My dear children,
Your Celestial Mother is preparing, on this day, to again enter the Middle East, through the Mission of Turkey and the Mission of Israel.
For this reason, My children, from now on, I call upon you and I invite you to pray much more, with all your heart, so that each step and each footprint that My Son will leave imprinted at each stage of this pilgrimage may mean and represent, not only for the Middle East but also for the whole world, the possibility of being once again before the Christic Codes achieved by Jesus in this humanity.
For this reason, My children, in a spirit of reconciliation and joy, I invite you to follow this spiritual itinerary of redemption, which My Beloved Son will offer to all during the coming Sacred Week.
Thus, My dear children, you will also be living tabernacles in which the Love of Christ can be deposited within this world moment of transition.
For this, My children, do not forget what I asked you a few weeks ago, that consciously you may live the Sacraments of Confession and Communion; a deep penance so that many situations may be avoided in this world.
In these coming days, humanity will be before the spiritual and internal deeds that Christ left imprinted in the soul of this planet. Do not miss the opportunity to recognize within yourselves the Love of God so that love triumphs in this humanity, so that redemption triumphs within hearts.
Now, I will continue on my way to Israel. My footsteps of Light aspire to open the doors of the repairing Grace upon My children in these coming days.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.
(three times)
How many days and months have I counted to be here today.
How many days and months have I counted to be with each one of your hearts today.
You cannot even imagine what the wait has caused in Me, to be with each one of you, and I have been able to witness how, in just a few days, you were able to manifest all this for Me. Because, in truth, all that you offer to Me is for God.
Today I come with a gift from Heaven. Today I bring in My Hands an important Spiritual Treasure for humanity, which I Have brought, from the Middle East, for each one of you, for the spiritual purpose of this nation and for this dear people. Behold, companions, the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
Sacred Angels of Heaven contemplate this Spiritual Treasure. Patriarchs and prophets of old venerate it, and all beings of goodwill today recognize it as the Sacred Teraphim that will prepare the emergence of the New Humanity in this part of the planet, in all of the Americas.
For that reason, do not fear, behold the Sacred Treasure of God, in which each one of your lives can participate.
This is the Sacred Treasure that guards the treasure of the most important experiences of humanity, from the moment of Creation in Genesis, up to this very moment, when each one of you can feel yourselves as a partaker with Me, to contribute, to this Sacred Spiritual Teraphim, with which the next humanity and the New Earth will need. They need this Sacred Spiritual Teraphim not only to purify the planet, but also to again raise the Attributes of God on the surface of this planet. Attributes and Principles of the Sacred Ark of God that Argentina needs at this culminating moment, and that each one of you and your brothers and sisters also need, to learn to stand up in the darkness and courageously cross the abysses of consciousness, to say ‘no’ to the enemy, to make the Spiritual Government of God triumph in this nation and in the whole world.
This is what Argentina needs at this moment, just as the rest of the Americas need this. Because, in truth, I tell you that you will not find a solution in that which is horizontal. Rectify your lives towards the Heights and you will find the answer that you so much seek.
If you are listening to your Master and Lord today, after such a long time, while I was not able to come to Argentina as I so wanted, it is because I come, companions, to fulfill My promise, that each one of you may feel as a partaker with Me, consciously preparing My Return through your works.
Adherence and obedience are the great master key for Argentina. This will protect you from yourselves and everyone. On your paths, do not see those who are enemies but rather see those along your paths who need compassion.
Therefore, I Have brought this Sacred Teraphim before the presence of all so that you may remember it and venerate it. Because it is the same Spiritual Teraphim that many peoples of old contemplated and venerated, that many patriarchs and prophets sought, to feel in alliance with God.
I want the experience of your love and redemption to be, at last, in the Sacred Ark of God. And, although what I tell you may seem impossible, there is nothing impossible for God and for your Lord. Because if We are here today in Argentina, is it impossible for God to concretize it?
This sacred land holds many treasures that are part of the Sacred Ark. Places of Argentina where Our Feet will walk in Argentina, just as they have walked at other moments, and which keep many treasures that are a part of the Sacred Ark of God.
Rejoice and do not be afflicted! Turn your aspirations to this Sacred Teraphim of the Father. Trust what I tell you. A wonderful place awaits you in the Kingdom of God. Therefore, persist, and do not lose heart, be brave and have the courage to persist.
The Lord is capable of coming for His lost sheep.
The Lord is capable of leaving the Northern Hemisphere to come help you. I am Here, and My Heart does not change. My Heart is the Reliquary for all who aspire to live through Me.
I know that, as a people, you have lost heart. No one knows better than Me what you lived throughout the last two years and how each one of you has learned to carry their own cross in solitude. This effort that you can make for Me, to learn to live the cross of these times, is what can be kept as experience within the Sacred Ark.
By any chance, do you believe that this is possible?
If I Am here, at this very moment with you, it is to confirm it so that you may know that Our Sacred Hearts will travel a part of Argentina to re-ignite it. This will not be visible to the eyes of all, but the one who is truly attuned with Me will be able to see and recognize it.
The purpose of your lives must be immaterial life. Because the Spirit of God will come to help you, just as His Sacred Spirit descends at this moment, to straighten up that which is twisted, to correct that which has deviated, to bring peace to the indignation of many hearts. This is possible through the presence of the Sacred Ark of God.
Thus, today I anoint each one of you, through the powerful Sign of the Cross.
I also wish that My Helpers may anoint Me again, anoint Me with your surrenders, anoint Me with your renunciations, anoint Me with your fidelity, and, especially, anoint Me with your strict obedience. Because I have given something special to each group of souls throughout the latest times, and this must never be lost nor discarded. Therefore, value the Gifts you have received, which I come to collect in these times at the request of the Celestial Father.
These Gifts, called talents and virtues of the most honest and simple souls, will be that which will allow the Project of My Father to be fulfilled in South America. And they will allow the Father to no longer expect His Purpose to be fulfilled, but rather that they will allow Him to see His Purpose concretized through His children, those who claim to be apostles of Christ.
Thus, I come to relieve the agony of many hearts.
I come to return to you the peace that some have lost.
I come to place My Hand upon your hearts to appease you. Because despite your battles and your imperfections, I am here today, in Argentina, because I believe in the love of each one of you, a love that can keep transforming and expanding. A love that not only recovers its innocence, but it is also a mature love that encourages you to follow the steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy, just as We do for you, without separating or distancing Ourselves, but rather by being present in the Sacred Silence of the Universe, where the Voice of God reverberates.
It is this Eternal Voice of Heaven that I want you to listen to within yourselves. The Voice of the Father who loves you, who sustains you, who nourishes you with His Spirit, who grants to you His Unfathomable Mercy.
Thus, I come to heal your wounds, the wounds of each one of you, but also the wounds of your people.
I know that many cannot understand why everything is so difficult. But all starts, companions, with that which you choose. That is where the result of your choices lies.
I know that many do not have anything to do with what Argentina and the Americas live, but never raise sword against sword. Raise your voices in prayer to the Heavens so that your Master and Lord may intercede, just as He intercedes at this moment.
Today, many of those who are present need to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing, because it is a visible sign of your belonging to My Kingdom, where no evil can touch you, although evil believes it can oppress or disturb you.
Today, I grant you My experience of the Cross, because no one has known more than Me what it is to be alone, while still not ceasing to trust Divine Will.
Extending My Arms and My Hands above Argentina, I come to pour out the Light of the universe, of the suns and stars, the Light of the Angels and Archangels, the Light of all those who live through goodwill and do not seek anything for themselves, but rather to be a spark of the Light of My Heart in this wounded world.
My Celestial Mother carries upon Herself the Mantle of Argentina so that the people may remember that I Am the Sun of God, which rises after a long dark night.
So that this meeting may yield its fruits, the inner fruits that all need to walk more decided and brave in these times, I can offer you all that I have, the most Sacred of the Sacred that I offered to the world such a long time ago: My Body and My Blood, direct emanations of the Mercy of God.
This will appease Argentina and the world.
May the Communion that We will celebrate right away again spiritually raise your homeland and may all feel under the Mantle of the Virgin of Luján, of the Sacred Lady of the Rosary of Sán Nicolás, because She was the one who brought Me here.
A good son always obeys his mother, just as a good mother is close to her son, as Mary was up to the foot of the Cross.
May the powerful Five Wounds of My Body bathe, purify and illuminate your consciousnesses.
May the Powerful and Unfathomable Blood of Jesus rebuild the inner life of those present and of those who are not present.
By the merits achieved by the Ark of the Holy Covenant, may Argentina feel sustained by the Hands of God at this moment.
Because Love, companions, can always do all things, although it is difficult. Love allowed Me to come up to the Cross.
Dare to live the same experience, offer God that which you are and that which you do not accept. Do not forget that Argentina is part of My sacred flock.
Today, may many of those present feel the beating of My Heart, because in My Heart lies the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I love you and I love this country. I love the beauty of its mountains, I love the extension of its rivers and ocean, I love each part of this country, a Blessed Project of God.
May the Cross magnetize this country and, in the South, the North, the East and the West, may the ancient tribe of Israel rise and see the Sacred Star of Love shine in the firmament, the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood. Amen.
To prepare this moment, I will ask My daughter Lucía de Jesús to sing a song to all, because it is necessary that you may remember that My Word is Living Water, which quenches all thirst.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us sing.
Song: “Your Word is Living Water.”
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Brothers and sisters, we will celebrate this moment of Communion, with our Master still present in this place, offering this moment for this dear and beloved Argentinian nation, offering this moment for the Ark of the Holy Covenant, present in the Hands of Christ, Our Lord.
With the permission and license that Christ has given to the priests, we will offer this moment of Communion as an act of reconciliation and forgiveness so that all of these people may receive what it so much needs. So that hearts, in the Presence of Christ, may again find hope, be freed from their ties and oppressions, feel the unfathomable embrace of God, who consoles us all.
With this offering, let us purify our hearts through the act of contrition before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and let us repeat a very simple prayer that the Divine Messengers taught us, so that our inner temple, the most sacred place for God, may be prepared to receive this Divine Sacrament.
We repeat:
I ask You for forgiveness, Lord,
for all that has been committed.
Grant me the Grace of liberation.
For the gift of Forgiveness
that springs from the Heart of God,
Lord, open the Doors of Your Kingdom for us.
Now, Christ will guide this celebration.
We prepare for this important moment, when the Graces of His Heart descend upon Argentina, upon hearts, as a flow of Light, as an inexhaustible wellspring that nourishes life.
We invite all those who can to kneel down or stand up.
Today, I gather you again around My Table, just as I gathered the apostles in the Sacred Cenacle. Today, this Sacred Cenacle are your hearts, which you can offer to Me in surrender and resignation, so that I can quench My thirst for souls.
Thus, I institute the Eucharist again, as on that Maundy Thursday, taking the bread in My Hands and elevating it to God, asking for His Unfathomable and Powerful Redeeming Love to transubstantiate the bread into the Glorious Body of Christ, for reconciliation and peace in Argentina.
