Dear children,
As pilgrims of life, follow the sign that is indicated to you on your path, the star that marks the path to My Immaculate Heart, because in My maternal Heart you have a dwelling to return to, every time you need.
This is the time for you to learn to live within My Heart at all possible times.In this way, My children, you will be supported by the power of My Love, by the great celestial shield of My Heart.
My Heart is this great fort where you will be able to be in vigil, attentive to the events of these times, available and whole to enter the field of spiritual battle; because the hour is coming when My soldiers will enter the space of adversity to dispel the harassments and, with me, through prayer, rescue those who remained spiritually lost.
I need you with a different attitude from the one you have had up until now. I need you within the spiritual command of My Son, just as the Guardian Angels, attentive to and waiting for the next convocation, because in this end time that is drawing close, all is permitted, and you must only seek the Light of the Heart of My beloved Son, which will shine unmistakably in the shadows of this world so that, as a safe harbor, souls can arrive upon firm land.
Children, listen attentively, live My Words, practice them, this is the unknown time of the Armageddon, because, in spite of the dark night, in our Messages lies the fortitude for the weak, the breath for the helpless, the faith and the determination for the tepid of heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Keep the Light of God in your heart. There, it will rest and silently work until it fulfills its inner purpose.
Keep the Light of God in your heart, so that it may reach the goal within you. That Light descends to bless you and renew you.
The Light of God is neutral but very compassionate. Its presence regenerates life and awakens love in the human heart.
That Light, which comes from His Source, is a most powerful Grace that comes to renew the life of the prayerful soul.
The Light of God comes to redeem your cells through the inner elevation of your being. Thus, you will open up a space for that powerful Light to act and work according to the purpose it has.
Let the Light of God transform your being and those spaces within you where light has not yet reached.
Trust in the power of the Light of God, and everything will change.
It draws souls toward the Divine Source.
It communes with the heart that lives the path of prayer.
It is the Light that illuminates the path for the pilgrim feet.
It is the Light that reveals the inner truth.
It is the Light of God that awakens the consciousness and leads it toward discernment.
The Light of God intervenes at culminating moments and in difficult situations.
The Light of God is never reduced nor does it disappear from this space-time.
The Light is omnipresent and its omnipresence allows it to help many souls that have imperative needs of this humble Light of the Creator.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
And now, My Precious Blood, full of Codes of Light, is poured out upon the deepest entrails of the consciousness of Germany and of its people.
The Divine Blood of your Redeemer, full of the Codes of Light of life, enters into the aspects of the lower consciousness of the men and women of Germany, so that in the coming time the spiritual purpose of this nation may be fulfilled.
Therefore, companions, the Divine Blood of the One Who was like a lamb carried to the slaughterhouse, bears an incalculable spiritual value so that the souls of Germany, through this pitying Grace, may receive the merits they need to take steps in the awakening of consciousness and in individual and collective evolution.
In this sense, My purpose for arriving in the city of Berlin is because, until today, no consciousness has managed to generate the necessary condition to contribute to the liberation of all the failures committed in the last 20th century.
For this reason, your Redeemer will gather the devotees and pilgrims so that they continue with the concretion of the aspiration of your Master and Lord, which is to see redeemed the consciousnesses that caused great pain in humanity, and who until now were never forgiven nor loved by any being on Earth.
The triumph of My Sacred Heart at this time will happen by the redemption and conversion of the great leaders of nations who, like Paul of Tarsus, will receive the impact of My Celestial Light that will defeat them, and convert them forever.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
On this special day, in which the pilgrims and devotees of the whole world remember the first apparition of the Divine Lady of Fatima, today, in the same way, My children of Sicily will always remember this loving visit of your Heavenly Mother to the South of Italy.
For love and immense Mercy, My children, I have arrived by means of the pilgrim group to Sicily so that these people may attain the Pity of God and the Forgiveness of My Son Jesus Christ, knowing that its people have witnessed, and continue witnessing, events of social and human life that do not fulfill the Commandments of God, including within the Church.
