My dear children,

As your Mother who loves you and protects you, I Am the One Who guides you to Jesus so that, in Jesus Who is Love, Truth and Wisdom, you may live in this time the transformation so that humanity in all its condition may be transformed.

Therefore, I am here as the Mother of the apostles of My Son so that you may be encouraged to cross the path of inner purification, just as your Divine Mother, St. Joseph and the little Child lived it, so that the values of spiritual life may be present in humanity.

Without purification the soul is not liberated, remember that purification is not pain, but liberation. Purification is not a punishment or a penalty, it is a Law that helps you in the detachment from the superficial and insensitive life.

Dear children, the planet is going through this culminating moment, prior to the Return of Christ. Therefore, I am here as Mother Intercessor so that My children understand that the definitive door of redemption must be opened.

On this day and in this month of August, the Sacred Hierarchy meditates and reflects on its next steps to be able to help humanity; but for this to become a reality it is necessary to have confirmed servers capable of assuming for themselves the Purpose that is designed by God Himself from the beginning.

Remember the pencil in the Hand of God, may your souls allow God to continue writing.

I am here as always, I am your Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of those who say yes

Words of the Virgin Mary during the consecration of Daughters of Mary:

Today, My Words are directed to what you truly are and why you have come to Earth to serve God.

In that pure and immaculate space, which dwells in your essences, it is where My Son and Our Father God place Their designs, impulses that manifest themselves as small seeds that, through your efforts, surrender and disposition, can germinate until one day they become something very important to God; so important that He so much seeks in each one of the souls, that the Children of God, His Creatures, may be His instruments on Earth, empty, stripped and unconditional. I am fully aware that it is challenging for human beings, but with the strength of faith, children, everything is possible.

Remember what My Son said in the Gospel: “If your faith were so great and strong, you could tell the mountain to move and it would move.” This is part of the reality of the Law and of the experience of the Law of life.

Therefore, today I consecrate you, even though you are already My daughters, My daughters called to be mirrors on Earth that reflect My Motherhood and Love for the souls and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Receive My spiritual blessing as the beginning of a new stage, as the opening of a new path that, through your conviction and faith, you will discover for yourselves; because it is important to know and remember that God has a destiny for each being, with the courage to embrace the unknown and the bravery to face these times and challenges.

The Hand of God guides those who seek it. His Sacred Hand rests on the heads of those who accept His blessing. He is not far from anything, He is in everything, He is in your inner world.

The master key is humility, which will never allow you to be far from God and His Love. That is why souls get lost in their own convictions, in their own ambitions, because the power that is not of God blinds souls until they are lost.

I come thus and on this day, through you, to rebuild the faith and the conviction that many souls felt when they were called to the path of the Work of the Hierarchy.

Nothing belongs to us, we are here in passing. We must only serve and pray, and the Father Who is in Heaven will do the rest even if sometimes you do not perceive it, because His Love is immeasurable, His Wisdom is infinite and His Power is governed by poverty, detachment and emptiness.

Behold the God of Life who makes all things new through His Son, Our Lord Jesus.

One who entrusts their life to God should not fear losing it, for there is nothing to lose in this world. He dwells in all forms. He makes Himself present in all geometries. His solemn Presence is in the silence, but not in a personal silence, rather in a stripped silence, capable of giving Himself tirelessly, as the Heavenly Father did from the beginning of Creation. He only wants you to experience Him, to feel Him and to recognize Him within yourselves; just as Jesus, My Son, wants to be recognized in you through the Eucharist.

May this beginning, this new beginning make the servants grow not only in spirit, but also in self-giving, in untiring offering so that the evil that is so great in this world may be extirpated.

Receive My Light and Maternal Love through this blessing and consecration, on behalf of humanity, as Daughters of Mary.

Keep My Words in your heart, for it is there that everything will always be understood, just as your Mother always did, Who kept the Words of God and His mysteries in Her Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear Children,

The month of August represents the cycle in which the doors of the past must close so that the doors of the new cycle may open.

This movement, profoundly internal and spiritual, will mean that each one will be before the Grace of true repentance for all actions caused and which have deviated from the Law. For this reason, My Son will come once again, in Glory, Soul and Divinity, to show you the path that it is time to travel.

I tell you this, My children, so that each one may be attentive and, before the Love of the Heavenly Father, conduct their own examination of conscience; for My Son expects His Work and His Legacy to live in the hearts and that, through the hearts, He may begin to prepare His Return.

Dear children, August is the time of recollection of Our Sacred Hearts. The time has come and each one must now begin to walk with their own feet toward the Purpose that was thought of for each soul and for each being. Now is the time to give honor and respect, gratitude and reverence to what Christ deposited in each one of you.

In this month of August, when the Divine Hierarchy will be gathered once again to address the serious situation of the planet, Our Heavenly Hearts ask you for solemnity, truth, adherence, love and respect, so that humanity may also recover the values it has lost.

I will be praying as your Mediating Mother so that many more may recover these attributes and values of life at this stage of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Today, I come from the inner gardens of Lys to call souls to walk the path of inner healing and reunion with peace, peace that has disappeared from various places on the planet.

As Mother of Lys, I offer you spiritually this space, where dwells the warm and maternal feminine presence that gestate in the hearts the beginning of a New Humanity.

Today, from the inner gardens of Lys, My Voice of Mother and Intercessor resounds so that My children may hear within themselves the last Words of the Divine Mother in this cycle that from the month of May, began to close.