Thus, I break it before you again, to tell you that this is My Body, which I gave for you, for the forgiveness of sins.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We revere the Sacred Body of Christ.
Just as in the Sacred Cenacle, I take the Holy Chalice in My Hands and, elevating it, I offer it to the Father for it to be transubstantiated into My Precious Blood. Just as I said to My apostles, today I say to you, “Take it and drink, all of you, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant between souls and God. The Blood that is shed today upon Argentina for the remission of all faults. Do this always in Remembrance of Me, for I Am now returning.”
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We revere the Precious Blood of Christ.
Behold the One who has given His Life for you, this is the Body and the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
May the merciful rejoice, for they will always attain Mercy.
In perfect unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we will consummate this celebration through the prayer that Christ taught us, by elevating our most sincere offering to the Father.
Prayer: “Our Father.”
May the Peace, Love and Light of My Sacred heart descend upon you and Argentina.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
In an act of profound faith, let us pray:
At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls of the world with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In a gesture of reverence and fraternity, we give one another the greeting of Peace.
Peace of Christ!
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits
of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion
of poor sinners.
I leave you with the Living Presence of My Being through the Eucharist. May this Living Presence, which is the Light of God, always be alive in your beings, and thus we prepare for this important Marathon of Prayer, during which all will be transformed and healed. Trust in this.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us pray.
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption
for this planet.
(six times)
Even if darkness seems to imprison the consciousness of the planet and all possible souls, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
Even if all wars are unleashed throughout the world and souls migrate to different nations, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
Even if the three days of darkness draw near and mental confusion is present in most of My children, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”
Even if, in cities of different places of the world, many consciousnesses see entities walk, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”
Even if desperation, anguish and spiritual blindness are present in the majority of My children, especially in those who rule the nations and who subject all of society, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”
Even if suffering seems bigger than love, even if pain seems bigger than healing, even if lies seems bigger than the truth and even if impunity is stronger than fraternity, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”
And even if the souls of this world, that is, all people, see that horrible things happen, that many uncertain doors open and that souls keep being subjected through the injustice and lies of this world, I tell you: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”
My promise remains in force and hidden.
I will come, after My Son, to re-establish the Spiritual and Celestial Kingdom on the planet. For this reason, My children, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”
This is the moment of all the Children of Mary. This is moment of the confirmation of all apostles of Christ.
Who will sustain, together with the Heavenly Mother, the banner of Peace?
Who will not allow their heart to become cold in the face of this planetary indifference?
This is the time of the final confirmation of all Children of Mary, because the preparatory time has passed. Now you are no longer My children, now you are evolving adult servers.
Now you must be ambassadors of peace and citizens of this universe so that the Divine Attributes may descend to Earth and so that the millions of souls in the world do not forget, because of the wars and conflicts, that God is Love, Truth and Justice, and that no one nor any event will erase from hearts the essence of the Love of God, even if it seems that suffering, the conflicts and migrations erase the Truth from hearts, the Truth that is the Living God Himself.
This is why I tell you, My children: “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”
This is the time for the Children of Mary to be true consciousnesses that are decided to serve the Plan and allow the higher spirit of each child of Mine to descend, and who, through their own universal origin, allow for the establishment on Earth of the warrior spirits of prayer, the mirrors of prayer, the contemplatives of prayer, the guardians of prayer, the watchers of the Plan, the healers of the Love of God and the governors of the Universal King.
Place your consciousnesses in the correct direction, do not allow what is superficial and horizontal to take hold of you. Do not allow the forces that are contrary to the Light to keep subjecting all the consciousnesses through disinformation and lies.
Place your consciousnesses in a vertical position and see, on the top of the mounts of this world, the victorious and luminous Cross of the Redeemer, which will no longer be the Cross of suffering, but rather the Cross of Mercy, Justice and Love, which offers itself to you time and again, so that, through the victory of the Cross in your lives, your consciousnesses may rise to God, on behalf of all those who deny the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and so that your consciousnesses may establish Spiritual Justice and Compassion in this world. This will allow those who have condemned themselves to the fires of hell, I speak of those who rule the nations and all their subjects, to have the opportunity, through My Son, the Redeemer and Resurrected Christ, for all to be redeemed, because this is true Love, to love one’s enemy and to not destroy them.
Even if the enemy destroys what is material, mental or spiritual, I invite you, My beloved prayerful armies, I invite you, My beloved Children of Mary, in these times, to be true strategists of the Plan of God, to not fight with weapons, to not offend with words, to not attract, through thought, what is negative, but rather to be like My Son, the Christ, who, on top of Mount Calvary, redeemed the whole world, until the last moment of His expiration.
This is why, My beloved children, it is time to change the frequency of this world and, through the pillars of prayer, service, dialogue, compassion and understanding, to allow the Doors of the Heavens to open so that the Graces of reparation, healing and redemption may descend upon the neediest souls in these times and, thus, the hells of the surface of the Earth may close, where great negative consciousnesses work within the involution of consciousnesses and souls.
But in this spiritual strategy that I invite you to practice through prayer, adoration, Communion and service, you must not challenge nor tempt the enemy. The strategy of silence will be your shield, the strategy of prayer will be your sword which will cut the shackles of evil and dissolve the hells, where many souls are without being able to find Light and Love.
Do you now understand the strategy of these times?
Because evil will be dissolved through its own evil. Remember that My Son is Love, He is the Truth and He is your Life, and that His Love is what closes the doors to evil.
Decide, Children of Mary, not only to be the apostles of the end of times, not only to be available, decided and defined consciousnesses, but also offer yourselves to My Son and to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart as sparks of the Light of Christ, codes of His Redeeming Love, mirrors of the Heavenly Mother, which can shine on the surface of this planet so that chaos can be vanquished, purged and removed from the human consciousness.
Just as I told you yesterday, I do not want to come with a Message of warning or fear. Through the Celestial Universe, I bring you the truth and the reality so that your eyes may no longer be confused, so that your attention may not be deviated by the chaos of this world and by illusion.
Through kind and generous souls, through souls of sacrifice and through the victims of Christ's Love, once again the Love, Justice and the Good of God shall triumph. And this will be the great and victorious justification in the face of all sins and errors of the world, and even in the face of all wars, condemnations, sacrileges and indifferences, because souls will be this justification before God. the souls, the Children of Mary, who, as from now, decide that their lives no longer belong to them, but rather that their lives belong to God, the Creator.
Thus you will open the correct door to live His Divine Will. Believe that this is so. Believe, at this moment, and feel, at this moment, the same inner and spiritual situation that your Heavenly Mother, the Virgin Mary, lived with the Archangel Gabriel.
Do you by any chance believe that I doubted the Call of God when I received this Call from Heaven?
You are before the same inner moment. You are before the great opportunity, in the name of many lost children, to embrace the Call of God, to love the Cross so that it may become more victorious and redeeming.
Today, I come from a place in the universe, from a place of this solar system, where the Heavenly Mirrors work again for peace in the world, in a silent and imperceptible way.
Therefore, on this very special day for Me, when many Children of Mary have the opportunity to renew their inner vows and take a definitive and true step, I invite all praying souls, all mirror hearts, to be quite united to the Heavenly Mirrors of the Mother of God; because you know that humanity needs it, it needs this peace that has been jeopardized, this hope that has been put under condition, this love that has been oppressed and buried, this fraternity that has been dissolved through evil, lack of piety and war.
It is the Heavenly Mirrors of the Mother of God that today reflect within the prayerful hearts, that elevate their word toward the Thrones of God to supplicate for Mercy and Redemption.
May those who have persisted up to this moment rejoice.
May those who have not managed to follow the Steps of Christ meditate.
May all My children pray for those who have been diverted from the Purpose of Love, by different situations and circumstances.
Today, in the face of the cruel reality of the world, the pain and suffering of the most innocent and inoffensive souls, I want My Children, the Children of Mary, not only to feel enveloped by My Heavenly Mantle so that the Star of the Brotherhood may shine within their hearts, but also so that, in the name of those who cannot reach Me, due to conflict and wars, desperation and anguish, the darkness and the absolute void of the deserts of life, I want My Children of Mary, in the name of each one of them, to place their heads upon my chest so that I can embrace you with My Light and My Love.
At this moment, in the silence of the heart, feel the beating of the Heart of the Divine Mother, a Heart that loves you, a Heart that accepts you, a Heat that embraces you, a Heart that bathes you with the Love of God, a Heart that illuminates you in each one of your steps.
For a moment, feel the Heart of the Mother of God, a Heart that suffers for the world when souls distance themselves from God, when souls distance themselves from the Father of Divine Mercy.
Now, embrace Me, placing your hands on My waist, upon the golden belt of the Mother of God, place your ears upon My chest, the Feminine Center of the Light of Creation, which guards and protects the whole universe and all life.
In this alliance with Me, internally renew your vows with the Creator Father.
I thank you for listening to Me and I also thank you for having the bravery to persist so that the Return of Christ may be a victory in the whole world.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us pray. Still with our heads upon the chest of the Mother of God, let us pray together with Her in unity and trust, in fraternity and love.
may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype.
May the Word be alive
and build Your temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the Perfect Unity.
(three times)
Thank you, Divine Mother, for all that you give us!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To reach the Heart of God, you do not need great science and deep philosophies, you do not need formulas or even eternal practices. What you need, child, is a sincere heart, pure and redeemed in front of the Father.
All spiritual practices and exercises will forge a transformation for your consciousness within you, and they will allow you to remain in union with the Creator, and may this not be for just an instant, but rather become a permanent state of consciousness.
But to touch the Heart of God, to feel It and know It, you only need a sincere heart that is willing to come to the Father in confession, in adoration, in communion and in surrender. To feel Him, experience within yourself what He really is, and in coming to know God, also come to know yourself.
For this reason, before anything else, and even though you may not have the strength or inspiration, simply be with a sincere heart before the Creator, simply be with a surrendered heart at His Altar. Place yourself as an offering at His Feet and let Him make Himself felt. In the Divine Presence, everything in your life will regain its meaning, your efforts will be of value and their weight will be less, because the Love of God within you will speak louder; your battles will be light, not because they will be easier, but because your heart is no longer loose within the winds of darkness, but anchored in the Presence of God, from where no wind will be able to remove you.
Everything begins, child, with confession, yielding, surrender, adoration, and thus a perfect communion with God. And this can happen in silence, in spiritual joy, in the profound mourning of the soul, in prayer or in adoration, in your own life. You only need a sincere heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
A month away from next August 8, your Heavenly Mother prepares, at the doorway of the Celestial Church, to gather together and unite the souls that, from the inner planes, will participate in the ceremonies of the Celestial Church.
As from now, I invite you to experience an inner preparation through the daily prayer of the Holy Rosary.
May the Rosary be this bridge of light and love, that you yourselves will build between Heaven and Earth, so that through it you will be able to reach the majestic Celestial Church.
