Dear children,
On the eve of the coming of the Redeemer, may your hearts already be cleansed and purified through the Holy Sacrament of Confession so that renewed, you may enter through the Portal of Hope onto the path that My Son so much expects you to travel.
Through the Portal of Hope, which is the Living Christ, receive the preparatory impulse for the Return of Christ and may you, already aware of everything, make use of the tools that We give you, through service, prayer and the Sacraments.
In this last cycle of preparation, I call you to the opening of the heart so that, being free of yourselves, you may walk resolutely on the pathway of the Lord, on that path that He Himself prepared for His disciples to cross.
Remember that for a divine reality to become a concrete reality, it will only depend on your predisposition.
I will always be here, as your Mother, to pray for you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"May silence, during this Lent, allow you not only to reflect and meditate on your present inner situation, but also to appreciate without guilt, through silence, the reality that is within you and around you.
But, first of all, observe the events with eyes of compassion and not with eyes of criticism; because, just as My hour arrived during the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, so too will your hour arrive and it will be the moment to make a decision that will have repercussions on your whole life.
This Lent is not only the gateway to the contemplation of My Sorrowful Passion, but it is also the announcement that time is ending and it is necessary to have an evolutionary and fraternal attitude, an attitude capable of doing something for those who suffer, no matter what it costs. It is the opportunity to love again."
Jesus Christ
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Before speaking, know how to listen.
Before giving an opinion, know how to recognize the situation.
Before intervening, first get to know the facts.
Before deciding, first meditate.
Before acting, first be aware of the reality.
Do nothing impulsively.
Do not alter anything without first asking for light.
Do not meddle without knowing the cause in depth. This will free you from yourself and others.
The only path lies in conscious prayer, for through it will come the answer that is needed.
It is important to transform the habits and the customs. It is important to open yourself to superior and inner realities.
Work every day to be united to the Source, for not everything will come miraculously. Each one has to do their part with maturity and responsibility."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Despite the desert, continue on.
Despite the human aspects that want to control your life, continue on.
Although you may find your own reality within yourself, continue on.
Despite what may be caused to you by everything that you must transform, continue on and do not retrogress.
Continue on, seeking My Light.
Continue on, feeling My Love.
Continue on, because I Am thirsty."
Christ Jesus
My dear children,
In the Love of God, you will find the answer for every stage of life.
In the Love of God, you will be reborn as in each new dawn and you will find meaning in all of the experience you have lived.
In the Love of God, you will be healed, but you will also be freed from yourselves.
In the Love of God, there will no longer be any reason to act, think or proceed away from this Divine Love.
As a Mother, as a Mother who was on Earth and knew the human condition up close, I ask you not to let yourselves be embraced by your own imperfection; rather, let Love heal and redeem you, let the door of your heart always remain wide open. Never close the door of your heart.
Hold on to the Love of the Eternal Father and you will be reborn, liberated from the bonds and all the evils of the world will be dissolved.
In truth, I say to you, My children, that without Love you can never know reality in depth. Therefore, do not forget that you were created, at the Source, by a deep feeling of the Love of God.
So divest yourselves of that which you believe, that which you claim to be the only truth. Divest yourselves of that which you hold as your own.
It is time for My children to practice, in their own flesh, the Words of all the Messengers; for one day the end will come and you must be living in the Love of God, in the Love that is capable of going beyond yourselves for the concretion of a greater and universal good.
This is the key that I give you once again, the key of empty love, of a love free of convictions and ideas, of a love that is capable of sacrificing itself out of love for My Son.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Greater Love.
Dear children,
These are the times in which true definitions are presented, these are the times in which what is intermediate or indecisive no longer has space within the human consciousness.
These are the times to see and recognize your own inner reality. It is time to correct, it is time to amend, it is time to rapidly mature. Nothing can happen to you that is without meaning or cause.
Therefore, My children, every second that passes, your consciousnesses must seek and seek to live the Will of God because when that Will and that Design are not fully lived, souls suffer to the point of believing that God abandoned them.
Therefore, beloved children, learn to measure the consequences of what you decide and what you do. Do not miss the sacred opportunity to be on the path of the apostleship of My Son, the change or the passage of the inner state only depends on you.