Therefore, My children, as the Mother of Grace, I approach you so that you may feel My maternal Love and listen attentively to My words, so that you may perceive that this meeting of today is unique, and it will depend on all of My children of Sicily for it to be repeated.
All of you, children of Sicily, know that you are much in need of love, of forgiveness and especially of penitence. Because by means of the exercise of these attributes in daily life, you will attain Divine Grace so that through the path of conversion you may become worthy children of God.
At this time, children, everything is possible. If your efforts and interest for changing your habits and ways of life are true and not just apparent, you will demonstrate to the Universe that this urgent change of consciousness will take place and you will be lovingly protected by the Arms of God.
I come to Sicily so that the way of life that you have today can change, and that your repented hearts can be touched by the divine Mercy of God.
As Mother, I present Myself, as in other places of the world, to give you a warning. And this warning is that you are still in time to be able to live this change of life and of consciousness so that, not only you, My children, may be pervaded by the Divine Attributes, but also your families and acquaintances may be helped by the Love of God.
This change that I ask of you today, as Mother, is not a religious change, nor does it refer to a conversion into some institution. I speak to you, children, of the change of the way of life that has been going on for decades, and I know you understand what I am talking about.
You, My children, must live a spiritual and intimate change, between you and God, so that the doors to redemption do not close before there is still time.
Children of Sicily, by living your conversion, you will live your awaited redemption and My Son will take you into account so that, redeemed and forgiven, you may be part of His flock of Love and of Light.
I ask you, listen to My call, feel My Heart. I come to you as a Mother who loves you and who expects to see you immersed in Light and in Good.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today the whole world, but especially the Sanctuary of Fatima, remembers through all the pilgrims that humanity has a Mother. A Mother Who silently intercedes, without tiring or delaying, for humanity. A Mother Who, from the beginning, unconditionally accepted giving up Her Son to be the Mother of Humanity.
Today Fatima lights up like a sun through the Love of the Most Holy Mary. Souls remember the Mother of eternal tenderness, the Mother Who gives them Peace, the Mother Who deeply wishes the good for them and offers them Her Heart of a Mother, as a refuge and support in the face of any adversity.
Behold, before you, the Mother of God and the Advocate of all those spiritually condemned. Behold, your Mother, the Mother of the Universe and of humanity; the Mother Who gives you shelter, the Mother Who understands you, and through Her surrender, grants you the forgiveness and reconciliation of God.
Remember well this 13th of May, which up until today remains alive, as if it were the first time that the Mother of Jesus descended from Heaven to give you shelter and bring you Peace.
You need nothing else, creatures of God, because you have a Mother, and the Mother of Heaven is the most important thing in your lives.
Appreciate Her, respect Her, listen to Her, and love Her as She silently does.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I Am like the water that quenches all inner thirst, who comes to Me will never thirst and will always be filled by My Fount.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who provides higher light for souls. All those who come to Me will receive what they need. I will always attend to everything you ask of Me, because for Me, souls and their salvation come first.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who aids the heart that pleads and that cries out for the Lord.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am Who listens to the suffering spirit, I am Who brings it relief in its moment of greatest pain.
I Am everything that you believe I Am, because I come from an infinite Source and toward that Source I lift up all those who call for My Name.
I Am the water that quenches the inner thirst, I Am the Shepherd, but I am also the Pilgrim.
I Am the reason for your life and the reason for your existence.
I Am that I Am.
I thank you for quenching your inner thirst in Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part IX
For group co-living and the spiritual awakening of pilgrims, the area of Redención 4 must someday be expressed.
It will be an area for families who have consecrated themselves to the path of the spirit but at the same time, it will be an area that will receive the pilgrims who come to the Marian Center to share the liturgies and the meetings of prayer.
Redención 4 will also, in a part of its area, express co-living with the Plant and Animal Kingdoms. That co-living of families with the Younger Kingdoms will also be an opportunity for serving them and to alleviate their suffering and give them the love of the heart. That area will gather together families who will be applying to live a different life than what is offered by the world.
