While we were praying I saw Saint Joseph, first in the Middle East, dressed as a Muslim and with a cloth around his head. He was walking in the desert, accompanying different families who were emigrating, putting in His arms the children who were most tired of walking, and helping them. Afterwards, I saw Him in other cities, in big cities, helping people on the streets and only accompanying them, as someone who was simply passing by there. I also saw Him in different indigenous villages and when He appeared, He was surrounded by indigenous children who looked to be between three and eight years old. While Saint Joseph was transmitting the daily message, the children who were accompanying Him, spiritually radiated Light to the different indigenous tribes of the world.

       Dear companions in Christ, Missionaries of love on this Earth in so much need of aid and of peace,

Today I come to you with joy, but also with much regret in the depth of My Chaste Heart. I come with joy because I knew that, when arriving to the world, I would find beings that are willing to be with Me wherever it is necessary. I come with regret because I cannot be indifferent to all that happens in the world and also in the universe as a repercussion of the events of the Earth.

Today I do not come only from the Middle East, I come from many places of this vast planet, where I can walk beyond the borders, since for Me they do not exist. I come mostly from the region of Chaco, in Argentina, and also from other villages and tribes of original peoples that humanity still does not know. And I am not alone, because I have brought to you the little ones who – from the plans of the spirit – radiate their purity to those human beings who have the mission to keep guarding the presence of the indigenous consciousness on the planet, so that purity and simplicity do not disappear from the human heart.

Many think that it would not be necessary to carry out two missions at the same time, and lucubrate thoughts, imagining the reason why we have asked a mission to the Chaco, since the missionaries are already going so far, to the Middle East.

I know that the typical ignorance of the ordinary human mind often does not allow you to think and feel like the Creator of all things thinks and feels. That is why I will explain some truths to you, with My request that you observe them and learn from them, so that when your time arrives, with its own discernments, you make important decisions – time in which We will no longer be able to dictate all the steps as now.

The indigenous consciousness, in general, has an important mission of guarding the purity in humanity and also the possibility of understanding nature and, through nature, finding God. The indigenous are guardians of unity, of life in community, in a peaceful and loving way. Throughout times, many were losing these attributes and the customs of the current humanity were influencing the different indigenous communities of the world.

In Argentina, the region of Chaco, as other places, is a space of the consciousness of the nation that – despite the abandonment and the suffering which it lives – has not lost the essence of what it is and keeps being a guardian of the purity, mainly for this nation.

As South America has a primordial role in the end of times, if Argentina itself does not take care of the treasure it has in Chaco, it might lose the possibility of living simplicity, humility, peace and purity, attributes that are primordial for the emergence of a new race.

This mission of consecrating the Americas to God is a responsibility of all those who correspond to this Work of the Lord, and you must be aware that which each people fulfills a primordial role in the construction of the New Earth.

Why do we send the missionaries to Chaco and, at the same time, to the Middle East? Because, while some will try to heal the pain, the suffering and the resentment of the beings who have left their lands, their homes, others will go to a similar situation of people who have also been removed from their lands and, however, have not lost hope.

May the purity of your indigenous brothers and sisters be radiated to the Middle East and may, thanks to the different missionaries who will compose these two missions and all the prayer groups that will support them, a connection of love and unity may happen, so that, through service, love strengthens the population of Chaco and so that the purity of this people, strengthened by love, reach the Middle East as a hope that, one day, they be able to live fraternity.

May in these two missions, both peoples rekindle hope of being among brothers and sister, in a world of cooperation, of fraternity, of unity with one another and all with God. All this can be achieved with the purity of intention and the heart united, perfectly, to the Heart of God, from where comes all the principles and archetypes for humanity.

Go ahead, missionaries of Christ, of Mary and of My Most Chaste Heart. We will be in Omnipresence with all, watching over the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose.

Your Father and Friend, Missionary of all hours,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the Power of God descend to Earth so that souls may be freed of the pressures of material life.

May the supreme Gift of the Love of God incarnate, as verb and energy, in all essences that are rehabilitated through forgiveness and prayer.

May the kingdoms of darkness be dispelled from the face of the planet so that the currents of Divine Love that come in aid of humanity, may re-establish the spiritual mission of each creature.

May the Portals of Heaven open, today, so the power of healing may descend and the new Aurora once again ignite wounded hearts through a greater reconciliation.

May the original innocence of souls reawaken, so that the spirit of brotherhood guide the purpose of the self-summoned.

Today, the Voice of the Messenger of God can be heard in the universe, because the Plan and Infinity aspire to live in the depths of the hearts that were called.

All the spiritual towers that have fallen rise up to Heaven, and the sun of the universe illuminates the paths of those who have given their great 'yes' to God.

The kings of Heaven assemble and celebrate the eternal redeeming communion with Jesus Christ, the Lord and Master of Love.

Nobody in this world will fail to hear the call, because the strength of the Love of God promotes an unbreakable union of souls with the Higher Kingdom.

Those who have again found the path they once lost, rejoice, because the Spokesperson of Heaven calls on you to be rehabilitated. Thus, from your beings release the reins and the ties of the past, so that among hearts, the spirit of peace may arise.

I gather up all your needs in My Heart. God contemplates the purity of the just and the mercy of the good. It is now time to embrace the opportunity and not retreat.

The Heart of the Great Master calls you to a greater unity, because supreme life must be gestated in redeemed beings.

Hold in your hands the divine flame that illumines you, and do not cease to look at the firmament that accompanies you.

Be bearers of the restorative and liberating message. Be stars that are part of the new Universe of God. Praise the Father as the angels in Heaven do and be worthy of receiving universal Graces.

Rebuild humanity with prayer and no longer be separate because of appearances. Recognize the Voice that comes from the Universe, the hand that caresses your face, the Mantle that protects you from all evil, the eyes that contemplate you with kindness and love, the divine smile that encourages you to continue forward and the maternal embrace that welcomes you.

Feel the Kingdom of My Peace in your lives, the calm that penetrates you, the serenity that reassures you, the luminous spark of My Heart. Be My soldiers and help to redeem this beloved suffering planet. Accept My convocation and, through prayer, profess the love of God.

Do not cease looking at or listening to Me. I am the same mother and woman that gestated Jesus, the Savior, and now I am your Mother of hope.

It is time to close the hell of this world so that Christ can return soon. In your hands is the power for your transformation, in your hands and hearts, the spring of the prayer of the heart can be born.

Receive My call with joy and rejoicing. Sing to God every day; in this way you will alleviate His scourged Heart of Love.

I am with you in the silence as well as in the joy; I am with you in the healing as well as in sickness. Purify yourselves in time and receive My maternal Love.

My wish is that renewed charismatic groups of prayer emerge from Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca and Viedma, which represent the Law of Healing for humanity. This you will achieve through your inner union.

I thank all My children of Argentina and the world for having responded to My maternal call!

Your Mother Mary, Mother of the God of Mercy, blesses you and heals you.

Peace on Earth.


Dear children:

At least on this day of Grace that gathers you I ask you, in the name of humanity, that you feel free of your own selves so that neither preoccupation nor desperation may encircle your lives.

From Heaven and from the entire Universe I bring you, as Mother of all the souls, the great opportunity of achieving the conversion of the heart so that you may live the healing that I give you, the sacred healing of Christ, My Son.

As Mother of the Holy Rosary I thank you for your spontaneous donation because all of your effort in concretizing My divine plans here in Santa Fe has generated infinite opportunities of redemption and of rehabilitation for the souls.

With joy and with the praying power of the heart, just as you are, I ask that you sustain in your hands the banner of liberation and of peace which is lovingly offered to the world through the sacred presence of My Immaculate Heart.

