Account of the Message
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
When we were concluding the prayer and beginning the last song, we perceived portals gradually opening to the universe. As we observed these portals with consciousness, it was as if they were passing through the different civilizations of history, through the history of Creation, until they reached the Divine Consciousness.
Through these portals, Saint Joseph gradually approached.
When He arrived, He said that the Universe, Creation, has lived a history of expansion, in which we all participated. And this history of expansion concerns the entire manifestation of Creation and life among the dimensions, in the twelve dimensions of consciousness, when God gradually multiplied Himself, gradually multiplied His own Consciousness through the creatures, the universes, the planets, the suns, the galaxies.
At one point, Saint Joseph said that the coming of Christ marked the movement of descent of the Divine Consciousness down to the densest dimension of all. And after Christ, our consciousness began a path of return, which is another moment of the history of the Creation and it is what we are experiencing now.
Saint Joseph showed us that in this movement of expansion, when God was sending His Children to life, to the world, He also manifested energies that would help us on the path of the return. Then He showed us that these energies were concentrated on Matrices, which were like crystals or states of consciousness.
He said that those were the Matrices of Knowledge, and that, throughout history, consciousnesses gradually rose to receive some of those Matrices and decode them through Knowledge.
Saint Joseph said that this took place in different civilizations. He showed philosophers and sages, in Ancient Greece, and how they were seeking those Matrices of Knowledge so that they might be decoded by the human mind.
Those Matrices were created to help us on our path of return by expanding our consciousness. Knowledge should expand more and more that consciousness that had once been expanded, and then diminished into a creature, which is each one of us, to tread this path of return to the Heart of God. However, it happened that, instead of allowing Knowledge to expand us, we limited Knowledge to our human understanding.
And then, as Saint Joseph was showing this history, He began to dictate the Message, and asked us to write down what He had to say:
The Matrices of Knowledge and the essence of Wisdom were created in the universe, children, so that God’s Creatures could learn to return to His Heart.
When the Creator manifested life among the dimensions, and, within it, He manifested His Creatures, He also manifested the way these creatures might return to the Divine Heart, Divine Unity, when the time and hour were right.
Just as there was the history of the multiplication of the Divine Consciousness in the universes, and the suns, stars, planets, constellations and galaxies were being gradually manifested in twelve dimensions of consciousness, in the same way, children, the history of the return to the Heart of the Father is being written now, the history which you can live today with awareness.
When the Father sent His Children to live material life, with a veil upon their eyes, He designed the way and time for these children to return. For this return, He manifested Matrices of Energy and Wisdom, among them Healing, Forgiveness, Redemption, Knowledge and Wisdom.
Thus, Spiritual Knowledge is one of the tools that exist in life manifested in all the dimensions so that the veils may be removed from the human eyes and creatures may begin their path of return to the Creator.
To know is more than just reading or studying. Knowing and understanding are experiences with which the consciousness makes contact. For a long time, humanity misunderstood Knowledge and adapted it to its limitation, instead of expanding itself to enter its mysteries.
The time has come for consciousnesses to no longer limit, to their own small understanding, that which is infinite and was manifested by the Creator to expand the human consciousness and reveal their potential, that which they were truly meant to be.
So that you may enter this expansion and live the experience of Knowledge and Wisdom, more than just studying, you must allow yourselves to be. The world calls humanity to its illusion, and seeks to establish, more each day, the ignorance that perpetuates its reign. However, children, you must liberate yourselves from this ignorance, giving the necessary priority to Spiritual Instruction and to the elevation of consciousness, to enter the universal mysteries and remove from your beings that which is superficial. In this way, you will understand the essence of life and, above all, the essence of these times.
I thank you for persevering in the dissemination of Knowledge and in self-transcendence.
I thank you for not giving up on your own transformation and, through yourselves, setting an example to the world that it is possible to transcend superficiality.
You have and will always have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"To what extent have you learned to walk free from yourself in this desert?
In this Lent, have you managed to recognize your true being in your human person?
It is important to keep in mind that, throughout the path of transformation, there must not be identification with all that which, in yourself, defeats you, but rather, it is important to see the evolutionary aspect of each step that is taken in confidence.
