In the same way that My Heart only managed to believe in the coming of the Messiah when I held Him within My arms, in the same way that the apostles and disciples of Jesus only truly believed that He was the Christ when they saw Him rise, many of you also, children, will only understand what you are a part of when the Heavens open before your eyes and, in the middle of the chaos of the world, the Glory of the Kingdom will manifest through the Son of God.
Humanity makes spiritual life out to be special, and material life to be the reality, losing the purpose of its existence, which is a perfect unity with the Creator, a profound and true relationship with God that not even the angels can experience.
This is what you were created for, children, but your mind was strengthened more than your faith, and the potential to love remained hidden in the deepest spaces of your consciousnesses.
However, I tell you that when God has a Purpose and a Plan for His children, it manifests beyond your beliefs, your deceits and your apparent limitations, just as it has done throughout the centuries.
The Creator did not wait for faith in the hearts of humankind to then reveal His greatness. He revealed Himself amid the hearts that seemed blind, and with His Light, He gave them back their vision. He revealed Himself to ignorant hearts that yet had the commitment to manifest His Plan.
That has not changed. Souls still need to be awakened and, as much as the Voice of God resounds among you, as it resounded through His Son, you will only be able to truly awaken when you see Him face to face, accomplishing His promises, making the prophecies come alive that will unite and awaken the peoples, cultures, beliefs and races, because it is the human heart itself that will awaken, and the human essence that will beat, recognizing the Presence of God in His Son. And this essence, children, has no race, creed, culture or religion.
What the men and the women of the world will feel within themselves will not be silenced by anything, and not even by their deepest convictions will they be able to stop what they feel inside. Everything will fall apart: the concepts, the sciences, the beliefs and even faith. Everything will take on new meaning, a new life, a new value.
In one second, in human hearts, the understanding of life will be destroyed and rebuilt. And for that day you must prepare your hearts.
Until that happens, pray and persevere. Remember that this day will come, and be ready to live it.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Child, trust in what God is building within your consciousness and in your heart with each test and challenge.
Trust that your spirit will be strengthened as you cross the limits of your weaknesses and see your own faith grow.
Trust that from you, your Creator only needs a surrendered heart, ready to experience His miracles, ready to carry the weight of His responsibilities, ready to experience the fulfillment of His Plan.
Trust that from your miseries emerges a perfect potential for love, just like your creation emerged from clay, when you allowed the Divine Breath to touch your spirit. Let this Breath again fill your heart, and trust that a new life emerges each day within you, each time you open your heart to breathe that breath that comes from the Heavens.
Trust that the Plan of God within you and within this world will be fulfilled.
Trust, My child, that each stone on the path was placed with love, for in each of your leaps, the Hand of God is guiding you to a new level of your transformation.
Trust that there is a God hidden and living in your heart and that, from one moment to the next, He will reveal Himself through you.
Trust, and let your trust change into faith, and let your faith change into a doorway toward the new time and the new life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Creator thought of the human project, He contemplated from the start the upon the possibility of the His making of Himself a creature among His creatures.
The human beings were created among so many other beings and civilizations of the Universe, to express something that none of them had expressed.
They were created to unite dimensions, to express the love that overcomes the limits of all existence, and this allows beings to unite with God. They were created to express the essential likeness with the Father of all life.
The human purpose is great, and for this reason, My children, it is not attained in a simple way, although everything can occur with the awakening of consciousness and the firm decision of loving without conditions and surrendering everything for this purpose of entering the divine mysteries within one’s own heart, like in the infinite Cosmos.
Living the human potential seems to be something impossible, because most beings have not opened to truly experience the Love of God, which they are capable of finding and feeling within themselves.
I have taught you to pray, so that in this way you might cross the doors of your own heart and, little by little, you might discover the possibility of uniting with God, feeling Him and living Him.
When a being truly lives the Love of God, My children, even for an instant, this is enough to lead them to understand that any sacrifice, effort or renunciation, of things of the world and of human illusions, is small to attain the Eternity within this Divine Love.