With the daily construction of this bridge of light through the Holy Rosary, in the month of August, My Immaculate Heart will lead you to God so that, in His omnipotent Presence of Love, you may inwardly gather together the last treasures that the Father will give you, through His most beloved Son.
Dear children, I invite you, by means of the Rosary, to be within an inner pilgrimage toward the House of the Celestial Father so that His Sacred Church may gather you together in sacramental communion and you may be able to offer yourselves as instruments in the Hands of the Eternal Father, for the redemption of this planet and for this humanity.
May you all have a good practice of prayer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Seated at the table with your Lord, pray, child, for all life, for all beings, for those who are lost in their own ignorance, for those who do not recognize the One that shares the Bread and surrenders Himself to repair the sins of the world.
Seated at the table with your Lord, contemplate all life, the depth of each instant, the greatness hidden in each movement, the attentive Eyes of God upon the Earth, His Spirit flooding all of Creation.
Observe that the Time of God unites with the time of the Earth and, for an instant, nothing is separate. The Son and the Father are One with the Consoling Spirit and your little essence participates in divine unity.
Seated at the table with your Lord, give thanks for each offering, each word and each silence, each gesture and movement, each instant of stillness. Everything is a part of a universal ceremony, celestial and human, revealing that which the human being really is for all Creation.
Thus, let your feet be washed, your spirit purified and your soul redeemed. In this way, remember the purity of your essence and, allowing the dust of the past to be taken off of your feet, open to a new and eternal path of return to the Heart of God: a path that is tread in sacrifice, in love and in perfect unity with Divine Consciousness.
Washed by Christ, your spirit becomes one with Him. You are bread, a part of the Bread that is given at the altar; you are blood, part of the Blood that is poured on Calvary. And in the way that the offering of your Lord is forever renewed, so also must your surrender be renewed.
Thus, sit down once again at the table of renewal with your Lord and God, your Brother and Friend, your Father, Husband and Companion, your own heart, since you were called to be one with Christ.
Receive His Body and His Blood and renew your surrender. Give body, blood and life to the One that gives you everything each day. Live the revelation of surrender in the mystery of Communion.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the Mother of God is in silence, it is because something important is about to happen, and at this moment you must understand this meaning.
This silence leads to introspection, to reflection and to discernment.
It is a moment for humanity to understand the cycles it is going through and experiencing in these times.
For this reason, the Messengers of God come to Earth, to prepare and guide it toward the next step and toward the new time.
I have come here today to bring you My message of peace, but also My message of consciousness, dear children.
Today, in the message given by your Heavenly Mother for the apparitions, a cycle closes and a new cycle will begin; from the month of March of this year onward, a moment in which you will be able to accompany Me throughout this last cycle that draws near, which will conclude an important stage for all inner worlds and also for all of humanity.
It is a moment for you to begin to harvest the fruits of the instruction and knowledge of the Hierarchy; a moment for you to be able to learn and drink from this Fountain, so that you may only depend on God, on His Grace and on His Mercy.
Thus, your souls will be strengthened upon this path and trajectory toward the eternal service for God on behalf of souls, the Kingdoms of Nature and the planet.
Today I come here to announce the end of this cycle, the end of these messages that I have been delivering that prepare you for each new meeting with Me, whether in your hearts or before My Presence.
Thus, dear children, you will be able to understand, at this moment, the omniscience of the Mother of God. This omniscience and power that Her Son has given Her to carry forward this planetary task in the end of times, which is the last and great task for these times.
For this reason, I invite you to keep in mind all that I have said to you, from the first years in which I met you, to guide you, conduct you and make you live the Plan of God in its different manifestations and tasks.
This is the time to make the great and last synthesis. It is the time to live the knowledge of God so that you can learn to face that which will come, not only for your consciousnesses, but also for the whole planet, for the entire humanity.
Through each message, through each word and instruction, your Heavenly Mother has given you an impulse, a key, a gift, a virtue and a light so that they can be lit within your hearts and within your lives, and so that you can represent the Work of Christ upon Earth.
Thus, dear children, I call you to live the untiring apostolate, the apostolate of effort, the apostolate for love for all that God conceived from the beginning of this Creation, and so that this Creation can be regenerated, healed and redeemed.
This is the time when humanity will go through the last moments within its planetary transition. Therefore, I invite you to be conscious, but I also thank you for having responded to each call.
Having responded to My call, you have responded to the call of God. This call of God is to fulfill, at each stage, His Divine Will, His aspirations, His ardent wishes and His goals. It is in this way that He appears, reveals Himself and guides His children, so that all may follow the path of faith and trust in God, in the fulfillment of His Divine Purpose.
I need you, dear children, to help me accompany the coming cycle, because from the moment My Son visits you this year, during the Sacred Week of this year, a more definitive stage will close.
Understand, dear children, that now cycles are monthly and there are also cycles that are weekly. The Hierarchy will no longer be able to wait for twenty-five or more years for the human consciousness to be mature and be in the condition that the Plan needs in order to be fulfilled and accomplished.
Therefore, I lead you to understand the importance of knowledge and instruction, which are strongholds and principles for your lives; they are directions, paths and routes to find the Divine Purpose in its diversity, within the Law of the Hierarchy, within the Law of Love-Wisdom.
I leave you this message, dear children, this last message that prepares your inner worlds for this Apparition of today, a moment when each soul and each heart, beyond what it is going through and experiencing, will have the opportunity to make this synthesis and gather, in its inner world, all the treasures that the Hierarchy has delivered, throughout the years and the times.
Today is a culminating moment for all, from the inner planes but also from the spiritual planes, the Eternal Father will be contemplating this instance, when His children will again respond to the call of the Mother of God, by means of this meeting of prayer, which tries to strengthen all souls, all hearts and consciousnesses so that they do not fear, so that they may learn to go through the end of these times with bravery and momentum, under the impulse and company of the Great Chrsitic Consciousness.
Above all, dear children, may love always be within you, in your brothers and sisters, and everywhere. It is this love, the Love of God, that has brought you here, to live this time, to live this school, to live this learning, to serve God. There is nothing that can prevent this. There is nothing that can hinder it nor intervene.
The deserts are big, but the victories are vaster and more infinite.
Take back the inner strength that the Sacrament of the Communion gives you. Affirm your Baptism. Affirm your anointment in Christ, and all will be renewed.
I thank you for responding to My call and, under the Light of My Heart, I guide you toward the Greater Purpose, until this Purpose is fulfilled, in you and in the world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Quiet your heart so as to unite it with the Universe and the Infinity. Higher life begins to be revealed within you.
Send to the very depths of your consciousness the Gift of Forgiveness, which comes from the Divine Consciousness.
Meditate upon your Lord on the Cross and upon all the merits that He achieved so that you may experience redemption, not only from what was done and experienced upon this planet but also, and, above all, far beyond it, the history of your evolution, which you do not yet know.
Contemplate the Blood of Christ and feel how that very Blood, a redeeming code, permeates your cells and atoms. Commune of forgiveness and of redemption.
Beginning with your cells, let this forgiveness enter into your inner universe, into the deepest registers of your consciousness. And there, where universal life unites with your human condition, let the purpose of your incarnation take place and experience the peace of feeling forgiven.
Every day, the sacrifice of Christ is renewed in each Eucharist so that His codes of forgiveness and redemption, achieved for you upon the Cross may reach ever deeper into your being.
With your heart, accompany the establishment and the fulfillment of forgiveness in all of your being. The time has come to be healed rather than just to purify endlessly that which was rotten within you.
Your forgiveness and redemption must be conscious. It is necessary to know and to see what it is that you must forgive, but for this, child, your consciousness must be matured in the Love of Christ and in the certainty of all that He has already achieved for you.
Now that you have the mud before you, contemplate the Love and Forgiveness of Christ and experience the hidden chemistry of the redemption and transfiguration of consciousness.
Your miseries, touched by the Mercy of God, are transformed into the renewal of His eternal Love.
You have My blessing to experience what I tell you, and to achieve peace.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Light of My Heart and My Blood can circulate through the blood, within you, through each new act of Communion.
Thus, a part of the mystery of the reparation that souls can spiritually experience is revealed when, through surrender, they relive the sorrowful Passion of their Lord.
In this moment of the act of communing with My Body and My Blood, it is possible to justify the possible errors committed before the Celestial Father and His divine Law.
In this way, the soul or souls receive a repairing atonement, because the Blood spiritually dissolves the sins committed against the celestial commandments.
Through the Blood of Jesus, the penitent recognize the power and, at the same time, the mystery of the consoling Love of Jesus.
In this way, life is purified and also ennobled through the spiritual merits granted by the sacrifice and surrender of Christ for the whole human race.
In every moment of communion, punishments or condemnations are dissolved when the heart is repentent and recognizes its imperfection before God. This sets it free.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Argentina is part of a very ancient continent of the planet, and that part of the continent, in remote times, was witness to important events for the human civilization.
Argentina was a region very close to the Antarctic, and a part of the Malvinas Islands belonged to the frozen austral continent that was the cradle of one of the first humanities.
All of the southern region, a very beautiful area of the planet due to its nature, from Tierra del Fuego to Puerto Madryn, was a space formerly consecrated to the development of an advanced and civilized form of life.
In that southern region, Antarctic was the primary center of a humanity that achieved high degrees of learning through the school of love and of brotherhood.
That civilization, from Tierra del Fuego to Puerto Madryn, slowly grew and its inhabitants were remnants of a culture advanced in the sphere of spiritual contact, as well as predecessors of the first native peoples that inhabited Argentina all the way to the first heights of the desert of Jujuy.
And so, Argentina is one of the regions of the planet that witnessed and gave testimony to the possibility that a civilized humanity had patterns and values of behavior held in its consciousness that maintained a true communion with nature and with the Universe.
Those values of spiritual life are what the Divine Hierarchy will try to reintegrate so that at least a part of the current population of Argentina becomes a carrier of attributes that may help in the most acute moments of the planetary transition, and that these values, which are profoundly spiritual and are united with the Creator Source, be what will maintain the presence of faith, of trust and of the love of the hearts.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In Argentina, companions, your Master and Lord will gather all the celestial powers to pour them out, as divine inner light, within essences.
So that this spiritual movement may be possible, your Redeemer will attract, from ancient sites of the Earth, the principles and attributes that conformed the first Hierarchic Brotherhood.
This means that the humanity from Argentina will enter into an inner communion with the patterns of behavior that were present in the origins of the Earth, patterns which formed the sacred spirit of the Brotherhood between the Heavenly Hierarchy and the former humanity.
But the most important event of all is that the devout hearts of Argentina, when receiving and recognizing the arrival of the Redeemer, will be able to remember within themselves the inner union with the Christic Love and, from there, get the strength to be able to cross and live these definitive times.
For this reason, the Celestial Father chose to be present in Argentina in the month of August, beyond any material and spiritual reason. He decided to congregate, for a divine reason, one of the first flocks of Christ.
