, dissolves the heavy chains that bind humanity.
Believe that by overcoming yourself, you will generate the condition for the suffering to disappear from the face of the Earth.
Therefore, believe absolutely in the strength and power of overcoming that God's Love offers you, because, in this way, you will be recreating Creation and the inner situations will be different.
Have faith and overcome yourself every day. Overcome the limits imposed upon you by the fears of your consciousness.
Make all things new and live this time of purification, not as a punishment, but as a great moment to overcome yourself, so that humanity may overcome itself, and abandon, once and for all, indifference and coldness.
Believe in the strength of overcoming and place your awareness in another state, in that which is positive, in the universal current of Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart simply to confess your deepest miseries, like a child who can divest themselves of their shame with their father.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart to present your defects and difficulties to Me, the vices you have not overcome, your most entrenched fears, your lacks of understanding most difficult for you to shape, your resistances hardest to break, your walls, your limits.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and, even though you cannot manage to say anything, offer Me your silence, your incapacity to surrender, of letting go of the reins of your life, of exposing your heart and feeling yourself to be weak and small.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and show Me your sorrows, but also your joys, tell Me about your defeats and also your victories, so that I, child, may dissolve your illusions with My Love, strengthen your virtues with My Grace, and show you in the mirror of the Reliquary of My Heart that to be human is more than what you have discovered about yourself up to now.
Let Me show you your truth, what hides beyond your appearances, what is hidden beyond your confessed weaknesses. Human beings are not just a mixture of miseries and virtues, of flesh and spirit, but they are the spirit, overlaid and hidden in what until now you believe is your only truth.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart not to find Me, but rather to find you, and in you, God.
You have My blessing for that.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Forty-fourth Poem
Mother of Mercy,
help me overcome the fears of my consciousness
and, through Your Grace, may I dissolve them
in Love and Peace.
Mother of Mercy,
after so many tests and falls,
may my soul be strengthened to continue forward,
able to see the Footprints of Christ.
Mother of Mercy,
liberate me from sin, from constant faults;
remove me from the chains of damnation and illusion
so that I may fly as free as a bird
until I can find
the path of return to the Heart of God.
Mother of Mercy,
pour out upon my life the merits and the victories
that Christ achieved during His Passion.
Through the Light of His precious Body,
may I elevate my consciousness
to be more united to God.
Through the Power of His Blood,
may my soul receive the impulses it needs
to finish this school of redemption.
Mother of Mercy,
hear my prayers, every day.
Come into my life
so that I may achieve liberation from spiritual slavery,
because, thus, I will be able to be a disciple of Christ,
willing to surrender my life
as a testimony of Love
and as a work of Mercy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
When I was on Earth, in Nazareth, and while My fragile human heart was tired, I would distance myself from everything and everybody and, alone with God, I would pray.
Many times I had no strength to pray, and anguish silenced, not only My voice, but also My thoughts. And so, kneeling before the Lord, I would become silent. I remained in silence, feeling His Breath entering My body through the air that I would breathe. I sought peace.
I did not ask the Lord for anything, and everything I had already belonged to Him; so I just became silent and waited, emptying My heart of fear and anguish, and I found strength in that deep silence that I shared with God.
Why do I tell you this today?
Because I know the depths of your hearts and I know that under the pressure of these times, you feel tired, anguished and always moved toward a greater transformation, to a more profound step into the unknown.
This is why I teach you, children, that even in weaknesses, your strength is in God. And when you have no words or feelings to share with the Lord, simply become silent and seek peace, sharing the Silence of God. His Divine Breath will reveal this peace to you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXVIII ; Peace and Wisdom for the Times of Transition
A soul that prepared for the great tribulation of the planet for a long time, felt ever more insecure and ignorant as this approached. The soul felt how unknown this planetary probation was and questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord and Eternal Father, how can I be ready to live these times? How can I go beyond my ignorance and enter Your Wisdom? How can I go beyond my fears and enter Your Peace?"
And the Lord responded: "As you see, little soul, these times are new and this probation is unknown and challenging for all life on Earth and beyond; but My Graces are to be found within you, along with all those gifts that one day, while you were praying and serving, I gradually placed within you. They will emerge and be your assistance and your peace.
Within you, however, also live a synthesis that allows you to find that which has still not been experienced: the love-wisdom not yet achieved in any period of humanity, only in the Heart of My Son. For this, little soul, allow all the most profound learnings experiences of humanity to be synthesized within you.
