Marathon of Divine Mercy

Second Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As an ocean of Cosmic Light, I come to the world, to have souls become immersed in the great Essence of God, so that, in this Infinite and Eternal Essence, souls may find again the path toward their origin, toward the first Law and toward the first Purpose that created them in this sacred immaterial universe.

In union with this Eternal Essence of God, may the souls incarnated in this world find the path of return to the House of the Father. Through the secure door of My Heart, they find again the Principles that emerged and came forth in the Origin, for the manifestation and expression of each divine essence.

For this reason, I place you within this universe of Light, which was the first to emerge and become manifested before the Law of Creation, before all existed in the sacred mental universe. And in this material universe, that Light of the Divine Origin was what manifested itself before did the Creator Fathers, known as the angels and archangels.

And today, because of an emergency and a great necessity, humanity is in contact with this unknown pattern, which is an Attribute of God. In truth, it was His first Thought, before His Project manifested itself in the dimensions and on the planes of consciousness.

It is in this Light that you will manage to be nothing. You will become immersed in the void, to be completed by the Sacred Matrices of the All.

I know that today I Am speaking to you through symbols and analogies, but open your hearts so that this Law, which today descends upon the planet for the first time, may touch what is most supreme in your spirits, so that they may be filled by this Higher Light, which slowly transforms all forms and principles, converting them according to the Will of God.

This is how it is possible to correct this Human Project, through a minimum representation of humanity that says ‘yes’ to the Call of the Master.

But today it is not just Jesus the Christ that is here with you, but the One who is speaking to you is His Face of Ascension, that Face that was able to touch the Higher Spheres, and was welcomed by the great Masters and Hierarchies to begin to live the Spiritual Government.

Because My Spiritual Government begins to concretize itself and become a reality first in the hearts of the anonymous beings, of all those who are devoted to Me, and do not fear the righteousness of My Laws, because what I promise to you for the next life is something very great. It is in no way similar to what you live here on Earth, in this world of afflictions and sadness.

I, as the Son of God and the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, incarnated among the men and women of the Earth to announce the Good News, carry the Cross of the sins of the world, endure, suffer and die for you, and then resurrect in Glory on the third day.

You must live the same school, but a school of first dying to yourselves, to all that in which you believe and that you know, to all personal and individualistic convictions.

To attain the Kingdom of the Heavens in the next life, you must not only become detached, but you must also become divested of yourselves. You cannot bring the burdens of this world to the Paradise, because your spirits learn, in this school of redemption, to fly quite high, like birds, so as to merge in the Light with the Divine Essence of the Father.

This Light, which I bring you today from the Creative Essence, was the same that inspired the first twelve main archangels to design the Plan in this material universe. A Plan that first had to be permeated by the mental and ultra-terrestrial forms so that it might follow the principle of the Good and of unity, something that is not lived in the world today, and this unity and this good are not seen in all places of the Earth.

Therefore, companions, so that this Divine Light of God’s Essence may permeate the most corrupt particles of your beings and of the beings of the Earth, and for the corrupt to be transformed into what is incorrupt, you must first take the steps toward the total surrender of attaining the emptiness of yourselves, and of living the different degrees of renunciation, which is not about sacrifices or sufferings, but rather a gradual divestment that will free you from the concrete and corrupt forms, which you know as spiritual ties and prisons.

Today I present to you this apparently abstract Message so that your minds and consciousnesses may come out of the normal form and may enter the great geometry of what is immaterial and unknown, from which all eternally emerges and manifests itself.

All this, and much more, through the Divine essence of God, is what your Master and Lord found when He ascended to the Heavens.

And through the sacred ministry of the Eucharist, through the institution of the Body and Blood of Christ for souls, these first Matrices descended so that, after two-thousand years of spiritual and priestly exercise, souls and hearts in this end of times could have the Grace of receiving, on this day and for the first time, this spiritual impulse that My Ascensional Face brings. In this way, everything will have the opportunity of redemption, so that you will always know and remember that there is a way out beyond the lesson being learned or the school, beyond what it means and represents for you.

This is the ocean of the Divine Light of God, which invades and blesses the orbit of the Earth today, so that all beings of the Earth, all of this humanity, may receive the Grace of redemption, which perhaps they do not deserve, because all this is for one reason: for Love.

As this Law, which acts today through My Words, is unknown to you, this is as far as I can go today, because all has its time and moment for God. Although the schools among you are so different, the Light of the Divine Essence of God is not selective, it blesses all creatures without exception.

Lastly, I want to tell you, so that you may meditate on it later, that it was this Light of the Divine Essence of God that granted My Resurrection, and transformed Me into an Immortal Being.

All those who in the past, participated in the reappearance of Christ after His Death and His Resurrection, had the Grace of being before this Light. Therefore, I declare and explain to you that I told Mary Magdalene not to touch Me when she saw Me and recognized Me, because I had not yet ascended to the House of My Father.

Before manifesting Creation, God first thought of His Light, preciously permeated by His Love and His Unity, so that souls and above all essences, might learn to spiritually drink from His Fountain every time it was necessary. Just as today you are before this Light, which comes to bring understanding and wisdom for a wounded world.

Because when I return, the main spiritual bases of the Project of God must be pre-established in souls, in all those who throughout the times, regardless of their religion or belief, have received My Christic Love from the East to the West.

I want to thank you for solemnly sustaining this moment. Because God is not only grand and powerful, God is simple, He is close, He is a Father and a Friend, He is a Shoulder on which you can always lean and the Hands that you can always hold, to feel His Love and His Strength.

And now, let us celebrate the Holy Eucharist, so that souls may again have contact with this Creative Light.

Remember your origin and beginning, the path of emptiness, but the path of the Whole, where unity based on Love and the Truth can be lived.

I thank you.

 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Lord, we are not worthy that you should enter under our roof,
but only say the Word, and we shall be healed.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us invoke the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Healing for all of humanity.

May the Holy Spirit of God, through the power of the Gift of Healing, permeate with its Light all cells and consciousnesses, especially of those who are in spiritual prison and who, for decades, have not managed to be freed and redeemed.

Let us pray for this important cause of My Heart, because if Healing is not established in humanity and in consciousnesses, Love will not be able to be established in the world, let alone be established in the Kingdoms of Nature, which are outraged by the hands of those who do not know the Creation of God and deeply interfere in the evolution of the Lower Kingdoms.

While the Kingdoms of Nature continue being transgressed, diseases will still exist throughout the world, and even more will spiritual and psychological diseases exist, because the humanity of the surface, that is, the majority of humanity, is in disharmony with the Law of Nature.

Just as I invite you at this moment to love your neighbor, I also invite you to love the Lower Kingdoms, because without their intervention, you would be nothing, you would not have anywhere to place your feet.

And even so, with so many outrages and sacrileges made to the kingdoms of Nature, the minerals, the plants and animals, and even the Elemental and Devic Kingdom, as a greater sacrifice, keep sustaining the consciousness of the planet.

Has anyone ever wondered how much love is in a flower?

Has anyone ever wondered how much love is in a whale?

Or how all the Kingdoms still continue being outraged?

Why is there this need for exploitation, abuse and transgression of the Kingdoms of Nature?

The more that consciousnesses on the surface of the planet contact God internally, through the powerful instrument of prayer and the Sacraments, the more the human race will not only receive the Gift of Healing from the Holy Spirit for its diseases to be healed, but also the Kingdoms of Nature will receive the assistance they need to regenerate themselves, and this is something that begins in what is spiritual.

I did not want to fail to say this to you, at the moment when we light a new candle of the Menorah, because humanity is not observing nor contemplating this necessity.

Now, you, who claim to be spiritual, have a part in this situation, for all those who do not do it nor live it, for those who have completely lost the meaning of living in the Law and, through the Law, of attaining the happiness they need.

Do you now understand the cause of so much suffering on the planet?

In my heart these situations also weigh, because I am a human being just like you, who incarnated in the world to redeem it and turn it back to God, to the God that was forgotten and that many did not take into account, ignored and rejected, throughout the times.

For this reason, I had to live the Passion, among so many reasons and motives, which are not written in any book and which, through My Words, I declare to you today.

But My history did not end here, nor did it end in the Ascension of Jesus. My true history begins in the Spiritual Government of worlds and of the universe, when, in the highest of the Heavens, in the heart of the universe, your Lord began the second stage of His evolutionary trajectory, which is not written nor recognized in any book.

