After quite a while, I once again draw close to the south of Uruguay, after the Uruguayan people chose the new school, that it must go through.
As from now, this country will have a chance to be able to reverse the state of consciousness in which it spiritually placed itself and will have the opportunity to close a great many uncertain doors that it opened throughout the last fourteen years.
In this way, the Uruguayan people will achieve the freedom that it so believed it had for its life decisions. For this reason, the Universe will grant the Grace that many Uruguayans can again find a path of return to the house of the Celestial Father.
In the new coming cycle, Uruguay will experience the test of disagreements and opposition, because in order to reverse the spiritual situation it has entered, only a new cycle could generate a sufficiently large enough change, for the opposite of what this country has experienced in the last years to occur.
For this, the Hierarchy will intervene in the consciousness of Uruguay so that, together with Argentina, it may maintain the possibility of resuming upon the path it once lost.
For this reason, I pray that this Grace may be established.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While the channels of transmutation of the Divine Hierarchy are preparing to carry out the regional task with Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Argentina, some souls are placed in this service in the inner planes so that, out of love for My Heart and My Grace, Divine and universal Justice does not fall upon those nations, especially upon those nations that are today experiencing severe social and human conflicts.
But this situation goes beyond disconformity in the people that inhabit those nations. In these events, two complex realities come together, the spiritual reality and the cosmic reality of souls, the veiled history of those not yet aware that they came to the planet to be redeemed and to reconcile.
For this reason, the Spiritual Hierarchy will join this task, not only to attend to a spiritual situation, but also to try, with great risk, to resolve the cosmic situation within the consciousnesses.
Because what is occurring today in South America is not only a process of abuse of power and of inequality of rights and of assets. As never before, South America is now the scene of errors that are being repeated again, like in other times.
Thus, the Hierarchy will concentrate in Argentina, through a special epicenter that will assist in the freeing of certain thoughtforms that awaken and generate momentum towards rebellion in souls.
For the Hierarchy, it will be one of the most demanding tasks.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this stage for the mission of the Plan of Redemption!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
On the eve of the destiny that Uruguay and Argentina will decide in the coming hours, the divine and universal Hierarchy withdraws from the scenario of the Planet to contemplate in silence, vigil, and prayer all that will develop on the inner planes and that will immediately reflect on the material plane.
Beyond an election or a decision, what is most important will be what each consciousness reflects in the moment of choosing: who will condemn, even further, the nations of Uruguay and Argentina, or who, beyond their errors, will try to move forward a people that is chosen to receive Christ.
This is the moment of going inward and of imploring God, because once again, from the decisions that the people make, the consequences will immediately knock on the door of each consciousness.
Brazil is a clear and precise example of what must never again be chosen.
The human being has not yet learned to discern, since the influences of the fantasies and of the hollow political promises that they experience deceive them and tempt them to decide for another human being that is as imperfect and weak as they are.
At this moment, only seek union with higher spheres, so that the Holy Spirit may be the one to dictate to each heart what it must do, rather than have the stimuli and political fantasies interfere. Because in truth, I tell you: there is no nation at this moment that is being governed with fidelity and transparency.
The power that humankind believes it has is like a puppet with two heads. With one head they promise and with the other they confuse and take what does not belong to them.
But do not worry, because when I return, I will stop these games that only lead to a loss of confidence in all terrestrial life.
Uruguay is already on the verge of the abyss. One further false move and it will repent for the rest of its existence. But I will not abandon the Uruguayans that are faithful to My Word.
I am praying for everything and for everybody.
The hour has come, just like My hour on the Cross came.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses and prays for Uruguay and Argentina.
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
At this moment, as Christ the Redeemer, I bless all of Brazil so that, after the important impulse that was given through the Marathon of prayer in Manaus, all the Brazilian people may cotinue awakening and protecting the sacred Amazon so that, not only Brazil, but also the whole world may continue to count on the great green lung of the planet.
Even though the projects in the Amazon may continue moving forward, do not worry. Place your consciousness in all that is spiritual and that comes from God, because the same Kingdoms of Nature will defend themselves in the face of any intent of submission and exploitation from the human being.
