At last I have come to the place where I have been waiting for so long.
Carry on your breast the sign of My Return, because this sign will come from the Universe and nobody will be able to say they will not see it.
I will come for the just and for those who have been unjust, and from there I will reconfigure the Earth, I will repopulate the planet with new gifts, with something that has still not descended from the Universe and will come when I return to the world for the second time.
But so you may see Me again in Glory, first you must feel Me in your divinity.
I must build the new in you, I must sow the new in you, so that in this way, you will be prepared to receive Me for the second time.
Today I am here with the joy of the Spirit of God because of the receptivity of your souls and hearts, because even though you do not understand My Mystery, many of you have adhered to it and that is what makes it possible to expand the Work of My Mercy in the world.
While I speak to you, I purify you. While you feel, I consecrate you and elevate your spirits to the Kingdom of God so I can withdraw you from the superficiality of these times and enter you fully into the Kingdom of My Heart.
Everything you have done today, companions, has been of use so that I may be here among you, accompanying you.
Remember what I told you the last time when I was in Mendoza: that Argentina would live a great test of faith. This test is already happening, but I invite you to not ally with the test itself, but rather with its teaching, so that you may grow inwardly and demonstrate to the Celestial Father that you are understanding the definitive times, beyond the events and the experiences.
I need you to cultivate within yourselves the perfect balm of My Love, which will lead you to Divine Mercy and Peace, so that you may be free of any agitation and agony, and learn to go through the times in this final transition.
In this way, you will be true instruments of the Spiritual Hierarchy, present on Earth; thus you will be able to help your brothers and sisters on the path and all those unknown to you, so that they too may learn to live this final transition.
That is why you must remember your commitment to Me. Although you may have believed you never made it, your souls brought you here today to remind you of that commitment to My Eternal Heart; to fulfill at this time, what is written in the Heart of the Father, within the Universe of His Divine Will.
While My Grace descends to Earth, your spirits are uplifted to the Kingdom of God so that they may awaken in you the sacred talents that I brought you more than two thousand years ago; talents that I will need in these times to carry My Work to the four corners of the Earth.
May your spirits be able to feel the joy of this sacred reunion, of being able to participate in the Cenacle of My Love, in Communion with My Spirit and with My Essence; an Essence that dissolves errors and blame, fears and failures; an Essence that dissolves doubts and misunderstandings.
Feel part of a new spiritual family, the one that lives in the celestial Universe, because even though you are still on Earth, you can be part of it in the communion of your souls with the Spirit of God, where the Sacred Unity is built.
Argentina must be repopulated with brave armies of the Light, unconditional collaborators in the Plan of evolution, who are encouraged to awaken the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood within themselves, so that all of their consciousness is present in these times and participates together with the commands of the spiritual Hierarchy in this rescue plan of the end of times, that operates silently, working in an invisible way in the very depths of the inner worlds of beings.
May your consciousnesses on this afternoon continue to be uplifted.
Raise the Consciousness of Argentina so that the spiritual plane is purified, not only in this city, but also in your whole country, in all of your brothers and sisters, who are also worthy of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because they suffer just like you suffer, because they wait, as do you, for hope.
In this communion, where your spirits are uplifted in plane and consciousness, may a great circle of fraternity that unites the origins and times be created, the essences and the souls with the great sidereal Government, which has given impulse to the manifestation on this material plane and in life throughout time.
May the love for life be constituted again in the spirit of Argentina, so that those who will be born in the coming times may have a place of rest and of love, of gladness and of hope, just as you have had.
This will allow the suffering in Argentina to be alleviated, the social crisis and the uncertainties in hearts.
The new Mercy brings new hope.
The sheep of God are called to follow the Great Shepherd of the end of times, who in His second coming to the world will, reveal His real Countenance, as it was revealed in the height of Mount Tabor, to some of My apostles.
The time of the greatest tribulation will pass, but you must persist, live in faith and practice hope, so that all may be transcended and the most difficult spaces of the planet may be filled by the Christic Light.
I also come for those who most need Me, for those that have this as their only and last opportunity.
Perhaps you will not understand what I say to you with this, but have trust in My Merciful Heart, because the door of My Divine Mercy is still open for those who have condemned themselves in spirit and in soul.
I do not come to seek from you what is imperfect. I come to awaken in you the virtues of God, so that your higher beings may fulfill their mission on Earth and learn to purify and to transform themselves day by day, knowing that the sublimation and the elevation of the consciousness is an tireless work of the true apostle of Christ.
If your lives are converted through My Love, if Argentina accepts My Call, more places of the world will transform, many catastrophes will be avoided, and it will not be necessary for souls to learn through suffering.
My Mercy is inexhaustible and unquenchable.
Sometimes I do not know where to place so much Mercy of My Heart in souls, because the majority does not cry out for it, nor live it.
Today I can pour out My Divine Mercy, because you have cried out for it, and this will have a repercussion in your lives until the next world. Thus the Divine Will will be manifested, and you will participate in eternity after this experience on Earth.
It is your spirits that should fly to the heights while you transform your matter, purify your mind, and uplift your feelings.
Continue onward, trusting in the tributary of My Mercy, and do not tire of calling for Me; because as much as I am not with you in the coming time, My Omnipresence is accomplished where souls call for the Lord.
The Consciousness of the Son of God rose up to the Heavens to continue in His Mission and Task, to summon all those who are self-summoned for the end of times, to carry on with the Work of the Return of Christ and the descent of His Divine and Infinite Mercy.
Believe that on the invisible planes many things happen. It is there where you must focus your attention.
You must learn to perceive, you must learn to intuit what is on the higher planes of consciousness and all the celestial treasures, which can descend not only in your lives, but also on to the planet.
Thus, do not fear to embrace your cross and follow Me, because I can bring relief for your cross, I can dissolve your suffering, transmute your agony when your hearts are sincere with Mine and truly open to My Divine Laws, so that on the surface of this planet the Divine Will may be fulfilled.
Now I invite you, companions of Argentina, and placing your hand on your chest, to feel and find in yourselves the Kingdom of God, beyond what you have lived and what you have felt, what you have suffered or experienced.
Trust in the Kingdom of God that is within you and make it a part of your lives in each moment, so that this inner Kingdom which is in the depths of your essences, may be radiated to the whole world, and especially to your country, deserving of an extraordinary Grace.
Feel this Light that can emerge from within you and feel the Love of God and His Trust.
Strengthen this moment as the one moment of your lives.
Avail yourselves of the Spirit of God that descends through the Voice of His Son to strengthen hearts, to unite souls to the powerful Kingdom of God.
While the doors of Heaven continue to open over Argentina, your spirits are filled by cosmic Laws.
Feel the descent of the Divine Light and the blessing of the Sacred Spirit of God, so like your Baptism and your First Communion.
Kneeling before the Thrones of the Father, let us cry out for Pity, Mercy, and Redemption, so that more souls may be carried to Heaven; so that more spirits live the joy of remaining in the Kingdom of God and in His Glory, forever and ever.
And now that you know what in truth is within yourselves and is eternal, remember your origin, the Source from which you come, the Source from which you emerged to live this school of love and of forgiveness on Earth.
And even though you have the veils over your consciousness, today I remove them, so that you may remember and be nurtured by the Sacred Knowledge of the Stars; a divine impulse that in the name of Light comes to rebuild the planetary consciousness and to heal spirits wounded by the errors of the past.
And now that My Celestial Church has been presented on Earth, the true Church of God that only lives in the Celestial Universe before the Doors of Heaven, may your essences surrender and give of themselves in such an unconditional way, just as I gave myself and I surrendered for you on the Cross, suffering Wound after Wound, drop of Blood by drop of Blood, so that the Love of God could triumph.
In this Love I invite you to immerse yourselves. In this Infinite Ocean I invite you to remain and to live, because it will be this Eternal Love that comes from the Source of Creation that will help you to continue forward, in spite of what may happen or what you may live.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Beginning this ceremony of consecration before the Celestial Church of Christ and of the doors of Heaven, let us intone the names of God, so that Heaven may descend to Earth through the Love of Our Master.
We may stand up.
Each one of us at this moment, at the request of Christ, in the silence of your heart, will make your offering to God, not only for yourselves, but for Argentina, and will place at the Feet of Christ your petition so that it may be contemplated and heard by the Eternal Father.
May the elements that the Father created for this material Universe be blessed, and sublimate the energies so that the Purpose may be realized.
They sing the Names of God.
Two thousand years ago I taught something very simple: it was to wash the feet one for another, so that you would not only be purified of your suffering and pain, but so that humility would incarnate in souls, so you would be able to recognize the Sacred Countenance of God.
May those who today will wash their feet and also purify their souls be able to recognize in themselves the Merciful Countenance of God, which appeases all justice. Amen.
In the river Jordan, My Cousin John blessed you with water, but I bless you with the Spirit of God, so that your consciousnesses may be consecrated and uplifted in constant sacrifice and reparation.
May these elements be impregnated with the Light of Love, so that the soul may be sanctified, find peace again, and the relief it so much seeks. So may it be.
Christ calls up an auxiliary sister.
I have waited for this moment so that you may receive My Blessing, because for God everything has its timing.
Whoever trusts and persists, recognizes the Will of God, is part of His Divine Grace.
Today My Spirit blesses you together with the angels of Heaven because of your unconditional service to humanity.
More than two thousand years ago, I taught you to share the bread so that you could have eternal life. I taught you to share My Blood so that you could learn to purify your lives.
Today the Lord of the Universe makes this offering for Argentina, so that its purpose may be established again and find at the end of times the joy of living in the sublime Spirit of God.
At that time, I took the bread, gave thanks to God and He blessed it. Then I gave it to My Apostles, saying to them: Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be surrendered for you for the forgiveness of sins.
I took the Chalice of Salvation and in that time I said to them: Take and all drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood and the New Covenant, which will be spilled for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Always celebrate this in Remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.
May the Body and the Blood of Christ be a reason for reparation and the healing in souls, joy and hope for the coming times.
We take each other's hands.
Our Father...
Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Let us repeat:
Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Also in that time, I taught you to love through a very simple but profound gesture for the life of Spirit.
Today in My Ascension to Heaven I ask you to fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Pray so that the Kingdom of God may descend upon the Earth and His Celestial Church may be established and manifested in all the churches of the world, revealing the divine spirituality and renewing the spirits who persevere in the search of a true faith.
Pray to raise your consciences and hearts to the Heart of God and find there the wonders of His Kingdom, in order not to lose the love in your hearts.
Pray for the priests of this world, for those who have lost the Grace of God and who no longer attract His Presence, but who have become instruments of darkness and of perdition, destroying the celestial treasures that the Father has granted them for their redemption and salvation.
Pray for the priests who make an effort to reach the grace to stand firm in their vocation, and which, day and night, are tested not to serve God, but to fall into the temptations of the world.
Pray for the religious of this Earth, consecrated to the Plan of the Creator in the different congregations and true spiritual lineages, hoping to be a light in the darkness of the world so that it is not lost and there can be a day worthy of the presence of the Celestial Kingdom.
Pray, my children, for it is the time for the deepest sins in the human consciousness to come to the light, and many will succumb into darkness, leaving aside the graces they once received to manifest the Kingdom of God.
It is time to wash yourselves in the pure waters of the end of times, which makes you transparent before God and before the world, so that, recognizing your weaknesses and sins, you repent and return to your paths.
The time has come for the definition of the planet, because soon there will be only two Laws acting on Earth: Justice and Mercy. Justice will be given to those who define themselves for it, and Mercy to those who open to it, surrendered in the truth of their hearts.
Pray for the souls not to be afraid or ashamed of repentance; do not be afraid or ashamed to ask for or to grant forgiveness.
Pray for all to have the courage to see themselves transparent and yet surrender before God, so that He makes you new and renews you in His Grace; so that you may be witnesses of His Piety to the world and, holding in your hearts the Divine Mercy, you multiply it in selfless service to others.
Pray for the Humanitarian Missions and for all those who will open their hearts to the missionary spirit, so that they may receive the opportunity to awaken and to redeem their faults through service. And pray for all those who will be served and who will receive the help of God through their fellow beings, so that they may see the flames of love, hope and faith awakened in their hearts again, which was disappearing from their spirits through suffering and darkness.
