O soul that has wedded the Lord, surrender to Him your being, body, soul, mind, spirit and heart so that, in this way, you may be in your Spouse, and He in you.
Be faithful to the One Who called you by your name and Who, among so many beings of the Earth, allowed you to hear His sweet Voice, His firm call.
Seek to be, soul of the Lord, an eternal companion of your Spouse, faithful in the graces as well as in the cross, giving Him all virtues and miseries, everything you achieved and also that which you have not even tried for. Place everything in the arms of the Lord and surrender your heart before His greatness.
Do not wait any longer to experience an alliance with your God. Renew your union with the Creator in each instant of your life. Understand the union with God, not like the marriages of the Earth, but like a spiritual marriage, an alliance that is made between your soul and God, representing that everything you are and what you have experienced, up until now, is placed in the Hands of the Most High, so that He may dispose of your consciousness and of your spirit to accomplish His Will.
Learn to love God more each day.
Learn to be faithful and dedicated.
Learn to always offer all of yourself, so that His Will may be accomplished.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Listen to the Heart of God, which beats in the silence of every human heart. In prayer, unite your spirit with the Spirit of the Father, and grow in virtue, in gratitude, and in love, because the world needs it.
The moment has come in which the planet has also entered into its agony, just like you, child, deep within yourself, can feel the agony that precedes a great surrender and the triumph and the renewal of the Love of God.
Listen inside of you to the Heart of God, because in this cycle that is beginning, only He will be able to guide you in your actions, thoughts, and feelings; only with your spirit united with His will you be able to discern in order to take sure steps and without fear.
Listen to the voice of God within you, unmistakable, impassive, transmitting stillness to your soul and strength to your heart.
The agony of the planet is beginning, and just as you were and are tested in the temptations of the world to persevere in your surrender to God, so also the nations and their people will be tested, and one by one, will be confirmed in their surrender to and union with the Father, so that they may be the cradle of a New Life.
You should pray and unite your heart with the heart of God, doing the greatest and grandest service, keeping the door of the human consciousness open to the Heart of the Father, so that humankind may not lose the link with their Creator.
Do not fear nor be sad, rather just maintain your heart in God. You know the Cross of the Lord and know that, after sacrifice, humiliation, and surrender comes the renewal of Love. Therefore, concentrate your heart on making your offer real, and may every second of your life in this world be for the renewal of the Love of God, be a brick that you place on Earth to build the New Life.
For this, you have my blessing.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
My crying demonstrates to the world the pain that wars cause My Heart; especially those that are generated in the Middle East.
In this way, love among brothers and sisters is lost, as well as brotherhood among beings because of the prevalence of certain ideals of conquest and ostentation.
Today My crying is for everything that I see happening there, in the Middle East, and what that harsh confrontation among the nations and its peoples is causing.
Peace has already dissipated and that is My principal agony as a Mother.
Weapons have gained more power and reign more than hearts themselves, and something worse could be unleashed in weeks.
For this reason, I come to ask My children who pray to intercede before the Father, together with Me, and that each prayer may be a spark of light that ignites within a dark planetary reality. That this light, which comes from prayer, may illuminate the inner spaces of the consciousness so that the dignity of being children of God, and brothers and sisters among the nations, may be recovered.
I wish for My crying to be felt and heard.
In truth, children, something worse has been unleashed in the Middle East and we must beg God that He, with His Infinite Power of Love, stops it.
I will be grateful to you for your inner union.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and be strengthened by His Words.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and trust in His Designs.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and let this be enough.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God for all those who do not listen to It.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and always do your best, that which no other soul would do.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and strengthen your faith in Him.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God because all things shall pass.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and let It console you.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and everything will be renewed.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God so that your patience may grow.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and make yourself as small as It.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and feel His great Mercy.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and find His sublime Kingdom.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and everything will be restored.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and you will know which path to take.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and you will find your inner strength.
Listen to the Voice of the Heart of God and you will be able to say 'yes' to everything; 'yes' to service, 'yes' to infinity, 'yes' to peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more