Dear children,

On this sacred mission for peace in Uruguay, on Sunday, the Lord has entrusted me with igniting all the mirrors of prayer of Uruguay so that, above all things, His Plan of redemption may triumph throughout Uruguay and the world.

It will be through the prayer of all the self-summoned that your Heavenly Mother will be able to create new bases of faith, of devotion and of cooperation, within a nation very far from that.

Thus, dear children, united with Me, let us unite with the Heart of the Celestial Father because, in truth, it is His Heart that is taking care of everything, even in the smallest details.

I ask, My children, that all the groups of prayer of the world, which will be lovingly supporting this mission of peace in Uruguay, connect inwardly with the majesty of the Mirrors of light of Aurora; because it will be through My Marian Center of Aurora and the prayer of the nineteen departments, at the same time and at the same hour, that the celestial universe of Brotherhood will be able to move forward with an important task of rescue and liberation of the indifferent Uruguayan peoples.

This work, which is formed by each one of you, is possible when there is a response and promptness, for, in this time, children, the Hierarchy assembles all those who pray so that, in awareness and love, they may help in transcending and freeing the debts of the nations and of their people, as is the case with Uruguay.

From here forward, I will be very grateful for the adherence of everyone.

United in the mission of peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Thirty-Three

Daily Messages
Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Thirty-Three, transmitted in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am present every day in the most simple and inhospitable places of the world, for example, in this simple garden consecrated to My maternal Heart.

It is this way, children, that I would like to be in your hearts all the time, to guide you to Jesus and His Divine Kingdom.

On this day, I also come as the Lady of the Thirty-Three to strengthen in the inner planes the spiritual mission of Uruguay and of all its people that must decidedly grow in sanctity and in the service of God.

Therefore, in this month of May, the groups of the Light-Network of Uruguay and the groups of all of America will be placed in an important confederate mission that will open the doors to knowledge, to training and, above all, to the union of all consciousnesses that want to follow the Law of the Hierarchy.

If this adhesion and response were as positive and mature as other previous answers given by the groups, America as a continent would count on inexplicable spiritual support during the most acute moment of its purification and, in this confederate mission, the groups will be more firm to widely help without borders during the planetary crisis.

So, dear children, your Heavenly Mother will be at the inner command of this spiritual task that will try to displace the destiny of the Americas, very serious social, environmental and political problems that would cause all humanity present here to lose control.

Thus, today I am again founding the Light-Network of prayer, which at this time will be one of the active branches of the planetary Light-Network. The Light-Network of prayer will be a more open consciousness and will welcome all who aspire to experience the prayer schedules of the Divine Messengers, but who, until this moment have not been able to consecrate themselves as part of the planetary Light-Network.

The Light-Network of prayer will be like the Light-Network of service or the Light-Network of healing, and can be integrated by collaborators who are beginners, servers and pilgrims who are learning to take the first steps in the task with the Hierarchy.

Therefore, the more than 300 groups that form the planetary Light-Network throughout the world will be those who welcome and become the guardians of these souls that have been formed within the Light-Network of prayer, service and healing, and who will be united to the nuclei of service as well as to the different cities where the new members come from.

The restructuring of this network of prayer, service and healing is a response to the needs of the newcomers who have not yet gone through instruction, but who have the impulse to join a more open proposal like prayer, service and healing, tasks that can also be united to the service of the missionary Light-Network.

In all of this, the planetary Light-Network in each region and city will be creating new flocks that will be coming, this will be, for all the groups of the planetary Light-Network, a great service for humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the formation of new apostles,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