Everything that is lovingly prepared, diffused and announced about the next Pilgrimage for Peace, as well as all the efforts that the servers from Argentina do in order to be able to be present in some of the meetings, will represent the absolute adherence to the proposal and intention of the Divine Hierarchy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If more souls hear the Call of God, this world will not need to know suffering.
Today I come here, children, to relieve the suffering of hearts, although they do not know it.
I come to relieve the Suffering of God for the indifference of souls, for the numbness of beings.
When I look at the world, My Heart is filled with compassion and pity, because I know the Divine Project, that first Thought that God emanated to create human beings, mirrors of His Consciousness, similar to Him in essence and in heart.
That Thought has remained hidden within each one of you and within each being on this Earth. The perfection of God has remained hidden behind all human miseries, and few are the souls that can express themselves according to the Will of their Creator.
Today I come here not only to reveal truths to you; I come to raise to the Heavens the souls that suffer and the sins of this world, in order to relieve the planet and give it a little peace.
Although you are so few, this was enough for the Love of God to descend upon this world and begin to build, in this nation, an opportunity for redemption.
The greater the abyss, the greater is the Love that God sends to Earth. That is why we are here, in this place, in this city, in this nation. Because where the beings who need it the most are, there is the Love of God, no matter how indifferent they are to Him and how often they do not believe that this Love exists.
Many times, hearts suffer because of ignorance, because of not knowing that the Love of the Father is available for all beings.
Therefore, tonight, I only ask you to open your hearts not only in the name of this nation, but also in the name of all of humanity, so that a greater Grace may descend to Earth and, by the offering of a few, the Mercy of the Father may expand throughout this world.
The Mysteries of God are infinite and even more so is His Love. Never forget when He was on Earth, in the Body and Soul of His Son. Do not forget that it was with a few that He transformed the history of this planet and all of His Creation.
The cycles repeat so that beings may receive a new opportunity. The Creator aspires to announce His Presence to the world, a Presence which is not limited to one religion, one people, one nation.
The Presence of God is in everything, children: in the air you breathe, in nature, in the hearts of your brothers and sisters; in everything is the gaze of your Creator Father; in everything is His Heart, waiting for the awakening of love in the hearts of men and women.
I come here to free souls from the suffering they bring from their nations to this place: their brothers and sisters who emigrate, so many who become lost in the seas and so many who arrive here in search of hope.
Through my Presence in this place, I come to give a special Grace to each one of these nations that suffer and cannot express themselves as God thought, due to wars, darkness, the lack of love in the hearts of beings.
Today my Light penetrates the oceans and reaches the nations of Africa, of the Middle-East, through the hearts that, although they do not know that I am here, need help and cry out to God thinking that they do not find a response. The presence of the Divine Messengers here is the answer of God to the prayer of so many hearts who have cried out for Mercy.
That is why I have come to this city to respond to the silent prayer of many of My children who believe that God does not listen to them. The Mysteries of God are infinite. Sometimes you think that He does not listen to you, that He does not answer your prayers, but many times, children, His grace comes into your lives in a way that you cannot perceive, just as today it comes into the lives of so many of your brothers and sisters, although they do not know it.
I wish that hearts could know Divine Grace, so as to know that there is still hope for life in this world, which is not only survival, but an experience of love, similar to the Love of God in His Son.
I wish that beings could know that suffering can be transformed when they understand the cross of these times as an opportunity to renew their Creator's Love.
Do not be afraid to announce the Divine Presence to the world. Not only through words, but also through the example of your hearts. It is the testimony of your lives that will cause beings to lose their fear and believe in the Presence of God through this work, which He Himself is building.
When you raise your consciousnesses to the true purpose of human existence and know that you are here for a Higher Purpose, to manifest a Divine Plan, then, children, it will not matter to you the criticism of men, religions, different cultures and the very love in your hearts will allow all of this to come together in that Greater Purpose.
God aspires to build in this nation, as in the whole of Europe, a seed of unity among different peoples and cultures, among different religions.
Here, where beings live the fear of losing power, a false power, where religions are afraid to cease to exist and do not realize, children, that this very fear is what is making them disappear, allow yourselves to enter into communion with your brothers and sisters, so that peace may be established, so that hearts may sincerely repent of their sins.
It will not be with many that the Creator will transform this world. It will be with a few, who are sincere of heart, that He will begin to transform life on Earth, who, in their silence and prayer, will unite peoples and nations from the spiritual levels to the material levels of life on Earth.
Begin each one of you by loving and respecting your neighbor, even when you are judged or criticized for your way of loving. Love as Christ taught you, living His Gospel, beyond taking it as a sacred book or leaving it in your homes and calling yourselves Christians.
Be more than Christians, be Christs of the new time, imitators of the footsteps of your Lord, so that, in this way, your souls may be a path for Him to return to this world.
Let each one of you, children, be the living chalices upon which He will pour out His Blood to institute a new genetics, His Genetics, on this planet.
As I speak to you, the Presence of God expands upon the Earth and reaches the hearts that need it the most.
While you listen to Me, let your prayers be true, have faith that you are before God, that Heaven opens before your hearts, that the Eyes of the Father are upon Earth, and that, with the slightest opening of your hearts, His Mercy descends upon this planet.
Cry out for peace for the nations that are at war.
Cry out for mercy for those who say they live in the Name of the Lord and dirty His Name with their sins.
Cry out for forgiveness for those who live in hatred and indifference.
Cry out for healing for those who, because of the injustice they have lived, have forgotten the love that is in their hearts.
Cry out for a Grace so that, in the heart of Africa, love may emerge again and this Earth may be a seed of the new life.
Cry out for the Middle-East so that the Blood of Christ shed there may emerge from the earth and heal the hearts, making this land sacred again.
Cry out for this nation, for Italy, so that it may be the cradle of a true religiosity, where hearts will respect and love their neighbor, the different religions and the truth that is in the hearts of their brothers and sisters.
Let the darkness in this hour give way to the Divine Light and may you cry out for peace.
With these words, I teach you to pray with your heart, because the world needs it. Wait with love for your Celestial Mother, announce Her Presence more strongly and louder, so that more souls may have the opportunity to stand before Her and receive a Grace.
Before saying goodbye to you, may the priests come here, so that, by the Grace that God has granted them, they may bring down His transubstantiation, to transform the elements of the altar into the Body and Blood of Christ, in Remembrance of Him, as He has asked you, and that this communion, children, this Eucharist consecrated before the Father may pierce your bodies, your consciousnesses, and come as a Greater Grace to this world.
For this, I bless you.
We may stand or kneel for the consecration of the Eucharist.
Priest - And at this moment we remember when our Lord, at that time, together with His disciples, raised the bread, gave thanks, because the day of His Sacrifice had come. God blessed it and He said to all the essences of the world: take and eat from it, because this is My Body, the Body that will be given for all of you, for the forgiveness of your faults.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Then our Lord took the Holy Chalice, gave thanks, the Father blessed It, and He said, "This is My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant between souls and God; blood that will be shed for all of you for the total liberation from your faults and for Eternal Life. Do this in Remembrance of Me until I return.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Here is the Lamb of God, His Body and His Blood.
Let us pray the Our Father.
Now, once in Italian.
May the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all.
With the consecration of the Eucharist, the Grace of God descends into the hearts of men and women, and my task here today is fulfilled.
I bless you and thank you for being here in the name of this nation and this humanity.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Take the Peace of the Lord to one another as He has taught you, silently giving one another the greeting of peace. Thank you.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
This is the time to reconcile humanity with God before everything happens. This is why I chose again to come to Portugal, not only because of its history, but also because of its events with other peoples and nations, and thus, I come for the other nations of Europe.
I will continue on pilgrimage through these lands, as My Holy Mother did together with the Holy Grail. I will come with My Heart to illumine the darkest spaces of the European consciousness, and your help will be essential for Me.
So, in My Heart and on this afternoon, I bring the treasures of Heaven that will illuminate souls and their paths, so that all consciousnesses may learn someday to live the Will of God and can overcome and transcend human suffering activated by their own will, rather than the Will of My Father.
I know that sometimes the world does not want to listen to this need, to realize this truth. But a very definite time is drawing closer, it is very close, more than it seems for humanity, and it must not take you by surprise. You must be aware and awake so that, at the indicated time, your hearts will dictate the moment of this great event that will place humanity by the side of God, or far from God.
For this reason, from the Celestial Universe, Our Sacred Hearts ask for so many prayers for the world, in order to be able to rectify the errors of humanity and of the peoples, not only the historical errors that have become indelible in many consciousnesses, but also to avoid future errors, so that the harmony and equilibrium of God may be established on the planet.
Your attunement with My Heart is very important, not only through the practices I have taught you over time, mainly through the Communion that I offer you daily, so that your spirits and souls can be nurtured by the Source, but also through all that comes from the Celestial Universe and descends to the world in each moment of prayer and of supplication, of service and of surrender for your fellow being, in each opportunity of again experiencing a Sacrament, and of freeing your consciousness from perdition, from the temptation of these times, from the illusion of the world, from spiritual blindness and from indifference.
On this day, companions, your hearts reached a new step in their awakening. Thus, I bring you this request of continuing to pray from the heart for those who most need it, for those who do not listen, for those who close their ears to the Voice of God by means of His Divine Son.
Today I come to rest in your hearts. Today I come to repose My Spirit in your spirits so that the inner alliance may strengthen between souls and the Plan of God, for all that still must be done and be manifested on Earth, for the Greater Will to be fulfilled.
Humanity must continue to seek the perfect union with the Ark of the Holy Covenant, with that sacred symbol of spiritual ascension that descends from the Kingdom of the Heavens through the intervention of the Divine Son, so that His sacred treasures and His divine impulses may descend over the human consciousness and to the nations, so that the errors may be erased, the deviations may be avoided, human perversion may be stopped, and souls may find again the path toward what is sacred and toward the upliftment of consciousness.
All this may be possible because of the continuity of your daily prayers, the commitment with the school of prayer of My Mother so that more souls may be able to awaken in time, and may find within themselves the meaning and the answer of being here on Earth, not for something material, but for something profoundly spiritual, for a mission, for a principle and a purpose, for a Greater Plan.
My Heart contemplates your inner needs. My ears hear all your pleas. But it is necessary, companions, to take another step so that the Higher Universe may come to meet you and the Greater Source of all the impulses of God may continue to guide you and lead you toward the goal of being able to be part, someday, of the new flock of God that will be born from the miserable and the imperfect, from those who are learning to be redeemed and to forgive. Because it will be the New Jerusalem, the city of light that will descend from the Universe to welcome you all in the Sacred Temple of the Heart of God, in profound communion and alliance with the Father.
The nonmaterial treasures of the Universe must be part of your lives, the attention of your consciousnesses, the reason for living and for existing and for carrying forward a part of the Plan of the Father, in this way you will be helping your Master and Redeemer so that His Work may continue to expand on Earth in this time, outside of His Church, given the need of millions of souls that experience great suffering and infinite agony that only the Love of God will be able to heal and alleviate.
