To My dear and courageous children of the House of Our Lady of the Poor
My beloved children,
Today, with joy and jubilation of Heart, your Heavenly Mother gathers you around the Merciful Heart of the Redeemer so that, in this cycle, the spiritual teraphim of the House of the Children of Mary may continue to bear fruits of love, conversion and peace, not only in the families of this city, but also throughout the entire human family of the planet.
Dear children, from this day on, may you be able to make an internal synthesis of the steps that have been taken up to now.
Through the protection of My beloved Association Mary, the Messages of My Son, of the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and of His Divine Mother will be able to reach the world, and above all the families, through each Child of Mary who, in this cycle and the year 2025, must actively commit themselves to live the vows they professed with Me on the glorious day of their consecration.
Thus, the House of the Lady of the Poor will continue to lovingly serve the families, as it has been doing thus far; but the time has come that in every city, in every country or place in the world, where a consecrated Child of Mary exists and is present, the impulse of the Rosaries of Light, the impulse of charity to the poorest and neediest, and the service in this cycle to those deprived of freedom and to those who are held captive by the demon of drugs, I am referring to My youngest children, may be manifested and expanded.
Dear children, this is the time to put My Message into practice. It is the time for you to follow the signs that I will send you. It is the time for you to share the Graces of redemption that you yourselves received on the great day of your consecration. The House of the Lady of the Poor can no longer be just a space present in a city in the interior of Brazil.
This House, which I Myself have entrusted to you out of Love, must have its expansion and its roots through all the Children of Mary who can be instruments of Christ through initiatives of prayer, service and charity.
For this reason, I created the great network of souls on Earth to help your Heavenly Mother to help and assist those who are in spiritual and material danger in this cycle of renewal. The service to the sick and especially to those who are alone will also be important.
It is imperative, at this time, to share and spread the Love of God through actions that counteract the threats and infiltrations of My enemy.
Finally, My beloved ones, all of you and your brothers and sisters in the world will prepare yourselves for the next Sacred Week, through Lent. May each one of you live that inner synthesis to know what the next step will be.
As always, I will accompany you at that moment, I will encourage you and I will show you the universe of service that will present itself on your paths.
Courage to all the Children of Mary!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
Today, your Heavenly Mother contemplates in one of Her serving Hands an unbalanced scale and in the other Hand a chain, whose shackles are breaking.
What does this symbol mean to you, My children?
In a world where inequality and impunity rule the nations, what part of that inequality or impunity do you experience ?
In a world where the chains of spiritual and material imprisonment hold back the steps of My children's liberation, what chains are still binding your feet?
Meditate, children, and strive every day to be good people and good children, but above all, children of charity and goodness, who, at no time and under no circumstances, dare to close the door of your hearts to anyone, because you know that the world is an ocean of errors and imperfection.
But do not forget, children, the inner Light that lies and lives in each one; for that inner Light, in each one of My children, is perpetual and unquenchable.
Dear children, let your justice be your goodness and your love, first and foremost; for this is the time, and it is also the moment, for the Love of My Son to rule and reign in every life and in every moment. Do not forget this; for by keeping it in mind, you will help yourselves through the Love of Jesus and you will also help the world to turn away from all kinds of violence and evil.
As the Mother of loving Justice, as the Mother of the Justice that bestows the Love of God, I come to free you from yourselves, so that the world may be liberated.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
May all voices unite today in a sacred invocation to the Merciful Presence of Christ, so that, at this time, urgent causes may be assisted by the most honest and true prayers of the heart.
May the Supplicant Network embrace all souls under the Light of the Holy Spirit and may hearts receive the blessing they so long await.
In these days of perpetual prayer, may merciful hearts justify the threats that the world is experiencing so that, through the offering of the apostles of Christ, humanity may regain universal peace.
Dear children, as the Mother of Mercy, I also contemplate and accompany your inner needs.
May the prayer, offered in these days, be that sacred inner temple that allows us to receive the offerings of the hearts so that the Heavenly Father may contemplate them through the kindly gaze of the Mother of God.
May the gift of Divine Unity permeate spaces, consciences and hearts, so that in unity the Love of Christ may triumph, and in Christ, in spite of everything, souls may learn to rise again in charity, love and brotherhood.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear and beloved children,
On this day, I thank those who are present for coming close to My Heart to answer the call to pray with Me for peace.
Dear children, peace is so urgent in the world because most of My children are living in internal conflicts within their families and in the conflicts of nations.
When, out of love, you come close to Me, as you do today, and pray with Me for peace, a small door opens so that this peace, invoked by the prayer of the heart, may prevent escalations of wars and greater suffering.
Do you now understand, My children, that prayer is everything?
That is why, just as throughout the past seventeen years, I have taught you to pray, I would like you to spiritually establish more prayer groups; a school of prayer on Earth that serves as a spiritual mirror, formed by souls who always seek to answer My call.
And how will you achieve this, dear children?
You will achieve this by being a prayer yourselves through gestures of love, service, charity and help to those in need, without exception.
