My dear children,
As Mother Nature and Mother of Life, today I descend with the Light of God upon this sacred mountain range to meet again with My children of this humanity.
I come on this day to assist and help all My children who, at this time, suffer and undergo their purifications and trials, facing overnight unexpected situations that change the destiny of the lives of many people.
But I would like to tell you, My children, that this does not mean that God is far from suffering or sickness. He is closer than it seems and He suffers together with all the sick and in need through His Son, Jesus Christ, who also suffers together with the Children of the Father.
This is the time of having to accept, but it is also the time to recognize the learnings of life, keeping in mind that every moment is a sacred opportunity for inner growth for all.
Each soul, in this final cycle, will experience that which it needs to learn most, so that in each of My children the Christic love may be born and emerge, which will allow them to understand life in its deepest essence.
As Sacred Hearts, before Our withdrawal, We can see how humanity is unprepared for the end of time. Therefore, the Spiritual Hierarchy dedicates every moment and every meeting to help in all possible situations.
At this turbulent and hostile time of the planet, may you learn to perpetuate the light of prayer and do not miss the opportunity to pray, to ask for My Graces and to intercede for all causes, for all situations and for all your brothers and sisters; because in this time it will be enough only to pray, but to pray from the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all who are sick in body and spirit
My dear children,
While in the world the elements of nature demonstrate the tragic reality of the end of times, the Divinity intervenes in all possible situations so that the Law of Divine Justice not be concretized in the material space of this planet.
This is why with urgency and readiness the Hierarchy works without delay to try to relieve the different realities that, moved by the action of silent uncertain doors, unite to the imbalanced planetary mental plane, aggravating the state of consciousness of the planet.
In this sense, dear children, prayer at this moment should be the priority of all, because while consciousness are not under the spirit of prayer, many more of them will be dragged by these uncertain doors, until souls become completely lost.
It is really necessary and urgent that My children recognize and perceive how the situation of the world is so that, decidedly and like mature apostles, you may walk throughout the world together with the Spiritual Hierarchy, to deter that which at this moment is becoming irreversible.
Be attentive and do not be distracted. You must offer each minute of your lives as a state of permanent prayer and elevation so that the legionaries of Christ may also be invisible and yet active through service for the redemption and healing of this humanity.
For this reason, do not be surprised when the Hierarchy changes the destiny of its pilgrimage. When this happens, as it did a few days ago, you must realize by yourselves that there is something that is not well in the region or country where the Hierarchy goes on pilgrimage with you.
The Divinity, My children, will always decidedly and attentively do all that is possible, and what is within the reach of each reality, to fulfill and concretize the spiritual and inner assistance that each space of the planet needs.
With this preamble, we will now prepare for the following stage, which is the most important, as the Three Sacred Hearts will intervene, once again, for Argentina and South America.
I thank you all in advance for your strict observance, at this very definitive moment for the coming destiny of the Argentine nation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I know that sometimes you feel tired of your own purification, but I am here, come to My Arms.
I know that sometimes you do not know how to move forward and you cannot find meaning in all that you do. I am here, come to My Arms.
I know that sometimes you do not understand what happens or how the universe proposes some lessons and tests, but, you should know that I am here, come to My Arms, because everything makes sense to God, although you may not deeply know it. For this reason, I am here, so that you may come toward Me and be in My Arms. because I will only give you the strength and courage in order for you to learn to overcome these moments and these times.
I am here, at the doors of the month of August, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy will deliver to the world new impulses of Light that will permeate from your spirits towards your whole being. And these impulses that will come are those that will make you postulate yourselves to this path of apostleship that I come to offer to you at this moment, for this final moment.
This is why I come today to celebrate, with the consequent, these eight years of a path of prayer, of effort, of perseverance, of songs, of devotion, of praise and of honor to My Sacred Heart.
Today, I can say, companions, that beyond what happens today in the world, My Heart feels hope again for those who have been by My side, up to this moment, fulfilling My invitation, responding to My Requests, making known in the world the unfathomable power of My Mercy.
It is in this way that many souls, that you do not know today in the world, through these years of merciful prayer, through the participation of these souls in the meetings of prayer, those souls have been marked and anointed by My Spirit. This means a lot for Me, for the opportunity that these souls will have, of being able to remake their lives in the future, and especially to remake their spiritual path, the path that will lead them to God.
This is why, in this month, at the beginning of these sacred events of the Sacred Hearts, your Master and Lord announces Himself to the world to bring it the time of hope and healing that humanity needs, and to also tell you that all those who live the Commandments will follow the universal Laws, and, by following the universal Laws, they will feel in their hearts an indescribable joy, despite the times of darkness, because upon you will descend the Holy Spirit and, with all Its Gifts, It will make you find the Promised Land, the Kingdom of God that lives within each one of you.
Thus, companions, you will fulfill My Promises before the Celestial Father, because you have been transformed by My Mercy throughout these years and, with your adherence and devotion, you have opened the doors at many moments for very painful and unknown situations to be solved, just as it was with the Indigenous Consciousness of Canada, which, for more than one hundred years, suffered the inquisition of My mistaken Church.
But I come today to raise these hearts and all the hearts throughout the world so that they may always keep in mind My Message, and not all those who follow Me, because those who follow Me could always be mistaken, this is human because it is weak. But in My Message and in My Word you will find the power of renewal and, by finding this power of renewal, you will find the Healing, Redemption and Mercy that all of you still need in order to attain the Kingdom of God.