Live and feel the ignorance of the primitive peoples who, in their mental simplicity, did not remain there but were capable of launching into the unknown to survive and evolve. Take from there the deepest records of human possibility for breaking barriers and growing. So then grow, not only as a thinking human being but as a human being who feels life, who communes and is to be found in the Whole of Creation.
Live the purity of the indigenous peoples, the original peoples. Live the perseverance of those who, in spite of all the longing for power in humanity, chose pure wisdom and remained in its peace.
Within you, live the compassion of the East, the pure science of the study of the body, nature and the stars, which, at the same time, causes the human consciousness to recognize their greatness and their smallness.
Live the faith of the first Christians, who broke barriers and went beyond the first Sacred Scriptures; those who did not remain in words, but believed as they saw living prophecies; those who allowed themselves to be transformed and knew how to hear, more than the symbolic preaching of My Son, all the celestial revelations that He brought; those who lived the Kingdom and with Christ, discovered themselves as the Kingdom, imitating His steps, throughout the centuries.
Live the peace of simple souls, who do not tie themselves to the riches of the world, but rather sustained themselves in the joy of the Presence of God; souls whose strength was built on rock and who do not shake when the glory of the world collapses, but remain in God, even in the face of the tempests.
And so, beloved soul, experiencing within yourself the gifts that I gave humanity, at each period, in each people, in each religion, open to live something new, the fruit of all that has been learned. This is the transition of the times."
May this profound dialogue inspire you, children, to find peace and wisdom in the times of transition.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XVI - Be Healed by God
A soul was afflicted, for feeling in the depths of their heart that old pains energed, records of experiences unknown to them, and of others that they thought had been overcome. The soul felt that within their inner world there was never a time in which their old experiences passed and new experiences emerged in a harmonious way; rather, everything was mixed together and it became difficult to understand and transform that which was within.
Therefore, in a sincere prayer, this soul questioned God, saying: "Lord, time passes by, ouside of me, but within me it seems not to exist. How do I feel and suffer due to wounds that I am not even aware of existing within me? Today everything is so confusing; what seemed to have been overcome then emerges with greater force, and when it seems that I have risen, I fall again into the abysses of my fears and uncertainties, into the pain newly opened wounds, those both known and unknown. Explain to me, God: how can I heal and overcome that which takes place within me?"
And with love and wisdom, the Lord responded: "In truth I tell you that not only within you, but also in true life, time does not exist. Time is a form that I created so that creatures of this world would be able to grow in a sequence of divine laws and sciences, which keeps them in an evolutive school up to the moment of their spiritual maturity. Time happens outside of you, for your human side. Time is perceived by your body, mind and feelings, but within you, little soul, in your deepest essence, there is no time. There, you are in likeness with Me, with My Infinite; within you pulsates an eternal life.
The closer the transition of the planet comes, which is the awaited for human maturity, the closer one comes to the moment when that which hides within you will manifest, when truth will express, when time will no longer exist, but rather Eternity will be revealed. It is part of this process of transition that your little soul will see emerging the innermost registers of that which you experienced in other times, because everything emerges to be recognized, to become aware of and balanced, according to the awakening of your consciousness and the love of your heart.
Therefore, in the face of the oldest pains, simply seek the Love that there is within Me and the Grace of My Spirit so that I may have a place to act in, through you, and thus balance and heal all that which you experienced through ignorance; all the wounds opened through a lifetime distant from Me. Simply seek Me and give Me a space within you, in your mind, body, soul and heart. Thus, I will be within you."
May this dialogue allow you to understand, children, that this is the moment for seeing emerge within you all the records of other times which still need to be healed. However, in the face of what you feel, do not despair, but simply seek God and give Him a place, because only He has the Grace and the Love to definitely heal you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Eighteenth Poem
Sacred Arc of the Holy Covenant,
Sweet Melody of God,
Immaculate Temple,
favorite Slave of God,
may we be able to reach the celestial spheres
so that, united to You, dear Mother,
we may fulfill, step by step,
everything that Your Son expects.
Banish from us
all tepidness and human fragility.
With the power of Your fire of Divine Love,
may we carry out this apostolic mission
of the end of times.
Liberate our minds of all fears.
May our lives be affirmed in You,
Universal Mother,
because we hope to concretize the aspirations of Christ,
now and forever.
Assist us when we have no strength.