Persevere and be firm through the Love of My Son. This will allow you to perceive, more each day, how important the redemption of humanity is so that, finally, this outraged planet may be freed from all that it suffers on the part of the men and women of the Earth.
I thank you for seeking true inner consciousness.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
When the soul looks up toward Heaven, it strengthens its own spirit, its own faith, it recovers its most pure aspirations, and renews its vows with God. But when it turns its eyes toward the Earth, it loses its hope, it finds itself in what it believes to be reality, and it cannot manage to perceive within itself, or within a fellow being, the way of manifesting the sacred that awaits in infinity. The soul seeks strength, prays and asks for the Grace to know how to achieve that which it contemplates in the universe.
And today I tell you, children, that when you begin to look not only toward Heaven, but also at what you really are, you will discover that matter and infinity unite in the human consciousness. Clay and spirit become one when beings awaken to what they are, and it will not be necessary to die in order to rise up into eternity; rather, you will be able to discover true life and eternity within yourselves; a gift revealed to the hearts that pray, that worship, and that does not enclose divine truth within the mind nor in what has already been said, because in spite of all that has already been said, very little was understood and experienced.
For this reason, seek the sacred within yourselves. Do not look for it only while you pray, yet look to communicate with it while you live.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the beginning of the manifestation of life, My children, in the most pure and profound Thought of God, when He was gestating the Project of this humanity, within it was contemplated the existence of the original peoples; those peoples are called thus not only because they gave origin to the civilizations of this world, but also because, from the origin of life, they were thought by God to maintain the union between Heaven and Earth, union among all Kingdoms of Nature, union between the surface of the planet and the subtle worlds.
The original peoples, beloved children, are those thought by God to be the doorkeepers of the sublime worlds, of the superior realities where the sacred dwells, where beings are invited to return to their Origins in the Celestial Founts.
It is in this way that, from the beginning of humanity and up to today, the Divine Hierarchy has impelled the original peoples to find their purity and return to the Purpose that God manifested for their lives at the beginning.
Upon creating this planet and each being of this Earth, which is the bearer of a particle of the divine essence, your Celestial Father created not only the Kingdoms, the elements and the human being, a fruit of the clay consecrated by His Divine Breath. God also created subtle realities, invisible to the human eyes that do not seek with sincerity the sacred within their lives.
These subtle worlds maintain, within the planet, the Divine Purpose. Within them, communion with all kinds of life is lived; within them the dimensions unite and there is no danger, because those who enter there live pure in heart and in spirit, and only aspire to fulfill the Divine Will and Purpose.
Those who enter these subtle worlds, My children, have been divested of their personal wills and from their human condition of impurity and degeneration. In this way, their hearts find the path to express purity and unity with the Divine.
These subtle worlds are safeguarded by nature, by its strength, beauty and harmony. In the invisible of the lakes, seas, deserts and mountains, they hide, not only to sustain the planet, but also so that, through the greatness of the expression of nature, those who arrive there can feel that something more dwells there; that a sacred mystery lies hidden there, and it is as if Heaven were closer to humanity and God could express Himself.
Throughout the times and the history of humanity, many were the peoples who could enter these subtle worlds with all they were because, while humanity, in other parts of the Earth, lost its purpose, these peoples found it and deepened into it, not only through science and wisdom but, above all, through love for the sacred and divine and through respect for life and nature.
These were the Keys that allowed these peoples to live the Science of Transfiguration. And, just as My Son had once revealed It to you on Mount Tabor, they also could recognize their true face, illuminate cells and atoms and allow, not only for their heart and consciousness to vibrate in another more elevated level, but also their more material part. This part, which today seems so dense, had elevated and became transfigured in ancient times.
Through the simplicity of the heart, the original peoples discovered that the same solar essence that they contemplated and adored in the infinite sky dwelled within them. And, in this way, they lived a profound union with God, as they could understand Him.
Upon illuminating their cells and atoms, upon letting themselves be permeated by the light in their souls, these peoples attained the same vibration of the subtle worlds, and thus could not only see them, but also enter and participate in them, as representatives of humanity.
In this way, they became Guardians and Doorkeepers of these subtle dimensions, which up to today hide within the planet. Some of these peoples left upon the surface traces of their history and life, and then disappeared. But others, My children, were never known by humanity.
