My dear children,

May God always be worshipped and His Unfathomable Presence acknowledged.

Dear children, before the Most Blessed Sacrament, on Mount Tabor, your Heavenly Mother calls you to enter into the preamble of the coming Sacred Week, in which My Son will give Himself for you so that you may be redeemed and have life in abundance.

Dear children, before Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem, you, His apostles of the end times, may give your offering to the Creator, for His Celestial Church will be open and the offerings of your hearts may be deposited at the Feet of the Lord.

I speak of a sincere offer because, in this coming Sacred Week, souls will have to make their offering in order to alleviate the suffering of the world, in order to eradicate the indifference in the face of so many unexpected situations that humanity is experiencing.

Dear children, as your Heavenly Mother, I will accompany you on this path of beginning to accept the Christic path of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Lord of the Night, who leads all His sheep, especially those who are most lost, so that they may return to the stable of the Heart of God and drink of the Sacred Fountain of His Divine Humility. Because if humility does not live in this world, if humility does not express itself in souls and hearts, it will not be possible to avoid a third and difficult war.

This is why I Am here today, on the highest region of the Alps. Once again, I congregate you at the foot of these sacred mountains, where the Hierarchy is gathered and united to you, to implore to God for a last opportunity for this humanity, so that the nations of the world, especially the nations of Eastern Europe, may reflect the harmony and peace that is so urgent in these times.

Therefore, nothing and no one has prevented the Lord of the Night from coming here, because He has brought the whole Universe, all of Creation, with Himself. And with His Feet he steps upon all evil that exists on this planet and shows, through the Light of His Sacred Heart, the path that souls must tread during this dark night so that they may never lose sight of the Flame of the Divine Purpose, but rather, through this Sacred Immaterial Flame, souls may find within themselves the Will of God, which expresses in this material life the Purpose that has been written since the origin.

This is why, on these days of merciful prayer, I come, in the name of God, to ask you to truly pray. That each bead of the prayer of Mercy offered may be sincerely prayed to avoid a terrible third war in this world and, above all, in this Northern Hemisphere.

But do not lose faith, because you are My companions and My friends, you are My children and My daughters, and today I have all of you within the Sacred Cenacle of My Heart so that, just as more than two-thousand years ago, you may celebrate the Sacred Eucharist with Me once again, the infinite Legacy of the Love of God, which unconditionally offered itself to you through the bread and the wine.

This is why we are at a similar time as two-thousand years ago. But now you, as postulants to be New Christs of the end of times, must not only eat of My Body or drink of the Chalice of My Blood, but you also must learn to live your own Garden of Gethsemane.

And despite the darkness that reigns on this planet, despite the uncertain doors that are still open, despite the ignorance, the war, the indifference, the coldness of many hearts, despite all the sins and offenses that the Heart of God receives every day, My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, on these days of intense supplication to Divine Mercy, will gather, from each one of you, each one of the beads that you will sincerely offer to Me, not only for peace in Ukraine and Russia, for the end of war in this region of the planet and in other places of the Earth, but I will also gather your prayers as a true offering to God, because you will have the chance to again trust My Mercy.

So that you may see how great My Mercy is, today I Am again here, in this region of the planet, contemplating through My Eyes and feeling through My Heart the pain and anguish of the souls that live in war and in the conflict of the world.

Companions, I want to tell you sincerely that all Hierarchies are working a lot for this planetary situation. That each one of your steps, the steps of the servers of Christ, are being contemplated at this very moment, as a justification and atonement, in the face of all horrors and outrages of this world, of this humanity.

For this reason, companions, these days will be decisive, not only for all My servers of the Redemptive Work of Christ on Earth, but they will also be definitive for these nations of Europe, because what will happen in the coming times in this region of the planet will have repercussions in other nations of the world, and Europe is feeling the weight of the war in Ukraine.

Through His Power and Love, through His Mercy and Sacred Intercession, God could have already stopped this war. But companions, the adherence of souls with other forces of this material world compromises this intervention, which is not only spiritual, but also material.

However, trust and do not regret, trust in the power and light of the prayer of the heart. Entrust to God all your supplications, all your intentions, all that you beg for, so that the war may stop in Eastern Europe, and the current events, just as other events in the world, which are hidden from the eyes of all, may not be used as weapons of war, fostering lack, need and injustice.

Therefore, through the merits achieved by My Sacred Heart, I invite you to be with Me in this long dark night that the planet is living, without losing sight of the Light of Divine Purpose, because many souls in these times lose sight of their Spiritual Purpose.

In truth, I tell you that the spiritual task of many will be up to a very few, just as it was two-thousand years ago, when very few, united to the Master of Love, did their very best, gave their lives for the redemption of humanity, for the salvation of this school-planet.

I know that what I promise you at this moment is not wonderful, I promise you the experience of a spiritual sacrifice that you have not gone through at any other moment.

This is why, through the symbols of My Sorrowful Passion, I will be able to pour out, upon those who accept them, new experiences of Christification and growth of inner love.

Who will accept to hold the Crown of Thorns of the Lord with their own hands?

Who will accept to carry with them the nails that pierced the Hands and Feet of the Lord?

Who will accept to carry the planetary cross with Me?

Who will allow the spear to pierce their side, knowing that you do not deserve all these things and that your Master and Lord deserved them even less?

But  what led your Master, the King of the Universe, to allow Himself to experience all these things?

There is one and only reason: Love, the Love that would trust, the Love that would accept, the Love that would include, the Love that would never reject, the Love that would endure, the Love that would make Me grow as Divinity and Spirit. It was Love that made me accept the Will to live the Sorrowful Passion.

This is why I offer the opportunity of inner Christification to the simple, to the imperfect, to the sinners.

See how My Church is and how My priests are, how many wounds they cause Me by moving away from Me, by taking other paths that are not those of Christ.

This is why I avail Myself of this moment and I avail Myself of each one of you, regardless of the imperfection or difficulties, regardless of the pain or tests, so that the Heart of your Master may be relieved in silence, through the adherence of souls, through the silent sacrifice of the hearts that say ‘yes’ to Me, in which I can recline My head upon your chests, to rest and take comfort from the love of those who are Mine.

The world is not prepared to listen to this, but I committed Myself to tell you the truth, because I will always be the Way and the Life for you.

The world must surrender to My Mercy so that the Third World War does not happen, so that humanity does not keep opening the door to evil, which suffocates hearts and confuses minds by moving away from God.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy be a moment of great maturity, may it be the great moment when each one of you must ask yourselves whether you are with Me or not. The time is ending and if before the cup was almost full, it is now overflowing.

Who will prevent this from happening?

Will it be necessary for more innocent blood to be shed in this world?

God does not want the sacrifice of humanity, My Father wants from you, through Me, your eternal happiness, the joy of living and belonging to the Kingdom of God, once and for all.

I ask you again to truly pray. I will be attentively listening to the voice of your supplications and I know that I will be able to count on all of you, just as on all your brothers and sisters in the world.

In the simple, in the humble, in those who adhere, in the pure of heart, lies My Celestial Church. And through these souls, through true and simple hearts, I can consecrate and  make this world sacred, so that someday it may cease to be unfaithful so as to be faithful, so that someday the world may no longer have self will but will begin to live Divine Will, the Sacred Will of God that will always lead you to peace and to the good.

I thank you for hearing Me. I thank you for preparing this space for Me, because as much as this world offers Me hundreds of cathedrals, I could only be within them if love, transparency and surrender truly existed.

This is why, once again, God shows the world that His Presence is in the humble, that His Hand defeats the powerful, that His Word resounds in the simple and expels the selfish, even those who say they are with Me.

My Church is in the heart of My children. My Love is there. My Life is there forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado corazón de Jesús:

On this day of Jesus’ triumphant entry in Jerusalem, let us prepare ourselves, in solemnity and reverence, to receive our King, through the song “Pater Noster.”


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The day of Universal Judgment has come, and, each day that passes, this moment draws closer to humanity. But do not think that this moment, this great universal event, could be a punishment for the planet or for all its inhabitants.

This is the time of correction so that the energy of impunity and world injustice may be eradicated from the human consciousness and, in this way, it may liberated from all inhabitants of the surface of the planet.

For this reason, this day is approaching, and all of you see, with your own eyes, these events happening, which are very painful for the Eternal Father, very inexplicable situations for millions of souls throughout the world.

But on this day, when you receive Me and glorify Me, once again, I come to grant you spiritual amnesty, not only for those present, but also for all who are hearing Me at this moment and who believe in the Word of the Lord.

For this reason, we are, not only as a planet, but also as a universe, at a great moment of inflection, when the powerful currents of the universe, through the manifestation of the Angels and Hierarchies, silently activate to help humanity at this moment.

And although, at this moment, war, persecution and death are the news throughout the world:

Rise up, companions, because the day of your redemption is near!

Rise up, companions, because the Heavens will open when I return to the world!

Rise up, companions, and sustain with faith the banner of My Peace!

You have come, at this time and at this moment, to live these events for Me. For this reason, as My sacred sheep and as My beloved apostles, you will be placed by Me wherever I may need you; this will allow Your Master and Lord to enter those places in the world that are most in need, not only of Ppeace, but also of Mercy.

In this Sacred Week, which is culminating, but also definitive for Me, I invite you to enter the same Christic Spirit of Love so that compassion in your lives may show and reveal to you the true necessity of these times, which, as you know, My beloveds, is not limited to your purifications and tests, but also includes the mandatory need to serve Me, to announce Me and to testify to Me in the place of the world where I might need it so.

For this reason, what is most important in this Sacred Week, besides the fact that your hearts already have to be ready, is that your hearts must already be open to listen to Me, because Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words shall remain alive and hidden in the hearts that trust Me.

Now that you are at the doors of the Temple of the Father's Celestial Church, let us prepare this moment, blessing this altar that you have offered to My Heart, through a loving yet simple offering of two souls that I have chosen so that, on behalf of humanity and on behalf of My beloved Africa, you may glorify the Lord, at the doors of the New Jerusalem, where all are being contemplated and received by the Celestial Father, Adonai, through the Presence of your Master and Lord.


I invite you to stand up.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And at this moment, let us bring the incense that, at the beginning of this Sacred Week,  will be offered to Our Lord by the sisters from Ethiopia, Martha and Tseguereda. You may come here, before Our Lord.

Let us keep concentrated, at the request of Christ, so that our consciousnesses do not become disconnected from Him, but rather that, through Him, we may sustain this moment of planetary intervention on the first day of the Sacred Week, which Our Lord today blesses and opens for all.


Today, My Heart gathers here the universality of all peoples and races, which, throughout times and generations, have participated in the sacred opportunity of the Project of God, through different cultures, races and peoples, just as it was with the people of Israel.

This incense that you are offering today to your Master and Lord represents the greatest offering for this cycle that prepares the Return of Christ, when the souls of the world unite to Me, to prepare this sacred moment of the coming of the Messiah, the Savior and Lord of the world.

For this reason, this incense, brought from the lands of Ethiopia, not only glorifies the Lord, as it was in the Grotto of Bethlehem, but it also prepares the great planetary moment during Good Friday, when your Master and Lord will again die so that you may have abundant life and live through Me.

I sanctify these elements, just as I sanctify this altar and all who are listening at this moment.

May hope awaken again within you, hope that will lead you to Peace and the Light of God, because the end of calvary is near, and you will participate with me in the Sacred Table of the Return of Christ where, together with the angels, saints and blessed ones, you will eternally enjoy the Presence of the Lord.

May the bell towers of the Cosmos sound. May the doors and dimensions open at this very moment so that, through Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Gabriel the Archangel and Saint Raphael the Archangel, souls may receive, in the depths of their being, My impulses of Christification and holiness, for the victory and triumph of My Heart, for the centuries to come. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


Christ is asking the sisters to pray Our Father in Aramaic, as an offering for the important task that He will have in Africa, through this Work, in some countries of that continent, and so that many more African nations may receive the regenerative codes of Love and Forgiveness.


Through these consciousnesses, your Master and Lord blesses all exiled and refugees throughout the world, especially those who flee wars, dangers and adversity, so that, in My Name and for My Name, they may rebuild their lives and families forever. Amen.


“Adonai, Beloved Father,
who listens, in Your silence,
to the voices of Your children, who cry for You,
sanctify this altar and all the elements
that will be offered on these days
to remember the Passion of their Master and Lord,
for the Redemption and Peace of the entire human race.

May the doors to evil be closed.
May the doors of the Light open
so that the angels may descend
and grant Eternal Life, at this moment,
to all consciousnesses.”



