In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children, today I will not be able to dictate a Message but rather simply pronounce My Sacred Words to you.
My dear children of Argentina, of My beloved Argentina, despite the turbulent and dark times, today I want you to be able to feel and enter My Peace.
The world suffers and agonizes, souls endure and become lost, but do not forget that I Am here and Am your Mother, the Mother of each one of you and humanity. I rejoice at being able to be with you today and I unite with that which My Beloved Son, Christ Jesus, has said.
Dare to strengthen yourselves on the path of consecration to the Plan of God, even during the time of purification and transformation of consciousness.
However, I ask you, My children, to no longer become lost in suffering but rather to submerge in Christ, My Son, Who is the Universe of Hope. I will bring you to Him whenever you need it; yet, I also hear you, I contemplate and accompany you.
Believe that I hear your true and most intimate prayers, your deepest supplications, your pleas to the Heart of God. But now is the time for you and your brothers and sisters to live My Message, being My Message, not through your words but rather through your actions, your acts of love, charity and mercy. This is what will help heal the world and humanity.
While humanity becomes divided in that which is superficial and petty, I invite you to deepen into prayer.
The universe of prayer is quite unknown, and only when you unite to it do you start to understand and feel its meaning. Because the doors of the Heavens must be open to the Earth and it is you, My beloved children, who will keep them open through your acts of love and your prayers.
Today I come here with joy and bliss, to reconsecrate this Marian Center and all its representatives, all those who have committed themselves to Me since the earliest times to sustain this point of Light in Argentina.
It is time now for you to be an authentic and true brotherhood, you have the tools for this, you have the knowledge and especially My blessing.
This is how the souls that still wait to cross the portal of hope will be able to come and you yourselves will be renewed; thus the Work will be renewed. Because, as you know, this is the time of the Rescue Plan. Everything needs to be rescued, everything needs to be safe within the Sacred Temple of the Heart of the Eternal Father and His Messengers.
I want to leave to you here My testimony of Love, together with the bravery of moving forward, overcoming these unknown and inexplicable times, crossing the barriers and limits of consciousness and of your own beings; because there, in the infinite, after all this, God and His Creation are to be found, the place where you come from, remember.
It is toward this place and sacred space of God’s Creation that your experience in this incarnation must be taken, as a deep synthesis of all that has been lived and shared, within yourselves and with your brothers and sisters.
This is what will renew Creation, the universe and humanity. Thus, see before you the spiritual treasures that We have entrusted to you and all the Graces that have been poured out from the beginning up to the present moment.
Behold My Maternal Heart, children, an inexhaustible Wellspring of the Graces of God for souls and hearts. Allow this Light, which springs from My Heart, to heal your wounds forever; may you be thus liberated, healed and renewed. No longer hold feelings of frustration or discouragement within yourselves but rather a higher feeling of love, faith and trust in God.
Because although My Heart may withdraw in the coming times, I will be by your side if you allow Me to; and barefoot, we will follow the pathway of humility and inner divestment so that the void may fill your beings and in the void you may receive the All, the One, the Infinite, the Eternal God.
May your gestures of love be an extension of My Love in the world.
May the self-giving of your hands be a gesture of My Charity in the world.
May your bare feet, which walk steadily, be an act of surrender of the Mother of God for souls.
And today I have come to celebrate the Eucharist with you, as a witness of the sacrifice of My Beloved Son for humanity in the Holy Cenacle and on the Cross, so that your cross may be relieved.
Trust, trust in God, because everything has its hour and moment. Do not rush, do not fear. Have faith, a renewed and authentic faith, so that you may be the prelude to the One Thousand Years of Peace.
I thank you for wholeheartedly responding to My call!
May the blessing of My Son be upon you and the world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And after the dark night, the Light will return, the inner Light that was created in the Supreme Source by the Eternal Father Himself before everything existed. This inner Light will emerge in a surprising way in the moments prior to My Return to the world.
For this reason, you must sustain yourselves in Me, despite the tribulations and the current moment, because there is no heart that knows each one of you as deeply as Mine and that can console, fulfill, and sustain you in Love like Mine.
I know that today, you cannot comprehend many situations, and I understand this. Imagine how My Heart can comprehend everything that happens in the world in this time.
How much suffering is caused in many nations, peoples and families!
How God Himself, surrendering on the Cross through His Son, suffering and enduring for all of you, receives in first person the response that the world gives Him with more indifference and pain!
But I come here once again, not only to tell you, companions, that you are with Me and must be with Me even more in this cycle, because if I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, who will go to the Father, if not through Me?
This is the promise that I made to God at the culminating moment of the Cross, when, after being martyrized and crucified, I said to the Father, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
The value of My Blood, the Precious Blood of Jesus, is still unknown, but the one who unites to it in prayer and adoration will know it because I have come to bring the precarious state of the human consciousness to an end.
However, I know you may ask Me, “Master, why does human precariousness continue to exist? Why is it that, after You Yourself have surrendered Your entire Being on Calvary and on the Cross, humanity continues to go astray and to distance itself from God?”
Companions, this is the time that was written, the time of tribulation. And you yourselves, with your own beings, will be able to go through it in two ways:\ in an evolutionary and neutral way or in an attached and imbalanced way.
With this, I Am not saying that what can be seen in this world and reality on the surface is not painful, because the Son of God Himself felt all the pain of the world, the sins and indifference in His own entrails. But remember that Love triumphed and that it is Love that renews you and gives you life and hope.
Yesterday, My Mother spoke to you about the chalices that are upon the altar served for souls. Who will take them and drink from them, knowing that in this time the great victims of My Love are to be found among those who suffer wars, famine, prison, the death penalty, abortion, and disease?
I will come to bring all this to an end because I Am the same as always: the One Who taught you on top of the Mount of Beatitudes; the One who called you at the shores of the Sea of Galilee, just as I call all of you today by your spiritual and inner names, those names that are known in the universe and vibrate in the stars, even if you do not know this.
I will come to be close to those who trust in Me until the end, knowing that after a storm the Sun shines again, and it is the Sun of My Heart that you must always seek in this time, so that the darkness of the Earth may not confuse or disturb you; because the Moon will be cloaked in blood, the Sun will become opaque, the stars will move, the events will present themselves and everyone is already living it.
This is the preamble and it is the time that announces My coming to the world, and Argentina will have a very important task for your Lord at the end of times.
Many prophecies were written about Argentina and many of them will be fulfilled, mainly those revealed by the God of the Universe Himself. Thus, prepare yourselves, do not become lost in superficial and petty things.
When will you decide to submerge into My Heart to know the great abyss of My Mercy?
My Heart does not tire of loving you and loving the world, despite the errors and sin. But here, in this Work and mainly within you, the Law must always, always be fulfilled so that you may be protected from the storms of these times, from the interpretations and confusions of the world; because this Light that God deposited, gestated and created in each one, in the innermost depths of being, is the Light that must shine so that there may be Christs in this time, Christs of the New Time, just as many times, out of love, We have announced.
May your Inner Christ be the reason for being here and for responding to the Will of God, regardless of what each one of Mine must live in these times.
My Hands and, above all My Heart, place peace today where there is pain and anguish.
My Gaze rests where there is darkness and confusion to dispel them.
My embrace sustains those who trust in Me, beyond themselves, because the time indicates that this is the time of apostolate, the apostolate of the selfless and serving heart for those who suffer, close to you and far from you.
Today My Heart is this Sun that illuminates and shines in Argentina. My Sacred Mantle extends over this nation, which has been stricken by injustice and the lack of transparency.
But the one who truly loves, despite everything, will not perish, will never perish because it will not be a self-love or a passing love; it will be a mature love that will be forged within yourselves at each step and above all in each test, at each new challenge.
May your hearts elevate themselves in trust, faith and renewing hope today, just as My Heart elevates Itself in Argentina. Because today My Sacred Mantle is the flag of this nation; the white, the sky blue and the golden colors, the expressions of the Celestial Universe and of the Mantle of the Divine Mother, Patroness of this nation and Guardian of faith.
I want you to follow me barefoot and with clean hands, purified of your own intentions, your own thoughts and your own feelings.
I want you to follow Me with an empty heart, capable of enduring and receiving everything that comes, thinking of the Passion of Christ, your Lord, at each step. Because the triumph of your Master and Lord did not happen in the debate of His Word, when He was unjustly condemned, but rather in the silence, in the solemn silence that elevates the consciousness and protects it with wisdom.
May your hearts be receptive to this moment. There is so much to do in this world! And you know it.
Argentina must not stop. Argentina must advance and this nation will advance through those who follow Christ with confidence and faith.
In the presence of the celestial choirs, the Lord blesses you, congregates and unites you in impersonal and mature Love, in the Love of the Cross, without hesitation and disagreements, in the Love that made possible going through the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the Love that allowed your Master to take each step on Calvary without retroceding, to advance toward the inexplicable goal that the Father had placed upon His path.
That the Powerful Blood which springs from My Heart as rays of Mercy, may cure, heal and renew you.
You are wayfares of time, wayfarers who have been called to fulfill a Will that cannot be erased or disappear.
Today, I Am here to impel you, to renew you, to give you My Love once again, the Love that will help you mature and grow internally.
Many among you have received the Grace of the Sacraments on these days. Can you value it and know that in them, in each Sacrament, lies the living expression of God’s Love?
Feel graced, but also feel gratitude for those who do not have it, for those who deny it, for those who are indifferent. Thus, in this gratitude that will lead you to reverence and simplicity of life, which you must perfect every day, you will keep the door open so that I may return in confidence, faith and love.
For this reason, I bless you to be able to bless all of Argentina, from North to South, from East to West, Argentina, which is the sacred enclosure for many inner relics that in this time must be at the service of souls and those who seek the true Light on their paths.
Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your adherence and your presence.
My Heart is pleased to be able to come back here and be with My brothers and sisters, and with My disciples of the end times; just as I was with My apostles many times, with Peter, John and so many others who found Me on their paths.
Remember that in My Heart lies the path, the way out, and the response that you seek within you. My Heart burns in Love and Light for those who love, adore and wait for Me, as on this day.
Thank you for the flowers you have offered to Me, because they are not for Me but rather they are glory for My Father, Who is your Father Who is in the Heavens. Because His Universe descends through the Divinity and the Spirit of His Beloved Son, Christ Jesus.
My Heart carries the commitment of your daily prayers within Itself. The world needs to be sustained and this is urgent. You already know it.
May the Light of prayer guide your steps.
May service open the doors of Mercy and Pity.
May reverence and gratitude keep the doors of Heaven open for those who seek peace, consolation and love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Beloved children,
For God, your Father, there is no impediment or obstacle for Him to be close to His Children and for His Spiritual Plan to descend and unite to the souls that invoke Him and cry out to Him.
I Am the Mother of Argentina, the Venerated Virgin of Lujan, who holds all supplications in Her Heart and watches over the faith of Her children, so that it may not disappear.
Be conscious of the dark night that the planet and humanity are going through. There are no other paths, but God’s path, which can be drawn through your hearts and your inner life.
My Son sends me before, to be with you on this day, because I Am the Mother of all, the Venerable Mother that has made a commitment to each one of Her children so that they may live the Will of God.
I come to heal the wounds that have opened.
I come to place Light where there is darkness.
I come to bring hope where it has completely disappeared.
I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses, the eyes of your souls, so that you may see and feel the Kingdom of God close to you.
Argentina will rise from the ashes, because its inner spirit, the spirit of this nation, cannot be defeated.
You still do not know its fire, a sacred fire that impels Argentina to be a strong country, firm in its conviction and faith, which is what you must learn to take care of and protect today. Because despite the dark night or despite the time without answers or signs, or even without solutions, this is the calvary that shows itself before you so that you may live and cross it, because if My Son did it for you, you can also do it.
God blesses, with His Graces, those who sacrifice and persevere.
God tends to those who are weak and those who cannot find meaning to their lives.
God is here, in you and among you, and He springs from My Motherly Heart in offering and love for His children.
Do not forget everything I have taught you. It is time to apply the divine knowledge that We have given you.
It is time for you to be yourselves, once and for all, with your own light, with your own love, united to the Love of the Father, with constant self-giving and service for those who suffer.
Today, I come to pour out My Grace upon those who have lost it and even upon those who have never recognized it.
Because if I speak today it is at the request of My Son and in obedience to His designs. Because here, before Me and in your souls, there are precious crystals that still must be polished and transformed. And when My Son starts transforming and polishing them, will you leave? He has something special for each one, believe Me. Because He hopes He will reveal it to each being, on the indicated day and hour.
Meanwhile, I invite you to renew yourselves in the school of prayer.
How will you sustain yourselves if you do not pray?
How will you be able to discern if you do not pray?
How will you be able to have Light on your paths if you do not pray?
Darkness embraces many souls in these times and you know it.
Allow your own purification to be freed and transcended forever. Because God does not want to see you in suffering or in pain, but rather in the joy and certainty to live Him each day, in perpetual communion with His Sublime and Eternal Heart.
But the tests of life are there to be lived and experienced. If I promised to you a life of roses, I would not be honest with you, MY children.
If My Son drank from the Chalice without deserving it, have you asked yourselves internally if you would be capable of drinking the offering to God from the Chalice?
O My Lord, Your Altar is served. How many chalices are full to be offered and drunk by souls?
Who will understand, beyond themselves, the reason for this commitment and the reason why God offers to you His mystery to be revealed?
I pray for those who cannot understand this moment, because I know.
Have you ever wondered what I felt upon seeing My Son being handed over, flagellated, crucified and killed on the Cross for something He never did?
What is more beyond human comprehension?
What is more beyond knowledge or even knowledge itself?
It is called love, children; love for the unknown, love for the immaterial will that has ruled your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters since the emergence of your essences in the ponds of God and since the gestation in the wombs of your mothers.
For this reason, a mother knows what it is to have a child; but does a child know what it is to have a mother?
How many mothers suffer disappointment of their dearest children and cry, just as I cry with them, so that My tears may be the river of Grace that consoles the mothers who love and protect the path of their children?
I am here to protect the Work of God, in which you participate.
My Son hopes you have been able to learn today and have grown internally. This is what My Son has hoped for for a long time, because if in all this and at this moment there were not love, I would not be here, because God is Love, but He is also Justice.
He will never allow you to go astray from His path and, even if you go astray, He will rescue you because this is the promise that My Son has made at the foot of His Throne, of His humble house of love and service in this Creation.
I want this Light, which once ignited in your hearts for this Work many years ago, to today re-ignite in confidence and faith. Because if I am here it is not only because I love you, but also because I accompany and support you.
And today I promise you, My beloveds, that your wounded trust is being repaired by the Grace that God has sent Me to give you, in spiritual communion with My Son and in eternal sacrament.