The preservation of all of Brazil is also fundamental, for it is the sacred land chosen to take forward an important mission of rescue, along with Argentina.
The stability of nations depends on the true prayers of the children of God. Thus, peace will be established, as well as the continuity of these nations, together with the Kingdoms of Nature.
Do not forget to place in your hearts the sacred forest of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
If the Amazon region is totally devastated, as it has been happening throughout the recent years, and if the government continues forcing its ideas and projects upon Creation, the Brazilian people will witness events that will reach beyond the communication media and the newspapers.
Nothing can stop the trial and justice that the head, who was chosen to govern this country, will face, because no creature on the surface of Earth will be able to modify or deter the powerful action of the Universal Laws and, above all, the Universal Law of nature itself. This punishment can only be stopped with prayers from the loyal devotees of My Sacred Heart.
When I asked you to pray for the reconsecration of Brazil, it was so that at this moment you might be strengthened before all the unimaginable, which will show up overnight.
I want you to understand, companions, that never should anyone dare to challenge the Law, as many men and women do, because their lives will not only be unhappy, but sooner or later they will be converted into a disgrace, impossible to be hidden from anybody.
In the same way, I have come to ask you to pray for the reconsecration of Argentina, for the Argentines to be protected.
If within Brazil the harmful projects against life and against nature are not deterred, you will see not only fire, but also a lot of innocent blood flow, like rivers, and this will be similar to what happened in Kibeho, Rwanda.
If at this same moment the Brazilian government does not stop and listen, although it does not believe in the divine existence, many will cry more than hundreds of raindrops that fall from the sky.
I come to avoid a national and social catastrophe. Therefore, take My Message to the world, because if you do not do what I am asking you, South America will experience the consequences, a drought as it has never experienced one before.
There will not be a new flood, but rather rain will fall from great and unknown stars that will end a part of humanity.
I call you to be conscious.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I was waiting for you, companions, to arrive at this region of Argentina so that, in these days, as it was on mount Tabor, you may get to know My real Aspect, My Cosmic and Solar Consciousness.
Now it is time for a minority, in representation of humanity, to receive this revelation, the one I will try to show you during the coming days. This will prepare the planet for when it enters its final stage and has to inevitably experience its definition.
Therefore, such revelation of My Face, still deeper and unknown, even by the same Church, shall come out of the Tabernacles for humanity to see, once again, the Son of God transfigured, at the top of the mountain.
As it was with My apostles, I will tell you what it is about and you will become conscious of where I come from and where I went after My ascension. Because during the day, the sky is there, but at night you have the whole Universe upon you, many constellations, nebulae and galaxies, beyond your reality, which I govern and lead.
This is the time to deeply know the Son of God, in His Solar and Cosmic aspect, therefore the next Marathon of the Divine Mercy shall be the preamble for this cycle of revelations.
I thank you already for sustaining this cycle!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear companions,
The mission accomplished up to today, in Argentina, meant for the Eternal Father an important spiritual and inner step that the hearts gave, in the continuous search of faith and love for God.
Today, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph closed a special and unique phase in the work of love and redemption of the Divine Messengers; and Saint Joseph himself opened a new cycle that will start appearing like a sun for all the servers of Christ.
Now, as more than two thousand years ago, today Saint Joseph fulfilled a new phase, which had the purpose of transmitting palpable instruction for souls, which prepared fertile ground for each heart to be able to cross the end of times.
In this sense, the instruction of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph opened a door, in this twenty-first century, for the entire humanity to never forget learning to be humble and austere in the life on the surface of the Earth.
Argentina was the scene chosen, by the Heavenly Father Himself, for the month so that in August it might be filled with the graces and the blessings of the Sacred Hearts.
Afterwards, the moment will come in which your Master and Lord will also withdraw and at last elevate our Most Holy Mother, once more, to the glory of God.
So when this happens, the last times will be unleashed and all that is in Heaven, as well as what in upon Earth, will be shown, and it will be in this hour that the soldiers of Christ must sustain, without hesitation, the torch of the triumph of Light.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus.