But so that Who Christ Jesus truly is may be revealed, it must come out of My own Mouth and of no other, because it is something that was already thought of and written in the Heart of God, because all has its time and all has its moment.

It is not My wish to fill you with knowledge or expectations. My aspiration is that you can elevate yourselves, just as I elevated Myself to the Heavens in consciousness, consciously living the path of Christification and peace, transforming your lives during everyday events and in all details so that you not adjust to what is spiritual or modern, or seek roles or recognition. Because while you do not love silence, as I love it, God will not be able to speak to your hearts. Do you know how long He has been waiting to do so?

For this reason, He sends His Son once again to the world so that, through the Presence of the Son of God and of His Christic and Cosmic Energy, hearts can transform and listen.

Believe that there is a Plan for each one of you, just as God drew a Plan for My human Consciousness, which incarnated and lived among you for a reason: so that you might know Higher Love.

For this reason, My history does not end in the Ascension, My great task begins after the Ascension to the Heavens, while the angels of the universe elevated Me and led Me physically to other dimensions, what is here known as the Material Universe, because the Son of God, when He ascended to the Heavens, did not return to the Divine Source.

The reason of My existence is to be with you eternally and for your essences to be Christified through an important experience of love and forgiveness that only you can conceive.

You will manage to do so through a great key: by loving the hidden symbol of your cross. When you manage to do so, and understand it, your cross, the cross of each one of My companions, will not be martyrdom, but rather the opportunity to concretize a victory for Me, so that your consciousnesses and, above all, your essences, may attain the same vibration and elevation that I achieved, although you may not believe it.

If throughout the times there have been incorrupt saints, do you not believe, by any chance, that your lives can be incorrupt and that matter can be sanctified and Christified?

How do you believe the Resurrection of Christ or even the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor was possible?

How do you believe that the multiplication of the bread and the fish, or even the healing of the paralyzed, or even of the lepers, or the resurrection of the dead was possible? In the example of Lazarus, do you believe it was the Master alone who did this?

The co-creator consciousness of humanity exists to evolve, and not to enter involution, and while you do not look to this objective or to this principle, the forces of evil will distract you from the path of Christification, making you feel that you need other experiences.

The commitment that many of those who are Mine have revoked throughout the years is something non-transferable, it does not end simply by changing your life or the experience. Be aware that the commitment that each one of you have with Me is spiritual and essential and, thus, indissoluble, it cannot disappear however much you may live other things, and when you live other things, be aware that you make the Lord waste time.

The way that I speak to you with the maturity that I have attained in My Spiritual Government is the same way that I speak with the Hierarchies, just as I have spoken with the people of Israel, with all those who were present two thousand years ago, to have the first opportunity, the first step toward the total redemption of consciousness.

And do you know what moves all that? The Love and Mercy of God. If that were not well constituted in your consciousnesses, nothing would be possible. Thus, you will be able to understand and you will be able to see how the world wastes time in other things, and consciousnesses do not value their incarnation.

Millions of consciousnesses waste their lives and so it is the angels of the universe themselves who descend to the hells of the planet, because there is no one who can save those lost souls.

But if, throughout the times, My soldiers on the surface, My warriors of prayer, act consistently, without letting their hearts become cold. I will be able to do all, and I will be able to do much more through you, just as I have thought of and just as it is written in the Heart of the Father.

When I was on Mount Tabor, I was only able to gather a few of the apostles, to let them know My true Face. The Transfiguration of Jesus, just as the Ascension of your Master, did not only end with the glorification of His Being, that is, with the illumination of His cells and atoms, which was what the apostles saw on Mount Tabor. In those times, they rather had an extraordinary Grace of knowing the true Face of Christ, which did not only refer to His person, that is, His human being, but rather, from the depths of My Being, I revealed to them My true Face, from where I truly emerged for you in accordance with what the Father had thought of, because it was God Himself who surrendered for those who needed to find Him and recognize Him again.

In this revelation of Mount Tabor, they came to know the Face of the Cosmic Christ, which is one of the seven aspects of My Consciousness, the aspect that is closest to the Material Universe.

However, after My Ascension to the Heavens, I want you to know that My history did not end there, and that, throughout the times and after the Ascension, I was formed in a very similar manner to the way I was formed by the Essenes, living specific initiations that were already programmed by the Most High so that, with all the experience of the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection, Love could again constitute, in this universe, the Spiritual Government that had been interfered with by My enemy.

For this reason, as much as there are still spiritual and material battles, as much as many still cannot overcome their own duality, as much as many cannot understand why they are always in such an arid and dry desert, or why they live certain experiences that they would never have wanted to live, do not forget that in your essences, God formed you as co-creators, just like the angels.

I say this not for you to feel powerful or stronger than you believe you are. If in all this there is no spirit of humility or of true resignation before the Heights, you will not learn to walk as I did, because, in spite of being the Son of God, the One who had been programmed to come to Earth, My human being, My earthly consciousness, also had to be Christified, overcoming fears, insecurities and even doubts.

We are all in likeness to God.

Throughout the times and after My Ascension, He taught Me many things that I now come to teach you, with the sole aim that you may be a faithful expression of the Will of God itself. And so that this is possible, it is fundamental that you may free yourselves from your personal will.

Now, when I return to the world, a moment that is not so far for humanity, I will come revealing the same Face that I revealed to the apostles on Mount Tabor, but it will be ten times stronger than it was at that time.

Because all those who are at that great moment of the Return of Christ will not only see the Glorified Son, they will not only see the Resurrected Son, or even the Redeemer of the world, they will see the transfigured Son of God, showing His true Face, which, with His mere Presence, through the Presence of God, will redeem the whole world.

And, at that moment, the Universal Judgment will be established and the Earth will be reconfigured and reconstituted. And the principles of the Commandments of God will be re-established in the consciousnesses, which will be able to recognize the Laws so as to be able to recognize the Rays of the Universe.

And those who will remain on Earth to be a part of the New Humanity will be re-grouped according to their lineages so that, together with Me, we may re-establish the Kingdom of God on the surface of this planet, where evil will no longer exist, nor will duality, energies that completely confuse consciousnesses.

But the one who loves the Will of God, the one who loves the Sacred Heart of Jesus, will overcome all the consequences that the transition of the Earth will bring, and will be placed where it is necessary to serve, preparing many more consciousnesses to receive Christ, your Redeemer.

For this reason, we must pray and not forget these moments that are approaching, because there will be no other occasion and no other moment for you to listen to these things that I am telling you today. Because when the times that are approaching come to the life of all, you must be ready and defined.

And be aware that this experience of Christification is unconditionally offered to all. And only the one who loves this experience will understand it, because it is a mystery that I build through your lives, through the lives that consecrate themselves to God.

And a demonstration of this is the consecration of the material life and of the inner life of beings, as at this moment will happen to those who revere and adore My Eucharistic Heart, and who, up to now, are postulants to be My adoring armies, to sustain the entire Work of the Hierarchy and, thus, sustain the planet and mainly the axis of the Earth.

This is the main cause of the adorers, and this must be their main motive; everything else must come afterward, even the very consciousness that adores. To place yourselves before My Eucharistic Heart must be done with an empty heart.

And so that you may understand what I am saying to you, I will offer to you a song, through the Choir. For this reason, I call My daughter, Faustina de Jesús, so that she may come here to sing to her Lord and Her Spouse.

May she sing to all how her experience of feeling an empty heart was. And, thus, after this song, through which you will have the experience of emptying your consciousnesses and, above all, your hearts, you will accompany the postulants to become adorers, who today represent a symbol and a significant number before the Confederation of Worlds.


Song: “Empty heart.”


If all spouse souls sang to Me like this, I would be able to give My Life for you hundreds of times, because I know that what God conceived through His creatures in inconceivable to many. Only an empty heart is capable of understanding these mysteries gestated by the Love of the Creator.

Thank you, Sister Faustina de Jesús! I am Jesus of Faustina.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I come here, to this cenacle that is favored by Me, to the great oratory of the Mother of God.

Today, I come, in a special way, because I want to be close to you and with each one of your souls, preparing you to enter the desert that My Hand is indicating to you today, to this spiritual desert of humanity, which many do not want to cross because they forget that I am in the desert, when you just seek Me and call Me.