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:




“Most Holy Father of the Universe,
You, who have the power to resurrect all life,
You, who have the power to heal all hearts,
You, who have the power to again raise all Your creatures,
through the water that You have created
in the image and likeness of Your children,
bless the whole world,
bless all those who listen
and, especially, bless, Lord,
all those who flee wars seeking peace,
so that those who take refuge in Your Heart,
through the humble and simple refugees,
may be recognized, honored, respected and loved,
just as You love them, Lord.
Because I have promised to You, Eternal Father,
to return, first for all of them,
so that they may participate with Me in the joy of the New Earth.”


I withdraw into the hearts that listen to Me.

I find relief in the hearts that embrace Me.

I rejoice in the hearts that receive Me.

I rest in the hearts that open.

Thus, I sanctify all that I touch, in order to glorify the Lord, the God of the Universe.

Thus, I prepare you for the coming times so that, together with me, you may build the bases of redemption for the good of the world, for the peace of humanity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us celebrate, at this moment, the Holy Eucharist, in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ and, on this first day of the Sacred Week, we will celebrate this moment, at the request of Christ, for all refugees so that, at the request of Our Lord, they may be heard, welcomed and loved as a part of this living humanity. And Christ invites the sisters from Ethiopia to accompany us in this celebration. Let us prepare ourselves for this exercise.


“Father, glorify all that You have created,
unify all that You have built
and accept this offering of the altar
so that You, Father, may be glorified, adored and honored
for the times to come
through the humble and simple hearts
that vivify and adore You.”


At the doors of the New Jerusalem, before the Angels and the Archangels, before all beings of goodwill that at this moment are congregated, by My Love, in this Sacred Week, I again offer the same sacrifice that I once offered you.

That moment that I shared with My apostles, today I share it with you again, taking the bread and offering it to the Father for it to be converted into My Body. Thus, I break it and again share it with all of Mine, saying to them, “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, that will be given for humanity for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We adore the Body of Christ, for the redemption of the entire human race, so that the one thousand years of peace may be established.


In the same way, before this Supper ended, I take the Chalice in My Hands again, offering it to the Father so that it may be converted into My Precious and Divine Blood. Thus, I offer it to My companions, saying to them, “Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which today is shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, because I am already returning.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We adore the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world, liberates us and grants us Peace.

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth and, in an act of reverence, let us give peace to our brothers and sisters.


In this Sacred Week, I want to see and feel you with the same faith and conviction as the centurion, and that, before Me, with devotion and fervor, you may repeat this simple yet profound prayer:

I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.


Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ, let My companions rejoice, for I have promised reconciliation and life to them.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thus, we announce, in the Name of the Lord, the Spiritual Communion of all those congregated in the Love of Jesus who are present throughout the whole world.

And, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will accompany this moment of Communion of all those present, live, so that each one who is present at this moment of Communion with Christ may make their offering for this Sacred Week.

While the priestly brothers prepare to distribute the Communion, let us sing, as one heart and one voice, a song He has asked of us: “The Song of the Centurion.”


I want to convert your hearts into living tabernacles of My Love, because My aim is that you may be instruments of My Father so that I can heal the Earth and thus renew the planet. This is My aspiration for each one of you.

I thank you for having responded to Me, and, in this Holy Week, may your essences receive the Codes of My Passion for the redemption of the entire human race.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I want to see you divested at this moment, so that I move forward with My task on this day.

Do so!

Lord, I who am nothing,
surrender to You,
so that you may make of me Your Dwelling.
(three times)

There are still wounds that the world causes Me to suffer.

Today, I want you to contemplate the Wound in My Side. That Wound that once, on the Cross, poured out Water and Blood as the last and great surrender of your Redeemer.

Through the Celestial Church, let us go to Mount Calvary, not to remember My suffering, which is still very unknown, but so that you may know My Victory, which is the Victory of My Father through His Son. This is why I need you divested.

The Lord is showing Mount Calvary, between smoke and fire, and His empty Cross. At the foot of the Cross is the glorious Mother. Let us place ourselves beside Her so that, together with the angels of the Celestial Church, we may contemplate this moment and the revelation of this mystery that is held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Let us go to the moment in which Our Lord expired for the last time and had His Head drooped upon His Chest. Let us contemplate the Death of Jesus and how all the angelic choirs place themselves at the Feet of the Lamb of God, between the smoke and the fire, to feel the transformation of pain into Love.

Let us see the Virgin Mother contemplating the mystery of this surrender, Her Heart being pierced because of sharing the pain with Her Son, the pain that redeemed and liberated.

And in the heights of the sky of Mount Calvary, we see an angel coming, the Archangel Gabriel, with twelve of His angels, carrying in His hands a Chalice to collect the fruits of the Blood of the Lord.

In the apparent Death of Jesus, He was more alive, laboring over and redeeming the inner planes in all aspects of the planet and in the lower worlds of the human consciousness.

Let us contemplate the Soul of Jesus, the resplendent and living Soul, together with the angels, cleansing the hells, lifting up fallen souls, in the mystery of His Love.

Let us see the Soul of Jesus transfigured, illuminated and glorified, lifting up the not chosen to Heaven through the mystery of His Death on the Cross.

And so, the Archangel Gabriel descends to the top of Mount Calvary and takes in His hands the spiritual relic of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Holy Mother has the revelation of that mystery, just as we also have it today.

The Mother of God offers the Archangel Gabriel the Heart of Her Son so that the expansion and the work of Mercy may be stronger.

Let us offer our imperfect hearts, our human hearts, to be considered and accepted by the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

In honor of the merits of our Redeemer, we remain on the top of Mount Calvary, contemplating the pain of the Death and the victory of the Light, being bathed and filled by the mysteries of Our Lord.

Now, in this moment and in this apparition, let us see the pity of Mary with Her Son in Her arms, Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint John the Apostle, Joseph of Arimathea and some of the holy women, in the Death of Jesus, all contemplating the life of the Soul of Jesus. And how, from the Chest of Christ, a deep light emerges from His wounded Heart. It is the Light of God's Love, untiring, that does not cease giving itself out of Love for His children.

Let us place our hands in the sign of reception; we are at the top of Mount Calvary with Our Lady and the companions of Christ, and also with the angels of the Archangel Gabriel, who hold the relics of Our Lord, the fruits and the treasures of His experience on Earth.

And on top of Mount Calvary, we see the Consciousness of God approaching, Emmanuel.

Let us keep in our hearts the Light of the Love of Christ, just as Our Lady and the holy women kept that Light in their hearts.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed. Amen."

Let us repeat.

Now let us see that Light that emerged from the Heart of Christ in us. Let us feel the Presence of Jesus, His loving Presence, the Love that transforms and heals, the Love that accepts and understands, the Love that calms and brings the new life.

Let us raise our consciousness higher, as the Archangel Gabriel does, taking the spiritual relic of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to the Celestial Church.

And now, let us see ourselves inside the Celestial Church. Our souls are there again, also contemplating this mystery revealed on top of Mount Calvary.

Inside the Sacred Ark, the Archangel Gabriel places the spiritual relic of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, holding the wound of the Heart of Christ as the great offering of the Love of God for all Creation.

The Ark of the Holy Covenant shines forth until it disappears into the intense light. The entire Celestial Church is illumined. Our souls disappear in the intense light and all of Creation is lit up on the spiritual, mental and material planes, and all life is illuminated.

Today the planet receives the mystery of the Heart of Jesus, kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, dressed as the Wife of God, holds wedding rings in Her hands. Being next to the Sacred Ark, She offers them as one more step in the consecration of our souls. Our souls appear before Our Lady, in the center of the altar of the Celestial Church.

The Sacred Heart still continues to illuminate all the spaces of Creation. And behind the Ark of the Holy Covenant, in the main temple, is Our Lord, sitting on the Throne together with the twenty-four Elders, the Elders of the Apocalypse.

Mary, in Her humility, offers these rings to the children who want to accept the path of Christification, in this time of humanity.

Our Lady waits, in light of the scenario of the Celestial Church, for Her children to approach in soul to take the rings, before the paternal Gaze of Jesus.

Bring me here the rings of the new helpers. Our Lord has requested them so that, in this exercise, all of us also experience this consecration and renewal of vows.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that by the Birth, Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, that demonstrated Your merciful Love to the world, receive into Your Celestial Church the acceptance of our souls, of this eternal alliance with Your Divine Spirit so that Your Will may be done.

I would like you to learn to live in My Kingdom all the time, because I am always there, sharing the fruits of Love with the angels and the blessed. It is thus that your union with My Celestial Kingdom will make the sanctity of your lives emerge, and the imperfection will be transformed through the Sacraments of Love that I gave you.

Let us adore this moment and prepare for this consecration and Eucharistic celebration, bringing into our awareness everything that the Lord has revealed to us today. Let us not leave that space and that place. Let us feel ourselves embracing the wood of the Cross and expressing our gratitude for the triumph of the Love of Christ in all humanity. Amen.

Incense. Blessed water.

Lord, we offer this incense on Your Altar as an elevation of our souls and consciousnesses to Your Celestial Kingdom, so that the souls most in need, at this moment, may be touched by the Light of Your Love and of Your consecration. Amen.

Baptize us, Lord, with the Water of Your Spirit, so that every part of our being may be blessed by Your Light. Amen.

Now, sisters, make your inner offering to Our Lord, so that this moment may be sealed by the covenant with His Sacred Heart.

And now that everything has been consummated, the most important moment has come for your Master and Lord, in which He can remember and relive the surrender of His Love to His companions.

In light of the power of the Celestial Church, also offer yourselves at this moment to the Most High, so that the merits of the Passion of Christ may be a part of your beings.

Jesus, when gathered together with His apostles, knowing the mysteries of His Sacrifice, took the bread, raised it and thanked the Father so that it could be transubstantiated into His Body. He then broke it and offered it to His companions, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
(in Portuguese)

After the Supper had ended, He took the Chalice and raised it up, offering Himself again for each one of us, so that the wine could be transubstantiated into His Blood. And thus, He offered it to His companions, saying: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant that will be shed by your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
(in Portuguese)

In the emptiness of our beings, in the surrender of our souls, we are filled through the Celestial Church with the glorious and victorious merits of Our Lord.

And thus, just as Christ taught, on top of the Mount of Beatitudes, let us pray:

Our Father (in Aramaic, Portuguese, and English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

And with three bell sounds, we unite with our brothers and sisters from all over the world to announce the spiritual Communion.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed. Amen."

And at the request of Our Lord, we are going to sing: "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof", so that we may join this moment of consecration of the helper sisters.

Remember everything that I have told you today, because you will need it in the times that will come. The Love that comes from God will always be a triumphant and eternal Love, and it is that Love that will strengthen and unite you with My Father.

In this time, let Love be above indifference, so that hearts may open, feel and glorify God, Who is in Heaven, the God of Creation.

I thank you for having accompanied me in the mystery of the top of Mount Calvary, in the victory of the Cross and of Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us withdraw into the Heart of the Lord, re-experiencing His Words and His impulses.

We close this transmission with the heart full of gratitude and joy, for once again being anointed by Our Lord.

Thank you all.


At the request of Our Lord, at this moment we are all going to sing one of the Names of God, invoking the descent of the Celestial Church upon the planet. Let us sing the Eloha Shamayim song.

We may all stand up to revere this moment; Our Lord is still coming with the Celestial Church.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While the foundations of My Church are established upon the surface of the Earth, great forces of evil are liberated from the planet by the elevation of the fallen stars. Be well received by the Celestial Church of My Father and the essence of all His mysteries of Love.

In the presence of His Sacred Ark, receive the impulses of Light that comes from God through the merciful Heart of His Son.

In the company of the angelic universe, prepare your hearts at this moment, to offer your souls to God and be partakers of this task that your Master and Lord will impart to the world.

The doors of My Church are already open and souls are arriving at the Temple of My Heart.

Souls arrive, just as they are, in the spiritual and material state in which they live. With their imperfections and errors, souls arrive at the center of the Temple of the Celestial Church where the Sacred Ark is found at this moment, which acts as a spiritual source of Light for all the souls that approach it at this moment.

And on one side of the Greater Altar of My Celestial Church, the Virgin Mother is to be found with the holy women and some of the apostles, praying for you at this moment, in the contemplative silence of the prayer that is refracted through the mirror of the heart.

Take your hand to your heart and feel the beat of your heart, My Heart beats just like yours, feeling the pulsation of renewal and of life.

Take the Light of My Church to your heart and let the other hand be in a position of offering. See, at this moment, the arrival of the Celestial Father in His state of One Consciousness. And in the emptiness of your beings, make the surrender that you will give your Redeemer today.

The Celestial Church continues to expand over the world so that all souls, of all nations, peoples and races, may enter My Celestial Church, and may all understand one language, one feeling, which is the language of the heart, unmistakable and perfect.