Pray, My children, for this planet, so that, despite all purification and all tests, these times may be the preparation of a new time.
As humanity will purify and cleanse themselves to be others, surrendered to God in His Grace, may this planet also purify and cleanse itself, and always count on firm spirits who, in prayer, will sustain it, so that one day it may be worthy to be the cradle of a new life, a life that will express the truth and resemblance to the Kingdom of God.
After all is fulfilled, the Earth will be worthy to receive a new name, reborn in Christ and under the Grace of the Spirit of God. The whole planet will enter the time of eternity, where the hours will not be counted.
When all has passed, My children, and love has triumphed in the hearts of those who persevered, being peacekeepers, this peace will expand beyond their hearts and reach the horizon of the stars, the firmament in the Universe, returning to settle where you did not even know it was lost.
Pray, then, so that souls may have this goal in their hearts and that, in the face of all the tests, do not forget it and do not lose sight of it.
You will see upon the world unbelievable accomplishments and events, but today I will tell you, My children, that even greater than all of this, there will be the triumph of the Plan of God which will succeed these events. Thus have faith, pray and persevere.
As My Voice speaks in the world, I will help you and accompany you always. And by revealing to you the celestial mysteries, I will teach you to attract the Truth to the Earth and to live it.
I bless you and thank you for carrying forward this Plan of Love and of Peace.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Prologue of the Booklet of Poems of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
That someday, My followers, you may be fully encouraged to imitate this soul, not only in the sweetness of its words but also in the way of living them, one by one.
I would like you to be so similar to this soul, in devotion, purity and sincerity because, beyond the imperfections of life and of human appearances, in the depths of each being there is an inner Christ capable of conducting your lives and your souls towards My Celestial Church.
I hope to listen to poems so similar to these, yet at the same time simple and true, that may spring from your hearts so that one day I may be able to rescue that which your souls could give Me internally while praying and speaking to Me with the transparency of heart.
I encourage you to be part of this legacy of the redeemed who, having gone through great confirmations, unexpected challenges and extensive tests, confirmed themselves, day by day, to My Sacred Heart.
I need that, finally, the new Christic legacy of each heart in transformation may be available for its Master and Lord.
May each heart that is encouraged to talk to Me like this precious soul be able to express the love and inner reverence that it feels for Me. Thus, I will be able to gradually manifest on the surface of the Earth the new brotherhood of Christs.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Place in My Heart what you need most.
Open your heart to receive My Mystery, the deepest revelation of My Love for you, and quench the thirst of your spirit from the Fount of My Heart.
Shelter yourselve in My Mantle in the harsh winters of the desert.
Warm your soul with My Fire and transform all doubts into Light.
Remove from your interior everything that weighs on you and hold me tight to feel My Strength.
Abandon me, but not as you think.
Embrace me with joy so that I may empty you.
Dissolve from your interior everything that does not want to be transformed yet.
Take refuge in Me and feel the joy of living in God.
Leave the world and enter into Me, because in this way you will know what I need, so you will receive what I have saved for you, and your soul will vivify the greatness of being in God and receiving His Kingdom, from time to time, without limits or forms.
I want you to deposit in My Heart what you still do not understand, I want you to remove from you what you still do not accept, because all that you live is what you have cultivated in your life, nobody has responsibility in that.
Everything you experience is part of a transformation, just as I transformed the human condition.
When I ask you to abandon Me, it is not for you to leave me, but so that you surpass Me in love, because someone must do something greater than what I did.
And I will stop being your Master when you have learned what the Universe needs, and in this way, you will open the door so that new masters are able to guide you, who exist in the Universe and are part of My Brotherhood.
Until you reach the great Avatar, you must go through many masters, because many schools are experienced in the souls that choose to follow me.
Never miss the opportunity to learn and to grow, in the sincerity of the works, in the purity of the feelings.
Never miss the opportunity to learn and to grow, in the sincerity of the works, in the purity of the feelings.
Great Masters wait to guide humanity. Their Silence is already eternal, but it is time for them to speak to bring the great revelation, in the end of these times.
They know their dwelling places. They obey My Principles and thus unite with all the Laws. They live in perfect harmony with the three planes of consciousness: spiritual, mental, and material, and are part of that great chain of Light that vibrates in the heights of the Universe, in the heavenly vault of the Hierarchy.
They have intervened many times in humanity. Many in the East and some in the West.
The mastery of the great Masters is sovereign because their essence is based on Love-Wisdom.
Each one comes from a special sphere of the Universe, each one has emerged from a great experience they had in recent times.
They are the masters of loyalty and of wisdom.
They make up one of the seventy-seven Wills of God and in their inner world envisage the expression of one of the Holy Names of God, Adonai.
For the Masters, Knowledge emerges from the Source of Wisdom.
Service for the Universe makes them humble and resigned, in likeness to the Master of Love. They have prepared for this planetary moment and have visited the world many times, to learn about the existence of this humanity and what My Father has conceived of for this human Project
And so, you are all part of a story that is being written in a Sacred Book; you are part of a story that tries to be corrected, aligned, and be united with the Universe.
The Masters are emanations of Love-Wisdom and they know through their experience, the christic life.
They were in Shambhala and then in the heights of Peru.
They know all human history, so similar to the palms of their hands, or the lines on their faces.
Wisdom has been achieved by them; It is the fruit of the Love of God, because they try to carry forward His Will: holy, full and peaceful.
They will come to the aid of those who say ‘yes’, no matter where your find yourselve or where you are. They will meet you to take you to the Truth.
They have been designated by the Eternal Father, through the Archangels who created them, to help the humanity at the end of these times, to safeguard the Project of God, as well as the Father once protected you through the incarnation of his Divine Son in the humble manger of Bethlehem.
They had knowledge of My Birth, they honored My Presence and bowed down before the Son-God; there they were initiated for this moment, for this transition of the Earth and this change of cycle in humanity.
Now they will call everyone by their origins and thus awaken the talents of Creation, they will teach deeper things than what I have taught because they already live them, they are part of them.
They have something inextinguishable on their breasts. With their hand they trace the line of the Brotherhood. They are known for their wisdom and discernment.
Any humanity existing in the universe knows who they are, because they emanate what they truly are and what they have transcended throughout time, everything that has unified them in the great chain of the Confraternity.
They know the planet because they have contemplated it many times and they know about the history of this civilization.
In essence, they know what God thought of in the beginning and today they work in silence and in harmony in order to be able to support the ardent desire of God in humanity, that the men and women of the Earth come to know true happiness, which is not physical, but internal.
I Am one of those Masters of Wisdom and I have been present in the East as well as in the West.
Through My Words I am revealing to you a story written in the Mirrors, something that is being refracted to Earth at this time through the doors of the Universe that are open.
Aurora welcomes this information and this knowledge, and all internal beings prostrate themselves on the ground, for being in front of the Source of Wisdom, which has manifested many times in the world and in their humanity through the Masters who have incarnated to teach the true essence of Love and the Sacred Spirit of Unity, which is something that comes from the Eternal.
Today, the Lord of lords and the Master among masters brings you the synthesis of everything experienced on Earth and the loving contributions of Love that have come through the Masters to this humanity.
That is why there is still time to be able to rescue the world, even if the abysses are shaken in the world. Mercy is leading souls to redemption.
Receive this knowledge and remember it. This story is to be found in the memory of your cells, this legacy is in the depths of your spirits.
In truth, you are something totally different from what you truly believe you are.
The Masters will gather their disciples together and will emit their great summons to humanity.
Different races and people will be assembled and they will all be gathered together for prayer, when the world is in its great definition and the moon will be clothed again in the color of blood.
From Mars will come help, and relief will come from Venus.
The Moon will be a witness to that moment, because its aspect will be completely transformed, as it never was transformed before. At that moment everything will have been said, the Masters will already be present on Earth to guide the last tribes that were self-summoned.
At that time no color, race, or nation will exist, all will be recognized by what is inside of them.
Thus, in this moment let the great Master polish you, for the Light within you must shine again.
Recognize the Master that you have so long searched for within you and carry out your great mission on Earth, because you will be called to serve in unexplainable situations and in climactic moments of humanity.
There is when I will see My Church emerge from the depths of hearts and My Word will be alive in you, My Fire will be eternal in each one of you, and that will move you to live the Plan.
Transform humanity with your acts of love, redeem the Earth with your examples of peace, and thus, with My own Eyes I will be able to see the New Christs emerging from the imperfections and the miseries, transformed by the Fire of the Holy Spirit, colonizing the Earth with new attributes, carrying the message of the great revelation and being carriers of peace.
For this reason, do not let yourselves be carried away by any message other than Mine. You must have discernment in the moment of hearing, that makes you grow in the Truth and will have you mature in Love.
In My Words are kept the vibrations of your destiny. Happy are those who adopt them and live them because they will be transformed and will not allow themselves to be defeated by anyone.
Be intelligent and you will be able to live the Plan.
If I am here, it is because the Plan continues, otherwise, I would not be here and the Plan would not be fulfilled.
Follow the Law of the Hierarchy and you will be in the necessary protection.
Those who are not here is because they have not understood Me, but I will be the one who will judge them.
Now it is time to move forward and to advance.
There are still souls that die without seeing the Light, there are still hearts that do not receive love, I am still in sick bodies, that need healing.
I am still in the world waiting for you to recognize Me in the one who has been forgotten, in the brother or sister who is imprisoned, in the heart that has closed, out of fear and apprehension.
I give you the authority to love the world much more than I loved it, I still hope that you can take that great step.
The Kingdoms of Nature still wait to be more loved.
The New Christs will not just be human, the Creation that already exists will also be able to be the new Christic life on the planet, completely redeemed and healed by the hands that give of themselves to serve it, and the hearts that surrender to love it.
The planet waits for your unconditional love and for your great awareness in support of its restoration.
Everyone has a place to serve and to be able to grow in love. That is why My Arms are open for all, and My Heart is expanded for all. It offers itself as a refuge for your redemption, for the dissolution of doubts and blame, of the misunderstandings and incomprehension.
Whoever is in Me, will be in the Light of God and will be able to renew yourselves until achieving your great awakening.
Closing the doors of universal knowledge, I open the doors to the sacramental ceremony, so that the celestial Church may descend and the Sacred Will be carried out.
The time is coming when you must review My Words many times, because I will no longer be able to continue speaking to you.
All I have given you is all that I Am, but there is still to be revealed the great mystery of the Son of God, of Who He truly is. When I returns to the world for the second time, there you will get to know this revelation, and everyone will be aware of this.
Let us be immersed in the Celestial Church.
Let us adore the Sacred Heart of the Father, let us glorify His Name together with the angels of heaven, so that souls may merge into your pure and original essence. Amen.
We can stand up for the consecration.
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ that always renews you, unconditionally offered for the healing of souls and as a balm of peace for all hearts. Happy will be those who avail themselves of Them in this Sacred Sacrament of the altar.
Lord, I am not worthy of You entering my house,
but one Word from You will be enough to heal me.
Our father...
Please come up here, Guissepe, Luci, and Mateus.
May Your Power, Father, descend through My Body so that souls may vivify the wholeness of Your Spirit.
Father, may Your Grace descend through My Blood, so that souls may be washed of everything and be reborn in the sublime Fire of Your Love. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will go to Heaven with My task accomplished, full of the love of those who are self-summoned in My Name, carrying this experience of transformation to the Thrones of God, so that He may contemplate it in His infinity of Grace and of Mercy.
And now, in the name of love and of sacred unity, you will give each other the greeting of peace so that peace may expand to the Earth.
I thank you for having been with Me on this special anniversary.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Germany needs to re-consecrate itself to My Immaculate Heart, so that it may receive more Graces than the ones I bring to you today. But today I will carry to Heaven and in My Heart the breath of love of My children, which is what makes Me return to the world again and again.
This is why I am here, My children, so that the breath of the love of your hearts may reach not only Germany, but also the places that are most in need of the Love of God.
It is this Love so deep and real that will redeem your hearts and lives, that will have you understand the Mysteries of God, so that someday you may learn to fulfill His Will.
Today I have felt this love from your hearts, from each heart that is present, that has confessed their love for My Immaculate Heart to Me.