In this preamble to the next Sacred Week, I will come unexpectedly, throughout this week, without giving notice, so that your hearts may be ready, just as were the apostles, together with My Mother, in the Cenacle, after the Resurrection of your Lord.

I want to be able to meet you, I want to be able to feel and contemplate you, just as it was with the apostles, when they were together with My Heavenly Mother, in the Re-appearance of Christ, days before My Ascension to the Heavens.

I also come to relieve your hearts and spirits, to remove the weight of the cross that has been placed upon your backs, but I encourage you and I invite you to keep carrying this cross, not only for you, but rather for the great need of Love in this humanity and on this planet.

I come with this Message for all to internally prepare for the next Sacred Week, and, My Heart, with joy and predilection, has chosen this place blessed by My Heavenly Mother, to announce, once again, the Word of God, so that hearts, upon entering this desert that I invite you to cross this week, may again find God and, before Him, be in silence, in attunement and in love, for all that is necessary and urgent to repair in this humanity and on the planet, because the war keeps happening, souls keep suffering; insecurity, impunity and fear continue being established in peoples and nations.

I prepare you in this desert, just as your Master and Lord prepared Himself for forty days to accept the Chalice that the Father offered to Him, which today I offer to you, in My Name, so that you may drink from it without any fear, because My Precious Blood comes to purify you, it comes to bless you and re-consecrate you for the next stages of the Plan of the Redeemer.

May the agony of not being able to reach Me or feel me no longer weigh on you. I am here, as the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to remind you that you have a part to play at this moment with Me, because My aspiration is that you may be My apostles of the end of times.

May this desert, which I invite you to cross today with courage and bravery, strengthen you. May this desert, which I invite you to cross, with love and faith, make you grow internally for all that will come because, before the Celestial Father, I need souls that justify the errors of the world and the grave sins that outrage the Heart of God in these times.

Adore Me in the Divine Sacrament of the Altar during these days. May your vigil of Adoration expand and be strengthened so that the Kingdom of the Heavens may descend to Earth, not only during the next Sacred Week, but also in this preparatory week which, with bliss and joy, I come to share with you in a special way, and, Our Lord, the Celestial Father, has decided that this blessed house, consecrated to the Heart of My Mother, should be the place, the cenacle and the oratory for these meetings to take place, these unexpected meetings.

Remember your Guardian Angels, they are thirsty for your offerings to the Heart of God, for your offerings for humanity and for the planet so that Love, Peace and Light may not disappear from the surface of the Earth.

I understand you and I also comprehend you, these are unknown and difficult times, and sometimes you feel you cannot endure them. But have faith, I died for you, so that you could have life in Me.

I bless you and I thank you for welcoming Me in this place, for the simplicity of each detail, for the sincere offering of the hearts that trust in Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My God,
I believe,
I adore, I wait for and I love Thee.
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.

(three times)

Today, before the majesty and the sovereignty of these mountains, I greet you all.

Behold the Resurrected, behold the One who gave His life for you and keeps giving it in these times, for one goal: the redemption and conversion of humanity, beyond beliefs, beyond religions, beyond dogmas, ideas or atheism.

I am the Resurrected, and I present Myself before the world once again, to announce My Message of Peace and of the end of war. So that this may happen, all souls and consciousnesses must surrender before Me. This will allow, before the Celestial Father, for humanity to be thoroughly saved and it will allow areas of this planet not to be lost due to ignorance and wickedness.

Behold the Resurrected, the One who resurrected on the third day from the dead, who rose to the Heavens, who will return in Glory with all consciousnesses and Hierarchies to re-establish in this world the Government of the planet, the true Government of humanity, a Spiritual Government that has never been sown in the external consciousness or within life.

Therefore, when the Resurrected returns to the world, He will not only come in Glory, but also in splendor, to announce to all the arrival of the New Times, the arrival of the New Earth, after it is purified, as it is being purified now, after this Earth and this humanity understand, once and for all, that they must turn to God, because without God, humanity is nothing, it is a dead, fragile and poor humanity.

Through My Words, I come to bring you the riches of the universe, the Word of God that may become flesh within you through examples of charity and the good, which is what humanity lacks, which is what the human race lacks; it lacks the experience of the good and charity so as to find in itself the Mercy it needs in order to redeem and save itself, so that this planet, as a spiritual consciousness, may become rescuable.

I come from the top of these majestic and sovereign mountains of Montserrat to announce to the world that the time of My Return is coming, and that at each new day this Return becomes closer, closer to all.

Keep elevating your prayers and supplications to Heaven for those who do not do so, for those who do not live it, for those who deny God and do not fulfill the Universal Laws. If this keeps happening this way, the world will enter greater chaos.

Be intelligent and do not allow My adversary to advance over this humanity, be peacemakers, be merciful, be representatives of Christ on Earth, through your transformation and the transformation of your consciousnesses. Thus, you will give a living testimonial, not a passing one, you will give a true testimonial, not a poor one.

For this reason, I am here to make you brave and persevering; so that, through My Heart, the Heart of the Resurrected, you may again find life, and your brothers and sisters may again find the life they have lost, the life that I call spiritual life.

Meanwhile, I would like to tell you that the Hierarchies that accompany Me today, the Wise Hierarchies of the universe, untiringly work at this planetary moment, especially for those who are struck by the wars and conflicts, especially for those who keep being discarded, enslaved and martyrized by their brothers of humanity.

The moment the Son of God returns, He Himself, in His Sovereign Presence, will face those consciousnesses that denied Him, especially the ones who rule the governments of this world, who will be, face to face, before the King and the Son of God.

But I will not come to impose a law or a punishment, I will come to demonstrate, even more, the infinite universe of My Love, which I invite you to continue grasping and understanding through consciousness and acts of love. Thus, you will not only be My servers, but you will also be the merciful consciousnesses of God that will attract to Earth the Divine Laws, which, up to today, humanity does not fulfill nor live.

The absence of the Higher Laws in this humanity generates the chaos it is living today and attracts very great inequality and indifference through those who only fill their pockets with wealth, and do not share it with the poorest and most discarded.

Therefore, My Message comes to the most simple of heart, the purest of intention, for the most humble.

I do not come to seek those who are perfect, intelligent or clever, I come to seek those who consider themselves as sinners, those who need My Hearts Flame of Love so as to redeem themselves and keep moving forward on this path toward My Celestial Father, which I offer to you.

Meanwhile, the Eternal Father has His Arms open, but His Heart is filled with arrows due to the hatred, the conflicts, the wars, the indifferences and, mainly, due to the lack of love and fraternity throughout the human consciousness.

I know My Spiritual and Divine Presence, at this moment that is previous to My Return, awakens and activates many Inner Christs that do not live any religion, that do not live any dogma nor practice any philosophy, but rather, through service, their hearts are filled with peace, with bliss and the joy of serving others.

It is there, where My Redeeming and Merciful Love also acts deeply, in the most difficult abysses of the planet, in the hells of the consciousnesses of nations, where only violence, hatred and evil are practiced.

Although everything may seem to be destroyed in some nations of the world, I promise to raise them again, so that they may be the true Kingdom of God that they came to this world to be, but which, for different reasons and motives, their brothers of humanity impeded this Project of Mine for the nations.

I will make new treasures bloom in hearts. I will make new experiences bloom in hearts. And all those who have believed in Me will be able to receive the impulses of My Love, which will bring them wisdom and discernment for these times of transition.

In this way, you will not only be prepared, but also, through your examples of service and love, you will prepare your brothers and sisters, especially those who are not aware of spirituality and Higher Life.

For this reason, I come today especially to Montserrat so that the consciousness may rise to God, so that the human race may turn to the universe and contemplate the starry firmament of this Creation and remember that there is a very special place for each consciousness, for each soul and for each being, which is their origin.

If souls turn to their origin, their spirits will return to their primordial origins. In this way, the spirit of the government of this humanity and of this planet will be rebuilt, when all has been purified.

Many ask themselves in the inner planes: how much time will pass before the Redeemer returns?

Today, I tell you again, that it is not much time; but while I cannot return to your hearts, while you do not give your lives completely to Me, and while you do not resist every inner aspect, I will not be able to return.