Now that you are aware of what your souls are living with Me, for all your brothers and sisters on Earth, enter the main corridor of My Celestial Church and approach the Greater Altar, where the Ark of the Holy Covenant is.

Today we are before the moment in which God thought of creating His creatures. On the Altar and through the Ark of the Holy Covenant, feel in your hearts the great moment of Our Creator Father, when He wanted to have beings in likeness to Him so that they could love Him and adore Him.

We stand before the God of Mercy. Feel the Heart of God that, in His silence, implores the world, saying to it:

"Reconcile with Me! I am your Creator, I am the Beginning and I am the End. In My House, there is a special place for each one of My children.

Today, My beloved Son has asked Me to bring you to Me, and you are before Me at this moment.

I am the God of Mercy, of the profound Divine Wisdom, the God of Compassion and Love.

Children, straighten your lives, correct your paths, the end time is approaching and you will have only Me to go through it. I am the God of goodness, the God of acceptance, the unconditional Spirit.

Today, your Eternal Father does not look at your faults, but at the gift that He placed in each one of you, with so much love. When will you offer it to Me? My Son has taught you how to do it.

This is the time of reconciliation, so that peace and healing may come to the world.

I have mobilized the entire universe at this time, because your Father is here, seeing how His children become lost and mistreat each other, how they move away from the Law and the truth.

I did not create you to suffer, but rather that you could have eternal life through the Presence of My Son, your Redeemer. But today I have allowed you to enter My Celestial Church so that you may receive within your inner worlds all the mysteries that this Creation granted you, since before you existed.

You are before the Legacy of the Wisdom of God through the Ark of the Holy Covenant. Thus, the New Jerusalem approaches and the children return to the House of David to resume the path, which they once lost, to the Purpose of My Heart.

I only wish happiness for the world rather than justice, but My children did not understand this. Once I Myself had descended to Earth to teach you about Love through the Word, through each of My Wounds, through the absolute surrender of My Heart.

I am the living, unchangeable and infinite God. My House awaits you one day, but while you are here, learn everything the universe gifts to you, correct your mistakes, purify your faults and healing will be achieved.

I come to give you an atonement that today you will not understand, but that in a short while you will know, because it is your souls that need this Grace of listening to the God of Creation.

The Book of the Life of Creation waits to be rewritten by each one of you, through your experiences of forgiveness and redemption.

On this first day of the arrival of My Church to the hearts of the world, I come together with My Son to celebrate the first and fundamental legacy that Your Redeemer left humanity: The Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Just as your souls are doing at this moment, in the withdrawal into the heart and into the void, prepare yourselves for the offering, so that everything that will take place here, as well as everything that has happened here, may continue to bear its fruits of Mercy and Love in each soul of this humanity.

Place your face upon My Feet.

Oh my God, I believe,
I adore, I wait for and I love Thee;
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.

(three times)

Receive the symbol of the Sacred Geometry of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and carry it to your heart in gratitude and reverence."

Our Lord says that the Word of God reaches the world after two thousand years.

My Father has absolved you.

Our Lord weeps for the non-believers, for those who have abandoned Him and did not have the strength to be supported in Him, and He shows us the Light of His five Wounds, the Light of His Hands, of His Side and of His Feet. And through His Hands He presents us His golden Heart of Light, stronger than hundreds of suns.

By the merits of His Mercy and His sorrowful Passion, He blesses humanity, the five continents and all nations, so that the science of Wisdom illuminates the minds of humankind so that the healing and the reparation of humanity may be established.

In the same way that on this afternoon Our Lord delivers His Heart to us, let us also deliver our hearts to Him.

Let us celebrate.

Just like two thousand years ago, I again give you my Life and all that I am for a simple reason: that you live in My Love and that you know the Truth.

May the Celestial Father receive these elements that will serve as Graces and spiritual anointing for all humanity, recalling the Passion and the Death of Our Lord.

This was how, when Jesus was gathered together with His apostles, He took the bread, raised it up, and offered it to the Father, as an offering of His Sacrifice for humanity. The Father blessed it, and then Our Lord broke it, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given up for humankind for the remission of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen. (in Portuguese)

He then took the Chalice, and offering it to the Father to be blessed, He gave it with all His Love to His companions, saying: “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the eternal and new Covenant, that will be shed by your Redeemer for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me”.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen. (in Portuguese)

Recognizing the infinite Grace that we receive, in the immensity of the Mercy of God, reaffirming the Passion and Death of Our Lord for the redemption of humanity and for all the Earth, we unite in our hearts and minds with Our Lord Jesus Christ, and before His Celestial Church we repeat the prayer that He taught us, to consummate this consecration.

Our Father (in Portuguese and English).

May the Peace, Love and Mercy of Christ descend to Earth.

"Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the Word and my soul shall be healed." Amen.

The most real work of these days will take place in the inner worlds. It is there where you will find My treasures to be able to avail yourselves of them in this end time.

I thank you for having entered My Celestial Church.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We are going to finish this transmission by holding in memory what our souls lived today with the Celestial Father, so that tomorrow, on the second day of the Sacred Week, our souls may be more elevated in order to be filled by the impulses of our Creator Father and His Most Holy Son.

We unite with each of our brothers and sisters of the world, in spiritual communion with Our Lord.

And we give thanks, we always give thanks.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

Under the blessing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Kingdom of God is close to all the souls of the world.

Today is not My day; it is the great day of the coming of the Celestial Church of My Son.

I will always be His Servant and His Messenger. For this reason, I have come here on this very important and special day for the world, so that you may know that the Mother of God, the Mother of humanity, is with each one of you at this moment, in the same place where each one of you are.

For the Grace of God, there are no borders. The omnipresence of God grants the Most Holy Mother the possibility of being with each of Her children at this moment.

Behind me, this evening, see a glimpse of the coming of the Celestial Church. I am the Lady of the Throne of God and I come to announce to the world the great opportunity for its repentance, so that the Mercy of God in this moment may heal it and redeem it.

My Heart remains untiring. My aspiration for you continues to be eternal. The Mother of God does not stop, although Her Word and Her daily Message are retreating in this cycle.

Now, My children, you must be the living message, you must testify to My Message under the paternal Gaze of God. Some of My children must do it, some must demonstrate that they have understood My Message and have taken in each one of My Words throughout these thirteen years, for it will be the way, My children, that you will justify all that you have received before the Celestial Father. This time of uncertainty that the world is experiencing will end if faith and hope within the hearts are renewed.

My children, this is the great time of adoration of the Eucharistic Heart of My Son. This is the great time of prayer of the heart. This is the time, My children, when each of your lives be the same Sacrament, renewing your baptism, your anointing, your confession and your perpetual communion with My Son. Thus, your lives will be confirmed, and this is what the Celestial Father needs to be able to continue to pour out His Mercy upon the world, in those places most urgently in need of it.

This night, My children, on the eve before the coming of the Celestial Church, in love and in devotion, through your souls, let us bow down before the Kingdom of God, for He will send His Grace to the world, He will pour out His Mercy during these next eight days and it will be the great moment for each one of you, in which the Word of My Son must be accomplished.

You must be the Word of My Son, the testimony of conversion and redemption. It is thus that, on this night, on the eve of the coming of the Celestial Church, I announce a week that is not only sacred, but a week of an important atonement for the world. 

Whoever places their knees upon the ground, recognizes their faults and delivers them to God, their Guardian Angels will intercede and the pleas will be carried to the Thrones of the Father so that He may convert them into Love and Mercy.

Today, in the same way as each of Her children, the Mother of God is waiting in prayer and in vigil for the arrival of the Redeemer. He has sent me as the Mother of the Throne of God to announce His coming to the world, the advent of His Word, the Grace of His Spirit, the eternal Mercy of His Heart.

A great moment will come to the world, a profound spiritual moment. Being the last, it is the most important of all these last years, in which My Son has been with you. It is the moment of the great step of consciousness, it is the moment for recognizing God, for in penitence and in repentance, the peace will come, and a miracle will happen in your lives and in the lives of your brothers and sisters of the Earth.

All the Hierarchies of Heaven, all the beings of goodwill of the Earth, are preparing for this last moment, in which the Sacred Son of God will bring His Wisdom and Love to the world so that it may be engraved within your consciousnesses, so that you may always relive it within your hearts.

Today, at My feet, as the Mother of the Throne of God, I have the flowers given from the prayer and the love of My children, all the flowers that were given to Me on this night as the result of your prayers and your sincerity with Me.

You know, My children, though My cycle with you may have finished, My aspiration is to always be with you.

My Son gave Me humanity at the most culminating moment of His surrender on the Cross, and so that His Cross may be victorious, you must be redeemed to testify to and confirm what He did for you here on Earth.

It is thus that the life and the teachings of My Son will always be timeless and they will always invite you to renewal and to forgiveness.

This is what I bring to you today from Heaven, as His Servant and His Slave. It is what I bring to the world by opening the doors of the Heavens for the arrival of His Celestial Church.

Keep your hearts open in these coming days, without expectations, without great desires, in absolute emptiness and unconditional love for the Glorified Heart of My Son.

I see humanity suffering so much that My Being has now offered everything to the Father, for the relief of each one of My children.

But just think about the sacrifice of My Son on the Cross. In the greatest abandonment, in the greatest profound solitude, My Son became the Christ when it seemed nothing was happening. And at His feet was His Servant and Slave, the Mother of God, the apostle John and the holy women. He only had us; today He has each one of you.

Everything will pass, a new time will come. If humanity truly repents in these days, the changes could be indescribable for the world.

My children, as a mother who loves you and guides you, do not miss the opportunity, do not look at it as just another moment, for it will not be repeated.

My Son has asked His Father for the authorization of the descent of His Celestial Church in a time of humanity when nothing seems to be resolved, when a great unknown lies within the minds of My children.

In prayer, in offering, offer your lives to God and nothing more. Seek the Light of the Universe, recognize the Star of the Hierarchy. In the firmament, the Redeemer and all His Hosts of Light approaches.

With songs of praise, the angels announce the coming of His Celestial Church. The time for conversion is now.

God loves you and He can no longer be offended. He wants the good for each of His children, for if you live His Love and His Truth, you will be saved, and evil will be defeated by the powerful sword of the Archangel Michael.

The fallen stars will rise up out of the abysses and their origins will achieve the long-awaited reconciliation.

The thousand years of peace will come and Aurora will shine in the hearts of those who have believed in it.

Lift your hopes on High; My Heart brings you the Light of the whole universe. And opening My hands, I pour out the Light of Heaven, just as I poured it out many times in Aurora. 

The end is near. Repent, repent, repent, and My Love will take you to God. This is all I will say to you today.

Remember this night of the coming of the Celestial Church of My Son. See His Church reflected within your inner worlds, how His Light and His Glory begin to descend to the planet.

On this night, I will remain in adoration to the Eucharistic Heart of My Son.

On the eve of this special moment, the Mother of the Throne of God is grateful for this temple you have offered Her Son. God contemplates each work done with gratitude, each moment of unity generated for one reason: for the triumph of His Love.

Let us glorify the Son of the Universe with beautiful praise.

In commemoration of this special day for Me and for you, on the eve of the coming of the Celestial Church, and in gratitude for the opportunity to serve and to love, I wish to honor the Most Holy Son of God for His presence, over the course of time, in the Sacrament and in the heart of His children, of all His companions.

Let us elevate a song to the Heart of Christ, because we owe everything to Him, our gratitude and our honor.

We will listen to "You are the King."

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, Mother of God, for all that you give us!

Through this song that we offer to Our Lord Jesus Christ and in union with the Divine Mother, we prepare inwardly for this vigil, in which our hearts and souls will be attentive to the coming of the Celestial Church in these next hours of our time.


The descent of the Celestial Church, in this culminating moment of humanity, will bring the Divine Grace so that the souls of the world may turn to God in an inner action of true repentance and reconciliation.

The Celestial Church will bring a moment of inner quiet and reflection toward the planet so that as many souls as possible will reconsider and repair their lives, in all that they have experienced, so that they may be restored from suffering.

The coming of the Celestial Church will impart blessings and Graces within the hearts open to recognize this important spiritual event.

Within the Celestial Church, one of the Aspects of God will be present which, during the days of the Sacred Week, will remain in contemplation and available in order to hear the intentions and the prayers of His children. God the Father will open a spiritual space to attend to His creatures.

During the descent of the Celestial Church, Guardian Angels will have the Grace of being able to carry into the Church of Christ all the pleas of those who pronounce them in an impersonal way and as a spiritual benefit for the healing of humanity.

With the coming of the Celestial Church, many movements will occur for all, not only inwardly, but also outwardly, and in prayer you must accompany these movements.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church is what first descends upon the orbit of the Earth, and the material universe feels the movement of the most powerful divine energy.