Today your Divine Mother comes to this place, sacred to Heaven and Earth, to reveal to you a history and, more than that, to impel your souls toward the quest for purity and for the sacred.
The time has come to unveil the hidden mysteries in the history of humanity, not only to abandon ignorance but, above all, My children, to embrace purity. And in the time to come, when the Earth will be elevated in its vibration and conducted to a new time, a new reality, may your hearts and spirits be ready, not only to see, but to participate in this sublime life.
Seek the purity of your hearts, seek union with life and nature and, just as today I reveal to you many mysteries, other truths will also be revealed in your hearts.
I bless you and thank you for coming here and for being open from the heart to the revelations that God brings to you at this time.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Wherever you are, unite your heart with God to fulfill His Will and manifest His Plan.
The Will and the Plan of God are much greater and vast than your little mind can conceive. Meanwhile, it is through the simple things where your heart finds the path to live this Will and fulfill this Plan.
The Creation of God is vast and broad within the dimensions, both in Heaven and on Earth. However, to remember this and recognize it today, being able to access these sublime realities, all you need is to be simple of heart, pure of intention and ready to love and serve more and better, each day.
Even though your physical eyes cannot see extraordinary existences and manifestations of life, your heart may participate in that which is invisible and your soul may travel though the eternal realities when you are united with God.
Humanity was created for much more than just seeing and feeling the realities of life. Human beings were created to unite these realities, live them and be within them at the same time.
Because just like the Heart of the Celestial Father, the hearts of His children have the possibility of uniting within themselves all Life, of being united with everything and participating in all dimensions of existence.
Thus, before perceptively seeing, feeling or experiencing Divine Truth, seek, child, to surrender your heart to God, and, through the yielding of your spirit and of each part of your consciousness, become one with all of Creation.
The dimensions dwell within you and your heart can dwell in all of them, and experience them when you are simple and true.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
These are the times in which two realities will meet, the inner reality and the material reality. They will emerge spontaneously through the revealing impulse that the truth will bring, and nobody will be able to escape this event because it will be brought forward by the Universe itself.
And so, these two realities will meet in the light of each consciousness to bring them to a profound decision. And those consciousnesses that have already come to know both realities, but wasted the opportunity of growing, must account for this great waste.
For this reason, I encourage you to live in the constructive thought of God so that, when this moment comes, you may be neutral and peaceful and you may simply be moved by the impulse to help, by means of the path of prayer, all those who will need it; because they did not avail themselves of the path that I had asked them to tread.
Thus, companions, remain in unity with Me so that at the key moment I may help you and guide you, showing you the way out.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today, for the first time, I am wrapped in the mantle of the Argentine flag and, through this symbol, I wish to announce that My purpose for this people is still unknown to the majority of souls.
For this reason, so that souls may understand the meaning of your Master and Lord returning to Argentina in the month of August, which will be the most daring goal of all times, for in this people I will place one of My seven aspirations so that it may be fulfilled, through the adherence and the perfect union of all My servers.
This is the time for granting to the world the concretion of many miracles, as it is also the time in which humanity sees the reality that it always wanted to hide from its sight.
Argentina is a laboring and working people, a virtue that also reflected in their spiritual life with the same strength and determination.
Thus, I will make use of the inner power of the heart of the Argentines to prepare My return and, in this way, fulfill the promise in humanity that was once made for all, that I would return at the most culminating moment on Earth.
And as it is the time, and that hour is approaching, I will again visit My companions of Argentina so that the foundation of the bases of a Light-Colony of souls may be finished in South America, which in the name of many more, will fulfill the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
May your hearts be in peace, so that in peace you receive the designs of God.
Transcend that which is apparent and commonplace, for your consciousness to enter into the sacred and into what is true.
The Plans of God were already designed for each being, now the creatures need to put their feet on the path traced by the Creator and not the path traced by skills, temptations or difficulties.
To experience a superior reality is a higher decision that each being has to take, within and outside of himself, for it to resonate in your souls and also in your planetary bodies.
How often have we said that there is no more time? How often have we warned that it is time to enter into the Real Time? It is there where Truth inhabits and the illusion becomes visible for you to know how to distinguish the difference between being in the world in God and in being in the world without Him.