It is in this way that I need to justify, before the Eternal Father, this great universal movement. Be conscious of this moment, because there is no longer time.

My Lips pronounce the Words of God’s Will to all consciousnesses.

My Heart radiates the Impulses of the Divine Source at this moment, in the face of this situation of the planet and of humanity.

While I am here, I stabilize the planes of consciousness for all those who need peace, for all those who are fleeing the war, persecution and death, because your Master and Lord knows what it is to die in loneliness. He lived it on the Cross in His own Flesh, at each minute and at each second of the Calvary.

But in this loneliness that many consciousnesses are living in the world today, due to different reasons, to poverty, discarding, inequality, indifference, misery, disease, or even due to wickedness, they find inner strength through My Presence, when they just think of Me.

Thus, I make you walk beyond what you believe you can do, surpassing your limitations, your deserts and even your difficulties. The Love of God is capable of going beyond, and I will give you an example so that you may understand: at this moment, of suffering and darkness for the Ukraine, your Master and Lord has proposed special help for all the essences that are going through this moment through a simple humanitarian service, which is precise, but also profound, because it means bringing the Light of Christ to those places where it is most needed.

In the same way, My aspiration for Africa is latent.

Not only for Europe, but also the whole world, all those who hear My Voice and believe in My Message must keep in mind these two aspirations of your Master and Lord because whether or not there will be greater relief for humanity will depend on these tasks, on these events.

At the next Marathon, I want you to already feel as My apostles, rather than aspire to be My apostles.

The world needs an apostolate, not an apostolate of evangelization, but rather an apostolate of service, of love, of charity and even of redemption; of bringing peace to where it does not exist, of transmuting evil where it is present, through silence and prayer, through the elevation of the consciousnesses.

Thus, you will learn to do the same as I did for you, when I was on Earth. In this way, I will be able to count on consciousnesses that love the Law of Transmutation and do not avoid it, because this is the time to do something for others.

May this Marathon be a confirmation for each server so that, at the next meeting with Me or in the next Sacred Week, I can mention the needs of the Plan that I foresee for the world, that is, to place the consciousnesses at the service of Africa, of the Middle-East and Europe, as well as other places of the world.

But so that this may be real, you must love My aspirations and you must want to live them, concretize and even carry them out, because you know that I can do many things, but now I resign before you, so that you can do more than I did, so long ago.

You must be generators of hope for the world, of a hope that has been conditioned, of a hope that has suffered mutation due to the contrary projects of humanity. You must make the world remember that God gave you life and that life is the most precious thing that the Father gave you.

The world no longer wants to respect life. The world wants to abort life and does not know what it connects to when it makes this movement. If a life is about to emerge, this life must be respected and loved, just as you have been loved and respected since your birth.

If I had never been born in a poor Manger of Bethlehem, the world would not have understood the Purpose of God. If I had not preached, the world would not have understood the Parables. If I had not died on the Cross, the world would not have adored Me as the Firstborn.

Remember that I am a Bridge to God. I am the Great Mirror of Divine Mercy, and, each time it presents itself, it also projects and refracts throughout the whole world, in all souls, under any condition and situation.

The time has come for the confirmed apostles. The hour has come for you to cease to have a tepid heart, to have feet on two paths, on two pathways, because I tell you again, as I once told you, that I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I thank you because you pray to My Celestial Mother, as that Great Worker of God works for peace in Eastern Europe, together with all angelic consciousnesses.

Let us keep creating the bridges toward the universe, let us keep opening the correct doors and closing uncertain doors, because evil will be defeated through Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The priestly spiritual force is like a mirror that concentrates and attracts the Divine Energy.

My enemy always wants to destroy that unknown spiritual force that comes from the Source of God.

For this reason, My priest sons are placed under an interior pressure, also unknown, through which My enemy projects and mirrors uncertain realities that, in many cases, are capable of confusing and diverting the aspirations of the priests of Christ.

At this time, My favorite children, the priests, cannot let themselves be taken nor influenced by the harassments that do not belong to them, because they are only stones on the path that try to make them fall, over and over again. 

But, My Son, who loves you deeply, has given you the strength of spiritual resurrection, the possibility of rising again, as many times as necessary.

The spiritual and inner mission that the priests of the world have cannot be valued or appreciated with physical eyes, it can only be contemplated by those souls that are capable of praying fervently for My favorite children so that, at each new fall, they may rise from the ground for a single purpose, for the people of God that await them, and that aspire, through the priests, to see the apostles of Christ.

I ask all priests not to be fooled by what does not belong to them, to be brave and always remember that, through the power of the Sacraments, you will find the service so necessary and fundamental to redeem yourselves.

Let us pray every day for the priests. I will be immensely grateful to you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

 Who bless you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Today, I place you in My arms so that, wrapped in the Sacred Cloth of Christ, your beings may be restored through the powerful Codes of the Redeemer.

Let your Beloved and Serving Celestial Mother wrap you with the Sacred Cloth of Christ so that, like My Son Jesus, every cell and atom of your consciousness may be purified, transformed and repaired by the precious Codes of the Divine Blood of Christ.

Today, I bring you, and each one of My children, the Sacred Cloth of the Redeemer, so that not only may souls heal from all the aggressions of these times, but also so that each human heart may believe in the spiritual and healing power of My Son, Jesus.

Today, I wrap you with the Sacred Cloth of Christ, just as your Humble and Silent Mother did with her Son in the sepulcher.

I want every part of your consciousness to believe in the power of the Resurrection, so that humanity can redeem itself.

Child, like Jesus, contemplate yourself wrapped within the Sacred Cloth of Christ, so that not only may your being be deeply healed, but so that all of humanity may be healed, living within itself the Codes of the Blood of Jesus.

This is the time to repair the entire human race. This is the time to cure, to heal, so that the Love of My Son may become flesh in everyone, so that His Divine Love may triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

 Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

At this moment, how do you understand Life? through obstacles or through transcendence? Do you understand Life through tests or through challenges?

Life is the first Gift that God created so that His children, all His creatures, would be able to reach the highest degrees of love.

Life is a Gift, and it is also a treasure for God.

As a sample of His immeasurable Mercy, the Father sent His Son to Earth so that, through His Passion, Death and Resurrection, all of you would be witnesses, throughout times, of how great is the Love of God.

Today, I invite you, My children, to rethink your perceptions and even your understandings of what Life really is, the one that the Creator Universe gave you so that, within you, the power of love awakens through challenges and even through possible uncertainties that may arise along your paths of spiritual consecration.

By learning to perceive the essence of Life, you will learn to love; you will learn to recognize that, in this universe, everything that seems dual has the deep meaning of turning each of you into other people and other consciousnesses, under the sacred emblem of unity between creatures and the universe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


We praise you, Lord, and we bless you,
for by Your Holy Cross you redeemed the world.

(three times)


 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold, the One about Whom was written and announced in the Sacred Books.

Behold, He who reappeared to the apostles of the past, to the holy women and to all those who had faith in Me, beyond what seemed to be the defeat of the Lord.

Behold, He who reappears to you again and who has even been written and announced in the Books of recent times.

Behold, the reappearance of Christ.

You must know that this is the time, that this is the hour and that this is the moment, in which the reappearance of the Lord not only emerges within you, but in all humanity, in all those who have been called to prepare My Return.

We now enter the frequency of Adoration, solemnity and sacred reverence, for the great moment of the Resurrection of your Lord, in the lives of those who believe in Him and who have never desisted from living His Word.

To all those who are in their homes, listening to My message, take a candle and light it so that you are not only in vigil with Me, but so that we are in vigil and restoration for the whole world, for those who still do not live peace, for those who have lost hope, for those who have abandoned their nations and emigrated, looking for an opportunity and a dignified life.

Today, on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence, I honor those who are despised, those who are exploited, all the refugees who have been severely chastised by their own brothers and sisters, by their own cultures, by their own countries, because they have forgotten what love and fraternity are.

For this reason, the efforts of all those who work for peace, for the common good and for service mainly repair the sorrowful Wounds of My Heart that many governments of the world still cause Me for being disconnected from the truth, and above all, from God, for being united to the reigning darkness, ambition, illusion and to the false power that subject the peoples and all My brothers and sisters.