With this impulse, I come to prepare your hearts for the new cycle, which will explicitly begin after August 8, when My Mother, who is your Mother, will open even more the doors to the definitive call in this Plan of the rescue of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature and, in consequence, of the salvation of the whole planet.
Therefore, what we have built together, up to this moment, has been the three important columns of the Work of Redemption: the column of Mercy, the column of Grace and the column of Forgiveness. These three columns unite through a great circle of Light, which is the column of Redemption, which is what souls need today in order to remake their lives in this world that is contaminated by war, by technology, by the ideals and the grave tendencies that move souls away from the Love of God.
This Grace that I have brought to the world, since eight years ago, has been possible through the principle basis that was built for this spiritual task which is the basis of the Light-Communities which I invite all those who listen to know, so that they may enter the Islands of Salvation and may come to know the path that will rebuild your lives from these difficult times. But, first, you must keep loving My Project of Redemption, to someday be able to know the Project of Salvation through the evolutionary life of the Light-Communities.
Because the Light-Communities were the main pillars for the Work of expansion of Mercy to other nations of the world, to make it possible to include many more souls that in this life were waiting for redemption.
This is what I place today at the Feet of the Celestial Father: the efforts, the true surrenders, the devotion of hearts, the service of the selfless and innocent, the souls that strive to live humility, chastity and the unconditional spirit of an ever-deeper surrender for the concretion of the Plan of God through My Sacred heart.
Therefore, I encourage you and I invite you, companions, for this Marathon to be a moment of celebration, to be a moment for giving an impulse to all souls that participate in this prayerful meeting to renew their vows with the attribute of hope so that this Earth may be healed in all that is possible and allowed. Thus, you will understand, companions, that I will not do My Work in this place and in the whole world by Myself, I need your hearts and your lives, I need your ‘yes’ to carry out what is not yet materialized, what must still descend from the Spiritual Universe to heal this wounded Earth and create the bases of a New Humanity.
In these last 8 years, in which I have been appearing to you and delivering My Message to the whole world, I have seen that some of Mine have decided to enter the school of the degrees of love, and, even more, some have decided to enter the degrees of the school of compassion.
I invite you to move ahead in this school, I invite you, for your souls not to forget this school, because the Love of God will not only make you strong and invincible, the Love of God will make you ever more conscious of the reality and of the necessity, to the point that you, by yourselves, will be able to perceive, in everything, what you must help and assist.
Children of My Father, the end of times is already taking place, and, with Me, and in union with Me, you must keep the doors open to this universe of Mercy, where souls can be purified, washed, bathed and may receive an opportunity, as each one of you has received, on this path of the encounter with Me toward Mercy.
Because when your hearts are ready to live what I need, as many hearts are preparing for this, I will open My Heart even more and I will show you My most unknown and deepest feelings, which I will invite you to feel in order for you to learn how to transmute and liberate this world; feelings of My Heart that cannot be seen by the physical eyes, but rather by the eyes of the heart, of a sensitive heart, open to the unknown.
I come here so that you may feel under My Spirit, because I know that it is difficult for many companions to cross this planetary moment, to live this world situation, to be a part of this human consciousness that day by day steps back due to the lack of love and compassion. But you, who many times have submerged in the ocean of My Mercy, can already know, but can also feel, what this means, and you can place yourselves at the service of all that is necessary to carry out, without fearing to surrender, until it hurts, because you will feel it even in your bones; at this moment, you will come to know charity, and your souls will be in joy, they will be in glory, in adoration, because they will be fulfilling a small part of the Plan of the Lord. If everyone did the same in this world, there would no longer exist a pandemic, there would no longer exist suffering, because all this would be replaced by the fraternity and the solidarity of the cooperation that emerges from the souls that, at this time, are here to serve.
In the name of the Source of Creation, at the doors of this month of August, I want to bless you, so that this blessing may impel you even more towards the transformation and elevation of consciousness, for all the consciousnesses that do not elevate themselves and do not love, especially for the consciousness that make wars, humanitarian crises, inequalities, social conflicts, even the diseases that the world is today experiencing.
Although it may seem impossible, difficult or impenetrable, I invite you to imitate what I did in the sorrowful Passion, so that the merits of your efforts and surrenders, in this month of August, may serve as a justification of all the errors committed so that the chaos in the world may be soothed and the most lost souls may be reborn in love and forgiveness. This is My great aspiration in this month of August, and you will begin to accomplish it first among yourselves, with all those who surround you, with your families, with your dear ones and friends. thus you will come to know how much it is necessary to live the school of the degrees of love, in the conscious effort to attain it.
Therefore, I have come to bless you especially, not only you, but also the world, so that the spirit of collaboration may awaken in the hearts of all humanity, especially in the non-believers, so that someday the sacred spirit of brotherhood may awaken.
When this happens, Heaven will have descended to Earth and the Earth will have ascended to the Heavens, in perfect unity, and that is when I will return to bring Peace to the world.
At this moment, I hear the offerings of your souls. Although imperfect, let it be a true offering, let it be the offering that is born from the voice of the heart so that all may be redeemed and healed.