My Divine and Cosmic Consciousness, the Solar Christ, spiritually embraces Argentina today and, in this way, the first Source of emanation of Divine Love is prepared so that, as from the second stage of the pilgrimage, it may send the impulses that consciousnesses upon the surface of the Earth will receive, to move forward with the inner changes that are necessary.
This does not mean that the rebellion of the dark ones has ceased; they will come with greater strength against all that the Divine Hierarchy will project for the following days.
But do not fear, do not cease to elevate your voice to the Universe, and do not cease to cry out for Mercy for, in this way, all adversity will be dissolved and transmuted and hearts will reacquire the strength to be able to move beyond themselves, without leaving behind the fulfillment of their responsibilities.
This is the time in which the light and the darkness meet, and the war of all against all is present as an opportunity for winning it through love or of being defeated through indifference.
Many more needs will be presented during the upcoming times. Thus, this is the time of putting into practice all the knowledge acquired during the last few years, this is the time of setting aside mediocrity and going on to assume that which until now you have not assumed, being able to carry the cross to the heights of the mountain, to announce the victory of Love within humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The poorest families of Argentina are the last to receive the help they need in order to live. Thus, they will be witnesses of the spiritual treasures held in Argentina and, in this way, their consciousnesses will be enriched upon knowing the truth and upon accepting it, just as it is, with the purity of their hearts.
But others will not see these spiritual treasures because their intentions are not pure nor transparent, because their hands and their eyes have become addicted to power and authority. These, which I name, will not see anything, while the poor who have nothing, will be participants in the spiritual treasures.
So this will be the time for bringing equality to Argentina, and leaving behind the promises that are only pretty words.
Argentina will rise up with the strength of its workers and its laborers and these will be who, through constant effort, will prepare for the arrival of the Redeemer, for just as it was with the apostles, I will call the workers of Argentina to sit at My table so that we may share the bread.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Argentina is a land full of spiritual treasures to be discovered. Therefore, Argentina has been a land ill-exploited and made use of only by a minority.
But when the spiritual mysteries of Argentina come to light, no consciousness, person or terrestrial power will be able to take control of the unexpected situation that will show up.
Therefore, its spiritual treasures are in fairly inaccessible places, for them to be protected from any intention of ostentation on the part of the human being.
In Argentina, there are spiritual treasures that are not terrestrial, but cosmic, which arrived to Earth in a time past to be able to help humanity, at this time and in this cycle.
The humanity of Argentina and of the southern cone was completely asleep to the knowledge of spiritual treasures, but now, at the moment when the destiny of Argentina as a society and as a nation is at stake, these treasures will be shown so that the most simple may know that there are unknown and major powers than those human beings believe to have and that God has the real and only power, and from God comes all that exists.
The spiritual treasures of Argentina were prepared more than thirty years ago, so that in this cycle they may be revealed to the human consciousness and, through a great impulse, many uncertain situations can be transmuted and the majority of consciousnesses may have the joy of awakening and of once more putting their faith in what is invisible.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Argentina is a homeland raised on the values of work and effort because Argentina is characterized by care and dedication, which its people put into everything they do.
The impulse that Argentina receives through the will always causes it to want to overcome itself to achieve the well-being of the family as well as its society.
This virtue of constant and true work is present in the humblest and simplest souls of Argentina. It is for this reason that Argentines still have not discovered that within themselves is the potential to awaken and take up their spiritual life and their inner contact with what is higher and divine.
This is one of the reasons for which your Redeemer returned to Argentina, so that the Argentines themselves may perceive that they are faced with the opportunity of reacquiring, as in other times, their contact with what is divine and, from that level of consciousness, draw toward the nation that which it needs to experience in this cycle, rather than that which human beings generate within it.
Argentina is still to discover that it can be a spiritually rich nation, just as it is materially rich, and that, for the Argentine people, the Universe intended that they would have the possibility of developing as a civilization through everything that they have and that someday must be equitably distributed and shared.