My children, as the Mother and Lady of all those who pray, I invite you to renew yourselves in the path of construction of a strong Network of Light, of Prayer, of Healing, of Service, and of Instruction because in this way the souls that are more distant from the Will of the Father shall be able to awaken to My final call.

For you and for the sacred humanity today I Am here and between My hands I bring the blessed Graces that your hearts need.  For this, with eyes of Piety and of consolation I look at you, and I hope that for the times of crisis your lives may be perfect bridges of union with the laws of Heaven.

My Sacred Loving Heart brings you the possibility of re-encountering the path of faith and of hope that many have lost.

I come to Rosario to remind you that this city has committed with the Universe to be a true mirror of prayer and of peace for this part of Argentina; on the contrary, if the souls do not pray, not fast, not love and neither forgive; social and regional situations that are more complex could occur, and that which before would have seemed to be tranquil will turn into something disturbing for the families.

Through this donated group I come to request from the Church of God, to the Holy Mother Church, that it renews its principles of charity and of evangelization; this will help in reversing many things.

Dear children, as the Messenger and the Spokesperson of the Cosmos, I come to prepare in time your dwellings before the return of Christ to the world.  For this, there exists a part that you must fulfill in the permanent construction of a life of prayer and of peace; in this way the world will not suffer when the souls only listen to my call.

My true miracle for you is to announce to you that there is still time to change for a holy and reparative action.

I thank you all of My children of Argentina for having responded to My sacred final call!

Who comforts and unites you always,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Holy Rosary and of the souls

Marathon of Divine Mercy

My Voice reaches this world to withdraw it from darkness and from fear.

My Light comes from the Father and is poured out upon the hearts that have fallen.

My Mercy draws closer to your lives and brings the Light that you need in this time.

I come to lift up your lives from the ground. I stretch out My Hands to you so that you can hold fast and follow My Path of redemption and of peace.

My Plan for Argentina is perfect and preferred, but I have need of sheep willing to follow the Great Shepherd, in order that they know new fields and new fruits that I have to give them.

I need your 'yes' for continuing with My Work. Thus, in this month of April, I send you My Mother as messenger and healer, so that She may prepare your hearts for the new time that will come to Argentina.

Each nation has a very important commitment to God. The Messengers of Heaven present themselves in this century again to warn humanity about the steps it is taking and the paths it is following, paths that do not go toward God because they are decisions that are not in the Light of the Father.

Thus, in My great and infinite Mercy, I come to open your eyes to what is new, so that you are able to awaken in time within this chaos that the world experiences internally.

My Mercy comes to free your ties and your sins as many times as necessary, because the Father has granted that I may deeply know you.

My Law of Mercy comes to correct your actions and lives. For this reason, go as the apostles did and announce My arrival to the world. I will come silently to this world, unexpectedly, and I will appear to those that open their heart to Me, and who have constantly prayed with Me for this humanity.

My Father has sent Me again to congregate the flocks that have become lost, and these Marathons of prayer try to congregate all the souls that must return to God, mainly those that are in God must at this moment help Me to assist those who are distant from God.

Thus, I need you to be firm and ready to follow My Path.

I cannot promise you happiness in this chaotic world, but I can promise you My Mercy, My Eternity, My Divinity and My Spirit in the next world, like many saints, angels and blessed ones that enjoy this Christic Spirit.

I come to bring the universe into your presence. I Am the Heart of the universe that deeply beats all the time. I come to bring you the Truth of God for this time.

Meditate on the actions you take every day. Be good servers in this time, in peace. Be proclaimers of the Peace that comes from the Kingdom of My Father. I mercifully love you all the time. I gather you close to My Heart so that you can feel it. My Heart is the manifested eternal Love of God.

Thus, in this so definitive time, I come to remind you of the commitment you made to Me. Your families, friends and acquaintances, nobody will escape being able to know Me in this time.

My Love is stronger than the love that lives in this world. My Power and My Divinity is great in this humanity.

Dear sheep, dear companions, I invite you to prepare this Sacred Week with your heart, this Passion that comes to bring remembrance every year of your time. I invite you, dear friends, to feel My Passion and to meditate on it; in this way, I will be able to grant special Graces to those that do so, and My Heart will be able to free you and heal you of everything you have not managed to release.

In this Sacred Week, I come to remind you of My Passion: the different phases that I experienced in the Passion, because in truth the world does not know what I really lived. Through the Orandium of the Passion and the Transfiguration, I have revealed it to you.

Thus, during this Sacred Week, sincerely offer your hearts to Me. The Altar is open to all. The priest will receive the offerings of his faithful so that all celebrate in the spirit of peace and love.

In this world, it will not be necessary that any other man carry another cross. I have done this for you, dear friends. My Hands and My Body were wounded for you. I closed all My wounds through Love, and in this way, I presented redemption to the world.

But as time goes by, humanity forgets the commitment to Christ. For this reason, God, in His Goodness and in His Mercy, sends His Messengers to remind you of this commitment.

I need you to be able to merge with My Spirit in this next Sacred Week. For this, Aurora will shine to receive My Rays again, as in the beginning. Thus, the angels I send to the world are working hard so that souls can draw closer to the Passion of My Heart and not be distracted by the things the world offers.

I need you to feel My Heart as something true and simple; I need My Words to reverberate in your essences.

Know, dear companions, that this is My last call to the world; in the same way I did once in Rwanda, announcing My Message through Emmanuel, and thus Africa achieved the consecration to My Sacred Heart, not only through the work that God sent Me to carry out in this country, but also through the missions carried out by the Children of Mary.

There is still much to alleviate in this hurting humanity, but who will dare to carry the spiritual wounds of the body in their hearts. This is a great proposal that I give you today.

Many fear suffering out of love for others. Live the examples of all those that have come through this humanity, of the great blessed and the saints who gave their lives for God.

But in this very important era, My call is for all. My Heart wants to surrender for all. I need all those who have never heard nor seen Me so that My Work can be accomplished in the greater part of this humanity.

The Americas must fulfill their great promise to the Celestial Universe. For this reason, the missions that My Mother is carrying out in each country prepare essences for what will come in the next time.

My Words at this moment are true; I need you to be able to understand this with your hearts. My spring is open for those who seek it, but few risk bathing in My Ocean of Mercy so that My eternal waters can bathe you and close your wounds.

Let all those who hear Me not fear; I come to give you the Love of God, the true Love of the Father that is forgotten by many, because arrogance, ignorance, and indifference reign, roots that produce great evils and rapidly make souls ill, losing their essence and inner light.

But I Am part of you and you are part of My eternal Heart. I lived with and among you; I proclaimed to your lives My sacred saving Word. What have you done with the Gospel I gave you?

I come in this time to seek talents. Why do you hide them in your hearts? It is time to give yourselves much more. God expects the maximum from you. I am here to help you and assist you.

I come to open your eyes to what is new, to the universe, to the Kingdom of Peace and of Love. But few want to live this reality. With the few I can count on, in this era, I will carry out My great Works in the whole world.

In peace, serve your brothers and sisters and all the Kingdoms of Nature, which also perpetually suffer. Nobody perceives how the trees are destroyed and wounded.

You know, dear companions, that when I was a child and went to Egypt, the great palm trees of the desert revered My going by. Does God not live in the Kingdoms of Nature? What are you doing with this so precious world that God gave you?

The hour of rescue has come, the planetary rescue, the rescue of this sick humanity that dies without seeing the Light of God. I come to revive those who have fallen again and to free the impure spirits that condemn many souls in this humanity.

My Mercy is precious, but to live it, it must be loved, dear companions. When will you dare to cross the portal into My Heart? I have precious things to give you. My Word has always been fulfilled throughout the times.

