Go, child, to the aid of souls who suffer, souls who, in the loneliness of their heart, carry the weight of hopelessness, despair, discouragement, souls who are searching for a meaning to their own life and have need of help to find the Light of Divine Purpose again.
Go to the aid of souls and give meaning to your existence through service, prayer and the Sacraments, which lead essences to a return to their divine origin.
Go to the aid of souls, listen to the hearts that suffer, remain by those in need of support in order not to fall into the abysses that are so close to their feet.
Through true prayer, hold the hand of the Children of God who need to return home. Be a bridge so those souls can find the path to the Celestial Dwelling Place again.
Go child, go to the aid of lonely and forsaken souls, those who committed to Christ, but have become lost in the murky and rough waters of the end of times.
Let your heart be an island of salvation, let your spirit itself be the bridge and doorway so those in need of rescue are able to be helped. This is what you are called to live today.
Through the emptiness of yourself, allow Christ to use you as His instrument, because the only things that will rescue souls in this time are Unity and Love. These are the two keys that turn on the Light of an inner world that is in darkness; this is the hand that reaches out to a soul imprisoned in deep abysses.
Thus, through the virtue of service, practice the gifts of Love and of Unity, because souls have need of rescue and of Light in this world that is being extinguished from the inside out.
In times of an ever greater chaos, be a bridge of Love and Unity for souls.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children:
I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who walks beside Her children to guide them and lead them to God.
I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who illuminates the paths of the Children of God.
I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who opens the doors and hearts so that they may be touched by the Love of God.
I am the Lady of the Path, the Mother who protects the path of those who follow the Footsteps of Christ.
I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who assists and gives help to those who ask Me for it, I am the one who accompanies, internally, the path of the apostles and servants of Christ.
I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who silently sustains the transformation of the human heart, I am the Mother who contemplates each honest and true step of those who surrender to My Beloved Son.
I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother in bare feet. I am the Slave of the Lord, I am the one who offers herself perpetually to guide the flocks of Christ.
I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who diverts from Her children the abysses and traps of the enemy, I am the one who dispels darkness from the path of My children through the Love of Christ.
I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who, patiently and prayerfully, awaits all the companions of Christ to reach the goal of their inner path.
I am the Lady of the Path, I am the Mother who accompanies you at every moment of life, because My desire is that all of you, through your paths, reach God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
Today I pray that the Immaculate Heart of Mary may provide shelter to the lost souls that cannot find meaning within their lives, that are confused and do not know the reason for their existence, that do not know the Love and the Grace of God.
Today I pray that the Immaculate Heart of Mary may take in the fragile souls that struggle to be faithful and give way to the temptations of the world, becoming lost in vices, which yield to chaos and evil.
I pray that the souls that cry out for help see the arms of the ever-Virgin Mother of God reaching out to the world. May you take those firm and delicate hands, which cross the universes and the Heavens, in the face of the Law of Justice, and they pour out Mercy upon the world.
I pray that the Immaculate Heart of Mary may be known, that souls may know how to revere the Love of a Mother that deters the Laws and the Anger of God, and cries out for Her most lost children.
In times of transition and definition, children, I pray that souls understand that the Love of the Virgin Mary goes beyond all human understanding. She takes even the most lost souls by the hand and leads them to the Son, Who leads them to God.
Know how to pray with the Most Holy Mary, not only for peace, but also for forgiveness, for hope, for the salvation of the greatest sinning souls, because it is She, children, Who cries out to the Firstborn to place His attention upon the water that must be transformed into wine; She is Who supports the cross of Her children, Who perseveres beyond sorrow, Who remains standing; it is She Who teaches you to serve in silence, to manifest and perpetuate the Plan of God, even when God seems to be absent. She teaches you to be in the Father, in all circumstances, making of your own lives the doorway to the Kingdom of God.
For this reason, I pray, so that today She not only be honored but, above all, you may live in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-seventh Poem
Final Act of Consecration
to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
on the Occasion of the Marian Month
Venerable Queen of the Angels,
protective and invincible Shield of lost souls,
immediate Help of all Christians,
Celestial Intercessor and Mediatrix,
Immaculate Temple of the Wisdom of God,
Mirror of Divine Justice,
Patroness of all nations and all peoples,
Lady of the Most Holy Rosary,
we thank You for being present in our lives,
and we offer You our whole beings
so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled in us.
United to Your eternal Rosary of Light,
we consecrate ourselves as Your praying children
and legionaries of Your loving consoling Heart.
Help us to stand up from our falls
so that, walking firmly
towards the encounter with Christ,
we may be the living victories of redemption
and peace in this world.
We crown You, Most Holy Virgin,
we thank You, Mother of Love,
we revere You, Rose of Peace.