Protects us when we are defenseless.
May we be able to feel the merciful Love of Your Heart
at each stage of our lives.
And, before You,
may our faith expand
so that we may learn to step out
of mediocrity and negligence,
knowing that Christ awaits
our prompt surrender.
Make us small,
just as You, Most Holy Virgin,
made Yourself small and humble
before the paternal Gaze of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Let your soul be enraptured by the Love of Christ. Do not fear, do not resist. Give Him your shame, your fears, your deepest aspirations, your goals and everything you are, including miseries, skills and virtues.
The time is coming to be washed by the Blood of Christ, permeated by His Love and renewed by His surrender and, more than remembering His Passion, to be with His surrender, His Love and His Cross.
Thus, child, the time has come for a definition of maturity in Christ, to deepen your consecration and to not be afraid of growing in Him and for Him.
Let yourself be new clay in the Hands of the Potter, because He knows the Purpose of God for your life and can shape your consciousness according to Divine Will.
Pray and speak the Poems* with love that the Lord gave you, because through them, He teaches you the spiritual meaning of surrender and of humility; in this way, a surrendered soul communicates with Christ.
Do not fear to live the experience of surrender. In what is left for you of this Lent and this deep desert, begin to walk, in your heart, with decided steps to Jerusalem, confirming and re-confirming your surrender to Christ each day.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*Saint Joseph is referring to the Poems of a soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, transmitted by Christ Jesus in the months of July and August of 2018.
Even though in the world chaos, confusion and despair reign, in your heart, peace must reign.
Elevate your heart, child, beyond the dimensions, and focus your consciousness upon the true purpose of your life.
This is a time of battle, but a battle which is brought to a halt in silence, with a prayer, with the song that transmutes and transforms fears, with the love that transcends all chaos and the peace that balances all things.
This battle is overcome with knees upon the ground and with the heart elevated toward Heaven so that, in all the events of this world, your heart may know how to find the truth and the wisdom to act and live, always manifesting Divine Will.
Pray, cry out and enter into the Peace of the Heart of God. Know that this is the base of Calvary to which you have walked for some time. And even though the climb is painful, at its top, the triumph of love is drawn; just let your heart know how to be on Earth and, at the same time, elevated toward the Heavens, being a constant and perpetual bridge toward the Heart of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To the Most Tested Souls
What are you afraid of? of not being able to reciprocate with Me? of completely losing fidelity to your Master and Lord?
Remember that each test that you go through is for forging the fulfillment of each one of your vows and, through your vows, concretizing the great mission that I have entrusted to you.
Each test is full of uncertainties and challenges which, with intelligence rather than with guilt, you should learn to overcome. You should demonstrate to the Father that you can surpass Me in what I lived for you and for your brothers and sisters in the Garden of Gethsemane.
You must not allow a test to push you or drag you. Each challenge toward transformation must be, for your consciousness, the opportunity to take another step toward My path of apostolate.
In the most difficult tests, resistances and aspects can be dissolved and become ashes. There will never be a test nor a lesson that you canot overcome.
Otherwise, how would you show Me that you truly want to follow Me? I do not promise rose gardens, but rather I promise spiritual triumphs for God through your surrender, sacrifice and redemption.
Be intelligent and act with determination. Make the gift that I gave you count. Make it blossom every day and you will be showing Me that you understood and that you already know that which I need.
Do not feel discouraged, an apostle of Christ never steps back.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the inner life, deserts and defeats are experienced, but there are also triumphs and victories experienced when souls trustingly manage to surrender completely to God, beyond their limitations or impossibilities.
Beyond all of this, God loves you and understands you, because to die inwardly to the mortal aspect is difficult; it is a daily challenge.
But if you trust and persevere, you will transform. Everything is foreseen, and in that foresight, everything will take place according to that which was thought of by the Universe.
You must be the very redeeming triumph and victory for God.
Your lives should achieve the example of selfless humility and profound surrender, having as a foundation the Grace of permanently serving and the Spiritual Anointment that My Presence can give you at this time.
Therefore, walk toward Me and I will guide you. Open your heart so that your fears and doubts may be dissolved.
If today you are here with Me, it is for a reason, because otherwise you would be somewhere else and under another energy.