Yes, My children, you heard well, that which was announced by the Divinity quite some time ago, today begins to materialize because it is the Will of God. The work of the Sacred Hearts will come to an end and, at that moment which is approaching, it will be the opportunity for each of My children to reflect and make definitive use of all the impulses received.

My Beloved Son Jesus will soon dictate to you how everything will continue. In the meantime, prepare yourselves, because when we finish this cycle of more than fifteen uninterrupted years of inner impulses and Graces, each heart will have to place itself in the line of the Commandos of Christ, in the line that corresponds to it to prepare for His next and long awaited Return.

Therefore, dear children, it will be necessary for you to give more importance and attention to the inner life, because it will be from it and through it that you will have the tools to learn to cope with the end times.

I will be in Heaven accompanying you and seeing how each of Our Sacred Words will be fulfilled.

August announces the final conclusion of a stage. Let us pray that everyone may be able to walk towards the goal on their own feet.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Kingdom of Lys


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come with the announcement of a night illuminated by the stars, but also by the Sun. I come as the Universal Aurora to fulfill what I have promised to My children of the Earth: to awaken the Creatures of God in the end time.

All possible signs are being delivered. The Spiritual Hierarchy works in this, this means a planetary, but also a cosmic movement.

The very elements of the universe, the strength and the union of the planets and the stars, foretell the time of the coming of My Son. Just as it has been said to all, there will be signs in Heaven, there will be signs on the Moon, there will be signs on the Sun, there will be signs within you.

And it is time for this to be fulfilled, dear children, because the Heavenly Father allowed it in view of the sensitive and grave planetary moment. The Heavenly Father wants to save His favorite Project, humanity.

Therefore, the wise and gifted Hierarchies work tirelessly to accomplish this end and this purpose. That is why today I present Myself to the world as the Universal Aurora, as the Sacred Feminine Energy that leads Her children to God, guarding them all in Her Immaculate Heart so that souls may stop suffering and enduring.

Beloved children, in spite of the signs of the universe, at the end of these times, which foretell the arrival and Return of Christ, I know that for many of My children it is still difficult to understand and accept that painful and even inexplicable experiences are lived, that souls live these experiences, many of them being prayerful and servants.

Could it be that this represents for you a punishment from God?

In Garabandal, I announced to you something similar; but I never told you that God would punish you, because God is not a judge, but a Father of eternal and infinite Mercy.

I announced to you in Garabandal that the time was ending for humankind, just as I announced in Fatima, Portugal, that humankind on the surface of the Earth had strayed from love and peace.

That is why, My children, within all groups of souls, at the end of these times, and in an unknown and, I would say, inexplicable way, there are souls who have offered to suffer for many more souls. And this does not mean a punishment, but a silent and anonymous service, just as My Beloved Son did for you until He died on the Cross.

This is something inexplicable for the souls of this time. For this reason, for some souls it could become painful. But understand, dear children, that My Beloved Son has very few and true apostles.

This is a reality and I do not want to bother you, My children. Just as Christ carried out His important task on Earth with so few apostles, in this time, in a similar way, My Son carries out His task with few apostles.

But this does not mean that there may not be other apostles in the world; it means, My children, that the apostles must be determined and devoted to Christ, so that He may carry out His spiritual task and especially His mission of return to Earth, through hearts that are depositories of His redeeming and consoling Love.

Today, My beloved children, you dedicated your prayers for peace in the nations. Again and again I will tell you, and I will not tire of telling you, that the prayer for the nations of the world and for their angels, for the angel of each nation of this world, at this time is fundamental and I would say essential that many hearts and many souls, like yours, join in this purpose.

Because from the first day that I asked you to found the Prayer for Peace in the Nations and to learn to pray in different languages the loving declaration of the Archangel Gabriel to My Immaculate Heart, the main cause of this spiritual and internal task is to appease the anger of the elements of nature, the lack of control of the planet, the balance of the axis of the Earth and mainly the end of wars; so that the time of peace, love and unity among the creatures of the same project and of the same purpose may be established.

Therefore, remember this cause of the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, because not only you or your families will be protected by praying the Holy Rosary for this cause of the Blessed Mother, but you will also help with your prayers and supplications so that the world will no longer be agitated, so that wars will no longer be aggravated, that conflicts no longer take place, that peace may be established, that faith may not disappear, that love may not dissolve, that unity may allow the descent of Grace into souls and hearts and, above all, that the soul and consciousness of this planet may be maintained in its balance.

Now, do you understand, My dear children, in how many causes the Mother of God works?

That is why I return here, again and again, to meet My beloved and dear children who have already left the school of little children, to enter the school of adulthood and spiritual maturity, a place and space where all the Hierarchies need to have you at this time, in this definitive cycle.

Therefore, I encourage and urge you, My children, as I asked you in the last Message, to decide to grow internally, so that the pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy on the planet are not only strengthened in the hearts and souls who serve God, but also that these pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy become a reality on this wounded and outraged surface so that everything, absolutely everything, can be healed and regenerated.

Now, do you understand why I come today as the Universal Aurora?

Through the signs of the night, through the signs of the day, through the signs in every heart; I come to remind you, My children, that humanity is in urgent need of healing and peace, and this healing and peace will be completed at the Return of Christ to Earth.

Today, I open for all the Temple of My Mirror Heart, just as this lake opens spiritually as a mirror in donation to capture in the impulses of the Heavenly Mother and to radiate them to the whole world.