Redención 4 will also be a welcoming place where children will have the alternative school, Parque Tibetano, as a foundation, an educational experience that, within other Light-Communities, has enriched and formed the spirit of the littlest ones. Redención 4 will also have an area dedicated to sports so that children and families may have a better quality of life.
In this sense, Redención 4 will offer a space more akin to the degree of evolution of each human being. The families will have the support of the activities of service to the Kingdoms of Nature, primary and secondary education through the Parque Tibetano school, as well as an area dedicated to physical education to optimize the quality of life through recreation for the children.
This area will be one of temporary residence, and as the families gradually mature and confirm their commitment to the Plan as a family, then as members of the Community they will be able to take on other areas and other sectors of the communal group life.
Redención 4 will also dedicate a section for receiving the journeying pilgrims, who, throughout all of the areas of Aurora, have no place to stay.
It would be a very clear objective for the families of the Light Network to work together with other families to manifest Redención 4, that space within the Work of Love that families need to be able to find a place where to live and also share as members of the Community.
This is another commitment and offering of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the families that have lately demonstrated inner changes and for those which are currently affected by the world as a whole and need to find a space to better serve God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VIII
Each one of you, as collaborators and servers of the Divine Work, will have to express solidarity with the means of transport of Aurora.
It will be fundamental to count on new vehicles and especially on a bus that permits responding to the basic needs of the Light-Community on a daily basis and which may also serve as a support for the times of meetings.
For this, Redención 1 must allow a part of its area for the building of a mechanical repair shop that meets the needs for maintenance of the bus, which will be donated with the help of everyone. The automobile repair shop of Redención 1 will also be able to have a space for the maintenance of the rest of the vehicles.
As the Community of Aurora has only a few vehicles for carrying out many trips, it will be necessary that all the servers of the Work immediately respond to and resolve this need.
The transportation sector must be based in the Community of Aurora since this same sector will serve as support for the transportation of pilgrims to the Marian Center.
This re-organization of transportation will require that some members of the Light-Community be academically trained in mechanics and electro-electronics so that the Community itself can count on more tools of knowledge when conducting maintenance.
In this sense, the whole Community of Aurora, without exception, must be trained in the care, in the maintenance, in the cleaning and especially in their awareness concerning all means of transport.
The transportation of a Light-Community reflects and represents the state of consciousness that the Community has acquired throughout the years. For this reason, the effort on the part of everyone concerning the care of the vehicles will be important; because the Plan of the Hierarchy is not found in a damaged vehicle.
It will be necessary that everyone apply the formula of love in their consciousness and also their attention on what is used for trips.
In this year of 2019, the Light Network, as a fundamental pillar of the Hierarchy, will have the goal of manifesting the first of three buses for the Community of Aurora. That response will help the approach of new hearts to the Work.
The transportation in Aurora will reformulate the form of co-existence of the Community with the Law of Manifestation.
As of now, I give you this challenge, to be concretized before April of 2019.
I thank you for supporting the concretization of the Plan!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VII
Through the integration brought about by a meeting between the Light-Community of Aurora, the local community and the public institutions, a project must be proposed for the improvement of the entries and the roads to the Marian Center of Aurora, something that will also benefit the other inhabitants of the area, keeping in mind the important task of spiritual support that this Center currently fulfills.
For that reason, given the needs of this time, the improvements of the entries and in the roads of the area will help to better include the Marian Center of Aurora in the local and spiritual scope of the region.
This project of improvement of the roads will also require a better channeling of the water, as well as a reinforcement of the structures of the bridges and the rest of the elements to bring greater order to the region.
The improvements of the roads will also require that the collaborators in the Work be more present in Aurora, with the intention of being able to carry forward some periods of work in the cleaning of the roads and of the entries that lead to the Marian Center.
For this, it will be necessary to organize a schedule of meetings among all the collaborators of Uruguay, of Argentina, of Paraguay and of Brazil so that they may give the first impulse, demonstrating to the population of the area that it is possible to improve the conditions and quality of life by maintaining a balanced relationship with the ecosystem.