This means fully imitating the Holy Family, because today I want you to know that each one of you is considered a member of Our Divine Spiritual Family.
Let us continue to invoke peace by being an act of peace. Let us continue to invoke peace, without acts of repudiation or violence, because the world is deeply lost in so much violence and aggression.
May this end soon so that peace, tolerance and respect may be established among all.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
When the Divine Messengers are no longer manifesting Their Apparitions to the hearts of humankind, it will be the time and the hour to demonstrate to the world that the codes of Love and Wisdom of the Divine Source were placed in your hearts and have brought about results.
For this reason, you will be tested in mutual love, in faith, in compassion and in mercy. You will be tested in charity and in pity, so you may bear witness to what you have learned.
From your mouth will overflow what is in your hearts; your verb will demonstrate what there is within you. You will be tested in this way, by word and by silence, and the Creator will observe you so you may demonstrate, children, what you have learned in these times.
Will mercy and compassion, pity and truth come from your mouths? This is the time to measure your words and your silence, so that you may show the world what you truly are.
You will be tested through your actions. From your bodies will overflow what your consciousnesses are full of; your actions will demonstrate if you were capable of assimilating the Christic codes, or if they are hidden or even buried in the depths of the consciousness.
Souls today, children, have need of examples of souls that are capable of allowing the Christic codes they received to shine through.
Will your actions be of unity or of separateness?
Will you show charity or indifference?
Will you demonstrate love or mercilessly destroy?
Your beings will be tested in the mind and the emotions. Your thoughts and feelings will overflow with what your subconscious is full of.
Will you be capable of transmuting yourselves with the power of prayer and Eucharistic adoration or will you allow yourselves to be poisoned with the same collective thought and feelings that lead humanity into the destruction of their purest principles?
The silence of the Divine Messengers will not mean abandonment, children, but rather the moment of the last apostles testifying to the Christic life, of unity above the stimuli of war that permeate the human consciousness, of love above the stimuli of hatred, of forgiveness above the stimuli of vengeance and judgment.
This will be the time to transcend, from the inside out, the mundane stimuli, the feeling of power and superiority that has always led humanity into disunity and into destruction of their Higher Purpose.
Will you choose to go beyond your own thoughts and beliefs to unite and love or will you experience the same errors that, time after time, have caused you to become lost as a civilization? It is time to not only reflect, but to live; it is time to transmit peace to a world in wars.
From your mouth will overflow that which your heart is full of; from your actions will overflow that which your consciousness is full of; from your thoughts and feeling will overflow that which your subconscious is full of.
For this reason, pray and elevate yourselves, transcend yourselves and live this test of humanity, making known to the world that which you received in the last 17 years, which are Christic impulses of Love and Wisdom that must find expression in your lives.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
I rejoice to see you here, in this sacred house, a favorite place of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a space that gestates relief for the suffering of souls.
I want to tell you, dear children, that My Heart prays every day for the manifestation of the House of Saint Lazarus, a house that will be consecrated in honor of this important fact lived by My Son, Jesus, in the resurrection of Lazarus, so that souls that one day enter this space may receive within themselves the power of resurrection, through the care of love for those who suffer and for those who are sick in body and in spirit.
All of you are blessed by this project of the House of Saint Lazarus. In a short while, the doors of manifestation will open, and it will be the time and the moment, dear children, to work for the relief of suffering of the hearts that will seek peace, of many hearts that will appear seeking relief because they will not find it anywhere else.
Although this Project seems unattainable, for God it is not, because it is in His Will. And today I come as your Mother of the Relief of Suffering, to remind you of this request.
However, this mission of the House of Saint Lazarus is not the only one. This Light-Nucleus will expand its dimensions and spaces. This is why I ask you to ask yourselves internally if you are ready for this moment. Because while the planet and humanity suffer in an unknown way, God will place His Presence in some places of the planet, through spaces of light, love, charity and mercy.
I come here to tell you, My children, that I am with you, that I accompany each step and each moment of the concretion of the House of Saint Lazarus, as well as of the other projects through this Light-Nucleus, projects that someday will go beyond this city of São Carlos, projects that will also renew the Nucleus in São Paulo, so that it may re-emerge through the impulse of service that the self-summoned souls have lived throughout the times, because we are at a moment of emergency.
The Light-Nuclei must not only be spaces of salvation and rescue, they must also continue to be the archetype of a life experience, of a life consecrated to the Plan of God, of a life that may express the Community of Christ on Earth.
The pillars of the Light-Nuclei are sustained by the souls that present themselves in them, to take care of each space as if it were their very own life, just as you take care of yourselves.
Here, on the inner planes of this Nucleus, an Aspect of God reigns, which is the one that impels the work of charity, service and mercy, not only through the materialization of the House of Saint Lazarus, but also through the other projects of service that are lived here and those which will be lived here someday. Because there will be other projects that will gather other souls, different from you, but who will be embraced by the same impulse of Christ to express good and peace in a disturbed world, in an unbalanced society, in a family that needs unity.