Through this simple but beautiful place, I want, My children, that your souls see themselves reflected in this mirror, so that you can rediscover in yourselves your origins and can start from scratch from there, reviving the Values and the Principles of God that the world needs so much in order to experience healing and redemption.

May the Spiritual Light that descends to the world through Mount Shasta, relieve the suffering souls who live the climatic catastrophes, raise again the hearts that have lost faith because of suffering and unify the essences with Our Father-Mother Creator.

How simple but profound is the beauty of God's Creation! He has given us everything, absolutely everything, so that we would be happy from the beginning of this Project.

In order for you to reach that spiritual happiness and that heavenly joy, beloved children, be obedient for those who are not obedient. Thus the world, under the protection of the Law of Love, will find peace.

I thank you for responding to My call.

May you all be in My Motherly and Immaculate Heart.

I give you the blessing of My Son and of the Almighty, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who contemplates the heavy crosses of all Her children.

Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who walks silently and imperceptibly beside every supplicating heart.

Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who holds in Her lap and in Her Arms all those who shed tears of pain and toil.

Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who accompanies and guides the hearts in search of truth and justice.

Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who this week prepares Herself like Her Beloved Son, to contemplate the Sorrowful and Victorious Passion of Jesus.

Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who encourages all Her beloved children to avail themselves of the merits of Christ and to commune with the principles and values of the evolutionary and Christic life.

Behold the Mother of the Holy Cross, the Mother who patiently awaits the awakening of the New Christs, who will neither fear nor retreat, but will courageously walk forward, preparing the Earth for the Return of the Lord, the Master of Love, Christ Jesus.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Holy Cross


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"You are now in the last stage of the desert, you are before the beginning of the next Sacred Week:

What will be the inner reflection that you will offer to Me, after the forty days of Lent?

What has changed within your consciousness? Are you the same being?

Do not lose sight of the last days of your spiritual desert. Time is ending and it is now time to offer oneself to the Eternal Father so that the expected time of the Return of Christ may be fulfilled.

May your feet be firm and safe upon the only path: the Path of Christ.

Endure the Cross, not with sorrow, but rather with love for sacrifice. I have already taught you how to do so.

Be brave and do not deter yourself, because the day of redemption is now close at hand."

Christ Jesus


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"The time of the Return of the Lord will come, when the chosen, the persevering and the truthful will have a part with Me in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

In that hour, everything will be known. Those who have been humiliated, will be exalted; those who have been exalted, will be humiliated.

In that hour, there will no longer be appearances, because the gift and the attribute of the Truth will prevail, and nothing will remain hidden any longer.

Therefore, purify your hearts, purify your feelings, purify your thoughts, and above all purify your intentions, so that, when the Lord returns, He may find you free from yourselves and transfigured by all the codes of Love that you have received throughout the times.

Know that I will be arriving without warning. I want you with Me."

Christ Jesus



Dear children:

After the coming of My Beloved Son to Argentina, as Mother of all and Lady of Lujan, I come to bless you for the last time.

I will continue praying for you, My children of Argentina. In this way, despite the traumatic social scenario of the country, your hearts may be comforted by the Love that My Motherly Heart offers you at this time.

My beloved children of Argentina, I wish that you carry in your hearts all the impulses you received in these last days, as part of the merciful and compassionate gesture of God for an Argentina that must already prepare itself for the Return of Christ.

Meanwhile, I encourage you, My children, to perform works of charity and good deeds, and to think that every moment of service to those who suffer, you will be doing it as a true act of reparation; thus, violence and mistreatment among the members of the human family may be eradicated from Argentina and hope, strength and faith, which has already dissolved in many hearts, may return to Argentina.

My children, your Mother and Lady of Luján asks you to be forerunners of the hope and joy that the Gospel gives you, because in this way more needy hearts in Argentina will have the Grace to be reborn in love and goodness.

I thank you, My children of Argentina, for having accompanied each of the steps of Our Sacred Hearts.

Go forward, My children of Argentina!

Who thanks you and blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján



My dear children:

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, and My mantle reflects all the Light of the Sun, which illuminates and blesses Uruguay.

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, and My tunic reflects the Mirror of the Heavens, which descends upon Uruguay to guide it and give it wisdom.

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Confederate Mother, and My crown is the symbol of the gratitude and affection of all prayerful Uruguayans.

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Patroness of this nation and of all the Charrúa people. My gaze is on the spiritual richness of the ancestral indigenous culture. My affection is in the values of brotherhood, solidarity and help that the Uruguayan people manifest and express as a gift.

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Mother of the workers and of all those who sacrifice day and night in order to move forward, trusting in their dreams, aspiring to reach their own goals.

I am the Lady and Mother of Uruguay, called Blessed among all women. I am the Star of the South of Uruguay, I am the One Who keeps in Her Heart the navigators. I am the One Who watches over all those who bring bread to the family table out of love.

I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three; I am the One Who prepares, in silence, the coming of Christ into every heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

Today I bring the Sacred Scepter of the Will of God within My Hands, so that It may be deposited into the consciousness and soul of Brazil, so that this country may fulfill, by means of all its inhabitants, the spiritual purpose of your nation, in the mission to express and reflect the emergence of the New Earth. 

For this reason, My children, God and My Beloved Son sends Me with the Scepter of Divine Purpose so that the souls of this country may not lose the guidance and the path of a spiritual and profound realization that this part of the planet has.