This basic organization will stimulate the population to give of themselves, in service, to maintain the spaces in harmony where they frequently live. For this, they may offer their own work tools to collaborate in the improvements to the roads.
It will be necessary to remain firm of purpose so that these goals may be achieved and do not remain unresolved. For this reason, it will be important that the coordinators of the areas of the Light-Community of Aurora bring a local and regional assembly together with the city organisms, with the intention that the region of San Mauricio be considered a space that needs a better territorial organization, and thus, it may be contemplated as a region with international activity, given the presence of the pilgrims.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
A pilgrim is one who, knowing their miseries and imperfections, and above all, conscious of the needs of the world, knows that only in God will they find the cure for their ills and relief for this world.
A pilgrim is one who, even without knowing it, hears the voice of their soul and goes to meet the Father in the sacred places that He has blessed and consecrated as Sources of Life for all beings.
A pilgrim is one who, being simple of heart, knows that their dwelling place is not in this world, but is in the Heart of God, in their celestial origin, from where all life emerged.
A pilgrim is one who arrives surrendered to the House of the Father and allows their heart to not only drink of the Sources of Peace that the Creator opened for the world, but they also are willing to be a bearer of peace for those who need it.
A pilgrim is one who walks towards God, and at each step, empties their heart a little more so that, when facing God, they find a space within where the Father may deposit the talents and gifts that the pilgrim must take to the world.
Be pilgrims in this time, bearers and sowers of the new life. Within the Sources of the Marian Centers, seek the graces that the world needs and distribute these graces as you walk.
Today I bless the House of the Pilgrim and I consecrate it so that here you may learn to be pilgrims.
May those who arrive to this place receive from God His Mercy, His Peace, and His Graces, and that, leaving here, they feel in their hearts the aspiration and the need that many other souls receive what you received.
Be pilgrims, sowers, and multipliers of the Graces of God. Let the Graces of the Father transform you, and through you, transform the world.
By the Will of the Creator Father, Here I open an inexhaustible Fount, of His Peace and of His Grace, which will flows through this alter to all the hearts that, with faith, come here to drink from this Fount.
Always remember that the pilgrim is one who arrives at the sacred places not only to seek something for himself, but to take to the world what it truly needs.
Souls are dying in life, perishing for thirst of God, because they do not know Him and do not search for Him; they do not perceive His presence. Therefore, children, be pilgrims of My Most Chaste Heart, and bring awakening, the Graces of God, His Mercy, and His presence to the world. That will happen through the examples of your hearts.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Your Heavenly Mother, together with Her pilgrim children, walks taking steps of light towards the lands of Brazil so that I may be closer to all of My Brazilian children, at this time in which the destiny of the country will be defined by the discernment and the election of the children of God.
For this reason, your Heavenly Mother is already to be found in vigil and in prayer for the next few hours, and I inexhaustibly pour out all the Love I have for the Brazilian people, upon the essences that are and will be in prayer, with Me.
My Children, at this time I unite My Rosary of Light with the rosaries of all My praying children, and with maternal gratitude, I hear the voices of those who pronounce the prayers of the Hail Mary to Heaven.
My angels work tirelessly at this moment in order to gather up all the sincere intentions and the prayers of those who, for love, ask to the Celestial Father for Brazil.
Thus, I unite to each sincere heart, and on the inner planes, we pray together for the establishment of a sovereign peace.
I thank all those who unite to the Mother of God for the good and justice in Brazil!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Heavenly Mother, together with Her pilgrim children, walks taking steps of light towards the lands of Brazil so that I may be closer to all of My Brazilian children, at this time in which the destiny of the country will be defined by the discernment and the election of the children of God.
For this reason, your Heavenly Mother is already to be found in vigil and in prayer for the next few hours, and I inexhaustibly pour out all the Love I have for the Brazilian people, upon the essences that are and will be in prayer, with Me.