Choose, children, every day, the path of the Sacred and the elevation of consciousness. You will thank, in the future, for each renunciation made in the name of the evolution of humanity.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
See, child, the world starts to enter a new cycle, a new time, and the heart of the Earth will no longer beat to its own rhythm but rather to the rhythm of the Heart of God.
See that your heart also starts to beat in a different way. The impulses that come to your soul are no longer the same; the light intensifies, its rays illuminate or blind, according to what there is inside of the beings.
See, child, that the layers that separate the planet from the universal reality begin to dissolve. The seasons will not be the same any longer, the air will not be the same and everything inside and outside of humanity begins to transform.
This is not a time to fear but rather to awaken. A time to deepen into your inner life and recognize that which brought you here; a time to look inside and recognize oneself, and then recognize the infinite; a time not to think, but to be.
See, child, each step of yours today defines your history and part of the history of this world. You have in your hands a pen that writes in the book of the history of human evolution, through your acts, feelings and thoughts.
Allow your mind, always so childish, to understand the reality of these times as they are. No longer see the spiritual life as if you were watching a film that will end at some moment, and then you will return to your ordinary life, because the Laws will no longer allow you to see evolution in that way.
It is time to discover. This is a cycle of revelations and, more than that, a cycle of internal and planetary definitions.
After traveling for so long through this path of mistakes and corrections, of deviations and renewals, the time has come to concretize the divine thought. This will happen with those who know how to say "yes" until the end, overcoming their retrograde conditions every day, sublimating with the light of the spirit that which is reluctant to change and wants to remain in the cycles that have already passed.
Meditate on what I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To live unconditional love is, from the beginning to the end, to accept a painful or unjust situation; in the same way that I, being the Son of God, accepted your sins out of Love.
To live unconditional love is to always say "yes" in any circumstance, without trying to escape the urgent reality or the situation that presents itself.
To live unconditional love is, because of love, to bear everything that is opposed to balance, knowing that, above all, harmony must prevail amongst all.
To live unconditional love is to never go back, but rather to advance, surpassing oneself because of love and with reverence for something greater and infinite.
To live unconditional love is to become spiritually untiring, but it is also to respect the time and the rhythm of the bodies.
To live unconditional love is to not see the errors, even though they may be too big; it is to do what is best, the maximum for another; it is to take risks, without constraints, so that the brother or sister may have a new opportunity until they learn, on their own, to value life and all that the Universe gave them.
To live unconditional love is also to say "no" because of love, without fear of what will happen, being aware that this "no" is just and is free of preferences.
To live unconditional love is to not set a schedule for God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear child:
The time has come for you to see, within yourself, the reality of your true being and do not fear to purify it, because freeing yourself from the chains of the past, you may be able to take firm and secure steps towards the concretization of the Plan of God on the surface.
With neutrality, love, and harmony, let your story written in the Universe emerge from within you and show itself so that your consciousness and your life can make a synthesis, and everything, absolutely everything, is forgiven.
Pour your hope and your faith into My Heart, because thus I, as your Mother, will teach you to be different, from the moment in which you confirm within yourself that you no longer accept to carry so many mistakes commited.
Trust in the infinite power of the Mercy of My Son, because it will be His Divine Mercy that will guide you toward the path of redemption and of rehabilitation.
I understand that it is not easy to see the inner reality as it is, but encourage yourself to surpass the barriers of suffering so that the powerful energy of grace may act in everything, and thus, again, you overcome in the Love of Christ.
As of now, decide to change your destiny so that the Hand of God may lead you to His House.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Trust that My Immaculate Heart will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need to know how to go through the end of times. But you must know that not everything will be destroyed, because the Law corrects, but it does not hurt. The law uplifts and brings clarity to the consciousness about reality.
Thus, trust that My Immaculate Heart will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need for knowing how to go through the end of times. Because, in spite of most souls abruptly awakening to what they had always been asleep to, this will cause humanity to experience a process of change that in some cases will be intense.
But My Immaculate Heart, that bears everything, will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need for knowing how to move through the end of times.