This will make of Argentina an evolved people.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
With the Light of My Wounds, I continue to illuminate the darkest spaces of the consciousness of Argentina so that more souls from this country may have the opportunity to be reborn, to awaken and to love.
With the Light of My Wounds, I justify before the Celestial Father the mistakes that humankind continues to commit and thus, the Law of Mercy and of Grace, in an extraordinary way, grants moments of forgiveness to the most lost and sleeping hearts.
With the Light of My Wounds I transmute the precarious conditions of the consciousness and move forward with the liberation of the most corrupt states of the consciousness of the nations, so that they do not miss the opportunity of seeing God.
With the Light of My Wounds I bring hearts closer to the truth so that each one may recognize it must change, even further, aspects of the consciousness that prevent the freedom of taking steps in the evolution of the being.
With the Light of My Wounds I bring healing to that which is sick and I cure the inner wounds that do not allow souls to experience renovation.
With the Light of My Wounds I open the doors for you to feel and to find God again.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
And you will see arriving, companions, the Son of God, transfigured in the most culminating moment of humanity, in the same way that He comes today to meet you in Divinity and in Spirit. I will return in the most culminating moment of the Earth, when I will come to seek you and gather you together in My Name, in the same way that I gathered together the twelve apostles in the past, but this time it will be different because, in spite of the world being in upheaval, you will be able to recognize Me and will receive Me in the same way that you do, in this time.
I will gather together all the tribes of My Father, not only here in Argentina, in the heights of the mountain, but I will also appear, like I did in Bethany, in other places of South America so that in such acute and difficult hours, My friends, you will not feel any fear, but rather a deep and joyful bliss for having again found Me.
I will call each by your original name and, in this way, will awaken within you the sweet memory of having once been with Me, sharing the same bread and the same wine that today I give you all again.
My arrival in Argentina this time is different, I now find you more mature and aware of the importance of following your Redeemer, without any doubts.
This is the time in which your inner preparation will be finalized and your true service will begin for the redemption and the forgiveness of the whole human race.
The time for My Return has come.
I thank you for having received Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Words of Christ Jesus transmitted during the consecration of the elements, in the presence of many pilgrims:
May My Words be the breath of the Spirit in you so that in this time the true being may manifest, that which will represent Me on Earth and will testify to My Presence throughout the entire world.
I come to assemble you in Truth, in the one Truth of God, which has you participate in His spiritual freedom and which promises you complete redemption of your beings and your consciousnesses so that My Christic Purpose may be fulfilled. I open the doors of My Heart and My Consciousness so that you may receive the presence of My Celestial Church which assembles you in equality and in love, which allows you to eternally celebrate the Love of the Father with Me.
Now that I find you with this joy, with this welcome that I feel in My heart, the Holy Spirit will act through your Gifts and with the Sacraments so that, renewed in your faith and trust in God, you will know that you will keep walking forward with Me, seeking within yourselves the realization of the Plan of God and the concretization of His Project in this human race, through the action of My Mercy, My Grace and My Pity.
I open the doors of My Heart and My Consciousness so that you may receive the presence of My Celestial Church which assembles you in equality and in love, which allows you to eternally celebrate the Love of the Father with Me.
We stand up.
At this moment, each one of My representatives and servers on the surface of the Earth will make their offering before the Celestial Father through My Sacred Heart so that He may receive your pleas, your intentions and your true offering so that His Grace may continue descending to Earth and touch all hearts.
In the silence of your heart you will make this offering with Me; meanwhile, in the presence of the living God, your Master and Redeemer will transubstantiate the elements together with the angelic hosts so that the Mercy of the Father may descend upon the beings and the planet, and the flame of light of your hearts may be strengthened and again lit so that love and grace may be in abundance within the world and the love of life may be respected.
In the Presence of Christ, Our Lord, by His invitation and call, we will enter the consciousness of His Celestial Church intoning the "melodic Kodoish" together.
Let us return to the instrumental "And so spoke the Master."
And in the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Savior, at His request and call, in this moment we will participate in the consecration and the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, which will change into the Body and the Blood of Our Lord.