God knows that human imperfection is very great; but despite this, the one who obeys the Lord becomes liberated from themselves forever. Because that is where your school is, the one of surrendering your own will every day so that the Will of God may reign in you at each moment.
Today, I come to give to the offended hearts the roses that exist in the Kingdom of Heaven, which are profoundly spiritual and invisible, so that a flower of My celestial garden, nourished by good and praying souls, may be positioned upon your hearts and, thus, you may receive the perfume of the Mother of God, the perfume of Her Grace and Her Peace.
Argentina, through you, must affirm itself in the work with the Centers of Love. You already know how to do it and how to represent the Hierarchy on this wounded, outraged and violated planet.
And thus, in union with the Centers of Love, you will be able to know the treasures of the Hierarchy, but above all the treasures that are hidden and yet to be revealed in your hearts. Cross the door to the inner rebirth, the door that I offer to you today to inner rebirth, reconciliation and internal union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My Son has asked Me to anoint each one of you with a kiss on your forefront. Receive, in this way, this gesture of Love of the Celestial Mother, of the little Virgin of Lujan, so that the stars and suns that live in you may ignite and affirm themselves in the purpose of God.
I want to thank each one of My children of the Light-Network for being here today and for having crossed the threshold of incomprehension and misunderstandings. Because the love that lives and dwells in each being has brought you here, up to this present day, so that the pain may be liberated, so that faith may be strengthened, so that peace may fill you and embrace you on this day and thus, this may be radiated to the world that needs it so much in this crucial and difficult hour.
Remember that in Heaven We are always there for everyone, for everyone; that the doors of My Heart will always open so that you may find a safe haven in this time.
The work of the Light-Choir in Argentina must expand. The Southern Cone must make the gifts of God shine through the voices that offer to praise and recognize Him as the only God of the universe and of life and so that, above all, the doors of the Heavens may be open upon Argentina, and this country, this nation, and especially its people, may be a part of the last boat of salvation of Christ, Our Lord.
Because you will see Him come down the mountain, just as He did so many times.
Because you will see Him preach, heal and cure in a surprising way, just as He did so many times.
Because you will be able to feel, upon His Return, His blessing Hand, His closeness and His embrace, as He did many times with the forgotten, with the discarded, with the offended, with the wounded, with all those who have been despised.
The touch of His humble Love, at His Return, will transform all things, just as the Mantle that the holy women would touch for them to be healed, just as the tears that rolled upon His Feet to wash and bless them with the love of the confirmed ones.
Today I want you to re-consecrate your vows as Children of Mary, but with an inner conviction of striving every day to fulfill the vows that you yourselves professed to Christ.
This will allow the light and expression of the task of Argentina through you to be fulfilled, because everything is offered so that this may happen. For this reason, I am here, to accompany and impel you once more.
My Son needs your service in Argentina to make the sun of this nation to shine, because to Him, Our Lord, this is urgent.
Before I bid farewell and thank you, I wish for the little Marys to draw near to be blessed by Me.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us bless these little souls, through anointment, so that they may be consecrated as Children of Mary.
Let us say a prayer for this soul.
Prayer: “Hail Mary” (twice).
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the perfume of My Love be felt at this moment, so that souls may re-ignite in the Love and Grace of the Father, which are immeasurable, infinite and inextinguishable.
Just as I consecrate these little souls today, baptizing them with the spiritual Light of My Son, in the same way I consecrate and baptize you again with the spiritual Light that Jesus brought to His Mother and His apostles in His Resurrection.
May the stars of My Crown protect and guide Argentina.
I thank you for this meeting of peace, love and reconciliation.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children:
After the coming of My Beloved Son to Argentina, as Mother of all and Lady of Lujan, I come to bless you for the last time.
I will continue praying for you, My children of Argentina. In this way, despite the traumatic social scenario of the country, your hearts may be comforted by the Love that My Motherly Heart offers you at this time.
My beloved children of Argentina, I wish that you carry in your hearts all the impulses you received in these last days, as part of the merciful and compassionate gesture of God for an Argentina that must already prepare itself for the Return of Christ.
Meanwhile, I encourage you, My children, to perform works of charity and good deeds, and to think that every moment of service to those who suffer, you will be doing it as a true act of reparation; thus, violence and mistreatment among the members of the human family may be eradicated from Argentina and hope, strength and faith, which has already dissolved in many hearts, may return to Argentina.
My children, your Mother and Lady of Luján asks you to be forerunners of the hope and joy that the Gospel gives you, because in this way more needy hearts in Argentina will have the Grace to be reborn in love and goodness.
I thank you, My children of Argentina, for having accompanied each of the steps of Our Sacred Hearts.
Go forward, My children of Argentina!
Who thanks you and blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I rejoice to be here, in My Argentina.
I come here as a Mirror of Peace, so that souls may enter My Ocean of Peace, so that they may enter My Universe of Love, which will strengthen you at this moment, and encourage you to continue, no matter what may happen.
My children, I Am here and I Am your Mother, the Mother who listens to the supplications of Her children, the Mother of God who welcomes wounded hearts, who receives the clamor of all Her children.
I am here, My children, to encourage you, and give you bravery, so that you may feel inspired to go through these unknown times, within and outside of you.
I come here to dissolve all fear and doubt by means of the Love of My Son, Jesus Christ. He sends Me as the Lady of Argentina and the Mother of all Argentinian hearts, to remind you that He will return to this nation, and that His promise will be fulfilled, and that nothing will prevent it, because it is the Will of God, above all things.
Therefore, have faith and do not become weakened. Invoke the action of the Holy Spirit, so that you may receive Its gifts at this moment, when Argentina needs to be guided and accompanied by the Hierarchy.
In the name of all the Holy Divinities of the universe, I am here as the breath of the Holy Spirit, which embraces and envelopes you as the flame of Love that heals and cures you, and impels you to live the new time far from suffering and sadness.
I come here as the Mother of Infinite Grace, to repair the spirit and soul of this nation. For this reason, I have asked you to meet with Me, and I give thanks for the spirit of collaboration and the enthusiasm of all, regardless of what each one of My children is going through at this moment.
Place your ears upon My Chest, and feel the beating of My Heart. Allow My Hands to caress your faces. Allow My Arms to embrace you tightly, so that you may feel the embrace of God, this embrace that is tireless and eternal, this Sacred Hand of Light, which extends itself to all, so that you may hold it tightly and continue to walk with hope until you can find the universe of peace within yourselves.
I love Argentina with predilection, and I will not tire of saying this time and again, because this is a prayer for your Heavenly Mother.
I love Argentina for the Spiritual Purpose that it has in the end of times, for all that it must concretize spiritually as a nation; because it is foreseen that the Will of God will be fulfilled here, even if the events on the surface say other things.
However, through this test of faith that each one of My Argentinian children is going through, God grants you the opportunity to strengthen your own Inner Christs and go through this moment in a way that has never been experienced before.
Therefore, I come here as the Mother of Relief, as the Mother of Consolation, as the Mother that listens to the voice of each one of Her Children of Argentina.
A time will come, a time in the future, when all will be transformed and redeemed. You already know this promise, which the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph have pronounced to you throughout the times.
Believe in this, have faith, and you will be part of this someday, and so will your families and loved ones, and also this entire country, which must reflect to the world a lesson of love, faith and persistence, in which the hearts that love and live for Christ do not allow themselves to be defeated, they do not allow themselves to tremble, regardless of all that happens to them. Because the Love of Christ is in the hearts that love the Lord, and faith renews you and dissolves your weaknesses, uncertainties and also your doubts.
For this is the great dark night of the planet. Just like you, as a nation and as a people, are going through this dark night, many nations are also living their dark night, many peoples and races are going through this dark night. But for you and your brothers and sisters, the invincible and inexplicable Light of Christ will always shine in the depths of the abyss.
And raising your faces toward the Heights, you will see Him, because He will tread upon this land with His Feet, and just as He did with His companions, He will call you by your names, and in this way you will recognize Him, but some souls will have the Grace of seeing Him face to face, and in a surprising way.
What will you say to My Son when you meet Him?
Prepare this moment in the innermost depths of your hearts, because this is what matters the most for your lives at this moment: to be face to face with the Lord, and thus unite with Him, so that you may One with Him, just as He is One with the Father, and thus the Father will be One with you. Because My Beloved Son came to the world for this reason, so that all may learn to be One with the Father who is in the Heavens.
I pray for Argentina to express its sacred spiritual task through the souls that awaken and will awaken, through the hearts that dare to unite to this Universal Fraternity, in which all can live, in this time, an inner synthesis of all paths, schools and experiences which they have lived in this life.
Because in the end, My children, all schools, experiences and paths will reach one place, all paths will emerge in one place, which is the Love of God, His pulsating and eternal Heart, which vibrates in Love for all the souls that seek it, and which impels all the hearts that dare to surpass My Son in Love.
Because this is what Christ, Our Lord, hopes for, that at each passing day, and through each experience that you live in this crucial time, the center of your lives and your spirituality may be to live this Christic Love of God by means of His Most Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
I will walk with you in pilgrimage up to the ridges of Cordoba so that, through the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Argentina, as a soul and as a people, may have the Grace of receiving, once again, the Seven Gifts of God, so that the souls that are here may be repaired and healed, so that all of you may feel the anointing of My Most Beloved Son, who will come to bless you, just as the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. Thus, the Three Sacred Hearts will bless Argentina.
The Mother of Grace, present here today among Her children and for Her children, extends Her Arms and opens Her Hands to pour out the Light of the Grace of God upon His Creatures, upon the souls that need consolation and peace at this moment, to take that Light of the Grace of God in their spirits, to radiate it to their families and loved ones, to share it with each brother and sister of Argentina.
Believe, My beloved children, in the power that the rebirth of Christ in each heart can give you.
You are now witnesses of the Blessed Sacrament of His Body and His Blood, you are part of His Great Mystical Body in the world, which reflects His Grace and Love for souls as a mirror.
In this afternoon, may you feel the joy of your souls, just as the Mother of God and Lady of Luján feels the joy of being with Her beloved children.
May the advent of hope be fulfilled.
May souls be reborn in Christ, so that peace may be achieved.
My dear children, at this moment I will bless all the sacred objects that you may have with you, so that they may continue to be a sign of conversion and redemption, of strengthening of faith and hope in the souls of Argentina.
The Rosary is the weapon against all adversity and darkness. Whoever affirms themselves in it, will never perish.
I came to teach the world to pray the Holy Rosary, so that your souls, your families and loved ones may be part of the Mysteries of God expressed in each one of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, and so that, through the spirit of the prayer of the Rosary, you may learn to overcome all evil and all adversity, you may learn to resolve the impossible causes. Because the one who prays the Rosary with the heart, prays with Me in the Heavens.
I bless these sacred objects, but above all I bless your hearts.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you, My children, for being with Me. Remember that I am by your side in the silence of My prayer.
I thank you and love you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thank you, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord!
And now, we will prepare ourselves for the Spiritual Communion, and offer this Communion for the reconsecration of Argentina to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, responding to the request of our Most Holy Mother.
While we prepare ourselves, we will sing "Song for Christ", preparing our inner world and our consciousness to participate in this Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and in the Sacrament of the Baptism, which comes as a renewing Grace for all of us.
To My beloved children of Argentina
Dear children:
In these recent times, My Maternal and Immaculate Heart has accompanied, step by step, the social and spiritual situation of My beloved Argentina.
Today, I want to tell you that, at each moment, I have suffered with you the regression that the country has lived in recent years and, above all, I have contemplated the needs that the most vulnerable have experienced, as well as the entire families that have been forced to abandon My beloved Argentina due to the insecurity and the lack of future.
However, many of you remained in the country and, like the apostles in the Sea of Galilee, have faced the hard storm of the country and of all its people.
Argentina is the food provider of the world, and this will never change. This is why, on this day of decisions for each one of My Argentinian children, I want to tell you that, despite the situations of wars and emergencies that the Divinity attends, My Heart of a Mother will be with each one of you, because in the last four years, which were painful to My children of Argentina, your Heavenly Mother closely accompanied the experience and anguish of each son and daughter of Mine.
This is why, once again, My beloveds, I call you on this day not only to invoke the discernment of the Holy Spirit, but I also call you to pray with Me.
Therefore, this Sunday, in a special way, I invite all prayerful beings, and especially My children of Argentina, the Light-Network of this country, to unite in prayer, by praying a Mystery of the Holy Rosary together with the visionaries of this Work.
In this way, My appeal to God will be so that Argentina and all its people may live a greater time of Peace, Justice and Grace, so that the angel of Argentina may have the necessary strength and support of all My children of Argentina so that the country may rise spiritually and materially again, so that harmony, the common good and a fraternal spirit may be the bases that allow the country to recover the hope and peace it has lost.
Today, more than ever, dear children, in prayer and supplication, I will be united to all My Argentinian children, so that you may not forget that I love you and I will lead you to Jesus, so that you may live under His Divine Will.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Where there is a heart that sincerely cries out for peace, there is also the Heart of God.
Where there is a being that prays with the truth of their heart, there the Mirrors of God manifest themselves to communicate Higher Truths to beings, to reveal unknown mysteries and those that are only mysteries because your eyes are still looking outside and not within.
The time has come for you to look to these mountains, and not see just mountains. The time has come for you to look to the sky and not see just stars. The time has come for you to look to yourselves and not see just human beings, not see just what you find reflected in a mirror. Go beyond it, to the mirror of your hearts and, through it, you will be able to see what hides within mountains, what hides within the skies, what hides within yourselves.
When My Son was upon the Earth, He spoke to you in parables, and even so you did not understand Him. He Himself told you that the Truths of Heaven could not yet be revealed to the hearts of humanity, but now the time has come, humanity has matured through its errors, through its deviations.
Now, children, you need to decide to no longer err, no longer commit the same errors for two thousand years. Humanity is different, this planet is different. Through you, a Plan must be manifested, a Truth must be revealed, and it will not be just through words, but through your lives. This is the true miracle that we have come to bring to the world: the transformation of the human condition.
When My Son was on Earth, in body, Soul and Divinity, so that beings might believe in His Presence, He needed to work prodigies and miracles to the eyes of humanity. Today, children, the Truth reveals itself through you, the new prodigies are the transformation of your lives, the manifestation of the Centers of Love, the revelation of the mysteries that have been hidden since the beginning of human existence.
Two thousand years ago the veil of the Temple was torn. Today, the veil of your consciousnesses needs to be torn. But in order for this to happen, you need to be willing to transform your own lives and no longer be the same.
I know that many of you look back and do not see what you used to be, you have taken many steps on this path of transformation. But in the dwelling of the Thought of God, the Perfect Will of the Creator, this inner space within each one of you is still hidden, disguised behind the human condition, behind all those situations that you still need to surrender and transform, so that this may emerge.