Under the spirit of the Divine Brotherhood, on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence for the Resurrection of your Master and Lord, I come to meet you to resurrect you in spirit, soul and consciousness, so that everything may be renewed, not only in you, but also in your brothers and sisters, in those who need it the most, in those who cry out for peace and relief from suffering.

Therefore, My Restorative and Consoling Spirit, on this Hallelujah Saturday, visits  in omnipresence all the refugees of the world and their refugee camps so that they may have faith that I will return and make all things and situations new, gathering around Me the innocent, the poor, the children, women and men, the elderly and the ill, so that I can heal them again with My Presence and My silence.

I am the One who has resurrected, time and again, through My apostles and followers, through all those who are part of the Sacraments, through all those who believe in forgiveness and reconciliation.

For this reason, may this flame that you have in your hands today be the coming of the Holy and Sublime Spirit, who once arrived at Pentecost and entered the sacred Cenacle of those who, like you, were waiting for the Resurrection of the Lord.

May the sublime Flame of the Holy Spirit inundate you and fill you, and may the symbol of this light that you have in your hands today reach the whole world, especially those who are in the refuges and in all the shelters of the world, waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the hope of the return of love and joy in each of their lives.

This Saturday of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence is instituted as the "day of the innocents and of all the refugees of the world" so that the authorities of this planet receive the Science of the Holy Spirit and, above all, sufficient sensitivity to feel pity, compassion and love for those who suffer unjustly, for those who are governed by a system of adversity and chaos.

I come to re-erect all the suffering essences, in the four corners of the Earth, who live in refugee camps and who today are immigrants who have lost their identity, their dignity and, above all, their faith in hope.

This is the reason for also having died on the Cross, for having given My life for all, so that human fraternity would never dissolve in the world, and thus the Christic quality, incessant spirit of service and constant self-giving may always be present in the hearts that awaken to the Plan of God and to a given life and service for this humanity, even if they have no religion; they too can be part of My Christic Spirit of charity and giving.

Thus, on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence, I contemplate a world wounded, outraged, indifferent, subjected, enslaved, exploited and darkened by the forces of evil. But remember that the true victory of the Kingdom of God is within each of you. That is where evil is overcome by faith, love and the constancy of noble hearts to the resurrected Christ.

May this light, which you have in your hands today, accompany you for the end of times; and may this light, which comes from the Breath of the Holy Spirit, renew you and always give you the impulse to transform your own lives and the life of the whole planet.

While I am here and you accompany Me in this sacred moment of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence, My Spirit is, at this moment, reaching the hearts of all the refugees of the world and, through them, reaching the authorities of this humanity, so that they can resume the path towards the House of the Father, towards the fulfillment of the Will for this planet and this humanity.

Now, make your offering for those who are innocent, so that those souls, moved by the breath of the Holy Spirit, reach their interior resurrection on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence.

We are going to intone the Names of God so that the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may fill all refugee hearts, all the souls on Earth who must awaken to My consoling Love.

I am listening.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us all stand, and also those who are in their houses and homes, to receive through the Sacred Heart of Jesus the Presence of the Holy Trinity, on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence.

Song: The Names of God

Let us pray together.

Come, Holy Spirit,
Illuminate the hearts,
so that they may achieve
the Transfiguration of Jesus.

(seven times)

Now feel how your spirits, in the depths of your beings, how you are resurrected through the Presence of My Light and My Consoling Spirit in each of your hearts; how the Holy Spirit brings the awakening of science and wisdom to all consciences in these critical moments, so that more are serving, so that more are given, so that more are willing to give their lives for and to others in order that the common good and human fraternity be fulfilled beyond religion, social class, cultures, ethnic groups or any condition; may all be transfigured by the Light of My Sacred Heart so that they may achieve peace and mutual solidarity, and thus all feel themselves as brothers and sisters in Christ and for Christ, so that the world and its Kingdoms of Nature may also be repaired through awareness and works of love that all beings on Earth need in order to be redeemed one day. 

And now, as a second impulse of Light from My Heart, united with the Guardian Angels and the Angels of Heaven who accompany Me and are present throughout all directions on the planet, we will intone, with a spirit of solemnity, the "Pater Noster".

Song: Pater Noster.

The holy women sang together, on Holy Saturday, awaiting the Resurrection of the Lord.

When I ask you to sing, it should be spontaneous and not thought of with the mind, but felt with the heart, because it is the soul that emits the sacred sound of the universe so that, under the divine connection, the doors of Heaven open and angels can work.

Perfection is in the love expressed in each note, in each melody, as in each word. It is through this that My Love is renewed through the voices that offer themselves, throughout time, to sing to the Lord.

Before leaving Aurora on this day of vigil, solemnity and sacred reverence, and of making you enter My Celestial Church again so that you can live the Spiritual Communion of this day of vigil, I will ask you for one last song, which this time will come from Figueira. A song that expresses your effort to live My Will, My Designs and, above all, the encouragement to concretize the apostleship throughout time, through the heart.

That song is called "That which I am, this I give you."

In this message and in this music are expressed the ardent aspiration of a soul to be sustained in Christ and to not perish. For this reason, this song should be akin to all in this planetary moment, in which the service and humanitarian self-giving for your brothers and sisters of the world will be what will forge within you, not only the warrior of Christ, but also the server, the apostle of love.

Today, I thank you with sweetness, for having come to meet Me, once again.

I bless you and give you My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

May the Resurrection of Jesus illuminate you and make of your consciousnesses hearts transformed and lives transfigured by the Love of My Son so that the planet may receive the sacred spiritual atonement that it needs to be able to redeem itself.

Dear children, open yourselves, much more so that today the sacred mysteries of Christ may be revelations for the awakening and elevation of your consciousnesses, because if you transform yourselves and resurrect in spirit, becoming one with the Aspiration of God, the planet will also be transformed and all of humanity will become something sacred through the principles and attributes that will always come from the Father.

Today, I would like My children to understand that everyone is part of a transition and that this transition will have an end, just as everything in life has an end.

Therefore, My children, I give you an impulse and call upon you to abandon indifference and to attend to the needs, just as My Son attended to each one of the needs.

Under the spirit of charity, I invite you to have a merciful heart, a heart that has the ability to always respond yes to everything that needs to be attended to and rescued, because this is how the first and decisive steps will begin towards Christic Love, towards a higher Love, able to forgive everything.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you untie the knots you have on Earth, in Heaven the knots will also be untied.

Thus, a Law is fulfilled, the Law of Impermanence, of that which is neither fixed nor static.

Untying the knots of consciousness means liberation in this time, an opportunity that you are giving the universe so that it can regenerate and recreate.

When you untie the knots on the Earth, the universe is in charge of untying the knots in Heaven and everything reaches a liberation that is unknown, that can neither be measured with thought nor with the intellect.

It is a liberation that comes from the heart that trusts in the universe and in the possibilities offered by the universal Laws and the material Rays.

When the knots in Heaven are untied, the doors are opened to other perspectives, the doors are opened to other learnings and schools that you were never able to live before for different reasons and motives.

At this time, it is very necessary to untie the knots of consciousness, not only those that are on Earth, but also those that are in Heaven, because you will allow the angelic consciousness to intervene and intercede for you. There is no way to generate that movement, there is neither an attitude nor a thought.

Untying the knots on Earth and in Heaven is a possibility that you offer to your soul and, consequently, to your spirit and that which is beyond. Thus, an endless story begins to close.

The doors of the past, of mistakes, are closed, and the consciousness that unties the knots here, on Earth, receives a Grace, receives an opportunity that cannot be measured by movement nor thought, it can only be felt with the heart, with the opportunity to love and recognize Divine Mercy.

If every human being on this planet learned to untie the knots that he possesses here on Earth, imagine, for a moment, how many things would happen! How many opportunities would be offered! What benefit the consciousness of the planet, that lives in a constant suffering, would receive!

As the end of time approaches, greater are the events within the human beings. Not only will they be able to recognize the dwellings that God has given them so that one day they would turn them into sacred temples of elevation and surrender, but also that the same human beings will recognize and know everything they have done in other times.

 Is there no meaning in knowing the Truth?

This does not mean retrogressing, nor does it mean staying in the past. It means consciously amending that which has never been amended, that which has never been forgiven or reconciled within, neither with existence nor with the universe.