We invite those who can, to kneel, or to remain standing.
We thank God for the renewal of this sacrifice and for the inspiration, in this moment, that our Lord Jesus Christ gives us through the Sacraments, and especially through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
In that time, Jesus was together with His apostles, and many more consciousnesses in the inner planes, which are present here today.
He took the bread, elevated it, recognized the sacrifice that the Father was asking Him to endure and with the immensity of His Love, gave thanks, gave it to His apostles and said to them: "Take and eat all of It, for this is My Body that will be given to you for the forgiveness of sins," and at the sound of three bells, the transubstantiation of the bread into the Divine Body of Christ was established.
We praise You, Lord and we Bless You (repeated three times).
And before the Lord ended His Supper and gave the greatest gift of love to humanity, He took the Chalice, elevated it to God, the Father blessed it and He deeply thanked Him for the sacrifice He would go through, for each one of us, until the end of times. He gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by Your Redeemer and by many martyrs, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me." And at the sound of the three bells, the transubstantiation of the wine into the precious Blood of Christ was established.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You (repeated three times).
The Divine Body and Blood of our Lord. Amen.
In unity with His Sacred Heart, and for the triumph and the victory of His Kingdom in humanity, united with Him, in absolute awareness and attunement, we repeat the prayer that He taught us:
Our Father.
We may stand.
Companions, never lose hope and faith, because these are virtues that will renew you and will always urge you to continue onward, knowing how to transcend barriers, knowing how to experience challenges and, this way, you will gain peace, and you will how never lose it, because you will be in Me and I in you.
May peace on this day be in you and in Argentina. Amen.
In the presence of the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in fraternity, you will give each other the greeting of peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come to a place, to a city and to a country that is experiencing the first critical moments of humanity.
For this reason, I am here to be among My companions, friends and servers.
I come to console the distressed heart. I come to bring healing to the sick heart. I come to bring joy to the heart that has lost hope.
Because these are the crucial times of humanity, they are the result of its life choices and decisions. Our God, our Celestial Father, has nothing to do with any of this. He sends His Son to aid you and assist you because you, companions and servers of Mine, have testified to My Presence in your hearts and in actions of life.
I am here also for that reason, so that, united in faith, you may learn to transcend the end of times, first within yourselves, to then help humanity, all your brothers and sisters and acquaintances.
These are inexplicable times, in which nations are defining their destiny, and in that destiny there are millions of souls, many innocent souls indeed; especially souls that should be within this time and within this humanity, and there are those who do not want them to be here because of the liberty that the woman of humanity today take.
This is also an affliction for God, because the men and women of the Earth do not want to live His Laws but rather alter them. This is to not be aware of the Truth, and of what this means for life on the surface of the Earth.
Thus, these are also times of Mercy, because Mercy will grant miracles, it will lead souls to God and will allow hearts to reconcile with one another, knowing that it is still necessary to heal many wounds in hearts and also in the nations.
That is why our pilgrimage through the nations of the world each day will become more demanding, challenging and I would say, very daring. Because these are times in which retrograde forces of the planet want to stay within humanity to keep it imprisoned and oppressed.
But the Light and the Power of the Scepter of God will come, through the Hand of the Son of Man, to free hearts and souls of the Earth that experience the prisons of life, that experience oppression, that experience perdition.
I cannot, companions, promise times of joy to you, because what humanity is experiencing today is through their own choice. But if you are with Me, I can promise you times of bliss, of miracles, of inner and spiritual conquests, times of transcendence and of healing, moments of forgiveness, of reconciliation, and of peace, although the world on its surface may be in constant battle.
All of Creation is coming to the moment of its Universal Judgment and each day that goes by, that moment draws closer toward the human consciousness. Nobody will be excluded from this event. It will not be a judgment for punishing, rather it will be a judgment for revision, for reflecting and maturing, and especially a judgment for correcting.