For this first event of the month of August, the Marathon of Divine Mercy, I leave to you what My Heart has that is most precious, what in brotherhood I once shared with you: the Eucharist, the Blood and the Body of Christ, which will always lead you to find the truth within you and redemption, because I did so for you, and I would keep doing so, many times more.
Remember that within the Sacraments lie the lifeline, the path that will lead you to peace and to the divine union with the Most Holy Trinity.
In this month of August, in which we have been so many years alongside each one of you, by means of Our Presence, of Our Sacred Hearts, of Our Words, we come to demonstrate to you that We are here to help this wounded, suffering and agonizing world.
Therefore, I invite you to be a definitive part of My Heart, I invite you to be a part of the Rays of My Heart to illuminate this world by means of works of charity and peace.
At the request of the Eternal Father, I bless you in this new cycle, when the doors of humanitarian service and prayer will open more, until it can reach the whole world, until all hearts possible may hear My Voice, may hear My Message.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will close this moment, making an offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by means of a song that impels us to live this path of apostleship so that the Light of Christ may descend to the world and His aspirations may be concretized through the ‘yes’ of each heart.
To be in the Heart of the Hierarchy and remain there, you must, above all things, live unity. A unity that is built with transparency and with love; a unity that is built knowing to first listen, and then speak; a unity that is built by being capable of perceiving the real value of each being and how others are an indispensable piece in the Work that God is carrying out in the human consciousness.
To be in unity is to know how to relate to others, aware of the Divine Presence in this relationship; to know that, while you speak, think, feel, act, the Eyes of God are upon you, His Presence blesses you, His Laws guide you.
To consciously place oneself in the Presence of God, in each instant of life, will be that which will distance you from the stimuli of the enemy and stop the most human aspects of yourself from being that which governs your lives. In the Presence of God, those aspects will gradually transform and be sublimated, and it is your souls and your spirits that can guide the expression of your beings.
Being in the Presence of God, you will have your heart in His Kingdom, and that Kingdom will enfold you, protect you and always safeguard you. For this reason, children, this is the great secret for remaining upon the path of the Hierarchy: to always be in the Presence of God, under His Gaze and within His Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Through the Light of the Mirrors, the sacred Spiritual Hierarchy brings attributes toward the planet that humanity needs to learn in order to take the correct step that will withdraw it from the illusion in which it lives.
The Mirrors, as part of non-material life, represent that state of consciousness in which is established inner communication between the spiritual and the material.
In this time, the Mirrors work far more than before, because humanity is at the moment of finishing going through the last and great cycle.
With them, the Mirrors will bring the spiritual impulse of powerful currents, which will help to transform and reveal that which humanity needs.
At least a part of humanity and the planet, through the Mirrors, will achieve the real time and, little by little, consciousnesses will see this alternate time dissolve before their eyes, because the Mirrors will achieve the spiritual union that will allow the truth of Knowledge to be revealed.
For this reason, this is the time of definition for the whole planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
After all the impulses delivered throughout this month and a half of the spiritual mission in the United States and Canada, the Hierarchy evaluated the results of the mission as efficient and grand and that, for the first time, in a region of the planet that condemned itself to experience different tests, the spiritual Hierarchy could carry out much more than had been expected and what had been foreseen.
For this reason, today is a day of profound gratitude, because, up until these times, Love has triumphed above all adversity and chaos.
With this message, I invite My companions to re-experience each moment shared with the Hierarchy in the different phases of the mission that was accomplished during this last month and a half.
In this sense, I wish that you could perceive, in essence, everything that happened, and to what point the Hierarchy could reach and concretize Its task.
In this way, My companions will learn to perceive as the Hierarchy perceives and will learn to discern how the Hierarchy lives discernment.
Each stage experienced in this mission of the United States and Canada was recorded within the Heart of the Hierarchy, and everything that happened will be the necessary impulse for experiencing the next period in North America.
Today, elevate your gratitude, and, in that gratitude, renew your vows to My Merciful Heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Understand that this is a time of transition and that you are at the doorway of a new time in which the old human being will no longer have the place they always thought they had, because everything will be renewed when I return to the world.
This is the time to be free of the old self, and all are being faced with this time.
It is an event that, until now, nobody has experienced.
The more open the heart is to the changes, the less it will suffer, because all will have the chance to go past that barrier that separates the current time from the Real Time.
But your consciousness must be expanded and, without prejudice, receive the change of cycle as has happened many times, except that this new time that is approaching is not the same or similar to any other.
It is a time in which everything will be reconfigured so that the weight of the errors of humanity will no longer be the obstacle that will get in the way of the elevation of consciousness.
Thus, in this unconditional openness, the Spiritual Hierarchy will be able to help so that consciousnesses which take the step may go forward to meet the new time, without the weight of yesterday nor the guilt of the past.
The new time will bring a very powerful current of healing.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Montreal will be the second headquarter in Canada of the redeeming Work of Christ, which is present in South America.
Montreal is an important door for the service to immigrants, an opening to specific work with the spiritual instruction through them. This possibility presents itself through an inner opening of those who are there.
Therefore, Montreal represents this second stage in which the Spiritual Hierarchy can work and help the other part of the colonies of immigrants who are there and, as a consequence, they will be able to help, from a distance, their nations of origin to which most citizens of Montreal belong.