Here the Aspect of Iod He Vaud He is present, which is the Aspect that represents the Spiritual Government of God for the Earth and the whole universe. I know that this is a very great conception for you and also for inner life, but do not worry, unite to Iod He Vaud He, so that He may inspire you, so that He may give you strength, so that He may grant you the bravery and courage to achieve and express His Will on Earth and in souls.
For a moment, think and meditate with Me, through each effort that has been made in the project of the House of Saint Lazarus, and for in the Project Fraternal Serving. How many souls have benefitted from this, not only incarnated souls, but also on the inner planes? How many have already achieved relief of suffering, even though the House of Saint Lazarus still does not physically exist? Do you understand, My children, how far the Love of God wants to go?
I know that you need something material to understand it, but I invite you to internally live the expression of the House of Saint Lazarus. Live the Law of Correspondence and all will happen according to what is written. If this project were not real for God, I would not be here today. This is why I come once again to reaffirm in you this Aspiration of the Eternal Father.
Beloved children, understand, once and for all, that the Eternal Father is the One who ardently wishes for the House of Saint Lazarus. Because in the end of these times, many, really many, must resurrect in spirit and also in life, through the miraculous and authentic service that this house will express through all the hands and, above all, all the hearts that give of themselves to reflect, within the House of Saint Lazarus, the fiery bases and principles of Figueira.
This treasure of the spirituality of Figueira is an incalculable treasure, it is a still unknown treasure, it is a Treasure of God, because it comes from His Heart.
You, beloved children, are part of this Legacy. Did you know this? Feel as part of this story that is written today in the mirrors, in the Mirrors of Creation, an experience of love and redemption of each one of you, so that many more, in a state of Grace and Pity, may attain the Mercy and the opportunity for the lives of many human beings to be dignified lives in the Lord, a part of His Kingdom.
Today, I embrace this house, this work and all its service with My Mantle and, above all, with My Arms. And I ask the Holy Spirit of God to inspire, guide and lead you, through His gifts, His seven gifts, toward His Will, the Will of God that is written in the heart of each one of you.
I feel so much a part of this work, dear children, that you cannot imagine. I would never tire of saying it, because where there is true love there is God, and where there is God there is the relief of suffering for all those who serve in His name, His Most Sacred Name, which gives you the power of overcoming and of transcendence, which every day grants you the Grace to stand up again to fulfill His Will, although you may have fallen.
These are My Words. This is also My aspiration: I will be the first to enter this House of Saint Lazarus, because I was a witness of the miracle that My Son, Jesus, worked with Saint Lazarus. Thus, once again, I will be a witness of the miracle that My Son will work in you and in your brothers and sisters.
Let us celebrate this moment through the Holy Eucharist, so that at the Altars of God may be presented the offering of each heart, each server and each collaborator who places their life into a project that continues to descend from Heaven to Earth.
Let us offer this moment.
I once again thank you for responding to My call. I bless you and encourage you to follow in the steps of Christ, His footprints of Light. I invite you to follow His Heart.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear children,
May the Light and Love of God always shine upon this House on the Hill; so it will be when you always aspire to live charity and service for those who suffer the most.
In these last twelve years of construction and manifestation of the spiritual hospital of Padre Pio in this place, you yourselves experienced what the value of human life means and, in all these years, you learned to protect it through the care and support of those who are most disadvantaged.
My dear children of the House of the Light on the Hill, I would like to tell you that the Purpose of this house was fulfilled according to the reason for which it was created: to give comfort and relief to those who suffer, including your closest brothers and sisters.
Dear children, I would like to encourage you once again to go forward, expanding the bases of healing and relief for those who suffer at all levels of consciousness.
Know that My Son Jesus has been on the path of service that you have traveled in these years, through all those whom you have helped and in all those who help.
Therefore, I would like you to contemplate the value of what it means to love in service. It represents that, through your own hands, you are at the same time welcoming and healing the Body of Christ through your most needy brothers and sisters.
The House of the Light on the Hill should always be that Light that is found in the darkness of life.
The House of the Light on the Hill should always be that spiritual father and mother with open arms, transforming the human condition itself through the sacred condition of service.
The House of the Light on the Hill shall always be the refuge of those who feel discarded and forsaken.
In the name of My Son, I thank all My brave servers of the House of the Light on the Hill for giving of themselves to those who need the most.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Hill
Dear children,
May consecrated life represent, to all those who follow this path, the beacon that illuminates the night on the face of the Earth.
May consecrated life be the bridge that unites souls to God through the experience of the Sacraments.
May the consecrated life reflect the Living Face of Christ so that those who most need love and peace will find it through the consecrated life.
Let us remember that consecrated life, in spite of going through its moment of purification, is part of the Mystical Body of Christ and that, being part of My Son, consecrated life has the joy of receiving an Extraordinary Grace from God.
May all consecrated life continue to walk, through faith, in the ardent quest to serve the Lord and to be close to His Divine Consciousness.