I wish, My children, for you to always remember this, for it is what will dissolve even more the mistakes that Germany committed in the past.
It is this love that will cause you to love the Universe even more, so that someday you may be participants in all that is guarded in the essence of Universal Life.
It is this love that will cause you to love everything unconditionally, that will awaken you to the service for those most in need; because the main reason for service here in Germany is for those who suffer spiritually, despite having everything and never lacking anything.
Although it may not seem so to you, My Children, spiritual suffering is greater than material and human suffering, for there is nothing that can dissolve it, except the Love of God, which again and again must emerge from your essences so that this Love may fill your lives and spirits, and in this way, fill the planet that is so in need of the Love of God in order to continue forward in these defining times.
Today the laws of transmutation have acted in a different way, because first you have donated the love of your hearts and surrendered to an unknown and invincible Will.
It is this Divine and Infinite Will, based on the Love of God, that has brought Me here to Germany, to bring to your hearts what is renewing and good so that, from your families and peoples, you may learn the new values of spirituality, based on the attributes that My Immaculate Heart offers to you for these times.
Through the path of service and of prayer, My children, through the Communion with Christ and the daily confession of your hearts to the Supreme Creator, is where you will find the keys to transform everything because, My children, you will learn to live the spirituality that God had planned from the beginning for Germany and Europe.
Therefore today, My children, a new cycle begins and your hearts are participants in this Grace that I bring to you; a Grace that will try to lead you into a further awakening and an awareness of all that God needs for this time and your humanity.
My children, the task here in Germany has only just begun. The soil has been prepared, the Shepherd has sown it and Mother Nature has watered it, so that new principles of brotherhood and of light can sprout here, which will help to dissolve the past and to heal hearts from all suffering.
Therefore, My children, first you must believe in the love that is in you and within you. Open yourselves to discover God's Universe of Love within, and prayer will be the basic pillar of your lives in order to find it. Because with this daily communication with Heaven, your Guardian Angels will help you find the path of love, in order to finally find the path of the truth that you need so much to know and understand, through what happens in your lives day by day.
So today, I not only stretch out My Hand for you to hold it tightly, My children, so We can unite Heaven and Earth, the Universe of God and the souls, but I also offer you My maternal Heart so that, through the Fire of My Spirit, new gifts may enter into you at this moment, and this may expand beyond your lives and your nation. Because whoever experiences the call of the Celestial Mother will learn to live the Will of God in these difficult times.
Therefore I invite you to generate among yourselves, children of Germany, an unbreakable unity that will help to foster Peace in the inner worlds and that will bring renewal to your lives and to all of your people.
Today I am here before you, as the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, to invite you so that, by means of your consecration on this day, group prayer may be the keynote for your lives; prayer that can heal the deep levels of the souls of Germany that are still suffering the consequences of the past and the present.
Today I offer Myself to you as the Mother of Prayer, so that you may enter into My eternal school, so that together with the Angels of Heaven, you may form this new school of prayer, which on very silent and deep levels, is not only able to transform Germany, but also Europe, which needs it so much.
With this answer that your hearts have given Me to experience today's consecration, and also for those who have come from other nations to consecrate themselves, My wish, My children, is that you be able to perceive the fire of your faith that, although unknown, must always lead you to concretize the Will of God in your lives and in the nations to which you belong.
This is My message to you, My children: I wish you to be ambassadors of peace and that you foster peace through good actions, fraternal actions, peaceful actions, that may renew your consciousnesses and all those who receive this service from you.
The greatest spiritual service for the groups of prayer in Germany will be the assistance through prayer and the invocation of the Divine Mercy of My Son for all of My Children who need to receive an opportunity in these final days.
Today I will leave here, My children, finalizing and fulfilling a Mission, which you have experienced together with Me in these last months and in which all were led to collaborate out of love and brotherliness, so that Europe could receive the Graces it so much needed.
There is still much work to be done, My children. Belgium and Denmark also hope for My help someday, as well as Russia, which is in need of a great deal of Mercy.
But if the pillars of the groups of prayer are first founded in Western and Eastern Europe, they will create the necessary conditions, My children, for the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers to reach those places in the world that are also in need of Mercy.
As from now, My children, we are preparing for this moment, as well as to carry the peace and love that you have received to Asia and Oceania.
At this moment, before the Celestial Church of Christ, which opens from the Spiritual Universe, the Mother of Heaven and of Earth, the Virgin of Schoenstatt, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, invites Her children who are consecrating themselves today, to approach this altar blessed by Christ in order to experience this important moment of the consecration of their souls to My Immaculate Heart.
As from this moment, let the hymn of your consecration begin to be heard.
You, My children, have determined before My Immaculate Heart to form part of this first army for Germany, which will also unite Austria and Switzerland in this divine and special triangulation for the triumph of the three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, who from this moment, in the name of God and of His Divine and Invincible Project, have offered Themselves to these three nations in order to carry out an important moment of conversion and of redemption for this part of humanity, forming glad and joyful groups of prayer that can forever carry in their hearts the Love that I will give you today.
The children who will consecrate themselves today, put your hands in a sign of reception.
As the Virgin of Schoenstatt and the Lady of the most Holy Rosary, receive from My Maternal Heart this Grace for which you have waited so long in your lives, so that this Grace may multiply and reach the hearts that suffer the most, by means of your commitment in this life of consecration to the service of prayer for humanity.
May the Lord pour out His Gifts upon you and make you partake of His Mercy.
May the Lord always make you feel His trust and plenitude, so that thousands of souls in Germany may receive the impulse of awakening through your devotion and dedication to a life of prayer, so that the Holy Rosary, a powerful weapon against evil, may be instilled in your hearts and in the world and renew the times on this planet.
You may place your hands on your heart and thank God for this day of consecration to the Maternal and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Remember that I will always hear you, that as Mother and Servant of God I will listen to your prayers, which will especially emerge in this time from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Today I consecrate you as a spiritual family so that the three Sacred Hearts may be present in you and in your nations.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Today you will take these roses that I am consecrating as the testimony of My Love for you, of an eternal and invincible Love, of a Love that understands and accepts, of a Love that does not question, nor judges. Of a Love of My Heart that embraces, that heals and that redeems, because it is God through My Heart in your lives forever.
I thank you for having responded to My call.
May peace always be found here in Germany.
So be it.
Now I come from a place many do not know, a place where I was once received and from where I shall return to the world. You may know it as the House of the Father, the Celestial Source or the Universe.
I come from the Heart of this Universe, which has offered Itself to gestate life and Creation, so that all souls could live an experience of true and attainable love; so that souls could live an experience of redemption and of forgiveness.
I come from that Heart that pulsates in the center of the Universe and from where the Father sends Me to the world to proclaim His Word of Salvation and of Light, in order to bring you the impulses you need so that your consciousnesses may awaken to the true reality that emerges from the Heart of the Universe.
Today I show you My Face of Universality.
I am the One Who was among you more than two thousand years ago.
I am the One Who has risen, Who suffered for you and Who offered Himself to you out of love, a love that is still not known.
Behold the One Who ascended to the Heavens and Who is close to the Celestial Father to let you know the immensity of His Mercy, the great goodness of His Eternal Soul, the Infinity of His Love for each one of the creatures that have arisen from this Universe to live an experience of love and a great opportunity of forgiveness.
The history of humanity has not ended yet, nor has its past been dissolved. The Universe still needs to heal humanity and, for this to be possible, you must first heal your hearts, so that afterwards the world may be healed and finally redeemed.
With My Universal Message, I come to remove you from the superficiality of these times, from the ignorance of these times, from that which separates you from Truth and Love.
I do not wish to institute a new church in you. I wish to institute in your hearts My eternal Celestial Church, which is invisible, higher and infinite before the eyes of humankind.
Believe, companions, in the fountain that exists within you, in the universe that exists within you and that no human will be able to take from you.
I invite you to reconnect with the spirit of My Universality because, if you contemplate the Universe, you will contemplate Creation and you will attain the purpose of your lives.
I need New Christs who may feel like My Heart and My Soul do; who may know the immensity of My Works, which go beyond all churches of the Earth.
For I ascended to the Heavens for you and I come from Heaven for you, to reveal to you My new Task and the purpose the Celestial Father has placed in My Merciful Heart.
Therefore, I invite you to open your consciousnesses for you to know that I am more than Jesus, a humble man who came to the Earth to teach you about love and the importance of instruction for your lives.
Overcome the limits of matter. As you open your consciousnesses, your hearts will feel My Presence and you will know the place I come from is a special place for everyone, where all may commune with this precious Divine Energy which offers Itself from time to time, which reveals Itself from cycle to cycle so that souls may recognize the Will of God.
Do not see the Father as a judge. See the Great and Eternal One in the infinity of His Mercy. Recognize within yourselves the attributes He delivered to you out of love. Sacred Gifts of His Spirit which must awaken your talents, so that like many men and women of the Earth, you may feel encouraged to serve Him fully, experiencing service with joy and with deep bliss in your hearts.
I come from that place of the Universe so that you may know I am more than a Nazarene, and that I came here to the Earth just as I come at this time to take you to the Universe of My Truth.
In the Universality of My Heart, which you can find, you will have no restrictions or limits, because that which comes from the Source and which is in the Heart of the Son of God, invites souls to experience the Projects of the Father and to accomplish them on this planet through the donation of souls.
I invite you, companions, to find My Divine Spirit beyond forms and religions; for I come from a higher place that conceived the great opportunity for the world of bringing Love and Redemption to the Earth, so that all followers of My Heart might someday become witnesses of My Presence and of My Word.
Thus, I do not come to evangelize you, nor do I come to compromise you. I come to bring you the message of awakening, for this world and this humanity must come out of the inertia in which they have placed themselves, in order to experience their great transformation in the name of the whole Universe and of all of Creation.
Encourage yourselves to take this step and do it beyond My Name. Do it for the whole Universe, for the sake of the true experience of love that you have had in other times, and which I bring you today for you to remember it and, thus, awaken.
You are not here on this planet only for a human experience. You are a part of a Purpose and of a great Infinite Plan, which was thought and meditated by the Source and delivered to the great Archangels of Creation who, in the name of Love and of the Sacred Unity, have gestated the projects in all universes and especially within the inner universe of each being.
Therefore, recognize your filiation with the Heights. I do not ask you to become religious. I ask that your lives be redeemed and converted according to My Message, so that the Attributes of God may emerge in your hearts.
From that place of the Universe, I come to help the world, and I do not stop for those who have remained behind. I go ahead for those who accompany Me. Each soul will have its moment before Our Lord and this is something irrefutable.
Thus, with the awareness I bring you and with all the Love that I give you, establish this alliance with the Universe and continue to uplift your consciousnesses, not only through service or prayer, not only through fraternity and consideration, but also through the awakening of the consciousness to that which every being on this planet has truly committed to accomplish in the name of Creation, for the redemption of this race and the purification of this planet, for the establishment of a new and sacred humanity in communion and in alliance with all Kingdoms of Nature.
In this way, the history of this suffering humanity will change forever if more consciousnesses respond to My call; if more consciousnesses feel encouraged to search within themselves for the richness of their inner universe, which is a memory that cannot be erased.
I need, companions, that you discover within yourselves what you truly are, thus you will also help build the new times and will bring to the world the peace and the love it needs so much, so that many more souls, just like you, may be encouraged to take new steps into the sacred commitment with the Creator.
As you seek the union with your inner universe, you will be in communion with the Higher Universe and the laws in your lives will change, and you will learn through love and joy. Thus you will be My witnesses by means of the transformation of your lives.
Nevertheless, there are some consciousnesses in this time who fear to take such a step, preferring to remain in their resistance and in themselves, in order to not change. Souls believe they must suffer in order to be transformed; yet, the Law I bring you from the Universe is completely the opposite.
Feel encouraged to cross the portal I once crossed, accepting the Will of the Father and accomplishing It on the Earth according to His sacred designs from the Source.
By means of My Words and of the Universe that today I bring to all of you, I dissolve the past of Austria, the deeds of suffering and of pain, so that, through the rebirth of the Flame of Faith and the trust in the divine, souls may be encouraged to give a great "yes" to the Universe.