I have converted Eucharists into living hearts and flesh; My Crosses have spilled much blood. All have seen My miracles throughout the centuries. What more does this humanity need? God is present in all places. But can all see Him?

I Am that part of God that comes to speak to you. This emanation of the Source that was projected in humanity and that became a living man, of flesh and bone, who walked among you to share the Word and vivify your hearts, leading you to Redemption and to Love.

Dear companions, I thank you for this great response of yours.

When you pray with Me and unite with Me, remember I will always be by your side. I ardently wish to be in your lives, be part of your blood, of your breathing, of all your bodies. I want to be the living Cell in your cells, the resplendent Light that transfigures and transforms like a Ray of the universe that comes to aid and help humanity.

But everything will begin, dear companions, with your simple and humble 'yes'; thus everything will be consummated.

Present here, I will bless the sacred elements and the images that will bring resurrection for your consciousnesses.

Let this next Sacred Week that is approaching be a true celebration for all, a perfect meeting with the universal Sacred Family.

We will be there, in the heart of Aurora.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

While the elements are brought, we are going to pray the Our Father and the Glory with our Master.

Christ Jesus blesses the elements.

When you pray from the heart, I love you more.

Thank you, dear souls, for this simple dedication. I thank you.

Enter into the universe of My Peace and walk firmly in the Purpose. God will always provide for you. Be blessed.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus is still present, accompanying us. We will wait for a short while until we can respond to a request He made, for us to listen to the Beatitudes He once transmitted in one of His daily Messages.

At this moment, He asks us to continue united with Him in communion, from heart to Heart, feeling His Presence.

Continuing, the daily Message transmitted by Christ Jesus concerning the Beatitudes, of February 15, 2013, is read.


Dearest children of Cordoba and of the whole world:

In the name of the Love of Christ, Your Lord, I gather you to renew you by means of the Source of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

My Immaculate Heart attracts to your lives the gift of Piety, the gift of Strength and the gift of Science; these three gifts will be the ones that will renovate the life of the consciousnesses that participate in the Plan of God and in consequence, many hearts will see themselves benefited when My servants live and work through these three gifts.

As Queen and Mother of the Holy Spirit I call you on this day to reinforce the efforts in the mission of the prayer of the heart.  My Divine Spirit will guide the steps of the souls who are willing to be active representatives of the Spirit of God on Earth because, in this time, only through the strength and the wise power of the Holy Spirit will be resolved many confusing situations.

Now the Holy Spirit embraces you and welcomes you in the Essence of the Love of God, so that in this era your walk in the Plan of God is totally defined and confirmed.

New soldiers must arise from the planetary chaos, for this My Holy Marian Spirit will accompany the servers that lovingly diffuse the Science and the Life of the Holy Spirit.

My Heart invites you to think and interiorize in the heart the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit wishes profoundly to be a part of your lives and to transform that which still has not been transformed; for this your determination will be necessary, so that He may work.

Beloved children of Cordoba, in this way My Immaculate Heart returns to your dwelling places to light the Fire of the Holy Spirit.  Only in the Holy Spirit of God may you find the inner strength and the determination to proceed accomplishing the Plan of the Father.

Cordoba and the North of Argentina have the mission of representing the Holy Spirit through His gifts and of being groups of pioneering souls of the divine gifts.

Through the daily prayer to the Holy Spirit and the invocation of the Supreme Consciousness of the Spirit of God, new and renovated sources will arise for the conversion and the redemption of the hearts of your nation.

The Celestial Universe of the Holy Spirit waits for you, so that the gifts that Argentina needs to live and to profess from the heart may descend and be materialized through your lives.

The Queen of the Holy Spirit comes from Heaven to give you this luminous impulse of devotion and of loving work dedicated to God the Most High.

May this day, of encounter and of celebration with the Holy Spirit of God be the reason for the renovation and the confirmation of your lives to the Sacred Universe.

I thank you, dear children of Cordoba for having trusted once again in My call!

I bless you in the name of the Holy Spirit of God,

Your Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Holy Spirit


Today My mantle extends itself over the world, sheltering all the helpless of spirit and of heart.  The ray of Brotherhood that is born in My chest is radiated to those who are lacking love, and matures in the heart of those who walk the flame of fraternity and of unity with the beings among themselves, with the kingdoms of nature and with God.

My children, as Queen of the Brotherhood I bring you the Peace of My Kingdom and I deposit in your hearts the brotherhood that the world lacks so much.

A heart that lives in Brotherhood is that which knows how to recognize the need in the situations of life and overcomes them with its actions and with its most pure intention.

A heart that beats in the rhythm of universal Brotherhood is that one which overcomes tiredness and discovers the love of sacrifice, when it is before the need of its fellow human being.

Brotherhood is born in the discovery of the Divine in each being.  Brotherhood clears the eyes that cannot see the presence of My Son in each heart.

Brotherhood grows and matures in the beings that aspire to love their fellow human beings above all things and that discovers in the service to the brothers and sisters the nourishment of its soul.

In Brotherhood is the key to enter into a superior life.  It is by seeking to love one’s fellow human being and to serve them that you will find the door that will bring you to the Kingdom of the Brotherhood.  It is by starting to be fraternal and a partner in this world, that one day you will achieve the merits to know the superior and universal Brotherhood.

My children, today I bring to you the Kingdom of the Brotherhood so that there may be manifested in your hearts the permanent and inextinguishable aspiration to serve one’s fellow human being and to love them, constructing a new life in the world and attracting to the beings the brotherhood that is lived in the Universe of God.

I deposit in your hearts a new seed that must be cultivated by your souls through the permanent search and the perseverance in living brotherhood and fraternity among the beings.  This will be reached when you recognize the perfect Plan of God for each sister soul, when you recognize the crystalline essence that shines in the center of each being and that was created by divine hands to manifest in the universe a principle of love and of unity.

My children, today, at the request of God, I present to you a new face of My Kingdom, that brings to you the archetype of life that all the worlds must manifest.

It is already time to awaken for the new and to let the old be extinguished from your hearts.  Do not fear to discover new beings in yourselves, because all that you need to take this leap is already available before your eyes and your spirits.  Only open the arms and the heart and receive with love the offer that is given you.

I am the Queen of the Brotherhood, the always Virgin and Blessed Mother of Christ and of all the beings.  From My womb come all things, because in this way it was conceded by the Lord to His Universal Servant.

My beloveds, I welcome you today in My maternal arms and I receive you with love in My Kingdom of the Brotherhood, so that through the “yes” of those who represent humanity, little by little, a new life may arise on Earth, so that a greater time of Peace may be conceded to the world.

I love you and I thank you always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of the Brotherhood


Feel the sweet Voice of My Heart within you and firmly embrace the nets of salvation that I give you. Leave behind all that makes your heart suffer and see My Heavenly Light coming now on the beautiful horizon. Give Me all that you are and allow My hands of compassion and love to caress your face, wash your hands, and prepare you to receive in the night the Great Lord of the Universe, Jesus Christ Your King.

I come every day to make known to you the Divine Mysteries of Heaven. I come to meet you with the Sacred Hope that you may walk lovingly at My side. I have always been Your Heavenly Mother, I Am the Flower that opens to the rays of the sun and expresses the beauty of Creation.

Find Me in the love of your prayer. Seek Me in the manifestation of nature. I Am the steadfast tree that sustains the good fruits, those that in the coming time will be harvested by the Shepherd of souls.

I want you to trust in what I ask you, I need you to be reborn through the Fire of My Devotion. I wish to see over the world pillars of prayer and banners of Peace and Fraternity. The Father has waited for His children since the beginning.

Today My Faith is poured as a fountain in the hearts that open themselves to feel My maternal words. I want you, on this day, to be able to give your YES to the Celestial Father, because the Lord expects the best and the good from you.