In this way, the Lineages will manifest themselves.
In this way, Warriors will position themselves in their places to protect this Purpose.
In this way, Mirrors will attract, from the Heart of God, that which must manifested itself as the Purpose of the Earth.
In this way, Kingdomists will heal the wounded heart of the Earth, and restore the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature, through perfect communion with all of Creation.
In this way, Contemplatives, in their supplication and silence, will restore the Heart of God and generate merits so that the most lost souls may attain Mercy.
In this way, Healers will touch deep wounds and heal them, so that humanity may no longer look to the pain, but may look toward renewal, may be restored and redeemed to manifest the true Divine Thought on this Earth.
In this way, Governors will govern with the Power of God, and not with their own power, and they will lead this humanity to the fulfillment of the Higher Will.
In this way, each one in their place will build the New Humanity. There is still time to live this Purpose, there is still time to open up to this mystery.
Just as I revealed to you the truth hidden in the Heart of Aurora, children, allow your souls to contemplate a deep mystery in this sacred place. Within these mountains, a mystery is kept, which emerged in the Heart of God, with the Human Purpose.
When the Creator thought of this race and manifested it with His Angels and Archangels in all dimensions, from the Spiritual Universes to the smallest among the physical particles, He also manifested a space that would be the guardian of this race, in which this Thought would dwell, so as to always lead humanity to a return to that Origin, the Origin of Divine Thought.
Although it was a perfect project, when the Creator manifested those beings that would unite the dimensions, that would unite the Heart of God with all manifested life, He offered this Thought to imperfect consciousnesses so that, through that opportunity, they might renew Creation, not only their lives, but all life.
From the beginning, the Creator knew that humanity would become lost on its path and, just as Aurora manifests Healing, children, you can find the Thought of God here, the Perfect Thought of the Origin so that you may live redemption on all levels of your consciousness, from the Spiritual Universes down to the smallest particles of your beings.
Do not try to understand what I am telling you, just listen to My Words and allow them to lead you to a state of consciousness that is mysterious and incomprehensible to the human mind, but which you need to reach to find the Divine Thought once again, to find the Will of God once again, and you must do that in the name of all humanity.
Therefore, just listen, do not question. Just feel how your cells vibrate before My Words, which manifest a mystery that is unknown to the mind, but is revealed to the cellular consciousness that dwells within you. Therefore, allow yourselves to be transformed.
I come to bring you a spiritual science, not just a mystical science. This is not an Apparition like others, because these times are not like others. Do not seek references in that which has passed, because that which must happen now is new, and for this you need the mysteries to be revealed so that you may know where to be, how to act.
The Lord sends you the Consoling Spirit not only so that you may know how to speak in tongues, receive prophecies and live His Gifts, but He also sends you this Spirit so that you may understand His Mysteries and, more than that, you may live them.
I have come from Heaven with a purpose, but, as with everything in human life, this purpose needs the permission of humanity to manifest itself.
Through My Words, I come to transform all that which is corrupt in the human heart. Do the exercise, children, of emptying the consciousness of all that which you have known up to today and of all longing to have knowledge and to live mystical paths that confuse your beings rather than lead you to a truth.
I come to teach you that, to live the Truth, you need to be empty of yourselves, of all your wills and aspirations. This was the way I achieved the Divine Thought in My Life, in the name of all beings. This was the way I was able to be before the Creator so that He might reveal His Mysteries to Me, so that He might show Me unknown worlds and celestial perfection. This is why I invite you to this path of void, of surrender, of sacrifice for others, so that they may find this Truth.
Within these mountains, a sigh is heard, of those who wait to serve humanity, of those who wait for a moment of silence, of void, of surrender to happen. Are you willing to live that?
Feel the Heart of God, which beats not only at the center of Creation, but also in this place, and, at the same time, within you. Feel how this beating begins to transform you little by little. Allow the darkness of human condition to make room for the Light that dwells in your cells. Allow your deepest wounds to be healed. Allow the Voice of God to be heard in the silence of your heart.
Learn to contemplate, learn to transmute and transform through the deep union to the Heart of God. This is how, children, you return to the Origin, to the Celestial and Divine Origin.
In the core of your beings, emit a cry for those who are most in need, for those who suffer, for those who agonize. Within you, where you can find the Heart of God, say a prayer for humanity, for the Kingdoms of Nature. I hear you, God hears you.
Today I say this prayer with you, in the silence of your hearts, so that you may feel peace again and so that you may learn, in the symbol of My Words, that you were created to serve, to transform, to intercede, to unite dimensions, to renew Creation, and all that you do in your lives should have that purpose. All those whom you find on your paths may be touched by the peace that I give to you today, but for this you need to maintain that peace within yourselves.
Today, the Creator gives you a Legacy. He places in your hearts a perfect code, which, at the moment of greatest agony, will be able to emerge and show you the path, the word to be pronounced or the silence to be lived, the moment to go on or to stop.
When you are in doubt, make silence, find this state of peace again, remember this perfect code that dwells in you and seek the answer within it, where the Creator listens to you, in the dwelling of your own heart.
In the silence, between one word and the next, I observe you, listen to you and feel you.
Say a prayer with Me for this place, for this nation, for the manifestation of the Sacredness that dwells here, so that Divine Justice may purify without wounding, transform through awakening rather than through suffering.
Lord and God of Mercy,
Who has loved humanity from the beginning of Creation,
today contemplate the sincerity of Your Children,
and, by the Infinite Love that You stored in their hearts,
may Divine Hope again be ignited.
Grant an opportunity, Lord, to the beings that,
in their imperfection, seek Your Truth.
Grant, Lord, in the silence of the heart,
a true cry for the transformation of beings
so that, through this cry,
Your Truth may emerge,
Your Mercy may descend,
Your Love may be renewed,
Your Grace may be established,
Your Thought may be a reality.
Through simple things, the Heart of the Father is renewed. How is it possible, children, that, in this place, seemingly lost in these mountains, the Heart of God may be renewed?
Because He wants to show you that it is through simplicity, true simplicity, that He unites to the heart of humanity, that He reveals to them His Grace, He pours out His Mercy and transforms His Justice.
You should keep praying, you should keep the Doors of Heaven open in this place so that the Thought of God that is kept here, the Divine and Original Code that was stored here, within these mountains, so that it might be safeguarded and find a space to reach the heart of all beings, to awaken souls and transform their human condition, so that you may not lament at the end of times for not having awakened, but rather, awakened, you may see a New Life emerge, know the Will of God, His Greatness and His Perfection, and you may be witnesses of the power of divine transformation.
This is the greatest aspiration of your Celestial Father: transform the human condition, transform that which is behind this human condition, errors and imperfections that do not come from this world, but that, through your transformation, you may transform all life, all that was created.
This is the wonder of Divine Thought, which you are called upon to know. Will you choose the human condition? Or will you ignite your hearts in a perfect cry of union with God to know His Mysteries?
There is still time to awaken, children. And this happens when you take the first step.
Do not try to be in a place that does not fit you spiritually, do not try to be perfect if you are not willing to take the first step. Transformation takes place in a process: when you take a step the next one manifests itself, and that is how you will again find the Divine Will for your lives. It will not reveal itself if you are not ready. You will not find transformation if you are not available for this. You will not plunge into the unknown if you do not love it, you will not know the Divine Science that dwells in your cells if you do not learn to love it, to love the Thought of God.
This is how transformation reveals itself, children, how the Lineages manifest themselves, how the Centers of Love reveal themselves, how you will be participants of the Third Order of the Brotherhood. Do not ask what it is, be open to live it. Do not try to know, aspire to be, and all will be revealed to you. This is what I wanted to tell you today.
God sought many paths to bring you here. Be capable of valuing His Graces, honoring His Gifts, being consistent with all that He gives you. I give you My blessing for this.
Now commune with the perfect offering of Christ, which renews you time and again, so that you may live all that I have told you.
I bless you and, with the Consoling Spirit, I fill you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Before closing the transmission, we will make a brief account to all of you, at the request of the Hierarchy, because you know that the Divine Messengers want to make us ever more aware, not only of Their Words, but also of all that happens when They come to the world.
I will try to remember everything, because really many things happened and the Divine Hierarchy has assigned to Mother María Shimani, who must be accompanying this transmission, the task of deepening with us, studying these last Apparitions here in Argentina, so that all of us, all those who are accompanying these Apparitions, may understand more broadly that which the Hierarchy was doing.
While we were praying, a very strong spiritual movement could be felt, which manifested not only in Heaven, but also within the mountains. Spiritual movements that are like manifestations of Light, manifestations of Angels, Archangels and Spiritual Consciousnesses, began to work in higher dimensions and realities, not only with each one of us, but also with the Kingdoms of Nature, with this space of this region of Argentina where we are and with those who were accompanying that movement of prayer. And we, who do not understand many things, do not think of that, we concentrated in the prayer, waiting for the coming of the Hierarchy.
When Saint Joseph came, He was showing us a sacred space within the mountains, like a spiritual space, which the Mother will explain a little better afterward. There a very elevated reality was lived, where what seemed like Temples of Light could be seen, which held a divine state of consciousness.
It was a state of consciousness that the Father manifested in the origin, and which He kept in this lost space of the planet so that we, as humanity, despite the errors that we would commit throughout our evolution, might find again this Thought of God.
This is what Saint Joseph began to bring to us. When He began to speak, these two realities united, it was like a mirror of water that manifested both the sky and what there is on Earth.
Behind Saint Joseph, we could see this spiritual reality in the sky, but this manifested itself on Earth, within the mountains. It was like a mirror of these two spiritual realities. And at a moment, I confess that I thought I would not be able to stand it, it was really a very strong vibration.
Through the silence of Saint Joseph, He was observing us to see how far He could go with us, because that energy was moving us a lot internally, it was moving us on the level of our cells, not only our inner worlds, our spiritual worlds. Because He explained to us that this Will of God was not only spiritual, but it was also for our physical consciousness, for what we are as a human, material expression.
This is why it moved us also on the level of our cells and, as He spoke to us, this Divine Energy gradually expelled from within us those inner situations that separate us from this Perfect Thought of God.
And I perceived that our cells were spinning at an incredible speed and this energy was manifesting a Light that came from the inside out and at the same time from the Hierarchy toward us.
The same inner movement was manifesting itself on the level of nature and of the consciousness of this nation, above all in what corresponds to this place. And Saint Joseph showed us that, through the Graces that the Hierarchy brought from the beginning of the Pilgrimage in Argentina, this was beginning to transmute an energy of Justice. Those Graces, those celestial gifts that the Messengers were bringing, and the response of each one of us, through our prayers, were beginning to transform that energy of Justice into an energy of Mercy.
And Argentina was receiving a Grace that it does not deserve, through this Mercy, which transmuted this Justice. It was like an event that already existed spiritually was about to manifest itself on the physical plane, and was gradually transformed by this energy of Mercy.
So that we may better understand, the Mother will study this with us afterward so that, through Instruction, we may be even more aware. Because the Hierarchy explained, Saint Joseph explained, that we must not lose that Grace.
This is why He invited us to keep this place ignited, to keep praying here, to keep strengthening the channel of prayer that the Divine Hierarchy manifested, knowing that a Sacred Place of God dwells here, a mirror of a celestial state of consciousness.
Through our prayers, may we consciously maintain that Grace available so that, as Saint Joseph said, humanity may learn through awakening rather than through suffering. And that, at the hardest, most definitive moments, we may know where to be, what to do, what to say, what not to say, when we must go, when we must stay. All of that will emerge from our hearts, from this inner bond that each one of us is building with God, and which we must not lose.
So, we are invited to keep praying here, in order to keep protecting the Grace that we have received, that Argentina has received, that the planet has received.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
While the world seeks a mistaken way out, and humanity still keeps flaunting power and personal will, through the Fire of the Holy Spirit that congregates you today, I bring you the mystery of the Cross on Mount Calvary so that you may contemplate it through My Heart present here today. So that you may be at the foot of the Cross, just as My Mother and the holy women were. So that you may be at the foot of the cross of the planet, because many try to escape this commitment, because it is unknown and many still fear it.
That which I can offer you are sacrifices, it is a Law not yet understood by the world. Sacrifice has been transgressed by men and women of the Earth because they have not understood it, but My Mother was at the foot of the Cross, and loved that mystery.
And today, your Master and Lord, Glorious and Resplendent upon this mountain range, rejoices for being back here, for being with the warriors of Mercy of this Community, for being, for a moment, with those who are His, with those who are learning to overcome themselves, with the apostles who sustain this Marian Center.
I am here, at last, with Mine, with those who are faithful to this Plan, who accompany the Work of the Hierarchy. This is the reason that has brought Me here and it is the permission that I have directly received from the Father.
Many more must open up to love the mystery of the Cross, the Cross that was marked by My own Blood, the Cross that was bathed by My own Water. And today, through the mystery that I bring to your inner worlds, through My Cross, I mark you again as Children of the Father.
Today, I again purify you through My Blood, as those apostles who are written in the Heart of God and whom, through their talents and virtues, I come to seek.
Today, I speak to you from an abstract universe, but if the heart is open, it can understand and feel all. It understands the mystery that I bring to the world and to hearts, because it is a sacred seed of Light that I sow in consciousnesses, a seed that will germinate and sprout in the coming times. Therefore, your faith and devotion to My Sacred Heart must keep watering this sacred seed, which is invisible and imperceptible to the eyes of humanity.
Thus, I come to anoint you, and I come to mark you with My Fire.
Today, you are open to be anointed by My Spirit again. And to complete My task in Argentina and for Argentina, I come to mark, through anointment, the flocks of God, the children of the Immolated Lamb, so that they may be a visible sign of redemption throughout the world. Because not only do you need it, but the world also needs it imperiously.
Rejoice, and feel you are resurrected in spirt and soul, and no longer allow your souls to be impure.
May the visible sign of the Cross, which I bring today, to each one of you, again bring you a sacrament, through My Spirit and My Divinity, so that the apostles of the end of times may be more defined, and doubts or uncertainties may no longer exist.
Therefore, I approach you at this moment, through a special and spiritual proximity, because through you I work with the whole world, with souls, and in Spirit I can reach those spaces that need Me.
As I told you in Buenos Aires, you will still see, in the end of times, the purification around you and within you. Why should you fear, if your Shepherd is here to help you?
Do you by any chance believe I do not know each part of your beings? Each corner of your consciousness is known by Me. There will never be anything that you can hide from Me, although you may believe so.
Through the Sacrament of Anointment, which today I will offer to you, once again, I will lead you to enter My Christic Path even more, the path of sacrifice. Because the door of the great rendition is open to those who want to cross it, and I will be there to accompany you, to follow your steps so that on this path of rendition you may recognize My Footprints, the Luminous Footprints of Christ, so that you may learn to walk just as I walk in this world, so that you may learn to see Me, just as I am present through various suffering souls and hearts.