All of humanity is before a great choice that could change the course of events. Therefore, just as it happened more than two thousand years ago, but now in all places of the world, I come to call My flocks that come with different experiences, cultures, languages and deep histories that I come to transform and to sublimate in the Presence of the Living God, alive through the Son and His Heart.
Let us celebrate this moment when the Higher Universe enters the inner universe of hearts in order to dissolve suffering and the past, and to revive the joy of being in communion with the Heights.
Be participants of this moment, not only through the Sacraments, but also through the inner union of each one of your essences with the Son of Love.
The altar shall be blessed in order to deepen even more the inner union of hearts with the Creator, and also for His resplendent Angels to descend to the Earth bringing Grace, Forgiveness and Mercy through transubstantiation, a Law which is fulfilled today in the hearts that commune with Love.
Unique and powerful Source of the Universe, which has created everything that exists and everything that vibrates and which makes Itself present in the inner universe of each being; descend now to the Earth, so that souls may be liberated from error and may be reborn in the power of Your Glorious Love. Amen.
For the sake of the water that flowed out from My Side, may this water of conversion and of redemption spring as an immaterial source in the hearts that are opened to commune with My Spirit. Amen.
Those who have their feet washed today will be released from the past and will be granted a Grace for the merits attained by My Heart. Amen.
We offer You, Universe, the Sacrament of Redemption, so that the creatures of this material Universe, which vibrate according to Your purpose and understanding, may receive Your cells of Light, subtle and immaterial vibrations that transform the depths of beings, so that Your Will may be fulfilled.
The Immaterial Source of Love that comes from the Universe, incarnated as a human to witness the greatness of Love and of Redemption to the world.
The Immaterial Source delivers the Body and the Blood of Christ to you so that your cells may receive the impulses and merits that the Redeemer has attained.
Therefore, today I remind you of the Legacy that has been recorded in the memory of the planet for more than two thousand years.
Eat and drink of the Body and Blood of Christ, in order to commune with the universal legacy which God has expressed by means of His Son.
Behold the Living Love amidst men and women of the Earth. Blessed will be those who commune with It, in order to receive the Grace from the Source and the Mercy from the One and Only.
So be it.
Our Father...
This is the One Who gave Himself for you and Who will continue to give Himself. Blessed will be those who participate of the communion with the Immaterial Source. Amen.
May Peace be established in Austria and in Eastern Europe so that hearts may awaken to the call from the Source, in order to renew the times, to change forms, to rekindle spirits and to rejoice hearts.
In the name of the Source of Love and of the Center of this Universe, I give you Peace, for you to be peace, for you to radiate peace, for you to carry the Peace of My Heart to those who most need it.
God bless on this day, by the intercession of His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, all those who listen to My Word.
Receive the Peace and the Mercy of God.
In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for responding to My great Universal Convocation.
Now you may give one another the greeting of Peace.
I thank you!
Eighth day of the Novena
By bringing to My infinite Mercy the souls who agonize or suffering in their spirits, I will be able to help and repair them in the Source of My Love.
The souls who are sick in their bodies or who are living inner sorrows are those who most need My unfathomable Mercy, because within the Ocean of the Mercy of God they will find the spiritual comfort they need.
It is in this way that through those who invoke the Mercy of My Heart I can reach the consciousnesses that you least imagine and thus the wonders of My Spirit can be accomplished in all those souls.
To have devotion to the Divine Mercy is to accept the primordial tablet of salvation so that the Kingdom of God may be manifested in humanity and this sacred Kingdom may manifest the designs of the Divine Will.
To love My Mercy is to seal the true commitment to My Heart, regardless of the circumstances.
Ninth day of the Novena
And after having implored from the heart for the Divine Mercy, the Lord of the Universe, with all the power of His Grace and Piety, will pour out His unfathomable Mercy upon the whole Church of the Earth, especially upon those souls who for different reasons, experiences and circumstances have offended the Name of the Lord with their committed actions.
You will continue to place all of them within the Universe of the Mercy of My Heart, so that they may represent Me as true and righteous ambassadors and apostles of peace in these times.
The power of My Mercy, in the fullness of Justice, will reveal what remains hidden within My Church, so that, finally, by the strength of the prayer of all, it may be purified and dignified before the Presence of the Heavenly Father.
During these nine days the Lord of Mercy not only worked with Poland, but also reached the souls who suffered many forms of moral and inner pain.
Thus the power of My Mercy granted salvation to all those who needed it most urgently.
I thank you for praying to the Mercy of My Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
After more than fifty years, I return to Kraków to bring Peace to the world and grant Mercy to humanity.
I am here for this reason, and I have asked you to be here with Me so that souls may be freed from suffering; a suffering that stopped being historical and changed into a millennial suffering.
That is why I have brought you toward the Fount of My Divine Mercy, because I need you to go deeper into it, that you come to know it more, that you are able to penetrate more with your consciousness, because the world still needs it.
But today I brought you to a more difficult scenario, to one of the most difficult scenarios of humanity. This is why I condescended to descend here so long ago, just as My Mother did in Fatima, to have the world know what God thought and felt. But humanity has still not understood Our message, because it has not truly heard Our message.
This brings delays to the awakening of humanity. For that reason, I have returned here to Poland, through this Work, so that you may know that My Work of Mercy is a single Work, born from the same Essence and from the same Source, of which the world must come to know, not only invoke and ask.
While I am present here with you, I am present with My children of Poland and of all Eastern Europe, because I am already opening the paths with My Divine and Paternal Consciousness in order to reach Asia and Oceania.
Preparing the foundations through the Fount of My Mercy, the Work of Redemption will be able to be carried out and will be developed with the unconditional help that many have given so that Poland could receive this special opportunity.
Thus, today I am stopping the story about what has happened; that is to say, I am dissolving the human suffering, which has been registered in the consciousness of the men and women of all of Poland.
Through My Fount I come to dissolve suffering, I come to grant peace and to bring hope to hearts, knowing that there is still much to do in this humanity.
So today I am presenting Myself to you as the Lord of Mercy, but also as the Lord of Grace, as the Lord of Piety, the Lord of Love, since these attributes are the ones necessary for this moment and for what the brothers and sisters of Poland need, knowing that their own faith has saved them.
It is that faith that is so ardent, so real and pure that has allowed this Grace, that your Master and Lord of the Universe returns to Earth, returns to the place where He opened the Fount of His Divine Mercy, so that not only everything could be regained, but also so that souls receive what they need at this moment.
We are at an important time in the Universe, in the Church and in humanity. The Lord of Mercy comes to meet you, not only to erase the past, but also to have spirits be reborn in the Source of Love and of Unity.
In this hour I dissolve everything that has happened here, in this people, just as in your hearts I dissolve the impotence (powerlessness) that existed here in some moment, of not being able to survive. But now, before My Celestial Presence, the Master of Love and of Unity again presents to you His Fount of Piety and of Reparation, so that all the essences of Poland and of the world may submerge in My Fount of Reparation and of Healing, where the codes of evil will be dissolved, so that the true light that you are for the Celestial Father may be reborn in you.
Thus, on this afternoon, when Poland receives the presence of Heaven, I offer you the Gift of Forgiveness and that of Reconciliation, so that they may be instituted in your lives, in order that these gifts of My Grace help to restore many more souls that will need to detach from suffering and from agony to again trust in God, and above all, in His Divine Kingdom.
With all of the power that Heaven and the Universe institute, I bring you the Fount of My Divine Mercy, so that you may submerge in My Ocean of Love and the Codes of Light be renewed in your beings and in all of the Polish people.
In this way, I bring you expiation, so that you are able to forgive and return to love, knowing that you are all part of a same Source and of a same Origin and that someday all will be one within that Source of Love and of Unity that represents the Celestial Father.
Today let your faces not reflect the sadness of the past, for I know it is a real sadness because of the agony, the suffering, the pain. But I ask that you reflect a face of hope, because God has granted your people two successors of My Mercy: Saint Faustina and Saint John Paul II.
In them you will find the foundations for this restoration. Through them you will reach My Merciful Heart, because they have offered themselves completely unconditionally to the world after having ascended to the Heavens, to help humanity and above all, Eastern Europe, in order to repair and to close the wounds; unforgettable wounds in minds and hearts.
But know, companions, that in the Fount of My Divine Mercy everything will be resolved, because while I speak to you and you hear Me, I hear the crying of the innocent, I welcome them into My paternal Heart and I carry them to the Fount of My Divine Mercy; a harmonious and peaceful Fount so that they all may be freed.
Thus, in this hour, many things are happening. There is no confrontation with evil or adversity. My Presence has neutralized all spaces. My Presence has illumined all corners. My Heart has granted the end of a spiritual captivity that has been held in the heart of the Polish.
In this intimate union with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Lord of Mercy and of Piety comes to rebuild His humanity and His people, through the servers that I have sent to the world, who have gone through this Earth to announce and proclaim My Word and who will still go through this humanity as ambassadors of peace, to proclaim My victorious Gospel and the coming to the world of My infinite Mercy, before the Source of Divine Justice opens.
For this reason, companions, you not only enter the Fount of Reparation of My Heart, but also carry it to all those who need My infinite Mercy; in this way, I will be able to perform many more wonders, as I do in the spirit of those present and those not present, carrying you into a communion with My Eucharistic Heart and igniting in your souls the merciful Fire of My Love, which will finally heal the wounds, will free all souls, and will establish peace.
Thus, let the advent of the Mercy of My servers be accomplished, so that the planet as a whole may receive an opportunity, knowing that it must return to God to find the healing and the reparation of all planetary life, especially those events that have marked the history of humanity, and especially the millions of souls that have not yet achieved freedom from human suffering and pain.
But today, through My Grace and the Fount of My Divine Mercy, your Master and Lord comes to restore all essences, especially the original essence of Poland, that in spite of all that it has suffered and endured, has not lost the hope, the gladness, and the joy of experiencing your Master and Lord.
The test of the past was truly difficult, but the victory of your people is in the perseverance and in the dogma of your faith; this causes the Fount of My Mercy to return to Poland, knowing that there is still time to be redeemed through the Sacraments that I have granted to you from My public Life, up to the Last Supper, reaching the height of Mount Calvary on the Cross.
All these merits, all these gifts, all the powers of this Grace granted by God, are part of the unfathomable Fount of My Mercy that today I again pour out over Poland and especially over the souls that live here, so that in the coming time, the time of the great restoration and the great change, you demonstrate to the world that it is possible to inwardly forgive, love, and be reconciled, in spite of what happened.
It is by this means of Divine Mercy that the Lord and Master of Poland, the Lord of Eastern Europe, comes to this place, which is blessed by Grace; to again give you communion with My Body and with My Blood so that all may be renewed in your spirits, so that all may be dissolved in your consciousnesses, especially that which has stopped you from continuing to walk in faith and in the joy of living God in fullness and in trust.
So raise your hearts to the altars of our Creator Father, so that in this offering and sacrifice of the Firstborn Lamb, everything may be repaired and restored in the Fount of Divine Compassion, granting your people and the world the Mercy of God, which dissolves errors, suffering, and deep wounds.
Today, together with Me, offer this Sacrament of the Altar, so that the Angels that have come to meet Me and from the Kingdom of God, not only transubstantiate the form of the bread and the wine, but also transubstantiate all the essences of Poland, so that the Fire and the Spirit of Consoling Love may be reignited and all may be redeemed, bringing suffering to an end and entering the Portal of My Heart, of the Heart of Gladness, of Hope, and of Joy.
With these words that I bring you today from Heaven, I invite you to celebrate this Eucharist on behalf of millions of other souls in the World, that in many corners of the Earth, as in many nations of the World, wait for the Fount of My Divine Mercy.
On this afternoon of celebration and of profound reparation, I want you to carry this Fount to the world, through the communion with My Body and My Blood, thus establishing in your consciousnesses the state of My eternal Grace.
Let us then celebrate this moment, for all the priests, for all the clergy, for all the believers and the non-believers, for all those who need to submerge in the Fount of My Mercy, granting your people and humanity this special expiation that today My Heart brings from Heaven, to pour it out in your hearts, like a Chalice renewed by the Blood of the Lamb. Amen.