The Universe delivers infinite opportunities to all, which must be loved, valued and taken into consideration by each one of you. While this happens, nothing will be separate within you, and you will know how to correspond as the Eternal Father needs.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While the world and the nations get involved in chaos, My children, I call you to enter into My Heart and find peace. I call you to cross the thresholds of human indifference that exists within you, as upon the whole planet. I call you to lose fear of what is true and unknown so that, in this way, you can look at your own inner world and find what you truly are.
May you contemplate the infinite and know that this very infinite dwells within you. And just as the stars hold in their shine a great mystery that seems to be distant from your lives, within you there is also a divine essence, whose shine, My children, holds not only the mysteries about yourselves, but about that of all life, about the Plan and the perfect Thought of God for humanity and for all creatures.
In spite of all conflicts and sufferings, in spite of all stimuli that you receive, day by day, causing one to suffer, to lose hope, to live indignation and to feel the pain of injustice, I call you today to go beyond all appearances and find that which is true, although it was nearly always hidden from human eyes.
In these times, My children, nothing else will be hidden from you, and in your hearts the divine mysteries and gifts can become unveiled, you can discover your true potentials, you can know what you were created for, what is the purpose of your lives; a purpose that is beyond the experience of forgiveness and redemption, and that is held in the expression and in the manifestation of love, in that which Christic Love awakens within you, and in everything.
These are times to be conscious of the urgency of the planet, to know and perceive that the chaos announces the Apocalypse and the Laws are being fulfilled, and they manifest that which was written. But it is also time to know the correct way to deal with the planetary situation, and this, beloved children, is not written in any Sacred Book, because it is part of the Revelation of these times; it is part of that which you must live and experience in this evolutionary stage of humanity, which you were not ready to live, and not even to know about in other times.
The Keys to cross the thresholds, that separate you from the Truth and divide the cycles of the old and new human being, are found in Our words; they are found in the state that the Divine Word places you within.
Therefore, do not only listen to that which we tell you, but let yourselves be elevated. Go deep and seek within that which only silence is capable of showing you and, with this strength, you will be ready to deepen within yourself.
It is by praying and uniting your own heart to God, and to the Divine Messengers, that you will be worthy to know what makes you like your Creator. And in this way, My children, you write with your own lives the Gospel of these times; the Gospel that is the concretion of the end, but also the beginning of the new.
I leave you My blessings so that you may be beyond every internal or external conflict; so that you may be held within My Heart and, by elevating your own spirit, you may help humanity to also be freed from the ties to the slavery of ignorance and illusion.
I love you, support you and with My Love I guide you so that you may be in God.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May peace reign in your hearts today, My children, so that you may approach God and thus your inquietudes and fears, your abysses and anguishes may dissolve.
May faith reign in your souls and love reign in your spirits today, so that you may know that when you respond to the celestial call, in spite of all battles, all miseries, doubts and fears, the Love of God will always triumph.
Today, I come, with the rosary in My hands, to ask you to keep praying for this world. My eyes see things that you cannot imagine, that you would not accept nor believe that they exist in humanity. But your hearts and your prayers can actually reach, My children, not only the lost souls, but the deep and unknown situations that have their spiritual roots in the innermost core of the consciousnesses of the nations.
Now that you have learned to be in My Heart, to love Me and to recognize Me as your Mother and Protector, as the One who accompanies, not only the cross of Christ but the cross of each child of God, now, My beloveds, be more aware of your mission with Me.
May each day lead you to deepen, not only into the transformation and the surrender of your lives, but also in your service to this wounded planet and to its sick humanity that lacks love. This takes place by means of increasingly deeper prayer, of increasingly more sincere singing, of more selfless service, of a more complete surrender of yourselves, each day.
Pick up your rosaries, every day, and pray with Me. Pray, pleading to the Father for this world, for that which your eyes cannot see.
The Time of God now draws near toward the Earth, and the promises of a new world now approach their manifestation, in which the Kingdom of your Father is expressed. The promises now approach their manifestation and will soon become alive, the promises that together unite all true religions and allow them to become fulfilled, in one truth.
But before that, beloved children, the Book of the Apocalypse and everything that was taken out of it, by the hands of humanity, will also be fulfilled.
Many hard and deep trials will touch the consciousness of nations, like that of humanity, and in order to make of each one of these moments true triumphs of God, and not of chaos, you must be in permanent prayer.
It is possible, children, to experience the cross and allow a new Love and Divine Mercy to triumph within it, just as it is possible to live the Apocalypse and the Armageddon and make of this a confirmation of your souls before God, of the potential that is in your hearts, as His children.