Stay in My arms, as Jesus once did.  Let that which I have foreseen be fulfilled in you. I hope that you may know the light that comes from Heaven and the latent love of My Heart. Surrender yourself to My Heart and you will know that which you still have not known, you will recognize the Love of God in your heart.

While many souls despair for lack of comfort and peace, I come to awaken the soldiers who have fallen asleep in the sleep of this world.

Encourage yourself to be that which you still are not, I will help you. To all the children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, I say:

That a Child of Mary is a spark of devotion that illuminates the darkness.

A Child of Mary is an apostle of Christ who serves in full and opens themself to find charity. 

A Child of Mary is a soul that is willing to fulfill the requests of Heaven and has offered itself to help materialize them.

A Child of Mary is a servant who consciously prepares the coming of Christ, because a Child of Mary is a collaborating soul that is at the complete and absolute service of the Immaculate Heart.

A Child of Mary represents the manifestation of the ray of Peace for this world.

A Child of Mary is like a bridge that intercedes so that souls may be relieved.

In Christ you are all potential Children of Mary, the Lord opens Himself to receive your offers.  My Heart is grateful for your efforts to accompany Me.

I thank everyone in Santa Fe for having answered to My call to conversion!

Know, dear children, I need you as you also need Me. Will we help each other?

I protect you and I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Most Holy Queen of Brotherhood


Children of Mine,

For My Immaculate Heart there are no obstacles that separate Me from My children. There are no barriers that are strong enough to prevent Me from approaching to your hearts.  The only thing that I ask you is for you to call Me. 

If there are still doubts in your hearts regarding My presence, ask with love for Me to dissipate them because then I will do that.  If for some reason you feel something in your hearts that separates you from Me, only hand Me this difficulty, because great is the Power of the Creator that heals and redeems all, that restores and reconciles all with His Most Sacred Heart.

Beloved children, in this time I place at the disposal of your souls the greatest celestial Graces and the only thing that I ask you is to be willing to face the barriers that the mind itself places before the heart because, in spite of not having anything external that prevents Me from approaching to your little hearts, only you can give Me the permission to act in your lives.  And even if it is a little yes, little by little you will surrender your beings to Me and you will see how I can take care of them and protect them under any circumstance.  You will see how within My mantle all true needs will be contemplated.

My children, a celestial life waits for you even while you are on Earth.  However, for this life to arrive to the world it is necessary to not detain the steps and to not ever think that you have already reached the goal because there is still a lot to be unveiled, there is a lot to be lived by the human heart and it is necessary to have hearts that are willing to take one step more on the path of consecration and of surrender to God.

Today I contemplate the need of the world and I see many of My children waiting to wake up, many that are ready to open the eyes and the heart, but that wait for the coming of those who may be able to show them the path.

My children, never detain yourselves.  Surrender to Me every day your little lives and allow yourselves to dive even more profoundly into your own inner world because there are those who wait for this one more step from those who are already on the path so that they may be able to get out from the darkness in which they live.

For this I call you day and night with urgency, to the permanent conversion, to surrender and to sacrifice, in order to be the example to the ignorant and the light on the path of those who are in darkness.

My beloved ones, I count on your hearts to be the apostles of the New Time, those that surrender their lives without conditions, without time nor space, those that seek nothing for themselves and whose luggage is the aspiration to fulfil the plans of God.  Carry in the heart My Message and the hope for it to touch the brother and sister souls.

Ignite in the chest devotion and joy so that the cold hearts may feel warmed up whenever they are before you.  May the whole life be a permanent spiritual exercise of love and charity.

Let us, dear Argentina, raise up the flag of Peace and of victory of Light, and may the Mission that I have given to you be the opportunity of awakening the souls that are around the world, waiting to receive a call.

Ignite the heart and activate your spirits!  Clamor for My presence and know that I want to get to absolutely all of My children.

Do not be preoccupied with the critics nor with the judgments, and neither with the denials.  I will arrive to each heart as soon as you get to known about My presence in the world and I will place in all of them the seed of a new life.

I thank you for answering with joy to My last call.

Your Mother, Queen of Peace and of all of the hearts


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I Am the Queen of Peace and I want everybody to live in the peace that My Heart pronounces. We are in a difficult time, but peace is possible.

My Heart shines because of being in Argentina today. I have seen that My children responded to My call with more devotion.

You do not know, dear children, the repercussion this had in Heaven; for while you worked with Me today, I remained praying for you so souls could be touched by My Celestial Light.

In this way, dear children, see how simple it is to be an apostle of Christ; pronouncing a true word at the right time and proclaiming faith from your hearts for all, opening doors for those who have them closed.

My Immaculate Heart draws close to your lives today, as it once drew close in Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje. I Am the same one yesterday as today, I Am the Mother of eternity and the eternal present. I know each of your lives, your inner worlds and your intentions.

For this reason, on this night, I gather you together in My Cenacle of Prayer, the same way I did with the apostles, after the victorious departure of My Son to Heaven.

In this same way, My Son sends Me, during this era, so that I can group the flocks and take them to the stable of His Heart, in which all will live an eternal and perpetual Communion; in spite of the fact, dear children, that you are facing a time of purification, My Heart wants to strongly support you, hold you in My arms so you can feel the warmth and the Love of My Heart.

Today I announce Myself in Argentina as the Queen of Peace, just as I announced Myself in Venezuela, a short time ago. Understand, through this mystery of My Heart, dear children, how God sends Me on pilgrimage among the nations and the peoples, opening new doors of Light for all, reconciling hearts and healing lives.

Your true healing of the heart, dear children, is to be found in praying the Holy Rosary. But these times merit praying in an operative way.

Heaven needs to draw close to your consciousnesses so the Holy Spirit of God can act, can gather you as souls in the service of the Creator and aid sick humanity.

Many spirits that are on the Earth are extensively lost because of their actions and deceits; but My Celestial and Maternal Light is seen on the divine horizon and the Star of Peace draws closer to your hearts to remind you of your commitment to Christ.

My Heart does not come to evangelize your lives, but rather to open your hearts to the Greater Source.

Dear children, many of you have forgotten God. Life has taken away the time to pray with God from you and, in this way, you have forgotten about the Commandments, which were so important, dictated to Moses.

In these times, dear children, Christ sends Me to give you New Commandments, Commandments that you will find in the Attributes of the Universal Mother.

Be charitable with others. Be generous with those that most need it. Love those who have never loved and support a true faith in your hearts.

Heaven wants to pour a special Grace over you, but each of your souls has a time to be able to receive it.

Dear children, it is necessary that you create a condition with prayer, so that this Grace, which comes from God through My Heart, is able to be poured out in your lives and your families. I need you to consecrate yourselves to My Heart every day.

Know, dear children, that a good Mother always protects Her children; She prepares them to sleep at night and puts them into the arms of the Creator so that no evil may attack them; evils that are expanding in this world through the bad actions and grudges of human beings, the disturbances many hearts experience, the absence of peace that many live.

Dear children, accept My Universe of Peace, enter into My Ocean of Peace. My Son has granted Me this opportunity for all of you from the beginning, at the foot of the Cross; when He gave Me, as Your Mother, to all the children that are on the Earth. But there must be an inner permission, beloved children, so God may concretize His Plans in your lives.

Difficult times will come, but also times of Graces will come. I call on you to live in that special Grace, and that will begin, dear children, when you place your faith in God and alleviate His offended Heart through prayer, conversion and peace. I invite you to practice these simple things. I have been repeating it throughout the centuries, but very few hearts hear My call.

If you loved the Law of the Lord, there would be no suffering in your lives.