My Children, at this time I unite My Rosary of Light with the rosaries of all My praying children, and with maternal gratitude, I hear the voices of those who pronounce the prayers of the Hail Mary to Heaven.
My angels work tirelessly at this moment in order to gather up all the sincere intentions and the prayers of those who, for love, ask to the Celestial Father for Brazil.
Thus, I unite to each sincere heart, and on the inner planes, we pray together for the establishment of a sovereign peace.
I thank all those who unite to the Mother of God for the good and justice in Brazil!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Community of Mary - Part 2
Dear children,
The Community of the Most Holy Mary should be known in the world, because, in fraternal spirit, it will unite to all the other Christian communities already existing in the world.
What God has asked Me to conceive in the manifestation of the Community of Mary is something special for Me; therefore, children, everything that can be spiritually gestated within you will help the manifestation of this Community to happen.
The Community of Mary will shelter the pilgrim souls; thus they will have a place where they can rest after the pilgrimages to the Marian Centers manifested by the Work of your Celestial Mother.
But the most important thing, children, will be the spirit of hospitality and of cordiality; attributes that will make flourish in the souls the true feeling of belonging and of participation in the Redemptive Work of the Divine Messengers.
The welcoming of the pilgrims should be for you, children, like the reception of Christ at the doors of your houses.
The House of the Pilgrim, which must be enlarged to attend to the needs of the coming times, is the reference for everyone that the work with humanity and the world should come to emerge as main mission of everyone.
It will be in this way, children, that the Work of the Divine Messengers will be fulfilled in the life of each being, existing the loving welcome and accompaniment to the pilgrims of the world, as well as the servers beginning who will donate themselves to your Celestial Mother; thus the Designs of God will be carried forward.
The Community of Mary will be the preamble for everything that will come later.
Therefore, children, the spirit of your hospitality and love, especially on behalf of the residents of the Communities, will overcome the ways of life, the own beliefs and the ideas of what, perhaps, would be the best.
With all the love of the Universe, I come on this day of prayer to present and announce to you a new phase of the work that will take place within the Work of Peace of the Divine Messengers.
The Community will not impose orders, demands nor excessive labor for the souls that awaken. It will be the principle of order and ceremonial which will motivate the souls to abandon their habits and ways of living to begin to adopt new values, which will not be rigid, but spontaneous, and which will awaken in due time, accepting the spiritual and inner moment of each soul; because, if you, children, live these principles within you, you will be free from judgments of value.
Therefore, the Community of Mary will be a mirror of the first Christian communities, which, under the company of your Heavenly Mother, were founded in Jerusalem and in the region of Galilee, Caesarea and Capernaum, after the Ascension of Our Lord.
In this time, children, the Community of Mary will arrive as an impulse from Heaven to awaken the talents in those who sleep and, thus, rebuild the spirit of this humanity.
The Community of Mary will be guided by the Order founded by My Son, and the sacramental and prayerful life will be its pillars.
The Community of Mary will try to reflect the same attributes of life lived by the first Christian communities.
I thank you for helping Me take this project ahead with Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Community of Mary
Dear children:
It is with supreme joy that today your Celestial Mother announces the manifestation of Her marian community, which will be integrated within the existing Communities and will welcome all souls that have just taken their first steps towards the consecration to God and to His Divine Plan.
That is the reason why your Celestial Mother will manifest the Community of Mary so that those souls, who have just awakened, can receive the accompaniment and the love they need to continue walking in the concretion of the Plan of the Creator.
This Community will not be different from the other ones and, in its lap of love, it will receive the brothers and sisters who come from the world and that need special care and instructions.
The Community of Mary will be the central heart of your Heavenly Mother, both for the pilgrims and for the first servers, which are born in these times, to the awakening of the spiritual life.
It will be a merciful, simple, orderly and true community.
It will be a community that will accompany and will adapt to the interior and material reality of each being.
Just as your Mother has accepted humanity as Her children, the spiritual Community of Mary, in a compassionate and considerate way, will welcome, with joy and love, the heart of all souls that will be entering the primary service of the Plan of God and the Work of the Divine Messengers.