You were created to love and to renew Love, and this happens beyond all circumstances of the world. It is just necessary, children, to pray from the heart, to serve with love, to surrender, to be in God, to seek the Father, each day, in each instant.
My Heart inspires you in silence, guides you to this purpose and accompanies your steps. My Love sustains your cross, My Grace helps you in your falls, My Peace renews you and makes you discover who you truly are.
Therefore, on this path, pray, My children. Pray for the world, pray for peace.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not be afraid to leap towards emptiness.
Do not be afraid to correct your ways and start over.
Do not be afraid to give your best for love.
Do not be afraid to set aside your own thoughts, feelings, anguishes and joys in order to overcome yourselves, for the sake of the pain that the planet is suffering at this moment.
Do not be afraid to surrender and discover the fullness that is not based on human contentment. To find higher life is also to transform the meaning of joy and fullness, to transform that which fulfills you, and allow your beings to find peace in serving God and in surrendering entirely, by discovering that you can forget yourselves for the sake of a planet that suffers, for a Plan that you should fulfill, for a Divine Love that must renew itself.
Look at the Cross every day; contemplate the absolute Love of your Lord. In Him lies the key to the healing of all sins, the transcendence of all miseries, the surrendering of all resistance.
Transforming yourselves in this time is to take a leap into the void and into the unknown. Discover a service you have not yet lived, a love you have not yet felt, a surrender you have not yet know. This begins, children, by wanting, fighting and affirming your own overcoming, every day.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My Divine Mercy is more extensive and deeper than the sea, in it I submerge the souls inside My Light, so that they may be transfigured and redeemed.
I give My Divine Mercy to drink to the souls that agonize and despair. My Divine Mercy is purer and more crystalline than water, so that they may rely on this life raft.
My Divine Mercy is more limpid, clear and luminous than Heaven, I enter the souls in it so that they may elevate and sanctify themselves as God needs.
My Divine Mercy is more beautiful, lovelier and more precious than the flowers and lilies of the field, because in it souls attain the spiritual joy of serving and living God.
My Divine Mercy is higher, stronger and more robust than all mountains, because in it I place souls on the path of ascension and transcendence, so that by means of My loving confidence, hearts may learn to overcome their own fears and challenges.
My Divine Mercy is more infinite, broader and more extensive than the stars, because through it I place the souls in the Universe of My Love, so that they may be healed from their mistakes and liberated from their constant trials.
My Divine Mercy can be much more to all of you, It will be enough to invoke it with love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
If you are afraid of the unknown, it is because up until now you have not loved the Will of God.
Thus, trust in all that is beyond your knowledge, control and limits.
Trust in all that comes from the Universe as instruction and let all of this become your Guiding Star in this time.
This is the great moment of knowing the unknown, of deeply knowing about your real story so that your consciousness can each day draw closer to living the degrees of love.
Open so that what is unknown may be a part of your life and so that, in this way, you may be able to understand the amplitude and the infiniteness of the Universe.
By living the unknown, you will discover how small you are in the face of all the Universe and how small your story is in light of so many galaxies and stars.
The path toward what is unknown will cause you to think about your inner process of redemption and to generate the relief that this planet needs from all the weight it has carried since distant times.
For this reason, unite with the unknown and be a precursor in the healing of humanity through your unconditional "yes", through your absolute trust and your faithfulness.
Dare to be transformed by the unknown.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My beloved children,
Once again in My home, in Fatima, where I poured out so many codes of love, conversion and protection for My children in the world.
Once again, in Fatima, to renew your souls with My Maternity and My Universal Love.
Once again, in Fatima, so that this Celestial Kingdom, that welcomes all of My children of the world, may receive the light and the love from the Source of the Heart of God and may prepare for what is now coming.
I observe today, with gratitude and love, some hearts that have offered to sustain the end of times and who are truly decided to faithfully follow My Son and serve him beyond what they understand and what they believe they can do.
I have these children of Mine in My Heart.
I also observe those who still need many tests to surrender to the Love of Christ, many explanations to accept the new cycle, much security to be able to trust.
I have these children of Mine in My Heart.
I also observe those who are indifferent, those who only think of themselves, those who cannot stand the faith of others and try to destroy it, those who fear so much that the world may cease to be this place that they can control.
I observe those who do not understand that transgressing the Law of the Creation is something that in an imminent way will place them before the Universal Judgment.
I have these children of Mine in My Heart.