The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church penetrates the intermediary spaces of the consciousness of the planet and this resonates within the human consciousness, which begins to feel the time of definition.

The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church reaches the spaces of the most difficult suffering. Souls in agony breathe in the relief they so much search for; peace reaches each one of them.

The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church transmutes the contrary currents that oppose good and love.

The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church has an impact on the human aspects so that they surrender and become sublimated.

The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church prepares the divine descent of the King of the Universe.

The doors of the House of God begin to open; the angels assemble in praise and adoration so that souls may hear the arrival of the Church of the Lord.

The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church gestates the Temple of Devotion within inner worlds that will await the coming of the attributes and the gifts that will institute the last apostles of Christ upon the surface of the Earth.

The spiritual Light of the Celestial Church gives impulse to the awakening of the consciousness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



The key, that will open the main door of the Celestial Church, will be a sincere heart united with this special spiritual moment.

My Son needs sincere hearts rather than perfect ones, so that the attributes of the Celestial Church may be placed in the children of the Father.

A sincere heart, although human, can enter the consciousness of the Celestial Church, and there, mercifully receive the legacy of the Love of My Son.

Thus, today I call you to have a sincere heart so that your souls may go through the Celestial Church and be blessed once again by the impulses of Light and of Redemption that My Son will bring from the universe.

With a sincere heart, you will be peacemakers of Christ. In this culminating moment of humanity, souls will have the Grace of receiving the gifts of Heaven if only they have a sincere heart.

My children, open of heart, with gratitude and devotion, receive the coming of the Celestial Church and, united with your Guardian Angels, offer the best of yourselves in order to amend and repair the offenses that the world still generates.

May your hearts be bridges that allow Mercy and Peace to descend to the world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As the Celestial Church spiritually approaches the planet, the greater will be the inner and physical movements of humanity.

It is like a great Light that enters into the abyss and the darkness of humanity to turn night into day.

It is at this moment of worldwide inflection when souls must aspire, even more wholeheartedly, to allow the Celestial Church to free them from the chains of errors and suffering.

The Celestial Church will descend with Creative Power and give those who welcome it an impulse so that they may profess their faith and trust in the Eternal God.

While the Celestial Church begins to open its main doors, the angels come out from within it, descend to the Earth and prepare its solemn arrival.

But you, My children, must sustain this moment, since the Light and the darkness will meet, and from that point on, the last cycle of the battle will be opened, which will define love or indifference within humanity.

The more works of prayer and of good that are carried out in the world, the greater will be the spiritual and inner effect of the Celestial Church; and the souls that had no possibility of salvation will be considered.

At this moment, all those who adore the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar will be collaborating consciously so that the Celestial Church may reach all hearts possible.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

May your hearts prepare to receive within the coming of the Celestial Church, because all will need it.

Before the Spiritual Church of My Son, may your lives be in offering and in praise, so that all the intentions may reach the Feet of the Creator.

It is at this culminating moment of humanity that My Son will make His Celestial Church descend, so that the greatest number of souls may be assisted.

The need for the healing of humanity is very great. For this reason, I call you, My children, so that as from now, your consciousnesses may be in an action of a loving offering, so that the planet may also be benefited.

The Celestial Church will descend in its geometric and divine way.

It will be with its descent that souls will have the presence of the Gifts and Virtues of God available, so that the life of the servers may be completed with the inner impulse of love that the Holy Spirit will also bring.

It will be during those days, with the presence of the Church of My Son, that the planet will be able to be contemplated with Mercy, and humanity will be able to amend many of its errors through an act of sincere and true repentance.

Thus, the doors of the Heavens will remain open so that the angels may intervene in the impossible causes of these times, and for the penitent, they may bring the Graces of the Spiritual Universe as a balm of forgiveness and inner reconciliation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before the Celestial Church descends, the world will feel moved, because its Earthly forces must be liberated and exorcised, and for Me, My children, it is very important that you may be aware of this, so that this next event of the Celestial Church is not experienced as just another meeting, because it is the last, and the world urgently needs it.

For this reason, on this day, God sends His faithful Servant to gather together His children, to call the apostles of Christ, to prepare you for the moment of the great final time.

That moment and that hour are arriving; there is not much time left, My children. For this reason, My Son has decided, before His Return, to come with His Celestial Church to hold within His Heart as many souls as possible, all souls that are able to enter the Heart of God, even those that do not deserve it, not even through Mercy.

This shows each one of you the powerful immensity of the Love of My Son, an untiring and eternal Love that, time and again, comes to meet with you, to renew you, heal you and redeem you.

But My time with you is also coming to an end. As the months go by, the time among My children is ending, and that will be the great moment, also for you, to experience everything that I have taught you since the beginning of My Apparitions, in My beloved Aurora.

For this reason, what I wish is that on August 8, all the paintings of My Apparitions that took place in Aurora during thirteen consecutive days may be exhibited to the world so that My children may know the symbols that I left for humanity, which are the signs that God determined as necessary to give you for your inner and spiritual preparation for this great moment of the meeting with the Celestial Church of Christ and, above all, My children, for that which will happen after the Spiritual Church of My Son will have passed through here.

It will also be in that moment that you should be witnesses, should declare about everything that has happened here, such as the change that your hearts have experienced after having heard the call of the Mother of God.

During the eight days of the next Sacred Week, the Sacred Celestial Church of My Son will exhibit, at the top of the Hill of Apparitions, the non-material symbol of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

All those who live from their hearts during the next Sacred Week will be filled by the attributes and the principles of the Arc of the Holy Covenant and, above all, will receive the merits that My Son achieved since His Birth up to His Ascension.

This event is not typical. It means, My children, that it is arriving at a culminating moment of the Earth, in which humanity tries to force a return to normality, and is still not understanding the importance of repentance and penitence.

The Ark of the Holy Covenant, which will shine like a sun on the top of the Hill of Apparitions, will bring the whole world a special Grace that each one of My children needs at this moment in order to be able to overcome the end of times and, above all, to learn to move through it.

I know that many of My children will not understand what this means. For this reason, My wish is that during the Sacred Week, you represent the Ark of the Holy Covenant, just as you have previously done other years, so that humanity may have a visual and spiritual symbol, in order to be able to enter the consciousness of the Sacred Ark.

In a special way, Abraham, Moses and many patriarchs that are in the Heavens today, will accompany this spiritual event.

So that you may see the emergency of these times, My children, God sends that which is the most sacred that He has to the world, the Sacred Treasures of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, so they may be spiritually exhibited, and souls may be in prayer, in vigil and in contact with this sacred Teraphim of God.

On their part, the four Governing Angels of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, that have never descended to the planet, will be present as guardians and watchers of this sacred Teraphim, that will spiritually shine on the Hill for anyone who has faith in it and needs to avail themselves of the attributes and merits achieved by My Son for you on this planet.

This is the demonstration of His most pure Love, of the untiring giving of His eternal Heart, not only present in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, but also in the Sacraments. My children, if you spiritually commune of the Sacraments during the days of the Sacred Week, I assure you that you will receive the Graces you need.

What a great lot the Celestial Church of My Son will do during the first days of August!

He will come with His Power and Glory to remind the world of its filiation with that which is High, so that many more souls are able to place their heads upon the ground and repent, because God does not want Justice in the world, but rather, Mercy.

Those who are open of heart and, in the offering of soul and spirit at the Sacred Celestial Church of My Son, will be contemplated by the Eternal Father, because He is the Sacred Ark Itself, that holds the experiences of Love, Redemption and Light that not only His beloved Son achieved on Earth, but also many of your brothers and sisters who throughout the times have achieved Christification.

Who will become Christified for My Son after all that He will give you and with all He has already given you through these last few years?

Christification is not a way nor a method; it is an experience of love that is experienced in the flesh and that transforms the consciousness, the deepest aspects of the being, until carrying it into redemption.

The sacred Law of Christification will also come during the days of the Sacred Week to the world. Those who place their hearts in this mystery, through the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the Sacraments, will renew their lives, will renew their promises, will reaffirm their mission and will offer themselves again to the Father as a victim of His universal Love.

My time with you is ending and this is something that I really wished not to happen, but you must learn to love the Will of the Father beyond yourselves, just like I learned to love it while I was a young woman, in a humble and simple family, who received the call of God to gestate the Son of the Most High within My womb.

Today the generations, peoples and nations proclaim Me as Blessed. Tomorrow, the world will proclaim the last apostles to be blessed, like the Christs of the New Time, like those who achieved the aspiration of the Heart of My Son, up to the last moment of their lives.

But I will not abandon you, just as I did not abandon the little children in Fatima. You must love, know Heaven as they saw Heaven, many times, because, in Heaven, where our Eternal Father is, you will base your experiences on the Great Source of His Love, and Creation, as it has happened many times, will be again renewed.

Today I pray for the whole world and for each one of My children in the five continents, so that your souls may enter into the powerful Celestial Church, which will open Its doors in the month of August, bringing the Graces and the Mercies of God for humanity.

This evening, at the request of My Son, I leave the pillars founded, the first pillars of His Celestial Church, that will show itself today in Glory, Love, and Mercy to the souls.

In those days of August, it will be the great moment of your spiritual synthesis of all you have received throughout these twelve years. 

The Father has allowed Me, in the coming time and for the final time, to be able to appear in Aurora, to close all that once began there, when nothing had yet existed, because there I found hearts willing to follow Me, when I still had nothing, for in fasting and in prayer, experienced during those days with Me in Aurora, you trusted in My Word and, above all, in My Presence, beyond what you said.

For this reason, I will return to Aurora for the final time, because in Aurora will be the end of My task with the world, before My Son returns. And all the Brotherhood of the Heavens will be there on that day, offering the Father all that was built there, not only on a material level, but also on a spiritual level.

Everything that has taken place in Aurora, from its emergence until the present, will be offered to the Father, as justification for the redemption of humanity.

Today the angels have asked Me that you sing a simple song to close, that will close this cycle of the 25th. It is a song that was born in Aurora and invokes the power of its Center of Love for unredeemed souls.

Let us listen to "Kingdom of Love."

I thank you for responding to My call.

My Mantle and My Consciousness reflect the Aurora, the sunrise in the life of each being.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I bring you the Reliquary of My Heart, a spiritual and divine Reliquary that contains within itself the path that I have trodden since I emerged as an essence from the Heart of God.

May this Sacred Reliquary be like a door for you, an entryway to the Celestial Kingdom through humility, yielding, surrender and, above all, children, renunciation, a gift that elevates you and brings you close to God, as it drew My Heart close throughout the course of time.

Today, contemplate within yourselves, the Reliquary of My Heart, not just to look at it, but also to enter into it, to discover what is held beyond this Humble Heart that comes to the world, simply to be a bridge.

Close your eyes and see in front of you a Heart that beats within a Reliquary of wood, which signifies the humility of the one that was molded by the Creator throughout the course of time.

See how this Heart opens into a great light that embraces you, envelopes you and carries you into a new reality. Cross this light and, beyond it, find infinity.

Just for an instant, allow yourselves to live as essences, and not as human beings; let your essences feel and live this experience.

Let your body dissolve, for an instant, into the infinity of this celestial universe; here, contemplate the stars, the galaxies, the suns, the universes, and allow yourselves to go beyond.

There is a great Light, there is a perfect Source that, like a magnet, calls you to return. Feel yourselves drawn to it and enter into it; feel this white brilliant Light that pulsates in a deep silence, that envelopes all Creation, a silence more powerful than all words and all sounds. From this silence comes sound, from this Source emerges the Word. Allow yourselves to be in the Heart of God.

Within this great Light, contemplate an altar. Perceive the angels, the archangels and the choirs of the blessed, that with their spirits sing a sound, which can be heard with the spirit.

The angels, prostrate before the altar, adore Creation, finding in it all types of life that manifest on this planet and manifests in other worlds, beyond the Earth, in other universes, in other evolutions.

Feel yourselves as small as nothing and, at the same time, children, experience being alive in everything. Feel the Kingdom of God. Let each cell, each atom, experience this Kingdom, and discover it within itself.

Now begin to feel how this Kingdom expands from the inside out. As if within your hearts there were a great explosion of light taking place. And that Light, which you contemplate in infinity, manifests within you. In it exists all attributes, all gifts, all virtues. In it is all of Creation.

Feel, children, how God manifests Himself within and outside of you. Feel all of life in your essence, each creature, each being, each essence.

That which you manifest as a group is like a great infinity, in which each consciousness is represented through the particles of light that live within your atoms. Understand unity in this way.

The Celestial Church, children, is not a construction that floats in infinity, in the Celestial Universe. The Celestial Church is this inner temple, where Creation is recreated, time after time.

The Celestial Church is what I reveal to you today: this Kingdom that dwells within you and which is called "Temple", so that you may understand that which is Sacred.