God, knowing that His children were lost in their evolution and that they increasingly moved away from their purpose and truth, and in order not to allow humanity to again go astray, as had happened so many times, your Creator Father decided He would Himself come to the world and show them the way.
So immense and merciful was the impulse of God for humanity, an impulse never before given to any creature, neither in Heaven nor upon Earth, that the whole existence placed its eyes, heart and hope in this world.
Mystery upon mystery is the evolution of humanity, beloved children, where the errors of the past and the history of ancient universal consciousnesses stop, so that a story of redemption and the revelation of the Love of God for all life may begin.
No being of this Earth, while being alive, has yet been capable of understanding themselves and entering both into their origin and into the true potential of their essence. Only after this life were those, who received from God the possibility of living the experience of love in this world, capable of perceiving the opportunity they received.
But today, My children, you are called to live the greatest miracle of this time and of all times, the miracle of the awakening of consciousness; the miracle of the union of time; the miracle of understanding what you were before coming to this world and what is the essence and the purpose of your lives. You are called to live the miracle of Science and the Divine Wisdom, to communicate to the world His Truth, not only with the word but, above all, with your own lives.
More than two thousand years ago, at the request of your Creator, I gathered the disciples and companions of Christ so that the Consoling Spirit might pour out upon them. Its mission was to announce the Good News of the arrival of the Messiah and to manifest, in the consciousness and in the history of humanity, the presence and the example of God amidst humanity.
Today, I gather you so that the Consoling Spirit may give you strength, may awaken in you the Gift of Science, which becomes wisdom and discernment. Science to awaken, beloved children; science for you to know what to do and how to become responsible, not only for your own redemption, but also for sustaining this world in transition.
While My last words echo throughout the world, I pour upon you Graces amid Justice, I bring you Gifts among corrections, because it is necessary that you are corrected, but it is also necessary that you awaken and fulfill the Purpose of God.
Just as the Creator came to the world while humanity was straying from its purpose, and He showed them the Way, the Truth and the Life, He will come again, My children, to show you the revelation of Love within chaos, to show you the awakening of Truth during the apex of the illusion of human suffering; He will come so that you may know how to unite the times and the dimensions, and thus you may do it, not only in this world, but in all of Creation, because not only does the Earth need redemption, all life must learn to return to God, and this will happen through the fullness of your lives and the expression of what you truly are.
I love you, bless you and, with the deep humility of My Immaculate Heart, I thank you, so that you may learn that, through gratitude, Heaven opens and the Creator touches all hearts of the world.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To begin searching for the illumination of the consciousness, you must love God, His Plan and His Will above all things; you must develop the perception of His Presence in all kinds of life and know that all beings need to express their potential as creatures that come from God, so that they may then find peace and express peace in the world.
Without knowing the truth about themselves, beings walk in the darkness of ignorance, confused among miseries, desires and skills, and do not express what they came to the world to express.
That is why sometimes it becomes so difficult to love and to accept a neighbor as they are. I say "as they are" because they still are not what they were really created to be, because it still hides within them. But before you can see the truth expressed in your brothers and sisters, you must first know that it exists and you must love it, feel the need for it to become alive in yourselves and in your neighbor. In this way, your search will be real and your pure aspiration will lead you to the correct path, to the path of the Will of God.
Why do I tell you this?
Because many times, your attention is on the things of the world and in human endeavors when, in reality, the human being only becomes realized when they are capable of expressing Divine Will and participating in His Celestial Truth. Then, you will be able to discern, take action and even make use of human skills in order to turn them into instruments of the manifestation of the Divine Work.
While assuming your responsibilities, deepen into the way in which you carry them out.
Look to your neighbor, seeking to feel the love and the aspiration that they find. Live life with the aspiration that its meaning may be found.
Find inspiration in the manifestation of nature, in the accomplishment of the flowers and the beauty of that percentage of life that, yes, fulfills Divine Will and has found its realization, its wholeness.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Always listen to the voice of your heart and, in spite of what happens, trust in the potential of the love that overcomes every test, that calms every pain, that achieves every victory.