May consecrated life be strengthened and affirmed on this planet, so that the existence of the New Christs may soon become a reality.
I pray day and night for all consecrated life, so that it may be an instrument of peace and charity in the world, so that it may reach those who suffer the most and endure the absence of peace and love.
Through consecrated life, may My Son prepare His Return to humanity, because consecrated life will be the space where Christ will affirm His next Work of the redemption of the world.
To all those who aspire to consecrated life, may they aspire to live it, for it is in the depths of their being that Christ must govern and work for the whole world.
Consecrated life is the flame that can never be extinguished on the entire surface of the Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of consecrated life
Dear children:
After the coming of My Beloved Son to Argentina, as Mother of all and Lady of Lujan, I come to bless you for the last time.
I will continue praying for you, My children of Argentina. In this way, despite the traumatic social scenario of the country, your hearts may be comforted by the Love that My Motherly Heart offers you at this time.
My beloved children of Argentina, I wish that you carry in your hearts all the impulses you received in these last days, as part of the merciful and compassionate gesture of God for an Argentina that must already prepare itself for the Return of Christ.
Meanwhile, I encourage you, My children, to perform works of charity and good deeds, and to think that every moment of service to those who suffer, you will be doing it as a true act of reparation; thus, violence and mistreatment among the members of the human family may be eradicated from Argentina and hope, strength and faith, which has already dissolved in many hearts, may return to Argentina.
My children, your Mother and Lady of Luján asks you to be forerunners of the hope and joy that the Gospel gives you, because in this way more needy hearts in Argentina will have the Grace to be reborn in love and goodness.
I thank you, My children of Argentina, for having accompanied each of the steps of Our Sacred Hearts.
Go forward, My children of Argentina!
Who thanks you and blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján
Dear children,
When a soul does not accept or does not embrace the Will of God in depth, it is a soul that sends a message to the universe, telling it that it will do its own will. See, in this, the example of the lack of consciousness and discernment of the ones who decide for themselves.
The Will of God is not a regulation, it is an unknown expression of His Love.
The Will of God is not authoritarian, it is a reflection of the Father's Charity for all His Children.
The Will of God is not restrictive, it is the infinite emanation of His Wisdom and of His unfathomable Mercy.
When a soul fails to embrace this reality, it is prone to suffering; for, My children, there is no one else who humbly respects the freedom of His Children as God does.
When nothing seems to make sense, it is then that souls with the hardest hearts remember God; but as Mother, who has lived from the beginning in the Will of the Creator, I invite you to live the experience of embracing the Will of God so that you lose the control you think you have.
If you love the Will of God, you will know it.
If you live in the Will of God, there will be no limits for beings on the surface of the Earth to be living mirrors of that Will.
Just as the Truth of My Son sets you free, so shall the Will of God, step by step and in obedience, liberate you from yourselves.
Think how many times, day by day, you cease to live the Will of God and live your own will; a will that lacks foundations and, above all, that lacks love. Thus, My children, you will realize whether you are near or far from God.
As a Mother, I wish the good and the victory of Christ in those who decide to be nothing and who decide to live in the wise Will of the Eternal Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
After 1961, your Heavenly Mother, through the Virgin of the Carmel of Garabandal, came to the world, especially with Her Message to the Church, so that all who participate in the Church might have time to mend and correct themselves.
Although your Heavenly Mother, through the visionaries of Garabandal, was very clear and direct, with the help of Saint Michael the Archangel, the Message of Garabandal was not welcome nor was it respected. The same happened in La Salette.
Now, while humanity finds itself divided by war, by natural disasters; while humanity is indifferent and in some cases insensitive; while humanity faces the challenge of a collapsed and traumatized planet, still, the Message of Garabandal has not even been recognized.
This is why I come to ask the world and also the Church to no longer try to silence the Word of God.
I come to ask you for the holy places, blessed by the true Presence of the Sacred Hearts, to be recognized and accepted because, while all that which comes from God is denied, neither the Church nor any place of this wounded planet will be able to help in the face of all that is taking place.
I invite you to recognize the Presence of the Most High through Our Presence. While this honest and sincere gesture does not exist, My plentiful Heart, full of Grace, will feel pain for not finding spaces or hearts to pour out My Graces upon.
I invite the Church, outraged by defamation, by the lack of transparency and chastity, to surrender and ask for forgiveness, so that it may keep being a pillar of sanctity and charity and may no longer be sad news that compromises the spirituality of millions of people throughout the world.
It is time for each sector of this affected surface to recognize its errors and mend them, before My Son comes to separate the wheat from the chaff. There is but very little time.
I thank those who pray without expecting anything in return.
I thank you for responding and for openly listening to My maternal call.
Who always blesses you and prays for you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear and beloved children,
Today, with the golden Mantle and light blue Tunic of your Most Holy Mother, I come as the Mother and Lady of Ukraine.