From Brazil, the Solar Son must emerge and reappear and, with all His angelic hosts that, under the protection of Saint Michael the Archangel, must defeat the insignia of evil so that each Brazilian child and each representative of South America may receive the Ray of Liberation, Healing and Forgiveness.

Therefore, My children, from now on, as your Mother and Patroness of Brazil, I come in prayer to prepare you, to lead you once again to My Son, for He is your Way of redemption, He is the Life for each of you, just as Christ is also the invincible Truth and Light for those who aspire to follow His Sacred Footsteps.

I am here, because I am from here, I am from this people. I am the Black Virgin, Mother of all the simple and humble. I am the Star of this blessed country.

Continue praying with Me, with love, faith and hope, until on the day of and at the least expected hour, you will see the Divine Son return and sit under the Fig Tree, to distribute and share the Bread of Eternal Life.

I thank you for responding My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through the oceans, My Consciousness is mirrored throughout humanity, and within human beings it can mirror the great state of Christic Consciousness. It is this spiritual and inner state that I have sought to implement in the entire human race throughout times, through the impulses that I bring to you in this cycle.

Today My Heart and all of My Being are now in Africa, just as your inner worlds and your prayers may also be there so as to accompany Me in this daring task of redeeming the African Continent and of generating, in all peoples of Africa, the relief of suffering and the recovery of peace.

For this reason, I Am here today, but in Spirit and omnipresence, I Am also in Africa, dealing with very important and spiritual subjects, which up to today your consciousnesses have not known.

Once again, I invite you to love mystery through the Love that I offer to you. Thus, you will be able to feel, in your inner world and in your consciousness, the impulses that I bring to you, so that you may learn to recognize My Will, the Will that is already written in the Consciousness of the Eternal Father, in all His Angels and Archangels, this Will that has been trying to establish itself from the origin of the planet, from the beginning of humanity.

For this reason, My Divine Consciousness has worked from the origins of the Earth for this human project, which was lovingly thought of by the Creator.

But you must know something important: this is the time to correct humanity, not through Justice, but rather through Mercy, so that it may again find the path toward its evolution and awakening, which it has lost.

The African Continent holds very important treasures, precious treasures unknown up to today.

It is My task, and it is also My duty, to reveal these treasures to you through the spiritual wealth that is kept in many hearts of Africa. A spiritual wealth that was not only exploited and removed in an unjust way that went unpunished, but also a spiritual wealth that was buried, silenced and enslaved by the countries and consciousnesses that unfortunately rule these nations of Africa.

In My Return, I will come with a Great Project to carry out and concretize. One of these Projects that I hold in My Heart is the re-emergence of the spiritual consciousness of Africa, what it has represented for the Eternal Father since the beginning and the whole legacy that no one has yet come to know.

These treasures about which I speak to you are not material, but rather deeply spiritual, and I might even say, super-physical.

These treasures will allow the planet, as a soul and as an inner consciousness, to regenerate, and thus allow the emergence of the New Humanity, which is not the humanity of these times, because this is a humanity in transition, in trial, it is a humanity in suffering and in agony.

Through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, I come to open the doors throughout those places where they are closed: the Doors of Light, the Doors of Consciousness, the Doors of Grace and Healing, for those consciousnesses, souls and hearts that truly need them, such as My cherished Children of Africa.

For this reason, the beginning of this mission in Angola, at this stage, will be very significant, and it will not be like previous experiences, which strengthened the spirit of missionary service.

Now is the time to allow for the emergence, and also the concretization, of what the Father needs to materialize on the surface, that which you already know as sacred Points of Light, which will benefit not only Africa, but also the whole world. And this will demonstrate to all of humanity, once again, the sacrifice of the consciousnesses of Africa who do not lose faith and hope in My Heart, who only have My Heart so as to survive.

For this reason, My Heart gives of itself, once again, just as it once did in Rwanda. Now I come for all of Africa, for all nations of Africa, for all peoples and all cultures.

The time has come for humanity to recognize the errors it has committed against Africa and to correct and mend them, not only in a material way, but also in a spiritual way.

For this, I Am here as the Advocate of God, as the Mediator and Intercessor between the just and the unjust souls. I Am here through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy and by means of the Light of My Grace to make hope re-emerge in those who have lost it and do not have anything today.

For this reason, the steps that will be taken in this cycle will be important, they will be steps that will determine the coming times, they will determine the next cycles, and I might even say, the next events.

For this reason, you must be attentive and watchful. And as My apostles, servers and missionaries, called to live the Plan of God, you must carry forward the Purpose of your Master and Lord, that of sowing Christic Love in hearts and souls, and, that of allowing suffering souls, through this unfathomable, infinite and inexhaustible Christic Love, to again find hope, faith and the joy of living in this world, and also so that, at the same time, they may again find the virtues and gifts that they do not know today.

For this reason, through the foundation of My Work in South America, a bridge of Light, of unity and brotherhood is today created between South America and Africa so that Europe may also join this purpose and so that the African Continent may no longer be used as a discard, as trash of the consciousnesses that suffer the most, but rather that Europe and the Northern Hemisphere may finally take the step to cancel out the pending spiritual debt they still have with all of Africa.

I told you, as of 2017, about the importance of reaching Africa. Some movements took place, but they were not enough. Some experiences were lived, but they were not enough. It is time for each European consciousness, each member of the Northern Hemisphere, to place their hearts, and, above all, their life, unconditionally at the service of those who most need it. This will demonstrate to your Master and Lord that you can understand My Message, and that My Message does not get lost in time nor does it end up kept only as a remembrance.