In the same way, the city of Quebec has other possibilities for the work of the Hierarchy to develop.
In this sense and for all of this to be possible, after the bases are established by your Master and Lord Himself, through the impulse of pilgrimage, the doors can be kept open for the coming events, those which will benefit the country spiritually.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
From the city of Vancouver to the city of Quebec, there are spaces not yet known to the human being, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy keeps important treasures for the next cycle of humanity.
In Northern Canada there are also special and even impenetrable places where the Spiritual Hierarchy has sacred spaces that help the whole planet.
So Canada experiences a spiritual and intuitive counterpart that needs to awaken on the surface through a group of souls that will unite in the name of the Hierarchy to carry it forward.
Because of this need and reason, the Work of Christ through the consecrated life will assign a number of brothers and sisters so that, together with the Spiritual Hierarchy, Canada and the United States may be able to move into their proper place again through self-summoned souls, thus fulfilling the part of the Plan that is necessary in this cycle.
The Hierarchy and the Work of Christ, through the consecrated Light-Communities, will make the necessary efforts so that this part of the planet, which is the crown of the world, does not remain without the necessary impulses to carry forward the Work of love, redemption and charity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
And now that all the principles, attributes and teachings of the Great Indigenous Fraternity of North America were activated in the inner world of some beings, the time has come for all these attributes, principles and teachings to be lovingly shared with the Cherokee consciousness so that this sacred people, that up to today has deviated from its purpose with the arrival of the white man, may recover the whole legacy that, in essence, is the same for all original peoples of North America.
The spiritual Hierarchy hopes to carry forward an inner task so that the Cherokee consciousness may receive a new impulse after the one that was given throughout the visit of the pilgrimage group in 2016.
Now a new opportunity has appeared for the Divine Hierarchy, and all these indigenous souls will again be contemplated by the Eternal Father so that at least their innermost and most essential parts may be assisted, and this will occur through a meeting of confraternity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I speak to you, My children, in the name of God, so that you may be aware of these different times that humanity is going through, of this moment when the majority of this race has decided to generate non-evolutionary conditions, to implant and establish their ideals, which are empty and do not come from Divine Thought.
You are the fifth race, the race of transition and the race of the end. This is the humanity that must conclude a stage that is not only spiritual, but also material.
The current race, in which you are, is the result of serious interferences and distortions throughout the times and generations.
The Spiritual Hierarchy has taken care of and accompanied different cycles, while humanity moved further and further away from the essence of its purpose.
This is not the first time that the current race has strayed from the path of Light, because in the Cosmos traumatic episodes and experiences also took place. This scarred you a lot, and for this reason, you are here today, within this school-planet, so that you may learn, through love and redemption, to again make the path that you once had destroyed, as a race of the Universe.
To be under the Power of God is to obey and follow Him, something that did not happen in the ancient times of this current race. For this reason, you and the rest of humanity came walking through the times so that, throughout some of them, you could find the safe door to redemption.
But today, all of humanity and those who are most asleep, but also those who are awake and conscious of the spiritual path, are being persecuted by a countless number of dissociative currents that expel consciousnesses from the path of accomplishment.
As everything is allowed, the fury of the fallen angels is felt, but the powerful Light of My Mirrors often sets him away from you, so that you may have time, where it does not exist, so that you can definitively take the steps that are urgent and necessary, in this crucial cycle of humanity.
The time has come to face what no other humanity has faced. The cycle has finally come, when the Seals of the Apocalypse will open and everything will begin to happen, from 2020 onward.
Many will wait for grandiose movements, but the great movement of definition and battle will take place within the people.
In the face of this final scenario, that nobody has lived, in any other time, hold on to the Mantle of Light of the Redeemer, and let the change that you must live be conscious and true, forging the warrior of Christ from within and crossing this acute stage that draws near, with bravery
There will be nowhere to run nor escape to, because the great moment will be within each one of you, and wherever you go or whatever you decide to do with your lives, this definition will accompany you, because it will be something indelible, it will be an unforgettable feeling, which will be taking place between you and Christ.
For this reason, this moment will experience high spiritual pressure, and those who had a commitment with Christ and abandoned it to submerge into the satisfaction of global illusion, will also feel it. Because a spiritual commitment already made does not vanish overnight, it is something eternal that requires you to be in the right place at the right time.
At that hour, the Spiritual Hierarchy will withdraw, and from the high spheres of consciousness, They will support the great definition of each being of this planet.
In this way, the Seven Seals will make room for the seven events prophesized to be fulfilled and for humanity to be purified of all the deviations it lived, throughout the times.
It will be in this culminating hour when Christ will return.
I thank you for listening attentively!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The End of Some Experiences
As I have told you once, companions, My time among you is ending and when this time comes, everything will be unleashed.
Today, I want to announce to you that not only the time and the cycle of the end of the daily impulses is coming, but also coming is the end of many Christic experiences that some of Mine, the closest ones, have lived in these last six years and that, for various reasons, have lost the spiritual experience with Me and only remained with the remembrance of what they once lived with Me.
With this, I want to explain to you and clearly warn you that the choice, made by some who were with Me, upon My path, and that no longer are, has led them to lose the great Christic experience of their entire life, as they were prisoners of illusion and of a supposed invulnerability to harassment.
In truth, they let themselves be defeated, they yielded and lost inner forces, because they let themselves be taken by their weaknesses.