May Your Mantle of Light envelop us
along this journey of life
so that we may serve God with all our hearts.
Accept our consecration.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Eleventh Poem
Eternal Lady of Light,
invincible and immaculate Power,
Sustenance for those who need You,
Divine Love for those who seek it,
make us discover God within
so that any adversity or challenge may be overcome
through the spiritual assistance that You give us,
Divine Mother.
On this day, we ask You
that You may always guide us towards Your beloved Son.
That in the unconditional service of our lives,
we may recognize the Face of Christ.
That, in each opportunity to give of ourselves,
we may understand the importance
of the Plan of Love for humanity.
Thus, Most Holy Mother,
we will be free of ourselves
so that, each new day,
our surrender and offering may be deeper and deeper.
Dear Mother,
protect each one of our steps.
Help us to find humility and silence
in the rhythm of life,
because we aspire to imitate You
in contemplation and silent prayer.
Therefore, Mother, we surrender before You
so that Your most pure Heart
may bless us forever.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
First Poem
Consoling Heart of Mary,
Mirror of Love and divine trust,
we surrender into Your arms in humility
so that, just like Jesus,
we may be filled by Your most sweet Love.
Immaculate Heart of Mary,
untiring help of those who cry out to You,
immediate aid of those who call upon You,
unchangeable and eternal assistance,
we ask You, now and forever,
that we may be part of the promises of Christ
so that the triumph of Love
may be a reality within humanity.
Beloved Mother,
as Your servants, we consecrate ourselves,
as Your children, we commit ourselves
to the prayer of the heart
so that many more hearts
may achieve hope and redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Pray, child, for the most lost souls that, even in the illusion of their material bodies, inwardly recognize the Light and seek for help.
Pray for those who came to the world to experience an opportunity of forgiveness and redemption and who were meanwhile confused by all the stimuli of the world and became lost.
Pray, because the souls that are today confused will no longer have other chances for evolving and growing, and they will retreat into the abysses of the world and their own inner self, simply for having chosen to be in the illusion and within deceit.
Pray so that the Heart of God may touch the hearts of His children and that you may be a light on the path of those who are blind and do not recognize the pathway upon which they must walk.
Let your heart always be full of pity and compassion for those who are lost, because this is not only the end time for the old human being; this is also the last chance for many souls.
Fill your heart with God and feel with His feeling and with His Love; think with His Wisdom and live with His actions, inspired by His Spirit, so that you may be an instrument for the encounter of souls with themselves, with their inner truth and with God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let those who are tired and overwhelmed come to Me.
Let those who purify themselves and learn to be redeemed come to Me.
Let those who suffer and endure the consequences of these times come to Me, for I can renew all things, I can provide understanding for all situations and experiences.
Let those who need peace the most come to Me, and I will carry them within My Heart so that they may feel encouraged and have the strength to know that every test or situation has an end and reason for every being.
Come to Me, all those who need meaning in life, and an explanation for all that has happened, for I will have you understand with your heart all that you need to understand.
In this time, come to Me, and you will be able to recognize your worthiness before the Celestial Father and, in this way, you will know that you were always His children, and you always will be, you will not lose the spiritual paternity that you can experience with the One.
Come to Me and all will pass, for whoever comes to Me learns to truly love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I am the Guardian of the night, and it is during the night when the Guardian of souls protects His sheep so that they may be under His Mantle of Light and of Love.
I am the Guardian of the night, and it is in that moment in which, in the inner planes, I call upon My sheep to bring them in and protect them within the Stable of My Heart.
If you call upon the Guardian of the night through a feeling of love, of faith and of prayer, He will always be there to unconditionally accompany you and to guide you on the safest path.
I am the Guardian of the night, and it is in that moment that your Lord enters into vigil and prayer, in order to help and assist the hearts that cry out and ask for it.
I am the Guardian of the night and, in that moment, I take everyone towards the Universe of My Light so that they feel the relief and the Grace of being able to find Me again, every time they need it.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Find strength in prayer, in the thought of the return to the Origin, in the certainty of the return of your Lord to the world.
Find strength in what unites you to the Truth, in the giving of your heart and of your life, in everyday service through the aid that you can provide to the ones next to you.
Find strength by being true and transparent, expressing the essence of God that lies within you and not seeking outside of you for ways of being that seem to please the others.
Find strength in God, in the essence of Love that dwells within you and in everything. You will be able to find Him in quietude, hear Him in adoration and communicate with Him by praying with sincerity.
In these times, child, the world will try to weaken you, to make you give up, to suffer and anguish. But it is enough that you may know how to find your strength in what is true, in that which comes from God, from His Eternal heart.
He will be your breath, your encouragement and your perpetual renewal, so that you can persist until the awaited for day of being face to face with your Celestial Creator.