Children, it is thus that we are already in other times and it will be fundamental to perceive and see the planetary reality; this will help so that the other Communities-of-Light, already founded, can continue responding to the needs of these times and not remain stationary in their own time or understanding.
It is time to open the doors of the heart even more, just as your Mother of Heaven gives you Her Heart, so that you can live in it, all the time.
That is what I desire from all of My already formed servers, that you can welcome and receive those who arrive with great love and not with rejection.
It is time for the graceful Communities-of-Light which are already founded to fulfil their main mission which, by their existence, they came to fulfil.
If these changes are accompanied by all in confidence and without misgivings, it will greatly help so that your Celestial Mother may continue congregating souls so different from you, those who will also deserve the consolation and the Mercy of God.
The Community of Mary will make no difference; on the contrary, children, the Community of Mary will come and will manifest itself before your lives and hearts so that you may comprehend and believe that we are already in another cycle.
Blessed will be those who trust in My designs because they will never lack wisdom.
The spiritual Community of Mary is the gift of God for the planetary life, life, which in these times, by its own actions and by human errors, loses the codes of christification daily.
For this reason, the Community of Mary will come to guide and assist the souls that have never learned to serve God, but that at this time will awaken to the inner call of My Maternal Heart.
May the Community of Mary be the sincere aspiration of those who believe in God.
I thank you for listening to Me with the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As an Eternal Pilgrim, I seek souls who selflessly want to follow me, not only to know the life of the spirit, but also to live and fulfill My Divine Will.
That is why I Am the Eternal Pilgrim; I Am the One who waits, day after day, for souls that must define their lives in order to follow My steps for all of eternity; so that the Holy Work of the Father, the Divine Purpose of Creation, may finally manifest in the consciousnesses of this world.
Thus, I will continue in pilgrimage and knocking at the door of hearts so that, within this long journey, you may accompany your Master and Lord in this daring mission of the end times, to turn this planet into a true Tabernacle of Light, full of good and noble souls who love much more than I loved in the past, who can surpass Me in love, as well as in service to others.
Behold the Eternal Pilgrim, who calls the sheep by name so that they may follow their Shepherd to the lands of spiritual abundance and the richness of the soul, so that one day they may find the way to true freedom, freeing themselves forever from the prisons of these times.
Just as the Eternal Pilgrim calls the sheep by name, He also calls hearts so that, repentant, they may reach the inner conception of the Redeeming Spirit, of the Spirit of Christ, which will always give them new Life.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I am the Lady of the Path and with My steps I accompany the walk of the pilgrims of God.
I am the Lady of the Path and with the Light of My Heart I illumine the paths of the devotees of Christ.
I am the Lady of the Path and with the angels I protect the walk of those who surrender to God.
I am the Lady of the Path and with My Mantle I protect all those who travel and invoke My protection from danger.
I am the Lady of the Path and with My Gaze I contemplate and accompany the steps of the disciples of Christ.
I am the Lady of the Path and with My Rosary I pray for all the followers of Christ to remain in the path of faith and of service to the neediest.
I am the Lady of the Path and, with My Spirit, I lift the souls to the paths of the Kingdom of God so that they may always see the Light of the Purpose.
I am the Lady of the Path and with My Feet I tread on the treacherous serpent so that My children are not deviated from the Path of God.
I am the Lady of the Path and I look after the path of consecration for those who ask me to.
I am the Lady of the Path and My Love is present within the paths of all the praying ones.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not seek the path of perfection outside of yourself; it is present in your inner universe.
The path of perfection is achieved through permanent service, spontaneous donation, an unbreakable and unalterable unity with God. Seek this path of perfection through your essence, which knows how to find it.
Perfection is not vainglory. Perfection is not self-realization. Perfection lacks prestige and recognition.
Perfection is in you, because God made Himself humble and small so that His creatures could know it.
Christ Himself is the model of humble and disinterested perfection for all souls.
Perfection does not flaunt benefits, advantages, or prizes.