If the world deepened into the Gift of Charity and the Good, and the Good were not used as a business weapon, or if the Gift of Fraternity were not used to the benefit of just a few, I assure you that the war in Ukraine today would have already ended, just as in other conflicts throughout the world that you do not know about, in which I am silently present, sustaining the mothers of war, the cry of the innocent, sheltering with My Light the children whose innocence and childhood were taken away. I could tell you, at this moment, many more things of this world.
The great key to cross the door of rendition is the giving of self.
The one who gives their whole life and being does not find limits in their consciousness and, even if they have limits in their consciousness, they know how to overcome them.
Giving of self will always lead you to piety and service.
Be more attentive and give of yourselves. Do not do it only for you, do it for the whole world, for all those situations that are not yet forgiven by God, and only the Law of My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy can bring a solution to all that happens.
Thus, I invite you to strengthen yourselves in the apostolate, and this will begin in you and among your family members, at your homes, in daily life and also at work.
This is what I taught My apostles so that, although they abandoned Me at the foot of the Cross and denied Me three times, they would not cease to feel they are My apostles, those who, through the Fire of the Holy Spirit, would carry My Word, the Gospel.
Now, your own lives must be My living Gospel. I not only need the testimonial of your love and redemption, I also need concrete, true and honest action. This is what I need from the apostles of the end of times: that your lives may never cease to aspire for consecration, that your own legs never tire of walking toward the encounter with the Great Master.
Why do I say all this to you today, although it seems that you have listened to it so many times?
It is because it has not yet happened, and through My Blessed Grace and the Holy Humility that My Heart can offer you, I prepare you for the great times of revelations so that you do not do the same as My apostles did in the past, leaving Me alone at the most important moment.
Therefore, I ask you, “Who will climb the Calvary of the cross of the planet together with the Master?
This is something profound and spiritual. It is to live the testimonial of Christ in the flesh, not just to adore and recognize Him as the Lord among lords, but rather that the very story of your lives, the story of your redemption and your love for Me, at each step of life, may be like a blessed Code of Light stored in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which today, once again, I come to offer to all.
Argentina needs these kinds of apostles, apostles of One Lord, apostles of one path, apostles of one God. Because otherwise, companions, how can that which Argentina and the world live today be reversed?
I come to call to My Path those who have said ‘yes’ to Me from the beginning.
I come to call the sheep by their own names.
Children of My Father, it is time to raise the walls of the inner temple and, once and for all, surrender your dwellings. Because the Gifts that I gave you must be available, at this moment, for your Master and Lord. This is what I most need at this moment.
I am by the side of those who allow Me to walk by their side, so that I may accompany them as I Have always done.
Although the experience of this life may seem painful, sad or horrible, aspire, appeal, implore to come to know the Gift of Sacrifice, because it is something that you can live between My Heart and your hearts.
The Gift of Sacrifice is a Law that the Father enacted before I expired on the Cross. Because the Gift of Sacrifice is a Gift of Sacramental Communion between souls and My Heart, between the divinity of each being and My Divinity, between your spirits and My Sacred Spirit. It is not something palpable, it is something spiritual. It is not something material, it is something profoundly immaterial.
Each time you offer something to Me, remember that you will be in communion with Me, under the Law of Sacramental Sacrifice.
Not everyone can be called to live this school, because it depends on the history of their lives and, above all, of their souls. But today, opening the great door of rendition to the whole world, marking this door to each one of you, I need souls with courage to cross it, because I need to justify, before God, so many errors in the world.
Our Hearts, the Heart of My Holy Mother, Mary, the Chaste Heart of My Father, Saint Joseph, and My Sacred Heart, need to keep coming to the world to help in this cruel planetary reality and intervene in this scenario of horrors of the world.
Souls need to remember, but also need to love the price of My Blood, so that this Spiritual and Powerful Blood may keep descending to the world, and all those who still wait in the abysses of this world for rescue and liberation may be rescued and liberated once and for all.
Do you now understand the importance of sacrifice? It corresponds to a mature and adult attitude.
I prepare souls to feel motivated to live their own Garden of Gethsemane.
Will you drink from the Chalice when it appears before you?
When the angels show you this Sacred Chalice, will you drink of it?
You will have just one minute, at that moment, to remember what I have told you today.
No longer cling to your fears, cling to My Truth, cling to My Path, be part of My Life, just as the Son is part of the Life of the Father, and the Father is life in His Children.
Argentina approaches this great moment of inner definition, and when you see even more chaos in the streets of this world, will you run away as the apostles did to escape the sacrifice next to your Master and Lord? Will the Holy Mother be alone again at the foot of the cross of the planet? Who will give Her their scarf so that She may wipe Her tears?
The Sorrowful Mother silently walks in Argentina. The Mother travels each nation of South America and, together with Her Angels and Archangels, in the dimension of the Divine Consciousness, She crosses the calvary of this world and of souls.
Remember, companions, God knows each heart and, through His Son, God approaches you and your brothers and sisters in the world so that, just as it was in the Garden of Gethsemane with your Master and Lord, you may receive His strength, courage and bravery and say, “Lord, my heart is ready.”
As a testimonial of the greatness of the Mystery of the Cross and of the Love of God, today I will have the bliss of again consecrating new adorers who are learning to love My Eucharistic Body, who are learning to be part of My Mystical Body. Because remember, in the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar lies the power of overcoming to go through the end of these times. The one who is capable of falling upon their own knees before the Blessed Sacrament will know how to overcome themselves.
I do not care how many times you have made mistakes, My Heart hopes you will never again miss the opportunities that I bring you, which are not transitory.
My Kingdom needs to have souls as flowers in God's Garden. How many souls in religious and lay life wither away, day by day, like a flower that dries up due to the lack of the Water of Life! I bring you the Fountain of renewal so that you may cross the door of consecration.
I am grateful that you have prepared this space for Me and for Saint Joseph. You do not know how significant this is to My Consciousness, how important it is to My Heart. Because it is in the heart where the Treasures of the Father are kept, it is in the heart where the Son and the Holy Spirit can dwell.
Now, may the doors of consecration open, may incense be lit, and may water be offered to bless souls. May the Sacred Oil of the Altar anoint needy hearts, through the Powerful Cross of the Redeemer.
Let us truly prepare for this moment, because all may receive a Grace at this moment. an Incalculable and inexhaustible Grace.
Bring Me the scarves of the Adorers so that I may consecrate them with the Breath of the Spirit. So that they, day by day, through the Eucharistic Adoration, may unite to Me until they are in Me, in Eternity.
Those who will be consecrated may approach the foot of this Altar.
Lord, God of the Universe,
through Your Spirit
and through the offering of these Sacred Elements,
which are a part of My Christic Congregation on the planet,
bless and renew souls whenever it may be necessary,
so that they may feel, in this consecration, the Breath of Your Spirit,
so that all may be healed and liberated.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Christ will accompany this consecration of new adorers, and we will unite to Him, at this moment, through a song that He has asked of us, which is called “Consecration.” We will sing it in Spanish.
And at the request of Christ, we will accompany the brothers and sisters so that they may live this moment in a deep and inner way, while the Lord accompanies this consecration.
Please, let us preserve silence, as the Hierarchy is present.
(The consecration of new adorers of the Eucharistic Body of Christ is carried out)
We will ask the mother of Friar Juan Evangelista to come here, and be consecrated, at the request of Christ, as helper.
We ask for the elements to be brought, please.
I have the power to renew all that you offer to Me, when this offering is true and honest.
My Love blesses the souls that truly surrenders to Me, because I make all things new.
Today, the Lord blesses you with the name Lucero de Dios.
Welcome to this path of helping at the Altars of Christ and of honoring His Name forever. Be welcome, Lucero de Dios!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now we will prepare for the moment of the Eucharistic celebration, the Spiritual Communion, expanding even more this spirit of consecration, so that it may be received by the souls of the world.
I give you My Peace, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
While your Heavenly Mother is here, on this special and important day to Me, your Heavenly Mother is also with the Holy Father in Kazakhstan, so that the world may understand, once and for all, that religion is not a cause for division or discord, religions are a bridge to reach the Heart of God. Therefore, My Heart is very saddened when there is discord, division or separation in religions.
In these crucial times for the planet, religion is being used as a war weapon to confuse hearts, to separate souls from the faith of God.
But I come on this day, My children, to reconnect Heaven and Earth, to reconnect the purpose that the Argentinian nation has with the Higher Source of Love, and this is possible through the response of those who are present today.
I know that your consciousnesses cannot measure what this signifies to the Father. But I assure you, My children, that something very important is happening at this very moment, when religions of the world unite to dialogue for peace so that the peoples of the whole world may be protected by religions, and at last My Beloved Son may see, with His own Eyes, Ecumenism being manifested, which He so much waits for.
The main key of religions is the Love of God. This is why souls must seek this incessant Love through religions. I ask you, My children, not to identify yourselves with that which is superficial, because even within religions there are errors and there is sin.
But you, My children, who have already accompanied Me for such a long time, who respond to My call each time that I call you, should place your consciousnesses and, above all, your minds, on another plane of understanding and union, because there My enemy will not intercept, nor seek you or harass you.
Through your prayer, help all religions of the world, because they keep being used as war weapons and when My Son returns, He will need that religions may also go through a synthesis and a judgment.
Because that which He taught such a long time ago is for all. And the way that humanity on this surface has found to understand His Message is through religion. But open your consciousnesses, do not stay in what is theoretical, do not stay only within dogma.
I ask you, time and again, that your gazes and above all your hearts may turn toward God, that they may turn to the source of His Love, an inexhaustible Love, an eternal Love which, through My Heart, wants to fill you, wants to bless and wants to unite you as one.
Today, I come to this place with great joy, feeling bliss in My Heart for being able to be in the heart of Argentina and, through this heart, being able to radiate, to all the nation and the whole world, what the country and the other peoples of the world need at this moment.
Therefore, I once again thank you for following My Steps, for accompanying Me at this moment and at this hour, because this is very significant to Our Lord, the Christ.
My children, this allows your Mother to pour out more Graces upon the world. It allows the souls that are confused and lost to return to the House of the Father at this moment. For this reason, I Am here.
God contemplates the sincere response of each heart that is present. As your Mother, I know what the fact that I Am here in an immediate way has meant to you, and this is much valued by My Beloved Son. My Son also values the new souls that are postulants to consecration as Children of Mary.
All is valued by My Beloved Son, each true gesture of love allows the world to receive the atonement it so much needs in these times.
I ask you, My children, not to forget to pray for religions, as union and ecumenism must take place and this is a responsibility for each one of you, so that the world may no longer precipitate into the abyss, so that souls no longer be dragged towards perdition and not make alliance with modernities.
The One God, the Almighty, gathers you at this moment, gathers you for a Higher Purpose, which you do not know, a Purpose that can begin to be written in the Heart of the Father and in the heart of His Children.
In this way, I speak to you of a new story that began to be written in Buenos Aires, a story traced by the union of hearts with the Heart of the Hierarchy, which keeps being written through this moment, and this place.
In this way, that which is hidden to the eyes of all becomes revealed, that which is present on the immaterial plane is shown, and all hills that surround this region are witnesses of this, although this place must still purify itself. Remember that which My Son once told you: so that He may make things new, He needs consciousnesses to be renewed and not be in resistance or under power itself.
Once and for all, souls must become liberated from themselves, they must learn to walk in Christ and for Christ, so that He, before God, may fulfill His Word, and, above all, He may fulfill His Prophecy of returning to the world at the culminating moment of humanity, when all will be able to see, listen to, feel and recognize Him as the Master among masters, as the King of the Universe.
This is why He sends His Messenger. He sends the Mother of the Mountains, Pachamamama, so that the world may also not forget the cry of the planet, the cry of the Kingdoms of Nature. They need the help of all.
Rebuild the surface of this planet through actions of charity.
Open the doors to the Mercy of God and allow all to be healed. Because the whole world needs it, before the great end comes.
Pray for Cordoba to be re-consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, because if this consecration takes place faithfully, this will have repercussions throughout all of Argentina, and those situations that want to make the country succumb will not be concretized, because the prayer of the faithful prayerful beings will prevent impunity to keep acting in this world and in this country.
May all be balanced, just as this nation deserves and needs.
As I told you in Buenos Aires, place your trust in God. Remember not to stay in that which is superficial. At each moment and on each new day, place your consciousness in the Heights, because there lies the solution and the response that you so much seek.
I Am here also to pray for this cause, and each time a new Child of Mary is consecrated, My prayer and the prayer of My children is heard, preventing unexpected and painful situations to take place in the world or in Argentina.
The gaze of God is upon this country, you must keep this in mind.
But despite the impunity or the injustice, despite the lies or the falsity, despite the empty message or the illusion, despite all that happens on the surface of Argentina, the spiritual heart of this nation will not lose the treasures it has.
Therefore, I invite you to unite to this so that, throughout the times, it may cause the spiritual treasures of God that are present in this country to reverberate. It depends on you, My children, that nothing else may happen, this is the truth.
As a testimonial that it is possible to live changes, I will now call those who will be consecrated as My children on this day.
I invite you to approach this altar so that you may live this moment of consecration and blessing and so that your lives and, above all, your hearts, may be a living testimonial that redemption is possible.
Make yourselves available, may all become available to receive My blessing, the blessing of your Heavenly Mother.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And we will now listen to the instrumental song of the Children of Mary, preparing this moment of consecration and union with the Most Holy Virgin.
I would like to tell these beloved children present here, that I have waited for this moment to consecrate you before God, that I deeply know your traumas and sadness, that I Have walked by your side at dark moments and during desolation. Do not forget that I Am the Sorrowful Mother of the Cross, the one who, at the Feet of My Son, on the top of Mount Calvary, assumed each one of you and your essences with love and responsibility. Therefore, I know all that has happened up to this moment.
Renew your faith and your trust in God through My Immaculate Heart. Because from now on you will be able to walk free from yourselves and your deepest wounds will close and heal, because My Grace will touch your hearts at this moment.
You and your brothers and sisters are My children, and I love you, I Am your Mother and I Am always here to help you. Because a good mother never forgets her children, even if Your Heavenly Mother is a Pilgrim Mother.
Therefore, open your hearts at this moment of consecration and union with Me. May not only your lives but also your families be consecrated. And that which has remained separated, that wound which has remained open, that illness which you have gone through, or even that incomprehension which has remained in your memories, may all this be dissolved at this moment, so that you may feel My maternal embrace.