There are many consciences that need to untie these knots, in these times, to be able to take their steps, the safe steps toward My Heart and toward My Consciousness, the steps that I expect you will take, day by day, with determination, free from mediocrity, from neglect, from what is small, from what is poor; because God, since your origins, has given you everything, and you still do not know it.

You need to amend that which has happened so that you reach reality and learn, like your brothers and sisters, to get out of the illusion of the world, learn to immerse yourselves in Our Higher Life.

If you were not here, next to Me, you could not live that which you live today nor that which you learn today. The schools that I offer are unique, they are unrepeatable, they are non-transferable, because I know what each soul and each spirit need in order to evolve.

Everything that I give you and everything that My Father has given you throughout time and, above all, since your origins, since the Source, cannot be offered with a small amount. Your self-giving must be ample, infinite and immeasurable, just as I did for you until the last minute, in the final second of My expiration.

And even at that moment, I did not stop, I showed you through the Resurrection how to achieve the reemergence of the spirit, from the ashes of the past, to be driven by the fire of the Divine Source and thus be able to heal everything, thus be able to redeem everything, thus being able to enter the Kingdom of My Peace.

Your structures must be removed from their places, My treasures cannot be deposited in internal universes that are empty and poor.

True poverty of spirit is achieved with a given heart, the donation of life, with selflessness. That is what I need from you, it is what I need from every human heart.

Each one knows what to give me, what to present to me, what to offer me.

These are not times to measure what one should give or how far one can go. If you say you live in My Heart, can you not do everything?

The alliance with Me must not be built on tepid principles. The alliance with Me must be strengthened in Christification and in permanently giving thanks for the opportunity that presents itself within your lives, day by day; the opportunity that the universe gives you in each new step.

Because everyone must be an important piece of this great puzzle of the Plan, the pieces can be replaced, the pieces can change places according to the need and the Will of My Father. But My precious pieces cannot be lost as if nothing ever happened.

You have very close examples of pieces that I have lost because they are in the hands of My enemy. Have you ever felt what that means for Me? And how must I look at the Father so that He intercedes for them?

Nobody has the capacity to understand what their stay on this planet means, in this school that I have instituted through the Cross, so that you live redemption.

God Himself incarnated among you and gave you His Word, gave you His testimony and His Good News, offered you miracles, conversions and the liberation of souls. He became a Body through bread and gave His Blood through wine.

He is constantly renewed in the priestly office, in the opportunity that My apostles have to relive My Passion and to love it,  to love it more deeply every day, and without superficiality.

You must feel the Passion of your Master and Lord, offered in each new Eucharist, in each new Communion, because if the world does not cling to this, how will it survive? How will it remain in the Peace of the Lord in the face of so many conflicts and diseases?

Now, you must not only avail yourselves of My Body and My Blood, you must be part of My Mystical Body. What are you waiting for?

Thus, among few companions in the world, I will strengthen My Mystical Body that will be nourished by My Eucharistic Body, by My Body of Light, so that the whole world does not stop seeing the Light, despite the darkness.

Within the inner worlds is where the Plan is carried out, it is where the great operations of your Master and Lord are carried out with each one of the souls of the surface of the Earth.

Priesthood is always exposed to being attacked and destroyed, because the priesthood power that I offer you is unbreakable, and the gates of hell fear that.

For this reason, even the last drop of My Being was poured out on the Cross, and even more, the Water and Blood of My Side gave life, healing and renewal for all.

Although My Wounds healed in the Resurrection, I need the signs of My Passion to be alive in priests and in believers, in those who profess faith, despite difficult times.

In the signs of My Wounds, you will find your liberation, in the power of My Blood you will find your redemption and justification before the Father of all your mistakes and sins committed since Adam and Eve.

Now, you must be this mystery that is revealed, transformed and redeemed, you must be the expression of this love, you must want to reach the higher spheres that I offer you at this planetary moment, because there is still much to be done.

Your rest will be in the priestly service, in the life that each one can give to My Sacraments. Because now that souls cannot receive It in person, My priests must be that sacramental sign that should be engraved in the inner worlds so that suffering and agonizing souls may be strengthened.

Aspire to achieve perfection in priestly service, because the world needs it, humanity needs it, and in this way My Return will be prepared.

May souls discover their true virtues, may they see with loving eyes what God has given them and may they not only immerse themselves in their impurities and imperfections because that is the place where My enemy wants them. If you say you are intelligent, why are you there?

May the strength of your love be not in the mind, but in the heart, in the deep feeling of loving, as I love you, of serving, as I serve you, of uniting, as I unite you with the Source of My Eternal Father.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I am the Lady of Adoration.

I am the Guardian of the Eucharistic Body of My Son.

Within My Heart, I contemplate the deeds and the merits achieved by Jesus, for all humanity.

Before the Adoration of the Sacred Eucharistic Body of My Son, your Heavenly Mother is present in vigil and in prayer, carrying adoring souls towards the spiritual Tabernacle of My Son, so that souls may receive the fruit of conversion and Mercy, to become dignified in Christ, and, through Christ, they may recover their filiation with the Celestial Father.

I am the Guardian of the Eucharistic Body of My Son, and, through constant prayer, the Adoration of souls to the Body of Christ becomes invincible; it is like hundreds of angels that are drawn to the light of Adoration to help dissolve the roots of evil and perdition of souls.

The Guardian of the Eucharistic Body of Christ silently accompanies the defeat of the hells and the spiritual rescue of sinful souls.

Through the Adoration of the Sacred Body of Christ, each adorer reaffirms their union with the Supreme Will so that, beyond the self, it can be accomplished.

I am the Guardian of the Eucharistic Body of Christ and, in each new Adoration, the mysteries of the Resurrection of Christ Christify those who adore.

I thank you for adoring the Eucharistic Jesus!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


After the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, the apostles and disciples of the Lord remained some days in deep silence, allowing their souls to assimilate, spiritually and humanly, all they had experienced.

This period of silence was necessary so that they could understand the Grace of the mission that God had entrusted to them.

The world remained the same, humanity seemed not to have changed, but their hearts were inflamed by an unquenchable love that lasted for centuries, until today.

History repeats itself, my children.

The spiritual cycles are like a huge spiral in ascension to the Heart of God and, in each turn, the impulses are renewed and the hearts seem to relive, in different ways, the same events. And so it is.

Today you are in a new turn of this evolutional spiral in which the Lord handed to you the same impulses of two thousand years ago. 

These impulses resonate within you, transform you, move you, break barriers, dissipate illusions, so that your beings may be molded according to the Will of God.

Be aware of what you experience and, for a moment, allow your inner world to assimilate all the impulses received. Meditate upon the Words of Christ, again feel the states in which He places you each day and, finally, perceive what you are called to experience in these times.

You have My Blessing for this.

Chaste Saint Joseph


The Resurrection of Christ, child, means the beginning of a new time, in which humanity will be able to understand that which it came to the world for and what the path is that it is to follow in order to bring its existence into fullness.

The Resurrection elevates you above the greatest human fears, which are suffering and death, and places you in the truth of the Eternal Time of God so that you may know that the one who gives all of their self to God receives from Him all that He is, and participates in His Glory in unity with His Kingdom.

Resurrection is infinite rejoicing, divine and universal, because it is the revelation not only of the Face of God, but it is also the revelation of the face of humankind, as children of God and creatures in likeness to their Creator.

The path to the Glory of God is absolute surrender, unconditional love, full and total, which is born from the deepest core of human submission. 

You already know about all these things, but you must remember, because the condition of the planet will make you face situations that will lead you into experiencing this: choose the cross, surrender, eternal life in Christ.

Year after year, you are led into remembering the Life, the Death and the Resurrection of Christ so that when the time comes for the Easter of this world, you will be able to follow in His footsteps.

For this reason, love your Lord more each day, His Life, His example, His surrender, His eternal Consciousness, His Path, His Truth, because this same Love will allow you to imitate Him.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children,

Today I have gone to search in the inner sepulchers for all those who on this day rose in spirit because of having trusted again in the promises of Christ. 

For this reason, it is a day of joy because souls learned to recognize the Designs of God, so that His Divine Will may finally be accomplished.

See your empty sepulchers. The spiritual death of hundreds of hearts was overcome by the Love of Christ, Who brought everybody the strength of resurrection.