Find your strength in God, your God and the God of life. Within Him there will always be renewal for your heart and your spirit.
Do not forget what I am telling you. May My words echo within your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Stand up, breaking the barriers and difficulties. The Heart of Aurora is the one that causes its light to pulse amidst the darkness and rises like the sun, breaking the darkness of the night.
Stand up, raising your voice to proclaim the divine triumph within you. The Heart of Aurora is that which holds the Purpose of God for humanity and heals beings, repeatedly reminding them of their origin, until Divine Will is fulfilled.
Stand up, throwing out of your heart that which carries you into the abyss, that which causes you to retreat, to desist. Raise a cry for help, raise a cry of triumph and of faith, so that your voice may be heard to the ends of the Universe, in the Heart of the Creation of God. The Heart of Aurora is the one that rises up and knows how to be reborn from the ashes and to make all those who say "yes" be reborn with it.
Never desist. Never retreat. Let the resistances and the human degeneration break, but not the fortitude of the essence that keeps you standing and causes you to walk toward God.
You have My blessing to advance.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today, for you and in this hour, I bring My Solar Mirrors of Mercy that, like extremely potent powerhouses of transmutation, transform deep and unknown human conditions.
These Solar Mirrors are those that, in this cycle, are drawing closer to the planet to spiritually aid humanity and assist in the balance of the consciousness of the planet.
These Solar Mirrors of Mercy are united with the different Sources of Creation and, from the Spiritual Universe, they emanate codes and impulses that lead to the awakening of the sleeping consciousness and to the search for the path of the Truth.
These Solar Mirrors also work with the aspects of the human being, helping them in the sublimation of the consciousness so that the path of redemption may be experienced according to the Will of the Father.
To contact and unite with the Solar Mirrors of Mercy, it is enough to pray from the heart at three in the afternoon. This will make it possible for there to exist, on the surface of the Earth, at least one consciousness that recognizes this special spiritual assistance and, in this way, the necessary aid may descend for this crucial time for humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
May each instant of your life be a mission offered to the Creator. Find in each event an opportunity to serve, renounce, love, understand, so that the Christic principles may flood your acts and be installed within your consciousness and thus, child, enter into the depths of human consciousness, there where thoughts, feelings and actions are generated.
Understand each moment as the right moment to be offered as an instrument to the Father and, even if it is to those who are next to you every day, be a source of peace, of grace, of healing, through which the Rays, that come from God in help of humanity and all life upon the Earth, can flow.
Remind your consciousness of its purpose in this world. You already know that you have come to the world to live a Greater Law which restores life and the evolution of all creatures of God.
In your smallest actions, imprint this purpose of peace. Thus, child, you will be in God and He will be within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Like the singing of the birds that praise the Most High, dear children, today I proclaim the Sacred Words of God so that all inner worlds may hear them.
Thus, from Heaven, I descend to the Earth to be among My children and bring to each of them what they need as aid and relief for this intense moment of purification.
For this reason, I descend once again upon Germany, and this descent of your Heavenly Mother also has repercussions in the other sister nations of Europe, which are touched by the Mercy of God so that souls may awaken to the encounter with their divine and spiritual reality.
This is the time in which God grants to the world not only the flow of His Peace, but also the Work of His Mercy, so that there may truly be a change in human consciousness. A change that may help to relieve the planet and everything that the Kingdoms of Nature receive from the humanity of the surface.
Dear children, thus, for the first time, your Heavenly Mother comes to the city of Frankfurt to the encounter with good souls, souls that must forever erase their past, their history and their suffering so that the flower of God may be born again, so that it may illuminate again the essence of each of My children who, in service and charity to God, by means of fraternity, will be able to help change the world, will be able to conceive in themselves this consciousness that humanity needs to have at this time to learn to listen to God and to fulfill His purpose in this Universe.
My children, I come determined so that Europe may be able to open, even more, the doors to the Hierarchy, just as Germany has done, by receiving and welcoming the Sacred Hearts with love. This will also elevate the spirit of the Church and will allow, by means of its mystical body, that the fruits of the conversion of humans may grant to the world a longer time of peace.
Thus, today, your Heavenly Mother is present in Frankfurt because it is one of the places of Germany that has been contemplated by the Divinity to carry out the Works of God that will spiritually benefit Germany and the rest of Europe.
Therefore, through the light of the Mirror of My Heart, I come to ignite, by means of prayer, the light of the mirror of each heart so that in this cycle an important network of divine communication may be established between the essences and My maternal Heart.
All this will be possible by the continuous faith and prayer of all, effects that will have repercussions on the planet and in its humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When a nation cries out, listen to its clamor and pray for peace.