What I bring you today must not be understood with the mind, it must not be felt with your emotions, but rather experienced by your essences.

In this Kingdom is held all of life. Within you is held all of life. For this reason, understand that in this same way, My Heart beats in your hearts, and your hearts beat in Mine.

The time has come for humanity to understand the unity that justifies their existence, that reveals their purpose, and that is not only life on Earth, but a unity with all life.

I have already told you all these things many times; in many ways, I have brought you this Kingdom. But today, children, I place you within It. I reveal to you that this Kingdom lives within you so that you may remain in it, in Its revelation, all the time.

Many seek universal realities and many cling to the reality of Earth. Many aspire to a higher knowledge and want to know more, want to meet the life that manifests in the universe, like in the interior of the Earth and upon all the planets. And others cling to what they know about the Earth, they believe that the Kingdom of God is just this life.

And ignorance manifests in those two ways, because universal life goes beyond everything that you understand, in the same way as life on Earth.

The time has come to transcend matter, the matter that dwells in the universe, like this that dwells on Earth, because otherwise, you will not be able to manifest the Kingdom of God, live It or be It, because that is your spiritual mission, for this you were created, for more than a dialogue with God. Your mission is not just to listen to the Voice of the Creator, but to live It, recreate His Creation, experiencing His Presence within you.

The time is approaching, when all the illusion experienced by humanity will fall apart. And it will be in that moment, children, that the memory of My words must emerge within you, must transcend the human condition, the mind, the understanding, the feelings; it must dissolve them in the revelation of the Divine Presence.

What dwells within you, not even the angels and archangels can live, this is why you must not cling to the things of the world, not cling to everything you lived in the universe before coming to the world, because everything was a lesson so that you could get here.

I do not want to diminish existence with what I tell you today, but I want to lead you into a profound spiritual experience, so that you can experience something that goes beyond, something that you have not lived at any moment in your evolution, but that time will arrive to be experienced, and that time is not far away.

In this time of the planet, these two realities confront one another. The human condition seems to be more real than ever and beings experience that battle, many times without understanding it.

The Universe of God, His Celestial Kingdom, pushes from the inside out and aspires to manifest, and your human condition resists and tries not to break, and affirms itself in all the spaces of the consciousness that it can reach: in matter, in mind, in feelings, the body, the consciousness and the subconscious.

As much as that has strength, it has no power. Power comes from spirit, a spirit that shouts and expands within you. Listen, children, this crying comes from the essence. Let this force that recreates Creation reveal itself, manifest itself.

Everything that I am telling you is achieved through three keys, which in truth are one: humility, renunciation and surrender.

Through humility, all doors will be opened for you, so that you not only understand all the sciences and be knowledgeable about all life, but you will also be able to go beyond that and live the revelation of the Divine Presence, of the human purpose.

Through renunciation, you will be free of yourselves, of all human concepts, of all your wills and aspirations, and your most spiritual goals; empty of all that which you believe you know, of all that which you believe you have gained as experience.

Through surrender, everything will be accomplished, because you will be like that essence suspended in infinity, like in the infinity within yourself. You will love the nothing and you will discover everything in the Heart of your Creator. Everything I tell you today, I can say, because I experienced this, little by little, step by step, throughout My evolution.

Your challenge today is to live it intensely, in this end of times, in an accelerated way, intense, and you are ready for that.

Just like all of life, My Heart will beat within you, all My instructions will resonate in this great silence that holds, not only all sound, but also all wisdom. For this reason, children, look for that within yourselves, in prayer, whenever you need it.

When you feel that matter is struggling against the spirit, and your human condition seems to have more strength than your essences, simply become silent and look within yourselves for that source of life. Place your forehead upon the ground and cry out to God so that He may manifest from the inside out, and from the outside inward, encompassing all the spaces, defeating all battles, revealing His triumph within your lives.

Do not seek to understand what I tell you, but experience it. Contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart, you will always find this doorway that will allow you to remember everything I told you so that you may experience it.

The Reliquary of My Heart is not an object that you will contemplate without understanding. The Reliquary of My Heart is simply a symbol that allows your matter to remember spiritual life through the senses.

Through your eyes, you will open a window so that your essences may again find God, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart. It is a profound science, which is not explained with the mind, but you will be able to experience it each time that you open your heart. For this reason, when you are before the Reliquary, simply remain in silence. Feel that, through your eyes, your essences can contemplate a path and journey with it.

I could be by your side, all day, telling you about all the things I have learned, but I want you to learn to find Me within you, in the same way with Christ, with the Virgin Mary, with God Himself and all His creatures.

The time has come for a more profound cycle and I warn you that, in the same way that this cycle is profound, your battles will also be profound and inexplicable.

Many times it will seem as if you have heard no instruction from the Hierarchy, and mundane life will express within you with all its strength. Observe this, perceive it, and return to the point of meeting with God within yourselves until, little by little, and with a great deal of effort, that battle may be won by the Creator within you.

Understand each other's tests, understand your weaknesses, but do not justify them through the human condition.

Help each other, remind each other that spiritual life dwells within. Elevate to the Heart of God. Remember that you are preparing the return of His Son to the world. Place your consciousness in that.

With My presence and My words, I bless all these elements on the Altar and I tell you that, in the same way that the Divine Messengers bless each sacred object, the priests also have the authority to do this.

All the gifts and promises that manifest in these objects, as a divine gift for souls, will manifest in the same way when the priests unite Heaven and Earth to bless you from the heart. For this reason, trust that all the medallions and all the sacred objects that will manifest over time will be carriers of Grace and of the divine promise, for all souls.

Bring the altar here with the elements for the Consecration of the Eucharist.

Friar Zeferias. 

Consecrating this Eucharist in My Presence, pray for all the priests of the world, so that the Kingdom of God in them may manifest always.

Friar Zeferias: On that night, when Our Lord celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples and apostles, He took the bread and elevated it to the Heavens, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice He would live for all of us, and the Eternal Father blessed the bread, transforming it into the Body of Christ. Jesus then broke the bread and gave it to His disciples, saying to them: "Take and all eat of it, for this is My Body, which will be given up for you."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen.

In the same way, Jesus took the Chalice in His Hands and raised it to the Heavens, and then passed it on to His disciples, saying to them: "Take and all drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be poured out for you, for your salvation, redemption and remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until the end of times, when I am to return to this world."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen.

Let us all together speak the prayer that the Lord taught us, uniting with this holy Communion with His Body and His Blood.

Our Father (in Portuguese)

Behold, here is the Body and the Blood of Christ, the Lamb of God, that removes the sins from the world.

Blessed are they who are part of this Supper of the Lord, because death will no longer touch them and they will know eternal life. Amen.

May the Peace and the Mercy of Christ descend to Earth!

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word and I shall be healed.

We sound the bell three times, announcing the spiritual Communion of all souls with Christ.

Let the Eucharist be your sustenance and remind you, every day, of the true reason for your existence. In this way, children, the triumph of God will manifest in your lives.

Remember My words and all I have told you throughout the course of these years, and remember to find Me within you. I will be with you all the time. Receive My blessing and My peace, which will resonate within you throughout the centuries and into eternity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And to bid farewell, you will sing a song that will remind you that you must continue to sow love and the good within humanity.

Do not forget that I once requested that you never remain with resentment in your hearts, but that you forgive each other, be reconciled with each other, serve one another and let the world know the freedom that lies within asking for forgiveness, and loving one another as God loves you, so that peace may reign in all nations, so that good may reign in all families, and so that the Heart of God may triumph in all His children.

You will end this day by celebrating and sowing love in all of humanity, in all the Kingdoms and in the whole planet. I thank you.


Sister Lucía de Jesús: Let us sing in Spanish, "Sowing Love in Humanity."


Dear children:

With your faith and dedication to the the Holy Rosary you will reach, little by little, the celestial spheres, and each day that goes by, your souls will be in pilgrimage toward the Celestial Church.

Motivate other souls to dedicate a space for the prayer of the Holy Rosary, to assume this commitment with Me so that when the day comes, in which the doors of the Celestial Church may open in the month of August, the majority of My Children in the world may have the deserved Grace of being able to enter and to participate in this important spiritual and celestial event.

You must, one day, come to feel thirst for the Holy Rosary because, through it, many situations become stable and other unforeseeable situations do not happen.

You will only know the powerful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary when your lives become the Rosary itself in infinite offering to God and to His Kingdom.

Dear children, I wish that many more of My children become motivated to prepare themselves consciously through the Holy Rosary for the month of August because in these twelves years that will be fulfilled you must finish your inner synthesis.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

A month away from next August 8, your Heavenly Mother prepares, at the doorway of the Celestial Church, to gather together and unite the souls that, from the inner planes, will participate in the ceremonies of the Celestial Church.

As from now, I invite you to experience an inner preparation through the daily prayer of the Holy Rosary.

May the Rosary be this bridge of light and love, that you yourselves will build between Heaven and Earth, so that through it you will be able to reach the majestic Celestial Church.

With the daily construction of this bridge of light through the Holy Rosary, in the month of August, My Immaculate Heart will lead you to God so that, in His omnipotent Presence of Love, you may inwardly gather together the last treasures that the Father will give you, through His most beloved Son.

Dear children, I invite you, by means of the Rosary, to be within an inner pilgrimage toward the House of the Celestial Father so that His Sacred Church may gather you together in sacramental communion and you may be able to offer yourselves as instruments in the Hands of the Eternal Father, for the redemption of this planet and for this humanity.

May you all have a good practice of prayer.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Word became Flesh and dwelled among you, and the Word of the Lord was fulfilled on Earth within the lives of those who are consistent and selfless.

The Incarnate Word became One in the children of God and the Word of the Most High reverberated and will continue to reverberate throughout time, through those who hear the Word of God.

Of the most imperfect, I will do wonders for our Father. I will convert miseries into Mercies, and nothing will be impossible for Me, as it has not been until now.

With this, today I want to tell you, on this afternoon of Mercy and solemnity, that for the merits achieved by your prayers in these last seven years, the Most High God of the Universe, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, Adonai, Emmanuel and Abba, He repays from His Source, for each one of his children, His Peace and universal atonement, amending the mistakes made by all humankind up to the present.

Thus, today I want to tell you that I will never abandon you, because you already know how to enter My Heart, and in My Heart there is only eternity, there is never an end.

Children of My Father, open your hearts even more as you did yesterday, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, in which the Eternal Father was attentive to the voice of your supplications.

After the Celestial Church descends here and for the world, in the month of August, I will continue to come, but this time in a special way. On the third Friday of each month I will give the world the final spiritual and divine impulses that, for a certain amount of time, will erect humanity and prepare it for My Return.

The Eternal Father testifies to this moment through the presence of His children and all of His who pray. And even more, our Mother of Heaven and Earth, the great Empress of the Universe, will accompany My Sacred Heart after the month of August, only on the 13th of each month, in which she will finish carrying out the task that She once began in Fatima.

Celebrate this moment and thank God, because you will never be forsaken.

Saint Joseph will go to Heaven and from there He will continue to bless the world, just as He blessed the Son of God when he was still a child.

The last secrets will be delivered, the last mysteries will be unveiled and humanity will no longer be able to say that it does not know it because, through My Spiritual Government and My Celestial Church, I will give them what they need.

So that, after August, I may return and bring more relief to the world, I will trust and accept your prayers on the 5th and 6th of each month, even though I will not be present here. But you know that I will make use of your prayer work in order to bring My Peace and the force of My Mercy to the world.

I would not want to leave here without first seeing all the pilgrims one last time, those who pray and serve, when time permits. Because My aspiration is to merge your essences with Mine and, at the end of this time, to recreate Creation for the victory of Love and forgiveness.

Your Guardian Angels commit themselves to the Lord of the Universe to guard and watch over this moment.

While I am silent, I contemplate with you the world, hurt and in need of love, Mercy, healing and redemption.

Today I accept the surrender of those who have decided to live this path, for all the hearts and lives of this planet that did not correspond to Me and that have failed Me in recent times.

As I accept these offers, the power of My Blood is poured out upon the unredeemed so that they may once again look up to the Heavens and find the hope and peace that they once lost, and also the signs of My Passion, the five sorrowful wounds from Your Lord, that enlighten the world at this time and pour out the Grace of the Lamb of God upon the children of the Eternal Father, upon those who hear Him, feel Him and love Him.

Today a cycle closes, but a final preparation time begins. Commune of My Words, be filled by My Grace and move forward.

You can surpass Me in love. When will you prove it to me? The value of My Life can be surpassed for your lives. The surrender of your Lord can be surpassed by your surrender.

I do not come to ask you for the impossible, I want you to be part of My Mystical Body so that all My Mercy may descend upon you and the world, and you may purify yourselves within Me in order to achieve redemption.