It is time to act with readiness and determination. You, suns on Earth that are already awakened, know what you must do and where you must be. Do not resist, may the Europeans not resist, but may they rather open their hearts and cancel the debts they have with Africa.

Someone must take the step and you are the ones who must do it for those who will never take the steps, for those who will never look with Mercy or even compassion upon the suffering brothers and sisters of Africa.

I invite you to reconsider your attitudes and intentions. I invite you to definitively position yourselves on the path of the concretization of the Plan.

The times now urge. For this reason, you must be attentive, so as not to lose the impulses, so as not to lose all that I Am bringing to you in these times. Africa has waited for a long time for this moment, and will not be able to wait any longer. For this reason, I Am here to remind you, to let you know, that this is the time for action.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy prepare this immediate moment that I so much want to see concretized through you. A moment for serving without conditions, for giving of oneself without conditions, for doing something without conditions for those who suffer, for the brothers and sisters of Africa.

I can no longer hear, nor keep seeing the children of Africa, who wait for hands and arms that could welcome them, that could approach and, above all, that could love and serve them. They wait for love and not just for bread.

This is why it is important that you change your concepts about what survival life is. It is important that you may understand that in the hearts of Africa there are unknown and important treasures.

If this movement of permanent service for the African Continent takes place in these times through the collaboration and donation of all, it will allow for the spiritual debt of Europe and also of other regions of the planet to be relieved, allowing for the African consciousness to be repaired and spiritually rebuilt.

You must not just have a gesture of goodwill, this is not enough for Me; you must have a gesture of concretion, of readiness and not of resistance. You have My treasures and My Graces upon you, in your hearts and souls.

For this reason, I tell My apostles: this is the time to act, and to not allow My enemy to advance in this world and, above all, in those peoples and nations conditioned by the corrupt systems of this world.

I do not ask you to do big things, I ask you to make movements and carry out actions with love. There is the key to redemption.

After this Message, and through your prayers to the Divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Heart, I will return to Africa to keep working, just as I have been doing throughout these days, preparing the continent for a new stage. But this new stage will take place and be concretized through collaboration, and I might even say, the enthusiasm of those who understand My Message, and not just listen to it.

Through this Marathon of Divine and unfathomable Mercy, I can tell you, My companions, that the world will live a Judgment in the face of what Africa lives and suffers today. Do not expect that those who claim to be powerful, or even those who exploit all of Africa, will change. The change, companions, begins within you, in the anonymous service for others.

This will grant the world an unknown, inexplicable amnesty, and Africa will be able to rise and re-emerge as the people and the culture it represents to God.

I will pray for you, My companions, to take the steps, especially all the members of this Work that belong to Europe. It is not enough that one, two or three consciousnesses make a movement for Africa, all are responsible for the spiritual debt.

I invite you to assume the cross, just as I assumed it for you. But I assure you that you will not experience the weight or the calvary that I experienced for you. I will always be there, by your side, to sustain you, to impel you, to transform you, to convert you into My apostles of the end times.

Be brave and do not step back. 

Do not fear the cross, nor the suffering, rather fear to be far from God and absorbed by the illusion of the world. 

You have the treasures of the Father, through Our Words and Our Apparitions, you have received these treasures; now it is time to place them at the service of others, of those who most need them, of those who have most waited for them, for such a long time.

I will be there, waiting for your definitive steps.

Now I truly return to Africa as a spiritual and divine Consciousness, hoping that more consciousnesses may assume a mature and not a passing service. Remember that Africa has a great spiritual and physical wound that has not yet healed. The presence of My apostles, of My servers and missionaries, will generate the healing of this situation, which is inexplicable to all.

Only Love will heal the pain.

I encourage you to move forward.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

After the Words pronounced yesterday by My Son, Spain, as a nation, is before the door of its last opportunity. An opportunity that might place this whole nation on the definitive path to fulfill the promising Plan of God.

For this reason, I invite you now, dear children, to be aware of this, so that your lives may be a faithful reflection of a concretized redemption.

I will be praying, as I have been doing for this nation for a long time.

My Heart of a Mother has a favorite Love for this nation and all its people because, in other times, Spain received Me, when your Mother went on pilgrimage in these lands of beautiful prairies, deep valleys and crystalline waters.

Spain is also My aspiration, just as it is the aspiration of My Beloved Son.

I thank you in advance for continuing to pray with Me, for the unity of Spain so that, someday, this dear country may celebrate the Return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

My feet again touch the blessed land of Fatima to dispel the darkness that reigns in distant Europe.

I come to be with you once again so that you may listen to the voice of the Sorrowful Mother who claims for peace and the end of war.

I bring, in My Heart, the sacred flame of the Divine Purpose, so that souls who are asleep may awaken to the reality of doing something for the one who suffers and for the one who is unprotected.

I am the Light of Aurora. I am the One Who can dawn in the hearts that opens to recognize Me as their Celestial Mother.

Dear children, the stage of the great service will now begin as well as the greater effort in Europe, Africa and the Middle-East so that the scales of inequality may be balanced and the poorest among the poor may receive the Grace of the dignity that they deserve.

For this reason, the Divinity will enter the neediest spaces; but the Divinity, through the Holy Spirit, will also dialogue with those hearts that must awaken to the truth and to kindness.