Sometimes, children, it is not only the souls of a nation that cry out for help, for liberation and for peace. Each nation has a spiritual life, a divine principle which was given to it, to guide its expression and the mission of its people.
The spirit of the nation is the consciousness that includes all life inhabited there, on different levels. It is the spiritual space that holds the purpose of God for all different peoples that inhabit the Earth. It is a living state of consciousness which keeps, protects and supports the evolution of nations.
The spirit of a nation assists its growth and influences the inner steps of the people who live there. Yet, in the same way, it is also influenced by the life of beings and by all that happens in that nation.
When peoples experience conflicts and, little by little, beings destroy their own essences by means of hatred and of the fear generated in wars, the spirit of this nation also gradually dies and distances from its purpose.
When a people chooses the path of darkness through its customs, habits and ways of living, the spirit of that nation is also influenced. For this reason, when the Creator can intervene in the planet through the prayers of His children, His Eyes also lie on the spirits of nations. When a people cries out through the souls who ask for help, the spirit of that nation cries out even louder.
The spirits of nations are parts of the spirit of the planet, they are bodies of that spiritual consciousness of the Earth, and all this is part of the science of Divine Creation. All this is part of the Plan of God for the evolution of His children.
In the beginning, when the Father created lands and seas, He also created the spirits of those lands and the spirit of seas. Everything within the Divine Creation is life. Therefore, children, learn to listen with your inner ears to the clamor that arises from the depths of nations, and unite to that request of peace and of redemption of the planet.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever you go, take the Love and the Grace of God with you so that those who meet you may feel the help and the Grace that comes from the Heart of the Father; feel that it is God Himself Who shelters them through His instruments.
Allow your gaze to be pure and transmit Mercy, may your actions be pure and transmit the blessings you have received from God.
Child, this world needs peacemakers who may themselves be instruments of peace for all beings. Your life must convert into prayer and into permanent service, because today it will no longer be words that transform souls, but examples that, in spite of being silent, will speak loud in this world, so in need of God.
For this reason, go, and on your pilgrimage, be aware of your mission not only while you pray, but while you live.
All beings on this Earth have a mission to fulfill, and many of those you find on your path need to awaken, and today I tell you that an act of mercy can change the life of a brother, just as much as a thousand prayers made with the heart.
Today, this is my petition to you: that you bring peace wherever you go; that you be peace for the world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dedicate your life to God through prayer, each day more sincere, profound and truthful.
Dedicate your life to God through your actions and your conduct that, in a transparent way, may transmit peace, fraternity and love.
Dedicate your life to God through service in the small things of your daily life, for it is there that the bridge to the higher life is built.
Dedicate your life to God through knowledge and wisdom, knowing that the closer you come to Truth, the closer you come to your Creator Father, to your Origin.
Dedicate your life to God by seeking to fulfill His Will, not in great missions, but in the mission of life, in the mission of loving and understanding others, in the mission of tirelessly assisting and obeying, in the mission of supporting and taking care of those in need, in the mission of letting yourself be cared for and loved by your own brothers and sisters, in the mission of transforming lovelessness and human indifference in your own heart.
Thus, child, dedicate your entire life to God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After opening the doors of your heart to live the gift of gratitude, child, may your being receive the blessings from God. With the blessings of the Most High, you must strengthen your inner world, your mission in service to this planet, especially through prayer.
Each day that goes by, nations spiritually cry out for help, and the Earth's own heart makes itself heard by those who are sensitive to the love and the true necessity of this world.
Thus, pray, and pray with fervor, offering the many Graces and blessings that you have received from Heaven, in the name of those who have nothing.
Pray for the heart of Africa, in a special way, so that despite all suffering, it not lose its purity and innocence.
Africa must be the symbol of this world's rebirth. From its core, life is originated, and after everything it has learned, from its core love must be renewed and overcome.
Pray so that the nations may transcend the purifications of this time, and on top of the calvary of this world, may the beings be able to forgive and love beyond all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a soul serves, the body gets tired, but when the heart is fulfilled in service, the spirit is gradually revealed and the being discovers the meaning of its existence, which lies in the love that it awakens while serving.
To serve may be to help someone who is tired, to comfort someone who is lacking hope, to understand the one who is not understood, to tolerate someone who is in their purification.
To serve may be to offer healing to a sick person, or to let the same love heal their heart; to feed someone who is hungry; to dress the naked; to visit the lonely; to bring joy to the one who is in darkness.
To serve may be to keep silence when the neighbor needs quietude, to pray when the neighbor needs prayer, to adore when the neighbor needs support and to make peace, because the world needs peace.
To serve is to be in this world, becoming what it truly means to be a human being, and carrying the cross of this time, which is the transformation of the human condition into the renewal of the Love of God.
To serve is to love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more