For this reason, your Master and Lord needs intermediaries, not masters but disciples, servants of His Merciful Heart that can represent Him in this time, just as the apostles represented Him in the past.
In truth, I tell you, I come to bring continuity to what I once did on Earth. I unite past time with present time through Real Time, so that your spirits and consciousnesses may receive the same Christic codes that My Apostles from the past once received, as did all those who followed Me with faithfulness and love, with sacrifice, in surrender and in redemption.
You must be part of the story of the Book of God. The Celestial Father still hopes to be able to continue writing a new story in humanity. A story of all those who listen to Christ, who follow His steps and experience perfect communion with Him, responding to His Call without conditions or rules, in obedience, with faithfulness and in profound unity.
I am still waiting for the definition of many of you as well as many of your brothers and sisters that are on this planet, who are a part of the 144,000, who will proclaim My second return to the world, the second Glorious coming of God through His Most Beloved Son, in the presence of the Holy Grail.
If you give continuity to the story that God wants to write through your lives and hearts, nonmaterial treasures will descend from the Universe and will cease to be a mystery to the majority of humanity.
You will know how to work with the sacred tools of God, you will learn through prayer and through the sacred instruments to support this planet during its three days of darkness, and you will be by My side, although you may not believe that I am there, because My Presence is eternal, unmistakable and undeniable.
And thus, you will fulfill My promises, the promises that I once made to the Celestial Father of being able to again, through My Soul and My Divinity, rescue this sacred people that is humanity, who again were perverted and got lost through the influences of My adversary, which someday will be defeated by your own Master and Lord, with the authority of the Archangel Gabriel.
Celebrate the opportunity, companions, of being conscious, and do not let the planetary inertia absorb you or that the deep sleep of millions of human beings may affect you.
You are now within the great awakening, the opportunity to transform your lives completely, to be the new wineskin in the Hands of the King, purified and sublimated by My Spirit.
As long as humanity does not take the necessary steps to reverse and balance human perversions and all their misalignments, the treasures of the Universe will remain in the Universe until they can be revealed to the entire human consciousness, regardless of religion, color, or nation, because the knowledge of God is for all. The knowledge will make you more aware and available to be able to carry out the Plan of God, to fulfill the great promise of being a sacred people under the principles and the attributes of God, which many call Commandments.
We are still in the time of Grace. We are still in the time of Mercy, with the opportunity of being able to cross the portal toward redemption and of becoming worthy children of God by means of prayer, daily charity, love, and peace with your peers.
As a testimony to this love that I continue to unconditionally give to the world, today I will again consecrate new adorers of My Eucharistic Body, because in them must be the pillars and the great divine structures that will support humanity and the planet when it moves, through the perfect practice of adoration.
Through My Eucharistic Body, find the portal for your ascension and transcendence, for the sublimation of your thoughts and feelings, in order to be able to make amends for all your debts and faults in face of the Celestial Father, Who mercifully loves you.
Through this consecration of new adorers, I again give you the Gifts of God so that you may learn to conceive them within you, through an example of life on the path of prayer, of service, of instruction and of healing.
Those who adore My Eucharistic Body are the ones who will, in the end of times, allow divine revelations to continue in humanity so that all may be more aware and available to be able to serve God.
Those who adore My Eucharistic Body are the ones that balance the planet and humanity in this time and do not allow errors to continue to be generated so that they do not lead souls into perdition and spiritual blindness.
Adoration is a path of reconciliation with God and of profound contact with Me, from Heart to heart, from Soul to soul, and from Spirit to spirit.
Between us, the adorers and My Heart, only the Light that emanates from the Source can exist, which brings healing, forgiveness and renewal to hearts.
Adoration is a permanent practice of concentration and of alignment to be able to stabilize the psychic plane of humanity, from all that it generates in this time, because of what it thinks and what it experiences.
Adoration is a permanent portal of transmutation in which the angels are able to maintain all the balance and the harmony when the adorer simply opens to being before My Eucharistic Heart.
Today I bring you these opportunities and Graces, knowing that this meeting will not be enough for everything that Europe needs today as a continent and as a people, in light of so much history and so many events. Because the salvation of the rest of the nations of the world will depend on Europe, on its charity, on its contribution, on its giving of self and its fidelity to fellow beings, to the one who suffers, the one who has nothing.
That is your main commitment: to step out of yourselves, to completely empty yourselves so that My Love and My Light can enter, so that My Message and My Word not only continue to come here, to Europe, to bless you, heal you and redeem you, but also be able to reach the whole world through your conscious collaboration.
The manifestation of My Second Return will depend on the conscious contribution of humanity, on those who believe in Christ, on those who work for Christ, on those who live in Christ.
There is a part that is up to you all, in perfect equality and balance, in cooperation and in brotherhood. This will allow humanity to not be without a guide, without help in this difficult time on Earth, in which everything, absolutely everything, is at stake.
Unite with My Heart and you will understand what I tell you today, because God does not need your material goods. The Universe needs your giving of self so that you and your material goods can transform into what God needs, just as He conceived it in the beginning in unity, in equality, in fraternity, so that the Divine Spirit, the Love of God may always be present.
Let us celebrate this meeting, Let us internalize the Words of God through His Beloved Son, so that the words do not go unnoticed, but rather that the Words of the Father be conscious within you, especially in your hearts, where the Living God must always have a principal place in your lives.
Opening the Celestial Church, summoning all the Angelic Choirs, we will experience this consecration as if it were the first time that Heaven touches your lives to redeem them and change them into light. Amen.
We stand up.
At this moment, each one of you will make their offering before the Celestial Father. In the silence of the heart, you will tell the Eternal Father what it is that you need so that My merciful Heart may gather up your supplications and intentions, and your lives again be transformed.
"Father of the Universe and of Grace, just as You gave Yourself through Your Son on the Cross for an immeasurable and infinite unknown Love, today surrender, Lord, through Your Son, so that souls may vivify Your Spirit and live the experience of Your Love, which will raise them and bring them the awareness of accomplishing Your Divine Purpose. Amen."
By the water that emerged from My Side, today may souls be washed so that they can experience spiritual communion, and in this way, achieve redemption.
Now bring here the elements for the consecration of the adorers so that the Lord can bless them.
Just as My Mother lived Her virginity, I invite you to live My immaculate Spirit, the immaculate Spirit of God that emerges like a Fount of Love through His Son. Because My ardent desire is that your hearts learn to be pure, not only in consciousness but also in intentions, because if your hearts are pure, you will achieve the Kingdom of God and will enter into It without any impediment.
Each practice of consecration, each new step that is taken by the children of God is an opportunity to awaken, to be committed to the Plan of God and to surrender to the Christic life.
This is why today I especially bless these elements that will represent a stage of your lives on the path of the consecration of the Spirit, of the conversion of the soul, and of the transformation of life.
May the Grace of God descend into them and may that Grace be reverently cared for and protected by each one of those who today will be consecrating themselves, as well as by those who are already consecrated, because in the simplicity of all that exists is the Living God.
Be the example of My Life on Earth, testify to My Message for the world, represent Me in truth, without fear and without obstacles, because I take you into account, I contemplate you with My Heart, and I hold you in the temple of My Spirit.
May the instruction elevate and redeem you.
For those who also adore Me, I make the sacrifice of coming to the world again, so that souls do not lose the joy of living in God and of finding the meaning of being here on Earth, fulfilling an unknown Divine Will that, for the heart that opens, reveals itself in life with clarity and precision.
Today I come to renew the sacrifice of the Lamb of God through the transubstantiation of the elements, of the bread and the wine.
At the Table that was consecrated by the Father and by His apostles, we will again celebrate by giving the world the Blood and the Body of Christ, for the salvation of humanity and the planet.
At this Altar, consecrated on this day, where the men and the women of the Earth recognize the Son of God through His Eucharistic Body, I invite you to kneel to remember the last Supper of your Lord together with His apostles.
In deep joy and love, I took the Bread, giving thanks to God, His Spirit blessed it, I gave it to My apostles, saying to them:
"Eat all of It, because this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
I then lifted up the Holy Chalice to the Heavens, the Father blessed it with His Spirit, I gave it to My apostles, saying to them:
"All take and drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be spilled by your Redeemer and by the martyrs for the remission of sins. Do this in Remembrance of Me."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
In union with the Most Holy Trinity, repeat the prayer that with such Love I taught you:
(Our Father (in Portuguese)
"This is the Lamb of God, who redeems and forgives those who are lost, who with His Fire of Love, vivifies and reignites those who live in Him and proclaim His Name. Amen."
I taught you to love one another, and it is something that humanity still has not understood, but those who are awake in Me know the importance of unconditionally and truly loving their fellow being.
For this reason, I invite you to renew yourselves in love so that your wounds may be closed and the inner sequels be dispelled, and you feel the joy of living in love and for love, just as I live for you all of the time.
Today I not only leave you My Peace, but also I leave My Love so that the Peace and the Love of God may be in you and in the world.
In fraternity and in love, you will give one another the greeting of Peace.
I thank you for being with Me today.
In your prayers, learn to listen to the voice of the planet and its Kingdoms. Listen to their clamor, which becomes calmer and quieter just by being heard.
The Earth cries out for unity among beings, for communion among the life that inhabits it and evolves upon it. Allow that your prayer also be for the consciousness of the planet and for its Kingdoms. Let your silence be a prayer for hearing the cry of the world and thus, for repairing it.
Listen, because nature itself also prays in the sound of the wind, of the trees, of the birds, of the animals, in the silence of life.
The expression of nature is a prayer that, when beings become silent, they can understand and participate in it. Place your words in this prayer for unity and become a part of the prayer for life.
God also speaks to you, child, through the silence of nature. Learn to listen to it.
When beings learn to live in prayer and in communion with life, then they will know peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I will always wait for you, day and night, until you can finally reach Me in order to live the inner encounter with My Spirit, until the return of your Lord. I will come to you by means of Communion, of prayer, of confession and of the living Love of My Heart.
I want to be present all the time, close to you, so that you continue to realize, in this hour, the moment that your Master and Lord is living for humanity. I want to have you close so that you accompany Me in this cycle, since there is much to be done and to work out for this suffering planet. It is still necessary to expand and carry My Love to the world so that the souls may truly repent and change their lives forever.
Therefore, I bring you the support for your consciousnesses through the Sacred Sacraments. I bring you the opportunity to carry with Me the heavy spiritual cross of humanity because together, We must triumph in love, and for love, live eternally.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
True prayer has a greater effect than hundreds of weapons of war.
The power of prayer stops serious processes of planetary self-destruction. It fosters the expansion of love as a universal current and draws those who pray closer to the Source of the Grace of God.
True prayer is that which is born from the heart, it is free of personal intentions and the search for immediate results.
True prayer ignites the mirror of the soul and prevents corrosive spiritual illnesses, frees those who are imprisoned from captivity, and calms the human heart.