Children, I not only consecrate you today as Children of Mary, but I also consecrate you as a new Rosary of Light, which will have the mission and duty to pray for Argentina so that, through your hearts and the heart of Cordoba, the Spiritual Government that this country needs may be made manifest, the Laws may be fulfilled and the Commandments may be respected.
Rejoice, My children! You are My children, the Children of Mary.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us sing.
I thank you for having responded to My call.
May the Holy Spirit always guide you and fill you.
Song: “Hymn of the Children of Mary.”
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
So now, to conclude this work, we will explain to you how this moment of Apparition proceeded, for it was very special, and it reminded me of when we were on a pilgrimage here in Cordoba a few years ago.
And so that you may see that the Hierarchy keeps all moments in mind, today Our Lady, as Mary, the Queen of Peace, came here, continuing that moment of that Apparition long ago, and now bringing the feeling of Mary's gratitude.
As She came from Heaven, descending toward Cordoba, Mary’s passing throughout each area of this part of Argentina, closed many uncertain doors and many intruding energies were gradually liberated.
She brought to those present and those who are not, a principle of maternal consolation never seen before, which She transmitted through Her Immaculate Heart, through Her Love.
When She consecrated the Children of Mary, it was really very special to me. Because while Mary spoke with sweetness to each one of the brothers and sisters who were consecrated today, She not only again raised them through the Faith and Strength that Our Lady lives as a Divine Consciousness, but She also showed how She has been with each one of them throughout their lives. And let us imagine, for a moment, how many of us are on this planet.
Mary, once more, demonstrates and confirms to us that She does not forget any of Her children, because at that moment of consecration, She saw the story of each one of these brothers and sisters. As the Mother of God, She was before their errors and right actions. As She said, “the sorrows, anguishes and darkness.”
The mere Presence of Mary, as the Queen of Peace, dissolved all of this in the face of Her children, those who were consecrated today. And at that moment, to Mary, errors did not matter. What mattered the most to Our Lady today was that, in the consecration of these brothers and sisters, they might be able to remember that they are Children of God, and that nothing and no one can take that Grace from them.
Mary told me that to be a Child of God is something that we cannot encompass with our minds, with our consciousness. To be a Child of God, Mary said, is a state of Grace that we receive in our birth and, even more, when we were conceived in the womb of our mothers. This is why She is the Universal Mother. She is the Womb that generates and creates new things.
Today, these brothers and sisters lived a moment not only of consecration, but also of filiation with the Father and through the Presence of the Holy Spirit, through Mary, She gave them a sacred task.
At that moment we were able to understand and above all feel, that it seemed as if we had known each one of them for a very long time. This happens because our souls unite at the Feet of Mary, and then we remember the place She has for each one of us in Her Heart. She told us that we have to keep this in mind, that no one should forget the place we have in the Heart of Mary.
And to conclude, I would like to say that Our Lady helped this part of Argentina, the North of Argentina. Above all, She presented Herself on the inner planes to help the brothers who are in Jujuy, in Corrientes, in those places of Argentina where there are such simple, such humble brothers and sisters, that no one even knows who they are. Today, Mary also brought Her Love to those places and to those consciousnesses.
Today, Mary was very thankful for being here. I do not know why.
She likes Cordoba, because it is the heart of Argentina.
So we give thanks for the presence of all of you.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Mary asked the Children of Mary to make a Rosary of Light group.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Those who were consecrated today, right? And each one of them could also form a Rosary of Light. But first we have to fulfill the goals that are possible.
This group that was consecrated is a new Rosary of Light. After this work, the priests will explain to you what this is all about, so that you may respond to the call of Mary. And after you go through the experience of this Rosary of Light group, each one of you may be encouraged to form another Rosary of Light group.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
If you who are at home also want to pray for Argentina and make a Rosary of Light group, you may enter the page of the Divine Messengers and there you will have the information so that together we may keep illuminating this world through prayer.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will close this meeting by singing a song that Mary asked of us, because She knows that each one of your hearts identify with it.
Song: “To look at You.”
Thank you all!
My dear children,
While in the world the elements of nature demonstrate the tragic reality of the end of times, the Divinity intervenes in all possible situations so that the Law of Divine Justice not be concretized in the material space of this planet.
This is why with urgency and readiness the Hierarchy works without delay to try to relieve the different realities that, moved by the action of silent uncertain doors, unite to the imbalanced planetary mental plane, aggravating the state of consciousness of the planet.
In this sense, dear children, prayer at this moment should be the priority of all, because while consciousness are not under the spirit of prayer, many more of them will be dragged by these uncertain doors, until souls become completely lost.
It is really necessary and urgent that My children recognize and perceive how the situation of the world is so that, decidedly and like mature apostles, you may walk throughout the world together with the Spiritual Hierarchy, to deter that which at this moment is becoming irreversible.
Be attentive and do not be distracted. You must offer each minute of your lives as a state of permanent prayer and elevation so that the legionaries of Christ may also be invisible and yet active through service for the redemption and healing of this humanity.
For this reason, do not be surprised when the Hierarchy changes the destiny of its pilgrimage. When this happens, as it did a few days ago, you must realize by yourselves that there is something that is not well in the region or country where the Hierarchy goes on pilgrimage with you.
The Divinity, My children, will always decidedly and attentively do all that is possible, and what is within the reach of each reality, to fulfill and concretize the spiritual and inner assistance that each space of the planet needs.
With this preamble, we will now prepare for the following stage, which is the most important, as the Three Sacred Hearts will intervene, once again, for Argentina and South America.
I thank you all in advance for your strict observance, at this very definitive moment for the coming destiny of the Argentine nation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be brave and do not lose heart. God forgives all faults because He is merciful in His Son. The one who believes in this knows how to persist. The one who believes in this learns how to love and go beyond their limitations, beyond their possibilities. This is why I am here, to remind you of this.
On this day, I also want you to contemplate the greatest testimonial of Love, the Sacred Treasure of the Father, through the Ark of the Holy Covenant. The Ark that has been open these days, the Ark that is open at this moment before all inner worlds so that you yourselves may deposit your experience of love, a striving love, a love that can expand, a code of redemption and light which through your offering you may place within this Ark. It is open before your Lord so that, just like Me, you may place the experience of love and redemption.
But these treasures of Heaven will not remain in the universe, these treasures must descend to the planet and humanity, through all Inner Centers that hold and protect this Sacred Ark on a spiritual and immaterial level.
When I return, the Sacred Ark will also return, that same Teraphim that guided the people of Israel and always allowed them to remember their commitment to God and the importance of fulfilling the purpose.
Now that you have expanded into tribes and cultures, the Ark must return to the planet so that the soul of nations and peoples may recover the Purpose of Creation. This purpose has been altered throughout recent times, a purpose that must not be dissolved within your essences because it was placed there, the moment you emerged in the origin.
Therefore, do not identify yourselves with all that which is material and exterior. Turn your gazes towards the inner worlds and remember, remember your sacred name, the one that is also living just as many other names in the Sacred Ark.
This is what Argentina needs to recover internally. Because you will not see the change with your own eyes. You will see the change within yourselves when you learn to change your vibration and plane so that your consciousnesses may expand and see this planetary reality with eyes of Compassion and Mercy. If the majority do not elevate their consciousnesses to this purpose, they will become lost in all that is superficial and material.
God has given you the great key of the word, the word that builds, the word that concretizes, the word that affirms the fulfillment of Divine Will.
If any of you have distanced yourselves from this Will, behold My Merciful Heart, which opens as a great door, so that those who have lost this Will may recover it and know that they have never ceased to be worthy Children of God.
Because to distance oneself from the Will of the Father is to distance oneself from the Purpose, and this is what you should never lose sight of, because if your souls distance themselves from the Purpose, they will wither like a flower that slowly dries and ceases to express the beauty that God placed in each heart.
The bridge to the spiritual reconciliation of souls is not only in My offering for you, but also in the Sacred Ark of the Father, who, in omnipresence and omnipotence, from these days on internally travels the nation of Argentina so that the bonds that have broken between Heaven and Earth may be re-built. Also so that the ties with evil may be undone and souls may see the coming times with eyes of hope, empty of themselves, filled with the Love and Presence of God, so that He may work through His Children. And so that, through My Heart united to the hearts of all of you, He may make all things new, as many times as necessary, because the Father knows that souls need it so.
Now, in the silence of My Spirit, I receive the offering of each heart that dares to take the step to be part of the Mystical Ark of God, so that you never forget that God loves His Creatures and that in His Eternal Heart all is already written.
Therefore, as I have told you, your choices change the events, because God will never distance Himself from His Children. It is His children who distance themselves from God, forgetting what is essential, losing what is true, leaving behind what is really important.
For this reason, so that Argentina may again rise in spirit, wisdom and discernment, I must first work with you, to unite you again to the Source and, in this way, I help the nation of Argentina and all of its people.
In all parts of this country, My Eyes contemplate the need, the need of souls and thirsty hearts. Therefore, I already know what each one needs at this moment.
Now, with Me, you will raise your voices toward the Heavens, toward the Source so that, through the Names of God, Argentina may be spiritually re-built and the groups of souls present here may receive what they need through Mercy.
Let us sing.
Song: “Sacred Names of God – Canon no. 1.”
While the Codes of the Ark of the Holy Covenant are being radiated toward Argentina, important inner decisions are made by your Master and Lord, and not only for the Project that must be carried out here in South America, through the emergence of the New Humanity. These decisions also encompass many groups of souls that need to recover their filiation with the Source, a filiation that was removed by impunity and injustice. This profoundly spiritual filiation is recovered today for all who aspire to have it, through the impulses of the Ark of the Holy Covenant which is present here.
Thus, on this second day of meeting, one more step is taken by humanity. One more step is carried out by the Hierarchy, even though the scales of this world are out of balance.
Although impunity and the lack of discernment weighs more, the Hierarchy balances these scales so that the Law of Mercy may intercede, rather than the Law of Justice, as the door of My Heart is open once again to all those who dare to cross through it in trust.
You were anointed yesterday. Today, you are impelled by My Spirit so that you may always remember that you are brothers and sisters, that you are part of the same spiritual and universal family, and that for God there is nothing separate.
Thus, I invite you to return to the origin of the Purpose so that the Purpose may return to Argentina and, thus, return to all of the Americas. And this is possible through those who consecrate themselves according to their possibility and understanding, knowing that the degrees of spiritual consecration allow the Universe to come to Earth. They also allow the sacred bridges of Light to unite humanity with the Source, unite humanity with the Law, allowing everything to be corrected, everything to be redeemed and hearts to feel healed from their sorrows and anguishes, their uncertainties and tests.
But do not forget, as I told you yesterday, that I died on the Cross for you, and that if I had not surrendered in trust to the Father, nothing that has happened among you and with Me would have been possible. There would be no way to justify it and no way to grant it.
Thus, all this is the work of Grace, a state of Grace that you should recognize, value and take care of, because to be within Grace is to be within the Spiritual Government of God.
May souls no longer lose the Grace of God. Be worthy of being in that Grace, of not losing it, of not discarding it. Because I assure you, companions, that the life of each one of you would not be enough to understand what Grace means.
Receive My Words as a balm so that they may impel you toward transformation, a transformation that does not end in this life but rather continues after this life, under transcendence and ascension.
Now we will experience a special consecration of new adorers, those souls that have decided to place their eyes on My Eucharist, to place their hearts at service, to place their voices to pray for many, so many needs.
Therefore, after these last two years, Argentina, through this consecration of new adorers, receives the spirit of My Ascension so that not only souls may learn to elevate themselves, but also the most miserable and endemic conditions may be transformed.
And this, companions, begins first within you, looking with courage to al that there is to be transformed, without any fear. Because, if My Love is within you, why should you fear anything? If you fear, it is because My Love is not with you. Today, I come, before you, to reaffirm My Love, also through this consecration.
May the priests bring water to bless and incense to offer it to the Lord of Adoration so that the souls that are consecrated today may be part of My Great Mystical Body, they may be the Rays of God’s Eucharist.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
In reverence and devotion, we invite the postulants to be adorers to stand up and, at the request of Christ, we will sing a song so that it may always guide these souls and the souls of all our brothers and sisters.
We will sing “Breath of the Spirit,” so that the ship of the spirit of each being may be always guided toward Higher Life.
Celestial Father,
Who grants healing to who seeks it,
Who renews life for who needs it,
Who consecrates with Your Spirit and with Your Presence all that you touch,
encourage souls, through Your Ardent Devotion,
to find the path toward feeling Your Paternal Embrace.
O, God of the Universe!
Do not look at the miseries of this world or at impunity.
Believe in the faith of those who follow You
and who permanently seek to live in You.
Bless these elements
so that they may bless those who will be consecrated
as adorers of the Eucharistic Body of Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will bless with the incense and then with the blessed water.
We may sing, sing with joy, because the Lord will hear us.
Song: “Breath of the Spirit” (in Portuguese).
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.
(three times)
How many days and months have I counted to be here today.
How many days and months have I counted to be with each one of your hearts today.
You cannot even imagine what the wait has caused in Me, to be with each one of you, and I have been able to witness how, in just a few days, you were able to manifest all this for Me. Because, in truth, all that you offer to Me is for God.
Today I come with a gift from Heaven. Today I bring in My Hands an important Spiritual Treasure for humanity, which I Have brought, from the Middle East, for each one of you, for the spiritual purpose of this nation and for this dear people. Behold, companions, the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
Sacred Angels of Heaven contemplate this Spiritual Treasure. Patriarchs and prophets of old venerate it, and all beings of goodwill today recognize it as the Sacred Teraphim that will prepare the emergence of the New Humanity in this part of the planet, in all of the Americas.
For that reason, do not fear, behold the Sacred Treasure of God, in which each one of your lives can participate.
This is the Sacred Treasure that guards the treasure of the most important experiences of humanity, from the moment of Creation in Genesis, up to this very moment, when each one of you can feel yourselves as a partaker with Me, to contribute, to this Sacred Spiritual Teraphim, with which the next humanity and the New Earth will need. They need this Sacred Spiritual Teraphim not only to purify the planet, but also to again raise the Attributes of God on the surface of this planet. Attributes and Principles of the Sacred Ark of God that Argentina needs at this culminating moment, and that each one of you and your brothers and sisters also need, to learn to stand up in the darkness and courageously cross the abysses of consciousness, to say ‘no’ to the enemy, to make the Spiritual Government of God triumph in this nation and in the whole world.
This is what Argentina needs at this moment, just as the rest of the Americas need this. Because, in truth, I tell you that you will not find a solution in that which is horizontal. Rectify your lives towards the Heights and you will find the answer that you so much seek.
If you are listening to your Master and Lord today, after such a long time, while I was not able to come to Argentina as I so wanted, it is because I come, companions, to fulfill My promise, that each one of you may feel as a partaker with Me, consciously preparing My Return through your works.