I come to ask you that during these coming days of prayer and invocation to the Divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Son, you may place in your prayers the whole Christian religion of Ukraine so that, in the face of the tragedy of the war and destruction of peoples and families, My children of the Ukrainian Church may act in conformity with the Will of God, so that the Charity and Love of My Son not be replaced by the ideals and alliances of the war.
Unfortunately, certain political and religious pressures leave the apostles of the Universal Church of My Son vulnerable, because they are prevented from acting in a sensible way and with Mercy.
At this moment, as the Mother and Lady of Ukraine, I come to implore all Christians for fraternal unity so that the religions and beliefs may not adapt to the format of war and ideologies of vengeance. This is not what My Son has taught you all.
By the Passion and Death of Christ, may the rulers no longer use religion as a weapon of war and of mental pressure on the peoples of this humanity.
For this reason, we must pray with greater conviction and with greater awareness, because the Lady of Ukraine sees how Christianity and ecumenism are used so as to achieve personal objectives.
May the prayer of these days disarm these plans of My enemy.
As always, I am and will be close to all who unite to My Heart.
I am grateful to you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Ukraine
Dear children,
My feet again touch the blessed land of Fatima to dispel the darkness that reigns in distant Europe.
I come to be with you once again so that you may listen to the voice of the Sorrowful Mother who claims for peace and the end of war.
I bring, in My Heart, the sacred flame of the Divine Purpose, so that souls who are asleep may awaken to the reality of doing something for the one who suffers and for the one who is unprotected.
I am the Light of Aurora. I am the One Who can dawn in the hearts that opens to recognize Me as their Celestial Mother.
Dear children, the stage of the great service will now begin as well as the greater effort in Europe, Africa and the Middle-East so that the scales of inequality may be balanced and the poorest among the poor may receive the Grace of the dignity that they deserve.
For this reason, the Divinity will enter the neediest spaces; but the Divinity, through the Holy Spirit, will also dialogue with those hearts that must awaken to the truth and to kindness.
I, as Mother of the refugees and of the abandoned, will be praying by the side of each missionary heart that offers, in the name of My Son, to attract justice and human dignity to the world.
For this reason, I ask for the awareness of all those who will be accompanying from a distance the works of charity and of peaceful dialogue that will take place in the Northern hemisphere, because the time has come when each prayerful being must feel responsible for the Plan of the Return of Christ to be fulfilled in this humanity, no matter what.
Let us pray every day, placing these intentions in our hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Prayer Against World Impunity
may my voice never again
raise against my brother.
may nation no longer
oppose nation.
may weapons no longer be raised
and may no other consciousness lose its life.
O Celestial Lord!
have pity on our injustices and errors.
O Lord of Mercy!
make Your Light descend
upon this dreadful darkness.
may conflicts no longer be generated.
may the most vulnerable families
no longer be displaced.
may bombs no longer detonate.
may no one ever again be capable
of killing their fellow being.
O Lord of Life!
make us worthy of Your Kingdom.
O Lord of Peace!
may Your Sacred Celestial Universe
become alive and present in this world.
may the tears and blood of the innocent
no longer run.
may hate, revenge and impunity
no longer exist.
heal us from indifference.
heal us from omission and prejudice.
heal us from all evil.
May our hearts be pure.
May our works be charitable and good.
May Your Presence within us
close the doors to evil.
make us partakers of the Return of Your Son
for whom, with hope and faith, we wait.
By all the redemptive merits of Your Most Beloved Son
and by the perpetual prayer of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
may we see the emergence of a humanity of peace,
respect, tolerance and fraternity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Unexpectedly, I meet you in Germany, after you visited Me recently in Medjugorje. The Mother of God returns your visit at a crucial moment for humanity, in which misinformation, chaos and fear overwhelm millions of My children.
For this reason, I come from Heaven, not only for a Germany that I love with all My Heart and for which I pray, so that it recovers the Purpose of God, but I also come for all of Europe and all of Asia, for the souls subjected and persecuted in war and by the conflicts invented by humankind of the surface.
I want to tell all My children that I am the Queen of Peace, that you seek My Heart, because My Heart is for you.
Germany, throughout the last years, has been a host country for the most helpless, but this is not enough, My children, it is necessary that the other nations of Europe and the world be host countries so that everyone may live as a more inclusive, fraternal and charitable humanity.
I pray every day that the most hardened hearts may be opened so that they may feel the most helpless and poor, just as your Heavenly Mother feels for them.
If this step of fraternity is taken by the great nations of the world, humanity will not experience more pandemics, it will no longer know pain.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
From Heaven, I come to this ocean, I come to this sea, just as I did more than two thousand years ago, as a fisher of hearts. I come to invite you to again come aboard My Boat so that, in faith and hope, we may cross the oceans of consciousness, in which God lives, in which His Creation is latent, in which His Peace dwells.
A short time ago, I called you to step upon these oceans with your feet. Some have done this spiritually, but I still await those who have not done so, for those who have not dared to overcome the limitations of their minds and their consciousnesses in order to enter the mystery of Higher Life, of infinity, of the universe.