And all who hear Me in any part of the world also offer this sacrifice together with your Master and Lord, so that peace may not only reach hearts, but also the nations of the world that experience the conflicts and the wars of these times.
I send this Ray of My Mercy in a special and very loving way for Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. May all those souls that are there, be deserving of Divine Mercy today, so that they not lose the hope and the aspiration of finding their Master and Lord again, when He returns to the world for the second time and brings human suffering to an end, to institute the spirit of gladness of the Kingdom of God. So be it.
Let the elements of the altar be transubstantiated by the presence of the Angels of Heaven and thus the Spirit of Renewal may be instituted, bringing Peace and Mercy to the World.
Happy today will be those who live this Sacrament, for they will be able to recognize Him Who will come among the clouds, bringing the Glory of God and the return of the Kingdom of the Heavens, as it was in the beginning.
May the Holy Spirit descend over this element, so that it may scatter its Gifts in Poland and the world.
With the water I purify you and also consecrate you.
With the water I uplift you and also transcend you.
With the water I sublimate you and also sanctify you.
In this Supper that I offer you today, a mystery will be unveiled again that is to be found in the center of My Heart, which is the Mystery of the living Love of God in all beings and in all the creatures that He has created in His Image and Likeness. It is to this powerful flame of Love that you must return and come back always, because the Love of God is to be found in the Fount of My Mercy.
The Blood and the Water that sprang from the Lamb is the Blood that sanctifies souls and redeems them spiritually.
For all those who labor in My Church of the Earth and in My Celestial Church, today I offer this Sacrament so that it may be scattered as Light in the World and the darkness be dissolved.
Take and all eat of It for this is My Body that is offered by the Lamb Immolated and surrendered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Never forget to do this in Remembrance of Me.
Take and all drink of It, for this is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that is shed for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Drink of this Fount of Love and of Reparation so that all may be healed, within and outside of humankind of the Earth. This is the Chalice of the Original Conception, the Chalice of the Most Holy Trinity that is being offered in what is most simple and humble, so that it may be drunk by the children of God in order to renew all the times.
This is the Sacrament of the Faith of all humankind of the Earth. Blessed are those who commune of It to renew their consciousnesses, families, peoples, and nations, so that the Power of My Glorified and Merciful Heart may triumph.
Our Father...
Let us listen now to the Our Father in Polish.
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. (x2)
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, bring us peace.
Happy will be those invited to drink of the Blood and to eat of the Body of the Lamb, so that all may be renewed.
It is in this way that I grant you Peace, so that you may live in My Peace and be My Peace.
Go in Peace and carry Peace, for in this way the world will be restored and all humanity will be consoled of its innumerable sufferings.
I thank you for having helped Me to come here, to re-open the Fount of My Mercy, not only in Poland but also in the Middle East.
All has been consummated.
I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now you will give each other the greeting of peace in My Name.
Enter My Heart of Peace
Enter into My Heart of Peace so that I may reveal to you at this time the Grace of My Presence and that, through the testimonies of your lives, I may speak to the world.
Take the rosary in your hands to cry out for peace and you will see peace established within your hearts and in all those who approach you. This will be the living sign of those who respond to My Call.
Know how to love and understand despite human judgments, and the peace of your hearts will speak louder than all the criticisms emitted by the world.
Live in My Heavenly Church and in My Heart of Peace; enter into My Kingdom and there learn from the divine mysteries that Creator reveals to pure hearts.
In this way, the wisdom of your spirits, acquired in the Celestial Kingdom, will be permeated by a Truth that does not come from this world, and neither the wisest of the wise nor the most learned of the doctors of Science and philosophies, of this world will know how to explain the Divine Science that dwells in the heart of My Children.
Answer my call without fear and let yourself be guided.
Do not be afraid to break within yourself the prejudices and resistances, because I am not leading you to the old. I come to renew your lives and human consciousness.
I come to teach you to be reborn in spirit and to deepen in the Presence of God that, since the beginning of your creation, tries to lead you to the Truth.
I come to help you, finding the way to the cure of original sin, so that you convert not only in your spirits but in your deepest human condition which prevents you from reaching God.
My children, set aside for an instant, all the concepts of your mind and feel the Presence of God in My Words.
Humanity is in its last time of awakening and repentance.
Now is the moment to surrender at the Feet of God and cry out for forgiveness, because His Comforting Spirit is still upon the world, attentive to the supplications of humanity, to cleanse you from every stain, and prepare you for a new time.
Because soon there will come a day when the heavens will be opened with all its power for a second time, so that the Son of Man returns to Earth and by looking into the eyes of His companions, He brings Justice to some and Grace to others who, being consequent with His Gospel and faithful to His promises, waited with love for His arrival.
The prophecies will be fulfilled, as they have been fulfilled throughout the history of humanity, and I am here brighter than the sun and as alive as your hearts, to teach you to elevate not only your supplications but also your souls through a true prayer that transforms and leads you to the Kingdom of God, even if you are alive.
Every mystery that I reveal, every Divine Space that I made known to you, is for you to aspire for something beyond this world, it is for your souls to renew the hope of reaching God, it is for your hearts in eternal aspiration to know Heaven, and to reach it and attract it to Earth.
In your prayers, My children, contemplate with love what I show you and let your Divine Mother awaken within you the purity that makes you worthy of being in God, and participating in His Truth.
With these words I bless you and deeply thank you for responding to My Call.
Pray for peace and raise your hearts to God, because the world needs it.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Second Message
I would like that the world could comprehend what I live and what I feel, but I know that it is too unknown for most of My companions to be able to comprehend what I truly need for this cycle, in which humanity agonizes hour after hour, time after time.
I have come here to share what I Am and all that I have.
I do not come to ask what the world can not give Me, but rather I come to ask what the world can give Me.
When you are emptied, I can do everything and My Mercy can pour even more on those that listen to My Voice and to My Word, and make it part of them in each moment of life, as in each opportunity to serve expanding the consciousness in the grades of love and forgiveness.
What God has sent us to do here, in Portugal and in Europe, is too big, something that will not be tangible to the sight of many, but it will be known by those who open their heart to be able to comprehend the Work of the Hierarchy, and how the Spiritual Hierarchy builds it, from cycle to cycle and through the servers.
May the desire to know My Mysteries not be lacking in you.
May the motivation to fulfill My designs not be lacking in you.
May the encouragement to carry forward My Will not be lacking in you.
Because everything I have thought, Thought which comes from the Divine Mind of the Father, should be fulfilled, so that, through the love for the cross, which so many live, humanity can truly redeem itself and without prejudices.
Thus, My Mercy is the Source that grants and realizes everything.
Remember that you can not come to the Father except through Me.
And to come to the Father through Me, you shall pass through the Source of My Divine Mercy, to what you realize and perceive that you shall forgive yourselves and shall forgive others.
You must forgive the past and the present.
You must forgive everything that is internal and also external.
You must forgive that which you do not accept and you must forgive that which hurts you.
Thus the world will be able to change and it will not be necessary to suffer anymore, it will not be necessary that some souls offer themselves to suffering and to this state so unknown by the world.
To cross the door of suffering for the world is to cross the Door to My Heart, to a space where many, in these times, do not want to see the reality for fear of knowing it deeply.
But if I offered Myselt to the cross for you, there will be nothing to fear.
I offer you tirelessly to help me carry that cross, which is the cross of the World, the cross of Redemption and Mercy, the cross of awakening and the uplift of consciousness.
But that cross which I offer to each one of your lives is a cross that must be released; and this begins in yourselves, so that after it can be given to the world and especially to humanity.
To release humanity of their suffering is something very big and unknown.
Because of this, very few are the summoned to this task, to this special mission, where you do not have conscience of what it means and what it represents; but you have conscience by feeling and realizing what you live, step by step.
Through My Mercy I need to repair the world and replace the negative streams that imprison humanity more and more.
With your "yes" I will be able to do many more things.
With your surrender, I will be able to grant much more Graces.
With your unconditionality, I will be able to help and assist the world and those who give Me their backs, those who deny Me, those who offend God through their examples and ways of life.
Until humanity does not learn to truly love, it should pass through the Law of Suffering. I came to the world to be able to teach you how to release yourselves of it and to enter into the Law of My Grace and of My Mercy.
Still from My Side, continues sprouting the Precious Blood of your Master and Lord. That Blood spills over the world and over the consciousness of humanity, in order to justify, by means of all the prayers that invoke My Divine Mercy, the serious mistakes and outrages that the world commits today, in these critical times.
Through the Blood that sprouts from My Side, I come to justify the mistakes of the nations, the peoples and of all humanity, and of each one of the beings that live on the surface of this planet.
Through My Blood, I come to justify and to repair the things before God; the facts that submit and condemn the heart of men and the lives of all creatures.
Because from the Garden of Gethsemane, at that moment so acute for the Life of your Lord, I already knew that this moment would come and that I should be present to testify what My Father once showed Me there.
But I also come to testify the Work of My Mercy that transcends the times and forms, the ways of life and the customs.
I come to testify to those who in these times follow Me and congregate around your Lord, to confirm His Presence in the world and especially in the hearts, in the divine essence of each being; In spite of the corruption of these times and the injuries of many, of many children of God.
I come, through the Blood that sprouts from My Side in this moment, to repair My Church, which as you see is crumbling.
That is why, you are called to be joined to this moment with your Master and Lord; to do something for the others, something more real and deep, that can bring healing to the wounded souls and hearts which once believed in My Church and have rejected it because of its actions and experiences.
I come to renew, on this day, the sacrifice of the Lamb of God so that there are no longer immolated lambs in this final time.
Because the Blood that your Lord poured from His Side has been enough, in order that this testimony of love will remain through the times and until the moment of His Return for the second time to humanity.
Renew the sacrifice of the Lamb of God every day.
Do not forget that the bread and wine should always be on the table of your Redeemer, so that day after day, moment after moment, you commune of My Body and my Blood; and so the life will be renewed in spite of the events and the cruelties of this final time.
I would like that you understand, My companions, in a universal way and in a deeper and more open manner, that the legacy that testified your Master and Lord together with His apostles at the Last Supper cannot be lost; it will not be able to disappear nor fade itself from the heart of men.
Until now I did not reveal what truly happened in the Last Supper on the level of Consciousness of the Spirit and the Celestial Universe, but that moment is approaching, that hour is coming; it is the last Gift I will give to the world for the true expression of priestly and Christic life in souls.
You know that this legacy should always be your treasure, your inspiration and your life. May the communion with Christ not be forgotten, not a single day, even if your bodies can no longer endure.
Refuge yourselves in My Heart and everything will pass.
The Flame of My Love is stronger than all the evils of the world and all grievances.
I can transform what you can not, if you permit Me. But, while you do not permit Me, as the world, in its most part, does not permit Me, my thirst will still be very big and bitter.
I will feel the bitterness, in this time, greater than when they gave Me gall to drink on the cross. That is the symbol of the indifference of humanity that should be extirpated from the consciousness of the men and women of the Earth; so that exists an extraordinary Grace of awakening and of having consciousness of what it is to really live the Plan of God on Earth. So your bravery will be indispensable for these times.
That your inner fire never extinguishes and your inner flame illuminates the darkness that permeates the Earth by its insecurity and its offense.
That is why I said that this will be the Marathon of sacrifice, the moment of surrendering the heart into My Hands, so that I can offer it as a justifiable testimony to My Father and His Kingdom for the grievances of the world and indifference.
That nobody misses the opportunity to understand what I am saying and expressing.
That nobody misses the opportunity to remember My Words and to make them part of you, because they are the last words that I Am saying to the world before everything happens.
That is the reason why I come with My Divine Mercy, trying to expand it and extend it in time, despite if there is no time; so that the souls enter into the Ocean of My Love and reparation, so that the cure be granted in all spirits.
Do not stop helping me on this Pilgrimage for Peace, because it will not only be the peace that We will give you, but also the conscience of knowing that it is time to change and live the Commandments of God, as it were written in the beginning.
That will renew My Church, that will grant souls the Grace of living me fully again.
May the Blood of My Side wash your inner worlds.
May the Blood of My Side wash your souls.
May the Blood of My Side pour completely over you, so that the Sacrifice of the Lamb be even more justifiable in front of Creation.