This is why, in every examination of conscience, you must submerge in the act of repentance, so that the immovable resistances of your consciousness may someday surrender before the power of Christic Love; thus, you will become free from all that which cyclically repeats the same justified action.
Be wise and, in this Lent that is already ending, allow yourself to make an examination of your own conscience that is capable of opening you to redemption."
Christ Jesus
Dear children,
While the world wounds itself, may the Sacred Heaven of God descend, so that the angels may transform hatred and revenge into peace and love.
While wars assault the most innocent and unprotected, may the Sacred Heaven of God descend, so that families may protect their homes and children may have a happy future.
While abortion interrupts the spiritual chain of life and harmony in the world, may the Sacred Heaven of God descend, so that the cell of the family may be protected and separated from the inventions of evil.
While refugees and exiles desperately seek a future of hope and justice, may the Sacred Heaven of God descend now, so that the most needy may receive what they so desperately need and be free from the dreaded network of human trafficking.
While the division in families places each member at odds with their own brother or sister, may the Sacred Heaven of God descend, so that the uncertain doors may be closed.
While ideologies are the tendency that confuses and divides the hearts of My children, may the Sacred Heaven of God descend, so that the Holy Spirit may give understanding and wisdom to all those who need it.
May My Sacred Heaven of God descend so that those who suffer may be relieved and achieve the Mercy of God.
Invoke the Sacred Heaven of God so that peace may be achieved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
This is the time to hold prayer as the fundamental instrument in your lives.
Thus, in the universe of prayer, you will receive the light of wisdom for the absolute transformation that your consciousnesses must experience.
This is the time to hold prayer as the instrument to solve the most difficult situations, because prayer will always lead you to remain on a higher frequency in a safer reality, at this planetary moment.
My children, I invite you to disseminate this instrument, not with words or with messages, but rather with your examples of transformation and conversion through the School of Prayer, because prayer will also help, as will fasting, in keeping the elements of nature in balance.
In this School of Prayer that you must live, My children, I ask that you not stop praying. This is the time in which your hearts are to elevate the most fervent and sincere prayers towards the Heights so that serious situations in humanity may find a solution.
All the consecrated Children of Mary, at this moment, must be united in prayer, as souls and as brothers and sisters, beyond distances, so that your Heavenly Mother may intercede in all needs.
Children, may prayer be the inner melody that resonates within you, so that someday your lives may be a prayer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My child,
Let the signs of the Light of the Passion of My Son heal you.
Let the Blood that tirelessly flows out from His Heart wash you completely, and may your spirit be comforted.
Let the Light that flows out from His Eucharistic Heart nourish your soul with new gifts so that they may be at the service of the Lord.
Let the spiritual victory of the Cross of My Son free you from all adversity so that you may regain strength and continue forward.
Let the wisdom that flows out from His humble Words make you recognize the Love of God, at each moment.
Empty your heart of yourself, and surrender with trust to the unfathomable mysteries of the Passion of My Son. Thus, you will understand life as a true meaning of purpose and mission.
Let the peace, which rises from the Heart of My Son, flood your inner being so that you may learn to be an ambassador of His Peace and of His Word throughout the world.
Just allow for each one of the mysteries of My Son to complete you, so that in the detachment of yourself, you may reach the goals that Christ places within your life.
Recognize each moment as a great opportunity for being given and of serving, so that the Project of the Redeemer may be fulfilled within you and within the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
I bless you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Lord, give My children the experience of a pure heart so that their feelings may be pure and they can have pure minds.
Lord, give My children noble hearts so that their works may be true and their ideas may be of wisdom.
Lord, give My children pure vision, so that the purpose of their lives may be healthy, capable of promoting Your wills and aspirations.
Lord, give My children redeemed consciousnesses, so that their lives may be a victory, capable of pleasing and recognizing You.
Lord, give My children a true synthesis, capable of helping them take the last great step so that, with faith, they can represent the Work of My Son, and thus, the designs may be fulfilled.
Lord, before I return to Your Kingdom, give My children the opportunity to love, to live Your Commandments and Laws, so that Your Purpose of Peace and Mercy may be established.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel in your heart the confidence of being able to be in God, every day, and the renewal that you can live, beyond the moments and the circumstances.
These times will allow you to place your faith to the test, and that faith will be encouraged by your prayer, your service and your consecration.