I was a Great Woman on Earth. I was a prophetess of Christ, and carried the Gospel to everyone, through teachings and love.

I know what it is to be a human being. I need you close to Me, so you are able to perceive My celestial energy. I gather you all together in the depths of My Heart. Pay attention, dear children, to the signs that will come. A Greater Grace always awaits you.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As I promised, on this night, I bring celestial healing to your lives, and this healing I speak of, My children, is the healing of the soul, the healing of the spirit, which will be able to manifest in your lives only if you say 'yes' and if you open the doors of the heart to live something new, something unknown to your consciousnesses.

My children, at this time, I invite you to find Me with the gaze of the heart. You can visualize My blue Mantle, My pink robe, My white veil which falls over the shoulders, My bare feet which come to teach you the divestment of everything. You can contemplate My Crown of Stars, which represents the Love I have for each of your hearts. Each of your beings, My children, is one of the Stars of My Crown, which I ignite permanently through the Love of My Immaculate Heart.

See now, My children, how the hosts of Light bring to this Earth the Light of My Kingdom, and this Light permeates each of your hearts, enters into your lives and goes beyond your souls; because My Law is not of this world and I can reach all hearts that are connected with your beings, I can reach your families, those beings near and dear, because if one of you says 'yes' to Me, it is as if all of humanity receives that healing.

My children, I invite you to truly open your heart, to allow My Voice to resound within you, and as pure and simple children, you wake up to this call which for some time I have been making.

My children, each of your souls has a universal commitment to Me; thus, today you face My Heart, but it is up to each of you to decide if you will take on this commitment and become an apostle of My Peace or if you will continue in life ignoring the Light that calls you.

My children, these are times of definition for the world, and I want nothing more of your hearts than that you experience the Peace of My Kingdom, that you are able to live a life of fraternity, of unity with others, that you are able to be an example for the souls of the world that did not have the chance of being in My Presence.

My children, in this time it is necessary that there be a great change in humanity, a change in human actions, in feelings and in thoughts, a change in the relationship with the Kingdoms of Nature which have such need of your help.

Today, once again, I reveal that My Maternal Presence is in everything and that My Heart expands in the Kingdoms of Nature. Thus, when you care for these Kingdoms, you are communing of My Presence and of the Purity of My Immaculate Heart.

On this night, My Celestial Light enters into your lives. Thus, I ask that inwardly, you place at My feet all those situations that need light, that need redemption and healing, because if you trust in My Presence, I will always be able to help you, will be able to heal and guide you. In the silence of your hearts, cry out for My help, for I will lift the plea you give Me today to the Lord that, through the purity of His Servant, will grant Her the intercession for all of humanity.

My children, today I call you to a consecration of your life, so that many more are able to be consecrated to the Divine, surrendering their hearts to a Higher Life, opening to the unknown and bringing a Greater Life to the world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The healing begins with the faith in God and as from there, dear children, the doors to redemption open.

The Mother of Heaven loves all of Her children, the good Mother of Heaven has no preference for anyone, She loves all hearts the same, for all emerged from the Greater Source. You are sparks of the Spirit of God, flames of devotion which can be ignited in these times to help humanity to conversion and forgiveness.

For this reason, My Son sends Me to the cities to wake up those who sleep and, as a good Mother, remind you of the commitment to Christ, the perfect union of your beings with His Merciful Spirit.

Today, I will give you a simple example, in a new consecration of three precious souls, who on their paths, found Me and recognized Me as the Faithful Feminine Energy, the powerful manifestation of God in this world and in others, in the universes and in the stars, for My Heart comes from the Greater Source.

I Am the emanation of the Love of God for the Earth. I Am the incandescent Star for souls that are in darkness. I revive in spirit all those beings who are fallen, I lift them up with My hands and help them to walk toward Christ for a greater coming together.

Bless their hearts every day; it is possible to receive a Greater Grace, to find forgiveness and peace, which many have forgotten to experience because of the realities of these end times.

But My Merciful and Compassionate Heart also received the Precious Blood of Jesus. I adored the mystery of My Son on the Cross, and Am the first disseminator of His celestial powers, through His Body and His Blood, in the sacred mystery of Communion.

I invite you, on this night of the Cenacle, to enter into My Immaculate Heart so I may bless you and into your lives you may carry the Christic seed of Peace, which must sprout in the end of this time so that you may serve God and those that most have need of God.

You are possible apostles of Love. You are the new evangelizers through prayer. Live the devotion of My Heart. Open the doors of your homes so I may enter; I only need to be with you to be able to fulfill what I came to do in this time: to be the Mother of all, of all creatures, of all souls and of all hearts.

For this response you have given to My Heart, during this night of prayer, I deeply and eternally thank you.

Now, come close so I may bless you, placing My hands on your heads and, in this way, I am able to intercede for all My children before Christ, your Lord.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is waiting for you to come. Please stand up and come here.

Song: "Immaculate Heart of Mary."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, on this night, I bless these sacred images, as I have already done so many times for My children. They are a symbol of the favored union between hearts and God, of those who trust in the mystery of My Divine Motherhood.

But I have come from Heaven on this night to bless these three precious creatures who have heard My Voice, just like all those present.

Today, over you I pour My Maternal and Immaculate Love, My Grace is projected like Light over your beings; opening My arms and reaching out My hands, I consecrate you and bless you, asking the Most High and Almighty God to intercede with Christ for all these precious souls that have found a path to My Son in this end time.

Thus, I ask the Archangels and Angels of Heaven to accompany these precious spirits, so they may assemble as a single flock and accomplish the promise of My Son, ardently and with devotion preparing for His Return to the Earth.

As the Most High Mother, I deeply aspire that you be able to recognize My Son when He returns, for He will show Himself to all those who want to hear the Return of the Master in their heart.

I thank you, now and always, blessing you with the Archangel Raphael and His Rays of healing and of transfiguration, which are born from the Fount of God for all the dimensions, the planes and existences, which the Almighty created.

Thus, I bless you under the Power God has given Me as Universal Mother, as Mother of the World, as Queen of Peace and of all hearts, so all beings may stand up from where they have fallen and walk toward Christ in trust and in peace.

My Motherhood protects you, My Light will guide your paths, My Heart will beat in your hearts as long as we are united in the prayer of the heart.

Be glad! This day is special, the Grace of Heaven is close to you and My Heart regards you with Love.

I thank you!


Song: "Revelations in Aurora."


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

To close this meeting with our Most Holy Mother, we want to briefly reveal what happened during today's Apparition.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, as we all were able to hear, Our Divine Mother came as the Queen of Peace, as She described to everybody, with a white veil, light blue Mantle and a rose robe.

And a little before our Divine Mother came, while we were praying, the Angels and Archangels were already approaching this place and were beginning to carry out an intense task with us and with all this city.

They were freeing us from energies that were in us and in the world, which are generated by human actions, which as we all know, are not always the best. So, this is why praying fervently is important, of preparing this path with all our heart, because today, as we prayed intensely, our Divine Mother was able to deepen the task She was doing in this place.

When She was already present, behind Her we could see several doors that reached Heaven. It was as if we could see Paradise behind Her, a place full of Light where angels walked.

And from that place, an intense light was descending, which at the moment when She was speaking of healing, gradually became a green light. And that light entered into each of our beings, cleaning our hearts of all that we have difficulty with in our lives.

When She asked us to surrender those situations we needed to transform, it was as if your souls became very clear. And although you did not say anything, She could see all your beings as if you were transparent. And those who had a small opening of the heart received the intercession of our Mother.

She lifted up our offerings, which went through that portal from whence She came, and they were going to a place we could not see, but which She told us was at the Feet of the Creator.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We had the same vision with Sister Lucía. We just want to add that during a moment of the Apparition, several planets and constellations manifested which surrounded the aura of our Mother.