Today I come as this fisher of hearts, as That One who was at the banks of the Sea of Galilee to call upon the first apostles.
Today I come here, to meet My companions so that they may hear My voice and feel My Heart, so that they may receive My Love and My Peace, because we must cross the oceans of the end of these times.
From the great oceans of the planetary consciousness, the urgent needs of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature emerge, because the planet is on the verge of living its great birth.
The movement of the Earth is continuous. The changes bring events to an earlier moment. Everything becomes premature and the majority of souls are still not ready.
Just as I invite you to cross these oceans with your feet, have faith, because, in this way, your feet will not fail, and you will walk, like Peter, upon the waters, without being conscious of yourselves, but rather being conscious of the Truth of God.
My Father has delivered a Message for all of you and for the whole world.
My Merciful Heart, in spite of the suffering I see in the world, feels joy and bliss because Our Celestial Father has communicated with His children once again, just as He did many times with the ancient people of Israel.
Its descendants and its tribes must still prevail throughout the times, although this human civilization has sufficiently learned to self-destroy and wound itself.
Who will come aboard My spiritual Boat to cross these oceans and help your Master to launch the nets of salvation and planetary rescue into this universe of needs, of demands and emergencies?
When I formed the first apostles, more than two thousand years ago, I not only formed consciousnesses in surrender and in willingness to serve the Project of My Father, but I also founded the first missionary consciousnesses in humanity through service, charity and the Word.
These three pillars: service, charity and the Word. will be that which will heal humanity when the majority of My companions, especially those who still do not accept Me, understand that fidelity will always keep them in the Light and in the Truth because My enemy still keeps weaving his adversities and evil plans throughout the world.
Souls become stuck in his nets of capital sins, of ambition, of power, of lies.
Do not surrender to these projects of evil nor allow your brothers and sisters to be dragged or pushed towards the abysses of illusion.
As I told you at the beginning, these are times of emergency, these are times in which each one must serve Me wholeheartedly so that I can work and fulfill the aspirations of the Father.
My instruments in the world, that is, the souls that serve Me, must be these very nets that I can launch over the oceans of the emergencies of this world so that, not only may souls awaken, but they may also again find the truth they have lost, the inner truth.
Meanwhile, I wait for you here, in My Boat, on this ocean of the world, in which I am today, and I will be very attentive and open to receive your true and not fleeting offers.
I know it is not easy for the majority to surrender their lives for My Plan, and, above all, for My Will. I have seen that many made the effort, and few have managed to do it, and this should not be a reason for guilt or disturbance. I only ask you to give Me what in truth each one of you can give Me, because, in this way, I will not only be able to launch the nets of salvation, but I will also weave a net of Light, of Power and of Peace through the brave and available hearts.
You already know that the world agonizes at each moment that passes, at each day that goes by and is fulfilled, and the material necessities, and also the spiritual ones, grow.
Many souls have still not understood the Message that I delivered to you more than two thousand years ago through the Gospel. I invite you to study the parables again, because, in such simple and essential Teachings, you will understand everything I tell you.
During this Marathon of Divine Mercy, I invite you to pray for the expansion of human consciousness so that, beyond the material limits and the spiritual prisons that many souls in the world live, all hearts may receive the Grace of the expansion of consciousness so that they can transcend and overcome themselves, to the point of attaining higher degrees of love and service.
The great key of this time for the service of souls is missionary life, because, in missionary life, you will not only step out of yourselves, but you will also surpass yourselves by means of absolute self-giving and unconditional surrender, and, even more, companions, you will know, just as I know, the pain of the world, the indifference of souls, the cruelty of many hearts, the deprivation of many people, social and global injustice.
But I do not ask you to serve as missionaries of peace and fraternity only to see these things, I impel you to the missionary service so that you may heal the spiritual deprivation of this humanity. The more souls serve, the less will be the effects of the planetary purification, the less will be the consequences of the climate and even of global warming.
Today, I do not send this Message through a religious message, but rather I send this Message through My Divine Consciousness, which is the emanation of the Consciousness of the Truth of God, because I also know that many of My apostles, of My companions, have felt ashamed in the face of what they have seen in My Church upon the surface of the Earth.
I do not ask you to believe in them, I only ask you to believe in Me, because I will never fail you, and I am fulfilling My Word, that I am returning to the world, more each day, with greater power and consciousness, with greater determination and spiritual strength.
From My Heart the Government of the Heavenly Father will emanate so as to again raise this sick and wounded, destroyed and self-annihilated humanity.
I will take the false scepter of power from the hands of those who govern, and, with your own eyes, you will see that no stone will be left upon stone.
If you see, in these times, that the planet expresses its rebellion, its agony and its pain, do not fear, this is the sign of the final time of the Armageddon, because, somehow, humanity must be purified of all it has done throughout the times. Everyone will receive what corresponds to them by Law, nothing will be out of place, although many put everything out of place and believe they will come out unaffected by the events of the planet.