Be willing to walk by My side, tightly holding My Hand, and with the other hand, hold the rosary with the prayer of the heart, without expecting results, only doing it out of love, in a patient awaiting of Divine Will.
In this surrender, which is unconditional and sincere, you will also experience this change in your consciousness.
Trust, because My Immaculate Heart will give you the spiritual and inner strength you need for knowing how to move through the end of times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
You know that in these times, the spirituality of humanity is being corrupted due to the influences of the material life and of the pleasures that millions of souls experience.
This is the reason why the spiritual connection with what is real is being interfered with; this interference is generated by unelevated spiritual forces that awaken in souls the need for having power or prestige, both in spiritual life and in society.
Thus, consciousnesses believe they are well connected, while in reality, they are being influenced. This is what leads millions of souls into making impulsive decisions and, in many cases, destroying their own spirituality.
The Law of Divine Justice will come to reveal and to correct this deviation of most of humanity, just as the Law of Liberation will also come, which will be applied to unblock the psychic plane of the planet from all the interferences experienced throughout time.
Thus, there will be much to liberate in these times and, in this way, cut the roots that the adversary caused to grow in thousands of consciousnesses which are in the illusion of being uplifted.
The angelic consciousness will be entrusted to reveal and bring into evidence these parallel realities that only feed on the dreams of people.
Everything will be exorcized.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Life passes, ephemeral and simple in what is palpable to you, to reveal an Eternity and a sublime Truth. Every expression of life that is not material does not perish and endures, to demonstrate to humankind where their heart must be.
The memories, the learning experiences, the examples, the teachings, the true feelings of Love, all of this remains alive, inside and outside of humankind and also in the Heart of God and in the Sacred Books, as part of the history of humanity, as part of the history of the renewal of the Heart of the Father.
Life passes so quickly in order to reveal a Truth and a mystery that transcends the body and human understanding: there is a reality that exceeds all the wisdom that humanity has already known; there is a Life that transcends everything that today you understand as life.
See, children, how the Eternal knocks on your door so that you may enter into the Time of no time, into Real Time.
Let this moment not be a loss to you, but rather a link with the Truth, because your instructor on Earth leaves the world to raise you to the Universe. Everything he learned in life, he will elevate to a Greater Life, and the sublime learning experiences that he will live in the Universe will be revealed to your heart, as a higher teaching.
Therefore, embrace this moment as a step towards Infinity. Let this new cycle, of your instructor and master, in this and in many lives, elevate you to new cycles, as Work and as beings in evolution.
The one who accompanies this moment with gratitude will take a step towards Infinity and will place, not only their heart, but a part of the human consciousness, closer to God, in His Eternity.
Eternity, children, is not death. Eternity is Life revealed.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time has come to return. To return to the Heart of God, return to the pure and simple principle of your existence, return to the essence of what you are, to the essence of Life.
The time has come to return. To return to the Father, renewed by the presence of His Spirit, carrying with you everything you have learned in this world and in all others.
The time has come to return. To return in consciousness to the point you left behind before original sin. Return in consciousness to the Truth, recovering the Wisdom that, as children of God, you hold in your inner world.
The time has come to return. To return to Life and escape from death, in which many have chosen to be.
The time has come to begin to consciously tread the path of return, which does not mean to cease to exist, but rather to exist within the Truth, belonging to the Truth, being one with it.
To return means to go back to Divine Consciousness, to go back to the Consciousness of your Origin, dismissing the power of illusion and of ignorance and making space for Reality to manifest.
The time has come to return, because everything that belongs to illusion will vanish with it.
Pray and truly aspire to be in God, to know and recognize His mysteries, and each day more, let Him express Himself in your hearts.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come in search of fallen stars, which for various reasons, submerged in the abysses and lost their path of awakening.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which stopped shining and fulfilling their spiritual mission.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which left behind their legacy of yesteryear and have submerged in damnation.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which forgot about love, of recognizing it because of experiencing hate and pain.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, of the essences that lost their original purity, so they may recover it and become worthy Children of God.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, of souls that no longer search for God and have set Him aside, because of having chosen the paths of My adversary.
In a motherly fashion, I come in search of the unredeemed, to be able to finally and forever remove the blindfold from their eyes, so that in this way, they come to know reality and may be redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more