Today I gather all the force of the Light of the universe, and the hells feel this repercussion because each drop of Blood poured out by your Master today has value and victory in those who have corresponded to it.

Even more souls are waiting to enter My Heavenly Church, this must now be spread to the world. All are called, without exception, to be at the doors of My Celestial Church and enter it in the month of August, in which the great celebration will be established between believers and God.

As I speak to you, I purify you and bring you closer to My Heart. Now let your souls lay their heads on My Chest, right now, do so.

And through this melody, which you listen to at this moment, feel My divine and universal embrace, and how each misery is transformed by the power of My Light and the force of My Love.

Surrender into My Arms, you have the opportunity and, in the void and in the emptiness, find My Peace.

I am who I am, I am the beginning and the end, I am the maximum for your lives.

My Love wants to be throughout the whole world.

Today be anointed by My forgiveness that dissolves your miseries, that forgives your sins, that renews you after each fall, that places you before God to feel the Love of His Heart.

Surrender into My Arms and everything will pass.

My Love merges with your love and a single Love is born, the Living Love of Christ that sanctifies souls and leads them to the Kingdom of God.

Thus, today I wish, in the depths of My Soul and Divinity, that you may commune of Me through the Sacrament of the Altar.

Bring the altar here and remain in My Arms, until I tell you what to do.

Stay in My Arms, feel the beat of My Heart and the triumph of Love through this perpetual Covenant with Me.

The Father is attentive to this moment, just as He is attentive to all the souls of the world that surrender in My Arms at this moment.

May we be worthy of this moment and that in the Arms of our Redeemer our hearts and lives be renewed in Christ, knowing that Love, above all, the one that renews all things, will win.

Today the Father will participate in this consecration. Place at the Feet of the Eternal Father your needs, the true needs that benefit other souls.

Today the Cherubim Angels, Guardian Angels of My children from Africa, are here to bring me the offer of their little hearts, for that wounded people and for the world.

My Love penetrates the core of the deepest human pain, because today you have accepted being in My Arms to feel God.

Let us celebrate.

"Oh, Eternal Father, how great is Your Love, Your Power and Your Mercy, that you are able to invite Your children to surpass Me in Love and in surrender, because a good Master works tirelessly so that His companions will surpass him, and someday be good people in charity and in good, in love and in transparency.

Oh, Eternal Father, so many offerings I have received into My Heart from Your children. So many prayers have I heard throughout the recent years. So much, Father, in the triumph of Your Love and Your Truth, faith and unconditional service have you built in the hearts of Your children. This is what brings Me here today to the world.

Adonai, once again I place at Your Feet that everyone can surpass Me and that the prices of My Blood was not in vain, because it pours out upon the oppressed and fallen.

Today I offer you, Beloved Father, the embrace that I have felt from each soul at this moment, so that You, Our Lord, may give them an opportunity like You have given Your Son, to save the planet.

Receive in Your Kingdom, Eternal Father, the love of Your children, the prayers of Your children, the service of Your children and the daily improvement of Your children to achieve Your Peace and Your Mercy.

And so, before the consecration and offering of this Sacrament, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, the faults are erased, the sins are dissolved, because the triumph of Your Love was fulfilled. Amen".

Today the Cherubim Angels, the Guardian Angels of My children in Africa, will transubstantiate these elements together with their Master, because God shows Himself to the small and humble and hides His Power and His mystery from the proud and selfish. Holy Scripture is fulfilled once again.

On the night when He was to be given in, in spiritual company of My Mother and the holy women, who were praying for Me, I took the bread before My apostles, I raised it to the Father, thanking Him for the sacrifice, so that it would be blessed and transubstantiated into my body. And the spiritual Light of the Creator descended to Earth.

Afterward, I broke it and gave it to My apostles saying: “Take it and eat, because this is My Body, which will be delivered by humanity for the remission of sins.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen, (in Portuguese).

And thousands of fallen who were in the depths of the abyss of the Earth, became aware of the moment of their redemption. The stars of the universe drew a sacred geometry for the triumph of Love.

Afterward, I took the Chalice and offered it to the Father, so that the wine would be transubstantiated into My Blood, and the divine Light of God descended. Then, I offered it to My apostles saying: “Take it and drink, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the eternal and new Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me. "

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen, (in Portuguese).

The Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Father (in Portuguese and English).

May the Peace and Mercy of Christ descend to Earth.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. Amen".

Sister Maria Jerusalem, can you come here, please?

We announce spiritual Communion, with Our Lord Jesus Christ, for all our brothers and sisters throughout the world, by means of three sounds of the bells.

Heavenly Father who leads us all,
Accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love
for Your Will to be done.

When you feel you cannot, be in My Arms.

When the night is too dark, be in My Arms.

When you think you will not succeed, be in My Arms.

When you feel hopelessness, agony or disturbance, be in My Arms.

When you have no inner strength, and only confusion and lamentation, be in My Arms.

When you do not find meaning in life or in your spiritual mission, be in My Arms.

Be in My Arms, be in My Arms, because I come to liberate the afflicted, I come to give Light to the blind, I come to fill the dryness of hearts, I come to transform miseries into the power of My Mercy, because I need you to be able to surpass Me, so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

There is a song that touches My Heart very much, like so many offerings that are given to Me. But this is special, because it reflects the improvement and persistence of My companions in the world. This song is called "Everything I Have Lived". I want you to make this last offer that closes, on this afternoon of solemnity and Mercy, a seven-year cycle of work, effort and hope, with your Master and Lord.

May peace be in you and may you be bearers of My Peace. 

I thank you for responding to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We will prepare for that song.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Those who in the past announced the coming of the Messiah are those who today announce My Return to the world.

The last Scriptures are being fulfilled and this goes beyond human understanding.

My Celestial Church is preparing to descend in all its glory during the month of August; a final culminating moment for humanity.

Today, the domes of My Church and the high towers of the Sacred Cathedral of God are beginning to be built in this place in order to be able to help the whole world from this Center of Love.

Through your prayers, your souls are consciously preparing to participate in the descent of the Celestial Church, which will come like the New Jerusalem, with the power of all the Heavens, with the glory of the whole universe.

The sacred Celestial Church, in its non-material aspect, will touch the Earth for a few days and, in the inner worlds, it will resonate and call upon the last, who will be self-summoned to be present for My Return.

Israel will again have an opportunity, and that ancient people that walked in the desert will no longer search for the Promised Land, for it is within each one of you, in what you truly are, rather than in what you appear to be.

Today, the first domes of My Celestial Church are built by the angels of the universe, and by the order of the archangels, they also call the souls that will avail themselves of this precious and last impulse that will emerge from My Sacred Heart.

Feel the coming of My Celestial Church and the revelation of its sacred treasures, which are kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant. They will no longer be distant from souls, rather they will be part of the souls that, throughout the end times, have trusted in My Word and in My Presence.

The Mystical Body of Christ will be strengthened after this final school, which was experienced throughout these last years, in which your consciousnesses were participants in My Graces and in My Mercies.

The Celestial Church, which will descend in the month of August, will administer the sacraments to the last self-summoned. They will be those who, together with you, will build the unity and brotherhood so awaited for by the world. And that impulse will be so strong that the other religions will feel it, even the atheists and the non-believers.

In the descent of My Celestial Church, the last doors of salvation will open and souls will be called to gather and assemble at the center of My Altar, where the Most Holy Trinity will be present, in union with all beings of goodwill.

It is there where the souls will understand what My Church is, the Church that I built two thousand years ago within the hearts of those who believed in the Messiah.

I will place My Stone Foundation upon you and I will release the evil from the darkness, and My Church will be erected through the brave hearts, the peacemakers, all those who unite with Me in truth and in transparency. And while within My Celestial Church, from your souls will emerge your gifts, you will know your talents and you will offer them to Me in light of the Glory of the Father and the Holy Spirit.

The Celestial Church will descend in the month of August and reach all homes throughout the world. Prepare your homes, announce to your families that the Grace of My Celestial Church will pierce your hearts
and fill your souls with My last impulses of Love and Redemption.

But some souls are already at the doors of My Church, together with the angels, building the sacred geometric shapes of My Spiritual Church; because everything will be offered, not only the construction of My Church in the heart of humankind, but also the efforts of those who will set out to work, with their hands as a gift, day and night, to build My Church in humanity.

And the archangels will write of this moment, and the offerings of the pure souls, although imperfect, that will be offered at the High Altar of My Heart, where the flame of faith is blazing and eternal.

And thus, the Ark of the Holy Covenant will be placed upon the High Altar of My Celestial Church, and the sacred relics of the Passion of Christ will be able to be in the hands of those who always aspired to have them, to love My sacrifice and My surrender even more, to love each particle of My Blood and of My Water, for the redemption of the planet.

"O sacred Celestial Church, that descends upon the New Jerusalem, may your doors be opened, may the abysses be closed, may the angels with their trumpets call for those who were self-summoned to serve you and adore you through the Celestial Father. May the signs of your presence be heard in the inner worlds, may the impulses of your Grace be poured out like an inexhaustible fount upon those who cry out for relief and for healing.

O sacred Celestial Church, reveal your sacred shapes, your precious symbols, so that souls may recognize that you have always been there, in the universe, waiting for those who aspire to enter into you, to be in adoration and in prayer for the Love of Christ."

Before the last and great moment, humanity will become aware of what I came to do in the world, in this final time.

May the testimonies of your lives continue to be written by the humble Hand of God, so that His Love may multiply in the world and souls may find the peace of belonging to the Kingdom of God.

May your lives be the first pillars for the building of My Celestial Church in the month of August.

May your commitment and fidelity be the great dome that will express the beauty of the art of Creation and, in the end, may your hearts be the great offering of the Altar so that the price of the Blood of Christ, which was poured out in the world, be rectified and recognized by your transformation.

May your Guardian Angels silently follow this moment and guide you to the great meeting with My Celestial Church in the month of August.

Sister Amerisa, Our Lord calls you here.

"Today I want to announce to you, by the merits of your love and your striving for My Sacred Heart, in gratitude for the descent of My Celestial Church to this material plane, for all the moments that you have experienced and I have closely followed from the moment of your consecration, I want to tell you, sweet daughter of Mine, that your mother is with Me in Heaven and that, in the same way as many mothers that silently suffer in this world, she prays for them so that they too may achieve the Grace of the Blessing.

By the merits of the suffering of your mother, she has entered My Celestial Church, and together with the saints, she has been crowned as blessed.

Today I leave this testimony for the world, so that you may know that My Words are real and My Promises are kept in the hearts that strive for Me.

I bless you and thank you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Let us celebrate these last moments in union with the Eucharist and the Blood of the Lamb of God that today, once again, will be offered upon the altars of the Celestial Church, so that more souls and more hearts may be redeemed.

Bring the incense and the water here to be blessed.

In this moment and in this instant, in the presence of the Love of Christ and by the victorious merits of His Passion, as an act of thanks, in love and in reverence, let us offer our lives into His Hands as a testimony of our faith in Him. Let us do so now.

Oh My God, I believe, I adore,
I wait for and I love thee,
and I ask pardon
for all those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love You.

(repeated three times in Spanish)

You may bring the altar.

Let us offer this moment so that, through the consecration of these elements, our lives may also be consecrated and deserving of the Mercy of Our Lord.

On the night when Jesus was to be given up, He took the bread, raised it, and gave thanks to the Father for the surrender that He would experience. He gave it so that it would be consecrated as His Divine Body. He then broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take it and eat, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen. (Repeated three times in Portuguese)

Once the supper was ended, He took the Chalice and raised it to offer to the Father as a sacrifice for humanity, so that it could be transubstantiated into the precious Blood of Christ. He then handed it to His companions, saying to them: "Take it and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be poured out by your Lord for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen. (Repeated three times in Portuguese)

The Body and the Blood of Christ.

In union with the Celestial Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in union with the angels and the archangels, with the saints and the blessed, and with all beings of goodwill that work for peace and fraternity, we unite in prayer and in supplication, together reciting the prayer that Christ taught us.

Our Father (in Portuguese and in English)

May My Peace descend upon Earth and fill hearts with the Love of God.

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed. Amen."

Sister Amerisa can come here.

And Our Lord, at this moment, in spiritual communion, unites with all our brothers and sisters of the world. We announce this spiritual communion with three rings of the bell.

Celestial Father, Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love
so that Your Will may be done.
(in Spanish, Portuguese, and English)

May My Celestial Church, which is being built and is erected within your hearts, be perpetuated for these times, so that you may always find My Peace and the consolation of My Heart.

I bless you and your brothers and sisters under the redeeming Light of My Grace, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I invite the whole world to sing a simple song that was born in this Marian Center, from a devout soul, to alleviate My Heart and that of My Father; you will sing: "Lord, I who am nothing, surrender to You, so that You may make of me Your Dwelling."