Therefore, child, look beyond reality, and you will clearly see an infinite construction of the Wills of God, in this humanity and upon this planet.
I invite you to see beyond the facts or appearances.
I invite you to find the meaning of each moment so that you may grow in wisdom, gratitude and love.
Place your consciousness in the realization of the Purpose of God, that which you will complete and fulfill as a service through the redemption of your life, thus, you will open the doors for Divine Grace to make of your being an instrument and an example of conversion.
Having these principles very clear, your soul will be able to rule, and you will know, at the right time, which path to follow, so that you may always meet My Son who, in His Silence, waits for you so that you may live a deep spiritual communion with the Source of Love and Wisdom.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Forty-eighth Poem
Mirror of God’s Justice,
intercede for the whole world,
intercede for Your children of the Earth
so that souls may awaken in time
to the true state of consciousness,
and, thus, the lives of the world may make
the very necessary changes in this time.
Mediatrix of Divine Love,
place in the hearts of Your children
the Gifts and Virtues of God
so that souls may become aware
of the importance of turning towards God,
and of reconciling their lives
through Divine Mercy.
Guardian of Faith,
help us protect the purity
that God deposits within our hearts.
Through acts of charity and love,
may we renew our inner vows with the Eternal Father.
Help us, Most Holy Mother,
so that any trace of illusion may disappear
from our consciousnesses.
May we be able to find the truth we need
so that, in Your Son, we may achieve spiritual freedom.
May the angels of Heaven
break with their swords the shackles of damnation,
and may souls find the meaning and reason
for being present on Earth.
May ignorance give place to wisdom,
and, in wisdom, may we find the peace and faith
in living the Divine Plan of Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
XIV - The Expression of God Within the Heart
A soul that loved God and His Plan, but that was full of themself and their own will, tried each day to empty their heart in order to live the Divine Laws. This soul was preparing themself for the critical times of the planet, in which they knew that only unconditional love and obedience would be the foundation for the transformation of the old human being into that one the Creator expected.
Praying one day to the Lord, and asking Him for guidance for the end of times, this soul said: "Lord, it is difficult for me to become empty of myself, of my ideas and concepts, of that which I believe to be correct and the best for You; it is difficult for me to silence my voice in order to hear Yours and trust when You become manifest through my brothers and sisters. Tell me, O God, what I can do to live in Your obedience to You, in Your Love and in trust, and to remain in Your Will for the times that will come."
And contemplating the sincerity of this soul,the Lord responded: "Little soul, I created you and I know your strength, a strength that must be surrendered in order to make room for My Power, which is still unknown to you, because you make more room in your heart for yourself than for Me. For each one of My children, I have inexhaustible gifts, the potential not only to lead a life on Earth with wisdom but to transform universes.
However, My children are imprisoned within themselves, within all that they have mistakenly conquered and learned throughout their evolution on Earth.
They have learned that to grow is to constantly affirm and re-affirm themselves in their own will, and they miss all the wonders and true gifts that I grant to those who are empty of self.
For this reason, little soul, recognizing your ignorance is the first step; silencing and refraining your impulses is the following step; in prayer, be observant of all of life´s gestures of life, and only give your opinion when it is requested. Before disagreeing with another's will, first, live in obedience. Do not want to place your will above those of others, without first accepting what they ask of you. I forge your consciousness and transform your human pride through those whom I sent so that they may serve with you. Therefore, practice unconditional obedience and expose your feelings only when they open the way to you.
Discover the flow of the laws and, while you do so, you will be within My Grace, and it will flow over you like a stream of wisdom when something is given to you to lead. Meanwhile, little soul, experience trust, obedience and love, and for you they will become a source of transformation and surrender. And you will reach Me and you will represent Me in the world and beyond it, for I will empty you of yourself and make of your heart My dwelling."
May this dialogue inspire you to live in obedience and love, so that you may make room for God to express Himself within your hearts.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
IX - At Each Instant, Surrender to the Creator
A soul, passionate for God and willing to surrender to Him with all their heart, prayed and sang, every day, offering Him their life, love, each space of their being. And one day, among their daydreams and offerings, the soul said to the Lord: "Lord, I surrender my life to You, my heart and eternity, to always be within You. I surrender all that I am, and I would spend eternity at Your Feet, in prayer, because I only aspire to be within You forever."