I, as Mother of the refugees and of the abandoned, will be praying by the side of each missionary heart that offers, in the name of My Son, to attract justice and human dignity to the world.

For this reason, I ask for the awareness of all those who will be accompanying from a distance the works of charity and of peaceful dialogue that will take place in the Northern hemisphere, because the time has come when each prayerful being must feel responsible for the Plan of the Return of Christ to be fulfilled in this humanity, no matter what.

Let us pray every day, placing these intentions in our hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While the world is divided by war and pain, I come with the Light of the Heavens to bless all, so as to be able to elevate as many souls as possible before the Presence of the Celestial Father, and so that He, in His Mercy and in His Infinite Grace, may help as many souls as possible.

After having been in Fatima more than one hundred years ago, to deter the greatest cruelty of all times, I am here, at this Center of Love, together with each one of My children, to fulfill the prophecy that I once announced in Fatima: that in South America the Boat of God would sail, gathering all the consciousnesses that would prepare the Return of Christ. Because from South America the impulse of renewal and peace must emerge, from South America the union must be re-established between Heaven and Earth, between humanity and God.

For this reason, I am here today, to tell you again that the doors of the Marian Centers are now open and that your Heavenly Mother is attentively following the coming events of humanity, after the Arrival of My Son during this Sacred Week, when He will re-establish many codes in the planetary consciousness. And on re-establishing these codes in as many souls as possible, My Son will awaken the New Christs, all those who you would not even imagine, who have come in these times to serve Him in this plan of rescue for humanity.

For this reason, My Son also, as He announced in the Gospel during His Ascension to the Heavens, is coming in these times to fulfill His Promises, but He also comes to ask for the talents of hearts, which are indispensable and fundamental to prepare the planet and humanity for His expected Return.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: 

Our Lady, at this moment, is opening Her Mantle, to show Her Immaculate Heart. And today this Immaculate Heart has thorns that stick out of It and cause the Blood of the Heart of Mary to be shed.

And Our Lady taught us the following prayer:


Oh Bloody Heart of Mary!
forgive all faults of humanity.

Let us repeat this prayer together, with Our Lady.

The Blood of the Heart of Mary, while we were praying, gradually disappeared. And the thorns in the Heart of Mary represent the extremely grave outrages of the wars and conflicts in the nations and, especially, the innocent blood that has been shed, from children to elderly people, from refugees and exiled, not only in Eastern Europe, but throughout the whole world. Our Lady says also in Yemen, Ethiopia, Sudan and Syria.

Our Mother tells us: 


Pray to the Heart of Mary, for It not to be pierced by the grave offenses of those who make wars and conflicts. Pray to the Heart of Mary so that She not shed Her Blood, because it is the blood of the innocent, of the forlorn.

Today, I am here to deliver you this sacrifice and relieve the Heart of the Mother of God so that the heart of many consciousnesses may be relieved.

And now that you are ready to cross the desert again, just as My Son has taught you, the deserts of life that will soon come, be brave and have courage. Do not give up, but rather move forward, because you must keep in mind, in these times, that all that you live is not just for you, but also for the whole world.

Thus, beginning thirteen years ago, we have been close to you, bringing the Message of Heaven and of the Universe, bringing the Call of God to all souls and consciousnesses, and re-consecrating humanity, time and again, so that something worse may not come.

It gladdens Me to find you here, as a family, as a family that has learned to endure your own purification, striving every day to forget yourselves so as to place the Plan of God on your paths, that Plan that must be fulfilled and carried out in each one of your lives. And this will make you keep growing in spiritual maturity, in the responsibility to respond to My Son in these times with all that He needs to carry out at this moment.

Know that the door to the Return of My Son is now open, through this humble and simple moment that you are sharing with Me in this house, because this is how God wants to see you, united and close to one another, just as your Mother was with the apostles and is today with you, My beloved children.

May closeness be the keynote for these times, to relieve hearts, to liberate spiritual pressures; may a feeling of compassion sprout in your hearts so that criticism may no longer be in your lives, but rather the compassionate spirit of love, which will make you grow in charity, accepting your fellow beings as they are, just as God accepts you the way you are.

Now, with joy, as in every moment shared with Me on Saturdays, we will finalize this moment in the Presence of the Mother of God, with the consecration of the Eucharist. This will be done so that, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, these elements may be offered for the redemption of humanity, and  also so that the redemption and transformation of your lives through Our Sacred Hearts may be the confirmation which the Father needs to pour out His Mercy and not His Justice.

Know that at this moment, at the doors of the Sacred Week, many souls on the inner planes are being assisted. And this is possible because I have called your Guardian Angels, who, present at this very moment, serve together with the Mother of God.

Let us celebrate in Christ and for Christ.


My dear children,

Like the breeze from the sea and from all the oceans, I come to this blessed place to bless you and give you My Peace.

On this day, I come to repeat the final call of My Son: may hearts awaken in His Redemptive Love.

For this, My children, you must seek the Inner Christ within yourselves. It is very urgent and fundamental that this be present within you so that the planet can be sustained, not only in its spiritual balance, but also in its material harmony.

Through recent events of the current pandemic, souls have become confused, many are disoriented and most do not know, at this moment, which path to follow.

Tell everyone they are My children, that I am here as the Servant and Lady of the world so that, through the Light of My Heart, many more may reach God, may return to the Celestial Father.

Beloved children, this is My main Message to all: let the love that trusts be reborn in the center of your being so that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may have a favorite dwelling in the heart of My children.