Live through the heart, giving yourself in every moment and offering yourself in reparation for those who do not offer themselves.
Always listen to the voice of your heart, a voice that calls on you to live the greatness of the Kingdom of God within your being and your consciousness.
Unite with your heart and contemplate the Sacred Temple of Christ. A Temple that will lead you to live a greater love for Creation and for life.
In your heart lies the path to, again and again, reencounter the purpose that brought you to Earth.
The heart is the portal that will lead you to peace, to then find the light that will merge you into God with the Love of His Existence.
Trust in your heart and listen to its melodies of healing.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Trees and life - Part III
Although the potential of trees is alive and they purely express the love for God through their beauty, their harmony and their elevation, the task of trees on this planet has not been accomplished yet.
Like all beings, trees also came to the world to live a learning of love, but what differentiates the learning of the Kingdoms of Nature from that of human beings is that the Kingdoms need the expression of love from humans in order to evolve.
Trees fulfill their function of maintaining the union between Heaven and Earth and are always inspiring hearts to turn to God and to their own self. But in life together, with other trees, in the forests, in the woods, many times they express typical characteristics of the retrograde condition of this world, such as competition and struggle for life, thus destroying the lives of other trees.
For the Kingdoms to express absolute love, they must receive this love. Trees are constantly trying to assist humanity so that one day they may realize that evolution is only complete when assistance is mutual.
I tell you these things, children, because everything that God manifested in life was to lead you to higher degrees of love. And now that the greatest Commandment, that you must love your neighbor as yourselves and God, above all things, is now in your consciousness, today I come to complete this Commandment, because the human consciousness is ready to understand: Love your neighbor and the Kingdoms of Nature as yourselves and God above all things. Thus, you will understand that the Father is in everything: in your neighbor as well as in the Kingdoms, inside of you and all around you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the Celestial Universe, in the most intimate of Divine Thought, there is a sublime archetype of higher life, where creatures live love and respect, in spite of differences, and they walk towards the goal of unity with God, having as their greatest aspiration that their fellow being may come to unite with God.
In this higher life, peace dwells in the hearts of humanity, for there is no need for competition, vanity or arrogance among them. There is no need for control, power or malice among them. The peace that comes from the aspiration that all achieve love is born in the Heart of the Father and is manifested in the hearts of beings.
The Father has this archetype of life held within Himself and, every now and then, He puts it in His Hands and offers it to humanity, because this is the Will of God for humanity.
The Lord does not offer His purpose to evolved beings, those wise in love and grace; He offers it to those who have erred the most, who have sinned the most and who have distanced themselves from His Heart the most. Beings who, gathered together on the Earth, every day receive an opportunity to be redeemed and to live this perfect archetype that God has for them.
For this reason, children, today I come to show you this divine aspiration so that you may love it and unite to it, also aspiring, deeply, to express the Will and Love of God.
Place this goal before your hearts and every day ask the Father for the grace of being able to live and express this divine archetype for humanity. Ask God to awaken within you this unique and perfect potential to love, which dwells in your hearts and makes you in His likeness. And believe that, through a daily effort to love, it is possible to transcend the current human condition and to embrace the divine archetype of life on Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray, because while you pray from the heart, in the Celestial Universes, the laws move, transform and transmute events that precipitate upon the Earth.
Pray, because while you pray, within the subtle worlds the angels and archangels course the Earth, dissolving the evil that imprisons souls and freeing them from the condemnation in which they placed themselves through their actions and through their ignorance.
Pray, because while you pray the Mirrors of Light ignite in the Cosmos as well as in the oceans and the depths of the Earth, responding to your pleas, responding to the light that ignites within you, when you are sincere in your prayers.
Pray, because while you pray, within the invisible worlds the blessed ones and the beings of light that serve the Earth work tirelessly with the merits that are generated in your prayers, and do not lose a single instant of a sincere prayer, to present to God the merits that transform life on Earth and grant humanity a new opportunity of living Love.