This is the time of the end of experiences, and souls that become without the Christic experience lose the state of Grace that, due to Mercy and Pity, they had once received.
In truth, the seriousness of some extreme choices of some souls is not in the action, but rather in the absolute loss of common sense and reality, and the spiritual meaning of life.
For this reason, and when these situations happen, the Spiritual Hierarchy can no longer intervene or rescue, because those most miserable souls that received everything from the Universe, and ridiculed and offended the spiritual treasures of the Hierarchy, begin to be within the planetary chaos and the common denominator of the inert suffering of humanity.
It is to absolutely lose the possibility of being in communion with their own spirit, because the spirit of this being that disconnects from the Christic path loses the experience, which is outraged and stolen by My adversary, in the art of his astuteness and deception.
Do you understand, companions?
To be with the Spiritual Hierarchy and live in the environment where the Hierarchy is, as for example, the Light-Communities are, does not mean to do, fulfill or carry out one’s own will.
It is obeying for love and, in the strict and loving obedience, to be able to deepen into the trust, in the Guidance that comes from the Heights and, in this way, keep walking in transformation.
I want all of you to understand that to be with the Hierarchy is not to be with a friend, a family member or a coordinator of a task.
It is to correspond and respond to a command that comes from the spiritual plane, which is what later reflects in the mental plane and finally in the material plane.
In all this movement of integration with the Hierarchy, there are no choices or tastes, opinions or personal ideas.
It is to join a superior divine and cosmic stream, which has once contacted them, and thus it is to fulfill a Supreme Will.
In clear words: to be and follow the Hierarchy is to be nothing.
This avoids entering the chaos of these times, in the unnecessary loss of profound spiritual experiences, which, once stolen by the adversary, remain deactivated from the nucleus of the essence.
May the process of personal purification not be the center of your attention. May the center of attention be the giving of self and the love for what is divine and cosmic, because in this way you will not lose the last impulses that are descending from the Universe, and will thus be the example of transformation and of true redemption.
The Spiritual Hierarchy unfolds within a hostile field of permanent battle, where the war of all against all has begun.
But you should apply the intelligence of the third ray and not let yourselves be dragged by your own processes or traumas, but rather you should feel impelled and ascended by the last Words of the Universal Hierarchy.
The three days of darkness will come and the islands of Salvation must be ready and prepared for the massive movement that it will have to attend to, as an unprecedented humanitarian emergency that, overnight, will present itself to be attended and alleviated.
All the preparation and training that you experience will help you to live up to the events.
On one hand, the Hierarchy invites everyone to keep collaborating in the manifestation and the order of life in the Communities.
But also, the Spiritual Hierarchy invites the consciousness that, at this moment, do not measure up to the needs of the Plan, to be able to relocate to other places outside the Communities, so that certain processes of purification do not keep blocking the concretion of a purpose that, I have told you, is divine.
The Hierarchy feels in Its Heart the effort and love for all, but there is no longer time, and you must choose your true transformation or your departure.
The Plan has run important risks and, at this moment, the unity of the Divine Hierarchy and the assistance of some servers of the surface sustains the accomplishment of a goal that has been undervalued.
It is time for everyone to be sincere with the Hierarchy; to no longer deceive yourselves and to not give Them so much work, just as the rest of humanity does.
We are navigating into the sea, in the only ship of the Brotherhood, which is living the storm and the shipwreck so that the greatest number of indifferent consciousnesses can be saved, no mattter what.
Today I come with Words of pain and silence to tell you all this, because it is a responsibility and maturity of everyone, to give the best to God, for all that God has given you and keeps giving to you after these last twelve years of apparitions.
As you know, the cycle will end, and this does not mean that everything ends, and that after this you will nourish upon unsafe or non-spiritual sources to be able to feel your lacks supplied.
It means to assume this planet with maturity, the redemption of all the human race and, in selfless service, prepare the bases for the return of Christ.
There are times when the need for change and purification of consciousnesse will place you before a universe of responsibilities.
Many of those who are not present today still believe they have left inmortal, and believe they are free from the Law, because they did not accept being helped, corrected and straightened, like the poor tree that was twisted.
Now there is no time to retrogress, it is time to advance, to give this testimony that I have asked you for so much, and whose meaning many have not understood.
The Hearts of your Lord and of your Heavenly Mother often feels alone, abandoned by the selfishness, by the offenses and trifles that are frequently committed, losing consciousness, sense, discernment.
Enough with all this!
Because it is time to grow and not to complain. It is time to thank every day for what many do not have, but to truly thank.
When you have read many times all that which I have told you, you will truly demonstrate some change to Me. While this does not happen, everything will continue at the same point.
In Rwanda, we warned about the genocide, and no one believed in it. Today we warn about the urgency for many changes, so that afterwards your repentance may not be too late.
These are moments to mature. But also to make room or to set oneself aside, to not block what others, with so much effort, do want to concretize, according to what the Hierarchy asks.
The moment has come for listening clearly and for not becoming closed, because if you become closed to Instruction, you will become an easy prey to My enemy.
May the fire of My Words give you an impulse and place you upon another step of the Plan, so that the real humanitarian emergencies, which are many, can be attended.
I thank you for having the bravery and love to listen to the truth!