In the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the Divine Breath of the Holy Spirit illuminate the inner worlds of beings today, so that, in the face of so much adversity, the immaculate principle of Peace may be established.
May the Divine Breath of the Holy Spirit pour out its gifts, so that the serving souls of Christ may have the tools to accomplish the Sacred Designs of God.
May the Divine Breath of the Holy Spirit renew the times and bring to the consciousness of the planet all the sublime attributes of Creation.
May the Divine Breath of the Holy Spirit transform consciousnesses completely so that there may be more time of peace within the world.
May the Divine Breath of the Holy Spirit gather the apostles of Christ, those who in the last days will sustain the existence of His Celestial Church in humanity.
May the Divine Breath of the Holy Spirit elevate the planet and its humanity from plane and reality, for all to be sublimated and transformed by the inextinguishable Fire of the Spirit of God.
So let it be.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, I come as the Lord of Israel so that, through My Mercy, the material forces of chaos calm down and Peace reigns, the Peace I bring from Heaven and from the Universe.
Do not believe that everything is lost, but rather that the triumph of My Heart is close.
Let the banner of My Mercy be placed at the four corners of the Earth and may souls drink from that Source that will well up from the soil, because it will be the very spring of My renewal that I will give you so you may learn to overcome the times and the difficulties.
With this announcement, I come as the Lord of Israel to bring Peace to the place where I was once born; to reactivate the codes of Christianity in those who are still awake.
But the Lord of Israel will not fight against the materialistic forces nor be submerged in the conflicts. The strategy of the Eternal Father is different. Thus, one who is always vigilant will know what to do and where to be, and what stance to take at the right time so as to not be surprised by anything.
My first aspiration was to reach the Middle East in a direct way, carrying this practice of peace that I teach you and which I encourage you to do daily; knowing that, in spite of conflicts, peace cannot be dispelled from the planet nor from its humanity.
My Sword will not battle another sword. The Lord of Israel always triumphed through His Silence and His loving surrender. In the withdrawal is the victory. In the silencing is the triumph, and in the surrender is the defeat of the enemy, because it does not know sacrifice, but only destruction.
In any case, My Consciousness still encompasses many more things than those that were foreseen. This time I will not be able to come to My origins or to the places where I once resided. My Consciousness will encompass other spheres so that, in some way, the Plan will be able to be fulfilled.
In this battle, we must act intelligently, and above all, with wisdom; without losing the vision of the Purpose, the essence, even if the events should change from one day to another. It is in this way that I encourage you to experience the strategies of the Plan, which humanity has no interest in knowing in this life.
These strategies are operations for the triumph of the Plan and for the development of the same on the surface of the Earth. For this reason, adherence is the key which protects the fulfillment of the Plan, although it may constantly change.
What you must always learn to safeguard is the aspiration of the Hierarchy that, even though it is not fulfilled in matter, is indeed accomplished in spirit, uniting spirit with the Source.
The Lord of Israel must broaden His Consciousness so the planet is contained, and above all, its humanity.
What is important is that the mission should move forward. What is important is that souls pray with their heart and ask the Highest for forgiveness and Mercy. That is enough for Me, for then I will be able to continue laboring, for then I will be able to continue building and moving forward with the Designs of God that, as much as they are not completely understood, they can be loved, which is what the Father needs so that His Plan can be built in souls, rather than in matter or in the concrete.
In this way, I come to place you in the school of rescue operations that the Hierarchy is carrying out and which always must watch for the establishment and continuance of peace, in spite of conflicts and confrontations.
Brotherhood is peace, and that brotherhood cannot be disturbed, because it is the brotherhood that protects the essence of the Purpose for this planet; and it is the brotherhood which adapts to the changes, to the different moments and the current events.
In this brotherhood you will always find wisdom, you will find a clear and precise answer. But if that brotherhood is not maintained, there will be no discernment, and in this way, you could enter into the coordinate of chaos.
At the most decisive moment, you must be in this brotherhood so that everything can continue on. The changes that are present today are part of the protection of that purpose of the brotherhood, for it is still necessary that the designs be accomplished.
From another part of the planet, I will carry a greater impulse. I will give that impulse with precision. It will be a measured impulse of Light to be fulfilled in the place it will touch, which is the Middle East.
I will not place My Feet in the Middle East, but I will do so with My Mercy. And I will allow that Mercy to emanate from the Source I have opened in Poland, through the consciousness I have chosen so as to reveal it to the world.
The Source will reach the Middle East because you must go and drink of the Source. You will go to the origin and to the beginning so that My impulse of Light has even more strength and resolve where it will be projected and placed.
But I will not cease to aspire to reach Egypt or Israel someday, for that is still pending for My companions, for all those who follow My Work and help Me to accomplish It with their donations and contributions, with their prayers and pleadings.
The Lord of Israel will show Himself as the Lord of Mercy, Who emanates Rays from His Heart to the whole world and to souls.
He will show Himself as That Lord Who once died on the Cross for you and Who, through the piercing of the lance, poured out that Water and Blood, divine elements that will be able to rectify the errors of humanity in this time and in light of all the universe. They will be the lifeline in this last part of the emanation of My Divine Mercy to the whole world.
I will open that Source in Poland and will expand it, not only in Europe, but also in the Middle East; and from there, I will be able to labor with greater safety and protection.
My apostles of these times do not touch the wounds of conflicts with their hands; on the contrary, they try to heal them with their prayers and their withdrawal. In this strategy of war, everything must be thought of to the nearest millimeter so that there not be any failures, frustrations nor frights.
Although I know that the sensitivity of those of Mine is very great, even though you have said 'yes' to Me, I must protect what I am building, not only in your persons, but also in your souls, which, in the end, on the last day of your lives, you must fully surrender to Me.
The world must know that it is still possible to truly love.
And in spite of the fact that My Roman and Apostolic Church is decaying through its own members, I will not allow My Celestial Church to be dispelled in those who seek to find it one day, with their most ardent aspiration to be a part of My Kingdom.
With this testimonial, I invite you to continue working for the Plan, to continue supporting it and building it, wherever and whenever.
I thank you for sincerely accompanying Me in these decisive moments; knowing that, above all else, God must reign on this planet.
I give you Peace so Peace may be in the world, and that Peace may be multiplied.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Beloved Children of the Most High,
During the Passion of My Lord, your Redeemer, the Archangel Gabriel showed Me, from the inner planes of My Consciousness, that at the end of time, in distant places of this world, communities of followers of My Son would meet to pray, receive Me in spirit and they would be instructed by Me.
They would prepare the second coming of the Lamb of God to the world.
Right after this vision, My Beloved Son, while He was agonizing on the Cross, announced that He was handing over humanity to Me to take care of it until His return.
Today I see manifested on the surface of this world, in lands distant from the Holy Land, in another land that is also holy, those communities, which today are Christian, prepare the second coming of Christ.
Today I see before Me those consciousnesses that the Great Announcer Gabriel showed Me and I hear His words again: these will be the faithful, those who will open the door to hundreds, thousands, millions and who will be the new companions of the Redeemer.
In that moment of so much pain, this vision and these words calmed My Heart and I was filled with hope.
Today, when you are standing before Me striving to fulfill each one of My requests, facing difficult tests, often without fully understanding the Designs of the Father, I want to thank you for the fidelity and commitment that you give us and I want to announce to you that I will be with you until the last day of your lives, accompanying and guiding you from the inner worlds.
A day will come when I will no longer appear publicly, I will not speak to you through your brothers and sisters; but within your souls, a loving place has been built for your Heavenly Mother, in which I live and I will always dwell.
In that place we will meet until God calls you to His side.
Today, which is a special day for this world, a day that God chose to give you one of His daughters, who would perform a hard and demanding work, I want to give all of My children the Gift of Fidelity, an essential gift for these times, which will be a column of light over which My Son is building His Celestial Church within your spirits.
Today, on the ground of this grand Kingdom of Aurora, I bless you and lift your souls up to the Feet of the Creator.
The promise of Archangel Gabriel has been fulfilled so far. Strive and reach the end, because that will be when Heaven will definitely descend to Earth.
I love you, bless you and revere your spirits in the name of My Son, Jesus Christ.
Thank you for being with Me today,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If in truth My Presence amongst you were only visions, it would never have been possible to build the Work through the human beings of the world.
A work is real when it is sustained by the Divine Presence itself and that Work persists because the Divine Presence so wishes and thus manifests it all.
Sometimes, certain religious people and priests offend more with their comments on the Work that God carries out in the world and please less with their liturgical activities.
In truth, when certain priests, religious people or even bishops offend the Work that God carries out within souls, far from the control and the authority of the Church, this is more serious than all the faults committed by poor sinners.
One must be careful with everything that a representative of Christ on Earth says or manifests to the people of God, causing hearts to dissent, filling them with more and more doubts.
This is much more serious because with their word, they could be condemning the salvation of all of these souls that hear them.
The Celestial Father has the only Truth and before everything that He does with His Work, separate from the power of the people of the Church, we must bow our head and be respectful; because the human being will never be able to deeply understand everything that God wants to do.
For this reason, I ask all priests, the religious ones and representatives of Christian churches to hold their tongues to not continue to offend the Work of God, which is infinite and eternal, and with their ironic comments, to not stain the souls that place their faith in Christ.
Each one fulfills their part in this mission of evangelizing in the Presence of the Lord, through example, love, and truth more than with words.
Do not forget the fraternity and the ecumenism which have not yet been understood by you, since the true alliance that must be established between the different beliefs is based on love and transparency.
Let priests be true intercessors of Christ between Heaven and Earth and not executioners dressed as saints who condemn their fellow beings and do not look within themselves, forgetting penance.
The one who thinks they will survive alone will be lost. Unity and respect among peoples and religions are what will defeat the beast that will come out of the abyss.
Faith is not measured by acts or judgments.
Faith is the balm of light in simple hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through the spiritual, educational, and academic formation of My Order, consecrated almost nine years ago, I will be able to be accepted, in a civilized manner, by the world and by cultured human beings, who do not believe that within My new apostles, there may be a source of instruction.
When I asked Peter to found My Church for future times I also asked him to form himself; this was for the purpose that he was to represent Me on Earth as a successor of Christ.
Today, in these very accelerated times, I come to ask for a continuity of the spiritual, educational and academic formation of the entire Order, in order that when I can no longer be present amongst you, the nations, the governments, the diplomats, the presidents and the religions of the world may provide a spiritual and physical space so that those who are Mine may testify to My Presence and that, within the laws of the Earth, there may exist a true acceptance of the spiritual mission that I have come to fulfill amongst you during these years.
For this reason, it is of great importance to Me that My faithful collaborators and followers help in the formation of those consecrated in this time and, above all, facilitate the means and the material resources so that these siblings of yours may be able to represent me in a dignified manner, in the coming future.
This will be of great help so that the Work of Mercy that I carry forward in this place of the world, and by means of the Marian Centers, may be recognized as a favorable and safe place for the devotion, prayer, and communion of souls within My Sacred and Glorified Heart.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Today I return from the Kingdom of God and I bring the Kingdom of God to you, but on My Breast I bring the flowers cultivated in the inner gardens. This is the proof that I bring to all today, that My task has been fulfilled in spite of the adversities.
Today I not only reconsecrate Ecuador to My Sacred Heart, but also the Americas, in order to bring to the world the last Greater Grace, which will help you to go through the so definite and difficult times that the world faces.
But today I do not come to talk to you about pain and suffering, I come to talk to you about the promises that, no matter how small they may seem, are being fulfilled. Thus, I contemplate with love all that you give Me and all that you surrender to Me. With infinite joy I contemplate all that you give to My Heart. With those little things, I will carry out the Great Work at the end of these times.
I will not only have the joy of being here, as on this day, but I will also be in other nations of the world that also wait for My coming through My Divinity. This makes the promises of God blossom in the world and, above all, in the hearts that listen to Me.
Today I carry upon My Breast all the flowers that I have cultivated in the inner worlds, flowers so fresh and alive, so fragant and subtle, that are the result and the proof of the conversion of the hearts. With this present from the souls, today I will go again to Heaven to leave these flowers at the Feet of the Creator and testify that it is possible to fulfill what would seem impossible.