And looking at it with love, the Lord responded: "Little soul, who with sincerity aspires to surrender yourself, surrender yourself then at each instant of your life, surrender to Me your being, not only in prayer, but also in each act and thought of your day.
Surrender yourself to Me serving your neighbor, saying yes to Me tirelessly, in the eternal overcoming of yourself. Surrender yourself to Me in silence, renouncing to give your opinion in order to welcome the wisdom and advice of your neighbor.
Surrender yourself to Me, allowing others to grow and find their place in My Plan, while I grow within you. Surrender yourself to Me renouncing your wills and living, in obedience and resignation, that which I thought of for you. Surrender yourself to Me with pure thought, not judging, criticizing or attacking your fellow beings with your mind and your heart.
Surrender yourself to Me in the effort to love your neighbor and to always set an example of a patient and compassionate heart. Surrender yourself to Me with sincerity, with life, with transformation, with the desert or with joy, with sorrow or with bliss. Surrender yourself to Me at each instant, thus you will know that I live within you, because you not only opened the door fof your heart to Me, not only of your heart but of your whole being."
May this dialogue with God teach you, children, that the surrender to the Creator must be at each instant and in everything in life; the surrender is full, complete and unconditional. In this way, you will learn to be within God; you will also allow Him to stay and be within each one of you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
VIII - Pray without Ceasing
A soul that was awake and willing to enter the celestial mysteries, prayed every day to God and asked for His help to detach from the world and to not fear Heaven. That soul feared suffering, the transition of the times and the change on the planet, because all this was unknown to them.
So, one day, questioning the Lord, the soul said: "Lord, I believe You are God and that beyond this life there is a greater Life. I know we are experiencing a great illusion but, immersed in it, I am not able to understand the truth. I fear the change of the times, I fear the suffering of the world and I fear everything that we are supposed to experience before the Return of Christ. Will you be able to defeat this fear in my heart?"
And contemplating this little soul with a gaze of compassion, the Lord answered: "When a heart is within Me, it experiences everything in a different way. For them, suffering transforms into an offering and loses its weight, converting pain into a greater Love.
The transition of the times and all that humanity will have to go experienced through will be experienced in a different way by those who are within Me. Their eyes will see the confusion of the world, and within them will lie wisdom. Because I tell you, beloved soul, that it will not be the plagues, the movements of nature or the signs in the sky that will cause souls on Earth to suffer. It will be the ignorance and their disconnection with higher life that will cause them to be lost.
The foundations upon which they used to sustained themselves, tirelessly seeking a life of pleasure and comfort, will no longer exist, and this will be the greatest sorrow of humanity, the root of all suffering.
That heart that is within Me will not fear, because I will give it peace and will strengthen its faith. And the more you pray, the more you will be within Me and I will grant you wisdom. And within the confusion and darkness of the world, your souls will be like beacons showing the way, and you will thus be the salt of the Earth and the light of the world. And My Words will be fulfilled, and the fulfillment of the prophecies will also bring you peace. For this reason, do not fear, but pray and be persistent in your fidelity, because I have chosen you to be a light at the table, and this is your destiny."
May this story strengthen you, may it dispel your fears and place you in the correct direction so that you may pray and not stop praying, and thus find peace.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thirteenth Poem
Most Holy Mother of Truth,
take from our eyes the veils that blind us
so that, freed by You from illusion,
ignorance and indifference,
we may recognize the majestic Work
of Christ on Earth.
Lady of Divine Justice,
lead us to commit ourselves every day
to the Sacred Commandments.
No one, more than You,
was the obedient example of God
on the surface of the Earth.
Therefore, we supplicate to You, sweet Lady,
make us love each Divine Law
so that our lives may be mirrors
of transparency, fidelity and commitment.
May our emotions not confuse us.
Make us see reality
in each moment of life
so that we may learn
and, thus, the divine gift of Your maternal Wisdom
may descend upon us,
because, dear Mother, we need
to mature and respond as apostles of Christ.
Impel us to seek awareness in everything.
May our responses to the Divine Plan
not be personal or impulsive,
but, rather, may they be responses in accordance
with wisdom and discernment.
May we, now and forever,
be guided by the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Ninth Poem
Mother, Doorway of Wisdom,
help us accept and understand
these times.