I thank you.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

When the world comprehends that spirituality does not end here, this will be the great day of the step of consciousness. Then, a great part of humanity will grow internally, and the mysteries will be revealed to those who have always looked for an explanation and a reason. 

This conjunction of the planet and humanity's moment of inflection is when many of My postulants, in the inner plans, will prepare themselves for this great moment that will come as a great inner revelation, straight from My Celestial Church. This will be the first sign of My return. Many hearts will feel that a culminating moment is approaching. 

Before the scene of humanity and of the whole Earth, hearts will feel my return, not as an intellectual explanation, but as a true inner sign that the Holy Spirit will awake within those who trust Me, and this will go beyond any religion or dogma, because your Master and Lord will come for all humanity, all races, all peoples and nations. 

That which was written in the book of Revelations will be fulfilled, not in the way many believe. There are many symbols and signs left through my Apostles in the Scriptures, but not even they understood them in their time. This goes beyond any theology or science. 

The return of Christ to Earth has not yet been understood by humankind, nor by any religion. What is written in the Bible is a small part of this great event. Many, but many will recognize too late that they did not repent fast enough in order to keep their doctrine or institution safeguarded. 

I come to teach the world that which I taught My apostles and all those who followed Me: humility and simplicity of the heart, which allows for the comprehension of all My messages and parables. How did you think I could have done it? In a simple way. This is the only way that My Father asked me, humbly, austere, so that all hearts could recognize God. The Father could never have revealed all His Power and His Truth, no heart in this humanity was prepared for that. 

In Fatima, though My Most Chaste Mother, through the Miracle of the Sun, a part of this Power of God was shown to the world. Many hearts were converted and they renewed their faith, and this reveals to the world that the Divinity was always present, since the beginning of Creation up until now, and this will always be so. It is a Law, and nothing will change it. 

For this reason, I tell you, companions, in these last moments that I am with you and for you, when Our Sacred Hearts start to return to the Celestial Spheres, this is the most important moment of your lives, when the great decision must be taken. It will not depend on anybody or on any religion, this decision is up to each one of you with Me.

If you have truly learned how to read the events, you can understand, companions, all that your Master and Lord has delivered to you in these last seven years, in which I have walked by your side so that you could feel and understand the Plan of God. 

But humanity still waits for everything to go back to normal. Humanity does not want to recognize the end of the final time. The Bible reveals and expresses it clearly, but do not only hold the teachings that the Bible holds, but fervently ask God to understand its mysteries one day so that you will be prepared, available and conscious to wait for My return. 

In the solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Her Son comes to glorify Her name, Her task and Her mission with humanity, a purpose of great sacrifice, an infinite Love expressed through Her mission, something that was never interrupted because it is eternal and sublime. 

It will be in these last months of work that souls will be able to receive from Our Sacred Hearts the last thing that they need to survive the end of time. I want humanity to know about the end of this time. It is no longer time to conceal this event, but it is time to recognize it, accept it, and above all, live it, just as I am living it for you at this moment. 

The mysteries of My Passion are not only revealed in the Eucharist, but also the signs of My Passion have been the testimony of many souls in the world that throughout the times and generations have offered themselves to live the stigmatization of consciousness, some physically others spiritually. The signs of My Passion in the souls I have chosen are indelible, they have the purpose of the redemption of the suffering, through love and compassion. 

Today I bring the Holy Chalice in My Hands, the chalice that witnessed the sacrifice of the Redeemer, and above it I sustain My luminous Body, the Eucharist, to point out to the world the moment of My Return and the time of the great definition. May religions assume this moment, thus they will allow My Rays of Love and Mercy, that flow from My Heart, to help the world. 

As a request of Jesus, our Lord, let us contemplate, in His Presence and Glory, the Blood and the Body of Christ that today He has within His Hands.

Just as many of the blessed received this Mystery of Love through the Body and Blood of Christ, today I come once again to renew within you and in the whole world, the powerful Grace of conversion and redemption through the Blood and Body of Christ, that today is spiritually poured out upon the world to vivify the souls in divine union with My Spirit, where they will always find the strength of their faith and trust in our Creator. 

Bring the altar here.

The angels gather at this moment around our Glorified Lord to celebrate this offering, that will rise from each sincere heart, in union and love to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and for humanity. 

In the solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the merits of Her sacrifice, maternity and silence, may the souls of the world that are most in need tonight receive the Grace of the spirit, entering My Celestial Church to be bearers of My Peace. 

We can get down on our knees or stand up for this consecration that today, in a solemn way, Our Lord will do for humanity. 

Let us ask Jesus Christ for the Grace of being worthy of participating in the revelation of this Mystery of Love on this day and for all the days to come. Amen.

At the foot of Mount Calvary, where the Tree of Life rose in sacrifice and love, our souls prostrate themselves, just as the angels of the Heavens, to receive the mystery of the compassion of Our Lord. 

Let us contemplate this moment, just as our Lord shows us Mount Calvary and Christ on the Cross, pouring out Blood and Water in a spiritual way to the whole world.

Let us silently, in this moment, in the presence of Jesus, make our act of contrition, an act of penance and reconciliation, recognizing our miseries but finding within ourselves the unfathomable Love of His merciful Heart.

I wish I could stay longer with you, but the end has come and I hope you will understand it one day.

Today, for you and for the world, for those who have faith without seeing, I offer this Sacrament for My Church on Earth, for the Love of My Heart in the souls. 

That night, before being delivered, I took the bread, raised it as an offering to the Eternal Father to be blessed and transubstantiated into the Body of Christ. Afterward, I broke it, and I offered it to My companions saying: "Eat it, because this is My Body, which will be delivered for the forgiveness of our sins". And the Light of My Heart expanded to the world.

We praise you Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you Lord, and we bless You.

After having finished the supper, moments before leaving for the Garden of Gethsemane to experience and recognize the agony of your Master and Lord for humanity up to today, I took the Chalice and, raising it to God, I offered My Blood for His Redemptive Project so that it would be blessed and transubstantiated into the blood of your Redeemer.

Afterward, I offered it to My companions saying: "Take it and drink, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, which will be shed for humanity for the remission of all sins. Do it in remembrance of Me". 

We praise you Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you Lord, and we bless You.

And the Holy Spirit, before Pentecost, entered as Light and Wisdom into My companions so that they would be ambassadors of Peace and servants of the Love of your Redeemer.

Lord's Prayer (in Portuguese)
Lord's Prayer (in English)
May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

"Lord, I am not worthy of You entering under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed. Amen" (repeat three times)

We grant, by means of the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the spiritual Communion, to all those who participated in this moment from different parts of the world. May the communion with Christ and His Spirit grant you peace.

And before leaving the Garden of Gethsemane, in the great solemnity of His Heart, Our Lord said to his apostles:

"Love thy neighbor just as I love you. You cannot go where I am going because I will return to the House of My Father, but a special Grace will always ease your hearts, The Grace of the Holy Spirit, which will be your fortress and confidence to move forward". Today I tell you the same, companions. 

I did not want to leave this place, but My Father has said that it is time. Be a testimony of My Love, even if you are persecuted. Be a testimony of My Peace, even if you are blasphemed. Be a testimony of My Light, even if you are punished, because I tell you, you will be known by your fruit, and a good fruit never dies because it will always blossom, time and again, the Tree of Life. 

Today I rest for a moment in your Hearts to carry onward, just as I have rested and suffered within those who have been stigmatized for the painful wounds of your Master and Lord. 

Keep on giving courage, love and devotion to the Wounds of Christ, because there you will be hidden, and evil will not prevail. 

I bless you and grant you My Peace so that you may live it and share it with the whole world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I bid farewell tonight, listening to a melody that is special to Me: “Corazón vacío” ("Empty Heart").

I thank you.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the Celestial Church comes to your encounter, just adore and be thankful for the Divine Presence.

Today the Heavens open and unite with Earth, embracing all hearts that cry out for Mercy and Pity for all beings.

Today the Celestial Church comes to your encounter, a Church that does not have a religion, that did not begin in this world and does not end in it; a Church that is called this so that you could comprehend that it is a sacred and divine place, the Temple where the Heart of God dwells for all of His children.

This Celestial Church manifests itself every time that you adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus, each time you contemplate It in Eucharist, each time you contemplate It in silence, each time you allow yourselves to love as He loves, when you leave your minds behind, your judgments and your human smallness to enter in the divine greatness. 

The Celestial Church reveals to all beings what they truly are, revels your essences to the great Love of God that dwells within each one of you. It is inside this Church where I aspire for you to be today. I come, once again, to take you beyond all fears, incomprehension and human segregations. I come to elevate you beyond all tests, miseries and difficulties that you go through in these times. Because this, children, was what I learned to do in this world. 

I come to put your hearts into the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because I do not come to the world to bring you to Me. It is not my example that you must imitate but it is the example of My Son, His Love and His surrender. I only followed His steps, and I have come to teach you to do the same.

The time of definition has come for each one of your hearts and, in order to live this, you must elevate your consciousness so that you not get involved with the difficulties of the planet but yet you may be in the Truth and in the Heart of God. 

When Christ took each of His Steps with the Cross, His Consciousness remained in the Celestial Church, and there He adored the Creator, even though they insulted Him, even though He received wounds upon His Body. 

Even though human sadness flooded His Consciousness, His Heart remained in the Celestial Church. His Eyes contemplated the hearts of humanity, but His Spirit would go beyond the miseries. He forgave their ignorance and loved them to the extreme. 

This is what you are called to live today: remain in the Celestial Church, even though the world is agitated, even though nature is agitated and this planet becomes imbalanced, even if the minds of humans live a madness not yet experienced and their actions have no explanation. 

Do not allow, children, that your consciousness become outraged in hatred or evil, but with the heart in the Celestial Church, may you know how to notice the obscurity that influences humans and forgive, love to the extreme, as your Lord did, because it is only this Divine Love that can balance these situations upon the planet. 

Just as the tests will be unknown, an unknown Love also dwells within you, but you must have your hearts within truth, not in human limitations. Do not look to the neighbor with your own eyes, but with the Eyes of God, the God that dwells within you and Who still waits, patiently, since the beginning of Creation, to manifest Himself within His children.

For you to be in the Celestial Church, you must love it, truly love it, love God, love His Plan for all creatures, for all His children, regardless of your path, regardless of your lives, regardless of the way you live them, the way you comprehend them. It is only the love in your hearts that will unite all religions. 

Until the Return of My Son to the world, there will be evil on Earth, but you need to prepare His return through Love. 

When we say that all religions will be united, we say that because the love in the heart of the children of God will make them unite, despite the differences. And there will always be the ignorant, the blind of heart, that will doubt the Presence of God, because these will have to see to believe. And they will see. 

But in all religions, in all the beliefs and in the hearts of those who claim to be atheists, love will pulsate, love will make them go beyond their differences, beyond human comprehension, a love that will overflow from the beings and will not allow them to remain in ignorance, criticism and judgments.

Many have already started to feel this love within themselves, but they are oppressed by the chaos around them, by evil that fears this Divine Love and tries to keep it silent. But today, I tell you, my children, although the Sacred Hearts are in silence, the love within man will speak louder, to the whole planet, about the divine Truth, and souls will hear it, hearts will surrender and those who must awaken, will awaken. 

For this reason, do not fear, but love. 

Stay in the Celestial Church through this love, give testimony to the world that God does not only speak through you, He lives in you, He lives in this place and in all sacred places consecrated by Him to be manifestations of His Kingdom. And even if your mouths become silenced, your eyes will speak; and even if your eyes close, your presence will speak.

Just as My Son said that if the souls stopped acclaiming Him and adoring Him, the stones would, today I also tell you that God lives within you, and He will always speak, and He will even speak through silence because He lives in the air that you breathe.

May those who clamor for peace be united; may those who express the Love of Christ love one another, those who aspire to follow His example and who only wish that the Celestial Kingdom be manifested in the world.

For an instant, feel the Presence of God, of His Celestial Church, His Temple of adoration. Feel that you are before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the one which pulsates, alive in Love, for each one of you. May being before His Presence heal, reconcile and forgive you. 

Feel, children, how this Sacred Heart wants to pulsate within you. He came down from the Cross, revived by Love, and this same Love aspires to enter into each creature of this Earth. Just say yes to Him.

Pray for one another just as I pray for you. Pray for all religions and for those who do not have a religion; pray for the perfect Thought of God for every creature; pray so that His Gifts may be expressed within all beings and so they may not want to destroy one another, but love one another.

When you notice a mistake, pray so that the truth may manifest, and when you are wrong, be thankful for those who pray for you and allow yourself to open your eyes to find the truth once again. 