When our Mother asked for an intercession with the Father, the Archangel Raphael approached and worked directly with our essences and souls, with that which Our Mother calls divine; that inner point which each of us has, which connects us with God. For example, when we pray, that divine nucleus which is our inner God, is activated through prayer and we enter into perfect communion with the universe.

Our Mother emphasized this a great deal to us, and needs us to be able to consciously recover it. She was lovingly offering to help us, not only to heal our inner life, but so that we could unite with God more each day.

At the moment of the blessing, She descended a little more, approached us a little more. She lovingly called all of you for the blessing and, as She said, placed Her hands on our heads and we felt Her Motherly Love, Her protection, Her peace, Her profound harmony and hope. We felt God through Her hands, through the energy She poured out like Light; and symbolically, She embraced us all, holding us tightly to Her Heart so that, on this night and as from this moment, we could trust in Her, because She is our Mediator. She comes to recover that precious thing in us which we have lost, as She told us: joy, hope, fraternity, and mainly the prayer that will, according to our Mother, help us survive in these difficult times.

So, She universally invited us, on this night, to unite with the Universe of God through prayer, reconciliation and the union each of us is able to generate daily through striving, collaborating for this planet, for this humanity, which our Mother sees is spiritually sick and has need of healing, preparing to receive Her Son. And it is not the first time that our Mother tells us Her Son is returning.

On this night, She truly placed each one of us in Her arms, and like a loving Mother, contemplated our problems and difficulties. But on this night, She did not see our problems or difficulties; She contemplated our essences, the love we hold in our heart, and which She said we needed to pour out in this time to avoid some events and to be able to be healed in God.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

While the Friar was telling the story, I remembered something.

When our Divine Mother began to make a movement, in which the Light descended from the Celestial Kingdom, and we could see that the Archangel Raphael was approaching with an intense green Light, and we felt the energy of healing reaching this place, our Divine Mother was telling us:

"I will be able to heal your souls, your hearts and your lives, but will you be ready to maintain what I will give you?"

We would like all of us to hold this question in our hearts, because in the same way that it is simple to receive this healing, it is also very simple to lose it through the actions in our lives. Because little by little, we go forgetting God, and if we don't hold on to this moment through our persistence and our prayer, this moment goes, getting lost in our lives.

So, our Divine Mother left us with a commitment, which is something simple: that we remember that energy She leaves within us and that, through our devotion and our faith, we become able to make it grow and multiply beyond ourselves, so that it may reach our brothers and sisters, so that others, through us, are able to receive what we received today.


My dears,

I come again to the world in order to remind you of the importance of living in the faith of the heart.  Who professes their faith for these difficult and definitive times will be able to look to the supreme help of God the Father. 

Dear children, today I come to Santa Fe in order to institute My Kingship of Faith and of Peace in all of the souls, those that need mercy and forgiveness in this cycle.  My Beloved Son has sent Me with the hope that I, Your Sacred Mother of Heaven, may lead you to rehabilitate yourselves in the Spirit of the Faith of God.

Dear children, do you, in truth, know the power of the Faith of God?  Today I will lovingly tell you:  those souls that confirm their lives in God will never lose faith because faith is the flame and the favorite gift of Your Eternal Father.

I need you to enter into the Universe of the Faith of God because the Faith of God has enabled the creation of all of the forms of life and of evolution.  The Faith of the Father has enabled the existence of Divine Love, the Faith of God has sown in all of the essences the promise of the coming of Christ.  Christ sowed the Faith of God in all of the souls that sought forgiveness and peace. 

My beloved children, great and infinite is the Faith of the Father.  The Faith is the perfect gift that will always allow you to take the steps towards transformation and towards conversion.

Today My Heart ennobles itself for the faith that all of the dear children from Santa Fe and from Argentina have lovingly expressed to Me.  As an answer to the letter that all of My children from Argentina have sent Me I say:

“Dear children, a new Argentina must be born through the Christic love that your hearts may be able to radiate and the perpetual prayer will be the path that will fulfill the promise so that My Beloved Son Jesus may be among you in some moment of His awaited return.  Prepare the path for His arrival and it will begin in the daily union of your lives with His Pious and Merciful Most Sacred Heart” .

Beloved children of Santa Fe, My Maternal and Healing Light is poured today upon you with the hope that new groups of prayer be born so that they may be mirrors of love and of mercy in all of Argentina.

Dear children, I will come to this nation every time that God allows it as the Father has a precious project for you.

For all that you have given to God, I thank you!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Lady and Queen of the Most Holy Faith


My children,

I come to bless with the Spirit of God those of My children who open the heart and the soul to Me.  I come for those who do not know Me, but that still clamor inside for My presence.  I come to the world for those who are lost, because in the search to quench the thirst of the spirit they confused themselves and drank from the water of the world, instead of the Water of Life.

Today the Messengers of God return to Earth so that Their voices may echo in all the corners of the world and even the smallest and most lost of the beings may find themselves with the Divine.  At the request of the Lord this Greater Light is expanded and seeks tirelessly for all the beings.

It is time to awaken from the sleep in which you live.  It is time to open your eyes because even the blind will be able to see, the deaf will be able to hear, even the hard of heart will be able to feel when the Redeemer of the world comes near. 

Those who were not able to recognize Him in the beginning return to recognize Him in the end and those who committed themselves to Him in the beginning also return to prepare the path with flowers and fruits, with prayers and love, so that His feet may come to the world and His steps may definitively remove from the Earth the impurities and imperfections that prevent the beings from growing and evolving, as the Divine Will impels them to do.

My beloveds, permit yourselves to listen to My voice that resonates in your interior and open the hearts so that My love may enter and transform all of that which prevents you from walking to My Son.

I want to see in each being a temple of eternal prayer, sacrifice, surrender and love, because these are the keys that will bring you to overcome the limits imposed by matter and to reach the profound Peace of My Kingdom.

I see in the world crystalline essences born from the Heart of God, with the purpose of manifesting, not only for themselves, but for all of the Universe, a perfect and pure love, a unific love.  I find in each one of your beings the possibility of a superior life.  Will you be willing to see the world through My eyes?  Will you be willing to find in each brother and sister the Living Christ and to see Him return in the essence of all the beings?

My beloveds, the Christic Spirit has already come to the world and has left in each essence the seed of the awakening of the spirit.  Those who know how to cultivate Peace in their hearts will allow this Christ to blossom and grow within and they will merge with the King of kings, because they will recognize Him when they are before His eyes.

On this day, I want that you rejoice your little hearts and prepare yourselves with love to receive Me, because the intensity of My presence in your lives depends only on the openness of your hearts.

Your beloved Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace


May there always remain a great space in your hearts so that My Redeeming Light may be able to enter and prepare a new dwelling for God.

Today with celestial joy and rejoicing I descend in the Spirit of Truth upon these precious hills with the spiritual mission of consecrating Argentina to My Sacred Heart. On this day of Glory the Sacred Hearts will deposit Their Celestial Relics in this place so that a new cycle of Mercy and of Pity may be able to be born in the souls that most need My Spiritual Redemption.

I reunite on this day all of the flocks from different origins and I call them with joy to celebrate with Me the new supper of love and of forgiveness, the supper that will prepare you for My Return, so awaited in all of the universe.

I Pour My Rays of Light upon this Center Consecrated to the call of My Most Holy Mother and I dedicate My special attention to the hearts that with faith and braveness will be encouraged to carry forward the activity of this new space of light and of brotherhood consecrated to the Divine Hierarchy.