Impel us into the emptiness of self
and into the complete giving of our beings.
May there be no conditions or forms
for our service.
That everyday we may do things
for love and nothing else.
May we manage to imitate Your Son
in all the attributes
of His divine and unfathomable spirituality.
Lady of the Angels,
protect all those who follow
the call of Your Heart.
Envelope us with Your Mantle of Light and Healing
so that our difficulties and traumas may be dissolved,
because we only aspire to be
in Your arms of maternal Love.
Console us, Virgin of Peace,
when we feel that we no longer have the strength
to continue on.
Make us see, in each learning experience,
an opportunity of overcoming and surrendering.
Dear Mother, may we not fear illness,
loneliness or the end of times.
Sustain us,
so that, under Your unconditional Spirit,
we may learn to surrender without interests,
just as Your Son did out of Love for humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
On each new day, rise with a heart full of gratitude.
May your first thought be permeated with gratitude for the gift of life, gratitude for every lesson this day will bring, gratitude for all the Graces received, gratitude for still being able to get up and serve, love and transform yourself according to the Will of God.
Gratitude, child, will allow you to grow humanly and spiritually because the one who is grateful does not become involved with human weaknesses, but rather they are integrated with the Divine Grace and Mercy that they receive from God, every day.
The grateful heart becomes aware that everything it can do in this world is little to repay and multiply the Love that it receives from God.
Gratitude elevates consciousnesses beyond the dimensions of chaos and places them in a state of grace so that they may know how to deal with every situation in life with wisdom and discernment, imprinting the Will of God, and not their own, in all things.
Therefore, elevate yourself through gratitude and, at every moment of the day, remember to be grateful to God for everything. In this way, you will be in the world, yet belonging to the Heavens, and the Kingdom of God will be able to express itself through you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear son, dear daughter,
Do you believe in the power of prayer? Have you perceived its different effects and phases?
Prayer possesses a power still unknown to human beings.
Let prayer reveal its transforming and redeeming power within you.
Submerge into the spiritual science of prayer so that you may perceive the action of its currents and rays.
This is the time for coming to know the powerful instrument of prayer so that souls may learn to be in communication with that which is divine.
Prayer reveals its elevation, its forgiveness, its reconciliation and its healing to you. Prayer can lead you to understand life and its meaning.
Let prayer transmute you and, at the same time, make you a participant in the Wisdom of God.
May the power of prayer inspire you to always find the meaning of each moment and time.
Prayer will make you free when you enter into communion with it.
Let prayer redeem your being and your consciousness. Establish the sublime temple of prayer within yourself so that it may resound in your being and thus, elevate your consciousness.
Persevere in this daily practice.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
What to do with the divine knowledge that is revealed to you?
Place each word, each impulse, each memory within the depths of your heart and, with simplicity, be thankful toward God.
In this way, in the silence of your inner world, you allow the knowledge to change into wisdom, and the wisdom to attract new Laws that will draw you closer to God and transform you, bringing you back to what you truly are.
Reflect, child, upon each word pronounced by God to your heart. Not to analyze them with your mind, but so that the vibration that was transmitted to you may be a path of return for you toward your celestial origin and, in this way, your spirit may be strengthened in its union with universal life and everything that weighs upon you in this world may be transformed.
May your eyes be illuminated by a new light that, reflected in life, will allow you to see the colors and tones that you could not see before.
May this very divine light illuminate your inner world so that, in its warmth, your soul finds peace and, in its clarity, it finds the answers for so many questions that remained within your heart.
May gratitude be the master key of all your thoughts before each questioning and before each inner search.
In this way, child, you will open the correct doors that will lead you into continuing your path of ascension.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Knowledge that comes from God touches your consciousness, allow it to reach your heart and be transformed into wisdom.
When the Knowledge that comes from God touches your consciousness, allow it to awaken within you that which was half asleep and forgetful of Higher Truth, of its origin, not only celestial but also cosmic, forgetful of the purpose of your life and the true goal of your soul.
This is the cycle of the revelation of Divine Knowledge, because for the Time of God to come to the world and reveal His hidden Kingdom on Earth, at least a part of humanity must be aware of this spiritual and subtle, planetary and divine Kingdom.