For this reason, all those who pray to the Mother of God should continue doing so, because the Return of the Lord is near, and most of My children must be awake.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and accompanies you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Weekly Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who opens the spaces of the consciousness so that Divine Science may descend into it.

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who in this time shows all Her children the pathway of return to the Heart of God.

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who guides and leads prayerful hearts towards a definitive meeting with their inner origin.

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who in this time shows the signs of the Return of Christ to all servers of the Redeemer.

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who intercedes between the Earth and Heaven for impossible causes and situations.

Behold the Sacred Lady of the Portal, who brings to everyone the blessed flow of Celestial Grace so that you may be cleansed of your faults and be reborn as redeemed instruments, placed in offering at the Feet of the Celestial Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

With joy and happiness, I return to My sacred Figueira so that, starting in June, the month of the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, the inner fruits of the spirits of each child of Mine may now be at the service of the planet and of souls.

I would like that, in this next prayer meeting of the 1,000 Hail Marys, your most sincere prayers and pleas be directed to the Heavenly Father for the intentions and pleas of your Heavenly Mother.

I wish, with ardent devotion, that My praying children pray for the following intentions:

1. For a true and sincere peace treaty in the Middle East so that My Israeli and Palestinian children may reach a peaceful dialogue for the benefit of the common good, and for those who are most unprotected and helpless.

2. For a fraternal and real agreement in Colombia so that the poorest and most innocent are no longer the most chastised by the protests and strikes.

3. For Brazil to conceive a coherent government, according to divine mandates, so that those who have been struck the hardest by the national disorder of the pandemic may have the grace of rebuilding their lives.

4. For the displaced and indigent of Morocco, so that Europe stops its heart from becoming cold in the face of the current and unprecedented critical crisis, so that all refugees be helped and rebuild their lives with dignity.

5. For peace and the cessation of the dictatorial conflict in Myanmar so that religion not be used as a mask to hide the most traumatic actions that harm the entire nation and, above all, push the poorest into exile.

6. For the end of conflict within Syria, Venezuela and Ethiopia so that the life of human society is no longer used to impose misery and chaos upon the peoples and among the peoples.

7. I ask you to pray for the humanitarian missions so that all precursors of humanitarian service be protected, guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit. So that beneficial and lasting decisions be made for all who seek to start over after a traumatic and painful departure from their homelands.

If you pray for these intentions of Mine, I will be grateful to you, since My Heart is outraged by world corruption, which will have an end, at the Return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you are desperate or distressed, come to Me and follow Me.

If you cannot find clarity about what you should decide, and if you are confused, come to Me and follow Me.

Now, it does not matter how you feel or how you are, come to Me and follow Me.

I know the very depths of your being and I know the Will of my Father for you. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me.

Your cross is not the same as the cross of your brothers and sisters. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me.

I have My Crown of thorns to offer you; come to Me and follow Me.

I come to give you My whole Being, what are you waiting for? Come to Me and follow Me.

If your feet have stumbled over many stones in these recent times, do not worry, get up, come to Me and follow Me.

Because what is written for your life is not the same as what is written for your fellow being. If you truly want to know and have knowledge of it, come to Me and follow Me.

If you decide to come to Me, you will be able to enter My Heart and have a new life. You will know how to cross your deserts, how to go through your tests and your uncertainties; but keep in mind that My Love is above all things. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me, because I need decided soldiers, tempered by humility and bathed by My Grace so that they may serve the Plan of My Father and accomplish It.

My celestial promises will be accomplished in the next life. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me.

I contemplate a wounded and hurt world submerged in suffering and in chaos. Come to Me and follow Me so that the new Christs may awaken. While this does not happen, I will continue to come to the world because My Heart can be in you and you can be in My Heart. Come to Me and follow Me, for there is still much to do and to work on.

The deepest wounds of the planet must be healed and your life must be the balm for these wounds. Come to Me and be transformed into what I so wait for. In the silence of My Heart, I will cause you to be ready to live these times and these challenges.

I offer Myself in eternal communion for those who suffer and endure and for those who every day lose their inner light and allow the flame of their faith to go out.

I Am that Higher Power that allows you to carry the cross of these times and to not say 'no' to My Will, because what is written is very important.

I bring you the new life. Thus, come to Me and follow Me. While this does not happen, I will wait so as to be able to take the next steps in the redemption of this humanity and this planet. 

Open your inner senses and let My Light bring you Truth; for purification is eternal; it is an impulse towards ascension and transcendence until the very core of your spirits someday achieves union with the Father, just as the Son achieved union with the Father up to the Cross.

Was it really necessary that God Himself experienced all that agony, that whole Passion and Death, through His Son in this humanity? It is a mystery not yet unveiled, but you have the Grace of already not being so far from the unveiling of this mystery.

The master key of all this is to surrender to the Love of God for His creatures, for their salvation. This is what must move your inner universe so that you come to Me and follow Me; for in these times, I need to establish the pillars of the New Humanity and the New Earth, through the conversion of your hearts and consciousnesses.

My pillars are not energies, My pillars are you.

In the same way that clay has to be transformed into something beautiful, so must your lives, as a precious crystal, be polished, time and again. When your lives are polished, they are transformed, and they will feel the positive friction of My Christic energy.