In this time, may everyone learn to live the overcoming of self through the perseverance and the love that My beloved Son gives you. In this way, you will demonstrate that you will always be able to defeat the challenges and open your mind and soul to reach new horizons.

Receive this day of the Resurrection of the Lord as an opportunity to confirm the triumph of redeeming Love within yourselves.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My loved ones,

It is time to resurrect in spirit, every day, with the inner strength that My Son gives you; in this way, you will help humanity and its whole project to rise up, so that it may again have its place in the Heart of the Eternal Father.

Children, it is time to rise up in spirit, of knowing how to get up from the ground, of carrying your own cross of life and of achieving freedom from all suffering.

In your daily resurrection, you will gain inner strength and valor in order to surpass yourself, beyond the tests, the challenges and all adversity, because if you live in Christ, Christ will work through you in examples of love, of the giving of self and in unconditionality.

Live the spirit of inner resurrection and make of this world a new space for the coming of Christ.

Do not fail to get up from the ground and of affirming the spiritual victory that My Son left you on the Cross, because by the Cross your lives will be safe.

Go ahead!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Withdraw your heart, together with Christ, into the depths of the Heart of God.

Withdraw your consciousness, your life, your mind, your soul and your deepest emotions into the Heart of God.

Withdraw your plans, your aspirations, your goals, your innermost understandings, your highest victories, your lowest falls, withdraw all that you are into the Heart of God.

Withdraw humanity into the Heart of God, the inner registers of lives and lives carried out in search of the Love of God and the fulfillment of His Plan and His Will.

Also withdraw your spirit, mysterious and silent, the part of you closest to the Truth and the Time of God. Let it all be in the Heart of the Father, let it return to Him, and there let it take its time to be recreated, transformed, healed, restored and become new.

Allow everything, child, to be made new in the Heart of God. Let go of the reins of the apparent control of your life. Let your soul move beyond the stones of the deep and dark grave of the human condition, of its certainties and illusions, of its half and imperfect truths and that, in high flight, your soul may reach the Heart of God and within It, learn what it is to resurge.

Within yourself, practice this spiritual and divine science of the void, of dying to eternal life, of resurrection.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the planetary task that Our Lord is carrying out at this moment, at His request we will intone "Adon Olam."

We invite those who are listening to stand up so as to accompany Our Lord in this planetary task.

Song: "Adon Olam."

You knew a fragile man as Jesus, who carried the heavy wood of the Cross and that, as a human being in spite of His divine and cosmic powers, gave Himself for each one of you so that you would not have to endure and suffer. If more than two thousand years later humanity continues to endure and suffer, it is a consequence of its actions and roles.

The Almighty incarnated on Earth through His Son so that humanity would not have to endure ever again.

The Almighty incarnated as a man and as a consciousness as you did, and reduced His grand vibrations of Light in order to be able to be among the human beings of this Earth.

The incarnation of the Son of God and the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant important times for humanity. Through the incarnation of the Son, humanity was able to recover the path toward its original purity, the original purity that was thought of at the genesis of the Human Genetic Project. But that incarnation of the Son of God also brought an end to an unending chain of errors.

The Eternal Father Himself knew that no matter if He incarnated on Earth and brought an awareness of Love-Wisdom, that victory would not be completed, because there would be human beings that would have doubt about His Presence and Power, and even after the Passion of Christ, this happened in many human beings.

The incarnation of the Son of God through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity brought an end to many errors from the past that up until then, in the history of humanity, would have caused the Human Genetic Project to succumb forever, even with having had the presence of the Patriarchs and the Prophets. 

But not all civilizations and races made a mistake; the adversary took charge of being able to distort some of those races that were present in humanity.

From the Adams and Eves up until Atlantis, humanity had to learn, as they have done until today, to remedy the errors committed in order to be able to again achieve the power of Grace and Mercy.

That was the main reason for the incarnation of the Son of God, which generated and made space for His second and important task, the Passion of Christ, which took place on many levels and planes of consciousness, from the cosmic spiritual to the most material and concrete plane.

The whole consciousness of God participated in all these mysteries and events, as well as different groups of souls and consciousnesses that, even though they were not incarnated in that time, participated in these events because they needed them in order to be present in future times such as this.

For this reason, Christ not only endured on the physical plane, but also on the plane of the soul and on the spiritual plane. The powerful Passion of Christ, which for many was a defeat, changed into a victory on the inner planes since, through the power of the prayer of the Mother of God, as well as the prayer of the holy women and some of the apostles, this allowed the gathering of the greatest number of consciousnesses possible, that on different planes of consciousnesses needed the energy of redemption.

Each suffering experienced by your Master and Lord, from the evening of Holy Thursday in the Garden of Gethsemane up until the death on Friday, on the heights of Mount Calvary, were unique and unforgettable offerings for all of humanity and the planet.

Through that sorrowful and profound Passion of your Master and Lord, many future planetary situations were contained, many future generations were protected in order to not experience a deviation from the Original Project.

And even though today this has been completely distorted by indifference and omission, many more were present over the course of time and returned many times to this world as servers, servants, disciples and apostles to be present in collaboration and in service to humanity.

Certain groups of souls, which achieved the experience of Christic Love, offered themselves in a way like their Master to be immersed in this humanity and in different peoples and nations of the world, to bring a continuity to the Genetic Project of God which, at this time and at this hour, are experiencing its great opportunity for correction.

Considering the entire history of the errors that occurred, from the death of the Son of God up until the present, to be amended by the power of the devotion of all My companions, by the power of those who adore the Eucharistic Body of Christ and by those who support the life of service and charity, we are in the time and at the hour for fulfilling the promises and the aspirations of the One, which have been present through the archangels and angels since Genesis.

And so, the sorrowful Passion of Christ was not only an event and a story that humanity may know about. Many planes of consciousness participated in this event; for this reason, I had to withdraw for forty days into the desert, since My most material aspect needed to prepare for that moment, even during the three years of preaching, in which humanity needed to learn to recognize the truth and identify it in order not to be lost on the way toward the Light and the Good.

For this reason, the Passion of Christ is an occurrence that will never be erased from the consciousness of the planet; it is an occurrence that can always be re-experienced and remembered as many times as you need in order to move forward in your process of purification and redemption. This way, in these events are the codes of light that you need to achieve your spiritual, cosmic and inner liberation.

With all of this I want to tell you, companions, that you must focus your awareness on the extent of that which the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant, and how many consciousnesses on the inner plans participated in the redemption of more consciousnesses that were condemned to complete damnation.

Thus, the Passion was so sorrowful because it was to overcome all the planes of consciousness. And that Passion, lived by your Lord and Master, was to reach the physical plane and the cosmic spiritual plane with His experience, where everything that happened was to remain recorded so that humanity could learn to not commit the same errors because of it having given up the Son of Man on the Cross.

The time of the sorrowful Passion of Christ today unites with this material time and this present time, in which the whole human race is faced with the opportunity of availing itself of this occurrence, which remained recorded in the deepest core of the Earth through the Blood that was poured out by your Master and Lord.

It is now when the Armageddon is present in the world that consciousnesses must be awakened for their preparation in order to be updated on the events and to participate in the preparations for the Return of Christ.

The Cross of the Redeemer will always protect you, save you and bring you the inner strength to be able to renew all things.

This is why the Holy Cross has not been erased from the memory of the planet; because it was the tree of God that was surrendering its fruits to humanity through the sacrifice of the Son of Man.

This is the time to be affirmed in this legacy that I gave you, because more intense times will come and your consciousnesses must not hesitate. You must be firm and decided to be able to follow Me until completing that which I expect from each one of you. This is also the reason for which I am here today.

Today you are experiencing communion with My Spirit through the recognition of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, from which your souls can gather the fruits and the merits that the precious poured Blood of Jesus achieved for humanity.

Now humanity must cease its self-destruction, and instead it must rebuild in a spiritual, mental and material way, to recover its filiation with Creation through these divine merits that I give the world, merits that will always give you the freedom to be in communion with the Father.

Today I will anoint you to be able to anoint humanity, in the same way that the holy women anointed all of My Body, preparing It for My burial, which after three days would show the world the power of the Resurrection.

Through this anointing that I will offer to you today, I will also anoint the whole world. I will give you the power of the spiritual Resurrection for the definitive times that will come, and through this anointing, which My holy women will do today in you, you will remember that you can always feel yourselves to be anointed by the glorious Presence of your Master and Lord.