My Shepherd Heart is ennobled from seeing the effort of My disciples. Among the tests, challenges and triumphs in the daily life I invite you to walk without fear at My Side because, know that My Steps of light will always indicate to you the moment to proceed or to meditate with wisdom and attention.

Always invoke the power of the Shield of My Heart so that the superior universes may be the guiding star that may illuminate you during the night and may thus protect you. Know that My Heart is with you and that today My Divine Mercy is poured over the whole world, especially upon this, Your Sacred Dwelling of the Celestial Father.

May the Holy Spirit inspire you and may It be your inner guardian.

Under the Infinite Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Words in the heart so that they may grow as light in your little consciousnesses!

Merciful Christ Jesus


This Third Marathon of Mercy has awakened a special joy in My Sacred Heart because from the beginning I wanted to demonstrate to all of My disciples that it is possible to do greater things than those that I realized in other times.

In truth today I thank you because this offer of your prayers has spiritually helped in the following points, those that I want to share with all:

First, the Marathon in Argentina has congregated souls that are thirsty for Me and this helped all of them to find the path of faith and of renovation.

Second, this merciful prayer collaborated so that all of the celestial plans in Argentina would be guided by the light of God and not by the will of men and women.

Third, My primary gratefulness is for your fraternal and ecumenical union with the Holy Father Francis. I assure you that Argentina, on the 13th day of October of this year will be the first nation consecrated in Heaven to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

I invite you to discover the results of each marathon in your hearts. My Shepherd Hope is to unite you each day more until you may be finally one among the others and one with Me. It will be necessary that the law be accomplished in all of humanity but it will always be your faith in My Infinite Mercy that which will allow you to see the light in the horizon of life in each inner situation.

Dear sheep of My new flock,

I want to have near Me those who have separated themselves from My Love. For this I will receive day and night the simple offer of your hearts so that My Redeeming Plan may be able to be fulfilled.

This Third Marathon managed to unite the essences with the Sacred Kingdom of My Father. Serious problems will be solved, confusing matters in your lives will be dissipated, because you have trusted in My Mercy.

As good apostles I ask you to pray for those who never listen to My Voice of Love so that on the day of tomorrow these children of My Father may find a path of light and of hope.

I would like to return to Argentina if you allow Me because My Purpose is to consecrate the nation to My Sacred Heart. If it were like this, in the same way as Uruguay and Brazil, these three nations would work as shelter and protection for souls of other nations when they come to the time of confirmation.

I hope that you deposit your faith in My Purpose. In this way the Lord will bless you every day. It is time to unite the hearts and to carry them to the ocean of My Divine Mercy.

I wait in silence for your permanent answer. May this encounter with Me today be the reason of living in the joy of God. Be joyful; go ahead seeing in your paths My Sacred Footprints of light. I want sinner hearts to be converted into merciful souls.

Thank you for having encouraged yourselves during these days to enter into My Ocean of Pity and Mercy.

Under the Infinite Light of God, be all blessed.

Thank you for remaining every day in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


INFINITE PEACE, will be the new baptism of your beings because only through Infinite Peace will your souls fulfill the mission that God has entrusted you in this time.

Dear companions,

This is the love that I want to reveal to you, that through My Infinite Peace your lives will be able to be united to the universe, and the Earth and the Heaven will be one, as it was predicted from the beginning.

For this to happen you must first incarnate Infinite Peace in your hearts because it will be the perfect path so that you may be able to truly love one another as I have taught you from the beginning, when My Life was among you.

Only through Infinite Peace will you find the chosen pathway of humility and in this way your souls will shine before My Kingdom because they will be fulfilling the precious gift of living in peace.

The world fades away from the lack of the true peace. Search for this Infinite Peace in your origin, in nature, in the heart of each peace maker brother and sister. Today I ask you to be an example of peace so that at least the great events of the Law of God may not weigh upon those who are not peace makers.

That through this Third Marathon of prayer to My Infinite Mercy you, as soldiers of the prayer of peace, may be able to go out strengthened and sheltered, ready to realize the missionary and apostolic task that I invite you to in this time.

Brothers and sisters, I feel a profound joy by seeing Argentinian hearts a little more mature and open to the collaboration of the Plan of My Father. That in this meeting your beings may be able to be reborn and to acquire the Spirit of God to work with your neighbors, united with the heart and with the soul.

Have a good merciful journey for the day of tomorrow. My Heart accompanies your pleas of love.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus of Argentina


A Celestial Salutation of Jesus Christ to all of Argentina on the occasion of the third marathon of Divine Mercy.

Dear companions of Mine:

Praised be Your Father in the Heights!

Today I want to salute especially from My Most Sacred Heart all the souls of Argentina, mainly this whole ecumenical group that was disposed from the beginning to carry out My requests of Mercy.

Now that Heaven chose a Christian patriot of your Nation, Pope Francis, Argentina will now have the divine opportunity to remedy her faults through the portal of prayer to My Divine Mercy.

I want to dedicate the days of My celestial Presence in Argentina to all the beloved children of this nation. For this special reason I invite you to unite yourselves with My Unfathomable and Powerful fountain of Mercy during these next two days, the 5th and 6th of October; in this way all the Argentinean provinces and cultures will be able to receive the same fruit of love that I will deposit in your little hearts.

My friends, I talk directly to those that are the simplest and are neither literate, nor theologians nor philosophers of spirituality, because the science of My Merciful Love is, in truth, not yet known.

For this, in this time of changes and of opportunities for the awakening of Consciousness, I ask of you that you be good peacemakers and praying beings; unite yourselves with this spiritual and ecumenical flock that will wait, in the next night of vigil, for the coming of the Humble Shepherd and Fisherman of hearts.

Now, I will return to the world, first in the Spirit of Love, of Mercy and of Humility; because I want to demonstrate to the world, as I did with My Little and Holy visionary Segatashya of Kibeho, in Rwanda, that in truth My christic Love is for all of humanity.

I will now leave from the sanctuaries that are closed to the thirsty souls, so that in truth My Spirit be in all the hearts of the Earth, because in them I shall find Myself comforted, free, and united with My disciples.

Dear souls of Argentina: I thank you for your sincere effort of praying for the fulfillment of My plan for this Nation and the entire world.

This Third Marathon will represent the favored union of your lives with the Holy Spirit of God, since He will help so that My Son, Pope Francis, may realize the mission that the Heaven is entrusting him with, which is to unite hearts and religions prior to the glorious return of Christ.

Under the Powerful Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you Argentina for opening the door of your heart!

Your King, Christ Jesus


To all of the marathoners of My Mercy I only ask you to realize the same task that was accomplished in the first Marathon of the Divine Mercy at the Marian Center of Aurora.

This time the Marian Center of Figueira will have the opportunity to prepare the dwelling that will receive the visit of the Celestial Redeemer and the warm and loving arrival of the pilgrims, those who will carry forward this Marathon of the heart.

For this the preparatory details will make the difference, so that the fruits of the Marathon may be able to be collected and carried in the heart of all of the pilgrims.

This impulse of merciful prayer will be united to the beginning of the Mercy Mary TV that will open the doors so that the souls may enter into My Kingdom of Mercy. All of the members of the Marian Center of Figueira will be those who will prepare the path of this Marathon so that the souls may, during these days of September, make use of what they will truly need, such as strengthening faith, reaffirming the commitment with Me and being partakers of My Unfathomable Mercy.

Now the Marian Center of Figueira has been chosen to begin this new cycle in which the divine message that comes from Heaven may be spread to the four cardinal points of the Earth. So that this may be possible the Marathon of Mercy of the month of September must be an inner encounter for the relief of the souls and of their sufferings. In this way My Presence will make Itself present, as in Aurora, in all of the details that may be realized with love and for love.