Adherence and obedience are the great master key for Argentina. This will protect you from yourselves and everyone. On your paths, do not see those who are enemies but rather see those along your paths who need compassion.
Therefore, I Have brought this Sacred Teraphim before the presence of all so that you may remember it and venerate it. Because it is the same Spiritual Teraphim that many peoples of old contemplated and venerated, that many patriarchs and prophets sought, to feel in alliance with God.
I want the experience of your love and redemption to be, at last, in the Sacred Ark of God. And, although what I tell you may seem impossible, there is nothing impossible for God and for your Lord. Because if We are here today in Argentina, is it impossible for God to concretize it?
This sacred land holds many treasures that are part of the Sacred Ark. Places of Argentina where Our Feet will walk in Argentina, just as they have walked at other moments, and which keep many treasures that are a part of the Sacred Ark of God.
Rejoice and do not be afflicted! Turn your aspirations to this Sacred Teraphim of the Father. Trust what I tell you. A wonderful place awaits you in the Kingdom of God. Therefore, persist, and do not lose heart, be brave and have the courage to persist.
The Lord is capable of coming for His lost sheep.
The Lord is capable of leaving the Northern Hemisphere to come help you. I am Here, and My Heart does not change. My Heart is the Reliquary for all who aspire to live through Me.
I know that, as a people, you have lost heart. No one knows better than Me what you lived throughout the last two years and how each one of you has learned to carry their own cross in solitude. This effort that you can make for Me, to learn to live the cross of these times, is what can be kept as experience within the Sacred Ark.
By any chance, do you believe that this is possible?
If I Am here, at this very moment with you, it is to confirm it so that you may know that Our Sacred Hearts will travel a part of Argentina to re-ignite it. This will not be visible to the eyes of all, but the one who is truly attuned with Me will be able to see and recognize it.
The purpose of your lives must be immaterial life. Because the Spirit of God will come to help you, just as His Sacred Spirit descends at this moment, to straighten up that which is twisted, to correct that which has deviated, to bring peace to the indignation of many hearts. This is possible through the presence of the Sacred Ark of God.
Thus, today I anoint each one of you, through the powerful Sign of the Cross.
I also wish that My Helpers may anoint Me again, anoint Me with your surrenders, anoint Me with your renunciations, anoint Me with your fidelity, and, especially, anoint Me with your strict obedience. Because I have given something special to each group of souls throughout the latest times, and this must never be lost nor discarded. Therefore, value the Gifts you have received, which I come to collect in these times at the request of the Celestial Father.
These Gifts, called talents and virtues of the most honest and simple souls, will be that which will allow the Project of My Father to be fulfilled in South America. And they will allow the Father to no longer expect His Purpose to be fulfilled, but rather that they will allow Him to see His Purpose concretized through His children, those who claim to be apostles of Christ.
Thus, I come to relieve the agony of many hearts.
I come to return to you the peace that some have lost.
I come to place My Hand upon your hearts to appease you. Because despite your battles and your imperfections, I am here today, in Argentina, because I believe in the love of each one of you, a love that can keep transforming and expanding. A love that not only recovers its innocence, but it is also a mature love that encourages you to follow the steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy, just as We do for you, without separating or distancing Ourselves, but rather by being present in the Sacred Silence of the Universe, where the Voice of God reverberates.
It is this Eternal Voice of Heaven that I want you to listen to within yourselves. The Voice of the Father who loves you, who sustains you, who nourishes you with His Spirit, who grants to you His Unfathomable Mercy.
Thus, I come to heal your wounds, the wounds of each one of you, but also the wounds of your people.
I know that many cannot understand why everything is so difficult. But all starts, companions, with that which you choose. That is where the result of your choices lies.
I know that many do not have anything to do with what Argentina and the Americas live, but never raise sword against sword. Raise your voices in prayer to the Heavens so that your Master and Lord may intercede, just as He intercedes at this moment.
Today, many of those who are present need to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing, because it is a visible sign of your belonging to My Kingdom, where no evil can touch you, although evil believes it can oppress or disturb you.
Today, I grant you My experience of the Cross, because no one has known more than Me what it is to be alone, while still not ceasing to trust Divine Will.
Extending My Arms and My Hands above Argentina, I come to pour out the Light of the universe, of the suns and stars, the Light of the Angels and Archangels, the Light of all those who live through goodwill and do not seek anything for themselves, but rather to be a spark of the Light of My Heart in this wounded world.
My Celestial Mother carries upon Herself the Mantle of Argentina so that the people may remember that I Am the Sun of God, which rises after a long dark night.
So that this meeting may yield its fruits, the inner fruits that all need to walk more decided and brave in these times, I can offer you all that I have, the most Sacred of the Sacred that I offered to the world such a long time ago: My Body and My Blood, direct emanations of the Mercy of God.
This will appease Argentina and the world.
May the Communion that We will celebrate right away again spiritually raise your homeland and may all feel under the Mantle of the Virgin of Luján, of the Sacred Lady of the Rosary of Sán Nicolás, because She was the one who brought Me here.
A good son always obeys his mother, just as a good mother is close to her son, as Mary was up to the foot of the Cross.
May the powerful Five Wounds of My Body bathe, purify and illuminate your consciousnesses.
May the Powerful and Unfathomable Blood of Jesus rebuild the inner life of those present and of those who are not present.
By the merits achieved by the Ark of the Holy Covenant, may Argentina feel sustained by the Hands of God at this moment.
Because Love, companions, can always do all things, although it is difficult. Love allowed Me to come up to the Cross.
Dare to live the same experience, offer God that which you are and that which you do not accept. Do not forget that Argentina is part of My sacred flock.
Today, may many of those present feel the beating of My Heart, because in My Heart lies the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I love you and I love this country. I love the beauty of its mountains, I love the extension of its rivers and ocean, I love each part of this country, a Blessed Project of God.
May the Cross magnetize this country and, in the South, the North, the East and the West, may the ancient tribe of Israel rise and see the Sacred Star of Love shine in the firmament, the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood. Amen.
To prepare this moment, I will ask My daughter Lucía de Jesús to sing a song to all, because it is necessary that you may remember that My Word is Living Water, which quenches all thirst.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us sing.
Song: “Your Word is Living Water.”
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Brothers and sisters, we will celebrate this moment of Communion, with our Master still present in this place, offering this moment for this dear and beloved Argentinian nation, offering this moment for the Ark of the Holy Covenant, present in the Hands of Christ, Our Lord.
With the permission and license that Christ has given to the priests, we will offer this moment of Communion as an act of reconciliation and forgiveness so that all of these people may receive what it so much needs. So that hearts, in the Presence of Christ, may again find hope, be freed from their ties and oppressions, feel the unfathomable embrace of God, who consoles us all.
With this offering, let us purify our hearts through the act of contrition before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and let us repeat a very simple prayer that the Divine Messengers taught us, so that our inner temple, the most sacred place for God, may be prepared to receive this Divine Sacrament.
We repeat:
I ask You for forgiveness, Lord,
for all that has been committed.
Grant me the Grace of liberation.
For the gift of Forgiveness
that springs from the Heart of God,
Lord, open the Doors of Your Kingdom for us.
Now, Christ will guide this celebration.
We prepare for this important moment, when the Graces of His Heart descend upon Argentina, upon hearts, as a flow of Light, as an inexhaustible wellspring that nourishes life.
We invite all those who can to kneel down or stand up.
Today, I gather you again around My Table, just as I gathered the apostles in the Sacred Cenacle. Today, this Sacred Cenacle are your hearts, which you can offer to Me in surrender and resignation, so that I can quench My thirst for souls.
Thus, I institute the Eucharist again, as on that Maundy Thursday, taking the bread in My Hands and elevating it to God, asking for His Unfathomable and Powerful Redeeming Love to transubstantiate the bread into the Glorious Body of Christ, for reconciliation and peace in Argentina.
Thus, I break it before you again, to tell you that this is My Body, which I gave for you, for the forgiveness of sins.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We revere the Sacred Body of Christ.
Just as in the Sacred Cenacle, I take the Holy Chalice in My Hands and, elevating it, I offer it to the Father for it to be transubstantiated into My Precious Blood. Just as I said to My apostles, today I say to you, “Take it and drink, all of you, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant between souls and God. The Blood that is shed today upon Argentina for the remission of all faults. Do this always in Remembrance of Me, for I Am now returning.”
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We revere the Precious Blood of Christ.
Behold the One who has given His Life for you, this is the Body and the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
May the merciful rejoice, for they will always attain Mercy.
In perfect unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we will consummate this celebration through the prayer that Christ taught us, by elevating our most sincere offering to the Father.
Prayer: “Our Father.”
May the Peace, Love and Light of My Sacred heart descend upon you and Argentina.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
In an act of profound faith, let us pray:
At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls of the world with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In a gesture of reverence and fraternity, we give one another the greeting of Peace.
Peace of Christ!
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits
of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion
of poor sinners.
I leave you with the Living Presence of My Being through the Eucharist. May this Living Presence, which is the Light of God, always be alive in your beings, and thus we prepare for this important Marathon of Prayer, during which all will be transformed and healed. Trust in this.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear children of Argentina,
Behold, I AM your Celestial Mother, the Mother of Luján, the Holy Virgin of the Rosary of Saint Nicholas.
Come to Me, My beloved and wounded children of Argentina. I am here and I have returned to console you, to tell you that, as your Mother, I have accompanied every moment of your lives as well as each situation of the country.
Children, take My Hand, I want to lead you to Jesus, in this new meeting with His Unfathomable and Merciful Heart.
Children, open your arms to Me. I want to hold them tight, I want you to again feel the maternal warmth of My Heart.
My children, no longer feel indignation. May the upset be transformed into hope, may the injustice that your eyes see be converted into compassion.
My children, there is no other way out but turning toward God and trusting, because in this wounded and mistreated surface of the planet you will not find perfection nor transparency.
Beloved children, do not allow yourselves to succumb, elevate your voices toward My Beloved Son so that He, filled with Mercy, may guide and lead you toward the Kingdom of His Peace and Silence.
I have come to remind you that I love you.
I have come to ask you to truly pray, because your people needs much prayer, as discernment and transparency have disappeared.
I Am here to support you at this decisive and tense moment of your nation which needs, through faith and trust in the Father, to recover the original principles of its purpose.
Do not forget, My children, all the Sacred Relics that Argentina holds in its deepest core of the planet.
Turn toward that which is true and essential, and peace will return here.
As the Mother of Mercy, I give you My Peace, which is the eternal and unstoppable Peace of Christ.
I thank everyone who made this new and awaited reencounter with My Beloved Son possible. He also thanks you.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us pray:
Sacred Fire of the Heart of Jesus,
transform my life and free me from all evil.
(three times)
Behold the Fire of My Sacred Heart, exposed to the whole world and especially to thirsty souls.
Behold the Heart that surrendered for you, behold the Heart that gave of itself for you and behold the Heart that is still open for all those who would enter It.
Do you know why My Sacred Heart is open today?
Because you have come to meet Me. Because you have responded to My summoning.
This is why I give you the Fire of My Eternal Heart, so that your lives may transfigure, just as the Lord transfigured on the top of Mount Tabor, and revealed His true Face to some of His apostles.
The Fire of My Heart, at that time, should not be known to all, but yes, it might be perceived by many, those who were united to the Lord in Sacramental Communion, Prayer and Adoration.
This is the Fire that I will bring to the world when I return: the Glorified Fire of My Heart. That Fire, through the mere Presence of the Lord, will transfigure the planes and the consciousnesses that are present.
You will not only see the Son of the Father come in the company of the Sacred Spirit, but you will also see with your own eyes the Fire of My Heart, which, as a Sacred Sun of the Universe, will remove consciousnesses from darkness, suffering, anguish and pain.
Therefore, venerate the Fire of My Heart, the One that illuminates more than one hundred suns do. The One that brings to your essences, in wisdom, the joy of being with Me permanently, the bliss of serving Me and sacrificing for me, not only in behalf of this planet, but also in behalf of all of humanity.
This is the Fire of My Heart that I present to you today.
The same Fire that My Holy Mother venerated, the same Fire of My Heart that the holy women came to know in My Resurrection.
The Fire of My Heart that the shepherds of Emmaus knew when they were by My side, sharing with Me the Body and the Blood of Christ.
It is the Fire of My Heart's Love, which allowed for the salvation of humanity and the planet.
It was the Fire of My Love that allowed Me to arrive on the top of Mount Calvary and, although I physically no longer had even one drop of blood left in My Body, having lost it on the path to Calvary, I would like to tell you that it was the Fire Love of My Heart that allowed Me to go on up until the end, to fulfill the mission that the Father had proposed to Me.
If you can feel and today know the Fire of Love of My Heart, do you believe that this Fire can live in and with you? Not only to illuminate your paths and lives, but also so that you may participate in the greatness of the Kingdom of the Heavens, although you may be living on the surface of this planet, although you are participating in the Armageddon?
Through the Fire of My Heart, I want to remind you not only of the experience of Love that I lived for you. I also want to remind you that the Fire of Love of My Heart is what allows Me to come to the world, time and again, to meet My apostles, My sheep, to have you close and so that you may have Me close to your hearts and essences.
Today, in the solemnity of this Fire that reveals itself to all, feel within your hearts that you are a part of the Fire of My Love, which re-consecrates and vivifies you, which transmutes and transcends you, which elevates and reconciles you with God, so that the world may reconcile with the Eternal Father.
It is for this Fire of Love of My Heart that you must work and labor.
It is for this Fire of Love of My Heart that you must live this experience of the Earth as an opportunity to grow in love, in the happiness of serving God and, above all, of being a part of My Work of Redemption, a part of the manifestation of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.
I want to tell you that it is the Fire of Love of My Heart that I will bring to South America today and, through South America, to the whole world.
The Fire of Love of My Heart is that which will illuminate Argentina.
The Fire of Love of My Heart is that which will try to grant intuition and wisdom to souls in Brazil, the moment they choose who will govern them.
The Fire of My Heart was also what revealed itself in the Sacred Cenacle on the days following My Resurrection.
It was the Fire of Love of My Heart that brought the Holy Spirit to the apostles and to My Holy Mother, because the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity was present, that is, the Sacred and Unfathomable Son.
It is this very same mystery that I bring to all because you will need it in the end of times so that you may not forget that, while being a part of the Fire of Love of My Heart you are also part of the Triune Unity, of this unity that must reflect among brothers and sisters and among servers of the same spiritual path.
This is why this is the moment of your re-consecration to the Flame of Love of My Heart. That Flame burns untiringly for the souls that adore and recognize My Sacred Heart, and It burns for those souls that still do not know Me nor have cognizance of Me, the souls that I need you to bring closer to Me in these times. Thus, I may also consecrate and heal them, just as I have healed and consecrated you.