Pray, because while you pray, great things unknown to your being happen in Heaven as on Earth.
You, child, do not know the potential of your heart, but God does. Therefore, before everything that happens in the world, your Father and Lord sends His Messengers only to say to you: pray, because this is your part in the end of these times. Pray fervently and sincerely; pray, opening the doors of Heaven, crying out for peace, for forgiveness and for Mercy. Pray for a new life. Pray for the New Humanity. Pray for the return of Christ, so that hearts may be ready to meet the Lord, face to face.
Only pray, child, and speak with God through your heart.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May there be unity among the servants of Christ; may there be peace. May each being, in its inner self, go deeper in the unity with God and reconfirm, everyday, their adherence to the Plan of the Creator.
In these times, children, superficial bonds and partial adherences to the Plan of God will not be enough. It is necessary that all beings pay attention to their inner world and enter into dialogue with the Father, so that He may help them to be strengthened in these times.
It will not be enough to listen to the messages that God sends you through His Messengers, because His enemy is sowing doubts and confusion in the minds and hearts of the servants of Christ and, in order not to succumb to temptations, your inner world must be strengthened.
Children, you will not be free from trials and temptations; on the contrary, in these times, they will intensify, because the time of definition has come for everyone.
Just as the Father allowed His Son to be tested and tempted, not only in Gethsemane, but during His whole life, He will also allow it with you, because the surpassing of Love must start from each inner world.
The Father will always have His Hands on His children, but for that, it is necessary for you to open the way and create a consolidated bond between your own heart and the Heart of God.
I know that in times of expansion of the Divine Work, the external overloads cause you to be overcome at every moment, but, in order that there may be peace and overcoming in love, in order that your spirits may bear these times, you will have to be sustained by a deep bond with God.
You were created to be a direct bridge to the Heart of the Father, but for that, children, you must want to develop your true potential, you must love the purpose of your existence and recognize that, beyond all the external demands of life, the most important thing is to seek God and create a living bond with Him. In this way, you will have wisdom, strength, peace and, above all, love to overcome these times, and be precursors of a New Life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Return of the Mother of God
Silent as the breeze and brighter than the Sun, the Mother of the Sun, the Morning Star will also return.
First, children, it will be My silence that will prepare your hearts and let you mature and live those experiences that confirm your spirits in adherence to the Plan of God.
Before everything happens and the triumph of God manifests, you will see within yourselves the fruits of the last years of Graces and of teachings, and the very expression of your lives will be the testimony of this Work and of the Divine Presence that has guided, led and instructed you for so many years.
The day will come when Our Sacred Hearts become silent, so that the prophets, the apostles, the saints and the Christs of the last days and of the new times may manifest themselves.
Our Hearts will become silent because it is part of the Plan of God that you can grow for yourselves and make the seeds of Grace and Love bear fruit.
Just as God became silent in the Heart of Christ for Him to manifest Love and Christification in His human Heart, so will God become silent in the hearts of those who listen and respond to His call today.
But this is not to punish you, My children, this is so that there may be born within you a unique love, which arises from the human potential when it faces a great need of love.
Before Our Hearts become silent, we will have given everything to humanity, and nothing will be lacking for you to fulfil the Plan of God.
The silence of God will have a time and during this time it will seem eternal and painful. You will look for the Father within and outside yourselves and you will seem not to find Him, even though He will always be there.
His silence is the symbol of the dark night that the whole planet will experience, because it is necessary.
There must be night so that the sun may rise again.
There must be darkness so that light may have meaning, and so that daytime can exist.
So children, do not fear, but have faith in the new promises of Christ and in the revelations of your Heavenly Mother.
When the night comes upon the world and silence and solitude take over the hearts of humankind, remember what I will now tell you: brighter than the Sun, a Star will be born in the firmament, which will be the announcement of the return of the day, of the physical and spiritual day, which will illuminate again the inside and the outside of beings.
This Star will bring with it a deep feeling of peace, of support and of hope; it will bring the relief that hearts need to go through the last and most intense moments of this dark night.
