Eighth day of the Novena
By bringing to My infinite Mercy the souls who agonize or suffering in their spirits, I will be able to help and repair them in the Source of My Love.
The souls who are sick in their bodies or who are living inner sorrows are those who most need My unfathomable Mercy, because within the Ocean of the Mercy of God they will find the spiritual comfort they need.
It is in this way that through those who invoke the Mercy of My Heart I can reach the consciousnesses that you least imagine and thus the wonders of My Spirit can be accomplished in all those souls.
To have devotion to the Divine Mercy is to accept the primordial tablet of salvation so that the Kingdom of God may be manifested in humanity and this sacred Kingdom may manifest the designs of the Divine Will.
To love My Mercy is to seal the true commitment to My Heart, regardless of the circumstances.
Ninth day of the Novena
And after having implored from the heart for the Divine Mercy, the Lord of the Universe, with all the power of His Grace and Piety, will pour out His unfathomable Mercy upon the whole Church of the Earth, especially upon those souls who for different reasons, experiences and circumstances have offended the Name of the Lord with their committed actions.
You will continue to place all of them within the Universe of the Mercy of My Heart, so that they may represent Me as true and righteous ambassadors and apostles of peace in these times.
The power of My Mercy, in the fullness of Justice, will reveal what remains hidden within My Church, so that, finally, by the strength of the prayer of all, it may be purified and dignified before the Presence of the Heavenly Father.
During these nine days the Lord of Mercy not only worked with Poland, but also reached the souls who suffered many forms of moral and inner pain.
Thus the power of My Mercy granted salvation to all those who needed it most urgently.
I thank you for praying to the Mercy of My Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more