Do not fear making a mistake; fear remaining in the error, for fear of living love. 

It is not God who separates you from the truth, children. It is each one of you who separates yourselves from it when you fear the unknown, when you fear surrender, when you do not recognize love and fear that it may enter into you and transform you completely. 

Therefore, My prayer for you today is for you to repent and surrender yourselves. Do not be ashamed of correcting your paths, do not be ashamed of madly loving, of knowing the truth and giving it space to manifest itself within you. Thus, surrendered in the Celestial Church, the Sacred Heart of Jesus may finally pulsate within each one of His companions. 

Today I unite to the prayers of all the priests throughout the world, all religions, for all the souls summoned by God to bring Heaven to Earth, for all those whose calling is to manifest for the souls their communion with Christ so that He may enter into all beings.

Thus, I ask you to bring here the altar so that it can be consecrated, and upon it, all the elements may be transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ, so today the Celestial Church may not only be before you, but also within you. Make this offering for all priests in the world, those who are mistaken, and those who fight not to fall into temptation. May they renew their vows today, be forgiven and reconcile themselves with God. Amen.

Today, children, may you clamor for all priests of the world and ask the Celestial Father for the Grace of His Divine Church to manifest in all Tabernacles of the world, and where a priest raises the bread and the wine, there his spirit reconciles with God and finds His Truth, once more. Amen. 

I will accompany you. 

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

We experience, at this moment, once again, the sorrowful Passion of Our Lord and, as Saint Joseph requested of us, through our souls, we are going to enter into the Celestial Church, along with all the angels of the universe, to give testimony of this legacy of love and so that our inner offer, in this day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may be accepted and received by our Creator.

When Jesus was gathered with His apostles, He took the bread, raised it, and gave graces to the Father for this sacrifice that He would live for each one of us, so that this bread could be transubstantiated into His glorified Body. Then, He broke it and gave it to the apostles saying: "Take and eat of it, because this is My Body, that will be delivered by humankind for the forgiveness of sins".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Afterward, Our Lord took the Chalice. Raised it to God and offered His Blood to humanity, and this Chalice was blessed as a testimony of the Love of the Son of God for each one of the souls of Earth. This was how He gave it to His apostles, saying: "Take and drink of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New Covenant, that will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of sins. Do it in remembrance of Me". 

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


In unity with the Holy Trinity, we contemplate and adore the Body and Blood of Christ, and we seal this Sacrament and this offer through the prayer that Our Lord taught us.

(The Lord´s Prayer).

We announce the Peace of Christ on the whole Earth, in unity to the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that all the Rays of His Sacred Heart could be shed upon this planet and in humanity. Amen.

I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. 

May all souls feel, in this moment, the spiritual communion with Christ. Receive, from His Hands, His Body and His Blood, and let His Sacred Heart pulsate within you.

Thus, children, I bless you, strengthen you and I thank you for remaining in God, despite all the difficulties of these times. 

Remember that, despite these tests being unknown, an unknown love also dwells within you, and it can help you overcome all things and renew the Creation of God. For this I bless and thank you.

In the name of the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, for the 81st Marathon of the Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There is no evil that can prevail where I am present, because the triumph of My Heart is a reality in the hearts that open themselves to receive and adore Me. It is there where I place all the Codes and Principles of God for the souls, living in transformation, to reach redemption.

It is in the moment when this happens, when all the souls on Earth, regardless of where they find themselves, by means of this meeting with Me, receive the codes and merits of My Passion and, even more, receive the merits achieved by your Master in the universe, after the Ascension.

Today I come to speak to you from this place of the universe where I find Myself, a revelation that has not yet reached the human race because it is not written in the sacred book of the Bible.

You are in this time, as My servants and apostles, those who should continue with the history of your Master and Lord within the universe so that My Heavenly Church may be closer to the souls thirsty of God, and mainly to those that have not yet found the way out.

Just as you live here, upon the surface of Earth, under governments that are purely human, within the universe there exists a true spiritual Government that leads a great Confederation of consciousnesses that, in pure states of ascension and evolution, live as you do, in the material universe, but on other planes of consciousness, a reality and especially an existence with which this human civilization has very but very slowly made contact.

What is it that I want to tell you by saying this? That life does not end here nor does life starts here. The original life rises from the Universe, from the Source, and as the Source generated life through the Divine Will of the Father, the Eternal Father also decided that there would exist a Universal Government of which you are part, as well as many other consciousnesses that today you cannot see or perceive.

The spiritual Universe is more real than the material universe. Matter is corrupt and it dies, but it is a fundamental vehicle for science and the life of beings to experience that which each soul needs in order to learn and evolve.

This Spiritual Government that exists in the Universe is eternal, powerful and emblematic, because its main and primordial axis is love, which in other peripheries of the system of universal life fulfills all consciousnesses with wisdom and unity.

This Government was taken over by your Master and Lord after the Ascension, and it is from there where I will come to the world, it is from there where I will return to show My true Face, this Face that My apostles came to know, as I told you yesterday.

Through this Universal Government, not only the Laws can be experienced and fulfilled, but everything that is life and vibration is guided and conducted by this spiritual Government.

From this Government, Moses received the Commandments; by this Government, Abraham was inspired to protect his people; from this government, John the Baptist spoke, preached and taught men and women on Earth. And from this same spiritual Government of the Universe, I brought you the Gospel, the parables, for you to understand in a simpler form that which really exists in the universe and is latent. 

Although this government still exists in the Universe, and while humanity still takes much time to enter the real system of the universal life to fulfill the laws and all that comes from this Government, I am preparing, in these final times, for all beings who say they live in Christ and for Christ to become conscious and knowledgeable of this powerful emanation of the Spiritual Government, which your Master and Lord leads and follows closely.

What I want to tell you is that this spiritual Government is the one that sent Me to the world, not only two thousand years ago, but it has also sent Me in this final time so that, through the Divinity and the Spirit of Christ, souls would have the Grace and the opportunity to find the path that many lost throughout recent times.

All consciousnesses of the Universe depend on this spiritual Government and you also depend on this spiritual Government. By not being under this government, humanity is suffering, because it loses the essence of what it really has to do and fulfill.

This spiritual Government inspired the appearance of this race. From the beginning of everything and until recently, this aspiration of the spiritual Government is latent. Now, at this time and at this moment, I call all hearts to enter with their consciousnesses into this spiritual Government that, from the beginning, has been following you and that recently, after 1950, has intervened in the humanity for it to not destroy itself once more as in Atlantis or in Lemuria. This way, the souls have the opportunity to free themselves from their debts and from the chain of addiction, of human errors.

Whoever has their consciousness in the spiritual Government, even without knowing it deeply, but if they enter in tune with It through their hearts and by means of prayer, this is considered by this spiritual Government, in this final moment, in all that this Government will do in the world, especially in the most difficult moment of humanity, a moment that has just begun.

I do not come to speak to you about something abstract, companions, today I come as the spokesman of this spiritual Government that leads this and other universes. It is a special space of the Consciousness of God, where Love is primordial to make big evolutionary decisions and important projects of life, throughout the whole universe.

As Abraham and Moses, this spiritual Government has been revealed to you and has come closer to you, to strengthen the Sacred Project of the people of Israel. Today, through your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, through His Merciful and Glorified Heart, the souls have the essential and spiritual opportunity of being contemplated and considered by this Greater Government, so that not only each one of you may fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to you from the beginning of Creation, but also for you to unite yourselves, at that moment when the spiritual Government of the universe approaches Earth, to be able to assist and help it, at that crucial moment.

This is also one of the last impulses that I bring to you today.

In this spiritual Government there is also My Heavenly Mother and all the consciousnesses that follow Her, for Her to be able to go forward with her planetary task with each one of Her children, with each of the nations, with each of the peoples, with each heart that suffers for not being able to meet God.

It will be this spiritual Government that will intervene once more, on the planet and within humanity, as it has in other times, to try to correct and warn it about that which humanity really needs to fulfill and accomplish, in the name of God; and this goes beyond any religion or belief. It is a spiritual and cosmic situation that directly unites each one of you with the major Source of this spiritual Government.

On the inner planes of the planetary consciousness, in a place not very accessible for any human being, on the top of the Himalayas, the spiritual Government that I lead and conduct has a spiritual base on the planet, to closely lead humanity.

Consciousnesses of wisdom, love and of profound brotherhood gather together in this space, time and again, since 1950 to the present, to guide humanity in the inner planes, for humanity to recognize that it has not only lost its guide through the Law of God, but that it has also lost its inner contact with the Source.

Through the spiritual Government of the universe, today your Master and Lord once more reintegrates, into the depths of the essences, this necessary connection with the Eternal Father. This is not a Grace nor a merit, it is part of a great planetary need so that at least the majority of humanity can be saved and redeemed.

The pillars of knowledge of the truth and loyalty are the fundamental bases for the action of My spiritual Government, and circling these pillars are the great principles of love, wisdom and faith.

At this culminating time, this is possible for the souls who pray to the Source of My Divine Mercy, because most important, companions, is that which the souls need to receive within in order to be able to take forward their commitments with Me.

This spiritual Government will reveal itself to humanity in a form that nobody has ever seen, and the awakening will give an impulse to the human race once more, for it to recognize that which it still needs to experience and accomplish, at this time, for the new Christs to be able to awaken.

Today, under this Consciousness and Wisdom that guides you, you will once more offer Me your spiritual Communion so that I can work once again in humanity, in the place that needs assistance the most, not only spiritually, but also materially, and so, once more they will receive from me the codes of Light that they need to make their lives examples of My Work on Earth.

Before this Spiritual Government that is present through Christ, we are going to empty our beings completely, for the Christic impulses to fill our hearts and to renew the planetary life at this culminating moment of humanity.

Brothers, please, the table.

Through this Eucharistic celebration and through the spiritual Communion that at this moment the souls of the world will be able to experience, I will return to bring to Earth, through My Heart, the pillars of knowledge, wisdom and loyalty.

 We invite you to stand up or to kneel at this moment.

"Father, You have sent Your Son for the souls to learn once more about love and forgiveness. Through the sacrifice lived by Your Son, give this planet and humanity the extraordinary Grace to again recover the meaning and the path of evolution so that, through knowledge, wisdom and loyalty, the souls may awaken to their mission and meaning and reason for having come here, to Earth, in Thy Name. Amen."

When I celebrated the Last Supper, the apostles came to know the spiritual Government through the Communion with Me. This evening was definitely not only for your Master, but also for all humanity through the presence of the apostles.

Today I come to perform the same exercise, with a more expansive consciousness present within everyone, for you not only to remember that I am present in the Body and in the Blood, by means of the bread and wine, but also that I am present in the universe, awaiting the great moment of My Return to humanity.

In this way, I took the bread, offered it to the Father for it to be transubstantiated and sanctified. Then I divided it and gave it to My apostles saying: "Take and eat, this is My Body that will be given to men and women for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.

And the Light of knowledge, wisdom and loyalty entered the apostles, for them to be My representatives on the planet, up to today.

Afterward, I took the Chalice, the one that after My Ascension would then be taken to some other locations of the planet, for the triumph and victory of the Sacred Chalice of the Lord to be shed upon all humanity and on the generations to follow, with the objective and the purpose that, through the Chalice, the first religious order would be born in humanity, and from it many other orders would arise, which I would use to fulfill My Work upon the planet.

I elevated the Holy Chalice for it to be transubstantiated and sanctified. Then I offered it to the Apostles, saying: "Take and drink all of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, that will be shed by your Lord for the forgiveness of the faults. Do this in My memory.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.


The Body and living Blood of Christ.

In union with the Spiritual Government of Our Lord Jesus Christ, let us pray the prayer that He taught us.

Our Father.

Our Father (let us repeat in English).

May the Peace, Love and Wisdom of Christ descend upon Earth.

Lord, I am not worthy of You entering under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed.

At this moment, united to all our brothers and sisters of the world, in their homes, nations and groups, let us receive the Sacrament of spiritual Communion and so, repair the Heart of God.

Let us hear three sounds of the bell.

The form of Light of Christ has entered the souls that opened themselves to commune with the Lord. Amen.

I leave you the Light of My spiritual Government for you to also commune with it, for more souls in the world to learn to experience the powerful love of the Law.

I deeply and internally thank all those who summoned themselves spontaneously to pray for My Divine Mercy, knowing that it is urgent and necessary to pray for the healing of humanity. But remember that, in the days to come and through the Powerful Novena to Saint Raphael the Archangel, the Creator Father will once again enter the planet and the consciousness of humanity in order to take forward the second phase of His spiritual mission.

Unite with Archangel Raphael in this sacred mission.

I bless you under the Light and Wisdom of the Spiritual Government of your Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