But although the Celestial Father has sent Me to Argentina, under this situation and circumstances, He also sends Me throughout the whole world, for all souls, all peoples and all cultures, for all religions, so that I may announce to you the good news that in your hearts you must awaken to the opportunity of returning to God and of being in His Presence; knowing that the Celestial Father waits to give you His Love and His Goodness, His Mercy and His Forgiveness so that you, My companions, may truly learn to be happy in the spiritual and material life, uniting with the Source of God every day and knowing how to maintain the inner contact within yourselves.
But what moves Me to come to the nations of the world is the adherence of My companions, servers and collaborators, of the pilgrims, of those who try to faithfully follow the Path of Christ.
That is what motivates Me to come here, especially to Argentina, because I know that there is the potential to generate, in each Argentine heart, a process of redemption and of forgiveness so that they may again be, as in past times, the apostles of Christ.
Inside each one of you, inside each one of My children of Argentina, exists an unknown light that you still have not discovered. Argentina has an important task as a country and as a people, as a part of this humanity that, through their commitment, will prepare for the Return of Christ.
And this will help, will benefit, and favor the rest of the nations of the world, such as for example, Uruguay, which is not opening to listen to the Voice of the Eternal Father.
This is the time, companions, to know how to fight through love and without swords, because the triumph of My heart will occur in the concretization of the Divine Plan in your lives, in your examples, in your faithfulness to Me.
That is what I need, something so simple but profound, something that is born of the heart of somebody who understands, beyond My Words, the Purpose of your Master and Lord.
I come to place a balm of peace and of reconciliation in Argentina, knowing that God, your Celestial Father, cannot be absent from the consciousness of Argentina and cannot be replaced by the forms of life and by the choices, so unconscious, of the men and women of this country.
You cannot, companions, enter into the same stream of conflict, of adversity or of chaos. Through prayer, activate the Ray of intelligence, of discernment and of science; and you will have the faith and knowledge to be able to overcome the end of times, and thus be able to help your brothers and sisters, those most ignorant, those most lost, those who do not have God and those who deny Him completely.
But the most difficult times will come and it would not be necessary for you to experience them. You still have some time to reconsider and reconcile with God, just as My Mother had once requested in Fatima for all of Europe, after Europe was completely destroyed by adversity and chaos.
But in Argentina, in spite of its difficult times, there has existed a purity still unknown, a special purity that God has given to you so that through your Ray of Willpower you may learn to align with the Purpose and manifest His Will.
I know that you have not achieved this yet, but keep your aspirations firm in being able to gestate a true spiritual family on the surface of the Earth that is part of the Divine Brotherhood of Our Hearts and that, beyond all and any event, unites with God in heart and in faithfulness.
I speak so much about fidelity, companions, because it is what will protect you from yourselves, not only My companions of Argentina, but all My followers, servers, collaborators and the consecrated.
Evil does not know fidelity, the fidelity to God, to His Purpose, to His infinite Will and Wisdom. If you know fidelity, you will truly become free from the chains, from the ties, from the oppression of life and of the planetary chaos; because fidelity will always be able to bring you into peace, trust and the absolute certainty that God is in you and in everything.
Argentina is the prelude to great events that are drawing close and approaching. The adherence of hearts, as little as it may seem, is representing a great deal for God. Thus, His approximation to the consciousness of the Argentines will occur in this month of August and September in a special way, because it will be the preparation for a new stage of challenges, requirements and of an even deeper and more definitive surrender.
I know that many may feel unprepared, ill-suited, or not available for what I am telling you and requesting of you, but believe and trust that if you are always with Me and you call upon Me, you will be able to do so, because I know your persona, souls, spirits and your entire inner life. I would not ask for something that you could not achieve, but there is a part that now corresponds to each one of My companions, servers, collaborators and consecrated.
Each one will have their moment of surrender and of a profound definition, which will be between the soul and God, so that Divine Grace may continue to descend upon the planet and humanity. And in spite of nothing upon the surface of the Earth making any sense or any longer having reason, there will be a reason for continuing to be here, on this blue planet, for this creation and for this sacred nature that the Celestial Father has given to you so that you might learn to contemplate Him, to adore Him, and to love Him in all that lives and vibrates.