Who blesses you and waits for your true change,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In this time, the Spiritual Hierarchy works through small groups of humans, not only to establish and experience the Project of Redemption, its effectiveness and potentials, but also as a part of the Plan. In a smaller number of gathered consciousnesses, the Hierarchy is able to access all the areas of the human race and, in this way, it helps it find the path of healing and the Greater Purpose.
In order for this to be possible, certain spiritual tools are used that, spiritually and cosmically, help to unblock the human evolutionary process, and thus bring wider possibilities for the rest of humanity.
In this way, the Plan slowly takes over the more serious and complex areas, in which entry into the levels of higher Light or of rehabilitation hase not been achieved.
In this sense, through the small human groups that are truly united to the Hierarchy, It can extend the opportunity to allow universal life to reach all those who are absent from this supreme reality.
All this is possible through a single key that opens the doors: adherence.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While the Hierarchy untiringly works because of the situation of the planet and humanity, the Divinity takes advantage of the prayer and faith of the followers of Christ in order to be able to intervene in a great many situations and help the human race.
This situation that humanity experiences today is present on several levels and planes. For this reason, the need that exists at this moment is not unique, but rather very broad and more and more serious.
If in truth, the vigils and meetings for prayer had not been carried out with dedication up until now, the planet would have gradually disappeared in proportion to the number of errors and occurrences committed.
The intervention of the Law of Divine Mercy has been the lifeline in all situations.
But although errors continue to be constantly reproduced and there is an increasing lack of consciousness, meditate on the planetary situation. The strength and power of the voices that always pray will be irrefutable, and the necessary help will be obtained to alleviate the planet and its sick race, until everything is completely purified and begun again from zero.
I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
When God thought of creating the humanity of the Surface, He thought of a Project, of a perfect Plan, which could emerge during the development of the entire life of the human being.
This Plan is still valid, in spite of the errors and the events lived by the human being itself.
It is a Plan broadly based upon the real experience of love and forgiveness.
The Plan predicts that all human beings will be forgiven, as after many experiences, the human being needs self-forgiveness, within the field of its consciousness, so that it can feel free from the errors committed and free from all guilt.
But this guiding thread that unites and fulfills the life of the human being is the Divine Consciousness of Christ, which even incarnated in this humanity to bring a message that should be applied within daily life. This message deepened through the surrender of Jesus Christ.
This Plan must still be expressed and fulfilled in all of humanity and, although this may seem unattainable in this cycle, the Spiritual Hierarchy gives an impulse and concretizes this Plan of Love through the groups of souls and of consciousnesses that have the commitment of manifesting this Universal Plan, in some way.
Today we are before an example of one of the Plans of God, an example that will be represented by the special Meeting of Music of today, which will mirror one of the most emblematic cultures and roots of ancient times: the African culture, which, being a part of the Project of God, also lived its clashes and decadent periods, and today, under the spirit of established fraternity and brotherhood, it will attain this inner experience with the love and forgiveness that all creatures need.
For this reason, the Meeting of Music that will be offered today will open the celestial doors so that beloved Africa may recover the original attributes and values which had once constituted it as an emblematic and sacred race.
In the loving and faithful surrender of each singer and instrumentalist, the Spiritual Hierarchy will bring toward the Earth all the principles that My children from Africa experienced.
This will benefit the soul of each child of Mine from Africa, who lives the result of traumatic and painful experiences, produced by the trafficking of persons and by the selling of their people for a profit that is outside of all laws and context.
This Meeting of Music of today will grant to Africa the reintegration of its spiritual consciousness, the matrix that once formed the origin of this race, which had the mission of being the bridge between the Material Universe and the Spiritual Universe.
By means of the offering that will be made today, the Divine Universes will intercede through the spontaneous exercise of joy and the loving offer of the Choir of Angolans. The Divinity, for the first time, has found a way to grant the ancient spiritual freedom and the healing of wounded hearts.
All this is possible through the offering of the Meeting of Music of today.
May all feel as a part of Africa, and may all recover the roots that the Celestial Father once created so that, in the values of equality and unity, all of His children might be happy.
From the deepest core of Love and of Divine Existence, I thank the choir of My children of Angola, for having ecumenically responded to this call from the Creation.
I wish you all a most beautiful musical gala, so that healing may reach all of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you, in the Love of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am the Lord of the Silver Armor and through it I protect and safeguard My soldiers during the most demanding missions.
I Am the Lord of the Silver Armor and through it I dissolve the clashes that want to prevent the victory and the triumph of Love.
I Am the Lord of the Silver Armor and through it I divert the dangers that want to absorb souls into uncertain realities.
I Am the Lord of the Silver Armor and through it I repel the contrary currents that try to establish chaos.
I Am the Lord of the Silver Armor and I prepare this sacred tool for all that will happen, in which the spiritual Hierarchy will intervene during Its passage through Mendoza, a place where, through the love and devotion of My companions, the Divinity will try to dissolve the conditions of hostility that were created around and within the nations of Chile and Bolivia.
I Am the Lord of the Silver Armor and I prepare for the great moment of the planetary operation.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you and safeguards you with His Silver Armor,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Through the next Pilgrimage for Peace in Colombia, the Spiritual Hierarchy will try to embrace the greatest possible number of humanitarian situations so that, from the spiritual plane, they may be served and a solution may be carried forward on the material plane, in face of the infinite number of causes.