But do not be afraid if your cells fear the transformation or the uncertainty of not being able to take steps. In truth, I tell you: "Who comes to Me and follows Me will be in My Heart, and I will be in them until the end of times; because the Spirit of Wisdom, the Holy Spirit, will guide you, just as I guide My apostles and many more throughout the ages."

Your inner strength must be in the conviction of accomplishing My Plan, My Plan of rescue and salvation.

You already know how the state of the world is and how the main cell of the family has been destroyed, not only by the pandemic but also by the lack of love.

Today, My Heart sustains and contemplates those who have died alone through this current illness.

The pleas of the good and of those who are consistent with My merciful prayer, no matter what the cost, have permitted this Grace of salvation and of relief.

Thus, I tell you that your vision cannot only be upon that which is material; your vision must be beyond that which is spiritual, beyond that which is truly profound and eternal; where love triumphs above all evil and adversity.

There are many souls throughout the world that, in this time, cry out for help. There are many sinning souls, souls that are ignorant and even cold because their hearts have hardened.

For this reason, My pillars, the pillars of Christ, the apostles of the end of times must be clear about this moment and this conjuncture, which is not the same as other times.

I need you to understand that to be My companion is not only to be at My side or to only follow Me. To be My companion is to everyday risk being more a part of Me, of My Mystical Body, of My spiritual and divine Government.

Just like more than two thousand years ago, humanity is at a similar conjuncture, but more delicate, more serious. This is the most important hour, when the prayer of the heart will work mysteriously in the inner worlds. Thus, your beings, your families and your homes must be rooms and spaces of prayer in the current planetary field of battle.

In this way, you will ignite the light in this sea of worldwide darkness and the sincere prayer will be a small spark of the light of the Love of God that, in trust and faith, will be placed where it is most needed, where nobody can see it.

I need your lives to be the very testimony of a prayer carried out and concretized so that you may aspire to someday be the living sacrament itself, redeemed and converted by My Codes of Light and Mercy. In this way, the world will no longer suffer, because with very few there will be a struggle in these hells of the world, of persecution, of war and of hunger.

The hour of My Return is already registered. It is an hour that is approaching as time goes by. When I return, and you, where will you be? You, how will you be?

The signs of My arrival are within because it is there where I am present, just like with those who experience the Eucharist or Adoration with faith; In this way, they will be ready to receive Me, in spite of how they will be or where they will be.

Today, I want to anoint the world with the luminous Sign of the Cross so that, in light of this current planetary Calvary, you may see the Cross of Redemption of your Lord Jesus Christ  illuminated, the Cross of Emmanuel, that comes to free you from the chains of evil forever.

May your hearts not become cold. May your charity not dissipate. May your faith of being in Me be strengthened so that, someday, the saints of the end times, the saints of the last days, may be present in this humanity, and on the eve of My arrival, may this anointing take shape on the forehead of each of My children, of My companions, of My prayerful ones, of My servers.

Let all that which should no longer be within you, no longer be, and may I have the space to be able to live within the greater depths of everyone.

Do not be afraid of losing the power that you believe you have, or the control that you believe you exercise. I come to make of your lives something new so that the human race can be saved and thus, the thousand years of peace may be accomplished.

May this Marathon hold the keynote and the absolute trust that you can follow Me and be in Me, so that all errors and sins may be justified, and fervent souls may amend the assaults experienced by My Sacred Heart; for this time I have brought some of My apostles. They could be nowhere else but here, to wait for Me, again, as they waited for Me in the Cenacle during the days of My Resurrection.

The reappearance of Christ is being fulfilled.

Happy are those who believe without having seen. Happy are those who believe and are humble. Happy are those who are a part of My Word and drink of My Water of Life because I give, to each one of you, a part of the wood of My spiritual Cross so that we may share this moment and offer ourselves as victims of the Love of God.

I again anoint you, forgive you, and heal you under the powerful union of the Most Holy Trinity and all that which is beyond God, that which the world still does not know and which is a part of the Revelation of the end of times.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Weekly message the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

This is the time when your lives should be the example of a concretized transformation. It is time to be the same Message as My Son. It is time to express that which My Son so much expects.

Until that happens, He cannot return. He needs the pillars of His divine Gifts to be affirmed within you.

In simple words, dear children, My Son needs that you now be other people and that your souls, and not your personalities, may govern.

As a Mother, I pray for each one of you so that, each day that passes, you are able to get out of yourselves and put yourself in the place that My Son indicated to you since the beginning of your walk of faith.

My children, it is time that you embrace with love the painful planetary situation, that you can be faithful workers of peace and that you protect, from yourself and from others, the Word of the Hierarchy.

In this way, My dear children, you will be apostles of the end of times, you will reflect everything that My Son waits for since the beginning of your paths of transformation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

On this day of Mercy, your prayers resound throughout My Immaculate Heart, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus is attentive to the voice of your supplications, because, at this crucial planetary moment, souls need liberation and forgiveness.

May the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy of the Redeemer help you, at this moment, to stay in peace, in such a necessary and urgent peace for the inner worlds.

Dear children, on this day I bring you the Good News, the joy you must feel for being alongside My Son, helping Him relieve the heavy cross of humanity.

May the purpose of praying for Mercy to descend keep happening, because, where there is one or more than one in supplication from the heart, My Son will be able to help you and close the doors of hell and perdition for all souls that walk towards the abysses of the planet.

May you, as apostles of Mercy, be aware and thankful for participating in the inner Commands of Christ, as the necessity of these times will lead humanity to live a definition, before My Son returns to the world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