I know that you would like to listen to precious, agreeable words that console your hearts, but I was born on the surface of this planet not only to announce to you the good news, but also to always tell you the truth that will cause you to inwardly mature and grow.
May this Marathon, so important for Me, be a Marathon of maturity and of growth in the consciousness and in actions, so that new responsibilities can be given into your hands and you can continue to represent Me in this critical time, in which the great majority of souls do not want to see God.
I ask the whole world to no longer blame the Celestial Father for what is happening to it, but rather to assume responsibility for what you do, day after day, knowing that the Universe gave you laws and commandments for you to be aligned with the Purpose, and know how to follow it without the need of becoming lost or confused.
Place your consciousness on what is vertical, on what goes toward the Heights, on what unites you with the Universe, and in this way, you will find the inner peace and strength to continue forward, to follow in My footsteps, barefoot and humble, that will take you into an encounter with Christic Live.
Let this Marathon be a reason for renewal, for commemoration, because it has been more than six years since I asked you, companions, to offer the Marathon of Divine Mercy for these difficult times, to sustain the Plan of God in humanity, and to bear the current of adversity and of chaos, learning to transmute them and free them with the strength and the power that the word of prayer has.
In the confidence of God, I give you infinite peace and gratitude for having prepared each detail with love, awareness and surrender for your Lord, your Master and Redeemer.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Nothing will stop My Purpose from being accomplished in Argentina, because if it is the Will of God, it will be done.
When you face some difficulty or delay for Me, be grateful and do not be tired of doing so, because I assure you that you will be very close to me.
It is in the difficult times when I count on My friends and companions the most, because comfortable and rested servers do not please Me.
My wish is that My companions do not cease to burn in their love and service for Me, because this attitude will represent a lot more than walking by My side for years.
My Heart fills with hope and reasons to return to the world when My companions give their all and are not lukewarm nor want to resolve everything quickly.
I am glad when I see how My companions, day after day, make a true effort to accomplish the impossible for Me.
When someone, out of those who are Mine, is thinking too much of themselves or does not have the correct attitude to serve, and only complains all the time, let them reflect if they are truly serving Me and if they are too comfortable in their situation and in their wellbeing.
I called you, one by one, so that you could unconditionally be My warriors of love, capable of going behind Me into the most impenetrable hells of the Earth to help Me redeem and save those who urgently need My Mercy.
Never forget that I called you to this path of sacrifice, full of blessings, of gifts, full of the Love of My Heart, which the majority of humanity does not have.
I thank you for being more aware each day of what you are experiencing and of the time in which you are living!
Who blesses you and thanks you for assuming, one by one, My Words of instruction,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I will go to meet My children and companions of Argentina so that they may heal the wounds of the past, which still remain open in many hearts.
But I will also go to meet the smallest and bravest children, who in their innocence offer God their sacrifices to compensate for the errors of the adults.
Not all children are glad to be here, in this end time of the transition.
Many of them offer themselves to God for those hearts who still do not repent and do not ask for forgiveness from God.
My Heart will go to Argentina for the most inoffensive and small children, because they are the future of the nation and cannot lose the purity that they brought here as a service of love for humanity, which has lost its innocence and purity.
In this time, in Argentina there exist children who are great consciousnesses that came in this cycle of humanity to serve and to help the planet; so that the values of faith, of family, of unity and of the good do not fade away from the consciousness of the human race, beyond the events and the situations that humanity may experience as a learning process.
The children of Argentina and of the whole world live for the adults to love them and learn to take care of them and safeguard them so that through the unity of family, the smallest ones may have the opportunity to grow and to express the values and the virtues that will help in the renewal of the planet.
For this reason, My Sacred Heart will go to Argentina for the smallest ones, the little and innocent ones who come from the stars to bring and to express a message of love for those who have forgotten it.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Just as in My spiritual Heart I keep each soul, in the same way I keep the nations of the world, especially those that in the end of times will have an important mission.
In this sense, Argentina will be the spiritual cradle of the new times, those which will arrive full of the Grace of God and will allow certain events to be presented in order to give impulse to the awakening of souls.