In this context, although the Divine Messengers have cancelled the pilgrimage in the cities of Cucuta and Barranquilla, it does not mean that, through the next Marathon of Divine Mercy and through the meetings of prayer that will succeed it, the Hierarchy will be unable to take care of everything that They planned to assist in these regions of Colombia.
Therefore, the Divine Hierarchy will increase efforts so that the greatest amount of spiritual and concrete situations may be assisted by the Divinity.
In this way, it will be necessary that inner and material support be provided for, so that the more concrete bases of this pilgrimage may be really firm and, as a result, through the spontaneous contribution and the collaboration of everyone, the Hierarchy may count on this foundation, that will be built by the loving help of all.
Thus, the tasks will be broader and the help will be deeper, and not only Colombia will benefit, but also the rest of South America and, from South America, the whole world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
With the superior silence that permeates the Earth, in this moment we contemplate, as Spiritual Hierarchy, the inner decisions that have been made and we wait, just as all of you, for the result of these decisions.
But what is most important at this moment, My children, is that you do not forget what is kept within the inner world of each one of you. As I have told you, it is the essence of God that will protect you and support you in this time, in spite of what may happen or emerge.
In this time, hold on to the favorite union with the spiritual Hierarchy and thus your steps, consciousnesses and lives will be guided by means of the Greater Purpose.
We are together, near the Earth, within this Solar System. On this day I am not alone, but rather accompanied by many Hierarchies that contemplate, with love, dedication and prayer, this planetary moment, especially this moment of South America.
The time of the planetary transition has arrived, but of a more acute and complex transition; for this reason there is the importance of being in union with the Hierarchy so that not only you can endure it, but also so that you can help your brothers and sisters to endure these difficult times.
The Armageddon is part of a difficult test for humanity, just as the Apocalypse. But I tell you, My children, that this Armageddon and this Apocalypse can be lighter and more short-lived for all, depending on how each consciousness acts and behaves in this time.
The more united you are to God and to His spiritual and universal Hierarchies, the more short-lived and lighter this Armageddon and Apocalypse will be.
We all know that the majority of humanity is completely hypnotized and delluded by many things, and that this situation distances them and separates them from God, day by day.
But, as in other ancient times, the Father will benefit from the small groups of consciousnesses that carry forward His Plan of Love and Redemption, until His Beloved Son can return to Earth.
I need you to understand, My children, that these times are not normal times, these are times that are different from other times and other cycles that different civilizations and different races in humanity have experienced.
This is the time to cross the threshold towards redemption, and to be able to live within yourselves this process of redemption so that humanity and the Earth may have an opportunity.
Today, I am here, My children, accompanying each one of you in the silence and quietude of My Heart. I radiate toward you and give you My Graces so that you can have more strength and keep moving forward.
You must not be surprised by everything that you will see, although inexplicable and unexpected situations may happen.
The Hierarchy knows that humanity is not conscious of what it has generated and of what it has produced throughout the times in order to today arrive to this moment of a planetary turning point; therefore I tell you again about the importance of being united to God and of placing your consciousness in the Heights, no matter what happens, so that none of My Children, or at least most of them, may not become pulled and dragged by the planetary transition, and by the events that will come and unfold upon the surface of the Earth.
Your only faith must be in the Heights, in the nonmaterial and in the cosmic; in this way, the currents of the universe will come to help you and will lead you to understand all events, beyond the situations that may emerge.
You will be able to accompany the hard times, with more maturity and determination, and you will know how to help your neighbor.
There is a part that corresponds to humanity; we cannot fulfill this part, nor can we intervene. This is the cycle in which each human being becomes responsible for their actions and their attitudes before the planetary moment, before the transition of humanity.
But now, My Children, it is important to maintain a strong faith and confidence in the Father, because the help from the universe will never lack for you. For some reason and motive, we are here to accompany you, to sustain and guide you.
If your consciousnesses and mainly your minds are positioned in the Heights, you will allow the Mirrors of the universe to reflect to the Earth their attributes, their powerful currents and their codes, so that humanity may be more protected and balanced, although very complex situations may be happening at this moment.
We know that the great populations of the nations will move from their place, seeking hope and an opportunity in other regions of the Earth, as it has already been happening. Therefore, it is also important to maintain your heart open in order to perceive all necessities and all realities, in order to welcome and receive those who are most in need and do not have anything; and who are the result of those who command them, of those who govern them and who lead them to live great and desperate sufferings.
With all these events and other events of the planet that you, up to the present day, do not know, and of which you are not conscious, it is the time for humanity to assume its responsibilities and make a true and clear decision. Upon this decision and this attitude will depend if the universal help can keep descending to you and to the world.
And that regions of the world may remain protected, in spite of the purification and of the transition of the planet, so that a new humanity can be re-born and re-emerge.
The Plan of the Hierarchy will depend on the attitude of the men and women of the Earth; the Plan will be fulfilled and this will be the the objective of the Universal Hierarchies, although it may be in small groups.
The main cell, which is the family, must remain protected, because in the times of today it is much interfered with and very influenced. Just as in other times and in other civilizations, the family was protected and supported in spite of its tests and sufferings, in such crucial moment as this, the family must remain united to God and to His Divine Consciousness; in this way, nothing external nor internal will disturb it.