The power of prayer dissolves illusions, clarifies mental discernment, and attracts ideas that are formed in Heaven so that these may be concretized through the assistance of the servants of God.
Prayer offers a transmuting, purifying and elevating stage for aspects of the being. It places us in the correct coordinate and dissolves any nearby interference; it helps transcend fears and creates a powerful and protective spiritual wall against the main capital sins.
True prayer awakens peace, the equilibrium of emotions, and neutralizes darkness until it is overcome.
It connects us with the Primordial Source of God and opens the doors so that the angels may protect us and intervene in cases impossible to solve through human action alone.
Prayer unites us with spirit to be in communion with the Heights.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the Glory of God be in this place forever!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Opening the doors of the Celestial Universe, the Consciousness of the Mother of God penetrates the deep dimensions of the Earth to bring souls a grace, an opportunity.
Because I am not alone here, but rather surrounded by the Hierarchies of Light, those great Consciousnesses of the Universe that contemplate, time after time, the Divine Plan of God and Its manifestation in the different worlds.
With the great dome of the Sky, Today I bless all souls of humanity and, while My portals open, the light of the New Aurora emerges in the heart of those who believe in it.
At this moment, a spiritual intervention is established between the Universe and the Earth, between the souls and God, and an extraordinary Grace permeates all spirits of the Earth to grant them the peace, the redemption and the living Love of God within each human heart.
In this way, the stars of My Crown of Light descend today over the Earth, surround the orbit of this planet to ignite it, not only in light, but also with all the attributes of God, with the twelve main currents of His Divine Spirit that will make the Earth a rescuable planet and a redeemed New Humanity that will finally follow the Commandments of the Lord.
For this reason, hear the Voice of the Mother of God on this unique and extraordinary Day, in which not only your souls see themselves benefitted by the Greater Universe but also your higher beings participate in this circumstance; those beings who came to the Earth with a principle and with a mission, which in these definitive times will be revealed to the one who wants to open, to know it. Because this mission and this spiritual principle will be an important and fundamental contribution for these definitive times, I would say, a grand spiritual and internal task that each soul will be able to donate to God with the plenitude of its heart and of its life, constantly donating itself to the Creator in surrender, in service and in sacrifice.
This commitment of each being of the Earth is vital for these times. For this reason, dear children, the great Hierarchies of Light, gathered today around your Celestial Mother, contemplate the great opportunity that the souls of the world have in this universal and cosmic conjuncture in which the most awakened souls, those most available for this new year that will begin, will have the grace to take a new step under the blessing of God and of His Divine Trust, thus concretizing His Principles and Wills, materializing His Projects and fully living His Plan.
You must not miss the opportunity of understanding what God needs because His Words are not wasted, they are water of a living fountain for all souls of the Earth, for all those gathered by His Love.
From higher Universes comes the help to the world; the unknown becomes known, the mysteries are unveiled and the doors open for the sacred Knowledge of God to descend once again to the Earth and this may strengthen souls in their commitment to the Plan and in the experience of God´s Principles and of the purpose that the Father has for each being.
For this reason, I say that it is a unique and unrepeatable opportunity for this new year that is beginning to not only be permeated by conscience and wisdom but also by the awareness on the part of all of what must truly happen for this new cycle, with the contribution and the collaboration of all creatures of God, of all servers of Christ, of those who fully want to live in the Lord in order to always find His Kingdom.
It is in the silences of My soul when the most important codes descend and souls can nourish themselves by the Truth.
From this spiritual nutrition, the soul finds its path, returns to its origin and awakens to the Divine Consciousness, finding the meaning of its existence and the increasing capacity to truly love without conditions, transcending limits, frontiers and difficulties.
Because it will be the Love of each one of you for the Plan of God that will allow His Works to keep occurring; this will allow everything to take place and nothing, absolutely nothing, to be changed by the indifference of humanity or by the mediocre collaboration of souls.
To concretize the Plan of God and its next goal, the collaboration and the adhesion of all is necessary; a truly interior adhesion so that it may later be an exterior and true adhesion that can fulfill the precepts of God, according to how He has thought and destined for the world.
But while this does not happen, My children, God will wait in His Kingdom for the answers of His children. And His Celestial Kingdom must descend to the Earth in this critical time because otherwise the planet will not survive.
It is necessary, My children, that you understand beyond forms, beyond the mind and the heart; that you can unite to the Source in order to find the meaning of His principles and the manifestation of His projects for these acute times of the Earth.
All of the knowledge that has been given must be the base for your reflection and awakening for your next step within this year that will begin, waiting for a sincere and honest response from all hearts to the Celestial Father; for a response that comprehends beyond knowledge, that understands beyond wisdom, that accepts beyond forms and that adheres wholeheartedly and in an unconditional way to what God needs.
All these changes and all these experiences will form this great response on the part of the human consciousness which will grant, on the part of humanity, the continuity of the Plan and of its manifestation for these times.
But it is important that in this cycle which is ending, that each one of your hearts, each one of your consciousnesses, make an inner synthesis, perceive the reality, awaken to the Truth and become aware of what it must become aware of, not losing the Word of the Hierarchy, not losing the meaning of the Message, so that you find the next keys that you will need which will open the doors to the new opportunities and to the descent of the new graces that the world so much needs, as well as humanity.
I do not want this year to end with some ignorance, with some incomprehension or with any doubt.
I wish that in this year that is ending your response may be sincere and truly honest to God.
I repeat it again so that you may understand it and accept it, so that you may live it and especially practice it, knowing that there is still a lot to do in this humanity that is ill, that is sick from distancing from the Love of God, for believing in self-love, in fantasies, in illusions, in the mirages that the whole world offers day by day, time after time.
But your reconsideration before the Hierarchy, the awareness of your honest and true response will create new opportunities, new conditions for the Universal Grace and the Cosmic Mercy to reach more hearts of the Earth and to more nations.
Remember that I still expect to reach Asia and Oceania and this goal must be concretized by all for this new year that will begin.
I will not stop coming to the world until I can concretize this spiritual mission, together with the union with all of My children and under the response of everyone.
This will allow the Work to be expanded in humanity, the missions of service and of charity in very distant regions of the planet, where there is true desperation, chaos, disease, indifference and loneliness of many hearts.
But now, My children, you, who are carriers of the Grace and the Mercy of God throughout times, have all possibilities and all means to accomplish this and also to duplicate and spread this call to more hearts in the world that must awaken to the awareness of these times, to the emergency of these times, to the necessity of a fraternal life and of service to the souls of the world.
The healing of the planet is in your hands, the change of consciousness is within you and the upliftment of this humanity is through your prayer.
Comply with My requests during these next months. Be obedient and go to the Marian Centers, do not let comfort submerge you, make the effort that is necessary, that is just, which God deserves from each one of you for all He has given you in these last eleven years.
Thus, My children, although storms may be in humanity, darkness on the planet, tribulation in the lost hearts, I will not get tired of coming to the world, again and again, because I will carry in My Heart of Mother the sincere response of My children so as to be able to show it to God and thus continue forward with His Plan, that the Kingdom of the Father may live and dwell in all hearts so that His Love and His Plan may triumph.
Perhaps, in this night, you expected to hear great things, more revelations that My Heart can impel, but this will be possible, My children, when your response expands, surpasses barriers, transcends fears and when you can absolutely adhere to what I tell you, knowing that behind each one of My words there is a purpose, a meaning and a spiritual objective that your consciousnesses do not reach yet.
For this reason, My children, open your inner senses, open your heart and welcome My words with the sweetness of Love with which I give them so that your lives may be enriched in God and may live the plenitude of His Wisdom. There is still time to change.
A great part of the world will cry for not having changed, but if the change is born in very few, everyone, in the majority, will feel impelled to change, even as small as it may seem.
For this reason, My children, in this night of glory, joy and love, in which the portals of the Universe are open to uplift your consciousness and the whole planet, the consecration of the Children of Mary on this special night is an undeniable, non-transferable and immediate commitment. A commitment of praying for the plans of the Most Holy Trinity and of committing, in material life, to mirror this higher Will through the acts, the virtues, the service and the surrender, which will be the means that will transform your consciousnesses to be able to live Christic Love someday.
May those who will consecrate today be placed at the right side of the altar and come here with the encouragement that I grant you, that I grant to all souls, to all those who Hear Me and to all those who live Me, because the unity of our consciousnesses is where the Plan of God will be built and will be manifested; and its blessings will be unlimited.
His Graces will expand in your consciousnesses and hearts and thus, your lives will completely transform according to what He has thought for each one of your essences.
For this reason, My children, today I consecrate you so that you can live the commitment with God on behalf of millions of souls that do not live it, that are immersed in world hypnotism and illusion and that will suddenly awaken to their reality and experience when My Son returns for the second time, to the Earth.
But you will have the opportunity, children who will consecrate today, to help these souls that you do not know, putting them in prayer, in each act of love and service, so that the Divine Grace may touch these consciousnesses and more souls may be able to transform according to Christ, according to His Principles of Love and Truth.
Hearing the hymn of your consecration, may the Fountain of the Supreme Grace approach this beloved Aurora so that the hearts may feel the joy of living in the Love of God and in the Grace of His Wisdom, which heals the wounded hearts, cures the consciousnesses that have been injured by evil and dissipates all spiritual and internal diseases.
Aurora, in the name of God, grants you inner healing and the absolution of your debts so that this commitment may be true and transparent, loving and humble, following the steps of Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, the Savior.
Placing your hand on the heart, receive the Light of My Spirit, reaffirming the commitment to God and the goal of materializing His Purpose for these times, so that more souls may attain healing, redemption and forgiveness, just as today you, My children, before the Universe of God, attain it through an extraordinary Grace and through an infinite atonement, fruits of the Work of Mercy.
And today, the angels of the Most Holy Son will transubstantiate the elements offered at the feet of the Mother of God, which will convert into the Living Body and the Living Blood of Christ so that the souls may feed on the reparative communion with God and on His Sublime Essence, which is eternal in the whole Creator Universe.
Just as I wash your souls, I wash your heads, your hands and your feet with the Fount of the Holy Spirit so that your lives may be repaired in the communion with Our Savior.
May the Divine Blood of Christ be shed as a code of light within the souls thirsty of the Love of God.
May the Water that flowed out from the side of Christ descend as healing for the hearts.
In this night in which the world does not keep vigil nor adores, may the Lamb of God, who was sacraficed and taken to the slaughterhouse, be recognized and adored by his faithful followers in the whole world, so that his attributes of Grace and Mercy, sources of healing and renewal, may expand in humanity in order to make it rescuable and sacred someday, just as the Heavenly Father needs it forever and ever. Amen.
Eat from the Body of Christ, drink from the Blood of the Lord and trust that everything will be repaired and will heal according to how God has thought.
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ, happy will be those who, in this night, serve from the Lord, Amen.
Our Father...