I will remove the monarchy from this world, a corrupt and indivisible monarchy for those who believe they live it, because this human project is unique and will be fulfilled with those who, by faith, service and hope will repopulate the Earth with new attributes of evolution and love.
Because the Return of your Master will not only place in order the whole chaotic planetary situations of the peoples, nations and even of nature; the Return of your Master and Lord will be very similar to two thousand years ago, when I was able to be closer to Mine, to instruct them, to strengthen them, to ignite the flame of Christic fire in the human heart. This is what I most expect and this is what I most aspire to experience during My Return.
It will not only be a universal and planetary order, it will be the moment when I will invite you to physically board My Boat, so that you may know Who God is, because I will tell you so.
I only wish to have in My Arms those who have so much asked Me for this, in these times. I only wish to place My Hand upon the anguished, disturbed and desolated hearts, upon the hearts that lack peace, that have lost faith, that no longer believes in anything nor in anyone.
My Love will transform the wounded hearts and re-establish union with the universe, of all those who lost it due to the injustice and shame of the men of this world, and even of My Church, because I will cause My Spiritual Church to spring up from the hearts of men and women of the Earth, of the children, of the youth and even of the elderly, and it will no longer be necessary for them to live bodily disease due to spiritual disease.
Hold on tightly to My Mantle and, in this way, I will not only protect you, but I will also sustain you with My Presence, which is the Presence of the Father, to go through, with courage and bravery, the end of these times.
From these oceans, I bless, renew and reconsecrate you to My Heart of Love so that the one thousand years of peace may be fulfilled.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
Build within yourselves, every day, through the prayer of the heart and acts of love, a strengthened inner space for God.
There is no other path, at this moment, to be able to find a safe way out. Only by building an inner enclosure of love will you allow the Living God, the One who created you in His image and likeness, to come and live within you.
My children, as part of the creator universe that this humanity is, I invite you on this day to remember that, without an inner world, strengthened in faith, prayer and charity, souls will not have the means they need to face these unknown times.
Therefore, as a Mother who loves you and wishes all of humanity well, announce to all that this is the path to find God within the heart.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You,
because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.
(3 times)
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Within My Heart weighs the reality of the world, the situation of the nations, the condition in which humanity is to be found.
Within My Heart weigh the difficulties of all Christians, the serious problems of the most indigent, the loneliness of the dying.
Within My Heart weighs the situation of this pandemic, which is the first crucial test of humanity in this time of planetary transition.
Within My Heart weighs the adversity in which many are submerged, and from that adversity, they cannot leave.
Within My Heart weigh those who are indifferent, those who omit the Call of God and, above all, those who received it once, and, up to today, have rejected it.
Within My Heart weigh many things, which I share with you today, which I reveal to you today, not for you to feel My grief, but rather for you to help Me transmute these situations of the world.
I come in search of those who still do not believe in Me and who have not allowed Me to enter their hearts.
I come for those who are still tepid and undecided.
I come for those who have not yet put their feet upon My Path and have not decided to find Me.
What relieves the sorrow of My Heart is a the good work, the consistency of the apostles of the last times, the sacramental life, the experience of the Gospel by means of the daily examples of life, the unceasing practice of the Commandments, the faith of the Christians and of the believers, the solidarity of those who look at the one who suffers and help them.
Those who relieve the sorrow of My Heart are also those who are consecrated and do not step back, those who remain united to Me in spite of the circumstances.
Those who relieve My Heart are those who do not doubt nor are they mistrustful, those who fulfill, step by step, what I request of them.
Those who relieve My Heart are those who decide to live their purification; those who do not get submerged in their own problems; those who do not compromise the Plan of My Father; those who understand reality, beyond themselves.
Those who live My Heart are those who serve untiringly, those who are available at any time and at any moment; those who understand the truth, beyond their ideas and feelings.
Those who make My Heart suffer are those who foster war, those who incite humanitarian crises, those who foster the displacement of the refugees.
Those who make My Heart suffer are also those who are aware and do not help, those who do not want to enter this situation and reality in order to be able to solve it.
Those who make My Heart suffer are those who govern, those who rule the nations and are out of the Law, those who no longer live the Word of Life, those who desecrate the Gospel.
Those who make My Heart suffer are those who have everything and do not share anything, those who keep their riches with fear, those who make a material illusion of their lives, those who do not care for the poorest.
Those who rejoice My Heart are those who persist, those who do not always look only at themselves, those who are fraternal and try, every day, those who, in spite of their errors, continue onwards and start from scratch.
Those who rejoice My Heart are the peace-makers, not only of the word, but also through example, those who work without delay for peace.
Those who rejoice My Heart are those who take refuge in Me, those who seek My Presence in the Tabernacle, those who in the Communion seek the Sacred Alliance with the Universal King.
Those who rejoice My Heart are those who adore the Blessed Sacrament and who, beyond forms, understand the immaterial message that the Sacred Monstrance emits.