My Children, the Human Genetic Project wants to be defeated, and it is high time you perceived and realized this. But your consciousnesses and mainly your hearts must not be submerged in this occurrence but rather in the effort, in the diligence, in the dedication, in the surrender and the fulfillment of this project, day by day, by means of your acts and your works of charity and prayer to the universe.
Remember that, on this planet and in its innermost worlds, sacred locations are kept that could regenerate and recondition the surface of the Earth; but it just so happens that the moment has not yet arrived. It is important that humanity goes through this transition and, depending on its attitude and on its actions, this transition will be lighter or stronger.
The facts, the events and the consequences that happen are exclusively the responsibility of the human being, of this race that is upon the Surface of the Earth.
Everything was given, everything was donated with love and dedication so that a civilization could emerge in the degrees of love and in the evolution of consciousness.
But duality has not been defeated, duality must still be transmuted, liberated and redeemed so that the balance and harmony may be within the beings and all can be in contact with God and thus fulfill His Plan, His aspirations and His promises.
The moment will come when My Son will return; He will return in a surprising and unexpected way. He will be seen in many places of the world, He will be recognized, although many will also reject Him, because He will come with an unknown aspect, never before revealed to humanity.
But the moment will come after His apparitions, after His Presence, and when He again approaches the human consciousness, this is when He will show who He truly is, just as He ascended to the Heavens and attained His greater degree of evolution of consciousness and of love.
It will be the moment in which the forces of chaos and the adversary will be defeated, and the government of this planet will again be granted to the Universal King, as it was granted when He was born on this Earth and among you, to bring you the good news of redemption and the opportunity to again find the path toward the Light.
We, all the Hierarchies, are contemplating the good events, facts and happenings that humanity experience through the consciousnesses, the souls that offered to live and express Christic Love.
Everyone who has lived this experience throughout the times, the generations, are being contemplated and at this moment helping the human consciousness in the inner planes to know how to make a good decision, and that this decision may have beneficial repercussions throughout the rest of the planet.
Now the moment has come to withdraw into the Heart of God and to seek, above all events, the essence of Peace.
Today I send this special message to the world to be Heard and remembered by all, knowing that the Universe also experiences a transition and that, each day more, we are reaching a culminating moment, when everything will be defined, when everything will become more clear, when uncertain realities will end and, at last, the Kingdom of God will be able to be established.
But for this, many situations must end, My children. The planet must cleanse what weighs on it and all that which hurts in it, all that it has received from humanity of the surface throughout time.
Everything will be reconfigured, re-established and re-ordered so that there may exist a new opportunity and the Plan can return to its origin, to its beginning, to its essence. Therefore, the movements will be strong, will be determining and unexpected.
For this, throughout the last times, we have prepared you, instruction has been your key to live these times of Armageddon, and to be united to the Plan of God and to His divine consciousness by means of the word of the Hierarchy.
In an extraordinary way, I send these words to the world and especially to those who sustain the Islands of Salvation so that the codes, attributes, gifts and virtues may remain present upon the surface of the Earth; and so that those who suffer, who undergo pain and who do not have anything may know someday that Love, the Love of God did not dissolve from the heart of humanity and from some places of the Earth. That Love can rebuild everything, Love can renew everything, that the Love of God can liberate you and save you.
I leave you the Light of My spirit and of My soul so that you may be led and, above all, peace and unity may be established.
In the name of the non-material Source of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; in the name of the Governments and Councils that guide and lead this and other Universes; in the name of the Confraternity and of the Celestial Brotherhood that has accompanied this race for a long time; in the name of the Voice of the Father that resounds and has repercussions as an echo through His Messengers; I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And together let us pray so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled, so that His divine Purpose may be established. Pray with Me, My children:
I elevate these prayers, My children, to Heaven, so that the Father may hear them and in response make descend His infinite and incommensurate Mercy.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Now, with the Pilgrimage for Peace in Colombia reduced, the spiritual Hierarchy will concentrate and amplify all of its inner tools more than expected so that, through the pilgrimage, many human needs may be attended to.
For this reason, the Hierarchy has decided to move the spaces, the sacred tool of the Holy Grail so that, through It, Mercy and pardon can be radiated to the planet and to all those situations that need it. As the hosts will be arriving, so will the awakening of the consciousness so that the human being may closely follow the wisdom that will descend during the days of the meeting with souls.
Colombia might be before stronger and more definite events, not only so that it may awaken its consciousness, but also so that this movement may bring to all the existence of the sacred and of reverence.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Not only in Colombia, but also in other nations of the world, a part of humanity, of the followers of Christ, must get together and assemble to await for the definitive moment of humanity, known as the Judgment of judgments.
These spaces and places for the ecumenical meeting of My followers will be the Light-Communities, where they will be free and protected from the imminent dangers that the human race itself will generate through its disagreements with the social and political life of the nations.
Because in truth, humanity will unmask those who only disseminated empty promises about a change or an improvement that never existed in any way; they were only pretty words dressed up in emotional and convincing speeches.
At least a part of humanity will turn to the Spiritual Hierarchy, wherever it may be, to have a guide and protection during the crucial moments.
Thus, companions, be attentive, because these moments are not so far away and you do not need to have fifty years go by to arrive to the end of times, because the end is here.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more