And now that you have been consecrated with the Spirit, be consecrated with My Peace, in the hope, in the faith and in the Love that you will understand, for the coming months, what God needs from you so that His Will may be fulfilled in the whole Earth and within all of humanity.
I consecrate you, children, and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In happiness and in joy, in the name of My Son, you will give one another the salutation of peace for peace to permeate the Earth.
I thank you!
Act of Reverence and Love to the Kingdoms of Nature
I wish I could be like a bird
to just praise and sing to God.
I wish I could be like the water of the oceans
to only mirror the Peace of God.
I wish I could be like a tree
that rises up to reach the Kingdom of God.
I wish I could be like a flower
that opens every morning to show its devotion to God.
I wish I could be like a plant
that decorates environments to leave them full of harmony and light.
I wish I could be like a dolphin
that amidst the waves overcomes itself to reach God.
I wish I could be like a sunflower
that opens every day to receive the light of the Sun.
I wish I could be like a crystal
that guards the most beautiful thing it has
in order to express its love for Creation.
I wish I could be like the wind
that blows strong and constant
to reach all corners of the Earth with love.
I wish I could be like fire
to illuminate the days of darkness.
I wish I could be like the land
that tirelessly gives itself to be the womb
that gestates Creation again and again.
I only wish that the trees were not cut down,
to not leave the planet without beings that rise towards God.
I only wish that birds were not hunted
so that the Earth would not be left without beings that fully praise God.
I only wish that the earth would no longer be transgressed with toxins and chemicals
so that humanity would not run out of living food.
I only wish that the oceans were no longer contaminated
so that marine life would not die soon
and the seas could continue to mirror peace.
I only wish human beings were aware
that the planet is our home and that we depend on it to live.
I only hope that all of us will be in communion with the Kingdoms
so that, for a moment, we may feel their constant suffering
and thus we can relieve them, without transgressing Creation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My God, I believe in You...(x3)
My celestial victory is within each one of you and no other place.
Those who have decided to surrender their life to Me, know that from now and forever, you will belong to Me and will not belong to any other presence, because My Presence is unfathomable and infinite.
I want to make of your lives humble and peaceful hearts, that may be able to testify the Presence of the Son of God on Earth for these difficult and critical times.
For this reason, I have come to the world again with the Ray of Transfiguration, because the human consciousness will still have to be sublimated, so that its chains and all of its prisons may be released and the spirit may be free again as it was in the beginning, as it was from its origin, since its existence. That it may work and live again in God without being in the chain of suffering and agony.
What I offer you in this time, companions, is a great sacrifice and a great service for humanity, because as you know, humanity is out of balance not only from the psychic point of view but also from the material. And the balance that humanity has lost will have to be recovered again through instruments of My Mercy and My Grace.
This is why these times are difficult and definitive, in joy as in happiness, in battle as in challenge.
You will cross many bridges and go through many challenges, but you will also go through many abysses, within and outside of yourselves, and you will also see it in the whole of human consciousness.
It will not be enough for Me to describe today what is occurring in humanity, because you are seeing it daily.
The Fire of My conviction must reach you all the time. This will allow the Higher Laws to be active on Earth, and that the so awaited balance may be generated and presented in humanity.
While I am here, I am also with those who suffer, with those who are in agony and with those who despair, day after day.
Through the channel of Divine Mercy that has been opened, I am able to intercede today for each one of those souls, so in need of the Love of God, so in need of healing and redemption.
The only thing I can offer you today, companions, is the persistence that I achieved on the Cross, persistence that you will need for this critical time, for this definitive time, where the tests will be the schools and the learnings for everyone. Great moments of definition of your consciousness and of being able to take secure and firm leaps in the evolution of love and truth.
The tests will not come to intimidate you, but rather to strengthen you so that you may continue to be firm on the path I offer you. This will make you more real and simple, because it is what God expects of all His creatures, that they may be able to penetrate the Mystery of His Love and the Infinity of His Grace, principles that are still available for humanity and the planet.
But it will depend on the adherence of My companions and of My followers for those Sources of God to descend to Earth and things not become destabilized as quickly as the moving hands of the clock.
I need the world to be able to recuperate and be redeemed.
I need, upon the surface of the Earth, mirrors of prayer that are able to reflect towards all of the planet all the love that I give to your essences and spirits, because this will not allow chaos to win, but rather that love may overcome as it has always overcame throughout time, beyond errors, failures and all human actions, which have transgressed the Plan of God again and again.
But now a very important time for the planet has come, where that inner definition will be clear to all, and this will depend on you and God; He, not as a Judge but as a Father of Mercy and Grace Who thirsts for His children, for the love of His creatures, for the transparency of all the lives of the Earth, because this will defeat the principles that evil has sown in humanity, leading to the perdition and the despair of souls.
But you know, companions, that through these meetings I prepare you for My return, because first your spirit must be prepared, so that all of your consciousness may be ready to see Me and recognize Me.
In the most difficult moment of humanity is when I will return and will reveal My Face to everyone.
I will not set a time, nor a date. I will arrive at the most climactic moment of humanity, when everything is in great agony.
This is why I need you to be firm, clear and aware, in order to be able to recognize My commands and so that the doorways of Divine Mercy may still be open.
Meanwhile, persist through My Heart and do not have your lives become like the lives of others, which have lost the sense of the mission and the purpose and even of their own experience of life on Earth.
This goes beyond something spiritual. It is to be on the correct path that the soul came to fulfill on this planet, in order to be worthy of the Grace and the Mercy of God, in order to reciprocate with the Divine Purpose that has brought it to Earth, beyond the errors committed in other times.
Today I do not come to speak of the failures or the errors, but rather of the talents that you must still offer and give Me; talents that wait to awaken within you and that your souls cry out to put in service.
Thus, companions, perceive the end of the times with a profound clarity and wisdom.
Know how to differentiate the situations and the forms.
It is not for you to omit them, nor to reject them, because transformation is eternal and infinite. But in that transformation, the consciousness is uplifted and awakens and increasingly finds the meanig and the reason for having existed in this Universe and within the Spiritual Universe.
Everything has its communication and its inner and outer reflection; this goes beyond the mind or intelligence.
The meaning of the soul must be deep and true. It must be able to express its task in this end time. It cannot be disturbed by its miseries, by its doubts or incomprehension.
You must allow your souls to have the opportunity of serving and of loving and of managing to express the value they have so that they may fulfill the Will of God.
While this situation of souls in the world is not defined, the opportunities for Universal intervention are limited.
For this reason, I bring the balm of My Light to the whole world and the deep healing of My Heart so that souls may dare to take the steps they need to take, knowing that a definite commitment is still unknown to everyone and that you are still on the way to being able to find it and see it.
Dare to define your lives in the simple way of life, in love, in service and in charity; in the consideration for others and for your fellow being, such as for the Kingdoms of Nature.
The school taught here must remain eternally in the human consciousness.
The attributes that were sown here through instruction and the path of group living will have to be the pillars for sustaining the great planetary transition and the whole human crisis, knowing that in spite of the errors, the sufferings or the wars, the ignorance or the indifference, there is a place in the world where the attributes of God are lived in a simple but true way, just as they were lived by each one of the representatives of the peoples of the desert together with Moses.
You are the bridge, dear companions, for the Sacred Project of God, reflected and manifested in the human consciousness through divine and cosmic intervention, to have its continuity and above all, a future.
But it depends on the decision of the souls of these times, on the awareness and the attention before the call that is proclaimed from the Greater Universe, on the interest of each one of the souls of the world and above all, on the unity that may be generated among your consciousnesses, in spite of the differences or of the schools, beyond all learnings.
Because where love is, God is present and so His Divine Project is, My Heart and the Heart of My Mother are and that of each Universal Hierarchy that contemplates and observes the humanity of these times, and how it loses its codes and its experiences of love because of having become submerged in the current modernity and in global indifference.
These are the roots of the great worldwide illusion.
But you, companions, as well as each one who hears me, do not have these veils on the consciousness; you have awakened and have felt the call of the Hierarchy.
I hope you are able to make the most of My Words, because My Cycle with you is coming to an end. And when it ends, everything will happen, and they will not only be messages or words, or things invisible or far from your material reality.
You will have to seek again the Source that opened here through instruction and knowledge, to help support those who cannot support themselves, those who are more ignorant and foolish; in order to help heal and redeem, opening your arms and hearts to take in the world, the nations and their peoples, beyond their cultures and their beliefs.
The great challenge of Noah and his Spiritual Ark will be repeated again.
Here the peoples will assemble if the doors are open.
Here those who suffer will be received if love is present.
Here the Hierarchy will be present if adherence and response are sincere and true.
This will allow that our Fire may never lack, that our Light may always guide you, that our Consciousness may always reflect discernment and wisdom for you.
But the time has come, companions, for you to definitely live the new cycle so that everything that is in the Spiritual Universe may be able to descend to the Material Universe and thus, the Plan of Rescue may be carried forward in the end of these times.
I accept your offerings, I hear your hearts and receive your intentions in union with the Hierarchy.
May the sacred mission that you have come to carry out be accomplished in you.
May your inner senses open so that you may perceive the emergency of these times and the immediate call that comes from Heaven, to uplift human consciousness in state and condition.
Let us celebrate, at this hour, the communion with the soul of each being, and before the presence of My Celestial Church, that not only takes the elements of this Altar that are offered today, to the Heart of the Father but also the deepest and inner intentions of your spirits, in this donation that your souls can do for these times for many, many more souls that do not do so, nor live it in this time. Thus, you will also alleviate My Heart of the great human blindness that I am seeing in humanity and how this submerges souls in illusion and in indifference.
May the love that your hearts will offer today before the Universal King be able to dissolve the contrary currents, and souls may be able to be reborn to life in the perfect encounter with the Divine Essence.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Our Lord, we will listen to the Our Father sung in Latin, so that the doors of His Celestial Church may open and His Grace descend to all hearts.
We may stand for the consecration.
Pater Noster...
Christ Jesus:
At that time, I gave you My Body so that you may resurrect.
At that time, I gave you My Blood so that you may purify, consecrate to Me, in order to consecrate to the Plan of God.
At this hour and in this moment the sacrifice of the Lamb of God is relived.
When in that time I took the bread giving thanks to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blessed it. I gave it to My Apostles, saying to them, so that they may tell humanity, that "this is My Body which was given for all for the forgiveness of sins."
I took the Chalice and lifting It up to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blessed It. I handed It to My Apostles, saying to them: "All take and drink of It; this is the Chalice of My Blood, that throughout time and generations will shed the most precious Blood of the Lamb of God, so that all may receive Its Codes of Light and be redeemed."
This is the Body and the Blood of Whom gave His life for you up to the heights of Mount Calvary and suffered for humanity so that it may not lose the meaning of its existence and the perfect path of its soul.
Glory to God in the Highest, peace on Earth for all beings of good will.
And now that the Father has received the offering of the elements on the Altar and the offering of hearts, the time for the blessing through the divine infusion that the Father spreads for all the souls of the Earth and through the Work, the Science of the Holy Spirit, has come.