Argentina is a people and a nation with many opportunities that its own inhabitants will recognize, if they live the path of redemption and of forgiveness.
Argentina is a country not only overflowing with natural beauty, but also a land that has its wounds, very difficult wounds that I Myself will heal through My Presence.
So that the healing may reach the hearts of Argentina and all its past, the Argentine people and humanity must truly invoke My Mercy so that from the heights of the Universe, the nonmaterial ray of liberation may descend and be that which transmutes and redeems the Argentine consciousness, and thus a new cycle will be able to begin.
I will be alert to the voice of the supplications of each one of My companions.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
From My Heart is emerging the Light which will illuminate and bless Argentina during the month of August.
For this reason, companions, your Master and Lord is directing the Light of His Heart upon the Argentine nation so that, during the month of August, it may receive a special atonement and the most lost souls may glimpse, for a moment, the Redeeming Light which is arising from My Heart.
This Light which springs from My Heart and which is being radiated upon Argentina comes from the fact that your Lord and Master, when He was on the Cross, was pierced by the spear in His Side and from there sprung Water and Blood.
God, within this fact and by means of this event, caused the powerful Light of His Mercy to expand throughout the Earth, so that evil could be beaten and souls could be forgiven.
Today, Argentina will be receiving the powerful Light of God through His beloved Son, and all that which is happening now with Argentina will be contemplated by God for a moment so that His children may receive the Grace of redemption and of the forgiveness of all deeds commited.
Argentina shall be the sun of the Heart of the Lord which shines in the difficult times so that souls may find peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the same way that Argentina, in the next cycle, will receive the revelation of the spiritual treasures that it holds from Tierra del Fuego up to La Quiaca, Argentina as a people will also be a witness to events never seen before.
For this reason, I am preparing the inner space of My children of Argentina for this time in which things unimaginable to the human mind will be shown.
Argentina will see for itself the time of its purification so that after that time all may again renew and blossom.
A land cannot give good fruits if it is contaminated; any fruitful land must be fertile and strong to give the best fruits.
The same will be of Argentina; its land will be cleansed of things that mistreat and contaminate it.
If you see the sky overcast, you could say: rain will come. If you see the sky full of stars and without any haze, you could say: tomorrow will be sunny.
All signs of time and elements exist to be interpreted and thus are learned how to be read during the events.
You only need to believe in the signs that there will be in the sky, in the stars, on the moon, on the sun, upon the Earth, in the oceans and in nature.
Do not believe in everything that will be said, because they may not be true signs. Believe in what the Creation will show you and you will know the science about the end of times.
Argentina will be the cradle of important events, and this is near.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The treasures of Argentina that are not unveiled, which are not physical but spiritual, are held and widespread from El Calafate through San Carlos de Bariloche, Villa La Angostura, Mendoza to the precious summits of Jujuy.
Argentina is the spiritual cradle of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy, and a great confraternity silently works in these spaces in order to support humanity.
Argentina is the region of the planet with the most contact-beings present on the surface of the Earth and which, in most cases, were members of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy. The majority of those contact-beings will place themselves at the service of the spiritual Hierarchy in this acute cycle of humanity.
These suns and stars on Earth will be known by their fruits rather than their abilities and skills, because only Christic Love will awaken them, and no other movement will manage to do so.
They are consciousnesses that will come from unimaginable experiences of life and that, within themselves, hold an ardent devotion to the Hierarchy.
They will not flaunt absolutely anything about themselves and will not receive recognition nor any prominence. Their silent, anonymous and unconditional service will identify them.
In this way, Argentina will count on souls strengthened and safeguarded in prayer, which will offer their lives and their hearts at the service of the Greater Plan.
These sacred spaces, present at different points of the Andes mountain range, will be their reference and their spirituality in the most acute moments of the Earth, and these will help them to maintain their faith in the Love of Christ.
Those contact-beings will be similar or equal to the Fathers of the desert, who gave their lives to support humanity.
But they will not be isolated from society; rather, their example of love, of goodness and of service will give impulse to the occurrences and will keep hearts open so that all may survive in this final time.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more