Perfection is full of the sacrifice and renunciation that hearts can live every day.
Perfection is not suffering, is not abandonment, is not pain.
Perfection has its own science and its own autonomy, because it is part of one of the Gifts of God.
Perfection is not recognition nor is it a guarantee.
Perfection is an emptiness of self and the absolute surrender of everything; it is to allow oneself to be where one should be, without wanting or aspiring anything else for oneself.
Thus, perfection as a path is humility, is reverence, is a support of the brave, and encouragement for the oppressed.
Perfection walks hand in hand with love, because true love always wins. Love never loses nor does it worry. That is why love is perfect, because it is simple. Love is unconditional and this makes it perfect, but not proud.
Perfection is faith.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I come in this cycle to take off the sandals of My disciples, and as in the past, I will wash the feet of all of Mine, purifying them with My Fire, sublimating them with my Consciousness, removing from each one of them what no longer serves Me.
Therefore, when it is your turn for the foot-washing, get ready, because it will be the time of the great surrender and of the victorious defeat. That will be the moment in which you will be more purified and will enter into the current of My Fire, to be able to expunge what is already expired and old.
Thus, I will keep you prepared for My return, above all for the last part of the Work which must be fulfilled exactly as in the Holy Scripture of God.
If you are already feeling that within you the great inner resistance is being removed, and that it is doing the impossible to not be defeated, I tell you: do not be afraid, the end of human captivity is close and you will know freedom.
No matter how painful it may be to lose control over wanting everything or desiring everything, surrender at My Feet, because as a Good Shepherd, I will be tirelessly by your side, to pick you up from the ground of your bitterness and pain, as many times as is necessary.
The only thing I ask of you is that you trust Me, because in spite of the terrible storm or tempest that you may be going through in this time, know that My Sacred Spirit of Love is always there, waiting for you to call Me, waiting for you to invoke Me, so that I may have the inner permission to intercede.
Do not lower your arms, the Universe is in need of disciples divested of self and of everything. The Universe is in need of souls capable of living a Divine and Unfathomable Mercy beyond the self for those who are truly more miserable and are within this humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
You Master of Love, Christ Jesus
Dear children:
Before your Heavenly Mother leaves on the pilgrimage for peace to Argentina and then to Uruguay, on this day I wish to be closer to My children of Figueira and I want to announce that on the 1st of December, the day of the first daily message of that month, I would like to see you gathered at 6:30 p.m. so, together, we may bless the Sacred Manger, as well as all the mangers that My children place to be blessed in their communities and family homes.
My mission and aspiration will be that, by means of this consecration, to be able to work in the heart of the family, and most importantly, in the consciousness of the nations, which in these critical times, will need spiritual help at the moment of making future decisions.
As it was the last 25th of November, your Heavenly Mother would like to see the pilgrims and those who pray gathered again so that I may bless you and all the mangers that you place at the foot of My Altar.
This special encounter also has the purpose of strengthening the spirit of the Sacred Family of Figueira, so that the brothers and sisters of the same path love each other more, much more, as Christ loves you, without condition.
I will wait for you, children, the next 1st of December so that we may enter together into the spirit of the Nativity.
My last request is that all groups of prayer and the pilgrims of the world, for this Christmas, send their greetings of peace and of hope so that this joy and perseverance can be radiated to the families of the world that need to strengthen their faith and their union with God. These greetings of peace will be specially given to all television viewers on the 24th and 25th of December from the Marian Center of Aurora.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the White Mountain of Peace and whoever climbs to the top of it will achieve, through prayer and service, the elevation of their consciousness.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which in its heart keeps the greatest treasures of the universe, the sacred knowledge of the Celestial Brotherhood.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that radiates the Grace of God to the world and impels its children to human transcendence.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which reveals the Mysteries of God to humble hearts, a mountain that helps in the transformation of consciousness and the whole being.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that calls the pilgrim of the spirit to rise through it, by means of faith and constant redemption.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that will make each heart a victory for Christ and for the Creator.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which will show Its pilgrims the path of the Return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more