I observe those who mock Grace and Mercy, those who raise their voice and their hand against their brothers and sisters, believing they go unpunished and are owners of the others.
All are in My Heart.
I bring to Europe good news, the last opportunity to live forgiveness, reconciliation, expiation of errors.
As an advocate for all creatures of this world, I will be arriving here soon; in a coming cycle and for a time, I will be travelling this European land that cries out for forgiveness and healing, traveling throughout its nations, reaching its peoples, so that the Light and Love of God may reach each corner.
The Kingdom of Fatima and the presence of the Divine Messengers will bring Grace and Renewal to this part of the world so that your hearts can receive the Christic codes that will prepare your beings to welcome the talents in which My Son will deliver to you, and that must be available within your essences to accompany Him and serve him in His Return to the world, during this coming time.
But today I also come with a warning.
Humanity will face itself and verify that it was indifferent, that it let itself be trapped by illusion and lost the wellbeing that the planet offered to it, a planet that it is losing because it was mistreated until it became agonized.
Thus, humanity will cry tears of blood for its foolishness, for its pride and for its lack of intelligence. This humanity which today is consciously disintegrating and annihilating this sacred place that gives them shelter, that feeds them, that heals them and that offers a majestic and safe place for their future generations, for the evolution of the race.
Where will your children, your grand-children and your grand-children’s children live? Have you ever wondered?
Where you call protected spaces or “bunkers”? How many can enter these illusory places?
Will you look for other planets? Which planets? How many of you will go to these illusory places?
My Heart fills with pain, with sorrow and agony upon seeing you so ignorant.
Children, awaken!
There is still time to balance the scales, but it must be now!
Awaken for this lethargy, from this dream that will only lead you to an internal and external state full of imbalance and suffering. Listen to the Voice and the Heart of your Celestial Mother that brings you this warning. There is no time any longer!
Save the planet! Protect it from yourselves, because if you do not react you will soon not have any place where you can be at peace.
Unite to My Voice and to the voice of the youth, which now makes itself felt. They are trying to defend their home in order to have a destiny.
Unite with My Heart that begs you, that supplicates to you to be responsible for this Big House, this Eden that God delivered to you so that you could live the greatest experience of universal love.
Awaken, children! For the last time, awaken!
I love you and will never abandon you, but My being suffers because one day I will only be able to observe your suffering, the fruit of your indifference and of your lack of responsibility.
Always remember that you should only look to the Heights in humility and in gratitude. Everything could reverse to the good in an instant if you have the courage to change.
I love you, protect you and firmly call you toward the last reflection.
Thank you for being with Me today.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let fear transform into faith. Let the anguish of not knowing how to help a fellow being transform into the certainty of the power of prayer. Let peace flood through you and thus expand into the world and permeate the souls that are in need of it.
Let the tests of these times forge within you the strength of the surrender to God and His Plan. Let your renunciations be imprinted in the human consciousness as a step toward Christic life, because when you renounce your will, you understand that there is a Greater Will and that you are in the world to manifest a Higher Plan, rather than to satisfy human desires and aspirations, no matter how good they may be.
Take a step toward Faith and pray from the heart for the situations that you cannot solve because, where God is, there will be an experience of love, a learning that will lead beings to His Heart.
Meditate on what I tell you and keep your heart in peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and you will know that it has no limits. You will know the cross was not the first nor the last offering of your Lord and Creator Who, throughout all existence, surrenders to His creatures.
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and for this Creation and you will experience for yourself the essence of surrender and of love for evolution. You will know every effort is little for all beings to have the Grace of becoming closer to God.
In His agony, Christ united His human heart to the Love of God, and even though fear and anguish sprung from His bones, gushing as blood through His skin, nothing was enough to cause the potency of the Love of God in His Heart to fade away.
His thought remained upon compassion, His gaze remained upon Mercy. After having taught humankind about the Laws and also having revealed His Justice to them, during His moment of great surrender, Christ did not emanate anything other than Forgiveness, Redemption, Love and Mercy.
That is what you must experience in these times. That is what will make you Christs of the New Time, apostles and latter day saints.
Let the world know everything that you have received. Teach your neighbor, by means of examples, about the Laws and sciences you have learned and, in the time of great trial of this planet, do not emanate judgments, but forgiveness; do not emanate indignation, but compassion; emanate mercy and do not fear. Renew yourselves and multiply the Love of God in your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more