May the Peace of My Heart be in you and in all the beings of the Earth, so that you may be carriers of the peace and the Mercy of God, in order that wars, hunger, suffering and the despair of hearts may end.
For the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in this country and in the world, I declare you My apostles and My companions and I give you My spiritual and paternal blessing.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. (x3)
In fraternity and in compassion you may give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you!
Through the prayer for peace in the nations I come to institute in humanity the New Covenant between humankind and God through this spiritual practice; I come to grant souls many more opportunities in their lives, so that more consciousnesses are able to be redeemed.
A great planetary network of light is being established between the inner worlds of all those who adhere to this practice. Difficult and chaotic situations in the end of these times are resolved, and the spiritual Hierarchy, through that impulse that souls give towards the Universe, can intercede in a great operation of planetary rescue.
Through that spiritual practice of prayer for peace in the nations, the faith and the conviction of hearts in the Spiritual Universe make the defeat of great involutive forces possible and consciousnesses that oppress great nations of the world, as well as all its populations and cultures.
This is the prelude of the preparation for My second Return to the world.
It will be through all the conscious beings, available for the Plan of God, that the most impure that exists in humanity and the planet will begin to be removed; thus, souls will also be purified, and without perceiving it, will transcend their fears, difficulties, and doubts, because they will have the supreme support of the Universal Hierarchy.
Each time this work is strengthened and is consciously taken up by each praying person and collaborator, the opportunities in humanity will expand even more, and even though you may not believe it, nor affirm it, this practice will have repercussions in several places in the world, in the most faraway places of humanity.
Thus, the Hierarchy has the support of all the servers of the Work. Because they always and forever will be the foundation for all of this to happen and they will allow more souls to draw closer to this powerful current of prayer, which goes beyond any religion or culture.
Because souls, in the end of these times, by joining the purpose of the rescue and the redemption of the nations, will allow the discovery, through the power of prayer, of many more attributes and their lives will change from night to day. They will no longer be forged by the forces of chaos, because their faith will be strengthened in Christ and by Christ, and they will be pointed out by the Greater Priest when He returns to the world for the second time.
But first, you must prepare yourselves in your inner world, in order to be able to know the real Aspect of your Lord, Who will come among the clouds announcing the return of the Kingdom of God.
And this will be heard as hundreds of trumpets and the being will hear within itself the call of the Word of God, that will sustain them in the end of times, and will draw to their consciousness what truly exists in the entire Greater Universe.
Therefore, companions, assume this commitment as something essential and indispensable. Thus, you will allow many things to take place in humanity and on the planet, and the energy of Divine Grace and the power of Divine Love may continue to convert the lost hearts, and they will reencounter their origin; they will not feel alone, but rather within the great spiritual family of the Hierarchy.
I invite you to go through these times by means of this practice of prayer for peace in the nations, because the unity among souls and hearts will create an invincible protection, which will first rise up from your consciousnesses, because it will have received the impulse from your higher spirits that will finally wake up to cosmic life.
The veils of consciousness will fall from your face, you will recognize your mistakes and will recognize your successes.
But the Law of Mercy, which will still be active for some time, will balance all the debts and all the undertakings, because the sincere unconditional service of your hearts will open the doors to redemption and the healing of your consciousnesses; you will awaken to your attributes and gifts, you will recognize your talents and lineages, and in that perfect union with the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy, you will no longer lose any more time in this humanity, because you will consciously go toward the same purpose and the same goal, knowing that help will come from the sublime Spheres of the Universe, and your hearts, your inner world, will unite in that perfect spiritual alliance with the Hierarchy.
The most difficult times have not yet come. But in your hands, you have the power of prayer to be able to transform everything.
As humanity you are unforeseeable consciousnesses. You still have time to change the events of the planet. And even if the planet is greatly purified, the spirits on the Earth that may be united with the Hierarchy will not lose their faith, their trust will not be dissolved. They will experience fortitude through the impulses of the Holy Spirit.
And finally, companions, in that truth that you will live, as from the new cycle, you will be fulfilling your mission and your task in this humanity, and serving this planet in this school of redemption and of forgiveness.
You must be able to reflect what in essence you really are. For this reason, you must set aside the habits and customs of the human life so that the sublime energies of the Universes that the Hierarchy give impulse to, through their presence and their tools, may be able to completely transubstantiate and transfigure your consciousnesses, knowing that the matter will continue being matter; but human matter, especially your cells and atoms, will be able to be alight, once more.
If you seek inner transcendence, you will help to uplift the consciousness of lost humanity. The times of chaos, no matter how difficult, will be able to be transmuted and purified, because the purification of the planet and of the human consciousness will be up to everyone.
And like the great stars of the Universe, the Hierarchy will come to the Earth, in Their sublime Consciousness of Light, in order to once again reestablish the Project of God as it was in the beginning.
But you are still in a time for conquering duality and of being able to draw to Earth the attributes that humanity so needs for these times.
You are presently a humanity in transition and redemption, but know that you may count on the support of the Universal Consciousness of the One, of the All Powerful, of the Highest, of Adonai, Abba, and Emmanuel, in the way that you may identify and feel Him.
The Primordial Source will come to aid the human consciousness at the end of times and all will have the opportunity and the Grace of reencountering their true and deep being.
While I am here with you, I also speak to the inner worlds of all the souls on Earth, and My Divine Spirit embraces many consciousnesses.
In this moment, Divinity descends so as to be able to transform all beings, who sincerely and honestly open themselves to experience it.
Thus, the elements of nature also accompany Me on this day, because everything is a part of a sublime purification of the consciousness, until finally they are able to consecrate themselves.
May your souls receive this impulse of Christ as one of the last, and may you be able to receive from the Source what you truly need so that you may continue to grow within rather than on the outside.
Today I am not alone here. The Spiritual Hierarchy is contemplating this moment, one in which the inner worlds hold themselves ready to take a new step in consciousness in the face of the scenario of the end of times and the next events that will take place on the planet.
The whole Hierarchy evaluates this moment and the sensitivity of hearts before the Kingdom of God.
The Spiritual Hierarchy reflects and accompanies this moment at the request of God, knowing that this is not happening only here but also in the world, in all nations, and in all peoples, in those who have applied to experience the Plan.
My impulses will remove many things, but be sustained in the Divine Mercy of My Heart, because what I have thought of and designed for each one is perfect; you only have to open the door of your heart to Me so that Divine Energy may be able to enter and be a part of your spirits, of your essence, and of your souls.
Positioning your hands in the sign of receptivity, receive then this Grace, that today will not be comprehended or understood, but rather time will reveal it when the Designs of God are fulfilled: that you came to live as souls, as eternal servants on the surface of the Earth within this great universal brotherhood.
My Silence also draws souls towards Redemption and I heal an infinity of miserable souls that, after so much time, receive this opportunity, an unfathomable effect of Divine Mercy.
You can place your hands on your heart.
In this communion with infinite Life, that tries to regenerate the human life, the planetary consciousness, and all the Kingdoms of Nature, severely assaulted by humankind and today being healed by My Spirit, may a new offering to God be born of your hearts, that in the silence of your inner temple you may proclaim for the Creator through the blessing and the consecration of all of these elements, that will not only transubstantiate Brazil once more, but also the world and many more who wait for this Grace.
All of this is generated by the Love of My Heart, that opens the doors to millions of miserable souls who are in need of the compassion of My Heart to survive, that they may be able to experience healing and forgiveness.
At this moment, companions, I have received into My Hands, from your inner worlds, your offering, that it may be contemplated by the Source of Creation and be uplifted to Heaven by the impulse of transcendence of all the angels.
In this communion with Life, may human life be respected and above all, those who will be born be respected, so that the world become conscious someday that the life of each being is the greatest Project of Love of God.
Today, I pity the mothers who have aborted, the children who were never born, and the souls that were assaulted.
The Mercy of My Heart reaches all lives, also on the inner planes, so that these souls may have a new opportunity in this Universe and feel themselves to be loved, just as My Mother loves them in every moment and at each instant.
Thus, today I have come especially to ask the mothers of the world for a prayer for the unborn, so that the Father may pour out His Grace rather than His Justice, and so the mothers who have not understood what they carried in their womb may have the opportunity of loving and forgiving again, just as today I forgive them and absolve them, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
This prayer will be done twice a week: on Mondays, in honor of the Mysteries of Joy, for the birth and the rebirth of the inner Christ in all beings, especially in the mothers of the world who got rid of their children; and on Fridays, to remember the sacrifice and the pain of your Lord for this sin, so great in the world, that tries to spread throughout the nations as if it were a new method.
May the spiritual life be respected so that the material life may be loved. So be it.
Prayer of the Angel of Peace:
My God, I believe (x 3)
Just as My Energy transubstantiates your consciousnesses, may these elements that were placed at the foot of My Altar be transubstantiated for the benefit of the souls and the Light on the planet.
So be it.
Celestial Father, who leads us all ... ( x 3)
For the water that was spilled on the Cross, all those who today will take the sacrament, receive the energy of My Grace to that this Grace may expand in humanity and souls feel drawn to My Heart. So be it.
How many Graces are poured out today by My Spirit upon all those who need it, so that they may truly find the joy of living in God!
Bless these elements, Father, so they may be of assistance for all souls and hearts to be able to rise in spirit to Your Kingdom. Amen.
With the same power of Love that was anointed by the women of Jerusalem in the Sacred Sepulcher, today may the children of God be anointed, that they find the path of the purpose and of eternal life, Amen.
Friar Elías:
Let us stand.
Today the angels of the Universe especially remember the Passion and Death of Your Lord.
At this moment and through all of these elements, the bread and the wine, may the great mystery of this Love that gave life to all human beings on Earth be constituted once more.
At that time, I took the bread and knowing the great pain that I would suffer for the world, I offered the All Mighty this sacrifice and He, in His Triune name, blessed it.
I gave it to My Apostles, saying "this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the atonement of all mistakes."
In the same way, I took the chalice and knowing the suffering, the flagellation, the calvary, and the Cross, through the Blood that I would shed, I offered this sacrifice to God, and He blessed it in His Triune Consciousness.
And I said to my apostles, as well as to many others present: "All take and drink of It, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, of the new covenant between souls and God until the end of times."
In the name of the Most Holy Trinity these elements may be constituted and transubstantiated in the name of the Lord, into the Body and the Blood of Christ.
Our Father...
And with the Breath of My Spirit, I leave many opportunities on Earth for souls, leaving them My Heart as a living witness of My Love, which comes from the Heart of God.
May those who will receive the sacrament and avail themselves of the Body and the Blood of Christ be blessed!
Today, once more, I leave you My Peace, and My Peace I give you, so that you may be peace on Earth and in all the nations of the world.
May the Celestial Universe and the infinite power of Love, represented in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless you and fill you!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the good, of charity and of compassion, you will fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you for having accompanied me in these days, because it has been very important to Me.
I thank you!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more