It will remain silent in the sky until the Sun can be born again, until the Son of Man has the permission of His Father to return to the world and, as the Great Farmer, to seek the fruits that were born in the hearts of beings, and multiply them.
The Morning Star, which announces the arrival of the Sun for this moment will remain silent. But, after everything is fulfilled, My Feet will also touch the Earth and, with My Son, I will come to concretize the Plan of God and reveal My true Face to you.
The mystery of My return, My children, is to finish uniting peoples, races and religions and to bring toward My Immaculate Heart those who through ignorance denied My universal Motherhood.
I will return to receive from My Son the most lost souls, I will wash them in the Fountains of Grace and lead them so that they may have a new destiny and may receive a new opportunity.
The return of the Mother of the World will happen to seal the union between Heaven and Earth, between the different Faces of God and His creatures.
And there, My children, will be revealed to you all the truths that are hidden today, because I will cause to reflect in the mirrors of your hearts the true story of Creation and only then, when everything is fulfilled, will you understand the true meaning of this experience on Earth.
From that moment, the Scepter of God will be placed upon Earth, and a new world and a new being will be established.
Feel the Grace of My words and awaken your faith in the new and eternal Prophecies of God, for they will be fulfilled as, from the beginning, all that the Creator said through the prophets was fulfilled.
I bless you and thank you for listening to My words and responding to My call!
You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because the world agonizes and needs the potential that God has birthed in you.
Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit and no longer be a child on this path, seeking your benefit and the supply of your needs.
Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because many definitions in this time depend on you, who listens to the Voice of God.
Your "no" closes the doors of Grace and does not allow souls to receive a new opportunity, while your "yes" opens the doors of Divine Mercy and, in a time of justice, allows the rescue of those who would not deserve anything.
Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit and overcome yourself every day, not only for the love of this Work, this path and your spiritual mission.
Overcome yourself and give more of you to the world, which agonizes; for those who are lost; for the outraged and tired Kingdoms, that – at the height of their pain – make their last effort to sustain the planet and allow humanity to live their learning until the end.
Child, grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, and stop at once making your little problems so great, your little pains so great, your little life immutable.
See the world with the eyes of your heart and your conscience and know that after all you have received, within you is the potential to overcome yourself every day and, more than that, in every moment of your life.
Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit; believe that this is the last cycle of the planet and reflect on what else you must do for the Plans of God.
Do not stagnate, do not stop, do not get tired. Discover, in your heart, the power of the renewal that God has granted you and that grows in your heart, in soul and in spirit. Grow and be a light to the world; do not take your siblings into the abyss of your stagnation.
Grow and lift the world into the heart of God. Within you is the resemblance of the Father; let it express itself, manifest itself and absorb you, so that you may be a living truth, part of the Heart of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Grow up, child, grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because this planet still needs you.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the agony of the world find the Peace of God's Heart.
In fidelity to His Path and to His Will is found the strength to overcome the harassment in the Gethsemane. And beasts and thunder may roar, the floor may tremble under the feet of the chosen, but they will not falter. Their strength lies in the memory of the overcoming lived by God Himself, through His Son.
The time for confirmation has arrived, just as it arrived for Christ in Gethsemane and for all those who have committed themselves to Him throughout the history of humanity.
God offers you to drink from the Chalice of sacrifice and surrender, of effort and overcoming, of understanding, of unlimited forgiveness and love. But in this Chalice, children, are also found faith, fidelity and strength. There is found peace and the flame of compassion, which ignites the spirits and helps them to persevere.
The Chalice of God is not filled only with trials, but also with Gifts. His instruments have everything that they need to fulfil His Plan; It is enough that each one is willing to do their part and to discover in themselves the potential of love and surrender that is still hidden in the human condition.
This is the Gethsemane of these times, in which the souls confirm themselves, accept the Chalice that descends from the Heavens in the Hands of God and drink of His offering. Ignited by the Love that comes form the Creator Himself, they take their cross and follow Him.