These are the flowers of the trust of the souls in My Heart, of the justification of their errors bofere My Merciful Presence. And in this way, nothing bad resides in hearts, because the seed of repentance is sprouting, little by little, in the souls and this brings Me such great joy before everything I see in the world that is so horrible.
I am pleased in simple souls, in sincere hearts, in humble spirits. All these gifts and these virtues, I reintegrate them again in the Source of My Creator Father where, once more, it is confirmed that the redemption of humanity is possible, so that the Kingdom of God may be established on this planet.
Gladden your hearts, companions, because today My Heart is full of the Love of God and, from My Heart, the Source of Grace and of Renewal breaks out again.
From the first moment you receive the sacraments until the last moment of the Communion with Me, each step is very special for Me. Each act of devotion, of surrender, and of faith are unquenchable treasures of My Kingdom. And I show all of this to the Angels of God, who are so similar to men but from greater universes. They can testify with their own gaze what the Work of My Mercy does in these times.
So many souls are freed from error and deceit! So many wars are stopped with the sincere prayer of hearts! So many lives continue forward so as not to be eliminated or aborted! So many children are carried to the arms of My Creator to be consoled, to be restored and to be placed in the Fount of Love! So many future diseases are dispelled so that they may not occur in human beings! So much light is poured out into those who did not have it before and did not even see it!
All is part of the source of trust of the souls in My Heart, and this Grace not only reaches you but also the world that needs it. This brings about the fulfillment of the promises in the Work of My Divine Mercy. This is why today I am in a full joy, filled by the roses of the trust of My companions and of My servers. I am filled by the fragrance of love of the simple hearts who surrender into the Arms of the Lord to say "yes" and continue forward.
How much more My Spirit is ignited when hearing the voice of the nations of the world asking for Peace! You cannot even imagine what happens at each new meeting among the hearts that pray asking for the Mercy of the Lord.
How many obstacles are removed from the path of My children and of My servants! How faith flourishes again in the hearts that were formerly empty and full of errors!
Your Master and Lord is preparing for a new cycle together with His companions. And I call all of those who are listening to follow Me in the next Sacred Week, where you will not only relive the Codes of My Passion but will, for the first time, accompany your Master in taking a great step that will define the coming time for humanity and for the planet.
For this reason, I come outside of the church because, otherwise, they would prevent Me from doing it. It is necessary to meditate on the events with time, but now there is no time. While each second and each minute goes by on your watch, many more things happen in the world. Like in Africa, for example, where each second a child dies of thirst.
Who would have the courage and the bravery to see this together with the Master and only be silent and pray, asking for forgiveness for the planetary indifference?
I will not go and knock on the doors of the governments but I will call at the door of the hearts that cannot even imagine they are prepared to serve Me in this last cycle, and in them I will carry out My Work, because when they join in prayer with Me, everything is possible, everything is done, everything is concretized, everything is manifested.
From Heaven I bring you Greater Universes so that you may contemplate them, because they will serve as aid for these times, so that you may not lack trust nor guidance, so that you may serve Me without distinctions, so that you may surrender to Me immediately, because in My silence I wait for My soldiers to give them My Will.
May souls not lose the Grace of these times, the joy of being reborn in the Lord, because the Almighty makes Himself visible among creatures who only look at Him with love and longing.
So many wounds are closed in these meetings! Each time you place yourselves before My Presence, I can do more than expected and there are no limits for expanding My Mercy to the most miserable of the world, because My ardent desire is that the majority should not die in mortal sin, but be clean and pure to enter the Kingdom of God.
Today I come with a thoughtful message for those who have always listened to Me and have followed Me for so many meetings, holding in their hands the torch of faith and of persistence in spite of the obstacles, in order to continue forward together with the Master of Love.
Today I do not want to see tears of suffering but rather tears of happiness and joy, because of taking the step together with the Lord, in the inner consecration and in the service for the planet.
I can finally see with My Eyes those who imitate Me, those who live My teaching, just as I pronounced it and revealed it in the Gospel.
Part of the Scriptures of the Sacred Book are being fulfilled on this day, because the Sacrificed Woman of the Universe, My Mother and your Mother, the Virgin Mary, has fulfilled Her promise before the Feet of the Creator, leading Her children to the Universe of prayer and of healing, so that they may enter a new stage.
The Apocalypse is accomplished verbatim: "And you will see coming from Heaven the Woman dressed as the Sun, crowned with Stars, with the moon at Her Feet, announcing the advent of the return of Christ in the hearts of the world, and the serpent of evil is stepped on by Her blessed Foot and She dispels the pain and guilt of men. And the red moon rises in the firmament to announce the coming of the Son of Man, Who is returning as a Fount of Living Water."
The time has come for all to enter into the Celestial Church, the true church that I have founded in the hearts and not in the pillars.
This is what I have said to My Apostles and to all My followers: "Seek the Kingdom of God within you because it is close. Do not be opulent, do not let material life become a vice." But many preferred to lead My Church with power and with a prestige that I do not want. For this reason, I return for a second time, to tell you once more that the Celestial Church, the Kingdom of God, is inside of you and not outside.
But today I rise up to Heaven with the triumph of the believers, of those who believe without having seen and without having verified absolutely anything.
Blessed are those who listen with the Heart, because in the coming time and in the next world they will be recognized as My servants, My servants of the end times.
May those who have not surrendered today, surrender, and may those who have not confessed today, recognize their sins, so that they may be worthy of My renewing Grace, that comes to convert what is impossible for this time.
The Angels of Heaven sing, the choirs on Earth sing, because the Only Begotten Son carries over His Heart the flowers of the trust of His children to the Kingdom of God, as the triumph and victory of His Project.
But turbulent times will come and may these, My Words, be a comfort during the difficult hours. I do not promise to make you happy; I do not promise to make you happy in this world, but in the next one, where everything will be ready to be within the Kingdom of God and, in your memories, you will have this passage and this moment. Today your cells keep this legacy inside of them, which is the last one I pour out before the last and great battle with the fallen angel.
The Archangel Saint Gabriel will be the judge and I will give him the redemption through My Glorified Heart.
Duality will end in the next Earth, it will be the Promised Land of Unity. But everything that I am saying to you will be about to happen. In the meantime, do not cease to prepare your hearts for the coming time. The last keys of instruction are being given for the redemption of hearts and of the world.
There will come a time, companions, when I will no longer be among you, because as humanity you will go through the same test that I went through in the Garden of Gethsemane, to confirm Me before the Chalice of the Lord. But of that hour do not be afraid. I will be Present in Spirit, when you call me.
My blood shed on the Cross, in the Passion, and all along the Path to Calvary, has an incalculable power and value and it will be by the most precious Blood of your Lord that whoever trusts until the end, will have the inner strength to overcome.
My Words today have blessed all these sacraments, because they are Words that come from My Heart and from My Life. Remember that I Am eternal and in Eternity everything is alive and luminous.
May those who are being baptized today or those who will be anointed today remember these words, because they will serve as an aid for the coming moments, and may all receive the sacraments from the Sacred Spirit of their Lord. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
This is My Body and this is My Blood that has been given by your Master and Lord and by all the martyrs for the forgiveness of sins. Remember to commune with Me and remember the celestial triumph of your Lord on this Earth.
All the intentions that you place in the basket are contemplated by My Heart. Pray with Me so that they may be heard by the Creator.
With this Water that emerges from My Side and from My Heart, like a Spiritual Fountain of Grace and Renewal, I will bless the pioneers whom I have called to manifest the Work in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia, in order to expand the victory of the Sacred Hearts.
Here I call the brothers and sisters of the Light-Network of Ecuador and of Colombia, so that the Lord may bless you in this new stage and this new mission.
Baptize them, Lord, with the Fire of Your Spirit, so that, in their consciousnesses, the unity, the brotherhood and the purpose may always exist, which will be fulfilled according to Your Will. Amen.
May the Lord bless you and protect you in this new mission so as to establish His Kingdom on Earth.
Receive a Sacred Medal from your Lord, so that I may accompany you step by step.
Let us pray together with Christ. Our Father...
May the Guardian angels accompany you, may they accompany all the souls of the pilgrims so that spiritual guidance and wisdom may always be present at each new step.
Today I will withdraw to the Universe, carrying the flowers of the trust of the souls to the Kingdom of God in order to place before His Thrones the triumphs of the Redeemer .
In name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Radiant Sun of God
Behold the Radiant Sun of God, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, the one who announces the arrival of a new and expected time.
Behold the Governess of hearts and the Mother, Help of Christians, the one that keeps vigil and prays for those who are demeaned and miserable.
Behold the Lady of Guadalupe, the Mother who unites what is separated among the consciousnesses, the Lady of Light who gestates in Her sacred Womb a new humanity.
Behold the Mother of Reconciliation, the one who gestates the alliance among cultures and peoples, the Mother who intercedes for those who are exploited.
Behold the Warrior Mother of the Seven Swords, the White Woman who treads with Her Feet on the serpent of evil, allowing the Love of God to triumph within oppressed hearts.
Behold the Mother of the Heavenly Church of Christ, the one who takes care and accompanies those who are truthful at heart, the Mother who prays for the mission of the priests and of the servers of Christ.
Behold the Mother of the Andes and of the Peoples of the Desert, of those who live in the heights, as well as those who live in the prairies, the Mother of the poor and of the simple, of the humble and of the workers of God, of those who cultivate the arid land to make the Life of Creation flourish.
Behold the Mother of the offended and of the discriminated, the Mother of the sick and of the helpless, the Lady of Healing who leads the journey of the non-redeemed ones, of those who search for inner healing.
Behold the Mother of the Americas, the Lady of all the Andean cultures, the Mother of Nature, Pachamama, the one who in Her sacred delivery is ready to give birth to the New Human Being, to the new consciousness of humanity.
Behold the Mother of the Armies of Christ, of the soldiers who only battle with the sincere prayer of the heart, the Mother of those who beg for Mercy.
Behold the Mother of the emigrants, of those who abandoned their lands and their origins in search of a place of peace and hope.
Behold the Mother of Divine Justice, the Mother who intervenes for Her children in spite of any spiritual and inner situation, the Mother who aids those who suffer the chastisement of human beings.
Behold the Lady of Evangelization, the Mother who instructs with examples, the Lady who instructs through sacred words of Love.
Behold the Mother of Peru and all its people, the Mother who prays for equality and justice, for equity and hygiene of those who survive amidst desperation and chaos.
Behold the Mother of the sick of spirit and body, of those who are not helped and of those who are forgotten in the streets of this world.
Behold the Mother of the children, of those who sell on the streets, the Mother of those who are in danger, the Mother of those who are sold and are lost.
Behold the Mother of Divine Mercy, the Mother who implores to the People of God and of the governors for equality and healthy justice, the Mother who tries to avoid greater sufferings.
Behold the Mother of morality, the Mother of healthy education and of worthy teaching, the Mother of the illiterate.
Behold the Mother of Love and the Mother of Hope, the Lady who gives impulse to awakening.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Evangelization
I deliver, for those who most need it, My Sacred treasures, and by giving those treasures, I can renew all things. This is why everything that you receive in this time is unique. From that which comes from spirit, to what matter receives, everything can be blessed by God when you simply open your hearts.
My Power can expand and reach the most distant places on Earth.
With this I tell you again of the importance of My followers in this time, within the Work of Divine Mercy.
This Work is formed of the Mystical Body of the people of God, and can expand when your hearts are receptive to the summonings that comes from the Universe.
Today, the world again received great assistance, because when your hearts unite in the truth, I can do many more things than I thought; I can reach those spaces where not even a drop of light resides.
With this, I want you to understand the significance of the Work of My Mercy, which comes to embrace the world and completely transform it, just as My Father wishes.
Today you have allowed My Heart to feel something inexplicable, which emerges and is born of essence when you invoke the name of the Son of God in unity and love; this recreates Creation because the subtle vibrations reach the planet, penetrate the spiritual consciousness of humanity, and souls are freed from their oppressions and suffering.
For this reason, never fear expanding your hearts. This is what My Father asks of you through My Heart, because in the expansion of the heart is to be found freedom and it will no longer be necessary for you to seek the truth, because you will be living it when your hearts expand more each day.