This should be your main spiritual task: bring souls to Me, so that they may feel and see the Flame of the Fire of My Heart, the flame that will dazzle the whole world during the three days of darkness. Thus, souls will be able to be partakers of the Light of My Eternal Heart, no matter what happens, no matter what presents or manifests itself.
Because the Flame of Fire of My Heart will not allow you to have doubts, mistrust or uncertainty, but rather your lives and consciousnesses will be able to affirm themselves in My Heart. Remember that My Heart is the Heart of the Eternal Father, which incarnated and was among you and with you to bring you the Good News.
Through the Flame of Love of My Heart, I prepare you for the coming times, so that you may live your true apostleship and help your Master and Lord awaken new apostles, who are ready now, waiting for the great moment, for the moment of awakening.
Be reconciling and mediators, be forerunners of the Flame of Love of My Heart.
Make the world know that My Heart is not only open to all, but it is also a Heart that can receive all, without exception and unconditionally.
Because by just adoring the Flame of Love of My Heart, I assure you that you will know the universe of My Love, and you will feel the inner impulse of doing anything for the fulfillment of the Plan.
May this Flame illuminate those present and those who are not present.
May this Flame grant to the world peace, wisdom and discernment, understanding to govern, just as God governs. Thus, peoples and nations will no longer be prisoners of the systems of the world, but souls will rather attain freedom from this eternal planetary captivity. Thus, hearts will again find the Love of God and the eternal hope of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The one who venerates the Flame of Love of My Heart makes a commitment, and this is not passing nor transferable.
Contemplating the Flame of Love of My Heart signifies consistency, being in readiness and being alert to help the Spiritual Hierarchy in all It tries to build and manifest.
I do not give you anything different from what I gave the apostles. At this moment, I am giving, as a legacy, the same knowledge and wisdom that My apostles and followers received in the Cenacle. Because thus I not only prepare you for the times to come, when you must attain a state of consciousness that is neutral, not indifferent, a state of consciousness that is peaceful, but that does not omit itself. A state of consciousness of love and compassion, but not forgetful of the true need of the planet, of the nations and peoples that now suffer, war, conflict, famine, religious persecution, trafficking and migration.
For those souls, I come to the world to work, so that all of humanity, and this is My aspiration, may be a missionary and fraternal humanity. A humanity that cannot have a heart at peace until the last soul takes shelter in My Arms, until the last soul receives what it needs, until the last soul may be taken out of suffering and pain.
Because there are missionaries available to be My Arms and My Hands in the world, available to dissolve the cruel system of this humanity through anonymous service, inner prayer and through the fulfillment of Christ’s Purpose on the planet. Thus, I also prepare you for the next mission in the Middle East.
For this reason today, behind Me, you can see Israel, My Holy Land, the land chosen by the Eternal Father Himself to develop the Sacred Genetic Project, through His Gifts and Graces granted to the people of Israel and its tribes.
Today, humanity is the great people of Israel, expressed on the four corners of the planet.
Today, humanity, lost and disoriented, influenced and persecuted by modern world gods, must turn to the people of Israel, toward the Original Project of the Father, that Project which He entrusted to the patriarchs and prophets: the Great Project of concretion of His Sacred Will in the end of these times. Because within each heart, within each one of you, lies a part of this Project of the people of Israel.
Therefore, return to your origins. As humanity, recover your roots and remember that you were once part of a sacred people, of a people that must recover its spiritual and moral dignity, of a people that must still concretize the Will of the Father, just as it is written in its Inner Heart.
The Mission to the Middle East, which you should already be internally living by now, will not only be a mission to help the suffering peoples of this region of the planet. It will be a mission carried out not just to undo the knots that tie many consciousnesses to perdition. It will be a mission to again unveil the sacred treasures of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Thus, through the Fire of Love of My Heart, these treasures may manifest and reveal themselves to the whole world, through the Sacred Relics that the people of Israel once received by means of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the Sacred Relics of the Cenacle, by means of the Holy Grail.
All these treasures must still emerge through the Heart of the Hierarchy, not only for the Middle East, but also for the world. Not only through the Inner Retreats, but also through the hearts that are thirsty to find their origin and to feel they are a part of God’s Project.
Each step of the task of the Hierarchy is for completing a new step. It is for carrying out a new effort that goes beyond what is material or even what is spiritual, a task in which all are summoned to participate. In which all are summoned to feel they are a part of the aspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy knowing that, if the treasures of the Hierarchy are not manifested and do not emerge, how shall humanity face the three days of darkness?
The solution to the world does not lie in what is material, but rather in what is inner. It lies in the Sacred Knowledge that the Hierarchy can bring to you, through the inexhaustible wellspring of Instruction. This wellspring ennobles your spirit and strengthens your faith which, sooner or later, leads you to live the Plan of God in the same way that We live it, feeling in the depths of the heart, the Divine Love that conceives and can do all things. The same Love that allowed God to sacrifice for the whole world and be the last Lamb taken to the slaughterhouse, so that the Tree of Life may rise again and the roots of the origins and the sacred story of the planet may be re-integrated into the consciousness of the world.
This is something that We will carry out in the Middle East. Something similar and deep. Accompany the Hierarchy in this goal, in the concretion of this aspiration.
This is why today I give you the Fire of Love of My Heart to give you understanding and wisdom, so that all of you may feel you are One in Us, and through Us you may feel you are One with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit.
While I am here, I contemplate the needs of the planet, the supplications of souls, the pleads of hearts, the intentions of the pure and humble hearts of all those who truly cry out for help.
The ardent wish of My Heart is that, through the Fire of My Love, you may achieve the same vision and perception that the Hierarchy has. The only bridge and only path to attain this is through service for others, it is the school of the degrees of love, which lead you to reach beyond your limitations or conditions. When you achieve the degrees of love, you will have a universal vision, just as the Hierarchy does, and not a vision limited or conditioned by the mind.
It is only through your heart that you will achieve the degrees of love, when your devotion for My Love is ever deeper and truer, capable of placing you where God needs you to be, although you may not believe that this is possible.
Now I will withdraw, so as to prepare, just like you, to help the Southern Hemisphere and the Americas, which are part of the Fire of Love of My Heart, just as all your people are as well.
My Love expands over Argentina and I assure you that, from now on, I am counting the days and the hours to again meet My children of Argentina, with all the warriors of Mercy and Peace.
Because through the Argentinians, through the hearts that truly love and serve Me, I will be able to meet with all the Hierarchies of the Sacred Places that Argentina holds from North to South.
I assure you, My children of Argentina, that this will not be in vain and that I will fulfill My Word to them, in the end of these times, so that each one of them may again remember that not only does the Hierarchy love Argentina, as it is a part of the cradle of the New Humanity, but the Hierarchy will also always give you Its instructions and treasures, so that your souls may always be ennobled in the Love of the Redeemer.
May Argentina not give up, may Argentina rise towards Me, just as I extend My Arms towards Argentina, so that it can hold Me tight and thus I may withdraw this people from this eternal shipwreck, from lies, impunity and corruption.
May the hearts of Argentina and of the Americas rise again. Remember that you are a part of a Great Network of Time that silently shines from the North to the South of the planet until it may awaken and reveal itself. This is the great moment that is approaching all of humanity.
Through My priests, may we now celebrate the Spiritual Communion, for all that which the Hierarchy must do in Argentina and, through Argentina, in the Americas, for all cultures and peoples, for the poorest among the poor.
Let us celebrate through the Fire of Love of My Heart.
After this Spiritual Communion, We will bless one of My spouse's of soul and heart, who offers herself to serve at My Altars, whom I will wait for in Israel.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this Meeting, we honor You, Lord.
Through the Fire of Love of My Heart, I bless you and, through you, I bless the whole world: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You must not forget that the Americas are the cradle of the New Humanity, it is the land of the emergence of the New Earth. For this reason, We, the Three Sacred Hearts, are returning, because not only do the Americas need it, but the whole world as well.
From the depths of My Heart, I thank in advance all those who will make these Sacred Meetings possible in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. You could not even imagine what My Heart feels upon getting to know that My Beloved Son will return to Argentina and that the Three Sacred Hearts will again found a new Point of Light on the surface of the Earth, through the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation.
This means that the door to the Spiritual Universe will finally open in that region of the planet, and the angels that accompany Me and serve Me through the Marian Centers will also help make possible the expression of the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation.
I have always held in My Heart the aspiration of fulfilling the blessing and consecration of this place, which has fully opened to respond to the call of the Heavenly Mother. And this call has especially resonated and had repercussions in all hearts that, with faith and persistence, have made the physical expression of the Marian Center possible.
This means, My children, that the Kingdoms of Nature, the essence of each one of the Kingdoms that you know, as well as the Elemental and Devic Kingdom, will have the great celestial portal of the Marian Center. And this will allow them to be received and welcomed in spirit and, as a consequence, the Kingdoms, the elementals and devas of the whole world will have a place within this Work, just as they have within the Light-Communities, to live a process of restoration and healing that is unknown, hidden and invisible.
And do you know what allows all this?
It is when the One-Thousand Hail Marys are prayed at the Marian Centers. Because not only humanity and the planet are worked on through each prayer pronounced by each sincere heart, but also the Kingdoms of Nature, which suffer and have to endure so much in these times.
After the consecration of the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, they will finally have the space they deserve to be taken to other places of the universe so that each soul-group of the Kingdoms may be repaired and healed, redeemed and re-established.
Because My Son, when He returns to the world, will come not only for the Human Kingdom. He will come for all the Kingdoms of Creation. And He will bring to Earth the Kingdoms, the elementals and devas, healed and redeemed, when the planet has been redeemed and thus renewed.
The Kingdoms, elementals and devas that will be welcomed through the portal of the Marian Center, as well as of the other Marian Centers and Sanctuaries in the world, will have the opportunity to repopulate the planet with new species, forms and expressions, never seen before.
At that very important moment for humanity and the universe, when the New Earth and the New Humanity will emerge, many of you who will be present at that event, will consciously remember all that the effort of expressing the Work of the Hierarchy on the surface of the Earth has represented in these times. And, above all, the effort to concretize it, in the unity of souls and of conscious hearts that listen to the call of Heaven and respond to it.
This is why this moment you are living is a culminating one. It is a moment when a story may be re-written, the story of love within your hearts, the story of redemption within your hearts. This is what My Son needs, to justify before God what He essentially needs to rebuild in this humanity, despite the errors of the world.
One of the reasons for Our return to South America is that which I have explained to you. This means, My children, that it will not be just another meeting. It will be a unique meeting in which My children as well as the Kingdoms of nature will have the opportunity to attain inner healing, through the portal of the Marian Center "Sanctuary of Creation."
And for the Hierarchy, Aurora will complement this task in Southern Brazil. Because the Kingdom of Aurora, with Its consciousness, will encompass beyond South America and even the oceans, to try to stabilize and balance the psychic disorder of humanity, especially the disorder lived today by many nations in Latin America, where souls cannot see a future nor find new hope.
Thus, we are making this great movement for you and also for your brothers and sisters throughout the whole world, just as we will soon be making for the Middle East and Northern Africa, and, at some moment, we will make for the Far East.
It is very important for you, My children, that in your minds, and especially in your hearts, there may be no differences or divisions, judgment of values of what the Hierarchy does on the planet or where It can work or intervene at this moment. Because if I were not here today, I would not be able to justify, before the Higher Laws, what I need to, in the face of the errors of the world, of the indifference of hearts and the impunity placed upon the whole world by some.
You must learn, you should have already learned how to follow the steps of the Hierarchy and feel like citizens of this universe, just as the entire Hierarchy feels like citizens of this Sidereal Universe.
This allows you, My children, to understand the Purpose in a universal way and not understand the Purpose in an individual way. Because while you have this attitude, you will be far from Us, and this does not mean that We cease to love you or forgive you, because My Son loved you and forgave you on the Cross, do you remember?
Do you remember what My Son said on the Cross?
This is the same that I do for you today, so that you may grow and mature internally. Knowing that there is a lot to do, knowing that there is a lot to do in correspondence and that there is a lot to concretize.
This is the destiny of each one of you: to concretize the Projects of the Divine and Spiritual Hierarchy, because it is something for humanity and not only for you, it is something for the whole world. It is something for all those who do not have the Grace and the Mercy that you have today, by being here with Me.
When many of you dare to serve in Africa, you will remember this day. You will remember it by yourselves, and I assure you that you will feel ashamed for having received so much and for not having understood anything, when you see that which true misery and true poverty is, on a continent like Africa, which for thousands of years has been subjected by evil itself.
And although this may be happening, My Son will free Africa, much more than He did in recent times. Because when He returns physically, many hostile and difficult situations will spontaneously disappear, because they will fall on their own weight.
The mere Presence of My Son, during His Return to the world, will free souls, break chains. It will break each one of the shackles, and souls will be able to glimpse the Return of Christ, just as it has been prophesized.
As a Mother who loves you, as a Mother who sustains you with nothing in return, I make this reflection to you so that you may consciously grow and, from this August 8 that you have lived with Us onward, no longer allow yourselves to use justifications. Because this, My children, is not just before the Law and it is not necessary that you suffer, because suffering prevails in the world now.
You must be deeply thankful, sensible, honest and merciful. Because none of you, at this moment or at any other moment, could measure the meaning of the Grace that you have received in the last fifteen years.
For this reason, keep taking steps in faith without resentments or guilt. You already hold the capacity to come out from where you have deterred yourselves and know that not only is My Hand extended to you, but the Heart of My Son is also open to you, just as It has been and will always be, so that you can feel His immeasurable Love.
I need you to clearly understand what I am saying to you, and not an interpretation of it, because Our Words are to be kept in the heart, and nowhere else. It is in the heart of each one of My children where the sacred transformation takes place, because the hearts of My children are intuition, wisdom, feeling and faith.
Allow your hearts to govern so that someday your souls may govern, and it may be your souls that will conduct and guide you toward the sacred encounter with My Beloved Son, to fulfill the sacred summoning of all that which He and I need to carry out in the world, in the end of these times.
You should not only feel as a part of a spiritual family, blessed and guided by the Hierarchy, which does not rest nor stop, in spite of what happens in the world. You must also feel like a universal family that can be a receptacle for the attributes of the Fount of Creation that will be part of the emergence of the New Earth.
Keep these Words in your hearts as well. Not trying to understand them, but by trying to accept them, knowing that what I am telling you is something that your spirits will experience in the coming times, when this great moment of the New Humanity arrives.
My children, have you by any chance ever wondered if you truly aspire to be a part of the New Earth?
If We are still appearing here, speaking to the world and pouring out Our Graces upon all hearts, what does this represent to you?