Those who rejoice My Heart are those who are in contact with Me, those who aspire, day and night, to live in Me, those who seek My Presence and My Heart, beyond their battles.
Those who rejoice My Heart are those who live in My Faith, those who seek charity anywhere, those who are open to the changes and do not fear their resistances.
Those who wound My Heart are the omissive, those who know that they can do everything and do not do so, those who justify themselves so as not to change.
Those who wound My Heart are those who have received all the treasures of Heaven and have wasted them, those who do not have gratitude, those who forget compassion.
Those who wound and hurt My Heart are the proud, those who do not invoke sister humility, those who lose their time in their own processes.
Those who wound My Heart are those who forget My Message and My Word, those who have not had enough reverence for all they have received from Heaven, those who have not yet realized the Grace that fills them abundantly.
Those who wound My Heart are those who complain all the time, those who still have not seen My Presence pass before their eyes, those who have still not yet discovered the Mystery.
Those who wound My Heart are those who hinder the Plan, those who change My ideas and My Projects, at each moment, those who forget redemption.
But My Heart feels the joy, in its very depths, for those who take steps and do not delay, for those who do not fear the unknown nor lose control, for those who surrender at My Feet the power they believe they have, for it to be transformed.
Those who bring joy to My Heart are the kind and merciful, those who not only speak, but also live My Message.
Those who bring joy to My Heart are those who commune with Me and do not forget how important this Sacrament is.
Those who bring joy to My Heart are those who rejoice in My Good News, those who wait each month for My Message, those who are thirsty for Me.
Thus, today you are getting to know the infinite mystery of My Heart, of a Heart that still feels and beats for you, of a Heart that still lives for this world and for this humanity, of a Heart that is touched by suffering because it has known it in Its own flesh, in Its own Body, of a Heart that has become divine for you and gives you Its Mercy so that you can be redeemed and so that you can forgive.
The infinite mystery of My Heart prepares you for Armageddon, to cross the doors of the Apocalypse, to continue on, in spite of what may happen.
I want you to meditate today upon everything I have told you and reflect in sincerity with yourselves, because I no longer speak to children, but rather to adults, adults in evolution and in commitment.
The Work of My Mercy must be fulfilled through the consequent and responsible souls, through those who do not fear to say ‘yes’.
May all those who truly cry out and ask for help enter My Heart so that they may be a part of this joy and bliss that touches Me, so I can be present and contemplate those who move forward, because in this way they will no longer be thorns in My Crown, but rather rays that I will scatter over the world to grant it healing and peace, to once again bring the Kingdom of God to Earth.
Be postulants to rejoice in My Heart, because, in this way, I will be able to feel that you can understand what you live with Me and the responsibility that this has before God.
I will keep walking with firm steps, marking upon the ground the Footprints of Light so that My apostles may recognize them, and, in this way, they may tread the path that the Master is showing, at the end of these times, on this planet and within this humanity.
In this way, I once again sacralize you, and, by means of My Spirit, I give you Peace, so that this Marathon of Divine Mercy may be a step further in the commitment and in the experience of this vow.
I leave you My Message as a lifeline, as a spiritual impulse to take a great leap into the void, into the void of yourselves, into the void of God, where you will find the inner unity with the Whole and, thus, with the Origin.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
May the Resurrection of Jesus illuminate you and make of your consciousnesses hearts transformed and lives transfigured by the Love of My Son so that the planet may receive the sacred spiritual atonement that it needs to be able to redeem itself.
Dear children, open yourselves, much more so that today the sacred mysteries of Christ may be revelations for the awakening and elevation of your consciousnesses, because if you transform yourselves and resurrect in spirit, becoming one with the Aspiration of God, the planet will also be transformed and all of humanity will become something sacred through the principles and attributes that will always come from the Father.
Today, I would like My children to understand that everyone is part of a transition and that this transition will have an end, just as everything in life has an end.
Therefore, My children, I give you an impulse and call upon you to abandon indifference and to attend to the needs, just as My Son attended to each one of the needs.
Under the spirit of charity, I invite you to have a merciful heart, a heart that has the ability to always respond yes to everything that needs to be attended to and rescued, because this is how the first and decisive steps will begin towards Christic Love, towards a higher Love, able to forgive everything.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear and beloved children,
During this redemptive Lent, may your hearts be sensitized to the harsh planetary reality so that, in a humble act of prayer and supplication, those who suffer the most and have nothing are contemplated by those who have everything and who, in many situations, waste it.
Through your conscious prayers, may the christic spirit of human fraternity awaken in the world so that each human being may perceive that the path to rebuild humanity will be traveled together, as one great universal family.
Dear children, I ask that the feeling of fraternal charity deepen within each of your lives so that you will be able to recognize the Face of My Son through those who, at this time, are crossing the desert of consciousness and living the encounter with their own inner reality.
I call you to become sensitized so that indifference does not govern you and determine the next steps of all humanity, but that through human fraternity, you may purify your ideas and principles, for the benefit of the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call,
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more