The expansion of the heart is like a new sacrament that souls can live when they simply surrender in complete trust into the arms of your Creator. You cannot imagine, companions, how My rival is defeated and its most impure plans are broken, dissipate and disappear from the consciousness of humanity.
My name, which was delivered by the Archangel Gabriel, has no obstacles nor barriers. Who invokes My name is within Me, and I am able to be within them, in profound communion with Creation.
My name is blessed because it emanated from the Source. You also, within yourselves, hold your real and sacred names, those names that, in the beginning of your essences, emanated from the Source of Creation, and you became life, consciousness and energy.
Who invokes My name will find their sacred name; they will know what they have come to do in this time, what they have come to accomplish as an absolute service to God.
Your sacred names hold a story, which in this moment the veils of your consciousness do not see. But those veils will be taken away and the whole of humanity will truly know what it has been; there will be no mysteries, everything will be unveiled, but if you work with God, in a heartfelt way, everything will be fulfilled; everything has its timing, its moment and its place.
Continue to propagate faith in the world, and the blessed name of your Lord, Jesus Christ, so that the Earth may continue to be repopulated from the designs of God, which need to achieve their freedom and bring captivity to an end.
Today I have called seven of the twelve Creator Fathers so that they may be here, together with Me, in praise and adoration to our Father, Who is in the Heavens, which brings the good news through the Divine WordD and the Sacred Word of His Only Begotten.
The seven Creator Fathers represent the cycle of renewal, each one of them brings to humanity a new experience and a new mission that the world will discover in the following cycles that are to come. That is the reason for the importance of expanding your hearts, so that you do not miss these impulses that come from the Universe and that will try to make souls into a true example of redemption and of peace, sublime energies that the world needs in this time.
Each Creator Father, each Archangel of God, comes to stop something in the world. With your hearts, and even more, with the expansion of your hearts, you can change the history of this humanity, through unconditional service, through true charity, through works of mercy. Everything will be offered for everyone.
Who wishes to take the next step, should do so. My Heart, which is Merciful and Glorified, has Its doors open to embrace your aspirations in Its interior, which I will clothe in new forms so that you may learn, in this cycle, how to live My Will.
The planet, your humanity, and this time are in need of whole servers, full of an unconditional spirit that will always transform them, that will not tie them to terrestrial life nor to outdated forms.
This spirit, which is transformative, is one of the Gifts that I gave yesterday to your hearts. Remember that impulse and vivify it, so that the Work of My Mercy may continue to expand in the world.
I dedicate this message to My followers so that you may feel and know that you are following the correct path in which you can be embraced only by My Will; in this way, you would renounce your personal will so that the designs of the Father may manifest on the surface of this planet and form part of the new Essene community, the Essene community of peace, which will bring continuity to the work of mercy and of redemption that the first Essenes accomplished in ancient times.
To be an Essene of peace is to live far from terrestrial forms, from the ideals that your own will may want to build. I know that at this point you still would need to work, companions; this is why I repeat the importance of expanding your hearts, so that the Work does not stop.
Who opens their heart to God will understand what is unknown, just as the old apostles did who, in their greatest ignorance, received the wisdom of all things within themselves, although they may not have understood them.
To work for the Lord Jesus is a challenge. This is why I come to lead you into a new direction, toward a new destiny that you have never experienced, that you have never learned. Give yourselves to this new project that My Heart is tracing, so that you may participate in My Work of redemption.
Do not fear giving up, because you will discover within yourselves that you will be able to do many more things than what you do, and thus will become free of the chains of these times.
When your hearts expand, love expands; this is why the supplications, the prayers, the adoration and the praise expand the hearts of humankind, so that you may receive, in your interior, the Kingdom of God, which is what in this time and in this era will spiritually nourish you, and you will have the strength, courage and bravery, such as what you have had up to now, to follow My steps.
Do you accept forging your spirits even more for transformation?
- Yes
You do not know what you say (Jesus is smiling)
I asked My apostles the same thing, and Peter thought that he could do it all, until he realized that without Me, without being in Me, he could do nothing. This is why I gave him the key to the Heavens, because when he understood what I was talking about, I gave him My legacy, so that throughout time he would have the good news and the gospel of the Son of God come to be known.
Upon My hardest rock I built My new Church, and you, who have already been broken several times within, I have built new things; have faith in that. Do not think that life is just lamentation. I do not only call you to live sacrifice, but also the joy of serving in the work of redemption, and of expanding that love to the world, that so needs it.
In this hour, opening the doors of the Celestial Church, let us enter, My apostles, into the temple of adoration, into the temple of praise, into the greater temple of gratitude. Because God has summoned you, and His beloved Son visited you to remind you of this commitment.
Let each one fulfill their part in this Plan of Love for humanity.
Let the Christs of the new time light up within you, and may the promised land, which will be impregnated by the thousand years of peace, be able to be seen and discovered by all of humankind, under the spirit of faith, wisdom and love.
Let us thank God for this moment and for all the graces that He still pours out upon the world, in spite of the errors of human beings and of the nations. Blessed are those who expand their hearts, for they will be drawing the Kingdom of God toward themselves.
May the planet again be radiated today by the praise, adoration and gratitude to God.
May the holy name of the Son of the Father be heard in the four corners of the Earth, so that souls may awaken to redemption and love, and the Universal Sacred Family may be established.
All the praises are received in My Celestial Church, and this offering is responded to by means of the Graces of God.
May the doors of My Celestial Church open and the angels receive this offering from your hands.
May your hearts expand, so that love is able to grow and obstacles no longer exist, but rather the ties of love between human beings, nature and the planet.
Declaration of Divine Love
Listen, children of God!
Listen, companions of Christ!
The maternal Voice, the Mother of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, speaks to you!
Rise now from your death, because the Great Spirit of the Resurrection of Christ has come!
May the millenary chains be broken!
May this people of Chile rise from where it has fallen, because today the time of true freedom has come!
The Voice of the Mother of the World cries out for your awakening today!
The Voice of the White Lady of Peace today gathers you together in spirit, so that all this people accepts with gratitude the redemption that is being offered by Our Lord.
Listen, My soldiers, your wreck has now ended!
May your hearts open to feel again the powerful divine energy!
I come from Heaven to liberate you from the chains of yore. I come to make those who have been disappeared appear back. I come to bring Divine Justice in the face of so much injustice.
My Children, look at God! Feel the echo of His Merciful Love resound within you!
Oh, beloved Chilean people! Oh, ancient people of the Andes, I am here today!
I am your Mother of Heaven, I am the Condor Bird, I am the Sacred Spirit of Peace who gathers you together to commune in reconciliation and in faith!
Believe, My children, that your true Spiritual and Celestial Church exists! Seek within yourselves for the Inner Christ, call Him by His Name and in this way you will all be saved!
Make of your people a garden of Paradise!
Make of your motherland, a celestial motherland!
May your faith be renewed today! May the national hypnotism end here today, so that hearts may recognize within themselves the value of their filiation with God!
Rise, armies of Christ!
May the Guardians, Vigilants and Commanders of the Plan rise now!
May they raise their flags up to the Universe! May they again form the ranks of the armies of the end time!
I come here so that you may unite with Christ again and in this way set aside this cruel inertia.
May Chile awaken from North to South, from the mountains to the sea!
May Chilean hearts be uplifted as trophies at the feet of the Redeemer!
May no one fear to relinquish this blind captivity, because I am here, I am your Divine Mother, who wants to again guide you towards the Heart of God!
May the Mirrors of your hearts be ignited!
May the doors to inner reconciliation be opened!
May the hearts of Chile be truly repentant, so that the Grace of the Universe may descend here and make of all this people the cradle of a blessed motherland!
Now, may the Suns of your hearts rise and see emerge, in the firmament of this Universe, your origins as great stars of light!
May the Commanders of yore prostrate themselves upon the ground and divest themselves from their swords and their capes so that the King of the Universe may pass among them and thus bless them!
May healing reach your hearts! May a true and full love exist, so that this nation may be rebuilt, and instead of having swords, I will give each Chilean My Holy Rosary so that as from now you may pray to My Heart and I am able to liberate you!
May today be the day of your joy, because the Almighty has sent His Faithful Servant so that the self-summoned prostrate themselves before the Altar of the Redeemer!
May the great Prophecy be fulfilled in you!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Great Miracle of the Sun
One hundred years ago at the Cova da Iria, in Fátima, Portugal, the last and definitive Apparition of the Mother of God happened, the one which brought to the world the end of a terrible war and a prolonged period of peace. At that time, humanity was on the brink of its own perdition.
Although the message of Fátima was clear and convincing through the revelation of the three secrets of Fátima, the Most Holy Mother warned Her children that a true penance was urgent and immediate, since the repentance of the hearts would grant the world a significant atonement.
The Miracle of the Sun, also called the stellar phenomenon, was the culminating event when, on October 13, 1917, this local Universe, of which this planet forms part, lived a cut in time and space.
The Miracle of the Sun, or stellar phenomenon, consisted in mobilizing great consciousnesses of the Material Universe and Cosmic Regents which allowed, at a planetary level, to put an end to the endless cycle of siege, destruction and of the conquest that humanity was immersed in by the First World War.
This phenomenon, understood by humanity as the constant and random twirl of the Sun, meant the reunion of certain cosmic currents of the Material Universe, that have their bases in the Central Sun of this galaxy.
I would like, dear children, that you comprehend that, if this evolutionary intervention of the Greater Universe had not have happened on October 13, 1917, humanity would have already destroyed itself.
It was necessary, at the universal and divine level, to carry forward this movement of the solar and stellar elements of the Universe.
This allowed to stop, upon the planet and within its humanity, the idea of a conquest and of an unmeasured power, that would lead to the development of other events.
The Miracle of the Sun, or the stellar phenomenon, cleaned and purified the psychic plane of the entire planet in less than fifteen minutes, a time in which the solar and stellar elements that were operated by the Regents of the Universe, dissipated from the ether of the Earth a great quantity of registers of suffering and death that had been generated.
The global Miracle of the Sun, with the meeting of the angels and the Hierarchies, despite having its epicenter in Fátima, embraced the whole planet, relieving it from its chain of great human and terrestrial errors.
October 13, 2017, was the closing of the mission that your Celestial Mother came to accomplish during six continuous months, in which humanity was prepared to live the Miracle of the Sun.
Even though the Most Holy Mother had announced that if there were not a true repentance a second war could come, worse than the one that was already occurring, humanity was able to know, after the atomic bomb, that it was capable of self-destruction and irreversible damage to itself, even in these current times.
That is why, on October 13, 2017, after one hundred years of My Apparitions in Fatima, your Celestial Mother came to beg the world not to forget to live a deep and true repentance, because this lack of penance in the human beings of today is heading toward ideas and war projects, worse than the ones that have already occurred, it is headed toward wanting to destroy the life and the evolution of the Kingdoms of Nature, as has been happening in the last fifty years, and it is leading to the loss of logic and discernment of the human beings who lead and govern this planet.
I come to ask for the repentance of the heart, so that you remember that there exists only one God present in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; I come to ask you not to forget to be considerate, merciful and fraternal to one another; I come to ask you to proclaim your faith in the infinite existence of the Celestial Church of Christ; I come to ask that you give the examples, among yourselves, of equality, compassion, love and respect, because, after all the help received, humanity continues to hurt itself in ways never seen before.
As the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, I remind you, dear children, to pray a Mystery of the Rosary, every day, and that you do not deceive yourselves anymore by exchanging this important prayer for the technologies and their constant problems.
Do so with the heart, and you will see the powerful results of this spiritual tool, that will provide you with peace and the spiritual healing of your lives.
If at least just a few fulfill all these requests, I will be able to continue interceding before the Celestial Father, although the scales are in great inequality. I will go tirelessly, to meet of all My children, and I will be able to help, one by one.
If humanity does not pray and does not stop to think before acting impulsively, a worse crisis will embrace the planet and, as in these days, innocent lives will unjustly pay for the others.
To avoid all this, I come again to ask for the consecration of your lives and homes of the world to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, thus I will triumph, being able to live among you in a true and solemn way.
I thank you for responding to this important call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more