What it represents, My children, is a visible sign that you have been chosen to be postulants as members of a New Humanity, which must be born first within you, so that it may later be born in the world, in a world that has been redeemed and healed, forgiven and liberated from darkness.
After these last two years of restrictions and agony for many, the Sacred Hearts again mark, on the path of the spirit, each one of Their Steps in this humanity, so that you may again feel that We are with you and that We have not distanced ourselves. We are always there, in the heart and soul that open to welcome Us, through the life of the Sacraments and the sacred prayer of the heart.
It is My wish that what will happen in Camboriu, through the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, what will also happen in the Marian Center of Aurora and later in the city of Buenos Aires, in the Presence of My Beloved Son, for all Argentinians, may be moments of celebration and true joy, the joy of a re-encounter, for being able to be close to Us and for Us to be able to be closer to you, close to all Our children in the world, who need much Love, Light and Redemption.
Before I leave this long journey that you have lived with the Sacred Hearts, before I prepare Myself together with My Son and My Spouse, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, and before blessing those who want to be consecrated as Children of Mary, I would like to address My Words to My daughter Viviana Walsh, telling her that I am with her, and that I have been with her at each stage of her suffering. Also that God has accepted her anguish and her grief to help all of Argentina, so that Argentina may continue to be the cradle of the Return of Christ, because My Son has not changed His Mind.
Because despite this agitated shipwreck that Argentina is going through, and although the boat seems to be about to sink, have faith and go ahead. Not only for you, but also for all Argentinians, My children. Remember that My Son is on the boat, and that a true Master only intervenes when it is least expected, to liberate from slavery all who are placed within it.
For this reason, Viviana, My dear daughter, at the request of My Son, today you are anointed in spirit. But you will be anointed in body and soul through a priest. Because I will go to Argentina, through My sons that are priests, to live a re-encounter that your heart will feel. My Son raises you today, takes you by the arms and sustains you, knowing that you will be reborn after the calvary that you have anonymously lived.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary may approach, and, by listening to the Hymn of Consecration, we will prepare for this moment of blessing, but also for this moment of true thanksgiving to the Divine Hierarchy for all that It gives us in an untiring and permanent way, for how much It trusts in us to carry forward the Project of God on Earth.
Together with the brothers and sisters that are being consecrated today, we will say the Prayer to the Universal Mother once, to carry out this moment of consecration through the Attributes of the Divine Mother.
Prayer: Universal Mother.
I consecrate you as My children, because you are always My children, the Children of Mary.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You may go in Peace.
With all My children who will self-summon to accompany the Sacred Hearts in South America, We will meet there to commune once again with God, with His Mercy, Forgiveness and Reconciliation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
My dear children,
Today My gaze of a Mother turns towards Argentina at a moment in which all My Argentine children face their own individual and group calvary.
As the Lady of Luján, today I come to tell My children from Argentina not to allow faith to fade from their hearts.
I carry the heavy cross of inequality and injustice with you.
I walk by your side, as a tireless and hardworking people who, time and again, gets up from the ground to continue walking.
I pray for all families of Argentina that have lost their loved ones in this time of pandemic and of deep pain.
Dear children, may your example of persistence in prayer become like a great mirror that can reflect, for all your brothers and sisters, the attributes that souls will need at this time in order to face this feared and unknown combat.
Through the opening of the abortion law, Argentina compromised its paths. As Mother of life and of the innocent, I ask you to repent for those who do not repent. This is not because of religion, but because of discernment and wisdom.
Children of Mine, I pray day and night with you; in your homes and with your families.
I am the Mother who will never abandon you because this is the time of purification.
May your faith in Christ never end. Now, the time has come for each of you to take up your own cross and follow Him.
This is the hour when My Son will know with whom He will truly count on until the end.
My beloved children of Argentina, My Peace is with you and with your entire country.
I am here, and I listen to you. This is the cycle of the great end. Prepare yourselves.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
We praise You Lord, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross you redeemed the world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to bring you the sublime frequencies of the universe, the vibrations of Peace, in which there is no evil nor resistance.
I come to bring you the echo of the Message from the Heart of God, that same echo that was heard by the people of the desert, from Abraham to the last prophets.
The echo of the Message from the Heart of God is immutable and infinite; it renews all, time and again.
Today I want you to enter that frequency of Peace, where there is no suffering, where there is no pain nor agony.
Believe, companions, that it is possible to renew all things.
I come from Heaven with this Message, and I open the doors of Heaven for each one of you.
Truth, withdrawal and reconciliation are found within the vibrations of Peace. It is there where you must place your consciousnesses and minds so that My Celestial Kingdom may approach the world and be able to help all souls on Earth.
Discernment, filled with wisdom, science and intelligence, are within the frequency of Peace.
You must not think that humanity will remain where it is, submerged in suffering and chaos.
Throughout all times of darkness, at the most difficult and acute moment, is when the Light of the universe emerges, the echo of the Message from the Heart of God, that Message that the tribes of the past and all humanities that passed through this planet heard.
Thus, your desert will end, your thirst will be quenched and your hunger will be filled with the Presence of My Divine Spirit.
With these simple words, I come to place you in the true reality of the sublime frequencies of Peace, where everything can be healed and renewed.
God does not want you to fight or to survive. God wants to have you all in His Heart, because His Love is so great and unknown that you do not know it and it is in that place where you must take refuge, in the Sacred Heart of God, where everything is perfect, where everything is harmony and peace.
Therefore, My companions, remove from your backs the heavy backpacks of yesterday, the heavy cross that you carry incessantly, time and again.
Today I come to remove your crown of thorns.
This is why I am here in Aurora, so that the life of each one of you may dawn again, for the triumph of the sublime frequency of Peace that today I bring you from the universe so that you may recognize and feel it, because this is where you must be now, while the world purifies itself, purifies itself in a broad and deep way.
Do not be deceived, do not be intimidated. If My merciful Heart and the Sacred Heart of the Father are in you today, why must you fear?
I brought the Light of the universe to Earth with the experience of My own life, with the expression of the Love of God in My Sacred human Heart.
Feel My human Heart, a Heart that understands and accepts you.
God does not want to see the world as it is now, souls have distanced themselves from the happiness of God and have lost hope.
Therefore, trust Me, as often as necessary. In My trust you will understand the Will of God, you will learn to accept it and to live it. Because the only thing I want is that you be happy in the celestial fullness, in the joy of being My apostles, in the joy of being My companions, that despite what happens, you not lose the coordinate of My Peace, but that you be pending to always be able to find it.
And if you are in the frequency of My Peace, which is the Peace of the entire universe, how can evil prevail?
Evil is made up of a lack of love and mistrust, of doubt and uncertainty. My Peace is made of faith, of fortitude and of overcoming, of the overcoming that today I invite you to live and practice in the challenges of these crucial times.
For this reason, I bring you the frequency of My Peace so that you can immerse yourself in the ocean of My Peace, to be in the infinite universe of My Divine Mercy.
Placing My Hands in imposition upon you, today I anoint you again with My Spirit, blessing you with the powerful sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the Father thought of creating you in His image and likeness, His intention was that you be precursors of His Peace and that this Peace be one with all the Kingdoms of Nature, with all Creation and with the entire universe. Because in the Peace of God you learn to live in the Universal Laws, you learn to practice them, giving an example of generosity and charity to your fellow beings.
Today, I enter into all who accept the universe of My Peace so that you find within yourselves the correct frequency and in My Presence you may feel and experience it.
The frequency of My Peace, the highest vibration of the Celestial Universe, is upon you today, it is the celestial color of the sky, where a perfect unity, a perfect communion is lived, with the three planes of consciousness: spiritual, mental and material.
Therefore, through the Temple of My Heart, enter the great vault of the universe of My Peace and be part of that divine frequency in everything you think, in everything you feel and in everything you do. Because if you do not do everything that you must do, under the impulse of the frequency of My Peace, you will not understand the end of times and you will fear the events.
In the frequency of My Peace, you will be true collaborators of the Plan and you will have the necessary intuition to help humanity.
Today, I contemplate the world within My peaceful Heart so that souls drink from this spiritual Source and come out of the chaos of these times. That is one of the greatest treasures that I can give you, that you be part of My Peace, every day.
Let us pray for those who have lost their peace, but also for those who wage wars in nations and laboratories, for those who have departed from the matrix of Divine Purpose, for those who are in eternal darkness, for those who realized too late the place they lost. In Mercy and compassion, let us place all those consciousnesses in the universe of My Peace so that once again the triumphant and Divine Mercy grants a special grace to all of them.
Immutable and Infinite Spirit,
today I beg You, in the face of a world in ruins,
in suffering, in despair,
to accept the offer of the human heart
of My companions who, in imperfection,
fight for transformation, and, above all,
for trust in Me,
although many times they do not see nor feel Me.
Remove from the desert, Adonai,
those who have been left behind,
lost and confused by evil.
Open the oceans, just as you did with Moses so that this,
Your last tribe of Israel,
may cross the path that will lead to Your Promised Land,
where Your most intimate and immaterial treasures
are kept for everyone,
for all your creatures.
You have sent me to the world on this day and I ask You,
beloved Father,
that Your Sacred Spirit of love and wisdom
renew all things, heal all consciousnesses
and rebuild humanity and the planet.
Because, although Divine Justice is fulfilled,
You know, Adonai,
the value of My Blood that was shed
until the last drop,
until the last moment of My expiration.
I tell You again, Father,
forgive them, because they know not what they do,
forgive them so that they all have
the infinite Grace to return to You,
because My only and ardent desire
is that they all be part of My Celestial Paradise.
So be it.
In the intimacy of perpetual communion with Me, today I send a special Message to all My companions in Argentina.
My Eyes are upon your nation. I know that you are experiencing something you had never expected and that the most innocent of all your people suffer a global injustice.
But I ask you not to drop the wood of the cross, that your lives be part of My paternal Consciousness, that your lives be bathed and transformed by the powerful and spiritual Blood of Jesus.
Your lives must be hope in darkness, joy in sadness, love in obscurity, light in shadows and Mercy in all adversity.
Companions from Argentina, My promises have not changed for you or for your nation and people. My Feet will still step on your land and, at the least expected moment, you will see Me coming, not only through the clouds, but you will also see Me arriving into your hearts, where the force of faith will not make you perish.
Today I dry the tears of those who cry for a nation destroyed by injustice and suffering. I am with you every day, until the end of times.
Brothers and sisters from Argentina, come to Me and live in My Heart, because there I will alleviate you and give you the strength to overcome; just as I give that strength of overcoming and of faith to all My brothers and sisters in Venezuela, to all those who are sheltered, from children to the elderly, in the refugee camps.
I will come for the most suffering peoples and I will make all things new. It is the Word of the Lord.
We praise you Lord.
Today I return to gather your intentions and supplications so that, as intercessor of the souls between Heaven and Earth, God grants you Peace so that you may have fortitude and much courage to go through these harsh times.
But remember that I died for you and in the most sorrowful moment of My Life, you drove the nails into My Hands, Feet and pierced My Side with the spear.
Spiritually, would you live the same for Me?
Love must triumph, over all darkness, because Love will triumph.
Withdrawn in the universe of My Peace, on this afternoon of Divine Mercy, I invite you, companions, to prepare for the Spiritual Communion.
I bless you and give you My Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
After quite a while, I once again draw close to the south of Uruguay, after the Uruguayan people chose the new school, that it must go through.
As from now, this country will have a chance to be able to reverse the state of consciousness in which it spiritually placed itself and will have the opportunity to close a great many uncertain doors that it opened throughout the last fourteen years.
In this way, the Uruguayan people will achieve the freedom that it so believed it had for its life decisions. For this reason, the Universe will grant the Grace that many Uruguayans can again find a path of return to the house of the Celestial Father.
In the new coming cycle, Uruguay will experience the test of disagreements and opposition, because in order to reverse the spiritual situation it has entered, only a new cycle could generate a sufficiently large enough change, for the opposite of what this country has experienced in the last years to occur.
For this, the Hierarchy will intervene in the consciousness of Uruguay so that, together with Argentina, it may maintain the possibility of resuming upon the path it once lost.
For this reason, I pray that this Grace may be established.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While the channels of transmutation of the Divine Hierarchy are preparing to carry out the regional task with Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Argentina, some souls are placed in this service in the inner planes so that, out of love for My Heart and My Grace, Divine and universal Justice does not fall upon those nations, especially upon those nations that are today experiencing severe social and human conflicts.
But this situation goes beyond disconformity in the people that inhabit those nations. In these events, two complex realities come together, the spiritual reality and the cosmic reality of souls, the veiled history of those not yet aware that they came to the planet to be redeemed and to reconcile.
For this reason, the Spiritual Hierarchy will join this task, not only to attend to a spiritual situation, but also to try, with great risk, to resolve the cosmic situation within the consciousnesses.
Because what is occurring today in South America is not only a process of abuse of power and of inequality of rights and of assets. As never before, South America is now the scene of errors that are being repeated again, like in other times.
Thus, the Hierarchy will concentrate in Argentina, through a special epicenter that will assist in the freeing of certain thoughtforms that awaken and generate momentum towards rebellion in souls.
For the Hierarchy, it will be one of the most demanding tasks.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this stage for the mission of the Plan of Redemption!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
On the eve of the destiny that Uruguay and Argentina will decide in the coming hours, the divine and universal Hierarchy withdraws from the scenario of the Planet to contemplate in silence, vigil, and prayer all that will develop on the inner planes and that will immediately reflect on the material plane.
Beyond an election or a decision, what is most important will be what each consciousness reflects in the moment of choosing: who will condemn, even further, the nations of Uruguay and Argentina, or who, beyond their errors, will try to move forward a people that is chosen to receive Christ.
This is the moment of going inward and of imploring God, because once again, from the decisions that the people make, the consequences will immediately knock on the door of each consciousness.
Brazil is a clear and precise example of what must never again be chosen.
The human being has not yet learned to discern, since the influences of the fantasies and of the hollow political promises that they experience deceive them and tempt them to decide for another human being that is as imperfect and weak as they are.
At this moment, only seek union with higher spheres, so that the Holy Spirit may be the one to dictate to each heart what it must do, rather than have the stimuli and political fantasies interfere. Because in truth, I tell you: there is no nation at this moment that is being governed with fidelity and transparency.
The power that humankind believes it has is like a puppet with two heads. With one head they promise and with the other they confuse and take what does not belong to them.
But do not worry, because when I return, I will stop these games that only lead to a loss of confidence in all terrestrial life.
Uruguay is already on the verge of the abyss. One further false move and it will repent for the rest of its existence. But I will not abandon the Uruguayans that are faithful to My Word.
I am praying for everything and for everybody.
The hour has come, just like My hour on the Cross came.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses and prays for Uruguay and Argentina.
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more