Feel part of the Consciousness of God, which renews itself. Let the potential that you do not know emerge from yourselves. Let the monotony of your lives give space to a Universal Mystery and allow yourselves to be called by God as His elected, His apostles and truly His children.
May each principle lived by the only begotten Son manifest and renew itself in your lives. You have the doors open for that.
Your Father and Companion,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray so that the Plan of God is fulfilled; contemplating, in the universe, the perfect purpose that the Creator has for each one of His Creatures.
Reuniting with the Divine Messengers and being in the presence of the Eternal Father, through the Door of Light and Peace that we open to the world, means recovering the purity and the potential of love that was given to the creatures in the beginning of all and that, one day, in the hearts of many, was lost.
The task of the Divine Messengers in this time is more profound and, sometimes, incomprehensible and invisible to the human mind, because the definitive moment for the planet has come when the evolution of all will be defined according to the answers you give to the opportunities you receive.
Many open themselves from the heart, even if only for a tiny moment, and this is enough so that the seed of a new being can be sowed within them. There lies the eternal hope of God and of His Messengers: knowing that, despite such numbness in humanity, there is also the possibility of awakening and this awakening happens in a simpler way than what you imagine.
The Divine Messengers are heading towards Central America so that those who have lost their bond with God can recover it. May those who have committed themselves with the manifestation of His Plan in the beginning be able to fulfill it. May those who must become new Christs and who walk behind the Lord, in this and in all times, be able to remember their mission.
There are missionaries spread around the whole world and the time has come to call them by their names, one by one, so that they may fulfill their mission.
New potential Christs will awaken in this time: consciousnesses that will live love and unity with God beyond themselves; that will love their neighbor and that will give their lives, sincerely, for their friends; consciousnesses that will share the bread with Christ and that will join you at this table to share the Chalice of sacrifice and surrender to God and thus make the plan of the enemy disintegrate and the souls no longer lose themselves from God.
I warn you of these events and I thank you for praying so that this Plan is fulfilled.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Listen attentively: love will always triumph and no matter how difficult living or manifesting it seems to be, it exists inside each being.
This divine love can do all things; it forgives all things, it endures all things, just as My Son lived it on behalf of all.
There is no other formula of this love that understands all, comprehends all, resists all in the most absolute silence.
In this acute time for the planet, love may be expressed openly in beings.
It is this love that acts above all and that, at the same time, can redeem what would seem impossible.
Love triumphs in the life of those who yield, of those who surrender, of those who accept that which perhaps they would not have deserved, because this love is so great and victorious that it can be intensified and expanded under three strands: in gratitude, in joy, and in hope.
Besides these three pillars, love also has its expression in goodness, in mercy, in compassion, in humility, in unity, in Grace, and in charity.
May this love bring to all the remembrance that any human or spiritual error or evil is defeated, because love is an unknown essence that vivifies the soul.
Risk living all for love and you will be able to recognize in yourselves the potentials that you must live, because in love peace is always present, and not conflict.
Who encourages you to live in the Greater Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear companions and servants of Christ,
My Chaste Heart returns to the world, each day, because I trust in the potential of love of the human beings. I trust in the potential that you have to transform yourselves and all things, because you can be united in essence to the One who created everything and who has the power to transform all.
Unite every day with the true essence of what you are. Remember of your filiation with God and assume thus the responsibility of forming part of the project that has had as a result, the King of Universe, Christ the Redeemer.
I ask you to be a little more peaceful in your lives and to opt for being in silence rather than to create conflicts and to wear yourself out. Be more peaceful also with yourselves and, thus, you will have the necessary patience to transit in the current times.
The urgency of times induces the consciousness to demand, from themselves and from the neighbor, things that you may not be able to give from one day to another. For this reason, it is necessary to be with a peaceful heart to discern in the best way in the situations that present themselves in your lives.