This new Marathon of the Divine Mercy promises a special and spiritual help for Brazil and its inner situation as a Nation. It also anticipates that by means of merciful prayer, situations that would be inexplicable for the consciousnesses may be able to be reorganized and receive the necessary peace for these times.

In this way Uruguay and Brazil will end up being blessed by My Mercy, but in order for the sacred triangulation of the Holy Spirit to be finished, this task must be completed by the Nation of Argentina.

For this I mention the city of Buenos Aires so that in the coming 5th and 6th days of October of 2013 it may receive the Divine Universal Mercy and so that It may arrive to the heart of My Argentine children because the three nations must re-consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart.

All will be especially accompanied by My Spirit.

Good and fraternal preparation for all of the pilgrims, marathoners of My Mercy!

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for responding to My call of Universal Mercy!

Christ Jesus, the King of kings

Weekly Message received of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in Villa La Angostura, Neuquen, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children of Mine,

Today I place each one of you in My embrace of love, so that you may feel My maternity within your hearts.

My children, praised be the homes of the families that open the door of their hearts to the Queen of Heaven.

Praised be the families that pray with Me every day, to reach conversion and redemption.

Praised be the families that teach their children to pray with the heart in the first years of life, for My motherly Heart will be with them.

Praised be the adolescents and the youth who find My Son in Communion because, as an example of faith, they will open the door to those who are lost, without love and protection.

Praised be the homes that day by day are consecrated to the victorious Light of the Immaculate Heart, for I assure you that God will be present through Me to guide you in faith and hope.

Dear children, today My motherly aspiration is that all homes may praise the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today I come to you to ask for prayers for the families of the world since few live the Commandments that My Son has given you.

Today My Heart also rejoices for so much beauty created by God the Creator in this region of South America. Behold, dear children of Mine, how God is withdrawn in the silence of this entire blessed place.

For this motive of joy and praise, I ask you to unite in these times as one network of prayer throughout Argentina. I ask, out of love for God and everything created by Him, that you be one in spirit, in heart, and in consciousness.

Dear children, God expects from Argentina the absolute awakening to prayer and to the conversion of all those causes that offend the Creator. God has precious Designs and Graces for every nation that, above all things, is part of the universe of God.

Welcome the Holy Spirit in your homes, open the door to It so that just like in the Cenacle of the Virgin Mary, your spirits of love may be guided by Its blessed gifts. When My Heart approaches your lives, it is the Holy Spirit cultivated within My Heart that radiates to help you take steps towards the immaculate faith in It.

Dear children, this week, may your homes be consecrated to the infinite Home of the Immaculate Heart.

My children, may faith always motivate you to walk through the path of My beloved Son, through the path of your conversion.

I thank the presence of all My Children of the blessed Patagonia. Now and always, the Blessed Lady of Guadalupe blesses the beloved remaining indigenous people.

May Peace be with you and with your families.

Thank you for responding to My call for Peace!

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the Sacred Family



Blessed are those who live and proclaim My Faith because they will be called converted children of God.


I come this morning to announce to you that the Morning Star, the Mother of the Universe, announces the glorious coming of Her Favorite Son.

After the splendor of the Great Star of the Lady will come the Glory of the Son, as bright as the sun, to pour the Light over the consciousnesses in redemption.

For this moment your hearts must be open to the new time that the Morning Star will announce. Rejoice in My Glorified Heart so that My Holy Heart may be able to be visible as a sign before humanity.

Today I leave for you My Merciful Compassion because as humanity you will need to reconcile yourselves with the Most High Lord. The Father loves all of His Creatures but many of His children still do not love the One and Only God.

I Am present among you to be the bridge that may lead you through My Sacred Heart towards God the Father, towards His Kingdom of Love and of Unity.

Dear servers,

Never lose the aspiration of imitating My Path and of encouraging yourselves to consecrate your consciousnesses to My Divine and Sacred Heart. If you did like this you would relieve the sores that the actions of the world open in Me day by day. As the Redeemer I give you My loving absolution and My Peace for all.

Under the Infinite Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you, children, for lovingly receiving Me during this morning!

Christ Jesus, the Savior. 

Message for the Vigil of Prayer of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the city of Salta, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías

My dear children,

On this day of prayer for the nations of the world, together and united with the Eternal Father, let us especially pray for the nation of Argentina, which must definitely be taken into account of salvation and redemption.

Dear children, this is why My maternal Heart announces itself daily in your lives, to remind you of the importance of praying the Rosary every day, in a spirit of conversion and peace, throughout the whole world. The more groups of prayer fulfill the simple but magnificent divine requests, the more circumstances in humanity can be avoided, many souls will find peace and the conversion they look for so much.

As Mother of the universe, every day I bring you the only guiding Star that will lead you into finding love and peace. This guiding Star is called Christ Jesus, the saving and redeeming King of the universe.

Seek Jesus, aspire to be within the most beloved Heart of My Son; He has His Divine Heart of Light perpetually and eternally open for those who say 'yes' and dare to enter the redeeming Temple of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

My children, for this reason, today I call on you to convert into true disseminators of My call for peace and for redemption; the most correct path will be through your hearts that will be able to transmit the love that many do not possess, the peace that so many souls search for in the world, the serenity and the faith that many hearts have lost in this time.

My children, through your pure, humble and simple hearts, Jesus, the saving King, will be able to radiate His Gifts because, He once said: "By the power of the Love of God, My saving Spirit will be present among My companions, laborers and servers of Mercy."

So, My beloveds, let this meeting in Salta with the Immaculate Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, bring you closer to the meeting with the Savior, with My beloved Son, Jesus of Nazareth, now King Jesus of the universe.

Dear children, as pilgrim Mother, I will accompany your steps every day of your lives. For this reason, you will be able to unite with Me through the Holy Rosary and all the prayers that proclaim the Light and the Peace of the Lord.

On this day, may your hearts be renewed through the prayer of the heart, because from your hearts can emerge the flame of life and peace that represents My Son, the Savior of the world, Christ Jesus.

I thank you for attentively listening to My new call!

Who always loves you from Heaven,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace



I want that My Heart be the shining sun in your hearts.

I want to satiate My thirst for good souls through your surrender to My Heart.

I want to be the star that guides you during the night.

I want to be the victory of the redeeming love in your lives.

Every day I aspire that you save for Me a special place in your lives so that the Shepherd may guide His sheep.

I want that you feed your spirit with good feelings and actions.

I want to make you distant from the temptations that the world offers, a world that promises illusions to My Children and that misleads them until it makes their hearts get distance from My Heart.

For this, as I have said to the Apostles, “wake up and pray with Me!” Today again I say it to My New Disciples. Who prays, vigils, but who vigils and prays with the heart will protect themself from the arts and from the mirages that are used by the cunning of the enemy.

But if you do not only vigil for yourselves, for your thoughts and attitudes, but also for those who still do not manage to vigil themselves, you will be serving in love all those who, for lack of consciousness, get distracted and fall into the traps of the enemy.

If you vigil, pray and serve you will be awakening in your beings the three aspects of My Lord that are named as the Holiest Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Father, as a gift, you will find in the permanent vigil, in attention to all that moves itself in the surroundings. The Son you will find in prayer, in the state of elevation of the word and of the sacred word which is what represents the prayer of the heart. And the Holy Spirit you will find through the service to your neighbors because the Holy Spirit of God manifests itself in the word for that which it has to express; in the thought for that which it has to discern and meditate, and in the action for that which it must do through the gift of science and of intelligence.

In this way you will find the true approximation to the Holy Trinity because even in the good works, in the warm and loving prayers, as in the vigil of walking towards the Divine Purpose, Father God presents Himself to all men and women through the hearts of His Beloved Children.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving the Holiest Trinity in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