And so, allow the Knowledge that comes from God to transform, awaken and prepare you for the cycles that will come, in which your inner fortitude must be founded upon faith, as well as upon wisdom.
And when everything is fulfilled, your consciousness will be ready to enter into greater realities, into the Kingdom that transcends this world and which unites you with God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part V
Only true love, which flows out from a humble and pure heart, will allow the heart to understand and realize the meaning and inner reason for why the life of a community is extremely important to God, as a part of His Project.
By having a humble heart, one is capable of going through the thresholds of personal ideas or moments of illusion that a consciousness may be experiencing.
In synthesis, love is capable of opening the doors toward wisdom, it is capable of overcoming mistakes and even hidden pain.
The Community must not only express its own life, but it must also be a future space where new seeds may germinate, which are the souls that come to awaken to inner life and to the possibility of demonstrating their virtues and talents.
It is in this way that the Community becomes a space rich in virtue and talent, and all these impulses of building and of daily dynamics elevate the consciousnesses of the members of the Community, allowing them to perceive, beyond needs, the fundamental essence of each stage of learning that may be presented.
The Community is a place to learn rather than to distort the new patterns of behavior. I am not speaking of extreme rigidity nor of militarism, I am referring to the possibility of moving from the commonality of humanity to the unusual, to that which is not commonplace nor static.
In this sense, the Community can express different schools, which will help its members so that they may learn to participate in that which is spiritual and internal. In this way, they will be able to perceive higher levels and interpret the signs of the stars, which are the symbols of the lessons and experiences that the Community itself can live. And, thus, they may understand what is learned in each cycle, so that this cycle may be renewed and expanded within the consciousnesses of all.
The Community is a space where souls will be able to perceive at which level they are, and how to continue advancing through their spontaneous awakening.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
From time to time, the Words and impulses of God are renewed, even though at His core they may be the same principles that seek to lead humanity to an expression of Divine Will and Thought.
Since the era of the Patriarchs, and long before them, God had already spoke to humankind, corrected their paths and guided their steps so that, according to the human understanding of each period, beings would be able to experience the attributes of surrender, yielding, charity, love and all the Gifts that, at the origin of human existence, the Holy Spirit manifested within the essence of each being.
When humankind was in need of justice, God spoke to them with justice.
When they had need of wisdom, God spoke to them with the wisdom and the science of the Spirit.
When they had need of peace, God spoke to them with peace and transmitted the peace of His Kingdom.
When humankind was completely lost and only a step away from disappearing as a race and as a Divine Project, God sent them His Son to break the veils of illusion and open the eyes of beings to that which their true purpose is.
Today, children, humanity needs to experience a synthesis of all that it has learned through the errors and successes of its evolution.
For this reason, God comes to you and speaks to you with pity and with justice, with silence and with science, with love and with Mercy, bringing your spirits into awakening, to righteousness, to maturity and to surrender, because within you are all the impulses that, as humanity, you received over the course of time.
And today, each divine word comes to make you remember and to place you in a position never achieved before by humanity, because it is time to redeem the old and live the new.
Thus, listen to each Word of God and receive each impulse of His. The history of humanity is rewritten every day through your lives.
In spite of all the difficulties, know how to say "yes" and, in this way, everything will be accomplished.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Light of the Return will come from the heights of the White Mountain, and the Americas will be blessed by a Grace of liberation and peace.
That Light will then descend from the White Mountain, but it will remain within it for three days until the majority of people will have seen it and recognized it.
They will give it many names and causes, but only a few will recognize what it is.
Nobody will be able to draw close to that Light, because it will be so strong that it will dazzle the curious and the opponents.
It will bring Grace and wellbeing to the oppressed and many, indeed many will recognize their infidelity to God too late.
Those who repent in time will be touched by the Grace and wisdom of that Light, and everything will begin again.
Nobody will be able to hide that Light which will come from the Mountain, for it will not be material, although everybody will see it with their physical eyes, it will be a more impactful and revealing Light than the Star of Bethlehem. It will shine more than the Sacred Mantle of the Virgin of Guadalupe. It will have more power than all nations, which believe themselves to be powerful.
That Light will come for the just, for those who asked for Mercy, for the unfortunate, for those who cry out for peace and freedom.
And, at last, that Light will descend, and everything will be revealed. The White Mountain will be the witness of this entire occurrence.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more