With a peaceful heart you will be able find in your own interior the resources to overcome a spiritual test, but if instead of that you are demanding of yourselves and forcing your consciousnesses to take steps with the rigidity of your minds, you will run the risk of believing that you are progressing and, however, you will count on false inner resources, fruit of the creation of your own minds, to relieve tension in which you live, and later on you will find the same test, over and over again. Only the peaceful heart can find the inner source of the Love of God and it is there that the true virtues are fostered.
Never forget that the pressure of the forces of opposition caused by the chaos of the world will be enough for your consciousnesses to be in a tension that will overcome your limits. That pressure cannot come from your own consciousnesses, because – for the days that will come – you will need to be in peace with yourselves and with the planet.
If today you get scared and irritated with the mistakes of the neighbor and lose peace when you see the imperfections of others, you will not be able to stand what will come.
Pacify yourselves! Pacify yourselves all the time.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, peacemaker of the Heart of God
When the heavens open themselves for humanity each new day, a hope is lighted up in the interior of the creatures.
Whenever you pray from the heart and activate the potential of love that is hidden in your interior – in the midst of all suffering that most of humanity causes to the Heart of God -, the Lord receives a joy, a sweet relief for His eternal sorrow, because humanity itself starts to balance the weight generated by the chaos of the world.
If you knew how important it is for the manifestation of the Plans of God that you pray every month in the Marathon of Divine Mercy, you would count the days and seconds of each day to come to this sacred moment.
The Marathon of Divine Mercy is the true act of redemption and conversion for all those who pray from the heart. When you clamor for Mercy, you are awakening your cells and atoms for the living experience of love; you are teaching your own consciousness that the most important in this moment is to transcend your own limits, for love to those of your siblings who suffer and who do not have the possibility of clamoring to God, except in the silence of their sorrowful heart.
When you pray and sing, remember to elevate the word with devotion for those who have their faith suffocated by the terror of the world. Sing in unity with each other and all with God and Christ, because, by doing so, you create an unbreakable fortress in your own consciousnesses and deposit this code in the human consciousness. It will be in this way that those of your siblings who are so distant today and that do not know anything else but loneliness and despair will be able to glimpse – even if it is in the spirit – the hope of one day living fraternity, unity and love.
Make of your lives true Marathons of Divine Mercy, in which every pronounced prayer opens an infinite fount of Mercy for the salvation of the souls. Live every day this manifestation of unity and fraternity that flourishes in the hearts by uniting yourselves for a single purpose: the one of relieving the planet and bringing a little of peace to the world.
As you feel in the Marathons of Divine Mercy, as I would like to see you every day. In this way, you would understand and widely live the Sacred Plan of God.
I love you and I thank you for praying together with My Son Jesus for the planet.
The Sacred Hearts are attentive to each word that you pronounce on these days.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the human heart emits a true impulse of love to the Creator, the whole universe takes a breath of hope for the world, and the creation of God is impelled to continue assisting humanity, to continue in the trust of the manifestation of a race of Christs.
The potential of love of your hearts is extremely unknown by everyone, and even a small impulse of it transcends the laws and the justice and makes the fount of the Divine Mercy descend again to the planet.
While your Mother Mary tries to awaken you to a planetary and universal reality, due to Her condition of Governess of the Mirrors of all Cosmos, My Chaste Heart tries to reach the depth of you inner universe, making you discover what you are in truth, unmasking the false aspects that cover up the soul and showing you the potential of the spirit.
All the words of God, through His Messengers, have a single function: to awaken the essence of the Christic Love in the human heart, which is the universal receptacle of that Love.
You need, in this time, to be before certain situations that have repeated themselves both in the Universe and on Earth in order to be able to act with the power of love and, thus, revert and redeem the actions of a distant past of the creation of God that has been distorted.
Nothing is separated in the divine web of the Universal Creation. All learning will be for the good of all creatures, according to the degree that corresponds to them.
Before the current planetary situation, hold on to love and not to fear; hold on to forgiveness and not to resentment; hold on to compassion and not to rejection; hold on to the Plan of God.
Never forget that the humanity as a whole must reach redemption. Help each other.
May the Peace and the Blessing of God be in your lives.
Your Father and Companion,
The Moste Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more