This anointing comes to close the spiritual wounds of humanity, mental and material wounds, so that all may be regenerated and the awaited preparation may begin for the emergence of a new humanity, free of indifference and affirmed in Love, in the Love of God.

We will bring four jars of anointing oil here so that the Lord may consecrate them, in the same way that He will consecrate all the crosses that we have brought here to affirm our commitment to Him and His eternal union with each soul.

For this reason, from where we are, we will offer our cross, so that our cross may be alleviated and the cross of humanity may be alleviated of sickness, wars, persecution, political and humanitarian crises, indifference, the lack of love, the lawlessness and the evil that many souls practice because they are ignorant of the Love of God.

For this reason and motive, we will offer our crosses so that the world may achieve healing and peace. Amen.

Bless, o Lord, the cross that You have given each of Your children, so that it not be a weight or an agony but rather a constant perseverance of the triumph of Your Love through transformation and redemption.

"Through Your Grace and Mercy, place on these crosses the merits that Your Son achieved from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the heights of Mount Calvary, so that souls may feel fortitude in these times, so that any fear may be dissolved, and Your creatures be filled by the abundant trust of Your merciful Heart. And in this way, just as today you bless and anoint these crosses with Your Spirit, bless and anoint, beloved Father, each one of their families and loved ones, so that the great network of Your Mercy and Your Peace may be united and alive in the hearts of those who believe in My Return to humanity. Amen."

Let us lift up our crosses so that the Lord may bless them through the powerful Light of His Wounds. We can bring our crosses to our hearts.

Now we will move on to the blessing of the oil, of the four oils that Our Lord requested and that represent the four principal races of the planet: the race of the Americas, the race of Africa, the race of Europe, and the race of Asia and Oceania.

We open ourselves to this spiritual anointment and for this material anointment, which we will receive through the Mothers of Christ, in the name of humanity and of this Genetic Project, which must be accomplished through all the self-summoned.

Through the anointing which each of us will receive at this moment, it will also be permitted that all those who are behind us on the spiritual path and are waiting to enter this stream and Work of Love of the Christ, may have the opportunity of being participants in the Presence of the Divine Hierarchy.

So while we are anointed at this time, let us keep in mind all those who are behind each of us and are waiting for their awakening and redemption, in the same way that throughout time we are redeemed and anointed by the spiritual Love of Christ.

Mother María Shimani and Friar Joaquín.

Mother María del Salvador and Friar Luciano.

Mother María Getsemaní and Friar Ariel.

Mother Zorobabel and Friar Gabriel Pío.

And before beginning this anointing, which will attempt to bring a spiritual healing to humanity through the four races represented on our planet, each one of us, even though not present here in this place or in this Marian Center, will make our inner offering through a minute of silence, so that peace and healing may be reached in humanity.

We make our offering in silence; and we make this offering, at the request of Christ, for all those who have died because of the current pandemic. We ask for healing, Mercy and forgiveness. We make our offering for these souls.

I lift up your intentions to Heaven so that the Celestial Father may contemplate them within His Source. May this spiritual and inner anointing bring all the results that humanity needs at this time.

For those who have unjustly endured, may the Father have Mercy.

For those who are unjustly suffering, may the Father have Mercy.

For those who are enduring illness, desolation or death while alone, may the Father have Mercy.

For the small and most innocent, for those who are trafficked, exploited and sold, may the Father have Mercy.

For all the unborn children, which are millions in the world, may the Father have Mercy.

May peace, renewal and faith awaken in all hearts.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And so we say goodbye to Our Lord. And for His request for this Sacrament of Anointing, we will repeat the song that we heard at the beginning of this work: "The Power of the Blood of Jesus."


Since the birth of your Lord, up to His ascension to Heaven, as it was the moment for manifesting His Redeeming Work and awakening souls to love and truth, the Creator sent all those consciousnesses to the world that needed to learn with His Son.

And so it was that, year after year, souls shared with Christ His life on Earth.

Some experiences were quicker, others longer; some found Him only once, others many times, because God Himself, profound knower of the souls He created, was Who knew the real need of each being.

And so it was that, since the childhood of Christ, there were souls that shared in his fragility, the awakening and the manifestation of His childhood purity, the growth of His humanity and the expansion of His Divinity within that fragile body.

Each being learned something with God through His Son; something that the Creator, with His own Hands, built within souls, through Christ.

There were those souls that needed to live the glory of Christ, the revelation of the Kingdom of God in His miracles, in His Words, in His Presence. Others needed to awaken a deep, fertile and eternal love through His Passion, to carry to the world the legacy of His Love, not only in that time, but through the centuries to come. Other souls, in spite of not having looked into the Eyes of Christ, experienced His spiritual Presence and, in the silence, they were able to find Him within themselves.

I tell you this because this is the moment for turning inward and remembering.

Remembering the Child full of God that awakened purity within your hearts.

Remembering the silent and humble Youth that learned with His father in a carpentry shop while teaching him about the transformation of souls.

Remembering the Prophet of Nazareth, the one called the Nazarene, Who walked upon the hills and, with the same simplicity, did so on the waters, revealing the mysteries of God held within His Heart, as well as in the heart of each being.

The moment has come to remember the Gaze that redeemed you, the Hands that reached out toward you, to lead you into a new life, a new human being, with a simple phrase: follow Me.

To remember He who called you to leave the ship of human desires and aspirations in the sea in order to go with Him to rescue souls.

To remember He who forgave your sins and, seeing the truth within you, called you by name so that you never again turn away from His Love.

To remember each drop of Blood that spilled from His Face and His Gaze always fixed on God.

To remember His Heart, elevated above the suffering, pleading for humanity and for each being with the same love.

To remember the empty sepulcher.

To remember His Words and His Face in resplendent vestments.

To remember His body rising up among the incandescent brilliance of the clouds and, in the light, the power of His Voice promising you He would bring the Kingdom of God to the world.

To see the promises of Christ fulfilled, you need to remember; and to remember, you need to enter into yourself and lovingly contemplate what He left in your hearts, because His impulses are eternal.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To come to be a knower of God, after having crossed the abysses, gone through the tribulations and the voids, you must persist in prayer.

The Rosary, children, will be your shelter in all stages of the desert.

The Holy Rosary will support you when your hearts are weak.

The Holy Rosary will protect you when your hearts are besieged.

The Holy Rosary will elevate you when your hearts are free.

The Holy Rosary will show you the Face of God when your spirits have become whole in prayer, surrendered to the Father and when your one and real aspiration is to reach Him.

It is from the hands of the Most Holy Mary that you will come to Christ and emulate His path.

In the same way that your Lord was fully and wholly united with His Celestial Mother and was thus safeguarded by Her silent and hidden prayers, both in the desert and on the Cross, so must each one of you be. With your heart intimately united with the Heart of Mary, allow yourselves to be guided and protected by Her.

Knowledgeable about the deserts as well as the cross, knowledgeable about death and the faith in resurrection, knowledgeable about the overcoming and the apostolate, knowledgeable about the celestial mysteries and the deep mysteries of the human consciousness, Your Most Holy Mother will always guide you.

And so, be it in the desert, in calvary, in life, in death, in resurrection or in the face of the celestial mysteries, trust in the guidance and the support of the Mother of God, the untiring Servant, thought of, manifested and sent by the Creator, to lead His creatures toward His Heart.

In Mary, see the Hands of God, which cross the dimensions to seek you and, in the Holy Rosary, see the bridge and the correct connection to remain united with Her Immaculate Heart.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the time of My Mercy, I make the merits of the Passion descend so that souls may have an opportunity of awakening and of redemption.

Therefore, the time of My Mercy is important for your Master and Lord because at this moment the Redeemer and souls have the opportunity of reviving, not only the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, but also the most potent powers achieved through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of your Lord.

I come in this hour to concede to Italy the extraordinary and expiatory Grace of being able to reconcile with God and with His entire Plan of Love and of Forgiveness, for I know that souls need much Mercy in order to reconsider and change, just as God needs it from all the Italian people.

If at least a group of Italian consciousnesses made the change that Heaven is begging for, Italy, as a nation, would be forgiven of very many errors, and this country would reach a high degree of conversion and of redemption.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
